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My Thesis PDF
My Thesis PDF
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1 author:
Mohammed Atef
Minoufiya University
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Faculty of Science
Mathematics Department
I, Mohamed Atef Fetouh Soliman, declares that this thesis titled, "Some Topo-
logical Applications on Graph Theory and Information Systems" and the work
presented in it are my own. I confirm that:
• This work is done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a M.Sc degree
at Menoufia University.
• Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or
any other qualification at this University or any other institution, this has
been clearly stated.
• Where I have consulted any published work of others, this is always clearly
• Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given.
With the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work.
• Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have
made clear exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed
List of Publicaltions
I would like to dedicate this thesis to my loving parents my mother and my fa-
ther both of whom gave me the foundation of something they had never enjoyed
education. Ever since then, I have been able to appreciate the value of reading
and lifelong learning.
First of all, I would like to thank ALLAH, Then I would like to ex-
press my gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Dr. Abdoulmonem Mo-
hamed Kozae, Prof. Dr. Shokry Nada and Dr. Ashraf Hefnawy for
many hours of constructive discussions, sincere supervision, help,
and encouragement. I was pleased to know Dr. Abdel Fattah El-
Atik and work with him and would like to thank him very much
for everything he did. I would also like to express my deep grati-
tude and respect to him for his encouragement all the time. Without
his encouragement, advice and many great ideas, this thesis would
never have been completed.
I am much obliged to my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather,
sister, and brother they are always with me, give beautiful meaning
to my life, and support me. They provided me all their resources.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife Dr. Asmaa Youssef for her
Mohamed Atef Fetouh Soliman
Declaration of Authorship ii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Contents vii
Abstract viii
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
1.4 Fractals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5 Conclusions 86
References 88
ical space. We give a new style of isomorphic between topological
graphs. Using the definition of topological graph which introduced
and studied later, we introduce new separation axioms on graphs
called graph separation axioms say gT0 , gT1 , gT2 , gT3 and gT4 , in-
vestigate some properties on it. Finally, we give a comparison with
some examples of these graph separation axioms.
List of Figures
2.1 A pesudograph G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 A multigraph G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3 A simple graph G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 A graph G with no multiple edges . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5 A simple graph G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.6 The blood circulation of human body. . . . . . . . . . 40
2.7 A graph representing a street system. . . . . . . . . . 43
3.5 Intersection in graph sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.6 The relation between sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.7 A topological graph for three points. . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.8 A topological graph for four points. . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.9 A graph which is a topological graph. . . . . . . . . . 57
3.10 A graph which is not topological graph. . . . . . . . . 57
3.11 A graph G1 and G2 which are isomorphic. . . . . . . . 60
3.12 A graph G1 and G2 which are isomorphic. . . . . . . . 61
List of Tables
List of Symbols
Symbol Meaning
G Graph
R Relation
τG Topology on Graph
V Vertex Set
E Edge Set
degG Degree on Graph
SG Subbase on Graph
βG Basis on Graph
ClG Closure on Graph
IntG Iterior on Graph
∼ Parallel
N Neighborhood
E p (G) Edges for Pseudo Graph
Ed ( G ) Edges for Discrete Graph
Es ( G ) Edges for Simple Graph
C Complement
Chapter 1
1.1 2
Figure 1.3.
adjacent edges. The vertex u and the edge uv are said to be incident
Two or more edges that join the same pair of distinct vertices are
vn the final vertex of the walk. A walk in which all the edges are
dent edges.
Figure 1.4.
1.1 6
Figure 1.5.
Figure 1.6.
1.1 7
edge family E( G1 ) ∪ E( G2 ).
vertices of G.
1 i f vi v j ∈ E ( G )
aij = (1.1)
0 i f vi v j ∈
/ E( G )
and v are adjacent in G if and only if F (u) and F (v) are adjacent
Theorem 1.1.23. If two graphs G and H are isomorphic, then they have
the same order and the same size, and the degrees of the vertices of G are
intersections of elements of S.
τ={ X, φ}. Then τ is called the indiscrete topology and the topolog-
(2) the union of any (finite or infinite) number of open sets is an open set,
(3) the intersection of any finite number of open sets is an open set.
is open in ( X, τ ).
(2) the intersection of any (finite or infinite) number of closed sets is a closed
set, and
(3) the union of any finite number of closed sets is a closed set.
contain A.
contains x.
a topological space X.
Cl : P( X ) → P( X ) such that:
(ii) A ⊆ Cl ( A).
subsets of X then :
(v) b( L ∪ K ) ⊆ b( L) ∪ b(K ).
(vi) b( L ∩ K ) ⊆ b( L) ∪ b(K ).
if for any pair of distinct points of X, there exist at least one open
if for any pair of distinct points of X, there exist two open sets
U, V ∈ τ such that x ∈ U, y ∈
/ U and x ∈
/ V, y ∈ V.
dorff space or T2 -space if for each pair of distinct points can be sep-
space if for every non-empty closed set F and a point x which does
F ⊆ Uand U ∩ V = φ.
B ⊆ V and U ∩ V = φ.
(1) V ( P1 ) ⊆ Cl (V ( P1 ))
(2) If P1 ⊆ P2 , then Cl (V ( P1 )) ⊆ Cl (V ( P2 ))
Definition 1.3.1. The binary relation R from the set A to the set B is
Example 1.3.2. Let A= cities of the world, B= countries of the world and
tal city of b). For example ( Paris) R( France), ( Moscow) R( Russia) and
( Tirana) R( Albania).
1.3 17
R={( a, b), (b, a), ( a, c), (c, a), (b, c), (c, b), (c, d), (d, c)}. These relation
are less obvious still. We can describe the property reasonably eas-
ily. If three points are such that there are edges from the first to the
second and from the second to the third, then there must also be an
edge from the first to the third.
1.4 Fractals
others, like trees retain the structure they acquired in their devel-
opment. The mathematical concept of a fractal characterizes objects
with structures on various scales, large as well as small. There are
one important idealization involved: fractal objects are self-similar,
i.e, they do not change their appearance significantly when viewed
under a microscope of arbitrary magnifying power. Also, fractals
are geometric figures, just like rectangles, circles and squares, but
fractals have special properties that those figures do not have. The
concept of fractal was in the description of nature. A fractal is an
object that displays self-similarity at various scales.
via graphs
2.1 22
y, respectively.
(ii) If n=1 and m=0 means there is no multiple edges and no loops in
R={(1x , 1y ) : x, y ∈ V ( G )}.
R={(7a , 6b ), (6b , 7a ), (7a , 6e ), (6e , 7a ), (6b , 10c ), (10c , 6b ), (10c , 6d ), (6d , 10c ),
(6d , 6b ), (6b , 6d ), (6d , 6e ), (6e , 6d ), (7a , 7a ), (6e , 6e ), (10c , 10c )}. We note that
the relation R on G is :
(ii) R is symmetric.
(iii) R is not antisymmetric because there exist aRb and bRa, but a 6= b.
Example 2.1.6. Let G be a non simple graph which has multiple edges
and no loops as shown in Figure 2.2. The relation R on G has the form
(ii) R is symmetric.
(iii) R is not antisymmetric because there exist aRb and bRa, but a 6= b.
Example 2.1.7. Let G be a simple graph which has no loops and no mul-
tiple edges as shown in Figure 2.3. The relation R on G has the form
2.1 25
R={( a, b), (b, a), ( a, e), (e, a), (b, c), (c, b), (c, d), (d, c), (d, b), (b, d),
(ii) R is symmetric.
(iii) R is not antisymmetric because there exist aRb and bRa, but a 6= b.
Example 2.1.8. Let G be a graph which has loops and no multiple edges,
(5c , 4e ), (4e , 5c ), (4e , 5d ), (5d , 4e ), (4a , 4a ), (4b , 4b ), (5c , 5c ), (5d , 5d ), (4c , 4c )}.
We note that the relation R on G is :
(i) R is reflexive.
(ii) R is symmetric.
2.2 26
(iii) R is not antisymmetric because there exist aRb and bRa, but a 6= b.
φ ∈ τG , then Ai ∩ Ci ∈ τG .
Therefore {yn : n ∈ N } ∈ τG .
(7a ) R={6b , 6e },
(6b ) R={7a , 10c , 7d },
(10c ) R={6b , 7d },
(7d ) R={6b , 10c , 6e },
(6e ) R={7a , 7d }. Then, a subbase of a topology is
SG1 ={{6b , 6e }, {7a , 10c , 7d }, {6b , 7d }, {6b , 10c , 6e }, {7a , 7d }}. The base is
(3a ) R={6b , 4e },
(6b ) R={3a , 4c , 7d },
(4c ) R={6b , 7d },
(7d ) R={6b , 4c , 4e },
(4e ) R={3a , 7d }.
Then, a subbase of a topology is SG2 ={ {6b , 4e },{3a , 4c , 7d },
{ 7d } , { 4c } , { 6b , 7d , 4e } , { 3 a , 4c , 6b , 7d } , { 6b , 4c , 7d , 4e } , { 6b , 4c } , { 4c , 7d } ,
{3a , 6b , 7d , 4e }, {3a , 6b , 7d }, {6b , 4c , 7d }}.
aR={b, e},
bR={ a, c, d},
cR={b, d},
dR={b, c, e},
dR={b, c, e},
The base is β G3 ={ X, φ, {b, e}, { a, c, d}, {b, d}, {b, c, e}, { a, d},
{b, d, e}, { a, c, b, d}, {b, c, d, e}, {b, c}, {c, d}, { a, b, d, e}, { a, b, d},
{b, c, d}}.
Example 2.2.7. From Example 2.2.5, the closed sets of the topology τG is
vertices V ( H )={ a, e}. Then bR={ a, c, d}, cR={b, d} and dR={e, b, c}.
So bR ∩ V ( H ) 6= φ, cR ∩ V ( H )=φ and dR ∩ V ( H ) 6= φ.
IntG (V ( H )) ⊆ V ( H )
IntG (V ( H ))= { x ∈ V ( G ) : xR ⊆ V ( H )}
⊆ {v ∈ V ( G ) : vR ⊆ V ( H ) ⊆ V (K )}
⊆ IntG V (K ).
Therefore IntG (V ( H )) ⊆ IntG (V (K )).
v ∈ V ( G ) such that vR ⊆ V ( H ) ∩ V (K ).
by Definition 2.2.8, v ∈ V ( H ) ∪ V (K ) or vR ∩ (V ( H ) ∪ V (K )) 6= φ.
Then v ∈ V ( H ) or v ∈ V (K ) or vR ∩ V ( H ) 6= φ or vR ∩ V (K ) 6= φ.
2.2 35
Thus (v ∈ V ( H )orvR ∩ V ( H ) 6= φ) or (v ∈ V (K ) or vR ∩ V (K ) 6=
by Proposition 2.2.15, v ∈
/ IntG (V ( H )). So v ∈ V ( G ) − IntG (V ( H )).
v ∈ V ( G ) and v ∈
/ ClG (V ( H )). Therefore v ∈ V ( G ) − ClG (V ( H )).
(V ( G ), τG ). If H is a subgraph of G, then
IntG ( IntG (V ( H ))) 6= IntG (V ( H )).
The following example show this result.
IntG ( IntG (V ( A)))={ g}, then IntG (V ( A)) 6= IntG ( IntG (V ( A))).
V ( H )={d, c, e, g}.
(1) V ( P1 ) ⊆ ClG (V ( P1 ))
Input: A number of vertices of a graph G, Adjacency matrix of
Output: A topology of G (τG ).
1.Insert a number of vertices of G.
2.for i ∈ n
Enter the name of vertices of a graph G.
3.for i ∈ n
for j ∈ n
Enter the of adjacency matrix of V ( G ).
4.for i ∈ n
for j ∈ n
Calculate a degree of V ( G ).
5.for i ∈ n
for j ∈ n
if(degree != 0)
2.3 39
R=(degree( x (i )) x(i) , degree( x ( j)) x( j) ).
6.for i ∈ n
for j ∈ n
if(class(i,j) != 0)
7.for vi ∈ n
for v j ∈ n
base=subbase + intersection(vi , v j ).
8.for vi ∈ n
for v j ∈ n
if(union(vi , v j ) != (vi ||v j ))
vi , v j ∈ union.
union(vi , v j ) ∈ union.
topology = base + union(vi , v j ).
Now, we give two different examples. The first one shows the
2.3 40
blood circulation of a human body and the second shows the street
system of a community.
We conclude that the graph must be connected for modifying the medical
state. Figure 2.6, shows a graph G, we can classify the heart into a set of
vertices and set of edges. So it’s easy to generate the topology τG on it.
SG ={{v3 }, {v4 }, {v5 }, {v6 , v7 }, {v8 }, {v9 }, {v10 }}. The base has a form
β G ={V ( G ), φ, {v3 }, {v4 }, {v5 }, {v6 , v7 }, {v8 }, {v9 }, {v10 }}. Therefore
τG ={V ( G ), φ, {v3 }, {v4 }, {v5 }, {v6 , v7 }, {v8 }, {v9 }, {v10 }, {v3 , v4 }, {v3 , v5 },
2.3 41
heart will find is true. Because the blood flow in a heart in a directed path
that’s mean that the blood must be pass through each successive point until
complete its cycle. But, if the blood stop. It will cause many problems as
2.3 42
heart failure that occurs if the heart can’t pump enough blood to the lungs
to pick up oxygen. Left-side heart failure occurs if the heart can’t pump
Secondly, also we can get the interior of the graph by assigning subgraph
rior that the resultant interior of the subgraph H is the IntG (V ( H ))={v4 , v5 }.
In this case, we notice that the end point doesn’t exist. And this is a con-
tradiction for our medical application. But there is one part only we can
apply this example to it. This is the lung. Medically, some people have
So these people have to remove one of their lung surgically. This surgical
street state. Figure 2.7, shows a graph G that represents the street system
of a community, where the edges are streets and vertices are street inter-
sections. So it’s easy to generate the topology τG on it. The post classes of
{ s4 , s6 }, { s1 , s7 }, { s1 , s2 , s7 }, { s2 , s3 , s5 }, { s1 , s2 , s3 , s7 }, { s1 , s2 , s7 , s8 },
{ s2 , s3 , s5 , s8 }, { s2 , s4 , s6 , s8 }, { s1 , s2 , s3 , s7 , s8 }, { s1 , s3 , s5 , s7 },
{ s1 , s4 , s6 , s7 }, { s1 , s2 , s4 , s6 , s7 }, { s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 }, { s2 , s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 },
{ s1 , s3 , s4 , s6 , s7 }, { s1 , s2 , s3 , s5 , s7 }, { s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , s6 , s7 },
{ s1 , s2 , s3 , s5 , s7 , s8 }, { s1 , s2 , s4 , s6 , s7 , s8 }, { s2 , s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 , s8 },
{ s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , s6 , s7 , s8 }, { s1 , s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 , s7 }, { s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , s5 , s6 , s7 }.
The community wants to build an emergency facility at one of the inter-
sections so that the number of blocks needed to drive from the facility to the
2.3 44
We can conclude from the definition of the interior that the resultant inte-
Secondly, also we can get the closure of the graph by assigning subgraph
is connected.
Chapter 3
topological spaces
3.1 46
Example 3.1.2. Let X={1, 2, 3} be a set, and C1 ={{3}, {1, 2}, {3, 1}},
C2 ={{1}, {2, 3}, {1, 2}} are parallel there exist F, such that F {3}={1},
C2 ={{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}, {3, 4}}, C3 ={{3, 7}, {8, 9, 10}, {3, 10, 12}} of a set
in Figure 3.1.
Example 3.1.5. From Example 3.1.3, ∪C1 ={1, 2}, ∪C2 ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and
N ( v j , U )=| B |.
Theorem 3.1.7. If G1 and G2 are two graphs which are represented by two
Example 3.1.8. Two graphs C1 and C2 are isomorphic but the set graphs
Figure 3.4.
Case 3 : If A ∩ B 6= φ, 6= | A| and 6= | B| and | A ∩ B|=r , where r ∈ I,
Remark 3.1.11. Every set graph G is a subgraph from the graph rep-
simple graphs, we put only one edge between two adjacent vertices
in D.
Theorem 3.2.4.
n ∗ 2n −2 ∗ ( 2n −1 − 1 ) .
(iii) The number of edges | Es ( G )| of a simple graph arising from the discrete
graph, this means that, by letting one edge only joining to adjacent vertices
=∑ | A ∩ B| + ∑ | A ∩ E| + ∑ |( A ∩ L| + ∑ | A ∩ K |
3.2 52
=∑ | B | + ∑ | A | + ∑ | A ∩ L |.
m −1 m −1 m −1 m −1) !
∑ | B| = ∑i=1 i ∗m Ci =∑i=1 i ∗ i!(mm!−i)! =m ∗ ∑i=1 (i−1)!(m−i)!
=m ∗ ∑im=−11 m−1 Ci−1 =m ∗ ∑m −2 m −1
j =0 ( Cj )=m ∗ ∑m −1 m −1
j =0 ( C j − 1)
=m ∗ (2m−1 − 1).
(ii) degG (VA )=m ∗ (2n−1 − 1). It follows that the number of edges of
= n2 ∗ (2( n − 1) − 1) ∗ 2n−1
(iii) degG (VA )=2n − 2n−m − 1. It follows that the number of edges of
= 12 ∗ ((22n − 2 ∗ 2n + 1) − (3n − 2n ))
= 12 ∗ (22n − 2n − 3n + 1).
and vi ∩ v j ∈ V ( G ).
to τ is a topology represented G.
by a topology τ={φ, {1}, {1, 2}, .., {1, 2, .., n}} is equal to
3.2 55
1 2
6 n(n − 1).
=mn − m2 + 12 m2 − 12 m=m ∗ n − 21 m2 − 12 ∗ m.
τ={φ, {1}, {1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}}. Then the number of edges is equal to
τ={φ, {1}, {1, 2}, {1, 2, 3} {1, 2, 3, 4}}. Then the number of edges is equal
ogy represent this graph as shown in Figure 3.9. The vertex v f isolated
N (vd , v)=2, then the vertex vd represented by {1, 2}. N (vc , v)=2, then
then the class τ={φ, {1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}
degG vb =3=degG vc , then v a =V, N (vb , vc )=1, but there is no elements be-
Input: d, n and m.
Output: Degree of each vertex.
1. Insert n,m.
2. for i ∈ n
Ai =insert di .
3. for i ∈ n
topology +=Ai .
4. Function(For a discrete graph )
degG VA∩ B =m(2m−1 − 1).
degG VA∩E =m(2n−m − 1).
degG VA∩ L =m(2n−m − 1)(2m−1 − 1).
degG VA =m(2n−1 − 1).
| Edges|=n2n−2 (2n−1 − 1).
5. Function(For a pseudograph )
degG VA =m(2n−1 − 1) + 2m.
| Edges|=n2n−2 (2n−1 − 1) + n2n−1 .
3.4 59
6. Function(For a simple graph )
degG VA =2n − 2n−m − 1.
| Edges|= 12 (22n − 2n − 3n + 1).
7. for i ∈ 2n
degG Vi =i ∗ n.
Example 3.4.1. The Peterson graph is drawn in various ways. The iso-
shown at Table 3.1, Table 3.2 and Table 3.3, we reach to a class
C={{1, 2, 3}, {1, 4, 5}, {4, 6, 7}, {6, 8, 9}, {3, 9, 10}, {2, 12, 13},
{5, 14, 15}, {7, 11, 12}, {8, 13, 14}, {10, 11, 15}}, which represents the graph
G1 , and we find the class C represents the graph G2 . Then G1 and G2 are
Example 3.4.2. The isomorphic between the following Two graphs G1 and
G2 as shown in Figure 3.12. By the following way shown at Table 3.4, Ta-
3.4 60
Step/Vertex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
u1 {1, 2, 3}
u2 {1, {1, 4, 5}
u3 {4, {4, 6, 7}
u4 {6, {6, 8, 9}
u5 {3, {3, 9, {3, 9, 10}
u6 {2, {2, 12, 13}
u7 {5, {4, 14, 15}
u8 {7, {7, 12, {7, 11, 12}
u9 {8, {8, 13, {8, 13, 14}
u10 {10, {10, 15, {10, 11, 15}
Step/Vertex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
v1 {1, 2, 3}
v2 {1, {1, 4, 5}
v3 {4, {4, 6, 7}
v4 {7, {7, 11, 12}
v5 {11, {10, 11, 15}
v6 {3, {3, 10 {3, 9, 10}
v7 {6, {6, 9, {6, 8, 9}
v8 {8, {8, 13, 14}
v9 {2, {2, 12, {2, 12, 13}
v10 {5, {5, 15 {5, 14, 15}
3.4 61
Set G1 G2
{1, 2, 3} u1 v1
{1, 4, 5} u2 v2
{4, 6, 7} u3 v3
{6, 8, 9} u4 v7
{3, 9, 10} u5 v6
{2, 12, 13} u6 v9
{5, 14, 15} u7 v10
{7, 11, 12} u8 v4
{8, 13, 14} u9 v8
{10, 11, 15} u10 v5
τ={φ, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}, which represents the
graph G1 , and we find that the topology τ represents the graph G2 . Then
Step/Vertex 1 2 3 4
u0 φ
u1 {1}
u2 {2}
u3 {3}
u4 {1, {1, 2}
u5 {1, {1, 3}
u6 {2, {2, 3}
u7 {1, {1, 2, {1, 2, 3}
Step/Vertex 1 2 3 4
v0 φ
v1 {1}
v2 {2}
v3 {3}
v4 {2, {2, 3}
v5 {1, {1, 3}
v6 {1, {1, 2}
v7 {1, {1, 2, {1, 2, 3}
Set G1 G2
φ u0 v0
{1} u1 v1
{2} u2 v2
{3} u3 v3
{1, 2} u4 v6
{1, 3} u5 v5
{2, 3} u6 v4
{1, 2, 3} u7 v2
Chapter 4
topological graphs
4.1 64
of these post class is called closed post class and denoted by C (vi R).
if for any pair of vertices of V ( G ), there exist at least one post class
of any vertex which contains one of them but not the other. In other
that v1 ∈ R but v2 ∈
/ R.
construct its topology. The post classes of the vertices are the following :
aR={b, c, d}, bR={ a, c, d}, cR={ a, b, d}, dR={ a, b, c}. Then, a subbase
β G ={V ( G ), φ, { a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, { a, b}, { a, c}, { a, d}, {b, c}, {b, d},
4.1 65
{c, d}, { a, b, c}, { a, b, d}, { a, c, d}, {b, c, d}}. Therefore the topology in G
is τG ={V ( G ), φ, { a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, { a, b}, { a, c}, { a, d}, {b, c}, {b, d},
{c, d}, { a, b, c}, { a, b, d}, { a, c, d}, {b, c, d}}. This topology is called a
discrete topology and the graph G is called a complete graph. Its easy
as shown in Figure 4.2. aR=φ, bR={e, f , h}, cR={e, f , g}, dR={ f , g, h},
G is not gT0 .
G is gT0 .
if for any pair of distinct vertices of V ( G ), there exist two post class
of any vertex which contains one of them but not the other. In other
4.1 68
W such that v1 ∈ R, v2 ∈
/ R and v2 ∈ W, v1 ∈
/ W.
Example 4.1.8. From Example 4.1.3, aR={b, c, d}, bR={ a, c, d} , cR={ a, b, d},
each gT1 is gT0 . The converse is not true in general as shown in the
following example.
there does not exist any post class which contain a vertex a but not contain
R ∩ W=φ.
4.1 69
Remark 4.1.12. By Definition 4.1.7 and 4.1.11, one can deduce that
each gT2 is gT1 . The reverse is not true in general as the following
there does not exist any post class which contain a vertex a such that the
ment of a post class of each vertices) and a vertex v1 which does not
shown in Figure 4.3. The post classes are aR={b} and bR={ a}.
closed post class, {y} ⊆ C ({ x }). Since G is gT3 , then there exist two
So G is gT2 .
shown in Figure 4.4. The post classes are aR={b, e}, bR={ a, c}, cR={b, d},
dR={c, e} and eR={ a, d}. The closed post classes are C ( aR)={ a, c, d},
(1) v1 ={b} and F={ a}, there exist open sets R={b, c, f , h} and W={ a}
(2) v1 ={c} and F={ g}, there exist post classes R={b, c, f , h} and W={ a, b, g}
B ⊆ V and U ∩ V=φ.
Example 4.1.21. From Example 4.1.16, the post classes are aR={b, c, d},
bR={ a, c}, cR={ a, b} and dR={ a}. The closed post classes are C ( aR)={ a},
4.1 72
C (bR)={b, d}, C (cR)={c, d} and C (dR)={b, c, d}. Its easy to show that
G is gT3 .
Remark 4.1.22. One can deduce that each gT4 is gT3 . The converse is
as shown in Figure 4.5. The post classes of all vertices are aR={e, f , g},
Then G is gT0 .
4.1 74
(i) a, b ∈ V ( G ) and a ∈ eR but there does not exist any post set which
(1) v1 = a and F = {b}, there exist post classes R=eR and W= f R such
as shown in Figure 4.6. The post classes of all vertices are aR={b, e},
Then G is gT0 .
Then G is gT1 .
Then G is gT2 .
connected with one cycle and number of vertices is equal the num-
ber of edges. Then any vertex in V ( G ) has two others vertices in his
Remark 4.2.2. The result of Proposition 4.2.1 can not satisfied when
V ( G )=E( G )=4.
Example 4.2.3. Let G be a connected graph contains only one cycle with
every vertices are aR={b, c}, bR={ a, d}, cR={ a, d} and dR={b, c}. Then
class for every vertices are aR={b, c, d}, bR={ a}, cR={ a} and dR={ a}.
(i) G is a gT0 .
y ∈ V ( G ) − U. Then x ∈
/ N (y) and x ∈
/ ClG (y).
and x 6= y. We have x ∈
/ ClG (y) and y ∈
/ ClG ( x ). For all x ∈ V ( G ),
/ N ( x ), then there exist a vertex z not adjacent to x, z 6= x and by
/ ClG ( x ). So y ∈ V ( G ) − ClG ( x ) which is a post class. Therefore
/ V ( G ) − ClG ( x ). Then G is gT0 .
(i) G is a gT1 .
Therefore x ⊆ C (∪Uy ).
y = ∩C (Ux ). Then x ∈
/ Uy and y ∈
/ Ux . Therefore G is a gT1 .
(i) G is a gT2 .
that x ∈ F, y ∈ C ( F ).
post class.
(i) G is gT3 .
p ∈ U ⊆ ClG (U ) ⊆ C ( F ).
Therefore G is gT3 .
Since y ∈
/ ClG ( x ), then by Definition 4.1.15, there exists a post class
(i) G is gT4 .
4.2 83
(ii) For every pair of closed post classes F1 , F2 ⊆ V ( G ), there exists a post
Proof. (i) =⇒ (ii) : Let G be gT4 , F1 , F2 closed post classes such that
C ( F2 ).
Therefore G is gT4 .
F ⊆ V ⊆ ClG (V ) ⊆ U.
Proof. Obvious.
Remark 4.2.16. The Julia set that represents airways in lungs is not
gT0 because d, e ∈ V ( G ) but there does not exist a post class contains
5.0 87
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