Sheikh, 2002, Confined Columns With Fibers
Sheikh, 2002, Confined Columns With Fibers
Sheikh, 2002, Confined Columns With Fibers
Keywords: column; concrete; ductility; polymer; strength. Fig. 1—Details of test specimen.
Grace Yau works as a structural engineer with Weiskopf and Pickworth, LLP, Con-
sulting Engineers in New York City. She received her Masters of Applied Science in
1998 from the University of Toronto.
Fig. 2—Reinforcing cages of specimens. Fig. 4—Tensile stress-strain curves for reinforcing steel bars.
Table 1 gives the details of the test specimens. All the col- tained the same amount of spiral reinforcement as Specimens
umns contained six 25M (500 mm2) longitudinal steel bars, S-3NT and S-4NT; however, they were strengthened with
and the spirals were made of U.S. No. 3 (71 mm2) bars. The GFRP or CFRP before testing. Specimens ST-1NT to ST-6NT
reinforcement for the stub consisted of 10M (100 mm2) hor- fall in this group. The third group, Series R, included Specimens
izontal and vertical stirrups at 64 mm spacing. In addition, R-1NT and R-2NT that contained 50% less spiral reinforce-
10M bars with 135 degree hooks were placed at the top and ment compared with Specimens S-1NT and S-2NT. These
bottom of the stub at the same spacing (Fig. 2). The longitu- two columns were damaged to a certain extent under axial
dinal bars in the columns were completely extended into the and lateral loads, repaired under axial load with FRP, and
stub, whereas the spiral reinforcement was extended into the then tested to failure.
stub for 100 mm. The design of the specimens aimed at For Specimens ST-1NT and ST-2NT, the FRP composite
forcing the failure in the potential plastic hinge region of the was wrapped within the potential plastic hinge zones of the
column, that is, within a length of 800 mm from the face of columns, that is, for a length of approximately 800 mm start-
the stub. The length of 800 mm was chosen based on previ- ing from the stub face, and the failure occurred in the test
ous tests3,4 where it was observed that the length of the most zone. During the testing of Specimen ST-3NT, however,
damaged region of the column was approximately equal to crushing of concrete was observed outside the test region;
the section depth and located approximately 100 to 200 mm therefore, to ensure that the failure took place within the
away from the stub. Outside the test region, the spacing of plastic hinge zone, it was decided to wrap the whole column
spiral reinforcement was reduced to around 2/3 of the speci- for the rest of the specimens. Column ST-6NT was strength-
fied spacing in the test zone (Fig. 2). All specimens were cast ened with four 100 mm wide CFRP bands at a clear spacing
together in vertical positions. of 100 mm. The first band was applied at a distance of 50 mm
The test specimens are divided into three groups. The from the stub face. The glass fabric was 1.25 mm thick,
first group, Series S, consisted of columns S-1NT, S-2NT, whereas the carbon fabric was either 0.5 or 1.0 mm thick. The
S-3NT, and S-4NT. Only steel spirals were used as lateral re- type of fabric and the number of layers used were designed to
inforcement in these columns. Specimens S-1NT and S-2NT study a range of parameters for their effects on column behavior.
contained the amount of spiral reinforcement that satisfied
the 1999 ACI Code6 provisions for seismic resistance, Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)
whereas Specimens S-3NT and S-4NT contained much less A commercially available FRP system was used for retro-
spiral reinforcement (Table 1). These four columns were fitting. The epoxy consisted of two components, A and B,
tested to failure to establish the standard behavior against which were mixed for 5 min with a mixer at a speed of 400
which columns retrofitted with FRP could be compared. The to 600 rpm. The mixing ratio was 100 parts of A to 42 parts
second group, Series ST, consisted of six columns that con- of B by volume. The carbon or glass fabric was saturated
Deformed bars were used in all the specimens. Grade 400,
25M bars were used to provide longitudinal steel contents of
3.0% in all the columns. U.S. No. 3, Grade 60 steel was used
for spiral reinforcement. Reinforcement in the stub was pro-
vided by a Grade 400, 10M bar. Figure 4 shows the stress-
strain curves for the three types of steel. Each curve shown
represents an average of at least three test results.
Patching materials
Two types of patching materials were used for column re-
pair. High-early-strength mortar was prepared by mixing
Fig. 5—Location of strain gages on longitudinal and fine sand with Type I portland cement in equal amounts by
spiral reinforcement. weight. The water-cement ratio was 0.15. The compressive
strength of the mortar reached 40 MPa in 2 days. The second
with the epoxy, and a layer of epoxy was also applied to the material was a commercially available shrinkage-compen-
surface of the column. The saturated fabric was then sated mortar called EMACO S77-CR. It can be mixed with
wrapped around the column with fiber orientation in the cir- water at a ratio of 14 to 18.5% by weight and yields a com-
cumferential direction, with an overlap length of 100 mm. pressive strength of 25 to 57 MPa in 7 days.
The thickness of epoxy was not strictly controlled, and ex-
cess amounts were squeezed out along with any air bubbles.
Three types of fabrics were used in this test series. The test Instrumentation
coupons were made from the fabric impregnated with epoxy Each specimen had a total of 18 strain gages installed on
and cured to harden. Figure 3 shows details of a typical test the longitudinal reinforcement. Moreover, the spiral rein-
specimen and the tensile stress-strain curves for the three forcement within the test region was instrumented with three
types of FRP. Each curve is the average of at least three tests. strain gages on each turn. Specimens S-1NT and S-2NT had
Since the thickness of the composite depends on the amount nine strain gages each attached to the spiral reinforcement,
of epoxy used, the tensile strength is represented in force per and all other specimens had six. Figure 5 shows the locations
unit width instead of stress. of the strain gages. The concrete core deformations were
measured using 18 linear variable displacement transducers
Concrete (LVDTs) with 10 on one side and 8 on the other side. The
Ready mixed concrete with a specified compressive gage lengths varied from 75 to 120 mm and covered a length
strength of 30 MPa was used. Development of concrete of about 515 mm. Transverse displacements of each speci-
strength with age was monitored by testing two or three cylin- men were also measured at six different locations along its
ders at one time. The strength of unconfined concrete in a par- length using LVDTs.
distance of 435 to 685 mm from the stub. Yielding of longitudi- reinforcement during the last loading cycle. Figure 9 shows
nal reinforcement was also observed. Inadvertently, Speci- the specimens at the end of the tests.
men R-2NT was damaged more extensively. It was loaded
up to the fifth cycle, that is, maximum displacement of 2∆1, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
which resulted in the yielding of both longitudinal and spiral Figure 10 shows the idealization of a test specimen. Response
reinforcement. The top cover spalled off between 150 and 550 of each specimen can be obtained in the form of applied lat-
mm from the stub, while the bottom cover was lost for a dis- eral load-displacement at column-stub connection PL-δ, shear
tance of approximately 500 mm from close to the stub (Fig. 8). force-tip deflection V-∆, and moment-curvature M-φ curves
The damaged columns were repaired while they were sub- following the procedure used for previous specimens.3 The
jected to 2/3 of the originally applied axial load. The loose curvature was computed using the deformation readings
measured by upper and lower LVDTs located at the most
concrete was first removed in both columns. A high-early-
damaged region within the hinging zone. The moment
strength mortar was used for patching Column R-1NT, while
shown was also calculated at the same location. The moment
for Column R-2NT, the structural repair mortar EMACO M consists of two parts: the primary moment caused by the
S77-CR was used. The repair mortar was cured for 2 days lateral load, and the secondary moment caused by the axial
before the FRP was wrapped around the columns as detailed load. It should be noted that although the column section
in Table 1. Observations made during the testing of the two adjacent to the stub was subjected to the maximum mo-
repaired columns were similar to those of specimens in the ST ment, failure in all the columns initiated at a location that
series (Group II), except that in the case of Specimen R-2NT, was approximately 200 to 400 mm away from the stub. The
rupture of the fibers was caused by the fracture of the spiral additional confinement provided by the stub strengthened
the critical section such that the failure took place at a lesser
moment away from the stub. The V-∆ and M-φ responses of
Specimen S-1NT are shown in Fig. 11. For the rest of the
specimens, only the moment-curvature curves are presented
herein (Fig. 12). Important events during testing such as
spalling of the concrete cover, yielding of the spiral, buck-
ling of the longitudinal bars, fracture of the spiral, and rup-
ture of the FRP are marked on the graphs.
There were reasonable similarities in form between the V-∆
and M-φ plots for all the specimens. Of primary concern
herein is the section behavior in the plastic hinge zone, as
represented by the M-φ relationship because in the postelastic
region further lateral displacement will take place as a result
of plastic rotation at the critical section of the column. A
number of variables can be examined by comparing differ-
ent specimens. Among the steel reinforced specimens
(Group I), effects of the level of axial load and the amount
of spiral reinforcement and spiral pitch can be examined. In Fig. 11—Behavior of Specimen S-1NT.
Group II specimens, the type of fiber used in FRP, amount of
FRP reinforcement, and the level of axial load are the main Responses of Specimens S-1NT and S-2NT can be com-
variables that can be studied. Specimens in Groups II and III pared to evaluate the effects of axial load level. Specimen
can be compared with those in Group I to evaluate the ben- S-1NT was tested under an axial load of 0.54Po while in S-2NT,
eficial effects of using FRP and the effect of pre-existing the axial load was 0.27Po . Both specimens were identical in
damage before the columns are repaired. all other aspects. It is evident that an increase in axial load
resulted in reduced ductility and deformability of the col-
Ductility parameters umn. The energy dissipation capacity of the section under
Ductility in elastoplastic structures can be defined easily. lower axial load is more than 10 times that of the section
In reinforced concrete members lacking such characteristics, under high axial load. Another pair of steel reinforced spec-
however, there is no universal definition for ductility. Figure 13 imens, S-3NT (P = 0.54Po ) and S-4NT (P = 0.27Po ) can also
describes various ductility parameters that have been used be studied for the effect of axial load. The amount of spiral
for steel reinforced concrete members.3,4 These include cur- reinforcement in both of these columns is only approximately
vature ductility factor µφ, cumulative ductility ratio Nφ and 30% of that required by the ACI code.6 Column behavior
energy damage indicator E. All of the terms are defined in even under lower axial load was quite brittle, but the column
Fig. 13 except Lf and h, which represent the length of the was able to undergo five cycles of lateral load excursions and
most damaged region measured from the test and the depth failed in the sixth cycle after undergoing a displacement of
of the column section, respectively. In members where no 3∆1. The Specimen S-3NT with P = 0.54Po failed in the fifth
strength degradation takes place and the section capacity keeps cycle with a maximum displacement of 2∆1. The only vari-
increasing with increased deformation until failure, toughness able different between FRP-retrofitted Specimens ST-1NT
and energy dissipation characteristics may define the section and ST-5NT is the axial load level. Since Specimen ST-1NT
performance better than other ductility parameters. Table 1 failed prematurely, a direct comparison of the two specimens
lists the total energy damage indicator for all the columns. cannot be made. The results, however, clearly indicate the
adverse effects of high axial load on the column’s ductility.
Axial load level
Axial load level in a column is generally indicated by two Amount and spacing of spiral reinforcement
indexes, P/fc′ Ag and P/Po , where Ag = gross cross-sectional The effect of the amount and spacing of spiral reinforcement
area of the column. Sheikh, Shah, and Khoury,4 based on an can be examined by comparing the behavior of Specimen
analysis of columns with fc′ ranging from approximately 30 S-1NT with that of S-3NT and the behavior of S-2NT with that
to 60 MPa, concluded that for different fc′ values, a compar- of S-4NT. An increase in the amount of transverse reinforcement
ison of the behavior of columns using the index P/fc′ Ag does provides higher confining pressure, and the reduced spiral
not remain valid. They recommended the use of index P/Po pitch improves the stability of the longitudinal bars, thus re-
to evaluate the relative performance of columns, particularly sulting in better ductile behavior of the columns. The energy
with regard to ductility. dissipation capacities of the columns with more spiral rein-