MSDS Cerablanket
MSDS Cerablanket
MSDS Cerablanket
1 - Identification of product
1.1 - Identification of Product
Tradenames: Cera Blanket, Cera Folded Modules , Cera Module, Cera Spun Fibre, Cera stack Modules , Cerablanket, Cerachem Blanket,
Cerachem Blown Fibre, CERACHEM Bulk, Cerachem chopped Spun Fibre, Cerachem Fiber, Cerachem Folded Modules , Cerachem L Blown
Fibre, Cerachem L chopped Spun Fibre, Cerachem L Spun Fibre, Cerachem Module, Cerachem Spun Fibre, Cerachem stack Modules ,
Cerachrome Blanket , Cerachrome chopped Fibre, Cerachrome Fibre, Cerachrome Module, Cerafibre, CERAWOOL Blanket, CERAWOOL Bulk,
Compound Module(Cz+Cr), Compound Module(Cz+Kaowool S), G.O.M. 1260, G.O.M. 1400, G.O.M. 1600, Kaowool, Kaowool S Alu-FM Blanket ,
Kaowool S Blanket , Kaowool S Blown Fibre , Kaowool S chopped Blown Fibre, Kaowool S chopped Spun Fibre, Kaowool S FireMaster Blanket ,
Kaowool S Module, Kaowool S Spun Fibre, Kaowool Unibloc Module, Monomax Module System, Pyrobloc 1425, Pyrobloc 1260 , Pyro-Bloc, CR,
Pyro-Bloc, R, Pyro-Bloc, ZR, Pyrofold M CERACHEM, Pyrofold M CERA, Pyrolog, PyroLog 1425, Pyro-Log, CR, Pyro-Log, R, Pyro-Log, ZR, Saber
Bloc III CERA, Saber Bloc III CERACHEM, SC Blanket 1260 , SC Blanket 1400, SC Bulk 1260 D1 , SC Bulk 1260 D2, SC Bulk 1400, SC Bulk 1400
D1, SC Bulk 1400 D2, SC Bulk 1260, Z Blok CERA, Z Blok CERACHEM, Z Blok 1260 , Z Blok 1400, Z Blok 1600,
These products contain Refractory Ceramic Fibres (RCF)/Alumino-silicate wools (ASW) ((RCF/ASW)).
CAS number: 142844-00-6
CAS Name: Refractories, fibres, aluminosilicate
1.2 - Use of Product
Use of the products is restricted to professional users for application as thermal insulation, heat shields, heat containment, gaskets and expansion
joints at temperatures up to 1400°C in industrial furnaces, ovens, kilns, boilers and other process equipment and in the aerospace and automotive
industries. Products are not intended for direct sale to the general public
1.3 - Identification of Company
Murugappa Morgan Thermal Ceramics Ltd., Murugappa Morgan Thermal Ceramics Ltd.,
Plot No: 26 & 27, SIPCOT Industrial complex, Plot No: 681, Motibhoyan Village,
Ranipet, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India Sanand-Kalol state Highway, Kalol Taluk,
Pin: 632403 Gandhi Nagar District, Gujarat, India
Website :
Email :
1.4 - Emergency information
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2 - Hazard Identification
2.1 - Classification of the substance/ mixture
The International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC), a scientific entity depending from the World Health Organization (WHO), has evaluated the
possible health effect of RCF as follows :
- There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of Refractory Ceramic Fibres.
- There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of refractory ceramic fibres.
IARC Overall evaluation: Refractory Ceramic Fibres are possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B)
This product is classified as hazardous according to the criteria of Safe Work Australia (SWA).
2.2 - Labelling Elements
The label used for all MTC RCF products has been designed in line with the GHS labelling requirements and MTC policy. Classification used to
identify the type of GHS labelling is the EU classification system CLP 1b.
Precautionary statements Do not handle until all safety instructions have been read and understood. (P202)
Use personal protective equipment as required. (P281)
In Australia RCF is classified as a category 1b carcingen according to Safe Work Australia -GUIDE TO HANDLING REFRACTORY CERAMIC
None of the components are radioactive under the terms of European Directive Euratom 96/29.
4 - First-Aid measures
Handling of this material may generate mild mechanical temporary skin irritation. If this occurs, rinse affected areas with water and wash gently. Do
not rub or scratch exposed skin.
In case of eye contact flush abundantly with water; have eye bath available. Do not rub eyes.
Nose and Throat
If these become irritated move to a dust free area, drink water and blow nose.
first aid additional information
If symptoms persist, seek medical advice.
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5 - Fire-fighting measures
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8 - Risk Management Measures / Exposures Controls / Personal Protection
8.1 - Control parameters
Industrial hygiene standards and occupational exposure limits vary between countries and local jurisdictions. Check which exposure levels apply to
your facility and comply with local regulations. If no regulatory dust or other standards apply, a qualified industrial hygienist can assist with a specific
workplace evaluation including recommendations for respiratory protection.Thermal Ceramics recommend that where no regulatory limits are in place
customers follow the NIOSH recommendations as laid out below.
If regular monitoring results show an average fibre level above 0.25 f/ml, NIOSH recommends to take further action to reduce workplace dust levels,
with an ultimate target of achieving 0.2 f/ml. Full information on the recommendations can be found in NIOSH document, Criteria for a Recommended
Standard: Occupational Exposure to Refractory Ceramic Fibers (2006), see section 16 for internet reference.
Australia WES - 0.5f/ml 8hr TWA
8.2 - Exposure controls
Review your application(s) and assess situations with the potential for dust release.
Where practical, enclose dust sources and provide dust extraction at source.
Designate work areas and restrict access to informed and trained workers.
Use operating procedures that will limit dust production and exposure of workers.
Keep the workplace clean. Use a vacuum cleaner fitted with a HEPA filter; avoid using brooms and compressed air.
Respiratory protection
For dust concentrations below the exposure limit value, RPE is not required but FFP2 respirators may be used
on a voluntary basis.
For short term operations where excursions are less than ten times the limit value, use FFP3 respirators.
In case of higher concentrations or where the concentration is not known, please seek advice from your company and/or your supplier.
You may also refer to the ECFIA code of practice available on the ECFIA’s web site:
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9 - Physical and chemical properties
Information on basic physical and chemical properties Not applicable
Appearance White fibre/blanket
Odour None
Odour threshold Not applicable
pH Not applicable
Melting point/freezing point > 1650°C
Initial boiling point and boiling point range Not applicable
Flash point Not applicable
Evaporation rate Not applicable
Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable
Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Not applicable
Vapour pressure Not applicable
Vapour density Not applicable
Relative density 50-240 kg/m³
Solubility(ies) Less than 1 mg/l
Partition co-efficient: n-octanol/water Not applicable
Auto-ignition temperature Not applicable
Decomposition temperature Not applicable
Viscosity Not applicable
Explosive properties Not applicable
Oxidising properties Not applicable
Other safety information Not applicable
10 - Stability and Reactivity
Upon heating above 900ºC for sustained periods, this amorphous material begins to transform to mixtures of crystalline phases. For further
information please refer to Section 16.
11 - Toxicological information
Toxicokinetics, metabolism and distribution
Exposure is predominantly by inhalation or ingestion. Man made vitreous fibres of a similar size to RCF/ASW have not been shown to migrate from
the lung and/or gut and do not become located in other organs of the body
Pulmonary morbidity studies among production workers in Europe and USA have demonstrated an absence of interstitial fibrosis and no decrement
in lung function associated with current exposures among non smokers or ex smokers. A reduction of lung capacity among smokers has been
A statistically significant correlation between pleural plaques and cumulative RCF exposure was evidenced in the USA longitudinal study.
The USA mortality study did not show evidence of increased lung tumour development either in the lung parenchyma or in the pleura.
11.1 - Information on toxicological effects
- Acute toxicity: short term inhalation
No data available: Short term tests have been undertaken to determine fibre (bio) solubility rather than toxicity; repeat dose inhalation tests have been
undertaken to determine chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity.
- Skin corrosion/irritation:
Not possible to obtain acute toxicity information due to the nature of the substance
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Dose: 1-35 mg/ml
Routes of administration: In suspension
Results: Negative
- Carcinogenicity;
Method: Inhalation. Multi-dose
Species: Rat,
Dose: 3 mg/m3, 9 mg/m3 and 16 mg/m3
Routes of administration: Nose only inhalation
Results: Fibrosis just reached significant levels at 16 and 9 mg/m3 but not at 3 mg/m3. None of the parenchymal tumour incidences were higher than
the historical control values for this strain of animal.
Method: Inhalation. Single dose
Species: Rat
Dose: 30 mg/m3
Routes of administration: Nose only inhalation
Results: Rats were exposed to a single concentration of 200 WHO fibres/ml specially prepared RCF for 24 months. High incidence of exposure-
related pulmonary neoplasms (bronchoalveolar adenomas and carcinomas) was observed. A small number of mesotheliomas were observed in each
of the fibre exposure groups (Mast et al 1995a).
After intraperitoneal injection of ceramic fibres into rats in three experiments (Smith et al 1987, Pott et al 1987, Davis et al 1984), 6 mesotheliomas
were found in the abdominal cavity in two studies, while the third report (Pott et al 1987) had incomplete histopathology. Only a few mesotheliomas
were found in the abdominal cavity of hamsters after intraperitoneal injection in one experiment (Smith et al 1987). However, the ceramic fibres tested
were of relatively large diameter. When rats and hamsters were exposed via intraperitoneal injection, tumour incidence was related to fibre length and
dose (Smith et al 1987, Pott et al 1987, Miller et al 1999, Pott et al 1989). (From SCOEL publication)
- Reproductive toxicity;
Method: Gavage
Species: Rat
Dose: 250mg/kg/day
Routes of administration: Oral
Results: No effects were seen in an OECD 421 screening study. There are no reports of any reproductive toxic effects of mineral fibres. Exposure to
these fibres is via inhalation and effects seen are in the lung. Clearance of fibres is via the gut and the faeces, so exposure of the reproductive organs
is extremely unlikely.
12 - Ecological information
These products are inert materials that remain stable over time.
These products are insoluble in the natural environment and are chemically identical to inorganic compounds found in the soil and sediment.
RCF/ASW is inorganic and a dense material, which will settle rapidly from both air and liquid.
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13 - Disposal Considerations
13.1 - Disposal Considerations
To prevent waste materials from becoming airborne during waste storage, transportation and disposal, a covered container or plastic bagging is
For Australia, waste from these materials should be considered as hazardous waste and local waste authorities should be contacted for correct
disposal methods.
For other countries, waste from these materials (even after use above 900°C) is not classified as hazardous waste and may generally be disposed of
at a normal tipping site which has been licensed for the disposal of industrial waste. Taking into account any possible contamination during use,
which may be classified as hazardous, expert guidance should be sought.
Such a waste is normally dusty (unless wetted) and so should be properly bagged and clearly labelled for disposal. At some tip sites dusty waste may
be treated differently in order to ensure they are dealt with promptly and to avoid them being windblown. Check for national and /or regional
regulations to identify all applicable disposal requirements.
14 - Transport information
14.1 - Transport information
Not classified as dangerous goods under relevant international transport regulations (Australian DG Code, ADR, RID, IATA, and IMDG).
Ensure that dust is not windblown during transportation.
15 - Regulatory information
15.1 - Regulatory information
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirmed in October 2001 that Group 2B (possible human carcinogen based on sufficient
evidence of carcinogenicity in animals but inadequate evidence in humans) continues to be the appropriate classification for refractory ceramic fibre.
Under European Regulation REACH there are additional obligations for importers of RCF containing products
RCF are classified in the European Union as a carcinogenic substance CLP 1B. On the 13th of January 2010 ECHA has updated the candidate list
for authorisation (Annexe XV of the REACH regulation) and has added 14 new substances in this list including Refractory Ceramic Fibres and
zirconia Refractory Ceramic Fibres.
As a consequence, EU (European Union) or EEA (European Economical Area) suppliers of articles which contain Refractory Ceramic Fibres and
zirconia Refractory Ceramic Fibres in a concentration above 0.1% (w/w) have an obligation to provide information, available to them, to their
customers or upon a request from an end user, within 45 days of the receipt of the request, on the supply of RCF containing articles,. This information
must ensure safe use of the article and as a minimum contain the name of the substance. See section 16 for internet reference containing further
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16 - Other Information
As produced, all Refractory Ceramic Fibres are vitreous (glassy) materials which, upon continued exposure to elevated temperatures (above 900°C),
may devitrify. The occurrence and extent of crystalline phase formation is dependent on the duration and temperature of exposure, fibre chemistry
and/or the presence of fluxing agents. The presence of crystalline phases can be confirmed only through laboratory analysis of the "hot-face" fibre.
IARCs evaluation of crystalline silica states "Crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to
humans (Group 1)" and additionally mentioned "in making the overall evaluation, the Working Group noted that carcinogenicity in humans was not
detected in all industrial circumstances studied..."
As only a thin layer of the insulation (hot face side) is exposed to high temperatures, respirable dust generated during removal operations does not
contain detectable levels of crystalline silica (CS).
In applications where the material is heat soaked, duration of heat exposure is normally short and a significant devitrification allowing CS to build up
does not occur. This is the case for waste mould casting for instance.
Toxicological evaluation of the effect of the presence of CS in artificially heated RCF/ASW material has not shown any increased toxicity in vitro.
The lack of toxicological effects may be explained by the following factors;
Increased brittleness of fibres after service life, favours fast fibre translocation through macrophage.
Microcrystals, including crystalline silica, are embedded in the glass structure of the fibre and are therefore not biologically available The IARC
evaluation as provided in Monograph 68 is not relevant as CS is not biologically available in after- service RCF/ASW.
High concentrations of fibres and other dusts may be generated when after-service products are mechanically disturbed during operations such as
wrecking. Therefore MTC recommends:
a) control measures are taken to reduce dust emissions;
b) all personnel directly involved wear an appropriate respirator to minimise exposure; and
c) Compliance with local regulatory limits.
16.2 - uses advised against
ECFIA recommends that this fibre is not used for spraying
16.3 - NOTE
This Safety Data Sheet was originally produced in English and has subsequently been translated in to other languages; whilst every effort has been
made to make this an accurate translation, please be aware that technical terms do not always translate correctly. The English version should always
be considered as the reference version.
16.4 - Further Information
Further information can be found on
16.5 - Technical Datasheets
For more information on individual products please see the relevant technical data sheet listed below:
Product Datasheet Code
16.6 - Revision Summary
Revision summary
Sections 1, 2, 8 and 13 updated
16.7 - NOTICE
The information presented herein is based on data considered to be accurate as of the date of preparation of this Safety Data Sheet. However, no
warranty or representation, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the foregoing data and safety information, nor is any
authorization given or implied to practice any patented invention without a license. In addition, no responsibility can be assumed by the vendor for any
damage or injury resulting from abnormal use, from any failure to adhere to recommended practices, or from any hazards inherent in the nature of the
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