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Cardiff Local Development Plan

2006 - 2026





Strategic Planning
Cardiff Council
County Hall
Adopted Plan
Atlantic Wharf
Cardiff January 2016
CF10 4UW

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Mae'r ddogfen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg / This document is available in Welsh

As one of the fastest growing cities in UK, it is vital that new development is guided by
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

an up-to-date development plan. The LDP provides the necessary framework and
certainty to bring forward the new homes (especially affordable/family housing) and
jobs which are required in a managed manner.

A new Plan for Cardiff is all the more vital given the fact that the previous Local Plan
was approved in 1996 - some 19 years ago. The lack of an up-to-date Plan has had
serious negative consequences with insufficient land being brought forward to meet
urgent housing needs. Put quite simply, not having a plan in place does not stop
development. All that happens is that development still takes place, but in a policy
vacuum where the Council and its residents have limited control. Appeals have been
lost for development in the open countryside and also left the Council on the back foot
in terms of securing supporting infrastructure and community facilities. A plan-led
approach is the only way forward where the Council sets out a clear strategy for the

This administration has shown strong leadership by progressing the LDP through a
complex preparation process in strict accordance with the approved timetable. This
process has involved numerous stages of consultation and in addition a lengthy formal
examination process over the past year and a half. Can I take this opportunity of thanking
all who have engaged in this exercise which is so important for the future of our city.

It has also responded to issues raised during the process and embedded a strong
masterplanning framework within the Plan. In this way, new development will bring with
it the phased provision of necessary supporting infrastructure including schools, health
facilities and other community benefits. The importance of transportation infrastructure
is also recognised with the Plan setting out a new strategic sustainable transportation
approach so our city can keep moving and improve links with surrounding areas.

Overall, the Plan provides a balanced response to meeting social and economic needs,
but in a manner which best protects our valued open spaces, river corridors and
countryside backdrop. An exciting new era in Cardiff’s development unquestionably
lies ahead. In the coming years we will see the new BBC headquarters and transport
interchange in the heart of our city. Other brownfield regeneration schemes continue
to come forward including council-led affordable housing projects alongside new
greenfield opportunities set out in the Plan. On a city-region scale, there are significant
opportunities ahead through the Metro and City Deal.

The adoption of the LDP is therefore not only timely but vital in helping to provide the
necessary certainty to attract and sustain new investments. In this way, Cardiff can
continue to bring forward the new homes and jobs it needs and further enhance is role
as one of the most liveable capital cities in Europe.

Councillor Ramesh Patel

Cabinet Member Transport, Planning & Sustainability
3 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

This section provides a brief summary of the Local Development Plan (LDP)
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

1. Making provision for new homes and jobs

Cardiff has a significant need for new homes including family homes, affordable
homes together with catering for the whole range of needs.

Cardiff also plays a key role as economic driver of the wider city-region,
providing much needed jobs for the whole region.

The Plan aims to respond to these evidenced social and economic needs in
a balanced way - respecting environmental qualities, providing a framework
to manage delivery and provide new infrastructure together with carefully
managing impacts.

The overall level of growth is considered to represent the most robust, balanced
and appropriate approach taking into account all relevant factors and the advice
of independent population forecasting experts.

It sets out a Strategy to deliver 41,415 new dwellings and 40,000 new jobs
over the Plan period including ways to provide flexibility should build rates be
higher than anticipated.

This level of growth is considered appropriate to deliver Wales Spatial Plan

objectives, the Council’s overall vision and the LDP objectives.

New homes, jobs and supporting facilities will be provided from numerous
sources including:

Those already built since the start of the Plan period in 2006;

Minor adjustments to existing housing stock - taking account of anticipated

demolitions and changes of use based on past rates;

Commitments - sites with the benefit of an existing planning consent or

resolution to grant subject to the signing of a legal agreement;

Anticipated windfall provision - those sites likely to come forward over the
Plan period through natural change in an urban area the size of Cardiff;

New allocations including brownfield sites, greenfield sites of different

scales and land use combinations.
Overall, for the whole Plan period, this represents approximately 65% of all
new homes being provided on brownfield sites and 35% provided on greenfield

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


The provision of a genuine range and choice of new sites is crucial in effectively
delivering the required level of growth, delivering LDP objectives, providing
flexibility and the ability to meet a wide range of evidenced need for new homes
and jobs.

Key strategic sites to deliver this need are proposed at:

Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone

Former Gas Works, Ferry Road

North West Cardiff

North of Junction 33

South of Creigiau

North East Cardiff (West of Pontprennau)

East of Pontprennau Link Road

South of St Mellons Business Park

2. Putting in place a framework to manage future growth and encourage high

quality, sustainable design

Policies and mechanisms have been put in place to provide a framework to

effectively manage future growth.

Areas to be kept free from development are made explicit avoiding the current
climate of uncertainty created by not having an adopted Plan in place.

Protected areas include the designation of Green Wedge North of the M4

Motorway together with the tight settlement boundaries policy county-wide
and protection of river valleys and open spaces.

Collectively, these policies protect vast tracts of Cardiff’s valued countryside,

river valleys and open spaces.

The master planning approach provides an over-arching framework for the

development of new areas setting out key requirements relating to land use,
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

densities, community facilities, transportation, open spaces and phasing.

Further work on the detailed master planning of areas will be carried out within
this over-arching context. Design policies and guidance set out expectations
encouraging more sustainable forms of development.

3. Bringing forward new infrastructure

New development will clearly create the need for new infrastructure.

The Plan sets out an approach which requires the timely provision of new
infrastructure including community facilities, transportation and other services.

Whilst it is recognised that some significant elements of infrastructure may

take many years to complete, the Strategy seeks to ensure that each phase
of new development is tied to the provision of necessary infrastructure with
each stage of development being able to demonstrate an acceptable level of
supporting facilities. The Infrastructure Plan sets out future requirements.

Further dialogue and consultation findings will help further develop a detailed
list of required infrastructure along with funding opportunities including the
roles of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions for strategic projects
to Section 106 Agreement contributions for local priorities together with other
potential funding streams from the public and private sectors.

4. Delivering sustainable transportation solutions

The overall approach seeks to minimise travel demand and provide a range
of measures and opportunities which reduce reliance on the car.

New development in Cardiff must be integrated with the provision of new

transport infrastructure which can help contribute to this objective by putting
in place sustainable transport solutions which also provide improved travel
choices for the wider community.

This approach is fully consistent with on-going work at a city-region scale which
seeks to develop a more effective public transport network across the region
as a whole, helping people travel from where they live to work and thereby
helping to spread prosperity around the entire city-region.
5. Responding to evidenced economic needs

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The key economic role performed by Cardiff must be maintained and enhanced
for benefits to Cardiff, the city-region and Wales.

Evidence demonstrates that Cardiff has consistently delivered a high proportion

of jobs in the city-region.

The Strategy responds to this by ensuring a full range and choice of economic
opportunities across all relevant sectors.

The Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone will be a key element of the approach but
there is also a need to maintain the roles of the City Centre, Cardiff Bay,
existing employment sites together with providing a range and choice of sites
to cater for demand across sectors.

6. Responding to evidenced social needs

Cardiff experiences some significant social needs, with particularly high housing
demand projected to continue over the Plan period.

The Strategy aims to positively respond to these needs by providing a wide

range and choice of sites to respond to the full diversity of needs, including
those from the Gypsy and Traveller community as required in national policy
and guidance.

Overall, the Plan promotes more sustainable communities where emphasis

is placed on supporting District and Local Centres, encouraging the full range
of accessible social, health and educational facilities, together with supporting
regeneration initiatives and utilising the potential positive benefits which new
developments can bring to adjoining areas.

7. Respecting Cardiff’s environment and responding to climate change

Cardiff possesses a unique and particularly distinctive natural and built heritage.

The Plan delivers sustainable development by meeting social and economic

needs, but in a managed way which retains, manages and enhances important
features of the natural and built heritage.

Central to this approach is the designation of a Green Wedge to the North of

the M4 Motorway, a strict settlement boundary policy together with protection
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

of the river valleys and open spaces. In this way, Cardiff’s distinctive
environmental qualities can be successfully maintained with further
opportunities to enhance their management and increase public enjoyment.

Detailed policies provide clear guidance relating to important elements of

Cardiff’s biodiversity, landscape and built heritage.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
1 Introduction 14

2 The Cardiff Context and Key Issues 18

3 LDP Vision and Objectives 24

4 Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies 34

Strategy 34
Key Policies 38
HUB 47
KP12: WASTE 101
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

5 Detailed Policies 114

1. HOUSING 114
2. ECONOMY 123
USE 131

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

5. RETAIL 177
C6: HEALTH 199


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

8. WASTE 214

6 Monitoring and Implementation 218

7 List of Appendicies 222

Appendix 1: List of Key and Detailed Policies 224

Appendix 2: National and Regional Policy Framework 230

Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues 236

Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) 250

Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings 260

Appendix 6: Heritage Assets Areas of Protection 274

Appendix 7: Designated Sites 280

Appendix 8: District and Local Centres 290

Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework 330

Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process 368

Appendix 11: Tests of Soundness Self-Assessment 386

Appendix 12: List of Supporting Documents 394

Appendix 13: List of the Evidence Base 398

Appendix 14: Bibliography 402

13 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


The purpose of and status of the adopted Local Development Plan (LDP)
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

1.1 Cities change. Cardiff is no exception and has grown year on year for generations.
This has seen Cardiff become the Capital City of Wales and centre of a wider
city-region providing an important source of jobs and services for the whole of
South East Wales.

1.2 New homes, jobs, supporting transportation and other facilities are required to
meet the needs of future generations. These needs must be carefully balanced
against environmental and quality of life factors.

1.3 The adopted Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP) is the tool to address these
issues. It represents a ‘plan-led’ approach to meeting future needs.

1.4 The adopted LDP provides the statutory framework for the development and use
of land within Cardiff over the Plan period (2006-2026). This fulfils the
requirements of The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 which requires
the Council to prepare a LDP. It replaces existing Structure Plans and Local
Plans relating to Cardiff and will be used by the Council to guide and control
development and provide the statutory local policy context for determining planning

1.5 The Plan has been prepared in accordance with formal regulations and the ‘LDP
Delivery Agreement’ which sets out a timetable for its preparation along with
details of consultation as the Plan progressed. This was agreed with the Welsh
Government on 5th December, 2011.

1.6 The Plan contains the following sections:

LDP Vision & Objectives;
Strategy, Key Policies and Key Diagram;
Detailed Policies;
Monitoring and Implementation;
Proposals Map and Constraints Map;

Monitoring and Review

1.7 The Council will work with others to implement the Plan and take decisions within
the new adopted policy framework.
1.8 In order to assess how effectively the Plan is being implemented, the Council
must prepare an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). The report will be based on

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

the Monitoring Framework as set out in Appendix 9 to this document. This is an
important aspect of the LDP process since evidence collected through annual
monitoring can be used to inform LDP review which takes place every 4 years.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

1.9 These are non-statutory documents intended to provide useful advice and
guidance which expand on policies set out in the adopted LDP. They must be
subject to public consultation. Appendix 4 of this document lists all proposed new
and/or updated SPG which are intended to be prepared together with timescales.

Assessment processes that have informed the Plan

1.10 In addition to the overall independent examination of the LDP, the Plan has also
been subject to two further formal assessment processes. The Sustainability
Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) processes - these
are required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the SEA
Regulations to ensure that the LDP policies reflect sustainability principles and
take into account impacts upon the environment and The Habitat Regulations
Assessment (HRA) - this process is required to determine the likely significant
effects of the Plan on European Sites of nature conservation importance.

1.11 Furthermore, the adopted LDP has been subject to the following additional
assessments designed to further scrutinise the Plan contents: Health Impact
Assessment - a process involving relevant stakeholders in assessing the health
implications of the Plan; and Equality Impact Assessment - a process involving
relevant stakeholders in assessing the equality implications of the Plan.

1.12 The importance of Welsh culture and heritage is recognised in the Plan however
having assessed the densities of Welsh language use across the City it is not
considered to be an issue which requires addressing in the Plan. As a result the
proposals contained in the LDP are not considered to have a detrimental impact
on the Welsh language and culture or materially affect the linguistic balance of
Cardiff or communities within Cardiff.
1 16 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
17 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

The Cardiff Context and Key Issues the Plan must address
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

2.1 This section provides a summary of the Cardiff context and some of the key
issues which have informed the Plan. A fuller version is contained in Appendix
3 of this document along with a summary of the national and regional policy

The Cardiff Context

Largest urban area in Wales with a population of 345,400.

Key driver of city-region economy in South East Wales.

1.4 million live within a 45 minute drive time of the city.

Capital city of Wales, seat of Welsh Government.

Key social trends and issues

Cardiff’s population has risen steadily over past 20 years - over 3,500 each
year since 2001.

Official projections indicate continued population growth over the Plan period.

Significant need for affordable housing - 9,710 people currently on combined

housing waiting list.

Local Housing Market Assessment (2013) indicates a need for over 3,989
affordable dwellings for each of the next 5 years to address need. In
addressing this need the Council will need to have regard to the latest welfare
reforms and the need to provide smaller dwellings.

Family housing is a key need.

A need for 108 permanent Gypsy and Traveller pitches and a regional need
for a 10 pitch transit site have been identified over the Plan period to 2026.

Students comprise approximately 10.8% of Cardiff’s population.

Ethnic minorities comprise 15.5% of Cardiff’s population, higher than the

Wales average but similar to the England/Wales average.

Welsh speakers are less than the Wales average but there are considerable
variations within communities.
The city experiences substantial health inequalities.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Whilst Cardiff possesses a generally high quality of life, there are areas of
deprivation geographically mostly concentrated in ‘the southern arc’.

Community safety is a key issue emerging from residents’ surveys.

Cardiff performs well compared to Wales and the UK average in attaining

high-level skills and 39% of its workforce educated to degree level or above.

Key economic trends and issues

Cardiff accounts for 32% of total employment in South East Wales and its
economy is generally strong and buoyant.

Cardiff’s employment workforce totals nearly 189,000 with 88% of jobs being
in the service sector.

Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan generate 22% of the Welsh GVA (Gross
Value Added).

Unemployment in Cardiff was 4.5% in March 2013.

The recession has caused the loss of approximately 4,700 jobs between

Cardiff has one of the highest percentages of high growth firms in the UK
between 2002-2010.

Inward investment trends are improving but continue to trail other leading
core cities.

The City Centre and Cardiff Bay remain the principal office locations
complemented by out of centre sites but Cardiff lacks a large supply of Grade
A office space and the Plan supports the on-going regeneration of the Bay
Business Area, including Mount Stuart Square.

The total industrial stock in Cardiff is approximately 19.2 million square feet
and mainly concentrated in the south/eastern area of the city but only 6.1%
of the stock is less than 5 years old.

The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

Cardiff City Centre is the main shopping centre for South East Wales and
is ranked the 6th top retail centre in the UK.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The leisure and tourism sector generates significant economic and cultural
benefits for the city.

Key transportation trends and issues

Traffic on Cardiff’s roads grew by 9% between 2002-2012.

56% of Cardiff’s residents travel to work by car.

Nearly 77,900 people commute into Cardiff each day by all modes (37% of
Cardiff’s workforce). The 2001 Census indicates that approximately 80% of
commuters travel to Cardiff by car.

Travel on rail services has increased considerably - the use of Cardiff Central
and Queen Street Stations has risen by 82% between 2001-2011.

Cycle use has increased 10% between 2001-2011 but bus use has fallen
slightly over the same period.

Cardiff International Airport is located within the Vale of Glamorgan providing

the closest international links to Cardiff.

The operational port in Cardiff performs an important role in terms of freight


Key environmental trends and issues

Cardiff is located within a well-defined landscape setting with prominent

ridges to the west and north and Severn Estuary to the south.

The countryside and urban area contains a wealth of natural and historic
interests. For example, there are almost 1,000 Listed Buildings, 27
Conservation Areas, 2 sites noted for their international biodiversity (Cardiff
Beechwoods SAC and Severn Estuary SAC/SPA/RAMSAR)

The city has a particularly rich Victorian and Edwardian legacy.

Cardiff has over 400 hectares of recreational open space and 2000 hectares
of amenity space. The four river valleys of the Ely, Taff, Rhymney and Nant
Fawr provide extensive and continuous corridors running from the countryside
and through the urban area.
Good quality agricultural land is known to exist in some areas.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Flooding is known to pose a risk in relation to fluvial, tidal and surface water.

Detailed studies have been undertaken to assess the extent of this risk and
inform the Plan.

The main source of CO2 emissions in Cardiff are from industry (45%) with
domestic sources contributing 30%.

The main source of emissions affecting air quality is road traffic (nitrogen
oxide the main pollutant).

Current production of renewable energy in Cardiff is low.

Over the past 10 years, recycling rates in Cardiff have risen from 4% to 55%.

Cardiff possesses a significant and good quality of mineral reserves.

Water quality in the main rivers is improving but still falls below the
requirements of the Water Framework Directive.
The Cardiff Context and Key Issues
2 22 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
23 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
LDP Vision and Objectives

LDP Vision and Objectives

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

3.1 The vision and objectives provide an over-arching context for the Plan that shows
how economic, social and environmental considerations can be balanced to
deliver the sustainable development of Cardiff up to 2026. They take full account
of the strategic issues relevant to Cardiff and the policy context provided by the
Council’s ‘What Matters’ Strategy (2010-2020) which brings together the
Community Strategy; Children & Young People’s Plan; Health, Social Care &
Wellbeing Strategy and the Community Safety Strategic Assessment into one
document. The Council has worked with partners from the public, private and
voluntary sectors in Cardiff to set out the collective vision for the city contained
in this document. Furthermore, the vision and objectives also take account of the
Council’s Strategic Equality Plan which sets out the Council’s strategic equality
objectives and the Wales Spatial Plan (WSP) that recognises the role played by
Cardiff in helping to spread prosperity in the area and delivering a high quality
of life.


3.2 The LDP vision is as set out in the 10 year, ‘What Matters’ Strategy (2010-2020)
which is that

“By 2020...Cardiff will be a world class European capital city with an

exceptional quality of life and at the heart of a thriving city-region”.

3.3 Partners have agreed seven strategic outcomes that, if achieved would represent
ultimate success and the realisation of the vision. The outcomes are that:

People in Cardiff are healthy;

People in Cardiff have a clean, attractive and sustainable environment;
People in Cardiff are safe and feel safe;
Cardiff has a thriving and prosperous economy;
People in Cardiff achieve their full potential;
Cardiff is a great place to live work and play; and
Cardiff is a fair, just and inclusive society.

3.4 It is important to recognise that the LDP cannot deliver all of these outcomes
alone as many issues extend beyond land use planning matters and the remit
of the document. However, the LDP is a crucial strategic document that must
create the right conditions which both directly and indirectly assist and support
the delivery of these outcomes.
3.5 Key priorities have been identified for each of the outcomes. These are:

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

People in Cardiff are healthy

Reduce inequalities in health and address the differentials in life expectancy

across the city;
Promote healthy lifestyles and prevent ill health; and
Improve effectiveness of our service delivery to vulnerable adults and children
and young people.

People in Cardiff have a clean, attractive and sustainable environment

Establish Cardiff as a sustainable ‘Carbon Lite’ city;

Improve the quality of Cardiff’s environment; and
Establish Cardiff as a sustainable travel city.

People in Cardiff are safe and feel safe

Ensure people are safe from harm, abuse and exploitation;

Develop communities and neighbourhoods in Cardiff which are cohesive;
Ensure people are free from crime and the effects of crime; and
Ensure people are safe in their environment.

Cardiff has a thriving and prosperous economy

Build strong futures for children and young people by focusing on education,
training and employment opportunities;
Improve opportunities for the creation of quality and sustainable employment;
Create an environment that develops, attracts and retains skilled workers,
businesses and entrepreneurs to Cardiff.

People in Cardiff achieve their full potential

Encourage active citizenship and participation in all aspects of life;

Support vulnerable families and individuals to achieve and maintain their
independence and ambition; and
Support and provide access to appropriate learning and training provision
for all.

Cardiff is a great place to live, work and play

Provide the level of urban design infrastructure and connectivity required to

make Cardiff a great place to work and do business;
Support and maintain strong safe and sustainable neighbourhoods;

LDP Vision and Objectives

Ensure the provision of high quality sustainable and affordable housing; and
Develop world-class leisure, cultural and sporting facilities – that reflect the
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

wants of citizens and visitors.

Cardiff is a fair, just and inclusive society

Enable all people in Cardiff to meaningfully engage and participate in decision

making processes;
Mainstream equality issues at strategic and operational levels; and
Reduce inequalities through a joined-up, targeted approach.


3.6 The LDP objectives set out in more detail how the LDP vision can be addressed
through the planning system. They respond to spatial elements contained in the
vision together with the economic, social and environmental strands set out in
the strategic outcomes.

3.7 In spatial terms, the vision recognises the key role that Cardiff plays as being the
heart of a thriving city-region. Nearly 77,900 people commute into the city each
day which demonstrates the important economic and social role Cardiff plays in
relation to the wider region.

3.8 The vision fully recognises economic, social, environmental, as well as

sustainability issues. It is the aim of the LDP objectives to respond to the
evidenced economic and social needs but in a way that is co-ordinated, respects
and enhances Cardiff’s environment and sets out a framework for delivering the
sustainable neighbourhoods of the future. This is delivering sustainable
development locally and improving the long term economic, social and
environmental wellbeing of people and communities in Cardiff. In this way, the
LDP can help create sustainable neighbourhoods that form part of a sustainable
city that lies at the heart of a sustainable city-region.

3.9 The objectives are set out under 4 main headings:

1. To respond to evidenced economic needs and provide the necessary

infrastructure to deliver development;
2. To respond to evidenced social needs;
3. To deliver economic and social needs in a co-ordinated way that respects and
enhances Cardiff’s environment; and
4. To create sustainable neighbourhoods that form part of a sustainable city.
1. To respond to evidenced economic needs and provide the necessary
infrastructure to deliver development.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

a. To effectively respond to Cardiff’s role as capital city for Wales, seat of the
National Government and centre of the city-region in terms of providing a
range and choice of economic opportunities that will drive the prosperity of
the region.

b. To maximise the economic potential of the city centre of Cardiff as a major

financial and service sector opportunity that builds upon its position next to
a transport hub of national and regional significance and is readily accessible
from all areas within the city and well connected to other UK cities.

c. To maintain and enhance the vitality, attractiveness and viability of the city
centre as a major retail and cultural destination and as a place to work, visit
and live.

d. To continue the successful regeneration of the Cardiff Bay area, maximising

opportunities for quality commercial buildings and further development,
particularly water and river frontage developments that can provide attractive
and distinctive environments.

e. To promote clusters of specialist sectors and research & development

expertise including the following key sectors:

Energy and environment;
Advanced materials and manufacturing;
Creative industries;
Life sciences; and
Financial and professional services.

f. To ensure a range and choice of employment land and business premises

at sustainable locations across the city is provided to assist economic
competitiveness, encourage entrepreneurship, promote the growth of
indigenous businesses of all types and size and attract inward investment.

g. To assist the promotion of Cardiff as a major tourist destination including

the provision of the development of a variety of high quality tourist facilities
and visitor accommodation.

LDP Vision and Objectives

h. To create a physical and economic environment that develops, attracts and

retains skilled workers, businesses and entrepreneurs to Cardiff together
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

with maximising links with Universities and supporting indigenous skills and

i. To quantify critical strategic infrastructure required to realise development

aspirations and set out clear mechanisms for delivery including sustainable
transport solutions for strategic sites.

j. To establish Cardiff as a sustainable travel city by reducing the need to

travel, increasing the use of sustainable travel modes and networks
(particularly walking and cycling), decreasing private car use and improving
the city’s key transport hub based at the adjacent central bus and train

k. To protect existing mineral resources and ensure an adequate supply of

limestone aggregates in the north west of the city for the construction industry
and to promote their efficient and appropriate usage, including the use of
recycled aggregates where possible.

l. To support sustainable collection and recycling methods for Municipal Waste

by maintaining and improving an integrated network of facilities in Cardiff.

m. To lead and participate in securing regional facilities for the sustainable

treatment and disposal of Municipal Waste in accordance with the Regional
Waste Plan and in a manner that follows the waste hierarchy which seeks
to maximise the reduction of waste in the first place and thereafter reusing,
recovering and recycling options before the disposal of waste material is

n. To facilitate an integrated network of commercial and industrial sustainable

waste management facilities consistent with the needs of the South East
Wales area and in a manner that follows the waste hierarchy which seeks
to maximise the reduction of waste in the first place and thereafter reusing,
recovering and recycling options before the disposal of waste material is

2. To respond to evidenced social needs.

a. To provide new homes required to support the economic progression of the

city and to respond to population change, continued in-migration and
evidenced demand for affordable and family housing so that social needs
can be addressed.
b. To provide a range and choice of new homes of different tenure, type and
location that meets specific needs such as the provision of affordable housing,

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

family accommodation, housing for the elderly, the disabled and students
and pitches for the gypsy and traveller community.

c. To maximise the use of the existing building stock through refurbishment,

retro-fitting and empty homes initiatives.

d. To bring about changes to Cardiff’s environment and neighbourhoods that

help to tackle health inequalities, promote good health and enable healthier
lifestyles to be led by the city’s population in line with Cardiff’s status as a
World Health Organisation, 'Healthy City’.

e. To bring about changes to Cardiff’s environment that create a safer city and
reduce the likelihood, fear and consequences of crime.

f. To create an environment that is made more accessible to all groups in

society so that the employment opportunities, facilities and services of the
city can be more readily used and enjoyed by all.

g. To maximise the multi-functional role played by Cardiff’s parks, open spaces

and allotments together with improving their accessibility for the whole

h. To recognise, support and enhance the key role played by existing District,
Local and Neighbourhood Centres as accessible local hubs providing
community services, local shops, healthy food choices, businesses,
employment and access to public transport.

i. To support the regeneration of local neighbourhoods including reducing

inequalities, particularly areas experiencing high levels of deprivation, areas
vulnerable to decline and areas with opportunities for change.

j. To ensure that the necessary education and training facilities are provided
and are accessible to all: to build strong futures for children, provide a diverse
range of learning opportunities for all and assist economic progress through
the development of required skills.

k. To develop new cultural, leisure and sporting facilities to meet needs and
enhance Cardiff’s role as a premier cultural and sporting destination.

l. To ensure that the necessary community and cultural facilities (community

centres, shops with healthy food choices, youth facilities, child care, faith
buildings, health centres, etc.) are provided that are accessible to all,
especially in areas that are deprived.

LDP Vision and Objectives

m. To address rising unemployment and provide accessible local job

opportunities, particularly in areas of greatest need.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

n. To promote social inclusion, equality of opportunity and access for all.

3. To deliver economic and social needs in a co-ordinated way that respects

Cardiff’s environment and responds to the challenges of climate change.

a. To mitigate the effects of climate change through reducing energy demand

and increasing the supply of renewable energy.

b. To ensure that Cardiff adapts to the full anticipated impacts of climate change
and that new development and infrastructure is designed to be resilient to
possible consequences.

c. To protect, manage and enhance Cardiff’s natural environmental assets,


The parks, open spaces and allotments in the city that are highly valued
by local communities and an important component of Cardiff’s quality
of life;The parks, open spaces and allotments in the city that are highly
valued by local communities and an important component of Cardiff’s
quality of life;
The strategically important river valleys of the Ely, Taff, Nant Fawr and
Rhymney that link the city to the countryside and provide a valuable
recreational, biodiversity and amenity resource;
Cardiff’s countryside, particularly its areas of high landscape value and
the coast that provide an important setting to the urban area, provide
an agricultural resource and opportunity for recreation;
The city’s biodiversity, its internationally, nationally and locally designated
sites, wildlife habitats and features that contain important species and
networks that link together areas of value;
Natural resources including geodiversity, the best soils, water and air
quality including, the reduction of pollution; and
The role that vegetation plays in combating climate change by providing
shading, cooling and carbon sinks.

d. To conserve and enhance Cardiff’s built and historic assets that define
distinctive character and reflect its past development including:

The city’s 27 Conservation Areas;

Its Listed Buildings and Ancient Monuments;
Registered Historic Landscapes and areas of archaeological importance;

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Other valued public places and spaces, including parks and amenity
spaces, that provide local distinctiveness.

e. In identifying new sites to meet economic/social needs, to follow a sequence

of firstly maximising the contribution of brownfield sites, then identifying
greenfield sites that are considered to represent the most appropriate and
sustainable locations to accommodate new development.

f. To have full regard to flood risk when considering the acceptability of

development proposals and considering mitigation and adaptation measures.

g. To maximise opportunities to create a cleaner and more attractive

environment that enhances the quality of life and helps Cardiff to become a
world-class European capital city.

4. To create sustainable neighbourhoods that form part of a sustainable city.

a. To ensure that all new development areas (whether greenfield or brownfield)

create sustainable neighbourhoods that follow the following principles:

Minimise energy demand and maximise renewable solutions - to deliver

more energy-efficient neighbourhoods that utilise existing best practice
and embrace new renewable technologies and concepts;
Minimise car travel, maximise sustainable transport use and decrease
air pollution by creating accessible, permeable and legible places,
preventing predominantly car-based developments and focusing new
development in accessible locations which are linked to the strategic
cycle network and can be served mainly by effective networks of
sustainable transport - walking and cycling and fast and frequent public
transport around and beyond the city;
Maximise recycling - to optimise the overall value of waste as a resource,
to effectively plan for how new developments can sort and store waste
for collection for onward productive use and minimise material needing
treatment and final landfill;
Minimise water usage and maximise sustainable drainage - to carefully
manage the consumption and drainage of water to avoid unnecessary
wastage and minimise rapid run-off. To seek opportunities to maximise
the positive amenity and biodiversity benefits that sustainable drainage
solutions can offer;
Maximise the early provision of a full range of social facilities and
community infrastructure - to provide the full range of necessary facilities
that are accessible to all members of society and can be reached within

LDP Vision and Objectives

a 15 minute walk. To include the range of social, health, leisure,

education necessary for the scale of development proposed and also
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

taking into account other needs within the wider locality;

Maximise the additional benefits that new communities can bring to
adjoining or surrounding existing communities and minimise any potential
negative impacts - to carefully identify positive contributions that can be
made and involve local communities in this process;
Maximise the diversity of land uses within new development areas – to
create more balanced communities offering non-car based options to
fully participate in community life. To ensure a range and choice of
housing tenures together with local employment opportunities and the
full range of community infrastructure;
Maximise the contribution of networks of multi-functional and connected
open spaces to strategically design networks of open space that are
rich in biodiversity and provide safe routes between key locations to
encourage healthier lifestyles through promoting walking and cycling.
To further encourage healthy lifestyles by providing allotments together
with the wider promotion of healthy eating;
Maximise the principles of good design - to create places that look good,
are of an appropriate and efficient density, fully respect their local context
and are successfully integrated with adjoining areas. To design buildings
that are resilient and can easily adapt to changing future needs. To
design clean and attractive areas where people feel safe and have a
sense of ownership; and
Maximise community involvement in the planning, design and future
management/maintenance of new neighbourhoods. To use the master
planning process to establish robust design principles but to also
recognise the need to allow some flexibility and managed capacity for
change, particularly in larger development areas.

b. To take opportunities to apply the above principles to existing neighbourhoods

in order to create a more sustainable city.
33 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


4.1 This section sets out the overall LDP Strategy to deliver the Plan's vision and
objectives. The Strategy contains the 7 elements described below together with
a Key Diagram summarising the main spatial components of the Strategy.
Collectively, these elements deliver the over-arching Plan vision and objectives
set out in the previous section. They provide a coherent and evidence-based
approach to meeting economic and social needs in a manner which respects
Cardiff’s environmental qualities and encourages the development of sustainable
neighbourhoods as part of a sustainable city.

4.2 Main elements of Strategy:

1. Making provision for new homes and jobs.

2. Putting in place a framework to manage future growth and encourage high
quality, sustainable design.
3. Bringing forward new infrastructure.
4. Delivering sustainable transportation solutions.
5. Responding to evidenced economic needs.
6. Responding to evidenced social needs.
7. Respecting Cardiff’s environment and responding to climate change.

4.3 Overall, the LDP Strategy responds to the clear evidenced need to make provision
for new homes and jobs. It sets a level of growth considered to represent the
most robust, balanced and appropriate approach taking into account all relevant
factors including the recommendations made by independent population
forecasting experts. This approach directly responds to needs from within Cardiff
but the delivery of new jobs also helps spread prosperity beyond administrative
boundaries. In this respect, the Strategy aims to build upon Cardiff’s key role as
centre of the city-region which evidence shows is of critical importance to the
wider well-being of South East Wales.

4.4 However, the Strategy sets out clear policies and mechanisms which provide a
framework designed to effectively manage future growth and encourage high
quality and sustainable design. This includes adopting a masterplanning approach
based on the sustainable neighbourhood objectives to the development of new
sites supported by more detailed design guidance. Additionally, the approach
strategically manages growth by designating a Green Wedge and tight settlement
boundaries policy to protect large areas of countryside. In this way, new
development can be planned for in a phased manner and designed in a more
sustainable way to minimise negative impacts.
4.5 The provision of new infrastructure is an important element of the Strategy as it
is recognised that new development must bring with it the timely provision of new

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

supporting community facilities and necessary services. Whilst it is recognised
that some significant elements of infrastructure may take many years to complete,
the Strategy seeks to ensure that each phase of new development is tied to the
provision of necessary infrastructure with each stage of development being able
to demonstrate an acceptable level of supporting facilities. This may include the
early provision of new facilities along with maximising the potential contribution
of existing nearby facilities providing there is capacity and acceptable accessibility.

4.6 The Infrastructure Plan sets out future requirements. Further dialogue and
consultation findings will help further develop a detailed list of required
infrastructure along with funding opportunities including the roles of Community
Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions for strategic projects, Section 106
Agreement contributions for local priorities together with identifying other potential
funding streams from the public and private sectors.

4.7 Putting in place a Strategy to enable the delivery of more sustainable

transportation solutions is also integral to the overall approach. This recognises
that development in Cardiff must be integrated with transport infrastructure, that
travel demand must be minimised along with providing a range of measures and
opportunities which reduce reliance on the car. This approach is fully consistent
with on-going work at a city-region scale which seeks to develop a more effective
public transport network across the region as a whole. This approach will bring
with it significant social benefits by reducing current barriers between homes,
jobs and other trips and help spread prosperity around the entire city-region.

4.8 The key economic role performed by Cardiff must be maintained and enhanced
for benefits to Cardiff, the city-region and Wales. Evidence demonstrates that
Cardiff has consistently delivered a high proportion of jobs in the city-region. The
Strategy responds to this by ensuring a full range and choice of economic
opportunities across all relevant sectors. The Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone will
be a key element of the approach but there is also a need to maintain the roles
of the City Centre, Cardiff Bay, existing employment sites together with providing
a range and choice of sites to cater for demand across sectors.

4.9 Cardiff experiences some significant social needs, with high housing demand
projected to continue over the Plan period. The Strategy aims to positively respond
to these needs by providing a wide range and choice of sites. Importantly, the
approach looks to cater for specific needs so targets have been set for the
provision of affordable housing, different locations help provide diversity of offer
and the needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community are also directly addressed
in accordance with national policy and guidance.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

4.10 The Strategy also addresses wider social issues and has benefited from the
Health and Equality Impact Assessments into the Plan. The approach is very
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

much about promoting more sustainable communities where emphasis is placed

on supporting District and Local Centres, encouraging the full range of accessible
social, health and educational facilities, together with supporting regeneration
initiatives, utilising the potential positive benefits which new developments can
bring to adjoining areas.

4.11 Cardiff possesses a unique and particularly distinctive natural and built heritage.
The Strategy delivers sustainable development by meeting social and economic
needs, but in a managed way which retains, manages and enhances important
features of natural and built heritage. Central to this approach is the designation
of a Green Wedge to the North of the M4 Motorway, a strict settlement boundary
policy together with protection to the river valleys and open spaces. In this way,
Cardiff’s distinctive environmental qualities can be successfully maintained with
further opportunities to enhance their management and increase public enjoyment.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Key Policies
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

1. Making provision for new homes and jobs


The Plan makes provision for 45,415 new dwellings (including a 4,000 dwelling
flexibility allowance) to deliver a housing requirement of 41,415 new dwellings
and 40,000 new jobs in Cardiff between 2006-2026.

4.12 As the LDP has progressed through its numerous stages of preparation, various
level of growth options have been considered, consultations have been carried
out and expert advice has been sought. The level of growth set out within this
Key Policy is considered to best reflect an analysis of all relevant factors.
Importantly, it is based on the most up-to-date information reflecting matters
raised during the examination process and makes provision (including the flexibility
allowance) to deliver the level originally set out in the Preferred Strategy.

4.13 All relevant factors, as set out in Planning Policy Wales and summarised below,
have also been carefully considered. In this respect, it should be noted that
national guidance states that the official projections should form the starting point
for setting levels of growth in LDPs and makes it clear that any departure from
these figures should be fully justified by demonstrable evidence. These official
figures show a 42% rise in Cardiff’s population for the period 2008-2033 and a
33% rise for the Plan period 2006-26 for which the Plan makes provision

4.14 No other material factors are considered to possess sufficient weight to warrant
departure from this level of growth which is considered to:

Accord with the Wales Spatial Plan aims by supporting Cardiff’s role as
centre of a networked city-region but not to excessive levels which could
prejudice regeneration objectives elsewhere;
Accord with the Council’s vision and LDP objectives;
Effectively respond to the regional collaborative dialogue which recognised
the dangers of artificially restricting growth in Cardiff - there was a clear
recognition of the positive ‘ripple effects’ of providing jobs and homes in
Cardiff which improved prosperity in the wider city-region;
Effectively respond to the clear evidenced need to provide for a significant
number of new homes and jobs. The Plan makes provision to deliver the
official projections and is considered to strike the right balance having regard
to the full range of factors;
Deliver necessary homes and jobs, but in a managed and controlled manner
protecting key elements of Cardiff’s environment;
Meet deliverability and capacity factors - the LDP contains proposals and
mechanisms which justify how deliverability and capacity matters can be

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

adequately addressed. The wide range and choice of sites contributing to
the provision together with the masterplanning approach which includes
addressing the deliverability of supporting infrastructure demonstrates how
development can be successfully brought forward in a managed way. (A
higher level of growth would be considered difficult to justify in terms of
deliverability factors and set an artificially high target for the 5 year supply
requirements set out in TAN 1); and
Respond in an evidence-based manner to the divergence of views expressed
in consultation processes.

4.15 The detailed breakdown of how it is intended to provide for the 41,415 new homes
over the Plan period is shown in Table 1.


Row Topic/Factor Note/Source Dwellings


1 2006-2026 Dwelling Requirement As referenced in 41,415

Policy KP1

2 2006-2026 Dwelling Requirement Row 1 divided by 20 2,071

per year (20 years) years


APRIL 2014

3 Change in Council Tax Dwellings Official data from 12,255

31 March 2006 to 31 March 2014 ONS/ Valuation
(8 years) (138,735 to 150,990) Agency


4 Current Landbank (Under 10,885

construction, Not Started and Sites
Subject to a Legal Agreement).



Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Row Topic/Factor Note/Source Dwellings

5 Adjustments (Demolitions, Change 242

of Use of Residential to Other Uses
and Residential Conversions)


6 Windfalls (including Change of Use 5,850


7 15% Flexibility Allowance for -1,043

possible reduced dwelling yield on
Brownfield sites in landbank and
some 106 sites not coming forward.


8 Units on LDP Strategic Sites Excludes Strategic 13,950

Site A - existing
commitment in the


9 Units on LDP Non Strategic Sites 572

* Allowance to avoid double -1,256

counting on Strategic and Non
Strategic sites in the landbank at
31st March 2014

10 Total Supply 41,456

11 Additional 10% flexibility 4000

allowance, as referenced in KP1.

4.16 The Plan provides an extensive range and choice of opportunities for the creation
of new homes and jobs. This is crucial to the overall delivery of homes and jobs
by enabling different sites in different locations to be progressed concurrently. It
also ensures flexibility as a limited number of sites would carry delivery risks
should implementation problems be encountered on specific sites. The
masterplanning approach, which also addresses the provision of infrastructure
and phasing, puts in place a framework to ensure the orderly development of
sites. Key Policies on masterplanning, design and infrastructure, together with

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

supporting documentation, explain this approach in more detail.

4.17 In terms of the provision of new homes, brownfield sites still contribute over half
of the provision, but this is supplemented by new greenfield opportunities offering
a fuller range and choice. This provides a much needed catalyst to the local
housing market which has seen a recent shortage of greenfield sites and can
help meet a growing latent demand. Furthermore, greenfield sites can play a key
role in bringing forward high levels of affordable and family housing. Evidence
has shown that site viability factors make it difficult for brownfield sites to
consistently provide high levels of affordable housing.

4.18 It should also be noted that Cardiff has a finite supply of brownfield sites and that
the previous LDP was withdrawn due to the Inspector’s concerns that it was a
‘brownfield only’ Strategy.

4.19 The Plan recognises that there is a limited supply of acceptable brownfield land.
It also recognises that not all existing brownfield sites with planning permission
will be developed due to changed economic/market conditions.

4.20 However, brownfield sites will continue to play an important role and windfall
provisions will form part of the provision for new homes as land uses within the
city continue to evolve. For example, the Council is currently strategically
assessing its land holdings which, over the Plan period, is likely to generate a
wide range and choice of brownfield housing opportunities across the city.

4.21 The provision of a full range and choice of housing options also fully supports
the delivery of the Economic Strategy - new homes and supporting community
facilities can help attract new investment to the city and stimulate more movement
in the housing market. Associated construction jobs would provide an additional
benefit to the local economy.

4.22 New greenfield releases also bring with them the ability to contribute towards the
wider provision of strategic infrastructure to the benefit of the city and wider
city-region as a whole. For example, the delivery of sustainable transportation
solutions will have positive implications for the wider community. In this respect,
there are clear benefits of the locations of the strategic sites which offer the
opportunity of a joined-up approach to deliver strategically important infrastructure
in the North West and East/North East corridors. This assists in prioritising
infrastructure provision in a planned and focused manner.

4.23 In order to deliver the required level of growth over the Plan period, there will be
a need for a range and choice of sites to be on stream over the remainder of the
Plan period. The masterplanning approach has been adopted to carefully manage

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

this process with Key Policies KP2 (A) to KP2 (H) providing a framework for the
delivery of each Strategic Site in this respect. In this way, each site and each
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

phase of development can bring with it the necessary range of supporting

infrastructure. It should be noted that the scale of strategic sites open up the
opportunity for delivering significant infrastructure benefits. However, some major
elements may take a long period to deliver. Therefore, early phases will need to
both deliver the infrastructure which is required for that particular phase along
with contributing to the provision of wider strategic infrastructure which may be
physically provided at a slightly later date. Detailed provisions will be put in place
to secure delivery in such instances.

4.24 The Plan is considered sufficiently flexible to respond to changing conditions.

This will be kept under review in the Annual Monitoring Reporting process allowing
future reviews to address the need for change. Should demand be lower than
anticipated, the sequence of provision will remain in place, thereby controlling
development in an orderly manner and linking it in with infrastructure provision.
However, this scenario would result in the trajectory being followed over a longer
period allowing either Plan review or the next Plan to make appropriate judgement
on future provision at that time.

4.25 Consideration also needs to be given to demand being higher than expected.
This is considered to be a less likely possibility. However, the LDP tests of
soundness demand that Plans are sufficiently flexible to be able to positively
respond to changes in circumstances. This Policy therefore has a built-in 10%
flexibility allowance.

4.26 In this way, if a need is identified in the Annual Monitoring Report before the end
of the Plan period, additional land can be brought forward for residential purposes
at that point in time in a Plan review. The Plan demonstrates a clear commitment
to a long term direction of travel by identifying geographically defined areas which
have been subject to SA/SEA analysis and are well positioned to meet such
need, if required.

4.27 Work undertaken as part of this process has shown that there is limited scope
for further development areas due to the environmental and other constraints
around the city together. There is considered merit in focusing potential additional
areas based upon proposed Strategic Sites where there is land available to take
advantage of the comprehensive provision of new community and transportation
infrastructure and minimising impact on areas of higher environmental sensitivity
including land proposed for Green Wedge designation.

4.28 Three areas have been identified to provide flexibility as just one option may limit
the scope for dwellings being delivered should problems be encountered on a
particular site. It should also be noted in this respect that each area offers a large
gross area with the combined potential to deliver more than just an additional
10% flexibility. The masterplanning of adjoining Strategic Sites will ensure that
suitable access is secured and future Plan monitoring will trigger any future

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

detailed consideration of infrastructure and masterplanning requirements should
the need for the early release of the identified Search Areas be triggered within
the Plan period.

4.29 The areas considered most suitable to deliver this potential need are as follows:

i. Land North of the North West Cardiff Strategic Site - Up to 57 hectares of

land located between Llantrisant Road and the M4 Motorway bounded by
the edge of Radyr to the East and the recent development on the former
Rhydlafar Hospital to the West. This is a gross figure with the net developable
area likely to be a significant reduction due to natural and infrastructure
constraints within the site. This could provide a minimum of an extra 1,250
dwellings if required in the later phases of the Plan period but further
masterplanning addressing long-term capacity is likely to demonstrate a
higher figure is possible and the land is indicated as Search Area A on the
Proposals Map;
ii. Land West of the Strategic Site North of Junction 33 - Up to 41 hectares of
land represents a logical extension of this site which falls between the M4
Motorway and Llantrisant Road. This could provide a minimum of an extra
1,250 dwellings if required in the later phases of the Plan period but further
masterplanning addressing long-term capacity is likely to demonstrate a
higher figure is possible. The land is indicated as Search Area B on the
Proposals Map; and
iii. North West Cardiff Strategic Site - the overall capacity of this site is
considered to be in the order of 6,500-7,000 dwellings depending on the
precise configuration of land uses and housing densities. Work undertaken
to date suggests that a figure of 5,000 dwellings is appropriate for homes
being delivered within the Plan period (by 2026). However, should build rates
be faster than anticipated, this site represents an ideal opportunity to help
meet any additional need within the Plan period and benefits from the
comprehensive masterplanning of the area as a whole which is shown as
an allocation in its entirety.

4.30 In a similar way to the provision of new homes, a range and choice of new job
opportunities is also proposed. It is important to ensure that a range and choice
of employment land and business premises are provided to maintain and improve
the competitiveness of the city, promote and protect indigenous business and
attract inward investment.

4.31 This approach responds to Cardiff’s role as the main economic driver of the
city-region accounting for 32% of total employment in South East Wales. At the
heart of this approach is recognition that the Cardiff city-region clearly forms a
natural economic area and it has consistently made a major positive contribution

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

to the economic growth of Wales. In core city analysis, Cardiff performs well and
there is an opportunity to build further on this through continuing to enhance
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Cardiff’s role and also improve linkages and connectivity within the city-region.
It is also recognised that there are significant benefits for adjoining areas from
Cardiff’s success in achieving economic growth.

4.32 The Plan provides a framework for delivering a wide range and choice of
employment sites in different locations and for different sectors including the key
market sectors of ICT, energy and environmental technologies, advanced
materials and manufacturing, creative industries, life sciences and financial and
professional services. The range of new sites ensures that Cardiff can deliver
the stated level of growth for new jobs. Importantly, different sites will perform
different roles in the strategy. For example, Porth Teigr (Roath Basin) has the
potential to become an important location for media and creative industries. Other
locations may be better suited to small out of centre employment sites, including
offices, creative industries, small workshops, and starter units.

4.33 The geographical spread of the ‘Cardiff offer’ also addresses the need to provide
jobs in accessible locations. In this respect, the key strategic proposal relating
to the Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone and Regional Transport Hub represents
a highly sustainable and accessible location, close to areas of high unemployment
in the city but also readily accessible to the wider region via sustainable modes
of transport.


Strategic Sites are allocated as set out below to help meet the need for new
dwellings and jobs:

Brownfield Strategic Sites:

(A) Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone and Regional Transport Hub;
(B) Former Gas Works, Ferry Road;
Greenfield Strategic Sites:
(C) North West Cardiff;
(D) North of Junction 33 on M4;
(E) South of Creigiau;
(F) North East Cardiff (West of Pontprennau);
(G) East of Pontprennau Link Road; and
(H) South of St Mellons Business Park - Employment only.

4.34 Strategic sites are defined as being sites of 500 homes or more and/or with
significant employment/mixed uses and which have the potential to deliver
significant benefits to the city.
4.35 The purpose of this Policy is to help bring forward appropriate land in sustainable
locations to satisfy the identified need for housing, employment and other uses.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

4.36 This range and choice of strategic sites brings significant benefits of providing a
genuine range and choice, critical to overall Plan delivery. Furthermore, the scale
of sites enables more comprehensive solutions to be delivered which can bring
about significant infrastructure improvements for the wider city and city-region.

4.37 The anticipated number of dwellings capable of being delivered from each
strategic site is summarised in Table 1 (paragraph 4.15) together with Table 2.


Ref Site Proposed Use

A Cardiff Central Major employment-led initiative including a

Enterprise Zone and Regional Transport Hub together with other mixed
Regional Transport uses in Cardiff city centre in order to fulfil Cardiff’s
Hub role as economic driver of the city-region, provide
major employment opportunities focused on
financial and business services and maximise the
advantages of its location adjacent to the Central
Station and Cardiff Bus Station. Due to existing
commitments which new proposals will update, current
evidence suggests no net gain in units to avoid double
counting. However any additional units over and above
commitments will count as windfalls

B Former Gas Works, Housing-based scheme of 500 homes and other

Ferry Road associated community uses

C North-West Cardiff Comprehensive development of approximately 5,000

homes within the Plan period including employment
and other associated community uses

D North of Junction 33 on Mixed use of approximately 2,000 homes,

M4 employment, other associated community uses and
a strategic park and ride site

E South of Creigiau Housing-based scheme of approximately 650 homes

representing a southern extension of the existing

F North-East Cardiff Comprehensive development of approximately 4,500

(West of Pontprennau) homes, employment and other associated community

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Ref Site Proposed Use

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

G East of Pontprennau Housing-based scheme of approximately 1,300 with

Link Road associated community uses

H South of St Mellons Strategic employment site

Business Park

4.38 The combination of development on these sites will result in the delivery of
approximately 13,950 new dwellings together with a range and choice of
employment opportunities and a significant amount of supporting infrastructure
and community facilities.

4.39 A summary of the key infrastructure requirements relating to the Strategic Sites
are provided within KP2(A) to KP2(H). This information will be cross-referenced
in the Cardiff Infrastructure Plan which is a, ‘living document’ sitting alongside
the LDP. The Infrastructure Plan is directly linked to the LDP Monitoring
Framework and regularly updated in order to effectively respond to changes in
baseline information, procedures and legislation. Estimated costs of infrastructure
provision and details of estimated square footages of facilities are referenced
within the Infrastructure Plan based on current considerations, requirements, and
information available at a point in time so represent indicative figures. Future
updates to the Infrastructure Plan will allow such information to be regularly
updated to reflect prevailing circumstances and show more detail when it is
known. Policies KP6 and KP7 relating to new infrastructure and planning
obligations provide further policy guidance with regard to the delivery of new
infrastructure and are also linked to the Infrastructure Plan and Annual Monitoring

4.40 Infrastructure requirements for these sites will primarily be delivered through
planning obligations/ Section 106 Agreements with policies KP6 and KP7 providing
the policy framework. Policy KP6 also outlines other potential funding sources
which may be required in addition to developer contributions. Further details as
they emerge will be incorporated into the Infrastructure Plan as it is updated in
future years as part of the formal LDP monitoring process.

4.41 The masterplanning and good quality & sustainable design principles set out in
KP4 and KP5 will be used to provide a framework to consider planning
applications relating to all Strategic Sites along with other development as defined
in the policies. In addition, the site-specific masterplanning requirements for each
Strategic Site are identified within KP2(A) to KP2(H) and depicted, where
appropriate, on the indicative Schematic Frameworks. Although only for illustrative
purposes, the Schematic Frameworks should be read in conjunction with relevant
policies to provide an over-arching context for the future development of the
Strategic Sites.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land is allocated at Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone, as defined on the
Proposals Map, for a major employment-led initiative including a Regional
Transport Hub together with other mixed uses in Cardiff City Centre in order
to fulfil Cardiff’s role as economic driver of the city-region, providing major
employment opportunities focused on financial and business services and
maximise the advantages of its central location. Supporting essential, enabling
and necessary infrastructure will be delivered in a phased manner with specific
requirements secured through planning consents including:

Essential/Enabling Infrastructure

Transport & Highways:

Central, public transport hub providing access to and interchange

between rail network, the rapid transit and strategic bus corridors
referred to in Policy T2, the city-wide bus network and the strategic
cycle network;
Improving existing bus routes and services including bus priority
measures between the site, Cardiff Bay and other parts of the city;
Rapid Transit- Southern Corridor

Walking and cycling:

Enhance pedestrian and cycle access between north and south sides
of main railway line including enhanced railway underpasses;

Enhance east and west connections through the area connecting

Enhanced/ extend Canal Park as a cycling and walking route, creating
a new green corridor linking the Bay Waterfront to Callaghan Square,
the City Centre and beyond;
Integrate site with the Strategic Cycle Network Enfys including Routes
1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 90, 34, 35, 50, the city centre ‘hub’ routes, the Taff
Trail and the Bay Trail;
Provide a central cycle parking hub with associated facilities as an
integral component of the regional public transport hub and of a
scale befitting its regional and capital function;
Provide secure cycle parking and associated facilities in locations
which encourage cycling to the city centre and integration with public
transport services;

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Improve connections to Millennium Stadium including Gate 5;

Create continuous river walk on Taff East bank.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Necessary Infrastructure

Education-1 new Primary School and contribution to existing Secondary

Minimum of approximately 7ha Open Space including approximately
3.5ha of formal recreation, 1 playground, 1 teen facility, 1x 40 plot
allotment site;
Contribution to off-site community facility provision.

Development shall accord with the following key masterplanning requirements

(as depicted, where appropriate, on the Schematic Framework):

Densities will be maximised to make efficient use of city centre land in

a highly accessible location. High rise, high density developments at
appropriate locations within the site are encouraged and residential
densities in excess of 100 dwellings per hectare are not considered
unreasonable in principle. Employment densities for B1 office
development are expected to be at least 14.5 square metres per employee
(gross external area);
Employment provision to include Grade A office accommodation and
developing Callaghan Square as Wales’ premier business location. The
site will also provide a range and choice of opportunities to meet business
needs including start-up businesses, creative workshops and incubator
Create destination spaces with active uses which complement the
business offer including Central Square (new public piazza with active
ground floor uses), Southern Gateway (new public space south of Central
Station), Callaghan Square (greening of spaces whilst maintaining a
‘civic’ presence), and Taff East Bank (creating active uses and new leisure
Make improvements to the Arena Area with links to Queen Street Station;
Ensure that development does not prejudice the future delivery of the
Metro by keeping free land required for the project once land requirements
are known;
Provision of high quality way-finding and clearly defined pedestrian
routes to key destinations;
Ensure a consistent approach to the use of high quality street furniture
and paving materials;
Improve routes and connections to support the Butetown Regeneration
with links to community facilities and services including Loudoun Square

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

as a community “hub”;
Maximise linkages to the Taff Trail and Canal Park;
Integrating new development sensitively with new and existing
developments and take opportunities for commercial activity along
Dumballs Road;
Upgrade site gateways, railway bridges/ underpasses and the public
Effectively responding to landscape and biodiversity assets by:

Maximising the asset of River Taff frontage;

Developing opportunities for natural greenspaces to create urban

parkland settings;

Effectively respond to heritage assets by:

Assessing and effectively addressing potential impacts on

Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings within and adjoining the
Integrating public art and heritage interpretation as part of proposals;

Investigating opportunities for new developments in Dumballs Road to

have a separate drainage system , including running surface water to the
river and integrating landscaped areas;
Seek to develop opportunities for SUDS to relate to/ extend the “Greener
Grangetown” scheme.

4.42 The Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone is one of eight Strategic Sites which
collectively play a crucial role in delivering the Plan Strategy. It is the largest
brownfield site within the Plan (78.8 ha) and occupies a particularly accessible
location in the centre of Cardiff including the major transportation hub around
Cardiff Central station. Overall, it represents a significant sustainable regeneration
opportunity in the heart of the city and is fully consistent with delivering the Plan’s
vision and objectives.

4.43 The land is owned by numerous landowners and will be delivered by a number
of different developers operating out of different sites. This policy, together with
other relevant policies, will provide the overarching masterplanning and
infrastructure planning framework for landowners and developers to prepare
Parameter Plans and Masterplans which will inform the Development Management

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

process. In this respect it should be noted that different potential projects in the
area are operating to different timescales so an over-prescriptive approach would
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

not be appropriate.

4.44 Planning conditions and Planning Obligations (Section 106 Agreements) will be
used to formally tie in the phased delivery of necessary supporting infrastructure
with trigger mechanisms and thresholds used to ensure timely provision.

4.45 The site is in a central location with a good level of accessibility by non-car based
travel. The transport sustainability of the site will be further enhanced through
the development of the regional transport hub linking different sustainable forms
of transport and the wider improvements to the strategic public transport network
and the walking and cycling networks that will be secured in conjunction with the
development of other Strategic Sites and through the Council’s own infrastructure

4.46 Although details of the mode and potential alignments of the Metro are not yet
known it is likely that the project will provide access to this Strategic Site. Work
undertaken to date by the Welsh Government has not firmed up detailed proposals
and there is no current certainty on any detailed alignments so it would be
inappropriate to allocate a precise alignment on the Proposals Map but there is
a need to ensure future options are not prejudiced. Therefore, this policy
references the potential future need to safeguard land required for the Metro
project once any land requirements are known. Future Plan reviews and the
annual monitoring framework linked to the ‘living’ Infrastructure Plan provide
mechanisms to ensure the LDP process can be further updated in this respect.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land is allocated at the former Gas Works, Ferry Road, as defined on the
Proposals Map, for a housing-based scheme of 500 homes and other
associated community uses, together with essential, enabling and necessary
supporting infrastructure which will be delivered in a phased manner with
specific details formally tied into planning consents including:

Essential/ Enabling Infrastructure

Walking and cycling:

Improve pedestrian access to public transport facilities in the vicinity

of the site;
Provide new and enhance existing pedestrian/cycle links from the
site to the Ely Trail, Grangemoor Park, Cardiff Bay Retail Park and
other community facilities within the area including Channel View

Necessary Infrastructure

Contribution to off-site community facility provision;

Education- Contribution to existing Primary and Secondary Schools;
Minimum of 1.2ha Open Space including 1 playground, 1 teen facility,
plus contributions to formal open space, allotment provision and play

Development shall be undertaken in a comprehensive manner and accord

with the following key masterplanning requirements (as depicted, where
appropriate, on the Schematic Framework):

Densities will be maximised to make efficient use of this brownfield site

with high density residential accommodation of at least 50 dwellings per
hectare considered appropriate and in keeping with the characteristics
of the area;
The density, design, scale and layout at the northern end of the site
should respond effectively to the adjacent Ikea building;
The layout should relate effectively to the railway line forming the western
boundary of the site including mitigating any acoustic impacts;
Ensure that the cycle trail linking the Ely Trail to Ferry Road is retained
and that the layout provides a safe and overlooked solution;
Maximise the relationship between the site, the River Ely and Grangemoor
Park including extending the park along the river frontage to create a

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

riverside park with informal play opportunities;
Effectively respond to landscape and biodiversity assets by:

Mitigating and compensating for reptiles and bats;

Enhancing the buffer of trees along the railway line;
Ensuring an adequate buffer from the River Ely Site of Importance
for Nature Conservation to protect the river bank and associated

Effectively respond to heritage assets by:

Assessing and effectively addressing potential impacts on the

character and setting of the Listed Gas Holder and demonstrating
how the proposals can successfully integrate this historic asset;

Explore the potential to collect methane gas from Grangemoor Park to

create a heat and power system together with exploring other potential
opportunities such as biomass to create electricity and to heat the site’s

4.47 The former Gas Works, Ferry Road, is one of eight Strategic Sites which
collectively play a crucial role in delivering the Plan Strategy. It is a brownfield
site (9.9 ha) well-located within the urban area adding to the range and choice
of housing offer in the Plan.

4.48 The land is owned by a single landowner and will be delivered in a comprehensive
manner. This policy, together with other relevant policies, will provide the
masterplanning and infrastructure planning framework for landowners and
developers to prepare Parameter Plans and Masterplans which will inform the
Development Management process.

4.49 The relative scale of the site allows for a maximum of 2 outlets at any time with
full delivery of the 500 units anticipated between 2017 and 2024. Planning
conditions and Planning Obligations (Section 106 Agreements) will be used to
formally tie in the phased delivery of necessary supporting infrastructure with
trigger mechanisms and thresholds used to ensure timely provision in relation to
completion of new homes.

4.50 Due to the accessible location of the site and proximity to existing social/
community facilities in the area it is considered appropriate to secure developer
contributions to improve nearby facilities as outlined in the policy.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land is allocated at North West Cardiff, as defined on the Proposals Map, for
a mixed-use comprehensive development including a minimum of 5,000
homes and local employment opportunities, together with essential, enabling
and necessary supporting infrastructure which will be delivered in a phased
manner with specific details formally tied into planning consents including:

Essential/ Enabling Infrastructure

Transport & Highways:

Provision of new bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors through the site

providing links between the District/Local Centres and a new
Transport Hub in the Easternmost District/Local Centre;
Off-site infrastructure including bus priority measures to develop
bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors integrating with the site, the
Western Bus Corridor and other routes within the North West Rapid
Transit Corridor;
Off-site infrastructure including bus priority enhancements on the
Western Bus Corridor and measures to improve linkages into
Rhondda Cynon Taf;
Extend bus networks and increase the frequency and reliability of
services to serve the site with public transport options for a wide
range of journeys including a combination of limited stop and local
bus services.

Walking and cycling:

On and off-site measures to provide a network of high quality, safe,

attractive and convenient routes within the site and linking to key
local services, facilities and destinations including existing local
centres and Schools at Fairwater, Pentrebane, Danescourt and Radyr;
Links to the Taff and Ely Trails;
Links to off-site public transport destinations including Radyr,
Danescourt and Llandaff Rail Stations.

Necessary Infrastructure

1 District Centre and 3 Local Centres (including provision of business

and local employment uses), Primary Care facility, Multifunctional
community leisure facility including library facility, and financial
contribution to upgrading of Fairwater Leisure Centre;

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Education-1 new Secondary School, 3-4 new Primary Schools located

in or adjacent to District/Local Centres, and financial contribution to
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

existing Primary Schools in earlier phases;

Minimum of 30ha Open Space including 15ha of formal recreation, 6
playgrounds including destination play area, 2 teen facilities plus off-site
contribution, and 2x 50 plot allotment sites (through on-site/ off-site

Development shall be undertaken in a comprehensive manner and accord

with the following key masterplanning requirements (as depicted, where
appropriate, on the Schematic Framework):

Provide a range of densities with high density (minimum of 45 - 50+

dwellings per hectare) mixed-use development within District/Local
Centres and medium to high density (35-50+ dwellings per hectare) along
the Rapid Transit Corridors;
Initial phases towards the east and along Llantrisant Road, middle phases
towards the centre of the site and later to the west;
Ensure that the potential future delivery of the ‘Metro’ is not precluded
by keeping a corridor alongside and including the disused rail line running
through the site (as depicted on the schematic framework) safeguarded
from development and also ensuring that land uses, densities and layouts
respond positively to its potential future provision;
District/ Local Centres to be accessible by walking, cycling and public
transport and accommodate a range of services including convenience
goods floorspace plus other retail of a scale and nature which accord
with Plan retail policies with the anchor food store to be located within
the District Centre towards the east of the site;
Employment provision (B1 & B1(b)(c)) to be located in and adjoining the
District/Local Centres amounting to approximately 15,000sqm;
New Schools to be located in and adjoining the District/Local Centres;
Provide good land use and transportation integration with the adjoining
areas of Pentrebane, Fairwater and Radyr;
Providing an active frontage onto Pentrebane and Llantrisant Roads;
Effectively respond to landscape and biodiversity assets by:

Linking retained habitats through the provision of a series of open

space corridors providing ecological connectivity, sustainable access
routes and opportunities for sustainable drainage including:
Links between retained woodlands at Coed y Trenches, Coed y Gof,
Waterhall, Halfwrt and Coedbychan;
Corridor along the valley through the middle of the site;
Links to the countryside to the west and south-west;
Linking corridors where possible between the above to provide a
good network;

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Ensuring that there is no detriment to the maintenance of the
favourable conservation status of Great Crested Newts on the site
including protection of the existing 2 ponds in the Pentrebane
Cottages SINC and provision of a minimum of 2 additional ponds in
the locality;
Providing suitable buffers to retained woodlands referred to above
and other habitats including hedgerows and streams;

Effectively respond to heritage assets by:

Assessing and effectively addressing potential impacts on the St

Fagans Conservation Area (retain woodland/ hedgerow buffers
together with provision of new planting) and the Listed Buildings
(together with their settings) within and adjacent to the site;

Effectively respond to other constraints including Radyr Golf Course

(ensuring no conflict with errant golf balls) and existing easements
(overhead pylons and underground infrastructure); and
Ensuring that that development does not adversely affect the water quality
of the Nant Rhydlafar.

4.51 North West Cardiff is one of eight Strategic Sites which collectively play a crucial
role in delivering the Plan Strategy. It is the largest Strategic Site within the Plan
(346 ha) and relates to countryside to the west of Radyr, Fairwater and
Pentrebane, and to the north of the village of St Fagans.

4.52 The vast majority of the land at North West Cardiff is within the control of the
Trustees of St Fagans No. 1 & 2 and No. 3 Trust and will be delivered by a number
of different developers operating out of different outlets. This policy, together with
other relevant policies, will provide the masterplanning and infrastructure planning
framework for landowners and developers to prepare Parameter Plans and
Masterplans which will inform the Development Management process.

4.53 The scale of the site allows numerous outlets to be operating at any one time in
different parts of this large site and will provide a wide range and choice of housing
offer and opportunities for a variety of different tenures. Planning conditions and
Planning Obligations (Section 106 Agreements) will be used to formally tie in the
phased delivery of necessary supporting infrastructure with trigger mechanisms
and thresholds used to ensure timely provision in relation to completion of new

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

4.54 Rapid Transit Corridors within the site will be bus-based and of sufficient width
and otherwise designed, including the control of car parking, to allow the safe
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

two-way passing of the largest vehicles. Bus priority measures will be provided
at appropriate locations within the site to allow bus rapid transit to avoid queuing
traffic. Bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors will link the site to the Western Bus
Corridor with off-site bus priority measures provided to assist the flow of buses.
Further off-site corridor enhancements will be provided on the Western Bus
Corridor as shown on the Proposals Map and consistent with Policy T2 in order
to support delivery of the increased frequency and reliability of services. The
integration of housing and supporting services and community infrastructure
provides the opportunity for a high proportion of short, local trips to be made by
walking and cycling. This will be made possible by integrating networks of high
quality walking and cycling routes within development layouts and ensuring that
the design of roads, streets, junctions and public spaces accommodate the natural
‘desire lines’ of people making trips on foot and by bicycle.

4.55 Although details of the mode and potential alignments of the Metro have yet to
be defined, it is important that the development of this site does not preclude the
potential delivery of this strategic project. Work undertaken to date by the Welsh
Government suggests that the disused rail line running through the middle of the
site forms the most likely option in this locality but there is currently no certainty
on the detailed alignment. For example, there is uncertainty of the future mode
and whether the route would be based on the existing disused rail line or whether
it would be better located either alongside to the north or to the south.

4.56 Therefore, it would be inappropriate to allocate a precise alignment on the

Proposals Map but there is a need to ensure future options are not prejudiced.
This policy ensures that land is safeguarded from development along the potential
Metro corridor and also that land uses, densities and layouts are developed to
take account of the potential delivery of this strategic transportation project.

4.57 District and Local Centres will be the focus for community uses and activities
including Schools in close proximity. The precise number of Primary Schools
(3/4) will depend on the outcomes of future monitoring and delivery options
relevant when the details of later phases are being assessed through the
Development Management process.

4.58 It should be noted that it is anticipated that the delivery of this large site will extend
beyond the plan period (some 1,500 homes are anticipated being delivered post
2026). In this respect, whilst the Schematic Framework relates to the total
geographical extent of the overall site area to ensure a high-level consistent
approach to addressing site-specific factors, the infrastructure requirements as
set out in this policy relate to the number of homes proposed during the plan
period (for 5,000 new homes). Future annual monitoring, Plan reviews and
ongoing updates to the Infrastructure Plan will ensure that any infrastructure
requirements for homes post-2026 are captured at the appropriate juncture and
consequently inform any future Development Management activity with regard

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

to homes over and above the 5,000 proposed during the plan period.

4.59 Search Area A (north of Llantrisant Road) is not included within the Strategic Site
allocation. This would only be triggered if necessary through future Plan review
following annual monitoring indicating that the provision of new homes is
proceeding beyond anticipated rates and justifies such a release within the last
years of the plan period. Therefore, it is considered premature to factor in potential
detailed infrastructure and masterplanning matters at this juncture relating to this
land. The formal monitoring framework provides an evidence-based process to
inform any decisions on potential release in the last years of the plan period.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land is allocated:

i. North of Junction 33 on the M4, as defined on the Proposals Map, for a

mixed-use development of approximately 2,000 homes, employment,
other associated community uses and a strategic park and ride site; and
ii. South of Creigiau, as defined on the Proposals Map, for a housing-based
scheme of approximately 650 homes representing a southern extension
to the village.

Essential, enabling and necessary supporting infrastructure will be delivered

in a phased manner with specific details formally tied into planning consents

Essential/ Enabling Infrastructure

Transport & Highways:

Provision of new bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors through the site

North of Junction 33 linking directly to the Western Bus Corridor;
Off-site infrastructure including bus priority measures to develop
bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors integrating with the site, the
Western Bus Corridor and other routes within the North West Rapid
Transit Corridor;
Off-site infrastructure including bus priority enhancements on the
Western Bus Corridor and measures to improve linkages into
Rhondda Cynon Taf;
Extend bus networks and increase the frequency and reliability of
services to serve the site with public transport options for a wide
range of journeys including a combination of limited stop and local
bus services;
Strategic park and ride facility North of Junction 33 linked to the
Rapid Transit Corridor and public transport node including Bus Gate
to provide priority for public transport and limit unauthorised access
by car to Junction 33;
Public transport node in close proximity to the employment uses,
Park & Ride facility and Local Centre to the south of the site;
Improve the Llantrisant Road/ Cardiff Road junction.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Walking and cycling:

On and off-site measures to provide a network of high quality, safe,

attractive and convenient routes within the site and linking to key
local services, facilities and destinations including the new
neighbourhood centre from the north, improved pedestrian/ cycling
links to existing and proposed schools;
Provide a safe crossing of Llantrisant Road;
Creating an east-west connection between Public Rights of Way
(Footpaths numbered 10 & 18)

Necessary Infrastructure

1 Local Centre within Site D including Primary Care facility and

multifunctional community leisure facility including library facility;
Education:1-2 new Primary Schools with 1 located in or adjacent to Local
Centre, and financial contribution to existing Secondary Schools;
Minimum of 12ha Open Space including 6ha of formal recreation, 3
playgrounds, 1 teen facility, and 1x 40 plot allotment site;
Improve community facilities in the existing neighbourhood centre in
Creigiau to provide new facilities for existing and new residents

Development shall be undertaken in a comprehensive manner and accord

with the following key masterplanning requirements (as depicted, where
appropriate, on the Schematic Framework):

Provide a range/ gradient of densities across the site with the highest
density (minimum of 45-50+ dwellings per hectare) around the Local
Centre to the south of the site. Medium density housing (35-45+ dwellings
per hectare) will be provided on land close to Llantrisant Road and
adjacent to the Rapid Transit Corridors and to the west of the land south
of Creigiau. Lower densities will be provided on the elevated land west
of Cardiff Road and to the west of the site North of Junction 33;
Layouts on Sites D and E should reflect the interrelationships between
the sites with delivery considered acceptable in tandem through different
outlets with initial phases including the provision of the park and ride
facility together with public transport enhancement measures;
Ensure that the potential future delivery of the ‘Metro’ is not precluded
by keeping a corridor through the sites (as depicted on the schematic
framework) safeguarded from development and also ensuring that land
uses, densities and layouts respond positively to its potential future
Exclude vehicular access onto the M4 except for part of the park and ride
facility and part of the business area situated adjacent to the junction;

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Exclude through-traffic between both sites;
Provide future vehicular, walking/ cycling access from the site North of
Junction 33 to the ‘flexibility allowance land’ to the west;
Facilitate interchange between local bus and rapid transit services;
Local Centre to be located north of the business land and adjacent to the
rapid transit interchange and Primary School and to include convenience
goods floorspace plus other retail use of a scale and nature which accords
with Plan retail policies;
High quality business uses to reflect the strategic location of the site
(excluding B8 uses) to be located adjacent to Junction 33 and an
additional flexible local employment space to be located adjacent to the
Motorway to the south west of the site;
Provide a landscape buffer between employment and residential uses
and along the boundary of the M4 to reduce impact;
Provide safe and convenient pedestrian/ cycle links between the site and
Creigiau village including links with existing Public Rights of Way;
Effectively respond to landscape and biodiversity assets by:
Linking retained habitats through the provision of a series of open space
corridors providing ecological connectivity, sustainable access routes
and opportunities for sustainable drainage including:

Links between retained ancient woodland at Castell y Mynach, marshy

area to the north and young woodland buffer strip alongside
Llantrisant Road;
Links from the Nant Henstaff, through Coed Gwenybwlau, linking to
the disused rail line and Pencoed Wood;
Enhancing the disused rail line as a walking/ cycling and ecological
Links to the countryside to the west;
Linking corridors where possible between the above to provide a
good network.
Ensuring that there is no detriment to the maintenance of the
favourable conservation status of Great Crested Newts and Dormouse
on the site including protection of the existing watercourses and
provision of suitable compensatory planting to supplement existing
retained habitats;
Providing suitable buffers to retained woodlands and streams referred
to above and other habitats including hedgerows within the sites;

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Effectively respond to heritage assets by:

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Assessing and effectively addressing potential impacts on known

assets including the Listed Buildings of Pencoed House, Church of
St Elldeyrn and the Old Forge.

4.60 North of Junction 33 on the M4 and South of Creigiau are two of eight Strategic
Sites which collectively play a crucial role in delivering the Plan Strategy. As the
sites are adjacent and separated only by Llantrisant Road, there is considered
logic in setting out masterplanning and infrastructure requirements in a
comprehensive manner but also including addressing site-specific issues for
each site. The sites amounting to 141ha will help bring forward new homes, jobs
and supporting infrastructure including a new strategic park and ride facility.

4.61 The masterplanning process to date has reflected joint-working between parties
relating to both sites to ensure a comprehensive approach is taken.

4.62 This policy, together with other relevant policies, will provide the masterplanning
and infrastructure planning framework for landowners and developers to prepare
Parameter Plans and Masterplans which will inform the Development Management

4.63 The scale of the sites allows numerous outlets to be operating at any one time
and will provide a wide range and choice of housing offer and opportunities for
a variety of different tenures. Planning conditions and Planning Obligations
(Section 106 Agreements) will be used to formally tie in the phased delivery of
necessary supporting infrastructure with trigger mechanisms and thresholds used
to ensure timely provision in relation to completion of new homes.

4.64 Rapid Transit Corridors within the site North of Junction 33 will be bus-based
and of sufficient width and otherwise designed, including the control of car parking,
to allow the safe two-way passing of the largest vehicles. Bus priority measures
will be provided at appropriate locations within the site to allow bus rapid transit
to avoid queuing traffic. Bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors will link the site to
the Western Bus Corridor with off-site bus priority measures provided to assist
the flow of buses. Further off-site corridor enhancements will be provided on the
Western Bus Corridor as shown on the Proposals Map and consistent with Policy
T2 in order to support delivery of the increased frequency and reliability of
services. The integration of housing and supporting services and community
infrastructure provides the opportunity for a high proportion of short, local trips
to be made by walking and cycling. This will be made possible by integrating
networks of high quality walking and cycling routes within development layouts
and ensuring that the design of roads, streets, junctions and public spaces
accommodate the natural ‘desire lines’ of people making trips on foot and by

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


4.65 Although details of the mode and potential alignments of the Metro have yet to
be defined it is important that the development of these sites does not preclude
the potential delivery of this strategic project. Work undertaken to date by the
Welsh Government suggests numerous potential options in this area and there
is currently no certainty on the detailed alignment. For example, there is
uncertainty of the future mode and whether the route would be based on the
existing disused rail line or whether it would be better routed elsewhere.

4.66 Therefore, it would be inappropriate to allocate a precise alignment on the

Proposals Map but there is a need to ensure future options are not prejudiced.
This policy ensures that land is safeguarded from development along the potential
Metro corridor and also that land uses, layouts and densities are developed to
take account of the potential delivery of this strategic transportation project.

4.67 The new Local Centre on Site D and new Primary School to be located within or
adjoining it will be a focus for community uses and activities. Facilities will also
be improved in the existing neighbourhood centre in Creigiau to provide new
facilities for existing and new residents. The precise number of Primary Schools
(1/2) will depend on the outcomes of future monitoring and delivery options
relevant when the details of later phases are being assessed through the
Development Management process. Specifically, consideration will be given to
the merits of extending the existing Primary School at Creigiau as an alternative
to the provision of a second new school.

4.68 Search Area B (to the west of the site North of Junction 33) is not included within
the Strategic Site allocation. This would only be triggered if necessary through
future Plan review following annual monitoring indicating that the provision of
new homes is proceeding beyond anticipated rates and justifies such a release
within the last years of the plan period. Therefore, it is considered premature to
factor in potential detailed infrastructure and masterplanning matters at this
juncture relating to this land although the schematic framework identifies potential
access to the site. However, as a minimum, this policy sets out the need to provide
potential future vehicular, walking and cycling access from Site D to the ‘flexibility
allowance land’ to the west. The formal monitoring framework provides an
evidence-based process to inform any decisions on potential release in the last
years of the plan period.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land is allocated at North East Cardiff (West of Pontprennau), as defined on
the Proposals Map, for a mixed-use comprehensive development of a minimum
of 4,500 homes, employment and other associated community uses, together
with essential, enabling and necessary supporting infrastructure which will
be delivered in a phased manner with specific details formally tied into
planning consents including:

Essential/ Enabling Infrastructure

Transport & Highways:

Provision of new bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors through the site

providing links between the District/Local Centres including Bus
Gates at access point to Cardiff Gate Business Park and St Mellons
Road at the eastern edge of the site;
Off-site infrastructure including bus priority measures to develop
bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors integrating with the site, the
Eastern/Northern Bus Corridors and other routes within the North
Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor including services linked to Strategic
Site G, facilitating transfer/ improving interchange facilities to
Rhymney Line rail services at Llanishen Station and Thornhill Station,
and, employment facilities at St Mellons Business Park and Strategic
Site H;
Off-site enhancements including bus priority measures to the
Eastern/Northern Bus Corridor;
Extend bus networks and increase the frequency and reliability of
services to serve the site with public transport options for a wide
range of journeys including a combination of limited stop and local
bus services;

Walking and cycling:

On and off-site measures to provide safe, attractive and convenient

routes within the site and linking to key local services, facilities and
destinations including existing local centres and Schools at
Pontprennau, Pentwyn, Lisvane and Cardiff Gate Business Park;
Links to off-site public transport destinations including Llanishen
and Thornhill Rail Stations.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Necessary Infrastructure

1 centrally located District Centre and 1 Local Centre including Primary

Care facility, Multifunctional community leisure facility including library
facility, and financial contribution to upgrading of Llanishen and
Pontprennau Leisure Centres;
Education-1 new Secondary School, 3 new Primary Schools and financial
contribution to existing Primary Schools;
Minimum of 26ha Open Space including 13ha of formal recreation, 6
playgrounds including destination play area, 1 teen facility plus off-site
contribution, and 2x 50 plot allotment sites.

Development shall be undertaken in a comprehensive manner and accord

with the following key masterplanning requirements (as depicted, where
appropriate, on the Schematic Framework):

Provide a range of densities with high density (minimum of 45-50+

dwellings per hectare) mixed-use development within District/Local
Centres and along rapid transit corridors. Medium density (35-45+
dwellings per hectare) around the edge of Pontprennau and to the north
of the site. Lower densities to be provided around the edge of Lisvane;
Initial phases towards the West of the site with middle phases towards
the centre and south (including District/ Local Centres) and later phases
to the north and east of the site;
Centrally located District/ Local Centres accessed by rapid transit
corridors including interchange facilities between sustainable transport
modes and accommodating a range of services including convenience
goods floorspace plus other retail of a scale and nature which accord
with Plan retail policies;
Introduce measures to reduce impact of noise from the M4;
Effectively integrate existing buildings into the design and layout;
Retain and enhance Public Right of Way network within the site and
provide safe, convenient and legible links to the countryside North of the
M4, Nant Fawr corridor, Cardiff Gate Business Park and Pontprennau;
Employment provision (B1 & B1(b)(c)) to be located in and adjoining the
District Centre and adjacent to Cardiff Gate Business Park amounting to
approximately 6.5ha;
Provide good land use and transportation integration with the adjoining
areas of Lisvane and Pontprennau;
Effectively respond to landscape and biodiversity assets by:
Linking retained habitats through the provision of a series of open space
corridors providing ecological connectivity, sustainable access routes

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and opportunities for sustainable drainage including:

Utilising the stream network (particularly the Nant Ty Draw, Nant

Glandulais and Nant y Draenog) as core elements of new ecological
corridors through the site;
Links from the Nant Fawr corridor south west of the site ensuring
the corridor links to other open space corridors within the site;
Links to access points to the countryside to the north west at Lisvane
and underpasses below the M4;
Linking corridors where possible between the above to provide a
good network;
Ensuring that there is no detriment to the maintenance of the
favourable conservation status of Dormouse on the site including
provision of suitable compensatory planting to supplement existing
retained habitats including Malthouse Woods, other woodlands and
Providing suitable buffers to the Llanishen Reservoir SSSI, retained
woodlands and streams referred to above and other habitats including
hedgerows within the site;

Effectively respond to heritage assets by:

Assessing and effectively addressing potential impacts on known

assets including Listed Buildings within and near to the site;

No development to take place within the C2 flood zone area forming part
of the Nant Glandulais valley.

4.69 North East Cardiff (West of Pontprennau) is one of eight Strategic Sites which
collectively play a crucial role in delivering the Plan Strategy. It is the second
largest Strategic Site (237 ha) within the Plan and relates to countryside located
between Lisvane to the west, Pontprennau to the east and the M4 Motorway to
the north.

4.70 The Site will be delivered by a number of different developers operating out of
different outlets. This policy, together with other relevant policies, will provide the
masterplanning and infrastructure planning framework for landowners and
developers to prepare Parameter Plans and Masterplans which will inform the
Development Management process.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

4.71 The scale of the site allows numerous outlets to be operating at any one time in
different parts of this large site and will provide a wide range and choice of housing
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

offer and opportunities for a variety of different tenures. Planning conditions and
Planning Obligations (Section 106 Agreements) will be used to formally tie in the
phased delivery of necessary supporting infrastructure with trigger mechanisms
and thresholds used to ensure timely provision in relation to completion of new

4.72 Rapid Transit Corridors within the site will be bus-based and of sufficient width
and otherwise designed, including the control of car parking, to allow the safe
two-way passing of the largest vehicles. Bus priority measures will be provided
at appropriate locations to allow bus rapid transit to avoid queueing traffic.
Bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors will link the site to the Northern and Eastern
Bus Corridors with off-site bus priority measures provided to assist the flow of
buses. Further off-site corridor enhancements will be provided on the Northern
and Eastern Bus Corridors as shown on the Proposals Map and consistent with
policy T2 in order to support delivery of the increased frequency and reliability
of services. The integration of housing and supporting services and community
infrastructure provides the opportunity for a high proportion of short, local trips
to be made by walking and cycling. This will be made possible by integrating
networks of high quality walking and cycling routes within development layouts
and ensuring that the design of roads, streets, junctions and public spaces
accommodate the natural ‘desire lines’ of people making trips on foot and by

4.73 District and Local Centres will be the focus for community uses and activities
including schools in close proximity. They will be well located in relation to
sustainable transportation options and also link into the network of green corridors
largely based on the existing stream network.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land is allocated East of Pontprennau Link Road, as defined on the Proposals

Map, for a housing-based scheme of a minimum of 1,300 homes with
associated community uses, together with essential, enabling and necessary
supporting infrastructure which will be delivered in a phased manner with
specific details formally tied into planning consents including:

Essential/ Enabling Infrastructure

Transport & Highways:

Provision of new bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors through the site

including links to the Local Centre and provision of Bus Gates at St
Mellons Road at the north western edge of the site and Bridge Road
to the south east of the site;
Off-site infrastructure including bus priority measures to develop
bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors integrating with the site, the
Eastern Bus Corridors and other routes within the North
Eastern/Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor including services linked to
Strategic Site F, facilitating transfer/ improving interchange facilities
to Rhymney Line rail services at Llanishen Station and Thornhill
Station, and, employment facilities at St Mellons Business Park and
Strategic Site H;

Off-site enhancements including bus priority measures to the Eastern

Bus Corridor;

Extend bus networks and increase the frequency and reliability of

services to serve the site with public transport options for a wide
range of journeys including a combination of limited stop and local
bus services taking account of links with Strategic Site F;
Provide a bus-only route along Bridge Road

Walking and cycling:

On and off-site measures to provide a network of high quality, safe,

attractive and convenient routes within the site and linking to key
local services, facilities and destinations including employment in
Pontprennau, Pentwyn and Cardiff Gate Business Park;
Improve walking/cycling access at junction of Church Road/
A4232/Heol Pontprennau;
Provide a safe, attractive and convenient link from the site to the
Rhymney Trail:
Enhance subway under A48, south of St Edeyrn’s Church;
Provide cycle/pedestrian link between the subway under the A48 and

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Mill Lane, Llanrumney;
Upgrade Rhymney Trail to provide shared pedestrian/cycle route
between subway under A48, south of St Edeyrn’s Church and the
subway west of Pentwyn interchange

Necessary Infrastructure

1 centrally located Local Centre linked to rapid transit infrastructure and

school facilities including Primary Care facility (Branch Surgery linked
to Strategic Site F), multifunctional community facility, and financial
contribution to upgrading of Pentwyn and Pontprennau Leisure Centres;
Education-1 new Primary School located in or adjacent to the local Centre
and financial contribution to provision of Secondary School at Strategic
Site F;
Minimum of 7.9ha Open Space including 3.9ha of formal recreation, 2
playgrounds, 1 teen facility, and 1x 26 plot allotment site.

Development shall be undertaken in a comprehensive manner and accord

with the following key masterplanning requirements (as depicted, where
appropriate, on the Schematic Framework):

Provide a range of densities with high density (minimum of 45-50+

dwellings per hectare) alongside rapid transit corridor towards centre of
site, medium density (35-45+ dwellings per hectare) towards the north
and lower densities alongside the riverside park;
Initial phases in the south, middle phases towards the centre and later
phases to the north;
Local Centre to accommodate a range of services including convenience
goods floorspace and other retail of a scale and nature which accords
with Plan retail policies;
Integrate cluster of low density buildings at St Julian’s Manor/ House;
Effectively respond to landscape and biodiversity assets by:

Linking retained habitats through the provision of a series of open

space corridors providing ecological connectivity, sustainable access
routes and opportunities for sustainable drainage including:

Creating a riverside park incorporating the Rhymney Trail and

other Public Rights of Way on an extensive area of land to the
east of the site with links running west into the site;

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Retaining the green buffer along the A4232 (primarily as an

ecological resource and landscape role);
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Links from riverside park to countryside to north and Rhymney

Valley to south west;
Linking corridors where possible between the above to provide
a good network.

Ensuring that there is no detriment to the maintenance of the

favourable conservation status of Dormouse on the site including
provision of suitable compensatory planting to supplement existing
retained habitats including compensatory planting on the southern
and eastern site boundaries;
Providing suitable buffers to retained habitats, particularly the
hedgerows within the site;

Effectively respond to heritage assets by:

Assessing and effectively addressing potential impacts on known

assets including Listed Buildings within and near to the site;
Preserving the village character around Llanedeyrn village and
effectively integrate existing buildings into layout including protecting
view of St Edeyrn’s Church from the A48;
Assessing and addressing potential impacts on the Listed Buildings
of Unicorn Public House, Church of St Edeyrn, Bridge House Farm,
St Julian’s Manor House and associated curtilage structures;

Protect water quality of River Rhymney and Nant Mwlan;

Address issues with Japanese Knotweed along the River Rhymney;
No development to take place in C2 flood zone forming part of River
Rhymney valley.

4.74 Land East of Pontprennau Link Road forms one of eight Strategic Sites which
collectively play a crucial role in delivering the Plan Strategy. It amounts to 80.7
ha and is located in countryside located between the Pontprennau Link Road to
the West, River Rhymney valley to the east, the A48 to the south and the M4
Motorway to the north.

4.75 Most of the land is owned by a single landowner and has the benefit of Outline
Planning Permission for 1,020 homes together with supporting infrastructure and
facilities. A Section 106 Agreement has been signed and secures the phased
delivery of supporting infrastructure and facilities including the provision of a
Primary School on site with trigger clauses securing delivery.
4.76 Other parts of the site not covered by the Outline Planning Consent will be
considered in the context of this policy, together with other relevant policies which

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

will provide the masterplanning and infrastructure planning framework for
landowners and developers to prepare Parameter Plans and Masterplans which
will inform the Development Management process.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land is allocated South of St Mellons Business Park, as defined on the
Proposals Map, for a strategic employment site together with essential,
enabling and necessary supporting infrastructure which will be delivered in
a phased manner with specific details formally tied into planning consents

Essential/ Enabling Infrastructure

Transport & Highways:

Provision of transport hub including new rail station served by relief

line rail services connecting to the city centre and services to Cardiff
Airport and London via Cardiff Central
Provision of park and ride facility;
Off-site infrastructure including bus priority measures to develop
bus-based Rapid Transit Corridors integrating with the site, the
Eastern Bus Corridors and other routes within the North
Eastern/Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor including services linked to
the City Centre and Strategic Sites G and F;

Walking and Cycling:

Provide high quality on-site and off-site walking and cycling links
and facilities to maximise walking and cycling access to the site from
neighbouring communities including Trowbridge and St Mellons;

Flood mitigation/ defences:

Flood mitigation works including raising the development plateaus

and providing compensatory flood storage areas south of the rail

Necessary Infrastructure

Retain the area of land to the east of Cypress Drive and Faendre Reen
as green space linked with Hendre Lake Park;
If the infilling of any reen or field ditch proves to be unavoidable at the
application stage it should be realigned (with at least an equal capacity)
around the perimeter of the development or a compensatory length of
ditch should be provided elsewhere within the site.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

Development shall be undertaken in a comprehensive manner and accord

with the following key masterplanning requirements (as depicted, where
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

appropriate, on the Schematic Framework):

Provide 44 ha of business land capable of accommodating up to 90,000

square metres campus style high quality development similar to existing
business park at St Mellons in a location which benefits from Assisted
Area Status;
Integrate the site with local facilities in the surrounding area;
Effectively respond to landscape and biodiversity assets by:

Protecting the value of the Gwent Levels SSSI with development

being a minimum of 12.5 metres from main reens and 7 metres from
field ditches;
Ensuring that all development accords with the Natural Resources
Wales (formerly Countryside Council for Wales) Wentloog Levels
guidelines “Nature Conservation and Physical Developments on the
Gwent Levels – the current and future implications”;
Integrating any landscape natural features, such as existing reens
and hedgerows into the design including provision of suitable buffers;
Protecting the Marshfield SINC;
Respecting the intricate reen network and exiting hedgerows;
Linking retained habitats through the provision of a series of open
space corridors providing ecological connectivity, sustainable access
routes and opportunities for sustainable drainage including:

Links between retained reens and hedgerows;

Green links to Hendre Lake Park which respond to the natural
landscape value of the area;
Ensuring that there is no detriment to the maintenance of the
favourable conservation status of the Shrill Carder Bee by
carrying out a survey, and if found, provide appropriate
compensatory measures;
Ensuring that there is no detriment to the maintenance of the
favourable conservation status of European Protected Species
including bats, otters and reptiles including provision of suitable
compensatory planting to supplement existing retained habitats;

Effectively respond to heritage assets by:

Assessing and effectively addressing potential impacts on known

assets including the Wentloog Levels Archaeologically Sensitive
Area and registered Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest;
4.77 This is an important employment site which contributes to the necessary range
and choice of types of employment opportunities in the city. Its location is

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

particularly well placed to provide accessible job opportunities to areas of known
deprivation and its position adjacent to the main rail line offers significant
opportunities for a new station together with supporting sustainable transportation
infrastructure. This proposal is a long-standing proposal in the Regional Transport
Plan, is identified in the emerging work on the South Wales Metro concept and
has Welsh Government support. However, the precise location of the station is
yet to be defined so it would be premature to show a specific allocation for this
use on the Proposals Map but it is shown within the Schematic Framework and
referenced within the policy.

4.78 It is recognised that the area possesses environmental and flood risk constraints.
In terms of environmental issues, the majority of the area is a Site of Special
Scientific Interest with the reens forming the major interest. Run-off will enter the
River Severn Estuary, a European designated site so drainage and potential
disturbance to birds will need to be suitably addressed. The land also meets the
qualifying criteria using the LANDMAP landscape methodology for Special
Landscape Area status. Furthermore, there are significant historic interests and
the land is designated as a Historic Landscape and Archaeologically Sensitive

4.79 These environmental and flood risk constraints have been carefully examined
so that the mitigation and enhancement measures embedded within this policy
provide an appropriate framework at this level to address these issues. These
measures will provide a framework for landowners and developers to prepare
Parameter Plans and Masterplans which will inform the Development Management
process. In this way, the significant social and economic benefits brought forward
by this allocation can be delivered whilst carefully responding to and putting in
place the policy framework to effectively address the known constraints relating
to the site.
2. Putting in place a framework to mange future growth and encourage high
quality, sustainable design

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

In order to strategically manage the urban form of Cardiff and to protect the
setting of the urban area, a Green Wedge is proposed on land North of the
M4 as shown on the Proposals Map. Within this area development which
prejudices the open nature of this land will not be permitted. Positive
biodiversity, landscape, climate change mitigation and informal recreational
management and enhancement measures will be encouraged in this area to
further enhance the long term role of the area as a key natural resource
benefiting the city.

4.80 Together with Key Policy KP3(B), this Policy seeks to strategically manage the
future built form of Cardiff’s urban area. The designated area forms land North
of the M4 in Cardiff as shown on the Proposals Map. This land unquestionably
forms a distinctive, prominent and well known green backdrop to the city forming
a strategically important setting to the urban area. The land is also generally well
contained by the strong physical boundary of the M4 Motorway to the south.

4.81 PPW provides specific guidance on the consideration of planning applications

within the Green Wedge designation.


In order to strategically manage the spatial growth of Cardiff, settlement
boundaries are proposed as shown on the Proposals Map. In all areas outside
the defined settlement boundaries, otherwise referred to as countryside, there
will be a corresponding presumption against inappropriate development.

4.82 Cardiff’s settlement boundaries are a key mechanism for helping to manage
growth by defining the area within which development would normally be
permitted, subject to material planning considerations. This Policy compliments
the Green Wedge Key Policy (KP3(A)) set out above. The policy will impose a
strict control on development of all countryside in Cardiff outside the identified
settlement boundaries as shown on the Proposals Map. Detailed Policy EN1
provides more guidance on the interpretation of this Policy approach.

4.83 Cardiff’s countryside is a valuable and finite resource which is under increasing
pressure from all kinds of development due to its proximity to the urban area,
including farm diversification and equine-related proposals, and because of the
large number of properties and small parcels of land in different ownerships
spread throughout the countryside. Whilst it is necessary to encourage sensitive

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

proposals that support a working countryside, Cardiff’s countryside is particularly

vulnerable to the cumulative impact of insensitive new developments that may
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

harm its character and appearance together with ‘suburbanising’ attractive

landscapes. Where it can be demonstrated that development outside settlement
boundaries is acceptable in principle, other detailed LDP policies provide the
framework to consider the merits or otherwise of proposals along with national
planning policy including TAN 6: Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities.

4.84 Cardiff’s settlement boundaries have been carefully assessed and follow logical,
existing boundaries wherever possible. Full account has been taken of the
particular characteristics, usage and degree of openness of specific parcels of
land together with their inter-relationships with surrounding land. Proposals located
on the urban fringe which have an extant planning permission may have been
incorporated within the settlement boundaries. Cardiff’s settlement boundaries
are illustrated on the Proposals Map.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Major development should accord with:

(i) The following Masterplanning General Principles:

1. Development schemes that are planned in a comprehensive and integrated

manner reflecting partnership working and setting out the phasing of
development along with a timely provision of supporting infrastructure.
Masterplans will need to encompass the whole of a development area
regardless of land ownership patterns, and this will require partnership
working, involving all relevant parties;
2. High density residential and mixed-use development is focused along
public transport corridors and in neighbourhood centres with lower
densities provided elsewhere to deliver an overall range and choice to
meet different needs;
3. Dedicated sustainable transport corridors including provision for public
transport, cycling and walking which will form key elements of the overall
master plan and effectively link into the wider network;
4. Walking, cycling and public transport will be attractive, practical and
convenient travel choices for all;
5. Provision of a full range of social and community facilities will be
concentrated within mixed use neighbourhood centres located along
public transport corridors and easily accessed by walking and cycling;
6. The masterplanning process effectively responds to the local context
and the context of climate change, to create new well designed
neighbourhoods with a distinctive character which residents will be proud
7. New development responds to local deficiencies and provides good
connectivity to adjoining areas and is informed by feedback from existing
8. Multi-functional and connected green open spaces form strategically
important links to the surrounding area to provide routes for people and
wildlife and open spaces for sports, recreation and play;
9. Sympathetically integrate existing landscape, biodiversity and historic
features of the site into the development taking opportunities to protect,
enhance and manage important features along with mitigation and
enhancement measures to provide satisfactory compensatory measures;
10. Innovative and creative energy, management of surface water and waste
management solutions are adopted to make new developments more
environmentally sustainable ; and

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

(ii) Guidance set out in Site-Specific Masterplanning Frameworks, where

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

4.85 In order to more effectively manage the form, uses, transportation solutions,
phasing and appearance of major new developments, the LDP sets out a
‘masterplanning approach’. This will provide greater certainty to developers, the
public and all other interested parties. The overall aim will be for the Council to
set out a broad framework at the outset which will provide an overarching context
for more detailed design and implementation work to follow. This Policy relates
to all strategic sites and any other major new developments which may emerge
over the Plan period.

4.86 With regard to Strategic Sites, policies KP2(A) to KP2(H) set out the infrastructure
and masterplanning requirements for each of the sites which are shown
indicatively, where appropriate, on Schematic Frameworks. To avoid repetition
and unnecessarily long policies, only site-specific and not generic requirements
have been articulated and embedded in the policy relating to each Strategic Site.

4.87 The infrastructure requirements contained within policies KP2(A) to KP2(H) reflect
the level of detailed information known. Future updates to the Infrastructure Plan
will allow such information to be regularly updated to reflect prevailing
circumstances and show more detail when it is known. It would be premature
and unhelpful to include overly prescriptive directions in the Plan where detailed
matters are more appropriately considered through the Development Management
process but within the context of the framework embedded within the Plan. In
this way, the maximum possible certainty can be given without setting out
unsupported aspirations.

4.88 This policy, in conjunction with other relevant policies, will provide the
masterplanning framework for landowners and developers to prepare Parameter
Plans and Master Plans for major new development proposals, which will inform
the Development Management process.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

To help support the development of Cardiff as a world-class European Capital
City, all new development will be required to be of a high quality, sustainable
design and make a positive contribution to the creation of distinctive
communities, places and spaces by:

i. Responding to the local character and context of the built and landscape
setting so that layout, scale, form, massing, height, density, colour,
materials, detailing and impact on the built and natural heritage are all
addressed within development proposals;
ii. Providing legible development which is easy to get around and which
ensures a sense of continuity and enclosure;
iii. Providing a diversity of land uses to create balanced communities and
add vibrancy throughout the day;
iv. Creating interconnected streets, squares and spaces as distinctive places,
which are safe, accessible, vibrant and secure and incorporate public art
where appropriate;
v. Providing a healthy and convenient environment for all users that
supports the principles of community safety, encourages walking and
cycling, enables employment, essential services and community facilities
to be accessible by sustainable transport and maximises the contribution
of networks of multi-functional and connected open spaces to encourage
healthier lifestyles;
vi. Maximising renewable energy solutions;
vii. Achieve a resource efficient and climate responsive design that provides
sustainable water and waste management solutions and minimise
emissions from transport, homes and industry;
viii. Achieving an adaptable design that can respond to future social,
economic, technological and environmental requirements;
ix. Promoting the efficient use of land, developing at highest practicable
densities and where appropriate achieving the remediation of land
x. Ensuring no undue effect on the amenity of neighbouring occupiers and
connecting positively to surrounding communities;
xi. Fostering inclusive design, ensuring buildings, streets and spaces are
accessible to all users and is adaptable to future changes in lifestyle;
xii. Locating Tall buildings in locations which are highly accessible through
walking and public transport and within an existing or proposed cluster
of tall buildings.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

4.89 High quality sustainable design is vital if Cardiff is to meet the objectives set out
in the Vision and develop as a world-class capital. More specifically, good design
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

plays a number of significant roles: tackling climate change; protecting and

enhancing Cardiff’s natural and built environment; protecting local distinctiveness;
attracting investment and promoting social inclusion, health and quality of life.

4.90 Good design therefore goes beyond traditional aesthetic considerations and
should be an aim for all development proposals within Cardiff, regardless of their
scale. Together with the masterplanning approach set out in Key Policy KP4,
above, and relevant detailed policies, it is considered that the Plan provides a
sound policy framework to ensure the best possible design solutions are secured
as the Plan is implemented. Implementation of this Policy, which is aimed in part
at improving water resource use efficiency, will ensure adequate water supply
without adverse impacts on the River Usk and River Wye SACs, thereby helping
to avoid the likelihood that this Plan will have a significant effect upon European
designated sites. Implementation of this Policy will also reduce emission of air,
water and ground pollutants, thereby offsetting increases in pollution arising from
implementation of other policies in the Plan. This would contribute to avoiding
significant effects upon European Sites.

4.91 A range of design-related SPG for different forms of development. will be updated
and consolidated as summarised in Appendix 4 to provide full guidance on the
detailed interpretation of this Policy.
3. Bringing forward new infrastructure

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


New development will make appropriate provision for, or contribute towards,

all essential, enabling and necessary infrastructure required as a consequence
of the development in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance. Such
infrastructure will be delivered in a timely manner to meet the needs of existing
and planned communities and includes the following aspects which may be
required having regard to the nature, scale and location of the proposed

Essential / Enabling Infrastructure:

Transportation and highways including access, circulation, parking,

public transport provision, walking and cycling;
Utility services;
Flood mitigation / defences;

Necessary Infrastructure:

Affordable Housing;
Schools and education;
Health and social care;
Community buildings and facilities including District and Local Centre
Local employment and training including replacement employment
opportunities where relevant;
Community safety initiatives;
Open space, recreational facilities, playgrounds, allotments;
Protection, management, enhancement and mitigation measures relating
to the natural and built environment;
Public realm improvements and public art;
Waste management facilities including recycling and services;
District heating and sustainable energy infrastructure.

4.92 Policy KP6 seeks to ensure that new developments, irrespective of their size,
location, or land use, make appropriate provision for infrastructure. Specific
infrastructure requirements will vary in different locations and be dependent upon
the scale and nature of proposed development. Infrastructure may be required
to facilitate development (essential/enabling) or can be required to make a

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

development acceptable (necessary). For example, it may include elements

from the list contained as part of the Policy, which is not exhaustive, but gives
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

an indication of the potential scope of infrastructure which may be required.

Category 1: Essential / Enabling Infrastructure (to facilitate development) -

Those items which will need to be delivered prior to, or from the
commencement of the relevant phases of development (e.g. transportation
/ highways infrastructure, utility services and flood mitigation / defences);
Category 2: Necessary Infrastructure (to make development acceptable) -
Items which need to be phased and implemented alongside new
development, to ensure that areas are served with appropriate facilities over
time (e.g. schools and recreational open space).

4.93 The list serves to give a general indication only as each topic may have complex
requirements. For example transportation infrastructure could include elements
of the following:

Routes and facilities for walking and cycling comprising both on-road and
off-road improvements;
Rapid transit corridors, including heavy rail, light rail, tram train and bus rapid
Key bus corridors and the wider bus network including bus priority measures
and passenger facilities;
The rail network and rail services including new rail stations, station
improvements and facilities for rail freight;
Transport interchanges to support integration between modes including, bus
and rail stations, facilities for bus and rail-based park and ride, park and
share, passenger drop off, taxis, park and cycle, coach parking, overnight
lorry parking and water transport;
Designated freight routes and freight transfer facilities;
The road network, particularly measures to make better use of existing
highway capacity;
Transport by river (including Cardiff Bay); and
Port and shipping facilities.

4.94 With regard to Strategic Sites, policies KP2(A)-KP2(H) provide clear guidance
on the Council’s infrastructure and masterplanning requirements. This information
will be cross-referenced to the Cardiff Infrastructure Plan which is a ‘living
document’ sitting alongside the LDP. The Infrastructure Plan is directly linked to
the LDP Monitoring Framework and will be regularly updated, so as more details
are established they can be incorporated into the document.
4.95 The Infrastructure Plan identifies the potential costs of infrastructure provision,
potential funding mechanisms / sources of funding and provides an indication of

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

phasing requirements. The diagram set out below shows some of the potential
funding sources for infrastructure provision. It is important to note that there are
numerous potential funding sources and those shown on the diagram raise
peripheral issues which require further discussion and work to investigate the
feasibility of securing funding through these means.

4.96 Within larger sites, which are the subject of detailed masterplanning and phasing,
it is likely that necessary infrastructure can be delivered as part of comprehensive
mixed-use development. This infrastructure could be delivered through planning
obligations or by direct intervention from service/infrastructure providers. In all
cases, the early identification of infrastructure requirements and a commitment
from developers and service providers to work in partnership will help ensure
that all necessary infrastructure can be planned, delivered and managed in an
orderly and timely manner.

4.97 The provision of flexible, multi-functional buildings and places will allow for
essential services to be provided, whilst allowing communities define and re-define
their infrastructure requirements over time. A strong commitment to shared
community buildings, services, their management and maintenance will ensure
that facilities are at the heart of the community, whilst reducing overall costs to

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

both developers and service providers. The principle of community buildings

integrated within multi-function “hubs” (for example, the @Loudoun development
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

in Butetown) is a trend which is set to continue. The Infrastructure Plan provides

further information regarding potential opportunities for shared premises as well
as an indication of compatible uses and services.

4.98 A Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Cardiff is being progressed. The
balance between site masterplanning, planning obligations and CIL to deliver
infrastructure will be informed by site viability, dialogue with developers and the
availability of other funding sources. Detailed Policy KP7 (Planning Obligations)
provides further detail and describes those infrastructure requirements which
may be delivered through planning obligations.


Planning obligations will be sought to mitigate any impacts directly related
to the development and will be assessed on a case by case basis in line with
Planning Policy Guidance.

4.99 Planning obligations are a means of overcoming obstacles to the grant of planning
permission. They are attached to planning permissions and are commitments by
developers to undertake necessary works or make financial contributions that
cannot be secured by condition or other statutory means.

4.100 New development often generates additional demands upon existing services,
facilities, infrastructure and the environment. Planning obligations are a means
of seeking contributions from developers towards these demands, as well as
negotiating benefits that improve the standard of development proposals by
providing necessary infrastructure and community benefits.

4.101 The legislative and policy framework governing the use of planning obligations
is provided in PPW, Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as
amended) and Welsh Office Circular 13/97 'Planning Obligations' (or subsequent

4.102 The CIL Regulations require there to be no overlap between infrastructure funded
from CIL and what can be delivered through planning obligations. To avoid
duplication, and to provide clarity to developers, the Authority will publish a list
(Regulation 123 List) of the infrastructure which will be funded through the CIL.
For infrastructure not included on the Regulation 123 List, it may be appropriate
to secure necessary infrastructure through planning obligations.

4.103 Obligations will be sought from a developer to:

Restrict the development or use of land;

Require land to be used in a specific way;
Require operations or activities to be carried out; or

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Require payments to be made to the authority.

4.104 They will be sought where they are:

Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms

Directly related to the development; and
Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development

4.105 Obligations are normally negotiated under Section 106 of the 1990 Town and
Country Planning Act. Agreements can also be entered into under Section 278
of the 1980 Highways Act. These prescribe the highway works required as a
result of proposed developments. SPG will be prepared to provide further guidance
on the use of planning obligations.

4. Delivering sustainable transport solutions


Development in Cardiff will be integrated with transport infrastructure and
services in order to:

i. Achieve the target of a 50:50 modal split between journeys by car and
journeys by walking, cycling and public transport.
ii. Reduce travel demand and dependence on the car;
iii. Enable and maximise use of sustainable and active modes of transport;
iv. Integrate travel modes;
v. Provide for people with particular access and mobility requirements;
vi. Improve safety for all travellers;
vii. Maintain and improve the efficiency and reliability of the transport
viii. Support the movement of freight by rail or water; and
ix. Manage freight movements by road and minimise their impacts.

4.106 For Cardiff to accommodate the planned levels of growth, existing and future
residents will need to be far less reliant on the private car. Therefore, ensuring
that more everyday journeys are undertaken by sustainable modes of transport,
walking, cycling and public transport, will be essential.

4.107 The location and form of developments are major determinants of the distance
people travel, the routes they take and the modes of transport they choose. Much
of the growth in car travel in recent decades can be attributed to developments

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

which have been poorly integrated with the transport network Integration of land
use and transport provision can help to manage travel demand, avoid
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

developments which are car dependent and make it easier to facilitate movements
by sustainable modes.

4.108 The purpose of this Key Policy, therefore, is to ensure that developments are
properly integrated with the transport infrastructure necessary to make
developments accessible by sustainable travel modes and achieve a necessary
shift away from car-based travel.

4.109 In order to mitigate transport impacts and achieve the 50:50 modal split target,
the development of strategic sites will be integrated with provision of transport
and highways infrastructure referred to in Policy KP6 (New Infrastructure). Such
infrastructure will include:

the walking and cycling infrastructure supported by Policy T1;

the strategic rapid transit, bus corridor enhancements and wider
improvements to the city’s bus network supported by Policy T2;
Transport Interchanges supported by Policy T3; and
the Regional Transport Hub supported by Policy T4.

4.110 Policies KP2 (A) to KP2 (H) list the ‘Essential’ and ‘Enabling infrastructure’ required
to support the development of each strategic site’s contribution to the delivery of
the county-wide 50:50 modal split target.

4.111 Currently (2011) 64% of all weekly journeys (work and non-work related) are
made by car, whilst 36% are made by other modes. A central aim of the transport
strategy supporting the LDP is to achieve a 50:50 split between travel by car and
sustainable travel. This target is not simply a policy aspiration; local knowledge
of the transportation network and research of travel behaviour, patterns and
trends in combination with modelling work carried out by the Council has shown
that achieving this ratio is necessary for the transport network to accommodate
movements associated with the growth envisaged within this plan in a way which
avoids unmanageable levels of congestion on the highway network.

4.112 A transport model was developed to assess the overall impact of proposed
development sites on the highway network in Cardiff in 2026. The model is based
on the morning peak periods when pressures on the highway network are greatest.
Peak period flows have been modelled on a 2010 base and then compared with
2026 based on the following increases in housing and employment:

A 25% increase in housing (from 142,382 to 178,594)

A 20% increase in jobs (from 198,400 to 238,400)
4.113 The 2026 model was based on the 2010 highway network and assumes no
changes have been made to accommodate the additional vehicle movements

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

from the development sites; this approach is known as a ‘business as usual’
scenario. This has enabled the impact of the LDP Strategy to be fully quantified.
The key outcomes of the modelling exercise illustrate that:

The demand for travel by car would increase by 41%;

10% of new demand would be unable to travel on the highway network due
to lack of capacity so there would be a 32% net increase in traffic;
Average journey speeds would decrease; and
Journey times would increase by approximately 41% or 7 minutes (average).

4.114 The Council’s modelling assessment demonstrates that the growth projected in
the LDP will result in major increase in transport movements generally including
significant additional trips on the highway network. Furthermore, that in order to
accommodate the additional vehicular trips on the highway network, it will be
necessary that at least 50% of all trips on Cardiff’s transport network are made
by sustainable modes by the end of the Plan period in 2026.

4.115 The results of the modelling and assessment work show that in order to achieve
a 50:50 split between car-based and non car-based travel, development proposed
in the LDP will need to be supported by significant new transport infrastructure,
improvements to existing transport facilities, and measures to manage travel
demand and encourage use of sustainable transport both within existing and
new communities in Cardiff. In light of the scale of transport impacts highlighted
in the transport evidence base, it is essential that in considering planning
applications, the Council seeks to secure measures which maximise the
accessibility of development schemes by sustainable modes.

4.116 It is accepted that for some development sites it may not be possible to achieve
a 50:50 modal split, at least in the short term. However, in light of the scale of
transport impacts highlighted in the transport evidence base, it is essential that
in considering planning applications, the Council seeks to secure measures which
maximise the accessibility of development schemes by sustainable modes.

4.117 For smaller schemes, this could include accommodating through-pedestrian or

cycle movements within the development layout or positioning access to the site
where it could minimise the walking distance to the nearest bus stop.

4.118 For larger development schemes which have significant transport implications,
more substantial measures will be required to address travel impacts and
maximise sustainable access. It is important to clarify that achieving the 50:50
modal split target will not be a matter of requiring all new developments within
the plan period to achieve a 50:50 modal split. Rather, the target will be achieved
by the Council seeking to secure through the development process measures

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

which maximise the possible share of trips made by sustainable modes for all
sites. It is accepted that for some developments a 50:50 modal split may not be
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

achievable, at least in the short term. However, for other development sites the
Council will seek to secure a higher than 50% share of trips by sustainable modes.

4.119 Planning applications for development schemes at or above the size thresholds
specified in TAN18: Transport will need to be supported by a Transport
Assessment (TA). The TA will provide the basis for assessing all the potential
travel impacts of developments including their effect on the highway network and
the likely modal split of the trips that would be generated. This assessment will
help establish the gaps in existing transport provision and the measures necessary
to make a development accessible by sustainable modes.

4.120 Such measures will be secured as a condition of planning consent and/or by way
of planning obligation. In all cases, the nature of the measures sought will be in
proportion with the scale of the development and the impacts requiring mitigation.

4.121 For planning applications relating to the LDP strategic sites, the Council will seek
to secure the on-site and off-site transport infrastructure identified within Policy
KP2. Implementation of this Policy will help to reduce pollution arising from road
traffic. This will counteract increases in atmospheric pollution as a result of the
Plan, thereby avoiding significant effects upon internationally designated sites.

4.122 The transport aspects of all development proposals will be considered with regard
to this key Policy and the detailed transport policies.

5. Responding to evidenced economic needs


Provision will be made for a range and choice of new employment sites
including those identified in KP2 for different types of employment and in
different geographical locations to effectively deliver the level of growth set
out in the plan together with putting in place a framework to protect the role
of existing employment land

4.123 This Policy responds to Cardiff’s role as the main economic driver in South East
Wales and its operation as a city-region which effectively increases the population
to around 1.4 million reflecting its position as capital of Wales and seat of Welsh
Government and accounting for 32% of total employment in South East Wales.
It delivers the strategic aspirations for economic development in Cardiff through
the identification and protection of employment land and premises and
opportunities to deliver the key economic growth sectors relating to ICT, energy
and environmental technologies, advanced materials and manufacturing, creative

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

industries, life sciences and financial and professional services.

4.124 At the heart of this approach is recognition that the Cardiff city-region clearly
forms a natural economic area and it has consistently made a major positive
contribution to the economic growth of Wales. In core city analysis, Cardiff
performs well and there is an opportunity to build further on this through continuing
to enhance Cardiff’s role and also improve linkages and connectivity within the
city-region. It is also recognised that there are significant benefits for adjoining
areas from Cardiff’s success in achieving economic growth.

4.125 The economic strategy for the LDP supports inward investment and new business
requirements through striking a balance between the supply and demand for
employment land and continuing to provide a diverse range of job opportunities.
Critical to the economic strategy for the city is an appreciation of the changes in
population, labour market and employment base together with achieving the
appropriate balance between the provision of new jobs and homes.

4.126 A number of key issues and messages emerge from the supply and demand
studies which have implications for Cardiff’s economic performance and therefore
are critical elements of the economic strategy for the LDP. The evidence points
to the need for a Strategy that addresses these three issues:

Providing a range and choice of new employment land;

Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone as a core element of the strategy; and
Recognising the role of existing employment land and premises.

4.127 In terms of providing for new employment land, the LDP sets a framework for
delivering a wide range and choice of employment sites in different locations and
for different sectors including the key market sectors of ICT, energy and
environmental technologies, advanced materials and manufacturing, creative
industries, life sciences and financial and professional services. The range of
new sites ensures that Cardiff can deliver the stated level of growth for new jobs.
Importantly, different sites will perform different roles in the strategy. For example,
land at Junction 33 may be better suited to ICT, life sciences, energy and
environmental technologies whilst Porth Teigr (Roath Basin) is becoming an
important location for media and creative industries. Land south of St Mellons
Business Park is also allocated to provide a strategic employment site capable
of attracting inward investment opportunities for high value service and knowledge
based sectors.

4.128 The provision of employment land as part of wider housing-led comprehensive

developments at North West Cardiff, North East Cardiff, Arjo Wiggins and Roath
Basin provides an important role in terms of the overall supply and mix of

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

employment land offering a good range and choice of small out of centre
employment sites, including offices, creative industries, small workshops, and
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

starter units. This will be essential to ensure the continued provision of local
employment opportunities and address the geographical employment disparities
across the county.

4.129 The geographical spread of the ‘Cardiff offer’ also addresses the need to provide
jobs in accessible locations. In this respect, the key strategic proposal relating
to the Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone and Regional Transport Hub represents
a highly sustainable and accessible location, close to areas of high unemployment
in the city but also readily accessible to the wider region via sustainable modes
of transport.

4.130 This key site is an integral part of the Council’s economic vision to establish
Cardiff as a leading European business city over the next two decades and will
underpin and promote the financial and professional services sector and create
a platform for investment. It will greatly assist promoting Wales’ share of UK
inward investment which has fallen from previous rates of 20% to just
2%.Furthermore, the scale of this proposal relating to Grade A office space is
potentially a real ‘game changer’ for Cardiff and Wales to compete more effectively
with other UK cities.

4.131 It is a long-term proposal which seeks to revitalise up to 140 acres of brownfield

city-centre land adjacent to Cardiff Central railway station. It will focus on
enhancing Cardiff’s growing reputation as a financial and professional services
cluster and is a key sustainable regeneration project.

4.132 Integrated transport sits at the heart of the Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone with
Central Square becoming the hub of the Enterprise Zone. The proposal represents
the next phase of redevelopment of Cardiff city centre and aims to create a
modern and high quality gateway to the city whilst extending the function of the
city centre south of the railway line, creating a better link between the city centre
and Bay and providing a new convention centre to attract business, tourism and
promote the city for business. The Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone is one of 7
new Enterprise Zones in Wales designated by the Welsh Government and the
only Zone focused on financial and professional services. The Zone came into
effect on 1 April 2012 and has a lifespan of 5 years.

4.133 It is important to ensure that a range and choice of employment land and business
premises are provided to maintain and improve the competitiveness of the city,
promote and protect indigenous business and attract inward investment. There
has been growing pressure over recent years for the development and
redevelopment of employment land and premises for alternative uses
(predominantly residential), whether still occupied or where current operations
have ceased, which offer a greater level of return for investors. Such development
proposals can result in significant losses to the county’s stock of employment

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

land and premises.

4.134 The loss of employment land can be incremental with the loss of one site setting
the precedent for the loss of a series of others in a similar location, leading to a
gradual erosion of an employment area. Sometimes alternative uses can also
fragment a larger business area or sever links between employment uses in an
area. Over time pressure for alternative uses result in a cumulative loss of
employment sites to the detriment of the local economy. In addition many existing
industrial areas are located within the ‘southern arc’ of deprivation in areas of
greatest need for jobs and it is important to retain employment in these locations
due to their accessibility.

4.135 The Strategy seeks to protect existing business and industrial and warehousing
land (B1b/c, B2 and B8 uses) to ensure their continued important contribution to
providing accessible sources of employment in the city. Similarly, there will be a
strong presumption in favour of retaining existing high quality and accessible
office accommodation. However, consideration will be given to the change of
use (to housing for example) of lower quality office and industrial premises which
do not perform an important strategic or local role in terms of the overall range
and choice of premises. Where alternative use of land is considered appropriate,
priority will be given to mixed-use development comprising employment, housing
and community facilities or, where that is not feasible, housing. (This policy
position will also help to support future windfall provision over the Plan period)
Other proposals will need to demonstrate why a mixed-use of housing and
employment schemes cannot be achieved on a site.

4.136 It is also important to recognise the role of the sea port, ABP and its tenants in
South Wales directly and indirectly supports over £1.7 billion of gross output in
Wales. There are therefore opportunities to continue to support the role of the
port, particularly its potential to generate new industry and services (Competitive
Capital – The Cardiff Economic Strategy 2007 to 2012, Cardiff Council).

4.137 In addition, in order to maximise the contribution to providing jobs from existing
sites and promote the efficient use of land, the strategy seeks to encourage the
intensification and refurbishment of existing employment land and premises which
are under used, vacant or in decline. The Strategy supports the regeneration of
land and property for employment purposes such as Mount Stuart Square as a
focus on innovative business.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The following uses are considered appropriate within the Central and Bay
Business Areas:

i. New offices, residential and commercial leisure uses within the Central
and Bay Business Areas;
ii. Enhanced retail and complementary facilities within the Central Shopping
Area; and
iii. Other uses most appropriately located in city centres.

4.138 This Policy describes the range of uses appropriate within the Central and Bay
Business Areas, as identified on the Proposals Map. It identifies those uses most
appropriately located in centres accessible to large numbers of people and
encourages a mix of complementary uses to maintain and enhance the vitality,
attractiveness and viability of such centres. Identified within the Central Business
Area (CBA) is the Central Shopping Area, as defined on the Proposals Map,
where new and improved retail uses are most appropriate to maintain a vibrant
and vital shopping centre.

4.139 The CBA is the administrative and business heart of the city, and the established
focus for major office and commercial leisure developments. The CBA contains
the Central Shopping Area, with the recent St. David’s redevelopment confirming
Cardiff’s position at the head of the regional shopping hierarchy. The civic centre
is home to the National Museum of Wales and Cardiff University which, along
with Cardiff Castle and Bute Park to the north, provide the historic setting for the
city centre. The area has the diversity and attractiveness befitting a European
capital city.

4.140 The Bay Business Area (BBA) is the focus for government, tourism and leisure
development; with the Senedd, the Wales Millennium Centre and other landmark
buildings redefining the architectural quality and attractiveness of the waterfront
and its environs. Future development should continue to enhance the waterfront
as an attractive and diverse mixed-use location, whilst complementing and
supporting the CBA as the economic driver for the city region. The Cardiff Bay
Barrage has created a 200 hectare freshwater lake and 13km of waterfront
providing opportunities for further tourism and water based recreation as well as
attracting significant inward investment in an attractive waterfront location.

4.141 New and improved leisure, recreation and tourist facilities are important for the
future development of Cardiff. These uses are major employers in the city centre
and generate significant benefits to the local economy. By improving the quality
and range of sporting, recreation and leisure facilities, the area is made a more
attractive place in which to live, work and visit, thereby helping to attract inward
investment and regeneration. These attractions are also important for city

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

marketing and the branding of Cardiff as a major cultural, sporting and leisure
destination. Furthermore, it is recognised that these facilities are an important
factor in improving the well-being and quality of life of our local communities.

4.142 The Central and Bay Business Areas also contain a significant number of
residential premises including high-rise apartment blocks, student accommodation
and residential uses above commercial premises. Although the city centre and
bay areas have experienced a large increase in residential development over
the past 20 years, there remains the potential for further residential development.
New residential development within the Central and Bay Business areas will
support the delivery of balanced, mixed use areas where, by virtue of their
proximity to public transport, leisure, employment and community facilities, can
create sustainable urban neighbourhoods and contribute to the daytime and
evening economy.

4.143 A series of City Centre Strategies have been prepared since 1997, providing the
framework for the strategic regeneration and management of the city centre. A
new Strategy is to be prepared alongside a series of Area Action Plans to define
the regeneration activity and infrastructure necessary to deliver, sustain and
manage the development of the city centre for present and future generations.


Cardiff will maintain a steady and adequate supply of minerals and contribute
to regional aggregate supplies by:

i. Promoting and supporting the efficient use of minerals and use of

alternatives to naturally occurring minerals including the re-use of
secondary aggregates;
ii. Protecting existing mineral reserves and safeguarding potential resources
of limestone, coal and sand and gravel from development that would
preclude their future extraction;
iii. Maintaining a minimum 10 year land bank of permitted crushed rock
aggregate reserves in line with national guidance;
iv. Supporting appropriate applications for sand and gravel extraction; and
v. Safeguarding wharves from development that would prevent their use
for landing marine dredged sand and gravel.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

4.144 Mineral resources are a valuable but finite resource. An adequate and steady
supply of minerals is essential to the national, regional and local economy and
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

their exploitation makes a significant contribution to our economic prosperity and

quality of life. Cardiff is one of the largest producers and consumers of minerals
in the region and those worked in Cardiff at present provide the essential raw
materials for our buildings, infrastructure and maintenance. Natural minerals
include quarried hard rock (carboniferous limestone and dolomite) and dredged
sand landed in Cardiff Docks.

4.145 Crushed rock production in the past has averaged 1 million (mt.) per annum,
broadly similar to the County’s consumption. In addition approximately 0.3 mt.
of sea dredged sand is landed at Cardiff Docks every year. The majority of natural
mineral production is used in the construction industry as crushed rock
aggregates. Secondary materials, such as construction and demolition waste,
are also used as substitutes for natural aggregates. Cardiff is also an important
source of dolomitic and high purity limestone for industrial use in the local
steelmaking process. The Regional Technical Statement 1 Review (August
2014) produced by the North and South Wales Regional Aggregates Working
Parties states that Cardiff should make provision for 0.86 million tonnes of crushed
rock aggregates per year up to 2036, resulting in a total apportionment of 21.5
million tonnes. This requirement is based on average annual production for the
period 2001 to 2010 and compares with the existing landbank of 41 million tonnes
(as at 31 December 2010) of crushed rock reserves meaning Cardiff, based on
current information, has a surplus of permitted reserves when compared to the
requirements set out in the Regional Technical Statement 1 Review. This Policy
recognises that Cardiff is an important regional provider of minerals and provides
for the continuation of its present contribution to regional demand.

4.146 The Policy promotes the increased use of alternatives to naturally occurring
minerals. The re-use or recycling of construction and demolition material and
industrial waste serves not only to reduce the amount of waste produced but also
conserves scarce non-renewable natural mineral resources and minimises
environmental damage.

4.147 However, allowing for improvements in recycling and re-use, there will remain a
need for primary minerals. It is recognised that natural mineral resources can
only be replenished over geological timescales and that they need to be protected
for future generations. As minerals can only be worked where they exist, it is
important to protect them from inappropriate development, which could effectively
sterilise them. The Policy precludes inappropriate development on mineral
reserves and resources themselves and allows for buffer zones within which
sensitive development will be prevented.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Waste arisings from Cardiff will be managed by:

i. Promoting and supporting additional sustainable waste management

facilities, measures and strategies in accordance with the Collections,
Infrastructure and Markets Sector Plan (2012) and TAN 21 (2014) in a
manner that follows the waste hierarchy and the principles of an
integrated and adequate network of waste installations; nearest
appropriate installation; self-sufficiency and protection of human health
and the environment;
ii. Encouraging the provision of in-building treatment facilities on existing
and allocated areas of general industry;
iii. Supporting the provision and maintenance of sustainable waste
management storage and collection arrangements in all appropriate new
developments; and
iv. Supporting waste prevention and reuse and the provision of facilities
that use recycled or composted products.

4.148 Cardiff produces around a million tonnes of waste each year, varying from
harmless inert materials to highly toxic chemical by-products and residues. It is
important for the Council to manage the land use implications of this waste in an
environmentally acceptable and sustainable way. The Council is moving towards
more sustainable waste management practices in line with European and national
guidance, by increasing the amount of municipal waste recycled or composted
and reducing the amount of biodegradable waste sent to landfill.

4.149 TAN 21 (2014) sets a framework for the delivery of sustainable waste
management infrastructure through the planning process. The Collections,
Infrastructure and Markets (CIM) (Sector Plan 2012) is intended to deliver the
sustainable development outcomes set out in ‘Towards Zero Waste’ the
overarching waste strategy document for Wales. The Council will work with
others within the South East Wales region to monitor waste arisings and capacity
requirements and respond to identified needs by providing an integrated and
adequate network of waste management facilities across the region. Additional
treatment and recovery facilities are likely to be required within Cardiff during the
Plan period in order to achieve the targets set out in the CIM Sector Plan and
the policy principles established in TAN 21 (2014).

4.150 All appropriate new development should include provision for the storage,
recycling and management of waste. This will encourage waste reduction,
recycling, composting and separation at source, in order to contribute towards
meeting waste management targets.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

6. Responding to evidenced social needs

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


A key part of the successful progression of the city will be to develop
sustainable neighbourhoods, tackle deprivation, and improve the quality of
life for all. This will be achieved through:

i. Providing a range of dwelling sizes, types and affordability including

seeking to provide a target of 6,646 affordable dwellings over the
remaining 12 years of Plan period;
ii. Supporting the vitality, viability and attractiveness of existing District
and Local Centres and their regeneration, including retail and other
commercial development and housing of an appropriate scale;
iii. Encouraging the provision of a full range of social, health, leisure and
education facilities and community infrastructure for both existing and
new communities that are accessible to all by walking and cycling and
public transport;
iv. Supporting the regeneration of deprived communities within the city and
maximising the additional benefits that new communities can bring to
adjoining or surrounding communities;
v. Encouraging the enhancement of communities through better equality
of access to services for all, promoting cultural and wider diversity for
all groups in society, and creating places that encourage social interaction
and cohesion;
vi. Developing new cultural and sporting facilities to build upon Cardiff’s
role as a major tourist, cultural and sporting destination for visitors and
residents alike; and
vii. Designing out crime and creating communities which are safer and feel

4.151 PPW promotes sustainable communities. In delivering sustainable communities,

the Council will seek to ensure a range of dwelling sizes, types and affordability
is provided in terms of both market and affordable housing to meet identified
needs (including supported and sheltered housing and other special needs where
appropriate), in safe neighbourhoods. In Cardiff, in line with national trends,
average household size has been declining and in general this has been reflected
in an increasing proportion of 1 and 2 bedroom flats in schemes with residential

4.152 Whilst the provision of flats does cater for those seeking smaller units of
accommodation, and this may free up other larger units of existing housing, there
will still be a need for a range of dwelling types and sizes to be provided on sites
that come forward during the Plan period. Whilst flats may be appropriate on
some sites, the Council will seek to ensure, particularly in larger schemes, that

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

a range of dwelling types and affordability is provided.

4.153 The affordable housing target (6,646 or 554 units per annum) identifies the number
of affordable housing units that it is anticipated will be provided over the remainder
of the Plan period 2014 to 2026. The target takes into account the current
landbank of affordable units (less an allowance for flexibility) and expected
contributions from strategic and non-strategic sites, windfall sites change of use
schemes based on the affordable housing target percentages (30% for greenfield
sites and 20% for brownfield sites) outlined in Policy H3.. It is also likely that
some affordable housing will also come forward from sources other than by the
use of planning obligations, for example on sites or in dwellings acquired by social
housing providers.

4.154 The Cardiff LHMA assessment sets a requirement over the period 2013-2018 of
3,989 affordable units per year or a total of 19,945. Clearly, the affordable housing
target over the Plan period will not meet the need figure as set out in the LHMA
and it is not expected to as it is only one of a variety of means to achieving a
supply of affordable housing.

4.155 The Plan also supports the viability and attractiveness of District and Local Centres
which form an important part of Cardiff’s retail hierarchy and of its social, economic
and physical fabric. In addition to their primary function of providing local shopping
facilities they also accommodate a range of accessible services facilities and
employment. This Policy aims to support the retention and provision of local
shopping facilities, which remains the primary role of centres and underpins their
vitality, attractiveness and viability. Such facilities are also accessible to the local
community by public transport, walking and cycling thereby supporting the
sustainable transportation objectives set out in the Plan. Furthermore, the Policy
also seeks to encourage investment and renewal of the physical fabric of centres.

4.156 Providing a range of community, health, religious and educational facilities which
are accessible to as many people as possible is an essential requirement in order
to secure sustainable communities. Such facilities are significant local employers
and can contribute towards the regeneration of local areas. Additionally, these
services are essential to maintain and improve the quality of life of people living
and working in Cardiff.

4.157 The masterplanning approach which has been adopted to provide a framework
for the development of strategic sites fully recognises the potential benefits that
new development can bring to adjoining areas. Opportunities can be taken to
deliver the aims of this Policy by new development enhancing the quality and
range of existing provision of a range of facilities and services.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

4.158 In order to further support the regeneration of deprived communities within the
city the LDP will support implementation of the Council's Neighbourhood
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Improvement Programme (March 2007) and the Communities First Programme,

which aim to close the gap between the most deprived neighbourhoods and the
city as a whole.

4.159 In order to secure sustainable communities it is important that the LDP helps
promote a culture in which diversity is valued and equality of opportunity is a
reality. This can be achieved through a combination of policies within the Plan,
particularly those creating places that encourage social interaction and cohesion.


Cardiff will be made a healthier place to live by seeking to reduce health
inequalities through encouraging healthy lifestyles, addressing the social
determinants of health and providing accessible health care facilities. This
will be achieved by supporting developments which provide for active travel,
accessible and useable green spaces, including allotments.

4.160 This Policy accords with the aim in PPW to deliver sustainable development
through ensuring that health is considered in new developments. It also assists
achievement of a number of PPW objectives regarding travel and access to key
community facilities. It reflects the direction that ‘health considerations can be
material considerations in determining planning applications’ (PPW Para. 12.13.8)
and accepts that the effect of development on people’s health is a key element
of sustainable development and its consideration will raise any significant issues
which need to be taken into account.

4.161 Implementation of this Policy supports the Cardiff Partnership Strategy

(2010-2020) and the population outcome ‘people in Cardiff are healthy’. It also
contributes to the delivery of a number of objectives regarding healthy lifestyles
including physical activity and recreation, in accordance with Our Healthy Future
(Welsh Government 2009), Fairer Health Outcomes for All (Welsh Government
2011) and Creating an Active Wales (Welsh Government 2010).

4.162 The Policy reflects evidence provided by ‘The Marmot Review: implications for
spatial planning’ and Barton and Tsourou (2000) ‘Healthy Urban Planning’ and
supports the theme of healthy urban environment and design taken forward by
the World Health Organisation and UK Healthy Cities Networks.

4.163 Overall, these policies and guidance conclude that the built and natural
environment together with lifestyle behaviours contribute to improving health.
Key measures to improve the health of the population include supporting:

Active travel such a walking and cycling;

Access to well-maintained open spaces for physical activity and food growing;

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Access to health care facilities.

4.164 Such measures will assist in:

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight;

Protecting mental health; and
Reducing stress levels.

4.165 Cardiff has a wealth of open spaces and walking and cycling rates to work/school
and for leisure are on the increase and it is important to protect and enhance
these assets for health improvement.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

7. Respecting Cardiff's environment and responding to climate change

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


To mitigate against the effects of climate change and adapt to its impacts,
development proposals should take into account the following factors:

i. Reducing carbon emissions;

ii. Protecting and increasing carbon sinks;
iii. Adapting to the implications of climate change at both a strategic and
detailed design level;
iv. Promoting energy efficiency and increasing the supply renewable energy;
v. Avoiding areas susceptible to flood risk in the first instance in accordance
with the sequential approach set out in national guidance; and
vi. Preventing development that increases flood risk.

4.166 A core function of the Plan is to ensure that all development in the city is
sustainable, taking full account of the implications of reducing resource use and
addressing climate change. This Policy provides a framework for sustainable
growth by promoting development that mitigates the causes of climate change
and which is able to adapt to its likely effects. This long-term approach is vital if
Cardiff is to realise the economic, environmental and social objectives set out in
the Vision.

4.167 In the first instance, a reduction in carbon emissions will be achieved by means
of controlling the energy demand associated with development through maximising
energy efficiency. Secondly, sustainable sources of energy should be
incorporated, without reliance on fossil fuels.

4.168 Carbon sinks act as a means of off-setting carbon emissions by natural means.
Trees and soils act as substantial reservoirs of carbon, sequestering atmospheric
carbon, and contributing substantially to soils, which accrete carbon faster under
tree cover than other forms of vegetation. This stored carbon will usually be
emitted as a greenhouse gas if trees are removed or damaged, or soils removed,
covered or disturbed (by compaction or contamination) during the construction

4.169 As far as practicable, trees should be retained and protected, and land kept as
functioning vegetated soil open to the fall of organic matter, with new trees and
shrubs provided by developers wherever possible. Where trees and shrubs cannot
be surrounded by open soil, hard surfaces should not be used unless there is an
overriding need, and areas that are not needed for pedestrian or vehicle use
should be retained for soft landscape. Cardiff’s open spaces, trees and soils play
a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change at the local level. Open

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

vegetated soils absorb rainfall and runoff.

4.170 Adapting to the implications of climate change will require buildings which are
able to cope with the likely increased temperature ranges, more frequent and
severe flooding and increased extreme weather events. Buildings and related
infrastructure should be designed to be flexible not only to climatic change but
also to accommodate a variety of uses over their lifetime rather than being suitable
for one sole application. Landscape will be a critical issue with trees providing
protection both by shading and active cooling. This cooling will be required
particularly in the city centre and District Centres, and where the young children,
older people, and people with mobility impairments gather.

4.171 The Council will require high standards of energy efficiency in new development.
Implementation of this Policy, which promotes incorporation of renewable energy
generation, will also reduce emission of aerial pollutants, thereby offsetting
increases in aerial emissions arising from implementation of other policies in the
Plan. This would contribute to avoiding significant effects upon European Sites.

4.172 Avoiding unnecessary flood risk will be achieved by strictly assessing the flood
risk implications of development proposals within areas susceptible to tidal or
fluvial flooding and preventing development that unacceptably increases risk. In
accordance with TAN15: Development and Flood Risk no highly vulnerable
development will be permitted in development advice zone C2. Development will
only be considered in other areas at high risk of flooding where it can be
demonstrated that the site can comply with the justification and assessment
requirements of TAN15 (2004 – Section 6, 7 and Appendix 1). Policy EN14
relating to Flood Risk sets out a range of criteria which will be considered when
assessing development proposals in areas of high risk of flooding.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Cardiff’s distinctive natural heritage provides a network of green infrastructure

which will be protected, enhanced and managed to ensure the integrity and
connectivity of this multi-functional green resource is maintained.

Protection and conservation of natural heritage network needs to be reconciled

with the benefits of development. Proposed development should therefore
demonstrate how green infrastructure has been considered and integrated
into the proposals. If development results in overall loss of green
infrastructure, appropriate compensation will be required.

Natural heritage assets are key to Cardiff’s character, value, distinctiveness

and sense of place. They include the City’s:

i. Undeveloped countryside and coastline (EN1 and EN2);

ii. Landscape, geological and heritage features which contribute to the
City’s setting (EN3);
iii. Strategically important river valleys of the Ely, Taff, Nant Fawr and
Rhymney (EN4);
iv. Biodiversity interests including designated sites and the connectivity of
priority habitats and species (EN5, EN6 and EN7);
v. Trees (including street trees), woodlands and hedgerows (EN8);
vi. Strategic recreational routes, cycleways and the public rights of way
network (T5, T6 and T8);
vii. Parks, playing fields, green play areas and open spaces (C4 and C5); and
viii. Growing spaces including allotments, community orchards and larger
gardens; and
ix. Holistic integrated surface water management systems (EN10).

4.173 The policy aims to ensure that Cardiff’s green infrastructure assets are strategically
planned and delivered through a green infrastructure network. Other policies in
the Plan provide more detailed guidance on aspects of these assets, together
with supporting SPG.

4.174 The green infrastructure network is important for its own sake and for its
contribution to the wider quality of life, including the value that people attach to
it. It provides a range of economic, social and environmental benefits including
reducing impacts of climate change (KP15), enhanced biodiversity habitat and
species connectivity (EN5, EN6 and EN7), providing greater opportunities for
sports and recreation (C4), contributing to the communities’ health and wellbeing
(C6) and providing visual benefits for all (KP5).
4.175 Where development is permitted, planning conditions and/or obligations will be
used to protect or enhance the natural heritage network. New developments

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

should incorporate new and / or enhanced green infrastructure of an appropriate
size, type and standard to ensure no fragmentation or loss of connectivity.

4.176 Where the benefits of development outweigh the conservation interest, mitigation
and/or compensation measures will be required to offset adverse effects and
appropriate planning obligations sought. The implementation of policies designed
to provide and protect public open space throughout Cardiff would also serve to
offset any increase in recreational pressure on the Cardiff Beech Woods SAC,
thereby helping to avoid likely significant effect upon that site.

4.177 Management of Cardiff’s green infrastructure network should be in place prior to

development, and appropriate planning obligations sought. SPG on this topic will
more fully outline the extent of Cardiff’s green infrastructure and how this policy
can be implemented in more detail.


Cardiff’s distinctive heritage assets will be protected, managed and enhanced,
in particular the character and setting of its Scheduled Ancient Monuments;
Listed Buildings; Registered Historic Landscapes, Parks and Gardens;
Conservation Areas; Locally Listed Buildings and other features of local
interest that positively contribute to the distinctiveness of the city.

4.178 This Policy affords strategic policy protection for Cardiff’s historic environment
as required by legislation and PPW. The historic environment enriches people’s
lives and the visual appearance of the city. It reflects the diversity and culture of
the communities that have formed it over time, provides evidence of Cardiff’s
past and helps define its present identity and character. An understanding of the
historic and cultural significance of the city can provide a context for managing
change and creates a backdrop for innovation in the design of new development
to shape the future of the city.

4.179 There are currently 28 Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Cardiff. This Policy
affords appropriate protection to these monuments and others that may be
scheduled over the Plan period, as well as other important archaeological remains
identified within the Historic Environment Record. SPG on Archaeologically
Sensitive Areas will provide further guidance on four areas of the city where
significant finds have been recorded.

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

4.180 There are currently almost 1,000 buildings in Cardiff on the statutory List of
Buildings with Special Architectural or Historic Interest, designated by Cadw on
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

behalf of the Welsh Government. Along with the legislation referred to above,
This Policy affords appropriate protection to these statutory listed buildings and
others that may be added to the list by Cadw over the Plan period.

4.181 The Council also holds a Local List of Buildings of Merit. This Policy identifies
the significance of these locally listed buildings (and others that may be added
to the list by the Council over the Plan period) have in forming the character of
the area. Welsh Office Circular 61/96 identifies the weight their designation may
have in the assessment of development proposals.

4.182 There are currently 27 conservation areas in Cardiff, as identified on the

Constraints Map. Along with the legislation referred to above. This Policy affords
appropriate protection to these and other areas that may be designated by the
Council over the Plan period. The Policy should be read in conjunction with the
adopted Conservation Area Appraisal prepared for each area, including the
enhancement proposals included within them.

4.183 Finally, there are currently 19 historic parks and gardens and 1 historic landscape
(the Wentloog Levels) included on the Cadw/ICOMOS ‘Register of Historic
Landscapes Parks, and Gardens’. This Policy affords appropriate protection to
these and other historic parks, gardens and landscapes that may be added to
the register by Cadw/ICOMOS over the Plan period.

4.184 In seeking to respond to the presence of heritage assets, developers are

encouraged to follow a sequence of investigation and assessment to identify the
cultural and historic significance of a place before developing proposals for change
or alteration. In this way appropriate approaches can be developed to preserve
and enhance the historic environment through proposals that respond to and
complement their context. The process is commended within Circular 61/96 and
advice within BS Standard 7913, 2013.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

In the interests of the long-term sustainable development of Cardiff,
development proposals must take full account of the need to minimise impacts
on the city’s natural resources and minimise pollution, in particular the
following elements:

i. Protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land;

ii. Protecting the quality and quantity of water resources, including
underground surface and coastal waters;
iii. Minimising air pollution from industrial, domestic and road transportation
sources and managing air quality; and
iv. Remediating land contamination through the redevelopment of
contaminated sites.

4.185 The best and most versatile agricultural land (grades 1, 2 and 3a of the Agricultural
Land Classification) is a finite resource. Once lost to development it is rarely
practicable to return such land to best quality agricultural production.

4.186 There is no up-to-date definitive map of agricultural land quality for Cardiff as a
whole but the best and most versatile agricultural land is known to exist in parts
of the west, north and east of Cardiff. In meeting the needs to provide new homes
and jobs in this Plan, some high quality land will be lost but taking account of all
relevant factors, this loss is considered justified. Moreover, by putting in place a
planned and managed approach to meeting future economic and social needs,
this adds strength to the protection of good quality land outside these areas.

4.187 Cardiff’s rivers, lakes, ponds and water bodies are important for a wide range of
uses and users. Development has the potential to affect water quality and
quantity. It is important that development is only allowed where there would be
no unacceptable harm to the quality or quantity of water resources and where
provision can be made for any infrastructure required to safeguard water quality
and quantity. New developments should have an adequate water supply and
sewerage system to serve the development. This policy, which is aimed in part
at improving water resource use efficiency, will ensure adequate water supply
without adverse impacts on the River Usk and River Wye SACs, thereby helping
to avoid the likelihood that this LDP will have a significant effect upon European
designated sites.

4.188 Poor air quality can affect people’s health, quality of life and amenity and can
impact on nature conservation and built heritage interests. Development has the
potential to cause air pollution, or sensitive developments can be affected by
existing air quality problems in an area. In Cardiff, transport emissions are one

Strategy, Key Diagram and Key Policies

of the main contributors to poor air quality. Development will not be permitted if
it would cause or result in unacceptable harm due to air pollution. Implementation
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

of this Policy will also help to counteract any increase in atmospheric pollution
as a result of the Plan, thereby helping to avoid the likelihood that this LDP will
have a significant effect upon internationally designated sites.

4.189 The redevelopment of sites with land contamination allows such land to be brought
back into beneficial use, prevents dereliction and reduces the need to develop
greenfield sites. Developers will be required to demonstrate that any actual or
potential contamination can be overcome, thereby ensuring that the land is
suitable for the development proposed.
113 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Detailed Policies

Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


The following non-strategic sites are allocated for housing:


Site Ref. Site Name Estimated Site Size (Ha)


H1.1 Land at Areas 9-12, St 150 3.98


H1.2 Land rear of Clive Street 80 2.87

H1.3 Rookwood Hospital 90 3.40

H1.4 Former Lansdowne Hospital 75 1.51

H1.5 Land at Dan-y-Garth, 47 2.49


H1.6 Land at former St John’s 64 2.50


H1.7 Ely Bridge Farm, Dyfrig Road. 41 0.72


H1.8 Electrocoin Automatics Ltd, 20 0.61

Caerphilly Road

H1.9 Land at Mill Road, 5 0.40


5.1 To help satisfy the new dwelling requirement it is necessary to allocate

non-strategic housing sites, as well as taking into account numbers of dwelling
units estimated that will come forward from the existing landbank, strategic sites,
and allowances for windfalls and changes of use over the Plan period to 2026.
5.2 The non-strategic housing sites listed in this Policy were put forward as candidate
sites in the LDP process and are considered acceptable in principle for residential

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

use. The proposed number of units shown for each site is indicative and may be
subject to change depending on details of planning applications yet to be
submitted and approved.


Within the Central Business Area of the city centre, District and Local centres,
as defined on the Proposals Map, the conversion of suitable vacant space
above commercial premises to residential use will be favoured where:

i. Adequate servicing and security can be maintained to the existing

commercial use(s);
ii. Appropriate provision can be made for parking, access, pedestrian
access, amenity space, and refuse disposal together with any appropriate
external alterations and;
iii. The residential use does not compromise the ground floor use.

5.3 Within the areas identified the Council will encourage the conversion of suitable
space above commercial premises to residential use. The conversion of empty
space above shops to residential use provides a valuable contribution to the city’s
housing stock and provides much needed homes. It also positively contributes
to the creation of vibrant, mixed use communities where people live and shop.
Centres remain busy and populated beyond business hours, increasing
surveillance and providing a market for ancillary uses associated with the
night-time economy.


The Council will seek 20% affordable housing on Brownfield sites and 30%
affordable housing on Greenfield sites in all residential proposals that:

i. Contain 5 or more dwellings; or

ii. Sites of or exceeding 0.1 hectares in gross site area; or
iii. Where adjacent and related residential proposals result in combined
numbers or site size areas exceeding the above thresholds, the Council
will seek affordable housing based on the affordable housing target
percentages set out above.

Affordable housing will be sought to be delivered on-site in all instances

unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Detailed Policies

5.4 The aim of this Policy is to assist the Council to meet evidenced housing need
by seeking an appropriate affordable housing contribution from new residential
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

developments in the city.

5.5 The Policy will help provide a range and mix of sustainable affordable housing,
in line with Policy KP13.

5.6 PPW recognises that a community’s need for affordable housing is a material
planning consideration. It also promotes mixed and inclusive communities. More
detailed guidance in TAN2: Planning and Affordable Housing requires local
authorities to include affordable housing policies in their LDPs where a Local
Housing Market Assessment (LHMA) has provided the evidence base to support
policies to deliver such housing through the planning system. The Cardiff LHMA
update (2013) indicates an annual shortfall of 3,989 affordable dwellings per

5.7 The Policy applies to all proposed housing developments covered by the policy
thresholds, including proposals on previously undeveloped land, redevelopment
schemes, schemes providing specialised accommodation (except those in which
residents require a significant element of care), conversions, changes of use,
and mixed-use developments containing housing. It responds to the evidenced
need for the planning system to help play its part in securing land and units for
affordable housing. However, housing specifically designated to cater for students
would not be required to contribute an affordable housing element.

5.8 In accordance with Welsh Government guidance, affordable housing

encompasses both social rented and intermediate housing where there are secure
mechanisms in place to ensure that it is accessible to those who cannot afford
market housing, both on first occupation and for subsequent occupiers. In addition,
the Council has a duty to have regard to the needs of disabled people and
chronically sick, the majority of whom are best housed in the community. Where
there is evidence of need for affordable special needs housing it may, subject to
Council agreement, be provided as all, or part of, the affordable housing

5.9 The Council will provide evidence of need based upon the latest Cardiff Local
Housing Market Assessment Update, supplemented by current Council and
Registered Social Landlord waiting lists and other relevant information. In order
to create mixed and balanced communities, provision for affordable housing will
be sought ‘on site’ unless the Council considers that this is impractical or
inappropriate. In such exceptional circumstances, affordable housing may either
be provided on another site, (location to be agreed with the Council), or a financial
contribution may be provided to address affordable housing requirements
elsewhere in Cardiff, in any case, provision should address the need identified
in relation to the proposed development.
5.10 The targets set out in the Policy are derived from the findings of an affordable
housing viability study undertaken by Peter Brett Associates. This study assessed

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

the viability of a range of housing scenarios (including a calculation for necessary
infrastructure which could be achieved through S106 and/or CIL, consistent with
Policy KP6: New Infrastructure for different development types with varying levels
of affordable housing. In order to demonstrate viability, and take account of the
higher costs associated with the development of brownfield sites the study
recommended a two tiered affordable housing target. The Report confirms that
affordable housing is viable at 30% on greenfield sites and at 20% on brownfield
sites (based on indicative tenure mixes of 40% social rented, 40% intermediate
rented and 20% Low Cost Home Ownership). This is consistent with the
recommendations of the Cardiff Local Housing Market Assessment and the
Economic Viability Reports of 2013 and 2014 in seeking an appropriate mix of
tenures to address evidenced housing need over the Plan period

5.11 In negotiating affordable housing, each proposal’s actual contribution will depend
on that scheme’s capacity for provision. This will ensure that the affordable
housing contribution in itself will not make the scheme unviable. The Council will
work with developers to agree a contribution in an open and transparent manner.
In cases where agreement cannot be reached, an independent assessment will
be commissioned to be paid for by the applicant/developer. The assessment
should include details and costs of the necessary infrastructure to be delivered
either wholly or in part to support the delivery of sustainable neighbourhoods.

5.12 Detailed guidance on the scale, tenure and nature of the affordable housing to
be sought, along with information regarding what will be required as part of
independent viability assessments, will be set out in the Affordable Housing SPG.
The Policy will normally be implemented by the use of a planning obligation in
accordance with Policy KP7.


Outside the Central and Bay Business Areas and District and Local Centres,
identified on the Proposals Map, conversion or redevelopment of residential
properties to other uses will only be permitted where:

i. The premises or their location are no longer suitable for residential use;
ii. The proposal is for a community use necessary within a residential area.
iii. There would be no unacceptable impact on residential amenity.

Detailed Policies

5.13 This Policy identifies the circumstances in which proposals for the conversion or
redevelopment of residential properties outside the Central and Bay Business
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Areas and District and Local Centres identified on the Proposals Map, to other
use will be permitted.

5.14 As acknowledged in PPW, offices, retail, entertainment and other uses that attract
a significant number of visitors, whether by vehicle or on foot, are generally best
located in centres where they are most widely accessible, particularly by public
transport and have least harmful impact on residential amenity. Within Cardiff,
these centres are the Central and Bay Business Areas, Central Shopping Area
and District and Local centres identified on the Proposals Map. A range of Plan
policies seeks to direct appropriate uses to these centres.

5.15 Outside these centres, proposals for the conversion or redevelopment of

residential properties to other use will only be permitted in line with Policy H6
and if no unacceptable harm will be caused to the amenity or health of remaining
residences in line with Policy H6.

5.16 There is a range of community uses that are appropriate and necessary, in
principle, within residential areas. These include doctors' and dentists' surgeries,
residential homes and child-care facilities. Further guidance on the conversion
of residential properties to childcare facilities will be set out in SPG.

5.17 In order to safeguard the amenity of residential areas, there will be a general
presumption in favour of permitting the range of commercial and community uses
in the Central and Bay Business Areas and District and Local Centres identified
on the Proposals Map - including by the conversion or redevelopment of existing
residential accommodation - subject to relevant policies. Within the Central and
Bay Business Areas, proposals will be assessed having regard to Policy KP10
District and Local Centres, proposals will be assessed having regard to Policies
R4 & R5.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Proposals for any conversion to flats or Houses in Multiple Occupation will
be permitted where:

i. The property is of a size whereby the layout, room sizes, range of facilities
and external amenity space of the resulting property would ensure an
adequate standard of residential amenity for future occupiers.
ii. There would be no material harm to the amenity of existing, nearby
residents by virtue of general disturbance, noise or overlooking.
iii. The cumulative impact of such conversions will not adversely affect the
amenity and/or the character of the area.
iv. Does not have an adverse effect on local parking provision.

5.18 The subdivision of a residential building into smaller residential units can be an
important source of housing. It can take different forms such as:

Subdivision of existing houses into flats and HMOs (Houses in Multiple

Conversion of HMO’s to flats.

5.19 The Council requires all flat conversions and HMOs to be of a high quality and
to be well designed.

5.20 The objectives of the Policy are:

to support the creation of attractive sustainable development for

self-contained flats and HMOs;
to promote good design and layout.

5.21 The subdivision of a building into smaller residential units is a sustainable form
of development as it gives a new lease of life to buildings which might be
redundant or economically unviable in their current use.

5.22 With sympathetic alterations to the exterior of a building, conversion has a lower
visual impact on the street scene by preserving the existing frontage and
respecting the character of an area.

5.23 However, unsatisfactory conversion work can result in accommodation which is

an over-intensification form of development resulting in inadequate and poor
quality accommodation. Occupants may be exposed to problems, such as
overlooking, poor outlook, overcrowding and lack of amenity space, noise and
disturbance from neighbouring premises, and inconvenient and unsafe access.

Detailed Policies

5.24 Further information will be given in SPG.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


Change of use of redundant premises or redevelopment of redundant
previously developed land for residential use will be permitted where:

i. There is no overriding need to retain the existing use of the land or

premises and no overriding alternative local land use requirement;
ii. The resulting residential accommodation and amenity will be satisfactory;
iii. There will be no unacceptable impact on the operating conditions of
existing businesses;
iv. Necessary community and transportation facilities are accessible or can
be readily provided or improved; and
v. It can be demonstrated that the change of use to a more sensitive end
use has been assessed in terms of land contamination risk and that there
are no unacceptable risks to the end users.

5.25 This Policy provides a framework for the assessment of applications for the
change of use, conversion or redevelopment of redundant previously developed
land and premises for residential purposes within settlement boundaries. It is
aimed at ensuring that:

Where necessary, land retains its existing use;

Land that is no longer required for its existing or former use, if there is no
overriding need to retain the existing use of the land or premises and no
overriding alternative local land use requirement, contributes to meeting
housing requirements, thereby reducing the need to develop previously
undeveloped land - which is a fundamental component of the LDP Strategy;
New residential accommodation and environments are well-designed,
environmentally sound and make a significant contribution to promoting
community regeneration and improving the quality of life.

5.26 The Policy responds to evidenced social need for new homes in line with Policy
KP1 and relates to Policies EC3 & H2. PPW indicates that such changes of use
and redevelopment should be taken into account in housing provision. It defines
‘previously developed land’. National guidance and plan policies relevant generally
to the countryside will apply outside settlement boundaries. The Policy will also
apply to mixed-use development including housing.
5.27 Assessment of whether land or premises are redundant or need to be retained
in their former use (criterion (i)) will include tests identified in relevant policies,

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

notably Policy EC3 Alternative Use of Sites and Premises relating to the protection
of employment land and premises.

5.28 Considerations under criterion (ii) will include the compatibility of neighbouring
uses, preventing insensitive or inappropriate infilling, privacy/amenity, size,
density, aspect, scale, layout and requirements for security and amenity space.

5.29 Criterion (iii) is intended to ensure that the introduction of residential use into an
area or building does not unduly restrict the operating conditions of existing

5.30 Criterion (iv) may involve contributions being sought from developers towards
the provision of necessary community and other facilities, in accordance with
Policy KP7, delivering necessary infrastructure.

5.31 Where there is a change of use or redevelopment of commercial/industrial units

to residential, there needs to be an appropriate assessment for the presence of
land contamination. The land contamination standards set for
commercial/industrial use are not suitably protective for residential use and
therefore unacceptable risks to the end users may be present and will require
appropriate remediation, where residential use is proposed.


New sites and extensions to existing sites will be permitted where:

i. Necessary physical, transport and social infrastructure are accessible

or can be readily provided;
ii. Environmental factors including flood risk, ground stability, land
contamination and proximity of hazardous installations do not make the
site inappropriate for residential development;
iii. The site is designed with reference to both the Welsh Government Good
Practice Guide in Designing Gypsy Traveller Sites and the views of local
Gypsies and Travellers;
iv. There would be no unreasonable impact on the character and appearance
of the surrounding areas including impact on residential amenity of
neighbouring occupiers or the operating conditions of existing
businesses; and
v. In the case of a transit or touring site, it has good access to the primary
highway network.

Detailed Policies

5.32 This Policy provides a framework for assessing proposals for both new and
extensions to existing sites whether for permanent or transit sites.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

5.33 Cardiff currently has two Gypsy and Traveller sites, at Rover Way and
Shirenewton, providing a total of 80 permanent pitches. To date these two sites
have accommodated natural population growth, with some overcrowding. The
latest Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment was undertaken in April 2013 and
showed a need for 108 permanent Gypsy and Traveller pitches. Local authorities
are required to assess the accommodation needs of Gypsy families (Housing
(Wales) Act 2014 and submit the assessment to the Welsh Government for
approval by March 2016. PPW says that it is important for LDPs to have policies
for the provision of sites. Welsh Government Circular 30/2007 indicates that
where there is an assessment of unmet need for Gypsy and Traveller
accommodation, sufficient sites should be allocated in the LDP to meet needs.
A criteria based policy for Gypsy and Traveller sites must also be included in
order to meet future need.

5.34 This updated assessment will inform a wider site selection process which will
progress over the next two years to meet the short and long term need for Gypsy
and Traveller pitches. This process is referenced in the Monitoring Framework
and includes the following key outputs and timescales. Sites that come forward
through this process, together with any other proposals will be assessed against
this policy.

Agree methodology and project management arrangements by end of 2015

Undertake Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment for both permanent and
transit pitches in accordance with Housing (Wales) Act 2014 by February
Undertake a site search and assessment and secure approval of findings
by October 2016
Secure planning permission and funding (including any grant funding from
Welsh Government) for identified sites(s) required to meet the short term
need for 43 pitches by May 2017
Secure planning permission and funding (including any grant funding from
Welsh Government) required to meet the long term need for 65 pitches by
May 2021

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The city’s existing employment areas outside of the Central and Bay Business
Areas (as designated on the Proposals Map) will be protected for B Use Class
employment generating uses (together with appropriate ancillary and/or
complementary uses and activities as referred to in Policy EC2) as described
in the table below

Site Ref Site Name Primary Status


EC1.1 Ocean Park B1, B2, B8 Primary

EC1.2 Cardiff Port (& Heliport and B1, B2, B8 Primary

surrounds) (Port related

EC1.3 Rover Way (Celsa Steel B2, B8 Primary

Works, Tremorfa Industrial
Estate, Seawall Road)

EC1.4 Wentloog Road (Capital B1, B2, B8 Primary

Business Park, Lamby Way
Industrial estate, Wentloog
Corporate Park, Rail Freight

EC1.5 St Mellons Business Park B1, B2, B8 Primary

EC1.6 Cardiff Gate Business Park B1 (offices), Primary

ancillary B2

EC1.7 Cardiff Business Park & Land B1, B2, B8 Primary

North of Maes y Coed Road,

EC1.8 Forest Farm, Longwood Drive B1, B2, B8 Primary

EC1.9 Green Meadow Springs B1 (offices) Primary

EC1.10 Penarth Road Area (includes B1, B2, B8 Primary

Hadfield Road, Sloper Road,
Bessemer Road)

Detailed Policies

Site Ref Site Name Primary Status

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

EC1.11 Ty Nant Road B1, B2, B8 Local

EC1.12 Crown Way (Companies B1 (offices) Local


EC1.13 Wentloog Road (North of B1, B2, B8 Local

railway line)

EC1.14 Pentwyn (Panasonic Plant, B1, B2, B8 Local

Avenue Industrial Estate)

EC1.15 Eastern Business Park B1 (offices) Local

EC1.16 Willowbrook Business B1 (science, Local

Technology Park research and

EC1.17 Excelsior Road B1, B2, B8 & Local

trade counter

EC1.18 Norbury Road Industrial B1, B2, B8 Local


EC1.19 Wroughton Place, Ely B1, B2, B8 Local

EC1.20 Argyle Way, Caerau B1, B2, B8 Local

EC1.21 Garth Industrial Estate B1, B2, B8 Local

EC1.22 Land at East Bay Close B1, B2, B8 Local

EC1.23 Alexandra Gate Business B1 Local


5.35 This Policy responds to the economic vision and objectives of the Plan to ensure
a range and choice of employment land and premises are available across the
city to assist economic competitiveness, encourage entrepreneurship, promote
the growth of indigenous businesses of all types and size and attract inward
5.36 A key role for the LDP is to ensure the provision of a portfolio of an appropriate
range, quantity and quality of employment land and premises to meet the current

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and future needs of the city and the city’s workforce. One of the main strategies
to achieve this aim is the protection of existing employment sites across the city.

5.37 One of the key recommendations of the GVA Grimley Report ‘Cardiff Employment
Land and Commercial Review’ (2009) and Hardisty Jones Associates/Origin 3
Study ‘Cardiff Employment Land and Property Study’ (April 2012) was to introduce
policies to protect nearly all of the remaining employment locations (or allocations
that were made in the Local Plan) either because of the important economic role
they currently play in the overall employment land portfolio for the city or because
of the distribution of this land across the city.

5.38 A critical factor in Cardiff maintaining a supply of employment land will be the
ability to protect land and premises for employment from being lost to alternative
uses. There has been growing pressure over recent years for the
development/redevelopment of employment land and premises for other uses
(predominantly residential), whether still occupied or where current operations
have ceased. Such development proposals can result in significant losses to the
county’s stock of employment land and premises.

5.39 The loss of employment land can be incremental with the loss of one site setting
the precedent for the loss of a series of others in a similar location, leading to a
gradual erosion of an employment site. Sometimes alternative uses can also
fragment a larger business area or sever links between employment uses in an
area. Over time pressure for alternative uses result in a material aggregate loss
of employment sites to the detriment of the local economy.

5.40 The employment sites identified in Policy EC1 display strong potential to continue
playing an important economic role, whether this is to provide local employment
on smaller sites within key neighbourhoods or whether the sites are more strategic
in size, position and function.

5.41 Due to the time that has elapsed since the completion of the GVA Study, the
employment sites identified for protection have been reviewed. Some sites have
experienced further pressure for alternative uses with additional losses of
employment land and their B use class employment function has been all but
eroded. These sites, for example North and South of Newport Road and
Colchester Avenue are therefore no longer identified for protection for employment
purposes. Similarly Cathedral Road and offices adjacent to the River Taff which
are characterised by low grade offices with a high level of vacancy are no longer
identified for protection and a change of use to housing for example will be given

Detailed Policies

5.42 The protection of employment sites also allows for the modernisation and
refurbishment of land and property and increasing density of development on
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

site thereby making the most efficient use of land.


Provision for open space, public realm, leisure, food and drink, and child-care
facilities will be appropriate in office, industrial and warehousing
developments, provided, the facility is of an appropriate scale and nature
intended primarily to meet the needs of workers in the vicinity, therefore not
attracting significant levels of visitor traffic into the area, or exacerbating
existing traffic conditions.

5.43 This Policy seeks to enable the provision of appropriate complementary leisure,
food and drink, and childcare facilities in existing and new office, industrial and
warehousing areas and helps to deliver Plan objectives. Employees in such areas
may require good access to a range of facilities, including food and drink,
leisure/recreation and child-care. The absence of such facilities in an employment
area can increase travel demand and make the areas less attractive to employers
and employees.

5.44 In existing employment areas, change of use of existing premises will be

considered for appropriate complementary facilities, including food and drink,
leisure and child-care.

5.45 Where new employment areas are proposed, the need for such facilities should
be considered as part of the overall development scheme.

5.46 In all cases, only facilities of an appropriate nature and scale to meet the needs
of employees will be permitted. Appropriate leisure facilities may include fitness
centres/clubs and indoor sports facilities. Provision for accessible open space or
public realm improvements may also be appropriate.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development of business, industrial and warehousing land and premises for
other uses will only be permitted if:

i. The land or premises are no longer well located for business, industrial
and warehousing use; or
ii. There is no realistic prospect of employment use on the site and/or the
property is physically unsuitable for employment use, even after
adaption/refurbishment or redevelopment; or
iii. There is no need to retain the land or premises for business, industrial
or warehousing use, having regard to the demand for such land and
premises and the requirement to provide for a range and choice of sites
available for such use; and
iv. There will be no unacceptable impact on the operating conditions of
existing businesses.

5.47 This Policy provides criteria against which proposals for the change of use of
business and industrial land and premises will be assessed. It will apply to existing,
permitted and allocated business, industrial and warehousing land and premises
and address:

The need to retain a range and choice of well-located sites and premises
attractive to business, industry and warehousing;
Making the best use of redundant land and premises for alternative
employment purposes; and
Where land and premises need to be retained because they are of local
importance for employment opportunities.

5.48 Criteria for assessing whether land and premises remain well located for business,
industrial and warehousing uses will include:

Accessibility to the primary highway network, rail-freight facilities and the

Accessibility by public transport; and
Proximity to housing or other sensitive uses.

5.49 The ‘robust evidence’ for assessing the need to retain land and premises for
business, industrial and warehousing use include the following criteria:

Whether and for how long land or premises have been vacant and actively
marketed and the expressions of interest during this period;

Detailed Policies

Whether the site offers particular benefits not generally available within the
overall land bank;
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Whether the site is within an area of high unemployment and offers realistic
prospects of use for appropriate employment purposes;
Whether the relocation of existing occupiers to other suitable accommodation
will be facilitated;
Whether the proposed development would retain an element of industrial,
office or warehousing floorspace; and
Whether the proposed use needs to be accommodated on business, industrial
or warehousing land (e.g. transport depots).
Other priorities, such as housing need, override more narrowly focused
economic considerations.

5.50 Where alternative use of land is considered appropriate, priority will be given to
mixed-use development comprising employment, housing and community facilities
or, where that is not feasible, housing. Other proposals will need to demonstrate
why a mixed-use of housing and employment schemes cannot be achieved on
the site.

5.51 It is also important to ensure that the introduction of residential or other uses into
an industrial or warehousing area does not unduly restrict the operating conditions
of remaining businesses.

5.52 Where employment land and premises are under development pressure from
non-employment uses and it is considered that there still exists an opportunity
to make a contribution towards longer term economic development and job
retention and growth within an area, developers will be requested to make
provision for an appropriate contribution towards bringing forwards compensatory
employment opportunities elsewhere in the County in line with Policy KP7 Planning

5.53 Where there is the potential to develop residential units on areas previously
identified for commercial/ industrial use, there needs to be an appropriate
assessment for the presence of land contamination. The land contamination
standards set for commercial/industrial use are not suitably protective for
residential use and therefore unacceptable risks to the end users may be present
which will require appropriate remediation.

5.54 Further guidance on the application of this Policy will be set out in the Protection
of Employment Land and Premises for Business, Industry and Warehousing

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The alternative use of offices within the Central and Bay Business Areas will
only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that there is no need to retain
the site or premises for office use having regard to the demand for offices
and the requirement to provide a range and choice of sites available for such

5.55 This Policy aims to ensure that office sites within the Central and Bay Business
Areas identified on the Proposals Map, whether occupied, vacant, or with
permission are protected from inappropriate changes of use. Any proposal
involving the loss of offices will need to demonstrate that there is a sufficient
range and choice of commercial office floorspace to meet the city’s office
requirement up to 2026.

5.56 When considering proposals for the alternative use of office accommodation, the
following issues will be considered:

Whether, and for how long the premises have been vacant and actively
marketed for office use;
Whether the development of the site for appropriate uses will facilitate the
relocation of existing office occupier/s to other suitable accommodation within
the Central or Bay Business Area;
Whether the proposed development would retain a significant element of
office floorspace;
Whether the proposed use is complementary to an employment use; and
Whether the proposed development can demonstrate wider economic, social
and regeneration benefits.

5.57 The Central and Bay Business Areas contain a wide range of office premises,
including modern Grade A accommodation (e.g. Callaghan Square and Assembly
Square); high-rise accommodation built in the 1960s and 1970s (e.g. Newport
Road); office accommodation above commercial premises (e.g. St. Mary Street
and Greyfriars Road); and converted historic villas in the north of the city centre
(e.g. Park Place and Windsor Place). Over time, and as the needs of businesses
change, premises can fail to meet modern occupier requirements. This has been
evidenced recently with changes of use from offices to residential and hotel uses,
resulting in a significant reduction in office vacancy levels within the city centre.

5.58 To ensure that Cardiff continues to attract and retain quality businesses, the City
Centre must contain sufficient land for new office accommodation, as well as
providing a range and choice of office premises for existing and future occupiers,
including large Grade A offices, small and medium sized enterprises, incubator

Detailed Policies

units and live-work premises. The Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone along with
other planned employment areas provides a range and choice of new business
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


5.59 It is acknowledged that some office vacancy is necessary to allow for the turnover
of businesses and the renovation of premises to meet modern business needs.
However, long-term vacancy can have a damaging impact upon the vitality and
viability of commercial centres. Office premises that, despite active marketing,
have remained unoccupied for over two years will be considered more favourably
for changes of use to other, appropriate uses.

5.60 Mixed-use redevelopment proposals that retain a significant element of

commercial office floorspace, or those that do not result in any net loss in the
level or quality of office accommodation within the City Centre, are likely to be
more favourably considered.

5.61 Where proposals involve the loss of office accommodation, they will only be
permitted where they do not harm, and are complementary to, the primary office
role and function of the area and accord with other Plan policies. Such uses could
include childcare facilities, training, tertiary education, residential development,
commercial leisure and hotels.


Proposals for hotel development will be permitted:

i. Within the Central and Bay Business Areas of the city centre;
ii. In appropriate locations for the conversion of suitable residential or
commercial properties;
iii. At other locations within the urban area, if there is no need to preserve
the site for its existing or allocated use, assessed against the relevant
policies of the plan;

Subject to considerations of scale, location, design, amenity and

transportation being acceptable.

5.62 This Policy favours hotel development at appropriate locations within the Central
and Bay Business Areas.

5.63 The conversion of existing properties to hotels or guest houses contributes to

the range of accommodation available for tourists and other visitors to the city.
In assessing such proposals, ‘appropriate locations’ are likely to be on main roads
into the city and close to tourist or business areas, and ‘suitable properties’ are
likely to be larger houses and vacant low grade offices, able to accommodate
parking requirements. In terms of both the proposed property and its location,
importance will be attached to the need to safeguard amenity of residential areas.
Proposals for the change of use of converted hotels in residential areas to uses

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

other than residential or uses acceptable within a residential area will be resisted.


Land is allocated for university related research and development uses at
Maindy Road, Cathays (3.3ha).

5.64 This non-strategic site is considered acceptable for university related research
and development uses given its close proximity to the existing Cardiff University
campus. Dialogue with the University has indicated the merits of university related
research and development uses for this site, which can assist in the long term
development of Cardiff University and other academic institutions within the city
together with wider economic benefits for the region.

5.65 The allocation of the site for university research and development uses supports
the LDP vision and the economic objectives which seek to promote clusters of
research & development expertise. It also supports policies KP1 and KP9 which
promote the provision of range and choice of new employment sites for different
types of employment. The site is directly adjacent to the existing Cardiff University
and in an accessible location which reduces the need to travel, a key component
of developing sustainable communities. The precise nature of research and
development uses will be subject to further detailed work.


Proposals for employment use (B Use Class) on unallocated sites will be
permitted provided that:

i. The proposal cannot reasonably be accommodated on existing

employment land and in the case of offices in the Central Enterprise Zone
(Policy KP2) and the Central and Bay Business Areas (Policy EC4);
ii. The site falls within the settlement boundary and has no specific policy
iii. The use is compatible with uses in the surrounding area and;
iv. The proposal is well related to the primary highway network and
accessible to sustainable modes of transport.

5.66 Policy EC7 provides guidance on how the Council will determine applications for
employment development on sites not identified for employment and ensure a
sequential approach to site selection is followed, thereby steering employment

Detailed Policies

allocations to the most appropriate locations consistent with national policy (PPW
para. 10.2.9 and 10.2.11). This policy is intended to support the economy by
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

allowing for future economic growth which sustains and provides job opportunities
within Cardiff which is considered essential in responding to economic uncertainty
and fulfils the LDP economic evidenced needs.

5.67 The LPA is not able to fully predict all potential business and operator
requirements over the Plan period. Therefore it is important for the policy
framework to allow an element of flexibility to enable businesses to locate within
the County.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Countryside Protection


Development in the countryside, beyond the settlement boundaries identified
on the Proposals Map, will only be permitted where the use is appropriate in
the countryside, respects the landscape character and quality and biodiversity
of the site and surrounding area and where it is appropriate in scale and
design. A landscape assessment and landscaping scheme will be required
for significant development proposals. Proposals for new housing, rural
diversification and rural enterprise, will only be permitted where they comply
with National Planning Policy.

5.68 The countryside in Cardiff is land located outside the settlement boundaries as
identified on the LDP Proposals Map. Cardiff’s countryside is a valuable and finite
resource which is under pressure from all kinds of development. The aim of this
Policy is to ensure that development within the countryside is strictly controlled
to protect and enhance Cardiff’s natural heritage and setting. It further seeks to
manage and enhance this rich asset in order to maintain Cardiff’s unique
distinctiveness whilst helping to mitigate against climate change and also aims
to ensure that those uses that do not need to be located in the countryside will
be resisted.

5.69 It should be read in conjunction with Policy KP3A and KP3B and aims to ensure
that those uses that do not need to be located in the countryside will be resisted.
Whilst KP3A provides strict controls in the Green Wedge area for the reasons
given, this policy provides further guidance on uses appropriate in the countryside
as a whole.

5.70 Although farming and forestry comprise a relatively small part of Cardiff’s
economy, the economic viability of the countryside around Cardiff remains crucial,
with agriculture and forestry playing an important role in both the management
and conservation of the countryside. As such, the Council will adopt a positive
approach to supporting the rural economy. Development proposals relating to
rural diversification and enterprise will be assessed against, (PPW 2014) and
TAN 6: Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities. Farm diversification schemes
should remain linked to the existing farm business and maybe subject to planning
obligations in accordance with TAN 6: Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities
(2010 Para 3.7) and Policy KP7.

Detailed Policies

5.71 Close proximity to a large urban population brings many pressures to Cardiff’s
countryside, including outdoor recreation. Whilst its importance for local
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

recreational purposes and tourism is accepted, it is essential to ensure that both

these uses, and any built development associated with them, do not cause
unacceptable harm to the character and quality of the countryside. Small scale,
low impact development associated with activities which need to be located in
the countryside, or encourage access to and enjoyment of the countryside, may
be acceptable subject to the tests set out in national guidance.

5.72 Planning permission is normally required for the use of land for keeping horses
and for equestrian activities, unless they are kept as livestock or the land is used
for grazing. The keeping of horses in Cardiff is very widespread, so that land
used for grazing, recreation and associated development such as stabling,
ménages, fencing, lighting, and car parking is already having a considerable
impact on the character of Cardiff’s countryside. Whilst it is accepted that these
horse related uses can only be accommodated in the countryside, not all locations
within the countryside are necessarily appropriate. The overall impact of such
proposals will be assessed against the criteria set out in national guidance.

5.73 Additionally there has been an increase in the number of applications for kennels
and catteries. Applications for the siting of kennels and catteries outside the
curtilage of a dwelling house i.e. in a separate field or paddock will also be subject
to the tests set out in national guidance.

5.74 There is continuing pressure on the countryside in terms of residential

development; however the LDP has identified sufficient land to meet the
foreseeable residential need over the Plan period. As such, new residential
development will not normally be permitted in the countryside unless it is justified
for agricultural or forestry purposes or other rural enterprises. In these instances,
applicants should refer to PPW, 2014 and TAN 6: Planning for Sustainable Rural
Communities (paragraph 4.3 – 4.4).

5.75 Any new development in the countryside should be designed and located to
minimise their impact, usually within existing clusters of buildings or farm
complexes and/or close to existing infrastructure and public transport. The use
of outdoor space associated with development including hard and soft
landscaping, means of access, car parking and the treatment of boundaries can
all have a significant detrimental effect on the character and quality of the
countryside and will therefore be strictly controlled.

5.76 Supplementary information may need to accompany planning applications,

explaining how the proposal has considered and responded to criteria outlined
in the Policy. Where relevant, information should also be submitted to show how
the proposals respond to National Guidance, including TAN 6 Planning for
Sustainable Rural Communities. Where appropriate, this information should also
explain the reasons for locating the development in the countryside. Significant
development proposals in the countryside will be expected to include a landscape

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

assessment and landscaping scheme in accordance with Policy EN3.


There will be a presumption against conversion, extension and replacement
of buildings in Cardiff’s countryside except where:

a. The proposed conversion is demonstrated to:

i. Be structurally sound and capable of being made so without major

alterations, reconstructing or extensions;
ii. Be possible without materially changing the existing character of the
building or have a harmful effect on the countryside;
iii. Not give rise to a demand for additional buildings; and
iv. Be suitable for the proposed re-use.

b. The proposed extension is demonstrated to:

i. Be the subordinate part of the existing building; and

ii. Respect the scale, character and design of the original part of the building
within its countryside and landscape setting.

c. The proposed replacement building is demonstrated to:

i. Not result in any greater impact on the quality and character of the
surrounding area in terms of its proposed scale and design, including
any residential curtilage;
ii. Be on the footprint of the existing building unless relocation can be
justified in terms of either being part of an existing group or improving
the countryside or landscape setting; and
iii. Not replace any building of architectural, historic or visual merit.

All proposals should be of an appropriate scale and design and be at least

as sympathetic in its setting as the existing building.

5.77 The aim of this Policy is to ensure that conversions, extensions and replacement
of buildings in the countryside conserve the character and quality of Cardiff’s
countryside and natural heritage value, without being unduly restrictive.

Detailed Policies

5.78 The Policy contributes towards Plan objectives which supports the re-use and
adaption of existing rural buildings to help meet the needs of commercial and
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

industrial development, as well as for tourism, sport and recreation. Reference

should also be made to KP3A with regard to the consideration of proposals in
the Green Wedge area.

5.79 The scale and design of some individual buildings is already having a detrimental
effect on the character and quality of Cardiff’s countryside. Although small-scale
extensions, conversions and replacement buildings may be acceptable, all
development in the countryside will be strictly controlled to prevent unacceptable
harm. Where permissions are granted, permitted development rights may also
be removed.

5.80 With regard to conversions, it is recognised that many buildings have and continue
to fall into disrepair meaning that they become unfit for the original purpose they
were intended for. Whilst the re-use and adaptation of such buildings may prevent
existing building stock from going to waste, a balance is required to protect the
character and quality of the countryside. However, proposals for the conversion
of rural buildings will only be permitted where they conform to the criteria set out
above and the other relevant policies of the Plan. In addition to this, any access,
hard-standing, boundary treatment, landscaping or other external features
associated with the proposals should not result in the loss of fields or have a
detrimental impact on the character of the surrounding area.

5.81 In the case of proposed residential conversions, the applicant should demonstrate
that they have made every effort to secure suitable business re-use and that the
application is supported by a statement of the efforts they have made. The creation
of new gardens and garden extensions will not normally be considered appropriate
due to their individual and cumulative detrimental impact on the quality and
character of the countryside and landscape.

5.82 Extensions to existing buildings will also be strictly controlled to limit their individual
and cumulative impact. Proposals for extensions should ensure that the existing
building remains the dominant form. In the case of buildings that have had
previous extensions, the proposals should have regard to the scale and character
of the original part of the building. The tendency to seek successive extensions
to individual buildings will be resisted.

5.83 The demolition and replacement of buildings will generally only be permitted on
the footprint of an existing building or relocated elsewhere on the site where their
scale and design, including residential curtilage, does not result in any greater
impact on the quality and character of the area. The replacement of non-residential
buildings with dwellings will be resisted. In general, the re-use or adaptation of
existing buildings will normally be favoured in preference to new development.
The Natural Environment

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development will not be permitted that would cause unacceptable harm to
the character and quality of the landscape and setting of the city.

Particular priority will be given to protecting, managing and enhancing the

character and quality of the following Special Landscape Areas:

i. St Fagans Lowlands and the Ely Valley;

ii. Garth Hill and Pentyrch Ridges;
iii. Fforest Fawr and Caerphilly Ridge;
iv. Wentloog Levels; and
v. Flat Holm.

A landscape assessment and landscaping scheme will be required for

significant development proposals.

5.84 The aim of this Policy is to ensure that those features of the landscape that
contribute to its character, value, distinctiveness, sense of place, and quality,
with particular priority given to SLAs (as identified on the Proposals Map) are
protected from inappropriate development. It seeks to manage and enhance this
rich asset in order to maintain Cardiff’s unique distinctiveness whilst helping to
mitigate against climate change.

5.85 This Policy applies to the whole county, acknowledging that the urban area also
contains features of landscape importance. When dealing with planning
applications that affect Cardiff’s landscape, unacceptable harm will be assessed
in relation to:

The impact of the proposed development on key features of the landscape

in terms of physical character, vegetation and habitats, land use and
settlement patterns, visual character, historical character and cultural
The need for the proposed development in relation to its impact;
The availability of alternative locations; and
The ability to provide appropriate mitigation measures.

5.86 Wherever possible, development will be expected to maintain and strengthen

positive attributes of the landscape and seek to mitigate or remove, rather than
compound negative influences. Reference should also be made to KP3A with
regard to the consideration of proposals in the Green Wedge area.

Detailed Policies

5.87 The scale, location and design of development proposals should respect their
landscape context. Where large scale development is proposed, or where
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

development may impact significantly on the landscape character or key features

of an area, a landscape assessment should be submitted with the planning
application and, where appropriate, a landscaping scheme.

5.88 Where landscape assessments or landscaping schemes are required they should
set out the impact of the development on key features, landscape character and
qualities and should explain how the design solution proposed addresses both
its positive and negative attributes and associated landscape and visual impacts
effects, including cumulative effects where appropriate. Assessments and
schemes should include the landscape baseline information from all five
LANDMAP layers (Further information can be found at
and should focus on the relevant aspect areas, their descriptions, and evaluations.
Design solutions should clearly demonstrate how the strategic landscape
assessment and site appraisal have informed the detailed design and location
of the development and planting proposals. Schemes should generally be
implemented prior to all or part of the site coming into beneficial use. The
management of landscape features of importance will also be encouraged.

5.89 TACP Consultants were appointed by the Council in September 2007 to undertake
a review of the existing proposed Special Landscape Areas (SLAs) and Landscape
Character Areas (LCAs) previously defined as Combined Aspect Areas, based
on the original Landscape Study of Cardiff undertaken by Atlantic Consultants,
using the LANDMAP methodology developed by the Countryside Council for
Wales. In addition, the St Fagans Lowlands and Ely Valley proposed boundary
took into account the detailed work undertaken by Wardell Armstrong in 2006.

5.90 The 2008 reviews used the updated LANDMAP information methodology system
established in 2003 and as recognised in PPW. A key output from this exercise
has been the preparation of supplementary advice on SLAs including evidence
satisfying the selection and extent of candidate SLA areas with a description of
key landscape characteristics and consideration of five discrete aspect topic
layers: geological landscapes, landscape habitats, visual and sensory landscapes,
historic landscapes and cultural landscapes based upon an all-Wales set of

5.91 SLAs are designated to protect areas that are considered to be important to the
overall landscape of the County due to their visual and sensory, geological,
cultural, historical and habitat landscapes. They are intrinsic to the overall
character of the area and provide a living history of the evolution of the area’s
landscape as well as a cultural backdrop and visual setting.
5.92 Development proposals within SLAs will be assessed against the same criteria
as those set out above. However, greater weight will be given to landscape

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

consideration within SLAs and to the special character and quality of the particular
area. Development proposals will also be required to address any relevant key
issues identified in the Review of Special Landscape Areas and Landscape
Character Areas. In addition landscape assessments and schemes are more
likely to be required to accompany applications for development in these areas.

5.93 Although, SLA designations will not unduly restrict acceptable development in
the countryside, there will be a presumption against urban expansion or other
development within SLAs that would cause unacceptable harm to the character
and quality.

5.94 Quarries, for example, have been included within proposed designations because
they reflect the underlying geology as well as the history of mining within the area
and form a distinctive element of the areas, but settlements lying within SLAs
have been excluded from the proposed designations. Development proposals
within these settlements, or within close proximity to an SLA including allocations
will need to have regard to their potential impact on the character and quality of
the SLA.


The Natural Heritage, character and other key features of Cardiff’s river
corridors will be protected, promoted and enhanced, together with facilitating
sustainable access and recreation.

5.95 The Policy provides a planning framework within which the Council can protect,
promote and enhance the river corridors.

5.96 It will be used as a mechanism to implement the Council’s aims with regards to
the river corridors. The Policy helps to deliver Plan objectives relating to social
needs and natural environment together with according with PPW (Para 5.1, 5.4
and 5.5) which values the importance of the natural heritage of Wales including
non-statutorily designated sites and seeks to conserve and enhance this heritage
in ways which bring benefits to the local community.

5.97 Cardiff contains the four river corridors of the Taff, Ely, Rhymney and Nant Fawr.
They make a unique contribution to the character and form of the city providing
continuous green corridors between the Severn Estuary and the countryside
beyond the urban edge. The watercourses and adjoining open spaces possess
high recreational, biodiversity, historic, cultural and landscape value. Additionally,
they are located close to local communities and offer excellent opportunities for
off-road access routes that can provide part of the wider strategic recreational
routes and everyday network of routes.

Detailed Policies

5.98 This Policy aims to protect and enhance the features of Cardiff’s river corridors,
whilst also facilitating sustainable access and recreation opportunities.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

5.99 The extent of Cardiff’s river corridors within the urban area are illustrated on the
Proposals Map. They include the rivers together with adjoining open space and
other predominantly open land that together form the strategically important
corridor of mixed open spaces that run through the heart of the urban area. The
Policy also applies to the river corridors outside the urban area (as defined by
the settlement boundaries). Such land is protected from inappropriate development
through other Policies. However, this Policy will also apply and aims to ensure
the strategic role played by the river corridors is continued from the urban area,
through the surrounding countryside up to the County boundary. In this respect
it is considered inappropriate to designate an arbitrary boundary to a notional
river corridor running through farmland. Any proposals will be assessed to ensure
the aims of this Policy are met and not prejudiced.

5.100 This Policy provides a planning framework within which the Council can protect,
promote and enhance the river corridors. It will be used as a mechanism to
implement the council’s aims with regards to the river corridors and will be used
in conjunction with the River Valleys Initiative that was established in 2004/ 05
in order to develop a more joined up approach to the planning and management
of Cardiff’s river valleys. The River Valleys Initiative brings together a wide range
of organisations who have roles to undertake within the river valleys. One of the
key outcomes of this process to date is an agreement to develop Action Plans
for each of the three main river valleys. Action Plans have been prepared and
are implemented, monitored and reviewed in partnership with a wide range of
organisations, overseen by a steering group. There are River Corridor Action
Plans for the Ely Valley, Taff Corridor and Rhymney Valley and Nant Fawr
Corridor. Projects that implement the objectives set out in the Action Plans, and
Cardiff’s Countryside Strategy are undertaken by a variety of organisations,
individually and in partnership using funding from a range of sources, including
the partnership programme with the Natural Resources Wales, other Cardiff
Council funding and planning obligations.

5.101 Proposals for development within the river corridors will be assessed against
other relevant policies in the Plan. New development within, or adjacent to the
river corridors may be required to contribute to projects which help to achieve
the objectives set out in the River Corridor Action Plans. Where appropriate,
planning obligations may be required in accordance with Policies relating to the
provision of new infrastructure.

5.102 Progress on achieving this Policy will be monitored through the existing River
Valley Action Plans process which can in turn inform the wider LDP monitoring.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development will not be permitted that would cause unacceptable harm to
sites of international or national nature conservation importance.

Development proposals that would affect locally designated sites of nature

conservation and geological importance should maintain or enhance the
nature conservation and/or geological importance of the designation. Where
this is not the case and the need for the development outweighs the
conservation importance of the site, it should be demonstrated that there is
no satisfactory alternative location for the development which avoids nature
conservation impacts, and compensation measures designed to ensure that
there is no reduction in the overall nature conservation value of the area or

5.103 The purpose of Policy is to ensure that the Council fulfils its obligations in respect
of protecting sites of nature conservation importance from harmful development.

5.104 Where development is proposed which may have an effect on a site of

international or national importance for nature conservation, sufficient information
will be required of all applicants to enable a full assessment of the proposal to
be carried out. The need for such assessments will not be limited to development
located within the designated areas as, depending on the nature of the
development and of the nature conservation interest, significant effects may occur
even if the development is some distance away.

5.105 Assessment of unacceptable harm will be in accordance with the criteria set out
in the legislation which establishes the sites of international or national importance
for nature conservation, and which are expanded upon in Chapter 5 of Planning
Policy Wales (2012) and Sections 5.3, 5.4 and Annex 3 of Technical Advice Note
(Wales) 5: Nature Conservation and Planning (2009).

5.106 In the case of developments required to be assessed under the Conservation of

Habitats & Species Regulations 2010 (as amended), where an initial determination
of likely significance has indicated that the proposal may be likely to have a
significant effect, or the decision as to whether or not the development would
have a significant effect on the designated site is inconclusive, an appropriate
assessment under Regulation 61(1) will be required and further information may
be required from the applicant or other parties.

5.107 Where development proposals may be likely to result in disturbance or harm to

a European or UK protected species or its habitat, additional information will be
requested of applicants

Detailed Policies

5.108 If planning permission is granted it may be the subject of appropriate conditions,

or management agreements or planning obligations will be sought to secure
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

appropriate protection, monitoring, mitigation or compensation and favourable


5.109 The network of SSSIs/SACs/SPAs and Ramsar Sites alone is not sufficient to
maintain the biodiversity of Cardiff. It is therefore important to identify other locally
designated wildlife sites such as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
(SINCs) and Local Nature Reserves (LNRs). Cardiff currently has 177 SINCs
and 6 LNRs.

5.110 Geological and geomorphological sites of importance that do not merit notification
as a SSSI may also be designated as a SINC or Regionally Important Geological
Site (RIGS). Such sites define the most important places for geology and
geomorphology outside those that are statutorily protected. Geological sites within
Cardiff will be designated during the Plan period. The aim of this Policy is to
protect the LNRs, SINCs and RIGS referred to above.

5.111 The Policy will contribute to the protection and enhancement of Biodiversity
interests in accordance with Policy EN6 and will work towards delivering the
Plan’s objective of protecting and enhancing features of Cardiff’s natural
environment and heritage.

5.112 Chapter 5 of PPW and TAN 5 provide guidance on planning policies to protect
biodiversity interests. In accordance with this guidance, the Council will carefully
assess proposals for development affecting non-statutory and locally designated
sites by evaluating whether:

the need for the proposed development is considered to outweigh the

importance of the particular nature conservation interest and any harm likely
to be caused to it;
the proposed development can be more satisfactorily accommodated
and appropriate mitigation or compensation measures are proposed.

5.113 Where development is proposed which may have an effect on a non-statutory

or locally designated site, sufficient information will be required from all applicants
to enable a full assessment of the proposals to be carried out. The need for such
assessments will not be limited to development located within the designated
areas as, depending on the nature of the development and the nature conservation
interest, significant effects may occur even if the proposed development is located
some distance from the conservation interest. The required assessments,
including ecological surveys, will need to be undertaken at the appropriate time
of the year. Further guidance will be available in the Biodiversity SPG.
5.114 Where planning permission is granted, it may be the subject of appropriate
conditions or management agreements to ensure suitable protection, monitoring,

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

mitigation or compensation and favourable management. Where compensatory
provision is required, it should be of the same standard and size to that lost as
a result of the development. In such cases, details of the type and level of
provision will be provided, and agreed by the case officer, prior to determination
of the planning application. This may also be required for outline planning
applications where appropriate. Where necessary, planning obligations may be
sought in accordance with Policy KP7.

5.115 SINCs will be measured in accordance with the annual review of SINCs and
additionally reported on in the LDP Annual Monitoring Report.

5.116 The Designated Sites identified in this Policy are defined on the Constraints Map
and listed in Appendix 7. (It should be noted that although this information is
accurate at the time of adoption, potential changes to designated areas are
possible over the plan period. The Council will keep an up to date record of the
boundaries of all designated sites which can be accessed via the Council website.


Development will only be permitted if it does not cause unacceptable harm

i. Landscape features of importance for wild flora and fauna, including

wildlife corridors and ‘stepping stones’ which enable the dispersal and
functioning of protected and priority species;
ii. Networks of importance for landscape or nature conservation.

Particular priority will be given to the protection, enlargement, connectivity

and management of the overall nature of semi natural habitats. Where this is
not the case and the need for the development outweighs the nature
conservation importance of the site, it should be demonstrated that there is
no satisfactory alternative location for the development and compensatory
provision will be made of comparable ecological value to that lost as a result
of the development.

5.117 This Policy aims to protect Cardiff’s ecological networks and landscape features
that are important for biodiversity. It accords with Policy KP16 by protecting and
enhancing Cardiff’s natural heritage, including its biodiversity. The Policy also
contributes to the aims and objectives of the Plan by ensuring that Cardiff’s
biodiversity and abundance of wildlife habitats and native species are protected
and enhanced.

Detailed Policies

5.118 Wild species, whether legally protected or not, are often widely dispersed in the
landscape, with significant populations being isolated from each other. In such
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

cases, landscape features may provide wildlife corridors for some species, as
well as links or ‘stepping-stones’ between habitats. Whilst it is crucial to maintain
and enhance a network of sites to safeguard current levels of biodiversity, this
cannot be achieved without also safeguarding and managing the intervening
habitats and areas.

5.119 The protection, management and enhancement of ecological networks are

identified as being particularly important in Article 10 of the EU Habitats Directive.
Regulation 39(3) of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010
(as amended) requires planning authorities to encourage the positive management
of landscape features which make up this network and are of importance for wild
flora and fauna. This is also reinforced in PPW in that it advises LDP's to
safeguard and manage landscape features of major importance for nature

5.120 For the purposes of this Policy, features of the landscape which are of importance
for wild flora and fauna are those, by virtue of their linear and continuous structure
(such as rivers with their banks or the traditional systems of marking field
boundaries) or their function as stepping stones (such as ponds or small woods),
that are essential for the migration, dispersal and genetic exchange of wild

5.121 Where development is proposed which may cause unacceptable harm to such
networks or features, information will be required of all applicants to enable a full
assessment of the proposal to be carried out. Such assessments, including
ecological surveys will need to be undertaken at the appropriate time of year.
Further guidance will be available in the Biodiversity SPG.

5.122 If there are overriding material planning considerations in favour of development,

then the Council will seek to secure reasonable measures from developers to
minimise or offset any impacts or loss of habitat features or species present on
a site. Such measures will be agreed prior to the commencement of development
and will be secured through appropriate planning conditions and/or planning
obligations. Planning Obligations will be secured in accordance with Policy KP7.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development proposals that would have a significant adverse effect on the
continued viability of habitats and species which are legally protected or
which are identified as priorities in the UK or Local Biodiversity Action Plan
will only be permitted where:

i. The need for development outweighs the nature conservation importance

of the site;
ii. The developer demonstrates that there is no satisfactory alternative
location for the development which avoids nature conservation impacts;
iii. Effective mitigation measures are provided by the developer.

Where harm is unavoidable it should be minimised by effective mitigation to

ensure that there is no reduction in the overall nature conservation value of
the area. Where this is not possible compensation measures designed to
conserve, enhance, manage and, where appropriate, restore natural habitats
and species should be provided.

5.123 This Policy is in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Plan by protecting
and enhancing the features of Cardiff’s natural heritage, including its biodiversity
and abundance of wildlife habitats and native species. More specifically, it will
help protect the current Priority Habitats and Species as defined in the Local
Biodiversity Action Plan 2008. The Policy also helps to deliver Policy KP16.

5.124 The presence of a species protected under European or UK legislation is a

material consideration in considering development proposals which would be
likely to result in disturbance or harm to the species or its habitat. Appropriate
surveys to confirm if a protected species is present and an assessment of the
likely impact of the development on a protected species may therefore be required
from applicants. Thereafter the development proposals will be assessed in
accordance with criteria set out in sections 5.5.11 and 5.5.12 of Planning Policy
Wales 2012 and Chapter 6 of Technical Advice Note (Wales) 5: Nature
Conservation and Planning (2009).

5.125 Development proposals that have the potential to cause a significant adverse
effect on priority habitats and species will need to be accompanied by an
ecological survey and an assessment of the likely impact of the development on
the protected species. The need for such assessments will be undertaken at the
appropriate time of year. Further guidance will be available in the Biodiversity

Detailed Policies

5.126 In considering any significant adverse effect on the Priority Habitat or Species,
the Council will look at:
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The current distribution and status of the priority habitat or species within
Cardiff as informed by the Cardiff Biological Database as well as other
sources of data that may be relevant, accurate and practical to use for such
purposes in the future;
Whether the development proposals are likely to have a significant effect on
the priority habitats/ species; and
Whether effective mitigation measures have been provided.

5.127 Where planning permission is granted, the Council may attach conditions or enter
into agreements that would overcome the potentially damaging effects of
development on the habitats or species of conservation importance. The Council
will encourage the applicant to identify and include measures that contribute to
the restoration or expansion of important habitats, and these will be set out in
the landscaping and planting conditions that accompany the planning permission.
Any planning obligations required will be in accordance with Policy KP7.

5.128 Where there is a significant adverse effect on a significant population of the

Priority Habitat or Species and where planning conditions and/ or planning
obligations cannot adequately protect the interest, it may be necessary to refuse
development proposals.

5.129 Priority Habitats and Species are monitored as part of the 3 yearly review of the
UK and Local Biodiversity Action Plans.


Development will not be permitted that would cause unacceptable harm to
trees, woodlands and hedgerows of significant public amenity, natural or
cultural heritage value, or that contribute significantly to mitigating the effects
of climate change.

5.130 The purpose of the Policy is to protect trees, woodlands and hedgerows with
natural heritage or amenity value.

5.131 It responds to Plan objectives relating to the natural environment and climate
change and accords with PPW which emphasises the protection and preservation
of trees and woodlands against inappropriate development.

5.132 Trees, woodlands and hedgerows offer multiple benefits, including visual amenity,
defining a sense of place, providing places for relaxation and recreation, habitats
for wildlife, improved health and wellbeing and mitigating the effects of climate
change. To maintain these benefits, the protection and enhancement of a
sustainable urban forest is critical. A sustainable urban forest adapted to meet
the challenges of climate change and exotic pest and disease outbreaks will

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

contain a diverse age range and species mix of trees, though large, long-lived
trees will be favoured for protection and planting due to the increased benefits
they offer in mitigating the effects of climate change.

5.133 In order to determine unacceptable harm to trees, woodland and hedgerows

within or bounding a site, applicants must assess them in accordance with the
current British Standard 5837. The assessment must inform design, and in
considering hedgerows, regard will be given to their landscape, historical and
ecological value, as well as their function as boundaries. Further guidance and
advice will be contained in SPG relating to Trees and development.

5.134 The value of trees, woodlands and hedgerows in sequestering carbon and
mitigating the effects of climate change will be ascertained partly by the British
Standard 5837 assessment, and partly by how effectively they are integrated
into a sustainable urban forest as defined in paragraph 5.132.

5.135 To prevent damage to trees, woodlands and hedgerows during development,

schemes of protection will normally be required, in accordance with the current
British Standard 5837.

5.136 Trees are the largest and longest living organisms in Cardiff. When considering
developments that may affect them, regard will be given to potential short and
long-term impacts. Where trees are lost, new planting will be sought that is
provided with sufficient usable soil volume, aeration and irrigation to ensure
healthy long-term growth. Although younger trees are more easily replaced, the
Council will seek to ensure that sufficient young trees survive to maturity, having
regard to the number of developments that may occur during their natural lifespan.
Proposals that create spaces for larger tree species to grow to maturity will be
favoured over proposals for scattered smaller trees.

5.137 Ancient woodlands are irreplaceable habitats of high biodiversity value which will
be protected from development that would result in significant damage. Veteran
trees and ancient hedgerows cannot be recreated and developments will be
expected to retain them. Where appropriate, Tree Preservation Orders will be
served to protect important amenity trees from removal or harm. The amenity
value of trees will be assessed in accordance with government guidance and
nationally recognised systems of amenity evaluation.

Detailed Policies

The Historic Environment

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


Development relating to any of the heritage assets listed below (or their
settings) will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that it preserves
or enhances that asset’s architectural quality, historic and cultural
significance, character, integrity and/or setting.

i. Scheduled Ancient Monuments;

ii. Listed Buildings and their curtilage structures;
iii. Conservation Areas;
iv. Archaeologically Sensitive Areas;
v. Registered Historic Landscapes, Parks and Gardens; or
vi. Locally Listed Buildings of Merit and other historic features of interest
that positively contribute to the distinctiveness of the city.

5.138 This Policy aims to set out the criteria against which proposals affecting Cardiff’s
heritage assets will be assessed. The Heritage assets identified in this Policy are
defined on the Constraints Map and in Appendix 6 with the exception of Statutory
Listed Buildings and Locally Listed Buildings of Merit which can be viewed on
the Council website.

5.139 It should be noted that although this information is accurate at the time of adoption,
potential changes to designated areas are possible over the plan period. The
Council will keep an up to date record of the boundaries of all designated sites
which can be accessed via the Council website.

5.140 Occasionally built heritage will be a constraint, the need for preservation
outweighing the benefit of development. More often, a heritage asset will be an
opportunity for retaining local identity through the repair and reuse of historic
assets and strengthening this through respect for local characteristics of design,
for the interpretation of hidden heritage assets, or for the enhancement of the
characteristic natural environment. All new developments within historic areas
should be designed in such a way as to preserve or enhance their special

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

5.141 PPW, Chapter 3 Conserving the Historic Environment and Welsh Office Circular
60/96: Planning and the Historic Environment: Archaeology (scheduled to be
replaced by a Technical Advice Note within the plan period) set out clear
statements of national development management policy for archaeological
remains and should be referred to accordingly.
Listed Buildings

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

5.142 Once a building is listed (or is subject to a Building Preservation Notice) no work
to the interior or exterior of the building, or to structures within its curtilage, that
would affect the special architectural or historic interest of the building can be
undertaken without Listed Building Consent. This can include work that would
not require planning permission under the provisions of the Planning Acts.

5.143 Listed building control is subject to the provisions of the Planning (Listed Buildings
& Conservation Areas) Act 1990. Advice is set out in Circular 61/96 (scheduled
to be replaced by a Technical Advice Note within the plan period). There is no
statutory requirement to have regard to the provisions of the development plan
when considering an application for listed building consent. It is strongly
recommended, however, that owners or developers seek early advice from the
Council prior to undertaking any works or making an application for listed building

5.144 Where Policy EN9 is particularly relevant is in the case of development that
affects the setting of a listed building or in the consideration of an associated
planning application for a change of use.

5.145 Listed building consent is not required if the development is beyond the curtilage
of the listed building and only affects its setting. However, considerable damage
can be done to the architectural or historic interest of the listed building if the
development is insensitive in design, scale or positioning. The setting of a listed
building is often an essential feature of its character. The setting may be limited
to the immediate surroundings, but it can extend for a considerable distance. A
proposed development might affect the gardens or parkland of a major house,
the rural characteristics of a farmstead or the street setting of an urban building
that forms an important visual element of that street. Policy EN9 requires that
development proposals take full account of the setting of any listed building in
the vicinity and that developers demonstrate that the setting will not be harmed.

5.146 In terms of associated planning applications for changes of use of a listed building,
the Council will expect applicants to demonstrate how their proposals have been
arrived at in the context of the PPW aim to identify the optimum viable use that
is compatible with the character and setting of the listed building.

Conservation Areas

5.147 The adopted series of Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) documents seek to
provide a sound basis for managing development proposals and for progressing
initiatives to preserve and enhance each conservation area, in line with advice

Detailed Policies

in PPW and Circular 61/96. The documents were adopted following extensive
local consultation and provide a clear and agreed definition of those elements
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

which contribute to the special character and historic interest of the area.

5.148 The findings of the CAAs need to be fully taken into account when considering
development proposals. The design and access statement accompanying any
application for planning permission should, where relevant, clearly set out how
the development preserves or enhances the conservation area. In the assessment
of planning applications, the Council will wherever feasible seek to enhance the
special character of each area as defined and promoted by each adopted CAA.

5.149 It is recommended that owners or developers seek early advice from the Council
prior to making an application for demolition or development within a conservation

5.150 The Council will continue to review its conservation area designations, boundaries
and CAAs as required and against recognised national criteria in PPW and
Circular 61/96, in addition to those characteristics identified within the approved
Conservation Area Strategy (Sept 1997) to determine whether an area is of
special interest.

Archaeologically Sensitive Areas

5.151 Four archaeologically sensitive areas have been identified in Cardiff. The purpose
of this non-statutory designation is to assist those who are planning development
in areas where there is a known archaeological resource or where it is likely that
remains may be sensitive to development pressures. SPG on Archaeologically
Sensitive Areas will provide further guidance and information.

Registered Historic Landscapes Parks and Gardens

5.152 The landscapes, parks and gardens on the register have no statutory protection,
but they must be taken into account when development proposals are made that
either affect them directly or that affect their setting.

Locally Listed Buildings of Merit and other historic features of interest

5.153 Many buildings, structures and archaeological remains that do not meet the very
special criteria to merit scheduling or inclusion on the statutory list are
nevertheless of value to the identity of the city for their contribution to local built
character and/or social and historical associations.

5.154 Heritage and culture is an important social aspect and contributes to creating
places where people want to live and work. Historic assets can create focal points
and are useful in identifying the vernacular characteristics of an area that create
distinctive places. Restoration and re-use is also a basic principle of developing
sustainably. Standing buildings represent an investment of material and embodied
energy that should not be ignored. Their removal, disposal and subsequent site

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

works require further energy and creates waste.

5.155 These assets may be noted within the Council’s list of buildings of local merit,
embodied in the unscheduled archaeological record maintained by the Glamorgan
Gwent Archaeological Trust or may yet to be registered or listed but still worthy
of retention for their contribution to local character or identity.

5.156 While inclusion on the local list does not currently afford any additional statutory
protection to the buildings, it is the intention of Policy EN9 to ensure that full
consideration is given to the conservation and continued use of such buildings,
as part of the protection and enhancement of the special identity of Cardiff.

Natural Resources


Development should apply water sensitive urban design solutions (the process
of integrating water cycle management with the built environment through
planning and urban design). To include the management of:

i. Water demand and supply;

ii. Waste water and pollution;
iii. Rainfall and runoff;
iv. Watercourses and water resource;
v. Flooding; and
vi. Water pathways.

5.157 Increasing pressures on urban drainage systems and challenges of water

management highlight the need to redress the balance of the water cycle. Recent
climate change studies have identified that Wales can expect more extreme
weather events including an increase in the frequency of intense rainfall. Natural
Resources Wales and Welsh Water support these findings.

5.158 There is a need for an approach where the whole urban water cycle is
incorporated into a holistic system. Water sensitive design focuses on managing
water locally and reducing demands on the strategic network.

5.159 Such examples of integrated water cycle management include Sustainable Urban
Drainage Systems (SUDS); water recycling; and the holistic integration of surface
water systems designed into the development layout, as well as into networks
of green spaces applicable at a range of spatial scales, such as gardens, green
roofs, streets, car parks and river corridors.

Detailed Policies

5.160 There is a need for all those involved in the water industry and built environment
to work together to create a sustainable strategy for expanding the water
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

ecosystem whilst providing opportunities for wildlife, adaptable landscapes, health

and exercise. Implementation of this Policy, which is aimed in part at improving
water resource use efficiency, will counteract increases in water demand arising
from the implementation of other policies in the Plan, thereby avoiding likely
significant effect upon the River Usk and River Wye SACs.

5.161 The benefits of a water sensitive urban design initiative are; reduction of flood
risk; security of water supply; better watercourse health, more affordable water
bills; improved health and well-being, celebration of environment, local character
and community; delivery of green infrastructure and efficiencies; creation of
attractive places and improved ecosystem health.


Development will not be permitted that would cause unacceptable harm to
the quality or quantity of underground, surface or coastal waters.

5.162 This Policy expands on Policy KP18 and its purpose is to maintain and enhance
the quality and quantity of water resources, including rivers, lakes, ponds and
other water bodies, which are important for a wide range of uses and users. Poor
and deteriorating water quality and compromised water quantity can affect the
supply of water resources for industrial and domestic consumption, fisheries,
amenity, recreation and nature conservation.

5.163 The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) establishes a strategic approach

to water management and a common means of protecting and setting
environmental objectives for all ground waters and surface waters. It aims to
protect and restore clean water and ensure its long-term sustainable use. PPW
emphasises that planning controls should be used to prevent the location of
incompatible land uses and development close to potential sources of pollution.

5.164 Development will only be allowed where provision is made for the necessary
infrastructure to protect water quality and quantity. Planning permission may be
granted subject to conditions to secure the necessary measures, or developers
may be required to enter into planning obligations. Applications that cannot
provide adequate protection of watercourses, ground and surface water will be
refused. New development that:

Poses an unacceptable risk to ground water or water courses;

Poses an unacceptable risk of ground water pollution, depletion or
obstruction; and
Incorporates inappropriate measures to prevent pollution
will be refused planning permission, unless appropriate measures to prevent
pollution can be incorporated into the development proposal.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

5.165 Future development will be limited to areas where adequate water resources
exist or they can be reasonably provided without adversely affecting existing
abstractions, river flows, water quality, agriculture, fisheries, amenity or nature
conservation and where provision coincides with the timing of development.
Existing groundwater and river levels must be maintained, and water pollution
must be avoided.

5.166 Natural Resources Wales is responsible for protecting and improving the water
environment. The Council will consult NRW and Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels
Internal Drainage Board, where necessary, on any proposal that is likely to affect
the supply of water, the quality of water, or is likely to be affected by, or cause
flooding. Levels of impact and risk will be assessed through consultation with
these bodies.

5.167 Planning permission will not be granted for development that, in the opinion of
the Council, following consultation with NRW and the Caldicot and Wentlooge
Levels Internal Drainage Board, would adversely affect the quality, quantity or
supply of surface water or groundwater as a result of:

The nature of the surface or waste water discharge; or

Unsatisfactory agreements for the disposal of foul sewerage, trade effluent
or surface water; or
The spillage or leakage of stored oil or chemicals.

5.168 Planning permission will not be granted for developments involving local
abstraction of surface or ground water which, in the opinion of the Council,
following consultation with Natural Resources Wales and the Caldicot and
Wentlooge Levels Internal Drainage Board, would:

Increase requirements for water, unless an adequate water supply already

exists or would be provided in time to serve the development; or
Pose an unacceptable risk to the current supply of water uses.

5.169 Developments that improve the quality of the water environment or help to prevent
water pollution or flooding will be favoured. Implementation of this Policy, which
is aimed in part at improving water resource use efficiency, will counteract
increases in water demand arising from implementation of other policies in the
Plan, thereby avoiding likely significant effect upon the River Usk and River Wye

Detailed Policies

Renewable Energy
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


Development proposals are required to maximise the potential for renewable

The Council will encourage developers of major and strategic sites to

incorporate schemes which generate energy from renewable and low carbon
technologies. This includes opportunities to minimise carbon emissions
associated with the heating, cooling and power systems for new development.
An independent energy assessment investigating the financial viability and
technical feasibility of incorporating such schemes will be required to support

5.170 The UK government has committed to sourcing 15% of its energy from renewable
sources by 2020. Modelling undertaken on behalf of the Department for Energy
and Climate Change (DECC) (UK Renewable Energy Strategy (DECC, 2009)
suggests that by 2020, this could mean that more than 30% of our electricity and
12% of our heat, mat be generated from renewable sources. These targets are
presented as the lead scenario, which relies on strong, co-ordinated effects from
several sectors including local authorities.

5.171 PPW enables Local Planning Authorities to assess strategic sites to identify
opportunities to require higher sustainable building standards (including zero
carbon) where requirements are demonstrated to be evidence-based and viable.
Particular reference is made to opportunities for minimising carbon emissions
associated with the heating, cooling and power systems. This includes utilising
new or existing low and zero carbon energy supply systems (such as district
heating systems), encouraging the development of new opportunities to supply
proposed and existing development, and maximising opportunities to co-locate
potential heat customers and suppliers.

5.172 In preparing the LDP, Cardiff Council has undertaken a Renewable Energy
Assessment (REA). The REA aims to identify the potential energy capacity of
renewable and low carbon technologies in the local authority area and consider
the contribution these can make towards Cardiff’s future heat and electricity
energy requirements. The REA was prepared in accordance with the Welsh
Government Practice Guidance “Planning for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy
– A Toolkit for Planners”. Findings within the REA suggest that by 2020 the
percentage of Cardiff’s electricity and heat met by renewable energy sources is
likely to be 24% and 6% respectively. Both of these figures are below the guide
targets in the UK Renewable Energy Strategy. The REA (and future updates)
can assist in identifying which renewable energy technologies may be appropriate

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

in particular locations.

5.173 The co-location of high density and mixed-use development can present significant
opportunities for utilising renewable and low carbon technologies, including energy
supply systems. Both major development sites and the identified strategic sites
will form a large percentage of future development in Cardiff and are likely to
play a significant role in Cardiff meeting its renewable energy potential identified
in the REA. Major development sites are taken to be those of 100 dwellings and
above, or, commercial developments of 1,000 square metres or more.

5.174 Developers are expected to submit an independent energy assessment

investigating the financial viability and technical feasibility of incorporating such
schemes. Statements should be submitted at the planning application stage to
ensure that any viability assessment reflects technological developments and
economic circumstances. Developers should refer to the Council’s REA and
Preliminary Heat Opportunities Plan in undertaking their energy assessments to
identify possible opportunities for renewable and low carbon technologies. In
implementing this Policy it is expected that developers follow the energy hierarchy
as advocated by national policy (TAN 12). Further guidance in relation to energy
assessments will be issued in the form of SPG. This will specify what is expected
of developers to meet the requirement of Policy EN12.

5.175 PPW contains national policy relating to climate responsive development and
specifies the current sustainable building standards in Wales. Section 12.10.1
contains national development management policy in relation to planning
applications for renewable and low carbon energy development and associated
infrastructure. Accordingly, developers should refer to this for further guidance.
Implementation of this Policy, which promotes incorporation of renewable energy
generation, will also reduce emission of aerial pollutants, thereby offsetting
increases in aerial emissions arising from implementation of other policies in the
Plan. This would contribute to avoiding significant effects upon European Sites.



Development will not be permitted where it would cause or result in
unacceptable harm to health, local amenity, the character and quality of the
countryside, or interests of nature conservation, landscape or built heritage
importance because of air, noise, light pollution or the presence of
unacceptable levels of land contamination.

Detailed Policies

5.176 The purposes of the Policy are to ensure that:

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Developments that would generate unacceptable levels of air, noise or light

pollution are appropriately located and controlled;
Incompatible land uses and development are not located close to potential
sources of pollution; and
Developments are suitable for the proposed end use and that any actual or
potential land contamination can be overcome, thereby ensuring that there
is no unacceptable harm to human health or the environment.

5.177 PPW emphasises that whilst planning controls should be used to control the
above matters, they should not be used to control matters that are the proper
concern of pollution control regimes.

5.178 Poor air quality can harm people’s health, quality of life and amenity, as well as
nature conservation and built heritage interests. Poor air quality is a problem in
certain areas of Cardiff. Current air quality assessments have identified four areas
of the County where statutory air quality standards are being exceeded. The
Council has identified these as Air Quality Management Areas:

Cardiff City Centre;

Ely Bridge;
Stephenson Court, Newport Road; and
Cardiff Road, Llandaff.

5.179 These areas suffer from high levels of pollution caused by road traffic. As part
of its statutory monitoring of air quality within the city the Council will annually
review air quality and may revoke or declare additional Air Quality Management
Areas as appropriate. In determining planning applications, consideration will be
given to a development’s likely effect in terms of air pollution it may cause directly,
but also in terms of any increase or decrease in traffic it may generate.

5.180 Where a development is likely to affect air quality significantly (i.e. where air
quality standards are, or are likely to be breached or a new residential
development gives rise to the need for a new Air Quality Management Area to
be declared by introducing residents to areas where air quality standards are
already being breached) then an application may be approved subject to
conditions mitigating its impact on air quality, or refused where appropriate.

5.181 Noise can have a harmful impact on people’s health and quality of life.
Developments such as housing, schools and hospitals can be particularly sensitive
to noise, as can areas of landscape, nature or built heritage importance. Where
possible, new developments that are particularly noise-sensitive should be located
away from existing or proposed sources of significant noise. This assessment
can be informed by information on noise complaints being collated by the Council

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

as part of an on-going initiative to reduce noise nuisance.

5.182 Major transport routes (road, rail and air) and some industrial and commercial
activities can generate particularly high noise levels. There is specific guidance
within TAN 11 that specifies Noise Exposure Categories that assists with proposed
residential development near transport related noise.

5.183 In addition to this, Welsh Government as part of its statutory duties under the
Environmental Noise Directive has designated areas within Cardiff Noise Action
Planning Priority Action Areas. The aim of the Directive is to define a common
approach intended to avoid, prevent or reduce on a prioritised basis the harmful
effects, including annoyance, due to exposure to environmental noise. The
Directive defines environmental noise as unwanted or harmful outdoor sound
created by human activities, including noise emitted by means of transport, road
traffic, rail traffic, air traffic, and from sites of industrial activity.

5.184 Under the Regulations, the Welsh Ministers had an obligation to make strategic
noise maps for:

agglomerations (large urban areas with populations of more than 100,000);

major roads (those with more than three million vehicle passages per year);
major railways (those with more than 30,000 train passages per year).

5.185 The noise maps have been published by the Welsh Government.

5.186 Mitigating noise issues after they have arisen can be a lot more expensive than
avoiding them in the first place. It is therefore desirable to seek interventions that
bring multiple benefits, such as reducing people’s exposure to air pollutants,
making buildings more energy-efficient, encouraging safer driving or improving
the road surface for drivers and cyclists at the same time as decreasing noise

5.187 A current list of Noise Action Planning Priority Areas is available on the Welsh
Government website.

5.188 Special consideration is required where noise-generating development is proposed

in or near special areas such as urban quiet areas, which are tranquil urban green
spaces designated by the Welsh Government under the Environmental Noise

5.189 There are currently 6 quiet areas within Cardiff, namely:

Heath Park;

Detailed Policies

Park Cae Delyn;

Roath Park;
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Roath Park Pleasure Garden;

Roath Park Recreational Ground; and
Thompson Park.

5.190 There are a further 6 candidate quiet areas in Cardiff which the Welsh Government
are currently consulting upon, these are:

Bute Park;
Fairwater Park;
Insole Court;
Llanishen Park;
Splott Park; and
Victoria Park.

5.191 Quiet Areas have been designated as part of the implementation of the
Environmental Noise Directive.

5.192 Necessary new development that would give rise to high noise levels, including
proposed transport schemes, should be located and designed so as to minimise
their noise impact. Where noise-sensitive development needs to be located close
to transport infrastructure for access reasons, it should be designed to reduce
noise impact. Where necessary, developers will be required to provide an
assessment of noise impact, together with proposals for mitigation.

5.193 The provision of lighting can help prevent crime and the fear of crime, enhance
safety and security, and facilitate some sport and recreational activities. However,
it can also be intrusive, cause glare and have a harmful impact on natural and
built heritage assets, the amenity of neighbouring land uses and traffic safety.

5.194 Where new lighting constitutes development (e.g. floodlighting) it is principally

controlled through the planning system. Planning permission can be refused if
the design of proposed lighting systems is not considered satisfactory in order
to prevent light pollution. Where necessary, planning permission will be
conditioned to ensure that the design and operation of lighting systems are
satisfactory and/or to prevent light pollution.

5.195 As detailed in PPW, where significant contamination is likely to be present, the

local planning authority will require evidence of a detailed investigation and risk
assessment prior to the determination of the application to enable beneficial use
of land. Where acceptable remedial measures can overcome such contamination,
planning permission may be granted subject to conditions specifying the necessary
measures. If contamination cannot be overcome satisfactorily, the authority may
refuse planning permission.
5.196 The onus will remain with the developer to ensure that the development of the
site will not result in designation as a site with land contamination under Part 2A

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, thus ensuring the land is suitable for
its proposed use.

Flood Risk


Development will not be permitted:

i. Within tidal or fluvial flood plains unless it can be demonstrated that the
site is justified in line with national guidance and an appropriate detailed
technical assessment has been undertaken to ensure that the
development is designed to alleviate the threat and consequences of
flooding over its lifetime;
ii. Where it would increase the risk of flooding from fluvial and/or tidal
flooding or from additional run-off from the development in any location;
iii. Where it would hinder future maintenance or improvement schemes of
flood defences and watercourses;
iv. Where it would cause adverse effects on the integrity of tidal or fluvial
v. Where ground floor bedrooms are proposed in areas at high risk of

Where appropriate the developer should demonstrate that they have

considered the need to incorporate environmentally sympathetic flood risk
mitigation measures such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).

5.197 The purpose of this Policy is to avert development from where it would be at risk
from river, ordinary watercourse, coastal, surface water flooding or where it would
increase the risk of flooding or additional run off from development elsewhere.

5.198 The Policy will help deliver LDP objectives relating to flood risk and reflects advice
set out in PPW and Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk (July

5.199 TAN15 states that the development advice maps are based on the best available
information considered sufficient to determine when flood risk issues need to be
taken into account in planning future development. Development advice zones
C1 and C2 of the maps show high flood risk areas and are based on Natural
Resources Wales extreme flood outlines for tidal and fluvial flooding. These areas
are shown on the Constraints Map based on information from the latest
development advice maps (2015).

Detailed Policies

5.200 The Council is required to consult Natural Resources Wales and Caldicot and
Wentloog Levels Internal Drainage Board on planning applications that have any
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

flooding implications. It must have good reasons if it does not intend to follow
Natural Resource Wales advice as it forms a material consideration.

5.201 The Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) that was introduced in 2010,
places a duty on Cardiff Council to prepare a Local Flood Risk Management
Strategy (LFRMS) that sets out how the Council will proactively seek to minimise
flood risk and prepare our communities.

5.202 Cardiff Council is now a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) as defined by the
new Flood and Water Management Act 2010. The FWMA aims to provide better,
more comprehensive management of flood risk for people, homes and businesses.
This role includes ensuring that flood risk from all sources is suitably managed
and aims to promote an integrated approach to planning and managing all forms
of flood risk.

5.203 Cardiff Council in general are opposed to the culverting of watercourses because
of the adverse ecological, flood risk and other effects that are likely to arise.
Culverting can exacerbate the risk of flooding and increase the maintenance
requirements for a watercourse. It also destroys wildlife habitats, damages a
natural amenity and interrupts the continuity of the linear habitat of a watercourse.
It is recognised there are various reasons why in some instances landowners,
developers and local authorities believe that open watercourses should be
culverted. However, Cardiff Council considers any benefits are usually outweighed
by the potential problems in managing the system, the loss of habitats and
difficulty in pollution detection.

5.204 New developments will only be permitted where the Council is satisfied that they
will not result in adverse effects on the quality and/or quantity of surface waters
or groundwater resources. Where detailed information in respect of flood risk is
not available, developers will be required to carry out a Flood Consequence
Assessment (FCA) to evaluate the extent of risk and ensure that no unacceptable
development occurs within the flood risk area identified.

5.205 Managing flooding is an important part of contributing towards achieving

sustainability. Developers, wherever necessary and appropriate, are required to
incorporate environmentally sympathetic mitigation measures into their proposals.
This would include such measures as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
(SUDS). SUDS are seen as a means to control surface water which provide a
valuable amenity asset and new habitats for wildlife.

5.206 In general, development will be resisted in identified flood plains or areas at

unacceptable risk from flooding or where third parties may be adversely affected
by an increased flood risk. Proposals involving bedrooms on ground or lower
floors in areas liable to flood will not be acceptable. Development will only be
permitted if the risks and consequences can be demonstrated to be managed to

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

an acceptable level in line with national planning policy, in particular the tests set
out in TAN 15.

5.207 Further guidance on the application of this Policy will be set out in SPG.

Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


To enable people to access employment, essential services and community
facilities by walking and cycling the Council will support developments which

i. High quality, sustainable design which makes a positive contribution to

the distinctiveness of communities and places;
ii. Permeable and legible networks of safe, convenient and attractive walking
and cycling routes;
iii. Connections and extensions to the Cardiff Strategic Cycle Network and
routes forming part of the Cardiff Walkable Neighbourhoods Plan;
iv. Measures to minimise vehicle speed and give priority to pedestrians and
v. Safe, convenient and attractive walking and cycling connections to
existing developments, neighbourhoods, jobs and services;
vi. Infrastructure designed in accordance with standards of good practice
including the Council’s Cycling Design Guide;
vii. Supporting facilities including, signing, secure cycle parking and, where
necessary, shower and changing facilities; and
viii. The provision of Car-Free Zones.

5.208 Research undertaken by Sustrans and Socialdata in 2011 revealed that a large
proportion of car trips in Cardiff are relatively short: just over half are no further
than 5 km and nearly a third are no further than 3km (under 2 miles). Many of
these trips could be undertaken by foot or by bicycle.

5.209 The purpose of this Policy is to exploit this potential by favouring developments
which include design features and facilities that make it easy for people to walk
and cycle for everyday journeys instead of travelling by car. Encouraging ‘active
travel’ will help to minimise car use and support the Council in fulfilling its legal
duty under the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 to develop, improve and maintain
local walking and cycling networks.

5.210 The Council has produced a plan for the development of the city’s Strategic Cycle
Network known as ‘Enfys’. The plan defines a core network of numbered cycle
routes connecting to different parts of Cardiff. The Council is building the Enfys
cycle network through a rolling programme of infrastructure schemes.
Developments brought forward through the LDP will provide the opportunity to
extend and enhance the network through the provision of new links and
incorporating sections of the network within development schemes.
5.211 The Council is also developing a Walkable Neighbourhoods Plan. This will set
out a programme of area-based measures to improve the local walking

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

environment and make it easier and safer for people to reach local services and
facilities on foot. New developments will provide the opportunity to extend these
improvements and provide walking connections which help to integrate new
neighbourhoods with existing communities.

5.212 Car-Free Zones provide a particular opportunity which can help to successfully
deliver this Policy. They could form part of wider development areas adding to
the range and choice of available housing. Located in areas with good public
transport and other sustainable transport options, together with good access to
local facilities, such areas are likely to be attractive to many potential occupiers
of all ages. In designing such Zones it will be important to ensure the needs of
disabled people are taken into account.

5.213 The Policy will be implemented through the development process. In considering
proposals, the Council will seek to ensure that developments give priority to
walking and cycling within their design and layout. High quality design which
makes a positive contribution to the distinctiveness of communities and places
will be essential to make walking and cycling attractive and popular travel options.

5.214 The Policy will be a key consideration in the master planning of strategic sites
and should be read in conjunction with the strategic site master planning general
principles and those included within the schematic master planning frameworks
for those sites. Provision of infrastructure will be secured through planning
conditions, planning obligations and resourced through Community Infrastructure
Levy and matching transport funding. Implementation of this Policy will help to
reduce pollution arising from road traffic. This will counteract increases in
atmospheric pollution as a result of the Plan, thereby avoiding significant effects
upon internationally designated sites.

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


i. City Centre Bus Routes;

ii. Eastern Bus Corridor (A48, A4232 from the A48 to Junction 30 of the M4
Motorway, A48M Trunk Road, Southern Way and A4161 Newport Road);
iii. Northern Bus Corridor (A470 North Road/ Manor Way and A469 Caerphilly
Road/A470 Trunk Road to the County Boundary);
iv. Western Bus Corridor (Cowbridge Road, A48, A4055 Cardiff Road; A4119
Llantrisant Road from the County Boundary to Cowbridge Road and
A4232 Trunk Road from Culverhouse Cross to Junction 33 of the M4
Motorway) and
v. Southern Bus Corridor (Lloyd George Avenue, Lloyd George Avenue to
the County Boundary via A4232 and Cogan Spur and via the Cardiff

Provision will be made to facilitate the functional integration of these corridors

and associated services with the wider transport network including the bus
network and local walking and cycling routes. The trunk road sections of the
Bus Corridor Enhancements are the responsibility of the Welsh Government.
Cardiff Council will work with the Welsh Government to identify appropriate
measures on the trunk road sections of these routes.
Improvements to the city’s wider bus network, including the provision of new
infrastructure and the introduction of new routes and services will be
supported where these are necessary to provide sustainable travel options
and address the movement impacts of new development.

Rapid Transit Corridors

5.215 Four Rapid Transit Corridors have been identified based on four broad
geographical channels feeding in towards the city centre. The Rapid Transit
Corridors can be defined as the collection of high frequency public transport
services which will run along on-road and off-road infrastructure linking
neighbourhoods to the city centre and wider public transport network offering
shorter journey times than conventional bus services. The Bus Corridor
Enhancements referenced in paragraph 5.218 are largely located within the Rapid
Transit Corridors but are specifically highlighted as the key bus-based corridors
with important cross-boundary linkages and will therefore be a focus for future
enhancements. Each corridor will include improvements that give rapid transit
and bus services increased priority over general traffic and improved accessibility
to a wider range of destinations.
5.216 This Policy provides for the development of four principal rapid transit corridors
that will serve the main LDP strategic sites. The mode of rapid transit could take

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

one of the following forms or another form of technology that provides for the
same purpose:

heavy rail;
light rail;
tram/train running on segregated rails;
tram/train combining running on segregated rails and on-street running;
conventional buses operating a limited stop express service using
carriageway space on the public highway used by general traffic;
conventional buses using dedicated bus lanes and assisted by other bus
priority measures in combination with use of other carriageway space on
the public highway; or
conventional buses or guided buses using busways completely segregated
from the main highway along their entire length or for short sections in
combination with use of the public highway/bus priority measures on the
public highway.

5.217 Some elements of the rapid transit corridors will be provided within the strategic
sites. However, the alignment and mode of rapid transit and how they connect
to and interchange with the public transport network is not yet known and cannot
be defined precisely on a map. The need for the rapid transit corridors is included
in the key policies on Strategic Sites. The mode of rapid transit that can be
accommodated on each corridor will be determined through further technical
assessment work including work undertaken as part of the detailed master
planning of the strategic sites and in support of planning applications. This will
help inform the precise mode, route alignments and land take requirements.
Therefore, for these reasons the rapid transit routes are not shown on the
Proposals Map.

Bus Corridor Enhancements

5.218 The Bus Corridor Enhancements listed in Policy T2 are defined as the strategic
bus routes that connect Cardiff to the region. These corridors form a central
element of the city’s strategic public transport network. Around 80% of daily
inbound commuter journeys to Cardiff from the region are by car. These
movements create congestion on the city’s strategic highway network which
makes bus journeys longer and services less reliable. This Policy seeks to address
these issues by making provision for improvements to maximise the efficiency
and attractiveness of bus services through reducing journey times and improving
journey time reliability. The corridors are shown on the Proposals Map.

Detailed Policies

5.219 Sufficient carriageway space will be required to facilitate the expeditious passage
of buses (including express services with limited stops), minimising journey times
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and maximising journey time reliability. Where necessary to meet these

requirements, the Council will seek to remove pinch points and to remove and/or
relocate on street parking. The Council will also use a range of tools and measures
to change travel behaviour by helping to make sustainable travel an attractive
choice, managing the network and influencing travel demand. Some of these
measures include for example, providing high quality walking, cycling and public
transport infrastructure, improvements associated with development, reallocating
road space, route improvements serving key destinations and developments,
interchange/transport hub facilities, bus stops, cycle stands, improvements in
accessibility, parking controls and policies, parking pricing, parking enforcement,
moving traffic offences, bus priority, bus gates, junction controls, traffic signal
control, managing road speed limits, high quality signage and road markings,
designing for active travel, shared cycling and walking routes, partnership working
with transport providers (e.g. encouraging new, express and cross-city bus routes),
travel information, promotional initiatives, personalised travel planning, road
safety initiatives, collaborative working cross-boundary with other authorities and
with key transport stakeholders, road safety and transport infrastructure

Improvements to the Wider City Bus Network

5.220 Ensuring the bus is a more attractive and practical travel option is crucial to
reducing car dependency, improving accessibility and effecting modal shift. Cardiff
has an extensive local bus network serving most parts of the city. However, the
bus is not an attractive travel option for many journeys in Cardiff. For example,
most routes on the network are radial and converge on the city centre. This means
that people have to travel into the city centre in order to access bus services to
another part of the city. Consequently, the car is the preferred mode of travel for
many relatively short journeys. To address this problem this Policy supports the
expansion and improvement of Cardiff’s local bus network, in conjunction with
the development of Rapid Transit Corridors and Bus Corridor Enhancements.
Technical work carried out by the Council indicates that re-configuring the network
and introducing new orbital routes and points of interchange between routes and
services would enable a much wider range of journeys within Cardiff to be
undertaken by bus, thus reducing reliance upon the car.

5.221 Routes forming part of rapid transit corridors, strategic bus corridors and the
wider city bus network will be connected in many locations across the public
transport network. This offers the opportunity for interchange between services.
Facilitating interchange with high quality passenger facilities and travel information
will form an important element of enhancements to the to the city bus network.
5.222 Central to the delivery of this Policy will be detailed master plans for the LDP
strategic sites and the provisions they make for public transport infrastructure

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and its phasing. Site master plans will be expected to meet the requirements of
this Policy and be consistent with general master planning principles for strategic
sites - both key considerations in planning applications on strategic sites. Provision
of infrastructure will be secured through planning conditions, planning obligations
and resourced through Community Infrastructure Levy and matching transport

5.223 Implementation of this Policy will require the Council to exercise its statutory
powers to carry out improvements to highway infrastructure. Measures will include
provision of dedicated bus lanes and bus priority at key junctions. In some areas
this will require on-street parking arrangements to be reviewed and modified.
The location and nature of improvements will be informed by modelling and
technical assessment work relating to specific corridors and Cardiff’s wider
transport network, as well as the detailed assessment of travel impacts of
individual development sites and planning applications. Infrastructure measures
will generally be resourced through the Community Infrastructure Levy and
matching transport funding. In most cases they will implemented by the Council
as the highway authority.

5.224 Implementation of this Policy will help to reduce pollution arising from road traffic.
This will counteract increases in atmospheric pollution as a result of the Plan,
thereby avoiding significant effects upon internationally designated sites.

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

In order to facilitate the transfer between transport modes and help to minimise
travel demand and reduce car dependency, the following developments will
be supported:

i. New rail stations which can be easily accessed by walking, cycling and
local bus services, facilitate rail park and ride, where appropriate, and
meet the access needs of all users;
ii. Improvements to existing rail and bus interchanges, including measures
to facilitate access by active travel modes and disabled people with
particular access needs;
iii. Measures to support interchange between local bus services, including
facilities to accommodate bus layover and driver facilities;
iv. Strategically located park and ride facilities, supported by attractive,
frequent and reliable bus or rapid transit services;
v. High quality passenger facilities including but not limited to seating,
information, toilet facilities and cycle parking;
vi. Facilities for park and share;
vii. Facilities for coach parking, taxis and passenger drop off;
viii. Facilities for overnight lorry parking and freight transfer; and
ix. Facilities for interchange with water-based transport.

5.225 Providing for interchange between transport modes is essential to the efficient
functioning of the transport network and making sustainable travel options more
practical and attractive. This is particularly important in relation to the public
transport network. This Policy provides support for all forms of transport
interchange that help meet these requirements and deliver the modal shift
objectives of the LDP. It is important that these interchanges are accessible to
disabled travellers and people with prams/young children.

5.226 Implementation of this Policy will help to reduce pollution arising from road traffic.
This will counteract increases in atmospheric pollution as a result of the Plan,
thereby avoiding significant effects upon internationally designated sites.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Support will be given to the development of infrastructure and facilities in
and around Cardiff Central Railway Station which:

i. Facilitate the easy interchange of passengers between national, regional

and local rail and bus services;
ii. Provide high quality passenger facilities, including but not limited to
seating, information, toilet facilities and cycle parking;
iii. Can be easily accessed by walking and cycling and meets the access
needs of all users;
iv. Is well integrated with development in the surrounding area and facilitates
easy access to the centre of the city, Cardiff Bay and the Enterprise Zone;
v. Complement the development and regeneration of land north and south
of Central Railway Station and the wider Enterprise Zone;
vi. Provide a public transport gateway of a high aesthetic and functional
quality, which is commensurate to Cardiff’s status as a European capital
city; and
vii. Provides an attractive, legible and vibrant environment.

5.227 The development of a central public transport interchange focussed on land in

and around Cardiff Central Railway Station and the Central Square area is a
longstanding objective of the Council. Cardiff is located on the south Wales main
railway line and forms the central hub of regional Valley Lines rail network – all
scheduled for electrification by 2020.

5.228 The provision of a central public transport interchange to facilitate transfer between
national, regional and local rail and bus services is essential for Cardiff to fulfil
its role as a growing capital city and an employment and service centre for a
major city region. It is also critical to achieving the transport connectivity required
to sustain Cardiff’s economic competitiveness with other UK cities and city regions
and maintain its attractiveness to business investors.

5.229 This Policy sets out the Council’s requirements with regard to the functionality
and aesthetic quality of a central interchange and its integration with existing and
future development within the Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone. The Policy will be
implemented through a process of master planning undertaken in collaboration
between the Council, developers, transport providers, the public and key

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Where necessary, safe and convenient provision will be sought in conjunction

with development for:

i. Pedestrians, including people with prams and/or young children;

ii. Disabled people with mobility impairments and particular access needs;
iii. Cyclists;
iv. Powered two-wheelers;
v. Public transport;
vi. Vehicular access and traffic management within the site and its vicinity;
vii. Car parking and servicing;
viii. Coach parking; and
ix. Horse-riders.

5.230 The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all new developments for which
planning permission is required:

i. Properly address the demand for travel and its impacts;

ii. Contribute to reducing reliance on the private car, in line with national
planning policies and the strategic transport objectives and policies of the
iii. Make satisfactory provision for access, parking and circulation, particularly
by pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and disabled people with
mobility impairments and particular access needs; and
iv. Avoid unacceptable harm to safe and efficient use and operation of the road,
public transport and other movement networks and routes.

5.231 Measures appropriate to a particular development will depend on its scale, location
and use(s). They may include providing for and/or improving, as appropriate:

The needs of disabled people with mobility impairments and particular access
The needs of people with prams and/or young children;
Safe and convenient pedestrian access to and movement within the
development, including pedestrian priority measures, lighting, security, and
weather protection;
Walking links to existing pedestrian routes and networks, District and Local
centres, open space and other community facilities; (e.g. safe routes to
school) - for access and recreational purposes - and designed for use by
The strategic recreational routes;
Cycling links to existing cycle routes and networks, District and Local centres
and community facilities designed for use by everyone;

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Secure cycle parking and changing facilities in accordance with guidelines
set down in SPG;
Management of conflict between modes of access, including vehicles,
pedestrians and cyclists;
Public transport, including bus stops, bus lanes and interchange facilities;
Safe vehicular access to the site that does not unreasonably restrict the flow
of traffic on the adjoining highway network;
Traffic and speed management measures; and
Car and coach parking and servicing facilities in accordance with revised
guidelines set down in supplementary planning guidance.

5.232 Parking and servicing will be provided, where appropriate in accordance with the
Council’s adopted standards.

User Hierarchy

5.233 In assessing the transport and access aspects of proposals the Council will be
more likely to give favourable consideration to developments which through their
design and layout give priority to movements by sustainable travel modes and
reflect the user hierarchy in Department for Transport Manual for Streets, namely:

Consider First Pedestrians

v Cyclists

v Public Transport Users

v Specialist Service Vehicles (e.g.

emergency services, waste etc.)

Consider Last Other motor traffic

Sustainable Travel Choices

5.234 Where necessary to mitigate travel impacts, development will need to be

supported by actions designed to manage travel demand, minimise private car
use and increase the proportion of journeys made by walking, cycling and public
transport. Such measures will include although not be restricted to:

Area based personalised travel planning projects and programmes;


Detailed Policies

Travel Plans including measures to support sustainable travel to/from

residential areas, workplaces, schools and other significant trip generators;
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Car Clubs and Car Share Schemes; Cycle Training; and

Promotional/marketing initiatives and campaigns to encourage sustainable

5.235 These will be secured by way of planning condition and/or a Section 106 planning
obligation. Where necessary, planning agreements will secure resources for
survey and monitoring activity required to support delivery of specific interventions.

5.236 Implementation of this Policy will help to reduce pollution arising from road traffic.
This will counteract increases in atmospheric pollution as a result of the Plan,
thereby avoiding significant effects upon internationally designated sites.


Development will not be permitted which would cause unacceptable harm to
the safe and efficient operation of the highway, public transport and other
movement networks including pedestrian and cycle routes, public rights of
way and bridle routes.

5.237 The purpose of this Policy is to protect the transport network and its users from
developments which may otherwise cause unacceptable harm to the operation
and use of key transport networks and routes.


Support will be given to the development of the following elements of strategic
transportation infrastructure:

i. Eastern Bay Link;

ii. St Mellons rail interchange including Park and Ride; and
iii. New sustainable transport corridor in North West Cardiff.

5.238 This Policy provides support for three key elements of strategic transport
infrastructure which are illustrated on the Constraints Map with further detailed
work informing the precise land take requirements.

5.239 The Eastern Bay Link Road is a longstanding aspiration of the Council and is
featured in the South East Wales Transport Alliance (Sewta) Regional Transport
Plan (RTP). The road would complete a peripheral distributor road running
between M4 Junction 33 in North West Cardiff and Llanedeyrn Interchange in
the East of the city. It would provide additional capacity for road-based access
to the Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone from the East and supporting development
in that area. A scheme is currently being promoted and developed by the Welsh

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Government. Details of proposed works are not currently available so the
Constraints Map indicates the extent of the Eastern Bay Link running from the
Queensgate Roundabout to the A48, Eastern Avenue.

5.240 The proposal for a rail station at St Mellons is included in the Sewta RTP and
Sewta Rail Strategy (2013). The station would potentially serve the strategic
development site south of St Mellons Business Park. It could also form part of a
future South Wales Metro network including rail or rapid transit connections linking
central Cardiff to strategic developments in and around Newport. Initial work to
investigate the technical feasibility of a station at St Mellons is currently underway.

5.241 The strategic development sites proposed to the West of Pentrebane and North
of the M4 Junction 33 will require effective public transport connections. The
potential exists to develop a dedicated public transport corridor connecting Cardiff
city centre to the strategic sites in North West Cardiff and strategic development
areas beyond Cardiff’s boundary in Rhondda Cynon Taff. Such a link can be
incorporated within the master plans for the strategic sites and form an essential
component of those developments. Its extension into growth areas within Rhondda
Cynon Taff also makes the corridor strategically important within a regional
context. As such it would form a key corridor within a future South Wales Metro


A strategic network of recreational routes will be maintained and developed
to link Cardiff’s coast, river corridors, open spaces, countryside, and the
regional network of routes, facilitating access to them by local communities,
and forming an integral part of the wider cycling and walking network in
The core strategic network will comprise:

i. The Taff Trail;

ii. The Ely Trail;
iii. The Rhymney Trail;
iv. The Nant Fawr Trail;
v. The Bay Trail;
vi. The Wales Coast Path; and
vii. The Glamorgan Ridgeway Walk

Detailed Policies

5.242 This Policy sets out the Council’s desire to develop a network of recreational
routes that will allow everyone in Cardiff to gain easy access to local green spaces,
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and the wider coast and countryside.

5.243 The Policy helps to deliver Plan objectives and also accords with PPW which
seeks to promote provision of safe accessible, convenient and well-signed walking
and cycling routes and to protect and enhance the national cycle network and
long-distance routes and footpaths that are important tourism and recreation
facilities, both in their own right and as a means of linking other attractions and
local communities.

5.244 Wherever possible, the strategic network will make provision for access by
walkers, cyclists and horse riders, (although access for all is limited by
practicalities). The core strategic network will be linked to local communities and
other routes, including permissive paths, public rights of way, and open spaces.
This will help to provide a range of routes and enable everyone to use and enjoy
Cardiff’s natural heritage, whilst also linking Cardiff to the wider regional network.
Local opportunities are important for both health and well-being and sustainability

5.245 The development of the coast and river corridor routes are particularly important
for people living in the southern arc of Cardiff where the choice of open spaces,
public rights of way network and access to the countryside is more limited. The
development of a network of safe, convenient attractive routes through green
spaces will also provide the opportunity for more people to use them as part of
their everyday journeys - to school, work and local community facilities.
Development of cross border routes into other authority areas together with within
County routes contribute towards the city’s green tourism offer.

5.246 New developments including the proposed Strategic sites, adjacent to, the main
strategic routes, public rights of way or other recreational routes will be expected
to respect their existence and contribute to their development, or links to them
where applicable.

5.247 The current extent of the existing core recreational strategic network are shown
on the Constraints Map, proposals for development of these routes including
creation of ‘missing’ links are shown on the Proposals Map. Where details of
proposed new routes are not yet fully worked up and agreed with relevant parties,
such as the Taff Ely Link, routes will not be shown on the Plan Maps but further
work will continue to explore their future implementation.

5.248 The usage of routes will be monitored through cycle counter data where deployed
together with wider feedback through the Cardiff River Valleys initiative.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The Council will seek to facilitate the development of a future regional ‘Metro’
network of integrated public transport routes and services within Cardiff and
connecting the city with the wider south east Wales region, including the
development and/or enhancement of the following on-highway and off-highway
infrastructure components:

i. Existing and new heavy rail routes

ii. New light rail routes
iii. Tram
iv. Tram/train on segregated rails and/or running on street
v. Conventional buses, or guided buses using busways completely
segregated from the main highway along their entire length or for short
sections, in combination with use of the public highway/bus priority
measures on the public highway.
vi. Conventional buses using dedicated buses lanes and assisted by other
bus priority measures, in combination with use of other carriageway
space on the public highway; and
vii. Conventional buses using carriageway space on the public highway used
by general traffic.

Where the alignment of a future route which is likely to form part of a ‘Metro’
network falls within any part of a development site, the Council will, through
the development management process, seek either to secure provision of
the necessary infrastructure as part of the development, or otherwise,
safeguard the land and space required to accommodate the route and potential
mode options in the future. This will include requiring a development to be
designed in a way which does not prejudice the future development of the
‘Metro’ route and would enable it to be incorporated within the development
at a later date.

5.249 The Cardiff City Region Metro is a proposal for a metropolitan-style, integrated
public transport network extending across Cardiff and South East Wales. The
‘Metro’ is likely to be developed in phases over a number of years. Its purpose
is to significantly enhance public transport accessibility across the region. This
would be achieved by the physical and operational integration of routes for
different public modes (rail-based and bus-based) and enabling provision of
frequent, fast and efficient public transport services connecting principal
settlements and trip destinations in the region. A ‘Metro’ network would include
points of interchange and be supported by integrated timetables and ticketing
with a common branding. In combination, these elements would enable people
to make daily journeys and reach key trip destinations without the need for a car.

Detailed Policies

This enhanced connectivity would have significant economic benefits for Cardiff
and the wider City Region, as well as easing pressures on key strategic transport
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

corridors within and beyond Cardiff boundaries.

5.250 Potential routes/corridors which would make up the ‘Metro’ network have been
identified in a series of investigative studies in recent years. Future technical
work will be led by the Welsh Government in consultation with local authorities,
land owners, communities and the transport industry. Welsh Government’s
National Transport Finance Plan 2015 ( July 2015) includes a commitment to
progress this work which will determine the form of the network and the mix of
public transport modes on each corridor/route.

5.251 It is important that development that takes place within the plan period does not
prejudice the delivery of this regionally important future asset.

5.252 Policies KP2 (A) to KP2(H) include references to improvements to the strategic
public transport network within the supporting lists of ‘Essential’ and ’Enabling’
transport infrastructure for the individual LDP strategic sites. A number of these
measures will potentially form part of the future ‘Metro’ network.

5.253 Policy T9 augments Policy KP2 by providing general support for the future delivery
of the ‘Metro’ and the means by which the Council can, through controls exercised
through the development management process:

secure infrastructure forming part of the network; or

otherwise, safeguard the route alignment, potential mode options and physical
space requirements for future ‘Metro’ routes/corridors.

5.254 This protection will be integrated within the design and layout of approved
developments. The policy also provides the basis for resisting developments
which would prevent or compromise future delivery of a ‘Metro’ route.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Retail proposals, (including changes of use, redevelopment and extensions)
will be considered in accordance with the retail hierarchy which comprises
Central Shopping Area (CSA) at the head of the regional hierarchy supported
by a range of district centres and smaller local centres as identified on the
Proposals Map. Retail proposals outside centres identified on the Proposals
Map will be assessed against Policy R6: Retail Development (Out of Centre).
or Policy R7: Retail Provision within Strategic Sites where they form part of
an allocated housing led strategic site.

5.255 This policy is a central component of the retail strategy which aims to:

Sustain and enhance the role of the Central Shopping area at the head of
the regional shopping hierarchy;
Sustain and enhance the vitality, viability and attractiveness of district and
local centres identified on the Proposals Map.
Promote good accessibility to a range of shopping facilities by all sections
of the community and reduce dependence on car travel for shopping trips;
Control the amount, size and nature of out-of-centre retail.

5.256 The policy establishes the existing hierarchy of centres in line with national
guidance and favours new and improved retail facilities within the Central
Shopping Area and at an appropriate scale, within district and local centres, whilst
non shopping uses will be controlled. This ensures that a sequential approach
is adopted which means first preference for retail proposals should be in existing
centres and then for sites immediately adjoining these centres. If there are no
suitable sites in these locations, only then will out-of-centre sites in locations that
are accessible by a choice of means of transport be considered.

5.257 Proposals outside centres identified on the Proposals Map will be assessed
against Policy R6: Retail Development (Out of Centre).

5.258 District and Local Centres within allocated housing led strategic sites that develop
over the plan period in accordance with Policy R7: Retail Provision within Strategic
Sites will become designated centres within the retail hierarchy and defined on
the Proposals Map as part of the LDP review.

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development proposals within the Central Shopping Area (CSA) will be

assessed against the following criteria:

i. Whether the proposal involves the loss of shop uses (Class A1) from
within Protected Shopping Frontages;
ii. Whether the proposal involves retail and other uses which enhance the
vitality, viability and attractiveness of the city centre;
iii. Whether the development allows for, or retains the effective use of, upper
floors; and
iv. Supports the regeneration, renewal and enhancement of the city centre.

5.259 The purpose of this Policy is to allow, monitor and manage the diversity of uses
within the Central Shopping Area identified on the Proposals Map.

5.260 The Central Shopping is the head of the retail hierarchy for Cardiff and South
East Wales. It offers a range and quality of shopping facilities unrivalled in the
region, together with a diversity of complementary service, leisure, residential
and business uses, within a compact and accessible area. Despite this, the area
is not invulnerable to trends in retail location and shifts in consumer demand and
expenditure, including competition from out-of-centre locations and internet
shopping. There is a continuing need to improve facilities within the Central
Shopping Area in order to provide a quantity and quality of shops that will enhance
its primary shopping role and character, and its vitality, attractiveness and viability.

5.261 An appropriate mix of non-shop uses can contribute to vitality, attractiveness and
viability by introducing a diversity of compatible uses within the Central Shopping
Area. However, too many can harm the primary shopping role and character of
shopping streets by reducing their attractiveness to shoppers, undermining the
viability of remaining shop units and reducing the prospect of attracting new
retailers and retail investment.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development proposals involving the loss of Class A1 (shop) uses within
Protected Shopping Frontages will be assessed against the following criteria:

i. The balance and distribution of existing and committed non-shop uses;

ii. The amount of A1 floorspace and frontage length being lost;
iii. Whether, and for how long, the premises have been vacant and actively
iv. The location, character and prominence of individual premises or
v. The nature of the proposed use, including whether an appropriate shop
front and window display is to be provided; and
vi. The impact of the proposed use upon the amenity of adjacent or nearby

5.262 This Policy provides an enhanced level of protection for the City Centre’s most
important shopping streets. The protected frontages are identified on the
Proposals Map. Further guidance will be set out in SPG.

5.263 Proposals will be assessed in terms of their impact cumulatively with other existing
and committed non-shop uses. Where the application frontage is closely related
to surrounding frontages (e.g. in narrow or pedestrianised streets or arcades) it
will be appropriate to consider the proposal’s impact on both the application
frontage and surrounding frontages.

5.264 The Policy allows for other uses (including A2 and A3) at appropriate locations
within Protected Frontages, provided those uses do not, either alone or
cumulatively with other non-shopping uses, undermine the primary shopping role
and character of those frontages or groups of frontages. This is intended to
maintain the centre’s retail offer whilst providing complementary services during
normal shopping hours, generating pedestrian flows and providing visually
interesting and active frontages.

5.265 Like offices, it is acknowledged that an element of retail vacancy can be created
by the natural turnover of businesses or through refurbishment. However,
long-term vacant shop floorspace is a strong indicator of decline, adversely
impacting upon perceptions of the high street to shoppers and investors. Proposals
which seek to bring back into beneficial use retail premises which have remained
vacant, despite active marketing, will be more favourably considered. Temporary
or “meanwhile” uses can enliven city streets and provide short-term retail, business
incubation or exhibition space, whilst reducing management and maintenance
costs to landowners.

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Retail, office, leisure and community facilities will be favoured within the
following District Centres identified on the Proposal Map:

1. Albany Road / Wellfield Road

2. City Road
3. Clifton Street
4. Cowbridge Road East
5. Crwys Road/ Woodville Road
6. Bute Street/James Street
7. Merthyr Road, Whitchurch
8. Penarth Road/Clare Road
9. St Mellons
10. Thornhill
11. Whitchurch Road

This will be subject to:

i. The proposal being of a scale appropriate to the particular centre;

ii. The location of business offices (Class B1) above the ground floor;
iii. Proposals not impeding the effective use of upper floors;
iv. Proposals for uses other than Class A1 being permitted at ground floor
level if they would not cause unacceptable harm to the predominant
shopping role and character of the centre, the vitality, attractiveness and
viability of a specific frontage or group of frontages.

Unacceptable harm should take account of:

The existing level and nature of non-shopping uses within the centre as
a whole
The size of the retail unit in relation to the overall size of a centre or a
specific group of frontages; and
The distribution and proximity of non-shopping uses within a frontage.

Proposals that result in, or add to a continuous stretch of non-shopping uses

(3 or more units in non-shopping use) will be less favourably considered.
Applications for changes of use that involve new non-shopping uses in vacant
premises will be considered in light of the following:

The vacancy rate in the surrounding area; and

Whether, and for how long, the premises have remained vacant whilst
being actively marketed for their existing or previous use.
5.266 The aim of this Policy is to promote and protect the shopping role of District
Centres while supporting a mix of appropriate uses. The District Centres identified

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

in Policy R4 are defined on the Proposals Map (and in Appendix 8)

5.267 PPW acknowledges that a range of uses as well as shops are appropriate within
centres. These include financial and professional services (A2) and food and
drink uses (A3). In general, proposals for such uses will be permitted where they
would not cause unacceptable harm to the primary shopping function of the centre
or the vitality, attractiveness or viability of its shopping frontages, by virtue of their
number or location. What is deemed as unacceptable harm will depend upon the
nature of each centre which will have its own individual characteristics.

5.268 The size and character of District Centres means that they are more likely to be
able to satisfactorily accommodate a greater range and mix of non-retail uses
including businesses, offices and commercial leisure facilities.

5.269 Where a change of use from an A1 retail unit to a non-shopping use (use class
other than A1) is proposed, the assessment in terms of unacceptable harm should
take account of:

The existing level and nature of non-shopping uses within the centre as a
whole (This should also take into consideration the number of premises, and
whether any have unimplemented planning consent for non-shopping uses);
The size of the retail unit (frontage length and floorspace) in relation to the
overall size of a centre or a specific group of frontages; and
The distribution and proximity of non-shopping uses within a frontage.

5.270 It is important that non-shopping uses are dispersed as much as possible in order
to limit harm to the shopping role and character of a centre. Proposals that result
in, or add to a continuous stretch of non-shopping uses (3 or more units in
non-shopping use) will be less favourably considered, as they will fragment the
shopping frontage.

5.271 A high level of vacancy is often an indicator of poor retail performance, reduced
levels of demand and/or investor confidence, and can be harmful to the vitality,
attractiveness and viability of an area in the long-term. Applications for changes
of use that involve new non-shopping uses in vacant premises will, therefore, be
considered in light of the following:

The vacancy rate in the surrounding area; and

Whether, and for how long, the premises have remained vacant whilst being
actively marketed for their existing or previous use.

Detailed Policies

5.272 This Policy will favour business class offices above ground floor level within
District Centres. At ground floor level, only professional and financial (A2) offices
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

with a shop front will be acceptable. B1 uses do not provide an active frontage
or service to visiting members of the public.

5.273 The provision of residential accommodation at upper floors within centres can
support their vitality, attractiveness and viability. However, it is recognised that
District Centres cannot offer the same degree of amenity as purely residential
areas. To enable opportunities for offices and other appropriate business uses
at upper floors within District Centres, it may be necessary to allow the change
of use of premises in residential use.

5.274 A District Centres Strategy has been prepared to raise the profile of District
Centres within Cardiff and provide a framework and justification for the preparation
of individual Action Plans for priority District Centres. This Strategy also acts as
a reference point for co-ordinated working between service providers; a
mechanism for attracting inward investment and securing funding for
improvements within these designated centres.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Retail, office, leisure and community facilities will be favoured within the
following Local Centres identified on the Proposal Map:

1. Birchgrove
2. Bute Street (Loudoun Square)
3. Cathedral Road
4. Countisbury Avenue
5. Caerau Lane
6. Fairwater Green
7. Gabalfa Avenue
8. Grand Avenue
9. High Street, Llandaff
10. Maelfa, Llanedeyrn
11. Newport Road, Rumney
12. Rhiwbina Village
13. Salisbury Road
14. Splott Road
15. Station Road, Llanishen
16. Station Road, Llandaff North
17. Station Road, Radyr
18. Tudor Street
19. Willowbrook Drive
20. Wilson Road

This will be subject to:

i. The proposal being of a scale appropriate to the particular centre;

ii. The retention of residential accommodation at upper floors;
iii. Proposals for uses other than Class A1 (except business offices class
B1) being permitted at ground floor level if they would not cause
unacceptable harm to the predominant shopping role and character of
the centre, the vitality, attractiveness and viability of a specific frontage
or group of frontages;

Unacceptable harm should take account of:

The existing level and nature of non-shopping uses within the centre as
a whole
The size of the retail unit in relation to the overall size of a centre or a
specific group of frontages; and
The distribution and proximity of non-shopping uses within a frontage.

Detailed Policies

Proposals that result in, or add to a continuous stretch of non-shopping uses

(3 or more units in non-shopping use) will be less favourably considered.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Applications for changes of use that involve new non-shopping uses in vacant
premises will be considered in light of the following:

The vacancy rate in the surrounding area; and

Whether, and for how long, the premises have remained vacant whilst
being actively marketed for their existing or previous use.

5.275 The aim of this Policy is to promote and protect the shopping role of Local centres
while supporting a mix of appropriate uses. The Local Centres identified in Policy
R5 are defined on the Proposals Map (and in Appendix 8)

5.276 PPW acknowledges that a range of uses as well as shops are appropriate within
centres. These include financial and professional services (A2) and food and
drink uses (A3). In general, proposals for such uses will be permitted where they
would not cause unacceptable harm to the primary shopping function of the centre
or the vitality, attractiveness or viability of its shopping frontages, by virtue of their
number or location. What is deemed as unacceptable harm will depend upon the
nature of each centre which will have its own individual characteristics.

5.277 Local Centres are generally smaller in size and variety of uses. Local Centres
are generally more residential in nature than District Centres and do not have
the scale or variety of retail and non-retail uses. As a consequence proposals
other than A1 may be more difficult to satisfactorily accommodate than in District
Centres. Within Local Centres, the policy stance is to discourage significant office
or commercial leisure developments and give greater emphasis to safeguarding
residential amenity. At ground floor level, only professional and financial (A2)
offices with a shop front will be acceptable, provided they do not cause
unacceptable harm to the vitality, and viability of the centre. In relation to A3 uses
more emphasis will be placed on closing times, and the type of premises.

5.278 Where a change of use from an A1 retail unit to a non-shopping use (use class
other than A1) is proposed, the assessment in terms of unacceptable harm should
take account of:

The existing level and nature of non-shopping uses within the centre as a
whole (This should also take into consideration the number of premises,
whether any have unimplemented planning consent for non-shopping uses);
The size of the retail unit (frontage length and floorspace) in relation to the
overall size of a centre or a specific group of frontages; and
The distribution and proximity of non-shopping uses within a frontage.
5.279 It is important that non-shopping uses are dispersed as much as possible in order
to limit harm to the shopping role and character of a centre. Proposals that result

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

in, or add to a continuous stretch of non-shopping uses (3 or more units in
non-shopping use) will be less favourably considered, as they will fragment the
shopping frontage.

5.280 A high level of vacancy is often an indicator of poor retail performance, reduced
levels of demand and/or investor confidence, and can be harmful to the vitality,
attractiveness and viability of an area in the long-term. Applications for changes
of use that involve new non-shopping uses in vacant premises will, therefore, be
considered in light of the following:

The vacancy rate in the surrounding area; and

Whether, and for how long, the premises have remained vacant whilst being
actively marketed for their existing or previous use.

5.281 Loss of residential units will generally be resisted at upper floors in Local Centres
where the characteristics of the premises and their location remain suitable for
residential use.

5.282 In addition to local centres identified on the proposals Map, there are numerous
smaller groups of shops and individual ‘corner shops’ across the county that
provide valuable shopping facilities to surrounding communities. Proposals that
could lead to the loss of such local shops will be assessed having regard to the
role of those shops in meeting local shopping needs and the viability of the
premises for continued shopping use. Planning Policy Wales recognises the
important economic and social role of such local shopping facilities to

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Retail development will only be permitted outside the Central Shopping Area,
District and Local Centres identified on the Proposals Map if:

i. There is a need for the proposed floorspace (with precedence accorded

to establishing quantitative need);
ii. That need cannot satisfactorily be accommodated within or adjacent to
the Central Shopping Area, within a District or Local Centre;
iii. The proposal would not cause unacceptable harm to the vitality,
attractiveness or viability of the Central Shopping Area, a District or Local
centre or a proposal or strategy including the Community Strategy, for
the protection or enhancement of these centres;
iv. The site is accessible by a choice of means of transport; and
v. The proposal is not on land allocated for other uses. This especially
applies to land designated for employment and housing, where retail
development can be shown to limit the range and quality of sites for such

5.283 This Policy identifies the criteria against which proposals for retail development
outside the Central Shopping Area, District and Local Centres identified on the
Proposals Map will be assessed in line with PPW ‘Planning for Retailing and
Town Centres’.

5.284 This Policy relates to any proposals that introduce additional retail floorspace,
including redevelopment, extensions (including mezzanine floors, where
permission for this is required); subdivision; changes of Use Class and; variations
of planning conditions. The aim is to control the nature and size of out- of-centre
retail development so as to minimise competition with, and impact on the vitality
and viability of shopping centres identified in the Plan.

5.285 This Policy contributes to protecting and enhancing designated shopping centres
and resisting out-of-centre retail development that could be harmful to District
and Local shopping facilities. It supports sustainability objectives by encouraging
the grouping of retail facilities together in easily accessible locations and reducing
dependence on private transport for shopping trips and helps deliver the strategy
by developing sustainable communities

5.286 The sequential test as detailed in PPW aims to direct retail developments to
existing centres wherever possible or to the edges of such centres if sites within
the centres are not available. Only where need for additional retail floorspace
has been demonstrated and there are no locations in or adjacent to designated
centres that could accommodate that need, should out-of centre locations be

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

considered. In Cardiff the order of preference is:

Within the Central Shopping Area;

On the edge of the Central Shopping Area;
Within a District or Local Centre;
On the edge of a District of Local Centre;
An out-of-centre location accessible by a choice of means of transport.

5.287 PPW acknowledges that some types of retailing, for example selling bulky goods
and requiring large showrooms, may not be able to find appropriate sites in town
centres. Such stores should be grouped together at locations accessible by a
choice of means of transport, encouraging linked trips and a reduction in
dependence on car travel. Where bulky goods development is proposed and it
passes the need and sequential tests, it will be directed towards existing
concentrations of bulky goods retailers wherever possible. Similarly, re-use of
vacant out-of-centre units at locations accessible by a choice of means of transport
is preferable to new out-of-centre development. Where applications are made to
reuse vacant units, applicants will be expected to demonstrate how they intend
to improve the pedestrian environment and linkages.

5.288 Impact will be assessed in terms of both the direct commercial impact of a
proposal on neighbouring designated centres and of the impact on the retail
strategy itself. All proposals for out-of-centre development that satisfy the tests
of retail need and the sequential approach must demonstrate that they would not
harm designated shopping centres or the retail strategy, either in their own right,
or in conjunction with other recent developments or unimplemented permissions.

5.289 Where permission is granted for out-of-centre retail development or, in some
instances, edge-of-centre development, conditions will be attached to control the
nature and scale of the retail activity and minimise any potential impact on
designated centres or the retail strategy.

5.290 Contributions will be negotiated from out of centre retail developments towards
environmental improvement in the nearest District or Local Centre to mitigate
adverse impacts, in line with the policy on Planning Obligations. Further details
are provided in the District and Local Centre Strategy.

5.291 The Council monitors the vitality, attractiveness and viability of designated centres.
All applications for out-of-centre retailing will be expected to examine the health
of centres, including shopping parades most likely to be affected and their likely

Detailed Policies

5.292 Proposals for out-of-centre retail development are likely to require assessment
against a range of other Policy considerations including traffic and transportation
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan



Retail development which forms part of the allocated housing led Strategic
Sites will be assessed against Policy R6 Retail Development (Out of Centre)
and will be supported where:

i. It is of appropriate scale which satisfies an identified need;

ii. It will not negatively impact on the vitality and viability of designated
iii. It is located along public transport corridors and easily accessible by
walking and cycling; and
iv. It forms part of a planned centre which reinforces a sense of place.

5.293 It is recognised that there will be a need for retail provision close to where people
live to meet the everyday needs of future large scale new communities. Such
facilities often include a range of small shops, serving the local catchment
including small supermarkets, newsagents and food and drink outlets. The
provision of future local shopping within the housing development should not
negatively impact on the vitality and viability of existing designated District or
Local Centres. Planning applications should also demonstrate that this is the
most appropriate location for local shopping provision, in relation to public
transport and design and layout.


Food and Drink Uses are most appropriately located in:

i. The City Centre (Central Business Area)

ii. The inner harbour/waterfront area of Cardiff Bay (Bay Business Area)
iii. District and Local Centres

Subject to amenity considerations, highway matters, crime and fear of crime

considerations, and where they do not cause unacceptable harm to the
shopping role and character of designated centres. Food and drink uses are
unlikely to be acceptable within or adjacent to residential areas, where they
would cause nuisance and loss of amenity, or result in the loss of a residential
5.294 Food and drink uses, including restaurants and hot food take-aways, are better
located in designated centres where they can complement and enhance the

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

existing shopping role, increase footfall and are accessible by public transport.
Such uses are better located in designated centres than residential areas because
of the impact they can have in terms of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, noise,
fumes, litter and late night disturbance. The Central and Bay Business Areas,
and District Centres are more likely to be able to satisfactorily accommodate A3
uses without causing unacceptable harm, due to their size and character.
However, concentrations of such uses in centres can cause harm, either to
residential amenity within or adjoining the centre, or to the predominant shopping
role and character of the centre and its vitality, attractiveness and viability.

5.295 Food and drink uses are acceptable in principle, within the City Centre. It is
recognised that such uses can contribute to the range and choice of facilities
available to residents, promote the evening economy and may also support
tourism. However, new A3 proposals at ground and upper floor level will need
to be assessed against Policy R3 Protected Shopping Frontages. This Policy is
intended to ensure that food and drink uses as well as other non-shopping uses,
do not harm the shopping role, character and vitality of the City Centre.

5.296 Food and drink uses are also complementary, in principle, to the main shopping
role of District and Local Centres, so long as they do not adversely affect the
living environment of nearby residents, or with other non-shopping uses, reach
such a level that they undermine the shopping character of the area in accordance
with Policies R4 District Centres and R5 Local Centres.

5.297 Local Centres and smaller neighbourhood centres are generally more residential
in nature, and do not have the scale or variety of retail and non-retail uses of
larger centres. Therefore, A3 proposals may be more difficult to accommodate,
and are less likely to be acceptable on amenity grounds (e.g. potential noise and
disturbance, anti-social behaviour and litter associated with this type of
development proposal). As a consequence more emphasis will be placed on
protecting residential amenity within these centres through restricting closing
times and the type of A3 premises.

5.298 Outside District and Local Centres and the Central and Bay Business Areas
proposals for A3 uses are unlikely to be acceptable in, or adjacent to,
predominantly residential areas because of their impact on residential amenity
and potential to cause nuisance from noise and odour.

5.299 Food and drink proposals within existing employment areas will be considered
against Policy EC2 Provision of Complementary Facilities for Employees in
Business, Industrial and Warehousing Development.

Detailed Policies

5.300 Further guidance on the application of this Policy will be set out in the Food and
Drink Uses SPG.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Proposals for new and improved community facilities, health and religious
facilities will be encouraged, subject to the following criteria being satisfied:

i. The facility would be readily accessible to the local community it is

intended to serve by public transport, walking and cycling;
ii. The facility would not unduly prejudice the amenities of neighbouring
and nearby residential occupiers;
iii. The facility would not detract from the character and appearance of a
property or the locality;
iv. The facility will not lead to unacceptable parking or traffic problems;
v. The facility is designed with the greatest possible flexibility and
adaptability to accommodate additional community uses without
compromising its primary intended use.

5.301 For the purpose of this Policy, community facilities are defined as non-commercial
facilities used by local communities for leisure and social purposes. This
constitutes community centres and meeting places, community halls, community
learning, leisure centres, libraries and youth centres. Religious facilities also often
provide for wider community provision. Health facilities would include doctors
and dentists surgeries which serve the local community.

5.302 Other uses of a commercial nature within the D1/D2 use class should be located
within the Central and Bay Business Areas, and in District and Local centres of
an appropriate scale.

5.303 If development occurs without consideration being given to the adequacy of

existing community facilities, this can place a strain on existing facilities, to the
detriment of the local community. As a result, there is a need to ensure that
adequate local facilities are provided to meet the future demands of local

5.304 The provision of community facilities should go hand in hand and be integrated
with new development. Providing a range of community facilities that are
accessible to as many people as possible is fundamental in terms of securing
sustainable communities. Such facilities are valuable not only in terms of the
amenity they provide, but are also important in generating employment and
attracting people to live within an area. Whilst, it is recognised that there are

Detailed Policies

many competing needs for the development and use of land, the Council is
committed to ensuring that there are adequate facilities to serve residents within
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

new strategic housing allocations.

5.305 New strategic housing developments allocated in Policy KP2 will be required to
ensure that sufficient new community facilities are provided and integrated within
the development to serve the needs of future and existing residents. This will be
achieved through planning obligations or the community infrastructure levy as
appropriate (see Policies KP6 and KP7).

5.306 On all other significant residential developments, the Council will seek to enter
into negotiations with prospective developers to secure land, buildings and or
financial contributions towards community facilities arising from the needs of
residential development. This is because the increased population will result in
increased demand for local community facilities. Further guidance on this will be
set out in SPG.

5.307 Community facilities, health uses and religious facilities will be favoured within
District or Local Centres where appropriate, however, where such uses cannot
be satisfactorily accommodated within centres, proposals on the edge of centres
or within residential areas (to include the conversion or redevelopment of existing
residential premises) will be favourably considered provided that issues of
residential amenity, urban design (Policy KP5), and transportation are
appropriately addressed. Furthermore, if the residential area falls within a
Conservation Area, the proposed development should not detract from its
character, nor should it have any negative impact on the built heritage assets
(Policy KP17).


Proposals involving the loss or change of use of buildings currently or last
used for community facilities will only be permitted if:

i. An alternative facility of at least equal quality and scale to meet

community needs is available or will be provided within the vicinity or;
ii. It can be demonstrated that the existing provision is surplus to the needs
of the community.

5.308 Existing community facilities are widely available throughout the City. Ensuring
an adequate provision is maintained, is very important in order to encourage
social interaction, improve health and well-being and reduce inequalities between
different communities. The retention of existing facilities will therefore be sought
unless it can be demonstrated that the above criteria can be met.
5.309 Whilst this policy will apply to both commercial and non-commercial uses which
provide a social or welfare benefit to the community, community land and buildings

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

are of particular importance. This includes land and buildings that are managed
and used primarily by the voluntary and community sector for community-led

5.310 In order to satisfy criterion ii of the policy it will be necessary to demonstrate that
continued use as a community facility is no longer viable giving consideration to
appropriate marketing, and local need and demand for the existing community


All new development and redevelopment shall be designed to promote a safe
and secure environment and minimise the opportunity for crime. In particular
development shall:

i. Maximise natural surveillance of areas which may be vulnerable to crime

such as publicly accessible spaces, open space, car parking areas and
ii. Have well defined routes, spaces and entrances that provide convenient
movement without compromising security;
iii. Maintain perceptible distinction between public and private spaces
through well-defined boundaries and defensible space;
iv. Provide a good standard of lighting to public spaces and routes while
minimising energy use and light pollution; and
v. Be designed with management and maintenance in mind, to discourage
crime in the present and future.

5.311 The aim of this Policy is to achieve a uniform and consistent standard of security
through considerate design without compromising the character or attractiveness
of the local area. Incorporating security considerations into the design of new
developments and redevelopments will enable natural surveillance and create a
sense of ownership and responsibility.

5.312 Designing out crime contributes to Policy KP5. Further detailed information relating
to the objectives of this Policy can be found at www.securedbydesign.com

5.313 The Council has responsibility under section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act
(1998) to take account of the need to deter and prevent crime in carrying out all
its responsibilities, which include planning. Used sensitively, the planning system
can be influential in producing active, well managed environments that help to
discourage crime and disorder by encouraging developers to adopt designs for

Detailed Policies

new development that take the security of people and property into account.
Developments should be encouraged to incorporate the principles and practices
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

of the ‘Secured by Design’ Award Scheme, and reflect both the safety of people
and the security of property.

5.314 Any design solution or security measures should remain sensitive to local
circumstances and their degree and application should reflect the characters and
amenity of the area. There should be a balanced approach to design which
attempts to reconcile the visual quality of a development with the needs of crime
prevention. Developments can be made secure without resorting to razor wire,
grilles, bars, unsightly types of fencing and other visually intrusive security
measures, if safety and security is considered at an early stage of the design

5.315 Prior to submitting detailed proposals, developers are encouraged to seek advice
by engaging in pre-application discussions with the South Wales Police Crime
Prevention Design Officer on designing out crime, and any recommendations
received should be taken into consideration in relation to the development
proposal. Where there are other significant interests (for example, the setting of
Listed Buildings) a balanced compromise must be agreed. Developers are further
encouraged to submit statements in conjunction with planning applications that
emphasise and clearly demonstrate the proposed measures taken to design out

5.316 In appropriate cases, where crime prevention or the fear of crime is considered
material to a proposed development the Council may consider imposing
community safety conditions or seek developer contributions via legal agreements
for crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), community safety
initiatives, improved street lighting, alley gating, provision of CCTV, landscaping
improvements or other necessary security measures. This is in accordance with
Policy KP7.

5.317 Terrorist attacks within the UK have become a distinct possibility in recent years,
posing a real and serious threat. Measures to mitigate against the occurrence
and effects of terrorism attacks should be designed in from the outset of a
development proposal. For example, through protection from flying glass and
vehicle access controls to underground car parks and areas of potential high
risk. These measures must be balanced with good design principles to ensure
against the creation of a "fortress" appearance. It is recommended that where
major development is proposed within a place defined by the Home Office as a
"crowded place", the design statement accompanying the application should set
out the measures undertaken to meet these principles. It is recommended that
advice is sought from a Counter Terrorism Security Advisor during the design
stage. (Refer to WECTU (Wales Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit) for
further advice).

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development will not be permitted on areas of open space unless:

i. It would not cause or exacerbate a deficiency of open space in accordance

with the most recent open space study; and
ii. The open space has no significant functional or amenity value; and
iii. The open space is of no significant quality; or
iv. The developers make satisfactory compensatory provision; and, in all
v. The open space has no significant nature or historic conservation

5.318 The aim of this Policy is to protect open space that has significant functional,
conservation, environmental or amenity value. It applies to all areas of open
space within the County.

5.319 The Policy will help protect the current network of open spaces in Cardiff and
work toward delivering Policy KP13 and LDP objectives related to maintaining
and enhancing a network of green space and corridors.

5.320 The Policy is in accordance with the Wales Spatial Plan, PPW and Technical
Advice Note 16: Sport Recreation and Open Space (2010) which requires that
all types of open space are protected, particularly where it has a strategic
countywide importance.

5.321 The various types of open space in Cardiff will be listed and explained in detail
in the Cardiff Open Space SPG. For the purposes of this policy functional green
space includes land that can accommodate formal and / or informal recreational
uses including sporting use and children’s play.

5.322 Proposals for development on areas of open space will be assessed against a
functional green space requirement of 2.43 hectares per 1,000. This is explained
in more detail under Policy C5.

5.323 In assessing the functional and amenity value of an area of open space, regard
will also be given to whether it serves a purely local function or has more strategic
countywide importance. Special protection will be afforded to open space that
has strategic countywide importance whether for functional, amenity or wildlife

5.324 The quality of an area of open space will be assessed having regard to issues
such as:

Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Management and maintenance;
Contribution to local amenity;
Contribution to recreation; and
Strategic value.

5.325 Where a development proposal involving the loss of open space would exacerbate
a local or countywide deficiency of functional open space, compensatory
provision for open space or alternative provision of equivalent community benefit
may be acceptable. This will be explained further in the Open Space SPG.

5.326 The appropriateness of compensatory open space or replacement facilities will

be assessed having regard to the importance of the resource to be lost and the
needs of the locality. Compensatory provision should:

Contribute towards meeting the needs of the local community;

Be of at least equal value to that being lost;
Be reasonably related to the original site to serve the population affected by
the loss;
Be provided in accordance with the Open Space SPG; and
Be agreed between the Council and the developer.

5.327 Corridors and networks of open space, like the river valleys, have strategic
importance in terms of recreation, amenity and wildlife. The corridors of the rivers
Ely, Taff, Rhymney and the Nant Fawr (identified on the Proposals Map) are a
particularly important resource within both the urban and rural context, linking
the waterfront and the urban area with the countryside. Specific protection of
river valleys is set out in Policy EN4.

5.328 Many areas of open space have value for nature conservation. Some are
designated for their international, national or local importance, while others
contribute more generally to biodiversity. Some areas also have historic
conservation importance. These include Historic Gardens and Parks, land within
Conservation Areas and land that provides the setting for Ancient Monuments
or other archaeological remains.

5.329 The implementation of policies designed to provide and protect public open space
throughout Cardiff would also serve to offset any increase in recreational pressure
on the Cardiff Beech Woods SAC, thereby helping to avoid the likelihood that
this LDP will have a significant effect upon this site.
5.330 The protection of open space policy will be assessed each year in the Annual
Monitoring Report. The loss of open space is a Core Indicator required by Welsh

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Government and will be monitored on an annual basis, forming part of the Open
Space Assessment.


Provision for open space, outdoor recreation, children’s play and sport will
be sought in conjunction with all new residential developments. This policy
is aimed at securing the provision or improvement of open space and other
appropriate outdoor recreation and sport in conjunction with all new
residential developments over 8 units and on site provision of functional
open space in conjunction with all new residential developments over 14
units. The appropriate amount of multi-functional green space is based on a
minimum of 2.43 hectares of functional open space per 1,000 projected
population. All other open space provision will be in addition to the provision
of multi-functional green space.

5.331 This Policy will help enhance the existing network of green spaces and provide
increased opportunities for healthy recreation and leisure activities in line with
LDP objectives for sustainable living. Improving the provision of open space is
particularly important in some areas of South Cardiff where communities have
poorer access to areas of open space.

5.332 Obtaining functional open space and appropriate provision for sport through the
development process is provided for in PPW. It explains that Local Planning
Authorities may be justified in seeking Section 106 Planning Agreements to
contribute to the maintenance of safe and attractive facilities and open space,
and to meet the needs of new communities.

5.333 This Policy applies to all new proposed housing developments, redevelopment
schemes, conversions and mixed-use developments containing housing, sheltered
housing and student accommodation over 8 units.

5.334 The Open Space SPG will set out detailed guidance on how the provision of
functional open space, outdoor recreation, children’s play and sport in new
residential developments will be assessed and managed. It will explain that the
amount of open space provision generated by a housing proposal will be assessed
in relation to its type and density. Consideration will also be given to the availability
and adequacy of existing functional open space within the surrounding area. The
Council will therefore seek to secure a range of improvements for accessible,
high quality open space, sport and outdoor recreation provision, as appropriate
to the particular site and development proposal.

Detailed Policies

5.335 These may include one or more of the following:

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Provision of as much necessary open space provision as possible, on site

or on readily accessible sites;
Contribution towards the improvement of existing open space facilities on
readily accessible sites;
Improvements to the network of recreational routes and open spaces; and
Improvements to the public realm (in line with Policy KP5: High Quality and
Sustainable Design) and improved public access to waterfront areas.

5.336 Due to the shortage of open space and recreation facilities in central and inner
parts of the city and the limited opportunities for improvement, provision for open
space and/or improving links with nearby open spaces may be sought on
large-scale commercial developments in accordance with Policy KP7 on Planning

5.337 As a general rule, provision of a satisfactory level and standard of open space
will be sought on all new residential developments. For those developments of
14 or more dwellings the amount of on-site open space provision is calculated
from the projected population of the development and the application of the
minimum standard of 2.43 hectares of functional open space per 1,000 population.
However this standard will be applied flexibly in recognition that:

In certain circumstances, provision of all-weather facilities can be more

effective than traditional pitches;
Changing trends in sport, recreation and leisure and the importance of
providing outdoor and indoor facilities; and
Achievement of provision in strict accordance with the standard can
sometimes be impractical and/or inappropriate on previously developed

5.338 Open spaces should be designed in line with Cardiff Open Space SPG guidelines
to create a landscaped open space which fulfils its function with efficiency, can
be maintained in a viable condition and contributes to the welfare and appearance
of the environment. Functional open spaces can fulfil a number of roles including
minimising vandalism, increasing privacy, providing wildlife habitats and minimising
the intrusion of noise and air pollution.

5.339 The implementation of policies designed to provide and protect public open space
throughout Cardiff would also serve to offset any increase in recreational pressure
on the Cardiff Beech Woods SAC, thereby helping to avoid the likelihood that
this LDP will have a significant effect upon this site.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Priority in new developments will be given to reducing health inequalities
and encouraging healthy lifestyles through:

i. Identifying sites for new health facilities, reflecting the spatial distribution
of need, ensuring they are accessible and have the potential to be shared
by different service providers; and
ii. Ensuring that they provide a physical and built environment that supports
interconnectivity, active travel choices, promotes healthy lifestyles and
enhances road safety.

5.340 This Policy aims to improve the health of Cardiff’s population by seeking to secure
new health facilities in areas most at need, requiring that the built environment
fosters healthy lifestyles, and ensuring that health is a key consideration in new

5.341 The Policy seeks to address health inequalities in Cardiff where the difference
in life expectancy between some wards is up to 12 years (Welsh Index of Multiple
Deprivation 2011). It gives greater detail on the Key Policy KP14 on Health and
helps work towards delivering LDP objectives relating to health and one of the
main strategic outcomes of the Cardiff Partnership Strategy ‘people in Cardiff
are healthy’.

5.342 It accords with the aim of PPW in delivering sustainable development by ensuring
that health is taken account of in new developments and assists a number of
PPW objectives regarding travel and access to key community facilities. It also
helps deliver a number of objectives regarding healthy lifestyles, sport and
recreation in accordance with Our Healthy Future (Welsh Government 2009) and
Fairer Health Outcomes for All (Welsh Government 2011).

5.343 This Policy reflects the fact that ‘health considerations can be material
considerations in determining planning applications.’ (PPW 12.13.8). The effect
of development on people’s health is a key element of sustainable development
and its consideration will raise any significant issues which need to be taken into

5.344 It is recognised that not all new developments will be able to identify land for new
health facilities. This largely depends on the scale of development and will be
applied flexibly as a result. It is recommended that the local health board is
contacted for further advice on this matter. Relevant documents are ‘Together
for Health’ (Welsh Government 2012) and ‘Setting the Direction Primary and
Community Services Strategic Delivery Programme’ (Welsh Government 2010).

Detailed Policies

5.345 For a description of appropriate locations to provide health facilities, see Policy
C1 on Community Facilities. In addition, a number of other issues relating to the
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

effect of new development on health including design, open space/community

growing and transport are referred to in the respective policies.

5.346 Further details on this Policy will be set out in a Health SPG.


Where a need has been identified for new and improved school facilities as
a result of development, the Council will seek contributions towards the cost
of additional education provision. Negotiated contributions will be fairly and
reasonably related in scale and kind to the proposed development. Where
appropriate on site provision will be required.

Development of nursery, primary, secondary and sixth form education should:

i. Be well designed, well related to neighbourhood services and amenities,

and easily accessible by sustainable transport modes; and
ii. Include, where appropriate, provision for other appropriate community
uses in addition to their educational use.

5.347 The Council has a statutory duty as local education authority to ensure that there
is a sufficient number and variety of school places at primary and secondary
level, available to meet the needs of the population of the County.

5.348 Although the supply and demand for school places varies by area, it is anticipated
that there will be no overall surplus school places at entry to the primary sector
in 2015, nor in the secondary sector in 2019. This takes account of existing school
investment proposal and projections based upon health service (GP) and school
roll data. Additional primary and secondary education provision will therefore be
required to serve the new pupils generated as a result of greenfield or brownfield
housing developments that come forward during the plan period.

5.349 The Council will seek financial contributions (See Policy KP7 Planning
Obligations), towards the cost of providing additional or improved primary and/or
secondary school facilities from developers proposing housing developments
that would generate a requirement for school places that cannot be reasonably
met by existing schools because:
a. the capacity at the school(s) in whose catchment area (s) new housing
development are proposed would as a result of the development be exceeded

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

by demand; and/or
b. there is a surplus capacity in such schools to accommodate some or all of
the projected number of pupils generated from the proposed development
but investment is required to make it suitable.

5.350 The Council will also seek the provision of land and/or premises, depending on
scale and location of development. Please refer to Key Policy KP6 New

5.351 It is recognised that the future additional pupils generated from strategic housing
allocations (D-H) could not be accommodated in existing schools. The Council
requests that developers set aside appropriate sites and provide school facilities
in the initial phases of development aligned with the construction process, and
additional forms of entry made available where necessary (210 primary school
places plus nursery provision, 150 secondary school places plus sixth form
provision) following completion of each 700 dwellings.

5.352 There will also be a need to address school provision in catchment areas where
there is little or no existing capacity to accommodate the additional demand likely
to arise from housing development on previously developed land (including
strategic sites) or other in-fill sites. With limited exceptions financial contributions
will be sought from developers towards the provision of new classroom
accommodation, in accordance with the needs which arise from the proposed

5.353 In the event of the Council being allocated developer contributions to expand
existing provision, the phasing of contributions over the period of construction
will need to be in line with those set out in SPG, and will require careful
consideration to ensure that the supply of school places is aligned with the
construction process and occupancy of dwellings. Monitoring of take-up of school
places will be a key consideration in order to inform existing and future needs.

5.354 Opportunities should be taken to share school buildings and facilities, or co-locate
on shared sites with other Council Service areas and selected external services.
This would serve to maximise the use of the land and provide an integrated citizen
focused resource for the whole community. Opportunities for shared facilities
could include libraries, community centres, leisure centres, indoor recreation
facilities, play centres, adult education facilities, integrated childcare facilities,
adjoining natural habitat, health care facilities.

5.355 Dependant on geographical constraints, opportunities should be taken to explore

shared school facilities/playing fields with other schools (e.g. a Primary and
Secondary School sharing fields) or continuous ages 3-19 school provision.

Detailed Policies

5.356 Further guidance on the application of this Policy will be set out in SPG.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Mineral reserves with planning permission will be safeguarded from
development that would prevent their extraction at:

i. Creigiau Quarry;
ii. Taffs Well Quarry;
iii. Ton Mawr Quarry; and
iv. Blaengwynlais Quarry.

Preferred Areas of known resources suitable for the future working of

Limestone have been identified as extensions to:

v. Creigiau Quarry; and

vi. Ton Mawr Quarry.

5.357 The aim of this Policy is to protect identified mineral limestone reserves and
resources from incompatible forms of development that could cause sterilisation
and prevent them from being worked, so that they remain available for future

5.358 This Policy expands on Policy KP11 and aims to protect existing mineral reserves
and potential resources from development that would preclude their future
extraction. It corresponds with guidance contained in PPW, a key principle of
which is to provide mineral resources to meet society’s needs and to safeguard
resources from sterilisation.

5.359 Mineral reserves are sites with planning permission for mineral working. Cardiff
has several mineral reserves, which are identified on the Proposals Map. These
are limestone quarries which are active at present, or those which have planning
permission for the working of limestone. Preferred Areas of known resources are
sites within the County considered suitable for the future working of limestone.
These areas are identified on the Proposals Map.

5.360 Permanent development on, or close to, mineral reserves or resources can mean
that the minerals become sterilised or future extraction hindered. The identified
reserves and resources will be protected from incompatible forms of development
in order to prevent this. Incompatible forms of development include premature
in-filling with waste or other material, and permanent building development. Policy

Detailed Policies

M4 on Minerals Buffer Zones further protects such areas by defining buffer zones
around identified reserves and resources, within which neither mineral working
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

nor housing and other similarly sensitive development will be permitted.


The extension or deepening of existing mineral workings will be favoured in
preference to the release of new sites and, with the exception of the lateral
extensions of Creigiau and Ton Mawr Quarries referred to in Policy M1,
deepening will be preferred to lateral extension. Applications to extend or
deepen mineral workings will be permitted where it can be demonstrated that:

i. There are environmental improvements at the site which can be justified

by the addition of new reserves, or traded off by the giving up of existing
reserves, or;
ii. The addition of new reserves preserves the productive capacity of Cardiff
to meet its sub regional apportionment commitments; or
iii. There are operational benefits in permitting further reserves that will lead
to more efficient exploitation of the resource;
iv. It should also be demonstrated that such an approach will not cause
unacceptable harm to the environment, including consideration of impacts
relating to access, noise, air quality, landscape and visual effects, ecology,
soil resources, hydrology and hydrogeology, blast vibration and cultural
heritage, and in the case of Creigiau Quarry, the objectives of Policy M3
are delivered as part of an extension or deepening application.

5.361 The extent of Cardiff’s existing minerals landbank means it is unlikely that there
will be a need to grant any further permissions for mineral resource release within
the Plan period. The Regional Technical Statement 1st Review (August 2014)
states that based on current information Cardiff has a surplus of permitted
reserves and no further allocations are necessary. However, it also notes that
these conclusions do not take into account all factors that may be material to
ensuring an adequate and steady supply of aggregates for appropriately located
sources including the technical capability of one type of aggregate to interchange
for another, the relative environmental cost of substitution of one type of aggregate
by another, the relative environmental effects of changing patterns of supply and
whether adequate production capacity can be maintained to meet the required
level of supply. The purpose of this Policy is to set out the sequential test approach
which would be used to guide the future release of mineral resources, should
this be necessary.
5.362 This Policy expands on Policy KP11 and promotes and supports the efficient use
of minerals. The Policy accords with guidance contained in PPW which recognises

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

that extensions to existing minerals workings are often more generally acceptable
than new greenfield sites

5.363 Generally, the continuation of quarrying at existing sites is preferable to the

environmental and financial upheaval of shifting production to new sites. In
addition, the deepening of sites is preferred to lateral extension as it minimises
the area of land given over to working and ensures the best use of existing
reserves. However, in determining the best option, consideration will need to be
given to possible environmental and restoration implications and for this reason
an exception is made for Creigiau quarry where the objectives of Policy M3 to
swap reserves for less environmentally sensitive reserves will be delivered as
part of an extension or deepening application.

5.364 The life of any reserves released will be restricted to enable new technology and
new environmental expectations to be reflected, without compromising the ability
of operators to amortise their investment in plant. In addition, reserves will not
be released prematurely to avoid sterilisation of land, and to ensure operators
maximise the use of the existing site before moving into new areas. This will also
help ensure the older site can be restored earlier.

5.365 In determining the best option, consideration will need to be given to the possible
impact on the environment, natural heritage and built heritage.


Measures to prevent further mineral working and, where appropriate, to secure
restoration and landscaping works at the earliest opportunity, will be sought
at the following sites:

i. Cefn Garw Quarry, Tongwynlais;

ii. Highland Park Brickworks, Ely;
iii. West End Brickworks, Ely; and
iv. Southern and western parts of Creigiau Quarry.

5.366 The aim of this Policy is to introduce measures to prevent further extraction of
minerals at the sites above, as shown on the Proposals Map, as mineral working
is no longer considered appropriate at these locations.

5.367 This Policy expands on Policy KP11. It accords with guidance contained in PPW,
which states that inactive sites with planning permission for future working which
are considered unlikely to be activated for the foreseeable future should be
identified in the development plan and should be the subject of a suitable strategy.

Detailed Policies

5.368 The Policy identifies three mineral sites ((i) to (iii) above) and parts of Creigiau
Quarry where mineral working is no longer considered appropriate by modern
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


5.369 Cardiff contains several quarries for limestone or brick-earth that have not been
worked for many years and in many cases have either re-vegetated naturally or
have been put to alternative uses. For example, the part of Ely Brickworks within
Cardiff has now been largely covered by the Ely Link Road. Despite long periods
of disuse or alternative uses of some sites, planning permissions for mineral
extraction still exist and could be reactivated at these sites. The sites identified
have been effectively abandoned by the minerals industry for many years. By
today’s environmental standards, they are no longer suitable for mineral working
and so are not needed for mineral purposes.

5.370 To eliminate any doubt over possible re-working at the sites outlined in (i) to (iv)
above, measures to prevent further extraction and secure restoration and
landscaping works will be pursued. Measures will include the use of Prohibition
Orders to ensure that no further working can take place at Cefn Garw Quarry,
Tongwynlais, Highland Park Brickworks, Ely and West End Brickworks, Ely and
closure of the southern and western parts of Creigiau quarry through a legal
agreement with the site owners to relinquish these areas in favour of a new area
set out in Policy M1 of the Plan and identified on the Proposals Map.


Within the minerals buffer zones no mineral working, housing or other
sensitive development will be permitted.

5.371 The aim of this Policy is to provide an explanation of the minerals buffer zones
identified on the Proposals Map. The purpose of the buffer zones is to protect
identified mineral reserves and resources from incompatible development which
could sterilise them, and to reduce the environmental impact of quarrying by
separating sensitive developments and mineral working.

5.372 This Policy expands on Policy KP11 and aims to protect existing mineral reserves
and potential resources from development that would preclude their future
extraction. Guidance contained in PPW indicates that buffer zones should be
defined in order to provide areas of protection around permitted and proposed
mineral working. MTAN1: Aggregates indicates a minimum set distance for buffer
zones of 200m, and that within buffer zones no new sensitive development or
mineral extraction should be approved.

5.373 Buffer zones have been drawn around all minerals reserves (sites with planning
permission for mineral working) and resources (sites identified as suitable for
future mineral working) indicated on the Proposals Map. The purpose of buffer
zones is to protect identified mineral reserves and resources from incompatible
development which could sterilise them, and to ensure a separation distance

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

between potentially conflicting land uses. The size of each buffer zone is
appropriate to the environmental impact of the quarry, particularly the effects of
ground vibration from blasting operations.

5.374 Sensitive development includes land uses most susceptible to adverse impact
from quarrying, such as housing, schools and hospitals. These uses will be
resisted within buffer zones. Some less sensitive development, where a lower
standard of amenity could be tolerated, such as industrial land uses, offices and
developments ancillary to the mineral working may be considered acceptable
within buffer zones. Buffer zones also ensure that the environmental impact of
quarrying on residents is minimised, particularly where mineral working and new
residential developments are separated.

5.375 Since minerals can only be worked where they occur, this policy will be afforded
greater weight than policies favouring quarry-sensitive development that could
be located elsewhere.


Proposals for mineral working or for related plant and buildings will be
permitted only where firm proposals are included for the reinstatement of the
site to a condition fit for an appropriate after-use supported, where relevant,
by adequate after-care proposals. Appropriate reinstatement and after-care
proposals will similarly be required when existing controls are reviewed. In
drawing up restoration proposals, mineral operators will be encouraged to:

i. Undertake progressive restoration;

ii. Make beneficial use of mineral waste generated by mineral operations;
iii. Consider whether restoration can contribute to nature conservation
targets set out in the Local Biodiversity Action Plan.
iv. New uses of former mineral workings other than those appropriate to a
rural area will not be permitted without special justification. Proposals
to carry out safety works at derelict or dormant sites will be favoured.

5.376 The aim of this Policy is to ensure that all proposals for mineral working or related
development are accompanied by plans for restoration and suitable after-use of
the site, or after-care where appropriate.

Detailed Policies

5.377 This Policy expands on Policy KP11. The policy accords with objectives contained
in PPW and MTAN 1: Aggregates which aim to achieve a high standard of
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

restoration and aftercare, and provide for beneficial after-uses when mineral
working has ceased.

5.378 This Policy will be applied in order to avoid dereliction and uncertainty by requiring
all applications for mineral working, including reviews of existing permissions, to
be accompanied by effective proposals to ensure restoration and after-care of
the site once mineral working finishes. This applies equally to ancillary plant and
buildings and to secondary industry, whose presence is normally only justified
by the existence of the mineral working site. It is essential to avoid dereliction
and uncertainty once mineral working ends, and to ensure the site is left in a safe
and usable condition and restored to a high standard suitable for its agreed
after-use. Operators will generally be expected to agree the broad aims of the
restoration scheme at the outset, to keep those aims under regular review
throughout working and to implement the scheme forthwith. The choice of
after-use will depend on many issues including the location, final landform,
availability and quality of soils or other restoration materials, and neighbouring
land uses.

5.379 Where restoration is to agricultural or amenity use, appropriate after-care

proposals will be needed. A separate planning permission is likely to be required
for any after-use except agriculture, forestry, nature conservation or certain forms
of informal recreation which do not normally require planning permission.

5.380 Proposals for new quarries or major extensions will be expected to be

accompanied by detailed soil and habitat surveys. Comprehensive programmes
for the stripping and storage of topsoil, subsoil and conservation of other
soil-making materials should form part of the initial restoration proposals, which
will be expected to provide for phased and progressive restoration of worked out

5.381 Restoration can provide opportunities for creating and enhancing sites for nature
conservation and contributing to the targets in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan
and Local Biodiversity Action Plan.


The sand wharves shown on the Proposals Map will be protected against
development which would prejudice their ability to land marine dredged sand
and gravel. Proposals for the provision and improvement of landing and
distribution facilities for marine dredged aggregates within the sand wharves
shown on the Proposals Map will be favoured where there will be no
unacceptable harm to the environment.
5.382 Marine sources currently supply the majority of fine aggregate construction needs
for Cardiff. This Policy provides a framework for the protection of existing wharves

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and the assessment of applications for new or improved sand and gravel wharves
and related facilities.

5.383 This Policy expands on Policy KP11. The Policy accords with guidance contained
in Interim Marine Aggregates Dredging Policy (2004) which indicates that the
use of marine dredged sand and gravel will continue for the foreseeable future
where this remains consistent with the principles of sustainable development. It
accords with the Regional Technical Statement 1st Review (2014) which requires
the protection of existing and potential wharves.

5.384 Although marine dredging is outside the control of the Council, it is necessary to
ensure that existing wharves are protected and that appropriate landing and
distribution facilities are provided to ensure this important source of construction
materials remains available. Without it, the County would have to accept greater
demands on land-based sources and more costly imports.

5.385 In response to concerns about the long-term effects of dredging on coastal

erosion, Interim Marine Aggregates Dredging Policy (2004) proposes a more
cautious approach to dredging and seeks a more balanced approach to the
sourcing of supplies for fine aggregates in South Wales. Although this may lead
to long-term changes in supply patterns, in the short term the present pattern of
supply is likely to continue, and it is therefore prudent to ensure that facilities
which enable current levels of supply to be maintained are protected and new
facilities favoured.

5.386 Operations involving the trans-shipment of minerals do not normally need specific
planning permission within the operational area of the port. However, secondary
processes including the manufacture or treatment of mineral products usually
need permission. Where proposals are submitted they will need to demonstrate
minimal impact on the environment. Where proposals are likely to have significant
effects upon the environment, applications may be subject to Environmental
Impact Assessment. Additionally, proposals will need to have regard to the Severn
Estuary SSSI/SAC/SPA and Ramsar site and where proposals are likely to have
a significant effect on an international site, an appropriate assessment of the
proposal would be undertaken.

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Development will not be permitted within the Sand and Gravel, Coal and
Limestone Safeguarding Areas shown on the Proposals Map that would
permanently sterilise these mineral resources unless:

i. The applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning

Authority that the mineral concerned is no longer of any resource value
or potential resource value; or
ii. The mineral can be extracted satisfactorily prior to the incompatible
development taking place; or
iii. The incompatible development is of a temporary nature and can be
completed and the site restored to a condition that does not either sterilise
the resource or inhibit extraction within the timescale that the mineral is
likely to be needed; or
iv. There is an overriding need for the incompatible development which
overrides the need for the resource, including a requirement for prior
extraction if practicable.

5.387 The aim of this Policy is to ensure that the sand and gravel, coal and limestone
safeguarding areas identified on the Proposals Map are protected from
development that would cause its sterilisation and safeguarded for the future,
should a need for these resources arise. In order to ensure this the Policy sets
out a range of criteria against which proposals for development will be assessed.

5.388 This Policy expands on Policy KP11 in that it protects potential resources from
development. The Policy accords with guidance contained in PPW which requires
Mineral Planning Authorities to safeguard access to mineral deposits which
society may need. It also accords with MTAN1: Aggregates which states that
land based sand and gravel resources must be safeguarded for potential use by
future generations in view of their relatively limited regional availability and
MTAN2: Coal which requires the safeguarding of mineral resources.

Sand and Gravel Safeguarding Area

5.389 At present, marine dredged sources provide the majority of fine aggregate required
to meet construction needs within Cardiff. In the short term this supply pattern is
unlikely to change significantly. In view of the existing pattern of dredged
aggregate supply, it is very unlikely that sand and gravel resources will need to
be released for development within the Plan period. However, in light of concerns
regarding the sustainability of the current pattern of marine dredged aggregate
supplies, it is necessary for land-based sand and gravel resources to be
safeguarded for potential use in the future. This Policy will be used to resist all
forms of permanent development in the sand and gravel resource area shown

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

on the Proposals Map. Land-based sand and gravel could only be worked where
it is found, so this Policy represents a long-term strategy to protect existing
resources, as they could become a strategic resource in the future. This Policy
will carry more weight than policies favouring development that could be located

Coal Safeguarding Area

5.390 Current energy supply does not necessitate the working of coal resources within
Cardiff, and this situation is highly unlikely to change in the short term.
Consequently, it is unlikely that it will be necessary to release coal resources for
working to provide for energy needs in the Plan period. However, it is prudent to
ensure that the coal resources identified are protected from sterilisation to maintain
their potential for use in the future, should this become necessary.

5.391 In accordance with guidance set out in MTAN2: Coal all international and national
designations of environmental and cultural importance have been excluded from
the Coal Safeguarding Area and a 200 metre margin has been included to protect
the setting of Ancient Monuments. All coal resources outside these designations
are identified on the Proposals Map. Where safeguarded coal resources abut
defined settlement boundaries, a 500m area where coal working will not be
acceptable has been shown Although this area includes safeguarded coal
resources, it identifies the area of land within which future coal extraction will
generally not be acceptable, subject to the exceptions in paragraph 49 of MTAN2:
Coal. Further details are set out in Policy M8: Areas where Coal Working is not

5.392 Coal could only be worked where it is found, so this Policy represents a long-term
strategy to protect existing resources as they could become a strategic resource
in the future. This Policy will carry more weight than policies favouring
development that could be located elsewhere.


5.393 Currently there is a sufficient landbank of limestone reserves in the County for
the Plan period and, should the landbank not prove sufficient, the limestone
resource areas identified in Policy M1 would be considered before any of the
safeguarded areas shown on the Proposals Map. Given this, it will not be
necessary to release any of the safeguarded areas for working to provide for
aggregates needs over the Plan period. However, it is prudent to ensure that the
limestone resources identified are protected from sterilisation to maintain their
potential for use in the future, should this become necessary.

Detailed Policies

5.394 The designation as a safeguarded area does not indicate an acceptance of sand
and gravel, coal or limestone working in that area.
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

5.395 In addition to the resources outlined above the Aggregates Safeguarding Maps
of Wales identifies a small amount of Category 1 Sandstone HSA (High
Specification Aggregate) resources in the extreme north west of the County. As
this area lies wholly within the Coal Safeguarding Area outlined above it is not
identified separately on the Proposals Map as it is already protected from
sterilisation and safeguarded for the future, should a need for these resources


Future coal extraction will not be permitted within the Areas where Coal
Working will not be Acceptable as shown on the Proposals Map unless
exceptional circumstances show a smaller area is appropriate.

5.396 The aim of this Policy is to protect the amenity of existing residential areas and
international and national designations of environmental and cultural importance
by ensuring that an appropriate area where coal working will not be acceptable
is maintained between future coal working and residential areas and environmental
and cultural designations are protected. The Policy accords with guidance
contained in PPW and MTAN2: Coal.

5.397 All coal resources outside international and national designations of environmental
and cultural importance up to settlement boundaries are identified on the
Proposals Map and the policy identifies the area of land within which future coal
extraction will generally not be acceptable by defining a 500m area where coal
working will not be acceptable from existing residential areas. This accords with
guidance set out in MTAN2: Coal which states that Coal working will generally
not be acceptable within 500 metres of settlements unless there are exceptional
circumstances and that an area where coal working will not be acceptable should
be shown on the Proposals Map.

5.398 MTAN2: Coal sets out factors that could justify exceptional circumstances where
a smaller area where coal working will not be acceptable may be appropriate.
These include:

Where coal working provides the most effective solution to prevent risks to
health and safety arising from previous mineral working;
To remediate land damaged by shallow coal workings or mine waste, where
coal extraction appears to be the most sustainable option;
Where topography, natural features such as woodland, or existing
development, would significantly and demonstrably mitigate impacts;

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Where major roads or railways lie between the settlement and the proposed
operational area and coal working would not result in appreciable cumulative
and in-combination effects;
Where the surface expression of underground working does not include the
significant handling or storage of the mineral or waste;
When the proposal is of overriding significance for regeneration, employment
and economy in the local area; or
Where extraction would be in advance of other, permanent, development
which cannot reasonably be located elsewhere.

5.399 In accordance with guidance in MTAN2: Coal where such exceptions justify
surface working within 500m of a settlement, the area of working should be
restricted to the area reasonably necessary for remediation and the best balance
between the scale, working-method and the timing of individual phases, the
opportunities for early restoration and aftercare, and hours of working will be
sought. In order to justify working within 200 metres of a settlement strong
evidence of the necessity for remediation, including the evaluation of options will
be required and the social and environmental impacts on the affected settlement
must be carefully weighed.

Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


Proposals for the development of waste management facilities will be
permitted where:

i. There is a demonstrable need assessed against regional requirements;

ii. They conform with the waste hierarchy and the principles contained in
the Waste Framework Directive of An Integrated and Adequate Network;
Nearest Appropriate Installation; Self Sufficiency and Protection of Human
Health and the Environment;
iii. They would not cause unacceptable harm to the environment, built
heritage or to human health;
iv. They include acceptable proposals for restoration, aftercare and after-use,
including the beneficial after-use of by-products;
v. They would not endanger aviation safety;
vi. They include acceptable proposals for the protection of adjoining and
nearby land from landfill gas and leachate migration or contamination;
vii. They are not located within an area at risk from flooding;
viii. They would not cause unacceptable air, noise or light pollution, dust,
vibration or odours, or attract excessive vermin;
ix. They provide safe means of access to the highway and adequate on-site
parking and turning facilities; and
x. They are accompanied by a Waste Planning Assessment containing
sufficient information to enable an assessment of the proposal.

Facilities for the handling, treatment and transfer of waste will generally be
encouraged towards existing use class B2 general industrial land.

5.400 The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for the assessment of
planning applications for waste management facilities.

5.401 This Policy expands on Policy KP12. The Policy accords with the National Waste
Strategy for Wales: Wise About Waste (2002); Towards Zero Waste (2010); The
Collections, Infrastructure and Markets Sector Plan (2012) and TAN 21: Waste

5.402 It is anticipated that applications will come forward within the Plan period for new
waste management facilities. Applications are likely to include waste disposal,
processing, recycling and transfer of waste. The need for waste facilities will be
assessed against the Collections, Infrastructure and Markets Sector Plan and
capacity requirements established through regional monitoring, as set out in TAN
5.403 The ‘waste hierarchy’ advocates a sequential approach to waste management.
At the top of the hierarchy is waste prevention and re-use, followed by preparation

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

for reuse, recycling, recovery and finally (i.e. least favoured) disposal.

5.404 Waste facilities will generally be encouraged towards existing general industrial
areas (use class B2), unless it can be demonstrated that they could be acceptably
located elsewhere, or unless assessment of the proposal indicates that more
onerous locational standards should apply.

5.405 The Regional Waste Plan 1st Review (2008) contains Areas of Search Maps
which TAN 21 indicates remain relevant for use in identifying potential new sites
for in-building and open-air waste management/resource recovery facilities.
Developers are encouraged to use the recommendations to assist in the
identification of suitable sites.

5.406 Planning applications for waste management facilities should be accompanied

by a Waste Planning Assessment containing sufficient information to enable an
assessment of the application and its contribution to meeting the requirements
set out in the Collections, Infrastructure and Markets Sector Plan. Information
to be provided should include:

Waste Policy Statement (contribution to the CIM Sector Plan, need and
locational requirements, demand, identification of markets, current shortfall
in treatment capacity, consultation);
Time-scale (lifespan of the operation, days and hours of operation);
Types and quantities of waste to be managed;
Design, layout, buildings and plant;
Amenity and nuisance;
Air pollution;
Energy efficiency.

5.407 Further details are contained in Annex B of TAN 21 (2014). Where appropriate,
proposals should be accompanied by a formal environmental assessment and
Health Impact Assessment. In assessing such proposals, close consultation will
be undertaken with Natural Resources Wales and conditions will be attached to
any permissions and/or legal agreements sought to ensure adequate
environmental safeguards and controls.

5.408 Further guidance on the application of the Policy will be set out in the Locating
Waste Management Facilities SPG.

Detailed Policies


Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Where appropriate, provision will be sought in all new development for

facilities for the storage, recycling and other management of waste.

5.409 The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that adequate provision is made for waste
management facilities within new developments, in order to aid the Council in
meeting the challenging waste recycling targets set by European and national

5.410 The Policy accords with TAN21: Waste, The National Waste Strategy for Wales:
Wise About Waste (2002) and Towards Zero Waste (2010).

5.411 Targets set out in Wise About Waste (2002) mean that the Council is required
to be more proactive in managing waste. It is important that new development
is designed to incorporate facilities for waste management to encourage waste
reduction, recycling, composting and separation at source. This Policy will be
used to ensure that adequate storage and collection facilities are provided in all
appropriate new developments.

5.412 The general requirement for all developments will be to provide:

On-site waste, recycling and composting, separation and storage facilities;

Communal waste, recycling and composting, separation and storage facilities
for larger developments;
Access arrangements for refuse vehicles and personnel for collection

5.413 Facilities provided should be secure, unobtrusive and easily accessible. Further
detailed guidance on matters such as the types of facilities required and their
design will be set out in SPG.
217 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Monitoring and Implementation

Monitoring and Implementation

6.1 Monitoring the effect of planning policies is the principle way through which the
effectiveness of implementing the LDP can be assessed. The monitoring process
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

helps to positively identify key issues and questions such as:

Which policies are being implemented successfully – i.e. their effectiveness

in determining planning applications and in withstanding appeals.
Whether policies are having their intended output.
If policies are not working well, what actions are needed to address them?
What changes to the evidence base has occurred or needs to take place?
What gaps can be identified that should be addressed by the LDP?
If an amendment of policies or complete review of the LDP is required.

6.2 The Council is required to submit an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) to Welsh
Government by 31st October each year following adoption of the LDP as set out
in Section 37 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan)
Regulations 2005 (the Regulations). Having a clear mechanism for the monitoring
of the LDP is one of the ‘Tests of Soundness’ considered in the Examination of
the LDP by the Planning Inspector.

6.3 The LDP Manual explains that the Annual Monitoring Report process should not
just be about data collection, but about taking a forward looking action-orientated
approach which may raise issues that need to be addressed and will help form
the basis for a review of the LDP.

6.4 The LDP is subject to a four year review period with an interim target therefore
of Autumn 2019. However, a full revision of the LDP is only likely to be required
in certain circumstances, for example where new legislation or guidance is
released, significant changes to forecasts occur or where LDP objectives are not
being effectively delivered. It is a combination of all of these factors, together
with the issues raised in the AMR which may warrant consideration of a partial
or full review. It would not be based solely on whether an individual target was
being met or policy having a specific outcome.

6.5 The LDP Manual acknowledges that data cannot be collected for every policy in
the Plan; it would lead to an unnecessarily large and complicated document. It
suggests that key policy areas are monitored consistently to allow for trends to
be recognised. Where possible, use will be made of existing information being

6.6 It is important to recognise that the monitoring process can be a complex task,
particularly where there is a lack of consistent data or if there is doubt an outcome
can be solely attributed to development plan policies. There may also be difficulties
in monitoring certain impacts on an annual basis when some changes take a
longer time to materialise. Therefore, careful attention has been given to gathering
the right volume and grain of data.
6.7 A set of indicators have been comprised which will act as a benchmark in
measuring performance. Indicators will be noted as either ‘Contextual’, ‘Core’ or

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


Contextual Indicators –These are broad indicators which help monitor the
effectiveness of the LDP at a strategic level and are designed to given an
overall picture of how Cardiff as a whole is performing.
Core Indicators – The Local Development Plan Manual (2006) sets out a
number of core output indicators which are considered to be essential for
assessing implementation of national policy.
Local Indicators – The Council has identified local indicators which are more
specific to Cardiff and considered important in monitoring the effectiveness
of the LDP.

6.8 All indicators are linked to monitoring targets which set out the position that needs
to be achieved in order to help deliver the LDP Strategy. If monitoring targets are
not being met, trigger points are included to assess the extent to which
circumstances have diverged from the target. The trigger points will indicate if
certain parts of the Plan are not achieving their desired outcomes. If these trigger
points are activated then the AMR will consider the necessary action which is

6.9 In setting trigger points, the principle adopted has been to set strict activation
points rather than building in wide margins of delivery significantly below or above
the target based on Plan policies. Therefore, where trigger points are based on
numerical delivery rates, a trigger of 10% above or below the target has been
adopted. In this way trigger activation enables the understanding of the reasons
lying behind and consideration of whether any improvements can be made to
make Plan implementation as effective as possible.

6.10 In this respect, careful consideration will be given to the likely underlying reasons
for the activation of any trigger points. This will inform whether reasons reflect
external factors or national trends largely outside the scope of the effectiveness
of LDP policy implementation or whether reasons may be more directly related
to the Plan or local factors. In such situations a range of appropriate corrective
actions can be considered. Such actions are set out in more detail fully below.

6.11 Options are available to the Council with respect to each indicator, monitoring
target and trigger point. The AMR will assess the severity of the situation
associated with each indicator and recommend an appropriate response in
accordance with the following table:
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Monitoring and Implementation

Continue Monitoring (Green)

Where indicators are suggesting the LDP Policies are being implemented effectively
and there is no cause for review.

Training Required (Blue)

Where indicators are suggesting that LDP policies are not being implemented as
intended and further officer or Member training is required.

Supplementary Planning Guidance Required (Purple)

Indicators may suggest the need for further guidance to be provided in addition to
those already in the Plan.

Further Research (Yellow)

Where indicators are suggesting the LDP policies are not being as effective as they
should, further research and investigation is required.

Policy Review (Orange)

Where indicators are suggesting the LDP policies are failing to implement the strategy
a formal review of the Policy is required. Further investigation and research may be
required before a decision to formally review is confirmed.

Plan Review (Red)

Where indicators are suggesting the LDP strategy is failing and a formal review of
the Plan is required. This option to fully review the Plan will need to be fully investigated
and undertaken following serious consideration.
221 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
List of Appendicies

List of Appendicies

Appendix 1: List of Key and Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Appendix 2: National and Regional Policy Framework

Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Appendix 5: Sites over 10 Dwellings

Appendix 6: Heritage Assets Areas of Protection

Appendix 7: Designated Sites

Appendix 8: District and Local Centres

Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Appendix 11: Tests of Soundness Self-Assessment

Appendix 12: List of Supporting Documents

Appendix 13: List of the Evidence Base

Appendix 14: Bibliography

223 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 1: List of Key and Detailed Policies
Appendix 1: List of Key and Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

























Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan























Appendix 1: List of Key and Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Countryside Protection




The Natural Environment








The Historic Environment


Natural Resources



Renewable Energy




Flood Risk

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan





















Appendix 1: List of Key and Detailed Policies

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan






















229 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 2: National and Regional Policy Framework
Appendix 2: National and Regional Policy Framework

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A2.1 Cardiff’s LDP must take into account relevant policies and guidance relating to
Wales, the city-region and other approved policies relating to the local area.

LDP legislation and guidance

A2.2 Every local planning authority in Wales must prepare a LDP for its area. This is
known as a ‘plan-led’ system and together with other relevant plans, strategies
and policies, provides the framework for planning in Cardiff. The main relevant
legislation and guidance relating to LDPs is as follows:

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 - Requires the Council to

prepare an LDP and, in doing so, to have regard to its Community Strategy
and national policy including the Wales Spatial Plan (WSP);
The Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales)
Regulations 2005- Outlines the details of how the LDP system will be
operated. This includes the need for LDPs to have regard to the Waste
Strategy for Wales, Regional Waste Plans, Regional Transport Plan and
Local Housing Strategies; and
Additional guidance on the preparation of LDPs has been prepared by the
Welsh Government and includes:

Local Development Plans Wales (2005)

Local Development Plan Manual (2006)
Planning Your Community: A Guide to Local Development Plans (2006)
Guide to the examination of Local Development Plans (2006)

National policy framework

A2.3 The Welsh Government's national land use policies are set out in Planning
Policy Wales (Edition 5, November 2012) and Mineral Planning Policy Wales
(2001). These are supplemented by Technical Advice Notes and Circulars.
Planning Policy Wales sets out how the land use planning system can help
achieve the Welsh Government's goals of:

Sustainable Development - meeting the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs;
Building a dynamic and advanced economy - supporting economic
regeneration, creating wealth and good quality jobs;
Tackling social disadvantage - developing an inclusive society where
everyone has the chance to fulfil their potential; and
Equal Opportunities - promoting a culture in which diversity is valued and
equality of opportunity is a reality.
A2.4 Chapter 2 of PPW sets out further information on Development Plan coverage.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A2.5 People Places Futures: The Wales Spatial Plan (2008 update) provides a
strategic framework to guide future development and policy interventions across
Wales, beyond the scope of formal land use planning control. The Spatial Plan
places Cardiff at the centre of the South East - 'Capital Network' - area of Wales,
for which its vision is of, '' An innovative skilled area offering a high quality of life
– international yet distinctively Welsh. It will compete internationally by increasing
its global visibility through stronger links between the Valleys and the coast and
with the UK and Europe, helping to spread prosperity within the area and
benefiting other parts of Wales''.

A2.6 The Spatial Plan acknowledges that it is important for Wales as a whole that
Cardiff becomes significant internationally and that, to achieve this, the city needs
to be the focal point of a coherent and successful urban network in south east
Wales. Integrated transport is identified as being crucial to the area effectively
functioning in this way; and achieving this in ways which reduce reliance on
private cars, through improved public transport links.

A2.7 Of particular relevance, the Spatial Plan also identifies:

The City Coastal Area will function as a networked city-region, on a scale

to realise its international potential, its national role and to reduce inequalities;
The success of the City Coastal Area relies on Cardiff developing its capital
functions, together with strong and distinctive roles of other towns and cities;
The overall priority is to make better use of the area’s existing transport
infrastructure to deliver more sustainable access to jobs and services;
The pressure to provide more housing and employment should be managed
so as to fit in compatibly with conservation of the landscape, environment
and community strength of this area; and
Substantial growth of housing in the coastal zone should also be compatible
with the health of housing markets in the Heads of the Valleys and
Connections Corridor.

A2.8 The Environment Strategy for Wales (2006) outlines the Welsh Government’s
long-term strategy for the environment of Wales, setting out the strategic direction
for the next 20 years. The purpose of the Strategy is to provide a framework
within which to achieve an environment that is clean, healthy, biologically diverse
and valued by the people of Wales. Welsh Government wishes to see the
environment thriving and contributing to the economic and social well-being and
health of all of the people of Wales.
Appendix 2: National and Regional Policy Framework

A2.9 One Wales, One Planet (2009) sets out the Welsh Government’s vision of a
sustainable Wales and the priority it attaches to sustainable development. This
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

builds on the Welsh Government’s legal duty to deliver sustainable development

and requires all organisations in Wales to actively commit to sustainable

A2.10 Economic Renewal: A New Direction (2010) is the Welsh Government’s

Strategic Framework for economic development. It sets out a vision for making
Wales ‘one of the best places in the world to live and to work’. The strategy
outlines the Welsh Government’s following priorities, which are; investing in high
quality sustainable infrastructure; making Wales a more attractive place to do
business; broadening and deepening the skills base; encouraging innovation and
targeting support for business.

A2.11 One Wales: Connecting the nation – The Wales Transport Strategy (2008)
is the Welsh Government’s strategy for transport. It sets out how the Welsh
Government intends to achieve certain social, economic and environmental
outcomes. Five key areas are identified for progress:

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts;

Improving public transport and better integration between modes;
Improving links and access between key settlements and sites across Wales
and strategically important all-Wales links;
Enhancing international connectivity; and
Increasing safety and security.

A2.12 The National Transport Plan (2010) sets out in detail how the Welsh Government
proposes to deliver the Wales Transport Strategy One Wales: Connecting the
Nation over the next 5 years. The National Transport Plan builds on previous
plans, adding and integrating public and community transport, walking and cycling
so that investments help to deliver One Wales. The National Transport Plan sits
alongside the Regional Transport Plans in delivering the Wales Transport Strategy
to ensure consistency of service provision across the transport network. Together
the national and regional plans seek to strengthen local service delivery and
improve access to essential services such as health and education.

Regional Policy Context

A2.13 A Regional Transport Plan (RTP) (2010) has been prepared by the regional
transport consortium, the South East Wales Transport Alliance (Sewta), which
is made up of 10 local authorities including Cardiff and other transport
stakeholders. The Sewta RTP was approved by the Welsh Government in January
2010. Under the provisions of the Transport (Wales) Act 2006, the RTP replaces
the Local Transport Plans formerly produced by each local authority in Wales.
Welsh Government guidance requires the RTP to support the delivery of the
strategic objectives of the WSP and the Wales Transport Strategy. The RTP is
a material consideration in the formulation of LDPs and decisions on land use

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

where there is a transport dimension.

A2.14 The Sewta RTP sets out a vision of, “A modern, accessible, integrated and
sustainable transport system for south east Wales which increases opportunity,
promotes prosperity for all and protects the environment; where walking, cycling,
public transport and sustainable freight provide real travel alternatives”. To deliver
this vision the RTP identifies a range of strategic objectives, policies, and actions,
together with a five year rolling programme of schemes to develop and improve
the transport network.

A2.15 Managing demand for private car travel, making better use of the existing transport
network and encouraging use of sustainable and active transport modes are key
themes of the RTP which will provide the strategic framework for regional and
local level transport improvements across the region.

A2.16 The RTP recognises the critical relationship between land use and transport
provision and how each affects the other. In tune with Welsh Government RTP
guidance, it advocates a process of information sharing, joined-up thinking and
integration to establish a consistency between the RTP and LDPs across the
south east Wales region. These interactions need to embrace both LDP and
Development Management elements of land use planning.

A2.17 The South East Wales Regional Waste Plan, First Review (RWP) (2008)
provides a land use framework to facilitate the development of an integrated
network of facilities to treat and dispose of waste in south east Wales in a way
that has regard for the Waste Strategy for Wales, satisfies modern environmental
standards and meets targets set by European and national legislation. The
document was subject to a 1st Review, the contents of which have been approved
by the constituent authorities of south east Wales including Cardiff in July
2008.The Review sets out a Regional Waste Strategy indicating the preferred
mix of waste management/resource recovery technologies and capacities for
managing the forecast arisings of all controlled waste streams and a spatial
element that guides the location of new facilities. In identifying suitable locations
for new waste facilities, the LDP waste policies will assist in the development of
an integrated network of facilities to treat and dispose of waste in ways that will
satisfy modern environmental standards. A grouping of the authorities (Caerphilly,
Cardiff, Monmouthshire, Newport and the Vale of Glamorgan) has been formed
through Prosiect Gwyrdd to tackle the issue.
A2.18 The Regional Technical Statement (1 Review) (RTS) (2014) has been prepared
in response to Minerals Technical Advice Note 1: Aggregates (MTAN1), issued
by Welsh Government in March 2004. This has a primary objective of seeking
to ensure a sustainably managed supply of aggregates that are essential for
Appendix 2: National and Regional Policy Framework

construction, by striking the best balance between environmental, economic and

social costs. To achieve that objective, the RTS has been prepared by consultants
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

on behalf the South Wales and North Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party
(RAWP) to provide a strategic basis for aggregates supply for LDPs in the south
Wales region until 2036. As appropriate, local planning authorities will then be
expected to include allocations for aggregates provision in their area as part of
the LDP process. The RTS was endorsed by Welsh Government and the
constituent authorities including Cardiff in August 2014. The main
recommendations arising out of the RTS for Cardiff’s LDP to effectively address

Confirmation that the current aggregate reserves with planning permission

are sufficient to meet the 10 year landbank requirements of MTAN1;
The need to safeguard the marine dredging wharves within Cardiff Docks;
The need to safeguard for potential use by future generations the one
potential sand and gravel resource block within Cardiff.
235 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

The Cardiff Context and Key Issues the Plan must address
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


A3.1 It is important that the Plan is informed by relevant information relating to Cardiff.
Extensive work has been undertaken to develop a comprehensive and robust
evidence base. This section summarises some of the key issues which have
been identified following analysis of the information collected. Further detailed
information and technical data is contained in the supporting documents which
accompany this document.

The Cardiff Context

A3.2 The county covers some 143 square kilometres, and is the largest urban area in
Wales. Approximately 53% of the county is urban with the remaining 47% formed
by countryside and strategic river valleys which embraces a diverse pattern of
landscapes and wide range of resources.

A3.3 Cardiff is the key driver of the city-region economy in south east Wales which
has a total population of 1.4 million. It is also the capital city of Wales and seat
of National Government which further enhance Cardiff’s nationally important role.
This role is reinforced through its excellent range of retail, cultural, further
education and sporting facilities.

A3.4 LDPs within south east Wales local planning authorities (LPAs) have progressed
at different timescales with four of the 10 LPAs having adopted LDPs, but with
the majority still under preparation. The current situation is summarised in Table
1, below.

Table 1 South east Wales local authority LDP progress and overall levels of growth
(as at Deposit)

Local Authority Stage of Plan Period Overall level of

Preparation growth (dwellings

Blaenau Gwent Adopted 2006-21 3,500

Bridgend Deposit 2006-21 9,000

Caerphilly Adopted 2006-21 8,625

Merthyr Tydfil Adopted 2006-21 3,800

Monmouth Deposit 2011-21 4,000

Local Authority Stage of Plan Period Overall level of
Preparation growth (dwellings

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


Newport Deposit 2011-26 8,750

Rhondda Cynon Taff Adopted 2006-21 14,385

Torfaen Deposit 2006-21 5,000

Vale of Glamorgan Deposit 2011-26 9,950

A3.5 In order to assist the LDP in meeting the tests of soundness relating to cross
boundary issues and compatibility with LDPs prepared by neighbouring authorities,
a Working Group was set up in November 2011, made up of the 10 south east
Wales LPAs and other participating organisations in the South East Wales
Strategic Planning Group (SEWSPG). The South East Wales Economic Forum
(SEWEF) and the South East Wales Transport Authority (Sewta) were also invited
to participate. The purpose of the working group was to discuss the
cross-boundary implications of the emerging issues involved in the preparation
of the LDP.

Key Social Trends and Issues

A3.6 Cardiff is the most populated local authority in Wales, with 345,400 people living
in the county in 2011 (Office of National Statistics 2012) - over 11% of the total
population of Wales. Some 1.4 million people live within a 45 minute drive time
of the city. Cardiff’s population has increased steadily over the past 20 years
(by about 2,400 people per year) but much more rapidly since 2001 (about 3,500
per year). Welsh Government projections indicate that the number of households
in Cardiff will significantly increase by 37% between 2008 and 2026 from 136,741
to 187,302 households. According to the Welsh Government projections, this is
driven partly by in-migration (particularly net international migration), partly by
natural population increase (births less deaths), and partly by a decline in average
household size with over three quarters of the growth being for 1 and 2 person

A3.7 In recent years a high proportion of new housing has been built on brownfield
land. This has contributed to the development of many apartments and the relative
under-provision of family housing. On average around 1,476 new dwellings have
been built each year for the last 10 years. 14% of those were affordable (213
p.a.). 68% (1,001) p.a. were flats or apartments. Much of this development has
been within the city centre and bay area and has helped to revitalise these areas
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

and provide high quality opportunities for urban living. This is demonstrated by
the fact that 94% of housing completions in the last 10 years have been on
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

brownfield land compared to 6% on Greenfield sites.

A3.8 The affordability of housing - particularly family housing – remains an issue that
will continue to need to be addressed. At present (April 2013) there are 9,710 on
the combined housing waiting list; 545 families are in temporary accommodation.
These facts help indicate the scale of the affordable housing requirement. The
Cardiff Local Housing Market Assessment update (LHMA July 2013) indicates
that, based on the Welsh Government formula, 3,989 affordable dwellings are
required in Cardiff for each of the next 5 years to deal with need. The social and
economic importance of providing a range and choice of homes, particularly
affordable housing is fully recognised in the Welsh Government White Paper
Homes for Wales, “A White Paper for Better Lives and Communities” (May 2012).

A3.9 There are two Gypsy and Traveller sites in Cardiff (Rover Way and Shirenewton)
providing a total of 80 pitches. The population in these sites is growing and there
is a demand for new sites. The Council has a legal duty to meet the need for
Gypsy and Traveller sites in the Local Development Plan (Welsh Government
Circular 30/2007). The latest study in 2013 found a need up to 2026 for an
additional 108 pitches plus 10 transit pitches.

A3.10 Compared with Wales and the UK, Cardiff has a higher percentage of population
in age groups 15-39 years but a lower percentage in age groups from 40 upwards.
The impact of the student population is particularly significant. According to latest
data for 2010-11, the growing student resident population of 37,400 comprised
around 10.8% of the city's total population (Higher Education Statistical Authority
2012 and National Statistics).

A3.11 The health of Cardiff’s population is not significantly different from the Welsh
average. However, this headline conceals large variations in health status between
richer and poorer areas. There is a north-south divide across Cardiff with a
difference in life expectancy of nearly 12 years between the poorest and most
affluent wards (Cardiff What Matters Headline Needs Assessment 2010 -
http://www.cardiffproudcapital.co.uk/). Health inequality – the avoidable difference
between the least and most advantaged populations - is thus evident in parts of
the population. Opportunities for health are less in disadvantaged areas and
health outcomes such as cardiovascular mortality are poorer.

A3.12 In Cardiff, the greatest causes of death in people aged less than 75 years are
cancer, circulatory disease and respiratory disease. Many chronic conditions are
preventable by ensuring the environment is health enhancing and through the
adoption of healthy lifestyles. However, over half of Cardiff’s adults are clinically
overweight or obese, just a quarter (25%) of adults meet recommended physical
activity guidelines of undertaking at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical
activity on five or more days per week (the lowest across Welsh local authorities)
and 35% of adults eat the recommended 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

each day (Welsh Health Survey 2011).

A3.13 The built and natural environment together with lifestyle behaviours contribute
to improving health. Walking and cycling, access to well-maintained open spaces
for physical activity and food growing plus easy access to health care facilities
by active travel impact on the health of the population. Achieving and maintaining
a healthy weight, protecting mental health and reducing stress levels are
supported by this approach. Cardiff has a wealth of open spaces and walking
and cycling rates to work/school and for leisure are increasing; there is the
opportunity to protect and enhance these assets for health improvement.

A3.14 The 2011 census statistics indicate that 16.2% of the population of Cardiff have
one or more skills in the Welsh Language (ability to read, write or/and understand
Welsh) and 11.1% of the County’s population are able to speak Welsh. This
compares with a national average of 19.0%. However there are substantial
variations between the proportion of Welsh speakers in different communities in
Wales, varying from below 8% to above 65%.

A3.15 The Welsh Language Board approved Cardiff Council’s revised Welsh Language
Scheme 2009 to 2012 in July 2009. The Council has adopted the principle that
in the conduct of public business and administration of justice in Wales, it will
treat the English and Welsh languages on a basis of equality. This scheme sets
out how the Council will give effect to that principle when providing services to
the public in Cardiff.

A3.16 Community safety is one of the top issues raised in successive Ask Cardiff
Surveys. Between 2010 and 2011, Cardiff had the second highest recorded crime
rate in Wales and 50 per cent higher than the average for Wales. These include
violence against the person, burglary, vehicle and other theft and criminal damage.
However, Cardiff’s total recorded crime rate has fallen over the past eight years
(with some fluctuations) and is now less than two-thirds of the figure of eight
years ago. There was a 12% reduction in total crime between 2009/2010 and
2010/2011 (Home Office Statistics).

A3.17 While Cardiff is generally a prosperous city offering a high quality of life for
residents; deprivation (in terms of housing, physical environment, employment
income, educational achievements, health) still remains an important issue that
needs to be addressed. Of the 10% most deprived LSOAs (Lower Layer Super
Output Area) in Wales, 15.8% are in Cardiff (Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
2011). Parts of Ely, Butetown and Splott are the most deprived areas of Cardiff.
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

A3.18 9.5% of the total population of Cardiff live in the 10% most health deprived LSOAs
(Lower Super Output Areas) in Wales (i.e. those ranked 1-190). However, this
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

proportion varies greatly across the neighbourhood areas. Cardiff South West
(23.2%) has the highest proportion of its residents living in these most deprived
areas, followed by City & Cardiff South (19.0%) and Cardiff South East (14.6%).
In contrast, Cardiff West (0.0%) has no areas of this kind, while just 1.5% of
Cardiff North’s population reside within these LSOAs. For Cardiff East the figure
is 8.0%.

A3.19 When looking at those living within the 20% most health deprived LSOAs in Wales
(i.e. those ranked 1-380), it can be seen that 21.7% of Cardiff’s total population
live within these areas. The disparities across the city’s neighbourhood areas
also become more apparent. More than two-fifths (43.9%) of Cardiff South West’s
population live in these LSOAs, while Cardiff East (38.2%), Cardiff South East
(29.9%) and City & Cardiff South (24.0%) also have proportions above the Cardiff
average. In contrast, just 5.5% of Cardiff North’s and 7.3% of Cardiff West’s
residents live in the 20% most health deprived areas.

A3.20 Ethnic minorities comprise 15.5% of Cardiff's population broadly similar to the
average for England and Wales (14.0%) but higher than the Wales average
(4.4%) with a higher concentration of ethnic groups in Grangetown, Butetown,
Riverside Adamsdown and Plasnewydd than elsewhere (ONS 2011).

A3.21 In terms of education, training and skill base the proportion of Cardiff’s working
age population lacking any qualifications has hovered at around 13% for the past
five years. However, Cardiff performs particularly well with regards to high-level
skills with 39.8% of 16 to 64 year olds having NVQ level 4 or equivalent, putting
Cardiff significantly above the Wales (29.3%) and UK (32.7%) averages (Annual
Population Survey, 2011). In addition, 39% of Cardiff’s workforce is educated to
NVQ level 4 or above compared with Wales (29%) and UK (33%) (Annual
Population Survey January 2011) a reflection of the four universities located
within the city. However, as with other areas in the UK, it is important to recognise
the link between low educational achievement and deprivation.

Key Economic Trends and Issues

A3.22 The economy of Cardiff is generally strong and buoyant, reflecting its position
as Capital of Wales, seat of Welsh Government and the regional centre and
economic driver for the wider south east Wales economy, accounting for 32% of
total employment in south east Wales. Commuting patterns into Cardiff
demonstrate the city’s importance to the regional economy and the Wales
Spatial Plan and Economic Renewal Programme acknowledge that maintaining
Cardiff’s performance is vital for the economic well-being of the region and Wales
as a whole.
A3.23 Cardiff’s employment workforce totals 188,977 (Employee Jobs Business
Register and Employment Survey 2012, ONS) approximately 40% are daily

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

in-commuters – 88% are employed in the service sector, 6% in construction and
6% in manufacturing. Gross Value Added (GVA) is an economic measure of the
value of goods and services produced in an area. In 2009 Cardiff and the Vale
of Glamorgan generated £9,615 million – 22% of Welsh GVA. GVA per head in
Cardiff and the Vale stood at £20,864 in 2009 – higher than both the Welsh and
UK averages (ONS 2011). Unemployment in Cardiff was 4.5% in March 2013
(10,617) (Claimant Count ONS). Between 2001 and 2009 employment in Cardiff
expanded by 16% compared to an overall growth of 4% in the wider south east
Wales region (Source DTZ Validation of Cardiff Labour Market and Employment
Scenarios, June 2011). The economic recession over the last few years has
contributed to the net loss of approximately 4,733 jobs in Cardiff between 2008
and 2010 (Source ONS Business Register and Employment Survey).

A3.24 A key challenge for the LDP is planning for the economy and meeting the need
for future jobs within the city and the wider south east Wales region through
striking a balance between the supply and demand for employment land and
continuing to provide a diverse range of job opportunities. Likely future growth
sectors in Cardiff over the plan period include specialist sectors relating to ICT,
energy and environment, advanced materials and manufacturing, creative
industries, life sciences and financial and professional services. It is essential
that the location, amount and nature of employment land allocated and protected
ensures Cardiff fulfils its economic potential and also the success of the south
east Wales region. This includes, for example, the designation in 2012 of a Cardiff
Central Enterprise Zone providing a much needed boost to the supply of Grade
A office stock for the city.

A3.25 Employment land take up data for the period July 2001-July 2010 can be
summarised as follows. Average take up for offices (B1a) was 28,200 square
metres per annum. Average land take up was 8.1 hectares per annum for
industrial and warehousing (B1b/c, B2 and B8) (Cardiff Employment Land Study
Demand Assessment, DTZ, June 2011). Industrial supply currently comprises
69.7 hectares. Office supply currently comprises 426,971 square metres (Cardiff
Employment Land Study Gap Analysis, Hardisty Jones Associates, April 2012).

A3.26 Total industrial stock in Cardiff is approximately 19.2 million square feet of which
43% is warehousing stock, with the remainder providing more traditional industrial
accommodation. However, the quality of stock has become a major issue, with
only 6.1% being less than five years old. Many of the buildings within the current
stock are reaching functional obsolescence and there is very little new floorspace
to satisfy the emerging knowledge and technology services, which are driving
demand for high specification industrial buildings, rather than the older, larger
premises. Existing general industry and warehousing land is largely concentrated
to the east of the city, within or in close proximity to the southern arc of deprivation
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

which geographically contains some of the most deprived wards in Wales. Key
strategic locations include Ocean Park, Splott, Capital Business Park and
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Wentloog Corporate Park. The Penarth Road/Leckwith area also continues to

perform an important employment function, with good linkages to the south and
west of the city. As a distribution location, Cardiff’s location towards the western
end of the UKs major transport axis means it struggles to compete against
locations further to the east (Newport, Chepstow, Bristol) for major transport and
distribution functions.

A3.27 In terms of office supply the city centre and Bay Business Area remain the
principle locations. These are also the most accessible in the city, in terms of
public transport and for those commuting into the city. Out of centre growth has
focused at Green Meadow Spring, Coryton, Cardiff Gate, Pontprennau, and St
Mellons Business Park. Lack of grade A office space has been addressed to a
degree with the development of Callaghan Square, Fusion Point and Caspian
Point. However, of the 1.5 million square feet of office space available in Cardiff
only 7% is grade A (DTZ Supply Audit, 2011).

A3.28 Cardiff city centre is the main shopping centre for south east Wales and over
the last 3 years (2009 to 2011) has been ranked the 6th top retail centre in the
UK (Experian rankings). District and Local Centres provide important local facilities
to the local community. However, they are particularly vulnerable to out of centre
competition and changing shopping habits. As a consequence the range and
quality of retail provision is under pressure in many centres. There has been a
4% reduction in terms of net retail floorspace between 2005 and 2008.

A3.29 The regeneration of Cardiff Bay represents a major success story with major
redevelopment and infrastructure projects being undertaken over the past two
decades. Whilst significant progress has been made a number of sites remain
to be implemented including the completion of developments at the International
Sports Village and the media/creative industries cluster, residential development
and associated uses at Roath Basin (Porth Teigr).

A3.30 Cardiff’s leisure and tourism sector generates significant economic and cultural
benefits for the city through the staging of major international events at world
class venues such as the Millennium Stadium and Wales Millennium Centre.
Cardiff’s diverse leisure and tourism offer also embraces a proud heritage,
boasting a number of castles, two national museums, two cathedrals, Roman
remains and acres of parks and gardens. In 2010 the city attracted a total of 18.3
million visitors (STEAM, 2010), a 25% growth since 2009. Cardiff came in at 11
in Visit Britain’s rankings for overseas visits to towns and cities in 2012. The
Welsh capital had 301,000 visits, and was just ahead of Leeds (299,000) and
behind Brighton (345,000).
Key Transportation Trends and issues

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A3.31 Traffic on Cardiff’s roads grew on average by 9% between 2002 and 2012 (Cardiff
Annual Traffic Flow Surveys, calculated using 5yr Rolling Averages). Around
56% of employed Cardiff residents travel to work by car; with 17% walking; 10%
travelling by bus; 10% by cycle; 6% by rail; and the remaining 1% by other means.
This compares with travel by non-car means for other journey purposes as follows:
Shopping 53%; Education 59%; and Leisure 57% (Ask Cardiff Survey 2012). A
large proportion of car journeys are relatively short: 25% of trips being no longer
than 2km and 58% no longer than 5km (Census 2001 excluding working from
home). Overall vehicle occupancy has increased from 1.37 per private car in
2008 to 1.41 in 2011 (Cardiff Annual Traffic Flow Surveys).

A3.32 Cardiff has consistently experienced the highest levels of daily inbound
commuters of any other local authority in Wales. As of 2011, this equates to
nearly 77,900 people travelling into Cardiff each day by all modes, and
representing around 37% of the city’s total workforce. The largest numbers
commute from the adjoining areas of The Vale of Glamorgan (20,500), Rhondda
Cynon Taff (18,800) and Caerphilly (9,700). A total of 27,900 Cardiff residents
commute outside of the authority on a daily basis, giving a net inflow of around
50,000 commuters (Annual Population Survey, 2011).

A3.33 In terms of transport interchanges Cardiff benefits from having a co-located

central rail and bus station within the heart of the city and within 2 hours rail
travel time from London. Central rail station is used by approximately 5.75 million
people each year (Source: Office of Rail Regulation, 2011-12 Station Usage
Report) and significant improvements are planned for both the bus station and
rail station. Its sustainable location within the heart of the city enables it to perform
an important role for the south east Wales region in providing easy access to
jobs and services.

A3.34 Travel on rail services into Cardiff has increased considerably, with passenger
numbers at Cardiff stations having increased by 82% between 2001 and 2011.
Cardiff Central and Cardiff Queen Street Station alone have experienced an
increase in patronage during this period of 100% and 53%, respectively. (Cardiff
Annual Patronage Surveys, calculated using 5yr Rolling Averages). Significant
enhancements to rail services are planned during the plan period with
electrification of the main line from Cardiff to London approved for completion in
2017. Proposals for also electrifying the Valley line network and main line to
Swansea are currently being considered by UK and Welsh Governments. In
addition, work on enhancing the capacity between Central and Queen Street
stations, including additional platforms for both, has been approved for completion
in 2014.
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

A3.35 With respect to other modes, cycle usage within the city centre has seen an
increase of 10% between 2001 and 2011, while overall bus patronage numbers
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

across the city have decreased from 2001 to 2011 (Cardiff Annual Patronage
Surveys, calculated from 5yr rolling averages). Use of the Cardiff East Park and
Ride site after opening in October 2009 has increased from approximately 69,500
in 2009/10 to 84,700 in 2012/13 (22% growth) and rail based park and ride in
Cardiff remains over-subscribed.

A3.36 Cardiff International Airport plays an important role in international connectivity

for both Cardiff and the wider region and consideration needs to be given to
improving the role and links to the airport.

A3.37 The port facilities within Cardiff docks are important in terms of international
freight movement for both Cardiff and the wider region and it is important that
these facilities are maintained and improved where necessary. Associated British
Ports (ABP) and its tenants at South Wales directly and indirectly support over
£1.7 billion of gross output in Wales. There are therefore opportunities to develop
the role of the port, particularly concerning its potential to generate new industry,
services and accelerate economic growth.

Key Environmental Trends and Issues

A3.38 Cardiff is located on the coastal plain of the Severn Estuary. The southern rim
of the south Wales coalfields in Caerphilly and Rhondda Cynon Taff provide a
strong imposing backdrop to the north of the city, dramatically broken by the
River Taff at Tongwynlais. The Rivers Ely and Rhymney also converge on the
city from the west and east, respectively. To the south west the Leckwith
Escarpment in the Vale of Glamorgan provides another strong backdrop. By
contrast, the flat land to the south east, adjacent to the Severn Estuary and
Newport forms part of the Gwent Levels. This undeveloped coastline contrasts
with the developed coastline further west which includes Cardiff Bay and the
barrage and associated fresh water lake. This setting has influenced the city’s
development to date with its distinctive urban form and will continue to do so in
the future.

A3.39 Landscape studies undertaken in 1997 and 2007 have recognised the particular
value of five areas of countryside: St Fagans Lowlands and the Ely Valley; the
Garth Hill Uplands and the Pentyrch Ridges and Valleys; the Fforest Fawr and
Caerphilly Ridge; the Wentloog Levels; and Flat Holm. In addition Cardiff’s three
river valleys of the Taff, Ely, and Rhymney (including Nant Fawr) play an important
strategic role as wildlife and recreation corridors linking the urban area with the
A3.40 Cardiff has a strong and rich built heritage and many designations have been
made to identify interests of historic conservation importance in Cardiff which

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

need to be protected and include:

28 Scheduled Ancient Monuments and 4 archaeologically sensitive areas;

Almost 1000 Listed Buildings;
27 Conservation Areas;
19 Historic Parks, Gardens and Landscapes including part of the Gwent
Levels which are included in the Register of Landscapes of Outstanding
Historic Interest in Wales; and
Local buildings of merit.

A3.41 The city has a particularly rich Victorian and Edwardian legacy that is reflected
in the city centre, its inner suburbs and in the civic centre and religious building.
Churches and chapels, schools and public houses remain prominent and often
create focal points on streets and junctions. As Cardiff continues to grow, high
quality design will be required which takes this local distinctiveness into

A3.42 Open spaces are important as they improve people's mental and physical health,
encourage physical activity, are attractive, support biodiversity, act as a carbon
sink, and can help to adapt to climate change. Cardiff has over 400 hectares of
recreational open space, 2000 hectares of amenity open space and 200 hectares
of education open space. Cardiff has a good coverage of Accessible Natural
Greenspace, with over two thirds of the population living within a 400m distance
of access to green space. Cardiff has more green space per person than any of
the other UK core cities; a situation to be protected and promoted.

A3.43 Cardiff has a diverse and widespread collection of species and sites of Local,
UK and European biodiversity importance which need to be protected. Including:

4 sites designated for their international importance – the Severn Estuary

Special Protection Area (SPA), Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation
(SAC) and Ramsar sites, and Cardiff Beech Woods Special Area of
Conservation (SAC);
17 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs);
6 Local Nature Reserves (LNRs);
177 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) and 4 more pending
designation (subject to approval by Cardiff Biodiversity Partnership);
European protected species occurring in Cardiff include the Great Crested
Newt, otter, dormouse as well as several species of bat; and
A number of the Cardiff priority habitats and species have been identified
by UKBAP, Section 42 and Local Priority.
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues

A3.44 Good quality agricultural land is known to exist within the rural area of Cardiff.
The best and most versatile agricultural land is a finite resource. Areas within
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

the city known to contain some good (Grade 1, 2 and 3a) quality agricultural land
include agricultural land in the west, north and north east of the city.

A3.45 Flooding poses a particular threat to Cardiff because of its coastal location,
low-lying areas and rivers, and it is inevitable that climate change will increase
flood risk in the city. The Environment Agency advises planning authorities on
flooding issues and also gives advice in the form of River Catchment Management
Plans. It has identified areas of Cardiff – mainly in the south of the county
(Wentloog Levels, Pengam Area) and the river valleys (the Taff, Ely and Rhymney)
– which are at high risk of flooding (either with or without defences) or which have
a history of flooding. In order to build on this baseline information the Council
has undertaken a Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment which assessed
fluvial and tidal influences on flood risk within the city for both the present day
and in the next 75 and 100 years taking account of climate change and in
particular predicted sea level rise. In terms of present day flood risk the findings
of this work reinforce the Environment Agency data. However for future flood risk
in 75 and 100 years the findings show significantly increased flood risk in the
Pengam Green area and Wentloog Levels area south of Rumney and Trowbridge
due to the impact of climate change and in particular predicted sea level rise.
The need for the plan to respond to these findings is clearly a major issue.

A3.46 In order to combat climate change a key issue for the plan to address is reducing
greenhouse gas emissions which are the key cause of global warming. Cardiff’s
per capita average CO2 emissions were estimated at 6.8 tonnes in 2009. The
majority of these emissions resulted from industry (45%), domestic sources (30%)
and road transport (25%) (Department for Energy and Climate Change). The
Welsh Government target is to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050.

A3.47 The Council is currently undertaking a Renewable Energy Assessment and initial
findings show that current production of renewable energy in Cardiff is low. The
European Union target is to source 15% energy from renewable sources by 2020.
(European Directive 2009/28/EC).

A3.48 In 2011/12 municipal waste arisings in Cardiff totalled 169,216 tonnes. Over the
last 10 years the recycling and composting rate of household waste in Cardiff
has risen from 4% to 55% meaning the Council is on target to reach the Welsh
Government target of 58% by 2016, 64% by 2020 and 70% by 2025. For municipal
waste that cannot be recycled or composted the Council is currently working with
other authorities in the region through Prosiect Gwyrdd to secure a long term
solution to turn waste into energy. In February 2013 Viridor was announced as
Preferred Bidder to deliver an environmentally sustainable waste management
solution for the Partnership. Viridor’s solution, is based on an energy from waste
facility located at Trident Park.
A3.49 Cardiff has significant, good quality mineral reserves (mainly carboniferous
limestone) which are an important source of aggregates for the region. A supply

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

of aggregates should be maintained, so mineral reserves need to be safeguarded
against inappropriate development. Currently Cardiff has approximately 41 million
tonnes of limestone reserves which represent a supply of 69 years, well beyond
the plan period. There is also a potential sand and gravel resource adjacent to
the Rhymney River in the north east of the county, and potential coal resources
in the north west of the county, which are unlikely to be required within the Plan
period but which need to be safeguarded for potential future use.

A3.50 As a result of past activities including industry, mining, quarrying, dockland and
waste disposal there is a range of undeveloped potentially contaminated land
within the city. However the majority of these undeveloped sites are either
protected as areas of open space or for nature conservation purposes or are
required for operational purposes such as quarrying activity or port related

A3.51 In common with other towns and cities in the UK, the predominant local source
of emissions which affects air quality is road traffic and the pollutant of concern
is nitrogen dioxide. Cardiff currently has three AQMAs including St Mary Street,
Ely Bridge and Stephenson Court (on Newport Road near Cardiff Royal Infirmary).

A3.52 Water quality in the rivers Taff, Ely and Rhymney is improving, but falls below
the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. In total the status of
watercourses (percent of river lengths achieving good ecological status) in Cardiff
using data collected under the Water Framework Directive is 1.8 km Good, 33.7
km Moderate, 7.6 km Poor and 4.2 km Bad. The groundwater around Taff Gorge
/ Creigiau area is vulnerable.

A3.53 In order to meet the needs of new development proposed in the plan new water
supply infrastructure will be required but dialogue with Welsh Water has
demonstrated a commitment to address this issue.
Appendix 3: The Cardiff Context and Key Issues
248 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
249 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

The Table below provides a list of SPG to support the Plan with a timetable for
preparation. This list will be kept under review in light of changing priorities for preparation
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and the need for additional SPG. The requirement for preparation/review of SPG is
linked to the Monitoring Framework.

Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production

Planning Status Policy
Guidance /Proposed

Design and Current T5 Within 6 months of adoption

Parking adopted SPG
Guidance to the Local
(incorporating Plan
Circulation and To be revised
Parking to link to
Requirements adopted LDP
SPG and updated and
sustainable extended.
guidance) New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Affordable Current H3 Within 6 months of adoption

Housing adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues
Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production
Planning Status Policy

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Guidance /Proposed

Open Space Current C4, C5 Within 6 months of adoption

adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Houses in New SPG to H5 Within 6 months of adoption

Multiple be prepared

Planning New SPG to KP7 Within 12 months of adoption

Obligations be prepared

Contributions for
facilities and
relevant sections
from the
following SPGs:

and Parking
Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production

Planning Status Policy
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Guidance /Proposed

Public Art
Trees and

Locating Waste Current W1 Within 12 months of adoption

Management adopted SPG
Facilities to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP

Central New SPG to R3 Within 12 months of adoption

Shopping Area be prepared

Flooding New SPG to EN14 Within 12 months of adoption

be prepared

Natural Heritage New SPG to KP16, EN3 - 8 Within 12 months of adoption

Network be prepared

Design New SPG to H5 Within 12 months of adoption

Guidance and be prepared
Standards for
Flat Conversions
Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production
Planning Status Policy

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Guidance /Proposed

Infill Sites Current KP5 Within 18 months of adoption

Design adopted SPG
Guidance to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP

Tall Buildings Current KP5 Within 18 months of adoption

Guidance adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP

Householder Current KP5 Within 18 months of adoption

Design adopted SPG
Guidance to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP

Shop Fronts and Current KP5 Within 18 months of adoption

Signs Guidance adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP
Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production

Planning Status Policy
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Guidance /Proposed

Public Art Current KP5 Within 18 months of adoption

Guidance adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
to link to
adopted LDP

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Public Rights of Current T1 Within 18 months of adoption

Way and adopted SPG
Development to the Local

To be revised
and updated to
link to adopted

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Protection of Current EC1,EC3 Within 18 months of adoption

Employment adopted SPG
Land and to the Local
Premises for Plan.
Industry and To be revised
Warehousing and updated to
link to adopted
Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production
Planning Status Policy

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Guidance /Proposed

Food Drink and Current R7 Within 18 months of adoption

Leisure Uses adopted SPGs
to the Local
Premises for Plan.
Eating, Drinking
& Entertainment To be merged
in Cardiff City together and
Centre revised and
updated to link
to adopted

Trees and Current EN8 Within 18 months of adoption

Development adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
and updated to
link to adopted

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Community Current C1 Within 18 months of adoption

Facilities and adopted SPG
Residential to the Local
Development Plan

To be revised
and updated to
link to adopted
Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production

Planning Status Policy
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Guidance /Proposed

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Childcare Current EC2 Within 18 months of adoption

Facilities adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
and updated to
link to adopted

Waste Collection Current W2 Within 18 months of adoption

and Storage adopted SPG
Facilities to the Local

To be revised
and updated to
link to adopted

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Biodiversity Current EN5,EN6, EN7 Within 18 months of adoption

adopted SPG
to the Local
Supplementary Current Relevant Plan Indicative Date for Production
Planning Status Policy

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Guidance /Proposed

To be revised
and updated to
link to adopted

New planning
SPG to pick up
S106 issues

Archaeologically Current KP17, EN9 Within 18 months of adoption

Sensitive Areas adopted SPG
to the Local

To be revised
and updated to
link to adopted

Health New SPG to C6 Within 18 months of adoption

be prepared

Gypsy and New SPG to H7 Within 18 months of adoption

Traveller Sites be prepared
Appendix 4: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
258 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
259 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 260

Sites over 10 Dwellings with Planning Permission for Residential (March 2014)
Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

AD160 Former Adamsdown Private 13/00013 Outline Legal Brown 14 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 14 0.10 0 0.00
Eastern Agreement
Hotel, 54
Metal Street

AD174 Former Adamsdown Private 08/01716 Full Legal Brown 12 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 0.04 0 0.00
Tredegar Agreement

AD186 St James' Adamsdown Private 08/01608 Full 01/11/2011 Brown 12 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 0.18 0 0.00

AD188 86-89 Adam Adamsdown Private 07/02883 Outline 17/10/2008 Brown 0 0.00 16 0.00 0 0.00 16 0.05 0 0.00

AD212 Bronte Adamsdown HA 10/02302 Full 31/10/2011 Brown 38 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 38 0.18 0 0.00

AD213 Former Adamsdown HA 13/00536 Full 04/10/2013 Brown 49 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 49 0.04 0 0.00
Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings


BU107i Land West Butetown Private 07/01637 Outline 16/05/2011 Brown 1,656 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1,656 10.64 0 0.00
of Dumballs

BU107ii Land West Butetown HA 07/01637 Outline 16/05/2011 Brown 414 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 414 2.66 0 0.00
of Dumballs

BU109 15-17 Butetown Private 08/00082 Outline Legal Brown 20 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 0.07 0 0.00
Harrowby Agreement

BU118 Sterling Butetown HA 11/01168 Outline 18/03/2013 Brown 0 0.00 19 0.00 0 0.00 19 0.04 0 0.00
Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos


BU123A Brandon Butetown Private 13/00143 Outline Legal Brown 28 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 28 0.10 0 0.00
Tool Hire, Agreement
151 Bute

BU123B Brandon Butetown HA 13/00143 Outline Legal Brown 11 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 0.10 0 0.00
Tool Hire, Agreement
151 Bute

BU32A Land at Butetown Private 08/01736 Outline 15/01/2010 Brown 758 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 758 4.32 0 0.00
Roath Basin

BU32B Land at Butetown HA 08/01736 Outline 15/01/2010 Brown 252 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 252 1.44 0 0.00
Roath Basin

BU86A Former Post Butetown Private 03/01531 Full Legal Brown 75 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 75 0.12 0 0.00
Office and Agreement
car park,
Bute Street

BU86Ai Corys Butetown Private 06/02527 Full Legal Brown 24 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 24 0.03 0 0.00
Building, Agreement
Bute Street

BU86B Former Post Butetown HA 03/01531 Full Legal Brown 11 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 0.12 0 0.00
Office and Agreement
car park,
Bute Street

BU95 Cadogan Butetown Private 05/00127 Full 09/11/2005 Brown 0 0.00 23 0.00 0 0.00 23 0.03 0 0.00
House & adj
Land, West
Bute St &
James St

BU97A 130-132 Butetown Private 07/02550 Full Legal Brown 43 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 43 0.04 0 0.00
Bute Street Agreement

BU98 Hannah Butetown HA 13/01239 Full Legal Brown 14 0.05 0 0.00 0 0.00 14 0.05 0 0.00
Street Agreement

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 261

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 262

Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos


BU99 Coal Butetown Private 12/00015 Full Legal Brown 116 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 116 0.43 0 0.00
Exchange, Agreement

CN137A Former Arjo Canton Private 12/01663 Outline Legal Brown 535 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 535 13.72 0 0.00
Wiggins Agreement
Paper Mill
Site, Paper
Mill Road

CN137B Former Arjo Canton HA 12/01663 Outline Legal Brown 191 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 191 5.88 0 0.00
Wiggins Agreement
Paper Mill
Site, Paper
Mill Road

CN145 635 Canton Private 07/02384 Outline Legal Brown 24 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 24 0.10 0 0.00
Cowbridge Agreement
Road East

CN155 The Canton HA 11/02190 Full 30/11/2012 Brown 0 0.00 26 0.00 0 0.00 26 0.15 0 0.00
Road East
Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings

CN164 Canton Canton HA 13/02071 Full Legal Brown 17 0.06 0 0.00 0 0.00 17 0.06 0 0.00
Police Agreement
Road East

CS138 Junction of Cathays Private 10/00710 Full 26/07/2011 Brown 0 0.00 10 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.18 0 0.00
Street &

CS139 CCC Offices Cathays Private 08/01741 Full Legal Brown 220 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 220 0.30 0 0.00
Wood Street Agreement
Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

CS174i Land at Cathays Private 10/00431 Outline 30/12/2010 Brown 211 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 211 0.22 0 0.00
House, Park

CS174ii Land at Cathays HA 10/00431 Outline 30/12/2010 Brown 20 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 0.06 0 0.00
House, Park

CS176 41 Charles Cathays Private 05/00003 Full 08/03/2006 Brown 0 0.00 11 0.00 0 0.00 11 0.04 0 0.00

CS178 Texaco Cathays Private 06/02351 Full 24/06/2008 Brown 0 0.00 14 0.00 0 0.00 14 0.10 0 0.00

CS181 St Martin's Cathays Private 07/00891 Full 11/02/2008 Brown 0 0.00 16 0.00 0 0.00 16 0.06 0 0.00
Parish Hall

CS191i Marcol Cathays Private 07/03013 Outline Legal Brown 103 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 103 0.34 0 0.00
Court, Agreement

CS191ii Marcol Cathays HA 07/03013 Outline Legal Brown 44 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 44 0.14 0 0.00
Court, Agreement

CU52 Land at Caerau HA 13/00859 Full 18/10/2013 Brown 0 0.00 40 0.00 0 0.00 40 0.60 0 0.00
Heol Trelai

CU77i r/o Western Careau Private 11/00672 Outline 10/02/2012 Brown 57 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 57 1.60 0 0.00

CU77ii r/o Western Careau HA 11/00672 Outline 10/02/2012 Brown 25 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 25 0.50 0 0.00

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 263

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 264

Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

EL55 70 Mill Road Ely Private 12/01130 Full 24/04/2013 Brown 0 0.00 11 0.00 0 0.00 11 0.06 0 0.00

EL84A Land off Ely Private 13/00444 Outline Legal Green 30 0.44 0 0.00 0 0.00 30 0.44 0 0.00
Clos y Agreement

EL84B Land off Ely HA 13/00444 Outline Legal Green 20 0.20 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 0.20 0 0.00
Clos Y Agreement

FA52A Land Fairwater HA 12/02186 Full 07/08/2013 Green 16 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 16 0.19 0 0.00
53-81 Gorse

FA87 52 Beechley Fairwater Private 13/02545 Full 11/03/2014 Brown 10 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.07 0 0.00

FA89 60-72 Fairwater HA 12/01386 Full 25/01/2012 Brown 13 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 13 0.36 0 0.00

GA52A Briardene Gabalfa Private 09/00161 Outline 15/09/2011 Brown 33 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 33 0.28 0 0.00
North Road

GA52B Briardene Gabalfa HA 09/00161 Outline 15/09/2011 Brown 15 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 0.12 0 0.00
North Road

GA55 Land at Gabalfa Private 11/01414 Full 24/05/2012 Brown 0 0.00 22 0.00 0 0.00 22 0.25 0 0.00
Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings

Gate, Bevan

GR108i Cambrian Grangetown Private 13/00310 Outline Legal Brown 125 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 125 0.32 0 0.00
Marina, Ely Agreement
Ferry Road

GR138i Cardiff Bus Grangetown Private 07/02973 Outline Legal Brown 183 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 183 2.18 0 0.00
Depot, Agreement
Sloper Road

GR138ii Cardiff Bus Grangetown HA 07/02973 Outline Legal Brown 79 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 79 0.94 0 0.00
Depot, Agreement
Sloper Road

GR156A Land at Grangetown Private 10/01432 Full Legal Brown 215 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 215 6.00 0 0.00
Wholesale Agreement
Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

Fruit Centre,

GR156B Land at Grangetown HA 10/01432 Full Legal Brown 35 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 35 1.00 0 0.00
Wholesale Agreement
Fruit Centre,

GR158 Bay Pointe Grangetown Private 12/00937 Full 05/04/2013 Brown 524 0.00 33 0.00 4 0.00 561 5.60 4 0.04

GR159 Car Grangetown Private 12/00934 Full 05/04/2013 Brown 79 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 79 0.99 0 0.00

GR160A Morrisons Grangetown Private 12/00935 Full 05/04/2013 Brown 29 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 29 0.15 0 0.00

GR160B Morrisons Grangetown HA 12/00935 Full 05/04/2013 Brown 34 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 34 0.30 0 0.00

GR161A Watkiss Grangetown Private 13/00829 RM 18/07/2013 Brown 35 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 35 0.42 0 0.00
Way (ISV)

GR161B Watkiss Grangetown HA 13/00829 RM 18/07/2013 Brown 66 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 66 0.65 0 0.00

GR166 ISV Ice Rink Grangetown Private 12/01861 Outline 17/06/2013 Brown 213 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 213 0.20 0 0.00

GR65A Prospect Grangetown Private 10/00811 Full 28/06/2010 Brown 0 0.00 240 0.00 493 0.00 733 4.60 0 0.00
Place, off
Ferry Road

GR65B Prospect Grangetown HA 06/00613 Full 27/10/2006 Brown 0 0.00 6 0.00 83 0.00 89 0.17 0 0.00
Place, off
Ferry Road

HE75 Thornbury Heath Private 11/00238 Outline Legal Brown 10 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.10 0 0.00
House, Agreement

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 265

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 266

Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos


LD125 18 High Llandaff Private 09/01810 Full 13/05/2010 Brown 11 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 0.08 0 0.00

LD129 The Retreat, Llandaff Private 10/00846 Full 08/06/2011 Brown 20 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 0.20 0 0.00

LN52 Old Llandaff Private 13/00273 RM 02/05/2013 Brown 10 0.00 9 0.00 4 0.00 23 0.54 4 0.09
Vaughan's North
Laundry Site

LN52i Old Llandaff HA 13/00273 RM 02/05/2013 Brown 5 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 0.38 0 0.00
Vaughan's North
Laundry Site

LR30 735 Llanrumney Private 08/01905 Outline 01/04/2011 Brown 13 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 13 0.12 0 0.00

LR36A Cardiff Llanrumney Private 12/00579 Outline 13/07/2012 Brown 15 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 0.32 0 0.00
Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings

LS185 Land at Llanishen Private 13/01923 Outline Legal Brown 70 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 70 0.50 0 0.00
Chiltern Agreement

LV06 Land south Lisvane Private 11/01300 Full 27/03/2013 Green 40 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 40 2.04 0 0.00
of Lisvane

LV128A Land off Lisvane Private 13/00649 Full 27/02/2014 Green 41 1.80 0 0.00 0 0.00 41 1.80 0 0.00
Cefn Mably

LV128B Land off Lisvane HA 13/00649 Full 27/02/2014 Green 10 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 1.00 0 0.00
Cefn Mably

LV76 Balmoral Lisvane Private 11/01301 Full 27/03/2013 Green 24 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 24 2.02 0 0.00
Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

NP58 Land at Pontprennau Private 04/03065 Outline 19/10/2011 Brown 45 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 45 1.34 0 0.00
Old St. M

PL109 Former Plasnewydd Private 13/00867 Full 11/06/2013 Brown 0 0.00 10 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.11 0 0.00
Elm Street

PL178 122-130 Plasnewydd Private 08/02018 Full Legal Brown 12 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 0.02 0 0.00
Albany Agreement

PL179A 217-223 Plasnewydd Private 08/01551 Full 21/09/2011 Brown 47 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 47 0.22 0 0.00

PL179B 217-223 Plasnewydd HA 08/01551 Full 21/09/2011 Brown 6 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 6 0.02 0 0.00

PL186 57a Plasnewydd Private 09/02063 Outline Legal Brown 11 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 0.03 0 0.00
Richards Agreement

PL205 Gibbons Plasnewydd Private 10/01936 Full 26/08/2011 Brown 39 0.00 10 0.00 0 0.00 49 0.31 0 0.00

PL214 21-27 City Plasnewydd Private 12/01260 Outline Legal Brown 26 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 26 0.10 0 0.00
Road Agreement

PW22A Maelfa Pentwyn Private 11/01082 Outline 16/09/2011 Brown 83 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 83 0.95 0 0.00

PW22B Maelfa Pentwyn HA 11/01082 Outline 16/09/2011 Brown 21 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 21 0.40 0 0.00

RO109 22 Ty Gwyn Penylan Private 08/00581 Full 01/04/2011 Brown 10 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.12 0 0.00

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 267

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 268

Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

RO120A Ty Gwyn Penylan Private 12/00438 RM 12/07/2012 Brown 0 0.00 12 0.00 7 0.00 19 1.00 7 0.37

RO120B Ty Gwyn Penylan HA 12/00438 RM 12/07/2012 Brown 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.00 4 0.44 4 0.44

RO69 Land at Penylan Private 10/00675 Full 23/09/2010 Brown 2 0.00 0 0.00 9 0.00 11 1.40 0 0.00
Lodge, Ty
Gwyn Ave.

RO99A Land to Penylan Private 12/01240 Full 16/09/2013 Brown 14 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 14 0.20 0 0.00
West of

RU71 599 Rumney Private 04/00374 Outline Legal Brown 24 0.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 24 0.25 0 0.00
Newport Agreement

RV171 Wellington Riverside Private 08/00809 Full 16/09/2009 Brown 44 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 44 0.22 0 0.00

RV174 St Riverside Private 10/01326 Full 19/05/2011 Brown 76 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 76 1.03 0 0.00
Home, 24
Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings


RV183 3 - 5 Brook Riverside Private 10/00179 Full 03/07/2013 Brown 0 0.00 10 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.03 0 0.00

RV184 Pontcanna Riverside Private 10/00232 Full 09/05/2011 Brown 0 0.00 14 0.00 0 0.00 14 0.07 0 0.00
Pine, 200
King's Road

RV199 4 Cathedral Riverside Private 13/01217 Full Legal Brown 14 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 14 0.01 0 0.00
Road Agreement

RV200 Land to the Riverside HA 13/01734 Full 20/02/2014 Brown 0 0.05 10 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.05 0 0.00
West of
Albert Street
Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

RV203 Riverside Riverside Private 13/00918 Full Legal Brown 20 0.09 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 0.09 0 0.00
House, 31 Agreement

SF39A Michaelston Creigiau/St Private 12/01810 RM 11/03/2013 Green 67 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 67 2.00 0 0.00
Road Fagans

SF39B Michaelston Creigiau/St HA 12/01810 RM 11/03/2013 Green 16 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 16 1.00 0 0.00
Road Fagans

SF40A Land North Creigiau/St Private 13/00435 Outline 27/02/2014 Green 15 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 0.60 0 0.00
& West of Fagans
House Farm

SF40B Land North Creigiau/St HA 13/00435 Outline 27/02/2014 Green 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.20 0 0.00
& West of Fagans
House Farm

SM65A Land adj to Pontprennau Private 13/01172 Outline Legal Green 46 1.60 0 0.00 0 0.00 46 1.60 0 0.00
Blooms Agreement
Centre Old St. M

SM65B Land adj to Pontprennau HA 13/01172 Outline Legal Green 20 1.20 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 1.20 0 0.00
Blooms Agreement
Centre /Old St. M

SP120 The Splott Private 11/02004 Full 12/04/2013 Brown 0 0.00 12 0.00 12 0.00 24 0.06 12 0.03
Hotel, South
Park Road

SP132 Land to Splott HA 13/01313 Full Legal Brown 15 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 0.13 0 0.00
South Side, Agreement

SP133 Land at Splott HA 13/02674 Full Legal Brown 26 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 26 0.27 0 0.00
Sanquhar Agreement

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 269

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 270

Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

SP84 The Splott Private 07/00333 Full Legal Brown 32 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 32 0.13 0 0.00
Bayside, Agreement
East Tyndall

SP99A Splott Splott Private 06/02474 RM 14/12/2006 Brown 0 0.00 15 0.00 77 0.00 92 0.45 0 0.00
Lewis Road

TR133A Land Trowbridge Private 10/01246 Outline 08/09/2010 Green 115 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 115 1.10 0 0.00
Road and

TR133B Land Trowbridge HA 10/01246 Outline 08/09/2010 Green 50 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 50 0.02 0 0.00
Road and

TR140A Land off Trowbridge HA 08/01173 Full 04/03/2009 Brown 10 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.33 0 0.00

TR151 The Hendre Trowbridge Private 13/01186 Full Legal Brown 15 0.18 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 0.18 0 0.00
Pub, 157 Agreement
Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings


TR85A Part area Trowbridge HA 09/00796 Outline 21/01/2011 Green 56 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 56 1.43 0 0.00
11, St

TR87Di Part of Area Trowbridge HA 08/02456 RM Legal Brown 15 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 0.30 0 0.00
9, Land Agreement
south of the

WH71A Whitchurch Whit/ Private 10/02301 Outline 09/01/2014 Brown 248 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 248 6.70 0 0.00

Site Site Electoral Tenure App Type Date Brown Not Not In In Completed Completed Total Total Completed Completed
Division Granted Green Started Started Progress Progress (Plots) (ha) Plots (ha) Plots Area
(Plots) (Plots) (ha) 2013-14 2013-14
Ref Location Nos

WH71B Whitchurch Whit/ HA 10/02301 Outline 09/01/2014 Brown 82 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 82 2.21 0 0.00


TOTALS 8,343 5.92 589 0.00 693 0.00 9,625 108 31 0.97

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 271

Appendix 5: Sites Over 10 Dwellings
272 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
273 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 6: Heritage Assets Areas of Protection
Appendix 6: Heritage Assets Areas of Protection

Policy EN9 (i): Cadw Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Cardiff

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Proposals Map Monument Name


1 Cae-yr-Arfau Burial Chamber

2 Caer Castell Camp

3 Caerau Camp

4 Cardiff Castle and Roman Fort

5 Castell Coch

6 Castell Morgraig

7 Castle Field Camp E Of Craig-Llywn

8 Cooking Mound East of Taff Terrace

9 Cross in Llandaff Cathedral

10 Dominican Friary

11 Ely Roman Villa

12 Ely Tidal Harbour Coal Staithe Number One

13 Five Round Barrows on Garth Hill

14 Flat Holm Coastal and Anti-aircraft Defences

15 Leckwith Bridge

16 Llandaff Cathedral Bell Tower

17 Llwynda-Ddu Camp

18 Melingriffith Water Pump

19 Morganstown Castle Mound

20 Old Bishop's Palace, Llandaff

21 Pen y lan Roman Site

22 Queen Alexandra Dock Harbour Defence Gun Emplacement

Proposals Map Monument Name

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

23 Relict Seawall on Rumney Great Wharf

24 St Mellons Churchyard Cross

25 The Wreck of the "Louisa"

26 Three Palmerstonian Gun Batteries, Flat Holm

27 Twmpath, Rhiwbina

28 Wenallt Camp, Rhiwbina

Policy EN9 (ii): Listed Buildings

(Refer to the online mapping portal http://ishare.cardiff.gov.uk/)

Policy EN9 (iii): Conservation Areas in Cardiff

Proposals Map Name (designation date(s))


1 Cardiff Road Conservation Area (July 1975)

2 Cathays Park Conservation Area (June 1978)

3 Cathedral Road Conservation Area (April 1972; amended

June 2007)

4 Charles Street Conservation Area (October 1988)

5 Church Road, Whitchurch (August 2006)

6 Churchill Way Conservation Area (December 1991)

7 Conway Road Conservation Area (June 2007)

8 Gwaelod-y-Garth Conservation Area (Sept 1970; amended

Oct 2007)

9 Insole Court Conservation Area (May 1992)

10 Llandaff Conservation Area (March 1968)

Appendix 6: Heritage Assets Areas of Protection

Proposals Map Name (designation date(s))

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

11 Melingriffith Conservation Area (Aug 1975; amended Oct


12 Mount Stuart Square Conservation Area (July 1980; amended

June 2009)

13 Oakfield Street Conservation Area (February 1992)

14 Old St. Mellons Conservation Area (July 2007)

15 Pentyrch (Craig-y-Parc) Conservation Area (July 1991;

amended Oct 2007)

16 Pentyrch (St. Catwg's) Conservation Area (Mar 1973;

amended Oct 2007)

17 Pierhead Conservation Area (June 1984; amended June


18 Queen Street Conservation Area (May 1992)

19 Rhiwbina Garden Village Conservation Area (February 1977)

20 Roath Mill Gardens Conservation Area (January 1988)

21 Roath Park Conservation Area (January 1973)

22 Roath Park Lake and Gardens Conservation Area (November


23 St. Fagans Conservation Area (July 2007)

24 St. Mary Street Conservation Area (July 1975)

25 Tredegarville Conservation Area (March 1981 amended Dec


26 Windsor Place Conservation Area (August 1975)

27 Wordsworth Avenue Conservation Area (February 1974)

Policy EN9 (iv): Archaeologically Sensitive Areas in Cardiff

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Proposals Map Area

1 Llandaff

2 St Fagans/Michaelstone-super-Ely

3 The City Centre

4 The Wentloog Levels

Policy EN9 (v): Cadw / ICOMOS UK Registered Historic Parks and Gardens in

Proposals Map Site Name


1 Cardiff Castle and Bute Park

2 Cathays Cemetery

3 Cathays Park

4 Cefn Mably

5 Coryton House

6 Craig y Parc

7 Fairwood House, Cardiff

8 Grange Gardens

9 Insole Court

10 Parc Cefn Onn

11 Pontcanna Fields and Llandaff Fields

12 Roath Park

13 Rookwood Hospital

14 Sophia Gardens
Appendix 6: Heritage Assets Areas of Protection

Proposals Map Site Name

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

15 St. Fagan's Castle

16 Thompson's Park (Sir David's Field)

17 Victoria Park

18 Waterloo and Roath Mill Gardens

19 Whitchurch Hospital

Policy EN9 (v): Cadw/NRW Registered Landscapes of Historic Interest in Cardiff

Proposals Map Site Name


1 Gwent Levels (part City of Cardiff, part Newport CC)

- Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest

Policy EN9 (vi): Locally Listed Buildings of Merit and other features of interest

Locally Listed Buildings: Please refer to the online mapping portal


Historic Environment Record (HER): The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust's

Historic Environment Record (HER) is the official register of archaeological sites in
Southeast Wales. http://www.ggat.org.uk
279 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 7: Designated Sites
Appendix 7: Designated Sites

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

1 Caeau Blaen-Bielly

2 Castell Coch woodlands and road section

3 Coed Y Bedw

4 Ely Valley

5 Fforestganol a Chwm Nofydd

6 Flat Holm

7 Garth Wood

8 Glamorgan Canal / Long Wood

9 Gwent Levels - Rumney and Peterstone

10 Lisvane Reservoir

11 Llanishen and Lisvane reservoir embankments

12 Penylan Quarry

13 Rhymney River Section

14 Rumney Quarry

15 Severn Estuary

16 Ton Mawr and Taffs Well quarries

17 Ty Du Moor

Proposals Map Reference SPA and Ramsar

1 Severn Estuary

Proposals Map Reference Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

1 Cardiff Beech Woods

2 Severn Estuary

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

1 Afon Clun
Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

2 Airshaft No 4 spoil tip

3 Beach Sidings

4 Blackweir & Dock Feeder

5 Blaen Buellai Complex

6 Blaengwynlais Quarry Fields

7 Briwnant Footpath Field

8 Briwnant Wood

9 Briwnant-Isaf Wood

10 Cadoxton & Trehafod Branch Line

11 Caerau Lane Fields

12 Caerau Wood

13 Canton Common Ditch

14 Cardiff Bay Wetland Reserve

15 Cardiff Heliport Fields

16 Castell Mor Craig Wood

17 Castell-y-Mynach Wood

18 Cath Cobb Wood

19 Cathays Cemetery

20 Cefn Mably Woods

21 Cefn Onn Amenity Grassland

22 Coed Gwernybwlau

23 Coed Pant Tawel/Coedgae-fach

24 Coed Rhiw'r Ceiliog

25 Coed Transh yr Hebog

26 Coed Tre Wern

27 Coedbychan

28 Coedcochwyn
Appendix 7: Designated Sites

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

29 Coedgae Basset

30 Coedgae Fawr

31 Coedifanbychan/Coedtirhwnt

32 Coed-ty-Llwyd

33 Coed-y-Briwnant

34 Coed-y-Caeau

35 Coed-y-Creigiau

36 Coed-y-Cwar

37 Coed-y-Felin

38 Coed-y-Glyn

39 Coed-y-Goetre

40 Coed-y-Gof

41 Coed-y-Graig

42 Coed-y-Llan

43 Coed-y-Trenches

44 Coetgaepengam

45 Coetgae-sych

46 Cogan Spur

47 Coryton Heronry Wood

48 Coryton Interchange

49 Craig Llanishen

50 Craigbriwnant field

51 Craig-Llwyn Road Wood

52 Craig-y-Parc

53 Craig-y-Sianel

54 Creigiau Railway Fields

55 Cwm Farm Pond & Streamside Copse

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

56 Cwm Nofydd Grassland

57 Cwmffynnonau Field

58 Cwmrhyddgoed

59 Discovery Wood

60 Druidstone Road

61 Ely Northwest

62 Fairwater Park

63 Fforest-fach/Graig-goch

64 Fforest-fawr

65 Ffynnon-Dwym Wood

66 Fishpond Wood

67 Former Llantrisant No.1 Branch Line

68 Former Penrhos Branch Line

69 Former St. Fagans Branch line

70 Foxfield

71 Gabalfa Woods

72 Glan Ely Wood

73 Goitre-Fawr Ponds

74 Grangemore Park

75 Greenmeadow Wood

76 Groes Faen Fen Meadow

77 Groes Faen Wood

78 Gwern-y-Bendy

79 Gwern-y-Cegyrn

80 Hailey Park

81 Heath Wood & Pond

82 Hendre Lake
Appendix 7: Designated Sites

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

83 Hendre Lake West

84 Hendre Road

85 Henstaff Rhos Pasture

86 Lamby North

87 Lamby Salt Marsh

88 Lamby Way

89 Leckwith Pond & Marsh

90 Leckwith Woods Viaduct

91 Lisvane Reservoir Wood

92 Lisvane Station Wood

93 Llanedeyrn Woodlands Complex

94 Llanishen Brook (north)

95 Llanishen Brook (south)

96 Llanishen Reservoir

97 Llanishen Reservoir Grassland and Scrub

98 Llwyn-crwnganol Wood

99 Llwyn-y-Pia Marsh

100 Llys-y-coed

101 Lower Rookery Wood

102 M4 Junction 33 Spoil Tip

103 Maerdy Woods

104 Maes Mawr Wood

105 Malthouse Wood

106 Marshfield

107 Melingriffith & Melingriffith Feeder

108 Michaelston Marsh & Woods

109 Mynydd Woods

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

110 Nant Coslech

111 Nant Cwmllwydrew

112 Nant Dowlais

113 Nant Fawr (north section)

114 Nant Fawr Community Woodlands

115 Nant Fawr Meadows

116 Nant Glandulais

117 Nant Henstaff

118 Nant Mwlan Wood

119 Nant Nofydd

120 Nant Rhydlafer

121 Nant Transh yr Hebog

122 Nant Ty-draw

123 Nant Ty-draw Fach

124 Nant-y-Briwnant

125 Nant-y-Briwnant Complex

126 Nant-y-Cesair

127 Nant-y-Draenog

128 Nant-y-Felin

129 Nant-y-Fforest

130 Nant-y-Glaswg

131 Nant-y-Plac Complex

132 Ocean Park South

133 Pant Mawr Cemetery

134 Pant y Gored Wet Woodland

135 Parc Cefn Onn

136 Pencoed Wood

Appendix 7: Designated Sites

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

137 Pengam Moors

138 Pentrebane Cottages Ponds

139 Pentyrch Drove Track

140 Plymouth Great Wood

141 Pontprennau Wood

142 Radyr Community Woodlands

143 Radyr Cricket Ground and Fields

144 Rhyd-y-Pennau Complex

145 Rhymney Grassland East

146 Rhymney River Valley Complex

147 River Ely

148 River Rhymney

149 River Taff

150 Riverside Wood

151 Roath Brook

152 Roath Park Lake

153 Roath Park Wild Gardens

154 Rumney Great Wharf

155 Scott Wood

156 Slanney Woods & Garn

157 Springmeadow

158 Springmeadow Wood

159 St Fagan's

160 St Julians Forge Fields

161 Swan Mear Wood

162 Sweldon Wood

163 The Garth

Proposals Map Reference Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

164 Thornhill Primary School Pond

165 Tidal Sidings

166 Tongwynlais Oldfield Rd

167 Tre Wern Field, Pentyrch

168 Twmpath Fields

169 Twynau Gwynion Field

170 Ty Llwyd Meadows

171 Tydu Marsh

172 Tyla Farm Wood

173 Tyn-y-Coed Complex

174 Waterhall Plantation & Pond

175 Wenallt Farm Fields

176 Wenallt Road Field, Rhiwbina

177 Wenallt Road North Fields

178 Wentloog Industrial Park

179 Wern Fawr South

180 Whitchurch Golf Course Pond

181 Whitchurch Green Fields

Proposals Map Reference Local Nature Reserve (LNR)

1 Cardiff Bay Wetlands and Hamadryad Park

2 Cwm Nofydd and Fforest Ganol

3 Flat Holm

4 Glamorganshire Canal

5 Hermit Wood

6 Howardian
Appendix 7: Designated Sites
288 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
289 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 8: District and Local Centres
Appendix 8: District and Local Centres

Policy R4 refers to District Centres as defined on the Proposals Map: The District Centres
detailed on the following plans are:
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

1. Albany Road/Wellfield Road

2. City Road
3. Clifton Street
4. Cowbridge Road East
5. Crwys Road/Woodville Road
6. Bute Street/James St
7. Merthyr Road, Whitchurch
8. Penarth Road/Clare Road
9. St Mellons
10. Thornhill
11. Whitchurch Road

Policy R5 refers to Local Centres as defined on the Proposals Map: The Local Centres
detailed on the following plans are:

1. Birchgrove
2. Bute Street (Loudoun Square)
3. Cathedral Road
4. Countisbury Avenue
5. Caerau Lane
6. Fairwater Green
7. Gabalfa Avenue
8. Grand Avenue
9. High Street, Llandaff
10. Maelfa, Llanedeyrn
11. Newport Road, Rumney
12. Rhiwbina Village
13. Salisbury Road
14. Splott Road
15. Station Road, Llanishen
16. Station Road, Llandaff North
17. Station Road, Radyr
18. Tudor Street
19. Willowbrook Drive
20. Wilson Road


Bute Street (Loudoun Square)
\. Designation:
Local Centre
Appendix 8: District and Local Centres
328 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
329 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan



Annual unemployment The annual The annual Regional Labour

rate unemployment unemployment rate Market Statistics
rate decreases increases for two or (ONS) and Stats
more consecutive Wales

% of population in the The percentage of The percentage of Welsh Index of

100 most deprived population in the population in the Multiple
wards in Wales 100 most 100 most deprived Deprivation
deprived wards in wards in Wales
Wales decreases increases fro 2 or
more consecutive

Level of Police recorded Police Recorded Police Recorded Local Crime

crime in Cardiff Crime rates Crime rates Statistics, Home
decrease increase for two or Office (ONS)
more consecutive

Percentage of adults The percentage of The percentage of Wales Health

meeting recommended adults meeting adults meeting Survey
guidelines for physical recommended recommended
activity guidelines for guidelines for
physical activity physical activity
increases decreases for two
annually over the or more consecutive
Plan period years

Waste reduction rate Waste reduction The waste reduction CCC Waste
rate of 1.2% rate falls below Management
annually to 2050 1.2% for two or Section
more consecutive


OB1 EC1 KP2, KP9, CORE None None When a trigger point is activated Council Business and
EC1-EC7 an assessment will be Industrial Monitoring
Employment land undertaken to identify the Schedule
permitted (ha) on underlying causes and consider
allocated sites as a necessary corrective actions as Council Business Class
percentage of all appropriate including plan Office Schedule
employment review, changes to supporting
allocations guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC2 KP2, KP9, CORE Offices (B1) = 27,000-33,400 Offices (B1) = Take When a trigger point is activated Council Business and
EC1-EC7 sqm annually. up is more than 10% an assessment will be Industrial Monitoring
Annual Employment above or below the undertaken to identify the Schedule
land take up (based Industrial (B1 b/c, B2, B8) = target for 2 or more underlying causes and consider
on completions) in 4 to 7 ha annually consecutive years necessary corrective actions as Council Business Class
Cardiff (including on Industrial (B1 b/c, B2, appropriate including plan Office Schedule
Strategic Sites - B8) = Take up is more review, changes to supporting
Policy KP2) than 10% above or guidance or whether the
below the target for 2 underlying reasons do not
or more consecutive require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC3 KP2, LOCAL No loss of employment land Loss of one or more When a trigger point is activated Council Business and
EC1-EC7 (Policy EC1) unless in occupied premises or an assessment will be Industrial Monitoring
Amount of accordance with Policy EC3 parcel of land on undertaken to identify the Schedule
employment land primary or local underlying causes and consider
lost to non employment sites necessary corrective actions as Council Business Class
-employment uses in (Policy EC1) unless in appropriate including plan Office Schedule
primary and local accordance with review, changes to supporting
employment sites Policy EC3 guidance or whether the Council Monitoring –
(Policy EC1) underlying reasons do not Planning Applications and
require changes to the Plan. Consents

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 331

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 332



OB1 EC4 KP2(A), LOCAL Employment densities for B1 No trigger is set at N/A Council Business and
KP9, use at least 14.5 per sqm present but will be Industrial Monitoring
EC1-EC7 Employment (gross external value) revised once further Schedule
provision on details are known.
Allocated Sites – Council Business Class
(KP2 A – Cardiff Office Schedule
Central Enterprise

OB1 EC5 KP2(C), LOCAL 15,000 sqm (B1 & B1 (B&C) No trigger is set at N/A Council Business and
KP9, present but will be Industrial Monitoring
EC1-EC7 Employment revised once further Schedule
provision on details are known.
Allocated Sites – Council Business Class
(KP2 C – North West Office Schedule
Cardiff )

OB1 EC6 KP2(D&E), LOCAL 3 ha by J33 plus 2.5 ha No trigger is set at N/A Council Business and
KP9, flexible local employment present but will be Industrial Monitoring
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

EC1-EC7 Employment space revised once further Schedule

provision on details are known.
Allocated Sites – Council Business Class
(KP2 D&E – North of Office Schedule
J33 + South of

OB1 EC7 KP2(F), LOCAL 6.5 ha (B1 & B1 (B&C) No trigger is set at N/A Council Business and
KP9, present but will be Industrial Monitoring
EC1-EC7 Employment revised once further Schedule
provision on details are known.
Allocated Sites (KP2 Council Business Class
F – North East Office Schedule


OB1 EC8 KP2(H), LOCAL 80,000 to 90,000 sqm No trigger is set at N/A Council Business and
KP9, (B1(b)/(c) present but will be Industrial Monitoring
EC1-EC7 Employment revised once further Schedule
provision on details are known.
Allocated Sites – Council Business Class
(KP2 H – South of St Office Schedule
Mellons Business

OB1 EC9 KP2, KP9, LOCAL 19,100 by 2026 or 1,736 If annual creation of When a trigger point is activated ONS (Annual Business
EC1-EC7 annually. Target is set out new jobs falls more an assessment will be Inquiry & Annual
Net job creation over 1,750 jobs annually over the than 10% below the undertaken to identify the Population Survey
the remaining Plan remaining Plan period anticipated rate of underlying causes and consider
period (Total = 1,750 jobs for 2 or necessary corrective actions as
40,000 over whole more consecutive appropriate including plan
Plan period, 20,900 years review, changes to supporting
jobs created guidance or whether the
between 2006 and underlying reasons do not
2015) require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC10 R1-R8 LOCAL A1 units comprising 40% of A1 units comprising When a trigger point is activated Council Monitoring /Site
all units within District & Local less than 40% of all an assessment will be Surveys
Active A1 (retail) Centres (Base Level in 2013) units within a centre. undertaken to identify the
units within District & underlying causes and consider
Local Centres necessary corrective actions as
remaining the appropriate including plan
predominant use review, changes to supporting
guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC11 R1-R8 LOCAL 100% 90% When a trigger point is activated Council Monitoring /Site
an assessment will be Surveys
undertaken to identify the

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Proportion of underlying causes and consider

protected City necessary corrective actions as
Centre shopping appropriate including plan
frontages with over review, changes to supporting
50% Class A1 guidance or whether the
(Shop) units. underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC12 KP10, LOCAL Vacancy levels are no higher Vacancy levels rise When a trigger point is activated Council Monitoring /Site
R1-R8 than the national UK average above national UK an assessment will be Surveys
Percentage of (12%) average for more than undertaken to identify the
ground floor vacant 2 consecutive years underlying causes and consider Council City Centre Land
retail units in the Current vacancy levels in necessary corrective actions as Use Floor Space Survey
Central Shopping Cardiff are 9% (City Centre), appropriate including plan
Area, District & Local 10% (District Centres) and review, changes to supporting GOAD Data (Experian)
Centres 9% (Local Centres) guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC13 KP10, LOCAL No retail developments 1 or more retail When a trigger point is activated Council Out of Centre
R1-R8 permitted outside these developments are an assessment will be Monitoring Schedule
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

Number of retail areas (unless in accordance permitted outside of undertaken to identify the
developments with Policy R6 and an the Central Shopping underlying causes and consider Council Monitoring –
permitted outside of assessment of need and Area and District necessary corrective actions as Planning Applications and
the Central strict application of the Centres not in appropriate including plan Consents
Shopping Area and sequential test) accordance with review, changes to supporting
District Centres not Policy R6 and an guidance or whether the
in accordance with assessment of need underlying reasons do not
Policy R6 and an and strict application require changes to the Plan.
assessment of need of the sequential test
and strict application
of the sequential test


OB1 EC14 KP2, KP6, LOCAL Increase the sustainable Failure to achieve an When a trigger point is activated CCC Planning Policy/
KP8, T1-T9 travel proportion of the modal annual increase of 1% an assessment will be Transportation
Achievement of split by 1% per annum for for each journey undertaken to identify the
50:50 modal split for each journey purpose: purpose for two or underlying causes and consider Infrastructure Plan
all journeys by 2026 more consecutive necessary corrective actions as
1) Work = 45.2% (2014) years appropriate including plan Cardiff Local Transport
2) Education = 57.8% (2014) review, changes to supporting Plan (LTP)
3) Shopping (City Centre) = guidance or whether the
67.1% (2014) underlying reasons do not
Ask Cardiff Survey
4) Shopping (Other) = 43.2% require changes to the Plan.
Infrastructure Plan
5) Leisure = 58% (2014)

OB1 EC15 KP2, KP6, LOCAL An annual increase of Failure to achieve an When a trigger point is activated Transportation Surveys
KP8, T1-T9 journeys made on foot for annual increase for an assessment will be
Percentage of each journey purpose: each journey purpose undertaken to identify the Accessibility Mapping
people walking (all for two or more underlying causes and consider
journeys) 1) Work = 15.9% (2014) consecutive years necessary corrective actions as Congestion Monitoring
2) Education = 24.1% (2014) appropriate including plan
3) Shopping (City Centre) = review, changes to supporting
Ask Cardiff Survey
16.7% (2014) guidance or whether the
4) Shopping (Other) = 22.3% underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan. Infrastructure Plan
5) Leisure = 19% (2014)

OB1 EC16 KP2, KP6, LOCAL An annual increase of Failure to achieve an When a trigger point is activated Transportation Surveys
KP8, T1-T9 journeys made by bike for annual increase for an assessment will be
Percentage of each journey purpose: each journey purpose undertaken to identify the Accessibility Mapping
people cycling(all for two or more underlying causes and consider
journeys) 1) Work = 10.6% (2014) consecutive years necessary corrective actions as Congestion Monitoring
2) Education = 9.5% (2014) appropriate including plan
3) Shopping (City Centre) = review, changes to supporting
5.9% (2014)

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4) Shopping (Other) = 5.7% guidance or whether the Ask Cardiff Survey

(2014) underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan. Infrastructure Plan
5) Leisure = 10.1% (2014)

OB1 EC17 KP2, KP6, LOCAL An annual increase of Failure to achieve an When a trigger point is activated Transportation Surveys
KP8, T1-T9 journeys made by bus for annual increase for an assessment will be
Percentage of each journey purpose: each journey purpose undertaken to identify the Accessibility Mapping
people travelling by for two or more underlying causes and consider
bus (all journeys) 1) Work = 11.1% (2014) consecutive years necessary corrective actions as Congestion Monitoring
2) Education = 13% (2014) appropriate including plan
3) Shopping (City Centre) = review, changes to supporting
Ask Cardiff Survey
29.4% (2014) guidance or whether the
4) Shopping (Other) = 8.6% underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan. Infrastructure Plan
5) Leisure = 11.2(2014)

OB1 EC18 KP2, KP6, LOCAL An annual increase of Failure to achieve an When a trigger point is activated Transportation Surveys
KP8, T1-T9 journeys made by bus for annual increase for an assessment will be
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

Percentage of each journey purpose: each journey purpose undertaken to identify the Accessibility Mapping
people travelling by for two or more underlying causes and consider
train (all journeys) 1) Work = 5.8% (2014) consecutive years necessary corrective actions as Congestion Monitoring
2) Education = 5.2% (2014) appropriate including plan
3) Shopping (City Centre) = review, changes to supporting
Ask Cardiff Survey
10.6% (2014) guidance or whether the
4) Shopping (Other) = 3.8% underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan. Infrastructure Plan
5) Leisure = 8.7% (2014)

OB1 EC19 KP2, KP6, LOCAL An annual 1 percent Failure to achieve an When a trigger point is activated Congestion Monitoring
KP8, T1-T9 improvement in journey times annual improvement an assessment will be
Improvement in for key corridors (North West in bus journey times undertaken to identify the Ask Cardiff Survey
journey times by bus


Corridor, North East Corridor, of 1% for two or more underlying causes and consider Transport Assessments
Eastern Corridor and consecutive years necessary corrective actions as received through the
Southern Corridor) from appropriate including plan Development Control
adoption of the Local review, changes to supporting process;
Development Plan guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not S106 Monitoring
require changes to the Plan. The Requirements
assessment will also identify established through the
congested pinch points and Development Control
quantify specific corridor journey process
time and journey time reliability
improvements that are required Infrastructure Plan
and establish appropriate revised

OB1 EC20 KP2, KP6, LOCAL An annual 1 percent Failure to achieve an When a trigger point is activated Transportation Surveys
KP8, T1-T9 improvement in journey time annual improvement an assessment will be
Improvement in bus reliability for key corridors in bus journey time undertaken to identify the Accessibility Mapping
journey time (North West Corridor, North reliability of 1% for underlying causes and consider
reliability East Corridor, Eastern two or more necessary corrective actions as Congestion Monitoring
Corridor and Southern consecutive years appropriate including plan
Corridor) from adoption of the review, changes to supporting
Ask Cardiff Survey
Local Development Plan guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan. The Transport Assessments
assessment will also identify received through the
congested pinch points and Development Control
quantify specific corridor journey process;
time and journey time reliability
improvements that are required S106 Monitoring
and establish appropriate revised Requirements
targets established through the
Development Control

Infrastructure Plan

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OB1 EC21 KP2, KP6, LOCAL A regional transport hub will Failure to deliver a When a trigger point is activated Cardiff Council Corporate
KP8, T4 be delivered by 2018 regional transport hub an assessment will be Business Plan
Delivery of a by 2018 undertaken to identify the
regional transport underlying causes and consider Infrastructure Plan
hub necessary corrective actions as
appropriate including plan Cardiff Local Transport
review, changes to supporting Plan
guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC22 KP2, KP6, LOCAL To prepare & implement a Failure to deliver When a trigger point is activated CCC Planning Policy/
KP8, T1-T9 range of sustainable projects identified in an assessment will be Transportation
Delivery of new transport schemes including LTP timeframes undertaken to identify the
sustainable schemes identified in the and/or failure to underlying causes and consider Infrastructure Plan
transportation Cardiff LTP which support deliver sustainable necessary corrective actions as
infrastructure modal shift and the delivery key principles as appropriate including plan Cardiff Local Transport
including: Rapid Bus of the Masterplanning referenced in OB4 review, changes to supporting Plan
Corridors, Cycle principles set out in the LDP SN12 guidance or whether the
Network, Transport underlying reasons do not
Hubs and LTP require changes to the Plan.
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

schemes to mitigate
impacts and support
modal shift

OB1 EC23 R3 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG When a trigger point is activated CCC Planning Policy
within 12 months of an assessment will be
Central Shopping Plan adoption undertaken to identify the
Area Protected underlying causes and consider
Frontages SPG necessary corrective actions as
appropriate including plan
review, changes to supporting
guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.


OB1 EC24 KP5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG When a trigger point is activated CCC Planning Policy
within 18 months of an assessment will be
Shop Fronts and Plan adoption undertaken to identify the
Signs Guidance underlying causes and consider
SPG necessary corrective actions as
appropriate including plan
review, changes to supporting
guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB1 EC25 EC1, EC3 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG When a trigger point is activated CCC Planning Policy
within 18 months of an assessment will be
Protection of Plan adoption undertaken to identify the
Employment Land underlying causes and consider
and Premises for necessary corrective actions as
Business, Industry appropriate including plan
and Warehousing review, changes to supporting
SPG guidance or whether the
underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.



OB2 S01 KP1 CORE A minimum 5 year supply Less than a 5 year When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
of land for residential supply of residential an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
development is land is recorded for undertaken to identify the
maintained throughout the any year underlying causes and consider
Plan period

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The housing land supply necessary corrective actions as Joint Housing Land
taken from the current appropriate including plan review, Availability Study
Housing Land Availability changes to supporting guidance
Study (TAN1) or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes
to the Plan.

OB2 S02 KP1 CORE Provide 22,555 net Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
general market dwellings required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
The number of net general over the remaining Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
market dwellings built period in accordance with year period. underlying causes and consider Joint Housing Land
the cumulative 2 year necessary corrective actions as Availability Study
targets set out below: appropriate including plan review,
changes to supporting guidance
2016: 2,495 or whether the underlying
2018: 4,096 reasons do not require changes
2020: 4,153 to the Plan.
2022: 4,042
2024: 4,010
2026: 3,759
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

OB2 SO3 KP1, CORE Provide 6,646 net Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP2, affordable units over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
KP4, The number of net additional remaining Plan period dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
KP13, H3 affordable dwellings built (representing an average year period. underlying causes and consider Joint Housing Land
(TAN2) of 22.8% of total housing necessary corrective actions as Availability Study
provision). appropriate including plan review,
changes to supporting guidance
Expected delivery rate to or whether the underlying
meet the target set out reasons do not require changes
below: to the Plan.

2016: 735
2018: 1,207
2020: 1,224
2022: 1,191


2024: 1,181
2026: 1,108

OB2 SO4 KP1 CORE Provide 29,201 dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
over the remaining Plan required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Annual dwelling completions period in accordance with dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
(all dwellings) the cumulative 2 year year period. underlying causes and consider Joint Housing Land
targets set out below: necessary corrective actions as Availability Study
2016: 3,230 appropriate including plan review,
2018: 5,303 changes to supporting guidance
2020: 5,377 or whether the underlying
2022: 5,233 reasons do not require changes
2024: 5,191 to the Plan.
2026: 4,866

OB2 SO5 KP1 LOCAL Annual target of overall Delivery varies by When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
anticipated windfall more than 10% an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Number of windfall units contributions for the above or below 488 undertaken to identify the
completed per annum on all remainder of the Plan dwellings per annum underlying causes and consider
sites period - 488 dwellings per for any consecutive necessary corrective actions as
annum 2 year period. appropriate including plan review,
changes to supporting guidance
or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes
to the Plan.

OB2 SO6 KP3(B) LOCAL Number of dwellings 1 or more When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
permitted that are not in permission that does an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Number of dwellings accordance with KP3(B) not satisfy LDP undertaken to identify the
permitted annually outside the policies underlying causes and consider
defined settlement boundaries necessary corrective actions as
that does not satisfy LDP appropriate including plan review,
policies changes to supporting guidance
or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes
to the Plan.

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OB2 SO7 H7 LOCAL Site is no longer When a trigger point is activated CCC Planning Policy
categorised within an assessment will be
Keep the Seawall Road site Flood Risk Zone C2 undertaken to identify the CCC Housing Service
under review for potential underlying causes and consider
permanent residential Gypsy necessary corrective actions as
and Traveller appropriate including plan review,
changes to supporting guidance
accommodation or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes
to the Plan.

OB2 SO8 H7 LOCAL 1. Agree project Failure to achieve Yes CCC Planning Policy
management these targets
Provision is made for arrangements CCC Housing Service
meeting identified needs for including reporting
permanent Gypsy and structure and
Traveller accommodation representatives -
July 15
2. Agree methodology
for undertaking site
search and
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

assessment –
December 2015
3. Undertake Gypsy
and Traveller
Needs Assessment
for both permanent
and transit pitches
in accordance with
Housing (Wales)
Act 2014 – Feb
4. Undertake a site
search and
assessment and
secure approval of
findings – Jul 2016


5. Secure planning
permission and
funding (including
any grant funding
from Welsh
Government) for
identified sites(s)
required to meet
the short term need
for 43 pitches by
May 2017
6. Secure planning
permission and
funding (including
any grant funding
from Welsh
Government) for
required to meet
the long term need
for 65 pitches by
May 2021

OB2 SO9 H7 LOCAL 1. Agree project Failure to achieve Yes CCC Planning Policy
management these targets
Provision is made for meeting arrangements CCC Housing Service
identified needs for transit including reporting
Gypsy and Traveller structure and
accommodation representatives -
July 2015
2. Agree methodology
for undertaking site
search and
assessment –
December 2015
3. Undertake Gypsy
and Traveller

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Needs Assessment
for both permanent
and transit pitches
in accordance with
Housing (Wales)
Act 2014 – Feb
4. Undertake a site
search and
assessment and
secure approval of
findings – Jul 2016
5. Secure planning
permission and
funding (including
any grant funding
from Welsh
Government) for
identified sites(s)
required to meet
short term – May
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

6. Secure planning
permission and
funding (including
any grant funding
from Welsh
Government) for
required to meet
long term need –
May 2021


OB2 SO10 H7 LOCAL Ensure the existing supply Any net loss of When a trigger point is activated CCC Planning Policy
of pitches is maintained. existing Gypsy and an assessment will be
Total number of Gypsy and (Should existing pitches Traveller pitch undertaken to identify the CCC Housing Service
Traveller pitches for be no longer available provision underlying causes and consider
residential accommodation alternative pitches will be necessary corrective actions as
sought) appropriate including plan review,
changes to supporting guidance
or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes
to the Plan.

OB2 SO11 KP2 LOCAL 2,150 dwellings will be Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Total annual dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period underlying causes and consider
Housing Site A – Cardiff Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Central Enterprise Zone the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates based on the JHLAS reasons do not require changes
2014 and developer to the Plan

2016: 231
2018: 254
2020: 405
2022: 400
2024: 400
2026: 460

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OB2 SO12 KP2 LOCAL 500 dwellings will be Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Total annual dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site B – Gas Works, Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Ferry Road the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan.

2016: 0
2018: 80
2020: 140
2022: 170
2024: 110
2026: 0

OB2 SO13 KP2 LOCAL 5,000 dwellings will be Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

Total annual dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site C – North West Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Cardiff the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan.

2016: 135
2018: 624
2020: 1,060
2022: 1,060
2024: 1,060
2026: 1,060


OB2 SO14 KP2 LOCAL 2,000 dwellings will be Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Total annual dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period underlying causes and consider
Housing Site D – North of Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Junction 33 the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan

2016: 110
2018: 240
2020: 300
2022: 400
2024: 450
2026: 500

OB2 SO15 KP2 LOCAL 650 dwellings will be Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Total annual dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period underlying causes and consider
Housing Site E – South of Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Creigiau the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan

2016: 150
2018: 300
2020: 200

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OB2 SO16 KP2 LOCAL 4,500 dwellings will be Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Total annual dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site F – North East Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Cardiff (West of Pontprennau) the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan

2016: 180
2018: 1,197
2020: 808
2022: 808
2024: 808
2026: 699

OB2 SO17 KP2 LOCAL 1,300 dwellings will be Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

Total annual dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period underlying causes and consider
Housing Site G – East of Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Pontprennau Link Road the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan.

2016: 140
2018: 375
2020: 285
2022: 270
2024: 200
2026: 30


OB2 SO18 KP2, LOCAL 414 affordable dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP13 will be delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Annual affordable dwellings remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site A – Cardiff Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Central Enterprise Zone the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on the reasons do not require changes
JHLAS 2014 and to the Plan.
developer intentions:

2016: 0
2018: 100
2020: 105
2022: 68
2024: 68
2026: 69

OB2 SO19 KP2, LOCAL 100 affordable dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP13 will be delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Annual affordable dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site B – Gas Works, Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Ferry Road the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan.

2016: 0
2018: 16
2020: 28
2022: 34
2024: 22
2026: 0

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OB2 SO20 KP2, LOCAL 1,500 affordable dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP13 will be delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Annual affordable dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site C – North West Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Cardiff the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan

2016: 41
2018: 187
2020: 318
2022: 318
2024: 318
2026: 318

OB2 SO21 KP2, LOCAL 603 affordable dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP13 will be delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

Annual affordable dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site D - North of Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Junction 33 the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan

2016: 100
2018: 100
2020: 100
2022: 100
2024: 100
2026: 103


OB2 SO22 KP2, LOCAL 195 affordable dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP13 will be delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Annual affordable dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site E – South of Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Creigiau the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan.

2016: 37
2018: 74
2020: 49
2022: 12
2024: 11

2026 - 11

OB2 SO23 KP2, LOCAL 1,050 affordable dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP13 will be delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Annual affordable dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period. underlying causes and consider
Housing Site F - North East Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Cardiff (West of Pontprennau the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan

2016 : 0
2018: 114
2020: 242
2022: 242
2024: 242

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2026: 210

OB2 SO24 KP2, LOCAL 390 affordable dwellings Failure to deliver the When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
KP13 will be delivered over the required number of an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Annual affordable dwelling remainder of the Plan dwellings for each 2 undertaken to identify the
completions of Strategic period on this Strategic year period underlying causes and consider
Housing Site G – East of Site in accordance with necessary corrective actions as
Pontprennau Link Road the 2 year cumulative appropriate including plan review,
delivery rates set out changes to supporting guidance
below. Expected delivery or whether the underlying
rates are based on reasons do not require changes
developer intentions: to the Plan.

2016: 42
2018: 113
2020: 86
2022: 81
2024: 60
2026: 8
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

OB2 SO25 KP13, H3 LOCAL Provide 6,646 affordable An increase or When a trigger point is activated HM Land Registry House
units over the remaining decrease of 10% of an assessment will be Price Index RICS Building
Changes in market value of Plan period based on market values of undertaken to identify the Cost Information Service
property in Cardiff on achieving 30% on properties in Cardiff underlying causes and consider (BICS) Tender Prices
Greenfield and Brownfield Greenfield sites and 20% on Greenfield and necessary corrective actions as Development Appraisal
areas on Brownfield sites. Brownfield areas appropriate including plan review, Toolkit
Expected delivery rate to changes to supporting guidance
meet the target set out or whether the underlying
below: reasons do not require changes
to the Plan.
2016: 1,408
2018: 1,408
2020: 1,408
2022: 1,408
2024: 1,410


2026: 1,410

OB2 SO26 KP1 LOCAL To ensure sufficient land Build rates exceed When a trigger point is activated Council Housing
is brought forward for the anticipated an assessment will be Monitoring Survey
Need for release of additional development in number of undertaken to identify the
housing land identified in the accordance with the Plan completions as set underlying causes and consider
flexibility allowance strategy and to maintain a out in indicator OB2 necessary corrective actions as
minimum 5 year supply of SO4 by the 1st Plan appropriate including plan review,
land as set out in the review i.e. more than changes to supporting guidance
JHLAS. 13,910 dwellings or whether the underlying
completed between reasons do not require changes
2014 - 2020 to the Plan.

OB2 SO27 KP13, H3 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning Policy
within 6 months of
Affordable Housing SPG Plan adoption

OB2 SO28 H5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning Policy

within 6 months of
Houses in Multiple Plan adoption
Occupation SPG

OB2 SO29 KP7 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning Policy
within 12 months of
Planning Obligations SPG Plan adoption
incorporating Developer
contributions for transport
facilities and relevant sections

Affordable housing

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 353

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Access, circulation and

parking requirements
Open Space
Public art
Community Facilities
Trees and
Waste Collection and
Storage Facilities

OB2 SO30 C1 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning Policy

within 18 months of
Community Facilities and Plan adoption
Residential Development

OB2 SO31 C1 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning Policy

Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

within 18 months of
Childcare Facilities SPG Plan adoption

OB2 SO32 C6 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning Policy

within 18 months of
Health SPG Plan adoption

OB2 SO33 H8 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning Policy

within 18 months of
Gypsy and Traveller Sites Plan adoption


OB3 EN1 KP3(A), CORE No permissions granted 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
KP3(B), for highly vulnerable permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
KP5, KP15, Amount of development development within C1 development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
KP16, (by TAN 15 paragraph 5.1 floodplain area that does year that does not consider necessary corrective actions
KP18, EN14 development category) not meet TAN 15 tests meet TAN 15 tests as appropriate including plan review,
permitted in C1 floodplain changes to supporting guidance or
areas not meeting all TAN whether the underlying reasons do not
15 tests require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN2 KP3(A), CORE No permissions granted 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
KP3(B), for highly vulnerable permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
KP5, KP15, Amount of development (by development in C2 development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
KP16, TAN 15 paragraph 5.1 floodplain area. year consider necessary corrective actions
KP18, EN14 development category) as appropriate including plan review,
permitted in C2 floodplain changes to supporting guidance or
areas. whether the underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN3 KP15, LOCAL No planning consents 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
KP16, granted planning permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
KP18, EN4, Percentage of water bodies permission contrary to the development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
EN10 EN11 of good status. advice of Natural year consider necessary corrective actions
& EN14 Resources Wales and/or as appropriate including plan review,
Dŵr Cymru (Welsh Water) changes to supporting guidance or
whether the underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN4 KP15, LOCAL No planning consents 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
KP16, granted planning permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
KP18, EN4, permission contrary to the development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
advice of Natural year

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 355

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EN10 EN11 Number of permissions Resources Wales and/or consider necessary corrective actions
& EN14 granted where there is a Dŵr Cymru (Welsh Water) as appropriate including plan review,
known risk of deterioration changes to supporting guidance or
in status. whether the underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN5 KP15, LOCAL No planning consents 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
KP16, granted planning permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
KP18, EN4, Number of permissions permission contrary to the development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
EN10 EN11 incorporating measures advice of Natural year consider necessary corrective actions
& EN14 designed to improve water Resources Wales and/or as appropriate including plan review,
quality where appropriate. Dŵr Cymru (Welsh Water) changes to supporting guidance or
whether the underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN6 KP18, LOCAL No planning consents 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
EN11, EN14 issued where there is an permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Number of planning objection concerning development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
permissions granted provision of water quality year consider necessary corrective actions
contrary to the advice of and quantity and waste as appropriate including plan review,
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

the Water supplier water from water supplier changes to supporting guidance or
concerning adequate levels whether the underlying reasons do not
of water quality and require changes to the Plan.
quantity and waste water

OB3 EN7 KP3(A), LOCAL No inappropriate 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
EN1 developments granted permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
The number of planning permission development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
inappropriate contrary to policies KP3 year consider necessary corrective actions
developments permitted (A) and EN1 as appropriate including plan review,
within the Green Wedge changes to supporting guidance or
that do not satisfy LDP whether the underlying reasons do not
policies require changes to the Plan.


OB3 EN8 EN3 LOCAL No development granted 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
planning permission permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
The number of planning contrary to Policy EN3 development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
permissions granted which would cause year consider necessary corrective actions
contrary to Policy EN3 unacceptable harm to as appropriate including plan review,
which would cause Special Landscape Areas changes to supporting guidance or
unacceptable harm to whether the underlying reasons do not
Special Landscape Areas require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN9 EN8 LOCAL No inappropriate 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
development granted permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Ancient Semi-Natural planning permission development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
Woodland contrary to Policy EN8 year consider necessary corrective actions
as appropriate including plan review,
changes to supporting guidance or
whether the underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN10 EN1-EN8 LOCAL No planning permissions 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
granted permission that permitted for assessment will be undertaken to Policy
The number of planning would result in an development in any 1 identify the underlying causes and
permissions granted on unacceptable impact year consider necessary corrective actions
SSSI or SINC designated which could not be as appropriate including plan review,
areas. mitigated against on an changes to supporting guidance or
SSSI or SINC that does whether the underlying reasons do not
not satisfy LDP policies require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN11 EN1-EN8 LOCAL Ensure protection of 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
European designated permitted contrary to assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Number of planning sites as required by the advice of NRW or identify the underlying causes and
applications granted which paragraph 5.3.9 in the authority’s consider necessary corrective actions
have an adverse effect on Planning Policy Wales, ecologist as appropriate including plan review,
the integrity of a Natura Annex 3 in TAN 5 and changes to supporting guidance or
2000 site policies whether the underlying reasons do not
require changes to the Plan.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 357

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OB3 EN12 EN1-EN8 LOCAL No application granted 1 application When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
permission that would permitted contrary to assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Number of planning result in detriment to the the advice of NRW or identify the underlying causes and
applications granted which maintenance of the the authority’s consider necessary corrective actions
would result in detriment to favourable conservation ecologist as appropriate including plan review,
the favourable conservation status of EU protected changes to supporting guidance or
status of EU protected species in their natural whether the underlying reasons do not
species in their natural range or significant harm require changes to the Plan.
range or significant harm to to species protected by
species protected by other other statute

OB3 EN13 KP16, LOCAL 2.43 Ha functional open Less than 2.43 Ha When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
KP18, C5 space per 1,000 functional open space assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Achievement of functional population per 1,000 population identify the underlying causes and
open space requirement consider necessary corrective actions
across Cardiff as set out in as appropriate including plan review,
Policy C5 changes to supporting guidance or
whether the underlying reasons do not
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

require changes to the Plan.

OB3 EN14 EN13 LOCAL No more than 4 current One or more No Environmental
AQMA in action additional AQMA Protection
Number of Air Quality Monitoring
Management Areas

OB3 EN15 C4 & C5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 6 months of Policy
Open Space SPG Plan adoption


OB3 EN16 T1 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Public Rights of Way and Plan adoption
Development SPG

OB3 EN17 EN8 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Trees and Development Plan adoption

OB3 EN18 EN5, EN6, LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning
EN7 within 18 months of Policy
Biodiversity SPG adoption of the Plan

OB3 EN19 EN14 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 12 months of Policy
Flooding SPG adoption of the Plan

OB3 EN20 KP16, LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

EN3-EN8 within 12 months of Policy
Natural Heritage Network adoption of the Plan

OB3 EN21 KP17, EN9 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning
within 18 months of Policy
Archaeologically Sensitive adoption of the Plan.
Areas SPG

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 359

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 360



OB4 SN1 EN12 LOCAL An increase in the number No increase in the When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
of renewable energy number of renewable assessment will be undertaken to Policy
The number and capacity of schemes permitted energy schemes identify the underlying causes and
renewable energy permitted for two or more consider necessary corrective
developments permitted consecutive years actions as appropriate including plan
review, changes to supporting
guidance or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes to
the Plan.

OB4 SN2 KP12, W2 LOCAL Maintain a sufficient No trigger When a trigger point is activated an CCC Waste
capacity to cater for assessment will be undertaken to Management
Maintain a sufficient amount Cardiff’s waste (to be identify the underlying causes and Section
of land and facilities to cater confirmed at a regional consider necessary corrective
for Cardiff's waste capacity level in accordance with actions as appropriate including plan
TAN21) review, changes to supporting
guidance or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes to
the Plan.
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

OB4 SN3 KP12, W1, LOCAL Minimum Overall Minimum Overall When a trigger point is activated an CCC Waste
W2 Recycling - 58% by 2016, Recycling - Less than assessment will be undertaken to Management
Amount of household waste 64% by 2020 and 70% by 58% by 2016, 64% by identify the underlying causes and Section
recycled 2025. Maximum Landfill 2020 and 70% by 2025, consider necessary corrective
= n/a by 2016, 10% by Maximum Landfill = n/a actions as appropriate including plan
2020 and 5% by 2025 by 2016, less than 10% review, changes to supporting
by 2020 and 5% by 2025 guidance or whether the underlying
Maximum level of energy reasons do not require changes to
from waste = 42% by Maximum level of energy the Plan.
2016, 36% by 2020 and from waste = less than
30% by 2025. 42% by 2016, 36% by
2020 and 30% by 2025.


Biodegradable landfill Biodegradable landfill

allowance = 41,692t by allowance = less than
2016, 33,557t by 2020 41,692t by 2016, 33,557t
and n/a by 2025. by 2020 and n/a by 2025.

OB4 SN4 KP12, W1, LOCAL Maintain a sufficient range 1 or more applications When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
W2 and choice of waste refused in any 1 year assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Applications received for management facilities identify the underlying causes and
waste management uses on consider necessary corrective
B2 sites actions as appropriate including plan
review, changes to supporting
guidance or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes to
the Plan.

OB4 SN5 KP11, M7 LOCAL 10 year supply Less than 10 year supply When a trigger point is activated an SWRAWP
assessment will be undertaken to Annual
Maintain a minimum 10 year identify the underlying causes and Reports
landbank of crushed rock consider necessary corrective
reserves actions as appropriate including plan
review, changes to supporting
guidance or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes to
the Plan.

OB4 SN6 KP11, M6 LOCAL No permanent 1 application permitted When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
development which would for development in any 1 assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Amount of development prejudice the ability to year identify the underlying causes and
within Sand Wharf land marine dredged sand consider necessary corrective
Protection Area and gravel will be actions as appropriate including plan
permitted within the review, changes to supporting
safeguarded sand wharfs guidance or whether the underlying
which is contrary to Policy reasons do not require changes to
M6. the Plan.

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 361

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OB4 SN7 KP11, M7 LOCAL No permanent sterilising 1 application permitted When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
development as defined for development in any 1 assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Amount of development in MPPW/MTAN1 will be year identify the underlying causes and
permitted within a mineral permitted within a Mineral consider necessary corrective
safeguarding area. safeguarding area which actions as appropriate including plan
is contrary to Policy M7 of review, changes to supporting
the Plan. guidance or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes to
the Plan.

OB4 SN8 M2 LOCAL 0 planning permissions 1 application permitted When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
permitted for development in any 1 assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Number of planning year identify the underlying causes and
permissions permitted for consider necessary corrective
extraction of aggregate actions as appropriate including plan
mineral not in line with review, changes to supporting
Policy M2 guidance or whether the underlying
reasons do not require changes to
the Plan.

OB4 SN9 M4 LOCAL 1 planning permission 1 application permitted When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

permitted for development in any 1 assessment will be undertaken to Policy

Number of planning year identify the underlying causes and
permissions for consider necessary corrective
inappropriate development actions as appropriate including plan
e.g. dwellings/mineral review, changes to supporting
working, permitted in guidance or whether the underlying
Minerals Buffer Zones reasons do not require changes to
contrary to Policy M4. the Plan.

OB4 SN10 M3 LOCAL Ensure that those LPA fails to serve When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
dormant sites deemed not prohibition orders on assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Number of prohibition likely to be re-worked in sites that are deemed not identify the underlying causes and
orders issued on dormant the future (as part of the likely to be re-worked in consider necessary corrective
sites annual review) are served the future. actions as appropriate including plan
with prohibition orders review, changes to supporting


guidance or whether the underlying

reasons do not require changes to
the Plan.

OB4 SN11 KP17, EN9 LOCAL No developments 1 application permitted When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
permitted over the course for development in any 1 assessment will be undertaken to Policy
Number of applications of the Plan where there is year where there is an identify the underlying causes and
permitted contrary to Policy an outstanding objection outstanding objection consider necessary corrective
EN9 that would adversely from statutory heritage from statutory heritage actions as appropriate including plan
affect Scheduled Ancient advisors or that would advisors review, changes to supporting
Monuments, registered adversely affect guidance or whether the underlying
historic parks and gardens, Scheduled Ancient reasons do not require changes to
Listed Buildings or Monuments, registered the Plan.
Conservation Areas historic parks and
gardens, Listed Buildings
or Conservation Areas

OB4 SN12 KP1, KP2, LOCAL Failure of any key 1 (or more) key principles When a trigger point is activated an CCC Planning
KP4, KP8, principles being effectively not delivered assessment will be undertaken to Policy
KP13, Delivery of each key delivered in accordance identify the underlying causes and
H1-H6, principle from the Strategic with details which are consider necessary corrective
C1-C7, Sites Masterplanning approved through the actions as appropriate including plan
T1-T9 Framework as embedded Development review, changes to supporting
in the LDP to ensure Management process guidance or whether the underlying
delivery of key infrastructure (e.g. S106 obligations & reasons do not require changes to
including sustainable planning conditions) the Plan.
transportation interventions,
social and community
facilities, together with any
other key Masterplanning

OB4 SN13 KP6 LOCAL Update the Infrastructure Failure to update the No Place Making
Plan and Infrastructure Infrastructure Plan and Team
Plan Delivery Report Infrastructure Plan (Development
annually to reflect the Delivery Report annually. Management)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 363

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Preparing an annual latest available

Infrastructure Plan and information with regard to
Infrastructure Plan Delivery key infrastructure,
Report update. costs/funding and
estimated timescales.

OB4 SN14 T5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 6 months of Policy
Design and Parking adoption of the Plan
Guidance SPG
(incorporating Access,
Circulation and Parking
Requirements SPG and
sustainable design

OB4 SN15 W1, W2 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 12 months of Policy
Locating Waste adoption of the Plan
Management Facilities SPG
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework

OB4 SN16 KP5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Infill Sites Design Guidance adoption of the Plan

OB4 SN17 KP5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Tall Buildings Guidance adoption of the Plan


OB4 SN18 KP5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Householder Design adoption of the Plan
Guidance SPG

OB4 SN19 KP5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Public Art SPG adoption of the Plan

OB4 SN20 R8 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Food Drink and Leisure adoption of the Plan
Uses + Premises for Eating,
Drinking and Entertainment
in Cardiff City Centre SPG

OB4 SN21 W1, W2 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 18 months of Policy
Waste Collection and adoption of the Plan
Storage Facilities SPG

OB4 SN22 H5 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 12 months of Policy
Design Guidance and adoption of the Plan
Standards for Flat
Conversions SPG

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan 365

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OB4 SN23 EN12 LOCAL Failure to adopt SPG No CCC Planning

within 12 months of Policy
Renewable Energy adoption of the Plan
Assessments SPG
Appendix 9: Monitoring Framework
367 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Summary of LDP process including a glossary of technical terms

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan


A10.1 As Wales has a plan-led system, it means that the LDP will be very important
when making planning decisions. It sets out the Council’s proposals and policies
for future development and use of land in its area. Once the plan has been
adopted, decisions on planning permissions will be mostly based on the LDP.
The LDP will therefore provide a measure of certainty about what kind of
development will and will not be permitted during the plan period.

Stage 1: Delivery Agreement

A10.2 The Delivery Agreement sets out how and when you can contribute to the LDP
preparation process. It has two parts:

A timetable for producing the LDP; and

A Community Involvement Scheme - this explains how developers, the public
and interested groups can contribute to plan preparation. It also explains
how responses will be treated and what feedback you will receive.

A10.3 A revised version of the Delivery Agreement was agreed by the Welsh
Government in December 2011 and can be viewed on the Council’s website

Stage 2: Gathering evidence base

A10.4 The LDP needs to be a sound document. This means that it shows good
judgement and can be trusted. In order to achieve a sound plan, the Council has
gathered economic, social and environmental information in order to provide an
evidence base for the plan. The evidence base is set out in Appendix 13 and has
informed the development of the vision and objectives for the plan and the
Preferred Strategy.

Stage 3: Preferred Strategy

A10.5 The Preferred Strategy outlines the overall objectives for the plan and the strategy
for growth or change, including preferred options for major development sites.
The Preferred Strategy is informed by the evidence base for the plan and
consultation undertaken in 2010/11 on the vision and objectives and strategic
options and sites. The Council consulted on the Preferred Strategy in
November/December 2012.
Stage 4: Deposit plan

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A10.6 The Deposit Plan (a full draft of the LDP) is based on the evidence base for the
plan and is informed by comments received in response to the Preferred Strategy.
This Deposit Plan presents the Preferred Strategy as agreed or amended,
proposals for key areas of change, regeneration or protection and specific sites
to be used for particular purposes and other specific policies and proposals. It is
accompanied by a Consultation Report outlining how comments at the previous
stage have influenced the plan. Once the LDP is placed on ‘Deposit’ for six weeks
consultation the Council cannot change it. Any changes to the plan are a matter
for an Independent Inspector who will examine the plan to determine whether it
is ‘sound’. A six week consultation period took place in October/November 2013
to allow comments to be made on the plan.

Stage 5: Alternative Sites

A10.7 During the six week consultation period on the Deposit Plan objectors may suggest
alternative sites or boundaries for development to be considered. After this
consultation period the Council published alternative sites or boundaries that
have been suggested and a further six week consultation period took place in
February/March 2105 for people to comment on the alternative sites and

Stage 6: Examination of the plan

A10.8 Once the consultation periods are over, the Council will consider the
representations and produce a final Consultation Report. Each of the main issues
raised will be summarised in this report. Then the Planning Inspectorate (on
behalf of the Welsh Government) will examine the report, all of the deposit
representations, the Deposit Plan with its background evidence and the
Sustainability Appraisal Report. The examination ensures that the LDP is based
on ‘sound’ information and thinking, and that the views of those with concerns
about the plan have been considered. The Inspector will decide what issues will
be discussed at the examination and how they will be heard. The LDP was
submitted for examination in August 2014.

Stage 7: Inspector’s Report

A10.9 After the examination, the Inspector will review all the relevant information and
consider what changes the Council should make to the LDP. He or she will then
publish the Inspector’s Report outlining these changes and explaining the reasons
for them. The Inspector’s views are binding, the local planning authority must
make any changes recommended.
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Stage 8: Adoption
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A10.10Within eight weeks of receiving the Inspector’s Report the Council must advertise
the fact that the LDP has been adopted and where it can be inspected. From the
date of adoption, the High Court allows six weeks for anyone to challenge it on
legal grounds.

Stage 9: Monitoring and review

A10.11Once the Local Development Plan is adopted, the Council must send an Annual
Monitoring Report to the Welsh Government each year. This will consider how
successful the LDP has been in meeting the plan’s objectives and means that
the Council will be able to compare the actual effects of the LDP against what
was intended. There will be a major review of the LDP at least every four years.
This may involve rewriting sections of the plan, or replacing it.
Glossary of Technical Terms

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Adopted Plan

The final, statutorily approved legal version of the Local Development Plan.


The final confirmation of a development plan status by a local planning

authority (LPA).

Affordable Housing

Housing, whether for rent, shared ownership or outright purchase, provided at a cost
considered affordable in relation to incomes that are average or below average, or in
relation to the price of general market housing.

Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)

A report submitted to the Welsh Government by the local planning authorities which
assess the effectiveness of the LDP against a set of indicators and targets.

Air Quality Management Area (AQMA)

The Environment Act 1995 requires local authorities to review and assess the quality
of air in the areas against national air quality standards and objectives. Where the UK
air quality objectives are not being met and members of the public are affected they
are required to declare an AQMA.


A description of the present state of the area against which to measure change.


A term used to describe the variety of life on Earth, including the wide variety of
ecosystems and living organisms, animals, plants, their habitats and their genes

Brownfield Land/Site

Land which is, or was, previously occupied by a permanent structure (excluding

agriculture or forestry buildings) and associated fixed surface infrastructure. This includes
the curtilage of development, defence buildings and land used for mineral extraction
and waste disposal where provision for restoration has not been made.
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Candidate Sites
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The LDP Manual (Welsh Government 2006) recommends that local planning authorities
engage with developers and landowners at the evidence gathering stage of the LDP
process to obtain information about potential development sites that may be included
in the plan. Accordingly, in November 2010, the Council formally invited developers,
landowners, agents, Council departments and others with an interest in land to submit
sites they wished to be considered for development or reuse through the LDP, for a
range of uses, including housing, employment, retail, leisure, waste, transport (e.g. park
and ride sites), open space and other community uses.

Citizens Panel

The Citizens Panel is made up of a representative sample of over 1,000 local residents
from across Cardiff who have agreed to give their views on a number of consultation
topics throughout the year. Panel members share their views by completing surveys
and occasionally taking part in other activities like focus groups, workshops, or forums.

Climate Change

Long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, wind and all other aspects of the
Earth’s climate. Often regarded as a result of human activity and fossil fuel consumption.

Commitments (or committed development)

All land with current planning permission or allocated in adopted development plans
for development (particularly residential development).


People living in a defined geographical area, or who share common interests.

Community Involvement Scheme (CIS)

The CIS identifies how the LPA intends to involve consultation bodies and the public
in the preparation of the LDP. The CIS is submitted to the Welsh Government as part
of the Delivery Agreement for its agreement.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL is a method of securing generalised contributions from developers. The Government

legislated for CIL in the 2008 Planning Act. Implementing Regulations followed, and
CIL came into force in England and Wales on 6 April 2010.
Community Strategy

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Local authorities are required by the Local Government Act 2000 to prepare these, with
the aim of improving the social, environmental and economic well being of their areas.


Formal process where comments are invited on a particular topic or set of topics, or a
draft document.

Conservation Area

Areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which

it is desirable to preserve or enhance.

Conservation Area Character Appraisal

A published document defining the special architectural or historic interest that warranted
the area being designated.


Generally means the physical work necessary to change of use of a building from a
particular use, classified in the use classes order, to another use. Can also mean the
sub-division of residential properties into self-contained flats or maisonettes.

Delivery Agreement

A document comprising the local planning authorities timetable for the preparation of
the LDP together with its Community Involvement Scheme, submitted to the Welsh
Government for agreement.


A formal stage of consultation in which comments are invited on the full draft LDP.

Deposit LDP

A full draft of the Local Development Plan which undergoes a formal consultation period.


Development, as it is defined in planning law is the ‘carrying out of building, engineering,

mining or other operations in, on, over or under land.’ (Section 55 of the 1990 Planning
Act as amended).
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Employment Land/Site
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Land used for employment purposes by one or more of the following: offices,
manufacturing, research and development, storage and distribution.

Enterprise Zones

A specially designated area within which businesses are granted numerous advantages
and incentives such as income tax credits, equipment tax refunds and property tax
credits. At its core, the enterprise zone is a means to targeting a specific geographical
area for economic revitalisation. Creating an enterprise zone encourages investment
and promotes economic growth in that area.

Evidence Base

The information and data gathered by the LPA to justify the "soundness" of the policy
approach set out in the Local Development Plan, including physical, economic, and
social characteristics of an area.


Examination is carried out by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Welsh

Government and involves the examination of the report, all the deposit representations,
the Deposit Local Development Plan with its background evidence and the Sustainability
Appraisal Report. It ensures that the LDP is based on sound information and thinking,
and that the views of those with concerns about the plan have been considered.

Expressions of Interest

Representations or comments on the development plan, including requests for alteration,

inclusion or removal of policies or sites for development.

Final Sustainability Report

A term used to refer to the Sustainability Appraisal Report, produced at the deposit
stage. It shows how SA/SEA has informed the preparation of the LDP and details the
methodology, process and results of the LDP against the Sustainability Objectives
identified in the SA/SEA Scoping Report.

Greenfield Land/Site

Land that has not been previously developed, usually farmland, grassland or heath.

Gross Value Added (GVA)

This is a measure in economics of the value of goods and services produced in an area,
industry or sector of an economy.
Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A HRA is a requirement of European Directive 92/43/EEC which assesses the potential
effects a Local Development Plan may have on one or more European sites (Natura
2000 sites). The assessment should conclude whether or not a proposal or policy in a
Development Plan would adversely affect the integrity of the site in question.

Housing Land Availability (HLA)

The total amount of land reserved for residential use awaiting development.


Infrastructure includes services such as roads, transport facilities, water supplies,

sewerage and associated waste water treatment facilities, waste management facilities,
energy supplies (electricity and gas) and distribution networks and telecommunications
infrastructure. Soft infrastructure includes ICT and telecommunications.

Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report

A term used to refer to the Sustainability Appraisal Report, produced at the Preferred
Strategy stage. This assesses the LDP options against the Sustainability Appraisal
framework. The report is then expanded at the Deposit LDP stage and finalised alongside
the Adoption Statement.

Inspector’s Report

The findings of the Inspector, following an independent examination of the LDP, set out
in a report that is binding upon the LPA.

Key Diagram

The diagrammatic interpretation of the LDP’s spatial strategy.


LANDMAP is the national information system, devised by the Countryside Council for
Wales, for taking landscape into account in decision-making (http://landmap.ccw.gov.uk/).

Listed Building

A building of special architectural or historic interest. Listed buildings are graded I, II*
or II with grade I being the highest. Listing includes the interior as well as the exterior
of the building, and any buildings or permanent structures.
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Local Development Plan (LDP)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The required statutory development plan for each local planning authority area in Wales
under Part 6 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. A land use plan that
is subject to independent examination, which will form the statutory development plan
for a local authority area. It should include a vision, strategy, area wide policies for
development types, land allocations, and where necessary policies and proposals for
key areas of change and protection.

Local Development Plans Wales (LDPW)

Planning policy guidance document from the Welsh Government on the preparation of
Local Development Plans.

Local Listing (or Building of Local Importance).

A locally important building valued for contribution to local scene or for local historical
situations but not meriting listed building status.

Local Nature Reserve (LNR)

Non-statutory habitats of local significance designated by local authorities where

protection and public understanding of nature conservation is encouraged.

Local Planning Authority (LPA)

A planning authority responsible for the preparation of the LDP.

Master Planning

In land-use planning, a government entity’s plan for the overall utilisation of a particular
area, including its allocation for residential or manufacturing uses and the corresponding
environmental impacts.

Minerals Aggregates Technical Advice Note (MTAN1)

This was issued by the Welsh Government in March 2004. MTAN1 and sets an
overarching objective which seeks to ensure a sustainably managed supply of
aggregates (which are essential for construction), striking the best between
environmental, economic and social costs.


Measures to avoid, reduce or offset significant adverse effects.

Mixed Use

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Developments or proposals comprising more than one land use type on a single site.

National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)

NVQs are work based awards that are achieved through assessment and training.

Objectives and Indicators

Objectives are what the LDP is trying to achieve, and indicators are measures that show
whether or not objectives are being achieved. They can be used to help show whether
planning policy is effective, or be used in helping to conduct a Sustainability Appraisal.

Office of National Statistics (ONS)

The ONS is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority, a nonministerial

department which reports directly to the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Open Space

All space of public value including public landscaped areas, playing fields, parks and
play areas, and also including areas of water such as rivers, canals, lakes and reservoirs,
which can offer opportunities for sport and recreation or can also act as a visual amenity
and a haven for wildlife.

Participation Phase

Period prior to the pre-deposit Local Development Plan when stakeholders and the
public will have the opportunity to influence the issues, options and policies for future
growth and development to be included.


The development of a site in gradual stages over a period of time rather than all at once.

Planning Gain

The benefits or safeguards, often for community benefit, secured by way of a planning
obligation as part of a planning approval and usually provided at the developer's expense.
For example, affordable housing, community facilities or mitigation measures.
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Planning Obligations and Agreements

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Legal agreements between a planning authority and a developer, or undertakings offered

unilaterally by a developer, that ensure that certain extra works related to a development
are undertaken. For example, the provision of highways. Sometimes called "Section
106" agreements.

Planning Policy Wales (PPW)

Issued by the Welsh Government setting out its national land use policies on different
areas of planning.

Population Projection

The prediction of future populations based on the present age-sex structure, and with
the present rates of fertility, mortality and migration.

Pre Deposit proposals documents

These include the vision, strategic options, preferred strategy, key policies, and the
Sustainability Appraisal report

Pre deposit stage

The strategic Options and Preferred Strategy stage of LDP preparation.

Proposals Map

A component of the Local Development Plan showing the location of proposals on an

Ordnance Survey base map.

Prosiect Gwyrdd

Prosiect Gwyrdd is a partnership between, Caerphilly Borough County Council, The

County Council of the City and County of Cardiff, Monmouthshire County Council,
Newport Council and Vale of Glamorgan Council The combined municipal waste of the
five authorities makes up 40% of the total municipal waste of Wales. Prosiect Gwyrdd
is committed to looking for the best environmental, cost effective and practical solution
for waste after recycling and composting has been maximised in each area

Protected Species

Plants and animal species afforded protection under certain Acts and Regulations.
Ramsar Sites

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Sites designated under the Ramsar Convention to protect wetlands that are of
international importance, particularly as waterfowl habitats.

The Regional Technical Statement (RTS)

The RTS is produced by the South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party and sets
out a regional plan for aggregate provision in south Wales and is a requirement of the
Minerals Aggregates Technical Advice Note (MTAN1).

Regional Transport Plan (RTP)

Regional Transport Plan prepared by Sewta


Comments in support of, or in opposition, to the deposit Local Development Plan.

United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP)

This is the governmental response to the Convention on Biological Diversity signed in

1992. As of 2009 1,150 species and 65 habitats are identified as needing conservation
and greater protection and are covered by UK BAPs.

Unitary Development Plan (UDP)

A plan prepared under the previous plan making system which reached Deposit stage
in Cardiff.

Scheduled Ancient Monument

Nationally important monuments usually archaeological remains, that enjoy greater

protection against inappropriate development through the Ancient Monuments and
Archaeological Areas Act 1979.

Scoping SA

The process of deciding the scope and level of detail of a Sustainability Appraisal,
including sustainability effects and options which need to be considered, the assessment
methods to be used, and the structure and contents of the SA Report.
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Section 106 Agreement

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A legal agreement under section 106 of the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act. Section
106 agreements are legal agreements between a planning authority and a developer,
or undertakings offered unilaterally by a developer, that ensure that certain extra works
related to a development are undertaken.

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party (RAWP)

The SWRAWP is a technical working group with membership drawn from officers of
the 18 Mineral Planning Authorities in South Wales, representatives of the Quarry
Products Association, British Aggregates Association, Environment Agency Wales,
Countryside Council for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government, Office of the Deputy
Prime Minister, Cuddy Demolition, Welsh Environment Trust and British Geological
Survey (http://www.swrawpwales.org.uk/).

South East Wales Economic Forum (SEWEF)

The Forum is a regional partnership bringing together the ten local authorities, the Welsh
Government, the private sector, universities and the third sector to discuss and address
the regional economic matters of south east Wa l e s

South East Wales Strategic Planning Group (SEWSPG)

Membership of the group comprises officer and political representation from the ten
local authorities in the South East Wales area. The principal aim of the Group is to meet
to discuss regional issues and provide an interface between the Wales Spatial Plan
strategy and individual authority development plans.

South East Wales Transport Alliance (Sewta)

Sewta is a consortium established on 1st April 2003 by the ten authorities in south east
Wales to carry out their functions in relation to public transport and some other transport
matters. Sewta works in close liaison with partners representing public transport
operators and users (http://sewta.net/).

Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Locally important sites of nature conservation adopted by local authorities for planning
purposes. (See also Local Nature Reserve).
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A site identified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended by the
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) as an area of special interest by reason of
any of its flora, fauna, geological or physiographical features.


To be considered sound, a Local Development Plan must be justified (founded on robust

and credible evidence and be the most appropriate strategy) and effective (deliverable,
flexible and able to be monitored). There are ten tests of soundness set out in guidance
issued by the Welsh Government and the Planning Inspectorate against which the LDP
will be assessed.

Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

A site designated under the European Community Habitats Directive, to protect

internationally important natural habitats and species.

Special Protection Areas (SPA)

Sites classified under the European Community Directive on Wild Birds to protect
internationally important bird species.


Interests directly affected by the LDP (and/ or SEA) - involvement generally through
representative bodies.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Generic term used to describe environmental assessment as applied to polices, plans

and programmes. The SEA Regulations require a formal "environmental assessment
of certain plans and programmes, including those in the field of planning and land use.

Strategic Opportunity Area (SOA)

Strategic Opportunity Areas (SOAs) offers potential regional benefits from its sustainable
development. SOAs are intended to bring greater coherence to their development, and
enable public transport links to be strengthened.


Formal stage when the LDP is submitted to the Welsh Government for independent
examination by a government-appointed planning inspector.
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Supplementary Planning Guidance may cover a range of issues, both thematic and site
specific and provide further detail of policies and proposals in a development plan.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

A tool for appraising policies and proposals to ensure they reflect sustainability
development objects (i.e. social, environmental and economic factors). Each LPA is
required by S62(6) of the Act to undertake an SA of the LDP. This form of SA fully
incorporates the requirements of the SEA Directive. The term used in the LDP includes
Strategic Environmental Assessment, unless otherwise made clear.

Sustainable Development

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable Transport

Often meaning walking, cycling and public use of transport (and in some circumstances
‘car sharing’), which is considered to be less damaging to the environment and
contributes less to traffic congestion than one-person car journeys.

Technical Advice Notes (TANS)

Documents produced by the Welsh Assembly Government to supplement Planning

Policy Wales, which give detailed technical guidance to Local Planning Authorities on
particular planning issues. They should be taken into account by LPAs in the
development plan preparation process.

Transport Corridor

An area of land in which at least one main line for transport, (road, rail, canal etc.) has
been built. Often new transport lines are built alongside existing ones to minimise the
area affected by pollution.

Transport Hub

A place where passengers and cargo are exchanged between vehicles or between
transport modes. Public Transport Hubs include train stations, rapid transit stations,
bus stops, tram stop, airports and ferry slips.
Travel Plan

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

A travel plan is a package of actions designed by a workplace, school or other
organisation to encourage safe, healthy and sustainable travel options. By reducing
car travel, Travel Plans can improve health and wellbeing, free up car parking space,
and make a positive contribution to the community and the environment

Wales Spatial Plan (WSP)

A plan prepared and approved by the Welsh Government under S60 of the Act, which
sets out a strategic framework to guide future development and policy interventions,
whether or not these relate to formal land use planning control. Under S62 (5) (b) of
the Act a local planning authority must have regard to the WSP in preparing an LDP.

Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD)

The official measure of deprivation in small areas in Wales. It is a relative measure of

concentrations of deprivation at the small area level. It looks at issues such as income,
housing, employment, access to services, health, environment, education and community

Windfall Site

A site not specifically allocated for development in a development plan, but which
unexpectedly becomes available for development during the lifetime of a plan. Most
"windfalls" are referred to in a housing context.
Appendix 10: Summary of LDP process
384 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
385 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 11: Tests of Soundness Self-Assessment
Appendix 11: Tests of Soundness Self-Assessment

A11.1 When the Council has finalised its LDP, it must place it on deposit for public
inspection and the submission of representations, and then submit it to the Welsh
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Government for examination by an independent inspector. The inspector

appointed by the Welsh Government (WG) must determine whether the plan is
fundamentally sound having regard to ten test of soundness set out in guidance
issued by the Welsh Government and the Planning Inspectorate A Guide to the
Examination of Local Development Plans, Planning Inspectorate Wales, 2007.

A11.2 The following table sets out the ten tests of soundness and the Council's
assessment of its progress to date in meeting each of them.

Procedural Tests

P1 It has been The Delivery Agreement (DA) contains a timetable for LDP production and
prepared in the Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) that sets out how and when
accordance stakeholders and the community can contribute to preparing the LDP and
with the its Sustainability Appraisal (SA). Cardiff’s DA was originally approved by
rd th
Delivery Council on 23 September 2010 and agreed with the WG on 15 October
Agreement 2010. The DA is kept under continual review. On 5th December 2011 WG
including the agreed amendments to the timetable for preparing and adopting the plan.
Community Consulting on the Deposit Plan in October 2013 fully accords with the
Involvement adopted timetable. Additionally, it should be noted that the procedural
Scheme requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan)
(Wales) Regulations have been conformed with in preparing the plan.

In accordance with the DA, the Council engaged with a wide range of groups,
organisations and the wider public to assist developing a consensus on the
generation of alternative strategies and options together with identifying key
issues. Specific measures undertaken included:

Invitation to submit Candidate Sites - December 2010: Invitations were

sent out inviting developers, landowners and others with an interest
in land to submit sites they wished to be considered for development
or reuse through the LDP. In addition a notice was placed in the South
Wales Echo and placed on the Council website;
Consultation on SA/SEA Scoping Report - November/December 2011;
Consultation on vision and objectives – November/December 2010:
In order to inform the preparation of LDP vision and objectives an
extensive consultation and engagement exercise was carried out. This
A Stakehollder Consultee Conference which was held on 25
November 2010:
4 Public Consultee Conferences held at venues around the city;
Questionnaire contained in the November Capital Times;
Questionnaire available on-line via the Council’s website;
Procedural Tests

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

‘Ask Cardiff’ random postal questionnaire to 5,000 households;
Citizens’ Panel questionnaire to 1,000 households; and
E-mail responses to website and other publicity.

Consultation on strategic options and sites – May/June 2011: In order

to inform the preparation of the Preferred Strategy a consultation
exercise on strategic options and sites was undertaken between 9
May and 10 June 2011. During this period members of the public and
stakeholders were asked to give views on a series of strategic growth
options for housing and employment and on candidate sites that had
been put forward by developers and landowners to deliver this growth.
The consultation included:
Stakeholder Consultee Conference which was held on 16 May
13 Public Consultee Conferences held at venues around the
Publicity in Capital Times;
Representation form available on-line via the Council’s website;
Citizens’ Panel questionnaire to 1,000 households; and
E-mail responses to website and other publicity.

Consultation on the Preferred Strategy – November/December 2012. In

accordance with Regulation 15 of the Local Development Plan Regulations
the Council undertook 6 weeks consultation on the Preferred Strategy and
st th
the Initial Sustainability Appraisal between 1 November and 14 December
2012. During this period members of the public and stakeholders were asked
to give views on how the Preferred Strategy proposed to address the key
environmental, economic and social issues affecting the city and how
development needs will be met including the proposed broad locations of
new housing, employment and other strategic requirements.
A Stakeholder Consultee Conference which was held on 2 November
4 Public Consultee Conferences held at venues around the city;
14 drop-in exhibitions at venues throughout the city;
Publicity in Capital Times;
Representation form available on-line via the Council’s website;
Citizens’ Panel questionnaire to 1,000 households; and
E-mail responses to website and other publicity.
Consultation on Masterplanning principles – March 2013. A series of
consultation events were held during March 2013 to seek feedback
from stakeholders, developers and members of the public on the LDP
Masterplanning Approach.
Appendix 11: Tests of Soundness Self-Assessment

Procedural Tests
Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Engagement with key stakeholders through the preparation of various

local and regional strategies – ongoing;
Deposit Plan consultation arrangements: When the Deposit Plan is
issued, extensive consultation arrangements have been put in place
including the facility for on-line representations using the Objective
Publishing system, public exhibitions, centre-page insert into, ‘The
Capital Times’ that is delivered to every house in Cardiff, production
of a user-friendly leaflet that provides a non-technical summary of the
LDP and how to make representations, and relevant documents will
be made available via the website.

P2 The Plan and Following stakeholder engagement and consultation, a Scoping Report for
its policies Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
have been of the Cardiff LDP was adopted by the Council's Executive and published
subjected to in January 2011. An Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report was prepared in
Sustainability October 2012 to accompany the Preferred Strategy Consultation and
Appraisal assessed the Preferred Strategy against the Sustainability Objectives
including identified in the SA/SEA Scoping Report.
Environmental A Full Sustainability Appraisal Report has been prepared and published for
Assessment consultation as part of the Council's Deposit proposals. It sets out an
assessment of the Deposit Plan against the Sustainability Objectives
identified in the SA/SEA Scoping Report.

The SA/SEA work has been undertaken in-house using its Sustainable
Development Unit and employed Levett-Therivel Sustainability Consultants
to quality assure the work undertaken (process and content), and provide
advice at key stages including how to comply with the strategic Environmental
Assessment Regulations.

Consistency Tests

C1 It is a land The Deposit Plan has regard to other relevant plans, policies and strategies.
use plan Section 2 of the Plan specifically identifies the national, regional and local
which has policy framework within which it has been prepared.
regard to
other relevant The Deposit Plan also has regard to the plans of adjoining authorities, namely
plans, the adopted Newport and Vale of Glamorgan Unitary Development Plan
policies and and adopted Caerphilly and Rhondda Cynon Taff Local Development Plan.
relating to the Technical Appendix 1 of the SA/SEA Scoping Report includes a review of
area or plans, policies and programmes from all levels of government (European,
adjoining national, regional and local) that have been considered in undertaking
areas SA/SEA of the Preferred Strategy. The Deposit Plan Strategy identifies and
takes account of those aspects that are of significance.
Consistency Tests

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

The Deposit Plan has regard to national policy set out in the Wales Spatial
Plan which places Cardiff at the centre of the South East - 'Capital Network'
- area of Wales. In this regard the plan recognises that it is important for
Wales as a whole that Cardiff becomes significant internationally and that,
to achieve this, the City needs to be the focal point of a coherent and
successful urban network in South East Wales. In order to ensure the region
functions in this way the Plan recognises that it is important to provide an
integrated transport solution for the region linked to an appropriate balance
of development throughout the region.

C2 It has regard The Deposit Plan is consistent with national planning policy. Section 2 of
to national the Preferred Strategy identifies the main elements of national policy which
policy the Council has had regard to in its preparation.

Technical Appendix 1 of the SA/ SEA Scoping Report includes a review of

all national plans, policies and programmes that have been considered in
undertaking SA/SEA of the Plan.

The Deposit Plan takes account of those aspects of national policy that are
of significance.

C3 It has regard The Deposit Plan is considered to be consistent with the Wales Spatial
to the Wales Plan. Section 2 of the LDP directly references People Places Futures: The
Spatial Plan Wales Spatial Plan.

The Deposit Plan reflects the Spatial Plan’s vision, strategy, propositions
and actions for Cardiff and the South East Wales Area (The Capital Network).

The level of growth in jobs and housing proposed in the plan together with
transportation improvements will help deliver the Spatial Plan’s vision to
place Cardiff at the centre of the South East - 'Capital Network' - area of
Wales, helping to spread prosperity within the area and benefiting other
parts of Wales.

C4 It has regard The Deposit Plan has full regard to the Council’s Community Strategy.
to the Section 3 (Vision and Objectives) of the Plan directly references the 'What
Community Matters’ Strategy 2010-2020’, and Section 3 and the Plan builds upon it. In
Strategy particular, the Preferred Strategy vision is based on the economic, social
and environmental vision for Cardiff as set in the Strategy. These high level
visions have been translated into spatial priorities to deliver the vision and
provide the context for the strategic objectives and sub objectives that lie
at the heart of the plan. The Deposit Plan sets out the means of delivering
these objectives.
Appendix 11: Tests of Soundness Self-Assessment

Coherence and Effectiveness Tests

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

CE1 The plan sets Section 4 of the Deposit Plan sets out a coherent Strategy which flows from
out a coherent the key issues identified through the review of the national, regional and local
strategy from policy framework, including the Wales Spatial Plan and the Community
which its Strategy, and the evidence base.
policies and
allocations The strategy takes into account work undertaken at the regional level with
clearly flow neighbouring local authorities on spatial plan area groups and studies. This
and, where includes, the recommendations of the Collaborative working Group, the
cross boundary Regional Waste Plan and Regional Transport Plan. This process ensures
issues are that cross boundary issues for the Deposit Plan Strategy are consistent with
relevant, it is the development plans prepared by neighbouring authorities.
with the In particular, the overall Strategy and level of growth proposed is considered
development to strike the right balance having regard to the evidence base and also taking
plans prepared account of Cardiff’s wider regional responsibilities in adopting an approach
by that still allows other authorities to fulfil their objectives, and those set out in
neighbouring the Wales Spatial Plan.

CE2 The strategy, The Deposit Plan is considered realistic and appropriate having considered
policies and all reasonable alternatives (in accordance with the SEA Regulations). A
allocations are multitude of options and alternatives have been considered as part of the
realistic and SA/SEA process.
having The Deposit Plan is founded on a robust and credible evidence base and
considered the draws upon the available evidence base, including the national regional and
relevant local policy context. The key Issues section of the Deposit Plan sets out the
alternatives assumptions and background to which the Plan’s policies and proposals are
and are based. The Deposit Plan is supported by evidence from the evidence base
founded on a and background technical papers
robust and
credible Technical Appendix 2 of the SA/SEA Scoping Report also includes a review
evidence base of the evidence base that has been considered in undertaking the SA/SEA
of the Deposit Plan.

The preparation process has also been participative, with the views of key
stakeholders being tested through a series of consultation events and the
Council’s Citizens Panel.

The extensive process of collecting relevant evidence has demonstrated

that it is not always possible to reach absolute consensus on all issues and
in some cases, different evidence sources may point to different conclusions.
However, the Deposit Plan has taken full account of all relevant information
available and where judgements have made been made, full reasoning is
set out within the document and supporting information to demonstrate how
conclusions are realistic and appropriate having regard to the evidence base.

CE3 There are clear The Annual Monitoring Report is the principle mechanism through which the
mechanisms implementation of policies in the LDP are measured. The general approach
for to this is set out in Appendix 8 to the Deposit Plan.
Coherence and Effectiveness Tests

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

and monitoring

CE4 It is reasonably The Deposit Plan has been specifically designed to provide a flexible policy
flexible to framework. It is considered sufficiently flexible to deal with unexpected
enable it to changes in circumstances and has been prepared during a period that has
deal with seen economic changes, thereby allowing consideration of the flexibility of
changing the policy response.
Finally, the AMR provides a key mechanism to monitor the delivery of the
LDP. This will be used to assess whether a review is necessary in case of
a change in circumstances.
Appendix 11: Tests of Soundness Self-Assessment
392 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
393 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 12: List of Supporting Documents
Appendix 12: List of Supporting Documents

Background Technical Papers and Assessments

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

1. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical

Paper No. 1 Population and Housing – September 2013
2. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 2 Urban Capacity Study – September 2013
3. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 3 Green Belt – September 2013
4. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 4 Economic – September 2013
5. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 5 Transportation – September 2013
6. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 6 Infrastructure Plan – September 2013
7. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 7 District and Local Centres
8. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 8 City Centre Protected Shopping Frontage Assessment –
September 2013
9. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 9 Minerals – September 2013
10. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Background Technical
Paper No. 10 Waste – September 2013
11. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Final Sustainability
Report - September 2013
12. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Habitat Regulations
Assessment Report – September 2013
13. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Health Impact
Assessment Report – September 2013
14. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Equalities Impact
Assessment Report – September 2013
15. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Initial Consultation
Report – September 2013
16. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Masterplanning
Framework – General Principles, Strategic Framework & Site Specific
Frameworks for larger sites – September 2013
17. Cardiff Deposit Local Development Plan 2006-2026 Summary of cross
boundary working – September 2013

Evidence Base Studies

18. Edge Analytics Report on Population & Household Forecasts

19. Local housing Market Assessment
20. Affordable Housing Viability Assessment
21. Gypsy & Traveller Study Needs Assessment

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

22. Gypsy and Traveller Study Sites Assessment
23. Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment
24. Landscape Study Supporting Documents: Review of Landscape Character
Areas (February 2008), Review of Special Landscape Areas (August 2008)
25. Renewable Energy Assessment
Appendix 12: List of Supporting Documents
396 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
397 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 13: List of the Evidence Base
Appendix 13: List of the Evidence Base

Topic Title Author Date

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Housing and Cardiff Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation ORS Apr-13

Population Assessment

Cardiff Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Peter Brett Associates Jul-13
Sites Study

Affordable Housing Viability Study Peter Brett Associates Aug-13

Cardiff Local Development Plan Population and Edge Analytics Mar-11

Household Projections Phase 1 Report

Cardiff Local Development Plan Population and Edge Analytics Jun-11

Household Projections Phase 2 Report

Cardiff Population and Household Forecasts – Edge Analytics Jun-13

Updating the Evidence

Cardiff Housing Monitoring Schedule CCC Mar-13

Local Housing Market Assessment Update HDH Planning and July -13

Economy and Cardiff Employment Land Study Stage 1: Supply DTZ Apr-11
Employment Audit

Cardiff Employment Land Study Update Stage 2: DTZ Jun-11

Assessing Future Requirements

Strategic Area Appraisals Savills Jun-11

Cardiff Employment Land and Commercial Property GVA Grimley Mar-09


Business and Industrial Land bank Monitoring CCC Jul-11

Business Class Office Development Monitoring CCC Jul-11

Cardiff Employment Land and Property Study Stage Hardisty Jones Apr-12
3: Gap Analysis Associates

Economic Bulletin Edition 18 Autumn 2010 CCC Autumn 2010

Monthly Unemployment Statistics Cardiff Research Ongoing


Retail District and Local Centre Floorspace Survey Colliers Sep-08

Cardiff Out of Centre Retail Stores CCC Jan-11

Retail Capacity Study Colliers Mar-09

Retail Capacity Study Update Volume 1: Colliers Mar-11

Consultants Report

Biodiversity Cardiff Biological Database CCC Ongoing

Topic Title Author Date

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

Habitats Screening Report CCC Oct-12

Landscape The Landscape Study of Cardiff 1999 CCC 1999

The 2007 Landscape Study of Cardiff CCC 2007

The Review of Landscape Character Areas Study CCC 2008

Conservation Conservation Area Appraisals CCC Ongoing

and Design

Flooding and Cardiff Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment: Atkins June-09

Flood Risk Report on Phase 1 (Scoping Study)

Cardiff Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment: Atkins Nov-11

Phase 2 Part 1

Cardiff Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment: Atkins Jul-11

Phase 2 Part 2

Cardiff Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment: Atkins Aug-12

Phase 3

Cardiff Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment: Atkins Oct-11

- Addendum Report

Open Space Cardiff Open Space Survey 2009 CCC Sept-09

Cardiff Accessible Natural Greenspace Survey CCC Mar-08


Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment CCC Aug 13


Regional Strategic Planning for the Cardiff City Region Roger Tym & Partners Oct-11

Report of Findings Cardiff LDP Apr-12

Collaborative Working
Appendix 13: List of the Evidence Base
400 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
401 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
Appendix 14: Bibliography
Appendix 14: Bibliography

• STEAM Report 2010 Cardiff Council

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

• Cardiff Annual Traffic Flow Surveys Cardiff Council

• Cardiff Annual Patronage Surveys 2010 Cardiff Council

• Ask Cardiff Surveys: Between 2010 and 2012 Cardiff Council

• ‘What Matters’ The Ten Year Strategy (2010-2020) Cardiff Council

• European Directive 2009/28/EC: The Promotion of the use of energy EU

from renewable sources

• Cardiff and Wales Crime 2009 - 2011 Home Office

• Employee Jobs Business Register and Employment Survey 2012 ONS

• ONS GVA Statistics 2011 ONS

• Claimant Count ONS

• Population and Household growth estimates ONS

• Guide to the Examination of Local Development Plans 2006 Planning Inspectorate

• Hotting Up? : An Analysis of Low Carbon Plans and Strategies for UK RICS
Cities 2011

• The South East Wales Regional Waste Plan, First Review (RWP) (2008) South East Wales Regional Waste Group

• A Regional Transport Plan (RTP) (2010) South East Wales Transport Alliance

• The South Wales Regional Technical Statement for Aggregates (2008) South Wales Regional Aggregates Working
Party (SWRAWP)

• Annual Population Survey 2011 Welsh Government

• Local Development Plans Wales 2005 Welsh Government

• Local Development Plan Manual 2006 Welsh Government

• Planning Policy Wales (Edition 4) 2011 Welsh Government

• Mineral Planning Policy Wales 2011 Welsh Government

• People Places Futures: The Wales Spatial Plan 2008 Welsh Government

• Environment Strategy for Wales 2006 Welsh Government

• One Wales, One Planet 2009 Welsh Government

• Economic Renewal: A New Direction 2010 Welsh Government

• One Wales: Connecting the Nation – The Wales Transport Strategy 2008 Welsh Government

• National Transport Plan 2010 Welsh Government

• Minerals Technical Advice Note 1: Aggregates (MTAN1) 2004 Welsh Government

• Welsh Health Survey 2010 Welsh Government

Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan

• Circular 30/2007 – Planning for Gypsy and Traveller caravan sites Welsh Government

• Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2011 Welsh Government

Appendix 14: Bibliography
404 Cardiff Local Development Plan 2006 - 2026 Adopted Plan
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Cardiff Local Development Plan

2006 - 2026





Strategic Planning
Cardiff Council
County Hall
Adopted Plan
Atlantic Wharf
Cardiff January 2016
CF10 4UW

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