DF Bill
DF Bill
DF Bill
wr.,i{TlE\ie. i,ri: ji i :;
- EIe**ricity
2 Nov 19 - 31 Jan 20
r- Amounts incJude GST unless othenxise specified
lsgua date
3 {:eb ?8
Your indiratirc greenhouse gas emissions You can compare plans from other retailers
Tcal forthis bill 05 tohnes $*4"2s by going to the Mctorian EnergBr Compara
N/A website compare,energy.vic.g ov.au
Same time last year
Sa*ed with GreenPor,ver N/A
Frdd!ffi*diqw*ue q6s*ffi * COSTPEE B*Y
origirwgy*mru o rritdrcric.gaw.
IBI sexnxq-DPAY,
ffi co.raroyour bank orfinanqal
automatic payment of firture accounts" Holdings Umited, Private Bag 14825 anstitution to rnake this
Melboume Mc 8O01 Payment from your cheque,
trs onHAsTEnGtnDsr savings, debit, credit card' or
Cdl ISOO 658 ?83 ovisit H FEnSOta transaction accounl
originenergy.com-au/paymor Payat arqr Post 0ffice"' More info: ww.hpatr.comru
'cdd?.lFrg6f€rsyaPr&ibtrEEtdpqrtd*&ndCSfld*rradfyeO26*1l.lrcdOJ?lxkreeadMpO60(F{xeqdo72%} frtlSWqmO-4Sif p<rE*n*
*Asdapo* FedffiH CdrdiiEarFry-+PqFdf F.*egf@afl,pligls€fs2.O0r049**qrrryly'{e6d }asilrl} o7*hEEBrgc(sr{iqrLed$N }}O?l O52 247
Page 2 of 4
Current balence
(ind netGST &args of 526.93) @ wr;te to us (no payments) Origin
Elergy Custotner Contact Centr-e,
GPO 8or 119!t. ldcleide SA 5{X}1
PAYMENTS RECEIVED O Sdar, sforage and hot lrecr
Foremergenqr hot water, battery and
solar sales, installation, seruice and billing
enquiries call 13O0 791 458.
Payment assistance
!l€t!r r€.d l{exe foilling date Pryrrert e*ersiom, special pryrrents,
Actrral 3 r,c*;i:{si instdrnertdans and the LJdlaty Re6ef Grant
Schene are available if you need it - call us
Period: 2 Nov 19 - 31 Jan 20 (91 days) on 13 Zil6l fordetails
Your ratq Winner ToU GFUGL -
t{.tidrl ncfry Se,rvice
Peak 7 am-11 pm Monday to Friday I Off peak all other times. Times are AEST and not lf you have a hearing or speech impairmenq
adiusted for daytight savirgs. contactus*rough the Naional Re@
Servke- For nrore inforrnatiorr visit
Meter ns Urage ffpe Fradoueread Canr!fttread Ugage (hrrhl w*.rclryscndce.!to\r.au
Peak 1698:?19 ?.221.L41 225.44A
Nced an irterplreter?
Off-Peai< 1598"719 2221.L41 296.974 Call 13OO 137 427
Total kWh 522_422
- .LirInP .r* crlill :ri:1"11 i.+iJl a.*i
Amount Ssvtcio Tdet$srbo da lr*drpc*es paE otr kllorc.
usage(kwh) Pq lingE otre S*izio
rrffffr, {ind Gsr} d'
afl'rngl}€Ee cqylaftale il
lntgp{etsiats Ia*atsrco
2,lor19 - 3I D€(19 {ffidaysl D-lcJl vu h6o, dirr {€ dlgr tl,Eei cfio nhr.,ng +gOn agf
khAc ffi6ng phei sgng Anh"
fnAsr{dvrr4 Yn4perio ya d.iEq ytuinmq
treak Usage L37.171 44.836 c/AWr' 551.59 eroq r$oyyl(4q. ^rEpt,lvary
p.&Y?4SrdT St-Ip
(inct GsTl
(incl GSTI
l.a: ; ;\ :.t r 'i I L: i;-r lt i'
T+r !nv+ir*
!Jaa 7A - 3lJanfr (3r&p|: oricedr,rye lII rir*li:it:i::'
Cltargcs :;:ur ri:i;
Peak Usage 88.077 48.51 c/kwh 542.73 :, ::.,,:. : :,
Off-Peak Usage 103-705 29.70 ell<!,;ith s30.80
Supply Charge 159.88 c/Day s49.56
EXscorrrts and Rebatcs
Guaranteed usage discount t15%) 51LJ7 CR
M*ter r*ad
hlext billirg date
- 3 rircnrh{s}
14:irr::,- i::,--.-:-..- --.-, ^ Crrre*.rcad E.port{kwh}
I 5A37-2A 2256-1
Further to the email or letter we senq here's some more detail about the reason for the change-
Origin decided that our electicity prices hd to change on 1 January 2O2O. ard for custoners
getting a price increase. this is mainlyr due to an increase in ndwork cfiarges and \,vholesale
electricity costs. For other customers, you can find out more at origin.nrgy.cqn..ry'
Corng*ing nctdlrrr sErgyl plru
You can cornpare Electricityr and Natural Gas plans from other retailers by going to tle
M<torian Energy Corrpare weecite mmn*r.:rrqU.yicqo.*