ICSE Geography Class 9
ICSE Geography Class 9
ICSE Geography Class 9
Question 1
(A) i. Why are latitudes also called parallels of latitudes?
ii. Why are all the lines of longitudes of the same length?
(B) State two effects of the rotation of the Earth
(C) Give a geographical reason for each of the following
i. Great routes are the shortest routes between two places
ii. The earth is a habitable planet
iii. Kuala Lumpur rotates faster on Earth’s axis than London
(D) Draw a neat labelled diagram showing the position of the Earth
during summer solstice
Question 2
(A) Mention two proofs that the Earth is spherical in shape
(B) Explain Indian Standard Time
(C) Give a reason for the following-
i. Days and nights are equal at all places on the Earth during
23rd September
ii. Lines of longitudes are of equal length
iii. Venus is hotter than Mercury
(D) Draw a neat labelled diagram showing Perihelion and Aphelion
Question 3
(A) Explain the following terms-
i. Standard Time
ii. Inclination of Earth’s Axis
(B) State two features of Earth that make it a unique planet
(C) Give reasons for the following
i. Earth’s diameter is more at the equator than the poles
ii. All meridians of longitude are of equal length
iii. Norway is called the land of the midnight sun
(D) Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow-
i. Which hemisphere is inclined towards the
sun during Summer solstice?
ii. Name the latitude that receives direct sun
rays during winter Solstice
iii. On which two days does the sun shine
vertically overhead the equator
Question 4
(A) Give two evidences to support the fact that the Earth is a unique
(B) Explain the following-
i. Crust
ii. Mantle
iii. Core
(C) What are the effects of rotation?
(D) What are equinoxes and solstices?
Question 5
(A) Give three main characteristics of Mountains
(B) In what aspects do the mountains differ from one another? What
are the main features of block mountains?
(C) How are fold mountains formed? Mention its two types
(D) What do you know about the formation of Himalayas?
Question 6
(A) Give reasons for the following
i. Earth has the most ideal temperature conditions
ii. Earth is called the water planet
iii. Even though the Moon is the closest heavenly body to the
Earth, it is not a habitable planet
(B) Differentiate between
i. Geocentric and Heliocentric Theory
ii. Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
(C) Earth is the home to humankind. In this context, explain any two
realms of the Earth
(D) All living beings on Earth need energy to live. In this context,
explain the Water Cycle with the help of a diagram
Question 7
(A) Define the following
i. Food chain
ii. Circumnavigation
(B) What are the major constituents of the Earth’s atmosphere?
(C) Discuss how Earth has favourable conditions for life to survive
(D) Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the Energy Budget
Question 8
(A) What is the composition of the Earth’s crust?
(B) Answer the following
i. Differentiate between Intermontane and Volcanic Plateau
ii. Give an example of residual mountains and depositional plain
(C) Draw a neat and well-labelled diagram of the rock cycle
(D) Give a reason for each of the following-
i. Igneous rocks are also called Primary rocks
ii. Fossils are present in Sedimentary Rocks
iii. The core of the Earth is in a semi-solid state
Question 9
(A) State two characteristics of the Moho Discontinuity
(B) Give one example of each-
i. Block Mountains of France
ii. One Intrusive Igneous Rock
(C) Give reason for the following-
i. Sedimentary rocks are also called Secondary Rocks
ii. Alluvial Plains are regarded as the Granaries of the World
iii. The Inner core of the Earth is in a solid state
(D) Draw a diagram for the formation of Fold Mountains
Question 10
(A) What is metamorphism? Give one example of a thermal
metamorphic rock
(B) How are depositional plains formed? Name two types of depositional
(C) Explain the terms-
i. Dykes
ii. Laccoliths
iii. Exogenic Forces
(D) i. What is the aesthenosphere? Why does it exist in a semi molten
ii.Mention two characteristics of the core of the Earth
Question 11
(A) Differentiate between
i. Sial and Sima
ii. Mantle and Crust
(B) Mention any two main features of the lithosphere
(C) Give reasons for the following-
i. Core is responsible for Earth’s magnetism
ii. Igneous rocks are less affected by chemical weathering
iii. Young Fold Mountains have rugged relief
(D) Draw two neat diagram for formation of Block Mountains
Question 12
(A) Give reasons for the following
i. 10 of latitude is equal to about 111 km throughout whereas 10
of longitude in terms of distance may vary
ii. London experiences a lower temperature than Singapore
throughout the year
iii. The intervals between successive parallels of latitude are
(B) Answer the following-
i. With the help of a diagram, show the meridians of latitude
ii. Calculate the longitude of the position of a ship whose
navigation officer observes that GMT is 16.20 hours, when the
local time is 12 noon
(C) Write the full form of the following- (i)IST (ii)GMT
(D) Which line of longitude is used to fix the World Standard time?
State its value in degrees
Question 13
Question 14