ATG ProGauge
ATG ProGauge
ATG ProGauge
Wetstock management
Smarter wetstock solutions
Tokheim ProGauge manufactures, installs and services “From industrial probes for
a complete suite of environmental and wetstock fuel depots, to wetstock
management solutions. We offer a variety of systems systems for tankers, right
for the retail, commercial and depot markets including through to innovative tank
probes, consoles, and analytic services. Our wetstock level gauges across your
solutions ensure you comply with local legislation, forecourt.”
improve inventory tracking, and they simplify the delivery
process. And, by choosing Tokheim you know that you
will have the local support of the world’s leading fuel
retail specialists.
Scalable Consoles
Through Fairbanks, our wetstock This innovative automatic tank Tokheim and its partner, Fenotec,
analysis partners, you can add value calibration system utilises a 3D Laser to offer a pioneering tank lining solution.
and insight to your data. An analyst provide an accurate strapping table for Using a patented mounting system the
monitors your site 24/7 for losses the console or point of sale. It is safer, durable leak protection is installed in
and alerts the site about any issues faster and more cost-effective than just days to provide years of protection
(e.g. leaks or fuel theft). They will the traditional method used. It is ATEX to underground tank units. The solution
investigate and provide exact findings certified and metrologically approved. reduces costs, increases safety and
on any loss. provides long-term environmental
protection for your forecourt.
We offer a set of solutions to manage Tokheim ProGauge solutions can Tokheim’s local experts work with you
fuel inventory every step of the way. help bring additional power to your to ensure that the solution we deliver is
Fuel depot probes up to 12 metres in POS system. We directly interface adapted and optimised for deployment
length plus detailed wetstock software to Tokheim’s Fuel POS plus a number in your marketplace. We install and
applications. We help track fuel from of third party POS systems so that service ProGauge solutions in a safe and
depot to delivery through accurate you can track inventory and manage secure manner to ensure your systems
vehicle tanker probes and sensors. wetstock from one central location. operate long into the future.
Tokheim Headquarters For any further information and detailed contacts for each
country, please visit our website at or email
Unit 3 Baker Road us at
West Pitkero Industrial Estate
DD5 3RT Dundee *As Tokheim regularly improves its products in line with
United Kingdom evolving market and regulatory requirements, it reserves the
right to change any of the specifications of these products, and
Tel: +44 (0)1382 598 000 this document without prior notice.
Fax: +44 (0)1382 598 001