As Specified in The Case
As Specified in The Case
As Specified in The Case
• Royal Hospital is mainly deals with Orthopedic and Geriatric cases. It is situated
in a metropolitan city.
• In recent times there are in increase number of patients in the hospital with high
retention of staff.
• Hospital centralize system consist of main patients records and additional unit
requires to handle a substantial number of records.
• Patient’s files and general record files which are arranged in alphabetical system.
They are maintaining petty cash information and in parallel patient’s statistics
• “Card files” consist of all the records of patients from the existence (last 15
• There is no clerical support for doctors to take out the particular record from the
card files.
• No proper records of in and out of office files and follow-up are not done.
• Other large hospitals are using numerical system to keep the patient’s record as
per the discussion one of the staff in the hospital.
• Basic function of having a regulised data can helps in reaching the company’s
• In above case information should help to people who are within the firm can use
in their decision-making. Gathering information, analyzing it reporting it.
• MIS as a concept continues to evolve. Two concepts which are extension to it
are decision support system (DSS) and information resource management (IRM).
• Proper data storage process will helps in organisation growth and avedent of
computers. MIS supports the management at various levels and serves as a
means of communication where data are collected, processes, stored and
retrieved later for making decisions regarding planning operation and control of
an organisation.
DATA DISTRIBUTION: The retention of all data for an indefinite period of time is costly
and unnecessary for storage. Most enterprises have well defined policies and
strategically procedures for purging data. For instance production data for machinery
that is no longer in use may be routinely earmarked for distruction.
Record Based logical models are used in describing data at the conceptual and view
levels, but used both to specify the overall logical structure of the database and to
provide a higher level description of the implementation.
RECORD KEY: The record key is a batch number and serial number that is used to
make sure that no transaction in a batch gets, lost between the floor and computer
centre file storage device.
By referring above case some of the basic data items are patient’s names, Age, Date of
Birth, Contact Details, Address, Referred to, Past History Records Etc. The record key
is one or more data items of a record that uniquely identify each record number so that
patient number uniquely identifies each occurrence of the patient’s record.
• Hospital management systems are not updated according to the technology
which is available in the market.
• No proper futuristic plans are made to control the database.
• Lack of Knowledge.
• Data base management system was not updated to the existing system to
handle the increasing no of patients.
• They did not distract the data which is not useful.
• There is no supporting systems or department to help the doctors in finding out
the old records to save the time and concentrate upon the patient more.
• There is no tracking system to find out the - In & Out of hospital.
• Proper co-ordination was missing in between the staff because of improper
segregation of data & work allocation.
• No internal meetings are happening to collect the staff opinions about the
problems which they are facing at work place.
• No track of competitor’s strategies how they are following to solve the similar
problems which are happening at Royal Hospital.
• No structured hierarchy to escalate the problem to immediate boss
• Hr involvement is very less in solving the problem.
• There is no Co-ordination (discussion) to solve the existing problems between
the Doctors.
• Ideas suggested by sub-ordinates are not taking into consideration.
• No platform for new ides which can be implemented in Hospital to reduce the
• Improper communication
• Informal communication dominates the formal communication in hospital which
was not to be encouraged by management.
There are few Data Base Management System are designed to streamline
the business practices of hospitals and clinics. Through its electronic patient
information system, HMS ensures optimum use of the medical records of
patients. Being patient-centric, the system makes it possible for all disparate
files on a patient to be housed in a centrally located master file, ensuring
retrieval and management of files effortless. Plus, easy integration ensures a
faster start up.