Day15BankFiles 191101 231214
Day15BankFiles 191101 231214
Day15BankFiles 191101 231214
Every Beginner thinks of FBZP to configure or F110 to execute (Look under the hood)
Once F110 is executed ideally two messages will be generated
o Message to the Bank with the “Payment bank File” [Bank! Please pay for my vendor X$]
o Message to the Vendor “Payment Advise” [dear vendor payment made]
The above messages are controlled during the payment run via “Payment Media”
o Payment Media: it controls the print functionality at the end of the payment run
There are two kind of payment media
o Classic Payment Media (via RFFO* Programs)
o Payment Medium Workbench (PMW)
Payment Media
Classic PMW
- the Variant has information for the program to do the printing - Printing include File generation
- using the common payment format MTI101, MTI103 and others --- New Hits XML (SEPA) only
for PMW
- needs abap
- Company Code and House Bank Details is controlled via the variant of the SAPFPAYM - (variant
assigned to company code and house bank in OBPM4)
- if the FM logic is meeting the business requirement them copy the FM and create your Z FM based
on your busines requirements
- You Can use the DMEE (Data Medium Exchange Enginer) which helps you to create format without
- DME Enging gives you a lot of flexibility to construct your own file
(1) create a format either using the FM or DME Engine (Tree PAYM)
(2) Create a variant for SAPFPAYM (details about company code & PM)
Payment Advise
What is the format to be sent to vendor
Just like the SD or MM Output using either
o SAP Script
o Smart forms (need enhancement and not recommended)
SAP Uses program to generate the Payment Advice