Metals and alloys are used as fabrication or construction materials in engineering. If the
metals or alloy structures are not properly maintained, they deteriorate slowly by the action of
atmospheric gases, moisture and other chemicals. This phenomenon of destruction of metals and
alloys is known as corrosion.
Corrosion of metals is defined as the spontaneous destruction of metals in the course of their
chemical, electrochemical or biochemical interactions with the environment. Thus, it is exactly the
reverse of extraction of metals from ores.
Native State: The metals exist as such in the earth crust then the metals are present in a native state.
Native state means free or uncombined state. These metals are non -reactive in nature. They are
noble metals which have very good corrosion resistance. Example: Au, Pt, Ag, etc.,
Combined State: Except noble metals, all other metals are highly reactive in nature which
undergoes reaction with their environment to form stable compounds called ores and minerals. This
is the combined state of metals. Example: Fe2O3, ZnO, PbS, CaCO3, etc.,
Metallic Corrosion: The metals are extracted from their metallic compounds (ores). During the
extraction, ores are reduced to their metallic states by applying energy in the form of various
processes. In the pure metallic state, the metals are unstable as they are considered in excited st ate
(higher energy s tate). Therefore as soon as the metals are extracted from their ores, the reverse
process begins and form metallic compounds, which are thermodynamically stable (lower energy
state). Hence, when metals are used in various forms, they are exposed to envir onment, the
exposed metal surface begin to decay (conversion to more stable compound). This is the basic
reason for metallic corrosion.
Metal Metallic Compound + Energy
Metallurgy -Reduction
Although corroded metal i s thermodynamically more stable than pure metal but due to
corrosion, useful properties of a metal like malleability, ductility, hardness, luster and electrica l
conductivity are lost.
This type of corrosion is due to the direct chemical attack of metal surfaces by the
atmospheric gases such as oxygen, halog en, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen or
anhydrous inorganic liquid, etc. The chemical corrosion is defined as the direct chemical attack of
metals by the atmospheric gases present in the environment.
Oxidation Corrosion is brought about by the direct attack of oxygen at low or high
temperature on metal surfaces in the absence of moisture. Alkali metals (Li, Na, K et c.,) and alkaline
earth metals (Mg, Ca, Sn, etc.,) are rapidly oxidized at low temperature. At high temperature,
almost all metals (except Ag, Au and Pt) are oxidized. The reactions of oxidation corrosion are as
1) Oxidation takes place at the surface of the metal forming metal ions M2+
M → M 2+ + 2e-
2) Oxygen is converted to oxide ion (O 2-) due to the transfer of electrons from metal.
n/ 2 O 2 + 2n e- → n O2-
3) The overall reaction is of oxide ion reacts with the metal ions to form metal oxide film.
2 M + n/ 2 O 2 → 2 M n+ + nO2-
The Nature of the Oxide formed plays an important part in oxidation corrosion process.
Metal + Oxygen → Metal oxide (corrosion product)
When oxidation starts, a thin layer of oxide is formed on the metal surface and the nature of
this film deci des the further action. If the film is
(i) Stable layer:
A Stable layer is fine grained in structure and can get adhered tightly to the parent
metal surface. Hence, such layer can be of impervious nature (ie., which cuts -off penetration of
attaching oxygen to the underlying metal). Such a film behaves as protective coating in nature,
thereby shielding the metal surface. The oxide films on Al, Sn, Pb, Cu, Pt, etc., are stable, tight ly
adhering and impervious in nature.
Thus, alkali and alkaline earth metals (like Li, K, Na, Mg ) form oxides of volume less than the
volume of metals. Consequently, the oxide layer faces stress and strains, thereby developing cracks
and pores in its structure. Porous oxide scale permits free access of oxygen to the underlying met al
surface (through cracks and pores) for fresh action and thus, co rrosion continues non -stop.
Metals like Aluminium forms oxide, whose volume is greater than the volume of metal.
Consequently, an extremely tightly -adhering non-porous layer is formed. Due to the absence of
any pores or cracks in the oxide film, the ra te of oxidation rapidly decreases to zer o.
1) Hydrogen Embrittlement:
Loss in ductility of a material in the presence of hydrogen is known as hydrogen
embrittlement .
This type of corrosion occurs when a metal is exposed to hydrogen environment. Iron
liberates atomic hydrogen with hydrogen sulphide in the following way.
Fe + H2S → FeS + 2H
Hydrogen diffuses into the metal matrix in this atomic form and gets collected in the voids
present inside the metal. Further, diffusion of atomic hydrogen makes them combine with each
other and forms hydrogen gas.
H +H → H2↑
Collection of these gases in the voids develops very high pressure, causing cracking or
blistering of metal.
2) Decarbur isation:
The presence of carbon in steel gives sufficient strength to it. But when steel is exposed to
hydrogen environment at high temperature, atomic hydrogen is formed.
H2 Heat 2H
Atomic hydrogen reacts with the carbon of the steel and produce s methane gas.
C + 4H → CH4
Hence, the carbon content in steel is decreases. The process of decrease in carbon content in
steel is known as decarburization.
Collection of methane gas in the voids of steel develops high pressure, which causes
cracking. Thus, steel loses it s strength.
At anodic area oxidation reaction takes place (liberation of free electron), so anodic metal is
destroyed by either dissolving or assuming combined state (such as oxide, etc.). Hence corrosion
always occurs at a nodic areas.
M (metal) → M n+ + n e-
M n+ (metal ion) → Dissolves in solution
→ forms compounds such as oxide
At cathodic area, reduction reaction takes place (gain of electrons), usually cathode reactions
do not affect the cathode, since most metals cannot be further reduced. So at cathodic part,
dissolved constituents in the conducting medium accepts the electrons to form some ions like OH -
and O2-.
Cathodic reaction consumes electrons with either by
(a) evolution of hydrogen or
(b) absorp tion of oxygen, depending on the nature of the corrosive environment
All metals above hydrogen in the electrochemical series have a tendency to get dissolved in
acidic solution with simultaneous evolution of hydrogen.
It occurs in acidic environment. Consider the example of iron
These electrons flow through the metal, from anode to cathode, where H+ ions of acidic
solution are eliminated as hydrogen gas.
At cathode: 2 H+ + 2 e- → H2↑
Oxygen Absorption Type:
Rusting of iron in neutral aqueous solution of electrolytes (like NaCl s olution) in the presence of
atmospheric oxygen is a common example of this type of corrosion. The surface of iron is usually
coated with a thin film of iron oxide. However, if this iron oxide film develops some cracks, anodi c
areas are created on the sur face; while the well metal parts acts as cathodes.
Fe → Fe2+ + 2e-
½ O 2 + H2O + 2 e- → 2OH-
The Fe2+ ions and OH- ions diffuse and when they meet, ferrous hydroxide is precipitated.
(i) If enough oxygen is present, ferrous hydroxide is easily oxidized to ferric hydroxide.
4Fe(OH) 2 +O2 + 2H2O → 4Fe(OH) 3 (Yellow rust Fe 2O3.H2O)
(ii) If the supply of oxygen is limited, the corrosion product may be even black anhydrous
magnetite, Fe 3O4.
Difference between (dry) chemical and (wet) electrochemical corrosion:
Galvanic Corrosion:
When two dissimilar metals (eg., zinc and copper) are electrically connected a nd exposed to
an electrolyte, the metal higher in electrochemical series undergoes corrosion. In this process, th e
more active metal (with more negative electrode potential) acts as a anode while the less active
metal (with less negative electrode potential) acts as cathode.
In the above example, zinc (higher in electrochemical series ) forms the anode and is attacked
and gets dissolved; whereas copper (lower in electrochemical series or more noble)acts as cathode.
Mechanism: In acidic solution, the corrosion occurs by the hydrogen evolution process; while
in neutral or slightly alkaline solution, oxygen absorption occurs. The electron -current flows from
the anode metal, zinc to the cathode metal, copper .
Zn Zn 2+ + 2e- (Oxidation)
Thus it i s evident that the corrosion occurs at the anode metal; while the cathodic part is
protected from the attack.
Example: (i) Steel screws in a brass marine hardware (ii)Lead -antimony solder around
copper wise; (iii) a steel propeller shaft in bronze bear ing (iv Steel pipe connected to copper
Concentration Cell Corrosion:
Examples: i) The metal part immersed in water or in a conducting liquid is called water line
ii) The metal part partially buried in soil.
Explanation: If a metal is partially immersed in a conducting solution the metal part above the
solution is more aerated and becomes cathodic. The metal part inside the solution is less aerated a nd
thus becomes anodic and suffers corrosion.
At anode: Corrosion occurs (less aerated) M M 2+ + 2e-
Pitting Corrosion:
Pitting is a localized attack, which results in the formation of a hole around which the metal is
relatively unattacked.
The mechanism of this corrosion involves setting up of differe ntial aeration or concentration
Metal area covered by a drop of water, dust, sand, scale etc. is the aeration or concentration
Pitting corrosion is explained by considering a drop of water or brine solution (aqueous
The area covered by the drop of salt solution as less oxygen and acts as anode. This area
suffers corrosion, the uncovered area acts as cathode due to high oxygen content.
It has been found that the rate of corrosion wil l be more when the area of cathode is larger
and the area of the anode is smaller. Hence there is more material around the small anodic area
results in the formation hole or pit.
At anode: Fe is oxidized to Fe2+ and releases electrons.
Fe Fe2+ +2e-
The above mechanisms can be confirmed by using ferroxyl indicator (a mixture containing
phenolphthalein and pota ssium ferricyanide). Since OH - ions are formed at the cathode, this area
imparts pink colour with phenolphthalein indicator. At the anode, iron is oxidized to Fe2+ which
combines with ferricyanide and shows blue colour.
Crevice corrosion:
If a crevice ( a crack forming a narrow opening) between metallic and non -metallic material is
in contact with a liquid, the crevice becomes anodic region and undergoes corrosion. Hence,
oxygen supply to the crevice is less. The exposed area has high oxygen supply a nd acts as cathode.
Bolts, nuts, rivets, joints are examples for this type of corrosion.
Pipeline corrosion:
Buried pipelines or cables passing from one type of soil (clay less aerated) to another soil
(sand more aerated) may get corroded due to dif ferential aeration.
A wire fence is one in which the areas where the wires cross (anodic ) are less aerated than
the rest of the fence (cathodic). Hence corrosion takes place at the wire crossing.
Corrosion occurring under met al washers and lead pipeline passing through clay to
cinders(ash) are other examples.
There are two factors that influence the rate of corrosion. Hence a knowledge of these
factors and the mechanism with which they affec t the corrosion rate is essential because the rate of
corrosion is different in d ifferent atmosphere.
a) Physical state: The rate of corrosion is influenced by physica l state of the metal (such as
grain size, orientation of crystals, stress, etc). The smaller the grain size of the metal or alloy ,
the greater will be its solubility and hence greater will be its corrosion. Moreover, areas
under stress, even in a pure me tal, tend to be anodic and corrosion takes place at these areas.
b) Purity of metal: Impurities in a metal cause heterogeneity and form minute/ tiny
electrochemical cells (at the exposed parts), and the anodic parts get corroded. The cent
percent pure metal will not undergo any type of corrosion. For example, the rate of corrosion
of aluminium in hydrochloric acid with increase in the percentage impurity is noted.
% purity of aluminium 99.99 99.97 99.2
Relative rate of corrosion 1 1000 30000
d) Nature of surface film: In aerated atmosphere, practically all metals get covered with a th in
surface film (thickness=a few angstroms) of metal oxide. The ratio of the volumes of the
metal oxide to the metal is known as a specific volume ratio. Greater the specific volume
ratio, lesser is the oxidation corrosion rate. The specific volume rati os of Ni, Cr and W are
1.6, 2.0 and 3.6 respectively. Consequently the rate of oxidation of tungsten is least, even at
elevated temperatures..
e) Relative areas of the anodic and cathodic parts: When two dissimilar metals or alloys are in
contact, the corr osion of the anodic part is directly proportional to the ratio of areas of the
cathodic part and the anodic part.
Corrosion is more rapid and severe, and highly localized, if the anodic area is small (eg., a
small steel pipe fitted in a large copper tank) , because the current density at a smaller anodic
area is much greater and the demand for electrons can be met by smaller anodic areas only by
undergoing corrosion more brisky.
f) Position in galvanic series:
g) Passive character of metal :
h) Solubility of corrosion products:
i) Volatility of corrosion products :
increasing the pH o f the attacking environment, eg., Zn (which is rapidly corroded, even
in weakly acidic solutions such as carbonic acid suffers minimum corrosion at pH=11.
f) Nature of ions present:
g) Conductance of the corroding medium :
h) Formation of oxygen concentration cell :
i) Flow velocity of process stream :
j) Polarization of electrodes :
As the corrosion process is very harmful and losses incurred are tremendous, it becomes
necessary to minimize or control corrosion of metals. C orrosion can be stopped completely only
under ideal conditions. But the attainment of ideal conditions is not possible. However, it is pos sible
only to minimize corrosion considerably. Since the types of corrosion are so numerous and the
conditions under which corrosion occurs are so different, diverse methods are used to control
corrosion. As the corrosion is a reaction between the metal or alloy and the environment, any
method of corrosion control must be aimed at either modifying the metal or the env ironment.
1. The first choice is to use noble metals such as gold and platinum. They are most
resistant to corrosion. As they are precious, they cannot be used for general purposes.
2. The next choice is to use purest possib le metal. But in many cases, it is not possible to
produce a metal of high chemical purity. Hence, even a trace amount of impurity leads
to corrosion.
3. Thus, the next choice is the use of corrosion resistant alloys. Several corrosion
resistant alloys hav e been developed for specific purposes and environment. For
example, a) Stainless steel containing chromium produce an exceptionally coherent
oxide film which protects the steel from further attack. (b) Cupro -nickel (70% Cu +
30%Ni) alloys are now used for condenser tubes and for bubble trays used in
fractionating column in oil refineries. (c) Highly stressed Nimonic alloys (Ni -Cr- Mo
alloys) used in gas turbines are very resistant to hot gases.
b. Proper Designing:
Proper geometrical design plays a vital role in the control of corrosion of equipments and
structures. The general guidelines of the design of materials and components to control
corrosion are the following:
d. When two dissimilar metals are to be in contact, the anodic area must be as large as
possible and the cathodic area should be as small as possible.
e. As far as possible, crevices (gap or crack) should be avoided between adjacent
parts of a structure.
f. Bolts and rivets should be replaced by proper welding
g. Metal washers should be replaced by rubber or plastic washers as they do not
adsorb water. They also act as insulation.
h. Corrosion in pipelines can be prevented by using smooth bends.
i. Heat treatment like annealing minimizes the stress corrosion.
j. A good design of water storage container is the one from which water can be
drained and cleaned easily. Such a design avoids accumulation of dirt etc.
In this method, the metallic structure to be protected is made cathode by connection it with
more active metal (anodic metal). Hence, all the corrosion will concentrate only on the active meta l.
The parent structure is thus protected. The more active metal so employed is called sacrificial anode.
The corroded sacrificial anode block is replaced by a fresh one. Metals commonly employed as
sacrificial anodes are magnesium, zinc, aluminium and their alloys . Magnesium has the most
negative potential and can provide highest current output and hence is widely used in high resistivi ty
electrolytes like soil.
In this method, an impressed current is applied in opposite directio n to nullify the corrosion
current and convert the corroding metal from anode to cathode.
Usually the impressed current is derived from a direct current sources (like battery or rectifier
on AC line) with an imsoluble, inert anode (like graphite, scrap iron, stainless steel, platinum or high
silica iron).
A sufficient DC current is applied to an inert anode, buried in the soil (or immersed in the
corroding medium) and connected to the metallic structure to be protected. The anode is, usually, a
back fill, composed of coke breeze or gypsum, so as to increase the electrical contact with the
surrounding soil.
Impressed current cathodic protection has been applied to open water box coolers, water
tanks, buried oil or water pipes, condensers, transmission line towers, marine piers, laid up ships etc.
This kind of protection technique is particularly useful for large structures for long term
Comparison of Sacrificial anode method with Impressed current cathodic method:
i) Deaeration:
Fresh water contains dissolved oxygen. The presence of increased amount of oxygen is
harmful and increases the corrosion rate. Deaer ation involves the removal of dissolved oxygen by
increase of temperature together with mechanical agitation. It also removes dissolved carbon
dioxide in water
ii) By using inhibitors:
Inhibitors are organic or inorganic substances which decrease the r ate of corrosion. Usually
the inhibitors are added in small quantities to the corrosive medium. Inhibitors are classified int o
1) Anodic inhibitors (chemical passivators)
2) Cathodic inhibitors (adsorption inhibitors)
3) Vapour phase inhibitors (volatile corrosio n inhibitors)
Anodic Inhibitors:
Inhibitors which retard the corrosion of metals by forming a sparingly soluble compound with
a newly produced metal cations. This compound will then adsorb on the corroding metal surface
forming a passive film or barrier . Anodic inhibitors are used to repair
a) the crack of the oxide film over the metal surface
b) the pitting corrosion
c) the porous oxide film formed on the metal surface.
Examples: Chromate, phosphate, tungstate, nitrate, molybdate etc.
Cathodic Inhibitors:
Depending on the nature of the cathodic reaction in an electrochemical corrosion, cathodic
inhibitors are classified into
a) In an acidic solution: the main cathodic reaction is the liberation of hydrogen gas, the
corrosion can be controlled by slowing down the diffusion of H+ ions through the
cathode. Eg., Amines, Mercaptans, Thiourea etc.
2 H + + 2 e- H2
These are organic inhibitors which are readily vapourised and form a protective layer on the
metal surface.
These are conveniently used to prevent corrosion in closed spaces, storage containers,
packing materials, sophisticated equipments etc.
Examples are Dicyclohexylammonium nitrate, dicyclohexyl ammonium chromate,
benzotriazole, phenylthiourea etc.
1. Used in acid coolers in dilute sulphuric acid plants
2. used in storage tanks for sulphuric acid
3. used in chromium in contact with hydrofluoric acid
1. This method cannot be applied in the case of corrosive medium containing aggressive
2. This cannot be applied if protection breaks down at any point, it is difficult to reestablish.
In order to protect metals from corrosion, it is necessary to cover the surface by means of
protective coatings. These coatings act as a physical barrier between the coated metal surface and
the environment. They affor d decorative appeal and impart special properties like hardness,
oxidation resistance and thermal insulation.
Protective coatings can be broadly classified into two types. They are
1. Inorganic coatings 2) Organic coatings
Inorganic coatings are further classified into two types. They are
i) Metallic coating :
1. Hot dipping- Galvanising, Tinning
2. Metal cladding
3. Cementation-Sherardising, Chromising, Calorising
4. Electroplating.
ii) Non-metallic coating:
1. Surface coating or chemical conversion coating – Chromate coating,
Phosphate coating and Oxide coating.
2. Anodising
3. Enamel coating or Vitreous or Porcelain coating .
Paint is a viscous, opa que (not clear), mechanical dispersion mixture of one or more pigments
(dye) in a vehicle (drying oil).
Constituents of paint:
a) Pigment
b) Vehicle or medium or dr ying oil
c) Thinner
d) Driers
e) Fillers or Extenders
f) Plasticizers
g) Antiskinning agents
a) Pigment:
It is a solid substance which imparts colour to the paint. It is an essential constituent of a pain t.
Its functions are to
i) Give opacity(cloudiness) and c olour to the film
ii) Provide strength to the paint
iii) Provide an aesthetical appeal
iv) Give protection to the paint film by reflecting UV light.
v) Increase weather resistance of the film
vi) Provide resistance to paint film against abrasi on.
The most commonly used pigments in paints and the compounds required as as follows:
White pigments - White lead, ZnO, BaSO 4, TiO2, ZrO 2
Blue pigments - Prussian blue, ultramarine blue
Black pigments - Graphite, carbon black, lamp black
Red pigments - Red lead, Fe3O4, carmine
Green pigments - Chromium oxide, chrome green
Brown pigments - Burnt umber, ochre
Yellow pigments - Chrome yellow, lead chromate
c) Thinners
Thinners are volatile substances which evaporate easily after application of the paint. They
are added to the paints for reducing the viscosity of the paints so th at they can be easily applied to
the metal surface. Eg., Dipentine, turpentine, toluol, xylol.
i) To reduce the viscosity of the paint
ii) To dissolve vehicle and the additives in the vehicle
iii)To suspend the pigments
iv) To increas e the penetration power of the vehicle
v) To increase the elasticity of the paint film
vi)To help the drying of the paint film.
d) Driers:
These are the substances used to accelerate the process of drying. They are oxygen carrier
catalysts. Eg., Naphth enates, linoleates, borates, resonates and tungstates of heavy metals (Pb, Zn,
Co, Mn).
i) To accelerate the drying of the oil film through oxidation, polymerization and
ii) To improve the drying quality of the oil film.
e) Extenders or Fillers:
These are the inert materials which improve the properties of the paint. Eg., Gypsum, chalk,
silica, talc, clay, CaCO 3, CaSO4.
i) To fill the voids (empty space or any curved area) in the film
ii) To act as a car rier for the pigment color.
iii)To reduce the cost of the paint
iv) To increase the durability of the paint
v) To reduce the cracking of dry paint
vi) To increase random arrangement of pigment particles.
f) Plasticisers:
These are added to the paint to provide elasticity to the film and to minimize its crack. Eg.,
Triphenyl phosphate, dibutyl tartarate, tributyl phthalate, tricresyl phosphate, diamyl phthalate.
g) Antiskinning agents:
These are sometimes added to some paints to prevent gel ling and skinning of the finished
product. Eg., Polyhydroxy phenols.
1) Hot dipping:
It is used for producing a coating of low -melting metals such as Zn (m.p.=419 deg C), Sn
(m.p.=232 deg C), Pb, Al etc., on iron, steel and copper which have relatively hi gher melting points.
The process in immersing the base metal in a bath of the molten coating -metal, covered by a molten
flux layer (usually zinc chloride).
2) Galvanizing:
It is the process of coating iron or steel sheets with a thin coat of zinc to pr event them from
rusting. The process is iron or steel article is first cleaned with dil. Sulphuric acid and washed with
distilled water and dried. The dried metal is dipped in bath of molten zinc, now the thin layer of zinc
is coated on the iron or steel article.
3) Metal cladding:
It is the process by which a dense, homogeneous layer of coating metal is bonded firmly and
permanently to the base metal on one or both sides. Corrosion resistant metals like nickel, copper,
lead, silver, platinum and allo ys like SS, nickel alloys, copper alloys, lead alloys can be used as
cladding materials.
4) Tinning:
It is a method of coating tin over the iron or steel articles. The process is first treating ste el
sheet in dilute sulphuric acid and it is passed t hrough a flux (ZnCl 2), next steel passes through a tank
of molten tin and finally through a series of rollers from underneath (bottom of) the surface of a
layer of palm oil.
Electroplating is a coating technique. It is the most important and most frequently applied
industrial method of producing metallic coating.
Electroplating is the process by which the coating metal is deposited on the base metal by
passing a direct current through an electrolytic solution conta ining the soluble salt of the coating
The base metal to be plated is made cathode whereas the anode is either made of the coating
metal itself or an inert material of good electrical conductivity (like graphite).
The article is to be plated first t reated with organic solvent like carbon tetrachloride, acetone,
tetrachloro ethylene to remove oils, greases etc. Then it is made free from surface scale, oxides, etc.
by treating with dil. HCl or H 2SO4 (acid pickling). The cleaned article is then made a s the cathode of
the electrolytic cell. The anode is either the coating metal itself or an inert material of good el ectrical
conductivity. The electrolyte is a solution of soluble salt of the coating metal.
When direct current is passed, coating metal i ons migrate to the cathode and get deposited
there. Thus, a thin layer of coating metal is obtained on the article made as the cathode.
In order to get strong, adherent and smooth deposit, certain types of additives (glue, gelatin,
boric acid) are added to the electrolytic bath.
In order to improve the brightness of the deposit, brightening agents are added in the
electrolytic bath.
The favourable conditions for a good electrodeposit are
i) Optimum temperature ii) Optimum current density iii) Low met al ion
Gold Electroplating:
Anode: Gold
Cathode: Metal article
Electrolyte: Gold + KCN
Temperature: 60 deg C.
Current density (mA cm -2): 1 -10
Electroless plating is a newer technique of depositing a noble metal from its salt solution on a
catalytically active surface of the metal to be protected by using a suitable reducing agent without
using electrical energy.
The reducing agent reduces the metal ions into metal which gets plated over the catalytically
activated surface giving a uniform and thin coating.
The surface to be plated is first degreased by using orga nic solvents or alkali, followed by acid
i) The surface of the stainless steel is activated by dipping in hot solutionof 50 % dilute
sulphuric acid.
ii) The surface of magnesium alloy is activated by thin coating of zinc or copper over it.
iii) Metals (Al, Cu, Fe) and alloys like brass can be directly nickel plated without activation.
iv) Non metallic articles like plastics, glass are activated by dipping them in the solution
containing SnCl 2 +HCl, followed by dipping in palladium ch loride solution. On drying,
a thin layer of palladium is formed on the surface.
Sl. No. Nature of the compound Name of the compound Quantity (g/ L)
1/ Coating solution Nickel chloride (NiCl 2) 20
2/ Reducing agent Sodium hypophosphite (NaH 2PO2) 20
3/ Complexing agent Sodium succinate 15
4/ Buffer Sodium acetate 10
5/ Optimum pH 4.5 --
6/ Optimum temperature 93 deg C --
The pretreated object is immersed in the plating bath for the required time. The following
reactions occur and nickel gets coated over the object.
At cathode: Ni 2+ + 2 e- Ni
1) It is used extensively in electronic appliances.
2) It is used in domestic as well as automotive fields (eg., jewellery, tops of perfume bottles).
3) Its polymers are used in decorative and functional works.
4) Its plastic cabinets are used in dig ital as well as electronic instruments.
1) Jain and Jain, Engineering Chemistry, 15 th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
2) S.S. Dara, Engineering Chemistry, 1st Edition, S. Chand & Co, New Delhi.
Model Questions (2 Marks)
1) Define corrosion.
2) What is meant by rusting of iron?
3) What is wet corrosion?
4) State Pilling - Bedworth rule.
5) Define water line corrosion.
6) What is pitting corrosion?
7) What is galvanic corrosion?
8) The rate of metallic corrosion inc reases with increase in temperature. Give reason.
9) Differentiate chemical and electrochemical corrosion.
10) What is differential aeration corrosion?
11) Mention the factors influencing corrosion.
12) What is corrosion control and why is it required ?
13) Write a small note on cathodic protection.
14) Write a small note on anodic protection.
15) What should be the nature of the corrosion product to prevent further corrosion?
16) What are the important constituents of paint?
17) Bolt and nut made of the same metal is preferred in practice. Why?
18) What is metal cladding?
19) Why coating of zinc on iron is called sacrificial anode?
20) During electroplating, pH of bath is strictly maintained. Give reasons.
21) Give any three functions of pigments in paints.