HOCHTIEF Engineering Brochure en
HOCHTIEF Engineering Brochure en
HOCHTIEF Engineering Brochure en
HOCHTIEF Engineering would like to present itself to you, both as a trusted design and
engineering company in its current form, and with regards to its consistent focus on the design
and construction issues of the future.
We are certain that, as a partner, we can offer our customers a comprehensive range of
products and services, from traditional design, engineering and consulting services to
pioneering new products and ways of working.
In this way, we offer you particular and future-proof added value grounded in classical design
skills. In the following, we would like to illustrate and enumerate how and why.
As the General Manager of HOCHTIEF Engineering GmbH and its associated holdings, I know
your interest in excellent engineering work and trust in your faith in our solid expertise, broad
experience and innovative ideas.
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Chennai Mörfelden-Walldorf
Company profile
engineering office of HOCHTIEF. Design and engineering
services with market and customer needs
for design and engineering in the fields of Consulting and expertise
transport infrastructure, energy infrastructure
and building construction. Alongside Construction materials technology
structural design, design management and Steel and composite structures
consulting services in these fields, we
Welding technology/corrosion
provide required cross-functional services in
construction management, project
management, materials technology and in Geotechnics
virtual design and construction (VDC) in all Seismic design/structural dynamics
Probabilistic design methods © HOCHTIEF UK, Ackermann
Our experience extends to all types of M&E, building physics, façades,
transport structures, and to conventional green building
and renewable power generation, Lifecycle management
transmission and storage, as well as to
industrial production facilities and all kinds of
public and private buildings.
BIM consulting
BIM management
3D/4D modelling
BIM-based production systems
Nordex Forum, Hamburg
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation
and project management
We offer a broad range of skills and the
ability to support all phases of a project with Our extensive project expertise is expressed
consulting, design and management. This not only in strong professional and
allows us a holistic view of the project, from methodological management of design
the concept phase to execution and the later processes and large design teams.
operation of a facility. We also use our diverse experience in Katharinenquartier, Hamburg
project construction management for our
Broad experience with complex, clients' benefit.
iStockphoto, © sturti
international projects
Under the label "Project Engineering", we
Thanks to years of international project and offer a wide range of services for the
construction experience, we are able to support and management of projects and
execute projects of enormous size and processes of our private and public clients.
complexity with short mobilization periods,
large teams and in foreign language All forms of contract
We are active in virtually all forms of
Economical and practical construction contractual involvement. These include:
in focus
International standard planning contracts
Our work has been shaped over many such as FIDIC White Book
decades by proximity to the needs of the Service contracts
construction and the requirements of the Seconded employees and teams with daily
project execution. or monthly rates
Formal personnel leasing
This uniquely puts us in a position to develop Framework agreements
and implement design solutions that are Lump-sum contracts
practical and functional at an attractive price
and with a short execution time. Especially Managed project success
regarding detailed engineering, our location
in India provides particularly economical The above special skills and extensive
services. experience provide you with exceptional "Viaduct" research project
added value, both individually and in project-
Our strength in detail design leads to specific combinations, through
Employees and project teams
iStockphoto, © BartCo
Regardless of the project phase, we put
together capable, interdisciplinary teams of Depending on whether we have assumed a
planners, designers and technical experts comprehensive design task, are performing
for our customers. design management in a large project or
Our engineering company HOCHTIEF sending you an expert to analyze and find
India provides economically very attractive solutions for an issue arising on site, the
detail engineering for large projects. manner of integration, places of work and
Our employees are fully familiar with the appropriate contract models are very
modern tools of project collaboration and different. Regardless, we work for you
communication. They cultivate a flexibly in every suitable form and can
collaborative and networked working style. assume a variety of tasks for you in all
iStockphoto, © simonkr
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation
PPP project A5 Nordautobahn, Vienna U4 Hafencity, Hamburg - "flying launch" Kaiserschleuse lock, Bremerhaven
Solutions for energy
work from architectural design, structural design and structural solution based on 3D
engineering, infrastructure to the design of CAD software.
technical building equipment.
One focus of the design work for German
power plants is plant decommissioning. Our
engineers provide services covering,
amongst other things, permits (building
permit for decommissioning infrastructure),
logistics (planning of transport StEnSEA – Storing Energy at Sea
infrastructure), simulation (calculation of the
required resources and time) or statics Transmission lines and towers
(stability of intermediate states). 3D statics (silos - Eemshaven power plant, Netherlands)
Electricity generation, particularly by wind
Wind energy and photovoltaics, is increasingly
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation
Range of services
Solutions for buildings and construction infrastructure
Frankfurt skyline Elbe Philharmonic Hall, Hamburg Urban development Lusail City, Qatar - Supply infrastructure
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation
Gotthard Base Tunnel Walsum power plant, Duisburg Elbe Philharmonic Hall, Hamburg
Building information modelling and virtual design,
construction and operation
Range of services
In the business line Virtual Design &
Construction, HOCHTIEF ViCon is a
leading service provider and consultant for
virtual construction and building information
modelling (BIM). BIM is a method for
optimizing the planning, execution and
operation of buildings using 3D computer
models and associated databases.
According to our principle "Build digitally
first", HOCHTIEF ViCon advises and
supports its customers in the use of
intelligent 3D computer models to minimize
risks at an early stage, to communicate
more effectively and to reduce costs. In
building construction and infrastructure
projects, as well as plant construction,
ViCon supports developers and projects The Sydney Metro, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Australia, used BIM to
with sophisticated software and hardware help to manage project-related information and to provide project participants with a
solutions, training, proven processes and work environment designed for collaboration. HOCHTIEF ViCon supports this project
the provision of project-specific standards. with the use of a BIM-based production system. During the project, more than 100,000
As BIM consultants, we are involved in digital forms were captured with tablet PCs, distributed, linked to the 3D model, and
different projects in Europe, the Middle East evaluated and archived for downstream applications, e.g. facility management. ViCon's
and Australia. BIM manager in Sydney coordinates all matters relating to the digital 3D computer
model and supports employees in the entry and use of data.
Our BIM consulting services include:
BIM implementation
BIM management The five components of our
BIM training and certification BIM methodology
In case you or your partners do not want to To ensure that the generated digital
provide BIM services through own resources information is used as effectively and
we can step in as needed. comprehensively as possible, a suitable
HOCHTIEF ViCon offers the following BIM methodology is required.
services: Our BIM methodology is based on five
interconnected components. The first four
3D modeling and visualization components are processes, people,
3D quantity take-offs technology and standards. The
4D scheduling management component supports the other
3D building information system four components, so that they can work in
3D design coordination harmony. Our BIM manager identifies the
3D laser scanning requirements of the project in the four core
In addition, we have developed BIM-based
production systems for the monitoring The BIM manager leads and coordinates all
and evaluation of data from construction matters relating to the digital 3D computer
and infrastructure projects to control their model. He ensures that current information
implementation and operation more about your project is always transparently
efficiently. available to all project participants. Our BIM
managers are engineers with years of
Digital data are captured (for example, using experience in the construction industry. They
tablet computers), embedded in processes also have in-depth knowledge of IT,
and made available and analyzable for especially in 3D modelling and database
different user groups (management, management. The BIM manager supports
construction managers). Production systems you in the introduction of BIM-related
allow easy visualization and analysis of data procedures and trains project participants.
on the basis of the 3D computer model.
Find out more at: www.hochtief-vicon.de
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation
Project value management and value Rearrangement of the construction Consult material takes care of all
engineering workflow construction materials testing, quality
Special approvals in individual cases assurance and the development of optimal
A field of activity that distinguishes us from Assessment-supported exceptions to materials for all areas of construction. We
classical engineering companies for design standards also provide comprehensive consulting on
and consulting, is our range of services and Simplified construction methods building materials and structures. All topics,
our experience in project value management Alternative procurement such as seals and coatings, fire-protection,
and value engineering. What do we mean by More efficient processes and improved masonry, screed, industrial flooring or dry
this? risk management construction, are covered. We are experts in
almost all measurement and testing
Projects are often exposed to considerable What tools and combinations of methods methods, including non-destructive testing
risks. This may be related to political and are used depends, of course, on the desired techniques.
economic developments, exchange-rate goal. That is to say whether the project
fluctuations and financing conditions. focus is on increased speed, lowered cost Building conservation
Also project-related effects such as delays, or reduced risk.
loss of suppliers or planning errors result in a Our extensive expertise in design, In cooperation with the damage and
need for correction. engineering and design management, even condition assessment of buildings, we also
Project value management covers for extremely large construction projects, as provide special repair construction services.
methods and tools for the optimization of well as our proximity to project execution The building conservation team of the
investment projects in terms of time, cost, predestines HOCHTIEF Engineering to be Consult Materials department performs
risk, quality and project scope. your partner in value engineering. these services using specially trained
The approaches for may be financial, personnel to provide high quality and
organizational, technical and/or contractual As part of a value engineering project for a precision.
in nature. mining and chemical group in Canada, we
took over planning optimization of the First of all, our experts analyze the building
In particular, project value management physical structures of a new potash plant. structure and the materials, for example,
plays a crucial role in construction, While assessing the foundation, the steel using ultrasound, impact echo, magnetic
infrastructure and investment projects. The and concrete structures and the and potential field measurement, thermal
typical phases of a value engineering infrastructure, we were able to utilize imaging or video endoscopy.
process are shown in the following graphic. synergy potentials identified by comparing Based on the test results, our engineers
common North-American practice with the give you corresponding recommendations
Quick check European state-of-the-art to generate added for refurbishment or upgrading.
value in the form of significant construction
cost savings. Operational benefits and a Damage repair, for example, grouting
Project audit/technical due diligence reduction of operating and maintenance cracks in underground car parks or
costs are expected. plastering ceilings, is then performed by the
building maintenance team.
Analysis report
© Kristopher Grunert
Feedback meetings
Our units contain internationally
experienced specialists for and experts on a
Alternative designs, new approaches wide range of specialized topics, who advise
our customers on projects and individual
Implementation workshop issues. Many of them are also publicly-
accredited and sworn experts.
Potash plant in Canada
Execution monitoring
Construction materials technology
Value engineering techniques are:
We intensively analyze all construction
Alternative designs materials and can provide the right answers
Refined calculation methods to practical questions issues, and develop
Measures to exclude load combinations appropriate solutions.
that negatively effect dimensioning
Probabilistic analysis methods Consult Materials operates the Innovation
Refined inventory analysis & Testing Centre — a laboratory and testing
Alternative construction materials center near Frankfurt airport, and the largest
Mass savings private facility of its kind in the construction
industry in Germany.
How we work
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation
Expertise and extensive international Our solutions contribute to reducing risks Innovative work
experience and costs, shortening construction times
and optimizing quality. We are distinguished by the fact that, in
Our units and specialist teams provide addition to our core competencies of design,
dependable planning solutions against a Management and resources engineering, consulting and design
background of experience from hundreds of management, we develop innovative
projects around the world. They provide The management of design processes and techniques and proprietary products
reliable expert information in almost all support in construction and project (Engineered Products), take a leading role in
specialist disciplines. management are among our core building information modelling, and use our
competencies. Our human resources are wide-ranging expertise in project value
To date, our references include well-suited to large-scale projects and management for the benefit of your projects
approximately: massive operations. We have a large, active (chart).
network of appraisers, specialized designers
40 airports and experts. Simulation, new materials, advanced capture
60 large bridges and viaducts techniques (such as laser scanning or
80 tunnels for metro systems, rail, road Integrated solutions camera drones), monitoring and evaluation
and media processes, or lean construction methods
15 large public-private-partnership Thanks to our consistent focus on lifecycle result in economical, innovative solutions.
infrastructure projects costs, energy efficiency, occupational
70 ports, quay walls, locks and boat lifts safety, environmental protection and As a result: added value for you in the form
25 dams and hydropower projects transparent risk minimization, we provide of stable and optimized processes, cost-
130 power plants and turbines safe and environmentally-friendly design effective solutions, and conformance in
(conventional/renewable/offshore) solutions with controlled risk. terms of quality and managed risks.
100 industrial plants (heavy industry,
chemicals, vehicle manufacturing)
200 geotechnical projects for Better Project Solutions.
foundations and excavations
50 high-rise buildings
15 stadia
Locations and contacts
Oliver Willscheid
Financial Manager
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Tel.: +49 201 824-4035
Heinz Stenmans
BL Construction & Project Management Services
and Consult Construction Management Services
Tel.: +49 201 824-2416
René Schumann
BL Virtual Design & Construction
and Managing Director HOCHTIEF ViCon GmbH
Tel.: +49 201 824-3060