Why Are People Reactive
Why Are People Reactive
Why Are People Reactive
Our brain likes efficiency. It tries to find the easiest path, and giving up responsibility
to others is easy. With time, this can become a habit and the pathway gets stronger.
Although it’s easier at
first, taking a reactive
path makes things
harder in the long run.
By being reactive, we can avoid dealing with difficult problems and painful emotions. By
embracing the idea that we have no control over our lives, we don’t have to work to fix or
process things. We can just feel sorry for ourselves and complain instead.
It might ease pain for a short time to take a reactive approach, but
the more you avoid problems and pain, the bigger they grow.
I’ll give my
Sometimes we are reactive responsibilities to
everyone else so I
because we believe we will
can be free!
choicesfreedom if we
My happiness
give away our My choices My happiness
responsibilities to others.
My emotions My life
My emotions
My life
But actually, being reactive gives you less freedom. If you give up
responsibility, then other people get to control things like your happiness.
Influential people in your life may live their lives with a reactive
mindset. You may be repeating the example you have seen.
When you have experienced abuse or trauma, it is common to feel a loss of control
and to feel powerless. It is also normal and even healthy to feel sorry yourself at times.
But this can develop into an unhealthy victim mentality, where you are unable to see the things
in your life you do have control over. This can lead to even more suffering and problems than
the initial abuse, trauma, or discrimination caused. It limits your ability to heal.
Being a victim VS Victim Mentality
• A victim is someone who experiences • A victim mentality is when you begin to
harm from other people or circumstances. view everything through a lens that nothing
This might include abuse, discrimination, is your fault and you can’t control anything.
or experiencing very traumatic events in You refuse to take responsibility for your
your life. behavior, the consequences of your
behavior, and the direction your life goes.
mistreats It’s not fair! They MADE me
me. do/feel/say that.
By other people.
No one is as
misunderstood as
me. By circumstances.
By the universe.
By everything.