Rana Dissertation 2017
Rana Dissertation 2017
Rana Dissertation 2017
Synthesis Methodology Development for Conceptual Design of Future Space Access
August 2017
Bernd Chudoba, Ph.D.
Research advisor
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
List of tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Chapter Page
1 Introduction & objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Space Access Systems - SAS 2
1.1.1 Background 2
1.1.2 Systems Perspective 3
1.2 Domain Specification 5
1.2.1 Application Domain - Conceptual Design Phase 5
1.2.2 SAS Domain: TSTO-VTHL 10
1.2.3 Scope and Hypothesis of the Dissertation 14
1.3 Research Outline 17
2 Literature review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1 Literature Review Process 18
2.1.1 Methodology 19
2.1.2 JABREF Central Library 21
2.2 SAS Case-Study Review: TSTO-VTHL 22
2.2.1 Lifting Reentry Vehicles 23
2.2.2 Launch Vehicles (LV) 40
2.3 Review of Design Synthesis Methodologies 45
2.4 Research Hypothesis Justification and System
Specification 56
2.4.1 Commentary on the current CD capabilities and the
Scope to make an original research contribution: 57
2.4.2 System Specifications/Objectives: 59
A LRV Case-Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
A.1 US LRV Case-Studies Assessment: Tsien SpacePlane -
SNC Dream Chaser 168
A.1.1 1950s: The X-20 Family 169
A.1.2 1960s: The Lifting Bodies 171
A.1.3 1970s - The Space Shuttle Decade 177
A.1.4 The LRV programs of 1980s 181
A.1.5 1990s: Reusable Launch Vehicles 182
A.1.6 Post 2000: The Dream Chaser 185
A.2 International LRV Case-Studies Assessment:
Silvervogel - IXV 186
A.2.1 European LRV Efforts 186
A.2.2 LRV Efforts in Japan 194
A.2.3 LRV Efforts in Soviet USSR 196
A.1 Legend for reading the AHP model scores and LRV
evolution plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
A.2 1950s: LRV Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
xiv loveneesh rana
BB Blended Body
CD Conceptual Design
DB Data Base
DD Detailed Design
KB Knowledge Base
LB Lifting Body
LV Launch Vehicle
PD Preliminary Design
PP Parametric Process
RV Reentry Vehicle
SM System Module
WB Wing Body
h altitude
Ve reentry velocity
Greek letters
β ballistic coefficient
ρ atmospheric density
σ bank angle
Prospects for the space industry look brightest now in the form of a
second revolution, a private one, that is based on profit and commer-
cial success. Recent developments in the space community are seen all
around the planet, as national space agencies and private companies
are working on plans to establish a long-term human presence on the
Moon and Mars. Amid this excitement of reaching to other heavenly
bodies, we easily tend to forget that all those "Highways To Space"
lead through the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) check point.
Developing a reusable, cheap, and regular LEO access capability
is crucial to establish a sustained human presence in space. In this
context, the biggest roadblock that the space industry has faced is the
"cheap and reusable" part. In order to develop such a capability, it 2
“If one can figure out how to effectively
would then be a key requirement to parallel the flight frequency and reuse rockets just like airplanes, the cost of
access to space will be reduced by as much
operational easiness of the commercial airline industry.2 In contrast, as a factor of a hundred. A fully reusable
the space industry has not yet been able to develop a fully reusable vehicle has never been done before. That
really is the fundamental breakthrough
airplane-like Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO) aerospaceplane. Conse- needed to revolutionize access to space.“
quently, the traditional Space Access System (SAS) has evolved as a - Elon Musk,
complex system of systems, made up of multiple Space Access Vehi- Founder, CEO, and CTO, SpaceX
cles (SAV), usually, a Launch Vehicle (LV) and a Reentry Vehicle (RV).
The traditional LVs have been the expandable rockets that are used
once for a mission and the majority RVs have been the ballistic type
bi-conical capsules that perform a soft landing at a pre-selected site.
Both designs are cost and operations inefficient. This scenario emerges
as a bottleneck in the growth of the industry.
Particularly, the commercial space industry has shaped to be a non-
mature industry demanding new paradigms and approaches in the
conventional processes of designing and developing future genera-
tions of SAS. It then becomes necessary to examine the current state-
of-the-art in the spacecraft design domain and develop required capa-
bilities to meet the challenges faced in current times. This hypothesis
is the baseline motivation for the current research study.
2 loveneesh rana
HTHL: Horizontal Takeoff Horizontal
HTVL: Horizontal Takeoff Vertical
VTHL: Vertical Takeoff Horizontal
Vertical VTVL: Vertical Takeoff Vertical Land-
Takeoff ing
Vertical Horizontal
Landing Landing
1.1.1 Background
The Space Access System is the primary enabling requirement for the
space industry. A SAS is composed of two primary elements; 1) a
launch element, which is used to boost the payload to the orbit and,
2) a reentry element, the part that returns back to the surface. On this
basis, four primary categories3 can be defined as seen in Figure 1.1.
Each of these categories can then have numerous variations depend-
ing on the specific mission of the vehicle. Further classifications of
SAS are added depending on other factors like number of stages, pay-
load capacity, et al. These factors are influenced by the configuration
of the SAS, which in turn depends on the constituting SAVs (LV and
RV). Since there are several types of launch vehicles and reentry ve-
F I G U R E 1.2 –
hicles, multiple SAS configurations are possible within each category.
Various SAS Configurations
Most of these configurations have been conceptually studied by vari-
ous organizations and industry alike. Figure 1.2 shows some distinct
SAS configuration concepts. The history of space vehicle design is
filled with numerous programs undertaken by leading space agencies 4
Major canceled programs with the primary
and organizations all around the planet, aimed at developing a fully- target to develop a fully reusable SAS:
reusable SAS4 . Sadly, most of those programs were failed attempts ∠ Soviet - SPIRAL(1976), MAKS(1988).
costing billions of dollars of investment for the stakeholders. In-light- ∠ British - HOTOL(1982).
of these facts, it is necessary to consider why the path to reusability ∠ USA - NASP X-30(1985), X-33
VentureStar(1994), DC-X(1991).
is that challenging? In order to realistically answer this question, it is
necessary to first understand the SAS as a generic system.
space access systems design 3
SAS too, are complex systems that are comprised of several special-
ized parts assembled together to serve a common purpose. The system
itself is greater than the sum of the constituent parts combined. The
emergent properties inherent to the system are not associated to any
one part, but instead, due to interactions between those sub-systems.
Thus, it becomes important to identify a hierarchy within the sys-
tem to identify different levels of interactions among elements of the
same class. An example of such a system hierarchy is the product VEHICLE (LV)
hierarchy for STS shown in Figure 1.4 taken from NASA Systems En-
gineering Handbook[1]. This research adopts a more generic form
of system hierarchy as defined by Hammond[2]. Table 1.1 lists the F I G U R E 1.3 –
system’s hierarchy consisting of six levels of hierarchy elements. The SAS: Systems View
last column shows analogy for the SAS for every element category.
The definition of constituent hierarchy elements establishes distinct
vertical-levels of elements with reference to the overall systems level
(SAS). It should be noted that in this hierarchy definition, a LV and a
RV fall under the generic category of a SAV as both vehicles access the
space environment (and hence are classified as Space Access Vehicle -
SAV). Based on this hierarchy definition, the following characteristics 6
These characteristics are discussed in
are observed6 : further detail in Sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.3
F I G U R E 1.4 –
STS product hierarchy from
NASA Systems Engineering
4 loveneesh rana
T A B L E 1.1 –
1. Decisions regarding higher hierarchy levels have a greater impact System hierarchy adopted from
on the overall system. For example, the decisions taken at hierarchy Hammond[2] and SAS
level-3 (Subsystem) for SAS pertains to selection of rocket motors Counterpart for each level.
(propulsion discipline) and would have a greater impact on overall
SAS configuration as compared with decisions taken for hierarchy
level-6 (Parts) which is the selection of integrated circuits etc.
3. Design occurs from top to down in the hierarchy, and hence im-
pact of integration effects decrease with each hierarchy level. While
System Element (SE)
designing a complex system like a SAS, integration at a higher hi-
erarchy level is satisfied before establishing integration at the next
lower level. The integration of LV and RV (both belong to hierar-
chy level 2) is crucial and important over the integration of several
electrical components (belonging to hierarchy level 5).
These primary tenets of system hierarchy play crucial role in the de-
sign and development process of SAS as discussed in the following
F I G U R E 1.7 –
wards the RFP where SpaceX wins the contract and signs agreement General acquisition process in
to develop the product demanded by NASA. In this scenario, the first space industry
design concepts of the product is done in-house at the competing or-
ganizations. This first step in the product development process is the
gestation phase of the design concepts and is referred as Phase-A or
Conceptual Design.
The generic view of life cycle of a spacecraft project identifying ma-
jor chronological phases is shown in Figure 1.8. The mission require-
ments are the first sets of inputs feeding directly to the Conceptual
Design(CD), followed by Preliminary Design(PD) and Detailed De-
sign(DD) phases. The conceptual design phase is selected as the
application domain for this dissertation because it has the greatest
impact on the end product, as explained next.
• •
F I G U R E 1.10 –
Design Freedom vs Knowledge
available. Reproduced from
Environment Haney[10]
Requirements Conceptual Detailed Flight Test I
Definition Design Design Certification
Input Incomplete information
Process Systems Forecasting t t t
Output Cost, benefit & risk
since the design freedom is now significantly reduced (as the design
is locked), this information has the least effect on the overall system 12
see Table 1.1 and related discussion of
design.12 . hierarchy levels in Section 1.1.2
F I G U R E 1.12 –
Product Development Tool
Multidisciplinary Data
Integration and Accuracy.
Reproduced from Oza[11]
Design Design
Freedom Information
Information-Scarce Freedom-Scarce
Environment Environment
• Generates and assess initial • Requires an Initial Concept
Concepts • Well Understood
• Less Understood • Advanced processes and
• Simplified analysis methods available
discarded after a single use, leading to the high costs of space access.
Several past programs 17 unsuccessfully tried to develop reusable ver-
tical takeoff launch vehicles, but it wasn’t until recently that the com- Phillip Bono’s OOST and ROM-
mercial company like SpaceX has been able to successfully reuse just BUS (1960s concepts), Kraft Ehricke’s
NEXUS (1960s concept), McDonnel
the first stage of a vertical launch rocket booster. Even though this Douglas’s DC-X (1991-1993), Lockheed
represents only partial system reusability, SpaceX has shown it to be Martin’s VentureStar (1995-2001)[12]
an economically successful option by providing launch services at sig-
nificant lower prices compared to the established industry players[13].
Additionally, Livingston[14], Andrews et al[15] and Diessel et al[16]
in the past studies provide comparative assessments of horizontal and
vertical launch modes showing that the vertical launch mode is the
preferred mode considering near-term launch capability. Dissel con-
cludes,“if a near-term launch capability is desired, the fully reusable
TSTO rockets are close competitors with the airbreathing vehicles and
are the next logical improvement over current rocket launch systems."[16]
When discussing the reentry segment of the SAV, traditional method
has been to use a ballistic steep reentry vehicle such as Gemini, Mer-
cury, Apollo etc. These vehicles are the first generation of reentry
designs with very low performance capability, essentially falling back
to the surface and using parachutes to execute a landing on water or
land. As a result, ballistic reentry vehicles experience very high heat-
flux and reentry loads and require a heavy ablative heat shield for their
thermal protection system. Due to a low hypersonic lift-to-drag ratio,
the capsule has a very small landing footprint, which severely restricts
the deorbit window and in-space mission capability. Despite the low
performance and limited mission capability, the ballistic vehicle still
represents a simpler design that is easier to manufacture and integrate
with the traditional launch vehicles.
On the other hand, horizontal landing SAVs offer considerable mis- F I G U R E 1.14 –
sion, operations and cost advantages over the ballistic counterpart. Examples of VTHL type SAS
designs explored under
historical programs
Reentry Element VTHL CONFIGURATIONS Launch Element
Rockwell GD, USAF AACB Lockheed Duoglas ASTRO Boeing X-20, Titan III Douglas, Martin Marietta
(Phase-A) STS (1966) STARCLIPPER (1963) (1960) (Phase-A) STS ASTROROCKET
(1968) (1969) (1964)
space access systems design 13
LRV vehicles were identified
from the beginning as the most
CONVENTIONAL LANDING suitable options for the
3 SPACE & ENTRY VEHICLES) Earth-Orbit operations as
forecasted in this image from
SPACE RECOVERY the early 1970s. Reproduced
M-2, HL-10
• SSTO-SAS are not feasible with the current state of technology. Lessons
from the past projects show that this category require extensive R&
D effort and a paradigm shift in several technologies.
and may prove cost effective. These systems are on a faster tra-
jectory to achieve full system reusability than developing a SSTO
launch system.
more than 156 past and present synthesis methodologies.
It is seen that traditional synthesis methodologies are configuration
oriented and address only a specific class of SAV. The primary reason
being that each SAV operates in a different environment and under
different constraint for a specific function and hence have different re-
quirement for the constituting subsystems. The main function of a LV
is to access the orbit from the ground and thus the propulsion system
plays a crucial role in working against the Earth’s gravity, moving in
opposite direction to the gravity force. A LRV is used to return back
to the ground from orbit and here the aerodynamic lift is the crucial
function used to fight Earth’s gravity while moving in the direction of
the gravity force. Thus both vehicles are different in operational and
technology requirements, but fall under the same class of SAVs and
are integrated together as a SAS. Due to this difference, the traditional
CD synthesis methodologies address only one specific SAV class, con-
necting hierarchy levels 2 and 3. F I G U R E 1.16 –
As further described in detail in Section 2.3, Chudoba[25] in 2001 TSTO-VTHL SAS: Top-Level
conducted an exhaustive survey of the evolution of flight vehicle syn- systems definition.
thesis methodologies 22 . The survey identifies five generation of syn-
thesis approaches where Class V denotes the future generation of
generic design capability. Chudoba defines “Class V Synthesis as a de- 22
The review addresses 115 synthesis
sign process NOT a design tool; concluding that more emphasis should be methodologies covering the state of
design synthesis approaches from past
placed on developing the capability of a synthesis system as opposed to the to then state of the art, circa 2001
implementation of the tool itself."[26] To this end, this dissertation aims
Level = 1 VT HL
Propulsion Aero
Level = 3 Structures Structures
F I G U R E 1.17 –
(SUBSYSTEMS) Aero Propulsion
SAS-GDPS expands the
applicability of CD process
Weights Weights
vertically across hierarchy levels
- a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.
eg. "a methodology for investigating the concept of focal points"
- a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
eg. "writing this dissertation was a long process"
considered for the LRV. The LV options are not synthesized through
the subsystem synthesis like the LRV. Instead, the LVs are selected
as various combinations of first and second stages, based on current
available technology level. These two SAV components are integrated
at the SAS level next, thus proving design capability of SAS-GDPS
at the SAV level (for LRV segment) and at the topmost SAS hierarchy
level. Once the technological and physical feasibility is established, the
SAS level concepts are assessed for a successful business case feasibil-
ity using a cost-per-performance analysis. With these specifications,
the next section describes the main research hypothesis that need to
be fulfilled to prove the solution concept.
Section 2.1
This chapter provides a detailed account of the literature review
conducted to support the research hypothesis presented in the Chap-
How is Lit Review Conducted ?
ter 1 and to gain an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. The
• Key definitions: Data vs Knowledge
first section describes the methodology applied to carry out an orga- • JabRef Central Library
nized literature review and the tools implemented to create a central
Section 2.2
source library. The second section addresses a comprehensive review
SAS Case-Study Review
of the case-study configuration, focusing mainly on lifting reentry ve- What’s been done in VTHL ?
hicles. A primary motivation for this review has been to understand • LRV Assessment (60 Case-Studies).
fundamental design aspects for the selected SAS case-study (TSTO- - AHP Based Disciplinary Assessment.
VTHL) and collection of information related to this SAS class and its - Design Synthesis Assessment.
• LV Overview, Selection.
constituent elements as available in the public domain. This survey
does assess the VTHL configuration from the disciplinary and design Section 2.3
integration perspective to identify the current CD practices and capa- Design Synthesis Review
bilities available for the selected SAS case-study. CD Phase State of the Art
The third section then focuses on the review of the design synthesis • Synthesis Systems State of the Art.
• Class V Systems Overview.
systems in order to understand the current best practice capabilities as
• CD capability for SAS.
applicable to the SAS case-study. Classical and modern design systems
are addressed in this review to identify the primary requirements for Section 2.4
the Space Access System - Generic Design Synthesis Process (SAS-GDSP). Hypothesis & Objectives
Original Contributions & Requirements
The understanding gained from reviews in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 is ap-
plied to justify the research hypothesis outlined in Chapter-1 (Section • Identify missing gap in CD for SAS.
• Identify scope to make original contri-
1.2.3) and it serves as the foundation to develop the specification for
butions from the hypothesis.
the SAS-GDSP solution concept. The specification outline the charac- • Define primary capability require-
teristic requirements and it represents the capability qualification that ments for SAS-GDSP.
the SAS-GDSP should be equipped to perform.
F I G U R E 2.1 –
Chapter-2 Overview
2.1 Literature Review Process
“specific information applicable for • Physical Characteristics
one particular • Performance Data
discipline, vehicle or system” • Empirical methods
• Look-up Tables
“generic information applicable for • Equations, analysis
a group, type or class of • Disciplinary methods
discipline, vehicle or system” • Features, trends
• Heuristics
F I G U R E 2.2 –
literature review and applications. Difference between data and
knowledge, and their primary
2.1.1 Methodology literature sources
These definitions are adopted and modified for the current research
and act as only the working definitions. In the standard definitions
of ‘Data‘, ‘Information‘ and ‘Knowledge‘ (often abbreviated as DIK),
data is considered as just the raw numbers and the lowest form while
20 loveneesh rana
if they are specific to a specific vehicle (eg. test results, performance HB Provides Specific Information
for individual vehicles and
generic methods
values, empirical data) while the Knowledge Base sources mainly con-
sist of disciplinary analysis methods and integrating processes that can
be applied to more than one case. Hybrid sources contain disciplinary F I G U R E 2.3 –
methods as well as vehicle specific data. View of JabRef Software and
The development and management of this central library is an ex- Primary classification of
tensive and continuous process that has been maintained throughout sources.
this research effort. In order to handle such a large body of infor- 4
mation and make available when required, a cataloging management
A literature source (or simply a
scheme is formulated. All sources are cataloged in JabRef through a source) refers to a conference proceed-
set of standard defined keywords identifying the primary information ing, journal article, technical report,
addressed in the source. The following key features and advantages book, or a website
of the JabRef-based central library are the main reasons for its devel-
opment; they are visualized in Figure 2.4:
F I G U R E 2.4 –
• Easy access and storage: JabRef stores all source files in one folder, Features and benefits of JabRef
renames them in a standard template and provides key informa- Central Library
tion on the main screen. Additionally, source files can be accessed
directly from JabRef. This reduces time to search for a particular
file within the system, all modifications are made on the same file
22 loveneesh rana
and so, information collected over time is accessible easily for future
• Efficient search and sort: All files are indexed using set of stan-
dard defined keywords. For example, all disciplinary methods are
indexed with the keyword “Method” and the corresponding disci-
pline name. Thus, the combination of keywords “Aerodynamics"
and “Method" would display all the aerodynamic methods. This
makes searching and organizing tasks much simpler and conve-
nient. Further, addition of ranking scheme helps to identify the
sources in order of importance.
• Expansion of the library: The same basic standards are also used
by the other members of the AVD and thus much larger and com-
prehensive DB is assembled through a collective effort. More than
3000 aerospace literature sources are cataloged collectively by 6 re-
searchers. This serves as a significant advantage where it is possible
to collaborate with other researchers, thus covering multiple do-
mains ranging from detailed disciplinary references to the top-level
space planning, synthesis, AI et al.
Development of the central library with JabRef is particularly helpful
in development of the Data-BaseVTHL and Knowledge-BaseVTHL sys-
tems which are discussed in Section 3.1 in the next chapter. Following
next is the review of the TSTO-VTHL class SAS to gain a physical
understanding of the primary design elements of the case-study.
The topmost level of the SAS hierarchy is the SAS itself, where mul-
tiple TSTO-VTHL options are possible as combinations of the various
types of LV and LRV stemming from the next lower hierarchy levels.
This section addresses the TSTO-VTHL configuration in two parts. The
first part discusses the horizontal landing LRV element while the sec-
ond part focuses on the launch-element.
space access systems design 23
2.2.1 Lifting Reentry Vehicles
LRV History
The advantages of horizontally landing a reentry vehicle on a run-
way like an aircraft were recognized from the very beginning of the
space race. The first detailed concept design for an airplane like con- F I G U R E 2.5 –
figuration using a rocket propulsion system to execute space missions Some of the first major LRV
was provided by the German space pioneer, Dr. Eugene Sänger in programs in the early 1950s.
1933[18]. He named the vehicle Silbervogel, german translation for Dyna-Soar was eventually
Silver Bird. Later in the early 1950s, two German scientists, Dr. Walter defined as the
Dornberger6 and Dr. Kraft Ehricke, who at the time were working for umbrella-program
the Bell Aircraft company in the USA, developed several boost-glide incorporating the earlier BOMI,
concepts that resulted in the USAF requesting a number of feasibility BRASS, ROBO and HYWARDS
and design studies[28]. Major space companies of the time proposed into one single program.
several initial studies that resulted in some of the first LRV assessment Reproduced here from online
studies at the industrial level. Bell Aircraft carried out extensive stud- Encyclopedia Astronautica.
ies under programs like BOMI, BRASS-BELL and ROBO leading to
the USAF program HYWARDS in 1956[29]. Following these seminal
studies, the 1957 USAF X-20 DynaSoar7 program [31] was defined that
represents the first industry scale effort to develop a LRV, see Figure 6
Both the scientists were taken to the
2.5. Until its cancellation in 1963 (in wake to give precedence to the US as part of "Operation Paperclip".
Gemini program) the DynaSoar was the biggest industrial aerospace Dornberger is supposed to have had
the detailed knowledge of Sänger
program with a budget of $660 million ($5 billion today), employing Silbervogel project.
more than eight thousand people for over six years.
The following decades have seen numerous multi-billion dollar pro-
grams fail to develop an operational LRV, with only a few exceptions. 7
Short for Dynamic Soaring, Dyna-
Since then, a vast amount of research and development has been dedi- Soar, a contraction of terms ‘Dynamic
Ascent‘ and ‘Soaring Flight‘ was to
cated towards understanding the design and operational requirements be developed as a space weapon sys-
of LRVs. However, even after more than six decades of spaceflight, tem. Representing a hypersonic glider
employing a delta wing body config-
only three spaceplane programs have been able to demonstrate hard-
uration, Dyna-Soar‘s objective was to
ware flight status, namely the: US Space Shuttle, USSR Buran and explore the hypersonic boost-glide tech-
X-37. nology as applied to a reusable space
access system[30]
T A B L E 2.1 –
List of Vehicles Surveyed
Hermes 1984 1992 CNES/ESA Arospatiale/DassaultBreguet
FESTIP 1994 1998 ESA N/A
PRE-X 2000 ongoing CNES EADS-LV
Phoenix 2000 2004 ASTRA Pacific-American
EXPERT 2002 ongoing ESA ThalesAlenia
USV 2004 ongoing ESA/CIRA CIRA
IXV 2005 ongoing ESA ThalesAlenia
Silverbogel 1933 1942 N/A N/A
Whitworth 1954 1960 N/A N/A
JunkersRT-8 1961 1969 Junkers Junkers
SangerII/HORUS 1985 1995 MBB MBB
HYFLEX 1996 1996 JAXA Mitsubishi
AFLEX 1996 1996 JAXA Mitsubishi
HSFD 2000 2004 JAXA Mitsubishi
VKA-23 1956 1959 OKB-23 Myasishchev
OKB- 1959 1962 OKB-53 Chelomey
SPIRAL-OS 1962 1975 OKB-155 Mikoyan
Mig-105 1976 1978 USSR Air Force Mikoyan
BURAN 1976 1988 NPO Molnia Mikoyan
Continued on next page
26 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 2.6 –
using an analytical method, developed by modifying the traditional Hypersonic historiography
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The AHP is an effec- sources are used to develop a
tive technique developed by Thomas Saaty[43] in 1980 to deal with the Data-Base for the LRV vehicles
problems encountered in complex decision making. The basic concept which provides a structured
is to breakdown a complex decision into a series of simpler decisions. assortment of the qualitative
This type of approach is particularly useful for analyzing problems information addressed in the
where qualitative and non-tangible aspects are of significant worth. sources.
space access systems design 27
1. Disciplinary Criteria12 12
These address the disciplinary sub-
systems found at hierarchy level-3 of
i. Aerothermodynamics: aerodynamic performance, configuration the SAS.
2. System-Level Criteria13 13
This criterion address the systems-
level contribution found at hierarchy
vi. Project Level: paper study, ground test, flight test, technology level-2 of the SAS. As a result, this
criteria takes into account the effect of
demonstrator, operational vehicle.
the integration of subsystems.
These six evaluation criteria are the parameters to judge the selected
group of case studies. Each disciplinary criteria is defined as a group
of specific analysis requirements to easily identify the research progress
achieved by a case-study in every discipline. By following this defini-
tion pattern, every case-study can be consistently scored for a criterion
by matching the number of analysis requirement satisfied by that case-
study. This rationale is further explained in following sub-section.
N = C ∗ ( A2 /2 − A) (2.1)
space access systems design 29
Satisfy all definition requirements Flight Test: Program carried out flight tests
Not important for the project focusing on design-tool validation dedicated
Not gained anything new for specific disciplines (Scaled Flight Test
Used off-the-shelf technology Model)
T A B L E 2.2 –
Case-Studies Scoring Metric
30 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 2.7 –
Project-Level criteria is defined
based on the life-cycle stage
achieved by the program.
1. System-Level Criteria
2. Disciplinary Criteria
F I G U R E 2.8 –
∠ Developement of the Analytical Model and Evaluation Logic ap- Iterative process applied to
plied for the LRV case-studies: At this point, all elements are in place obtain the weights of evaluation
to execute the AHP model. Every case-study is scored for all six eval- criteria and application of
uation criteria and final criteria weights are established. Case-study criteria weight and alternatives
scores are multiplied by criteria weight for every criteria and added scores in the AHP model.
together to calculate a global score for every case-study. This score
is indicative of the holistic contribution of every case-study towards
hypersonic knowledge evolution. The model schematic is shown in
Figure 2.8 where the information flow is visualized throughout the
AHP process leading to the final comparative results for every case-
The AHP results could be used to analyze and compare case-studies
for individual disciplines through which, a discipline-oriented researcher
could visualize the most important historical programs for his own ad-
vantage. At the same time, the global score indicate holistic effects and
importance of a program towards hypersonic knowledge evolution. A
discipline-based global score is calculated next, such that the effect of
the ’Project Level’ criteria is distributed equally among the disciplines.
This discipline-based global score is calculated as:
F I G U R E 2.9 –
criteria. With this implementation, the global score for a case-study The disciplinary and global
stays the same but the case-study could now be effectively represented results can be visualized to
as composed of only primary disciplines, see Figure 2.9. It must be make disciplinary and holistic
noted here that the primary significance of this assessment is to not comparisons among the
judge a program’s discipline in its entirety but rather on a compar- case-studies thus providing a
ative basis where the significance is justified when looked at other substantial insight into LRV
disciplines in the program or compared with other programs for the history overall and individual
same discipline. programs in specific.
This concludes the explanation of the AHP model setup which was
used to develop quantitative comparative assessments for all 60 case-
1.03 0.96
0.90 0.90
Reentry - F
Alpha Draco
Tsien Spaceplane
Pioneer Pathfinder
1941 2015
F I G U R E 2.10 –
AHP results showing a quantitative disciplinary comparison for the US based major LRV programs and concepts from 1941 to present.
Whitworth Pyramid
1987 Present 2004 1956 2007
1933 1984 1994
F I G U R E 2.11 –
AHP results showing a quantitative disciplinary comparison for the major international LRV programs.
space access systems design
36 loveneesh rana
results, the comprehensive review of the LRV vehicles also showed sig-
nificant interconnections and overlapping occurring in these programs
throughout the history. Most programs were undertaken simultane-
ously or in a sequence to advance the knowledge of hypersonic flight
and advance enabling technologies. This trend is recognized by track-
ing the evolution of these programs in the following series of Figures
for each group. This helps to visualize how the programs utilized
knowledge gained in the past and helped advance the state of the art
in technical and design domain.
SNC DreamChaser
X-38 CRV
Alpha-Draco (WS-199D) AMaRV
M2-F2 HL-10
X-20 Family
Bell BRASS Astro
Lockheed ROC Convair
SILVERVOGEL Dornberger/Ehricke Concept Rockwell
F I G U R E 2.12 –
space access systems design
F I G U R E 2.13 –
Evolution of LRV programs in Europe.
space access systems design 39
Spiral OS
SPIRAL 50-50
VKA-23 Design2
VKA-23 Design1
F I G U R E 2.14 –
criteria for CD phase or DD/PD phase. Following scale identifies three Evolution of LTV programs in
levels specific to design phases: Soviet Union and Russia.
∠ Criteria Score = 0: No information is found for a information criteria.
Mission req. to disciplinary results methods, with disciplinary logic from the development
vehicle concept, for major design Focus on most dependencies and MDA, identifying
Several Vehicle disciplines at CD impotant data connection. Focus on feasibility and
configurations. level. paramters. convergence logic. constraint.
PD/DD level info, Partial disciplinary PD/DD level high- Incomplete MDA, Sizing for Trade several
0.5= PD/DD
F I G U R E 2.15 –
LRV programs were assessed scores for which are shown in Figure Information criteria defined for
2.16. As made clear from the assessment of the CD information cri- assessment of CD level
teria, the LRV case-studies show that this design phase is very poorly information available for each
documented. The first criteria, DI is of special relevance as it primar- case-study. Perfect score = 1 is
ily represents if any literature source is found that can be assigned representative of
specifically to the CD phase level assessment. Rest other criterias are comprehensive account of CD
then in turn look at particular information categories that represents level information.
characteristics of CD phase assessment. Disciplinary Results and Dis-
ciplinary Methods criteria can be found in substantial literature for the
PD/DD phases but the last three criteria are significant to primarily for
the CD phase and are found in very few sources.
Overall, this survey shows a design-weak nature of the information
found for the case-studies reviewed. This is in contrast to the AHP
survey results that finds a discipline-strong trend in most case-studies
where individual disciplines are assessed for the influence and contri-
bution to the hypersonic knowledge realm.
0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0
F I G U R E 2.16 –
CD assessment results for the US based case-studies.
space access systems design
42 loveneesh rana
launch capability with the capacity to reach the Moon, see Figure 2.17.
But still, not much has changed on a fundamental design level. To this
day, majority of the launch vehicles are operated on a one-time-use
basis; a primary reason for the high costs of space launch economics.
In this regards, reusability has become one of the most sought-after
trait to achieve for the industry that could allow several magnitudes of
reduction in SAS operations costs.
160000 120
F I G U R E 2.17 –
100 Significant examples of LVs
120000 from the early days of the space
80 industry.
Payload to LEO (kg)
Height (m)
80000 60
0 0
Sputnik Vanguard Vostok-2M Scout Saturn I Atlas-Centaur Voskhod Titan IIIC Proton-K Saturn V Tsyklon-2 Soyuz-U
1957 1957 1960 1961 1961 1962 1963 1965 1965 1967 1967 1968
Payload to LEO
Types of LV Considered
Since with current state of the industry, several LV options are avail-
able and further improvements seems likely to result in a fully reusable
system, this research study would thus focus on the execution of the
primary sizing implementation for the LRV segment of the SAV while
the LV segment would be selected as combination of pre-sized stages,
as specified in Section 1.2.3. The primary reason for this approach is
to keep the number of trade-studies for the SAS within the reasonable
scope of a PhD research. Additionally, sizing the LRV stage using the
application of the SAS-GDSP at hierarchy level-2 would also demon-
strate the generic nature of solution implementation. To this effect, this
section would only limit the discussion of the LVs to the SAV systems
level and would not address LVs design disciplines. Thus, following
discussion focuses on selection of the LV options possible by combi-
nation of individual stages and not by the subsystem disciplines like
propulsion, stability etc. like done for the LRVs in previous section.
There are several ways to categorize launch vehicles, usually based
on payload capacity or the number of stages. In this research study, the
classification scheme applied is based on the level of reusability of the
vertical LVs. The main reason to follow this approach is to address the
near-term availability of the LVs considering currently existing tech-
nology. Following three type of vertical LVs are thus identified:
In addition to the examples given for each category, several other con-
figurations can be extrapolated by addition of solid-rocket boosters
with the first stage or an external expandable fuel tank attached to the
44 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 2.18 –
LRV in place of the second stage of the LV. These scenarios are shown Types of LV considered as
in Figure 2.18. various combination of
constituent stages.
LVs in the TSTO-VTHL
Considering the case for the VTHL-SAS configuration, the role of
the LV is to boost the horizontal landing reentry stage to the orbit. In
this regard, the reentry vehicle acts as a payload for the launch vehicle,
which impose further constraints for the SAS configuration. Moss and
Dorrington[48] recognize this system’s effect as follow:
These constraints are used while matching the sized LRV concepts
with the options recognized for the LV options. In this manner, a SAS
concept is assembled where several trade options are feasible. The
space access systems design 45
F I G U R E 2.19 –
Launch vehicle design process.
The decisions taken at this stage
decide the success or failure of
a project. Reproduced from
Rowell and Korte[49]
SAS-GDSP would then assess all feasible SAS options to select the
most optimum design point.
This marks the end of the review and discussion of the VTHL case-
study. Following is the review of the design synthesis methodologies
used in the conceptual design phase.
landing field
Feasible solution
match point spaces
feasible space
F I G U R E 2.21 –
Hypersonic Vehicle is a fully
integrated system unlike
Subsonic/Supersonic Vehicles.
The coupling interconnection
between elements is high due to
extreme operating conditions.
Reproduced from Czysz[52]
Figure 22. Integration Improvements of the Structural Concept of Joining Two Individually
Optimized Structures
In kerosene-based fuel aircraft, the fuel can be stored in any shape and has no thermodynamic
∠storage requirements. Also reducing duplicated structural functioning, the shape of the lifting
Synthesis Systems Evolution(Chudoba)[9]: Chudoba provides a his-
surfaces is radically different from the passenger carrying volume. In a hypersonic aircraft, the
fuel environmental
torical review ofrequirements
the flightcan be more
vehicle severe than
design for the passengers,
synthesis systems and and the volume
comparable. Thus, there is little difference from the fuel and passenger volume requirements.
the evolution in design approaches. A hierarchy of five generations
This volume must then be distributed into the lowest drag, highest lift, and highest air capture
of synthesis systems is developed, based on increasing proficiency at
integrating multi-disciplinary effects, see Table 2.3."The classification
scheme Operational
selectedand Hardware Perspective
distinguishes the multitude of vehicle analysis and
An airbreather has a very
synthesis approaches according different exittoflight
theirpath than a rocket
modeling (see Figurethereby
complexity, 23). The
airbreather does not carry its own working fluid (fuel and oxidizer) on board. It must collect
and process the their limitations
atmosphere and potential.“[25]
as its working fluid. In that process it must fly at speeds and
altitudes that permit
The first four capturing the working
generations fluid fromsystems
of synthesis the atmosphere efficiently,
address while not
exceeding practical constraints. Gliding atmospheric entry is generally above the 200 psf
curve.and modeling-complexity
Brayton cycle analysis (Sectionevolution
VII) showsof thatdesign
a speedapproaches
boundary exists from
year 1905diffusion must begin
to present if effective Brayton
day capability, cycle performance
highlighting primary is to be maintained.
That boundary is approximately co-incident with the duct pressure boundary. Accelerating
tics of will
aircraft each class.
usually flyThis includes
close to the 1,000 classical
psf boundarydesign approaches
to maximize developed
the available thrust minus
drag. The cruise
primarily corridoraircraft
towards is a goal sizing.
sought, where engine thrust for best ISP just equals the total
drag. That match can be very elusive.
The transition from Class II to Class III represents first use of com-
puter automation in the design environment. These early design method-
ologies are found to focus on the selected discipline-specific analysis
but lack the multidisciplinary integration that is later implemented
manually. Lovell comments, “initial computer applications were confined
to aspects of structural analysis and wing design. There was some resis-
48 loveneesh rana
Class I Early Dawn Until 1905 Trial and error approach, experiment, no systematic methodology
Class II Manual Design 1905-1955 Physical design transparency, parameter studies, standard aircraft
Sequence design handbooks
Class III Computer 1955-Today Reduced design cycles, detailed exploration of the design space,
Automation discipline-specific software programs
Class IV Multidisciplinary 1960-Today Computerized design system, MDO, data sharing, centralized design
T A B L E 2.3 –
Classification of aerospace
tance to the use of computers in initial project design because of the complex design synthesis approaches by
decision-making process involved. However, they enabled more detailed anal- Chudoba[25]
yses to be made and hence allowed a greater range of carpet plots with addi-
tional overlays to be prepared to show the effects of configuration variables on
performance [53]"
Class IV synthesis systems are identified to involve multidisciplinary
integration with the disciplinary analysis, but are limited in applica-
tion to a single-point design optimization and mostly applicable to
one specific vehicle configuration. Majority of synthesis systems upto
Class IV are applicable only for subsonic aircrafts while only selected
few address Space Access Vehicles. Synthesis systems like CzyszâĂŹ
Hypersonic Convergence[52] and PrADO Hy.[8] are identified as sig-
nificant methodology implementations from Class IV type systems.
The assessment leads Chudoba to define the requirements for a Class
V - Generic Synthesis Capability, which is identified as a design process
rather than a design tool. In this regards, the focus here is on developing
the capability over its application. The primary emphasis in this class
is on the application of a modular and dedicated disciplinary methods
libraries for integration of multi-disciplinary effects. Table 2.4 provides
the list of class IV design approaches reviewed by Chudoba, where
highlighted approaches provide partial synthesis capability towards
As mentioned in Chapter 1, current dissertation focuses on devel-
opment of a Class V synthesis capability. The main specification for
SAS-GDSP identified from this review is that the primary emphasis for
developing the SAS-GDSP must be on the underlying process, strategy
and logic of the the capability to enable identification of feasible design
solution space.
space access systems design 49
T A B L E 2.4 –
Class IV design synthesis
systems. Highlighted systems
show partial applicability
towards VTHL SAS
50 loveneesh rana
applicable for SAVs, identifying selected non-integrated or manual methodologies reviewed by Huang:
K.D. Wood[54] P. Czysz[52], W.E.
SAV design methodologies17 and computer-based synthesis systems18 . Hammond[2], J.L. Hunt[55]
Huang lists these top-level inferences from the assessment, defining
the then state of the art(circa 2004):
Computer-based SAV synthesis systems
– Design synthesis systems are the heart of aerospace vehicle design orga- reviewed by Huang:
nizations (Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, etc). The development of a PrADO-Hy[8], SSSP[56]
synthesis system is a demanding task and requires large research activities.
– Most of the synthesis systems are developed for aircraft design. Very few
SAV design synthesis systems exist. Especially, there is a lack of efficient
design synthesis systems for highly integrated SAV-type vehicles because
the Cayley‘s design paradigm is no longer valid.
– Synthesis is the key to close (converge) the design through iterations. Ma-
jor synthesis systems estimate design sensitivities and support optimizing
flight vehicle configurations, but only a few synthesis systems are capable
of delivering a proof of convergence. The main drawback of current syn-
thesis systems, especially for SAVs, is that they are not able to efficiently
define the design space and prove design convergence.
– Current design synthesis systems tend to develop a new system for each
new application. There is no generic synthesis system for the SAV concep-
tual design.
– Some systems utilize design statistics (PIANO, AAA) but lack having
available a dedicated CD-Knowledge-Based System for SAV design.
shows that the current conceptual design capabilities available for the
design of SAVs are design method and software limited rather than
computer limited." This conclusion led Huang to define following stan-
dards that a Class-V synthesis system must be capable to adopt:
Mission requirements
Field Requirements
F I G U R E 2.22 –
Coleman applies the results from the review to define the AVDSizing Fundamental AVDSizing logic
(AVDS) logic based on the methodology of Paul Czysz’s Hypersonic based on Paul Czysz’s
Convergence[52], see Figure 2.22. Coleman comments, “Most sizing Hypersonic Convergence[52]
processes, converge weight only (i.e. compute the fuel and empty weight for methodology. Reproduced from
a given trajectory), then volume is checked as an inequality constraint...by Coleman[27].
using volume as equality constraint instead of an inequality constraint the
sizing problem can be reduced to fewer fundamental design variables. Nu-
merically, the reduction of one design variables (via 1 additional equation,
volume) is not significant. However, for design space visualization this tech-
nique has proven useful for increasing the physical understanding of the de-
sign space for both unconventional and conventional aircraft....Formulated in
this manner, the fundamental process is applicable to any fixed wing aircraft
or launcher with changes in the disciplinary methods and geometry module
when appropriate.“
Coleman then applies the AVDSizing logic in a computerized MDA
synthesis system referred as AVDS, that is composed of a MATLAB
space access systems design 53
System Capability
1. Integration & Connectivity 24
Computer-Based synthesis systems
a Can assess each hardware technology independently reviewed by Gonzalez, Oza, Omoragbon:
b Can assess multiple disciplinary effects for each hardware AAA[63], ACSYNT[69],
2. Interface Maturity FLOPS[71], PrADO[8], Hypersonic
Convergence[52], AVDS[27], pyOPT[73]
a Can combine hardware technologies to form a vehicle
and Model Center
b Can combine hardware technology disciplinary effects
3. Scope of Applicability
a Conceptual design phase applicability
b Product applicability
4. Influence of New Components or Environment
a Modular hardware technologies
b Modular mission types F I G U R E 2.23 –
c Modular disciplinary analysis methods System capability criteria used
5. Prioritization of Technology Development Efforts
a Able to match hardware technology disciplinary models to problem requirements
by Gonzalez, Oza and
b Data management capability Omoragbon to assess the
6. Problem Input Characterization current state of the art synthesis
a Methodological problem requirements system capability. Reproduced
from Gonzalez[26].
Representative Synthesis
selected synthesis Systems
systems for each category and identifies the need
for a database management system (DBMS) in aerospace synthesis as
The synthesis systems reviewed using the criterion detailed in the previous section
a significant requirement. Following this crucial capability identifi-
are listed in Table
cation, 2-6 and Table 2-7.
the Computer-Based Table systems
synthesis 2-6 represents by-handtoaircraft
are reviewed assess design
processes classically found in design text books and short courses. Table 2-7 represents
computer-based synthesis systems. The selected systems range from those developed for
use in academia to industry. The listing of both by-hand and computer-based synthesis
After reviewing each synthesis system in terms of their System Capability metrics,
it can be seen that one of the main difference between the by-hand and computer-based
The review leads to specification for creation of a system that ap-
systems is the management of data. The by-hand methodologies layout a framework for
proaches aircraft synthesis from a data management approach similar
an Model Center.butThe
analytic process, system
the actual in reference
connection was discipline
of data from createdtoasdiscipline,
a collabo-
rative effort among three researchers at the AVD lab and is referred
discipline to system is left to the synthesis specialist. Due to the nature of computer-based
as the AVDDBMS (also referred to as simply the DBMS). The DBMS
systems, the analytic framework, as well as the data connections have been decided a
is not a design synthesis, instead it is a prototype implementation
priori. provides
that Each computer-based
the unique system is the result
capability of this implementation
of developing custom for a specific
tailor syn-
thesis systems specific to the problem. The software is executed in MS-
ACCESS using the VBA and SQL programming language and acts as
space access systems design 55
a warehouse of the modules that are the basic building blocks of a syn-
thesis MDA. The user selects problem specific components from this
warehouse-type setting and combines them together by following a
systematic step by step process to create unique synthesis MDA based
on problem specific demands. The DBMS implementation demon-
strates a fundamental paradigm shift in the way traditional design has
been approached till now and is recognized as a Class V synthesis
capability for the flight vehicle synthesis systems.
The DBMS was applied to demonstrate the aforementioned unique
capability as a part of the AFRL Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
by Chudoba and Gozalez[74]. An AFRL initiative, the generic hy-
personic vehicle (GHV) study was used as the verification case-study
to validate the results of the DBMS by Gonzalez. The DBMS results
showed general agreement with the GHV reference data. System’s
potential was recognized by the USAF as the Fellowship Program ex-
tended to a research contract with AVD LLC., where the system was
further applied for the follow-up phases of the GHV study[74]. The
DBMS development process, GHV verification results and further de-
tails of the system are found in the PhD dissertations of Gonzalez[26],
Omoragbon[72] and Oza[11].
The primary take-away from this review is the significance of the
data management application in a Class V synthesis capability and the
significance of the application of a system with the functional features
like that of the AVDDBMS
the first part and serves as the justification for the research hypothesis
presented in Chapter 1, section 1.2.3. The second part then provides
the specification for the SAS-GDSP solution, which also serves as the
main objectives of the research.
Hierarchy SAS-GDSP
Level = 1 A CLASS V
(SAS) Study
F I G U R E 2.25 –
3. Despite the generic nature and wide applicability of these synthe- SAS-GDSP increases the scope
sis tools, it is found that their capability is only applicable for inte- of CD assessment across vertical
grating subsystems disciplines to size and develop design solution hierarchy levels, a unique
spaces for a flight vehicle which exists at the hierarchy level-2 for capability missing from existing
the SAS, i.e. the SAVs. Although they can size both, the first stage synthesis approach.
and the second stage separately, these systems do not address the
topmost hierarchy level of the SAS with the same consistent process
and in the same cohesive manner as one system, as they do for the
SAVs at the second hierarchy level.
Hence, no Class V capability is found that is applicable at hierarchy
level-2 and hierarchy level-1 consistently . The proposed SAS-GDSP
in comparison presents a generic process that is applicable consis-
tently to hierarchy level-2 as well as hierarchy level-1 because it is
defined as a process and not necessarily a system (although a syn-
thesis system is a crucial part of it, the SAS-GDSP expands beyond
these synthesis systems). The SAS-GDSP thus proposes a best prac-
tice solution process that can be followed consistently for SAVs and
SASs, independently. This notion is developed in Chapter 3 and val-
idated for SAS hierarchy level-2 in Chapter 4 and for SAS hierarchy
level-1 in Chapter 5 with results.
In doing this, SAS-GDSP does increase the scope of CD phase vertically
space access systems design 59
across the SAS hierarchy. This aspect of the proposed solution is visual-
ized in Figure 2.25 and is recognized as the fundamental original ideology
contribution to the field of the multi-disciplinary sciences.
It should be noted that the DB is the collection of raw data for elements
of a VTHL system and alone provides information about individual
space access systems design 63
Geometry Parameter Units STS X20 FDL-5LC X-24C FDL-7MC X20 BreakDown (lbs.) FDL-5LC Weight BreakDown (lbs.) X24C Weight BreakDown (lbs.)
S (reference area) s q.ft 2690 345 527 787 231
b (span) ft 78.056 20.457 24.17 24.28 12.33 MAIN AERODYNAMIC SURFACES 2617 WING 1651.5
AR (asspect ratio) 2.265 1.213 0.875 0.743 0.658 WINGS 2244.31 BODY STRUCTURE 5048 FUSELAGE 9708.6
λ(taper ratio) 0.2 0.184 0 0.181 0 BODY 3790 TPS LANDING GEAR 1349.5
Λ_LE (leading edge sweep) deg 81/45 72.8 79 75 80
Λ_TE(trailing edge sweep) deg -10 10.4 0 0 -15
C_Root(@Centerline) ft 57.44 34.47 51.33 55.12 36.92 6427.32 PROPULSION
C (mean aerodynamic chord) ft 39.56 20.46 34.22 37.82 24.61
Y ft 15.17 3.75 3.556 4.65 2.056
W/S reentry l b/s q.ft 89.5 44.7 51.2 34.2 49.5 RUDDER 385.69 RESERVE PROPELLANTS 542 4467.4
W/S landing l b/s q.ft 77.3 44.1 56.7 34 48.7 ELEVON 659.85 1825 TAIL 1592
Dihedral deg 3.5 0 0 0 -3.5 HYDROLICS 489.26 AVIONICS SURFACE CONTROLS 790.6
R_LE, normal to LE ft NA 0.33 0.25 NA 0.142
L_total ft 122 35.3 50.38 74.83 38.67 PRIME PWR SOURCE 1642 INSTRUMENTS 99.2
L_ref ft 107.5 28.3 45 69.88 35 AVIONICS PWR CONVERSION 1063 HYDRAULICS 310.9
S_base s q.ft 365.7 38.1 46.4 39.17 19.5
S_bodyplanform s q.ft 1914.4 130 NA 636.82 NA
Max depth ft 19.32 5.54 7 10.31 4.35 INSTRUMENTATION 40 AVIONICS 200.7
Max Width ft 22 5.2 21.3 7.76 8.7 PAYLOAD COMMUNICATION 141 FURNISHINGS 360
R_nose ft 2.67 0.625 0.417 0.76 0.25 CARGO 1000 4604 AIR CONDlTlON 399.1
Vertical Fins
S_fin s q.ft 431.25 64.6 55.5 173.9 43.4
1000 SUBSYSTEMS 1879.3
b_fin ft 26.31 5.92 5.67 9.34 4.45 LAUNCH, RECOVERY, DOCK 1020 PAYLOADS
λ_fin 0.404 0.134 0.122 0.431 0.519
Λ_LE_fin deg 45 55/68 77/65.5 53.6 52
Λ_TE_fin deg 26.2 0 0 61.8 30 CREW STATION 280 OXYGEN 24.3
C_Root_fin ft 22.37 9.775 19.75 14.15 6.42 TOTAL 3722 RESIDUAL FLUIDS 99.2
C_Tip_fin ft 9.04 1.31 2.42 6.09 3.33 LAUNCH WT 6805.21 PAYLOAD PAYLOAD BAY PACKEAGES 999
V=(S_fin*l/S_ref*b) 0.0537 0.096 0.081 0.1871 0.161
R_Lefin(normal to LE) ft NA 0.25 167 0 1.6
LANDING WT 4233.21 PERSONNEL 1016 2407.5
Body s q.ft 6649 324.3 1259.7 1739 590 EXPENDABLES PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM 123.5
Wing(exposed variable geometry s q.ft 3486 575 160.3 531.36 77.6
Fins s q.ft 744 135 115 347.8 92
Others s q.ft 663 0 100.3 0 45.7 TOTALS TOTALS
Wing-Body intersection s q.ft 667.6 54.5 NA 57.97 NA MASS EMPTY 21368
Fin intersection s q.ft 27.4 7.8 15.1 9.66 NA LANDING WEIGHT 26300 OPERATING MASS EMPTY 22778
Other intersection s q.ft 320 NA NA NA NA
Swet=TOTAL (excludes base area) s q.ft 11,136 972 1459.9 2550.52 727.7
S_base/Swet(exc base) 0.0328 0.0289 0.0318 0.0152 0.0268 LAUNCH WT 36715 LAUNCH WT 66003
T A B L E 3.1 –
cases2 . Table 3.1 shows example of geometric and weight data charac- Physical Characteristics Data
teristics of the some legacy LRV vehicles created as a part of VTHLDB . Sets of legacy LRV vehicles
Further similar data tables were created for the LRV design disciplines created through VTHLDB
A total of 403 references form the
and LVs and are given in the following chapters where required. VTHLDB .
information.4 4
Standard Keywords like ‘Methods‘
As mentioned earlier, the CD phase assessment is primarily ad- and ‘Analysis‘ with each discipline
(‘Aerodynamics‘, ‘Propulsion‘ etc) help
dressed by a multi-disciplinary framework where first-order disciplinary to find and select the required methods.
analysis is integrated to establish concept feasibility. Hence, an ex-
ample for a primary type of knowledge then would be the classical
analytical equations found in most textbooks which are used as dis-
ciplinary analysis methods as they are correlating several variables in
an input-output type manner. When the inputs deck is specified for
a particular case, the output is solved for only that specific set of in-
puts. A basic example of this case is the well known rocket equation
which correlates vehicles mass-ratio and fuel energy (via variable Isp)
to calculate vehicle’s performance measure. It is a generic informa-
tion which can be applied to any specific selection of vehicle, fuel and
rocket engine, thus giving performance measure for that specific se-
lection of elements. Similarly, a generic aircraft design methodology
like Loftin or PrADO is an example of a multi-disciplinary knowledge
source. Coleman[27] identifies the significance of a ’process and meth-
ods library’ which is defined here as the Knowledge-Base as follows:
"A well organized and condensed Process Library and Disciplinary Methods
Library would provide the designer with a quick reference to the tools avail-
able, how and when to use them. Such a library would provide the elements for
a rapid adaptation of a design process to a new design problem to be solved."
A source in VTHLKB module addresses these types of information:
M-2, HL-10
► Developing Empirical Methods from Data ► Generic Trends Recognition
F I G U R E 3.2 –
the flight determined aerodynamic performance test data for several Individual vehicle’s data and
legacy program was used by Saltzman, Wang and Iliff to “provide a characteristics when assessed
useful analytical framework with which to compare and evaluate new for a generic class can be used
vehicle configurations of the same generic family." The second part of to develop new methods and
the Figure shows generic characteristic trends for reentry vehicles is useful insights for future
taken from Loh[80]. application. The first plot is
reproduced from Saltzman et
al.[79] and the second part of
3.1.3 Parametric Processing Module : VTHLPP
the Figure is reproduced from
While ‘Data‘ is the information related to one specific entity, ‘Knowl- Loh [80]
edge‘ is continuum information that relates several specific entities
showing similar nature. This is the fundamental logic of defining a
class or a group and the definition of data and knowledge provided
here are backtracked from this logic. In the context of the MDA frame-
work, disciplinary methods analysis and empirical estimates are used
together to solve for individual subsystems under mission specific con-
straints where all these factors are governed by the primary objectives
for the mission. For example, a subsonic aircraft would confine to a
different set of constraints than a hypersonic test demonstrator and
hence the analysis methods used for a hypersonic propulsion system
analysis would also be based on a different set of physics. The meth-
ods and data for both mission classes cannot be interchanged, but can
be applied to different cases from the same class6 . Also these method- 6
A performance analysis method for
ologies and constraints are integrated together by a synthesis logic that subsonic aerodynamics can be used for
a Boeing-747 and Airbus A-380 but not
forms the multi-disciplinary framework. This combination of data and applicable for the Bell X-1
knowledge in a specific manner is recognized as the development step
66 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 3.3 –
The top-level systems module
show the static view of the
SAS-GDSP solution with
interconnections between three
primary solution components.
The above discussed three modules are the primary top-level com-
ponents required to develop the SAS-GDSP. The interrelationship among
these modules is shown in Figure 3.3, where it can be seen that the DB
and KB modules feed into the PP module. The initial assumptions
stemming from the DataBase Library are made up of previous VTHL
projects. At the same time, the synthesis kernel8 is composed of sev- 8
See Section 4.3.3
eral disciplinary analyses modules working coherently towards sizing
a converged total system. These disciplinary methods and configu-
rational trends are residing in the Knowledge-Base Library. The two
libraries feed information to the VTHL Sizing tool which in itself is
the multi-disciplinary module processing that information (combina-
tion of Data and Knowledge) to converge design solution and generate
feasible solution-space.
space access systems design 67
F I G U R E 3.4 –
Although the most significant application of the PP module is found System Development Processes
in the creation of the MDA framework with the implementation of as building blocks of Logical
the sizing step, this module by definition can be utilized in domains Solution
outside the MDA framework as well, as further explained in the next
The three System Modules define the top-level components of the SAS-
GDSP and provide a static view of the logical solution architecture
showing the connectivity between the primary modules. This section
now provides a dynamic view of the logical solution architecture in
four distinct system development processes leading to the develop-
ment of the primary three modules. The four distinct processes (SDP)
are representative of what needs to be done to develop the generic SAS
synthesis capability, based on the specifications defined in Section 2.4.
The four development processes are shown in a sequential order of
execution in Figure 3.4. Each phase leads on to the next in terms of
concepts and processes development. Next is the overview description
of each step.
F I G U R E 3.5 –
Mission Analysis is identified as
the precursor step to the CD
phase by the ESA-ESTEC.
Reproduced here from the ECSS
ance in space projects and applications, where the Project planning and
implementation[81] standard address the project phasing and the typ-
ical life cycle of a space project. This is shown in Figure 3.5 where the
Mission Analysis is shown as a Phase 0 step identifying the primary
needs of the project and a precursor to the Phase A, the CD/Feasibil-
ity phase. Wertz & Larson identify the same notion in the well-known
Space Mission and Analysis text[82] for ESA, NASA and DoD (see Table
1-2, in Section 1.2 of the text).
The SAS conceptual design should begin by developing initial mis-
sion concepts represented by the mission flight path parametrization,
based on these primary performance requirements. This aspect is ad-
dressed in the first SDP, the Mission Analysis.
Mission Analysis is defined as the first SDP where the primary
focus is to generate a parametric model of physics-based equations
composed of the most important flight path variables of each mission
phase. This section provides a parametric representation of the indi-
space access systems design 69
βBO 1
βBO 2
vBO 2
Ref Area
Drag Coefficient
Specific Impulse
Net Thrust
Mass Ratio
{ Primary Outputs
F I G U R E 3.6 –
vidual mission segments i.e. launch, staging, orbit, reentry, descent, The parametric Mission
land etc., in terms of significant physical parameters. For example, Analysis distinctly recognize
the launch phase would be quantified in terms of delta V required to the primary design driving
achieve a specific altitude orbit. Similarly, the reentry phase is typ- variables that affect the most
ically dominated by the heating effects and therefore, variables like important mission performance
heat transfer rate and maximum temperature etc. become of primary requirements.
importance. The primary purpose of mission analysis is to identify the
most important physical effects that the influence and drive the design
Dergarabedian & Dyke in a 1963 report [83] provide a significant
design insight with the following words;
“The vehicle parameters can be divided into two categories: vehicle design
parameters and trajectory parameters... We usually think of mission in
terms of trajectory parameters and vehicles in terms of design parameters and
the problem becomes to relate the two.“
The main take-away from this insight is the distinct identification of the
primary design variable and the primary performance requirements.
Figure 3.6 shows the classical rocket equation as the primary mission
analysis equation for the boost or ascent phase of the launch vehicle.
Mission analysis provides the primary mission variables (as shown on
the right hand side of the Figure) required to characterize the perfor-
mance requirements of a launch vehicle. These performance variable
(referred to as the trajectory variable by Dergarabedian & Dyke) are
a function of the parameters that characterize the vehicle and its sub-
systems (which are shown on the left side of the Figure). In other
terms, the mission or trajectory variables identify the physics taking
place outside the vehicle. These variables are non-tangible parameters
that measure and quantifies how the tangible system performs in the
real-time physical realm.
The key parameters of this phase are indicative of the performance
70 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 3.7 –
requirements of the vehicle. The equations are usually calculating a Various trajectory options exist
performance parameter as function of vehicle parameter. It must be for a SAS mission. The
noticed that every mission section could be executed in several ways highlighted options are
and therefore different combinations make a new mission, see Figure applicable for the VTHL
3.7. The focus here is to generically identify these phases using physics case-study.
based parametric equations which calculate flight path variables as a
function of vehicle based parameters.
Ref Area
Drag Coefficient
Specific Impulse
Net Thrust
Mass Ratio
r, tb = f (PERFORMANCE)
{ Primary Outputs
• Quntification of subsytem-level
technology requirement.
• Identification of primary
design disciplines.
tb Burn time Wo = f (STRUCTURE & WEIGHT) • Selection of disciplinary methods.
Wo Liftoff Weight
F I G U R E 3.8 –
Primary vehicle parameters
disciplines and respective disciplinary variables. These variables then
identified in Mission Analysis
provide guidelines with which the designer could now select disci-
are used to identify disciplinary
plinary analysis methods that compute those variables. As a result,
methods and quantify
this section identifies the technology required at subsystems level to
subsystems technology
meet the mission objectives.
Synthesis MDA
{ Primary Outputs
Vehicle Size
r, tb = f (PERFORMANCE)
Stage weight
Wo = f (STRUCTURE & WEIGHT) Aero Mach,
F I G U R E 3.9 –
Disciplinary integration into
3.2.4 Cost-per-Performance Trade Space Screening
MDA synthesis to generate
The hardware selection SDP ends with the creation of multiple de- feasible vehicle hardware
sign concepts presented in a solution space topography. This serves as concepts and create solution
an input to the last SDP step of the process that performs cost analysis space continuum of converged
for the solution space consisting of a range of individual design points. vehicles.
The important aspect to note here is that in the traditional sense, cost
is usually performed outside the design loop. The usual practice is
to select a final design point from the solution space based on per-
formance/technology criteria and then perform cost analysis for that
final design point, thus providing an initial cost estimate. As it is seen
time and time again, the cost estimate at the conceptual design phase
is never accurate and thus holds low value in decision making pro-
cesses as a number of new factors are encountered in the preliminary
and detailed design phases. Consequently, this research follows a dif-
ferent approach since cost analysis is integrated into the sizing process
where cost is calculated for every feasible design point in the solution
space generated as the output of the previous SDP. In this manner, ac-
curacy of the cost figures is not the key but the relative comparative
trends differentiating design alternatives.
The primary purpose for including cost estimation during the CD
phase is to enable a consistent cost comparison among all the potential
vehicle solutions for those sized to perform the mission. The final cost
estimate for every design point is normalized by a non-dimensional
overall performance measure index. This marks the last step in the
baseline vehicle selection and it executes a cost-per-performance anal-
ysis to select the vehicle that provides the best cost-per-performance
results. That is the vehicle that performs best per cost unit. Total accu-
racy of the cost analysis in this application is of secondary importance
since the analysis is NOT done on one optimal vehicle alone but for the
vehicle continuum throughout the feasible solution space, thus mak-
space access systems design 73
The top-level System Modules (DB, KB, PP) are the primary compo-
nent element which represent the static view of the solution while
the SDPs (Mission-Technology-Hardware-Cost) are the execution steps
which represent the dynamic view of the solution. The significant as-
pect here is the generic nature as every constituent module and devel-
opment process is independent of the vehicle category or the system
hierarchy level and is thus applicable for all four primary SAS cate-
gories. The complete logical solution architecture for the SAS-GDSP
then is the combination of both these aspects.
F I G U R E 3.10 –
The four SDPs assemble into a sequential process where each step
Every SDP is made of elements
provides the input for the next. Since every SDP is generic in nature
from the Data, Knowledge and
and acts as a partial segment of the overall solution process addressing
Parametric processing module.
the CD phase assessment, each of the four SDP is representative of a
In this representation of the
process at the end of which certain deliverables are produced which in
Logical Solution Architecture,
turn serve as input to the next phase. Every phase is buildup using el-
the sequential order of four
ements from the data, knowledge and parametric modules that finally
SDPs is necessary.
comprise to the top level systems elements and tie up the processes
to the top-level modules. This then completes the logical solution ar-
chitecture discussion. Figure 3.10 first shows how all four SDPs are
composed of elements from the three system modules. This shows the
overall decomposability11 of the process. Next, it is shown that indi- 11
Decomposability in Software Testing:
vidual modules are then the sum of components from the four SDPs, 1. By controlling the scope of testing,
problems can be isolated quickly, and
see Figure 4.1. It must be noted here that the SDPs are sequential in smarter testing can be performed.
nature, but that the sum of their portions in the system modules is not 2. The software system is built from
independent modules.
sequential. This means that the order of the four SDP in Figure 3.10 3. Software modules can be tested
is necessary, but is not required or needed in the data, knowledge or independently in Software Testing
74 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 3.11 –
The three modules are sum of
data, knowledge and process
elements executed in every SDP
step. This implies the
decomposable nature of the
solution process.
Chapter 4
S A S - G D S P F O R S AV A T H I E R A R C H Y
Physical Architecture refers to specific products, protocols, and data representa- ∠ Warren Weinmeyer,
tion where/when/if it is architecturally salient to do so. It is the least abstract An introduction to fundamental archi-
tecture concepts
representation and typically is very detailed.
PowerPoint Slides
ture published for the LRV class of vehicles, and it is built upon the in-
formation provided by representative 172 literature sources. Through-
out this extensive survey, an in-depth understanding of the physical
and operational characteristics of LRV vehicles in general has been
gained. This understanding is utilized in the following section to exe-
cute the SAS-SGDP solution process as applied to the LRV class of the
SAVs.1 1
The other segment of the SAV hier-
archy class is the LVs which are not
parametrically sized like the LRV case
4.1.1 LRV Classes here but rather selected as a combina-
tion of multiple constituent stages.
Based on the geometric configuration variety, the LRV can be classified
in three following primary classes.
1. Wing-Body (WB): An aircraft like geometry configuration where LIFTING
the fuselage provides the main housing volume storing most of the BODY
payload and components, while the highly swept wing acts as the
primary lift producing hardware component. Most of the early LRV
designs were wing-body configurations (eg. Sänger‘s Silbervogel,
Dorberger & Ehricke‘s Bell studies, Bell BOMI, BRASS, X-20 etc).
Currently, the USAF X-37-B is the only operational LRV, also a wing WING
body configuration. BODY
2. Lifting-Body (LB): Lifting-body configurations are primarily all-body
vehicles which produce lift using the body, thus they do not require
wings. Some of the first attempts to use a lifting body dates back
to the early NASA lifting body programs in the 1960s. Since then,
numerous programs and studies have looked into employing LB
configurations for LEO and other missions. Two distinct types of BODY
LB configurations have been explored primarily based on the na-
ture of underside geometry of the body, namely, round bottom LBs
F I G U R E 4.1 –
(eg. HL-10, M2-F2, Bor-4, HL-20, X-23, X-24A during the early days
Three primary types of the LRV
of the NASA LB programs) and the flat-bottom LBs (eg. X-24B,
FDL-5, FDL-7, Model 176). Flat bottom LBs demonstrate a higher
range performance capability compared to round bottom LBs.2 2
see Appendix B, Section A.1.2 for
further details
3. Blended-Body(BB): This LRV configuration is a blend of WB and LB
geometries, and it is defined as a vehicle having no clear dividing
line between the wings and the main body of the craft. A typical
feature present with the BB is the more substantial joining or blend-
ing feature between the wing and body compared to just a typical
fairing. The Boeing X-48 or X-45 are some of the most popular BB
configuration examples in the aircraft realm, while the application
of BB in the orbital LRV missions has been limited to a very few
concepts so far like the Lockheed D-21 and X-24C/L-301.
These three categories comprehensively cover the LRV class of SAVs.
Next is the description of the case-studies selection that will be used
space access systems design 77
EM Drive
F I G U R E 4.2 –
to demonstrate the application of the generic SAS-GDSP solution to Complete overall trade-matrix
the LRV class of the SAVs which lie at hierarchy level-2 of the SAS. showing primary and
Following that is a discussion of the possible trade studies that can secondary trades
be conducted within the LRV realm and identify what are the most
significant design drivers that affect the overall design solution.
technology and look for mission capability trades that could lead to
even redefine the original mission objectives. A hypothetical exam-
ple clarifies this notion where the primary mission objective given to
the designer is to design a vehicle to for sub-orbital tourism purpose
for 2 crew and 4 passenger requirement with technology constraints
of using LOX/LH2 rocket propulsion. By conducting a truly compre-
hensive assessment, the designer might find out that a vehicle with 6
passenger capacity is more cost effective that the vehicle sized only for
the original requirements of 4 passengers. Clearly, this type of design
capability would enable the decision maker to comprehensively assess
all design options stemming from the mission-hardware-technology
domain towards better informed decisions. This multi-disciplinary de-
cision making is the primary responsibility of the CD team related to
exploring the design trade space across all domains related to the mis-
Based on the above discussion, an extensive amount of trades can
be conducted at various levels throughout the CD phase. As a con-
sequence, it becomes important to identify which trades are worth
exploring that actually provide the most comprehensive capability for
the overall vehicle product. In the present research context, an exten-
sive trade matrix, see Figure 4.34. have been executed. While some
trades have been found to show negligible effect on the overall design
solution, others do prove to be of significant value. The overall trade
matrix required to correctly explore an operational mission usually ex-
ceeds to tool and time limitation of the design team. Although such
trade matrix does always represent a multi-dimensional domain, it is
visualized here as a three dimensional matrix for visualization pur-
pose only in Figure 4.34. The following types of trade categories are
thus identified to be of immediate relevance for the current research
MODULES ( 1 + 2 )
Fundamental Physics Eqn
Mission and Vehicle
Parameters Identification
Vehicle Parameters
F I G U R E 4.3 –
Schematic showing the benefits
Chapter 3 where the ‘Technology Requirements‘ includes the recognition
of using the AVD-DBMS for the
of the most important discipline parameters and selection of the first
SAS-GDPS and contributions of
order analysis methods solving for the respective parameters. The next
the SAS-GDPS towards growth
step, the ‘Hardware Selection‘ then represents combinations of primary
of the DBMS.
disciplines into an integrated MDA to develop a sizing framework.
The DBMS is applicable towards these two steps in the overall process
as it provides a generic platform to store and assemble primary disci-
pline methods into a modular sizing code. The DBMS is a generic plat-
form which assembles a sizing logic by collecting primary constituents
of an MDA into a problem specific sizing code. Before the VTHL SAS
research study, the DBMS has only been only applied for a hypersonic
airbreather demonstrator study conducted as a part of a contract be-
tween the AVD LLC. and the USAF hypersonic department[74]. As a
consequence, the methods, data, and efficiency of the system has been
evolved to only the hypersonic cruise class of vehicles.
Thus, using the generic DBMS kernel for the VTHL SAS research in-
vestigation demonstrates the versatility of the DBMS. The application
of the DBMS for the present research study also enhances the DBMS
discipline method library, and further improves the scope of the sys-
tem towards its application for future cases of LRV studies. The VTHL
SAS specific discipline methods library and MDA adjustments further
demonstrate the novel forecasting capability of the system towards a
space access systems design 81
4.2 DBMS
F I G U R E 4.4 –
(Microsoft Access)
Overall breakdown of the
72 Modules 65 Input Forms
20,232 Lines of Code system elements in the
AVD-DBMS. Reproduced here
(Microsoft Access) from Gonzalez[26]
Output per
F I G U R E 4.6 –
DBMS Building Block-1:
Reference Input Form.
Reproduced here from
The first building block, the Reference Input Forms is used to capture
the data and knowledge from the reference source material. Figure
4.6 shows a reference input form from the DBMS and identifies two
input sections used to store and index the relevant information that is
applied in the system.
The second building block is the Variable Input Form that is used to
store, track, select and classify input and output variables within the
system. This mechanism ensures that duplicate variables are not cre-
ated within the system and thus provides the ability to manage the
variables throughout the analysis framework. Three specific informa-
tion categories are assigned to each variable, 1) a Unique Syntax that
shows how the variable appears in the system, 2) Units associated with
each variable (SI unit system is followed), and 3) a brief description of
the variable. Figure 4.7 shows the variable input form with description
of main segments as they appear in the system.
The third building block mechanism is the Input Tree Diagrams which
provide a hierarchy structure to rapidly select various options and de-
velop a vehicle, mission, operation or technology assessment. “The
Tree View control displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of
which consists of a label and an optional bitmap. A TreeView is typ-
ically used to display the headings in a document, the entries in an
index, the files and directories on a disk, or any other kind of infor-
mation that might usefully be displayed as a hierarchy.“[84] Figure4.8
shows the tree structure for its three main application in the system
84 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 4.7 –
DBMS Building Block-2:
Variable Input Form.
Reproduced here from
F I G U R E 4.8 –
DBMS Building Block-3: Input
Tree Structure. Reproduced
here from Gonzalez[26]
space access systems design 85
F I G U R E 4.10 –
MS Access implementation of
the Primary Component-1:
Product. Reproduced here from
handle the data flow among the disciplines and to be able to com-
bine the disciplines in the overarching MDA framework defined by
the Analysis Process, the Disciplinary Method is associated to the Product
component identifying at which product node does the disciplinary
method is applied. The Disciplinary Variables define the involved vari-
ables that the method is made up of and further specify the input and
output variables for each method. The Analysis part of the Disciplinary
Method (see Figure 4.13)component contains the system of equations
or the empirical data that connects input and output variables.
Figure 4.14 shows the Disciplinary Methods form as seen in the MS
Access system of the DBMS which manages the three components de-
scribed above in the functional decomposition. The analysis aspect of
the method is stored in an MATLAB file external to the DBMS which
contains only the analysis portion of the method using the input, out-
put and internal variables involved in the method’s analysis. The input
and output variables for each method is defined and associated with
the method internally in the DBMS. With this setup, the system acts
as patching mechanism that connects disciplines only in terms of the
input/output variables among various disciplines while not being in-
fluenced by the analysis implementation.
This marks the end of the discussion of the primary components
of the DBMS system which represents the fundamental kernel thus
building blocks for a synthesis system. By following a warehouse
type analogy the DBMS selects various building blocks and assembles
space access systems design 87
F I G U R E 4.11 –
them together based on problem specific requirements to custom build Functional Concept of the
unique sizing codes for every problem. This is a fundamentally new Primary Component-2:
approach of addressing flight vehicle sizing in a MDA framework dur- Analysis Process. Reproduced
ing the CD phase assessment and provides enhanced control over the here from Gonzalez[26]
creation of custom-tailored sizing codes unique to the specific prob-
lem at hand. This ability is found to be especially advantageous in
exploring the overall trade matrix which has been explained earlier in
Section 4.1 as the modular nature gives the designer a superior control
over individual building blocks and ability to switch or trade where
F I G U R E 4.12 –
MS Access implementaion of
the Primary Component-2:
Analysis Process. Reproduced
here from Gonzalez[26]
fined product. Also a part of the Matching step is the selection of the
Analysis Process, which is selected from a predefined template. Once
the vehicle and analysis process template are chosen, the next step pro-
vides the user with a list of disciplinary methods which produce the
output variables as required in the Analysis Process variables. This is
a user dependent step where the user has to make sure that the meth-
ods chosen are consistent with the vehicle and analysis process. For
this study, the methods have been created specific to the architectures
and so are created by the user.
Once the methods are selected for each design discipline, the DBMS
moves to the next step, Arranging, where the trajectory segments are
asked to be placed in the sequence of mission profile. This sequence
stitches the performance methods in a sequence such that the total
weight ratio and fuel fraction for the entire mission trajectory can be
calculated. Also the Arranging step makes sure that no two methods
are being executed for the same flight phase for the same disciplines
and thus provides user with option to specify the filter for how and
where each method must be executed. This is specifically done for
the Aerodynamic methods where the methods specific to the Mach
number range are assigned.
The Generation step is the next and last step of the process where
a variable based check is implemented for the entire product arrange-
ment, disciplinary methods and variables such that no inconsistent
variable selection happens. Once this check is found to be satisfied,
space access systems design 89
F I G U R E 4.13 –
Functional Concept of the
Primary Component-3:
Methods. Reproduced here
from Gonzalez[26]
F I G U R E 4.14 –
MS Access implementaion of
REFERENCE INFO PRODUCT the Primary Component-3:
THE METHOD Methods. Reproduced here
from Gonzalez[26]
step is specific to the LRV case. Clearly, the equations, methods, and
analysis explained below represent a specific application of the four
generic steps and would be different in case these steps are applied to
another class of flight vehicle or system, like a transonic or supersonic
Conflict Resolution: System identifies conflict based on
Operation overlapping of multiple modes or methods for the same
Function Mode
Interpolation: Conflict based on data interpolation
Trajectory Segment
Multiple Methods Per Function Mode: When multiple
Architecture Generation discipline methods are selected for same function mode.
Assign method switch with a constraining variable to
New Architecture identify method’s applicability range
Multiple Modes Per Function: When multiple modes are
Matching selected for same function. Assign modes switch to identify
in what range each mode is functional.
Selecting Generation
F I G U R E 4.15 –
Execution process flow in the DBMS.
loveneesh rana
Primary User Selection by
Start Automated Variable
Blocks Selected Value
F I G U R E 4.16 –
This systems architecture map was created by McCall in an AVD internal study. The map identifies automation characteristics of each
module and the various layers of systems elements in the DBMS.
space access systems design 93
F I G U R E 4.17 –
Reentry is a crucial section of the mission profile in determining the A generic reentry profile
vehicle system configuration and involved subsystems. Galman[88] mission path with main
provides a composite path to analyze reentry from orbit to landing characteristic features of each
for lifting reentry vehicles. The entire reentry trajectory is divided in segment. The description and
distinct phases, as follows: figure are reproduced from
• Orbit Ejection
• Initial re-entry
• Equilibrium Glide
• Maneuvering
Figure 4.17 shows the overall description of the generic mission path
for a reentry trajectory. The text shows describes the primary physical
characteristics specific to each phase is reproduced here from Galman.
What follows now is the equations setup that provide a mathemati-
cal parametric model for each section. The equations are taken from
various literature sources as mentioned above.
1 1
V12 = Ve2 + 2µ ( − ) (4.2)
rs re
Ve re cos(γe )
cos(γ1 ) = (4.3)
V1 rs
Entry Velocity Variations with Flight Path Angle & Orbital Altitude
F I G U R E 4.18 –
the initial reentry or recovery phase, the local radius of curvature of The reentry velocity depends on
flight path is found using the following equation by Galman[88]: the entry altitude, entry flight
path angle and the initial orbital
ρV 2 altitude. When reentring from a
V2 e
r o = e ( 2 − 1 ) −1 (4.5) higher orbital altitude, the
g η
reentry velocity increases for a
where, parameter η = W
is called as vehicle parameter or lift fixed reentry altitude. While,
CL Sre f
loading coefficient, and relates to other significant vehicle design pa- the minimum reentry velocity
rameters, ballistic coefficient, β and L/D as follows6 : required to not skip is seen at
γ = 0 independent of the
orbital and reentry altitude. The
β= = Ballistic Coefficient (4.6) Delta-V then is representative of
CD Sre f
the retro-rocket used to initiate
η= = Lift Loading Coefficient (4.7) the deorbit burn.
CL Sre f
=η (4.8)
( L/D ) 6
η and β essentially describe the same
The heating effects become dominant during recovery phase, as physical aspect of the vehicles. While β
is used more prominently for ballistic
maximum heat flux depends on the vehicle parameter CLW
S and is vehicles, η is more prominent for the
re f
independent of L/D. It is due to this reason that recovery is made lifting vehicles
ḣ = 0 (4.9)
V̇ = (4.10)
Equilibrium Glide
Following the transition from the initial re-entry recovery phase, the
vehicle can be commanded to execute a gliding decent or a follow a
skip-path depending on the conditions targeted at the beginning of the
recovery phase. Since the skip phase is subjected to higher heat flux,
a simplified glide path is considered here. The equilibrium glide path
represents the conditions where the vehicle’s lift and centrifugal forces
balance the gravity force. Consequently, this is characterized by small
flight path angle, (−2 << γ << 2) and negligible time rate change of
flight path angle (γ̇ = 0).
This phase provides calculations for the major performance vari-
ables for the overall reentry path as the maximum flight path is tra-
versed in this phase. Additionally the vehicle experiences maximum
heat flux in this glide phase and thus the constraints applied to this
phase overcomes the heating constraints in the recovery phase.
The equilibrium glide velocity is calculated as a function of altitude
and η as:
u g Rearth
Veq = t (4.11)
g Rearth ρ h
1+ 2(W/CL Sre f )
g(1 − V̄ 2 )
| a| = (4.12)
where,V̄ = p (4.13)
g Rearth
and glide time is :
1 Rearth 1 + V̄e 1 + V̄
t glide = ( L/D ) ln (4.14)
2 g 1 − V̄e 1 + V̄
where,V̄e = p (4.15)
g Rearth
downrange is given by:
1 − V̄ 2
Range glide = ( L/D ) ln 2
2 1 − V̄e
space access systems design 97
( L/D )2 (π 2 )
CrossRange glide = sin(2σ ) (4.17)
where σ is the bank angle, which for the above equation is optimum at
45 degrees. Vinh uses above equation to determine a more complicated
function which uses a power series expression to solve for optimum
bank angle.
Vlanding = (W/CL Sre f ) (4.18)
Lift Loading Coefficient : η = (4.19)
CL Sre f
• Aerodynamics: L/D
With the above discussion of the main mission phases, it can be seen
that the equilibrium glide phase is the most significant portion of the
overall flight profile as most of the performance and constraint param-
eters are primarily calculated in this section. Based on this logic, a sim-
plified mission profile is selected here which is used for the LRV case-
studies. Only the deorbit and equilibrium glide paths are calculated
in the performance analysis as they are the two most significant seg-
ments that impact the overall vehicle’s performance and constraints.
The mission selected for the case-studies is a notional ISS resupply
mission. The LRV case-studies thus execute a deorbit burn from the
orbital altitude of the ISS (400 km) and enters the Earth’s atmosphere
at an altitude of 120 km. The entry flight path angle at this point is as-
sumed to be -1.5 degrees. The mission objective is to carry a minimum
payload of 450 kg ( 1000 lb) and 1 crew member. The selected mission
profile and mission path values are shown in the Figure 4.19.
The design variables identified in this first step are used to deter-
mine the primary design disciplines. The disciplines are then solved
for major disciplinary variables which are essential for sizing the ve-
hicle. The disciplinary analysis methods solving for these primary
variables are described next.
F I G U R E 4.21 –
method of photographic scaling which scales only the area. In this Analytical geometric
manner τ represents a unique geometry profile. Czysz describes the relationships are defined for
importance of τ in the Hypersonic Convergence[52, 90] as follows: several cross-section profiles by
“While working at the McDonnell Aircraft Company, the author (Czysz) was Czysz which are used here to
introduced to a unique approach to determining the geometric characteristics define analytical geometry
required by hypersonic configurations for different missions and propellants. methods as function of Tau.
Normally, to increase its volume, a vehicle is made uniformly larger (magni-
fied), as in photographic scaling. That is, all dimensions are multiplied by a
constant multiplier factor. This means that the configuration characteristics re-
main unchanged except that it is larger. The wetted area is increased by the
square of the multiplier, while the volume is increased by the cube of the multi-
plier. In view of how the similitude parameter is defined, this scaling can have
a very deleterious impact on the size and weight of the design when a solu-
tion is converged...This method used the cross-section geometry of highly swept
bodies to increase the propellant volume without a significant increase in wet-
ted area...This method (scaling by τ) used the cross-section geometry of highly
swept bodies to increase the propellant volume without a significant increase in
wetted area.“
F I G U R E 4.22 –
Generation of geometric data
with the OpenVSP analysis.
MACH L(induced)
0.009384 0.717261 Equations for CL_alpha for transonic region
0.0216 y = 0.0038x + 0.017
F I G U R E 4.23 –
0.0216 0.0214
1.020713 0.711549 0.0214
Poly. (Series1)
Linear (Series1)
Creation of MATLAB lookup
0.0206 0.0206
2.019606 0.730779 = -0.0049x 2 + 0.0138x +
0.0202 0.012
0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
tables using aerodynamic data
2.623409 0.855833 0.0000 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000
2.808275 0.887114
graphs for aerodynamic
0.0250 0.0220
3.769374 1.099672
0.0150 Series1
0.0210 Series1
4.730448 1.318467 0.0100 2 per. Mov. 0.0208 Poly. (Series1)
5.026183 1.380991 Avg. (Series1) 0.0206
5.395916 1.443553 0.0050 0.0204
y = -0.0042x 2 + 0.0116x +
5.654626 1.512295 0.0202
5.975052 1.568594 0.0000 0.0200
0.0000 5.0000 10.0000 15.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
6.246172 1.618631
6.615956 1.668719
ometry shapes and has been proven reliable in multiple sizing exe-
cutions by Chudoba[90], Coleman[27], Gonzalez[26] et al. The data is
converted to lookup tables for application in the MATLAB analysis file.
Figure 4.23 shows this process, while Table 4.1 shows the parametric
relationships and primary aerodynamic equations among geometric
and aerodynamic parameters.
T A B L E 4.1 –
Aerodynamic methods primary
Propulsion Method Analysis parametric relationships.
A simple liquid rocket engine analysis is applied based on the stan-
dard textbook method by Sutton[91]. Rocket Performance analysis re-
lations for the on and off design point determine the Isp and thrust
available T. An engine deck of 14 existing upper-stage rocket en-
gines has been created where physical characteristics of each rocket
engine is stored. Then any of the engine can be selected by using a
switch variable that enables the analysis method to calculate the frac-
space access systems design 103
ENGINE_NAME HM7B VINCI RL10A-1 RL10A-4 RL10C-1 RL60 LE-5B2 CE-7.5 CE-20 YF-75 YF-75D RD-0146 S5.92 S5.80
ENGSELECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Status In Production In Production In Production
Origin France France USA USA USA USA Japan India India China China Russia
Propellant LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' LO2/LH2' N2O4 / UDMH' N2O4 / UDMH'
Oxidiser 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'LO2' 'N2O4' 'N2O4'
Oxidiser density 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1141 1442 1442
Fuel 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'LH2' 'UDMH' 'UDMH'
Fuel Density 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 791 791
ALT_REF(km) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
AISP_REF(s) 445 465 410 451 450 465 447 454 443 438 442 451 327 302
THRUST_REF (N) 62000 180000 68000 99000 101000 250000 150000 73500 200000 785000 88000 98000 19610 2950
AEXIT (m^2) 0.77 3.63 0.64 1.84 1.63 3.80 12.56 1.91 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.22 0.55 3.46
AE_AT 83.1 240 40 84 130 80 110 80 100 80 80 210 153 153
PC_RKT(atm) 35.5 59.2 23.7 38.5 43.0 81.5 37.2 59.1 5.2 36.3 40.5 78.0 95.7 8.7
PC_RKT(N/m^2) 3599996 6000000 2400004 3899999 4356975 8257988 3769290 5990334 526890 3678098 4099610 7899297 9700004 880000
PE_RKT (atm) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
GAMMA_RKT 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
OF_RKT 5.14 5.8 5 5.5 5.5 6 5 5.05 5 5.2 6 6 2 1.8
WENG(N) 1618.7 5395.5 1285.1 1648.1 1863.9 4885.4 2844.9 4267.4 5768.3 5395.5 5395.5 2383.8 735.8 3041.1
WENG(kg) 165 550 131 168 190 498 290 435 588 550 550 243 75 310
LENGTH (m) 2.1 4.2 1.73 2.3 2.22 2.25 2.8 2.14 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.2 1.03 1.2
DIAMETER (m) 0.99 2.15 0.9 1.53 1.44 2.2 4 1.56 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.84 2.1
THRUST/WENG 38.30 33.36 52.91 60.07 54.19 51.17 52.73 17.22 34.67 145.49 16.31 41.11 26.65 0.97
LENGTH/DIA 2.12 1.95 1.92 1.50 1.54 1.02 0.70 1.37 1.47 1.87 1.87 1.83 1.23 0.57
T A B L E 4.2 –
tion thrust (as specified by the user) that is provided by the selected Deck of liquid rocket engines
engine. With this implementation, the need to size the engine (rubber created to be used as a quick
engine) is eliminated and existing off-the-shelf technology engines can switch method with standard
be quickly selected. The engine dry weight and volume are also used textbook propulsion analysis.
in the weights and volume estimation method which allows the sizing
code to accommodate for the size and weight of the engine inside ve-
hicle’s geometry mold. Table 4.2 shows the upper-stage engines used
for this analysis.
Performance Matching
Performance matching is fundamentally based on the primary per-
formance relations described in the prio Mission Analysis step. The
only difference here is that it is primarily used with vehicle subsys-
tem parameters that are calculated in the geometry, aerodynamics and
propulsion disciplines. The performance matching step therefore pro-
vides a measure of the main performance attributes required by the
vehicle to match the mission objectives. In this manner, it is used as a
check on the overall sizing code to calculate the total amount of fuel
required to perform the mission.
level by the use of empirical coefficients that account for the thermal
protection system in the total structure of the vehicle and other fixed
systems to calculate the empty weight of the vehicle. An additional
volume estimate is used to account for the volumes of subsystem,
which is used to calculate a second estimate of vehicle’s empty weight.
Through these two independent calculations of the total empty weight
of the system, the weight and volume method provides a way to imple-
ment a unique convergence criteria on the system which is explained
in next section. The primary equations and coefficient‘s values are
shown in the Figure 4.24 taken from [92].
F I G U R E 4.24 –
Primary Weight and Volume
The engine coefficients are not used as engine weight and
volume is taken from selected rocket engine. budget equations as given by
VDK and Czysz. The engine
mission exploration studies, design feasibility studies and more. This OWE = OEW + WPAY + WCREW
sizing-based forecasting approach is used to measure the design with Volume Budget
current day available industry capability versus future technology. In VTotal - VSYSTEMS - VENG - VCREW - VVOID
WR - 1
the process the system identifies if there is any specific requirement ρppl * g
which can cause the program to fail in later stages (show stopper as- Wing Loading
sessment). The complete MDA developed in the present context is W TOGW
S Spln
a modular structure implementation, composed of individual disci-
plinary analysis methods and the integration process. Objective Functions
The sizing logic is implemented through the Analysis Process compo-
nent of the DBMS where the fundamental independent and dependent ( )Guess - =0
S Spln
systems variables are defined. The independent variables (planform
area and wing-loading) are the initial input to the system which are fed F I G U R E 4.25 –
into the geometry methods to start the sizing analysis. The disciplines The essential objective function
are then executed for a fixed value of vehicle slenderness parameter must be satisfied for executing
τ in the following orderly sequence; geometry, aerodynamics, propul- the fundamental convergence
sion, performance and weights and volume. The dependent variables logic.
(TOGW and weights estimate from weight and volume method) are
calculated at the end which are then used with the independent vari-
ables to satisfy the objective function. Through this iterative process
when the objective function is satisfied, a converged vehicle is obtained
for which the primary disciplinary results have been calculated.
The vehicle’s planform area and wing-loading are the primary in-
dependent variables that are iterated until a converged design solution
is achieved. The designer provides an initial guess estimate of these
variables which feeds into the MDA framework. The geometry mod-
ule acts as the ‘gearbox‘ of the synthesis system where the vehicle’s
geometry could be scaled using just τ which accounts for weight and
volume effects collectively . For a fixed τ, the geometry module passes
vehicle’s geometric characteristics to the aerodynamic analysis method
which calculates lift and drag values for the vehicle for a specified
106 loveneesh rana
Sizing Logic Convergence Logic
Mission requirements
Reentry Mission Profile ISS Crew/Cargo Operations
Deorbit Boost
Lifting Reentry Increasing τ τ= 1.5
Horizontal Landing
Lifting Reentry
Equilibirium Glide Geometry & Configuration Assumptions
Small Flight Path Angle Glider Configuration: Delta WB / LB
ALT(Orbit) = 400 km (ISS) Propulsion System: Lid Rocket (LOX/LH2)
ALT(Reentry) = 120 km Iterate Vehicle Slenderness τ1, τ2, τ3
Reentry γ = -1.5o
Geometry: f(τ, RN, ᴧLE)
∆γ = 0 Analytical geometry buildup Geometry definition
International Space Station
Output: Vtot, Areas, L, Dia as function of Tau
Deorbit Burn
0 km
Performance Analysis / Trajectory
ff, WR = f(trajectory, aero, propulsion) SYSTEMS PROCESS VARIABLES
= 40
= 120 km
ALT Reentry -1.5
γ Reentry =
OEW estimation: Wstr , Weq, Wsys, etc. DEPENDENT OWEW OWEV TOGW
Vvoid, etc.
Functions ( )Guess - =0
Multiple Design Point Solution Space
F I G U R E 4.26 –
Fundamental logic of the sizing
mission profile. The aerodynamic results are passed to the propul-
methodology implemented into
sion module next which calculates the required thrust for a selected
a software called AVDSIZING .
propulsion type. The performance calculation method is then applied
to find the fuel fraction and vehicle’s mass ratio for the overall mission
trajectory. The results from the geometry, aerodynamics, propulsion,
and performance matching modules are used to assess the vehicle’s
weight and volume. For a given vehicle slenderness parameter (τ), the
planform area and wing loading are iterated through the total design
process until weight and volume available equal weight and volume
required. The algebraic sizing process solves for weight and plan-
form area simultaneously through converging weight and volume for
a given set of design variables.
As the system is sized for one τ by iterating the independent vari-
ables, an outer sweep of τ thus provides a means to develop a solu-
tion space of converged vehicles which are sized to the same mission.
The sizing code is created by the DBMS as a modular structure of the
MATLAB script files for disciplinary analysis and a central input file to
specify the required disciplinary and mission variables input values.
These variables are iterated with τ in the outer sweep to size multiple
space access systems design 107
4.3.4 Cost/Performance
With the sizing results and solution space definition available, this last
step of the solution process estimates the life-cycle cost for the LRV
concept continuum and it normalizes with the overall performance
efficiency factor to scan the technically feasible solution space for the
most cost beneficial design solutions. For this purpose, the current sec-
tion addresses two parts. The first part is the estimation of total cost,
while the second part is the formulation of the overall performance
measurement factor.
These factors form the CERs for the LRV are discussed next.
Values of cost factors used for LRVs:
∠ f 0 = 1.04
∠ Total Life-Cycle cost Model ∠ f 1 = 1.1
∠ f2 = 1
The total cost of the LRV vehicle is composed of three main sub-
∠ f 3 = 1.3
models, namely; 1) Development Cost, 2) Production Cost, and 3) Op- ∠ f 4 = 0.58
erations Cost; ∠ f 6 = 1.3
∠ f 7 = 1.2
∠ f8 = 1
CostTot = Dev.CostTot + Prod.CostTot + Ops.CostTot (4.20) ∠ f 9 = 1.08
∠ f 10 = 0.8
Following then are the CERs for each submodel; ∠ f 11 = 0.5
∠ Development costs The total development cost for the LRV is calcu-
lated of only the LRV stage and does not include the cost of on-board
rocket engines. It is given by the following equation:
HVW = 1.420 M0.35 f 1 f 2 f 3 f 10 f 11 (4.22)
space access systems design 109
where, Liquid Rocket Production Cost FET , and the LRV Stage Pro-
duction Cost FVW , are calculated as follows;
• Ground Operations
• Flight Operations
Of these elements, only the Ground Cost and the Flight Operations
cost are included to calculate the Operations Cost for the LRVs. The
following set of CERs are given by Koelle for these elements;
where, the Ground Operations cost, COPS and the Flight Operations
Cost, C M are given by the following set of equations;
CENTRAL F I G U R E 4.27 –
LIBRARY SAS-GDSP software suite shows
SM - 1 & SM - 2
#Design Points = 63 SM : SYSTEM MODULES
0.19 TAU
90 0.20
80 0.24
Spln , m 2
60 5.00
X-20 Glider
1.00 Effective Spln = 42.30 m2, Effective W/S = 1891 N/m2
Closest Design Point
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
W/S, N/m2
VTHL using FRLV (Falcon - 9 Block5 type)
# 10
5.49 Optimum n. TOGW
• Mi t
• Min Cosf
5.485 • Max
L (develo
LV-VTH ance
than PR
er Cost VTHL Perform ption)
• High all m LV-VTH
50 Over nt Assu L and FR
• Lesser eight (Inhere
VTH • Same n for PR
V optio
Th e LR
TAL • 3.333
can diffe
r. T (WY # 10 4
30 3.3325
RF 3.332
20 3.331 V
Figure 4.27 shows the stepwise execution of the Logical Solution Archi-
tecture of the SAS-GDSP explained in the Chapter 3 and is a represen-
tative of the overall Logical Solution Architecture concept visualized
in Figure 4.1. Next section describes the execution of the SAS-GDSP
solution for the proposed LRV case-studies.
industry saw a halt in the rapid progress. The X-20 Dyna-Soar was the
first industrial scale program initiated in 1957 to develop the first LRV
as a routine access to orbit capability. The program saw many highs,
acquiring new knowledge of the hypersonic regime, and it was the
largest program in the country. Then with the inception of the Gemini
program as the precursor to the Apollo, the direction of the govern-
ment turned towards the easy to understand, but low on performance,
ballistic capsule designs. The X-20 was canceled in late 1963, citing rea-
sons that the program lacked a clear direction and mission definition.
It would not be until 20 years that the Space Shuttle would execute the
same mission objectives and be the first LRV program.
Since the X-20 shows a data and knowledge rich history, this case-
study acts as the perfect example for the verification of the sizing re-
sults obtained by the application of the SAS-GDSP solution. With this
first case-study the focus is primarily on the validation of the methods
and process used for sizing a well-known legacy LRV study. Thus,
with this case, only the first three steps are applied to demonstrate
the capability of the solution process to develop a technology feasibil-
ity solution space. The last step of measuring the cost-per-performance
solution space is not applied to this study as the X-20 was primarily an
exploration case which was pushing the boundary of the hypersonic
knowledge available at the time. The logic of applying the cost-per-
performance step is to explore the business-case solution space for a
project. Thus, this last step will be applied for generic case-studies
exploring the design solution space for the lifting and wing body con-
F I G U R E 4.28 –
Dyna-Soar Program phases and
Vehicle Layout
1950s, the USAF had been involved in hypersonic glider research ac-
tivities under separate projects like BOMI, HYWARDS, and ROBO
[31, 75]. In 1957, the USAF defined the X-20 program, combining the
previous studies of BOMI, ROBO and HYWARDS under one umbrella.
Boeing was awarded the contract to develop the X-20 glider while The
Martin Company was selected to develop the expendable booster. The
program was to be developed in multiple stages; each stage’s mission
requirements becoming sequentially more demanding. Phase one of
the program was aimed to deliver a conceptual test vehicle as a test
bed for the boost-glide operation. This stage of the program was sup-
posed to be a proof-of-concept, validating the feasibility of the tech-
nology and hardware. The second stage of the program would deliver
a sub-orbital mission capable vehicle with limited capabilities over a
restricted range of around 5000 nmi. This stage was a single-person
vehicle. The third and final stage of the program aimed at developing
the first-of-it-kind hypersonic, global range, strategic bomber/recon-
naissance system. This variant would attain orbital speeds and per-
forms single and multi-orbit missions. The vehicle at this stage had
multiple versions with multi-person crews and mission profiles to ex-
ecute a variety of operations that included servicing satellites in orbit,
crew transportation, and re-supply missions. The main objective of the
Dyna-Soar program was to obtain hypersonic flight data and experi-
ence to develop a space bomber with global range.
The name “Dyna-Soar“ stands for Dynamic-Soaring. Dynamic-soaring
is a flying technique most commonly used by birds and hang-gliders to
save energy while covering maximum range. The X-20 was designed
to use this method to gain energy by crossing between air masses of
different velocity due to changing atmospheric density layers. The X-
20 was supposed to be the first space-plane in an era that was later
dominated by capsule designs operated under the Mercury, Gemini,
and Apollo programs.
The X-20 was a VTHL system configuration. The Titan II and Titan
IIIc boosters would provide the launch and orbital access capability
in subsequent phases of the program. The glider was a horizontal
landing low delta-wing design, as shown in Figure 4.28. The stability
and control during re-entry was provided by the winglets and elevons;
there was no conventional vertical tail. A new super alloy—Rene 41—
was used for the framework of the vehicle. Molybdenum sheets cov-
ered the bottom surface as TPS. A general layout of the vehicle had
the pilot compartment, followed by equipment bay used to house the
payload (scientific and reconnaissance equipment, weapons etc.). The
orbital variant had an extended pilot compartment allowing for a four-
person-mid-deck. The vehicle retained the upper-most rocket stage
from the launcher (Titan IIIC) for in-orbit maneuvers and de-orbital
space access systems design 115
F I G U R E 4.29 –
Multidisciplinary analysis
approach applied for sizing
X-20 case-study
Rocket Performance Off and on design point analytical relations for Sutton[91]
determination of Isp and thrust available T
Performance Matching
De-Orbit Analytical relation for the de-orbit problem Low[85]
identifying ∆V and entry velocity, Ve , as a
function of entry flight path angle, γe and
de-orbit parking orbit r p
Glide Relations for small flight path angle glide from Miele[87]
re-entry to landing
Max Heat Flux Max heat flux correlation as a function of glide Galman[88]
weight W, coefficient of lift CL , planform area
S pln , and nose radius r N
T A B L E 4.3 –
Summary of methods used in
that iterated for every combination of planform and wing-loading. It the X-20 MDA
is noted that there is a total of 201 variables involved in one sizing iter-
ation when including those internally used within the disciplines, see
space access systems design 117
F I G U R E 4.30 –
Figure 4.31. Given the large quantity of data available, it is impractical Single Design Point Solution is
to illustrate and discuss all results. Therefore, only the most signifi- obtained by iterating on S pln
cant variables that represent the overall design solution and provide a and W/S while converging on
holistic representation of the case-study are presented. The following Weight and Volume.
sections address these primary design drivers.
Constraint implementation
Following the generation of the solution space carpet plot, the next
step is to identify the limiting constraints that define the feasible de-
sign options. Two principle constraints are considered; they are max
118 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 4.31 –
Total number of internal and
heat flux and TPS, and lift-off vehicle max payload. These constraint
external variables involved in a
limits are implemented and visualized in Figure 4.33.
single point convergence.
The constraints for maximum heat flux during the equilibrium glide
section of the trajectory is provided by Glaman[88] in terms of the wing
loading and nose radius, see equation 4 in Galman[88]. The TPS tech-
nology level identifies the constraining regions. When assuming the
thermal protection system technology level of the Space Shuttle[95],it
provides a wider valid region than the solution space, thus it does
not affect the current developed solution design space for the X-20.
Assuming a reduced technology level, one equivalent to that of the
X-20 program era, it can be seen in figure 4.33 that the solution space
decreases significantly. The TPS technology level limits the feasible
design space to a max crew size of 3 and τ = 0.23.
The second constraint is recognizing the payload limit of the Titan-
IIIC launch vehicle. The Titan-IIIC was selected as the primary launch
vehicle for the X-20 glider in the early 1960s[31]. The Dyna-Soar pro-
gram was canceled before the first flight of the launch vehicle. As can
be seen clearly from Figure 4.33, the launch vehicle ability also reduces
the overall solution space significantly. However, although the feasible
design solution space reduces significantly after application of those
constraints, both configurations, the X-20 glider and the glider with
trans-stage, still lie comfortably in the feasible design space. The sec-
ond phase of the X-20 program was planned with a higher performing
mission profile and increased crew member capacity. Consequently,
vehicles of this increased payload capability would not lie in the solu-
tion space shown with Figure 4.32 and 4.33.
It is important to mention again that the X-20 program was the first
space access systems design 119
F I G U R E 4.32 –
large scale industrial-level program for the development of an opera- Single Design Point Solution is
tional LRV vehicle and occurred more than two decades before the first iterated for τ and other mission
flight of the STS. Most of the technology, knowledge, data, and even parameters for developing a
the test-facilities developed during the X-20 program found applica- design solution space. Each
tion in the follow on generations of lifting body programs, eventually design point is a converged
leading to the development of the Space Shuttle. This is further con- vehicle solution concept.
firmed by several noted authors, historians, and researchers[31, 75, 95–
98] as almost every account of the history and development of the STS
program mentions the X-20 program as a major contributor towards
the Space Shuttle vehicle.
The X-20 was the pathfinder for its time that produced invaluable
data and knowledge. Multiple new technologies were developed dur-
ing the life-time of the X-20 to successfully develop the first operational
LRV. Sadly, that had to wait for more than 20 years owing to political
reasons. Geiger states; “the X-20 Dyna-Soar died not from technical insuf-
ficiency but from political disfavor."[31]. Houchins further confirms and
adds to the impact of the cancellation of the X-20 program: “Dyna-
Soar was not a technological failure. It could have flown. On the other
hand, Dyna-Soar’s cancellation marked the collapse of the Air Force’s
political-economic efforts for a hypersonic boost-glider, illustrating the
need for a rapid and clear consensus of purpose, single-minded and
politically astute leadership, and the near-term attainment of advanced
technology."[97]. Both Geiger and Houchins present detailed and well-
documented accounts of the complicated political-economic circum-
stances leading to the cancellation of the X-20 program and its impact
on the space industry had it been developed during the 1960s.
The present study further reestablishes the feasibility of a forgotten
120 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 4.33 –
program through a parametric assessment of the technical feasibility Constraints applied based on
and advanced capability the X-20 could have provided. This could TPS system technology and LV
have helped the industry leapfrog historical progress had the admin- weight constraints.
istration provided the required timely support. In this account, the
X-20 presents a case-study that the present generation of planners and
designers need to acknowledge and learn in order to avoid making
the same mistakes which could possibly result, again, in a potential
decline of the current re-usability space progress, the likes of which
was experienced through the decades following the Apollo program.
is repeated here from first Section to remind the reader of the primary
trade dimensions. This figure is a found to be a significant visual TECHNOLOGY
tool to realize the real scale of the infinite possibilities that could be
to cover some of those possibilities and show numerically how the true RKT-13
EM Drive
Case-Study Description
Lifting body configuration represents a class of geometry that has
F I G U R E 4.34 –
the same generic shape but can have various geometry profiles by
Complete overall trade-matrix
variations in geometry parameters like the shape of the base-area,
showing primary and
flat/round bottom, leading-edge angles etc. A first order assessment
secondary trades
of the sensitivities of general shape parameters of the vehicle on the fi-
nal vehicle performance is a powerful capability attribute to this multi-
disciplinary sizing methodology and implementation. This study demon-
strates this effect of the general shape and geometric parameters’ trades
along with other two trade dimensions. The possible geometric varia-
tions for a generic lifting body configuration and how they are applied
to create specific geometry profiles are shown in Figure 4.35.
F I G U R E 4.35 –
Parametric variations in generic
lifting body configurations and
development of specific
geometry profiles.
with varying base-area for lifting bodies. The parametric geometric re-
lationships provided by Czysz are limited to a planform leading edge
angle of 78 degrees which is a correct sweep angle for reentry gliders.
F I G U R E 4.36 –
Fundamental logic of the sizing
methodology executed in
AVDLB MDA framework.
Rocket Performance Off and on design point analytical relations for Sutton[91]
determination of Isp and thrust available T
Performance Matching
De-Orbit Analytical relation for the de-orbit problem Low[85]
identifying ∆V and entry velocity, Ve , as a
function of entry flight path angle, γe and
de-orbit parking orbit r p
Glide Relations for small flight path angle glide from Miele[87]
re-entry to landing
Max Heat Flux Max heat flux correlation as a function of glide Galman[88]
weight W, coefficient of lift CL , planform area
S pln , and nose radius r N
T A B L E 4.4 –
Summary of methods used in
study provides a wide range of design solutions which are addressed the X-20 MDA
here. While the X-20 design point was iterated on τ and number of
crew to explore the X-20 design solution space and mission capability
124 loveneesh rana
Results Interpretation
As mentioned earlier, a large amount of data has been generated
from the LB case-study. A total of 636 converged design solutions
emerged out of the study, where each design point has calculated
around 200 variables and every trade study has been an independent
architecture execution. The common aspect of all the 636 converged
vehicles is the underlying mission objective, since all of the architec-
tures have been executed to carry 1 crew member and 450 kg of pay-
load mass for a LEO reentry mission.
The results obtained until this point in the GDSP solution process are
representative of the execution of the first three steps. The Mission
Analysis, Technology Requirements, and Hardware Selection steps have
been executed at this point, and the hardware specification for 636
HC_1 HC_2 HC_3 HC_4 HC_5
Vsp_1 Vsp_2 Vsp_3 INCREASING
TRADES 0.05 0.8
T A B L E 4.5 –
Overall Trade space description of the 636 converged design solutions for the generic LB case-study.
space access systems design
126 loveneesh rana
feasible design concepts has been obtained. The next step then im-
plements the execution of the Cost-per-Performance analysis, where the
total cost for all 636 vehicles has been calculated following the method-
ology described earlier.
( W ff
ff CO ER
LB Holistic Measure
LB Holistic Measure
LB Holistic Measure
TAU - HCBase- DeltaV
TAU - HCBase - Engine
TAU - HCBase - Reentry(altitude)
TAU - HCBase - Spatula
TAU - HCBase- DeltaV TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA72o)
TAU - HCBase - Engine TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA74o)
TAU - HCBase - Reentry(altitude) TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA76o)
TAU - HCBase- DeltaV TAU - HCBase - Spatula TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA78o)
TAU - HCBase - Engine TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA72o)
TAU - HCBase - Reentry(altitude) TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA74o)
TAU - HCBase - Spatula TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA76o)
TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA72o) TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA78o)
TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA74o)
TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA76o)
TAU - VSPBase (@ LEA78o)
F I G U R E 4.38 –
a holistic comparison capability for a consistent comparison for all 636 Parametric variations in generic
vehicles simultaneously. lifting body configurations and
First, a demo of the result is shown in Figure 4.37 which contains development of specific
data for only one trade study, where the three measuring axis are vi- geometry profiles.
sualized, and the individual design points are shown. The plots are
overlayed over the same axis as seen in the Figure 4.38.
The final results for all the trade-studies are now plotted together
in one continous solution space. This solution space contains data
for all 636 converged design solutions. The best solution based on
the three axis would be the one that has the least weight (TOGW),
maximum volumetric efficiency and least cost/performance (note that
Cost/Pereff is the inverse of Perf/Cost which is same as miles-per-
gallon or miles-per-dollar number for road vehicles). It can be seen
that vehicles sized by the OpenVSP geometry method with a 78 degree
leading edge angle are most favorable on these measures.
Figure 4.39 shows the results for all vehicles combined where the
best design point identified on all three measures corresponds to an
elliptical LB body with 78 degree leading edge angle.
Holistic Measure
LB Holistic Measure
loveneesh rana
Desirable Design Solution Space: BEST DESIGN OPTION:
• Minimum TOGW OpenVSP
• Minimum Cost/Perf FULL ELLIPSE 78o
• Maximum Volume efficiency
t(WY fic ienc
rs) / c Ef
Perf um etri
. Eff
icien Vol
F I G U R E 4.39 –
Overall Trade space description of the 636 converged design solutions for the generic LB case-study.
space access systems design 129
Following the sizing of all 540 single point design solution a de-
sign solution continuum is prepared that addresses the overall big-
ger picture configuration level solution space. This is different from
the individual design-points solution space obtained by trading tau
and planform since here several inherently different design options
are considered. Figure 4.41 shows example of a design solution con-
tinuum for geometry profile 2 with all trades of engines and reentry
The overall solution space continuum as shown in the Figure 4.42
the effect of certain trades on the three performance metrics. The re-
lationship between wing loading and structural weight is positive and
increasing with a distinct difference between two sets of data which
correspond to different engines using different fuel types. Rotation of
the solution space to show the performance index reveals that not all
points along those lines are equal and there is a wide spread of per-
formance related to engine ISP, L/D and reentry velocity. The range
of values for each vehicle shape are also different (denoted by color)
130 loveneesh rana
T A B L E 4.6 –
Different trade studies
space access systems design 131
F I G U R E 4.41 –
When examining the specific wing body geometry solution space, Creation of overall solution
there exist an optimal solution at the minimum wing loading, struc- space for a geometry profile.
tural weight and highest performance index. This area is denoted by Similar design solution
the red circle and is populated by both 78 degree and 75 degree lead- continuum is generated for all
ing edge angle vehicles. The highest performance is associated with three geometry profiles.
the 78 degree leading edge although this solution space shows that the
75 degree vehicles are not much further away and could be an alter-
native if further studies show an advantage to lower angles. There are
higher performance index vehicles but at the cost of much higher wing
loading and structural weight seen in the middle of the solution space.
Determining if the extra performance is worth the extra weight and
wing loading depends on the decision drivers and required margins.
4.4.4 Summary
This chapter has demonstrated the application of the SAS-GDSP so-
lution to the LRV class of SAVs. Three case-studies are executed and
the final results are shown in the powerful design solution space to-
pography which contains a vast number of individual design points.
Trades on all three primary dimensions of Technology-Configuration-
Mission have been conducted. To consistently measure such a large
loveneesh rana
F I G U R E 4.42 –
Overall solution space continuum for 540 converged WB design points. A well behaved trend is seen in 2-D view primarily due to the
choice of propulsion system. A more distributed data-spread is seen along performance axis.
space access systems design 133
The VTHL type SAS class selected for this research investigation is the
TSTO case where the LV and the RV are two separate systems. As
previously justified Chapter 11 , this decision has been primarily based 1
see Section 1.2.2
on the historical trends observed and the current state of the industry.
The following reasons were identified as the primary motivation for
selection of a TSTO-VTHL system:
• SSTO-SAS are not feasible with the current state of technology. Lessons
from past projects show that this category requires extensive addi-
tional R& D effort and a paradigm shift in several technologies.
F I G U R E 5.1 –
Falcon-9 type Falcon-9 (Current) Atlas V Multiple sets of LVs could be
seen for each category
composed of various
constituting elements. One
Recoverable representative case-study is
selected from each category.
archy level-1, the VTHL system. Figure 5.2 provides the overview
description of each case-study selected. Note that the assumed future
Falcon 9 vehicle has a lower LEO payload capacity since some fraction
of the fuel is reserved for vertically landing the stage similar to what
is being done currently with the first stage.
Diameter 3.66 m
Length 12.68 m
Empty mass 4,000 kg Empty mass 4,000 kg
Diameter 3.05 m
Thrust 934 kN Thrust 934 kN
Empty mass 2,316 kg
Isp 348 sec Isp 348 sec
Thrust 99.2 kN
Fuel LOX / RP-1 Fuel LOX / RP-1
Isp 450.5 s
Fuel LH2 / LOX
First stage #9 Merlin 1D++ First stage # 9 Merlin 1D+
Length 42.6 m Length 42.6 m First stage 1 RD-180 (Atlas CCB)
Diameter 3.66 m Diameter 3.66 m Length 32.46 m
Empty mass 22,000 kg Empty mass 22,000 kg Diameter 3.81 m
Thrust 8,451 kN Thrust 7,607 kN Empty mass 21,054 kg
Isp 282 sec Isp 282 sec Thrust 3,827 kN(SL)
Fuel LOX / RP-1 Fuel LOX / RP-1 Isp 311.3 s (SL)
Fuel RP-1 / LOX
F I G U R E 5.2 –
Representative vehicles and
their characteristic physical and
performance values as selected
5.2 SAS-GDSP Methodology for Hierarchy Level-1: VTHL from each category as the
representative case-studies.
The SAS-GDSP solution is generically applying the four steps, namely;
1) Mission Analysis, 2) Technology Requirements, 3) Hardware Selec-
tion and 4) Cost-per-Performance Solution screening. These four steps
are applicable to the VTHL configuration where the entire VTHL is
considered as one system. These steps are explained here for the Hi-
erarchy Level-1 application.
138 loveneesh rana
Vb = V ∗ − VL (5.2)
VL = Vg + Vd + Va (5.3)
1 βb
Vg = ( g tb − K gg ) 1 − K g (1 − ) (5.4)
r (90o )
CD Sre f
Vd = Kd (5.5)
Va = Ka (5.6)
xb = 1.1 h∗ (5.7)
(90o )
R = D ( e B g − 1) (5.8)
∠ Overall LEO capacity of the LVs : This implies the weight carrying
limit for each LV case. The lifting body LRV design solution space
is first filtered for this criteria in each LV case.
∠ The geometry constraint of the LVs : The base diameter of the lift-
ing body LRVs is selected as the imposing constraint. The LRV
design options that pass the first criteria are then screened for this
second criteria. The diameter of the LVs cross-section is the limiting
constraint and the LRV design options that exceed the LV cross-
sectional diameter are rejected at this step.
the fairing of the LV. Once the total weight and the LV cross-section
are imposed, the fairing volume constraint further reduces the total
number of feasible LRV design solutions which can be integrated
with the selected LRV designs.
After the application of the above defined criteria, the total number of
possible VTHL design solutions is obtained. This is theoretically same
as the sizing step of the previous chapter where the subsystems are
integrated in the MDA framework to generate the total number of the
feasible design solutions.
∠ Production costs The total production cost for the LRV is calculated
for the liquid rocket engines (EP) and the LV stage vehicle. It is given
142 loveneesh rana
• Ground Operations
• Flight Operations
Of these elements, only the Ground Cost and the Flight Operations
cost are included to calculate the Operations Cost for the LRVs. Fol-
lowing set of CERs are given by Koelle for these elements;
where, the Ground Operations cost, COPS and the Flight Operations
Cost, C M are given by following set of equations;
5.3 Results
Each LV case has been matched with the LRV options that met with
the LV constraint limits, thus resulting into a feasible VTHL system
solution space. The cost and performance analysis conducted assess
the VTHL options for each LV case. The final results are interpreted
for the overall VTHL system and thus are affected by the design sensi-
tivities of the LRV options as well. This aspect must be considered at
all times since the comparisons are conducted for each LV based VTHL
systems and might mislead to the interpretation as solely based on the
LV. Total of 1172 VTHL design concepts are addressed next for each
LV based VTHL configuration.
Total 344 VTHL system design solutions have been identified in this
solution space5 . As seen in the figure, the boxed region identify as the 5
This means that 344 LRV options met
region of the most optimum design points which show maximum sys- with the Falcon 9 payload weight and
fairing diameter constraint.
tem performance, minimum system cost and minimum total weight.
Next, the results for the VTHL systems employing a future Falcon
9 type6 Fully Reusable Launch Vehicle (FLRV) case are shown in Fig- 6
Based on assumed values for Falcon 9
ure5.5. A total of 369 VTHL design solutions are addressed in this Block 5 type LV.
5.3.2 Summary
The SAS-GDSP solution has been applied for the VTHL SAS category
in this chapter. The VTHL systems design solution spaces has been
space access systems design 145
generated that contain 1172 VTHL solution concepts. The results are
discussed based on the LV type used in the VTHL system but compare
the overall SAS performance and cost estimates. This implementation
validates the generic capability of the SAS-GDSP at the top-most hi-
erarchy level. This capability is a prototype synthesis process which
increases the CD assessment scope vertically across system hierarchy
levels and provide the decision maker with valuable insights on sys-
tems and subsystems level. The results compare a large number of
design options and hence, certain anomalies are seen which are being
addressed currently.
The primary contribution from this chapter is the demonstration of a
truly state-of-the-art multidisciplinary capability. The solution space
provides a powerful tool that lets the decision maker scan across mul-
tiple design options.
It must be noted here that the disciplinary methods applied within
the LRV case-studies are bound by the VTHL range of technology-
mission-operations domains and are only applicable to this specific
class of SAS. The SAS-GDSP solution process however is a unique CD
methodology that is generic in nature and is applicable to all other SAS
categories if the appropriate disciplinary methods and mission profile
analysis is applied.
146 loveneesh rana
# 344 Design Options PRLV Based VTHL Solution
space compares all VTHL
options that use Falcon 9 LV
and Lifting Body LRVs. Note
that the total number of design
points in the boxed region
overlap due to a high density of
5.48 design points in the limited
sign S
um De OGW
50 Optim in . T 2480 solution space. The total
VTH 45 •M
LT 40 • Min 2470
number of design points in the
OTA Perf Yr)
• Max
PER 30
F 25
20 2445
optimum region are more than
two, as it might appear.
space, the optimum design
Space solution region here also
5.49 Optimum in. TOGW
•M st
• M in
• Max
contains multiple design
• The L er. 3.333
OST (W solution space.
# 10 4
P can diff
30 3.3325
20 3.331
systems cost.
• Greater Paload Cap
• Highest Total Co
• Lowest Total Perf.
Chapter 6
This dissertation produced several significant original contributions to
the field of aerospace and the multi-disciplinary sciences. They are
addressed as follows;
∠ The Generic Design Synthesis Process for the Space Access Systems
(SAS-GDSP)1 is a novel approach that contributes to the ideology of 1
See Chapter 3
the multi-disciplinary sciences, flight vehicle synthesis and the con-
ceptual design assessment practices. The proposed solution process
expands the scope of the conceptual design synthesis practices ver-
tically and horizontally. The vertical expansion refers to the capa-
bility of the solution process in assessment of the SAS at Hierarchy
Level-1 as a generic system. The horizontal expansion is the inclu-
sion of the Mission Analysis and the Cost-per-Performance Solu-
tion Screening steps in the conceptual design practices, beyond the
technology-hardware integration.
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The AHP model developed for the assessment of the LRV case-studies
is applied to assess the LRV programs initiated in the United States
of America, beginning with the 1949 Tsien’s spaceplane concept, to
the current day SNC Dream Chaser. A brief overview of every case-
study is provided along with the AHP scores to identify the major
contributions, and rationalize the disciplinary criteria scores assigned
to every case-study. An evolution pattern is observed while assem-
bling the LRV data-base as many case-studies are connected together,
either under a common program structure, or through development
and application of technology from one program to other. This com-
monality and connection is discussed with the results to chart the LRV
design and technology evolution. Readers are advised to consult the
common legend given in Figure A.1, while reading the AHP result’s
and LRV evolution’s visualization .
F I G U R E A.1 –
Legend for reading the AHP
model scores and LRV
evolution plots
space access systems design 169
“This was the first clear delineation of the possibility of aerodynamic design fea-
tures which could significantly alleviate the heating and ease the hotâĂŤstruc-
tures problems. Later application of these principles to actual flight systems was
first made in the X-20 and they are also obviously applied in the current Space
F I G U R E A.3 –
In 1957, the USAF decided to consolidate the details of BRASS, HY- 1950s: AHP Results
WARDS and ROBO programs into three steps of one single program
under official designation X-20, later known as DynaSoar shortened for
Dynamic-Soaring[75]. This was one of the biggest venture undertaken
by the USAF to develop a LRV. The X-20 program produced critical
research breakthroughs that influenced future generations of LRV de-
signs and technology. The program was cancelled in 1963, just two
months before the manufacturing phase began and the effort had al-
ready reached a budget of $410 million[40]. X-20 has been studied and
documented extensively by several historians and engineers alike as
it is one of the ’what-if’ programs that showed tremendous potential.
Geiger, [30, 75, 109] Houchins [97] and Godwin[31] have addressed X-
space access systems design 171
The main highlight of the 1950s was the X-20 program for LRV
design, which combined all previous efforts into one program. The
final years of the decade witnessed a large number of ground tests
and research activities undertaken towards understanding the hyper-
sonic environment, and developing technology to meet the challenges
imposed by the X-20 mission requirements. The AHP results for this
decade are shown in Figure A.3
While NASA Langley was still performing test flights for HL-10, an-
other lifting body project, the X-24A was initiated at Edwards under
the NASA-USAF collaboration in 1965. The USAF has been inde-
pendently testing lifting bodies since the late 1950s, which evolved
into the START program in the early 1960s. The X-24A was based F I G U R E A.6 –
on Martin SV-5P lifting body, which was originally designated as the Vehicle configuration evolution
PILOT under the USAF START program[115]. In this regards, X- under NASA lifting bodies[117]
24A/SV-5P/PILOT represents one of the first major joint venture be-
tween NASA and USAF. Major contributions of the X-24A were in the
discipline of subsystems development by improving on the stability
and control features of the lifting body design. Accomplishment of
the X-24A are better expressed in the following quotes:
“Flight testing of the X-24A led to one significant accomplishment: the SV-5
shape was the only one evaluated in actual free-flight at hypersonic, supersonic,
transonic, and subsonic velocities. Like the M2-F3 and HL-10, the X-24A
demonstrated that shuttle-type hypersonic vehicles could make precise landings
without power.."[33]
The X-24B, the last vehicle in NASA’s lifting body program was
started in 1971 and had more in common with the flat-bottom FDL-7
than previous NASA lifting bodies(M2,HL-10 and X-24A). It is dis-
cussed in next sub-section with other LRV programs from 1970s.
With the X-24B, NASA concluded a very successful lifting body pro-
gram as development of the Space Shuttle began in the early 1970s.
The lifting body program contributed significantly to the Shuttle, with
vehicle configuration selection in the early design phase and with sta-
bility and control during reentry, in the final design. Apart from the
technical success, the lifting body program was also successful in using
off-the-shelf technology for most parts, while developing a new config-
uration and improving on the vehicle design implementation rapidly.
This could be an important lessons for those programs where high-
demanding technology was the main cause of failure. It is no surprise
174 loveneesh rana
that after four decades, the only LRV design currently under devel-
opment, the SNC Dream Chaser, which is a direct decedent of HL-20
which had its roots in the lifting body program from 1960s. Figure A.6
shows vehicle evolution under NASA’s lifting body program along
with the number of test flights.
later referred as X-23, PRIME undertook several ground tests and three
test flights that produced wealth of valuable data and technology. A
complete list of PRIME’s contribution to the hypersonic research body
of knowledge is beyond the scope of the current paper. Hallion gives a
detailed explanation of specific contributions in trajectory reconstruc-
tion, aerodynamics, heat shield and structure, guidance & control, flap
actuation, environmental control, telemetry tracking & command, in-
strumentation and electrical subsystems categories. PRIME achieved
all its initial objective with such a spectacular success rate that the
development team cancelled two further planned launches and the
project was concluded[38]. Rose comments on ASSET and PRIME is
fitting to highlight the importance of these programs.
“It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of the ASSET and PRIME
tests to the development of the Space Shuttle. "[38]
patibility with the payload bay of the space shuttle. One of the more unique
configurations developed was the FDL-5 series. The basic problem addressed in
this design was to eliminate the fins of the vehicle without degrading the hyper-
sonic L/D, the subsonic L/D and the hypersonic directional stability."[119]
F I G U R E A.9 –
The following quote eloquently highlights BGRV’s contribution:
1960s: AHP Evaluation
“ BGRV served to provide much data on hypersonic maneuvering flight charac-
teristics. This data was of great value in developing later maneuvering re-entry
vehicles. Upon re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, flight control was achieved
through the use of the aft trim flares and a reaction jet system commanded from
an on-board inertial guidance system instead of by aerodynamic controls."[123]
The X-24B marked the end of NASA’s lifting body program as the fol-
low on vehicle, the X-24C was undertaken by the USAF alone. While
the X-24B was based on the FDL-7, X-24C was an air-breather im-
plementation of the FDL-8 lineage[38]. Several configurations of X-
24C were explored by the FDL with scramjet and rocket powered ver-
sions, with the main goal to develop a new hypersonic scramjet-flight
demonstrator reaching speeds upto Mach 8. Although the X-24C was
cancelled due to tight budget constraints and the inability to identify
a pressing nearâĂŤterm need for the flight facility, it is still consid-
ered as a significant milestone-effort to combine scramjet propulsion
with a lifting body design, overall producing important data during
the ground tests. Hallion’s quote below is addressing the value of the
X-24C experimental data:
“Eventually, XâĂŤ24C gained the distinction Of being the most extensively
studied and analyzed "nonâĂŤflown" hypersonic vehicle."[33]
The USAF continued with the research on small spaceplane de-
signs with the largely classified Air Launched Sortie Vehicle (ALSV)
program[38], another precursor to the X-30. Proposals were submitted
by Boeing, Rockwell and General Dynamics for the ALSV, which re-
sembled Shuttle’s configuration of a reusable LRV glider with expend-
able fuel tanks, but were launched by a modified aircraft as the first
stage. There is little information available regarding individual pro-
posals which hints that the program did not progress beyond paper
studies, as the performance of the ALSV was not particularly impres-
sive, while the technical challenges were daunting[130].
Following the lineage of experimental programs from the sixties,
the SWERVE program was a maneuvering reentry body based on a
slender cone configuration, with small wings and elevons[131]. Simi-
lar to the BGRV and Alpha-Draco programs, SWERVE provided much
of the aerodynamic and aerothermodynamic experimental data from
three test flights beginning in 1979[132]. Hallion recognizes the impor-
tance of these experimental vehicles in following quotes;
The AHP assessment and the evolution of the 1970s LRV programs is
shown in Figure A.11.
F I G U R E A.11 –
1970s: AHP Evaluation
space access systems design 181
Another important LRV program from 1980s is the HL-20 lifting body
envisioned as a Personnel Launch System(PLS) and later as a Crew
Emergency Return Vehicle(CERV) to provide manned crew return com-
plementing the Space Shuttle[135]. The vehicle was inspired by the
Soviet BOR-4 lifting body, a test vehicle under the Soviet Shuttle pro-
gram, the Energia Buran[38]. The NASA Langley personnel who worked
on the 1960’s lifting body program were also involved in the HL-20
development. the HL-20 conducted numerous aerodynamics investi-
gations to improve low-speed characteristics of the vehicle to enable a
horizontal runway landing. Further ground tests were conducted lead-
ing to a full-size mock-up model of the vehicle that furnished valuable
data[136]. The following quotes form NASA confirms the value of the
HL-20 research effort:
“..A significant amount of research effort has gone into experimental and com-
putational investigations of the baseline HL-20 shape. The goal has been to
amass a data base of information about this system to aid in management deci-
sions for PLS development..."[137]
Although the HL-20 was could not progress beyond the ground test-
ing phase during the early ’90s, it became the basis of the 2005 Dream
182 loveneesh rana
Chaser vehicle. This design is the only active LRV design to reach or-
bital capability is currently under development by the Sierra Nevada
Corporation. Chiara has addressed the evolution of Dream Chaser
from the HL-20 in reference [[138]] that was acquired by the author
from Chiara himself and is available on the internet, but is not pub-
lished officially in a journal or conference yet. The AHP assessment
results and the evolution of the TAV and the HL-20 program included
within the 1990s LRV case-studies are discussed next.
F I G U R E A.13 –
NASA RLV technology
program schedule[142]
aeroscience experiments..."[146]
F I G U R E A.14 –
The X-37 program evolved out of the Boeing X-40 demonstrator for 1980s Onwards: AHP
the USAF Space Maneuver Vehicle(SMV) under the Military Space- Evaluation
plane Architecture program[151]. The first generation vehicle of the
program was the X-37A Approach and Landing Test Vehicle (ALTV)
and was used in drop glide tests in 2005-2006 by NASA[152]. The sec-
ond generation Orbital Test Vehicle(OTV) or the X-37B, was developed
and operated independently by the USAF and is currently operational,
but remains highly classified regarding the details of mission details.
The following quote by Grantz adequately represent the key technol-
space access systems design 185
X-37 was the last LRV program initiated in the nineties and is the
only LRV vehicle currently operational. The 1990s were a tough pe-
riod for LRV programs where many bold initiatives were undertaken
to establish a reusable SAS, but only the X-37 evolved to an opera-
tional vehicle status. The lessons learned were expensive and difficult
but contributed immensely to hypersonic knowledge evolution. The
evolution for the LRV program from 1980 onwards is shown in Figure
A.12 and the AHP results for these case-studies are given in Figure
A.14 that includes the last case-study, the Dream Chaser, which is dis-
cussed next.
Outside the United States, numerous LRV programs have been under-
taken by several European and Asian countries. A total of 29 LRV case-
studies from USSR/Russia, ESA, Great Britain, Germany and Japan
have been assessed by the AHP model. In the following subsections,
ESA, Germany, and Britain are discussed collectively under the Euro-
pean LRV programs, followed by a brief discussion of LRV programs
in Japan and finally, Soviet/Russia.
F I G U R E A.16 –
verbird and the follow-on designs can be found in reference [[18]], European LRV Programs
[[164]] and [[165]], authored by Eugen and Irene Sänger. Evolution
Between 1961 and 1964, Eugen Sänger was working with JUNKERS
the Silvervogel follow-on design studies, for a sled-launched two stage
space-plane system, the Junkers RT-8. Both, the first and second stages
were delta-winged LRV designs, equipped with LOX/LH2 engines.
The upper stage was a reversed version of the first stage launch vehi-
cle, with the low-mounted wing, having upturned tips like that of the
X-20 Dyna-Soar, and would be able to reach 300km altitude orbit[95].
Sänger was working on the RT-8 until the morning of his sudden death
in February 1964. The design went through several iterations under
Messerschmidt-Boelkow-Bloehm (MBB) as RT-8-02, but was eventually
dropped in 1969. Eugene Sänger’s work towards the LRV concept is
undeniably the most influential contribution by an individual. He ap-
plied the rocket science fundamentals developed by Esnault-Pelterie,
Goddard, Oberth and Tsiolkowski, into a practical concept, based on
the philosophy of the so-called “school of Vienna", where Valier, Von-
hoefft and Von Pirquet imagined aircraft capable of reaching orbital
velocities[166]. Sänger’s life was dedicated to the idea of realizing a
rocket-plane to access space. A detailed account of his work is docu-
mented by his son Hartmut Sänger[166], who describes the importance
of Sänger’s legacy in these words:
“Eugen Sänger, however, was one of these rare, gifted engineer-physicists whose
space access systems design 189
Another major German LRV concept in the 1960s was the lifting
body design, Bumerang. Developed by ERNO through a series of
wind tunnel tests followed by unpowered flight tests, the Bumerang
followed the contemporary NASA Lifting Body program and con-
tributed to the Space Shuttle’s project-definition phase with McDon-
nell Douglas[167]. Major contributions made by the Bumerang were
in the disciplines of aerothermodynamics, thermal management, and
sub-systems as found in the detailed description in reference [[168]]
and [[169]].
In 1985, MBB began renewed studies of the Sänger spaceplane, this
time, a two-stage-to-orbit horizontal takeoff concept. The first stage
was a turboramjet powered delta-wing design, for boosting the or-
biter vehicle called HORUS, which was based on the CNES Hermes
vehicle[170]. The program was the reference concept of the German
Hypersonics Technology Program and achieved major results in disci-
plines of propulsion, structures & material, subsystems and aerothermodynamics[171].
However, the propulsion research was mainly concentrated on air-
breathing launch stage, which proved unsuccessful in developing a
feasible propulsion system and the program was terminated in 1995
due to budget cuts. Sänger II concept was also studied under the FES-
TIP program by ESA and further details of the vehicle system and
major contributions are found in references [[171]] and [[172]].
In 1987, ERNO and MBB started working on a winged LRV design
called The Platform Orbiter or PLATO for short. The program emerged
out of Europe’s desire to not be dependent on the US Space Shuttle for
orbital access, as PLATO was planned to be launched by European
Ariane 4 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana, and land horizontally
in southern Europe[173]. Several wind tunnel activities and trajectory
simulation models were developed for PLATO. However, the program
could not develop beyond these ground tests and was cancelled in
1990. References [[174]] and [[175]] are some of the best sources found
for this project, describing the research effort development under the
PLATO concludes the discussion of LRV programs initiated in Ger-
many. Figure A.17 shows the AHP results of the Germany LRV pro-
grams along with the British concepts, Whitworth Pyramid and BAC
MUSTARD, which are discussed next.
F I G U R E A.17 –
German & British LRV
here in the AHP model. The first study originated in 1954, an unusual
Programs: AHP Evaluation
pyramid-shaped design with a flat underside and short wings, was de-
veloped by Nonweiler following the development of his famous wave
rider concept. Rose[38] provides further details for this design devel-
opment, which suggests the vehicle made developments in aerother-
modynamics and subsystems disciplines through a series of wind tun-
nel tests, leading to various design modifications. The vehicle could
not evolve beyond that stage and was cancelled in 1960. During this
period, the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) was conducting studies
for developing a small British spacecraft using delta-winged designs.
Following on its initial hypersonic and spaceplane studies, the BAC
began work on the government funded studies aimed to develop a
reusable manned Orbital Transporter. Inspired by the American lifting
body design and the modular concept as implemented in the McDon-
nell Astro and Convair Triamese, program MUSTARD was defined
in 1962. The vehicle configuration resembled closely the Convair Tri-
amese design using three identical lifting-body stages. Although no
technical report has been available for MUSTARD, several FLIGHT
magazine articles and two patents filed by BAC[176, 177] in 1969, re-
flect that MUSTARD developed ground-test articles and made signifi-
cant progress in propulsion and aerothermodynamics disciplines[178].
The AHP results for these two programs are given in Figure A.17 with
German programs.
LRV programs from ESA The European Space Agency (ESA) was
established in 1973 following the reforms made to previous Euro-
pean space collaboration under ESRO and ELDO[179]. The LRV case-
space access systems design 191
this study were borrowed from FESTIP’s definition. The FESTIP pro-
gram played a key role in defining common goals among participating
agencies to provided a path for maturity of key technologies[187, 188].
Several vehicle concepts were analyzed during the initial configura-
tion selection phases as shown in Figure A.18. Following the initial
evaluation, concepts FSSC-15 and FSSC-16 were preferred on the basis
of technical feasibility and economic viability[45]. Technical feasibility
and mission performance were claimed to be achieved by all concepts
and further details on individual system concepts can be found in ref-
erences [[189]] and [[190]].
In 1998, the FESTIP team selected FSSC-15 HOPPER as the final con-
cept and decided to pursue detailed design work within planned Fu-
ture Launcher Technology Programme(FLTP), foreseen for 1999-2005.
Based on the configuration of the HOPPER concept, the German AS-
TRA program started developing the Phoenix test vehicle as the EXTV
option for FESTIP[191]. The main objective was to demonstrate fully
autonomous approach and landing for an RLV-like configuration, pos-
sessing relatively poor low-speed flying qualities.[151] In 2004, the ve-
hicle executed the only drop-test flight, executing a fully autonomous
landing. A part of the FLTP objectives was to develop and validate the
required technologies for the HOPPER vehicle. But unbalanced partic-
ipation in the program by various member states and the consequent
problems with implementing procedures resulted in the FLTP being
put on hold[192], and eventually canceled, along with the suborbital
HOPPER concept and its sub-scale test-bed vehicle, the Phoenix. An-
other testbed vehicle based on the Hopper’s configuration was the
SOCRATES program with goals to demonstrate most RLV mission
phases, from autonomous takeoff to abort capabilities.[151] Apart from
the major objectives and initial program definition requirements, not
much information is found on this proposed testbed, now assumed to
be abandoned after the cancellation of Hopper.
Following the FTLP debacle, the Future Launchers Preparatory Pro-
gramme(FLPP) was initiated in 2004 to prepare the next generation
of launchers, starting with system studies carried out under FESTIP.
During the next phase of the program, FLPP initiated “..a progression
of test vehicles to explore the physics of, and demonstrate the capability to
accomplish, controlled reentry flight..[193]. The first of these programs
was the European eXPEriment Reentry Testbed(EXPERT), intended to
gather data on reentry aerothermodynamic phenomena using a geo-
metrically simple, but highly instrumented non-maneuvering reentry
vehicle."[151] EXPERT was supported by several aerothermodynam-
ics facilities throughout Europe, equipped with 14 experiments pro-
vided by several scientific institutions all around Europe[194, 195]. EX-
PERT performed several flight tests as a precursor to the IXV technical
space access systems design 193
F I G U R E A.19 –
ESA LRV Programs: AHP
demonstrator, providing important data for aerothermodynamics and
thermal management disciplines.
Another program leading to the FLPP IXV began in late 2000 when
the French space agency, CNES, began with preliminary assessments
of a lifting testbed called the Pre-X. The main objectives were de-
fined to develop and demonstrate technologies in thermal manage-
ment, aerothermodynamics, and subsystems disciplines[196]. Follow-
ing the initial preliminary design period, Pre-X has undergone exten-
sive detailed design analysis and ground testings to develop the vehi-
cle, in order to comply with in-flight experiments plans[197, 198]. The
Pre-X configuration became the basis of the FLPP-IXV demonstrator.
A significant LRV effort under the FLPP initiative was the CIRA
(Italian Aerospace Research Center) program, PRORA-USV, “to de-
velop and flight test technologies critical to future-generation reusable
launch systems."[151] The vehicle conducted technology demonstra-
tion flights providing a valuable system and subsystem feasibility in-
sight. Ruso[199, 200] provides further details of the program’s main
objectives and major contributions to the disciplines of subsystem and
structures. These trends are also seen in the AHP results.
During the Period-1 stage of the FLPP program, the industrial sys-
tems team was tasked to select the most promising ongoing studies
for the Intermediate Experimental Vehicle (IXV). As mentioned earlier,
CNES Pre-X was selected as the optimum design and the IXV adopted
the external configuration of the Pre-X[201]. Multiple goals identified
for the IXV were: “..demonstrate hypersonic unpowered maneuvering reen-
try flight of a lifting configuration, serve as a test-bed for in-flight qualifica-
194 loveneesh rana
tion of vehicle subsystems and systems, and to provide another source of data
on fundamental hypersonic aerothermodynamic phenomena for validation of
tools, databases, and design processes.."[151] With these goals, the IXV
was to develop on the in-flight research conducted by the EXPERT
program[202]. The IXV flew on its successful maiden test flight in
2015, producing important aerodynamics and thermal data. The pro-
gram is scored high on aerothermodynamics, thermal management,
and subsystems disciplines and is planned for the follow-up flights
in 2019/2020[203]. The IXV is the last case-study considered for the
ESA-initiated LRV efforts, most of which saw fruition as technology
demonstrators for the next-generation reusable launch vehicle. The
AHP results for the ESA case studies are shown in Figure A.19.
F I G U R E A.20 –
HOPE-X Program Timeline[204]
The LRV research efforts in Japan are focussed under the HOPE(The
H-2 Orbiting Plane) program started in the 1980s by NASDA and NAL
(both now part of JAXA). Following the early paper studies, the devel-
opment plans led to the HOPE-X, a full-scale demonstrator for the op-
erational HOPE vehicle. “..Although the size and configuration of HOPE-X
duplicate the operational HOPE, its gross weight will be about two-thirds of
operational HOPE..."[205] Three experimental projects were defined ini-
tially during the early development plans that would lead to HOPE-
X as each project would focus on specific disciplinary development.
A fourth vehicle was added to the initial three experimental projects
during the later program stage. The HOPE-X program evolution and
space access systems design 195
F I G U R E A.21 –
Japan LRV Efforts under HOPE
The Soviet Union has been involved in the LRV design since as early
as 1956 when Myasishchev began studies for a manned spaceplane.
The primary objective was similar to the United States contemporary
program X-20; to execute piloted orbital military operations. This was
followed by a series of small VKA designs eventually leading to an
aerodynamically more efficient VKA-23 Design 2, after a major re-
evaluation of the initial faceted wave riding configuration Design 1[38].
Matthews elaborates further: “The second Myasishchev VKA-23 design
was an elegant-looking, porpoise-fuselage winged vehicle, similar to Japan’s
space access systems design 197
HOPE design of forty years later. In comparison to the faceted first design,
this version had a greater fuel load, much greater orbital maneuverability,
and dispensed with the landing skis."[213] The study reached detailed
design stages with selection of specific components for vehicle struc-
tures & materials, TPS and GNC disciplines.[214] The design could not
progress beyond ground test phase and was cancelled in 1960 leading
to the OKB-Rocketplane, which further explored the VKA’s program
The OKB bureau overtook VKA 1960s objective to develop a manned
military spaceplane to perform orbital reconnaissance and intercept
American satellites.[214] Several design concepts were studied includ-
ing X-20 look alike delta-winged configurations, the most prominent
one was the Racketoplan. The program conducted flight tests of aero-
dynamcally controlled vehicles, that came about two years before the
USAF START program. This was the first ever hypersonic reentry
test and provided important data that was utilized in various OKB
designs.[215] The Racketoplan was cancelled in 1965 as the Spiral be-
came focus of LRV concepts.[38] Further detailed information on the
project is found in reference [[37]] and [[216]]
Spiral OS refers to the first generation of a design concept in a se-
ries of the Spiral 50-50 family[217] which began in 1965 following the
cancellation of Racketoplan. The OS orbiter concept was a lifting body
configuration with flat bottom implmenting unique dihedral wings
and was the baseline design which evolved in test vehicles, the Mig-
105 and BOR family. The Sprial OS design was refined via wind-tunnel
tests, while the program underwent several organizational changes in
the early to mid 1970s. In 1975, the OS design was designated Experi-
mental Piloted Orbital Aircraft(EPOS) and referred to an atmospheric
flight test article, the Mig-105[38]. The vehicle incorporated several
design features and subsystems technologies from the OS design in-
cluding a flat bottom lifting body configuration. Mig-105 conducted
eight subsonic flights from 1976 to 1978 and were considered sufficient
to characterize the spaceplane’s subsonic aerodynamic characteristics
and air-breathing propulsion systems. Another important LRV re-
search project defined under the Spiral-family was the BOR(unpiloted
orbital rocketplane) family of test vehicles. BOR-1,-2 and -3 conducted
suborbital flight tests from 1968-1969 for the Spiral program. When
Spiral was cancelled in the wake of the Buran program, BOR-4 was al-
ready being developed to test heat shield materials, and was included
in the Buran program. BOR-4 conducted four successful test flights
where it confirmed the feasibility of the selected heat shield tile’s ma-
terials and provided important data on the acoustic environment dur-
ing launch and re-entry. BOR-4 was the last resulting vehicle from the
Spiral program which generated critical data, technology and momen-
198 loveneesh rana
F I G U R E A.22 –
USSR/Russian LRV Programs
space access systems design 199
tum that was utilized in the Buran vehicle. However it was resurrected
in improved form in the 1980’s as the MAKS spaceplane.[37, 38, 217]
The following quote by Siddiqi highlight the importance of the Spiral
“The Spiral project was huge, much larger than any of the previous spaceplane
programs in the Soviet Union, certainly rivaling and perhaps exceeding the
amount of effort the U.S. Air Force had invested in the Dyna-Soar program.
The rich historical legacy of spaceplane research in the USSR, leading all the
way back to the Sänger-Bredt studies in the late 1940s. served as a springboard
for the new project."[37]
F I G U R E A.24 –
configuration, unlike previous lifting bodies it was short and stout Soviet/Russian LRV Programs:
with a detachable habitation and service module mounted behind the AHP Evaluation
glider. RSC Energia developed the design from 2006 onwards without
Russian government’s support and tried to seek private investment
but failed to do so, as the program has been officially halted since 2007
with no signs of revival.[218]
The Kliper marks the end of the discussion for the USSR/Russian
and the international LRV case-studies. The AHP evaluation of the
Russian case-studies are shown in Figure A.24 that compares the dis-
ciplinary and overall contribution.
Appendix B
This section presents the MATLAB codes as used in the disciplinary
analysis for involved disciplines. The codes shown here only present
the analysis segment as the DBMS manages the input and output vari-
ables in the MS Access system. Once the sizing architecture is as-
sembled by specifying individual methods, DBMS inserts the variables
around the analysis code structure as specified within the architecture.
Three distinctly different geometry methods have been used for the
sizing analysis.
2 %* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3 %DynaSoar X20 Geometry D e f i n i t i o n
4 %Author : Loveneesh
5 %
6 % −−−− V a r i a b l e L i s t −−−−
7 %
8 % −−−−−−−−−−−−−−
10 % −−−−−−−−−−−−−−
11 % SPLN (m^2) G l i d e r planform a r e a
12 % TAU Glider slenderness r a t i o
13 % ALLE Leading Edge Sweep Angle
14 % DIA_NOSE (m) Nose Diameter
15 % LTD R a t i o G l i d e r t o t a l l e n g t h t o diameter o f h a l f
cylinder fuselage
16 % WTD R a t i o Wing t h i c k n e s s t o diameter o f h a l f
cylinder fuselage
17 %
18 % −−−−−−−−−−−−−−
20 % −−−−−−−−−−−−−−
21 % AL(m) V e h i c l e Length (m)
22 % DIA_FUSE (m) V e h i c l e Diameter
23 % BPLN(m) Span o f t h e v e h i c l e
24 % SWET(m^2) Wetted s u r f a c e a r e a
space access systems design 203
25 % SFSPLN R a t i o o f f r o n t a l a r e a t o planform a r e a
26 % SF (m^2) Frontal area
27 % AKW R a t i o o f wetted s u r f a c e a r e a t o planform a r e a
28 % AKW0 R a t i o o f wetted s u r f a c e a r e a t o planform a r e a
o f v e h i c l e without s p a t u l a
29 %
39 %
41 ALLE = degtorad (ALLE) ;
43 %% Volume t o t a l
44 VTOTAL = TAU* SPLN ^ ( 1 . 5 ) ;
46 % C a l c u l a t i n g Vtot e x p r e s s i o n i n terms o f f u s e l a g e diameter
48 % 1 . Hemi−sphere a t nose
49 V1 = ( p i /12) * DIA_NOSE^ 3 ; %Vol . Sphere /2
51 % % 2 . Blunted h a l f −cone
52 % V2 = ( p i /48) * tan (ALLE) * DIA_FUSE^3 − 0.0112;
%Vol o f l a r g e r cone − Vol o f s m a l l cone with DIA_NOSE ( f i x e d
53 %
54 % % 3 . Half −Cylinder
55 % V3 = ( p i /8) * ( DIA_FUSE^3) * ( LTD − tan (ALLE) /2) ;
56 %
57 % % 4 . Wings ( as r i g h t t r i a n g l e s where l e n g t h = h a l f − c y l l 4 i n d e r )
58 % V4 = (LTD^2) *WTD* ( DIA_FUSE^3)/tan (ALLE) ;
60 Const = V1 − 0 . 0 1 1 2 ;
61 Var = ( p i /48) * tan (ALLE) + ( p i /8) * ( LTD − tan (ALLE) /2) +
(LTD^2) *WTD/tan (ALLE) ;
81 SWET = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + SPLN ;
83 %Volume Check
84 V2 = ( p i /48) * tan (ALLE) * DIA_FUSE^3 − 0.0112;
85 V3 = ( p i /8) * ( DIA_FUSE^3) * ( LTD − tan (ALLE) /2) ;
86 V4 = (LTD^2) *WTD* ( DIA_FUSE^3)/tan (ALLE) ;
88 VTOTAL = V1+V2+V3+V4 ;
90 % C a l c u l a t i n g SFSPLN
91 SF = ( p i /2) * ( DIA_FUSE/2) ^ 2 ; %% Recheck ? ?
94 % Kw, S i z e F i n e n e s s R a t i o
96 AKW0 = − 93.831 *TAU^3 + 5 8 . 9 2 0 * TAU^2 − 5 . 6 4 8 * TAU + 2 . 8 2 1 ;
98 % Kv , S i z e F i n e n e s s R a t i o ( Hypersonic Convergence pg 84 eq 43
Wing Body _typo
99 tau_inv = 1/TAU;
100 KV = 0 . 5 2 7 3 4 − 1.1714 * 10^ − 3 * t a u _ i n v + 5.4888 * 10^ − 4 *
t a u _ i n v ^2 − 8.2046 * 10^ − 5 * t a u _ i n v ^ 3 ;
101 DB = DIA_FUSE ;
102 SPLN_HT = SPLN * 6 8 / 3 5 2 ;
103 SPLN_VT = SPLN * 6 3 / 3 5 2 ;
5 % AKW R a t i o o f wetted s u r f a c e a r e a t o planform a r e a
6 % AL m V e h i c l e l e n g t h
7 % ALLE r a d i a n s Sweep angle o f t h e l e a d i n g edge
9 % BA_BASE R a t i o o f base width t o h e i g h t ( e )
10 % BPLN m Span o f t h e v e h i c l e
11 % CS_SPAT R a t i o o f s p a t u l a width t o span o f v e h i c l e without
12 % CSPAT m Span o f t h e s p a t u l a
13 % DB m Body Diameter
14 % SF m^2 F r o n t a l Area
space access systems design 205
15 % SFSPLN R a t i o o f f r o t a l a r e a t o planform a r e a
16 % SPLN_HT m^2 H o r i z o n t a l T a i l planform a r e a
17 % SPLN_VT m^2 V e r t i c a l T a i l planform a r e a
18 % SWET m^2 Wetted s u r f a c e a r e a
19 % TAU KüchemannŠs tau
20 % VTOTAL m^3 Volume o f t o t a l v e h i c l e
22 %% Global I n p u t s : SPLN
23 % L o c a l I n p u t s : E (= b/a ) , ALLE( = 7 8 ) , CS ( r a t i o c/s )
24 ALLE = 7 8 ;
25 ALLE = degtorad (ALLE) ;
27 %E = BA_BASE ; %BA_BASE i s given from in pu t f i l e
71 BA_BASE = p1 ( p1 >=0) ;
72 AKW = 5 8 . 5 9 2 * BA_BASE. ^ 2 − 2 5 . 7 7 5 * BA_BASE + 5 . 9 7 0 ;
73 KS = 0 . 2 4 1 3 ; %(= 0 . 2 4 1 3 f o r e l l i p t i c a l ) & ( = 0 . 1 5 4 f o r t r i a n g u l a r
74 case 7
75 % s e t =7 Trapezoid
76 BA_BASE = 1 ; %( Can be 1 , 1 . 5 , 2 )
77 i f BA_BASE == 1
78 AKW = 2 . 9 0 6 − 2 . 0 2 2 * TAU + 1 5 . 7 0 6 * TAU. ^ 2 ;
79 e l s e i f BA_BASE == 1 . 5
80 AKW = 3 . 0 1 3 + 0 . 7 0 6 * TAU + 5 . 4 3 8 * TAU. ^ 2 ;
81 e l s e i f BA_BASE == 2
82 AKW = 3 . 0 9 3 + 1 . 0 6 4 * TAU + 3 . 0 9 3 * TAU. ^ 2 ;
83 end
84 KS = 0 . 1 5 4 ; %(= 0 . 2 4 1 3 f o r e l l i p t i c a l ) & ( = 0 . 1 5 4 f o r t r i a n g u l a r )
85 end
117 %i = ENGSELECT ;
118 %ENGINE_NAME = { ’HM7B VINCI ’ ’RL10A − 1’ ’RL10A−4−1’ ’ RL10C − 1’ ’
RL60 ’ ’ LE−5B2 ’ ’CE − 7.5 ’ ’CE− 20’ ’ YF − 75’ ’ YF−75D’ ’RD
− 0146 ’ ’ S5 . 9 2 ’ ’ S5 . 8 0 ’ } ;
119 %ENGLENGTH = [ 2 . 1 4 . 2 1 . 7 3 2 . 3 2 . 2 2 2 . 2 5 2 . 8 2 . 1 4 2 . 2 2 . 8
2.8 2.2 1.03 1.2];
120 %ENGDIA = [ 0 . 9 9 2 . 1 5 0 . 9 1 . 5 3 1 . 4 4 2 . 2 4 1 . 5 6 1 . 5 1 . 5 1 . 5
1.2 0.84 2 . 1 ] ;
123 %ENGDIA = ENGDIA( i ) ;
space access systems design 207
125 %ENGVOL = ANENG. * ENGLENGTH. * ENGDIA . * ENGDIA ; %Volume occupied by
engine i s taken as a cuboid
6 % AKW R a t i o o f wetted s u r f a c e a r e a t o planform a r e a
7 % AL m V e h i c l e l e n g t h
8 % ALLE r a d i a n s Sweep angle o f t h e l e a d i n g edge
10 % BPLN m Span o f t h e v e h i c l e
11 % CS_SPAT R a t i o o f s p a t u l a width t o span o f v e h i c l e without
12 % CSPAT m Span o f t h e s p a t u l a
13 % DB m Body Diameter
14 % SF m^2 F r o n t a l Area
15 % SFSPLN R a t i o o f f r o t a l a r e a t o planform a r e a
16 % SPLN_HT m^2 H o r i z o n t a l T a i l planform a r e a
17 % SPLN_VT m^2 V e r t i c a l T a i l planform a r e a
18 % SWET m^2 Wetted s u r f a c e a r e a
19 % TAU KüchemannŠs tau
20 % VTOTAL m^3 Volume o f t o t a l v e h i c l e
22 %% Global I n p u t s : SPLN
23 % L o c a l I n p u t s : E (= b/a ) , ALLE( = 7 8 ) , CS ( r a t i o c/s )
31 s w i tc h SET
32 case 1
33 % s e t =1 Rounded E l l i p s e
34 %s e t t h e nose r a d i u s ( nr ) t o e l i m i n a t e a parameter
35 nr = 0 . 1 ;
36 %load i n t h e data s t r u c t u r e
37 bcone = load ( ’ r o u n d e d e l l i p s e . mat ’ ) ;
38 bcone = bcone . r e s u l t s ;
40 %round t o n e a r e s t 0 . 0 3 i n nr t o f i t t a b u l a r data
208 loveneesh rana
41 nr = round ( nr / 0 . 0 5 6 2 5 ) * 0 . 0 5 6 2 5 ;
63 case 2
64 % s e t =2 Rounded h a l f − e l l i p s e
65 %s e t t h e nose r a d i u s ( nr ) t o e l i m a t e a parameter ( rounds t o
nearest table
66 %increment
67 nr = 0 . 1 ;
69 %load i n t h e data s t r u c t u r e
70 bcone = load ( ’ r o u n d e d h a l f e l l i p s e . mat ’ ) ;
71 bcone = bcone . r e s u l t s ;
73 %round t o n e a r e s t 0 . 1 1 2 5 i n nr t o f i t t a b u l a r data
74 nr = round ( nr / 0 . 1 1 2 5 ) * 0 . 1 1 2 5 ;
96 case 3
space access systems design 209
97 % s e t =3 t r a p i z o i d
98 %s e t t h e nose r a d i u s ( nr ) t o e l i m a t e a parameter ( rounds t o
nearest table
99 %increment
100 nr = 0 . 1 ;
101 e = 0.5;
133 case 4
134 % s e t =4 rounded cone
135 bcone = load ( ’ roundedcone . mat ’ ) ;
136 bcone = bcone . r e s u l t s ;
138 E = E/2;
139 %round t o n e a r e s t 0 . 0 3 i n E t o f i t t a b u l a r data
140 E = round ( E / 0 . 0 3 ) * 0 . 0 3 ;
183 end
184 ALLE = ALLE * p i / 1 8 0 ;
186 SPLN_HT = 0 . 0 7 * SPLN ; %RANDOM FOR NOW
187 SPLN_VT = 0 . 0 7 * SPLN ;
190 % DB Body diameter
191 % SPLN_HT
192 % SPLN_VT
193 % SPLN_W
13 ALDMAX_MAP= [ 8 . 8 2 9 , 8 . 3 5 1 , 7 . 7 9 9 , 7 . 1 8 1 , 6 . 6 1 2 , 6 . 1 8 3 ,
5.817 , 5.457 , 5.121 , 4.824 , 4.531 , 4.239 , 3.974 ,
3.721 , 3.465 , 3.22 , 2.98 , 2.735 , 2.49 , 2.254 , 2.02 ,
1.78 , 1.535 , 1.286 , 1.031 , 0.771 , 0.507;
14 8.708 , 8.145 , 7.582 , 7.019 , 6.527 , 6.154 , 5.787 , 5.418 ,
5.096 , 4.759 , 4.466 , 4.19 , 3.934 , 3.655 , 3.416 , 3.186 ,
2.967 , 2.7 , 2.504 , 2.283 , 2.126 , 1.956 , 1.773 ,
1.63 , 1.476 , 1.36 , 1.192;
15 8.676 , 8.148 , 7.621 , 7.093 , 6.582 , 6.178 , 5.8 , 5.446 ,
5.118 , 4.804 , 4.517 , 4.244 , 3.974 , 3.704 , 3.441 ,
3.193 , 2.958 , 2.708 , 2.465 , 2.228 , 1.996 , 1.763 ,
1.531 , 1.298 , 1.066 , 0.833 , 0.601;
16 8.682 , 8.059 , 7.436 , 6.915 , 6.487 , 6.053 , 5.65 , 5.322 ,
4.982 , 4.682 , 4.414 , 4.16 , 3.886 , 3.657 , 3.397 , 3.152 ,
2.924 , 2.703 , 2.521 , 2.338 , 2.143 , 1.968 , 1.816 ,
212 loveneesh rana
24 % %%%%%%%%% Subsonic A n a l y s i s %%%%%%%%%
26 ALDMAXS = s q r t ( p i . * ( ECDF/4) . * ( ( BPLN. ^ 2 ) . /SWET) ) ;
27 ALINDS = 0 . 4 5 ;
28 CD0S = 1 . / ( 4 . * ALINDS . * ALDMAXS. ^ 2 ) ;
30 %%%%%%%%% T r a n s o n i c A n a l y s i s %%%%%%%%%
33 i f ( SF /(AL^2) < 0 . 0 1 5 )
34 DCDT_MAX= ( 1 . 3 8 6 2 * ( SF/AL^2) + 0 . 0 6 7 ) * SFSPLN *CDTW_COR;
35 else
36 DCDT_MAX= ( 0 . 9 5 3 6 * ( SF/AL^2) ^3 − 1.916 * ( SF/AL^2) ^ 2 + 1 . 3 6 5 1 * (
SF/AL^2) + 0 . 1 1 1 9 ) * SFSPLN *CDTW_COR;
37 end
53 %%%%%%%%% A n a l y s i s %%%%%%%%%
54 %CLA(AMACH >= 1 . 5 & AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) = 0 . 0 3 . /AMACH(AMACH >= 1 . 5 &
AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) . ^ 0 . 7 5 + 0 . 0 0 0 2 5 ; %Gary (WB)
55 %CLA(AMACH >= 1 . 2 & AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) = 0 . 0 0 9 8 . *AMACH(AMACH >= 1 . 2 &
AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) + 0 . 0 3 7 9 ; %L i n e a r r e l a t i o n from e x c e l
56 CLA(AMACH >= 1 . 2 & AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) = 0 . 0 1 1 2 . * (AMACH(AMACH >= 1 . 2
& AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) . ^ 2 ) − 0 . 0 4 5 2 . *AMACH(AMACH >= 1 . 2 & AMACH <=
2.0) + 0.0657; %Polynomial r e l a t i o n from e x c e l f i l e ,
updates by Loveneesh Fig4 −19 data
57 %ALIND(AMACH >= 0 . 8 & AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) = 0 . 4 7 ; %Approx Value
58 ALIND(AMACH >= 0 . 8 & AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) = 0 . 0 6 5 1 . * (AMACH(AMACH >=
0 . 8 & AMACH <= 2 . 0 ) . ^ 2 ) − 0 . 0 7 5 8 . *AMACH(AMACH >= 0 . 8 & AMACH
<= 2 . 0 ) + 0 . 4 0 8 3 ; %Polynomial e x p r e s s i o n from e x c e l f i l e
59 CL = CLA . * AOA;
60 CD = CD0 + ALIND . * CL . ^ 2 ;
61 ALD = CL. /CD;
11 ALDMAX_MAP= [ 8 . 8 2 9 , 8 . 3 5 1 , 7 . 7 9 9 , 7 . 1 8 1 , 6 . 6 1 2 , 6 . 1 8 3 ,
5.817 , 5.457 , 5.121 , 4.824 , 4.531 , 4.239 , 3.974 ,
3.721 , 3.465 , 3.22 , 2.98 , 2.735 , 2.49 , 2.254 , 2.02 ,
1.78 , 1.535 , 1.286 , 1.031 , 0.771 , 0.507;
12 8.708 , 8.145 , 7.582 , 7.019 , 6.527 , 6.154 , 5.787 , 5.418 ,
5.096 , 4.759 , 4.466 , 4.19 , 3.934 , 3.655 , 3.416 , 3.186 ,
2.967 , 2.7 , 2.504 , 2.283 , 2.126 , 1.956 , 1.773 ,
1.63 , 1.476 , 1.36 , 1.192;
13 8.676 , 8.148 , 7.621 , 7.093 , 6.582 , 6.178 , 5.8 , 5.446 ,
5.118 , 4.804 , 4.517 , 4.244 , 3.974 , 3.704 , 3.441 ,
3.193 , 2.958 , 2.708 , 2.465 , 2.228 , 1.996 , 1.763 ,
1.531 , 1.298 , 1.066 , 0.833 , 0.601;
14 8.682 , 8.059 , 7.436 , 6.915 , 6.487 , 6.053 , 5.65 , 5.322 ,
4.982 , 4.682 , 4.414 , 4.16 , 3.886 , 3.657 , 3.397 , 3.152 ,
2.924 , 2.703 , 2.521 , 2.338 , 2.143 , 1.968 , 1.816 ,
1.674 , 1.523 , 1.39 , 1.257;
15 7.842 , 7.407 , 6.973 , 6.539 , 6.109 , 5.704 , 5.346 , 5.032 ,
4.719 , 4.455 , 4.184 , 3.926 , 3.693 , 3.432 , 3.208 ,
2.982 , 2.753 , 2.551 , 2.331 , 2.126 , 1.932 , 1.738 ,
1.544 , 1.35 , 1.156 , 0.962 , 0.768;
16 5.674 , 5.43 , 5.154 , 4.845 , 4.53 , 4.261 , 4.025 , 3.825 ,
3.608 , 3.416 , 3.24 , 3.046 , 2.872 , 2.705 , 2.555 , 2.405 ,
2.277 , 2.12 , 1.988 , 1.864 , 1.726 , 1.601 , 1.476 ,
214 loveneesh rana
2 %Engine S e l e c t i o n
3 %V a r i a b l e ENGSELECT used t o s e l e c t an engine
9 AISP = z e r o s ( s i z e (THRL_VAR) ) ;
10 FT_AVAIL = z e r o s ( s i z e (THRL_VAR) ) ;
11 CFN = z e r o s ( s i z e (THRL_VAR) ) ;
space access systems design 215
12 OF = z e r o s ( s i z e (THRL_VAR) ) ;
13 ISP_ISPAVAIL = z e r o s ( s i z e (THRL_VAR) ) ;
53 ENGDIA = ENGDIA( i ) ;
54 WENG = WENG( i ) * 9 . 8 1 ;
55 ENGVOL = ANENG. * ENGLENGTH. * ENGDIA . * ENGDIA ; %Volume occupied
by engine i s taken as a cube
58 RHO_OX = RHO_OX( i ) ;
59 FUEL = FUEL { i } ;
60 RHO_FUEL = RHO_FUEL( i ) ;
77 %% Atmospheric c o n d i t i o n − R e f e r e n c e P r e s s u r e − Design P o i n t
78 FLTCOND = f l t c o n ( ALT_REF , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; % Assumed se a l e v e l
condition ?
81 %% Compute Thrust a t Max Power
82 % Break Up CF i n t o p a r t s
83 AA = ( ( 2 . * GAMMA_RKT. ^ 2 ) . / (GAMMA_RKT− 1) ) . * ( ( 2 . / (GAMMA_RKT
+1) ) . ^ ( (GAMMA_RKT+1) . / (GAMMA_RKT− 1) ) ) ;
84 BB = 1 − ((PE_RKT. /PC_RKT ) . ^ ( (GAMMA_RKT− 1) . / (GAMMA_RKT) ) ) ;
86 % Compute CF
87 CFN = s q r t (AA . * BB ) + ( ( PE_RKT−P ) . / ( PC_RKT ) ) . *
space access systems design 217
91 % Compute Thrust A v a i l a b l e
92 FT_AVAIL = ANENG. * ( CFN. /CFN_REF ) . * THRUST_REF ; % A l l
v e c t o r p o i n t s w i l l = max t h r u s t
94 %% Compute I s p a t Max Power
95 CSTAR = AISP_REF . * G0. /CFN_REF ;
96 AISP_VAC = CSTAR . * CFN_VAC. /G0 ;
97 AISP = AISP_VAC−(CSTAR. /G0 ) . * ( P . /PC_RKT ) . * AE_AT ;
34 RHO_OX = RHO_OX( i ) ;
35 FUEL = FUEL { i } ;
36 RHO_FUEL = RHO_FUEL( i ) ;
39 %
77 OWE = OWE_W;
78 OEW = OEW_W;
80 WSTR = AKSTR * SPLN^ 0 . 1 3 8 *OEW_W;
84 WPPL = TOGW* (1 − 1/WR) ;
87 WP = WP;
93 VP = VENG;
94 VPPL = WPPL/RHO_PPL/ 9 . 8 1 ;
95 VFUEL = WFUEL/RHO_FUEL/ 9 . 8 1 ;
96 VOX = WOX/RHO_FUEL/ 9 . 8 1 ;