12 Electrostatics

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Q.1 What is line of force, tube of force, tubes of induction, electric flux, electric induction and total
normal electric induction?
Ans. (I) (A) LINES OF FORCE: An electric lines of force is defined as the path along which unit
positive charge moves when placed in an electric field.
(B) TUBE OF FORCE AND TUBE OF INDUCTION: The lines of force are grouped
together to form a tube like structure is called as tube of force. Tube of force in any medium,
other than vacuum is called tube of induction. The number of tubes of force originating from
a charge depends on the permittivity of the medium and is therefore different for different
media. In order that this number does not depend on the nature of the medium. The concept
of tube of induction is introduced. It is tube of force in a medium other than air. According
to Faraday, only one tube originates from a unit positive charge, whatever be the medium
surrounding this charge. Such tube is called as tube of induction.
(C) ELECTRIC FLUX ():- The number of tubes of force passing normally through a given
surface in electric field is called electric flux ().
As the number of tubes of force passing normally per unit area is the electric intensity E, it is
also called electric flux per unit area, or electric flux density.
The flux through the surface dS is
d  = E cos . dS
 
d = E. ds
Total electric flux for a charge + q in a medium
of permittivity  is given by
q q
 
 0 k
Where k is the dielectric constant of the medium.
S.I. Unit of  = Nm2 /C or v.m
Electric induction (D) and Electricfield (E) : According to Faraday, the no.
of tubes of induction starting from a point charge ‘q’ is ‘q’. No. of tube of
induction passing normaly per unit area of sphere at distance r from O r
charge ‘+q’ in a medium of permittivity  is
q q
 k 0  2
4 r 4 r (k  0 )
= koE
By definition the no. of tubes of induction passing normally though unit area in electric field is
called Normal electric induction (D)
D  k 0 E
(II) Total Normal Electric Induction (T.N.E.I.):
The total number of tubes of induction passing normally per unit area through a given surface in
electric field is called the Total Normal Electric Induction (T.N.E.I.)

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If E cos  is the component of electric intensity E parallel to d S , then T.N.E.I through area dS is
(Normal Electric Induction)  (area dS)
i.e. (T.N.E.I.)dS = (0 K E cos ). (dS)
For a whole closed surface S, the T.N.E.I. is given by
(T.N.E.I.)s =   K
0 E cos  dS

Q.2 State and prove Gauss Theorem, in electrostatics. (March 2008,2009,2011)

Ans. Gauss’s Theorm : The total normal electric induction (TNEI) over a closed surface of any shape is
equal to the algebraic sum of all the electric charges (the net charges) enclosed by the surface.
 (TNEI) s  q
i 1

Proof : Consider a closed surface of arbitrary shape surrounding a positive point charge ‘q’ situated
at a point O inside a closed surface.
Consider a small element of the surface of area dS around a
point P at a distance “r” from the point O. The area dS is
assumed to be so small that every point on it can be considered
to be at the same distance (r) from the point O, and also the
electric field over it can be considered to be uniform.
 1  q 
The electric intensity at P is given by E    2
 4 0 k   r 
Where 0 is the permittivity of the free space and k is a
dielectric constant. The outwards normal drawn to the area element dS makes an angle  with the
direction of the electric field. Hence, the normal electric induction (NEI) over the area Ds

(NEI)dS = (0 kE cos ) ds

 1 q
(NEI) dS  0 k    2  (cos  dS)
 4  0 k   r 
 q   ds cos  
( NEI )ds     ……… (i)
 4   r2 

 ds cos  
The quantity  2  is the solid angle ‘d’ subtended by the area ds at the point O.
 r 

 q 
 (NEI)ds    (d) ……….(ii)
 4 

Total normal Electric induction (T.N.E.I) over a closed surface can be obtained by integrating
NEI over area ds
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q q
 T.N.E.I. =  4 d 
4  d
A closed surface subtends a solid angle of 4π steradians at any point inside i.e.  d  4
 TNEI over the closed surface =  4  q ……….(iii)
Instead of a single free charge, if there be any arbitrary collection of free charges, we can write
Eq. (iii) for each point charge and then sum over all the charges.
(TNEI)s   qi
i 1

Where q
i 1
i is the algebraic sum of all free charges enclosed by the surface. This proves

Gauss’s theorem.

Q.3 Obtain an expression for electric intensity at a point outside a charged sphere using Gauss theorem.
Ans. (A) Electric intensity at a point outside a charged sphere:
Consider an isolated spherical conductor of radius ‘R’ and
carrying a charge ‘q’. placed in a medium of permittivity ( = 0
k). Consider a point ‘P’ outside the charged conducter at a
distance ‘r’ from its centre. To find the electric field intensity at
‘P’, we choose a spherical Gaussian surface ‘S’ of radius ‘r’
through the point and concentric with the conductor.A small
element of this surface containing the point ‘P’ has an area dS as
shown in the figure.
The charge ‘q’ is uniformly distributed over the outer surface
of the spherical conductor. Then, by symmetry, the electric field intensity at every point on the
sphere ‘S’ is normal to the surface and has the same magnitude ‘E’. If the charge ‘q’ is positive E
at every point on sphere is radically outward.
 N.E.I. at point ‘p’of area ds = k0 Eds
 
The angle  between E and dS being zero, the TNEI through the Gaussian surface S in given by
(T.N.E.I.)s =  K 0 E cos  ds (TNEI)s = K0 EdS ( cos  = 1)

(T.N.E.I.)s = K 0 E  ds

Now,  ds = surface area of the Gaussian sphere ‘S’ = 4 π r2

 TNEI  k 0 E  4 r 2

According to Gauss’s theorem.

TNEI over a closed surface = net charge enclosed by the surface
 (k0 E)  (4πr2) = q
 1  q 
E   2  ……(i)
 4K 0   r 
Where 0 = permittivity of vacuum and k = dielectric constant of the medium.
This gives the magnitude of the electric field intensity at the point P.

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This relation is same as the expression for electric intensity at distance ‘r’ due to a point charge q.
Hence a charged sphere behaves as if the entire charge is concentrated at its centre.
Let A = 4π R2 be the surface area of the charged sphere an ‘’ be the charge per unit area of the
sphere (surface charge density)
 or q =  A
q = () . (4π R2)
Substituting the value of q in equation of (i)
 1 q  R2     R2 
E   2  E    2 
 4  0 k   r  0 kr 2  k 0   r 
Where R  Radius of the charged sphere
r  distance of the point from the centre of the charged sphere
Note: 2
Let the given point be on the surface of the charged sphere, then r = R and the above expression
R2 R 2 
becomes E    E
0 Kr 2  0 KR 2 0K
Note: 3
If given point be inside a charged sphere, then q = 0  Electric field = 0
Q.4 Obtain an expression for electric intensity at a point outside a charged cylinder
Ans. Electric intensity at a point outside a charged cylinder:
Consider an isolated cylindrical conductor of
radius ‘R’ and carrying a charge per unit length .
We assume for conductor to the infinitely long.
Consider a point ‘P’ outside the conductor at a
distance ‘r’ from its axis. To find the electric field
intensity at ‘P’, we choose a cylindrical Gaussian
surface ‘S’ of radius ‘r’ through the point with length
‘l’and coaxial with the conductor. A small
element (on the curved part of the Gaussian surface)
containing the point ‘P’ has an area dS. Charge is
uniformly distributed over the outer surface of the
cylindrical conductor. Then by symmetry the electric
field intensity at any point outside the conductor is
directed at right angles to the cylinder axis. Hence, the component of the electric field intensity
parallel to the plane circular faces of the Gaussian surface is zero. Therefore, the total
normal electric induction TNEI through these flat faces is zero.
By symmetry, the electric field intensity E at every point on the curved face of the surface S
is normal to the surface and has the same magnitude E. If the charge on the conductor (cylinder)
is positive, E at every point on the curved face of the surface S is directed along the outward
drawn normal.
 
The angle  between E and dS being zero, the NEI at point ‘P’ of area ds. = k 0 Eds
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(TNEI ) s    0 KE cos  ds Over Gaussian surface ‘S’

(TNEI)s  0 kE  ds  cos   1 and E is the same at all point on the curved surface.
Now  ds (area of the curved surface) = 2πrl, where ‘l’ is the length of the Guassian
cylinder as shown in the figure.
 (TNEI)s = 0 kE(2π r  )
As  is the charge per unit length of the cylindrical charged conductor, the net charge
enclosed by the Gaussian cylinder is l.
By Gauss’s theorem,
TNEI over a closed surface = net charge enclosed by the surface
 0 kE  2π rl = l

 1  
E    
 2 0 k   r 

Where k is the dielectric constant of the medium.

This gives the magnitude of the electric field intensity in terms of the linear charge density .

Note 1:
Surface charge density for the cylindrical conductor is given by
q q
  
A 2 Rl
But   , i.e. linear charge density

Thus     = () (2πR)
2 R
Substituting for .
  . 2R
E 
2 0 kr 2  0 kr
R    R
E     
 0 kr  k 0   r 
R  radius of the charged cylinder
r  perpendicular distance of the point from the axis
Note : 2
If the given point is on the surface of the cylinder, then r = R the above expression becomes.
R R
E   
 0 kr  0 kR E
0 K
Note : 3
If point p lies inside of charged cylinder then q = 0.
then E = 0.

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Q.5 Obtain an expression for electric intensity at a point near charged conductor.
Ans. Electric Intensity at a point near a charged conductor: Consider a closed conducting surface
having surface charge density . On a conducting surface, the charge
spreads on its outer surface and there is no charge inside it. The
electric field at any point on the surface of the charged conductor is in
a direction perpendicular to the surface. Suppose that we have to
calculate electric field intensity at the point P near the surface of the
conductor To do so,construct Gaussian surface of area of cross –
section dS with plane faces through the point P, such that its one face
is outside the conductor and the other face is inside it. The cylinder
will enclose an area ds of the charged conductor and this cylinder is
the Gaussian surface for the charged conductor.Since electric field inside the conductor is zero. TNEI
for the curved surface of the Gaussian cylinder inside the conductor is also zero.
The direction of E being normal to area dS, TNEI for the curved surface of the Gaussian
cylinder outside the conductor is also zero.
Thus, TNEI over the whole Gaussian cylinder is only due to that of the flat surface of the
Gaussian cylinder outside the conductor, with area dS
 
 (TNEI)S = 0 kEdS cos  = kods Since E and dS are parallel
If  is the surface charge density then charge enclosed by the Gaussian Cylinder is
dq =  dS …..(ii)
Applying Gauss’s theorem,
(TNEI)S = dq
From equations (i) & (ii)

0 kEdS =  dS  E
 0k

Note: 1 For plane lamina E 
2k 0

Q.6 Obtain an expression for electric field intensity at a point near infinite charge plane sheet.
Ans. Consider an infinite thin plane sheet. Let
positive charge is deposited on it and ‘  ’ be
the surface charge density on both sides of the
sheet. The electric field is normal to the plane
sheet and directed outward. We want to find
intensity of electric field at a point ‘p’ near
charge infinite thin plane sheet.
Now construct a Gaussian cylinder with
cross sectional area of ‘ds’ around point ‘p’
with its axis perpendicular to the plane sheet.
Since the lines of force are normal to the sheet,
flux due to electric field only passes through
the end of the cylinder of cross sectional area
‘ds’. The lines of force are parallel to the curved surface of the Gaussian cylinder, hence no flux
passes through curved surface.

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Let ‘E’ be the intensity of electric field at point ‘P’, then the total normal electric induction over
Gaussian surface
NEI due to flat ends of the cylinder + NEI due to curved surface of the cylinder.
T.N.E.I. = ( K  0 Eds  K  0 Eds )  0
 2 K  0 Eds
The net charge enclosed by the Gaussian cylinder is dq   ds.
According to Gauss theorem , T.N.E.I. = The net charge enclosed by the Gaussian cylinder
2K  0 Eds   ds

E  ds
2K  0
This shows that the magnitude of electric field intensity is independent of the distance of point
from the charged plane.

Q.7 Obtain an expression for mechanical force on unit area of charged conductor (Oct 2008,March 2010)
Ans. Mechanical Force On Unit Area Of Charged Conductor.
Consider a charged conductor of charge ‘q’ and surface
charge density ‘’ placed in a dielectric medium of constant
‘k’. Consider a small element of area ‘ds’on the surface of
conducter. Every element of charged conductor experiences
a normal outwards force. This is the result of repulsive force
from similar charges present on the rest of the surface of the
Consider a small elemenof area ‘ds’ on the surface of
charge conductor. Let ‘dq’ be the charge on this element
of area ‘ds’

 dq = . dS …..(i)
Consider a point ‘A’ just outside the surface near the element dS.
The electric intensity at point A is given by:

E ……(ii)
0 k

The direction of the intensity is normally outwards.

The intensity E is made up of two components:
(a) E1 due to a small charge ‘dq’ present on the element of area‘ds’
(b) E 2 due to the remaining charge present on the rest of the surface of the conductor.
At point ‘A’
  
 E1 , E 2 and E are in the same direction along the same line.
  
E1  E2  E
 E1 + E2 = E (magnitude wise)
Substituting for E from equation ….(ii)

E1  E 2  ; …. (iii)
0 K

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Now, consider a point ‘B’ inside the conductor very near to element of area dS.
The electric intensity E1 and E 2 at this point are oppositely directed. However, electric
intensity inside a charged conductor is zero.
  
 E  0 and E1 and E 2 in opposite direction along the same line
 
E1  E2  0  E1  E2  0 magnitude wise
 E1  E 2
Substituting for E1 in equation (iii), we have

E 2  E 2  2E 2 
0 K

 E2  ……(iv)
2 0 K

Here E2 is the electric intensity due to the charge on the rest of the conductor.
Hence repulsive force experienced by element ‘dS’ carrying charge ‘dq’ due to E2 is given by
df  E2 .dq ............ (Force = Intensity × charge)
Substituting from equation (iv) and (i)

df   .ds df   2 this shows that mechanical force acting on a area
2 0 k
ds is independent of nature of charge.
 2 
Now, df  .dS = ds , using E 
2 0 K 2K0 k 0
df  k 0 E 2 ds
This is the mechanical force over area ‘dS’ of a charged conducter. Hence mechanical force
per unit area is given by:
df 2 1
  k0 E 2
dS 20 k 2
S.I Unit of is N / m 2
Note: If the charged conducter has a negative charge, the mechanical force, being a repulsive
force, is still in the outward direction.
This force does not depend on nature of charge, since f   2

Q.8 Obtain an expression for energy density (Energy / Volume) of the medium.
Ans. Energy Per Unit Volume Of A Medium:Consider a cond uctor  of charge ‘q’ and surface charge
density ‘’ placed in a dielectric medium of constant ‘k’. E is Electric intensity at a point just near
and outside surface of positively charged conductor.Let element of area ‘ds’ is pushed through
certain distance dl under action of mechanical force acting on area ‘ds’. To restore element back on
surface, equal and opposite force F must act on element. Therefore element moves very slowly back

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through distance dl. The mechanical force acting on it over

dS area is given by:
df  . dS
20 K
The force is directed normally outwards. Under the action of
force, if the element dS moves outwards through a distance dl
then the work done by the force is given by. dW = F.dl
 dW  . dS .dl
2 0 k
But dS. dl = dv, the volume swept by the element.
Substituting, we get,
 dW  . dV
2 0 k
The work done dW is stored in the medium as electric potential energy dU.
i.e. dW = dU
 dU  dV
2 k
The energy per unit volume or energy density is given by
dU 2 
 But    0 kE ( E  )
dV 2 0 k 0k
dU  02 k 2 E 2
 
dV 2 0 k
i.e. Energy per unit volume or energy density is given by
dU 1 dU
 0 k E 2 S.I. Unit of = J/m 3
dV 2 dV
Note : Formulae for Mechanical force per unit area of charged conductor and energy density of
df dU 1
the medium is the same i.e.   k 0 E 2
ds dV 2

Q.9 Define capacity of a condenser (conductor). Mention its S.I.Unit.

Ans. Capacity Of A Conductor Or Condenser: Whenever electric charge is deposited on a
conductor, its potential increases. The deposited charge spreads uniformly distributed over its
surface. For any conductor, electric potential V is directly proportional to the charge stored Q.
Hence QV Q  CV
Where C is a constant known as Capacity of the conductor.
 C When V = 1 unit. Then Q = C
“The capacity of a conductor or condenser is defined as the amount of charge required to raise
its potential by unity”. Or It is a ratio of charge to is net potential.
S.I. Unit of capacity is Farad (F)

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1 coulomb (C)
1 Farad (F) =
1 Volt (V)
The capacity of a conductor is 1 Farad, if a charge of 1 coulomb raises its potential by 1 volt.
1 micro Farad (1  F) = 106 F 1 nano Farad (1 n F) = 109 F
1 pico Farad (1 p F) = 1012 F

Q.10 What is condenser? Explain the concept of condenser

Ans. Principle Of Condenser Or Concept Of Condenser :
“It is an arrangement of two conductors carrying equal and
opposite charges separated by insulating medium in small
space at low potential”.
A condenser consists of two identical conductors separated
from each other by air or some other dielectric. Charge is
deposited on one conductor and other conductor is earthed.
Due to this potential of the arrangement decreases and hence
capacity increases.
A charge ‘+ Q’ is given to the conductor P 1 . If VP 1 is the potential of P 1 due to charge Q, its
initial capacity (in the absence of earthed plate P 2 ) is C1 
When another conductor B is kept near P 1 , negative charge i.e. ‘Q’ is induced in P 2 at
near side and ‘+ Q’ on the far side.
As the conductor P 2 is connected to earth, the free negative charge is left on P 2 .
If VP 2 , is the potential of conductor P 2 , then total potential of the arrangement is
(VP 1 – VP 2 )
New capacity of P 1 is, C2 
VP1  VP2
Since (VP 1 – VP 2 ) < VP 1  C2 > C1
Thus capacity increase with decrease in potential.
This is the principle of a condenser.

Q.11 What are dielectrics? Explain polar and non polar dielectrics.
Ans. Dielectrics :
“A dielectric is a substance which does not allow the flow of charge through it but permits them to
exert electrostatic forces on one another through it. A dielectric is essentially an insulator which can
be polarized through small localized displacements of its charges”.
Examples : Glass, wax, water, air, rubber, stone, plastic etc.
Polar dielectrics :
The dielectrics made of polar molecules are called polar dielectric. In this dielectric the centre of
mass of positive charge (protons) in a molecule does not coincide with the centre of mass of negative
charge (electrons) is called a polar molecule. Thus each molecule behave as a dipole with permanent
dipole moment.
Examples: HCl , H 2O, N 2O .

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Non polar dielectrics:

The dielectrics made of non polar molecules are called non polar dielectric. In this dielectric the
centre of mass of positive charges of a molecule coincide with the centre of mass of negative charge
is called a non-polar molecule. The dielectrics made of non-polar molecules are called non-polar
dielectrics. Non-polar molecular have symmetrical shapes. They have normally zero dipole moment.
Examples : H 2 , O2 , CO2 .

Q.12 Explain the behavior of non polar and polar dielectric in an

external electric field.
Ans. Polarization of a non-polar dielectric in an external electric
field :
(i) In the absence of any electric field, the centers of positive
and negative charges of the molecules of a non polar molecules
coincide, as shown in fig.(a). If non-polar material is subjected
to an external electric field, the positive and negative charges
in non-polar molecules are displaced in opposite direction. This
displacement continued till the external force on constituent
charges, is balanced by restoring force due to internal
molecular field.
(ii) The non-polar molecules thus acquire induced dipole moment. The dielectric is said to be
polarized in external field as shown in the diagram.
(iii) The induced dipole moments of different molecules add up and give rise to net dipole
Polarization of a polar dielectric in an external electric field:
(i) In the absence of any external electric field, the dipole
moments of different molecules are randomly oriented
due to thermal agitation in the material, as shown in
following fig. so the total dipole moment is zero.
(ii) When a substance with polar molecules is subjected to
external magnetic field, the tiny electric dipoles get aligned in
the direction of field. Therefore, there is net dipole moment
in the direction of the field.

Q.13 Explain the behaviour of a dielectric slab which is subjected to an external electric field.
Ans. (i) Consider a thin slab of dielectric placed in a uniform electric field.
(ii)Dielectric becomes polarized, when kept in an external field,
irrespective of the fact that dielectric consists of polar molecules
or non-polar molecules.
(iii) Because of polarization, molecules are oriented such that
negative charges are on left and positive charges on right.
(iv) So, the left surface of the dielectric has net negative charge
and the right surface has net positive charge.
(v) Net electric charge within dielectric is zero.
(vi) Since dielectric slab as a whole is electrically neutral,
positive induced charge must be equal to magnitude of negative
induced charge.

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(vii) The charges so obtained on the surface of dielectric slab are called polarization charges.
(viii) Thus, a polarized dielectric is equivalent to two charges surface with induced charges /
polarization charges. The induced surface charges / polarization charges oppose external electric
field and weaken the original field within dielectric.
Dielectric slab acquires polarization charges when it is subjected to an external electric field. There is
no net increase in the charge of the dielectric.

Q.14 Define polarization and show that polarization is equal to charge of all dipoles per unit area.
Ans. Polarization : It may be defined as the amount of induced surface charge per unit area or the
surface density of polarization charges appearing at right angles to applied external electric field.
P = 0 = p
where, q p = polarization charges  p = charge density of polarization charges
A = area of cross section of dielectric
It is vector quantity directed from negative induced charges to positive induced charge.
Assuming continuously polarized dielectric, the value of polarization P at any point is defined as net
dipole moment (Ql ) of small volume v as v  0
P  lim
v  0
where, Q = nq = charge of all dipole n = number of dipoles per unit volume
Ql = net dipole moment l = dipole length
If we put v = Al
Q.l Q
P  
A.l A
P = charge per unit area.

Q.15 Explain the effect of dielectric on capacity of capacitor.

Ans. Effect of dielectric on capacity:
Consider two parallel metal plate P1 and P2 each having area A separated by a small distance‘d’
with air as dielectric is given by
A 0
C air =          (I)
Let the space between two parallel plate is completely filled with a dielectric material of dielectric
constant K, Then capacity of same parallel plate capacitor
AK  0
Cd =          (II)
 d k
Cd  k Cair           (III)
Thus, capacity of a parallel plate capacitor with dielectric of dielectric constant ‘k’ is, dielectric
constant times capacity of a parallel plate capacitor with air as dielectric.
Let  be the surface charge density on plates of capacitor.

Page 39

Let  i be the surface charge density of induced charge of induced surface charge density. Hence, the
net surface charge density on each side of capacitor has a magnitude.
 net     i         (IV)
Then electric field between the plates of capacity without dielectric is

E0           (V)
 
 Eo 
Electric field between the plates of capacitor with dielectric is
 net    i
E            (VI)
0 0
Q  Qi  Q Qi 
E            (VII)   A ,  i  A 
A 0  
E 
Also E  0  [from eq. (V) ]          (VIII )
K 0 k
From (VI) and (VIII) we get
   i

0 k 0
 0   k 0  i k 0
 i k  0   k  0    0    0 (k  1)
  0 (k  1)
i 
k 0
 1
 i    1            ( I X)
 k
Electric charge on plates of capacitor without
Q  C0 V0  C0 E0 d
 V0 
 E0  d           (X)
 
When dielectric is inserted in the space between plates of capacitor, charge Q remains the same and
is given by
Q  Cd Vd  Cd Ed d          (XI)
Where C d = Capacitance of capacitor with dielectric
E d = Electric field in the space between plates filled with dielectric.
Thus C0 E0 d  Cd Ed d

Cd  C0           (XII)

Thus capacitance of capacitor is increased as the ratio of electric field without dielectric to the with
dielectric in the space between plates of capacitor is > 1.

Page 40

Q.16 Obtain an expression for capacity of parallel plate condenser. (Oct 2011)
Ans. Parallel Plate Condenser With Dielectric: A parallel plate
condenser consists of two, identical metallic plates P1and P2.The
plates are each of area A and they are arranged parallel to each
other at a short distance “d” apart. The space between the two
plates is filled with an insulating medium known as dielectric of
constant ‘K’. One of the plates (i.e. P2) is earthed.

Derivation: When a charge ‘ + Q’ is deposited on plate P1, an equal amount of negative charge, Q
is induced on earthed plate P2. This sets up a uniform electric field between the plates. The lines of
force, therefore originate from P1 and terminate at P2.
As the plates are very close to each other, the electric intensity near plates is given by –

E …… (i)
 0k

Where  = charge per unit area (surface charge density),

0 = permittivity of free space and K = dielectric constant of the medium
If A is the surface area of each plate, then surface charge density is given by,

  where Q = charge deposited on plate P1.
Substituting for  in equation (i)
E A E  …… (ii)
 0k A 0 k
The positive charges (+Q) on place P1 produces a potential difference ‘V’ with respect to plate
P2. Therefore, in uniform electric field the relation between intensity and potential difference is
given by
E  …….(iii)
Where V = p.d. between P1 and P2. d = distance between them.
From (ii) and (iii) we get,
Q V Q A 0 k Q
 Rearranging  but  C ....... capacity of the condenser.
A 0 k d V d V
A 0 k A 0
Ck   Cair 
d For air k = 1 d
 k
The capacity of a parallel plate condenser increases with increase in surface area A dielectric
constant k, but decreases with increase in plate separation.

Page 41

Q.17 Effect of dielectric on capacity of a parallel plate capacitor.

Ans. Effect of dielectrics on capacity: Let two parallel metal plates P1 and P2 each having area A
separated by a small distance “d” with air between the plates. The capacity of parallel plate
condenser with air as dielectric is given by:
A 0
Cair  …..(i)+

Let ‘ Cair ’ be the original capacity of the capacitor Cair  when dielectric material of
constant k is introduced between the plates of the capacitor then the molecules of dielectric are
polarized. The electric dipole moments due to each molecules are directed in same direction that
of original electric field (E0), but in opposite direction to the induced electric field (Ep). Thus
  
resultant electric field in dielectric is less than that of in air.  E  E0  E p

Now new electric field E  where V is new P.D. between plates, which is also less than the
original P.D.(V)., since E  E0
C'  increases as compared to C  .
V' V
Thus capacity (C) with dielectric is greater than capacity (Cair) with air.

Q. 18 Obtain an expression for energy stored in a charged condenser. (Oct 2010)

Ans. Energy of a Charged Condenser: The amount of work done on charging in condenser is
stored in the condenser is known as the energy of the condenser.
Consider a condenser of capacity ‘C’ and initially uncharged. When a condenser acquires
charge, its potential increases.
Consider a condenser of capacity C. While charging, let v be its potential due to the deposition
of charge q .
The capacity of the condenser is given by
q q
C   v 
v C
To deposit small additional charge dq, work has to be performed against electric potential v.
Hence work to be done ‘dW’ to deposit small additional charge dq is given by
dW = v. dq (Potential = Work / Charge)
dW = . dq
Therefore the total work done to charge the condenser fully i.e. from 0 to Q is given by –
Page 42

q 1 1  q2 
W =  dW  W   dq   q . dq  W   
C C 0
C  2 0
2 2
1 Q  Q
   0  W 
C  2  2C
When condenser fully charged, let V be the potential due to charge Q.
 C  and Q  CV
Q 2 C 2V 2 1
W    CV 2
2C 2C 2
1 Q 1
Also, W    V2
2 V 
   QV
The work done ‘W’ in charging is stored as electrical potential energy (U)
1 1 1  Q2 
 U (CV 2 )  (QV)   
2 2 2 C 

Q.19 What are different types of condensers?

Ans. Types Of Condensers:

Condensers are given various names depending upon their geometric shapes.
Consider three types:
Ak 0
(i) Parallel plate condenser. Its capacity is givan by C 
4   0 k ab
(ii) Spherical condenser. Its capacity given by C 
2  0 kl
(iii) Cylindrical condenser. Its capacity is given by C 
log e (b / a)
Where a and b denote the inner and outer radii, l denotes length of the cylinder.
(B) Condensers are also divided into various groups depending upon the material used as a
dielectric, e.g. paper condenser, mica condenser, ceramic condensers etc.
In a paper condenser, a long thin strip of paraffin – waxed paper is kept between two long tin
or aluminium strips and they are rolled to form a compact cylinder.
In mica and ceramic condensers, coatings of tin foil are arranged alternately with
sheets of mica or ceramic placed between them.
Note: Capacity of a spherical conductor:
C = 4  0 kr

Page 43

Q.20 Obtain an expression for effective capacitance of number of condensers arranged in series
Ans. Condensers In Series:

A number of condensers are said to be joined in series if they are joined end to end and each
condenser acquires the same charge.
In series combination, the plates of each condenser carries charges of same magnitude.
However, the potential difference across the whole combination is the sum of the potential
differences across individual condensers.
Consider three condensers of capacities C1, C2 and C3 connected in series across a cell of
terminal potential difference V.
When the cell deposits a charge + Q on the first plate of the first condenser, a charge Q is
induced in its second plate and a charge of + Q is induced on first plate of second condenser and
so on.
If V1, V2 and V3 are the potential drops across C1, C2 and C3 respectively, then the total
potential drop is given by –
V = V1 + V2 + V3 …….(i)
This is the terminal p.d. of the cell.
In series combination the charge on each condenser is same i.e. Q.
C1   V1  C2   V2  C3   V3 
V1 C1 V2 C2 V3 C3
Substituting in equation (i),
Q Q Q V 1 1 1
V        ……(ii)
C1 C2 C3 Q C1 C2 C3
If the three condensers are replaced by an effective condenser of capacity CS then for equivalent
or effective capacity Cs is given by
Q V 1
CS   
Substituting in (ii), we get,
1 1 1 1
  
CS C1 C2 C3
In general, when n condensers of capacity C1, C2, C3 …….. Cn are unconnected in series, then their
equivalent capacity is given by
1 1 1 1
   .........
CS C1 C 2 Cn

Thus when a number of condensers are connected in series, the reciprocal of their resultant
capacity is the sum of the reciprocals of their individual capacities.
The equivalent capacity will be less than the least value of individual capacity
Note: If ‘n’ identical condenser each of capacity ‘C’ are connected in series then Cs 

Page 44

Q.21 Obtain the expression for effective capacitance of a number of condensers arranged in parallel.
Ans. Condensers In Parallel: A number of condensers are
said to be joined in parallel if they are connected
between two common points, so that the potential
difference across each condenser is same. However,
each condenser acquires a charge depending on its
capacity. Consider three condensers of capacity C1 , C2,
C3 connected in parallel across a cell of terminal
potential difference V.One plate of each condenser is
connected to the positive terminal of the cell. If Q1, Q2 and Q3 are amounts of charge
accumulated by condenser C1, C2 and C3 respectively, then charge supplied by the cell is given
by – Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 ……(2)
In parallel combination p.d. across each condenser is same i.e. V. This is also the terminal
p.d. of the cell.
C1  1  Q1  C1 V
C2  2  Q2  C 2 V
C3  3  Q3  C3 V
Substituting in equation (1),

Q = C1 V + C2 V + C3 V
  C1  C2  C3 ……(ii)

If the three condensers are replaced by an equivalent condenser of capacity Cp, then for
equivalent or effective capacity,

CP  Substituting in (ii), we get,
Cp = C1 + C2 + C3

In general, when n condensers of capacity C1, C2, C3 ……. Cn are connected in parallel,
these equivalent capacity is given by

CP = C1 + C2 +C3 +……… + Cn
Thus when a number of condensers are joined in parallel, their effective capacity is
equal to sum of the capacities of the individual condensers. The equivalent capacity will be
higher than the highest value of the condenser.
Note: If ‘n’ identical condenser each of capacity ‘C’ are connected in parallel the Cp = nC
  n2

Page 45

Q.22 Explain with a neat diagram the construction and working of a Van de – Graff generator.
Ans. Van De Graff Generator:A device used to
(I) produce high electric potential of the order of 106 volt.
(II) accelerated charged m charge particles to very high energy.

Principle :
(I) A sharp pointed conductor with very high charge density makes the surrounding
air conducting and produces the discharge called as “Corona discharge”.
(II) When charged conductor is brought in contact with hollow conductor then it transfer the
charge to outer surface of hollow conductor.
Construction: It consists of
(I) A large hollow metal sphere‘s’ mounted on two insulating supports M1 and M2.
(II) A round belt of insulating material like silk or rubber is run over two pulleys p1 and p2. The
belt can run by the help of electric motor.
(III) The comb shaped conductors, C1 and C2 having number of metallic needles are mounted in
generator. Comb ‘C1 ’ is called emitter comb and ‘C2 ’ is as collector comb mounted at the
bottom and top of the generator respectively near the belt. Comb ‘C1’ is connected to high
positive potential w.r.t. earth using high tension source. Comb‘C2 ’ is connected to sphere
Working : Due to very high positive potential of comb ‘C1’, an air near the comb ionizes and
produces positive and negative ions. The positive ions are repelled towards the belt and spread
over it. These positive charges are carried up by the running belt and comes near the comb
‘C2’. Now due to electric induction, negative charges are induced on inner side of the sphere i.e.
comb C2 and positive charges are induced on the outer side (surface) of the sphere. As the belt
again gets positively charged at C1, the charge on outer surface of sphere build up continuously
and potential increases to maximum value. When sphere is charged to a sufficiently high
potential then it leaks the charge due to ionization action of surrounding air, to avoid this leakage
of charge, the generator is completely enclosed in a steel tank connected to earth and filled with
gas like methane or nitrogen at high pressure.

Page 46

The positive ions are introduced from ion source in the upper part of the evacuated accelerator
tube. These ions are accelerated in downward direction. Due to very high fall of potential the
positive ions acquire high energy. These charged particles are directed towards target (T)
1. Produces high potential of the order of few millions of volt.
2. Used to accelerate charged particles such as protons ,deuterons, α Particles.
3. In medicine such beams are used to treat cancer.
4. it is used in nuclear physics studies involving collision experiments for probing nucleus
structure ,producing different radioactive elements/ isotopes for carrying out nuclear reactions ,
nuclear disintegration.

Page 47

S.I. Units
1 n C
Gauss’ theorem for T.N.E.I = q
i 1

2 q  R2 N V
E outside a sphere, E   . or
4 0 kr 2  0 r 2 C m
3   R q N V
E outside a cylinder E   . Where   or
2 0 kr k  0 r l C m
4  N V
Electric intensity at a point near a charged conductor is given by E  where k is the or
k 0 C m
dielectric constant of the medium
5 Mechanical force per unit area on a charged conductor N/m2
F 2 F 1
(a)  (b)  E 2 k 0
ds 2k 0 ds 2
6 du 2 1 J/m3
Energy density   E 2 k 0
dv 2k 0 2
7 q Nm2/C
Number of lines (force) or electricity  
0 k
8. Q Farad (F)
Capacity of conductor C 
9. 1 q Volt
V 
4 0 k r
10. Ak 0 Farad (F)
Capacity of parallel plate condenser, C 
11. 1 1 1 Q2 Joule
Energy stored in a condenser dU  CV 2  QV
2 2 2 C
12. 1 1 1 Q2 Joule
work done in charging a condenser w  CV 2  QV 
2 2 2 C
13. The equivalent capacity of ‘n’ condenser connected in series Farad
1 1 1 1
   ..... 
CS C1 C2 Cn
14. The equivalent capacity of ‘n’ condensers connected in parallel Cp = C1 + C2 + …. Cn Farad
15.  0  8.85  10 12 C2/Nm2
17. V V  N
E   or 
d m C
18.  q
For air capacitor (a) Electric field Eair   N/C or V/m
k 0 A 0
q  A V Farad
(b) P.D. between the plates, Vair = Eaird (c) Capacitance Cair   0
Vair d
19. When space is filled completely with dielectric,
 0 AK CK
 CK   KC0 K 
d Cair

Page 48


Take:  0  8.85  10 12 C2/Nm2

1. A charge of 8.85 C is at the centre of a hollow sphere of radius 5 cm. Find the total normal electric
induction through the surface of the sphere. [Ans: 8.85 C]

2. Find the electric intensity due to a charged conducting cylinder of radius 0.2 m and having a charge
density of 50 C/m2 at a distance of one metre from its axis. [Ans : 1.13 × 106 V/m]

3. A conducting sphere of diameter 10 cm is charged to a potential of 25,000 V. Calculate the outward

normal force per unit area. [Ans : 1.1 N]

4. The energy density in an electric field is 8.91 × 10-7 J/m3 in vaccum. Find the intensity of electric
field. [Ans : 448.7 V/m]

5. Calculate the capacity of a condenser charged to a potential of 1000 V if the energy stored in
it is 10 J. [Ans : 20 F]
6. A parallel plate condenser having a capacity of 50  F is charged to a potential of 200 V. If the area
of each plate is 10 cm2, distance between the plates is 0.1 mm, find the energy per unit volume
between the plates. [Ans : 107 J/m3]

7. Two horizontal parallel plates, each of area 500 cm2, are mounted 2 mm apart in vacuum. The lower
plate is earthed and the upper one is given a positive charge of 0.05  C. Neglecting edge effects,
find the electric field strength between the plates and state its direction. Deduce:
(a) potential of the upper plate. (b) the capacitance of the system
(c) the energy stored in the system [Ans : 1.13 × 105 V/m; 226 V; 2.2 × 1010 F; 5.65 × 106 J]

8. The distance between the plates of a parallel plate condenser is 1 mm and the space is completely
filled with a medium of dielectric constant 10. The capacity of the condenser is 12  F. What will be
its capacity if the dielectric is removed? By how much should the distance between the plates be
changed to restore the capacity to its original value? [Ans: 1.2 F; decreases by 0.9 mm]

9. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is 50pF and the distance between the plates is 4 mm. It
is charged to 200 V and the charging battery is removed. Now a dielectric slab (K = 4) of thickness 2
mm is placed between the plates calculate (1) final charge on each plate (2) final p.d. between the
plates (3) final energy in the capacitor. [Ans : 108 C; 125 V; 6.25 × 107 J]

10. Three capacitors 10, 20, 40  F are connected in series with a 210 V battery. Find :
(a) Equivalent capacity (b) Charge on each
(c) Voltage across each capacitor [Ans:  F ;1200  C;120V ;60V ;30V ]

Page 49

11. Find the value of capacitance C if the equivalent capacitance between A and B is to be  F.
Values shown are in F.

[Ans : 4 F]

12. The capacities of three condensers are in ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Their equivalent capacity in parallel
combination is greater than when in series combination by F . Calculate individual capacities.
[Ans : 1F; 2F; 3F]

13. In van de Graaff generator the shell electrode is at 25 × 105V. The dielectric strength of the gas
surrounding the electrode is 5 × 107 V/m. Calculate the minimum radius of the spherical shell.
[Ans : 5 cm]
14. Two condensers, having capacitance of 1 F and 2 F are connected in parallel and a battery of
e.m.f. 30 V is connected across the combination, calculate 9a) the resultant capacitance of the
combination, and (b) the charge deposited on a plate of each condenser. [Ans: 3µF,30µC,60µC]

15. Two condensers, having capacitances of 10 F and 20 F, are connected in series with a battery of
e.m.f. 100 V. Calculate (a) the effective capacitance of the combination (b) the charge on a plate of
each condenser, and (c) the potential drop across each condenser.
20 2000
[Ans:  F ; C ; 66.66V ;33.33V ]
3 3
16. Two condensers, when connected in parallel, have a resultant capacitance of 9 F. When they are
connected in series, the resultant capacitance is 2F. Find the capacitances of the individual
[Ans:3F, 6 F]
17. A parallel plate air condenser has an area 2×10-4 m2 and separation between the two plate is 1mm .
Find its capacity.(ε= 8.85 ×10-12 c2/Nm2) (March 2008)

18. Energy stored in a charged capacitor of capacity 25pF is 4J. Find the charge on its plate.(oct 2008)
19. A parallel plate capacitor has circular plate, each of diameter 20 cm separated by a distance of 2mm.
The potential difference between the plates is maintain at 360v. calculate the capacitance and charge.
What is the intensity of electric field between the plate of capacitor? (K=1) ( Oct 2009)

20. A condenser of capacity 100μf is charged to a potential of 1Kv. Calculate the energy stored in the
condenser. (March 2010)

21. A capacitor carries a charge of 8 μf at a potential 400v. How much electrostatic energy stored in the
capacitor? ( March 2011)

Page 50

22. The surface density of charge on the spherical surface is 2.65× 10-9 c/m2. If the radius of sphere is
6.4× 106m. Find the charge carried by the sphere. ( Oct 2011)

23. Electrostatic energy of 3.5×10-4 J is stored in capacitor at 700v What is the charge on the capacitor ?
( March 2013) Ans ; 1 microcolumb.

24. The energy density at a point in the medium of dielectric constant 6 bis 26.55 × 106 J/m3. Calculate
Electric field intensity at a point. (ε= 8.85× 10-12 ) (Oct 2013) Ans; E= 109 N/C.

25. Two metal sphere having charge density 5 μc/m2 and -2 μc/m2 with radii 2mm and 1mm respectively
are kept in hypothetical closed surface. Calculate total normal electric induction over closed
surface.(Feb 15 , Ans; T.N.E.I. = 226.o x 10 – 12 c. ]

26. A conductor of any shape, having area 40 cm2 placed in air is uniformly charged with a charge 0.2μc.
determine the electric intensity at a point just outside its surface. Also find the mechanical force per unit
area of the charged conductor (ε=8.85× 10-12) (Feb2016, Ans: E= 5.650 x 106 v/m.]

27. A metal sphere of radius 1 cm is charged to a potential of 3000 V. Calculate the outward pull
per unit area. [Ans : 0.3983 N/m2]

28. The energy density in vacuum is 4.4425 × 10-8 J/m3. Find the intensity of electric field in that region.
[Ans : 100 V/m]

29. Assuming the expressions for the equivalent capacity of number of condensers in series(Cs) and parallel
(Cp) show that, Cp = n2Cs where n is the number of identical condensers.

30. Two condensers of capacities C1 and C2 are joined in series and this combination is joined in parallel
with a condenser of capacity C3. Show that the capacity of the system is
C (C  C3 )  C2C3
C 1 2
(C1  C2 )

31.A conductor of any shape, having area 40cm 2 placed in air is uniformly charged with a charge
0.2  C. Determine the electric intensity at a point just outside its surface. Also, find the mechanical force
per unit area of the charged conductor. 0  8.85  1012 S.I units  March 2016(Ans. f = 141.2N/m2)

Page 51

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