Nagpur Oranges PDF
Nagpur Oranges PDF
Nagpur Oranges PDF
See end of the paper for ABSTRACT : An attempt has been made in the relevant objectives of the research study an economic analysis
authors’ affiliations of orange production in Nagpur district of Maharashtra. The result pertaining to this aspect was based on
Correspondence to : primary data collected through survey method from villages viz. Sawangi, Ghorad and Ubali of Kalmeshwar
ROPAN BANTE tahsil of Nagpur district for the year 2010-11. 30 orange growers were selected for the study. Farmers were
Department of distributed according to age of the orange orchard which was group I (6-10 year old), group II (11-15 year old),
Agricultural Economics, group III (16-20 year old), respectively. Per hectare establishment cost during five year and cost of cultivation
Indira Gandhi Krishi
during the year 2010-11 of orange orchard were Rs./ha 207604 and Rs./ha. 107824. Average gross return was Rs.
Viswavidyalaya, RAIPUR
2042094. The highest net return obtained from the age group (II) of 11-15 year Rs. 165935. The benefit: cost
Email: ratio on the sample as a whole was 2.24. KEY WORDS : Cost of cultivation, Cost concepts
Paper History :
Received : 01.01.2014; HOW TO CITE THIS PAPER : Bante, Ropan, Pallewar, Sarju and Shrey, Ravi (2015). Economics of orange production in
Revised : 28.01.2015; Nagpur district of Maharshtra. Internat. Res. J. Agric. Eco. & Stat., 6 (1) : 136-139.
Accepted : 15.02.2015
its area is known as California of Maharashtra state. Nagpur cultivators so obtained have been regrouped under the
district have a largest area, production and productivity, that’s category group I, group II and group III on the basis of age of
why this city is known as orange city. Nagpur district comprises garden. Group I consist of orange orchard having age from 6
of 15,205 ha. Area under orange crop and with the production to 10 years, group II consist of orange orchard having age
of 1,35,613 tonnes of oranges (Agricultural statistical from 11 to 15 years and group III consists of orange orchard
information Maharashtra state, 2001-08 Part-11). Orange has, having age from 16 to 20 years.
not only important place in internal market, but has its place in
international market too (Nighot et al., 1986 and Sapate, 1993).
It has assumed a discernible significance with wider precepts RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS :
and better potential. Hence, effort must be made for boosting
The results obtained from the present investigation as
the production of oranges in the country which has high
well as relevant discussion have been summarized under the
potential for export. (Bhende, 1965; Gangawar and Singh, 1998;
following heads :
Gangawar et al., 2005; Gupta and George, 1974 and Ingley,
1983). In view of growing demand for Nagpur oranges for
Input/materials used in orange cultivation at sampled group
domestic consumption and export various agencies recognized
of farms :
the urgent need for increasing production in Nagpur oranges.
The details Input/ material used in orange cultivation is
presented in Table 1. Table clearly revealed that the FYM and
MATERIALS AND METHODS : fertilizer are the basic components and needed at very initial
stage of orchard establishment. The quantity of FYM and
The sampling design adopted for the study was manure was calculated overall 29.80 CLS. The amount of fertilizer
multistage sampling. In the first stage, Nagpur district was applied in the orange orchard was 65.30, 66.30 and 9.50 kg. of
purposively selected taking into consideration the higher area urea, SSP and MOP, respectively. The use of hired labour days
under cultivation of orange orchards. In second stage, one was observed about 162 man days in which share of male and
Tahsil viz., Kalmeshwar was selected purposively selected female labour was 61.00 per cent and 39.00 per cent, respectively
because concentrated area in orange cultivation and availability in the orange cultivation. The use of power in terms of bullock
of data. In third stage, three villages were selected purposively, labour and machine power were calculated about 27 hours in
considering sizable area under orange orchard. The villages orange cultivation in the study area.
selected were Sawangi, Ghorad and Ubali. In fourth stage, 10
per cent orange growers from each village were selected Cost of cultivation of orange orchard for the year 2010-11 :
randomly from the list of orange orchards. All the selected Table 2 depicted the units wise inputs required in the per
orange growers were undertaken for the study making the total year cost of cultivation of all the groups all of these inputs are
of respondents 30. Information on the area of holding, number in physical terms. It revealed that most of the inputs are required
of trees and age of garden was noted for each cultivator. The are hired human labour followed by bullock labour. Table 2
Table 1: Inputs/Materials used for orange cultivation under sampled orange farms
Sample household
Sr. No. Particulars
Group I Group II Group III Overall
A Inputs/ material cost
a. Farm yard manure CLS 32.5 30 26.9 29.8
b. Fertilizers (kg.) - - - -
i. Urea 59.8 73.8 62.4 65.3
ii. Single super phosphate 67.5 62.6 70.7 66.9
iii. Murate of potash 12.2 7.7 8.6 9.5
B Hired labour
i. Male 103 99.8 92.5 98.4
ii. Female 65 62.7 60.6 62.8
Total 168 162.5 153.5 161.3
C Power use (hrs.)
i. Bullock labour 25 23.7 20.4 23
ii. Machine power 4.1 3.7 3.2 3.7
Total 29.1 27.4 23.6 26.7
Note: - CLS= Cartloads
shows the cost of cultivation for the year 2010-11 and showed 0.28 %), Irrigation (1.24 %), Plant protection (2.19 %), Bamboo
that cost A for group I, group II and group III was computed to for staking and fencing (2.79 %) in the cost of cultivation of
Rs. 66081.6, Rs. 63355.3 and Rs. 57094.30, respectively. On orchard in the study area. Table 3 reveals that in overall cost of
overall basis Rs. 62176.8 were incurred in the current year. It cultivation per year cost of establishment is included in cost
reveals that again share of human labour (34.42 %) was higher A, cost B includes rental value of land and interest on fixed
followed by bullock labour, 14.48 % (Anonymous, 1991). The capital and cost C includes cost A, cost B and cost of family
use of bullock is very popular in the area as machinery cannot labour. Table concluded that on an average 36.13 tonnes of
be used in the fully grown orchard as it causes the damage to production is obtained from the orange cultivation which
the trees flowering and fruiting. The use of manure (11.98 %) is amounts Rs. 242093.3 with the benefit cost ratio of 1:2.24 which
again found to be higher in all the age group of orchard. The shows that cultivation of orange is profitable business share
other items of expenditure were machine labour (2.95 %), i.e. 65.85 per cent, followed by bullock labour which was 20.17
chemical fertilizers (Nitrogen 0.74 %, phosphorus 0.97 %, Potash per cent. The proportion of other items of expenditure viz.,
Table 3 : Cost structure of orange cultivation on the age groups of orchard (Rs./ha)
Particulars Group I Group II Group III Overall
Establishment cost interest 14434 14157.3 12138.8 13576.7
Cost A 66081.6 63355.3 57094.3 62176.8
Cost B 109465.1 111164.9 92164.6 104264
Cost C 113521.1 114695.9 95255.6 107823.3
of Excellence
Internat. Res. J. Agric. Eco.& Stat., 6 (1) Mar., 2015 : 136-139