Kunal Kamra's Legal Notice To IndiGo
Kunal Kamra's Legal Notice To IndiGo
Kunal Kamra's Legal Notice To IndiGo
Prashant Sivarajan
Advocate, Supreme Court of India
The Chief Executive Officer
InterGlobe Aviation Limited [Indigo Airlines]
Level 1, Tower C, Global Business Park,
Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road,
Gurgaon – 122 002, Haryana, India.
Also at:
Central Wing, Ground Floor, Thapar House,
124, Janpath,
New Delhi – 110001
Dear Sir,
Under instructions from and on behalf of my client Mr. Kunal Kamra, s/o Mr. Naresh
Kamra, r/o C33 Kataria Colony, Mahim West, Mumbai 400010, (hereinafter referred to
as “My Client”), I hereby serve upon you, the Noticee, the following legal notice:
2. That on 28.01.2020, while flying on your aircraft i.e Indigo 6E 5317 from Mumbai
to Lucknow (hereinafter referred to as the ‘said flight’) My Client [in exercise of
his right to freedom of speech and expression as enshrined in Article 19(1)(a) of
the Constitution] sought to indulge in a conversation with a fellow passenger, Mr.
Arnab Goswami (a well-known journalist and public figure); and thereafter
proceeded to critique the said individual’s style of journalism, which was met with
no response. Relevant would it be to note that at this point of time the Seatbelt
Signs were switched off. Shortly thereafter, when the Seatbelt Signs came on the
stewardess asked My Client to take his seat at which point of time he duly
3. Again post takeoff, My Client approached Mr. Goswami and sought his attention
when Mr. Goswami replied that he was watching something and did not want to
indulge in any conversation. At this point of time, My Client proceeded to record a
video of himself aggressively questioning Mr. Goswami. Again when requested by
the Stewardess, My Client immediately proceeded back towards his seat.
5. Furthermore, after the said flight had landed, though not required to, My Client
still insisted upon staying back till the very end, and personally made it a point to
apologize to each crew member and both pilots individually for any inconvenience
that may have unintentionally been caused. Suffice it to say, the same was
accepted by both the pilots as well as the crew, and at no point in time was My
Client ever intimated that his behavior was unruly/disruptive against which action
was being contemplated and neither was My Client notified of the fact that any
passenger (including Mr. Goswami) or crew member had made any manner of
formal complaint/grievance against him and his actions whilst travelling on the
said flight.
6. Upon arrival at Lucknow, My Client proceeded to tweet about the said incident
that had occurred while he was travelling on the said flight at around 06:15 PM.
7. It is apparent that as a knee jerk reaction to the said tweet, in a completely illegal,
high handed and arbitrary manner without following either the principles of
natural justice nor the procedure in law as prescribed under the Civil Aviation
Requirements, Section 3 – Air Transport Series M Part VI Issue II, dated
08.09.2017 as promulgated by the Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation
[hereinafter referred to as ‘CAR’], on 28.01.2020, you the Noticee from your
official Twitter handle at 8:49 PM proceeded to suspend My Client from flying
with your airlines for a period of 6 months “as his conduct onboard was
unacceptable behavior”. Suffice it to say that any social media platform such as
Twitter is not a medium of official communication and the entire action of you the
Noticee in suspending My Client from flying smacks of arbitrariness and is
completely contrary to the principles of natural justice as well as the procedure in
law as prescribed under the CAR.
8. It was only subsequently the next day at 09:38 AM that My Client received an
email from your Consumer Relations Team officially intimating him that he had
been suspended from flying with Indigo Airlines for a period of 6 months.
9. The above said actions of you the Noticee are liable to be quashed and set aside
with immediate effect on account of abject failure and non-compliance with the
mandatory provisions of law being the CAR dated 08.09.2017.
10. At the very outset, it is submitted that ‘Unruly Passenger’ is defined under
Paragraph 3.1 of the CAR to be “3.1 Unruly passenger - A passenger who fails to
respect the rules of conduct at an airport or on board an aircraft or to follow the
instructions of the airport staff or crew members and thereby disturbs the good
order and discipline at an airport or on board the aircraft.” In the present facts
and circumstances, it is stated that My Client has only engaged in conversation
with another passenger, who was not at all interested in the same, and has
proceeded to comply with the instructions of the cabin crew/staff at all points of
time. Therefore, My Client in no way can be termed as an “Unruly passenger”
within the meaning of Paragraph 3.1 of the CAR. At best, the same is a question
for determination by the Internal Committee to be constituted under Paragraph 6.1
and without any finding by the Internal Committee regarding the same, no
proceedings could have been initiated against My Client. It would also be relevant
to point out that at no point of time during the entire flight duration was My Client
ever interrupted or made aware by the Cabin Crew onboard stating that this kind
of behavior on his part amounts to disruption/or that it was endangering the flight
safety in any manner, which is also a necessary requirement under Paragraph 4.9
of the said CAR.
11. A bare perusal of CAR dated 08.09.2017 would reveal that a detailed procedure
has been prescribed for dealing with the Processing & reporting of
Unruly/Disruptive Behaviour has been given in Paragraph 6 thereof, which reads
as under:
6.1 Whenever an airline receives a complaint of unruly behavior from the pilot
in command, the incident may be referred by the airlines to an Internal
Committee. This Internal Committee shall be constituted by the airline and
consists of the following:
a) Retired District & Session Judge as Chairman.
b) A representative from a different scheduled Airline as Member.
c) Representative from a passengers association or consumer association
or retired officer of Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum as Member””
12. A bare perusal of Paragraph 6.1 would indicate that a complaint of unruly behavior
from the pilot in command is a sine qua non for initiation of the procedure to
declare a passenger as Unruly/Disruptive and then to take any further
consequential thereof. In the instant case, it is submitted that to the knowledge of
My Client, there is no such complaint made by the Pilot-in-Command regarding
My Client’s behavior and therefore its stands to reason that no proceedings under
the CAR could have been initiated against My Client, much less could any
suspension be imposed sans the mandatory requirement of a complaint from the
Pilot-in-Command. Moreover, it is also stated that no action under the CAR could
be taken in the instant case, and even if there was any such Complaint, the same
has never been informed/intimated to My Client till date.
It would also be useful to note the contents of Paragraph 4.10 of the CAR which
reads as under:
“4.10 Airlines shall categorize all such cases of unruly behaviour on-board the
aircraft as indicated in Para 4.9 to this CAR into following categories:
a) Level 1: Unruly behaviour (physical gestures, verbal harassment, unruly
inebriation etc.)
b) Level 2: Physically abusive behaviour (pushing, kicking, hitting, grabbing or
inappropriate touching or sexual harassment etc.)
c) Level 3: Life-threatening behaviour (damage to aircraft operating systems,
physical violence such as choking, eye gouging, murderous assault, attempted or
actual breach of the flight crew compartment etc.)”
This is to reiterate that the action taken by the airlines is in complete consonance
15. Therefore, it is abundantly clear that in total abrogation of the mandate of the
CAR, which has been admitted by the Nodal Authority DGCA itself, it is writ
large that the entire procedure as prescribed in law in order to declare a passenger
as a unruly/disruptive passenger has been completely side stepped and therefore,
the present ban which has been imposed upon My Client is wholly illegal,
arbitrary, unjustified and non-est in law and cannot be allowed to survive under
any circumstances. This also points towards the fact that you, the Noticee, has
acted in a hasty and biased manner inasmuch as there is a finding that My Client
has indulged in unacceptable behavior without following any due process and that
too within a few hours of the said flight landing in Lucknow. It is all the more
evident that the same is nothing but an arm twisting tactic on part of you, the
Noticee, as a direct counter blast to My Client tweeting about the said incident.
16. Furthermore, even as per Paragraph 6.3 of the CAR, “Pending decision of the
Internal Committee, the concerned airline may ban such unruly passenger from
flying, but such period may not exceed a period of 30 days.” Suffice it to say that
the instant ban of 6 months which has been imposed upon My Client is completely
illegal and in the teeth of Paragraph 6.3 as it is an admitted position by the DGCA
that the matter is yet to be referred to the Internal Committee as specified in
Paragraph 6.1 of the CAR. Therefore, imposition of 6 months’ ban is completely
without the authority of law and against the Regulations issued on the subject
matter and must therefore be revoked immediately.
17. Furthermore, as per Paragraph 6.2 of the CAR, it is incumbent upon the Internal
Committee to decide the duration for which the unruly passenger will be banned
from flying in accordance with provisions of Para 8.1 of the CAR. Paragraph 8.1
which prescribes the maximum duration for which a ban may be imposed based on
the gravity of offence, is reproduced herein below:
“8.1 For any person, who is placed in the No-Fly List, other airlines shall have
the option to ban him from taking flights to/from/within India for a duration as
indicated below:
a) Level 1 - upto three months
b) Level 2 - upto six months
c) Level 3 - for a minimum period of 2 years or more without limit
d) Persons covered under Para 7 - Barred till such time that the person is
perceived to be national security risk by the Ministry of Home Affairs.”
18. Therefore, even if for the sake of argument it is assumed that My Client is found
guilty by the Internal Committee of having committed any offence, the same
would at best amount to a Level 1 offence as the nature of the incident involved
only a verbal dialogue on part of My Client and there was no physical contact
between My Client and Mr. Goswami, nor for that matter any other passenger or
cabin crew. Therefore, at best, only after due deliberation and finding of the
Internal Committee, the maximum penalty under law is of 3 months and thus
imposition of 6 moths’ ban is wholly illegal, manifestly arbitrary and non-est in
law. It is submitted that in the absence of any grievance on part of the passenger
involved namely Mr. Goswami and in the absence of any grievance from any other
co-passenger, there was no occasion for initiation of complaint from the Pilot-in-
Command regarding unruly behavior on part of My Client, which is the basic
requirement in law for initiation of proceedings under the CAR and for referring
the matter to the Internal Committee [to which the matter has admittedly not been
referred to as per DGA; refer paragraph 14 above] it is not possible to fasten any
sort of ban upon My Client.
19. There has been a total non-compliance of the principles of natural justice inasmuch
as My Client at no point of time was never informed of the allegations against him
that led up to the ban being issued, and neither has he been provided with a copy
of the Complaint as made by any passenger or crew member regarding the fact that
his behavior on the said flight was unruly and/or disruptive. My Client has also not
been served with any notice regarding any proceeding being
initiated/contemplated against him and neither was he ever given any opportunity
to rebut the same or to make any submission/representation in his defense prior to
precipitative and coercive action being taken against him. Suffice it to say that the
principles of natural justice are applicable to judicial, quasi-judicial and
administrative authorities even if not provided for in statute, where the decision of
authority concerned would result in civil or evil consequences. The Hon’ble
Supreme Court has time and again held that when the statutory rules are silent
with regard to the applicability of any facet of principles of natural justice the
applicability of principles of natural justice which are not specifically excluded in
the statutory scheme are not prohibited. In the case at hand, there being no
exclusion of the principles of natural justice in the CAR dated 08.09.2017, it is
abundantly clear that the requirements of the same would undoubtedly
mandatorily have to be complied with by you the Noticee, which has not been
done in the instant case.
20. It would also be relevant to highlight the well settled legal position which has been
expounded by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in a plethora of judgments that that the
requirement of giving reasonable opportunity of being heard before an order is
made, is generally read into the provisions of a statute and its allied rules,
particularly when the order has adverse civil consequences. The audi alteram
partem rule, in essence, enforces the equality clause in Article 14 of the
Constitution and it is applicable not only to quasi-judicial bodies but also to any
administrative order adversely affecting the party in question unless the rule has
been expressly excluded by the Act, Regulation or Rule concerned which as you
are well aware is not the scenario in the instant case.
21. Suffice it to say that the Hon’ble Supreme Court has crystallized the legal position
in law that any order which infringes a fundamental freedom passed in violation of
the audi alteram partem rule is a nullity. Therefore, the present ban as imposed
upon My Client deserves to be set aside on this very ground alone.
22. It is also stated that the actions of you the Noticee in suspending My Client from
flying thereby restricting his freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India
have severely impinged upon My Client’s Freedom of Movement, as guaranteed by
Article 19(1)(d) of the Constitution, and that too has been carried out in a manner de
hors both the law on the subject as well as the requirements of natural justice.
Freedom to travel, both within and outside the confines of the territory of the state,
has been regarded by the Hon’ble Supreme Court as axiomatic as well as an inherent
part of the expression “personal liberty” occurring in Article 21 of the Constitution.
Again, it is stressed that these fundamental rights of My Client have been violated
without following any due process or procedure established by law.
23. Lastly, it would also be pertinent to point out herein that you the Noticee have
acted in blatant violation and derogation of the extant instructions on the subject
matter, namely the Civil Aviation Requirements, Section 3 – Air Transport Series
M Part VI Issue II, dated 08.09.2017 as promulgated by the Office of the Director
General of Civil Aviation. It is asserted that compliance with the DGCA CAR is
mandatory and failure to adhere to the same would render you the Noticee liable
and the persons so responsible for violation of mandatory DGCA instructions
issued under Rule 133A liable for imposition of penalty under S. No. 13 of
Category III of Schedule VI of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 entailing punishment of
imprisonment of a term not exceeding six months, or with fine not exceeding two
lakh rupees, or with both. You are therefore strongly advised to revoke the ban
imposed upon My Client and act in accordance with law failing which My Client
will take all possible legal recourse for initiation of proceedings for contravention
of Rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.
24. Therefore, I call upon you the Noticee to immediately and with utmost expediency
undertake to carry out the following action, namely:
(i) To revoke the suspension of My Client from flying with Indigo Airlines for a
That you, the Noticee are hereby given a period of one week to comply with
the mandate of law in terms of Paragraph 24 above, failing which My Client
will exercise all due legal recourse available as per law.
A copy of the present legal notice is being retained in my office for the record.
Thanking You,
Enroll. No. D/721/2012
1. The General Counsel, InterGlobe Aviation Limited [Indigo Airlines], Level 1, Tower C,
Global Business Park, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon – 122 002, Haryana, India.