Action Research Arold and Jessa 2

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Integers are zero and any positive or negative numbers and are not

fractions or decimal numbers. The four fundamental operations, basically, are

addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. [1] Most of the students are sign-

confused of the different integer operations, perhaps, a student is asked to

answer -2+3=n, a student might answer n=-5 or n=-1, which is wrong. It’s just an

example of some misconception in solving integers. Adding, subtracting,

multiplying, and dividing are just easy but sometimes we got confused when

theirs already signs and symbols. Almost all of the areas in math (geometry,

trigonometry, probability, statistics, and calculus etc.) need the knowledge of

integers. It is the foundations of all knowledge in mathematics.

Manipulatives is use to represent visually the steps taken to obtain a

solution to a fundamental integer operations. It helps to develop an

understanding of the concepts. [2] As how Papert (1980) calls it, “objects to think


The researchers are trying to examine if a proposed device, ‘chips’ is an

effective manipulative device to use in solving the four fundamental operations in


In line with this Hinzman[4] (1997), who investigated the grades of the

students who uses manipulative and students’ who did not. In his study he finds

out that the grades of students who uses manipulative are more enhanced and

higher than those are not using manipulative.

Garrity’s[5] (1998), who conducted an action research on middle-class

high school students, also shows positive evidence that when students are

allowed to use concrete materials to explore mathematical concepts,

mathematics scores improve.

In this study we are aiming to know if we could have the same result from

Hinzman and other studies.

In consideration of this, the researchers prompted to conduct a study on

the effectiveness of using chips in BSAB 1-A in solving integers using the four

fundamental operations.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effectiveness of chips in solving integers

using the four fundamental operations of BSAB 1-A, specifically this study is due

to answer the following queries:

1. What is the mastery level of the BSAB 1 A in solving the four fundamental

operations on integers?

2. What are the difficulties in solving the four fundamental operations on

integers of the BSAB 1-A?


3. How effective is the chips in increasing the mastery level of the BSAB 1?

Significance of the Study

The researcher sought to know the effectiveness of chips in solving integers

using the four fundamental operations. The findings of this study would be

worthwhile to the people connected in the field of education.

Mathematics Students. This study would help them to develop their

comprehension and allows them to diagnose their own strength and weaknesses

in solving integers using the four fundamental operations. Thus, they would be

able to realize the essence of studying and mastering the concept and improve

their own skills wherein this could not just a help for their educational careers but

also for dealing with the real life situations.

Mathematics teachers. They are the one who have the most significant role in

the learners’ education. Thus, the findings of this study would help them to have

more ideas on how to adopt various teaching strategies that can respond and is

suited to the needs of diverse learners.

School Staffs/Administrators. This study will serve as a guideline on how to

contribute their shares in shaping the overall planning on how to assist and

support teachers in adopting various teaching strategies that can respond and is

suited to the needs of diverse learners, specifically in solving integers using the

four fundamentals operation.

Researchers. This study can be used as a reference in conducting similar study.

This will provide them information that can use as background for future use.

Scope and Delimitation

This study entitled “The Effectiveness of Chips in Solving Integers using

the Four Fundamental Operations” focuses only on data gathering to all the

BSAB 1-A students of Libon Community College on the first semester of the

academic year 2015-2016. This study is conducted to know if the proposed

device is effective in solving integers using the four fundamental operations.

The respondents of this study were the BSAB 1-A students of LICOM

College, which were selected by the researchers because they are at most of

being exposed on the basics of mathematics. A pre- and post- test in solving the

four fundamental operations on integers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and

division) and survey questionnaire was constructed and provided to the

respondents to know their mastery level and difficulties in solving four

fundamental operations in integers.



1Meriam Webster, 2015

2Manipulatives. (n.d.) Retrieved from



Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

Based from further readings of the researchers they have learned and find

some important information that is of big help for their study.

Manipulatives[1] is used to represent visually the steps they take to obtain

a solution to an algebraic equation. They develop an understanding of the

connections between the solution involving manipulatives and the symbolic


Based on research from several countries, manipulative materials in

teaching mathematics to students hold the promise that manipulatives will help

students understand the material being taught (Heddens, 2007).[2]

Research from both learning theory and classroom studies shows that

using manipulatives to help teach math can positively affect student learning.

This is true for students at all levels and of all abilities. It is also true for almost

every topic covered in elementary school mathematics curricula. Papert (1980)

calls manipulatives “objects to think with.”[3]

Concrete materials or manipulatives [4], as they are commonly referred to

in math literature, are defined as “objects designed to represent explicitly and

concretely mathematical ideas that are abstract. They have both visual and

tactile appeal and can be manipulated by learners through hands-on


Related Studies

[5]Hinzman(1997). He investigated 27 grade eight algebra students’

mathematical scores when hands-on manipulatives and group activities were

used to teach. After comparing the scores of between two groups of students he

finds out that grades of students who use manipulatives get higher grades. His

finding also shows those students’ who use manipulative have a more positive

perceptions and attitudes toward mathematics. This provides evidence that

hands-on learning not only helps to increase students’ scores in mathematics,

but also their feelings toward the subject and the possibility that they would take

higher level mathematics-related courses in their future careers.

[6](Moyer, 2001) Stated that some examples of manipulatives includes

tangrams, base ten blocks, algebra tiles, connecting cubes, pattern blocks,

playing cards, etc. Teachers use them to teach abstract mathematical concepts

that ordinarily may be difficult for students, such as adding and subtracting

integers, solving equations, and determining the value of fractions. She also

include that this materials are important because ‘students’ abstract thinking is

closely anchored in their concrete perceptions of the world; actively manipulating

these materials allows learners to develop a repertoire of images that can be

used in the mental manipulation of abstract concepts”


[7]Garrity’s (1998) conduct an action research on middle-class high school

students, which also shows positive evidence that when students are allowed to

use concrete materials to explore mathematical concepts, mathematics scores

improve. The study found that students had difficulty with geometry for several

reasons. Some of these reasons included inadequate middle school instruction,

lack of motivation and negative feelings toward mathematics. In addition, in his

study students claimed that they had problems with visualization because their

current geometry instruction focused too highly on the memorization of facts and

that the opportunity for using hands-on materials were few, if at all. Students

used geoboards to explore and solve geometry problems in small co-operative

groups. Results, through interviews and journal entries by students, indicated

that students enjoyed this methodology and preferred hands-on learning

opportunities. Furthermore, it was found that paper and pencil test scores also

improved, thereby showing student understanding of the concepts taught.

[8]Clements (1999) cites research to support the proposition that students

who use manipulatives outperform those who do not use manipulatives on

retention and problem solving tasks. The author points to the fact that when

students are allowed to use manipulatives there are also attitudinal gains

because these students develop more positive attitudes toward mathematics.

[9]According to Stein and Bovalino (2001), “Manipulatives can be important

tools in helping students to think and reason in more meaningful ways. By giving

students concrete ways to compare and operate on quantities, such

manipulatives as pattern blocks, tiles, and cubes can contribute to the


development of well-grounded, interconnected understandings of mathematical


[10]Reylan Jay Rubin,(2014) he analyzed the effect of various

activities using models of integers like the Target integer, Integer chips, the use

of Damath and an online game Number Cruncher.

[11]Uttal, Scudder and DeLoache (1997) noted that the literature is

somewhat ambivalent about the use of mathematics manipulatives. In their study

they explained that the research on the effectiveness of manipulatives has failed

to demonstrate a clear consistent advantage for manipulatives over more

traditional methods of instruction.

[12]Linda Marshall Edith (Cowan University, and

Swan Paul Edith Cowan University (2008), conduct a study exploring the Use of

Mathematics Manipulative.

[13](Heddens, 2007) states that manipulative materials are concrete

models that involve mathematical concepts, appealing to several senses that can

be touched and moved around by the student. Manipulative materials must be

selected for the activity and appropriate for the concept being taught and

appropriate for the developmental level 8 of the students’. According to Heddens,

using manipulative materials in teaching can help students learn how to relate

real world situations to mathematics symbolism and work together cooperatively

in solving problems. He further states that manipulatives allow students’ to


discuss mathematical ideas, concepts, and verbalize their mathematical thinking

(Heddens, 2007).

Synthesis of the State-of-Art

The review of related literature and studies gives emphasis on the

importance of manipulatives in teaching and learning mathematics concepts. It

also gives definition on manipulatives as an object utilize in order to represent

visually the process on how to work on numbers and equations. This also cited

some effects of manipulatives on learners’ behavior and understanding of the

mathematical concepts.

Gap Bridge by the Study

The related studies differ from the current study in some manner because

the latter was purely focuses on chips as an object to utilize while the researched

studies are referring to all the manipulatives that is being used in teaching math.

Moreover, the related studies are after the effects of using manipulatives in

teaching mathematics, which is purely focuses on the teachers teaching strategy,

rather than the effects of manipulative (’chips’) on learners performance and

mastery level which the current study were focusing about.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually/operationally for clarity:

Integers. Any number that is not a fraction or decimal: any whole number or its


Four fundamental operations. The most basic and important part of

mathematics, basically, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Addition. A mathematical operation for adding or uniting two or more numbers.

Subtraction. A mathematical operation for deducting or taking away a portion

from a whole.

Multiplication. The process of multiplying or adding a certain number


Division. The act of dividing.

Manipulatives. Objects or device, specifically in mathematics that a student

uses in a way that teaches or reinforces a lesson.

Chips. Also called counters, one example of manipulatives.



1Allen, Crystal. How the use manipulatives will increase students’ achievement in

Mathematics. Retrieve from

2Manipulatives. Encyclopedia.Vol.1.

3Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms, Scranton, PA: Basic Books. Retrieve from


Heddens, J. W. (1997). Improving Mathematics Teaching by Using

Manipulatives. Retrieved from Kent State Universtiy Website:


Research Design and Methodology

This chapter is a representation of the research design, methodology,

sampling design, data gathering procedures and statistical tools that will be used

in the study.


The researchers will be using the descriptive research method in

conducting the study. Descriptive research method is designed to determine the

level of effectiveness of chips on BSAB 1 A in solving integers using the four

fundamental operations. This method does not requires an exploratory procedure

of collecting data which means that this method is purely about the quantifying of

data gathered from the different resources. The researcher manipulates and

defines variables and numbers as a mathematical treatment for the study.


The researchers utilized questionnaires, observations, and pretest and

posttest for this study. The questionnaires were administered before and after

pretest and posttest strategy were applied. Sixteen (16) students from BSAB 1-A

were asked to answer twenty (20)-item pre-test and twenty (20)-item post-test,

which contains the following categories: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and


division of integers. The pretest and posttest was different from each other in a

sense that both will be using the same skills but different problems.

Sampling design

The researchers uses a convenience sampling method in selecting there

respondents. Convenience method [] is defined as a method in which, for

convenience sake, the study units that happen to be available at the time of data

collection are selected in the sample.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study is

Statistical Treatment

The researchers administered a pretest and posttest in order to know the

mastery level of the students which will be evaluated through the Mean and

Percentage Formula.

Mean formula:

𝑥̅ = , where 𝑥̅ is the mean, ∑𝑓(𝑥) is the total

scores of the students, and N is the total number of students.

Formula for the percentage:

P=𝑌 × 100, where P is the percentage, and y is the

total number of items.


The mastery level of BSAB 1-A in solving the four fundamental operations

on integers was analyzed with the use of the interpretation below.

The level of mastery will be evaluated based from National Educational

Testing and Research Center (NETRC) score interpretation.

Numeric Rating Description

96%-100% Mastered
86%-95% Closely Approximating Mastery
66%-85% Moving Towards Mastery
35%-65% Average Mastery
16%-34% Low Mastery
5%-15% Very Low Mastery
0%-4% Absolutely No Mastery

The researchers also utilized questionnaires as one of the instruments for the

study. The questionnaire will be administered to determine what are the

difficulties faced by the students in solving the four fundamental operations on


A one-tailed paired data t-test will be used to compare the results of the

pretest and posttest at the same time to determine how effective is the chips in

increasing the mastery level of the BSAB 1-A.

A one-tailed paired data t-test at the .05 significance level will be used to

analyze the data that is collected from the pre-test and post-test after the data

has been produced. If there is a significant change that is equal to or lesser than

the level .05 would indicate that there was a reason to reject the null hypothesis

with at least a 95% confidence level.




NETRC (National Educational Testing and Research Center). (2011,

February 6). How are not reported and interpreted to each Examinee?
Retrieve from


Data Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter stated the analysis of data gathered on the level of mastery

and effectiveness of chips on the mathematical performance of the BSAB I-A

students of Libon Community College. Tables are presented for better

interpretation of the data using the appropriate statistical treatment.

I. Mastery Level of the BSAB I-A in Solving Integers Using the Four

Fundamental Operations

The mastery level of BSAB I-A in solving integers using the four

fundamental operations was based from the scores of the students in the


Table 1. Frequency distribution on the Level of Mastery of the BSAB I-A in

solving integers using the four fundamental operations.

Interval Frequency (f) Midpoint (x) F(x)

0-2 0 1 0
3-5 0 4 0
6-8 1 7 7
9-11 0 10 10
12-14 4 13 52
15-17 5 16 80
18-20 6 19 114
N= 16 ∑f(x)= 263

𝑥̅ = 𝑛

= 16

𝑥̅ =16.43

Level of Mastery

P =𝑦 ×100

= × 100

=0.8215× 100


Table 1 shows the frequency distribution on the mastery level of the BSAB

I-A in solving integers using the four fundamental operations. It states that the

respondents attained a “moving towards mastery” level of 82.15% in solving

integers using the four fundamental operations.

Sample item where the students showed “moving towards mastery” is

shown below:

6. Solve -69 + (-55)=n. What is the value of n?

a. n=-124 b. -14 c. 14 d. 124


II. Difficulties encountered by the BSAB I-A in solving integers using the

four fundamental operations.

III. Effectiveness of using Chips in solving integers using the four

fundamental operations.

A one-tailed paired data t-test at the .05 significance level will be used to

know if there is a significant difference between the results of pretest and


Problem: is there a significant difference between the pretest and posttest



𝐻𝑜 (Null Hypothesis): there is a significant difference between the pretest

and posttest results.

𝐻𝑎 (Alternative Hypothesis): there is no significant difference between the

pretest and posttest results.

Level of Significance

∝=.05, where ∝ is the level of significance.

df=n-1, where df is the degrees of freedom and n is the sample size.



t=2.262, where t is the tabular value at 0.05 confidence level. (Refer to



Students Pre-test Post-test d 𝑑2

1 18 17 1 1
2 17 15 2 4
3 12 14 -2 4
4 19 15 4 16
5 19 14 5 25
6 17 14 3 9
7 20 16 4 16
8 17 8 9 81
9 10 14 -4 16
10 18 15 3 9
11 10 20 -10 100
12 16 18 -2 4
13 20 20 0 0
14 18 18 0 0
15 20 17 3 9
16 18 18 0 0

∑d=12 ∑𝒅𝟐 =294


t= 𝑠

𝑑̅=│ 𝑛 │


𝑑̅ = 0.75

∑𝑑 − 2 (∑𝑑)
S=√ 𝑛−1𝑛

=√ 16−116

=√ 15 16

=√ 15

=√ 15



t= 𝑠

= 4.36

= 4.36



Decision Rule

If the t-test computed value is greater than or beyond the t-tabular / critical

value, do not accept the null hypothesis.


Since the t-test computed value of 0.6880734 is greater than t-tabular

value of 2.262 at 0.05 level of significance with 15 degrees of freedom.

Therefore, the null hypothesis is not accepted in favor of the alternative

hypothesis. This means that there is no significant difference between the pre-

test and post-test results.



Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations


Libon Community College

Libon, Albay


Item number Level of Cognition Frequency MPL Description

1 analysing 16 100.00 M

2 understanding 13 81.25 MTM

3 understanding 8 50.00 AM

4 analysing 13 81.25 MTM

5 remembering 8 50.00 AM

6 evaluating 14 87.50 CAM

7 evaluating 15 93.75 CAM

8 evaluating 13 81.25 MTM

9 evaluating 15 93.75 CAM

10 evaluating 8 50.00 AM

11 evaluating 15 93.75 CAM

12 applying 15 93.75 CAM

13 applying 7 43.75 AM

14 applying 13 81.25 MTM

15 applying 13 81.25 MTM

16 creating 14 87.50 CAM

17 creating 12 75.00 MTM

18 Analysing 11 68.75 MTM

19 Remembering 15 93.75 CAM

20 Applying 16 100.00 M

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