18 Octt Metallurgy

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Question Booklet Series : Question Booklet No. :

ç'u iqfLrdk fljht % ç”u iqfLrdk la[;k %


Time Allowed : 2 Hrs. Total No. Questions: 100

vuqer le; % 2 ?kaVs OCTT-METALLURGY ç'uksa dh dqy la[;k : 100

Date of Examination : ___/___/______

Roll No. : OMR Answer Sheet No. :
vuqØekad % _________________________ vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj if=dk la[;k : _________________________

Name of the Candidate (in capital letters) : _____________________________________________________________

vH;FkÊ dk uke %
Candidate's Signature Invigilator's Signature
vH;FkÊ ds gLrk{kj ______________________ d{k fujh{kd ds gLrk{kj ______________________

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fgUnh esa vuqns”k vfUre i`’B ¼Back cover½ ij fn;k x;k gSA
egRoiw.kZ% fuEufyf[kr funsZ'k /;kuiwoZd i<+saA vius ç”uksa ds mÙkj ç”u&iqfLrdk esa u yxk,a vU;Fkk p;u çfØ;k ls vkidh ik=rk oafpr dj nh tk;sxhA
1. viuk mÙkj fy[kuk çkjEHk djus ls igys viuh ç'u iqfLrdk dh Hkyh&Hkk¡fr tk¡p dj ysa] ns[k ysa fd blesa 100 ç'u gSa ¼80 rduhdh Kku@VªsM ls
lEcfU/kr rFkk 20 ç'u lkekU; vfHk:fp ij gSa½ vkSj blesa fçafVax laca/kh vFkok vU; fdLe dh dksbZ deh ugha gSA ;fn fdlh çdkj dh dksbZ deh gks
rks i;Zos{kd dks lwfpr djsa rFkk iqfLrdk cny ysaA bl lanHkZ esa fdlh Hkh çdkj dh dksbZ f'kdk;r ij ckn esa dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA
2. mÙkj if=dk bysDVªkWfud ek/;e ls lalkf/kr dh tk,xhA vr% bls eksM+us ;k ;=&r= fpUg yxkus vFkok mÙkj if=dk dks [kjkc djus ,oa
viw.kZ@vlR; Hkjus ij mÙkj if=dk dks fujLr fd;k tk ldrk gS ,oa bldh iwjh ftEesnkjh vH;FkÊ ij gksxhA
3. xyr mÙkj ds fy, _.kkRed vadu ugha gksxkA
4. d{k&fujh{kd ls vius ços”k&i= ij gLrk{kj vo”; djok,aA ;fn vkius gLrk{kj ugha djok;k rks vkidh ik=rk jí dj nh tk,xhA
5. ;g ,d oLrqijd fdLe dh ijh{kk gS ftlesa çR;sd ç'u ds uhps Øekad (A) ls (D) rd pkj çLrkfor mÙkj fn;s gSaA vkids fopkj esa tks Hkh mÙkj
lgh@loZJs"B gS mldks vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj i= esa fn;s funsZ'k ds vuqlkj fpfUgr dhft,A vius mÙkj ç'u iqfLrdk esa u yxk,A
6. vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj if=dk ij lHkh dk;ks± ds fy, dkys@uhys ckWy Iokb±V isu ls fy[ksaA vks-,e-vkj mÙkj if=dk ij vksoy dks iw.kZ :i ls dsoy
dkys@uhys ckWy Iokb±V isu ls HkjsaA ,d ckj fn, x, mÙkj dks cnyk ugha tk ldrkA
7. mÙkj&i= ij u rks jQ+ dk;Z djsa u gh vkSj fdlh çdkj dk fu'kku vkfn yxk,a ;k bls eksaM+sA
8. dsYdqysVj] LykbM:y] eksckbZy] dsYdqysVj ?kfM+;k¡ ;k bl çdkj dh dksbZ Hkh ;qfä ,oa fdlh Hkh v/;;u@lanHkZ lkexzh vkfn dk ç;ksx ijh{kk d{k esa
oftZr gSA
9. jQ+ dk;Z iqfLrdk esa fdlh Hkh [kkyh LFkku esa fd;k tkuk pkfg,] vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj if=dk ij dksbZ Hkh jQ+ dk;Z u djsaA fdlh vU; dkx+t ij bls
djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA
10. ç'u iqfLrdk ¼A, B, C ,oa D½ pkj J`[a kykvksa esa gksxhA vkidks vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj if=dk ij lgh ç'u iqfLrdk J`a[kyk fy[kuk gSA
11. ijh{kk dh lekfIr ds i'pkr~ viuh mÙkj&if=dk ¼OMR½ ,oa ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr dksbZ Hkh vU; oLrq i;Zos{kd ds funsZ”k vuqlkj okil dj nsaA
xSj&ikyu nUMuh; vijk/k gSA
12. gj ,d ç'u ds fy, dsoy ,d gh mÙkj bafxr djsaA ,d ls vf/kd mÙkj nsus ij ç'u dk dksbZ vad ugha fn;k tk,xkA mÙkj esa dksbZ Hkh dfVax ;k
vksojjkbZfVax ekU; ugha gksxhA iqu% ç'u f}Hkk"kh; ¼fgUnh ,oa vaxtsz h½ esa gSA fgUnh vuqokn laLdj.k esa fdlh Hkh fHkérk gksus ij ewY;kadu ds fy, vaxtsz h
laLdj.k dks vfUre ekuk tk;sxkA
1. Which of the following metals has lowest melting point: 1. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl /kkrq dh fuEure xyu fcUnq gksrh gS%
(A) Aluminium (B) Tin (A) ,Y;qfefu;e (B) fVu
(C) Lead (D) Zinc (C) lhlk (D) tLrk

2. Which of the following has highest density: 2. fuEufyf[kr esa fdldh loksZPp ?kuRo gS%
(A) Brass (B) Stainless steel (A) ihry (B) LVSuysl LVhy
(C) Cast iron (D) Aluminium (C) <yok yksgk (D) ,Y;qfefu;e

3. '18–8' stainless steel contains: 3. ^18–8* LVSuysl LVhy esa fufgr gksrk gS%
(A) 18% chromium, 8% nickel (A) 18% Øksfe;e] 8% fudy
(B) 18% nickel, 8% chromium (B) 18% fudy] 8% Øksfe;e
(C) 18% steel, 8% chromium (C) 18% LVhy] 8% Øksfe;e
(D) 18% steel, 8% nickel (D) 18% LVhy] 8% fudy

4. Absolute pressure is equal to: 4. lEiw.kZ nkc cjkcj gksrk gS%

(A) Gauge pressure – atmospheric pressure (A) xst nkc & okrkoj.kh; nkc
(B) Atmospheric pressure – gauge pressure (B) okrkoj.kh; nkc & xst nkc
(C) Gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure (C) xst nkc $ okrkoj.kh; nkc
(D) Gauge pressure (D) xst nkc

5. Sine bar is a device used for making: 5. lkbZu ckj ,d ;qfä gS ftldk ç;ksx gksrk gS%
(A) Linear measurements (A) jSf[kd ekiu ds fy,
(B) Angular measurements (B) dks.kh; ekiu ds fy,
(C) Circular measurements (C) o`Ùkh; ekiu ds fy,
(D) None of these (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha

6. In thermit welding, the thermit mixture consists of: 6. FkfeZV osfYMax esa] FkfeZV feJ.k fdldk gksrk gS%
(A) Aluminium and iron oxide (A) ,Y;qfefu;e ,oa vkW;ju vkWDlkbZM
(B) Sodium and phosphorus (B) lksfM;e ,oa QkWlQksjl
(C) Steel and phosphorus (C) LVhy ,oa QkWlQksjl
(D) Calcium and sulphur (D) dSfY'k;e ,oa lYQj

7. A fine grained steel: 7. ,d lw{e df.kd bLikr%

(A) Is less tough and has greater tendency to distort (A) de pheM+ gksrk gS vkSj mlesa Å"ek mipkj ds nkSjku fo:fir
during heat treatment gksus dh mPprj ço`fÙk gksrh gS
(B) Is more ductile and has less tendency to distort during (B) vf/kd rU; gksrk gS vkSj mlesa Å"ek mipkj ds nkSjku fo:fir
heat treatment gksus dh U;wu ço`fÙk gksrh gS
(C) Is less tough and has less tendency to distort during (C) de pheM+ gksrk gS vkSj mlesa Å"ek mipkj ds nkSjku fo:fir
heat treatment gksus dh U;wu ço`fÙk gksrh gS
(D) Is more ductile and has greater tendency to distort (D) vf/kd rU; gksrk gS vkSj mlesa Å"ek mipkj ds nkSjku fo:fir
during heat treatment gksus dh mPprj ço`fÙk gksrh gS
8. A volt-meter is always connected in: 8. ,d oksYV&ehVj lnSo lEc) gksrk gS%
(A) Series (A) Js.kh esa
(B) Parallel (B) lekukUrj esa
(C) In series in a.c. only (C) a.c. esa dsoy Js.kh esa
(D) In series in a.c. and parallel in d.c. (D) a.c. esa Js.kh esa ,oa d.c. esa lekukUrj

9. In sand casting if proper venting is not done, the 9. lsUM dkfLVax esa ;fn mfpr osfUVax ugha dh tkrh gS rks dkfLVax esa
defect in the casting will be: fuEufyf[kr nks"k mRié gksxk%
(A) Misrun (B) Swell (A) felju (B) LoSy
(C) Porosity (D) Blow holes (C) lajU/kzrk (D) Cyks gksYl

10. Blast furnace is used to produce: 10. CykLV QusZl dk ç;ksx fuEu dk mRiknu djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS%
(A) Pig iron (B) Cast iron (A) dPpk yksgk (B) <yok¡ yksgk
(C) Wrought iron (D) Steel (C) fiVok¡ yksgk (D) bLikr

[A–1] OCTT-Metallurgy
11. Hot chisels are made of: 11. rIr phly fdlds cus gksrs gSa%
(A) Low carbon steel (B) Stainless steel (A) fuEu dkcZu LVhy (B) LVSuysl LVhy
(C) Cast iron (D) Mild steel (C) <yok ykSg (D) e`nq LVhy
12. The property of a material, due to which it regains its 12. inkFkZ dk xq.k/keZ ftlds dkj.k bls viuk ewy lkbZt ,oa vkdkj iqu%
original size and shape when the applied force is çkIr gksrk gS tc ç;qä cy dks gVk;k tk;s] og gS%
removed, is: (A) IykfLVflVh (B) çR;kLFkrk
(A) Plasticity (B) Elasticity (C) rU;rk (D) Hkaxqjiu
(C) Ductility (D) Brittleness

13. For cutting mild steel the hand hacksaw blade is fitted 13. e`nq LVhy ds drZu ds fy, gLr gsDlk CysM dks bl çdkj fQV fd;k
such that it cuts during: tkrk gS fd ;g fuEu ds nkSjku drZu djs%
(A) Forward stroke (A) QkjoMZ LVªksd
(B) Return stroke (B) fjVuZ LVªksd
(C) Forward and return stroke (C) QkjoMZ ,oa fjVuZ LVªksd
(D) No such consideration is made (D) ,slk dksbZ Hkh /;ku ugha j[kk tkrk

14. Iron having more than 2% carbon is known as: 14. ykSg ftlesa 2% ls T;knk dkcZu gksrk gS] mls tkuk tkrk gS%
(A) Wrought iron (B) Cast iron (A) fiVok ykSg (B) <yok ykSg
(C) Mild steel (D) High carbon steel (C) e`nq LVhy (D) mPp dkcZu LVhy

15. TIG welding is a process of: 15. TIG osfYMax fdldh çfØ;k gS%
(A) Gas welding (A) xSl osfYMax
(B) Electric arc welding (B) bysfDVªd vkdZ osfYMax
(C) Electric resistance welding (C) bysfDVªd jsfllVsUl osfYMax
(D) Friction welding (D) fÝD'ku osfYMax
16. Alloy steel containing 36% nickel is called: 16. 36% fudy ls ;qä feJ/kkrq bLikr dgykrk gS%
(A) Stainless steel (A) taxjks/kh bLikr
(B) High speed steel (B) mPp xfr okyk bLikr
(C) Invar (C) bUokj
(D) Heat resisting steel (D) Å"ek jks/kh bLikr
17. The difference between maximum limit and minimum 17. iqtsZ ds Mk;esU'ku dh vf/kdre lhek ,oa U;wure lhek ds e/;
limit of dimension of a part is: vUrj gS%
(A) Tolerance (B) Deviation (A) VksyjsUl (B) fopyu
(C) Allowance (D) Variation (C) NwV (D) osfj,'ku

18. For machining of cast iron the cutting oil generally used 18. <yok ykSg dh e'khfuax ds fy, lkekU;r% ç;qä drZu rsy gS%
is: (A) ykMZ vkW;y (B) lksi
(A) Lard oil (B) Soap (C) feêh dk rsy (D) ok;q
(C) Kerosene oil (D) Air

19. An atom in a crystal vibrates at a frequency determined 19. fØLVy esa ,d v.kq ,d vko`fÙk ij dafEir gksrh gS tks fdlds }kjk
by: fu/kkZfjr gksrk gS%
(A) The heat content of the crystal (A) fØLVy ds Å"ek rRo
(B) Number of atoms in the crystal (B) fØLVy esa v.kqvksa dh la[;k
(C) Atomic number of the element (C) rRo dh v.kq la[;k
(D) Stiffness of the bond between atoms (D) ijek.kqvksa ds e/; cU/k dh vuE;rk

20. Which of the following heat-treatment processes is 20. e'khuh lkeF;Zrk dks c<+kus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr esa dkSu&lk Å"ek
done to improve machinability: mipkj fd;k tkrk gS%
(A) Tempering (B) Spheroidising (A) VsEifjax (B) LQsjksMkbZftax
(C) Normalizing (D) Martempering (C) ukWeZykbZftax (D) ekVZVsEifjax

21. To increase fluidity of cast iron element added is: 21. <yok ykSg dh rjyrk dks c<+kus ds fy, dkSu&lk rRo tksMk+ tkrk gS%
(A) Sulphur (B) Phosphorus (A) lYQj (B) QklQksjl
(C) Silicon (D) Calcium (C) flfydku (D) dSfY'k;e

[A–2] OCTT-Metallurgy
22. One micron is equal to: 22. ,d ekbZØksu cjkcj gksrk gS%
–3 –4 –3 –4
(A) 10 m (B) 10 m (A) 10 m (B) 10 m
–5 –6 –5 –6
(C) 10 m (D) 10 m (C) 10 m (D) 10 m

23. The body a vice is made of: 23. okbZl dk “kjhj cuk gksrk gS%
(A) Mild steel (A) e`nq bLikr ls
(B) Grey cast iron (B) /kwlj <yok¡ ykSg ls
(C) White cast iron (C) “osr <yok¡ ykSg ls
(D) High carbon steel (D) mPp dkcZu bLikr ls

24. Anvil is used for: 24. ,ufoy fdlfy, ç;qä gksrk gS%
(A) Supporting the work pieces (A) dk;Z VqdM+s dks lgkjk nsus ds fy,
(B) Holding the work pieces (B) dk;Z VqdM+s dks idM+us ds fy,
(C) Taking out the job from the forge (C) QkstZ ls dk;Z VqdM+s dks ckgj fudkyus ds fy,
(D) Giving finish to the work piece (D) dk;Z VqdM+s dks vPNh fQfu”k nsus ds fy,

25. Normalising produces: 25. lkekU;hdj.k mRié djrk gS%

(A) Ferrite (A) QsjkbV
(B) Pearlite (B) ijykbV
(C) Ferrite + Pearlite (C) QsjkbV$ijykbV
(D) Ferrite + Troostite (D) QsjkbV$VªwlVkbV

26. The diameter of a hole for riveting is: 26. fjosfVax ds fy, fNæ dk Mk;kehVj gksrk gS%
(A) Equal to nominal diameter of the rivet (A) fjosV ds ukeek= Mk;kehVj ds cjkcj
(B) Less than nominal diameter of the rivet (B) fjosV ds ukeek= Mk;kehVj ls de
(C) More than nominal diameter of the rivet (C) fjosV ds ukeek= Mk;kehVj ls vf/kd
(D) Less than the diameter of head of rivet (D) fjosV ds 'kh"kZ ds Mk;kehVj ls de
27. An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of: 27. ,d feJ/kkrq ltkrh; feJ.k gS%
(A) Two or more metals (A) nks ;k vf/kd /kkrqvksa dk
(B) Two or more non-ferrous metals only (B) nks ;k vf/kd xSj Qsjl /kkrqvksa dk ek=
(C) A metal and a non metal (C) ,d /kkrq ,oa ,d xSj /kkrq
(D) A ferrous metal and a non-ferrous metal (D) ,d Qsjl /kkrq ,oa ,d xSj Qsjl /kkrq

28. Filament of an electric bulb is made of: 28. bysfDVªd cYc dk fQykesUV cuk gksrk gS%
(A) Iron (B) Tungsten (A) ykSg (B) VaxLVu
(C) Nickel (D) Chromium (C) fudy (D) Øksfe;e

29. The following type of chuck is used for holding 29. vfu;fer tkWc dks idM+us ds fy, fuEufyf[kr çdkj dk pd ç;ksx
irregular jobs: gksrk gS%
(A) Three jaw chuck (A) rhu tcM+s okyk pd
(B) Four jaw chuck (B) pkj tcM+s okyk pd
(C) Tail stock (C) Vsy LVkWd
(D) Magnetic chuck (D) eSxusfVd pd

30. The corresponding value of –40°C in degree 30. fMxzh QkWjsugkbZV esa –40°C dk lerqY; eku gksxk%
Fahrenheit equals: (A) 0°F (B) 40°F
(A) 0°F (B) 40°F (C) –40°F (D) 100°F
(C) –40°F (D) 100°F

31. Ohm's law is defined as: 31. vksºe dk fu;e gS%

(A) V = I.R (B) V = I/R (A) V = I.R (B) V = I/R
(C) V = R/I (D) V = I2R (C) V = R/I (D) V = I2R

32. Thread angle of acme thread is: 32. ,Deh pwM+h dk dks.k fdruk gksrk gS%
(A) 60° (B) 45° (A) 60° (B) 45°
(C) 90° (D) 29° (C) 90° (D) 29°

[A–3] OCTT-Metallurgy
33. Dislocation in a crystal is known as a: 33. fØLVy esa foLFkkiu ¼Dislocation½ dks fuEu ls tkuk tkrk gS%
(A) Point defect (A) fcUnq nks"k
(B) Line defect (B) js[kk nks"k
(C) Surface defect (C) lrg nks"k
(D) Volume defect (D) vk;ru nks"k

34. Bauxite is used for the extraction of the following 34. ckDlkbV fuEufyf[kr /kkrq ds fu"d"kZ.k esa dke vkrk gS%
metal: (A) vk;ju
(A) Iron (B) ,Y;wfefu;e
(B) Aluminium (C) dkWij
(C) Copper (D) fVu
(D) Tin

35. Hematite is used for the extraction of the following 35. gSesVkbV fuEufyf[kr /kkrq ds fu"d"kZ.k esa mi;ksx esa yk;k tkrk gS%
metal: (A) vk;ju
(A) Iron (B) ,Y;wfefu;e
(B) Aluminium (C) dkWij
(C) Copper (D) fVu
(D) Tin

36. Galina is the important ore of: 36. xkSfyuk fdl /kkrq dk v;Ld gS%
(A) Iron (A) yksgk
(B) Lead (B) lhlk
(C) Copper (C) rk¡ck
(D) Tin (D) fVu

37. The Fermi level is: 37. QehZ Lrj dks dgrs gSa%
(A) The highest occupied energy level (A) çkIr mPpre mtkZ Lrj
(B) The average of the available energy levels (B) çkI; mtkZ Lrj dk vkSlr
(C) The highest available energy level (C) mPpre çkI; mtkZ Lrj
(D) The highest occupied energy level at 0°C (D) 0°C ij çkIr mPpre mtkZ Lrj

38. A material is in super conductivity state where its 38. vfr pyk;eku ifjfLFkfr esa fdlh inkFkZ dk rkieku gksrk gS%
temperature is: (A) Økafrd rki ls mij
(A) Above critical temperature (B) Økafrd rki ij ;k mlls uhps
(B) At or below the critical temperature (C) D;wjh rki ij
(C) At curie temperature (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(D) None of the above

39. A metal mostly used as permanent magnet is: 39. LFkk;h paqcd ds :i esa ç;ksx gksus okyh ,d /kkrq gS%
(A) Copper (A) rk¡ck
(B) Nickel (B) fufdy
(C) Silver (C) pkWanh
(D) Zinc (D) tLrk

40. The following Etching reagent is used for developing 40. ,Y;wfefu;e feJ/kkrq ds lw{e lajpuk ds fodkl ds fy;s fuEu
the microstructure of Aluminium alloys: fu{kkj.k vfHkdkjd ç;ksx gksrk gS%
(A) Nital (A) ukbVy
(B) Ferric chloride (B) QSfjd DyksjkbZM
(C) Sodium hydro–oxide (C) gkbMªks¶yksfjd vEy
(D) Sulphuric acid (D) lyQ;wfjd vEy

41. The SI unit of bond strength is: 41. vkcU/k lkeF;Z dh SI bdkbZ gS%
(A) Multimetre (A) eYVh ehVj
(B) Angstrom (B) ,aXlVªkse
(C) Nanometer (C) uSuksehVj
(D) Micron (D) ekbØksu

[A–4] OCTT-Metallurgy
42. Crank shaft of an automobile engine is usually shaped 42. vkVkseksckby batu ds Øsad 'kkW¶V dh vkÑfr fuEu ls gksrh gS%
by: (A) lS.M dkfLVax
(A) Sand casting (B) çs'kj MkbZ dkfLVax
(B) Pressure die casting (C) Qksft±x
(C) Forging (D) mRlkj.k
(D) Extrusion

43. Alumino–thermit process is employed for: 43. ,ywfeuks FkfeZV çØe fdlds fy;s ykxw gksrk gS%
(A) Extraction of aluminium (A) ,Y;wfefu;e ds fu"d"kZ.k
(B) Heat treatment of aluminium alloys (B) ,Y;wfefu;e feJ/kkrq ds m"ek mipkj ds fy;s
(C) Welding of aluminium (C) ,Y;wfefu;e dh oSfYaMx ds fy;s
(D) Welding of rails (D) iVjh ¼Rails½ dh oSfYMax ds fy;s

44. Phosphor–Bronze is employed for: 44. QkLQksj & czkat fdlds fy;s mi;ksx gksrk gS%
(A) Manufacture of bush bearings (A) cq'k fc;fjaXl ds fuekZ.k esa
(B) Ship building structures (B) tgkt fuekZ.k lajpukvksa esa
(C) Chemical industries (C) jlk;fud m|ksxksa esa
(D) Pressure vessel manufacture (D) nkc iksr ds fuekZ.k esa

45. Which one of the following is a resistance welding 45. fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk çfrjks/k la/kku çØe gS%
process? (A) Iyktek vkdZ cSfYMax
(A) Plasma arc welding (B) bySDVªks & LySx cSfYMax
(B) Electro–siag welding (C) FkfeZV cSfYMax
(C) Thermit welding (D) fÝD'ku cSfYMax
(D) Friction welding

46. The SI unit of Dipole moment is: 46. f}/kzqo vk?kw.kZ dh SI bdkbZ gS%
(A) Electro volt (A) bySDVªkWu oksYV
(B) Electron volt per second (B) bySDVªkWu oksYV çfr lsds.M
(C) Coulomb metre (C) dwyEc ehVj
(D) Kilojoule per second (D) fdyks twy çfr lsds.M

47. Cassiterite is the important ore of: 47. dSlhVjVkbV fdl /kkrq dk eq[; vk;Ld gS%
(A) Iron (A) vk;ju ¼yksgk½
(B) Magnesium (B) eSfXuf'k;e
(C) Tin (C) fVu
(D) Lead (D) ySM ¼lhlk½

48. Sphalerite or Calamine are the important ore of: 48. LQSysjkbV ;k dSykekbu fdl /kkrq dk eq[; vk;Ld gS%
(A) Aluminium (A) ,Y;wfefu;e
(B) Magnesium (B) eSfXuf'k;e
(C) Copper (C) dkWij ¼rk¡ck½
(D) Zinc (D) ftad ¼tLrk½

49. Defects caused in castings by the expansion of 49. eksfYMax lS.M ds çlkj ls dkfLVax nks"k fuEu }kjk tkus tkrs gSa%
moulding sand are identified as: (A) Cyks gksYl
(A) Blow–holes (B) fel ju ,oa dksYM 'kV
(B) Misrun and cold shut (C) jSV VsYl
(C) Rat tails (D) fQUl
(D) Fins

50. ‘Flooding’ in blast furnace takes place in: 50. okR;k Hkêh esa buesa ls fdlesa ^vks?ku* gksrk gS%
(A) Throat (A) FkzksV
(B) Shaft (B) 'kkW¶V
(C) Belly (C) cSyh
(D) Bosh (D) cks'k

[A–5] OCTT-Metallurgy
51. Coke throughput in a blast furnace can be increased 51. okR;k Hkêh esa dks;yk laos'k çokg buesa ls fdlds }kjk c<+k;k tk
by: ldrk gS%
(A) Decreased blast volume (A) LQksV okY;we de djds
(B) Oxygenated blast (B) vkWDlhtuhÑr LQksV }kjk
(C) Increased volume of slag (C) c<+s gq, /kkrqey okY;we }kjk
(D) Dehumidified blast (D) fujkæhZÑr LQksV }kjk

52. The sintering of a powder compact takes place 52. ikmMj lagfr esa flaVju çkFkfed :i esa buesa ls fdls de djus ls
primarily due to lowering of: gksrk gS%
(A) Strain energy (A) foÑfr ÅtkZ
(B) Surface energy (B) i`"B ÅtkZ
(C) Volume energy (C) vk;ru ÅtkZ
(D) Energy associated with defects (D) nks"kksa ls lEcfU/kr ÅtkZ

53. Coating of zinc over steel is known as: 53. LVhy ds Åij tLrs ds ysiu dks buesa ls fdl uke ls tkuk tkrk gS%
(A) Cladding (B) Galvanizing (A) vf/kiêu (B) tLrk ysiu
(C) Anodizing (D) Passivation (C) ,uksMhdj.k (D) fu'ps"V dj.k

54. Plain carbon steel containing 0.1wt% carbon is 54. 0.1wt% dkcZu okyk Iysu dkcZu LVhy dsl n`<+hdj.k ds mi;qä
suitable for case hardening by: gksrk gS%
(A) Flame hardening (A) Tokyk dBksj.k }kjk
(B) Induction hardening (B) çsj.k dBksj.k }kjk
(C) Pack carburizing (C) fu;; dkcZj.k }kjk
(D) Nitriding (D) ukbVªkbMhdj.k }kjk

55. Ultrasonic testing can also be used for (choose the 55. buesa ls fdlds fy, ijkJO; ijh{k.k dk Hkh ç;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS
correct combination of the following statements, P, Q, ¼fuEukafdr dFkuksa P] Q] R vkSj S dk lgh tksM+ pqusa½%
R and S): P Qstt dk jklk;fud fo'ys"k.k
P Chemical analysis of phases Q çR;kLFkrkadksa dk fu/kkZj.k
Q Determination of elastic constants R lgu lhek dk fu/kkZj.k
R Determination of endurance limit S vkUrfjd nks"kksa dk irk yxkuk
S Detection of internal defects (A) P, R (B) P, Q
(A) P, R (B) P, Q (C) Q, S (D) R, S
(C) Q, S (D) R, S

56. Preheating of steel plate during welding is required to: 56. osfYMax ds nkSjku LVhy IysVksa ds iqu%Å"eu ds fy, okafNr gS%
(A) Reduce the heat input (A) Å"ek fuos'k dks de djuk
(B) Increase the heat input (B) Å"ek fuos'k dks c<+kuk
(C) Increase the cooling rate (C) 'khryu nj dks c<+kuk
(D) Decrease the cooling rate (D) 'khryu nj dks de djuk

57. Gray cast irons are often used at the base of heavy 57. Hkkjh e'khuksa ds ry ij çk;% ?kwlj <yosa yksgs dk ç;ksx blds mPp -
machines because of its high: -------- ds dkj.k fd;k tkrk gS%
(A) Stiffness (B) Strength (A) dM+siu (B) çcyrk
(C) Toughness (D) Damping capacity (C) dBksjrk (D) voeanu {kerk

58. The mechanical property of material which is not 58. fdlh inkFkZ tks lajpuk laosnh u gks] dk ;kaf=d xq.k /keZ gS%
structure sensitive, is: (A) çR;kLFkrk ekikad (B) ijkHko lkeF;Z
(A) Elastic modulus (B) Yield strength (C) rU;rk (D) foHkax lkeF;Z
(C) Ductility (D) Fracture strength

59. In general, the fatigue limit of cast and wrought steel is 59. lkekU;r% <yoka vkSj fiVoka bLikr dh Jkafr lhek gksrh gS yxHkx
approximately: (A) ijkHko lkeF;Z dh vk/kh
(A) Half of yield strength (B) pje ruu lkeF;Z dh vk/kh
(B) Half of ultimate tensile strength (C) çR;kLFkrk ekikad dh vk/kh
(C) Half of elastic modulus (D) çR;kLFkrk ekikad dh ,d pkSFkkbZ
(D) One fourth of elastic modulus

[A–6] OCTT-Metallurgy
60. The operation which is not in the category of forging, 60. QkstZu dh Js.kh esa ugha vkus okyk çpkyu gS%
is: (A) dksj ikfy'ku (B) Qqyfjax
(A) Edging (B) Fullering (C) Lostu (D) ihuu
(C) Swaging (D) Peening

61. In wire drawing process most of the plastic flow is 61. rkj [khpus dh çfØ;k esa T;knkrj IykfLVd çokg buesa ls fdlds }kjk
caused by: gksrk gS%
(A) Compression force (B) Tension force (A) lEihMu cy (B) ruko cy
(C) Shearing force (D) Frictional force (C) vi:i.k cy (D) ?k"kZ.k cy

62. Thin sheet of polymer is commonly welded by: 62. ikWyhej dh iryh 'khV dks vkerkSj ij buesa ls fdlls osYM fd;k
(A) Laser welding (B) Ultrasonic welding
tkrk gS%
(C) Resistance welding (D) Friction welding (A) ystj osfYMax (B) ijkJO; osfYMax
(C) çfrjks/kh osfYMax (D) ?k"kZ.k osfYMax

63. In a tensile test, necking starts at: 63. ruu ijh{k.k esa] uSafdx fdl ij izkjEHk gksrh gS%
(A) Lower yield stress (A) fuEu ijkHko izfrcy
(B) Upper yield stress (B) mPp ijkHko izfrcy
(C) Ultimate tensile stress (C) pje ruu izfrcy
(D) Just before fracture (D) foHka.k ls ,dne igys

64. Welding process mostly used to join 100 mm thick 64. osfYaMx çØe dk ç;ksx vf/kdka”kr% 100 mm eksVh LVhy IysVksa dks
stell plates is: tksM+us ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS% ftls dgrs gSa%
(A) Oxyfuel gas welding (A) vkWDlh¶;wy xSl osfYaMx
(B) Shielded metal arc welding (B) ifjf{kr /kkrq pki la/kku
(C) Submerged arc welding (C) fueXu pki la/kku
(D) Tungsten inert gas welding (D) VaxLVsu vfØ; xSl osfYaMx

65. Alternating current is preferred in TIG welding of 65. ,sY;qfefu;e feJkrq ds TIG osfYaMx esa çR;kofrZr /kkjk dks ojh;rk nh
aluminium alloys, because: tkrh gSA D;ksafd%
(A) Direct current results in erratic arc (A) fn’V/kkjk ls vfu;fer pki gksrk gS
(B) It helps improving ductility of welds (B) ;g osYMksa dh rU;rk esa lq/kkj ykus esa enn djrk gS
(C) It helps removing aluminium oxide (C) ,sY;qfefu;e vkWDlkbM dks gVkus esa enn djrk gS
(D) It reduces cost (D) ;g ykxr ?kVkrk gS

66. Permeability of sand mould is necessary primarily to 66. jsr ds lkaps dh ikjxE;rk çkFkfedr% buesa ls D;k miyC/k djkus ds
provide: fy, vfuok;Z gS%
(A) Passage for gas escape (A) xSl ls cpus ds fy, jkLrk
(B) Thermal stability (B) rkih; LFkkf;Ro
(C) Controlled cooling (C) fu;fU=r ç'khru
(D) Toughness (D) dM+kiu

67. Which of the following is a primary property of 67. lapu ckyw dk buesa ls dkSu&lk çkjfEHkd xq.k/keZ gS%
moulding sand? (A) jax (B) d.k vkdkj
(A) Colour (B) Grain size (C) ?kuRo (D) dBksjrk
(C) Density (D) Hardness

68. Which of the following is not considered for multiple 68. cgq ç;ksx esa vkus okys çfr:i lkaps dh <ykbZ ds fy, fuEukafdr esa
use pattern mould casting? ls fdl ij fopkj gh ugha fd;k tkrk gS%
(A) Plaster mould (B) Sand mould (A) IykLVj lkapk (B) ckyqdk lkapk
(C) Ceramic mould (D) Graphite mould (C) fljsfed lkapk (D) xzsQkbV lkapk

69. Weighted property indices is a method of: 69. Hkkfjr xq.k/keZ lwpdkad fdldh ,d ç.kkyh gS%
(A) Determining the properties of materials (A) inkFkZ ds xq.k/keZ fu/kkZfjr djus dh
(B) Mixing the metal to get desired density (B) okafNr ?kuRo çkIr djus ds fy, /kkrq dks fefJr djus dh
(C) Determining the density of a material (C) inkFkZ ds ?kuRo fu/kkZfjr djus dh
(D) Selection of materials (D) inkFkZ ds p;u dh

[A–7] OCTT-Metallurgy
70. In heat treatment of steel tempering is done after: 70. LVhy ds Å"ek mipkj esa VsEifjax fdlds ckn dh tkrh gS%
(A) Hardening (B) Normalizing (A) gkMsZfuax (B) ukWeZykbZftax
(C) Annealing (D) Martempering (C) vuhfyax (D) ekjVsEifjax

71. To increase fluidity of cast iron element added is: 71. <yok ykSg dh rjyrk dks c<+kus ds fy, dkSu&lk rRo tksM+k tkrk gS%
(A) Sulphur (B) Phosphorus (A) lYQj (B) QklQksjl
(C) Silicon (D) Calcium (C) flfydku (D) dSfY'k;e

72. To improve machinability of C.I. element added is: 72. <yok ykSg dh e'khu lkeF;Zrk dks lq/kkjus ds fy, rRo ftls Mkyk
(A) Sulphur (B) Phosphorus tkrk gS] og gS%
(C) Mangnese (D) Silicon (A) lYQj (B) QklQksjl
(C) eSxuht (D) flfydku

73. Magnesium in steel improves: 73. LVhy esa eSfXuf'k;e D;k lq/kkjrk gS%
(A) Tensile strength and ductility (A) ruu lkeF;Z ,oa rU;rk
(B) Shear strength (B) vi:i.k lkeF;Z
(C) Compressive strength and hardness (C) lEihMu lkeF;Z ,oa dBksjrk
(D) Machinability (D) e'khuh lkeF;Z

74. In Kroll process: 74. Øk¡y çØe esa%

(A) Metal oxides are reduces by calcium (A) /kkrq vkDlkbM dks dSfYl;e }kjk ?kVk;k tkrk gS
(B) Metallic aluminium is produced (B) /kkfRod ,sY;qfefu;e dk mRiknu fd;k tkrk gS
(C) Metallic magnesium is produced (C) /kkfRod eSXuhf”k;e dk mRiknu fd;k tkrk gS
(D) Titanium tetrachloride is reduced by magnesium (D) VkbVsfu;e VsVªkDyksjkbM dks eSXuhf”k;e }kjk ?kVk;k tkrk gS

75. Normalising of steel is done to: 75. bLikr dks çlkekU; cuk;k tkrk gS%
(A) Refine the grain structure (A) d.k lajpuk dks lw{e cukus ds fy,
(B) Remove strains caused by cold working (B) vrIr vfHkfØ;k ds dkj.k iSnk gq, LVªsUl dks gVkuk
(C) Remove the dislocations caused in the internal (C) rIr deZ.k }kjk vkUrfjd lajpuk esa gq, foLFkkiu dks gVkuk
structure due to hot working (D) mi;qZä lHkh
(D) All of these

76. The instrument used for measuring elevated 76. Hkêh esa mRFkkfir rkiØe ekiu ds fy, ç;qä midj.k dks tkuk tkrk
temperatures in furnaces is known as: gS%
(A) Radiation meter (B) High thermometer (A) jsfM,'ku ehVj (B) gkbZ FkekZehVj
(C) Pyrometer (D) Pyrotemperature (C) ikbjksehVj (D) ikbjksVsEijspj

77. Fuel used in cupola is: 77. D;qiksyk esa ç;qä b±/ku gksrk gS%
(A) Charcoal (B) Tar (A) pkjdksy (B) Vkj
(C) Coke (D) Natural gas (C) dksd (D) çkÑfrd xSl
78. Guide-ways of machine tools are hardened by: 78. e'khu vkStkj dk xkbZM&ost fdlds }kjk dBksjhÑr fd;k tkrk gS%
(A) Cold working (A) 'khryu dk;Z
(B) Martempering (B) ekjVsEifjax
(C) Induction hardening (C) çsj.k gkMsZfuax
(D) Flame hardening (D) Tokyk gkMsZfuax

79. TTT diagram indicates time & temperature 79. TTT vkjs[k fdldk le; ,oa rkiØe fo:i.k bafxr djrk gS%
transformation of: (A) vkWLVhukbZV (B) QsjkbZV
(A) Austinite (B) Ferrite (C) ijykbZV (D) lhesUVkbZV
(C) Pearlite (D) Cementite

80. Sintering is the process associated with: 80. flUVfjax esa fdlls lEcfU/kr ,d çfØ;k gS%
(A) Welding (A) osfYMax
(B) Electric discharge machining (B) bysfDVªd fuLlj.k e'khfuax
(C) Surface finishing (C) ljQsl fQfuf'kax
(D) Powder metallurgy (D) pw.kZ /kkrqdeZ

[A–8] OCTT-Metallurgy
81. Not a variety of dance of the state of Odisha: 81. vksfM”kk jkT; dk u`R; “kSyh dk ,d fdLe ugha gS%
(A) Ghumura dance (A) ?kwewjk u`R;
(B) Mahairi dance (B) ekfgjh u`R;
(C) Gotipua (C) xksVhiqvk
(D) Bharatnatyam (D) HkjrukV~;e

82. This area is termed as territorial water and resources 82. ;g {ks=] ty lhek {ks= ekuk tkrk gS ,oa blds lalk/ku jk’Vª ls
therein belonging to the nation: lEcfU/kr gksrs gSa%
(A) Oceanic area upto 12 nautical miles from the coast (A) leqæ rV ls 12 ukSfVdy ehy egklkxjh; {ks= rd
(B) Oceanic area upto 19.2 nautical miles from the coast (B) leqæ rV ls 19.2 ukSfVdy ehy egklkxjh; {ks= rd
(C) Oceanic area upto 15 nautical miles from the coast (C) leqæ rV ls 15 ukSfVdy ehy egklkxjh; {ks= rd
(D) Oceanic area upto 20 nautical miles from the coast (D) leqæ rV ls 20 ukSfVdy ehy egklkxjh; {ks= rd

83. 10 men can complete a work in 5 days and 10 women 83. ,d dk;Z dks 10 iq:’k 5 fnu esa vkSj 10 efgyk,¡ 10 fnu esa iwjk
take 10 days to complete the work. How many days djrs gSaA mlh dk;Z dks 5 iq:’k vkSj 6 efgyk,¡ feydj fdrus fnu
will 5 men and 6 women take to complete the work? esa iwjk djsaxs\
1 1
(A) 7
days (A) 7 fnu
1 1
(B) 6 days (B) 6 fnu
4 4
1 1
(C) 7 days (C) 7 fnu
2 2
(D) None of these (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
84. Subrato Cup is associated with which of the following? 84. lqczrks di fdlls lEcfU/kr gS\
(A) Football (A) QqVckWy
(B) Cricket (B) fØdsV
(C) Chess (C) “krjat
(D) Badminton (D) csMfeUVu

85. Who will host 2022 Asian games? 85. 2022 ,f”k;kbZ [ksyksa dh estckuh dkSu djsxk\
(A) Beijing (A) chftax
(B) Jakarta (B) tdkrkZ
(C) Guangzhou (C) Xokax>km
(D) Hangzhou (D) gSax>km
86. What is the eligibility criteria for age for election as 86. Hkkjr ds mi&jk’Vªifr ds pquko gsrq mez dk vgZrk ekun.M D;k gS\
vice President of India? (A) 35 o’kZ dh vk;q iw.kZ gksuh pkfg,
(A) Should have completed the age of 35 years (B) 30 o’kZ dh vk;q iw.kZ gksuh pkfg,
(B) Should have completed the age of 30 years (C) 25 o’kZ dh vk;q iw.kZ gksuh pkfg,
(C) Should have completed the age of 25 years (D) 32 o’kZ dh vk;q iw.kZ gksuh pkfg,
(D) Should have completed the age of 32 years

87. In the below figure, circle P represents hardworking 87. fuEufyf[kr fp= esa o`Ùk P ifjJeh O;fä;ksa dks n”kkZrk gS] o`Ùk Q
people, circle Q represents intelligent people, circle R cqf)eku O;fä;ksa dks n”kkZrk gS] o`Ùk R lPps O;fä;ksa dks n”kkZrk gS ,oa
represents truthful people, and circle S represents o`Ùk S bZekunkj O;fä;ksa dks n”kkZrk gSA dkSu&lk {ks= mu O;fä;ksa dk
honest people. Which region represents the people who n”kkZrk gS tks cqf)eku] bZekunkj ,oa lPps gSa ijUrq ifjJeh ugha gS%a
are intelligent, honest and truthful but not hardworking:

(A) 6 (B) 7
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 11 (C) 8 (D) 11

[A–9] OCTT-Metallurgy
DIRECTIONS: Study three different positions of the cube given below funsZ”k% 1 ls 6 la[;kvksa }kjk buds eq[k ij vafdr fd;s x, ?kuksa ds rhu
with numbers 1 to 6 written on its faces and answer the question. fofHké fLFkfr;ksa dk v/;;u djsa ,oa ç”u dk mÙkj nsaA

88. The number on the bottom face of figure C is? 88. fp= C ds ry&eq[k ij la[;k D;k gS\
(A) 6 (B) 2 (A) 6 (B) 2
(C) 1 (D) None of these (C) 1 (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
89. The number of students who took History and 89. nwljs fo’k;ksa ds lkFk bfrgkl ,oa Hkwxksy ysus okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k
Geography among other subjects was? fdruh Fkh\

(A) 66 (B) 65 (A) 66 (B) 65

(C) 63 (D) None of these (C) 63 (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
90. The outer part of a railway track near the bend or a 90. jsyos VªSd ds eksM+ ds ;k ,d oØ ds fudV dk okº; Hkkx lkekU;r;k
curve is generally raised: mBk;k tkrk gS%
(A) To prevent the fast wear and tear of railway track (A) jsyos VªSd ds rhoz {k; dks jksdus ds fy,
(B) To produce the necessary centripetal force (B) vko”;d dsUækfHklkjh cy mRiUu djus ds fy,
(C) To produce the necessary gravitational force (C) vko”;d xq:Ro cy mRiUu djus ds fy,
(D) To enhance the speed of the train (D) Vªsu dh xfr dks c<+kus ds fy,

91. In a group of 15, 7 studied German, 8 have studied 91. 15 yksxksa ds ,d leqnk; esa] 7 teZu dk v/;;u djrs gSa] 8 ÝsUp
French and 3 have not studied either. How many of dk v/;;u djrs gSa ,oa 3 buesa ls dksbZ Hkh v/;;u ugha fd;k gSA
these have studied both German & French? buesa ls fdruksa us teZu vkSj ÝsUp nksuksa dk v/;;u fd;k\
(A) 0 (B) 3 (A) 0 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5 (C) 4 (D) 5

DIRECTIONS: Complete the following series.

funsZ”k% fuEufyf[kr Js.kh dks iw.kZ djsaA
92. Question figure ¼ç”u vkÑfr½ Answer figure ¼mÙkj vkÑfr½

92. (A) (B) (C) (D)

93. Average of a, b, and c is 11; average of c, d and e is 17; 93. a, b, ,oa c dk vkSlr 11 gS( c, d, ,oa e dk vkSlr 17 gS( e ,oa
average of e and f is 22 and average of e and c is 17. f dk vkSlr 22 gS ,oa e ,oa c dk vkSlr 17 gSA a, b, c, d, e
Find out the average of a, b, c, d, e and f: ,oa f dk vkSlr D;k gS] Kkr djsa%
2 1 2 1
(A) 15 (B) 18 (A) 15 (B) 18
3 2 3 2
1 1
(C) 16
(D) None of these (C) 16 (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha

[A–10] OCTT-Metallurgy
94. Three views of the same cube are shown below. 94. ,d gh ?ku ds rhu n`”; uhps n”kkZ, x, gSaA

The figure on the face opposite the triangle is: f=Hkqt ds foijhr rjQ okyk fp= D;k gS%
(A) Pentagon (B) Circle (A) iapHkqt (B) o`Ùk
(C) Question mark (D) Rectangle (C) ç”uokpd fpUg~ (D) vk;rkdkj

95. A $ B means ‘A’ is father of B, 95. A $ B dk vFkZ gS ‘A’ firk gS ^B* dk]
A # B means ‘A’ is sister of B, A # B dk vFkZ gS ‘A’ cgu gS ^B* dh]
A ψ B means ‘A’ is daughter of B and A ψ B dk vFkZ gS ‘A’ csVh gS ^B* dh vkSj
A @ B means ‘A’ is brother of B. A @ B dk vFkZ gS ‘A’ HkkbZ gS ^B* dk
Then which of the following expressions indicates the rks fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh vfHkO;fä ^R iRuh gS K dh]* dks
relationship ‘R’ is wife of ‘K’ n”kkZrk gS\
(A) K@P$TψR (A) K@P$TψR
(B) K$P@TψR (B) K$P@TψR
(C) K$PψT@R (C) K$PψT@R
(D) K$P#T@R (D) K$P#T@R

96. In a certain code STREAMLINE is written as 96. fdlh fuf”pr dksM esa STREAMLINE dks BFSUTDMHKL fy[kk
BFSUTDMHKL. How is SCIENTIFIC written in that code? tkrk gSA mlh dksM esa SCIENTIFIC dks dSls fy[kk tk;sxk%

97. 4 men and 6 women get Rs. 1600/- by doing a piece of 97. 4 iq:’k ,oa 6 efgyk,a ,d dk;Z dks 5 fnu esa djds Rs. 1600/-
work in 5 days, 3 men and 7 women get Rs. 1740/- by ikrs gSa] 3 iq:’k ,oa 7 efgyk,a mlh dk;Z dks 6 fnu esa djds Rs.
doing the same work in 6 days. In how many days 7 1740/- ikrs gSaA fdrus fnuksa esa 7 iq:’k ,oa 6 efgyk,a mlh dk;Z dks
men and 6 women can complete the same work getting Rs. 3760/- ikdj iwjk dj ldrs gSa%
Rs. 3760/- (A) 6 fnu (B) 8 fnu
(A) 6 days (B) 8 days (C) 10 fnu (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(C) 10 days (D) None of these
98. If the total surface area of a cube is 864cm square, find 98. ;fn ,d ?ku dk dqy i`’Bh; {ks=Qy 864 cm gS rks ?ku dk vk;ru
the volume of the cube: gksxk%
3 3
(A) 1728 cm (A) 1728 cm
3 3
(B) 1624 cm (B) 1624 cm
3 3
(C) 144 cm (C) 144 cm
3 3
(D) 1684 cm (D) 1684 cm

99. The sale price of an article including the sales tax is 99. foØ; dj lfgr ,d oLrq dk foØ; ewY; #- 1232 gSA foØ; dj
Rs. 1232. The rate of sales tax is 10%. If the dk nj 10% gSA vxj nqdkunkj us 12% dk ykHk dek;k rks oLrq
shopkeeper has made a profit of 12%, then the cost dk ykxr ewY; gSA
price of the article is: (A) ` 900 (B) ` 950
(A) ` 900 (B) ` 950 (C) ` 1000 (D) ` 1120
(C) ` 1000 (D) ` 1120

100. The most likely code for “MUSSOORIE” out of the 100. ßMUSSOORIEÞ dk lokZf/kd mi;qä dksM gksxk%
following is: (A) 281120653
(A) 281120653 (B) 157722984
(B) 157722984 (C) 227766123
(C) 227766123 (D) 559977113
(D) 559977113

[A–11] OCTT-Metallurgy

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