Action Research Arold and Jessa 2
Action Research Arold and Jessa 2
Action Research Arold and Jessa 2
Integers are zero and any positive or negative numbers and are not
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. [1] Most of the students are sign-
answer -2+3=n, a student might answer n=-5 or n=-1, which is wrong. It’s just an
multiplying, and dividing are just easy but sometimes we got confused when
theirs already signs and symbols. Almost all of the areas in math (geometry,
understanding of the concepts. [2] As how Papert (1980) calls it, “objects to think
In line with this Hinzman[4] (1997), who investigated the grades of the
students who uses manipulative and students’ who did not. In his study he finds
out that the grades of students who uses manipulative are more enhanced and
high school students, also shows positive evidence that when students are
In this study we are aiming to know if we could have the same result from
the effectiveness of using chips in BSAB 1-A in solving integers using the four
fundamental operations.
using the four fundamental operations of BSAB 1-A, specifically this study is due
1. What is the mastery level of the BSAB 1 A in solving the four fundamental
operations on integers?
3. How effective is the chips in increasing the mastery level of the BSAB 1?
using the four fundamental operations. The findings of this study would be
comprehension and allows them to diagnose their own strength and weaknesses
in solving integers using the four fundamental operations. Thus, they would be
able to realize the essence of studying and mastering the concept and improve
their own skills wherein this could not just a help for their educational careers but
Mathematics teachers. They are the one who have the most significant role in
the learners’ education. Thus, the findings of this study would help them to have
more ideas on how to adopt various teaching strategies that can respond and is
contribute their shares in shaping the overall planning on how to assist and
support teachers in adopting various teaching strategies that can respond and is
suited to the needs of diverse learners, specifically in solving integers using the
This will provide them information that can use as background for future use.
the Four Fundamental Operations” focuses only on data gathering to all the
BSAB 1-A students of Libon Community College on the first semester of the
The respondents of this study were the BSAB 1-A students of LICOM
College, which were selected by the researchers because they are at most of
being exposed on the basics of mathematics. A pre- and post- test in solving the
Related Literature
Based from further readings of the researchers they have learned and find
teaching mathematics to students hold the promise that manipulatives will help
Research from both learning theory and classroom studies shows that
using manipulatives to help teach math can positively affect student learning.
This is true for students at all levels and of all abilities. It is also true for almost
concretely mathematical ideas that are abstract. They have both visual and
Related Studies
used to teach. After comparing the scores of between two groups of students he
finds out that grades of students who use manipulatives get higher grades. His
finding also shows those students’ who use manipulative have a more positive
but also their feelings toward the subject and the possibility that they would take
tangrams, base ten blocks, algebra tiles, connecting cubes, pattern blocks,
playing cards, etc. Teachers use them to teach abstract mathematical concepts
that ordinarily may be difficult for students, such as adding and subtracting
integers, solving equations, and determining the value of fractions. She also
include that this materials are important because ‘students’ abstract thinking is
students, which also shows positive evidence that when students are allowed to
improve. The study found that students had difficulty with geometry for several
study students claimed that they had problems with visualization because their
current geometry instruction focused too highly on the memorization of facts and
that the opportunity for using hands-on materials were few, if at all. Students
opportunities. Furthermore, it was found that paper and pencil test scores also
retention and problem solving tasks. The author points to the fact that when
students are allowed to use manipulatives there are also attitudinal gains
tools in helping students to think and reason in more meaningful ways. By giving
activities using models of integers like the Target integer, Integer chips, the use
they explained that the research on the effectiveness of manipulatives has failed
Swan Paul Edith Cowan University (2008), conduct a study exploring the Use of
Mathematics Manipulative.
models that involve mathematical concepts, appealing to several senses that can
selected for the activity and appropriate for the concept being taught and
using manipulative materials in teaching can help students learn how to relate
(Heddens, 2007).
visually the process on how to work on numbers and equations. This also cited
mathematical concepts.
The related studies differ from the current study in some manner because
the latter was purely focuses on chips as an object to utilize while the researched
studies are referring to all the manipulatives that is being used in teaching math.
Moreover, the related studies are after the effects of using manipulatives in
Definition of Terms
Integers. Any number that is not a fraction or decimal: any whole number or its
from a whole.
1Allen, Crystal. How the use manipulatives will increase students’ achievement in
2Manipulatives. Encyclopedia.Vol.1.
sampling design, data gathering procedures and statistical tools that will be used
in the study.
of collecting data which means that this method is purely about the quantifying of
data gathered from the different resources. The researcher manipulates and
posttest for this study. The questionnaires were administered before and after
pretest and posttest strategy were applied. Sixteen (16) students from BSAB 1-A
were asked to answer twenty (20)-item pre-test and twenty (20)-item post-test,
division of integers. The pretest and posttest was different from each other in a
sense that both will be using the same skills but different problems.
Sampling design
convenience sake, the study units that happen to be available at the time of data
This study is
Statistical Treatment
mastery level of the students which will be evaluated through the Mean and
Percentage Formula.
Mean formula:
𝑥̅ = , where 𝑥̅ is the mean, ∑𝑓(𝑥) is the total
P=𝑌 × 100, where P is the percentage, and y is the
The mastery level of BSAB 1-A in solving the four fundamental operations
The researchers also utilized questionnaires as one of the instruments for the
A one-tailed paired data t-test will be used to compare the results of the
pretest and posttest at the same time to determine how effective is the chips in
A one-tailed paired data t-test at the .05 significance level will be used to
analyze the data that is collected from the pre-test and post-test after the data
has been produced. If there is a significant change that is equal to or lesser than
the level .05 would indicate that there was a reason to reject the null hypothesis
This chapter stated the analysis of data gathered on the level of mastery
I. Mastery Level of the BSAB I-A in Solving Integers Using the Four
Fundamental Operations
The mastery level of BSAB I-A in solving integers using the four
fundamental operations was based from the scores of the students in the
𝑥̅ = 𝑛
= 16
𝑥̅ =16.43
Level of Mastery
P =𝑦 ×100
= × 100
=0.8215× 100
Table 1 shows the frequency distribution on the mastery level of the BSAB
I-A in solving integers using the four fundamental operations. It states that the
shown below:
II. Difficulties encountered by the BSAB I-A in solving integers using the
fundamental operations.
A one-tailed paired data t-test at the .05 significance level will be used to
Level of Significance
t= 𝑠
𝑑̅=│ 𝑛 │
𝑑̅ = 0.75
∑𝑑 − 2 (∑𝑑)
S=√ 𝑛−1𝑛
=√ 16−116
=√ 15 16
=√ 15
=√ 15
t= 𝑠
= 4.36
= 4.36
Decision Rule
If the t-test computed value is greater than or beyond the t-tabular / critical
hypothesis. This means that there is no significant difference between the pre-
Libon, Albay
3 understanding 8 50.00 AM
5 remembering 8 50.00 AM
10 evaluating 8 50.00 AM
13 applying 7 43.75 AM
20 Applying 16 100.00 M