Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
1. Acknowledgement
2. Introduction
3. Effect on PPC due to GST
4. Effect on PPC due to Demonetisation
5. Effect on PPC due to Clean India mission
6. Effect on PPC due to Skill India mission
7. Effect on PPC due to Massive unemployment
8. Effect on PPC due to Digital Mission
I feel highly privileged and honoured in making the project on EFFECT ON
PPC DUE TO VARIOUS GOVT. POLICES. I express my sincere gratitude
to my teachers, parents and my friends for their kind cooperation for
preparing this project. My special thanks to my teacher MR.HARDEEP SIR
for his continuous support and encouragement that led to the development of
this material. I would also like to thank our principal MRS.SHABANA
REHAN mam for her caring and encouraging attitude towards us. I look
forward to recieve valuable suggestions from teachers, students.
Thank you
Production possibility curve is a diagrammatic representation showing
alternative production possibilities of to goods with the given resources
and technique of production it is also called production boundary Or
production Frontier as it shows the maximum possible production with
the given resources.
It is also called transmission line or Transformation curve because it indicates
that if more of good-X is to be produced then factors of production will have to
be withdrawn from the production of Good – Y and transfer to the production
of good-X. In other words good-Y is transformed into good-X it refers to a
Diagrammatical representation showing various combinations of two goods
which can be produced within given resources and Technology. For example
suppose an economy decides to produce only two goods namely, wheat and
cloth with its available resources and given Technology if all the resources are
used for the production of wheat alone than 100 lakh tonnes of wheat can be
produced on the contrary if all the resources are used for the production of
cloth alone than 4000 bales of cloth can be produced if the economy produces
both thegood then within these limits, various combinations of two
goods can be produced PPC can be shifted rotated in certain conditions.
1. If resources are increased or decreased the PPC shifts
2. If techniques is improved the PPC shifts or gets rotated.
Therefore, all the government policies have some what effecton PPC which can
make it shift right words or leftward. We can used various government policies
to make production easier faster and greater. Policies like GST skill India
mission clean India mission hElp the PPC To rise and generate production of
The information of the topic is taken from:
And from the book prescribed by cbse i.e. Introductory microeconomics.