Temenos Ibs
Temenos Ibs
Temenos Ibs
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market overview
to retail banking was Singapore-based System Access with Symbols (today with
Sungard under its Ambit brand). There have been successes along the way but
there have also been failures, and the transformations cannot be classified as an
unqualified success.
Around the globe, other solutions started to emerge. These were from the likes
of Fisa in Latin America, Autosoft in Pakistan and Infosys in India. Gradually, their
offerings moved outside of their countries of origin. Citil came up with a retail
system called Finware which originally ran on a proprietary Stratus platform. At
around the same time, Kindle launched a retail-specific offering, Bankmaster/RS.
With the formation of Midas-Kapiti International and the coming together of the
Midas and Equation businesses, the latter system was pushed even more strongly
for retail banking. Temenos’ Globus also increasingly started to move this way.
The divides were becoming blurred. This was also true of the traditional split
between banking for high net-worth individuals and banking for everyone else.
The private banking market had been dominated by ERI Bancaire plus a host of
more regional suppliers in places such as Switzerland, Luxembourg, and offshore.
As banks started to seek more customer-centric solutions for their core retail
business, so some of the private banking solutions moved into retail banking. A
number of systems such as Globus and, to a lesser degree, Midas, moved towards
private banking.
Challenger Banks
Cloud’s flexibility also allows firms to evolve over time.
Even some challenger banks have adjusted their approach
to cloud as they grow, to become more personalised.
A classic example is Metro Bank, set up in 2010, which
outsourced its entire IT operations and using an external
core banking platform. However, they have moved away
from that now, bringing control of the platform in house.
the share price, and some substantial losses. Rumours of a that large software organisations face today in terms of
sale of the company circulated but these were always denied dealing with vast amount of legacy code they’ve built
by Koukis. over the years. The challenges and solutions, whether
A lot of Temenos’ sales success was – and to a degree still it be the banking or telecoms sector, are not dissimilar,’
is – on the back of distributors, and it bought a few of these Andreades had stated.
down the years. It acquired its Malaysian distributor in 2002, it A short-lived but intriguing twist came during Dubois’
did the same in Latin America with the Globus distributor part time at the helm, in the first half of 2012. Temenos and Misys
of Hennche’s company, Ecuador-based Fisa Systems, then it (now Finastra) went public on merger discussions in February,
did the same in Russia, resulting in a joint venture company in sparking share volatility and much debate. Any form of merger
which Temenos took a 51 per cent stake. would have thrown up a number of immediate questions.
The company went through several periods of significant Temenos had aggressively gone after the ageing user bases
corporate upheaval, although things have been much calmer of Misys’ Midas and Equation systems, with limited success.
in the last few years. This followed a tenure of one year for Meanwhile, Misys was positioning its much newer Bankfusion
a new CEO, Guy Dubois. It was unusual for Temenos to go solution as the upgrade route for these user bases, as well as
outside the company for any senior manager, let alone CEO. touting it as the next generation core banking system, with
He moved from CEO at mobile communications firm, Mach Temenos’ customers in its sights.
Group. He took the reins of Temenos on 1st July 2011. Andreas The two companies had decided on the all-share merger,
Andreades, Temenos’ CEO, became chairman, while Koukis senior management positions, listing, head office etc. but the
relinquished this position and took up a role of non-executive merger did not come to pass. Venture capital firms promptly
director. started a bidding war for Misys with cash offers (and, notably,
It was interesting with hindsight to look at the reasons not for Temenos). Given the Temenos deal would have been
cited for Dubois’ appointment (given the u-turn a year later). purely a share swap, the cash aspect was attractive. Temenos
There was a need, it was stated, for a CEO experienced in claimed to remain interested for a short while but then
‘much bigger operations’. Although Dubois lacked banking dropped out of the running. Vista Equity Partners eventually
software experience, he ‘understands the challenges acquired Misys.
The original Globus was built using the Universe database and Globus/T24 was tied to the Universe database for a long
development environment from Westboro, Massachusetts- while. The first step to today’s T24 came with Temenos’ move
based VMark Software. This allowed the early shift from the Pick off the proprietary environment and database, a project that
operating system to Unix, as it brought a degree of platform finally started, after a few false dawns, in 1999. As with most
independence. things to do with Temenos, it wasn’t straightforward.
A Windows NT version of Globus was made feasible by One reason cited for the move was reliance on a single
the arrival of NT support within the VMark environment. After technology supplier and, in fact, not long after, the Universe
some teething trouble, a demonstration version was shown at business was acquired by Informix. There were also
a user group meeting in March 1997, with a pilot supposedly performance issues with Universe as the supplier pushed
signed up in the form of existing user, Conseil de l’Europe in Globus into larger sites. The environment was fairly well
Paris. In fact, the dates shifted, with Globus on NT finally made regarded from a technical point of view. In theory there was
available at the start of 1998. The NT and Unix versions had no limit to the number of end-users that could be supported
identical functionality and business code. but there were issues with large files. ‘It is very I/O intensive,’
In 1997, a full graphical user interface was delivered and said one Globus user. There was also the question of market
then an NT-based client element. The latter was written in perception, with the platform sometimes proving a problem
Visual Basic and allowed users to design menus and screens, for the supplier when bidding with Globus.
and do enquiries, via drag and drop. The application code was It is believed that the migration project was particularly
unchanged. Reflecting the use of the system in larger sites, in brought into focus by interest from Credit Suisse Private Bank.
1997 there was also the addition of multi-threading support The bank took Globus for its international branches. However,
for improved end-of-day processing. at the head office level, it seemed the bank was worried about
In the early days, functionality was often through joint products, gilts, repos, CDs, precious metals, and fiduciaries.
developments with customers. For instance, a letters of credit There is order management support from order entry through
module was added with Bank Handlowy in Luxembourg in 1992. execution to trade settlement.
A syndicated loans module followed in 1995 and then support for Portfolio management capabilities including asset
forward rate agreements (FRAs). A new release, G7, in mid-1996, allocation, securities modelling, rebalancing and cash
brought a module for interest rate swaps, support for past due management, with online and periodic client valuations.There
processing, and added management information capabilities. is performance reporting including whole portfolio returns,
Release G8 at the end of 1997 brought support for repos and instrument level returns and returns at a segmented level,
enhanced risk management. plus back office support for corporate actions and transfers
The development efforts saw the creation of product and processing of transactional and periodic fees.There is also
management groups to oversee particular areas from the support for intermediaries.
initial concept through to delivery. By the start of 2000, there Wholesale functionality includes treasury, across foreign
were groups for private banking (a multi-site deal signed with exchange, money markets, forward, FX and interest rate
Kredietbank in the third quarter of 1997 was important here), swaps, and FRAs. Front office treasury functions are also
trade finance (Dresdner Lateinamerika was a partner), futures supported, so too electronic banking. There is deal capture,
and options, financial risk management, and retail banking. blotter, position monitoring, limit monitoring, risk monitoring,
An asset management module was under development in and VaR calculations.
2005 and there had been a lot of work in the area of syndicated Corporate banking components including corporate cash
lending, within an over-running project at Caja Madrid (now management, commercial and syndicated loans, import
part of Bankia). and export letters of credit, clean/documentary collections,
Today, there is not a system as broad as T24. It is multi- incoming and outgoing clean payments and guarantees.
branch, multi-currency, multi-base currency, and multi- For payments, Temenos claims to have built a full engine,
lingual. It spans customer and counterparty management to compete with the likes of ACI and Fundtech, working with
with operational and analytical CRM.There is a general ledger, ABN Amro. By October 2014, ABN Amro was still not live but
plus support for current and savings accounts, deposits, Temenos was claiming another ‘large European bank’ as a
loans, nostro and vostro account management, cash and taker for what is now dubbed the Temenos Payments Suite
stock reconciliations, and statutory reporting.There are batch (TPS). Into 2015, there was still no cutover at ABN Amro but,
and real-time Swift interfaces, management reporting and with the European taker and another in Latin America, there
profitability analysis. was work to further enhance the functionality of TPS and it
Retail banking support includes administration of tills, was expected to become the standard payment engine within
local and foreign currency transactions, travellers’ cheques, future T24 sales, albeit still also positioned as a product in its
denomination control, cheques, sweeps, deposits, funds own right.
transfer, mortgages, personal loans, remittances, passbooks, Treasury and corporate banking is still an area of strength
signature verification, direct debits, ATM/POS links, and and plenty of deals have this emphasis. The successes here
mutual funds/unit trusts.There is off-line branch functionality have sometimes been to replace older treasury and corporate
where required. banking systems. Temenos gained an early replacement of
Private banking support includes coverage for multiple Misys’ Midas, for instance, in 2000 at Arab Malaysian Bank. A
client types such as advisory, execution only, managed or major deal which spanned both wholesale and treasury in that
discretionary, custody and external custody. T24 handles year was from Construction Bank of China.The global contract
equities, fixed income, funds, futures, options, structured was for Globus to be installed initially in Johannesburg to cover
emenos acquired German software vendor, Actis.BSP, in a deal while but had made little progress in its attempts to move
worth $19 million in the first quarter of 2007. It was touted beyond its domestic market.
by Chuard as a way ‘to gain fast entry’ into a market that has Temenos said it would continue to support current clients of
traditionally been hard to enter for non-German suppliers. Actis.BSP’s Paba/Q (an IBM iSeries-based universal banking
TemenositselfhadpreviouslyexperiencedGerman-related solution used mainly by international operations) and BSP Trade
problems, with a German version of Globus/T24 proving (a securities system). The main thrust has been to move at least
difficult to achieve, resulting in a markedly over-running Paba/Q users to T24. The functionality and skills of Actis.BSP
project at Credit Suisse’s Frankfurt operation. While the were intended to provide ‘substantial input’ for a T24 Model
situation with Credit Suisse was‘resolved to the satisfaction of Bank version for Germany. This was likely to form a new ‘Paba/Q
all parties’, said Chuard, he confirmed that there were no live release’ as an upgrade path.
sites in the country at the time of the Actis deal. It took a long while for Temenos to gain success within the
Actis.BSP came with 30 or so clients, nearly all in Germany, Actis/BSP base. No doubt its track-record in Germany did not
and around half its revenues were from recurring maintenance help the message.
and outsourcing. The company had been around for a long As well as at Credit Suisse, there were subsequent issues
Financial Objects
Temenos bought long-standing core banking system provider, IBIS, to a centralised installation of T24. ‘Because it needs to
UK-based Financial Objects, and its IBM iSeries-based system, set the system up differently, rather than just map it straight
IBIS, in mid-2008, for £27.2 million. At the time of the deal, IBIS across, the plan will probably take a year or so,’ said David
– once a strong competitor to two other IBM midrange-based Carruthers, ex-IBIS, who headed the former Financial Objects
offerings, Midas and Equation – was used by 40 or so banks, team within Temenos. There was an historical twist here as
typically for their foreign branches. Financial Objects also had IBIS had been developed by a subsidiary of MPS, and the UK-
the much newer Activebank Retail, which only had a handful based company set up to market it, IBIS, remained owned by
of users, a wealth management offering which had come via MPS until it was sold to Financial Objects in 1996. Locations
its acquisition of UK-based Wealth Management Systems in where IBIS came to be installed at MPS included Shanghai,
2005, and energy trading and risk solutions, gained through Hong Kong, London, New York, Frankfurt, Singapore, Madrid
an acquisition from Raft International in 2006. and Guernsey.
Chuard saw potential for ‘upselling and cross-selling’ into At this time, there were still 40 or so IBIS users, with only a
the Financial Objects customer base. He said at the outset that couple having moved to other systems since the acquisition.
it was not possible to say whether there would be cross-selling In these cases,‘they had been pressurised by their head offices
in the opposite direction. It seemed the Actis takeover of the for years to move off IBIS and onto group systems’, according
previous year had exceeded Temenos’ initial hopes and had to Carruthers. One other bank in London had closed. At least
become a blueprint for other such acquisitions. one bank, Alpha Bank in the UK, opted to buy the IBIS source
Temenos had been aggressively targeting the user bases code and to become self-sufficient. In early 2011, Cyprus-
of the two other iSeries-based offerings, as was clear from based Russian Commercial Bank (RCB), part of VTB, followed
a glance at the front page of its website, where it promised MPS and Bank Hapoalim in signing to move from IBIS to T24.
‘Temenos T24 Model Bank is the simplest way to replace Misys However, a year or so later, Crown Agents in London opted for
Equation or Misys Midas’. By buying Financial Objects, it was Sungard’s Ambit Core Banking to replace IBIS, preferring this
able to come at this smaller user base from a different route. to T24 at the shortlist stage. The bank’s director of operations,
Temenos agreed to pay a premium of 90 per cent over the Carol Pattullo, was not convinced that the T24 route was the
closing price of 31.5 pence per Financial Objects share on the right one, with part of this linked to the commercial terms
day of the offer, 2nd July 2008. Temenos’shares rose eight per being proposed by Temenos.
cent on the day of the announcement. Support for IBIS would cease in October 2013, according
It was then two and a half years on from the acquisition that to Carruthers, and the objective was to persuade the rest
the initial IBIS customers finally started to commit to T24. The of the IBIS users to move to T24. Temenos claimed to have
first to sign was Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), in December created a model bank version of T24, designed to make it as
2010, followed soon after by Bank Hapoalim International in easy as possible for IBIS users to switch. Building it was ‘quite
the UK. a big project’, and involved a gap analysis between the two
MPS was looking to move from a distributed set-up, with systems. The second stage was mapping data from the IBIS
its offices in different locations mostly on separate versions of databases to the T24 databases, which Carruthers saw as
Following on from Actis and Financial Objects, Temenos made be pushed and there were apparently 19 new licences for it
a third user base-oriented acquisition with Viveo. This was during 2014, some of which were on a SaaS basis.
Temenos’ largest deal at the time (subsequently surpassed For the time-being, it was stated that the V.bank users
by Odyssey), paying $81 million (3.8 times the expected would continue to be supported. It was possible to foresee
maintenance revenue of 2010). The deal was fully financed V.bank’s components being integrated into T24 or even
from an existing debt facility and was intended to secure for V.bank to become the future for Temenos’ core banking
Temenos’ position in the French-speaking markets, where it offering. After all, V.bank had been described by Viveo as ‘the
had so far struggled to gain a strong foothold. In this, there third generation solution’, boasting such features as platform
were similarities to the German market, targeted with Actis, independence (Viveo claimed references on Unix, the IBM
with both still dominated by domestic vendors and in-house iSeries and MVS) and database options including Oracle,
developments. SQL and DB2. The vendor also claimed a Service Oriented
Viveo had over 400 clients in France alone and another Architecture (SOA) design for V.bank, with three layers and
350 across 35 countries. Not all clients were core banking Web 2.0 support. Much of it was Java based, although, rather
users, as Viveo had a range of products, such as AML and oddly for a system that did seem to have been written from
other compliance software, securities solutions and payments scratch in the last few years, it had a Cobol core. It could be
processing. The vendor’s core banking system, V.bank, had taken as a broad package, in components or as a technology
around 30 users, including GE Money Bank in France, BRED platform for building bespoke applications.
Banque Populaire, Monabanq, BNP Paribas and the French BRED Banque Populaire used the claims management
arms of Lloyds TSB, Bank Saderat Iran and National Bank of module of V.bank and also had Viveo’s component banking
Abu Dhabi. There were a number of other, older core banking model. It had also been evaluating the debt management
system user bases within Viveo, as it too had been acquisitive module of V.bank and had been talking to Viveo about the
over the years. savings component.
Viveo’s payment processing engine and AML software Temenos’Hilsenkopf took responsibility for the integration
were cited as complementing Temenos’ portfolio (a deal was of Viveo, and was also put in charge of French-speaking
signed with Barclays for the AML solution around the time territories as part of a wider shake-up.
of the takeover). Indeed, the AML software has continued to In fact, it soon became apparent that V.bank was to be
As well as the ‘satellite’ applications, Temenos has been seeking late (the company claimed a record 98 go-lives in 2009), but
to overhaul the core system once more, this time with an delivery has clearly been a problem area for Temenos.
emphasis on breaking it down into component parts. This is A product factory, the Arrangement Architecture (AA),
meant to allowTemenos to deliver portions ofT24 to co-exist with was part of the remedy, breaking down financial products
a bank’s existing infrastructure.This is particularly with the needs into components. It is meant to see a move away from
of tier one banks in mind, with an understandable belief that they silos and modules towards a single point for designing,
will take a phased approach to systems transformation rather manufacturing and cataloguing products. Within R10,
than a rip and replace one, although the challenge of breaking Temenos claimed to have done this for term deposits, to add
up a long-standing, monolithic core banking system shouldn’t to work that had been done for lending for R9. North Shore
be underestimated. Credit Union in Canada was cited as a pilot site for some of
Other suppliers have paid lip-service to such a stance but, these capabilities.
as is the Temenos way, the company has thrown a lot of R&D In R11, componentisation was planned for demand
behind the strategy. At TCF in Berlin in June 2010, Temenos’ account processing and product bundling. The first focus for
Loustau said the‘full componentisation of the system’should the latter was to be off-set mortgages and then interest pools.
ease the implementation and integration. ‘We want to de- Also planned was customer level pricing.Temenos introduced
risk the implementation of core banking systems, which its own workflow and process engines, although users could
admittedly is a very lofty goal.’ He claimed improvements of take third party equivalents. A real-time decision engine
The other dimension to the recent technical work was the arrival NewBanking, as the back office system needed to interact with
of the full Java version of T24. This gained a first live site in late the customer facing front-end, which was Java based. ‘Many
2011 at Swissquote in Switzerland, which stated that this version vendors proposed Java interfaces, but with core systems
was stable, with satisfactory performance. that are quite old. T24 was the only one that was fully Java,’
The Java version of T24 had initially been promised in May said Buzzi. Swissquote therefore signed to become the first
2010 for IBM’s z Series platform with DB2. Benchmarks were institution to implement the Java version of T24, which was
expected during the summer in IBM’s labs in Montpellier. Early released earlier in 2010.
results showed throughput of more than 4000 transactions ‘As far as I know, the Java version is finished,’ Buzzi said.
per second, said Gunning. The work had been under way for He felt that T24 was ‘quite flexible’ and was reassured by the
some time, he said,‘and it plays very neatly with IBM’s strategy size of the user base. Meanwhile, the risk of being the first to
with the z Series’. Previously, T24 could run on this mainframe implement the Java version of T24 would be lessened by the
platform but only via a Linux partition. However, Gunning fact that the legacy system was still in place and maintained by
emphasised that the Java version, to be released with the next Temenos. Buzzi expected that building the interfaces between
version of T24, Release 11, would ultimately be available for T24 and the front office solution would be straightforward.The
any platform that supported Java. The migration from the C interfaces would be based on XML messages sent with Java
deployment was relatively mechanical but optimisation was Message Services (JMS).
key, he said. Importantly,Temenos would retain both versions. While the main focus of the implementation was not to
The C version was very well proven, he said, and ifTemenos did cut costs, one area where this was felt possible was corporate
not have a version that could run on Windows then it would be actions. This was a goal of Swissquote for the medium term.
closing off a major platform. ‘If we can automate corporate actions it will save plenty of
Swissquote had over 150,000 clients out of about 400,000 manual work, andTemenos seem ready to work with us on it. It
online traders in Switzerland, and its aim was to automate its will be tough to automate all corporate actions but if we can fix
processing as much as possible. Paolo Buzzi, the firm’s CTO, the most frequent ones, that would be a good step,’said Buzzi.
said this was ‘not just to reduce the cost, but also because if The cutover to T24 had been planned for March 2011
you can automate your processes they will be more efficient, but occurred on 1st September. According to Swissquote,
faster and with less errors’. The new system would interface to the Java version of T24 had proved to be stable, with strong
Swissquote’s proprietary front office software. commitment to the project from Temenos and with the
Its existing NewBanking solution was owned by a expectation that T24 would support the institution’s future
consortium including Unisys and FB Consulting before it was growth.
acquired by Viveo. Swissquote was starting to outgrow the By the start of 2015, apparently five or six customers were
system when Temenos acquired Viveo. ‘It was a good time for live with the Java version of T24 with the number of additional
us to ask whether our current system would still be good for implementations in‘high single digits’. The machine sizing for
the next ten years, and we took the opportunity to check the the two versions was identical, said Gunning. In some areas,
Swiss market and different packages,’ said Buzzi. the Java version ran faster than the C version and, even where
Swissquote was looking for a Java replacement for this wasn’t the case, there wasn’t much in it.
Among the ways that Temenos has sought to improve its supporting financial institutions and corporates in Dublin.
delivery has been a switch to working with third party services HP also gained a hosted T24 facility, in 2014, when it bought
companies. Indeed, Temenos adopted a specific aim to reduce ZIS, the aforementioned Belgrade-based IT subsidiary of Hypo
its services-related revenue. Services have always been a difficult Alpe Adria. The bank is effectively the first customer but HP
area for software companies, with problems making healthy plans to offer hosted services from here to other banks.
margins and the danger of having too many or too few services Temenos signed new partner agreements in 2013 with
resources available at any point in time. Accenture and Software Group. The latter was certified to
Temenos has signed plenty of partnerships since the resellTemenos’cloud subscription offering, while the former
switch, attracting interest from services companies because became a global implementation partner, building on a prior
of the sheer volume of projects that are available to work on. relationship centred on the implementation of the Odyssey-
It has a specific accreditation programme and by mid-2011 derived systems. Sales partners that scored wins included
it had signed Cognizant (in 2009), Capgemini and Deloitte, Fortress Data Services in Indonesia, for the SaaS version of
plus smaller outfits like Pakistan-based NDC Technology Temenos, and Rubik in Australia, with a go-live at Uniting
Consultants. In 2011, it signed a partnership with Wipro to Financial Services. Fortress claimed seven takers by late
offer a hosted version of T24 to European banks, and with 2013. Rubik had two, with another apparently signing since
GFT, to provide project management and testing services then.
to European T24 users. CSC was added in mid-2010 (for On 4th November 2015, Temenos announced that Rubik
Germany and German-speaking parts of Switzerland), with Financial Limited (Rubik) (ASX: RFL) a leading technology
IBM Global Consulting in late 2011. company that delivers innovative wealth, banking and
A specialist has been Sofgen, initially set up in 1999 by a mortgage solutions to the financial services industry,
couple of technical Temenos staff. As an example of its work, extended its partnership agreement withTemenos to upgrade
Sofgen performed four upgrades in 2010, at Bank Leumi its existing channel technologies with Temenos’ UXP (User
in Panama, Ghana International Bank in London, Unicorn Experience Platform)‘edgeConnect’for use within its banking
Investment Bank in Bahrain and a Kenya-based microfinance division. Temenos’ UXP enabled the rapid development and
institute, Kadet. The company also project managed the deployment of a rich, dynamic, consistent user experience
successful four-siteT24 roll-out in 2010 and 2011 at Hypo Alpe across multiple channels for multiple users, and is accessible
Adria Bank and at Banco de la Nación Argentina (BNA) in the by any device - all managed from a single platform. Using
US. Sofgen was acquired by Indian giant, Tech Mahindra, in Temenos’ front office technology, Rubik’s Mutual Bank,
January 2015, with its 533 staff moving across to form a new Regional Bank and Credit Union clients were able to offer
business unit. a customer experience easily customized for corporate
Some banks are nervous about the use of third parties branding and customer segmentation. End customers will be
within core banking projects. The large non-specialists have able to access products and services across multiple customer
a reputation for lacking detailed expertise (banks tend to touchpoints and from their chosen device – desktop,
want resources that have ten years or more of experience, smartphone, tablet or smartwatch across any operating
that have carried out projects and have the battle scars and system (iOS, Android, Windows).
lessons to show for it, not ten people who have been through Canada-based digital banking start-up, Equitable Bank
a short accreditation programme). It has proved quite difficult focused mainly on savings, and underpinned by the Temenos
to pin down the partners about the exact level of expertise of suite of products, including the T24 core banking system. The
the impressive-sounding numbers of T24-related staff. Third implementation was set to take one year from the signing of
parties are also sometimes associated with projects that the contract in Q2 2014. This is a relatively straightforward
quickly go over budget, stemming from a rapid increase in project as the bank had adopted a ‘build and migrate’ route.
headcount. And there can be problems apportioning blame Australia-based Rubik Financial, a long-standingTemenos
when things go wrong. partner, began offering Temenos’ omnichannel platform,
There are a few partners with hosted versions of T24. Temenos Connect, to the local market. The agreement
These have included Rubik in Australia, Synchronet in Mexico, included the upgrade of Rubiks existing channel offering to
FDS in Indonesia and Capita in the UK, the latter buying the that of Temenos.
T24-based outsource business of AIB International Financial
Services (IFS) in late 2011 (a business which at that stage was
still seeking its first signings for T24). AIB IFS had installed
T24 and was seeking to build on a long-standing business
Temenos has tended to face stiff competition in Africa and for a Inlaks Computers.‘We didn’t really have the right consultants
long while trailed I-flex Solutions in particular, as this company to work with, and we didn’t get the right support from the
broke out of India initially with Microbanker and then Flexcube. local vendor,’ he said. More and more consultants had been
Kindle, with Bankmaster, was also an early important player. put onto the project, which had seen the cost to the bank rise
There is a clutch of competitors in the French-speaking territories steeply.
and other Indian suppliers have also muscled in, while Nigeria/ There had been a cutover at Zenith Pensions Custodian
UK-based Neptune has also been busy in parts of the continent. Limited, a subsidiary of the bank where Uhunmwagho was
To a degree, some or all of these were able to under-cut Temenos. also involved. However, here T24 supported fewer than 100
As a result, Temenos has tended to play in the larger banks, users compared to over 7000 at Zenith Bank, and ‘getting our
plus South Africa. In the latter, via a complicated set of events, reports on the system is very, very cumbersome. This has not
it ended up buying its partner, Global Technology, back in the been very easy either. We have challenges there and we have
late 1990s. to get Inlaks to come round.’ In the end, for the main bank it
Particularly notable in Africa has been Kenya Commercial appeared that Zenith gave up and reverted to Phoenix.
Bank, which took T24 in 2007 to support 131 branches across Temenos has a smattering of customers across most
Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Sudan. The selection countries on the continent, including North Africa, albeit
wasadetailedone,withcarefulmonitoringandcontrol,andthe with many of these being long-standing and with no clearcut
involvement of PwC. This was the result of previous problems, stronghold (Ethiopia is probably the closest, with Nib
with the bank having earlier selected Infosys’ Finacle, only International Bank becoming the fifth taker in the country
to have the decision overturned when ‘irregularities’ in the when it signed in 2011). Temenos expected to ultimately
selection process came to light. Second time around, the lose three sites within Standard Bank (Kenya, Mozambique
shortlist included I-flex Solutions, Misys and TCS. The bank and Angola) as this bank set about standardising on Infosys’
took the Oracle version of the system to span treasury, retail, Finacle across its 16 African operations outside of South
corporate and wealth management functionality, and the Africa.
contract included ARC CRM and internet banking. The bank Major wins in 2016 include the implementation by the
also signed for some Shari’ah-compliant components to offer Sovereign Bank Ghana in 2016, with T24 now live in 10 sites
Islamic banking. in the country. Sovereign Bank is the first bank in West Africa
A first cutover was announced in 2009, for head office to use the Java-based TAFJ version.
in Nairobi and 145 branches, supporting around 675,000 In November 2016, Nigeria-based Sterling Bank went live
accounts, followed by its subsidiaries in the four other African Temenos T24, replacing the legacy ICS banks system from
countries, spanning another 75 or so branches. A system ICSFS. The platform was rolled out simultaneously across 185
called TC/3 from Indian company, CMC, was replaced. branches of the Sterling Bank. T24 is expected to support
Another Kenyan bank, the aforementioned Commercial Sterling Bank’s recently launched Islamic finance system from
Bank of Africa, went live around the same time, with a delay Path Solutions, iMAL, which went live in early 2014.
of only a few weeks, to replace the I-flex-derived Microbanker. In December 2016, Commerce Bank and the Housing
It was less good news from a parallel project in West Africa and Development Bank went live with Temenos’s core
at Zenith Bank in Nigeria. The project was suspended in banking system. The implementation project at Housing and
December 2007 following an attempted ‘big bang’ go-live. Development Bank involved the migrating of data for 1.5
Zenith, a commercial bank, was the largest bank in Nigeria, million customers across 64 branches over two years.
with over 250 branches. It was due to replace the Harland-
derived Phoenix. Imade Uhunmwagho, head of information
security at the bank, said that T24 lasted just three days after
cutover. ‘A lot of our transactions were not consummated on
the system. After three days our customers were complaining
heavily.’The experience of customers was ‘that they were not
seeing their transactions on their statements, they were not
seeing transactions that were done on their accounts. The
demands were really heavy and we just couldn’t cope with
them so we decided to switch back.’ He was critical of the
support Zenith received from Temenos and its local affiliate,
Temenos has been a strong player throughout Asia but runs into consulting firm, ISI-Dentsu, as the main third party.
some healthy competitors, some of which originate from the In China, Swedbank took T24 for its Shanghai operation in
region, particularly the Indian heavyweights. Selling into India 2006, but the stand-out deal was at Bank of Shanghai. Despite
itself has proved mostly fruitless, despite Temenos building up cost cutting elsewhere, Temenos made a big push in China in
a large development and support team in Chennai. 2003, opening two offices. Bank of Shanghai had around 180
Temenos also added to its regional resources in 2002 when branches and an ambitious expansion plan. A deadline of 2004
it acquired the Globus distribution business of long-standing was missed by a long way but in late 2008 it was announced
partner, PK Technology. As a result, around 18 staff moved that the bank had finally gone live on the Chinese version of
across in the Philippines, plus 20 in India, a small number in T24 for its retail business. Temenos sought to use the project
Brunei, and around 45 in Malaysia. to silence those who claimed that T24 could not scale for
Indonesia has been a good hunting ground for Temenos. retail banking and, even today, Bank of Shanghai is cited by
Bank Syariah Mandiri, the Islamic subsidiary of Bank Mandiri, the supplier as its largest T24 user in terms of volumes. It had
the largest bank in Indonesia, set about implementing T24 in around 18 million accounts and remained the biggest ‘by
early 2010. This win followed a similar deal in 2008 at Bank some distance’, said Gunning, in January 2015. There were
Rakyat Indonesia Syariah and another at Bank Andara. quite a few in the four to ten million range, he added.
The latter bank is pitching itself as a wholesale bank for Temenos has done well in Indochina. A reflection of this
microfinance institutions (MFIs) as well as being an MFI in its was a spate of go-lives in mid-2010. These were at Handico
own right. It took T24 to bring to market a shared core banking Finance, a corporate banking and project finance firm,
platform on an ASP basis, to offer to MFIs in the country. and Orient Commercial Bank (Oricom) in Vietnam, Lao
Separately, Andara implemented T24 for its own banking Development Bank in Laos and Bank for Investment and
operations, linked to a mobile banking system from South Development of Cambodia (BIDC). Lao Development Bank
African vendor, Fundamo. and Oricom signed with Temenos in 2008, and Handico and
As mentioned,T24 is offered in Indonesia on a hosted basis BIDC signed in 2009.
by Fortress Data Services. Bank Windu was the first to go live As stated, Temenos has not cracked India. However, it
with this, in August 2011. State Bank of India in Indonesia and did win a small deal in 2009 from a microfinance institution,
Bank Mayora, a universal bank in Jakarta with $90 million in Equitas, taking the microfinance and community banking
assets, were subsequent signings. version of T24, dubbed T24 for MCB, and has users in the
Temenos claims an Indonesian Model Bank version of T24, region. It has won a share of the deals in Pakistan, Bangladesh
‘with pre-configured products and best practice’, and also a and Nepal that have come up. One of the wins in Pakistan saw
‘proven track record’ in the country. This seems a fair claim. a cutover after a five-year project at Meezan Bank, with the
Another taker of T24 in Indonesia has been BPR Karyajatnika Islamic version of T24. According to the bank, the new system
Sadaya. (Release 8) was up and running by mid-2012. It followed
Japan has been a difficult country for non-Japanese where Silkbank had led. A 2008 signing, a first Silkbank
suppliers but the banks have tended to take packages for branch went live in March 2010, with a rapid ramp up after
international operations. In 2007, Temenos had success with this, so that 57 branches were live by mid-May, with the rest
T24 at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC). This following in the next month or so. In total, this project covered
was for the bank’s 13 Asia Pacific branches (later seemingly 200,000 current accounts and 85 branches, and rule number
scaled back to eight), with the plan to have a standard platform one of Javed Edhi, CIO, was‘don’t change the systems: instead
across all countries for corporate banking. change your processes’. Allied Bank was another taker in the
The two companies had a history of working together as country.
Temenos had a win with the bank’s corporate lending business A fairly large user in the region is Agricultural Development
back in 2005. The system was selected for the latest project Bank of Nepal (ADBN), one of the largest banks in the country.
because it was felt it could cope with the local products and It went live with Release 10 of T24, at its head office in mid-
regulations of different countries. By September 2010, SMBC 2011, with its branch roll-out to follow. It rejected Malaysia-
was apparently live in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and based Silverlake at the shortlist stage at the end of 2009 before
Australia. This was on an Oracle and Unix platform. starting an implementation in July 2010.
A similar multi-site deal with a Japanese bank came in 2010 In 2010,Temenos built on its base in Bangladesh with a win
at Mizuho. It was thought to be for up to 50 sites, seemingly at National Bank. ‘T24 is proven software and has very good
starting with a pilot site in Kuala Lumpur, with Japanese references,’ said Abdur Rahman Sarker, the bank’s MD. Prime
In Australia, Temenos has had a rocky time, with a couple of It is not all bad news in Australia. Rabobank finally provided
early, high profile failures and one more of late. This meant it a live site in the country for Temenos, with cutover as well for
has struggled against Australia-based FNS with Bancs (now New Zealand, in 2006.
TCS but still a dominant player in Australia) as well as one or Temenos has also gained ground in Australia via Rubik
two other domestic suppliers plus other incursors (Fiserv has Financial. It was putting together a hosted platform and
done reasonably well in the past, while Infosys, SAP and Oracle selectedT24 to reside with a range of acquired components for
FSS won the big deals that cropped up in the last few years from the low-end of the Australian and New Zealand markets. The
ANZ, CBA and Westpac respectively, albeit for international company undertook a selection that included the mainstream
operations in the case of ANZ/Infosys and Westpac/Oracle FSS). Indian suppliers, plus Sungard and Open Solutions. Rubik’s
The initial two failures were at Bank of Queensland and initial idea was to offer a retail solution, said CEO, Brent
RAMS Home Loans; a later one came at Queensland Treasury Jackson. However, feedback from potential customers
Corporation (QTC). suggested the need for a broader offering and this played
At QTC, the Queensland government’s central funding into the hands of Temenos, giving Rubik‘a range of directions
authority and corporate treasury services provider, its T24 beyond our original plans’. He was not deterred by Temenos’
project was cancelled in early 2012. Temenos provided IBS problems in the past in Australia. The aim was to offer a‘bank-
with this statement: ‘Following a strategic review of the in-a-box’ solution.
project’s objectives, which identified a desired change in Having gone public on the tie-up in October 2008, Rubik
the project’s direction, QTC and Temenos have agreed that announced its first and second customers for the service
T24 will no longer be a part of QTC’s systems strategy. Whilst in the first half of 2009. The first was Maleny and District
the leveraging of our standard packaged software platform Community Credit Union (MCU), with 5500 members. Areas
as a component of the overall solution did not prove in this of focus, as well as replacement of the core back office, would
case to be the most appropriate, we have been very pleased include mobile banking, CRM and card management. By virtue
nevertheless to have had the opportunity to assist QTC with of being the first, MCU was intended to work with Rubik on
their IT renewal project, and have enjoyed a constructive and localisation of T24 for the Australian credit union market. ‘By
mutually amicable relationship.’ the time we are complete, we will have probably 80 per cent of
QTCspent$22milliononitssystemmodernisationventure. what any other customer groups will have,’ said Jackson. This
Of this, $7.5 million was paid to Temenos and a similar amount included links to ATM and Eftpos networks. A tentative go-live
went towards internal expenses. T24 had been acquired by was set for November.
QTC in April 2009, with the objective of replacing its legacy, in- The second taker was First Chartered Capital Corporation,
house developed software by July 2010. At the time,Temenos’ which was a larger player than MCU but took much of the
Andreades had referred to QTC as ‘a prestigious client’ that same functionality. However, shortly after the announcement
would strengthen Temenos’ position as the region’s ‘leading of this deal, First Chartered Capital Corporation was taken
core banking solutions provider’. over by another entity, Firstfolio (a mortgages and financial
Europe-Central, Eastern
Central and Eastern Europe has not been the strongest for handle currencies, and the need for shadow accounts for
Temenos. It has had some successes but also some less than foreign clients.
successful projects and has faced strong competition from other Temenos gained a first win in Russia in 2000, at Interprom
international vendors or local players. Bank. Temenos then gained a major deal in late 2003 from
Some deals in the region have been inTemenos’traditional Menatep Bank. This was for core retail and for the Oracle
stronghold of treasury/corporate banking. 2000 wins at BRE in and Hewlett-Packard HP-UX version. The deal was strongly
Poland and Nova Ljubljanska Banka in Slovenia, for instance, influenced by the T24 version of Globus, said Koukis. Prior
fell into this category, the latter using Bancs from FNS on the to this, Globus had the functionality for high-end retail but
retail side but opting for a separate treasury solution. not the technology. The ability to spread processing across
MKB in Hungary experienced a long-running, high profile servers to bring resilience and the elimination of the end-of-
project, as mentioned.The Hungarian ForeignTrade Bank had day were major factors, he felt. One other factor was Temenos’
been one of a clutch of users of the Winter Partners-derived local presence. While it was cutting back elsewhere around
IBS-90. It signed in 2001 for Version G13.2 of Globus but the the globe, it continued to build its resources in Russia. It had
bank was not overly impressed. It cut over for treasury at the acquired its partner, Avicomp, and by now had 60 staff in the
end of 2003 and was pressing on with retail by mid-2004. country.
This was ‘very poor quality’, said deputy CEO, Csilla Bolla. The total contract value was in excess of $13 million, of
There were lots of bugs in the core version of the system as which around half was licence fee. The bank had around
well as in changes made by Temenos for the bank, she said. 300,000 accounts and 60 branches. It had aggressive plans,
Although the cutover for treasury had been on time, a lot more with a stated aim of reaching five million accounts over the
effort was needed than expected for testing. This period was next three years. There was a need for Russian accounting,
‘really tiresome’, she said. By mid-2006, the problems at MKB with this supposedly already built for two existing clients in the
seemed to be mostly in the past and it had gone live with T24. country (presumably one of which was Interprom).
In some countries, the anomalies of the local market have In fact, Russia has proved highly problematic for
proved difficult for outside vendors. RZB signed a contract in Temenos, as for other vendors. There have been bank
1999 covering a number of sites in central Europe, spanning closures and takeovers, while it has also proved difficult to
bothwholesaleandretailbanking.ThefirsttogolivewasPoland, meet country-specific requirements, particularly around
to be followed by Croatia, although the plug was pulled on the accounting. In Q1 2012, Russia-based National Bank Trust,
latter. The bank was defeated by the extensive customisation one of the earliest takers in the country of Temenos’ core
that would have been needed for that market. The anomalies banking system, was believed to have pulled the plug on
included the revaluation of domestic loans, the way banks the system. It continued to run a host of domestic solutions,
Europe is where the company started and remains the needed an account-based system, especially for emerging
largest geography in terms of sales and installed base by markets, where we effectively have stored value accounts,’
some distance. There have been tier one bank takers for said Luup CEO, Thomas Bostrom Jorgensen (however, he did
departmental and/or international branches, such as Deutsche not remain to oversee the projects as his departure from Luup
Bank for wealth management. There are mid-tier banks came shortly after the selection).
similarly for niche areas, such as Danske Bank for corporate Luup took the Microsoft SQL version of T24 on Windows
lending (a 2010 project to replace a proprietary system, (Luup’s existing platform ran on Microsoft .Net). The breadth
with a hub in Denmark to ultimately support ten countries). andcomponentisationofT24wereattractions,saidJorgensen.
There are plenty of users among private banks or the private This was important, he pointed out, as Luup had a wide range
banking operations of larger ones. There are also users purely of customers, from Deutsche Bank, with a corporate banking
for treasury and corporate banking. slant, to branchless solutions in Asia. One opportunity might
An unusual profile of taker was mobile payment specialist, stem from becoming part of Temenos’large client base, with a
Luup, which took T24 to form part of a new platform to lot of T24 users constituting potential partners for Luup.
underpin its services. The organisation went through a formal There have been some long-standing and successful
selection process, including an RFP. Microsoft’s Biztalk forms relationships with banks in Western Europe, including EFG
part of the solution, providing Business Process Management Eurobank, an early user going back to the EBS days, and
(BPM) capabilities on top of T24. Luup initially considered remaining a customer since then, and Schroders.
both core banking and payment systems. ‘We found we Banks in the Netherlands have had a tough time with
Middle East
An important early win in the region was a multi-site deal in 1996 it visited other Temenos users in the country such as Cairo
from Mashreq Bank. It had originally looked at Globus purely for Amman Bank and Capital Bank of Jordan, both of which have
London but then decided to consider it for all of its operations. had long-standing projects to implement the system.
Globus went live in head office in the third quarter of 1997 followed It was relatively quiet time in the Middle East (as in most
by Mumbai and Delhi, then London, with other sites following other regions) in 2010, with Temenos bringing in four deals
during 1998. By the start of 2000, Globus was live in eleven out of for the second consecutive year. 2010’s haul was two in Iraq,
14 sites within the bank. However, of late, for universal banking, Qatari Islamic Bank (QIB) in Bahrain and another in UAE.
Mashreq Bank has been implementing Flexcube. QIB had a rocky ride. ‘All attempts to implement the
The second quarter of 2007 brought Temenos’ first win in system failed,’said the bank’s CIO, Ghazi Qarout. Qarout came
Oman, with Bank Muscat selecting T24 to support its retail on board after these attempts, moving from Al Hilal Bank in
and corporate banking operations, replacing a 20 year-old in- Saudi Arabia where he’d had experience of implementingT24.
house system. What allowed QIB to stick with T24 was Qarout’s belief that the
The important, difficult project at Saudi Hollandi has system had improved since QIB first took it. Between Release
already been covered, so too the very late, ambitious project eight of T24 and Release 14, ‘the quality of Islamic products in
at BLF in Lebanon. Alinma Bank, the largest fully Shari’a- particular has improved’, he said, adding ‘all gaps we had to
compliant bank in Saudi Arabia by capitalisation, cut over address at my previous bank are now in the core’. Rather than
in late 2007. Infosys and TCS were beaten at the shortlist having a perfect solution to start with, Qarout put stock in
stage for what was effectively a start-up bank. Its over-riding Temenos’ ability to support the bank over a long period. ‘This
aim at the start of the selection was to find a system that is what counts,’ he believed.
had best support for Islamic banking across a broad range A success in 2011 at one of the largest banks in Saudi
of areas, including treasury, retail, corporate, investment Arabia, Samba, stood out. Work here started in September,
and wealth management. Alinma’s Yasser Aloufi, T24 and and the project was to be carried out in phases over five years.
IT project manager, disclosed that the configuration of the The entire project was estimated to be worth $100 million but
solution had been challenging, putting this down to the little else was known about it.
fact that core implementation was ‘huge’, particularly as it In 2012, Temenos’ haul comprised Al Khaliji Bank in Qatar,
was a multi-company version the bank was installing. There the aforementioned Jordan Ahli Bank, and Saudi Arabia-based
were therefore some teething issues in the batch end-of- United Installment Company. 2013 added Sharjah Islamic
day process and accounting. ‘We incurred some time loss Bank to replace Misys Equation and Trade Innovation, plus a
because of the Model Bank,’ he said, pointing out that at the deal in Bahrain.
time Temenos did not provide an Islamic Model Bank. He Israel’s major banking group, Bank Leumi, signed for
believed other Islamic banks could therefore benefit from the Temenos T24 core banking system and Temenos Connect
work Alinma put in with Temenos on this front. A‘soft launch’ for digital channels. The bank adopted a gradual renovation
for bank staff happened in March 2009, followed by a full strategy, with the first phase being a new digital bank to be
cutover later in the year. launched in Israel, underpinned by theTemenos software.This
The region has been relatively quiet in the last couple of phase was expected to last one year.
years and there are a few strong contenders, traditionally In December 2016, Commerce Bank chose Temenos’ core
Path Solutions for Islamic banking. However,Temenos wins its deposit banking system to enhance customer service and
share of deals and its Islamic support seems to have come on, provide faster availability of products in the market.
so that it gives Path a run for its money. For instance, Jordan In March 2017, The National Bank in Palestine went live
Ahli Bank (formerly Jordan National Bank), the oldest bank in with Temenos T24 core banking system. The project, which
the country and the third largest by assets, signed for T24 in included the wealth management and private banking
Q1 2012. The bank had 52 branches in Jordan and a presence modules amongst others, had been underway since 2014.
in Lebanon, Cyprus and Palestine. As part of the selection
Further Sales
In parallel with all of the new-name business, there have been up well. Indeed, in two difficult years, it showed more
plenty of old users to try to move to T24. Some of these have been resilience from this perspective than most others. The
large projects in their own right. For instance, United Bulgarian 2009 tally showed no tailing off, coming in at 40, which was
Bank and its parent, National Bank of Greece (one of the earliest precisely the total for 2008. It was a good return in a clearly
takers of T24 after its release in 2003), had experienced a major depressed market and put Temenos a fair way ahead of
project. Nadejda Vladimirova, head of the T24 competence Oracle FSS, which saw Flexcube sales slump from 39 in 2008
centre at National Bank of Greece, said that, since 2007, the plan to 33 in 2009. Of Temenos’ 2009 sales, 30 per cent were in
had been to move all countries outside of Greece andTurkey onto Africa, 25 per cent in Central and South East Asia, 15 per cent
the same operational model of T24, hosted in Athens. Between in Western Europe, twelve and a half per cent in Asia Pacific,
2008 and 2011, banks in seven different countries, spreading seven and a half per cent in the Middle East, and single deals
across more than 20 legacy systems and 3000 products and in Central and Eastern Europe, Central and Latin America
services, were migrated onto T24. (a solitary Mexican taker and a considerable change from
This project started in Serbia at Vojvodjanska Bank in previous years), North America, and Australasia.
2007, which had 118 branches and more than two million In total, new-name deals for 2010 came in at 39, so only
customers, with this country project being finished in 2009. a small dip on the previous few years, although it looked as
Implementations followed in Romania, Egypt, Albania, though there were few high-end wins again. The lending
Macedonia, the UK and Bulgaria. The Romanian project, at focused deal at Danske Bank appeared to be at the higher end,
Banca Romaneasca, saw three legacy systems replaced by so too that at LBBW. Temenos had one deal in China, Xiamen
November 2010. As for United Bulgarian Bank, it had used International Bank (TCS led the way here in 2010 with four).
Globus since 2003 (having previously run Misys’ Equation) In some ways, it was not a surprise that Temenos could
and moved to T24 by September 2011. not maintain the momentum and sustain the relentless quest
Temenos’ 2009 and 2010 haul of new-name deals stood for new business in 2011. It had 27 new-name deals. The
Product Suite
Temenos Core Banking is delivered in a classic n tier architecture, as an integrated modular system. The main business layer
contains over 1,100 identically constructed components, each component operating as an individual module, but sharing a
common user interface, database, security control and application code set. Components can be assembled in different ways to
enable customization and reusability of the product. The components support aspects of Core Banking functionality, across the
verticals (retail/private/universal/corporate), across both the front and back office including:
- Core retail/private banking/universal/corporate functionality normally associated with middle or back office systems
- Temenos Connect Internet banking for personal (individual), private banking and corporate customers, delivered from
Temenos Core Banking
- Mobile Banking, delivering the same real-time information as available in other channels, via the mobile handset and smart
- Front office functionality associated with a bank user in a branch or call center such as single customer view, user“home page”
and activities list, operational and analytical CRM such as sales opportunity definition and campaign management.
Technical Architecture
Programming Language - Temenos Core Banking business logic is written in a proprietary 4GL language, jBC (very close to
the BASIC syntax), then translated to generate Java code (byte-code (class file)) depending on the target platform. The jBC and
Java language provides the ability to develop (IDE provided) and future proof the Core Banking code base, to a certain extent,
protecting the investment in the business logic of Core Banking and any subsequent customization.
Hardware/DB support: Being compiled in JavaTM, the application code has been designed to remain the same regardless
of the hardware (HP, IBM, MICROSOFT) and operating system (WINDOWS, UNIX, LINUX, zOS) being used, thus facilitating
portability, optimized performance across many environments, and reduced time to market. All the code implementing specific
bank functionalities are isolated to remain compatible with newer versions of the product (automatic upgrades).The software has
also been made available in the Cloud, via SaaS or IaaS,
Recent Developments
With Core Banking,Temenos has worked on its objective to December,Temenos had some big wins. Philippine Resources
create a single core banking system, to focus on maintaining Savings Banking Corporation (PR Savings Bank), the fifth
and innovating one product rather than multiple ones. largest independent thrift bank in the Philippines, signed for
The company managed to garner few deal wins for Core TemenosT24 Core Banking and Analytics, even as it expanded
Banking in 2017. In January 2017, Rakuten Europe Bank S.A in its business lines from loans to deposits. Itaú Unibanco
Luxembourg went live onTemenos Core Banking and its multi- Holding SA (Itaú), Latin America’s largest banking group, also
channel internet banking solution. The implementation was selected Temenos’ WealthSuite for its international private
delivered in partnership with Luxembourg-based Syncordis. banking operations. The highly scalable solution combines
In March 2017, Fortuna Banque S.C. Luxembourg selected Itaú’s core banking, portfolio management, channels and
Temenos Retail Suite including Core Banking. In the same analytics functions in a single wealth management platform.
month, Khushhali Microfinance Bank in Pakistan also selected The bank will deploy WealthSuite in the cloud enabling the
Core Banking for Retail and MSME services. The National Bank solution to scale in an agile manner according to the ongoing
in Palestine also rolled out Core Banking, the first indigenous evolution of its business.
bank in the region to do so. Along with that, the bank also In Q1 2018, Suriname based Finabank signed for Temenos
implemented omnichannel platforms. T24 Core Banking, Channels, Business Intelligence and
In August 2017, Guatemalan cooperative network Financial Crime Mitigation. Saradar Bank sal, of Lebanon,
Federacion Nacional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Credito Myanmar based Construction and Housing Development
(FENACOAC) selected Temenos’ RetailSuite across their 25 Bank (CHDB) and Myanmar Citizens Bank (MCB), and Banque
cooperatives. In the next month, Chile based financial services du Caire of Egypt also chose Temenos T24 Core Banking.
firm LarrainVial replaced its existing legacy system and went Banque du Caire of Egypt also chose Channels, Financial Crime
live on the Core Banking platform. As per LarrainVial, there has Mitigation, Front Office, Payments, and Risk & Compliance
been a decrease in operational times, and improvements in along with T24.
the customer experience due to simplification of their system In April 2018, Openbank, the digital bank of Santander
architecture with Temenos’ centralized offering. Credo Bank, Group, selected Temenos’ WealthSuite, that will be
based in Tbilisi, Georgia also upgraded to the Core Banking integrated with T24 Core Banking that it chose last October
platform. In October 2017, Cooperative Bank of Oromia (CBO) as its core banking solution across its global operations.
went live with Temenos’ UniversalSuite. Another US-based Telia Finance, an independent company acting as a
global Tier-1 bank, the Philippine Resources Savings Banking finance engine for Telia Company, a telco with a Nordic/
Corporation, and Swiss private bank EFG International (EFG) Baltic footprint, selected Temenos T24 Core Banking as its
also opted for T24 Core Banking in the succeeding months. In financial technology platform.
Temenos’ SaaS offering targetted toward challenger banks saw more takers - Praxia, the first challenger bank in Greece;
Grasshopper Bank, the newest challenger Bank in the US and mobile banking start-up Varo Money, also from the US.The
strategy of a strong API centric Saas solution along with an active marketplace seems to be quite popular amongst
challenger banks even in far our markets such as Australia where it signed with Judo Capital in September. Another notable
win during the quarter was the deal with Coventry Building Society, which marked Temenos’ first building society deal in the
UK. Coventry, the third largest building society in the UK opted for a full front-to-back revamp using T24, Temenos Channels,
Financial Crime Mitigation and Temenos Payments Hub solutions.
Temenos Core Banking has broad and deep functionality, surrounded by a range of other applications. The system is adapted
for many international markets. The core system has a high degree of flexibility, through a lot of parameterisation, with this
subsequently added to with some of the newer components. And Temenos has always invested more into its system in R&D
than the industry average, which means it has always evolved. After the latest release of Core Banking, Temenos has expressed
intent to continue to look out for complimentary products in the market which could enhance and update the solution. The
company is also engaging with some banks to leverage MarketPlace and the Innovation Jams in more ways, such as using the
Dev/test environment to simulate a new bank where banks can test its innovations, before presenting at a corporate level.
In 2018, the supplier initiated a collaboration with Luxembourg-based Luxhub, a European open banking platform formed
by BCEE, BGL BNP Paribas, Banque Raiffeisen and POST Luxembourg. The partnership is aimed at helping banks meet PSD2
standards in the region.
There has traditionally been good transparency, with Temenos making its TCF event open to prospective customers and
analysts, and with a relatively clear product roadmap. In its latest TCF event, the focus apprears to shifting from its core T24
to developing its capabilitis in payments, front office and anti-money laundering (AML). At the event, Temenos unveiled
its new front office suite, offering digital services for banking customers across the retail, corporate and wealth segments.
The solutions is a comprehensive, open, omnichannel, data-driven solution, which combines Temenos’ existing solutions
for channels, analytics, risk and compliance with new components such as an API layer, artificial intelligence (AI) models for
customer engagement, and consent management.
Temenos’ deployment model continues to remain heavily dependent on a considerable number of large and specialist
third party resources for T24 (consultants, integrators etc) around the world.The flexibility of the system is both a strength
and weakness, as it necessitates strong project management and has been a factor in a number of problem projects. T24 is
not taken for high-end retail banking and, despite the R&D, there is no escaping the fact that the core system has long roots,
back to the late 1980s.
For smaller banks, as always when dealing with a company with such a large user base and many ongoing projects at
any one time, there is the question of how much attention they will command, in attracting resources and gaining remedial
action when there are problems. Temenos has had a tendency to over-promise. Pioneer customers throughout its history,
whether with new releases and components or for new countries (Credit Suisse in Germany, a number of banks in the
Netherlands), have often had problems.
At a corporate level, the success of the company’s takeovers has been patchy, with the user bases not typically wanting to
migrate to T24. Temenos’ bought or built applications around the core have been of mixed quality over the years and there
has been some chopping and changing of strategy and positioning. Reliance on third parties to implement T24 can be an
issue, depending on the experience of the resources.