HOCHTIEF Engineering Brochure en

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HOCHTIEF Engineering aims to provide innovative and comprehensive engineering solutions while maintaining high standards and adding value through classical design skills and new technologies.

HOCHTIEF Engineering's core competencies include design, engineering, consulting, planning, project management, building information modelling, and technology development.

HOCHTIEF Engineering provides solutions in transport and energy infrastructure as well as building construction. It offers services such as structural design, design management, consulting, construction management, project management, materials technology, and virtual design and construction.


Dear clients, customers and business partners,

HOCHTIEF Engineering would like to present itself to you, both as a trusted design and
engineering company in its current form, and with regards to its consistent focus on the design
and construction issues of the future.

We are certain that, as a partner, we can offer our customers a comprehensive range of
products and services, from traditional design, engineering and consulting services to
pioneering new products and ways of working.

Our collaboration is characterized by solid standards and innovative technologies and

solutions, by advanced building information management applications in design and project
management, and by sophisticated methods and efficient instruments for value engineering.

In this way, we offer you particular and future-proof added value grounded in classical design
skills. In the following, we would like to illustrate and enumerate how and why.

As the General Manager of HOCHTIEF Engineering GmbH and its associated holdings, I know
your interest in excellent engineering work and trust in your faith in our solid expertise, broad
experience and innovative ideas.


Dr. Hansgeorg Balthaus, General Manager

HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation

HOCHTIEF Engineering

HOCHTIEF Engineering mainly provides What sets us apart

Offshore Windpark Lillgrund, Photo: Udo Thomas

project-related services such as design,
engineering, consulting, planning and
 Decades of design for successful projects
project management, building
information modelling (BIM), and  Independent market presence with mostly
technology development. external clients
We provide solutions in the
 Expertise in design, design management,
construction-related fields of transport engineering and consulting
infrastructure, energy infrastructure and
building construction.  Five German and six international locations

 Nearly 500 employees currently working

The combination of our resources and on several hundred projects and design
expertise provides our customers with tasks
added value and comprehensive
 Proven and innovative engineering
support, even in highly complex and solutions for all types of structures in all
very large projects. project phases

 First-class resources, state-of-the-art IT

tools, comprehensive insurance cover and
audited quality management

 Added value for customers thanks to

international experience in large projects,
practical orientation, management skills
and orientation towards functionality,
efficiency and life-cycle aspects

Business Line Business Line Business Line Business Line

Infrastructure Energy, Industrial & Construction & Project Virtual Design &
Special Structures Management Services Construction
Dr. Erdem Dr. Meyer Stenmans Schumann

Consult Infrastructure Consult IKS Consult Construction HOCHTIEF ViCon GmbH

Management Services

Essen Frankfurt/Cologne Essen Essen

Hamburg Frankfurt Sydney
Amsterdam HOCHTIEF IKS Schweiz AG Hamburg
Sydney Berlin


HOCHTIEF (India) Private Ltd. Consult Construction

Materials & Technology

Chennai Mörfelden-Walldorf

Company profile

HOCHTIEF Engineering GmbH is the

engineering office of HOCHTIEF. Design and engineering

For more than 100 years, HOCHTIEF  Architectural design, structural

Engineering stands for innovative solutions engineering and M&E design at all
and project success. stages and levels of detail
We operate worldwide and provide
 Design review
engineering services to industrial, public and
private clients.  Value engineering
 Independent checking
Range of services Forth Replacement Crossing, Scotland

We consistently align our engineering

services with market and customer needs
for design and engineering in the fields of Consulting and expertise
transport infrastructure, energy infrastructure
and building construction. Alongside  Construction materials technology
structural design, design management and  Steel and composite structures
consulting services in these fields, we
 Welding technology/corrosion
provide required cross-functional services in
construction management, project
management, materials technology and in  Geotechnics
virtual design and construction (VDC) in all  Seismic design/structural dynamics
 Probabilistic design methods © HOCHTIEF UK, Ackermann
Our experience extends to all types of  M&E, building physics, façades,
transport structures, and to conventional green building
and renewable power generation,  Lifecycle management
transmission and storage, as well as to
industrial production facilities and all kinds of
public and private buildings.

What distinguishes us, in addition to

Design and project management
precision and proven experience in all these
areas of expertise?
Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) Newhaven, UK
Design management
Wide range of experienced experts
 Design coordination
© Spingys

In many specialised areas, we have  General design management

extensive consulting and solution expertise,
for example: Construction process management
 Schedule planning and control
 Special aspects of building construction
 Technical equipment for buildings and  Site setup and works preparation
infrastructure projects  Site logistics
 Excavations and foundations of all kinds
 Building near and in water
Project engineering: CM/PM

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

 BIM consulting
 BIM management
 3D/4D modelling
 BIM-based production systems
Nordex Forum, Hamburg

HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation

Holistic project view Great management expertise for design

and project management
We offer a broad range of skills and the
ability to support all phases of a project with Our extensive project expertise is expressed
consulting, design and management. This not only in strong professional and
allows us a holistic view of the project, from methodological management of design
the concept phase to execution and the later processes and large design teams.
operation of a facility. We also use our diverse experience in Katharinenquartier, Hamburg
project construction management for our
Broad experience with complex, clients' benefit.

iStockphoto, © sturti
international projects
Under the label "Project Engineering", we
Thanks to years of international project and offer a wide range of services for the
construction experience, we are able to support and management of projects and
execute projects of enormous size and processes of our private and public clients.
complexity with short mobilization periods,
large teams and in foreign language All forms of contract
We are active in virtually all forms of
Economical and practical construction contractual involvement. These include:
in focus
 International standard planning contracts
Our work has been shaped over many such as FIDIC White Book
decades by proximity to the needs of the  Service contracts
construction and the requirements of the  Seconded employees and teams with daily
project execution. or monthly rates
 Formal personnel leasing
This uniquely puts us in a position to develop  Framework agreements
and implement design solutions that are  Lump-sum contracts

practical and functional at an attractive price
and with a short execution time. Especially Managed project success
regarding detailed engineering, our location
in India provides particularly economical The above special skills and extensive
services. experience provide you with exceptional "Viaduct" research project
added value, both individually and in project-
Our strength in detail design leads to specific combinations, through

practical design variants, superior special

proposals, high-grade value engineering and  Stable processes and punctuality,
innovative solutions.  Cost certainty,
 Contractually-agreed quality and
Our planning and consulting for works  Managed risks
preparation, site setup, construction site
logistics and time management are guided
by the highest standards of practicality and
economy. Simply better projects. Wehrhahn-Line, Dusseldorf

Employees and project teams

Expertise and experience

Our employees, with their personal

experience and skill profiles, are our most
important resource.

 The core team is 75 percent engineers

and architects.
 About three quarters of the staff speak
English and about a quarter other foreign
 More than half of the staff has worked
abroad, and about 50 percent have site
Proximity to the project and execution
requirements thus guide our work.
 Dealing with different internationally
common standards is something we are Country experience HOCHTIEF
extremely familiar with and everyday Engineering

Bespoke project teams

Flexibility in the field

iStockphoto, © BartCo
 Regardless of the project phase, we put
together capable, interdisciplinary teams of Depending on whether we have assumed a
planners, designers and technical experts comprehensive design task, are performing
for our customers. design management in a large project or
 Our engineering company HOCHTIEF sending you an expert to analyze and find
India provides economically very attractive solutions for an issue arising on site, the
detail engineering for large projects. manner of integration, places of work and
 Our employees are fully familiar with the appropriate contract models are very
modern tools of project collaboration and different. Regardless, we work for you
communication. They cultivate a flexibly in every suitable form and can
collaborative and networked working style. assume a variety of tasks for you in all
iStockphoto, © simonkr

 Working at the project site is a given, if you project stages.

so wish.

Project initiation Preconstruction Project execution Completion/operation

 Feasibility studies  Approval procedures  Experts for e.g. steel  Claim support
 Project preliminary design  Design/implementation planning construction, façade, green  As-built documentation
building, technical equipment,
 Analysis of tender documents  Design/check reference details geotechnics, dynamics  Acceptance support
 BoQ creation/calculation  Design management  Site management  Warranty management
 Technical advice on special  Design coordination  Construction management  Lifecycle management
topics  Value engineering  Property management
 Preliminary and detail design of  Scheduling  Refurbishment planning
special proposals  Schedule controlling and
 Works preparation/logistics management
 Design review
 Auxiliary construction measures  BIM management
 Risk analysis
 BIM concepts

HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation

Solutions for transportation

Range of services Bridge construction Together with our construction colleagues,

we have developed a "flying" launch
In the field of transportation, our department Whether standardized bridge structures for structure for machine tunneling with tunnel
Consult Infrastructure provides design motorway construction or major boring machines (TBM) — a milestone in the
and consulting services for all transport international bridges — we are equally at optimization of TBM launching in terms of
infrastructures. With more than 90 years' home. Our prefabricated solutions for time, space and safety. Particular tunneling
tradition in civil and structural engineering, bridges mean a significant improvement in challenges in recent years were, among
we design roads, bridges, tunnels, ports, execution quality for our customers, in others, the U4 metro line in Hamburg, the
airports and other transport infrastructures. addition to the time and logistics Crossrail project in London or the
Alongside the core disciplines civil and optimization. Our prefabricated bridge cap, Copenhagen Metro: urban TBM tunneling in
structural design, we also have proven which was used in the PPP A8 highway difficult ground and under tidal waters. Our
expertise in road pavements, geotechnical project, is equipped with measuring range of services includes diverse design for
engineering, technical equipment and other equipment and RFID tags for long-term shafts, tunnels and temporary works, as well
technical design. quality monitoring. as geotechnical design and support.
Our particular strength lies where design,
work preparation and construction closely © HOCHTIEF Port construction and marine works
interlock. We provide you with solutions that
are optimized, both technically and in terms The flood protection in the port of Hamburg
of construction techniques. In addition to is our daily business: Currently we are
cost, our focus is on construction time, designing structures at Schaartor and the
safety, risk avoidance — targets whose Niederhafen that are breaking new ground in
attainment benefits all involved in technology and construction techniques
construction. 3D bridge construction - "SAAone", Netherlands using modern 3D design software and
innovative prefabricated solutions.
Public-private-partnership projects and One of our recent highlights in large bridge
lifecycle issues construction is the Queensferry crossing in © HOCHTIEF
Edinburgh: We made a significant
As a valued designer and consultant, we are contribution to the development of an
involved in many public-private-partnership optimized caisson foundation for the new
transportation projects: In addition to connection over the Firth of Forth. We also
classical design and detail engineering, we collaborated in the planning, design,
supervise site logistics and temporary road geotechnical supervision and local
layouts, and evaluate building conditions — monitoring during execution. 3D reinforcement design for CNC control for bending
key points while retrofitting or constructing
during operation. One of the best examples Tunnel engineering We are organizing various other marine
in recent years in highway construction is construction projects from our nearby
the widening of the A1/A6 in Amsterdam to Over decades, we have frequently Hamburg office. We were instrumental in the
up to ten lanes. Our BIM-compliant 3D developed new solutions for tunneling — development of solutions for the
design services included, amongst other practical innovations, of which some Kaiserschleuse lock in Bremerhaven as part
things, the Muiderberg highway crossing examples are: of a competitive dialogue. We have also
and three cantilever bridges over the Our fire-protection concrete, developed in supervised container terminals, quayside
Amsterdam-Rhine Canal. our own laboratory, patented and used for construction, bascule bridges and offshore
Furthermore, we have extensive knowledge tunnel construction — was also later structures, for example in Scandinavia,
relating to the lifecycle of structures and transferred to other applications. Similarly, Poland, the UK and the Netherlands.
buildings — whether structural tests, their we have developed steel-fibre concrete and
recalculation and evaluation, or the planning sandwich elements for tunneling under
of refurbishment. squeezing rock conditions.


© Falcon Crest Air

PPP project A5 Nordautobahn, Vienna U4 Hafencity, Hamburg - "flying launch" Kaiserschleuse lock, Bremerhaven

Solutions for energy

Range of services Conventional power plants steel construction, expertise in seafastening,

corrosion protection and as expert welding
For many decades in the energy industry, Our performance in this area can be seen in engineers. We support this segment with
our department Consult IKS has provided the example of the construction of the rapid response times from our Hamburg
comprehensive engineering services for Eemshaven coal- and biomass-fired power location. Our materials experts develop and
electricity suppliers or manufacturers of plant. It was constructed at RWE's location test recipes for grout in our own research
energy plants — many of them regular in the Dutch province of Groningen as a institute, and supervise its manufacture and
customers — who rely on the high design twin-unit plant. installation on the high seas around the
quality of HOCHTIEF Engineering. Consult IKS was commissioned with the clock. We have upgraded the foundations of
design and execution planning for more existing onshore wind turbines with a
We design: than 100 buildings. For the project, we method newly developed by us.
developed about 300 statics reports, 750
 Plants with renewable energy generation formwork drawings, 5,500 reinforcement Energy storage technologies
(e.g. for onshore and offshore wind, drawings and 550 general steel construction
hydro) drawings. HOCHTIEF Engineering has extensive
 Fuel cycle plants/nuclear power plants, In total, we managed approximately 22,000 knowledge and numerous references in the
including decommissioning design design documents. design of hydropower and pumped storage
 Fossil power plants (coal, oil, gas, power plants.
including combined heat and power) © RWE Technology International But we also collaborate on newer ideas and
 Waste-to-energy plants concepts. In the Stensea project, we
 Storage and storage technologies assumed the structural engineering design
 Plants and infrastructure for power and the construction of the first prototype of
distribution/the power grid the concrete spherical storage tank that
works in principle like a pumped storage
Nuclear plants power plant. It utilizes the pressure gradient
between the sea surface and the seabed.
We have worked on nuclear facilities and STKC Eemshaven, Units A/B, Netherlands Together with partners such as the
power plants in Germany and abroad for Fraunhofer Institute, we are developing this
over 50 years. A particular challenge was the design for the concept for production.
Our services include construction design for construction of the approx. 60-meter-high
both new and existing plants — all design silos using sliding formwork. We created the

work from architectural design, structural design and structural solution based on 3D
engineering, infrastructure to the design of CAD software.
technical building equipment.
One focus of the design work for German
power plants is plant decommissioning. Our
engineers provide services covering,
amongst other things, permits (building
permit for decommissioning infrastructure),
logistics (planning of transport StEnSEA – Storing Energy at Sea
infrastructure), simulation (calculation of the
required resources and time) or statics Transmission lines and towers
(stability of intermediate states). 3D statics (silos - Eemshaven power plant, Netherlands)
Electricity generation, particularly by wind
Wind energy and photovoltaics, is increasingly

decentralized. The foci of generation and

We offer experts in both onshore and highest load are often located far apart. This
offshore wind energy. We upgraded means that the existing grid must be
foundations of existing onshore wind retrofitted or upgraded. We carry out the
turbines using a method developed in- statics and structural design of the
house. We also have concepts for different transmission towers, including foundations,
variants of towers, including hybrid for our customers. We also perform
solutions. experimental studies on the capacity of
We have acquired offshore expertise inventory structures at small-scale or 1:1 in
3D decommissioning model concept - NPP Biblis, Block B through participation in numerous offshore our own testing hall or on existing pylons on
wind energy projects. site.
We perform tasks with great expertise in
project management, scheduling and
logistics planning, geotechnical engineering,

HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation

Solutions for industry

Range of services

Our range of services for industry includes

not only traditional construction and
infrastructure design, structural and
mechanical & electrical (M&E) design, but
also industry-specific topics such as special
expert services related to the German Water
Management Act (WHG), steel construction
with welding and corrosion-protection
expertise, and also ageing and lifecycle

© HOCHTIEF UK, Ackermann


Many regular customers, including vehicle

manufacturers, chemical companies, food
manufacturers, pharmaceutical
manufacturers or heavy industry, have relied
on the high quality of our design for many
ERF Newhaven, UK – Caisson relocation (floating process)

Ageing/lifecycle management General design

For operators of production sites, As general designer, we performed the

knowledge about the quality of the structural complete constructional design for the
substance is becoming increasingly BASF measurements control center. This
important. To help, Consult IKS offers included parts of the design and permit
ageing and plant lifecycle management planning as well as the full implementation
services. planning for design disciplines — from the
© HOCHTIEF UK, Ackermann
building design including façade
ERF Newhaven, UK – Caisson concreting in dry dock
Using the existing planning and building engineering, structural design and the
documents, our experts create an initial construction physics calculations to M&E
analysis before on-site inspection. Then an Special solutions in civil engineering and laboratory design.
on-site inspection is carried out building-by-
building or room-by-room. This is HOCHTIEF built the ERF Newhaven as a Particular design challenges were for
documented using a tablet computer and design & build turnkey project. Its purpose is example:
bespoke in-house software. The overall the combustion of 210,000 tons of
findings can thus be analysed accurately and household waste per year, to generate  Dimensioning of the pile foundation
categorised for inclusion in a database. In electricity, and it has a capacity of 17 considering an external pressure wave,
addition, our experts can provide you with megawatts.  Flameproof design of the building
well-founded recommendations for envelope (windows and doors)
renovation or retrofitting. HOCHTIEF Engineering was commissioned  Creation of a "safe haven" — an area for
with the structural design of the building, maintaining controlled emergency
We assess the material and the load structural and infrastructure design and operation of the entire plant for a defined
capacity of existing structures using test coordination of all design disciplines. period (including secure breathing air
results and specific measurements. These A special challenge was the creation of the supply)
are performed in the building or at the underground parts of the building. Using an
Innovation & Testing Centre of Consult innovative special solution, a so-called
Materials . floating caisson, we were able to
significantly reduce cost and construction
time. Consult Infrastructure planned the

construction technique and processes for

this caisson solution in detail and supervised
their implementation on site.

The waste bunker was initially cast

conventionally on land in a sort of dry dock,
and after flooding the dry dock, was then
BASF SE, Building D818 (measurements control center)
shifted afloat within the sheet-piled basin
and lowered onto the previously prepared
Innovation & Testing Center Mörfelden-Walldorf barrettes.

Solutions for buildings and construction infrastructure

Range of services Airport planning Design and design management for

mechanical and electrical components
Alongside classical construction design For over 20 years, we have designed and
including exterior facilities, structural and consulted in the field of airports. Projects We are experienced designers of M&E for
M&E design, our range of services such as the international airports of buildings and industrial plants as well as of
includes further construction-specific Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, the technical equipment for transport and
engineering services such as green building Athens, Budapest, Warsaw, Riyadh and a energy infrastructures. We cover all relevant
certification, expert assessment of fire number of others are the basis of our wealth areas of mechanical and electrical.
protection, and deadline and construction of experience. In particular, our design and Measurement and control technology are
logistics planning, as well as engineering construction experience means we are just as important as building automation, fire
services for building physics and specialist extremely familiar with the requirements for protection and some special works for
façade engineering. construction during simultaneous flight buildings such as airports, hospitals,
operations and under highly stringent tunnels, toll highways and wind turbines.
Our services can be found in: securety and schedule requirements.
All designer of sub-disciplines collaborate
 Office and administration buildings, closely using 3D CAD and thus ensure a
© Athens International Airport

 Residential buildings, hotels, coordinated and concerted design process.

 School and university buildings, In this way, we are able to design even
 Museums, event buildings, complex tasks without external interfaces,
 Special structures such as high-rise and to control them during construction.
buildings, hospitals, sports venues or
department stores. Supply and disposal systems

High-rise buildings The development of construction projects

with the necessary supply and disposal
Especially in Frankfurt, the cradle of high-rise Athens International Airport systems and coordination with the relevant
construction in Germany, HOCHTIEF parties are central to our holistic planning
planners and engineers have developed their Planning coordination/design and design.
skills from project to project. Many high-rise management
buildings contain the know-how of In early concept stages, we pay attention to
HOCHTIEF Engineering: The coordination of the design disciplines, the completeness and feasibility of
especially for large, complex construction integrating with infrastructure. In addition,
 Construction logistics in cramped inner- projects, is of extreme importance. In we design the relevant media trays, both in
city locations addition to the professional expertise in all terms of structure and electrical & supply.
 Top-down construction techniques relevant disciplines, this also requires deep And of course, we also design the
 Combined pile and slab foundations knowledge of and methodological expertise associated tunnels and shafts, e.g. for waste
 Energy saving concepts (including energy in quality, cost, scheduling, construction water or district heating pipes.
piles) procedures and law. A good climate of
 Ceiling slab optimization collaboration and a cooperative atmosphere,
 Optimization of high-rise reinforcement, for especially in the design team but also
example in terms of dynamic requirements amongst all those involved, are also factors
 Use of high-performance and mass in the success of a project that should not
concretes be underestimated. Having an experienced
design manager heading the design process
plays a crucial role. The design coordination
team also includes experts on "planning the
design", as well as controlling and meeting
the schedule.


Kastor & Pollux Westend 1

Gatehouse Messeturm Main Tower Westend Duo

Tower 185
Commerzbank Park Tower

Frankfurt skyline Elbe Philharmonic Hall, Hamburg Urban development Lusail City, Qatar - Supply infrastructure

HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation

Solutions for construction and project management

Range of services This includes the stages of design, approval,

Project Engineering
tendering and contracting, the construction
In our Construction & Project Management including commissioning and acceptance, We offer a wide range of services unified
Services business line, the department and possibly the moving process. under the label „Project Engineering“.
Consult Construction Management The individual services can be combined
Services is engaged as a service provider Together with our project partners, we install flexibly and tailored to your projects’
for construction operations and project effective deadline management. In the case needs.
management in all types of civil, structural of deviations, we swiftly initiate effective
and underground engineering projects and countermeasures. In recent years, we have provided
constructions in the following areas: Our key sub-services are: successful packages of services for the
assessment, control and management
 Preparation of work  Schedule feasibility studies, construction optimization of projects and active
 Scheduling and resource planning time optimization construction sites to large industrial
 Schedule controlling and management  Resource-oriented master and detail customers in mechanical engineering and
 Project controlling and project scheduling, including all lead processes the food, chemical and automotive
management from the conceptual stage to handover industries, but also to project companies
 Schedule control (target-actual in real estate and infrastructure
Preparation of works comparisons), including trend and variance investments.
analysis and development of control
The necessary arrangements for successful measures Project review/second opinion
project execution are made during the  Commissioning and acceptance planning
preparation of works. Our long experience in Building diagnosis and maintenance
 Model-based scheduling (4D)
all kinds of projects ensures professional and  Construction process management using Strategic project enhancement
economical preparation of all project-related “Last planner”/Lean construction
processes.  Time-chainage diagrams Bespoke project organization
Versatile software tools support customer-
specific visualizations and facilitate internal Project control, project management Construction logistics
and external communication. Our holistic
Design coordination and management
work preparation is complemented by Thanks to our holistic, practical project view,
effective scheduling and control. Significant we provide economical and sustainable Planning and schedule control
sub-services are: solutions from the early concept phase
through to handover. This applies to all Cost control
 Construction site set-up planning significant services in accordance with the
 Construction phases/execution plans (also scope of work for project management Contract management
visualized) (AHO, or internationally, PMBOK). For
Quality control
 Construction method technology example for:
 Logistics concepts Green Building Management
 Designing of temporary works to  Project-specific setup and workflow
construction organization Design and value engineering
 Scheduling, capacities and logistics
Expert statements and reports
Scheduling and resource planning  Payment plans, cash outflow plans
Commissioning management
With ever more ambitious construction times With our project management tools, we
under complex conditions, you need experts actively support your projects, regardless of
in scheduling and controlling to ensure size and complexity.
achievement of the defined project goals. We Our experts complement your project team
consider all key processes with resource- precisely where you need it, and together
oriented scheduling, considering all logistical with you help to ensure project success.
© Thomas Ernsting

Gotthard Base Tunnel Walsum power plant, Duisburg Elbe Philharmonic Hall, Hamburg

Building information modelling and virtual design,
construction and operation

Range of services

In the business line Virtual Design &
Construction, HOCHTIEF ViCon is a
leading service provider and consultant for
virtual construction and building information
modelling (BIM). BIM is a method for
optimizing the planning, execution and
operation of buildings using 3D computer
models and associated databases.
According to our principle "Build digitally
first", HOCHTIEF ViCon advises and
supports its customers in the use of
intelligent 3D computer models to minimize
risks at an early stage, to communicate
more effectively and to reduce costs. In
building construction and infrastructure
projects, as well as plant construction,
ViCon supports developers and projects The Sydney Metro, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Australia, used BIM to
with sophisticated software and hardware help to manage project-related information and to provide project participants with a
solutions, training, proven processes and work environment designed for collaboration. HOCHTIEF ViCon supports this project
the provision of project-specific standards. with the use of a BIM-based production system. During the project, more than 100,000
As BIM consultants, we are involved in digital forms were captured with tablet PCs, distributed, linked to the 3D model, and
different projects in Europe, the Middle East evaluated and archived for downstream applications, e.g. facility management. ViCon's
and Australia. BIM manager in Sydney coordinates all matters relating to the digital 3D computer
model and supports employees in the entry and use of data.
Our BIM consulting services include:

 BIM implementation
 BIM management The five components of our
 BIM training and certification BIM methodology

In case you or your partners do not want to To ensure that the generated digital
provide BIM services through own resources information is used as effectively and
we can step in as needed. comprehensively as possible, a suitable
HOCHTIEF ViCon offers the following BIM methodology is required.
services: Our BIM methodology is based on five
interconnected components. The first four
 3D modeling and visualization components are processes, people,
 3D quantity take-offs technology and standards. The
 4D scheduling management component supports the other
 3D building information system four components, so that they can work in
 3D design coordination harmony. Our BIM manager identifies the
 3D laser scanning requirements of the project in the four core
In addition, we have developed BIM-based
production systems for the monitoring The BIM manager leads and coordinates all
and evaluation of data from construction matters relating to the digital 3D computer
and infrastructure projects to control their model. He ensures that current information
implementation and operation more about your project is always transparently
efficiently. available to all project participants. Our BIM
managers are engineers with years of
Digital data are captured (for example, using experience in the construction industry. They
tablet computers), embedded in processes also have in-depth knowledge of IT,
and made available and analyzable for especially in 3D modelling and database
different user groups (management, management. The BIM manager supports
construction managers). Production systems you in the introduction of BIM-related
allow easy visualization and analysis of data procedures and trains project participants.
on the basis of the 3D computer model.
Find out more at: www.hochtief-vicon.de

HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation

Special expertise and skills

Project value management and value  Rearrangement of the construction Consult material takes care of all
engineering workflow construction materials testing, quality
 Special approvals in individual cases assurance and the development of optimal
A field of activity that distinguishes us from  Assessment-supported exceptions to materials for all areas of construction. We
classical engineering companies for design standards also provide comprehensive consulting on
and consulting, is our range of services and  Simplified construction methods building materials and structures. All topics,
our experience in project value management  Alternative procurement such as seals and coatings, fire-protection,
and value engineering. What do we mean by  More efficient processes and improved masonry, screed, industrial flooring or dry
this? risk management construction, are covered. We are experts in
almost all measurement and testing
Projects are often exposed to considerable What tools and combinations of methods methods, including non-destructive testing
risks. This may be related to political and are used depends, of course, on the desired techniques.
economic developments, exchange-rate goal. That is to say whether the project
fluctuations and financing conditions. focus is on increased speed, lowered cost Building conservation
Also project-related effects such as delays, or reduced risk.
loss of suppliers or planning errors result in a Our extensive expertise in design, In cooperation with the damage and
need for correction. engineering and design management, even condition assessment of buildings, we also
Project value management covers for extremely large construction projects, as provide special repair construction services.
methods and tools for the optimization of well as our proximity to project execution The building conservation team of the
investment projects in terms of time, cost, predestines HOCHTIEF Engineering to be Consult Materials department performs
risk, quality and project scope. your partner in value engineering. these services using specially trained
The approaches for may be financial, personnel to provide high quality and
organizational, technical and/or contractual As part of a value engineering project for a precision.
in nature. mining and chemical group in Canada, we
took over planning optimization of the First of all, our experts analyze the building
In particular, project value management physical structures of a new potash plant. structure and the materials, for example,
plays a crucial role in construction, While assessing the foundation, the steel using ultrasound, impact echo, magnetic
infrastructure and investment projects. The and concrete structures and the and potential field measurement, thermal
typical phases of a value engineering infrastructure, we were able to utilize imaging or video endoscopy.
process are shown in the following graphic. synergy potentials identified by comparing Based on the test results, our engineers
common North-American practice with the give you corresponding recommendations
Quick check European state-of-the-art to generate added for refurbishment or upgrading.
value in the form of significant construction
cost savings. Operational benefits and a Damage repair, for example, grouting
Project audit/technical due diligence reduction of operating and maintenance cracks in underground car parks or
costs are expected. plastering ceilings, is then performed by the
building maintenance team.
Analysis report
© Kristopher Grunert

Feedback meetings
Our units contain internationally
experienced specialists for and experts on a
Alternative designs, new approaches wide range of specialized topics, who advise
our customers on projects and individual
Implementation workshop issues. Many of them are also publicly-
accredited and sworn experts.
Potash plant in Canada
Execution monitoring
Construction materials technology
Value engineering techniques are:
We intensively analyze all construction
 Alternative designs materials and can provide the right answers
 Refined calculation methods to practical questions issues, and develop
 Measures to exclude load combinations appropriate solutions.
that negatively effect dimensioning
 Probabilistic analysis methods Consult Materials operates the Innovation
 Refined inventory analysis & Testing Centre — a laboratory and testing
 Alternative construction materials center near Frankfurt airport, and the largest
 Mass savings private facility of its kind in the construction
industry in Germany.

How we work

Economic conditions We have authorized officers for, amongst Transparency International

Member since 1999
other things, the topics of radiation
 Profit-and-loss transfer agreement with protection, compliance, IT security and International Labour Organization (ILO)
Member since 2000
HOCHTIEF Solutions AG occupational safety and health.
 Healthy capital base
 Liability insurance with high coverage via We also take into account customer
the global policy of the HOCHTIEF Group. requirements in accordance with DIN EN
Insurance protection for non-admitted ISO 14001, the Safety Certificate for
countries. Contractors (SCC), the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) standard in the UK or
United Nations Global Compact
Quality management customer-specific quality management Member since 2008
requirements. In this way, we together
Code of Responsible Conduct for Business
Based on a sophisticated management systematically ensure quality early on in the In 2010, HOCHTIEF committed itself to this code.
system, we work with stable, transparent design phase.
As we want to continuously improve, we Our quality management system is ISO
document our work, evaluate processes and 9001: 2015 certified. It fulfils the
optimize them constantly. Tested and specifications of the international standard
German Sustainability Code
selected proposals for change enter our EN ISO 9001. In addition, we particularly HOCHTIEF has submitted a declaration of compliance with
management system as part of this focus on high and transparent process the German Sustainability Code.

continuous improvement process. quality throughout all service phases.

Consult IKS is additionally certified in Membership in professional bodies

accordance with to the guidelines of the
Association of Large Power Plant Operators We are leading members of the following Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
(VGB) and the guidelines of the Nuclear standards committees and trade In 2015, HOCHTIEF qualified for the Dow Jones Sustainability
Index Europe for the tenth consecutive time — remaining the
Safety Standards Commission (KTA). associations: only German construction company.

 British Tunneling Society (BTS)

 Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-
Verein (DBV)
 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erdbeben- CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)
In 2015, HOCHTIEF was awarded the status of "Index Leader
Ingenieurwesen und Baudynamik (DGEB) MDAX" and "Sector Leader Industrials".
 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik
 Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
 Deutsches Talsperrenkomitee (DTK)
 German Lean Construction Institute (GLCI) B.A.U.M. e. V.
 Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA) German Environmental Management Association. HOCHTIEF
has been a member since 2002.
 Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und
Architektenverein (SIA)
 Studiengesellschaft für Tunnel
und Verkehrsanlagen (STUVA)
 Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) encord
 PowerTech (VGB) In 1989, HOCHTIEF was a founding member of encord, the
research and development network of innovative European
construction companies.
Sustainability management

Since the early 1990s, HOCHTIEF has

engaged in active environmental and
sustainability management, is a member of
FTSE4Good Index
the relevant organizations and complies with HOCHTIEF remains listed in the FTSE4Good index. This index
their guidelines and standards. by London provider FTSE lists companies that have excellent
sustainability performance in their industry.

HOCHTIEF Engineering
Company presentation

The result: added value for our customers

Expertise and extensive international Our solutions contribute to reducing risks Innovative work
experience and costs, shortening construction times
and optimizing quality. We are distinguished by the fact that, in
Our units and specialist teams provide addition to our core competencies of design,
dependable planning solutions against a Management and resources engineering, consulting and design
background of experience from hundreds of management, we develop innovative
projects around the world. They provide The management of design processes and techniques and proprietary products
reliable expert information in almost all support in construction and project (Engineered Products), take a leading role in
specialist disciplines. management are among our core building information modelling, and use our
competencies. Our human resources are wide-ranging expertise in project value
To date, our references include well-suited to large-scale projects and management for the benefit of your projects
approximately: massive operations. We have a large, active (chart).
network of appraisers, specialized designers
40 airports and experts. Simulation, new materials, advanced capture
60 large bridges and viaducts techniques (such as laser scanning or
80 tunnels for metro systems, rail, road Integrated solutions camera drones), monitoring and evaluation
and media processes, or lean construction methods
15 large public-private-partnership Thanks to our consistent focus on lifecycle result in economical, innovative solutions.
infrastructure projects costs, energy efficiency, occupational
70 ports, quay walls, locks and boat lifts safety, environmental protection and As a result: added value for you in the form
25 dams and hydropower projects transparent risk minimization, we provide of stable and optimized processes, cost-
130 power plants and turbines safe and environmentally-friendly design effective solutions, and conformance in
(conventional/renewable/offshore) solutions with controlled risk. terms of quality and managed risks.
100 industrial plants (heavy industry,
chemicals, vehicle manufacturing)
200 geotechnical projects for Better Project Solutions.
foundations and excavations
50 high-rise buildings
15 stadia

Practical solutions for construction

sites Services Buildings and work areas
 Design  Investigation Building  Infrastructure for transport
Thanks to our extensive experience with  Modeling  Evaluation information  Energy infrastructure
 Visualization  Consulting modelling  Building and social infrastructure
practical project execution planning, we can  Construction  Structuring  Special structures
offer our customers a variety of execution-  Planning  Controlling  Existing buildings
 Calculations  Leading  Technical equipment
oriented design solutions. We always focus  Measuring
on efficiency and functionality. Working in a
project is as natural for us as team-oriented
work, even in large, interdisciplinary planning
groups or construction teams.
Project value Classical design, Project
Project objectives in focus management design management, Engineering:
and value engineering and Project support
engineering services
Your project goals determine our project
orientation. With appropriate designs,
design reviews, value engineering and
alternative technology, attractive prices and
Four business lines Added value
cost-saving approaches often become
 Infrastructure  Practical and suitable for construction sites
apparent before the start of the project or  Energy, Industry & Special Structures  Experience with major international projects
during execution. We work closely and  Construction & Project Management Innovative  Complex structures and procedures
Services techniques and  Economy and functionality
collaboratively with your team, so that you  Virtual Design & Construction products  Lifecycle orientation
can always benefit from our alternative  Broad expertise and experience
 Management skills
design, special proposals or novel products.

Locations and contacts

Dr. Hansgeorg Balthaus

General Manager/Managing Director
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Tel.: +49 201 824-4030

Oliver Willscheid
Financial Manager
HOCHTIEF Engineering
Tel.: +49 201 824-4035

Heads of Business Lines (BL)

Dr. Erol Erdem
BL Infrastructure
and Consult Infrastructure
Tel.: +49 201 824-2741

Dr. Julian Meyer

BL Energy, Industry & Special Structures
and Consult IKS
Tel.: +49 69 7117-2327

Heinz Stenmans
BL Construction & Project Management Services
and Consult Construction Management Services
Tel.: +49 201 824-2416

René Schumann
BL Virtual Design & Construction
and Managing Director HOCHTIEF ViCon GmbH
Tel.: +49 201 824-3060

Locations Local offices

Berlin Amsterdam HOCHTIEF Engineering GmbH

Essen Sydney
Frankfurt Alfredstraße 236
Hamburg 45133 Essen – Germany
Zurich www.hochtief-engineering.com

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