Comparison of RA 7653 and RA 11211
Comparison of RA 7653 and RA 11211
Comparison of RA 7653 and RA 11211
(Amending Republic Act No. 7653)
RA 7653 RA 11211
SECTION 2. Creation of the Bangko SEC. 2. Creation of the Bangko Sentral. —
Sentral. — There is hereby established an There is hereby established an independent
independent central monetary authority, central monetary authority, which shall be a
which shall be a body corporate known as body corporate known as the Bangko Sentral
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, hereafter ng Pilipinas, hereafter referred to as
referred to as the Bangko Sentral. the Bangko Sentral.
The capital of the Bangko Sentral shall be "The capital of the Bangko Sentral shall be
Fifty billion pesos (P50,000,000,000), to be Two hundred billion pesos (P200,000,000,000),
fully subscribed by the Government of the to be fully subscribed by the Government of
Republic, hereafter referred to as the the Republic of the Philippines, hereafter
Government, Ten billion pesos referred to as the Government: Provided, That
(P10,000,000,000) of which shall be fully the increase in capitalization shall be funded
paid for by the Government upon the solely from the declared dividends of
effectivity of this Act and the balance to be the Bangko Sentral in favor of the National
paid for within a period of two (2) years from Government. For this purpose, any and all
the effectivity of this Act in such manner and declared dividends of the Bangko Sentral in
form as the Government, through the favor of the National Government shall be
Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Budget deposited in a special account in the General
and Management, may thereafter determine. Fund, and earmarked for the payment
of Bangko Sentral's increase in capitalization.
Such payment shall be released and disbursed
immediately and shall continue until the
increase in capitalization has been fully paid.
SECTION 11. Meetings. — The Monetary "SEC. 11. Meetings. — The Monetary
Board shall meet at least once a week. The Board shall meet at least once a week. The
Board may be called to a meeting by the Board may be called to a meeting by the
Governor of the Bangko Sentral or by two (2) Governor of the Bangko Sentral or by two (2)
other members of the Board. other members of the Board.
The presence of four (4) members shall "The presence of four (4) members shall
constitute a quorum: Provided, That in all constitute a quorum: Provided, That in all cases
cases the Governor or his duly designated the Governor or his duly designated alternate
alternate shall be among the four (4). shall be among the four (4) members.
Unless otherwise provided in this Act, all "Unless otherwise provided in this Act, all
decisions of the Monetary Board shall require decisions of the Monetary Board shall require
the concurrence of at least four (4) members. the concurrence of at least four (4) members.
The Bangko Sentral shall maintain and "The Bangko Sentral shall maintain and
preserve a complete record of the preserve a complete record of the proceedings
proceedings and deliberations of the and deliberations of the Monetary Board,
Monetary Board, including the tapes and including the tapes and transcripts of the
transcripts of the stenographic notes, either stenographic notes, either in their original
in their original form or in microfilm. form or in microfilm.
"The meetings of the Monetary Board may
be conducted through modern technologies
such as, but not limited to, teleconferencing
and videoconferencing."
SECTION 21. Deputy Governors. — The "SEC. 21. Deputy Governors. — The
Governor of the Bangko Sentral, with the Governor of the Bangko Sentral, with the
approval of the Monetary Board, shall approval of the Monetary Board, shall appoint
appoint not more than three (3) Deputy not more than five (5) Deputy Governors who
Governors who shall perform duties as may shall perform duties as may be assigned to
be assigned to them by the Governor and the them by the Governor and the Board.
"In the absence of the Governor, a Deputy
In the absence of the Governor, a Deputy Governor designated by the Governor shall act
Governor designated by the Governor shall as chief executive of the Bangko Sentral and
act as chief executive of the Bangko shall exercise the powers and perform the
Sentral and shall exercise the powers and duties of the Governor. Whenever the
perform the duties of the Governor. Governor is unable to attend meetings of
Whenever the Governor is unable to attend government boards or councils in which he is
meetings of government boards or councils in an ex officio member pursuant to provisions of
which he is an ex officio member pursuant to special laws, a Deputy Governor as may be
provisions of special laws, a Deputy Governor designated by the Governor shall be vested
as may be designated by the Governor shall with authority to participate and exercise the
be vested with authority to participate and right to vote in such meetings."
exercise the right to vote in such meetings.
SECTION 23. Authority to Obtain Data "SEC. 23. Authority to Obtain Data and
and Information. — The Bangko Sentral shall Information. — The Bangko Sentral shall have
have the authority to request from the authority to require from any person or
government offices and instrumentalities, or entity, including government offices and
government-owned or -controlled instrumentalities, or government-owned or -
corporations, any data which it may require controlled corporations, any data, for
for the proper discharge of its functions and statistical and policy development purposes in
responsibilities. The Bangko Sentral through relation to the proper discharge of its functions
the Governor or in his absence, a duly and responsibilities: Provided, That
authorized representative shall have the disaggregated data gathered are subject to
power to issue a subpoena for the production prevailing confidentiality laws. The Bangko
of the books and records for the aforesaid Sentral through the Governor or in his
purpose. Those who refuse absence, a duly authorized representative shall
the subpoena without justifiable cause, or have the power to issue a subpoena for the
who refuse to supply the bank with data production of the books and records for the
requested or required, shall be subject to aforesaid purpose. Those who refuse
punishment for contempt in accordance with the subpoena without justifiable cause, or who
the provisions of the Rules of Court. refuse to supply the Bangko Sentral with data
required, shall be subject to punishment for
Data on individual firms, other than
contempt in accordance with the provisions of
banks, gathered by the Department of
the Rules of Court.
Economic Research and other departments or
units of the Bangko Sentral shall not be made "The authority of the Bangko Sentral to
available to any person or entity outside of require data from banks shall continue to be
the Bangko Sentral whether public or private exercised pursuant to its supervisory powers
except under order of the court or under such set forth in this Act and other applicable laws.
conditions as may be prescribed by the
"Data on individuals and firms, other than
Monetary Board: Provided, however, That the
banks, gathered by the Bangko Sentral shall
collective data on firms may be released to
not be made available to any person or entity
interested persons or entities: Provided,
outside of the Bangko Sentral whether public
finally, That in the case of data on banks, the
or private except under order of the court or
provisions of Section 27 of this Act shall
apply. under such conditions as may be prescribed by
the Monetary Board: Provided, however, That
the collective data on firms may be released to
interested persons or entities: Provided, finally,
That in the case of data on banks, the
provisions of Section 27 of this Act shall apply."
SECTION 28. Examination and Fees. — "SEC. 28. Examination and Fees. — The
The supervising and examining department supervising and examining department head,
head, personally or by deputy, shall examine personally or by deputy, shall examine the
the books of every banking institution once in operations of every bank and quasi-bank,
every twelve (12) months, and at such other including their subsidiaries and affiliates
times as the Monetary Board by an engaged in allied activities, and other entities
affirmative vote of five (5) members, may which under this Act or special laws are subject
deem expedient and to make a report on the to Bangko Sentral supervision, in accordance
same to the Monetary Board: Provided, That with the guidelines set by the Monetary Board
there shall be an interval of at least twelve taking into consideration sound and prudent
(12) months between annual examinations. practices: Provided, That there shall be an
interval of at least twelve (12) months
The bank concerned shall afford to the
between regular examinations: Provided,
head of the appropriate supervising and
further, That the Monetary Board, by an
examining departments and to his authorized
affirmative vote of at least five (5) members,
deputies full opportunity to examine its
may authorize a special examination if the
books, cash and available assets and general
circumstances warrant.
condition at any time during banking hours
when requested to do so by the Bangko "The institution concerned shall afford to
Sentral: Provided, however, That none of the the head of the appropriate supervising and
reports and other papers relative to such examining departments and to his authorized
examinations shall be open to inspection by deputies full opportunity to examine its books
the public except insofar as such publicity is and records, cash and assets and general
incidental to the proceedings hereinafter condition and review its systems and
authorized or is necessary for the prosecution procedures at any time during business hours
of violations in connection with the business when requested to do so by the Bangko
of such institutions. Sentral: Provided, however, That none of the
reports and other papers relative to such
Banking and quasi-banking institutions
examinations shall be open to inspection by
which are subject to examination by
the public except insofar as such publicity is
the Bangko Sentral shall pay to the Bangko
incidental to the proceedings hereinafter
Sentral, within the first thirty (30) days of
authorized or is necessary for the prosecution
each year, an annual fee in an amount equal
of violations in connection with the business of
to a percentage as may be prescribed by the
such institutions.
Monetary Board of its average total assets
during the preceding years as shown on its "Supervised institutions shall pay to
end-of-month balance sheets, after deducting the Bangko Sentral, no later than May 31 of
cash on hand and amounts due from banks, each year, an annual supervision fee as may be
including the Bangko Sentral and banks prescribed by the Monetary Board. In
abroad. determining the amount of the annual
supervision fee, the Monetary Board shall
consider the costs of supervision."
"SEC. 28-A. Bangko Sentral Coordination.
— The suspension or revocation of any
government license necessary for the
operation of Bangko Sentral-supervised entity
must be done only with prior consultation with
the Bangko Sentral."
SECTION 31. Distribution of Assets. — SECTION 14. Section 31 of Republic Act No.
In case of liquidation of a bank or quasi-bank, 7653 is hereby deleted.
after payment of the cost of proceedings,
including reasonable expenses and fees of the
receiver to be allowed by the court, the
receiver shall pay the debts of such
institution, under order of the court, in
accordance with the rules on concurrence
and preference of credit as provided in the
Civil Code.
SECTION 39. Reports and Publications. — "SEC. 39. Reports and Publications. —
The Bangko Sentral shall publish a general The Bangko Sentral shall publish a general
balance sheet showing the volume and balance sheet showing the volume and
composition of its assets and liabilities as of composition of its assets and liabilities as of the
the last working day of the month within sixty last working day of the month within ninety (90)
(60) days after the end of each month except days after the end of each month, which may
for the month of December, which shall be be reasonably extended by the Bangko
submitted within ninety (90) days after the Sentral as warranted.
end thereof.
"The Monetary Board shall publish and
The Monetary Board shall publish and submit the following reports to the President
submit the following reports to the President and to the Congress:
and to the Congress:
"(a) not later than ninety (90) days after the
(a) not later than ninety (90) days after end of each quarter, an analysis of
the end of each quarter, an analysis economic and financial developments,
of economic and financial including the condition of net
developments, including the international reserves and monetary
condition of net international aggregates;
reserves and monetary aggregates;
"(b) within ninety (90) days after the end of
(b) within ninety (90) days after the end the year, which may be reasonably
of the year, the preceding year's extended by the Bangko Sentral as
budget and profit and loss statement warranted, the preceding year's budget
of the Bangko Sentral showing in and profit and loss statement of
reasonable detail the result of its the Bangko Sentral showing in
operations; reasonable detail the result of its
(c) one hundred twenty (120) days after
the end of each semester, a review "(c) one hundred twenty (120) days after
of the state of the financial system; the end of each semester, a review of
and the state of the financial system; and
(d) as soon as practicable, abnormal "(d) as soon as practicable, abnormal
movements in monetary aggregates movements in monetary aggregates
and the general price level, and, not and the general price level, and, not
later than seventy-two (72) hours later than seventy-two (72) hours after
after they are taken, remedial they are taken, remedial measures in
measures in response to such response to such abnormal
abnormal movements. movements."
SECTION 40. Annual Report. — Before the "SEC. 40. Annual Report. — Before the end
end of March of each year, the Bangko of June of each year, the Bangko Sentral shall
Sentral shall publish and submit to the publish and submit to the President and the
President and the Congress an annual report Congress an annual report on the condition of
on the condition of the Bangko the Bangko Sentral including a review of the
Sentral including a review of the policies and policies and measures adopted by the
measures adopted by the Monetary Board Monetary Board during the past year and an
during the past year and an analysis of the analysis of the economic and financial
economic and financial circumstances which circumstances which gave rise to said policies
gave rise to said policies and measures. and measures.
The annual report shall also include a "The annual report shall also include a
statement of the financial condition of statement of the financial condition of
the Bangko Sentral and a statistical appendix the Bangko Sentral and a statistical appendix
which shall present, as a minimum, the which shall present, as a minimum, the
following data: following data:
(a) the monthly movement of monetary "(a) the monthly movement of monetary
aggregates and their components; aggregates and their components;
(b) the monthly movement of purchases "(b) the monthly movement of purchases
and sales of foreign exchange and of and sales of foreign exchange and of
the international reserves of the international reserves of
the Bangko Sentral; the Bangko Sentral;
(c) the balance of payments of the "(c) the balance of payments of the
Philippines; Philippines;
(d) monthly indices of consumer prices "(d) monthly indices of consumer prices and
and of import and export prices; of import and export prices;
(e) the monthly movement, in summary "(e) the monthly movement, in summary
form, of exports and imports, by form, of exports and imports, by
volume and value; aisa dc volume and value;
(f) the monthly movement of the "(f) the monthly movement of the accounts
accounts of the Bangko Sentral and of of the Bangko Sentral and of other
other banks; banks;
(g) the principal data on government "(g) the principal data on government
receipts and expenditures and on the receipts and expenditures and on the
status of the public debt, both status of the public debt, both domestic
domestic and foreign; and and foreign; and
(h) the texts of the major legal and "(h) the texts of the major legal and
administrative measures adopted by administrative measures adopted by
the Government and the Monetary the Government and the Monetary
Board during the year which relate to Board during the year which relate to
the functions or operations of the functions or operations of
the Bangko Sentral or of the financial the Bangko Sentral or of the financial
system. system.
The Bangko Sentral shall publish another "The Bangko Sentral shall publish another
version of the annual report in terms version of the annual report in terms
understandable to the layman. understandable to the layman."
SECTION 63. Action When Abnormal "SEC. 63. Action When Abnormal
Movements Occur in the Monetary Movements Occur in the Price Level. —
Aggregates, Credit, or Price Level. — Whenever abnormal movements in the prices
Whenever abnormal movements in the endanger the stability of the Philippine
monetary aggregates, in credit, or in prices economy or important sectors thereof, the
endanger the stability of the Philippine Monetary Board shall:
economy or important sectors thereof, the
"(a) take such remedial measures as are
Monetary Board shall:
appropriate and within the powers
(a) take such remedial measures as are granted to the Monetary Board and
appropriate and within the powers the Bangko Sentral under the
granted to the Monetary Board and provisions of this Act; and
the Bangko Sentral under the
"(b) submit to the President of the
provisions of this Act; and
Philippines and the Congress, and
(b) submit to the President of the make public, a detailed report which
Philippines and the Congress, and shall include, as a minimum, a
make public, a detailed report which description and analysis of:
shall include, as a minimum, a "(1) the causes of the rise or fall
description and analysis of: of prices;
(1) the causes of the rise or fall of the "(2) the extent to which the
monetary aggregates, of credit changes in prices have been reflected in
or of prices; cd changes in the level of domestic output,
(2) the extent to which the changes in employment, wages and economic
the monetary aggregates, in activity in general, and the nature and
credit, or in prices have been significance of any such changes; and
reflected in changes in the "(3) the measures which the
level of domestic output, Monetary Board has taken and the other
employment, wages and monetary, fiscal or administrative
economic activity in general, measures which it recommends to be
and the nature and adopted.
significance of any such
changes; and "Whenever the cost of living index
increases by more than ten percent (10%), in
(3) the measures which the Monetary relation to the level existing at the end of the
Board has taken and the other corresponding month of the preceding year, or
monetary, fiscal or even though this quantitative guideline has not
administrative measures which been reached when in its judgment the
it recommends to be adopted. circumstances so warrant, the Monetary Board
shall submit the reports mentioned in this
Whenever the monetary aggregates, or
section, and shall state therein whether, in the
the level of credit, increases or decreases by
opinion of the Board, said changes in the cost
more than fifteen percent (15%), or the cost
of living represent a threat to the stability of
of living index increases by more than ten
the Philippine economy or of important sectors
percent (10%), in relation to the level existing
at the end of the corresponding month of the
preceding year, or even though any of these "The Monetary Board shall continue to
quantitative guidelines have not been submit periodic reports to the President of the
reached when in its judgment the Philippines and to Congress until it considers
circumstances so warrant, the Monetary that the price disturbances have disappeared
Board shall submit the reports mentioned in or have been adequately controlled."
this section, and shall state therein whether,
in the opinion of the Board, said changes in
the monetary aggregates, credit or cost of
living represent a threat to the stability of the
Philippine economy or of important sectors
The Monetary Board shall continue to
submit periodic reports to the President of
the Philippines and to Congress until it
considers that the monetary, credit or price
disturbances have disappeared or have been
adequately controlled.
SECTION 84. Emergency Loans and "SEC. 84. Emergency Loans and Advances.
Advances. — In periods of national and/or — In periods of national and/or local
local emergency or of imminent financial emergency or of imminent financial panic
panic which directly threaten monetary and which directly threaten monetary and financial
banking stability, the Monetary Board may, stability, the Monetary Board may, by a vote of
by a vote of at least five (5) of its members, at least five (5) of its members, authorize
authorize the Bangko Sentral to grant the Bangko Sentral to grant extraordinary
extraordinary loans or advances to banking loans or advances to banking institutions,
institutions secured by assets as defined secured by assets as defined
hereunder: Provided, That while such loans or hereunder: Provided, That while such loans or
advances are outstanding, the debtor advances are outstanding, the debtor
institution shall not, except upon prior institution shall not, except upon prior
authorization by the Monetary Board, expand authorization by the Monetary Board, expand
the total volume of its loans or investments. the total volume of its loans or investments.
The Monetary Board may, at its "The Monetary Board may, at its
discretion, likewise authorize the Bangko discretion, likewise authorize the Bangko
Sentral to grant emergency loans or advances Sentral to grant emergency loans or advances
to banking institutions, even during normal to banking institutions, even during normal
periods, for the purpose of assisting a bank in periods, for the purpose of assisting a bank in a
a precarious financial condition or under precarious financial condition or under serious
serious financial pressures brought by financial pressures brought by unforeseen
unforeseen events, or events which, though events, or events which, though foreseeable,
foreseeable, could not be prevented by the could not be prevented by the bank
bank concerned: Provided, however, That the concerned: Provided, however, That the
Monetary Board has ascertained that the Monetary Board has ascertained that the bank
bank is not insolvent and has the assets is not insolvent and has the assets defined
defined hereunder to secure the hereunder to secure the advances: Provided,
advances: Provided, further, That a further, That a concurrent vote of at least five
concurrent vote of at least five (5) members (5) members of the Monetary Board is
of the Monetary Board is obtained. obtained.
The amount of any emergency loan or "The amount of any emergency loan or
advance shall not exceed the sum of fifty advance shall not exceed the sum of fifty
percent (50%) of total deposits and deposit percent (50%) of total deposits and deposit
substitutes of the banking institution and substitutes of the banking institution, and shall
shall be disbursed in two (2) or more be disbursed in two (2) or more tranches. The
tranches. The amount of the first tranche amount of the first tranche shall be limited to
shall be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) twenty-five percent (25%) of the total deposit
of the total deposit and deposit substitutes of and deposit substitutes of the institution and
the institution and shall be secured by shall be secured by (a) government securities;
government securities to the extent of their (b) acceptable guarantees backed up by the
applicable loan values and other national government or its securities; (c) other
unencumbered first class collaterals which unencumbered first class collaterals; and (d)
the Monetary Board may approve: Provided, other kinds of collaterals as may be authorized
That if as determined by the Monetary Board, by the Monetary Board in accordance with
the circumstances surrounding the sound risk management principles: Provided,
emergency warrant a loan or advance greater That if as determined by the Monetary Board,
than the amount provided hereinabove, the the circumstances surrounding the emergency
amount of the first tranche may exceed warrant a loan or advance greater than the
twenty-five percent (25%) of the bank's total amount provided hereinabove, the amount of
deposit and deposit substitutes if the same is the first tranche may exceed twenty-five
adequately secured by applicable loan values percent (25%) of the bank's total deposit and
of government securities and unencumbered deposit substitutes if the same is adequately
first class collaterals approved by the secured by any of the collaterals set forth
Monetary Board, and the principal above as approved by the Monetary Board,
stockholders of the institution furnish an and the principal stockholders of the
acceptable undertaking to indemnify and institution furnish an acceptable undertaking
hold harmless from suit a conservator whose to indemnify and hold harmless from suit a
appointment the Monetary Board may find conservator whose appointment the Monetary
necessary at any time. casia Board may find necessary at any time.
Prior to the release of the first tranche, "Prior to the release of the first tranche,
the banking institution shall submit to the banking institution shall submit to
the Bangko Sentral a resolution of its board of the Bangko Sentral a resolution of its board of
directors authorizing the Bangko Sentral to directors authorizing the Bangko Sentral to
evaluate other assets of the banking evaluate other assets of the banking institution
institution certified by its external auditor to certified by its external auditor to be good and
be good and available for collateral purposes available for collateral purposes should the
should the release of the subsequent tranche release of the subsequent tranche be
be thereafter applied for. thereafter applied for.
The Monetary Board may, by a vote of at "The Monetary Board may, by a vote of at
least five (5) of its members, authorize the least five (5) of its members, authorize the
release of a subsequent tranche on condition release of a subsequent tranche on condition
that the principal stockholders of the that the principal stockholders of the
institution: institution:
(a) furnish an acceptable undertaking to "(a) furnish an acceptable undertaking to
indemnify and hold harmless from indemnify and hold harmless from suit a
suit a conservator whose conservator whose appointment the
appointment the Monetary Board Monetary Board may find necessary at
may find necessary at any time; and any time; and
(b) provide acceptable security which, in "(b) provide acceptable security which, in the
the judgment of the Monetary Board, judgment of the Monetary Board, would
would be adequate to supplement, be adequate to supplement, where
where necessary, the assets tendered necessary, the assets tendered by the
by the banking institution to banking institution to collateralize the
collateralize the subsequent tranche. subsequent tranche.
In connection with the exercise of these "In connection with the exercise of these
powers, the prohibitions in Section 128 of this powers, the prohibitions in Section 128 of this
Act shall not apply insofar as it refers to Act shall not apply insofar as it refers to
acceptance as collateral of shares and their acceptance as collateral of shares and their
acquisition as a result of foreclosure acquisition as a result of foreclosure
proceedings, including the exercise of voting proceedings, including the exercise of voting
rights pertaining to said shares: Provided, rights pertaining to said shares: Provided,
however, That should the Bangko however, That should the Bangko
Sentral acquire any of the shares it has Sentral acquire any of the shares it has
accepted as collateral as a result of accepted as collateral as a result of foreclosure
foreclosure proceedings, the Bangko proceedings, the Bangko Sentral shall dispose
Sentral shall dispose of said shares by public of said shares by public bidding within one (1)
bidding within one (1) year from the date of year from the date of consolidation of title by
consolidation of title by the Bangko Sentral. the Bangko Sentral.
Whenever a financial institution incurs an "Whenever a financial institution incurs an
overdraft in its account with the Bangko overdraft in its account with the Bangko
Sentral, the same shall be eliminated within the Sentral, the same shall be eliminated within
period prescribed in Section 102 of this Act. the period prescribed in Section 102 of this
SECTION 88. Other Requirements. — The "SEC. 88-A. Exemption of Collaterals from
Monetary Board may prescribe, within the Attachments, Executions and Other Restrictions.
general powers granted to it under this Act, — Collaterals on loans and advances granted by
additional conditions which borrowing the Bangko Sentral, whether or not the interest
institutions must satisfy in order to have access of the Bangko Sentral is registered, shall not be
to the credit of the Bangko Sentral. These subject to attachment, execution or any other
conditions may refer to the rates of interest court process or administrative restrictions on
charged by the banks, to the purposes for which land use, nor shall they be included in the
their loans in general are destined, and to any property of insolvent persons or institutions."
other clearly definable aspect of the credit
policy of the bank.
"SEC. 88-B. Deputization of Legal Staff in
Case of Foreclosures. — In case of an
extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage in
connection with loans and advances under this
article, the Bangko Sentral may deputize any of
its lawyers to conduct the public auction
pursuant to Act No. 3135, as amended.
"Likewise, in case of a judicial foreclosure in
connection with loans and advances under this
article, the Bangko Sentral may, with the
approval of the court, deputize any of its
lawyers to act as special sheriff in the sale of a
debtor's properties and in the enforcement of
court writs and processes related thereto. The
special sheriff of the Bangko Sentral shall make
a report to the proper court after any action has
been taken by him, which court shall treat such
action as if it were an act of its own sheriff in all
"No restraining order or injunction shall be
issued by the court enjoining the Bangko
Sentral from proceeding with the foreclosure of
the mortgage unless a bond is posted in favor of
the Bangko Sentral in an amount equivalent to
the total claim of the Bangko Sentral. The
restraining order or injunction shall be refused
or, if granted, shall be dissolved upon filing by
the Bangko Sentral of a bond, which shall be in
the form of a Bangko Sentral check, in an
amount twice the amount of the original bond
posted conditioned that the Bangko Sentral will
pay the damages which the party may suffer by
the refusal or dissolution of the injunction. The
provisions of the Rules of Court on injunctions
insofar as they are applicable and not
inconsistent with the provisions of this section
shall govern the issuance and dissolution of the
restraining order or injunction contemplated in
this section."
SECTION 92. Issue and Negotiation of "SEC. 92. Issue and Negotiation of Bangko
Bangko Sentral Obligations. — In order to Sentral Obligations. — In order to provide
provide the Bangko Sentral with effective the Bangko Sentral with effective instruments
instruments for open market operations, for open market operations, the Bangko
the Bangko Sentral may, subject to such rules Sentral may, subject to such rules and
and regulations as the Monetary Board may regulations as the Monetary Board may
prescribe and in accordance with the prescribe and in accordance with the
principles stated in Section 90 of this Act, principles stated in Section 90 of this Act,
issue, place, buy and sell freely negotiable issue, place, buy and sell freely negotiable
evidences of indebtedness of the Bangko evidences of indebtedness of the Bangko
Sentral: Provided, That issuance of such Sentral. Said evidences of indebtedness may
certificates of indebtedness shall be made be issued directly against the international
only in cases of extraordinary movement in reserve of the Bangko Sentral or against the
price levels. Said evidences of indebtedness securities which it has acquired under the
may be issued directly against the provisions of Section 91 of this Act, or may be
international reserve of the Bangko Sentral or issued without relation to specific types of
against the securities which it has acquired assets of the Bangko Sentral.
under the provisions of Section 91 of this Act,
"The Monetary Board shall determine the
or may be issued without relation to specific
interest rates, maturities and other
types of assets of the Bangko Sentral.
characteristics of said obligations of
The Monetary Board shall determine the the Bangko Sentral, and may, if it deems it
interest rates, maturities and other advisable, denominate the obligations in gold
characteristics of said obligations of or foreign currencies.
the Bangko Sentral, and may, if it deems it
"Subject to the principles stated in
advisable, denominate the obligations in gold
Section 90 of this Act, the evidences of
or foreign currencies.
indebtedness of the Bangko Sentral to which
Subject to the principles stated in Section this section refers may be acquired by
90 of this Act, the evidences of indebtedness the Bangko Sentral before their maturity,
of the Bangko Sentral to which this section either through purchases in the open market
refers may be acquired by the Bangko or through redemptions at par and by lot if
Sentral before their maturity, either through the Bangko Sentral has reserved the right to
purchases in the open market or through make such redemptions. The evidences of
redemptions at par and by lot if the Bangko indebtedness acquired or redeemed by
Sentral has reserved the right to make such the Bangko Sentral shall not be included
redemptions. The evidences of indebtedness among its assets, and shall be immediately
acquired or redeemed by the Bangko retired and cancelled."
Sentral shall not be included among its assets,
and shall be immediately retired and
SECTION 95. Definition of Deposit "SEC. 95. Definition of Deposit Substitutes. —
Substitutes. — The term "deposit substitutes" The term 'deposit substitutes' is defined as an
is defined as an alternative form of obtaining alternative form of obtaining funds from the
funds from the public, other than deposits, public, other than deposits, through the
through the issuance, endorsement, or issuance, endorsement, or acceptance of debt
acceptance of debt instruments for the instruments for the borrower's own account, for
borrower's own account, for the purpose of the purpose of relending or purchasing of
relending or purchasing of receivables and receivables and other obligations. These
other obligations. These instruments may instruments may include, but need not be
include, but need not be limited to, bankers limited to, bankers acceptances, promissory
acceptances, promissory notes, participations, notes, participations, certificates of assignment
certificates of assignment and similar and similar instruments with recourse, and
instruments with recourse, and repurchase repurchase agreements. The phrase 'obtaining
agreements. The Monetary Board shall funds from the public' shall mean borrowing
determine what specific instruments shall be from twenty (20) or more lenders at any one
considered as deposit substitutes for the time, and, for this purpose, 'lenders' shall refer
purposes of Section 94 of this Act: Provided, to individuals and corporate entities that are not
however, That deposit substitutes of acting as financial intermediaries, subject to the
commercial, industrial and other non-financial safeguards and regulations issued by the
companies issued for the limited purpose of Monetary Board. The Monetary Board shall
financing their own needs or the needs of their determine what specific instruments shall be
agents or dealers shall not be covered by the considered as deposit substitutes for the
provisions of Section 94 of this Act. purposes of Section 94 of this Act: Provided,
however, That deposit substitutes of commercial,
industrial and other nonfinancial companies for
the limited purpose of financing their own needs
or the needs of their agents or dealers shall not
be covered by the provisions of Section 94 of this
SECTION 101. Reserve Deficiencies. — "SEC. 101. Reserve Deficiencies. —
Whenever the reserve position of any bank or Whenever the reserve position of any bank or
quasi-bank, computed in the manner quasi-bank, computed in the manner specified
specified in the preceding section of this Act, in the preceding section of this Act, is below the
is below the required minimum, the bank or required minimum, the bank or quasi-bank shall
quasi-bank shall pay the Bangko Sentral one- pay the Bangko Sentral monetary penalty as
tenth of one percent (1/10 of 1%) per day on may be prescribed by the Monetary
the amount of the deficiency or the prevailing Board: Provided, however, That banks and
ninety-one-day treasury bill rate plus three quasi-banks shall ordinarily be permitted to
percentage points, whichever is offset any reserve deficiency occurring on one
higher: Provided, however, That banks and or more days of the week with any excess
quasi-banks shall ordinarily be permitted to reserves which they may hold on other days of
offset any reserve deficiency occurring on the same week and shall be required to pay the
one or more days of the week with any excess penalty in accordance with the mechanism
reserves which they may hold on other days approved by the Monetary Board. In cases of
of the same week and shall be required to abuse, the Monetary Board may deny any bank
pay the penalty only on the average daily or quasi-bank the privilege of offsetting reserve
deficiency during the week. In cases of abuse, deficiencies in the aforesaid manner.
the Monetary Board may deny any bank or
"If a bank or quasi-bank chronically has a
quasi-bank the privilege of offsetting reserve
reserve deficiency, the Monetary Board may
deficiencies in the aforesaid manner.
limit or prohibit the making of new loans or
If a bank or quasi-bank chronically has a investments by the institution and may require
reserve deficiency, the Monetary Board may that part or all of the net profits of the
limit or prohibit the making of new loans or institution be assigned to surplus.
investments by the institution and may
"The Monetary Board may modify or set
require that part or all of the net profits of
aside the reserve deficiency penalties provided
the institution be assigned to surplus.
in this section, for part or the entire period of a
The Monetary Board may modify or set strike or lockout affecting a bank or a quasi-
aside the reserve deficiency penalties bank as defined in the Labor Code, or of a
provided in this section, for part or the entire national emergency affecting operations of
period of a strike or lockout affecting a bank banks or quasi-banks, or in such other instances
or a quasi-bank as defined in the Labor Code, where the grant of waiver of penalties is
or of a national emergency affecting determined by the Monetary Board to be
operations of banks or quasi-banks. The justifiable. The Monetary Board may also
Monetary Board may also modify or set aside modify or set aside reserve deficiency penalties
reserved deficiency penalties for for rehabilitation program of a bank."
rehabilitation program of a bank.
"SEC. 104. Guiding Principle. — The
SECTION 104. Guiding Principle. — The
Monetary Board shall use the powers granted
Monetary Board shall use the powers granted
to it under this Act to ensure that the supply,
to it under this Act to ensure that the supply,
availability and cost of money are in accord with
availability and cost of money are in accord
the needs of the Philippine economy and that
with the needs of the Philippine economy and
bank credit is not granted for speculative
that bank credit is not granted for speculative
purposes prejudicial to the national interests.
purposes prejudicial to the national interests.
Regulations on bank operations shall be applied
Regulations on bank operations shall be
to all banks of the same category, as may be
applied to all banks of the same category
defined by the Monetary Board, uniformly and
uniformly and without discrimination.
without discrimination."
SECTION 108. Minimum Capital Ratios. — "SEC. 108. Minimum Capital Ratios. — The
The Monetary Board may prescribe minimum Monetary Board may prescribe minimum risk-
ratios which the capital and surplus of the based capital adequacy ratios based on
banks must bear to the volume of their assets, internationally accepted standards and may
or to specific categories thereof, and may alter alter said ratios whenever it deems necessary.
said ratios whenever it deems necessary. In the exercise of its authority under this
section, the Monetary Board may require banks
to hold capital beyond the minimum
requirements commensurate to their risk
SECTION 113. Official Deposits. — "SEC. 113. Official Deposits. — The Bangko
The Bangko Sentral shall be the official Sentral shall be the official depository of the
depository of the Government, its political Government, its political subdivisions and
subdivisions and instrumentalities as well as instrumentalities as well as of government-
of government-owned or -controlled owned or -controlled corporations. As a general
corporations and, as a general policy, their policy, their cash balances should be deposited
cash balances should be deposited with with the Bangko Sentral, with only minimum
the Bangko Sentral, with only minimum working balances to be held by government-
working balances to be held by government- owned banks and such other banks licensed to
owned banks and such other banks operate in the Philippines as the Monetary
incorporated in the Philippines as the Board may authorize.
Monetary Board may designate, subject to
"The Bangko Sentral may accept deposits
such rules and regulations as the Board may
and pay interest on such deposits and other
prescribe: Provided, That such banks may
similar placements of the Government or of its
hold deposits of the political subdivisions and
political subdivisions and instrumentalities,
instrumentalities of the Government beyond
banks and other Bangko Sentral-supervised
their minimum working balances whenever
such subdivisions and instrumentalities have
outstanding loans with said banks.
The Bangko Sentral may pay interest on
deposits of the Government or of its political
subdivisions and instrumentalities, as well as
on deposits of banks with the Bangko Sentral.
SECTION 123. Financial Advice on Official "SEC. 123. Financial Advice on Official
Credit Operations. — Before undertaking any Credit Operations. — Before undertaking any
credit operation abroad, the Government, credit operation abroad, the Government,
through the Secretary of Finance, shall through the Secretary of Finance, shall request
request the opinion, in writing, of the the opinion, in writing, of the Monetary Board
Monetary Board on the monetary on the monetary implications of the
implications of the contemplated action. Such contemplated action. Such opinions must
opinions must similarly be requested by all similarly be requested by all political
political subdivisions and instrumentalities of subdivisions and instrumentalities of the
the Government before any credit operation Government before any credit operation
abroad is undertaken by them. cdasia abroad is undertaken by them.
The opinion of the Monetary Board shall "The opinion of the Monetary Board shall
be based on the gold and foreign exchange be based on the gold and foreign exchange
resources and obligations of the nation and resources and obligations of the nation and on
on the effects of the proposed operation on the effects of the proposed operation on the
the balance of payments and on monetary balance of payments and on monetary
aggregates. aggregates.
Whenever the Government, or any of its "Whenever the Government, or any of its
political subdivisions or instrumentalities, political subdivisions or instrumentalities,
contemplates borrowing within the contemplates borrowing within the
Philippines, the prior opinion of the Monetary Philippines, the prior opinion of the Monetary
Board shall likewise be requested in order Board shall likewise be requested in order that
that the Board may render an opinion on the the Board may render an opinion on the
probable effects of the proposed operation probable effects of the proposed operation on
on monetary aggregates, the price level, and monetary aggregates, the price level, and the
the balance of payments. balance of payments.
"A credit operation or borrowing as
provided herein may take the form of different
credit facilities such as, but not limited to, a
single loan, series of loans under a borrowing
program, or credit lines. No prior Monetary
Board opinion shall be required for individual
drawdowns or borrowings within approved
credit lines or borrowing programs."
SECTION 125. Tax Exemptions. — "SEC. 125. Tax Exemptions. — The Bangko
The Bangko Sentral shall be exempt for a Sentral shall be exempt from all national,
period of five (5) years from the approval of provincial, municipal and city taxes on income
this Act from all national, provincial, derived from its governmental functions,
municipal and city taxes, fees, charges and specifically:
"(a) income from its activities or
The exemptions authorized in the transactions in the exercise of its
preceding paragraph of this section shall supervision over the operations of
apply to all property of the Bangko Sentral, to banks and its regulatory and
the resources, receipts, expenditures, profits examination powers over non-bank
and income of the Bangko Sentral, as well as financial institutions performing quasi-
to all contracts, deeds, documents and banking functions, money service
transactions related to the conduct of the businesses, credit granting businesses
business of the Bangko Sentral: Provided, and payment system operators; and
however, That said exemptions shall apply
"(b) income in pursuit of its primary
only to such taxes, fees, charges and
objective to maintain price stability
assessments for which the Bangko
conducive to a balanced and
Sentral itself would otherwise be liable, and
sustainable growth of the economy,
shall not apply to taxes, fees, charges, or
and the promotion and maintenance of
assessments payable by persons or other
monetary and financial stability and the
entities doing business with the Bangko
convertibility of the peso.
Sentral: Provided, further, That foreign loans
and other obligations of the Bangko "All other incomes not included in the
Sentral shall be exempt, both as to principal above enumeration shall be considered as
and interest, from any and all taxes if the proprietary income and shall be subject to all
payment of such taxes has been assumed by taxes, charges, fees and assessments."
the Bangko Sentral.
SECTION 128. Prohibitions. — The Bangko "SEC. 128. Prohibitions. — The Bangko
Sentral shall not acquire shares of any kind or Sentral shall not acquire shares of any kind or
accept them as collateral, and shall not accept them as collateral, and shall not
participate in the ownership or management participate in the ownership or management of
of any enterprise, either directly or indirectly. any enterprise, either directly or
indirectly: Provided, That this prohibition shall
The Bangko Sentral shall not engage in
not apply whenever the Monetary Board, by a
development banking or financing: Provided,
vote of at least five (5) of its members, (1)
however, That outstanding loans obtained or
deems an acquisition or investment to be
extended for development financing shall not
necessary to qualify or as required for
be affected by the prohibition of this section.
membership in international and regional
organizations; or (2) determines that investing
in and/or operating an enterprise will be
consistent with the effective fulfillment of its
mandate and will not constitute any conflict of
"The Bangko Sentral shall not engage in
development banking or financing: Provided,
however, That outstanding loans obtained or
extended for development financing shall not
be affected by the prohibition of this section."
SECTION 132. Transfer of Assets and "SEC. 132. Transfer of Assets and Liabilities.
Liabilities. — x x x. — x x x.
"xxx xxx xxx. "xxx xxx xxx.
(b) the Bangko Sentral shall remit "(b) the Bangko Sentral shall remit seventy-
seventy-five percent (75%) of its net five percent (75%) of its net profits as
profits to a special deposit account computed in this Act to a special deposit
(sinking fund) until such time as the account (sinking fund) or to the National
net liabilities of the Central Bank shall Treasury as dividends, until such time as
have been liquidated through the net liabilities of the Central Bank
generally accepted finance shall have been liquidated through
mechanisms such as, but not limited generally accepted finance mechanisms
to, write-offs, set-offs, condonation, such as, but not limited to, write-offs,
collections, reappraisal, revaluation set-offs, condonation, collections,
and bond issuance by the National reappraisal, revaluation and bond
Government, or to the National issuance by the National Government.
Government as dividends; Thereafter, it shall remit fifty percent
(50%) of its said net profits to the
"xxx xxx xxx.
National Treasury;
"xxx xxx xxx.