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Project Report

( Submitted for the Degree of B.Com (Honours)

in Accounting and Finance under the University
of Calcutta).

Title of the Project

“Study and Analysis of Mutual Funds”
Submitted by
Roll No.-
Registration No.-
Before we get into thick of things, I would like to add a few
words of appreciation for the people who have been a part of
this project right from its inception. The writing of this project
has been one of the significant academic challenges I have faced
and without the support, patience, and guidance of the people
involved, this task would not have been completed. It is to them
I owe my deepest gratitude.

It gives me immense pleasure in presenting this project

It has been my privilege to have a team of project is a result of
sheer hard work, and determination put in by me with the help
of my project guide.

I hereby take this opportunity to add a special note of

thanks for Prof TANMAY GHOSH, who undertook to act as my
mentor despite his many other academic and professional
commitments. His wisdom, knowledge, and commitment to the
highest standards inspired and motivated me. Without his
insight, support, and energy, this project wouldn’t have kick-
started and neither would have reached fruitfulness.

I also feel heartiest sense of obligation to my library staff

members & seniors, who helped me in collection of data &
resources material & also in its processing as well as in drafting
manuscript. The project is dedicated to all those people, who
helped me while doing this project.
The specific objectives of the study are as follows:-

1. To analyze the trends in returns of selected

mutual funds.

2. To understand the Functions of an Asset

Management Company
3. To understand the performances of various
schemes using various tools to measure the
4. To measure and compare the performance of
selected mutual fund schemes of different
mutual fund companies and other Asset
Management Companies.
Supervisor’s Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. VIVEK SAHA, a student of B.Com (Honours) in

Accounting & Finance of Acharya Girish Chandra College under the
University of Calcutta has worked under my supervision and guidance for his
project work and prepared a Project Report with the title “STUDY and

The project which he is submitting is his genuine and original work to the
best of my knowledge.


Place: Kolkata Name: Prof. Tanmay Ghosh.

Date: Designation:
Student’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the Project Work with the title “STUDY and ANALYSIS OF
MUTUAL FUNDS IN INDIA” submitted by me for partial fulfillment of the degree of
B.Com (Honours) in Accountancy & Finance under the University of Calcutta is my
original work and has not been submitted earlier to any other University for the
fulfillment of the requirement for any course of study.
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been
incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by others or by me. However,
extracts of any literature which has been used for this report has been duly
acknowledged providing details of such literature in the references.

Place: KOLKATA Name : Vivek Saha
Date: Address : 29, Durgabari Road, Kolkata - 700028
Registration No.: 141-1121-0096-10
Roll No.: 1141-61-0195
Serial Topics Page
No. No.
1 Introduction 1
2 Why Select Mutual Fund? 2
3 History of Mutual Fund 3-4
4 Advantages of Mutual Fund 5-6
5 Disadvantages of MF 7-8
6 Types of MF in India 9-14
7 SEBI Regulations 15-16
8 AMFI 17-18
9 Mutual Fund in India 19-23
10 Unit Trust of India MF 24-32
11 State Bank of India MF 33-36
12 Future Prospect of MF in India 37-38
13 MF Fees & Expenses 39
14 Definition on key terms 40-41
15 Data Collection -
16 Conclusion 42
17 Bibliography 43
To state in simple words, a mutual fund collects the savings
from small investors, invest them in Government and other
corporate securities and earn income through interest and
dividends, besides capital gain. It works on the principle of”
small drop of water makes a big ocean’.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual
Funds) Regulation, 1993 defines a mutual fund “a
fund established in the form of a trust by a sponsor,
to raise monies by the trustees through the sale of
units to the, public, under one or more schemes, for
investing in securities in accordance with these

According to Weston J. Fred and Brigham, Eugene, F,

Unit trusts are “corporations which accept dollars
from savers and then use these dollars to buy stock,
long term bonds, short term debt instruments issued
by business or government units; these corporations
pool funds and thus reduce risk by diversification”.
Why Select Mutual Funds ?
The risk return trade-off indicates that if investor is
willing to take higher risk then correspondingly he can expect
higher returns and vice-versa if he pertains to lower risk
instruments, which would be satisfied by lower returns. For
example, if an investors opt for bank FD, which provide
moderate return with minimal risk. But as he moves ahead 10
invest in capital protected funds and the profit-bonds that gives
us more return which is slightly higher as compared to the
bank deposits but the risk involved also increases in the same

Thus investors choose mutual funds as their primary

means of investing, as Mutual funds provide professional
management, diversification, convenience and liquidity.

That doesn't mean mutual fund investments risk free.

This is because the money that is pooled in are not

invested only in debts funds which are less riskier but are also
invested in the stock markets which involves a higher risk but
can expect higher returns. Hedge fund involves a very high risk
since it is mostly traded in the derivatives market which is
considered very volatile.

An open-end fund is one that is available for subscription all

through the year. These do not have a fixed maturity. Investors can
conveniently buy and sell units at Net Asset Value ("NAV") related
prices. The key feature of open-end schemes is liquidity
The Mutual fund industry in India started in 963 with the formation
of UTI (united trust of India), at the initiative of government of
India. The history of Mutual Funds in India can be broadly divided
into Four Phases.

First Phase- 1964-87

Unit Trust of India was established by an act of Parliament. It

was set up by the Reserve Bank of India and functioned under the
Regulatory and Administrative control of the Reserve Bank of
India. In 1978 UTI was de-linked from the RBI and IDBI took over
the regulatory and administrative control in place of RBI. The first
scheme launched by UTI was Unit Scheme 1964. At the end of 1988
UTI had Rs. 6700 crores of assets under management.
Second phase- 1987-1993 (entry of public sector funds).

1987 marketed the entry of non-UTI, public sector mutual

funds set up by public sector banks and life insurance Corporation
of India (LIC) and general Insurance Corporation of India (GIC). SBI
Mutual fund was the first non-UTI Mutual fund established in June
1987 followed by can bank Mutual fund (Dec 1987), Punjab
national bank mutual fund (August 89). India bank mutual fund
(Nov 89). Bank of India (June 90), bank of Baroda mutual fund (Oct
92). LIC established its mutual fund in Nov 1989 while GIC had set
up its mutual fund in December 1990 at the end of 1993, the mutual
fund industry had asset under management of Rs.47,004 crores.

Third phase- 1993-2003 (entry of private sector funds)

With the entry of private sector funds in 1993, an era
started in the Indian mutual fund industry, giving the Indian

investors a wider choice of fund families, Also. 1993 was the

year in which the first mutual fund regulations came into being,
under which all mutual funds, except UTI were to be registered
and governed, the Kothari pioneer (now merged with Franklin
Templeton) was the first private sector mutual fund registered
in July 1993. The 1993 SEBI (mutual funds ) registrations were
substituted by a more comprehensive and revised mutual
funds regulations in 1996 the number of mutual funds houses
went on increasing, with many foreign mutual funds setting up
funds in India and also the industry has witnessed several
mergers and acquisition. As at the of Jan 2003, there were 33
mutual funds with total assets of Rs. 1,21,805 crores. The UTI
with Rs. 44,541 crores of assets under management was way
ahead of other mutual funds.


This phase had bitter experience for UTI. It was bifurcated

into two separate entities. One is the Specified Undertaking of
the Unit Trust of India with AUM of Rs.29,835 crores (as on
January 2003). The Specified Undertaking of Unit Trust of
India, functioning under an administrator and under the rules
framed by Government of India and does not come under the
purview of the Mutual Fund Regulations.
The second is the UTI Mutual Fund Ltd, sponsored by SBI, PNB,
BOB and LIC. It is registered with SEBI and functions under the
Mutual Fund Regulations. With the bifurcation of the erstwhile
UTI which had in March 2000 more than Rs.76,000 crores of
AUM and with the setting up of a UTI Mutual Fund, conforming
to the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations, and with recent mergers
taking place among different private sector funds, the mutual
fund industry has entered . At the end of September 2004,
there were 29 funds, which manage assets of Rs.153108 crores
under 421 schemes.
lf mutual funds are emerging as the favorite investment
vehicle, it is because of the many advantages they have over other
forms and the avenues of investing, particularly for the investor
who has limited resources available in terms of capital and
the ability to carry out detailed research and market
monitoring. The following are the major advantages offered by
mutual funds to all investors:

1. Portfolio Diversification:

Each investor in the fund is a part owner of all the fund's

assets, thus enabling him to hold a diversified investment
portfolio even with a small amount of investment that would
otherwise require big capital.

2. Professional Management:
Even if an investor has a big amount of capital available to
him, he benefits from the professional management skills
brought in by the fund in the management of the investor's
portfolio. The investment management skills, along with the
needed research into available investment options, ensure a
much better return than what an investor can manage on his
own. Few investors have the skill and resources of their own to
succeed in today’s fast moving, global and sophisticated markets.

3. Reduction/Diversification Of Risk:
When an investor invests directly, all the risk of potential
loss is his own, whether he places a deposit with a company or a
bank, or he buys share or debenture on his own or in any other
from. While investing in the pool of funds with investors, the
potential losses are also shared with other investors. The risk
reduction is one of the most important benefits of a collective
investment vehicle like the mutual fund.

4. Reduction Of Transaction Costs:

What is true of risk as also true of the transaction costs. The
investor bears all the costs or investing such as brokerage or
custody of securities. When going through a fund, he has the
benefit of economics of scale; the funds pay lesser costs because
of larger volumes, a benefit passed on to its investors.

5. Liquidity:
Often, investors hold shares or bonds they cannot directly,
easily and quickly sell. When they invest in the units or a fund,
they can generally cash their investments any time, by selling
their units to the fund if open-ended, or selling them in the
market if the fund is close-end. Liquidity of investment is clearly a
big benefit.

6. Convenience And Flexibility:

Mutual fund management companies offer many investor
services that a direct market investor cannot get. Investors can
easily transfer their holding from One scheme to the other; get
updated market information and so on.

7. Tax Benefits:
Any income distributed after March 31, 2002 will be subject
to tax in the assessment of all Unit holders. However, as a measure
of concession to Unit holders of open-ended equity- oriented
funds, income distributions for the year ending March 31. 2003
will be taxed at a concessional rate of 10.5%.
In case of Individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUF) a
deduction upto Rs. 9,000 from the Total Income will be admissible
in respect of income from investments specified in Section 80L,
including income from Units of the Mutual Fund. Units of the
schemes are not subject to Wealth-Tax and Gift-Tax.

1. No Control Over Costs:

An investor in a mutual fund has no control of the overall costs

of investing. The investor pays investment management fees as long
as he remains with the fund, albeit in return for the professional
management and research. Fees are payable even if the value of his
investments is declining. A mutual fund investor also pays fund
distribution costs, which he would not incur in direct investing.
However, this shortcoming only means that there is a cost to obtain
the mutual fund services.

2. No Tailor-Made Portfolio:

Investors who invest on their own can build their own portfolios
of shares and bonds and other securities, Investing through fund
means he delegates this decision to the fund managers, The very-
high-net-worth individuals or large corporate investors may find this
to be a constraint in achieving their objectives. However, most
mutual fund managers help investors overcome this constraint by
offering families of funds - a large number of different schemes -
within their own management company. An investor can choose from
different investment plans and constructs a portfolio to his choices.

3. Managing A Portfolio Of Funds:

Availability of a large number of funds can actually mean too

much choice for the investor. He may again need advice on how to
select a fund to achieve his objectives, quite similar to the situation
when he has individual shares or bonds to select.

4. The Wisdom Of Professional Management: 2

That's right, this is not an advantage. The average mutual2
fund manager is no better at picking stocks than the average non-
professional, but charges fees.

5. No Control:
Unlike picking your own individual stocks, a mutual fund puts
you in the passenger seat of somebody else's car.

6. Dilution:
Mutual funds generally have such small holdings of so many
different stocks that insanely great performance by a fund's top
holdings still doesn't make much of a difference in a mutual fund's
total performance.

7. Buried Costs:
Many mutual funds specialize in burying their costs and in hiring
salesmen who do not make those costs clear to their clients.

Wide variety of Mutual Fund Schemes exists to cater to the
needs such as financial position, risk tolerance and return
expectations etc. thus mutual funds has Variety of flavors, Being a
collection of many stocks, an investors can go for picking a
mutual fund might be easy. There are over hundreds of mutual
funds scheme to choose from. It is easier to think of mutual funds
in categories, mentioned below.




Open-Ended Growth Tax-Saving

Equity Funds
Schemes Schemes Schemes

Close-Ended Income Index

Debt Funds
Schemes Schemes Schemes

Interval Balanced Balanced
Schemes Funds Schemes

Money Market

1. Open - Ended Schemes:

An open-end fund is one that is available for subscription all

through the year. These do not have a fixed maturity. Investors "an
conveniently buy and sell units at Net Asset Value (“NAV”) related
prices. The key feature of open-end schemes is liquidity.

2. Close - Ended Schemes:

A closed-end fund has a stipulated maturity period which

generally ranging from 3 to 15 years. The fund is open for
subscription only during a specified period. Investors can
invest in the scheme at the time of the initial public issue and
thereafter they can buy or sell the units of the schemes on the
stock exchanges: where they are listed. In order to provide an
exit route t0 the investors, some close-ended funds give an option
of selling back the units to the Mutual Fund through periodic
repurchase at NAV related prices. SEBI Regulations stipulate that at
least One of the two exit routes is provided t0 the investor.

3. Interval Schemes:

Interval Schemes are that scheme, which combines the

features of open-ended and close- ended schemes. The units may be
traded on the stock exchange or may be open for sale or redemption
during pre-determined intervals at NA V related prices.


1. Equity Fund:

These funds invest the maximum part of their corpus into

equities holdings. The structure of the fund may vary different for
different schemes and the fund manager’s outlook on different stocks.
The Equity Funds are sub-classified depending upon their investment
objective, as follows:

• Diversified Equity Funds

• Mid-Cap Funds
• Sector Specific Funds
• Tax Savings Funds (ELSS)

Equity investments are meant for a longer time horizon, thus Equity
funds rank high on the risk-return matrix.

2. Debt Funds

The objective of these Funds is to invest in debt papers,

Government authorities, private companies, banks and financial
institutions are some of the major issuers of debt papers. By investing
in debt instruments, these funds ensure low risk and provide stable
income to the investors. Debt funds are further classified as:

• Gilt Funds: Invest their corpus in securities issued by

Government, popularly known as Government of India debt papers.
These Funds carry zero Default risk but are associated with Interest
Rate risk. These schemes are safer as they invest in papers backed by

• Income Funds: Invest a major portion into various debt

instruments such as bonds, corporate debentures and Government
• MIPs: Invests maximum of their total corpus in debt instruments
while they take minimum exposure in equities. It gets benefit of
both equity and debt market. These scheme ranks slightly high on the
risk-return matrix when compared with other debt schemes.

• Short Term Plans (STPs): Meant for investment horizon for three to six
months. These funds primarily invest in short term papers like
Certificate of Deposits (CDs) and Commercial Papers (CPs). Some
portion of the corpus is also invested in corporate debentures.

• Liquid Funds: Also known as Money Market Schemes, These funds

provides easy liquidity and preservation of capital, These schemes
invest in short-term instruments like Treasury Bills, inter-bank call
money market, CPs and CDs. These funds are meant for short-term cash
management of corporate houses and are meant for an investment
horizon of 1 day to 3 months. These schemes rank low on risk-return
matrix and are considered to be the safest amongst all categories of
mutual funds.

3. Balanced Funds

As the name suggest they are a mix of both equity and debt funds.
They invest in both equities and fixed income securities, which are in
line with pre-defined investment objective of the scheme. These
schemes aim to provide investors with the best of both the worlds.
Equity part provides growth and the debt part provides stability in
Further the mutual funds can be broadly classified on the basis of
investment parameter viz; each category of funds is backed by an
investment philosophy, which is pre-defined in the objectives of the
fund. The investor can align his own investment needs with the funds
objective and invest accordingly.


Growth Schemes:

Growth Schemes are also known as equity schemes. The

aim of these schemes is to provide capital appreciation over
medium to long term. These schemes normally invest a major
part of their fund in equities and are willing to bear short-term
decline in value for possible future appreciation.

Income Schemes:

Income Schemes are also known as debt schemes. The aim

of these schemes is to provide regular and steady income to
investors. These schemes generally invest in fixed income
securities such as bonds and corporate debentures. Capital
appreciation in such schemes may be limited.

Balanced Schemes:
Balanced Schemes aim to provide both growth and income
by periodically distributing a part of the income and capital gains
they can. These schemes invest in both shares and fixed income
securities, in the proportion indicated in their offer documents
(normally 50:50).

Money Market Schemes:

Money Market Schemes aim to provide easy liquidity,
preservation of capital and moderate income. These schemes
generally invest in safer, short-term instruments, such as
treasury bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and
inter-bank call money.

Tax Saving Schemes:

Tax-saving schemes offer tax rebates to the investors under

tax laws prescribed from time to time. Under Sec.88 of the Income
Tax Act, contributions made to any Equity Linked Savings Scheme
(ELSS) are eligible for rebate.

Index Schemes:
Index schemes attempt to replicate the performance of a
particular index such as the BSE Sensex or the NSE 50. The
portfolio of these schemes will consist of only those stocks that
constitute the index. The percentage of each stock to the total
holding will be identical to the stocks index weightage. And
hence, the returns from such schemes would be more or less
equivalent to those of the Index.

Sector Specific Schemes:

These are the funds/schemes which invest in the securities
of only those sectors or industries as specified in the offer
documents, e.g., Pharmaceuticals, Software, Fast Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG), Petroleum stocks, etc. The returns in
these funds are dependent on the performance of the respective
sectors/industries. While these funds may give higher returns,
they are more risky compared to diversified funds. Investors need
to keep a watch on the performance of those sectors/industries
and must exit at an appropriate time.

1. As far as mutual funds are concerned, SEBI formulates
policies and regulates the mutual funds to protect the
interest of the investors.

2. SEBI notified regulations for the mutual funds in 1993.

Thereafter, mutual funds sponsored by private sector
entities were allowed to enter the capital market.

3. The regulations were fully revised in 1996 and have

been amended thereafter from time to time.

4. SEBI has also issued guidelines to the mutual funds

from time to time to protect the interests of investors.

5. All mutual funds whether promoted by public sector or

private sector entities including those promoted by
foreign entities are governed by the same set of
Regulations. The risks associated with the schemes
launched by the mutual funds sponsored by these
entities are of similar type. There is no distinction in
regulatory requirements for these mutual funds and all
are subject to monitoring and inspections by SEBI.

6. SEBI Regulations require that at least two thirds of the

directors of trustee company or board of trustees must
be independent i.e. they should not be associated with
the sponsors.

7. Also, 50% of the directors of AMC must be independent.
All mutual funds are required to be registered with
SEBI before they launch any scheme.

8. Further SEBI Regulations, inter-alia, stipulate that

MF’s cannot guarantee returns in any scheme and that
each scheme is subject to 20:25 condition [i.e.
minimum 20 investors per scheme and one investor
can hold more than 25% stake in the corpus in that one

9. Also, SEBI has permitted MF’s to launch schemes

overseas subject various restrictions and also to launch
schemes linked to Real Estate, Options and Futures,
Commodities, etc.

With the increase in mutual fund players in India, a need for
mutual fund association in India was generated to function as a
non-profit organization, Association of Mutual Funds in India,
(AMFI) was incorporated on 22nd August, 1995.

AMFI is an apex body of all Asset Management Companies

(AMC) which has been registered with SEBI. Till date all the AMCs
are that have launched mutual fund schemes are its members. It
functions under the supervision and guidelines of its Board of

Association of Mutual Funds India has brought down the Indian

Mutual Fund Industry to a professional and healthy market with
ethical lines enhancing and maintaining standards. It follows the
principle of both protecting and promoting the interests of
mutual funds as well as their unit holders.

The Objectives of Association of Mutual

Funds in India:
The Association of Mutual Funds of India works with 30
registered AMCs of the country. It has certain defined objectives
which juxtapose the guidelines of its Board of Directors, the
objectives are as follows:

1. This mutual fund association of India maintains high

professional and ethical standards in all areas of operation of the
2. It also recommends and promotes the top class business 3
practices and code of conduct which is followed by members and
related people engaged in the activities of mutual fund and asset
management. The agencies that are by any means connected or
involved in the field of capital markets and financial services also
involved in this code or conduct of the association.

3. AMFI interacts with SEBI and works according to SEBIs

guidelines in the mutual fund industry.

4. Association of Mutual Fund of India do represent the

Government of India, The Reserve Bank of India and other
related bodies on manners relating to the Mutual Fund Industry.

5. It develops a team or well qualified and trained Agent

distributors. It implements a programme of training and
certification for all intermediaries and other engaged in the
mutual fund industry.

6. AMFI undertakes all India awareness programme for investors in

order to promote proper understanding of the concept and
working of mutual funds.

7. At last but not the least association of mutual fund of India also
disseminate information’s on Mutual Fund Industry and
undertakes studies and research either directly or in association
with other bodies.

AMFI Publications:
AMFI publish mainly two types of bulletin. One is on the
monthly basis and the other is quarterly. These publications are
of great support for the investors to get intimation of the know-
how or their parked money. 3
In 1963, the day the concept of Mutual Fund took birth in
India. Unit Trust of India invited investors or rather to
those who believed in savings, to park their money in
UTI Mutual Fund.

For 30 years, it had goaled without a single second

player. Though the 1988 year saw some new mutual fund
companies but UTI remained in a monopoly position.

The performance of mutual funds in India in the initial

phase was not even closer to satisfactory level. People
rarely understood, and of course investing was out of
question. But yes, some 24 million shareholders were
accustomed with guaranteed high returns by the
beginning of the liberalization of the industry in 1992.
This good record of UTI became marketing tool for new
entrants. The expectations of investors touched the sky
in profitability factor. However, people were miles away
from the preparedness of risks factor after the

The net asset value (NA V) of mutual funds in India

declined when stock prices started falling in the year
1992. Those days, the market regulations did not allow 2
portfolio shifts into alternative investments, There 2
was rather no choice apart from holding the cash or to
further continue investing in shares. One more thing
to be noted, since only closed-end funds were floated in
the market, the investors disinvested by selling at a loss
in the secondary market.

The performance of mutual funds in India suffered

qualitatively. The 1992 stock market scandal, the losses
by disinvestments and of course the lack of transparent
rules in the whereabouts rocked confidence among the
investors. Partly owing to a relatively weak stock
market performance, mutual funds how not yet
recovered, with funds trading at an average discount of
1020 percent of their net asset value.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

came out with comprehensive regulation in 1993
which defined the structure of Mutual Fund and Asset
Management Companies for the first time.

The supervisory authority adopted a set of measures to

create a transparent and competitive environment in
mutual funds. Some of them were like relaxing
investment restrictions into the market, introduction of
open-ended funds and paving the gateway for mutual
funds to launch pension schemes. 3
The measure was taken to make mutual funds the key
instrument for long-term saving. The more the variety
offered, the quantitative will be investors.

Several private sectors Mutual Funds were launched in

1993 and 1994. The share of the private players has
risen rapidly since then. Currently there are 43 Mutual
Funds in India.

At last to mention, as long as mutual fund companies are

performing with lower risks and higher profitability
within a short span of time, more and more people will be
inclined to invest until and unless they are fully educated
with the do’s and don'ts of mutual funds.

Mutual fund industry has seen a lot of changes in past

few decades with multinational companies coming into
this country, bringing in their professional expertise in
managing funds worldwide. In the past few months
there has been a consolidation phase going on in the
mutual fund industry in India. Now investors have a wide
range of Schemes to choose from depending on their
individual profile.


The first introduction of a mutual fund in India occurred in

1963, when the Government of India launched UNIT TRUST OF

Until 1987, UTI enjoyed a monopoly in the Indian Mutual Fund

market. Then a host of other government controlled Indian
Financial companies came up with their own funds, these

This market was made open to private players in 1993, as a

result of the historic constitutional amendments brought
forward by the then Congress-led Government under the
regime of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization.

Kothari Pioneer was the first private sector mutual fund

company in India which has now merged with Franklin
Templeton. Just after ten years with private sector player’s
penetration, the total assets rose up to Rs. 1218.05 bn.

Mutual Funds are an under tapped market in India. Despite

being available in the market for over two decades now with
Assets under Management equaling Rs. 78,171,152 Lakhs (as
of 28th February 2010) less than 10% of Indian
households have invested in mutual funds.
A recent report on Mutual Fund Investments in India 5
published by research and analytics firm BOSTON ANALYTICS
suggests investors are holding back their money into mutual
funds due to their perceived high risk and a lack of
information on how mutual’s funds work. This report is based
on a survey of approx 10000 respondents in 15 Indian cities
and towns as of March 2010. There are 43 Mutual’s funds
recently in India.

Major Mutual Fund Companies in India

1. ABN AMRO Mutual Fund
2. Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund
3. HSBC Mutual Fund
4. ING Vysya Mutual Fund
5. Prudential ICICI Mutual Fund
6. State Bank of India Mutual Fund
7. Tata Mutual Fund
8. Unit Trust of India Mutual Fund
9. Reliance Mutual Fund
10. Standard Chartered Mutual Fund
11. Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund
12. HDFC Mutual Fund
13. Escorts Mutual Fund
14. Alliance Capital Mutual Fund
15. Franklin Templeton India Mutual Fund
16. Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund India
17. IIFL Mutual Fund
18. IDFC Mutual Fund
19. Indiabulls Mutual Fund
20. LIC Nomura Mutual Fund
21. JM Financial Mutual Fund
22. Axis Mutual Fund
23. BNP Paribas Mutual Fund
24. BOI AXA Mutual Fund
25. Deutsche Mutual Fund
26. Edelweiss Mutual Fund
27. IDBI Mutual Fund
28. JP Morgan Mutual Fund
29. Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund
30. L&T Mutual Fund 3
Unit Trust of India was created by the UTI Act passed by the Parliament in
1963. For more than two decades, it remained the sole vehicle for investment
in the capital market by the Indian citizens. In mid- 1980s Public Sector
Banks were allowed to open mutual funds. The real vibrancy and competition
in the Mutual Fund industry came with the setting up of the Regulator SEBI
and its laying down the MF Regulations in 1993. UTI maintained its pre-
eminent place till 2001, when 8 massive decline in the market indices and
negative investor sentiments after Ketan Parekh scam created doubts about
the capacity of UTI to meet its obligations to the investors. This was further
compounded by two factors namely, its flagship and largest scheme US 64
was sold and re-purchased not at intrinsic NA V but at artificial price and its
Assured Return Schemes had promised returns as high as 18% over a period
going up to two decades.

UTI Mutual Fund is managed by UTI Asset Management Company Private

Limited (Est.: Jan 14, 2003) who has been appointed by the UTI Trustee
Company Private Limited for managing the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund
and the schemes transferred / migrated from UTI Mutual Fund.

No. of schemes 94
No. of schemes including options 366
Equity Schemes 97
Debt Schemes 225
Short term debt Schemes 20
Equity & Debt 12
Money Market 0
Gilt Fund 11
Corpus under management 3
Rs. 71770.05 Crs. as on Jan 31, 2013.
Some of the funds have won famous awards, including the Best Infra
Fund globally from Lipper. UTI has been able to benchmark its employee
compensation to the best in the market.

Besides running domestic MF Schemes UTI AMC is also registered portfolio

manager under the SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations.

This company runs two successful funds with large international investors
being active participants. UTI has also launched a Private Equity
Infrastructure fund along with HSH Nord Bank of Germany and Shinsei Bank
of Japan.


To be the most Preferred Mutual Fund.


1. The most trusted brand, admired by all stakeholders.

2. The largest and most efficient money manager with global presence.
3. The best in class customer service provider.
4. The most preferred employer.
5. The most innovative and best wealth creator.

Assets Under Management: UTI Asset Management Co. Ltd

a. State Bank of India
b. Bank of Baroda
c. Punjab National Bank
d. Life Insurance Corporation of India
Trustee: UTI Trustee Co. Limited. 8

1. UTI Energy Fund (Open Ended Fund):

Investment will be made in stocks of those companies engaged in

the following are:

 Petro sector - oil and gas products & processing

 All types of Power generation companies.
 Companies related to storage of energy.
 Companies manufacturing energy development equipment related (like petro
and power)
 Consultancy & Finance Companies.

2. UTI Banking Sector Fund (Open Ended Fund):

An open-ended equity fund with the objective to provide capital

appreciation through investments in the stocks of the companies/institutions
engaged in the banking and financial services activities.

3. UTI Infrastructure Fund (Open Ended Fund):

An open-ended equity fund with the objective to provide Capital

appreciation through investing in the stocks of the companies engaged in the
sectors like Metals, Building materials, oil and gas, power, chemicals,
engineering etc. The fund will invest in the stocks of the companies which
3 form
part of Infrastructure Industries. 9
4. UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan (Open Ended Fund):

An open-ended equity fund investing a minimum of 80% in equity and

equity related instruments. It aims at enabling members to avail tax rebate
under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1962 and provide them with the
benefits of growth.

5. UTI Master Equity Plan Unit Scheme (Close Ended Fund):

The scheme primarily aims at securing for the investors capital

appreciation by investing the funds or the scheme in equity shares of companies
with good growth prospects.

6. UTI Equity Fund (Open Ended Fund):

UTI Equity Fund is open-ended equity scheme with an objective of

investing at least 80% of its funds in equity and equity related instrument with
medium to high risk profile and upto 20% in debt and money market
instruments with low to medium risk profile.

7. UTI MNC Fund (Open Ended Fund):

An open-ended equity fund with the objective to invest predominantly in

the equity shares of multinational companies in diverse sectors such as FMCG,
Pharmaceutical, Engineering etc.

8. UTI Dividend Yield Fund (Open Ended Fund):

It aims to provide medium to long term capital gains and/or dividend

distribution by investing predominantly in equity and equity related
instruments which offer high dividend yield.

Some other Equity Funds are:-
1. UTI Master share Unit Scheme (Open-Ended Fund)

2. UTI Mid-Cap Fund (Open-Ended Fund)

3. UTI Opportunities Fund (Open-Ended Fund)

4. UTI Transportation and Logistics Fund (Auto Sector

Fund) (Open-Ended Fund)

5. UTI Growth Sector Fund - Pharma (Open Ended Fund)

6. Growth Sector Fund - Services (Open Ended Fund)

7. UTI Leadership Equity Fund (Open-Ended Fund)

8. UTI Contra Fund (Open-Ended Fund)

9. UTI Spread Fund (Open-Ended Fund)

10. UTI Growth Sector Fund - Software (Open Ended Fund)

11. UTI Master Plus Unit Scheme (Open Ended Fund)

12. UTI Master Value Fund (Open Ended Fund)

13. UTI Top 100 Fund (Open Ended Fund)

14. UTI Wealth Builder Fund (Closed-Ended Fund)

15. UTI Long Term Advantage Fund – Series I(Closed-

Ended Fund)

16. UTI India Lifestyle Fund (Closed-Ended Fund)

17. UTI Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Schemes (Open-Ended
B) Index Fund:
1. UTI Master Index Fund (Open Ended Fund):

UTI MF is an open-ended passive fund with the primary investment

objective to invest in securities of companies comprising the BSE
Sensex in the same weightage as these companies have in BSE

2. UTI Gold Exchange Traded Fund (Open Ended Fund):

To endeavor to provide returns that, before expense, closely track the

performance and yield of Gold. There can be no assurance or guarantee that
the investment objective of UTI-Gold ETF will be achieved.

3. UTI Sunder (Open Ended Fund):

To provide investment returns that, before expenses,

closely correspond to the performance and yield of the basket of
securities underlying the S & P CNX Nifty Index.

UTI Variable Investment Scheme:

UTI VIS-ILP is an open ended scheme with the objective of

providing the investors with a product that would enable them to
diversify their risks through a suitable allocation between debt and equity
asset classes and thereby generate superior risk-adjusted returns through a
dynamic asset allocation process.

1. UTI Mahila Unit Scheme (Open Ended Fund):

To invest in a portfolio of equity/equity related securities

and debt and money market instruments with a view
to generate reasonable income with moderate capital
appreciation. The asset allocation will be Debt: Minimum
70%, Maximum 100% Equity: Minimum 0%, Maximum 30%.

2. UTI Balanced Fund (Open Ended Fund):

An open-ended balanced fund investing between 40% to

75% in equity /equity related securities and the balance in
debt (fixed income securities) with a view to generate
regular income together with capital appreciation.

3. UTI Unit Link Insurance Plan (Open Ended Fund):

To provide return through growth in the NAV or throug

dividend distribution and re-investment thereof.

Some other Balanced Funds are:-

1.UTI Retirement Benefit Pension Fund (Open-

Ended Fund)

2.UTI CCP (Children Career Plan) Advantage

Fund (Open-Ended Fund)

3.UTI Charitable, Religion Trust And

Registered Society (Open-Ended Fund) 64
1. UTI Bond Fund (Open Ended Fund):

Open-end 100% pure debt fund, which invests in rated

corporate debt papers and government securities with
relatively low risk and easy liquidity.

2. UTI Floating Rate Fund STP (Open Ended Fund):

To generate regular income through investment in a

portfolio comprising substantially of floating rate debt/
money market instruments and fixed rate debt/money
market instruments.

3. UTI Gilt Advantage Fund LTP (Open Ended Fund):

To generate credit risk-free return through investments in

sovereign securities issued the Central and /or a State

Some other Income Funds (Debt

UTI G-SEC STP (Open-Ended Fund)

UTI G-SEC Investment Plan (Open-Ended Fund)

UTI Treasury Advantage Fund (Open-Ended Fund)

UTI Mis Advantage Plan (Open-Ended Fund)

UTI Short Term Income Fund (Open-Ended Fund) 65
UTI Gilt Advantage Fund STP (Open Ended Fund):

UTI Monthly Income Scheme (Open Ended Fund):

UTI Capital Protection Oriented Schemes (Open-

Ended Fund)


1. UTI Liquid Cash Plan (Open Ended Fund):

The scheme seeks to generate steady & reasonable

income with low risk & high level of liquidity from a portfolio
of money market securities & high quality debt.

2. UTI Money Market Fund (Open Ended Fund):

An open-ended pure debt liquid plan seeking to provide

highest possible current income by investing in a diversified
portfolio of short-term money market securities.

SBI Mutual Fund
SBI Funds Management Ltd. is the investment manager of
SBI Mutual Fund. SBI Mutual Fund has been constituted as a
trust, sponsored by State Bank India. Today the Fund has an
investor base of over 2.8 million spread over 23 schemes. With
a large network of collecting branches and investor service
centre’s, SBI Mutual Fund constantly endeavors to get closer to
its growing family of investors. SBI is the largest public sector
Bank in India with 8,836 branches all over India. SBI is the
leader in providing loans to trade & industry. It also provides
related services, which generate significant fee-based income.
It has also identified project finance and consumer banking as
key areas. SBI Mutual Fund is a bank sponsored mutual fund
and SBI Mutual Fund is a result of joint venture between State
Bank of India and Societe Generate Asset Management of

No. of schemes 87
No. of schemes 302
including options
Equity Schemes 72
Debt Schemes 178
Short term debt 24
Equity & Debt 6
Money Market 0
Gilt Fund 16

Corpus under management 67


Rs.55809.29 Crs. as on Jan 31, 2013

Some of the various Mutual Funds offered by SBI Mutual Fund
are discussed below:-

SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund

Open-Ended Equity Fund with growth and dividend
option. With no entry load, the minimum investment required
is Rs 25000.

SBI Magnum Balanced Fund

Open-Ended Equity and Debt Fund with growth and
dividend option. The minimum investment is Rs 1000 but
there is a entry load of 2.25% for investments below 5

SBI Magnum Blue-Chip Fund

Open-Ended Equity Schemes with growth and dividend
option. The minimum investment is Rs 5000 and has a
entry load of 2.25% for investments below 5 crores.

SBI Magnum Children’s Benefit Plan

Open-Ended Income Scheme with a face value of Rs 10 and the
minimum investment required is Rs 1500. The entry load is 1.5%

SBI Magnum Comma Fund

Open-Ended Equity Schemes having dividend and growth
option. The minimum investment needed Rs 5000 and the
entry load of 2.25% for investments below 5 crores is

SBI Magnum Contra Fund

Open-Ended Equity Schemes having dividend and growth
option. The minimum investment needed Rs 2000 and the 68
entry load of 2.25% for investments below 5 crores is
SBI Magnum Emerging Businesses Fund
Open-Ended Equity Schemes having dividend and growth
option. The minimum investment needed Rs 2000 and the
entry load of 2.25% for investments below 5 crores is

SBI Magnum Equity Fund

Open-Ended Diversified Equity Fund having dividend and
growth option. The minimum investment is Rs 1000 and
the entry load of 2.25% for investments below 5 crores is

SBI Magnum FMCG Fund

Open-Ended Equity Schemes with a face value of Rs 10. The
minimum investment needed is Rs 1000 and the entry load
of 2.25% for investments below 5 crores is applicable.

SBI Magnum Gilt Fund Long Term Plan

Open-Ended Gilt Schemes with quarterly dividend option
and growth option. As far as minimum investment is
concerned, it is Rs 25,000/- and in multiples of Rs. 5,000 /-
thereafter for the Growth option and Rs. 1,00,000/- and in
multiples of Rs. 5,000/- thereafter for Dividend option.

SBI Magnum Gilt Fund Short Term Plan

Open-Ended Gilt Schemes with monthly dividend option
and growth option with a minimum investment of Rs
25,000/- and in multiples of Rs. 5,000 /- thereafter for the
Growth option and Rs. 1,00,000/- and in multiples of Rs.
5,000/- thereafter for Dividend option.
Some other SBI Mutual Funds are:-
 SBI Magnum Insta Cash Fund
 SBI Magnum Insta Cash Fund- Liquid Floater
 SBI Magnum Institutional Income Fund
 SBI Magnum IT Fund
 SBI Magnum Midcap Fund
 SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan
 SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan Floater
 SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
 SBI Magnum Global Fund
 SBI Magnum Income Fund
 SBI Magnum Income Plus Fund
Investment Plan
 SBI Magnum Income Plus Fund Savings
 SBI Magnum Index Fund
 SBI Magnum Multiplier Plus
 SBI Magnum NRI Investment Fund
 SBI Magnum NRI Investment Fund Flexi
Asset Plan
 SBI Magnum Pharma Fund
 SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme 1993
 SBI Premier Liquid Fund
 SBI ONE India Fund (Close-Ended)
Future Prospect of Mutual Funds in India

The Future of Mutual Funds in India suggests that the industry has
got huge scopes of development in the times to come.

The Future of Mutual Funds in India is quite bright, Mutual Funds

are one the most popular forms of investments as these funds are
diversification, professional management, and liquidity. In the
year 2004, the mutual fund industry in India was worth Rs 1,
50,537 crores. The mutual fund industry expected to grow at a
rate of 13.4% over the next 10 years.

Mutual Fund Assets under Management

(MF AUM) Growth

1. In March 1998, the MF AUM was 68, 984 crores.

2. In March 2000, the MF AUM was 93, 717 crores and the
percentage growth was 26%.

3. In March 2001, the MF AUM was 83, 131 crores and the
percentage growth was 13%.

4. In March 2002, the MF AUM was 94, 017 crores and the
percentage growth was 12%.

5. In March 2003, the MF AUM was 75, 306 crores and the
percentage growth was 25%.

6. In March 2004, the MF AUM was 1, 37, 626 crores and the
percentage growth was 45%.

7. In September 2004, the MF AUM was 1, 51, 141 crores and the
percentage growth was 9% in 6(six) months time.

8. In December 2004, the MF AUM was 1, 49, 300 crores and the 71
percentage growth was 1% in 2(two) months time. 71
Future of MF in India – Facts on growth

Important aspects related to the future of MF in India are:-

1. The growth rate was 100% in 6 (six) previous years.

2. The saving rate in India is 23%.

3. There is a huge scope in the future for the expansion of the

mutual funds industry.

4. A number of foreign based assets management companies are

venturing into Indian markets.

5. The Securities Exchange Board of India has allowed the

introduction of commodity mutual funds.

6. The emphasis is being given on the effective corporate

governance of Mutual Funds.

7. The Mutual funds in India has the scope of penetrating into the
rural and semi urban areas.

8. Financial Planners are introduced into the market, which

would provide the people with better financial planning.

Mutual fund fees and expenses are charges that may he
incurred by investors who hold mutual funds. Running a mutual
fund involves costs, including shareholder transaction costs,
investment advisory fees, and marketing and distribution
expenses. Funds pass along these costs to investors in a number of

1. Transaction Cost

 Purchase Fee
 Redemption Fee
 Exchange Fee

2. Periodic Fees

 Management Fee’s
 Account Fee’s

3. Other Operating Expenses

i. Transaction Cost
ii. Loads :
 Front-End load
 Back-End load
 Level Load/ Low Load
 No-Load Fund

Definitions of key terms:-

Net Asset Value (NAV)

A Fund’s net asset value or NAV equals the current market value of
a fund’s holdings minus the fund’s liabilities (sometimes referred
as “net assets”). It is usually expressed as a per-share amount,
computed by diving net assets by the number of fund shares
outstanding. Funds must compute their net asset value according
to their prospectus which is typically at the end of each day the
New York Stock Exchange is open, though some funds compute
their NAV more than a once daily.

Sale Price
Sale price is the price you pay when you invest in a scheme. Also called
Offer Price. It may include a sales load.

Repurchase Price
It is the price at which a close-ended scheme repurchases its units

and it may include a back-end load. This is also called Bid Price.

Redemption Price
It is the price at which open-ended schemes repurchase their
units and close-ended schemes redeem their units on maturity.
Such prices are NAV related.

Sales Load
It is a charge collected by a scheme when it sells the units. Also,
called as 'Front-end' load. Schemes that do not charge a load are
called 'No Load' schemes.

Repurchase or 'Back-end' Load

It is a charge collected by a scheme when it buys back the units from
the unit holders.

Expenses Ratio
The expenses ratio allows investors to compare expenses across funds.
The expense ratio equals the 12b-1 fee plus the other fund expenses
divided by average daily net assets. The expenses ratio sometimes
referred to as the “total expense ratio” or TER.

Turnover is the measure of the volume of a fund’s securities trading.
It is expressed as a percentage of average market value of the
portfolio’s long-term securities.

Turnover is the lesser of a fund’s purchases or sales during a given

year divided by average long-term securities market value for the
same period. If the period is less than a year, turnover is generally

Average Assets under Management (AAUM) for the quarter of April - June 2012 (Rs in Lakhs)

Average AUM
Mutual Fund Name
No Excluding Fund of Funds -Domestic but
Fund Of Funds - Domestic
including Fund of Funds - Overseas

1 Axis Mutual Fund 875874.29 7522.76

2 Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund 551145.50 0

3 Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund 6720595.06 6369.38

4 BNP Paribas Mutual Fund 456203.69 0

5 BOI AXA Mutual Fund 13465.80 0

6 Canara Robeco Mutual Fund 757990.64 110.22

7 Daiwa Mutual Fund 70954.42 0

8 Deutsche Mutual Fund 1385245.11 0

9 DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund 3000176.42 0

10 Edelweiss Mutual Fund 38024.66 0

11 Escorts Mutual Fund 19607.38 0

12 Fidelity Mutual Fund 737841.33 5944.10

13 Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund 3553265.74 152150.71

14 Goldman Sachs Mutual Fund 431267.96 0

15 HDFC Mutual Fund 9262452.43 24705.64

16 HSBC Mutual Fund 455387.77 0

17 ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund 7304966.42 10265.95

18 IDBI Mutual Fund 519845.20 0

19 IDFC Mutual Fund 2714653.20 24996.54

20 IIFL Mutual Fund 16706.02 0

21 Indiabulls Mutual Fund 216457.12 0 76

22 ING Mutual Fund 92270.53 47357.31

23 JM Financial Mutual Fund 581193.67 0

24 JPMorgan Mutual Fund 528080.21 0

25 Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund 2532352.53 51869.21

26 L&T Mutual Fund 304617.13 0

27 LIC NOMURA Mutual Fund 591922.01 0

28 Mirae Asset Mutual Fund 46390.22 0

29 Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund 225034.66 0

30 Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund 45309.01 0

31 Peerless Mutual Fund 400897.03 0

32 PineBridge Mutual Fund 73884.41 0

33 Pramerica Mutual Fund 238675.76 0

34 PRINCIPAL Mutual Fund 466034.25 0

35 Quantum Mutual Fund 19255.02 724.99

36 Reliance Mutual Fund 8069446.60 219341.09

37 Religare Mutual Fund 1095832.32 1717.41

38 Sahara Mutual Fund 78716.75 0

39 SBI Mutual Fund 4718410.79 70278.91

40 Sundaram Mutual Fund 1322841.17 0

41 Tata Mutual Fund 2075377.66 0

42 Taurus Mutual Fund 374510.95 0

43 Union KBC Mutual Fund 203433.57 0

44 UTI Mutual Fund 6092261.52 0

Grand Total 69278873.93 623354.22

Average Assets under Management (AAUM) for the quarter of July - September 2012 (Rs in Lakhs)

Average AUM
Mutual Fund Excluding Fund of Funds - Domestic but Fund Of Funds -
including Fund of Funds - Overseas Domestic

1 Axis Mutual Fund 1049030.62 10012.85

2 Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund 570218.45 0

3 Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund 7290448.58 7474.77

4 BNP Paribas Mutual Fund 384199.09 0

5 BOI AXA Mutual Fund 27310.45 0

6 Canara Robeco Mutual Fund 732854.96 2793.27

7 Daiwa Mutual Fund 78867.44 0

8 Deutsche Mutual Fund 1680704.32 0

9 DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund 3022732.72 0

10 Edelweiss Mutual Fund 30649.99 0

11 Escorts Mutual Fund 22993.40 0

12 Fidelity Mutual Fund 703093.97 5068.03

13 Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund 3904558.04 145903.02

14 Goldman Sachs Mutual Fund 430420.49 0

15 HDFC Mutual Fund 9777366.00 29721.31

16 HSBC Mutual Fund 499168.44 0

17 ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund 7638760.69 11303.56

18 IDBI Mutual Fund 541281.57 3847.88

19 IDFC Mutual Fund 2800418.81 21334.97

20 IIFL Mutual Fund 19301.50 0

21 Indiabulls Mutual Fund 224269.76 0

22 ING Mutual Fund 93533.80 42945.51

23 JM Financial Mutual Fund 562372.70 0

24 JPMorgan Mutual Fund 898882.03 0

25 Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund 3031603.12 55002.52

26 L&T Mutual Fund 388312.02 0

27 LIC NOMURA Mutual Fund 635567.24 0

28 Mirae Asset Mutual Fund 50088.12 0

29 Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund 235354.62 0

30 Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund 52861.48 0

31 Peerless Mutual Fund 479158.64 0

32 PineBridge Mutual Fund 97702.25 0

33 Pramerica Mutual Fund 197822.62 0

34 PRINCIPAL Mutual Fund 477050.65 0

35 Quantum Mutual Fund 21586.05 954.39

36 Reliance Mutual Fund 8632689.98 229932.70

37 Religare Mutual Fund 1265550.22 2305.21

38 Sahara Mutual Fund 23844.09 0

39 SBI Mutual Fund 5095880.14 78730.99

40 Sundaram Mutual Fund 1366888.39 0

41 Tata Mutual Fund 2024748.86 0

42 Taurus Mutual Fund 359961.64 0

43 Union KBC Mutual Fund 234883.93 0

44 UTI Mutual Fund 7078278.46 0

Grand Total 74733270.34 647330.98

Average Assets under Management (AAUM) for the quarter of October – Dec. 2012 (Rs in Lakhs)

Average AUM
Mutual Fund Name Excluding Fund of Funds - Domestic but Fund Of Funds -
including Fund of Funds-Overseas Domestic

1 Axis Mutual Fund 1055039.41 13441.79

2 Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund 540568.20 0

3 Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund 7688977.51 8870.52

4 BNP Paribas Mutual Fund 321634.34 0

5 BOI AXA Mutual Fund 66114.22 0

6 Canara Robeco Mutual Fund 751292.29 5933.37

7 Daiwa Mutual Fund 53722.85 0

8 Deutsche Mutual Fund 1803736.10 0

9 DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund 3083760.22 0

10 Edelweiss Mutual Fund 24209.69 0

11 Escorts Mutual Fund 23030.26 0

12 Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund 4086857.07 140623.14

13 Goldman Sachs Mutual Fund 478576.44 0

14 HDFC Mutual Fund 10139253.82 36678.02

15 HSBC Mutual Fund 534665.93 0

16 ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund 8139421.08 13138.03

17 IDBI Mutual Fund 625570.30 9938.99

18 IDFC Mutual Fund 3000186.16 19592.96

19 IIFL Mutual Fund 19782.05 0

20 Indiabulls Mutual Fund 255286.75 0

21 ING Mutual Fund 93276.50 38800.42
22 JM Financial Mutual Fund 746690.12 0

23 JPMorgan Mutual Fund 1329969.77 0

24 Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund 3177282.80 60849.42

25 L&T Mutual Fund 1206410.04 0.00

26 LIC NOMURA Mutual Fund 688209.43 0

27 Mirae Asset Mutual Fund 52699.31 0

28 Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund 253911.00 0

29 Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund 58836.01 0

30 Peerless Mutual Fund 472108.89 0

31 PineBridge Mutual Fund 116420.46 0

32 PPFAS Mutual Fund N/A N/A

33 Pramerica Mutual Fund 203789.76 0

34 PRINCIPAL Mutual Fund 495544.85 0

35 Quantum Mutual Fund 25199.94 1165.25

36 Reliance Mutual Fund 9063582.35 241425.25

37 Religare Mutual Fund 1402483.23 2872.70

38 Sahara Mutual Fund 28747.11 0

39 SBI Mutual Fund 5331126.24 85446.33

40 Sundaram Mutual Fund 1459488.18 0

41 Tata Mutual Fund 1974173.23 0

42 Taurus Mutual Fund 417691.60 0

43 Union KBC Mutual Fund 301217.23 0

44 UTI Mutual Fund 7063814.44 0

Grand Total 78654357.18 678776.19


Amount in Rs. Crores

Nature Structure
Open End Close End Total
No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount
Schemes Schemes Schemes
Balanced 31 619 1 - 32 619
ELSS 36 377 13 - 49 377

Equity 294 5222 - - 294 5222

FOF Investing 21 64 - - 21 64
Gilt 41 2294 - - 41 2294

GOLD ETF 14 137 - - 14 137

Income 234 85064 417 3695 651 88759

Liquid/Money 55 610826 - - 55 610826

Other ETF 20 266 - - 20 266

Total 746 704869 431 3695 1177 708564

Amount in Rs. Crores

Open–End Close–End Total
No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount
Schemes Schemes Schemes
Balanced 31 723 1 - 32 723

ELSS 36 218 13 - 49 218

Equity 296 4125 428 5143 724 9268
Investing 21 37 - - 21 37
Total 384 5103 442 5143 826 10246


Amount in Rs. Crores

Nature Structure
Open-End Close-End Total
No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount
Schemes Schemes Schemes
Balanced 31 619 1 - 32 619
ELSS 36 377 13 - 49 377
Equity 294 5222 - - 294 5222
FOF Investing 21 64 - - 21 64
Gilt 41 2294 - - 41 2294
GOLD ETF 14 137 - - 14 137
Income 234 85064 417 3695 651 88759
Liquid/Money 55 610826 - - 55 610826
Other ETF 20 266 - - 20 266
Total 746 704869 431 3695 1177 708564

Serial No. Market

Mutual Funds
1 ABN AMRO Mutual Fund 1.621515733
2 Benchmark Mutual Fund 1.40600982
3 Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund 5.636121131
4 BOB Mutual Fund 0.026526073
5 Canbank Mutual Fund 0.691262347
6 DBS Chola Mutual Fund 0.548024522
7 Deutsche Mutual Fund 1.860427963
8 DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund 3.044508216
9 Escorts Mutual Fund 0.030320807
10 Fidelity Mutual Fund 2.185334641
11 Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund 6.564726022
12 HDFC Mutual Fund 8.770629459
13 HSBC Mutual Fund 3.495188719
14 ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund 11.90396033
15 ING Vysya Mutual Fund 1.152575905
16 JM Financial Mutual Fund 0.907100624
17 Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund 3.764488012
18 LIC Mutual Fund 2.508606515
19 Lotus India Mutual Fund 0.726212785
20 Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund 0.80232698
21 PRINCIPAL Mutual Fund 2.819975687
22 Quantum Mutual Fund 0.015568755
23 Reliance Mutual Fund 14.91604568
24 Sahara Mutual Fund 0.044817956
25 SBI Mutual Fund 5.052078474
26 Standard Chartered Mutual Fund 4.098738453
27 Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund 2.328506676
28 Tata Mutual Fund 3.48190415
29 Taurus Mutual Fund 0.078157583 84
30 UTI Mutual Fund 9.518339988 84
Scheme Name Date NAV Last 6
Rank Since
(Rs.) Months
1 Reliance Media & 26/02 36.28 24.74 16.55
Entertainment Fund - Growth /13
2 ICICI Prudential Banking and 26/02 21.45 17.79 18.4
Financial Services Fund - Retail /13
- Growth
3 Reliance Banking Fund - 26/02 111.2 16.94 27.99
Growth /13
4 Sundaram Media & Entert Opp 26/02 12.9 16.93 5.57
Fund - Inst - Growth /13
5 Sundaram Media & Entert 26/02 12.64 16.78 5.12
Opportunities Fund - Regular - /13
6 Kotak PSU Bank ETF 26/02 332.4 16.58 2.5
7 Goldman Sachs PSU Bank 26/02 344.3 16.35 5.1
Exchange Traded Scheme /13
8 ICICI Prudential Service 26/02 19.32 15.76 9.51
Industries Fund - Growth /13
9 JPMorgan Asean Equity 26/02 14.65 15.37 26.19
Offshore Fund /13
10 SBI Magnum Midcap Fund - 26/02 25.46 14.7 12.52
Growth /13
11 GS Junior BeES 26/02 116.9 14.6 23.34
12 Sundaram Financial Services 26/02 20.12 14.31 15.97
Opportunities Fund - Inst - /13
13 GS Bank BeES 26/02 1202. 14.3 19.45
14 R* Shares Banking Exchange 26/02 1240. 14.25 19.03
Traded Fund /13
15 UTI Banking Sector Fund - 26/02 45.34 14.21 18.34
Growth /13

Scheme Name
Date NAV Last 12 Since
k (Rs.) Months Inceptio
1 JPMorgan Asean Equity Offshore 26/02 14.65 33.98 26.19
Fund /13
2 SBI Pharma Fund - Growth 26/02 58.78 29.31 13.85
3 SBI Emerg Buss Fund - Growth 26/02 56.37 28.97 22.71
4 ICICI Prudential FMCG - Growth 26/02 101.6 28.08 18.12
/13 2
5 Reliance Media & 26/02 36.28 26.48 16.55
Entertainment Fund - Growth /13
6 ICICI Prudential Banking and 26/02 21.45 24.34 18.4
Financial Services Fund - Retail /13
- Growth
7 Axis Midcap Fund - Growth 26/02 12.66 24.14 12.36
8 Birla Sun Life India Gen Next 26/02 30.03 23.52 15.64
Fund - Growth /13
9 ING Global Real Estate Fund - 26/02 13.76 22.5 6.38
Growth /13
10 Franklin India Smaller 26/02 16.2 21.92 7
Companies Fund - Growth /13
11 Principal Emerging Blue chip 26/02 31.75 21.78 30.88
Fund - Growth /13
12 BNP Paribas Mid Cap Fund - 26/02 11.62 21.43 2.23
Growth /13
13 Taurus Discovery Fund - 26/02 16.06 21.38 4.84
Growth /13
14 DWS Global Agribusiness 26/02 14.42 19.72 14.74
Offshore Fund - Growth /13
15 JPMorgan Greater China Equity 26/02 13.85 19.58 10.05
Offshore Fund /13

Scheme Name Date NAV Last 3

Rank Since
(Rs.) Years
1 ICICI Prudential FMCG - Growth 26/02 101.62 27.4 18.12
2 SBI Emerg Buss Fund - Growth 26/02 56.37 20.32 22.71
3 SBI Gold Exchange Traded 26/02 2875.7 19.74 19.57
Scheme /13 5
4 R* Shares Gold Exchange Traded 26/02 2743.5 19.7 20.7
Fund - Dividend /13 7
5 UTI Gold Exchange Traded Fund 26/02 2819.1 19.67 20.4
/13 8
6 Kotak Gold ETF 26/02 2817.1 19.65 23.1
/13 8
7 SBI Pharma Fund - Growth 26/02 58.78 19.64 13.85
8 GS Gold BeES 26/02 2807.4 19.48 19.96
/13 3
9 Quantum Gold Exchange Traded 26/02 1402.2 19.41 18.72
Fund - Growth /13 4
10 ING Global Real Estate Fund - 26/02 13.76 16.01 6.38
Growth /13
11 L&T Global Real Assets Fund - 26/02 15.61 15.99 16.28
Growth /13
12 Birla Sun Life India Gen Next 26/02 30.03 15.86 15.64
Fund - Growth /13
13 Escorts Income Bond - Growth 26/02 34.52 15.53 8.68
14 ICICI Prudential Technology Fund 26/02 21.6 15.43 6.11
- Growth /13
15 Reliance Banking Fund - Growth 26/02 111.27 14.72 27.99

Scheme Name Date NAV Last 5

Rank Since
(Rs.) Years
1 Reliance Pharma Fund - 26/02 64.92 22.67 23.88
Growth /13
2 UTI Gold Exchange Traded 26/02 2819. 18.41 20.4
Fund /13 18
3 Kotak Gold ETF 26/02 2817. 18.37 23.1
/13 18
4 GS Gold BeES 26/02 2807. 18.36 19.96
/13 43
5 R* Shares Gold Exchange 26/02 2743. 18.03 20.7
Traded Fund - Dividend /13 57
6 Quantum Gold Exchange 26/02 1402. 17.91 18.72
Traded Fund - Growth /13 24
7 UTI Pharma and Healthcare 26/02 45.2 16.48 11.58
Fund - Growth /13
8 ICICI Prudential FMCG - Growth 26/02101.6 16.01 18.12
/13 2
9 ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund 26/02 24.86 13.88 13.95
- IP- Growth /13
10 UTI Transportation and 26/02 30.15 13.87 13.08
Logistics Fund - Growth /13
11 Birla Sun Life MNC Fund - 26/02 244.9 13.82 18.48
Growth /13 8
12 SBI Pharma Fund - Growth 26/02 58.78 13 13.85
13 UTI MNC Fund - Growth 26/02 69.44 12.97 13.91
14 Reliance Banking Fund - 26/02111.2 12.63 27.99
Growth /13 7
15 ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund 26/02 54.6 12.59 22
- Growth /13 88
UTI MF Performance as on 26th Feb, 2013
Scheme Name Performance ( % Return ) Fund Size
30 Days 91 Days 1 Year 3 Year Rs. in Cr. As on
UTI - MIS - Advantage Fund - -0.7612 1.2621 8.8597 7.0271 564.65 Jan 31, 2013

UTI - MIS - Advantage Fund - -0.7615 1.2615 8.8606 7.0319 564.65 Jan 31, 2013

Flexi Dividend
UTI - MIS - Advantage Fund- Dir -0.7764 NA NA NA 564.65 Jan 31, 2013

- Monthly Dividend
UTI - MIS - Advantage Fund- -0.8337 1.0443 7.9012 6.1053 564.65 Jan 31, 2013

Monthly Dividend
UTI Balanced Fund - Dividend -4.2278 1.0249 4.3081 4.7996 959.3 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Balanced Fund - Growth -4.2276 1.0384 9.1076 6.3859 959.3 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Banking Sector Fund - -8.0373 2.612 10.3326 10.6441 402.02 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Banking Sector Fund - Growth -8.0372 2.606 10.3118 11.1049 402.02 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Bond Fund - Dividend 0.7489 4.33 10.8656 9.0987 1675.92 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Bond Fund - Growth 0.7497 4.5491 11.7135 9.8762 1675.92 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Childrens Career Balanced -1.3907 1.8812 9.4924 8.1041 2945.26 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Childrens Career Balanced -1.3716 NA NA NA 2945.26 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Contra Fund - Dividend -8.0575 0.7187 4.0065 -0.4431 150.15 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Contra Fund - Growth -8.0571 0.7482 3.9464 -0.4596 150.15 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Credit Opportunities Fund - 0.3391 2.1674 NA NA 214.82 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Credit Opportunities Fund - 0.3391 2.1674 NA NA 214.82 Jan 31, 2013

UTI CRTS 81 - Dividend -0.8693 1.7998 11.4193 9.8809 342.63 Jan 31, 2013

UTI CRTS 81 - Growth -0.8694 1.8006 12.464 10.6568 342.63 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Dividend Yield Fund - -5.1686 1.1681 3.493 7.408 3627.98 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Dividend Yield Fund - Growth -5.1691 1.1731 3.515 7.4416 3627.98 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Dynamic Bond Fund - Dividend 0.6213 3.2549 9.3644 NA 992.09 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Dynamic Bond Fund - Growth 0.6221 3.2543 10.3418 NA 992.09 89

Jan 31, 2013
UTI Energy Fund - Dividend -8.5001 -1.7816 -7.886 -5.5012 302.01 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Energy Fund - Growth -8.5003 -1.7819 -7.9968 -5.5316 302.01 Jan 31, 2013
UTI Equity Fund - Dividend -2.1094 4.07 13.336 10.3225 2389.61 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Equity Fund - Growth -4.6074 1.3835 10.4092 9.3594 2389.61 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan - -4.4033 1.4497 8.2194 4.9128 475.96 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan - -4.4035 1.432 8.2551 4.9253 475.96 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Floating Rate Fund - STP - 0.6763 2.1192 8.918 7.7424 1940.66 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Floating Rate Fund - STP - 0.4232 1.8624 8.4717 7.5355 1940.66 Jan 31, 2013

IP - Flexi Dividend
UTI Floating Rate Fund - STP - 0.6763 2.1192 9.5795 8.5093 1940.66 Jan 31, 2013

IP - Growth
UTI G-Sec Fund - STP - Dividend 0.6318 2.5129 7.7421 6.3297 13.76 Jan 31, 2013

UTI G-Sec Fund - STP - Growth 0.6307 2.5118 8.7063 6.8255 13.76 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Gilt Advantage Fund - L T - 1.0209 5.379 10.3434 8.1522 212.56 Jan 31, 2013

PF Plan - Dividend
UTI Gilt Advantage Fund - L T - 1.0208 5.3796 11.007 8.6578 212.56 Jan 31, 2013

PF Plan - Growth
UTI Gilt Advantage Fund - L T P 1.0208 5.3793 11.0068 8.6589 212.56 Jan 31, 2013

- Dividend
UTI Gilt Advantage Fund - L T P 1.021 5.3793 11.0062 8.6573 212.56 Jan 31, 2013

- Growth
UTI Gold ETF -3.9511 -9.4018 2.2051 19.6731 736.02 Jan 31, 2013

UTI India Lifestyle Fund - -4.2744 0.904 12.2616 11.7703 358.57 Jan 31, 2013

UTI India Lifestyle Fund - Growth -4.2744 0.9047 12.2625 11.7706 358.57 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Infrastructure Fund - -8.353 -2.2354 -2.1571 -6.338 1806.12 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Infrastructure Fund - Growth -8.3534 -2.2203 -2.1339 -6.2752 1806.12 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Leadership Equity Fund - -5.4992 2.4209 10.2229 5.0069 620.15 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Leadership Equity Fund - -5.4993 2.4024 10.1916 4.9459 620.15 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Liquid Fund - Cash Plan - IP 0.6931 2.1043 9.3709 8.1985 12858.84 Jan 31, 2013

- Growth
UTI Liquid Fund - Cash Plan - IP 0.5423 1.6439 7.2759 6.4202 12858.84 Jan 31, 2013

- Monthly Dividend
UTI Liquid Fund - Cash Plan - Reg 0.6389 1.9357 8.7062 7.5976 12858.84 Jan 31, 2013
- Growth 90

UTI Liquid Fund - Cash Plan - Reg 0.5299 1.6001 7.2496 6.2614 12858.84 Jan 31, 2013

- Monthly Div
UTI Mahila Unit Scheme - -1.1039 1.0036 6.7611 5.9317 231.41 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Mahila Unit Scheme - Growth -1.1039 1.0036 6.7616 5.9317 231.41 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Master Value Fund - Dividend -6.8359 -2.5636 2.9595 6.4766 633.47 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Master Value Fund - Growth -6.836 -2.5628 2.9646 6.6306 633.47 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Mastershare - Dividend -4.5733 1.3504 6.234 6.0546 2375.71 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Mastershare - Growth -4.573 1.3609 6.9982 6.3802 2375.71 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Mid Cap Fund - Dividend -6.4354 -3.6418 11.0938 6.2721 285.95 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Mid Cap Fund - Growth -6.4354 -3.6436 11.0994 6.2685 285.95 Jan 31, 2013

UTI MNC Fund - Dividend -3.4882 -2.0667 7.4881 13.8452 255.87 Jan 31, 2013

UTI MNC Fund - Growth -3.4882 -2.0714 7.4143 13.8094 255.87 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Money Market - IP - Growth 0.7022 2.1231 9.4264 8.2431 2418.7 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Money Market - Ret - Flexi 0.2326 1.5373 7.5527 6.6336 2418.7 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Money Market - Ret - 0.6481 1.9581 8.7993 7.6917 2418.7 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Money Market - Ret - Perd 0.2327 1.5373 7.5503 6.6112 2418.7 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Monthly Income Scheme - -0.4824 1.6081 7.2783 6.2806 318.48 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Monthly Income Scheme - -0.4013 1.8521 8.3208 7.2683 318.48 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Nifty Fund - Dividend -5.2944 1.8295 6.4646 5.3599 177.49 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Nifty Fund - Growth -5.2941 1.8284 6.4692 5.3668 177.49 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Opportunities Fund -Dividend -4.7911 -0.653 6.9369 10.2218 3580.48 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Opportunities Fund - Growth -4.7908 -0.6644 7.0106 10.3731 3580.48 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Pharma and Healthcare Fund -2.6047 0.1858 15.3893 13.3624 103.87 Jan 31, 2013

- Dividend
UTI Pharma and Healthcare Fund -2.605 0.1598 15.4112 13.4932 103.87 Jan 31, 2013

- Growth

UTI Services Industries Fund - -2.2966 4.1375 11.0688 6.6018 220.73 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Services Industries Fund - -2.2964 4.144 11.0567 6.5905 220.73 Jan 31, 2013

Growth 91
UTI Short Term Income Fund - 0.6516 2.6532 9.7926 8.3212 2270.77 Jan 31, 2013

Ret - Dividend
UTI Short Term Income Fund - 0.6517 2.8288 10.5024 8.905 2270.77 Jan 31, 2013
Ret - Growth
UTI Spread Fund - Dividend 0.5496 1.8493 8.6016 7.4612 26.91 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Spread Fund - Growth 0.5498 1.8482 8.5995 7.4636 26.91 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Top 100 Fund - Dividend -4.0377 -1.0839 5.3964 5.801 628.07 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Top 100 Fund - Growth -4.0373 -1.0497 5.3995 5.8037 628.07 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Transportation and Logistics -6.2738 -1.2871 6.535 10.4558 55.1 Jan 31, 2013

Fund - Dividend
UTI Transportation and Logistics -6.274 -1.2685 6.5286 10.536 55.1 Jan 31, 2013

Fund - Growth
UTI Treasury Advantage Fund - 0.6948 2.1356 9.4982 8.4344 10793.3 Jan 31, 2013

IP - Growth
UTI Treasury Advantage Fund - 0.6099 1.8663 8.2965 7.4961 10793.3 Jan 31, 2013

IP - Mthly Dividend
UTI ULIP -1.6199 1.4472 10.3365 8.5794 2509.47 Jan 31, 2013

UTI Wealth Builder Fund - Series -5.0262 -3.3671 6.8351 10.2855 602.65 Jan 31, 2013

II - Dividend
UTI Wealth Builder Fund - Series -5.0265 -3.3755 6.8838 10.576 602.65 Jan 31, 2013

II - Growth
UTI-CCP Advantage Fund - -5.9639 -0.3749 5.9475 5.1604 85.52 Jan 31, 2013

UTI-CCP Advantage Fund - -5.9639 -0.3749 5.9475 5.1606 85.52 Jan 31, 2013

UTI-MEPUS -5.6603 1.9098 7.1902 6.4309 1299.21 Jan 31, 2013

It is hopeful that this study creates awareness that the mutual funds are
worth investment practice. The various schemes of mutual funds provide the
investors with a wide range of investments options according to his risk bearing
capacities and interest. Besides they also give a handy return to the investors. The
project analyses various schemes of Different Companies.

In India Mutual funds are playing important role. The mutual funds
companies pool the savings of small investors and invest those collected huge
amount of funds in different sectors of the economy. They are performing like
intermediary between small investor and the Indian capital market. In recent years
many mutual fund companies are established. Through this competition is
increased among the companies. To encounter the competition the different
companies are introducing different types of mutual fund schemes with attractive
returns and low risk. So it is an advantage to the investors.

The stock market has been rising for over six years now. This in turn has not
only protected the money invested in funds but has also to helped grow these

This has also instilled greater confidence among fund investors who are
investing more into the market through the MF route than ever before.

Reliance India mutual funds provide major benefits to a

common man who wants to make his life better than previous.

India's largest mutual fund, UTI, still controls nearly 80 per cent
of the market. Also, the mutual fund industry as a whole gets less than 2 per cent
of household savings against the 46 per cent that go into bank deposits. Some

fund managers say this only indicates the sector's potential. "lf mutual funds
succeed in chipping away at bank deposits, even a triple digit 93

growth is possible over the next few years”.


“Comparative study and analysis of Mutual Funds”,


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