Food Plan Starter Templates

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Food Plan Starter Templates

(Intended for use with “Never Binge Again™ - Available as a Free Kindle Download on )
DISCLAIMER: For education only. No guarantees and/or warranties of fitness for any particular purpose are made. You are responsible for determining the
nutritional soundness and safety of your own dietary plan. Consult a licensed medical professional if you require medical advice, and a licensed nutritionist if you
require nutritional advice. Usage is entirely at your own risk. If you do not agree with these terms, Psy Tech Inc. is unwilling to grant you a license to read and/or
use the information in this document, and you are instructed to destroy all copies both physical and electronic.
Taking full ownership and responsibility for a Food Plan which YOU create is your first and best offensive move against your fat-thinking-alter-ego (“the Pig”).
The “Starter Templates” in the following pages are therefore intended to be modified for your personal needs. Of course, you should seek counsel from
experts to inform your decisions. But “trying out” other people’s diets is a type of dependency which gives your Pig the opportunity to take control at any time
as follows: "Must’ve been a bad plan that nutritionist, doctor, or diet-guru recommended. You'll have to talk to them about it. Or else we’ll have to find
someone else to follow. Oh well, in the meantime we might as well just Binge. Yummy!!!" —Your Pig
Notwithstanding the above, it can be very helpful to have some of the blanks filled in for you as you get started. It is in this spirit we offer the Starter
Templates, and we’ve worked hard to ensure there’s one for virtually every nutritional philosophy. Each template is comprised of four categories:
➢ NEVERS: What foods, drinks, and behaviors will you never indulge in again as long as you live?
➢ ALWAYS: What will you always do regarding food, drink, and food behaviors?
➢ UNRESTRICTED: What foods, drinks, and food behaviors will you permit yourself to have without restriction?
➢ CONDITIONALS: What foods, drinks, and behaviors will you permit only at certain times, in certain amounts, and/or restricted by other conditions?
(WARNING: Specify these in exquisite detail so there’s no ambiguity whatsoever about when the light is red vs. green. Avoid yellow lights. In the
Pig’s way of thinking, yellow = bright green. And red-ish = bright green too!)
Most people find it easiest to develop a solid Food Plan by first writing down the strictest set of rules in each category which would allow
the Pig absolutely NO wiggle room—then loosening the boundaries until it’s clear there’s be enough nutrition and enjoyment to sustain
satisfaction on the plan indefinitely. Many of the templates are therefore presented in a much stricter form than you will be able to adopt if you
attempt to use them as is. Most people will need to make significant modifications. For example, on any given plan you may wish to move some of the
Nevers to the Conditionals section, or delete several of the rules entirely. You may also wish to add rules specific to your nutritional needs, or simply
for your own pleasure. You may borrow concepts and rules from one template and move them to another.

The bottom line is, it’s YOUR plan… change it however you like! As long as the final result is easy to remember, nutritionally sound, and 100%
unambiguous you’ll be fine. And don’t feel constrained by the formatting of the Starter Templates. There’s NO reason you have to keep the columns, or even
force it to fit on a single page. You also don’t have to use the four categories above—they’re just a convenient structure to help you think things through. The
plans are listed in no particular order, so please be sure to page all the way through the document to find one which is closest to your nutritional philosophy.
This is an evolving document. Check for periodic free updates at And please know the author does not personally endorse any
of the plans enclosed, and in fact may vehemently disagree with many of them, but has presented a full spectrum to respect the fact that what you choose to
put on your plate vs. your Pig’s trough is a very private matter.
Just one more thing, and it’s VERY important! Although some people find it helpful to create and adopt a comprehensive Food Plan right out of the gate,
others find this overwhelming and find more success by just starting with ONE clear line in the sand. This is a perfectly acceptable—often preferable—way to
set yourself up for success. Confidently adopting and reaping the benefits of ONE rule which protects you from a troubling food (or food behavior) can build
the necessary momentum to adopt the next.

Oh… and to learn more about the products and services available to help fix your food problem
and achieve the body, mind, and physical performance you most desire please visit…

Blank Food Plan Template

We’ll begin with a blank slate for those of you who don’t wish to be at all encumbered with the thoughts of
What foods, drinks, and What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
behaviors will you never food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain
indulge in again as long as have without restriction? times, in certain amounts, and/or
you live? restricted by other conditions?

What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself will you permit only at certain
long as you live? to have without restriction? times, in certain amounts, and/or
restricted by other conditions?

I Never Eat Red Meat I Always Consume At Least One I may have as many un-sauced I only ever eat sweets two
Pound of Vegetables Each Calendar vegetables as I wish at any given weekends per Calendar Month,
I Never Eat and/or Drink Dairy
Day time of day or night. and on those weekends I may only
I Never More Than Two Servings have up to 20% of my total calories
I Always Drink 8 Full Cups of Water I may drink as much water and/or
of Animal Products on Any Given from sweets. (Note: “Sweets”
Each Calendar Day herbal tea as I wish.
Calendar Week means anything sweet besides
I Always Eat At Least One Piece of whole fruit)
I Never Eat More Than Three
Whole Fruit Each Day
Servings of Fruit on Any Given I only ever eat processed grains
Calendar Day I Always Eat At Least One Serving of like pasta and/or bread two
Legumes Each Calendar Day weekends per Calendar Month,
I Never Consume More Than
they may not be the same
10% of My Calories from Oil on I Always Drink a Minimum of Two
weekends as those I choose to eat
Any Given Calendar Day Cups of Organic Vegetable Juice
sweets (above), and on those
Each Calendar Week
I Never Use Artificial Sweeteners weekends I may only have up to
20% of my total calories from these

Sugar and Flour Addict

Some people who have exhaustively battled refined sugar and flour find it easier to adopt a plan which excludes
them entirely. This is often more effective when alcohol is also excluded as a never (not shown here.) Some
people take it a step further and exclude artificial sweeteners. There is no nutritional need for refined sugar,
flour, or alcohol in the body.


What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain times,
long as you live? have without restriction? in certain amounts, and/or restricted
by other conditions?
I Will Never Eat Anything I always eat leafy green I may have as much water, I will only ever drink alcohol
Sweet Besides Whole Fruit vegetables with at least one herbal tea, and calorie free again when out to dinner with
and Stevia Again meal per day coffee as I desire someone I love (other than
myself)… and I will never have
I Will Never Eat Any Type of
more than four drinks per
Flour Again
calendar week again.



What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as regarding food, drink, and food behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain
long as you live? behaviors? have without restriction? times, in certain amounts, and/or
restricted by other conditions?
I Will Never Count Calories I Always Consume At Least I may have as many I Only Eat Grains and/or
and/or Restrict My Portions One Tablespoon of Coconut vegetables as I wish at any Flour on Wednesdays and
Again Oil Every Calendar Day time Saturdays and Even Then
I Will Never Eat Legumes of I Always Eat At Least Two 10 I may drink as much No More Than 600 Calories
Worth per Calendar Day
Any Type Again Inch Plate’s Worth of unsweetened herbal tea as
Vegetables Every Calendar I wish at any time The only oils I will ever
I Will Never Eat Anything
Day consume again are Avocado
Sweet Besides Whole Fruit
Again I Always Eat At Least 2/3rds of Oil and/or Olive Oil.

I Will Never Eat More Than a Pound of Pasture Raised The only dairy products other
and/or Grass Fed Animal than butter and heavy cream
Two Servings of Fruit Per
Protein Every Calendar Day I may eat are raw, full fat,
Day Again
I Always Spend at Least 15 and/or fermented.
I Will Never Cook with Oil
Again (I will only use oil cold Minutes Outside in the Sun
Every Calendar Day
in salad dressings)

Vegetarian Variations
Please note that rather than creating separate starter templates for each subtype of vegetarian Food Plans we
have condensed them into one and indicated those rules belonging only to specific subtypes with parenthetical
comments. You should delete the lines which don’t apply to the particular subtype you have chosen. (You can
also then delete the parenthetical comments)


What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit will you permit only at certain
long as you live? yourself to have without times, in certain amounts, and/or
restriction? restricted by other conditions?
I Will Never Eat Any Animal I Always Have At Least One I may eat as many un- I Only Eat Animal Products
Product Again (VEGAN) Half Pound of Green Leafy sauced vegetables as I on Weekends (WEEKEND
Vegetables Each Calendar wish. VEGETARIAN)
Other Than Eggs and Dairy
I Will Never Eat Any Animal Day I may drink as much water
Product Again (LACTO- I Always Have At Least One as I wish.
OVO VEGETARIAN) Half Pound of Cruciferous
Other than carrot juice, I
Vegetables Each Calendar
Other Than Dairy I Will may drink as much
Never Eat Any Animal Day vegetable juice as I wish
Product Again (LACTO- I Always Write Down How
OVO VEGETARIAN) Many Grams of Protein I’ve
Eaten Before Bed Each Night

Whole Foods
Some people do best with a very minimalistic set of rules focused on a “clean” way of eating.


What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain times,
long as you live? have without restriction? in certain amounts, and/or restricted
by other conditions?
I Never Eat Processed Foods I May Eat As Much Whole
I Never Eat Non-Organic Plant Food As I Desire at Any
Animal Products

For Grazers and Over-Snackers
For some people, the central problem with their eating behavior is frequency, and creating a fasted state
between meals is all that’s really required to achieve their health and fitness goals.


What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain times,
long as you live? have without restriction? in certain amounts, and/or restricted
by other conditions?
I Will Never Eat More Than I always leave at least two I may drink as much water as I
Four Meals on Any Given hours between meals, and wish.
Calendar Day Again define a meal as anything
Other than carrot juice, I may
consumed within one hour of
I Will Never Consume drink as much vegetable juice
Calories Between Meals the first bite. as I wish

Calorie Counters
What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain times,
long as you live? have without restriction? in certain amounts, and/or restricted
by other conditions?
I Never Go to Bed on Any I Always Tally My Total I may drink as much calorie- I eat no more than (NUMBER)
Given Calendar Day Calories Consumed on Any free liquids as I desire of calories per Calendar Day
Without Tallying My Given Calendar Day in My with the exception of one
Calories for the Day in Head Before Eating Calendar Day per Calendar
Written Form Something New Month (the “Double Calorie
Day”) when I may have as
calories. (NOTE: This
condition is meant to be
optional for those calorie
counters who want occasional
relief. The specific number,
frequency of these special
days, and multiple of calories
is up to you!)

Carbohydrate Counters / Low Carb
What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself will you permit only at certain times,
long as you live? to have without restriction? in certain amounts, and/or restricted
by other conditions?
I Will Never Eat Anything I Always Tally My Total Grams I May Eat As Much Zero Between (DATE) and (DATE) I
with More Than (NUMBER) of Carbohydrates Consumed Carbohydrate Foods As I Will Never Eat More Than
of Carbs in Any Given Meal on Any Given Calendar Day in Desire at Any Time (NUMBER OF GRAMS)
Again (a meal being defined My Head Before Consuming Grams of Carbohydrates on
as occurring within sixty Any Additional Calories Any Given Calendar Day
minutes of the first bite, and
no sooner than two hours
after the completion of a TO ACCOUNT FOR
prior meal)

Health Food Lunatic (Very Strict)


What foods, drinks, and behaviors will What will you always do What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
you never indulge in again as long as regarding food, drink, and food behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain times,
you live? behaviors? have without restriction? in certain amounts, and/or restricted
by other conditions?
Provided all other rules are met I I will never eat more than three
I Will Never Eat Anything 100% of my diet is may eat as many vegetables, ounces of nuts and/or seeds on
Which Doesn’t Grow in the ALWAYS comprised fruits, spices, and beans as I wish any given Calendar Day
Ground Again. of fruit, vegetables, at any time.
seeds, nuts, spices,
I Will Never Eat Sweets, Provided all other rules are met I
beans, and
Grains, Flour, Oil, and/or may eat as many calories as I wish
supplements. at any time.
Alcohol Again. (Sweets
include anything and everything
which tastes sweet besides
whole fruits, berries, stevia, and
Added Salt and/or Sodium.
(Includes all foods, drinks, and
sauces with added sodium.)

Single Trouble Food Example (Chocolate)
Some plans may have just one single rule to control a troublesome food. In this example we’ve used Chocolate.
What foods, drinks, and behaviors What will you always do regarding What foods, drinks, and food What foods, drinks, and behaviors
will you never indulge in again as food, drink, and food behaviors? behaviors will you permit yourself to will you permit only at certain times,
long as you live? have without restriction? in certain amounts, and/or restricted
by other conditions?
Outside of my conditional trouble I will never eat chocolate again
food rule I do not restrict myself in outside of a social situation where
any way whatsoever someone I care about has
specifically offered it to me…and
never more than once a month in
any case.

To learn more about the products and services available to help fix your food problem
and achieve the body, mind, and physical performance you most desire please visit…

This document assumes the reader has read “Never Binge Again™”
currently available as a free download via the website below:
© Psy Tech Inc.
All Rights Reserved


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