Juniper SRX Vs Palo Alto Next Gen Firewall PDF
Juniper SRX Vs Palo Alto Next Gen Firewall PDF
Juniper SRX Vs Palo Alto Next Gen Firewall PDF
SPs remain Juniper’s primary focus, with most products built for large-scale de- • Junos is perceived as mature and stable. Data and control plane are separated.
ployments with little attention to enterprise requirements. Even though Juniper
• Existing customers like the powerful CLI and API functions.
continues to struggle in security, with revenue in this area declining year over year,
it remains a strong incumbent that can tug security into larger network deals, similar • Juniper offers great automation capabilities, but manual stitching is required.
to Cisco.
In 2015, Juniper sold its Pulse VPN technology to a private equity firm. It exists • SRX has very high L4 throughput without security features, including “Ex-
today as Pulse Secure, without any relationship to Juniper. pressPath” for accelerating established connections.
• Juniper focuses on the SP market. Everything is built for SPs first and scaled
Are you confident that your Can you enable advanced Do you have to train your down for enterprises, which tends to make the products overly complicated.
security vendor provides security features without teams on multiple admin
the visibility into your secu- resizing your firewall infra- interfaces? • Juniper offers limited local log storage and reporting capabilities (no SLR/
rity posture that you need? structure? BPA) and no visibility into threat intelligence (i.e., no AutoFocus equivalent).
© 2019 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Juniper SRX vs. Palo Alto Networks Next-Gen Firewall | Confidential and Proprietary Information: For internal use and authorized partners under NDA with Palo Alto Networks only. 1
© 2019 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Juniper SRX vs. Palo Alto Networks Next-Gen Firewall | Confidential and Proprietary Information: For internal use and authorized partners under NDA with Palo Alto Networks only. 2
Show how WildFire is natively integrated into all our products and
how prevention is automated.
“Why learn a new OS when you already use Junos OS on your routers?”
Leverage Our Strong Cloud Focus
Juniper will say SRX offers the same experience as MX Series routers. Junos Space requires a
Juniper does not have an answer for the customer’s journey to the separate application, Security Director, to be able to manage SRX firewalls. SRX devices operating
cloud. vSRX is only supported on AWS and Azure. Juniper has no as routers are not manageable under Junos Space. Sky ATP (a cloud sandbox) and JATP (an on-premises
CASB, CWPP, or CSPM offering. Position Prisma SaaS, Traps, and sandbox) have completely separate UIs.
Prisma Cloud to force Juniper to bring in partners.
Push for a Proof of Concept “Junos OS had an API before it had a CLI.”
Set the table for the PoC and put a focus on security features. All Juniper claims to offer the best automation capabilities, but it is all DIY and not ready for enterprise
features, including logging, need to be enabled. Show the feature use. There are no templates or documented best practices. We have automation either built-in
parity between PAN-OS, Panorama, and the command line. Make (e.g., WildFire) or in the form of APIs, DAG/EDLs, HTTP Log Forwarding, auto-tagging, or via
sure Juniper demonstrates the SRX GUI as well. libraries (pan-python, pandevice). Show a live demo of these components playing together,
especially in the cloud.
Show the Ease of Use of PAN-OS and Panorama
Space and the Security Director have a steep learning curve. Our
user experience is consistent across local and central management.
Show the ACC and reporting capabilities.
Additional Resources
More competitive intelligence (internal)
Long-term Juniper customers tend to use the CLI and API for
managing firewalls. Show that we have the same capabilities.
More competitive intelligence (partner)
© 2019 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. | Juniper SRX vs. Palo Alto Networks Next-Gen Firewall | Confidential and Proprietary Information: For internal use and authorized partners under NDA with Palo Alto Networks only. 3