Water Resources HW1
Water Resources HW1
Water Resources HW1
Table 11.7.1 contains monthly runoff volumes for water years 1966 to 1970 for the
Little Weiser River near Indian Valley, Idaho. Construct the flow-duration curve using the
years 1967 to 1970 and determine the firm-yield for this site.
The firm yield of the river at this particular site is 506 ac-ft per month.
Accumulated Flow Volume (AF)
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00
Percentage of time equaled or exceeded (%)
Using the monthly flow data in Table 11.7.1 for the Little Weiser River, construct
the cumulative mass curve over a five-year period and determine the required active
storage capacity to produce a firm yield of 2500 ac-ft/month.
Time Flow Net Inflow Time Flow Net Inflow Time Flow Net Inflow
1 742 742 21 19630 99719 41 2800 173532
2 1060 1802 22 3590 103309 42 4590 178122
3 1000 2802 23 710 104019 43 21960 200082
4 1500 4302 24 518 104537 44 30790 230872
5 1080 5382 25 924 105461 45 14320 245192
6 6460 11842 26 1020 106481 46 2370 247562
7 10000 21842 27 874 107355 47 709 248271
8 13080 34922 28 1020 108375 48 528 248799
9 4910 39832 29 8640 117015 49 859 249658
10 981 40813 30 6370 123385 50 779 250437
11 283 41096 31 6720 130105 51 1250 251687
12 322 41418 32 13290 143395 52 11750 263437
13 404 41822 33 9290 152685 53 5410 268847
14 787 42609 34 1540 154225 54 5560 274407
15 2100 44709 35 915 155140 55 5610 280017
16 4410 49119 36 506 155646 56 24330 304347
17 2750 51869 37 886 156532 57 32870 337217
18 3370 55239 38 3040 159572 58 7280 344497
19 5170 60409 39 2990 162562 59 1150 345647
20 19680 80089 40 8170 170732 60 916 346563
Total Accumulated Flow
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (no. of months)
The required active storage capacity to produce a firm yield of 2500 ac-ft/month is
9723 ac-ft.
Use problem 11.7.2 to determine the active storage capacity required to produce
2,000 ac-ft/month firm yield by computing the cumulative difference between supply and
Time Flow Demand Diff. Kt-1 Kt Time Flow Demand Diff. Kt-1 Kt
1 742 2000 -1258 0 1258 31 6720 2000 4720 0 0
2 1060 2000 -940 1258 2198 32 13290 2000 11290 0 0
3 1000 2000 -1000 2198 3198 33 9290 2000 7290 0 0
4 1500 2000 -500 3198 3698 34 1540 2000 -460 0 460
5 1080 2000 -920 3698 4618 35 915 2000 -1085 460 1545
6 6460 2000 4460 4618 158 36 506 2000 -1494 1545 3039
7 10000 2000 8000 158 0 37 886 2000 -1114 3039 4153
8 13080 2000 11080 0 0 38 3040 2000 1040 4153 3113
9 4910 2000 2910 0 0 39 2990 2000 990 3113 2123
10 981 2000 -1019 0 1019 40 8170 2000 6170 2123 0
11 283 2000 -1717 1019 2736 41 2800 2000 800 0 0
12 322 2000 -1678 2736 4414 42 4590 2000 2590 0 0
13 404 2000 -1596 4414 6010 43 21960 2000 19960 0 0
14 787 2000 -1213 6010 7223 44 30790 2000 28790 0 0
15 2100 2000 100 7223 7123 45 14320 2000 12320 0 0
16 4410 2000 2410 7123 4713 46 2370 2000 370 0 0
17 2750 2000 750 4713 3963 47 709 2000 -1291 0 1291
18 3370 2000 1370 3963 2593 48 528 2000 -1472 1291 2763
19 5170 2000 3170 2593 0 49 859 2000 -1141 2763 3904
20 19680 2000 17680 0 0 50 779 2000 -1221 3904 5125
21 19630 2000 17630 0 0 51 1250 2000 -750 5125 5875
22 3590 2000 1590 0 0 52 11750 2000 9750 5875 0
23 710 2000 -1290 0 1290 53 5410 2000 3410 0 0
24 518 2000 -1482 1290 2772 54 5560 2000 3560 0 0
25 924 2000 -1076 2772 3848 55 5610 2000 3610 0 0
26 1020 2000 -980 3848 4828 56 24330 2000 22330 0 0
27 874 2000 -1126 4828 5954 57 32870 2000 30870 0 0
28 1020 2000 -980 5954 6934 58 7280 2000 5280 0 0
29 8640 2000 6640 6934 294 59 1150 2000 -850 0 850
30 6370 2000 4370 294 0 60 916 2000 -1084 850 1934
The required active storage capacity to produce a firm yield of 2000 ac-ft/month is
7223 ac-ft.