8 Ictsm - CTS - NSQF-5 PDF
8 Ictsm - CTS - NSQF-5 PDF
8 Ictsm - CTS - NSQF-5 PDF
(Engineering Trade)
(Revised in 2018)
Version: 1.0
Developed By
1st Semester – In this semester, the trainee learns about safety and environment, use of fire
extinguishers. They learns to work with various basic Electrical Components, perform all
functions of Resistors and Soldering, De-soldering practice, able to recognize different types of
Inductors, measure Inductance and uses of Transformer. They know about Capacitor, measure
Capacitance and find resonance value of a circuit. Testing and use of Diode to construct basic
Electronic components. Recognize different types of Transistors and use it as Amplifiers in
electronic circuit. Construct and test of an application circuit using different types of
Semiconductors. Assemble and test various Power Supply circuit. Construct all digital circuit
using logic gates and verify truth table. Familiarize charging of acid battery and verify
connections. Verify internal parts of CRO and use it to measure voltage, frequency, modulation
of modulator/ transmitter. Working with some important Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics
Accessories used in information communication system.
2nd Semester – In this semester, the candidate will be able to achieve the skill to work with Word
Processing and Spreadsheet Software. Trainees are able to assemble and replace hardware
components of Desktop Computer. Installation of Operating System and all other application
software. Customization of Operating System and maintenance of system application software.
Assemble and replace hardware components of Laptop PC. Replace/ install SMPS and
troubleshoot its faults. Familiarize and upgrading various components of Motherboard.
Recognize different types of memory devices, chips and its structure.
3rd Semester – In this semester, trainee learns about installation and customization of Linux
operating system. Installation of Printer, Scanner and troubleshoot their faults. Replace/ install
Display Driver Card and servicing, configuration of various display unit. Replace/ install Sound
Card and set properties to adjust sound quality. Maintenance and servicing of UPS. Installation
and configuration of Modem, System Resources, Add on Cards, Cables & Connectors. Upgrading,
maintenance and troubleshooting of PC. Assemble, replace and troubleshooting various parts of
Tablet/ Smart Devices. Browsing internet and work with Cloud Computing.
4th Semester – In this semester, the candidate will be able to set up and configure Networking
System using various network devices. Sharing and controlling resource and Internet connection
through network. Implement Network Security to protect from various attacks on networking.
Installation and basic configuration of Windows Server. Installation, configuration of DNS,
Routing and user account customization. Configuration of Server and managing Server Network
security and Infrastructure. Installation and basic configuration of Linux server.
The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of Labour market. The vocational training programmes are running under aegis of
National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) and
Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programmes under NCVT for
propagating vocational training.
The “Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance” trade under CTS
is one of the significant trades as no similar courses are available in the vocational system to
cater this area. The course is of two years (04 semester) duration. It mainly consists of trade
(skills and knowledge) and Core area (Workshop Calculation & Science, Engineering Drawing
and Employability Skills). After passing out of the training program, the trainee is awarded
National Trade Certificate (NTC) by NCVT which is recognized worldwide.
Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two-year (04 semesters): -
Notional Training
S No. Course Element
1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 2266
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 528
3 Workshop Calculation & Science 176
4 Engineering Drawing 264
5 Employability Skills 110
6 Library & Extracurricular Activities 176
7 Project Work 320
8 Revision & Examination 320
Total 4160
The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of the
course and at the end of the training program as notified by the Government of India (GoI) from
time to time. The employability skills will be tested in the first two semesters itself.
a) The Internal Assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative Assessment
Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The training
institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment guideline. The
marks of internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure – II).
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by NCVT at the end of each semester as per the
guideline of Government of India. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by Govt.
of India from time to time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for
setting question papers for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also
check the individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for
practical examination.
The minimum pass percentage for practical is 60% & minimum pass percentage of
theory subjects is 40%. For the purposes of determining the overall result, 25% weightage is
applied to the result of each semester examination.
practices · A good level of neatness and consistency in
the finish.
· Little support in completing the project/job.
(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the · High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
candidate, with minimal or no support in machine tools and workshop equipment.
organization and execution and with due · Above 80% tolerance dimension achieved
regard for safety procedures and while undertaking different work with those
practices, has produced work which demanded by the component/job.
demonstrates attainment of a high · A high level of neatness and consistency in
standard of craftsmanship. the finish.
· Minimal or no support in completing the
ICT Engineer; is responsible for installing and ensuring uptime of the assigned ICT
node/network segment, by undertaking preventive maintenance and fault management
activities. The ICT Engineer is also responsible for performing upgrades, capacity augmentation,
configuration changes and Point Interconnect testing with minimal disruption of services. The
ICT or Information and Communication Technology equipment are NodeB/eNodeB, IP and TDM
transmission equipment, IP and Packet Core switch, Cloud and Data Centre equipment
ICT Technician; is responsible to maintain the ICT nodes/installations live on 24x7 basis,
observe and repair Level-1 faults/issues in installed ICT equipment at site, carry out specified
preventive and corrective maintenance procedures and report relevant network incidents to
the supervisor in time for information as well as response. ICT or Information and
Communication Technology refers to NodeB/ eNodeB, IP and TDM transmission equipment, IP
and Packet Core switch, Cloud and Data Centre equipment.
personnel in system. Conducts studies pertaining to development of new information systems
to meet current and projected needs. Plans and prepares technical reports, memoranda, and
instructional manuals as documentation of programme development. Upgrades system and
corrects errors to maintain system after implementation. May assist COMPUTER
PROGRAMMER in resolution of work problems related to flow charts, project specifications or
programming. May prepare time and cost estimates for completing projects. May direct and co-
ordinate work of others to develop, test, install, and modify programs.
Reference NCO-2015:
Preference will be given to a candidate with CITS (Craft Instructor
Training Scheme) in relevant trade.
Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2 (1+1), one must
have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC qualifications.
2. Workshop Calculation Degree in Engineering with one year experience.
& Science OR
Diploma in Engineering with two years experience.
Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD & A course under NCVT.
3. Engineering Drawing Degree in Engineering with one year experience.
Diploma in Engineering with two years experience.
NTC / NAC in the Draughtsman (Mechanical) with three years
Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD & A course under NCVT.
4. Employability Skill MBA OR BBA with two years experience OR Graduate in Sociology/
Social Welfare/ Economics with Two years experience OR Graduate/
Diploma with Two years experience and trained in Employability Skills
from DGT institutes.
Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic Computer
at 12th / Diploma level and above.
Existing Social Studies Instructors duly trained in Employability Skills
from DGT institutes.
List of Tools and
As per Annexure – I
Distribution of training on hourly basis: (Indicative only)
Work Extra-
Total hours Trade Trade Engg. Employability
shop Cal. curricular
/week practical theory Drawing skills
& Sc. activity
NSQF level for Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance trade
under CTS: Level 5
Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome
statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes
that a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.
a. Process
b. Professional Knowledge
c. Professional Skill
d. Core Skill
e. Responsibility
Process Professional
Level Professional Skill Core Skill Responsibility
Required Knowledge
Level 5 Job that Knowledge A range of Desired Responsibility
requires well of facts, cognitive and mathematical for own work
developed skill, principles, practical skills skill, and
with clear processes and required to understanding of learning and
choice of general accomplish tasks social, political some
procedures in concepts, in a and solve and some skill of responsibility
familiar context. field of work problem by collecting and for other’s work
or study selecting and organizing and learning.
applying basic information,
methods, tools, communication.
materials and
Semester – I
7. Identify various basic Electrical Components and perform measurement of current,
voltage using multimeter.
8. Perform all functions of Resistors and Soldering, De-soldering practice.
9. Recognize different types of Inductors, measure Inductance and uses of Transformer.
10. Measure Capacitance and find resonance value of a circuit.
11. Testing and use of Diode to construct basic Electronic components.
12. Recognize different types of Transistors and use it as Amplifiers in electronic circuit.
13. Construct and test of an application circuit using different types of Semiconductors.
14. Assemble and test various Power Supply circuit.
15. Construct all digital circuit using logic gates and verify truth table.
16. Familiarize charging of acid battery and verify connections.
17. Verify internal parts of CRO and use it to measure voltage, frequency, modulation of
modulator/ transmitter.
18. Working with some important Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics Accessories used in
information communication system.
Semester – II
19. Perform all the functions of Word Processing and Spreadsheet Software.
20. Assemble and replace hardware components of Desktop Computer.
21. Installation of Operating System and all other application software.
22. Customization of Operating System and maintenance of system application software.
23. Assemble and replace hardware components of Laptop PC.
24. Replace/ install SMPS and troubleshoot its faults.
25. Familiarize and upgrading various components of Motherboard.
26. Recognize different types of memory devices, chips and its structure.
Semester – III
27. Installation and customization of Linux operating system.
28. Installation of Printer, Scanner and troubleshoot their faults.
29. Replace/ install Display Driver Card and servicing, configuration of various display unit.
30. Replace/ install Sound Card and set properties to adjust sound quality.
31. Perform maintenance and servicing of UPS.
32. Installation and configuration of Modem, System Resources, Add on Cards, Cables &
33. Upgrading, maintenance and troubleshooting of PC.
34. Assemble, replace and troubleshooting various parts of Tablet/ Smart Devices.
35. Browsing internet and work with Cloud Computing.
Semester – IV
36. Setting up and configuring Networking System using various network devices.
37. Sharing and controlling resource and Internet connection through network.
38. Implement Network Security to protect from various attacks on networking.
39. Installation and basic configuration of Windows Server.
40. Installation, configuration of DNS, Routing and user account customization.
41. Configuration of Server and managing Server Network security and Infrastructure.
42. Installation and basic configuration of Linux server.
1. Apply safe working 1.1 Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working
practices. environment in line with occupational health and safety regulations
and requirements and according to site policy.
1.2 Recognize and report all unsafe situations according to site policy.
1.3 Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and safety hazards
and report according to site policy and procedures.
1.4 Identify, handle and store / dispose off dangerous goods and
substances according to site policy and procedures following safety
regulations and requirements.
1.5 Identify and observe site policies and procedures in regard to illness
or accident.
1.6 Identify safety alarms accurately.
1.7 Report supervisor/ Competent of authority in the event of accident
or sickness of any staff and record accident details correctly according to
site accident/injury procedures.
1.8 Identify and observe site evacuation procedures according to site
1.9 Identify Personal Productive Equipment (PPE) and use the same as
per related working environment.
1.10 Identify basic first aid and use them under different circumstances.
1.11 Identify different fire extinguisher and use the same as per
2. Comply with 2.1 Identify environmental pollution & contribute to the avoidance of
environment regulation instances of environmental pollution.
and housekeeping. 2.2 Deploy environmental protection legislation & regulations
2.3 Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner
2.4 Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure
2.5 Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in the
working environment.
soft skills, technical English 3.3 Use documents and technical regulations and occupationally related
to communicate with provisions.
required clarity. 3.4 Conduct appropriate and target oriented discussions with higher
authority and within the team.
3.5 Present facts and circumstances, possible solutions & use English
special terminology.
3.6 Resolve disputes within the team
3.7 Conduct written communication.
4. Understand and explain 4.1 Semester examination to test the concept in productivity, quality
the concept in tools and labour welfare legislation.
productivity, quality tools,
and labour welfare
legislation and apply such 4.2 Their applications will also be assessed during execution of
in day to day work to assessable outcome.
improve productivity &
8. Perform all functions of 8.1 Identify resistor value and tolerance using colour code.
Resistors and Soldering, 8.2 Measuring resistance using multimeter.
De-soldering practice. 8.3 Soldering and de-soldering techniques, practice using hook-up
wires. Soldering resistors on Tag board.
8.4 Verification of Ohms Law and Kirchhoff's Laws.
9. Recognize different 9.1 Measure inductance using LCR meter. Calculate inductive reactance
types of Inductors, at different input signal frequencies.
measure Inductance and 9.2 Demo on self and mutual induction.
uses of Transformer. 9.3 Rewind a transformer to given specification using winging machine.
9.4 Identifying and testing high frequency transformers used in
electronic circuits.
10. Measure Capacitance 10.1 Test working condition of capacitor. Measure capacitance using RLC
and find resonance meter.
value of a circuit. 10.2 Measure capacitive reactance at different frequencies.
10.3 Measure capacitance and capacitive reactance of, capacitors in
series and capacitors in parallel.
10.4 Find the resonance frequency of a given Series and parallel
resonance circuit.
11. Testing and use of 12.1 Plot forward and reverse characteristics of diode Testing working
Diode to construct condition of diodes.
basic Electronic 12.2 Construct and test a half wave and full wave diode rectifiers.
components. 12.3 Construct a bridge rectifier with capacitance input filter.
12.4 Draw Zener diode characteristics, Simple voltage regulator using
zener diode.
12. Recognize different 12.1 Identify types of transistors based on their physical appearance.
types of Transistors Identify the leads of the given assorted types of transistors.
and use it as Amplifiers 12.2 Quick test given transistors using Multimeter. Identify opens,
in electronic circuit. shorted junctions.
12.3 Wire and find the gain of amplifiers in - CB, CE, CC configurations.
13. Construct and test of 13.1 Construct and test a JFET amplifier.
an application circuit 13.2 Construct and test a MosFET application circuit.
using different types of 13.3 Construct and test an application circuit using SCR.
13.4 Construct and test an application circuit using TRIAC.
14. Assemble and test 14.1 Assemble and test a series regulated power supply.
various Power Supply 14.2 Assemble and test a fixed voltage regulator using 3pin IC.
circuit. 14.3 Assemble and test a variable voltage regulator using IC.
14.4 Identify the parts and controls of a UPS. Practice switch-on and
switch-off procedures.
15. Construct all digital 15.1 Verify the truth table of two input OR, NOR, AND, NAND, NOT
circuit using logic gates gates.
and verify truth table. 15.2 Realization of different gate type using NAND gates.
15.3 Verifying encoder/ decoder/ multiplexer/ demultplexer IC truth
15.4 Verification of Serial-in-parallel out and parallel in serial out of
16. Familiarize charging of 16.1 Familiarize with the lead acid battery, Charging of batteries, Series
acid battery and verify parallel connection of batteries.
17. Verify internal parts of 17.1 Measure of DC/AC voltages and frequency using CRO.
CRO and use it to 17.2 Identify the internal parts of a CRO and CRT.
measure voltage, 17.3 Identifying AM signal. Measurement of percentage of modulation
frequency, modulation using CRO.
of modulator/ 17.4 Construct and test a simple Frequency modulator / transmitter.
transmitter. Test transmitter using FM radio.
18. Working with some 18.1 Working with Gears, Belts, Stepper Motor, Drive.
important Mechanical, 18.2 Identification and Testing of Sensors.
Electrical & Electronics 18.3 Identification of different advanced Intel microprocessor chips.
Accessories used in
Semester – II
19. Perform all the 19.1 Creating and saving document files using Word processing
functions of Word software.
Processing and 19.2 Setting page and margins. Tabs and indents.
Spreadsheet Software. 19.3 Creating Worksheets using Spreadsheet Software.
19.4 Using formula in cells.
22. Customization of 22.1 How to create automated backups to ensure you always have a
Operating System and recent backup.
maintenance of system 22.2 Check your hard drive for errors.
application software. 22.3 How to increase airflow and increase your computer's lifespan.
22.4 Partitioning hard disk (primary and extended partitions).
22.5 How to run a full system scan.
22.6 Using Task manager and Event Viewer.
22.7 Changing the storage location of installed software.
24. Replace/ install SMPS 24.1 Remove the SMPS from PC cabinet. Identify the types of output
and troubleshoot its connectors of SMPS.
faults. 24.2 Open and cleaning the cooling fan and other parts.
24.3 Fix the SMPS inside the PC cabinet and test PC.
24.4 Use of Debug Card Post Error & Code, SMPS Tester, PCI slot testing
25. Familiarize and 25.1 Remove the mother board from PC cabinet. Identify the main
upgrading various components on the motherboard.
components of 25.2 Identify the chipset used.
Motherboard. 25.3 Identify the type of processor connector (slot/ socket/ dual).
25.4 Identify the connector for COM1, Com2.
25.5 Replace the weak/ dead battery on the mother board.
25.6 Replacing/ upgrading Processor.
28. Installation of Printer, 28.1 Installing a printer and carrying self- test.
Scanner and 28.2 Refilling ribbon tape of DMP.
troubleshoot their 28.3 Removing and cleaning printer head.
faults. 28.4 Tracing the control board and identifying defective components.
Servicing of control board.
28.5 Scanner - Installation, configuration, using Automatic Document
Feeder (ADF), OCR.
28.6 Network Scanner - Installation and configuration.
28.7 Troubleshooting of Scanner.
28.8 Multifunction Printer - Installation, Replacing supplies and spares,
29. Replace/ install Display 29.1 Remove the display driver card and identify the main components
Driver Card and and connectors on the display driver card.
servicing, configuration 29.2 Change the exiting display card with a different card given and
of various display unit. install.
29.3 Servicing of monitors, changing fuses, adjusting colors, brightness
and contrast. Setting resolution, loading drivers. Checking and
replacing components on the PCB. Checking and adjusting LCD
29.4 Install, configure and operate LCD Projector.
30. Replace/ install Sound 30.1 Identify the specifications of the installed sound card in the PC.
Card and set properties 30.2 Remove the sound card from PC and identify the main components
to adjust sound quality. on the card.
30.3 Change the existing sound card with a different card given and
30.4 Connect the speaker and microphone, adjust the controls for better
quality sound and testing.
32. Installation and 32.1 Installation and configuration of different types of Modem e.g. DSL,
configuration of ADSL, Data Card, Dongle etc.
Modem, System 32.2 Practice on setting IRQ, DMA, Memory Address, I/O address,
Resources, Add on Resource Conflict, Plug & Play.
Cards, Cables & 32.3 AGP, PCI Express, TV Tuner Card, DVR card, Video Capture, SCSI.
Connectors. USB, NIC, Fire wire, Card reader, network storage, Game video card,
Camera etc.
34. Assemble, replace and 34.1 Assembling & disassembling of different types of tablets/ Smart
troubleshooting Devices.
various parts of Tablet/ 34.2 Replacing of faulty parts.
Smart Devices. 34.3 Practice Advanced troubleshooting techniques.
34.4 Upgrading operating systems.
35. Browsing internet and 35.1 Practice web browsing using popular web browsing software,
work with Cloud Configuring web browser.
Computing. 35.2 Sending document/ softcopy by email, activating spell checking,
using address book, Handling SPAM, Removal of Cookies.
35.3 Work with Cloud services.
Semester – IV
36. Setting up and 36.1 Familiarization with various Network devices, Connectors and
configuring Networking Cables.
System using various 36.2 Crimping practice with straight and cross CAT 5 cables.
network devices. 36.3 Punching practice in IO Box and patch panel.
36.4 Create cabling in a lab with HUB/ Switch and IO Boxes and patch
36.5 Installing & Configuring a Peer-to-Peer Network using Windows
36.6 Connecting computers with Network with Drop cable and using Wi-
Fi configuration.
36.7 Basic Programmable switch Configuration Spanning Tree Protocol
36.8 Installation and Configuration of TCP/ IP Protocol.
36.9 Setup and configure a Virtual LAN.
36.10 Practice on configuring DHCP.
37. Sharing and controlling 37.1 Sharing Resource and Advance Sharing Setting.
resource and Internet 37.2 Exposure and using Internet. Setting E-mail accounts.
connection through Conferencing.
network. 37.3 Setting up of basic collaboration tool like NetMeeting for activities
like chat, application sharing, remote desktop access and control,
38. Implement Network 38.1 Setting up basic protection using public keys and MAC address
Security to protect filters.
from various attacks on 38.2 Troubleshooting wired and wireless network.
networking. 38.3 Practice on firewall technologies to secure the network perimeter.
38.4 Wi-Fi configuration to implement security considerations.
39. Installation and basic 39.1 Install and configure Windows Server.
configuration of 39.2 Install and Configure Active Directory.
Windows Server. 39.3 Implementing AD Services.
40. Installation, 40.1 Installing and Configuring DNS Services
configuration of DNS, - Setup Name resolution – Host names, NetBIOS names.
Routing and user - Installing DNS Server.
account customization. 40.2 Installing and Configuring DHCP Services
- DHCP Server Configuration.
- Setting up of DHCP, Routing and remote access.
40.3 Configuring Remote Access Authentication Protocol.
40.4 Managing TCP/ IP Routing.
40.5 Implement AGDLP Process.
40.6 Planning and Maintaining Group Policies - Configuring User
continuity and continuity
testers. Multimeter for
checking continuity.
· Concept of Power and
measurement using V&I meter
and Power meter.
3-4 Perform all Resistors. Soldering and De-soldering · Classification, characteristics
functions of 13. Identify different types of resistors and application of different
from physical appearance. (4 hrs) types of resistors.-carbon film,
Resistors and
14. Identify resistor value and tolerance metal film, wire wound,
Soldering, De- using colour code. (4 hrs) cermets and surface mounted.
soldering practice. 15. Measuring resistance using · Colour coding of resistors.
Multimeter. (4 hrs) Calculating Imeasuring
16. Soldering and de-soldering resistance value and its
techniques, practice using hook-up tolerance value. Wattage of
wires. Soldering resistors on Tag resistors, specific resistance
board. (4 hrs) and their importance.
17. Verification of Ohms Law and · Resistors in series and parallel.
Kirchhoff's Laws. (5 hrs) · Soft soldering and precautions
18. Soldering resistors on PCB. (5 hrs) to be taken for making a good
19. De-soldering practice. (5 hrs) solder joint. Types of solder and
20. Experiment using P.T.C and NTC need of soldering paste.
resistors. (5 hrs) · Ohms law and Kirchhoff’s
21. Experiment to check VDR's. (5 hrs) Laws.
22. Experiment to check LDR's. (5 hrs) · Printed circuit boards and its
23. Test Pots, Presets. (4 hrs) application.
· De-soldering tools.
· Temperature dependent
resistors and their
applications.(PTC and NTC) .
· Voltage dependent resistors
· Photoelectric effect, Light
Dependent resistors.
· Variable resistors, pots, presets,
types and application. Log and
Linear resistors.
5-6 Recognize Inductance · Definition of inductance.
different types of 24. Identification of different types of Properties. Types of inductors
inductors and its specifications. (5 and their application.
hrs) · Inductive reactance, measuring
measure 25. Measure inductance using LCR inductance and inductive
Inductance and meter. Calculate inductive reactance reactance. Meaning of lead, lag.
uses of at different input signal frequencies. Effect of inductor on power
Transformer. (8 hrs) factor. Frequency dependence
26. Demo on self and mutual induction. of inductive reactance.
(7 hrs) · Self and Mutual inductance.
27. Check step down transformers. (8 Coefficient of coupling.
hrs) · Transformers. Turns ratio.
28. Rewind a transformer to given Transformer winding. Winding
specification using winging machine. machines.
(7 hrs) · Transformer losses and
29. Finding losses and efficiency of efficiency.
given transformers. (8 hrs) · Uses, losses, efficiency type of
30. Identifying and testing high cores and uses for LF, HF, VHF
frequency transformers used in transformer.
electronic circuits. (7 hrs) · Transformers used in high
frequency applications.
7-8 Measure Capacitance and Resonance circuits · Working principle of capacitors.
Capacitance and 31. Identify of different types of Electrostatic action, dielectric
capacitors from colour code and constant. Unit of capacitance
find resonance
typographic code. (5 hrs) and capacitive reactance. Types
value of a circuit. 32. Test working condition of capacitor. of Capacitors-electrolytic,
Measure capacitance using RLC ceramic, polyester, tantalum,
meter. (8 hrs) mica, surface mounted. Colour
33. Measure capacitive reactance at coding, and tolerance.
different frequencies. (12 hrs) · Measuring capacitance and
34. Measure capacitance and capacitive capacitive reactance.
reactance of, capacitors in series · Behaviour of capacitance at
and capacitors in parallel. (12 hrs) different frequencies.
35. Find the resonance frequency of a · Capacitors in series and
given Series and parallel resonance parallel.
circuit. (13 hrs) · Meaning of Resonance.
Application of resonance. Series
and parallel resonance circuits.
9-10 Testing and use of Electronic Components · Semiconductor, intrinsic and
Diode to construct 36. Identify terminals of different types extrinsic semi conductors, P
of diodes. Record its specifications and N type semiconductor.
basic Electronic
referring to diode data sheet. (5 hrs) Development of P.N. junction
components. 37. Plot forward and reverse barrier potential. Effect of
characteristics of diode Testing temperature. Breakdown
working condition of diodes. (7 hrs) voltage.
38. Construct and test a half wave and · Different types of Diodes. Diode
full wave diode rectifiers. (9 hrs) terminals. Diode specifications
39. Construct and test a Bridge rectifier using data book.
with and without filter. (9 hrs) · Forward and reverse
40. Construct a bridge rectifier with characteristics of diode. Testing
capacitance input filter. (10 hrs) diodes using Multimeter.
41. Draw Zener diode characteristics, · Half wave and Full wave
Simple voltage regulator using zener rectifiers using diodes.
diode. (10 hrs) Transformer requirements.
Calculating output DC, ripple
· Bridge rectifier. Calculating
output DC, ripple factor.
· Filters for rectifiers. Calculating
output DC, ripple factor.
· Zener diode-Its characteristics
and application for voltage
regulation. Calculating the
series resistor for required
current rating.
· Specifications of a regulated
power supply and testing a
power supply for its
11-12 Recognize Transistor and Amplifiers · Working principle of PNP,
different types of 42. Identify types of transistors based Bipolar transistors. Types of
on their physical appearance. transistors and applications.
Transistors and
Identify the leads of the given Leads of transistors and their
use it as Amplifiers assorted types of transistors. (15 identification.
in electronic hrs) · Forward and reverse bias of
circuit. 43. Quick test given transistors using transistor Junction. General
Multimeter. Identify opens, shorted values of junction resistances.
junctions. (15 hrs) Quick testing a transistor-using
44. Wire and find the gain of amplifiers Multimeter.
in - CB, CE, CC configurations. (20 · Transistor configuration - CB,
hrs) CE, CC, alpha, beta. Types of
Biasing of transistor amplifiers,
comparison and applications.
Thermal runaway. Steady and
Dynamic characteristics.
Testing- get frequency
response, gain bandwidth
product, signal to noise ratio.
13-14 Construct and test Special Semiconductors- FET · Field effect transistors, types,
of an application 45. Construct and test a JFET amplifier. working principle, applications.
circuit using (8 hrs) · Working principle and
different types of 46. Construct and test a MosFET application of UJT.
Semiconductors. application circuit. (8 hrs) · Working principle and
47. Construct and test a relaxation application of SCR.
oscillator using UJT. (8 hrs) · Working principle and
48. Construct and test an application application of TRIAC.
circuit using SCR. (8 hrs) · Working principle and
49. Construct and test an application application of DIAC.
circuit using DIAC. (8 hrs)
50. Construct and test an application
circuit using TRIAC. (10 hrs)
15-16 Assemble and test Power supply · Unregulated, regulated DC
various Power 51. Practice on identifying and using the Power supply specifications.
controls on a regulated power Application of different types of
Supply circuit.
supply. (5 hrs) power supply for specific
52. Assemble and test a series regulated application types.
power supply. (7 hrs) · Series regulator using
53. Assemble and test a shunt regulated transistor. Short circuit
power supply. (7 hrs) protection. Overload
54. Assemble and test a fixed voltage protection.
regulator using 3pin IC. (7 hrs) · Shunt regulators using
55. Assemble and test a variable voltage transistors.
regulator using IC. (8 hrs) · Fixed Voltage regulators using
56. Assemble a simple inverter and IC's.
converter for use with emergency · Variable voltage regulators
lamp. (8 hrs) using IC’s.
57. Identify the parts and controls of a · Mains voltage stabilizers.
UPS. Practice switch-on and switch- · Inverters and converters.
off procedures. (8 hrs) · Un-interrupted power supply,
types and applications.
17-18 Construct all digital Digital Electronics · Number systems and
circuit using logic 58. Identify the specifications of given conversions. Classification of
digital IC's referring to data books. digital IC's. Use of data book for
gates and verify
(2 hrs) identification of digital IC's.
truth table. 59. Verify the truth table of two input · Basic LOGIC GATES and truth
OR, NOR, AND, NAND, NOT gates. (3 table. Boolean algebra.
hrs) · Logic families, logic levels,
60. Verify of truth table of multiple propagation delay. Multiple
input logic gates. (3 hrs) input gates.
61. Verify the truth table of XOR and · XOR, XNOR gates and
XNOR Gates. (3 hrs) application.
62. Realization of different gate type · Simplification of Boolean
using NAND gates. (3 hrs) equations.
63. Verification of Boolean laws. (3 hrs) · Combinational logic circuits. g)
64. Realization of half adder & full adder Half adder, full adder, parallel
using NAND gates. Realization half binary adder, half subtractor,
subtractor and full subtractor using full subtractor.
NAND gates. (3 hrs) · Commercially available adders/
65. Verification of truth table of 7483- subtractors.
4bit adder. (3 hrs) · Comparator, decoders,
66. Verifying encoder/ decoder/ encoders, multiplexer,
multiplexer/ demultplexer IC truth demultiplexer.
tables. (3 hrs) · Parity generators / checkers. RS
67. Realization and verification of truth Flip - Flop, JK flip-flop, Master-
table of RS, JK and MS- JK flip-flop. Slave flip-flops.
(3 hrs) · Types of triggering and
68. Realization and verification of D-flip applications. D flip-flops.
flop. (3 hrs) · Counters, ripple, synchronous,
69. Realization and verification of up & up-down, scale-n counters.
down (sync/async) counter. (3 hrs) · Principles of A/D & D/A
70. Verification of A/D & D/A converter. converter. Commercially
(3 hrs) available A/D & D/A converters.
71. Realization of shift registers using Applications.
FF. (3 hrs) · Shift registers. Types,
72. Verification of Right-shift, Left- shift applications.
registers. (3 hrs) · Commercially available shift
73. Verification of Serial-in-parallel out registers and applications.
and parallel in serial out of data. (3 · Conversion of serial data into
hrs) parallel and vice-versa.
74. Representation of logic function’s · Concept of Karnaugh Map (K-
truth table using K-Map. (3 hrs) Map).
19 Familiarize Battery · Lead acid cell, its construction
charging of acid 75. Familiarize with the lead acid and chemical changes during
battery, Charging of batteries, Series charging and discharging.
battery and verify
parallel connection of batteries. (25 Battery charging methods.
connections. hrs) Maintenance free batteries.
Lithium cell, Ni-cad cells their
construction and applications.
20 Verify internal Oscilloscope · Working principle and
parts of CRO and 76. Identify CRO front panel controls. (6 application.
hrs) · Precautions to be taken while
use it to measure
77. Measure of DC/AC voltages and measuring voltages using CRO.
voltage, frequency, frequency using CRO. (6 hrs) · Internal parts of a CRO.
modulation of 78. Identify the internal parts of a CRO Construction and function of
modulator/ and CRT. (6 hrs) CRT and its associated circuitry.
79. Calibrate a given CRO. (7 hrs) · Simple Calibration procedures
care and maintenance.
21 Verify internal Modulation, Demodulation and · Modulation - types of
parts of CRO and transmitters modulation. AM, FM, PM.
80. Identifying AM signal. Measurement Amplitude modulation.
use it to measure
of percentage of modulation using Measurement of percentage of
voltage, frequency, CRO. (6 hrs) modulation.
modulation of 81. Construct and test a simple · AM Transmitter block diagram.
modulator/ Amplitude modulator. (6 hrs) Amplitude modulator circuit
transmitter. 82. Construct and test a crystal receiver. and working.
(6 hrs) · AM receiver block diagram.
83. Construct and test a simple Principle of an AM
Frequency modulator / transmitter. demodulator/detector -
Test transmitter using FM radio. (7 analysis of crystal receiver.
hrs) · Frequency modulation-
bandwidth requirement. FM
transmitter block diagram.
Comparison with AM-
advantages of FM over AM.
· FM receiver block diagram.
Principle of Demodulation of
FM signals.
· Pulse modulation - PAM, PWM
and PCM. Demodulators.
Advantages and applications.
22 Working with Other Mechanical, Electrical & · Basics of gears, Belts, Stepper
some important Electronics Accessories Motor, Drive.
84. Working with Gears, Belts, Stepper · Sensors, its types and working
Motor, Drive. (5 hrs) principles.
Electrical & 85. Identification and Testing of · Relays, types and its working
Electronics Sensors. (5 hrs) principles.
Accessories used in 86. Working with Relays. (5 hrs) · Introduction to Microprocessor,
87. Identification of different advanced Pentium processor architecture
Intel microprocessor chips. (5 hrs) basics.
communication 88. Identification of different advanced · Timing Circuits, Electronic
system. microprocessor chips other than Display (7 segment, LED, LCD,
from Intel. (5 hrs) Plasma, LED matrix.
23-24 Industrial Visit/ Project Work
Broad Areas:
a) Create a regulated power supply.
b) Create amplifier using transistor.
c) Create a bridge rectifier.
d) AC to DC converter.
e) Battery Charger.
25 Revision
26 Examination
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly covered maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, Work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
application of Learning. They need to submit Project report.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes. Some
real-life pictures/videos of work related to Marine fitting, alignment of pump-motor,
fitting of pipes & tubes, assembling jobs, maintenance work, etc., may be shown to the
trainees to give a feel of actual work and their future assignment.
110. What one shouldn't wear while motherboard form factor.
working inside a computer. (1 hr) Precautions to be taken while
111. The danger of static electricity. (1 hr) opening and closing PC cabinet.
112. How to protect a PC from lightning · Main devices, components,
strikes and power outages. (2 hrs) cards, boards inside a PC (to
card or device level only).
Hardware Identification · Types and specifications of the
113. Identify the front and rear panel cables and connectors used for
controls and ports on a PC. (1 hr) interconnecting the devices,
114. Cases. (1 hr) boards, cards, components
115. Cooling. (1 hr) inside a PC.
116. Cables & Connectors. (1 hr) · Precautions to be taken while
117. Power Supplies. (1 hr) removing and/ or re-connecting
118. Power Supply Connections. (1 hr) cables inside a PC.
119. Motherboard Connections. (1 hr) · Types of I/O devices and ports
120. Motherboard Components. (1 hr) on a standard PC for connecting
121. CPU (Processor). (1 hr) I/O devices.
122. RAM (Memory). (1 hr) · Function of keyboard, brief
123. Hard Drive Connections. (1 hr) principle, types, interfaces,
124. Mechanical vs. Solid State Drives. (1 connectors, cable.
hr) · Function of Mouse, brief
125. ROM Drives. (1 hr) principle, types, interfaces,
126. Video Cards. (1 hr) connectors, cable.
127. Sound Cards. (1 hr) · Function of monitor, brief
principle, resolution, size, types,
interfaces, connectors, cable.
· Function of Speakers and Mic.,
brief principle, types, interfaces,
connectors, cable.
· Function of serial port, parallel
port, brief principle of
communication through these
ports, types of devices that can
be connected, interface
standards, connectors, cable.
· Precaution to be taken while
connecting/ removing
connectors from PC ports.
Method of ensuring firm
30-32 Assemble and Hardware: Remove – Test – Replace/ · Types of Processors and their
replace Install specifications (Intel: Celeron, P4
128. Removing RAM. (3 hrs) family, Xeon, dual core, quad
129. Installing RAM. (3 hrs) core, core 2 duo, i3,i5,i7 and
components of 130. Removing a ROM Drive. (3 hrs) AMD).
Desktop 131. Installing a ROM Drive. (4 hrs) · Memory devices, types,
Computer. 132. Removing a Hard Drive. (3 hrs) principle of storing. Data
133. Installing a Hard Drive. (4 hrs) organization 4 bit, 8 bit, word.
134. Removing a Power Supply. (3 hrs) · Semi-conductor memories,
135. Installing a Power Supply. (3 hrs) RAM, ROM, PROM, EMPROM,
136. Removing a Video Card. (3 hrs) EEPROM, Static and dynamic.
137. Installing a Video Card. (3 hrs) · Example of memory chips, pin
138. Install Expansion Cards. (3 hrs) diagram, pin function.
139. Removing Fans. (3 hrs) · Concept of track, sector,
140. Installing Fans. (3 hrs) cylinder. FD Drive components-
141. Removing the Motherboard. (3 hrs) read write head, head actuator,
142. Installing the Motherboard. (5 hrs) spindle motor, sensors, PCB.
143. Removing the Processor. (3 hrs) · Precaution and care to be taken
144. Installing the Processor. (5 hrs) while dismantling Drives.
145. Installing a CPU Cooler. (4 hrs) · Drive bay, sizes, types of drives
146. Troubleshooting. (5 hrs) that can be fitted. Precautions
147. Checking the Power Switch. (3 hrs) to be taken while removing
148. Removing the CMOS Battery. (3 hrs) drive bay from PC.
149. Seating Expansion Cards. (3 hrs) · HDD, advantages, Principle of
working of Hard disk drive,
cylinder and clusture, types,
capacity, popular brands,
standards, interface, jumper
setting. Drive components- hard
platens, and recording media,
,air filter, read write head,
head actuator, spindle motor,
circuit board, sensor, features
like head parking, head
positioning, reliability,
performances, shock mounting
capacity. HDD interface IDE,
SCSI-I/2/3 comparative study.
Latest trends in interface
technology in PC and server
HDD interface.
· Precautions to be taken while
drives into bays and bay inside
PC cabinet.
· CMOS setting (restrict to drive
settings only).
· Meaning and need for using
Scan disk and defrag.
· Basic blocks of SMPS,
description of sample circuit.
33 Installation of Windows Installation · Types of software. System
Operating 150. A walkthrough of installing Windows. software-OS, Compiler.
System and all (2 hrs) · Application software like MS
other 151. A walkthrough of installing Windows office. High Level, low level
application XP. (2 hrs) language, Computer application
software. 152. Imaging: create a Windows system scientific industrial and
image. (3 hrs) business. Functions of an
153. How to Backup/ Restore your operating system. Disk
Windows partition with the bootable operating system.
image disk. (3 hrs) · Concept of GUI, Modes of
154. Duplicating a partition (creating a starting on different occasions.
multi-boot system). (3 hrs) · Desktop, Icon, selecting,
155. A multi-boot system: the Windows choosing,
boot manager vs. an alternative boot drag and drop.
manager. (3 hrs) · My computer, network
156. Setting up a multi-boot/ dual-boot neighborhood/ network places.
system. (3 hrs) · Recycle bin, briefcase, task bar,
157. Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows. (3 start menu, tool bar, and
hrs) menus.
158. Windows XP registry tweaks. (3 hrs) · Windows Explorer.
· Properties of files and folders.
· Executing application programs.
· Properties of connected devices.
· Applications under windows
· Windows Help.
· Finding files, folders, computers.
· Control panel. Installed devices
and properties.
34 Customization Data Backup · Utilities for recovering data from
of Operating 159. 3 types of media to use when backing defective/bad hard disks.
up your data, and when each method · Introduction to removable
System and
is appropriate. (2 hrs) storage devices, Bulk data
maintenance of 160. How to create automated backups to storage devices-magnetic,
system ensure you always have a recent optical, magneto optical drives,
application backup. (2 hrs) WORM drives.
161. Learn how to manually backup data. · CD ROM drives- Technology,
(2 hrs) Types of CD drives, working
162. How to make an exact copy (clone) of principle application.
a hard drive. (2 hrs) · Technology, working principle,
capacity, media of DAT
Hardware Troubleshooting Drive and back-up procedures.
163. The danger in not diagnosing · Technology, working principle,
problems first. (3 hrs) capacity, media of DVD ROM
164. Learn how to test your RAM. (4 hrs) drive.
165. Check your hard drive for errors. (4 · Technology, working principle,
hrs) capacity, media of CD WRITER
and use different modes of
PC Cleaning writing on a CD. Using of utility
166. The best cleaning supplies to use. (2 for CD writing.
167. How to increase airflow and increase
your computer's lifespan. (2 hrs)
168. How to clean your computer. (2 hrs)
35 Customization Hard Drives · What's Inside a Hard Drive?
of Operating 169. Partitioning hard disk (primary and · How Hard Disks Work.
extended partitions). (2 hrs) · Inside: Hard Drive Motherboard.
System and
170. Hard Drive Failures. (2 hrs) · Desktop Hard Drive Buyer's
maintenance of 171. How To Troubleshoot a Noisy Hard
system Drive. (2 hrs) · What is RAID? Using Multiple
application 172. How to Format a Hard Drive. (2 hrs) Hard Drives for Performance
173. How to Completely Erase a Hard Disk and Reliability.
Drive. (2 hrs) · Partitioning hard disk (primary
174. Installation and configuration of and extended partitions).
storage devices. Integration of PATA · Learn how to prevent your PC
and SATA drivers. (3 hrs) from getting malware.
175. Recover emails, files, and data from a · All the different types of
crashed hard drive or computer. (2 malware and how they attack
hrs) your PC.
· The difference between Anti-
Virus Removal Virus and Anti-Spyware
176. How to run a full system scan. (1 hr) software.
177. How to fix your browser from
redirecting to other websites
(browser hijack). (1 hr)
178. Using a modern anti-virus utility. (2
179. When utilities don't fix everything,
how to manually remove a virus. (2
180. 2 specific things to disable when
trying to get rid of a nasty virus. (2
181. 2 special utilities that work wonders.
(2 hrs)
36 Customization System Utilities · Bad Sectors in Hard disk, Master
of Operating 182. How to check to see if your hard Boot Record, in-place
System and drive has bad sectors. (1 hr) installation, Registry fixing,
183. Fix the master boot record. (2 hrs) performance level check,
maintenance of
184. How to run an in-place installation. (1 Shortcut fixing, Fixing Startup
system hr) process, log, etc.
application 185. Using Task manager and Event · Users and user account.
software. Viewer. (2 hrs) Privileges, scope, permissions
186. Using System Monitor and etc.
Performance Logs. (2 hrs) · Concept of Virtual Machine.
187. Configure config.sys file. (2 hrs)
· Types of jumper settings on
motherboard. Its functions and
· CMOS set-up features. Need and
procedure for changing the
CMOS set-up. Updating Flash
48 Recognize Memory · Memory devices, types &
different types 273. Identification of different types of principle of storing. Data
of memory memory devices. (8 hrs) organization 4 bit, 8 bit, word.
devices, chips 274. Identification of memory chips. (8 · Semiconductor memories, RAM,
and its hrs) ROM, PROM,EMPROM,
structure. 275. Identification of SIMM and DIMM EEPROM, Static and dynamic.
memory modules, number of pins, · Example of memory chips, pin
type. (9 hrs) diagram, pin function of
popularly used RAM, EPROM,
and EEPROM Chips in PC's.
Industrial Visit/ Project Work
Broad Areas:
a) Disassemble a given Desktop / Laptop PC totally following the safety precautions.
b) Reassemble the Desktop / Laptop PC and test for its satisfactory performance.
c) Install Operating System and necessary driver, taking backup and restore system.
d) Rectify a defective system and make it as smooth working system.
e) Troubleshoot / Repair /Replace an SMPS/RAM.
f) Check Hard disk error, partition, format different types of Hard disk drives.
51 Revision
52 Examination
Note: -
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly covered maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, Work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
application of Learning. They need to submit Project report.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes. Some
real-life pictures/videos of industry on Marine Fitting jobs and maintenance work, etc.,
may be shown to the trainees to give a feel of Industry and their future assignment.
hrs) Printer.
311. Multifunction Printer - · Working principles of Print
Installation, Replacing supplies Server.
and spares, troubleshooting. (8
312. Passbook Printer - Installation,
calibration, configuration &
troubleshooting. Replacement of
Supplies and maintenance. (6 hrs)
313. Network Printer – Installation and
configuration, troubleshooting. (6
314. How to update the flash of
Motherboard, printer, scanner
and modem etc. (6 hrs)
59-60 Replace/ install Monitor, Display Card and Driver · Types of monitor, Monochrome
Display Driver 315. Identify the type of monitor and color, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA,
connected to PC. Specifications, Digital Analogue, interlaced non-
Card and
front panel controls and settings. interlaced. Specifications and
servicing, (6 hrs) Comparison of Monitors. Front
configuration of 316. Identify the specifications of the panel controls brightness,
various display display driver card installed in the contrast, and horizontal and
PC. (6 hrs) vertical height settings.
317. Remove the display driver card · Display cards, bus standards,
and identify the main types CGA, EGA VGA, SVGA, AGP,
components and connectors on memory and drivers.
the display driver card. (6 hrs) · Main components and
318. Replace the display driver card connectors on display cards,
and re-install. (before practicing display controller IC, RAM chips
this skill set, the already installed and dual port feature principle of
driver should be removed from working and use of display
device manager). (6 hrs) memory.
319. Change the exiting display card · Installing display drivers, setting
with a different card given and features.
install. (6 hrs) · Information required before
320. Servicing of monitors, changing changing the display driver card
fuses, adjusting colors, brightness and precautions to be taken while
and contrast. Setting resolution, installing a display driver card.
loading drivers. Checking and · LCD and TFT Monitors.
replacing components on the · Understanding the difference
PCB. Checking and adjusting LCD between flat screens and CRT
Monitors. (8 hrs) display systems.
321. Install, configure and operate LCD · Understanding the displays
Projector. (6 hrs) memory and its effect on quality
322. Install and Configure Touch Pad. and performance.
(6 hrs) · Working principle of LCD
Projector, its specification,
configuration and common
· Working Principle of Touch Pad.
70-71 Upgrading, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of · Safety precautions in handling PC,
maintenance and PC sub-assemblies and components,
troubleshooting of 352. Running diagnostics program to Important points to be
PC. identify the health and defects of considered while purchasing and
a PC. Check system replacing components. Concept
performance using third party of Preventive and corrective
utilities. Use benchmarking maintenance. Tools required,
utilities to benchmark systems. (3 Active & Passive Maintenance,
hrs) Maintenance scheduling. Need of
353. Identify the defect in PC from the diagnostics program. Features,
audible and observable limitations. Examples of
symptoms such as beep sounds, commonly used diagnostic
post messages. Hanged keyboard, programs.
erratic display etc., and corrective · Probable defects in PC. Localizing
action. (3 hrs) faults through its observable
354. Tracing the circuit of a KB. (3 hrs) visual or audio symptoms and
355. Troubleshooting defects related possible methods for
to Keyboard and its related rectification/ servicing.
ports loose connections, replacing Understanding serviceability of
cable, replacing keys (DIN, PS/2, component. Economy in repair/
USB). (3 hrs) replacement.
356. Trouble shooting defects related · Block diagram of a KB, function of
to Mouse and its related ports controller, LED driver Sample
loose connections, replacing circuit.
cable, replacing roller and sensing · Defects related to Keyboard and
elements. (COM, PS/2, USB). (3 its related ports (DIN, PS/2, USB)
hrs) Discontinuity in cable, and bad
357. Study of interface cable keys. Servicing procedure.
connector, replacing of · Defects related to Mouse and its
subassemblies of Light pen, related ports (COM, PS/2, USB)
scanner, digitizer. (3 hrs) and servicing procedure.
358. Troubleshooting defects related · Working principle, electro
to HDD, (practice of replacing mechanical circuits of Light pen
motor, head, PCB among faulty scanner and digitizer.
drives) cable and connector. (4 · Defects and symptoms related to
hrs) HDD and its cable, connector and
359. Troubleshooting defects related servicing procedure.
to CD ROM Drive, Attempting for · Defects related to CD ROM Drive
replacement and adjustments) jamming of mechanical assembly
cable and connector. (4 hrs) mal function of control circuit,
360. Troubleshooting defects related and its cable, connector and
Ports to Jumper setting. (4 hrs) servicing procedure.
361. Troubleshooting defects related · Defects related to Ports jumper
to Processor. (4 hrs)
362. Troubleshooting defects related setting on motherboard and
to RAM memory modules. (4 hrs) servicing procedure.
363. Troubleshooting defects related · Defects related to processor, its
BIOS. (4 hrs) socket, cooling and servicing
364. Troubleshooting defects related procedure.
to CMOS setup. (4 hrs) · Defects related to RAM memory
365. Troubleshooting defects related module connector and servicing
to Battery. (4 hrs) procedure.
· Defects related to BIOS,
upgrading and servicing
· Defects related to CMOS, COMS
setup and servicing procedure.
· Defects related to battery and
servicing procedure.
72-73 Assemble, replace Tablet/ Smart Devices · Circuit Board/ Motherboard
and 366. Assembling & disassembling of Introduction.
different types of tablets/ Smart · Study of parts of a tablet PC/
Devices. (5 hrs) smart devices.
various parts of 367. Testing of various parts with · Testing of various parts with
Tablet/ Smart multimeter. (4 hrs) multimeter.
Devices. 368. Replacing of faulty parts. (4 hrs) · Steps of repairing various
369. Fault finding & troubleshooting. hardware problems.
(4 hrs) · Advanced troubleshooting
370. Practice Advanced techniques.
troubleshooting techniques. (5 · Introduction of various software
hrs) faults.
371. Flashing of various brands of · Flashing of various brands of
tablets/ smart devices. (4 hrs) tablets / smart devices.
372. Upgrading operating systems. (4 · Upgrading operating systems.
hrs) · Locking & Unlocking of handsets.
373. Formatting of virus affected
· Concept of iOS, Android, Ice-
devices. (4 hrs)
cream sandwich, jellybeans.
374. Unlocking of handsets through
· Concept of Phone Gap.
codes and software. (4 hrs)
375. Troubleshooting settings faults. (4
376. Working with iOS, Android, Ice-
cream sandwich, Jellybeans. (4
377. Installation of Phone Gap
framework. (4 hrs)
74 Browsing internet Internet and Web Browser Internet and Web Browser
and work with 378. Practice web browsing using · World wide web and website.
Cloud Computing. popular web browsing software, · Web Browsing and popular web
Configuring web browser. (1 hr) browsing software.
379. Search for content using popular · Introduction to Search Engines,
search engines. (1 hr) Popular Search engines.
380. Use favourite folder for browsing · Concept of Favorites Folder.
quickly. (2 hrs) · What is an Electronic Mail?
381. Downloading & Printing · Email Addressing, BCC and CC,
Webpages. (2 hrs) Inbox, Outbox, Address book,
382. Using e-mail – Opening & SPAM.
configuring email client, mailbox:
inbox and outbox, Creating and Cloud Computing
sending e-mail, Replying to an e- · Introduction to Cloud Computing,
mail message, Forwarding and e- how to access Cloud service
mail message, Sorting and providers & to create an account.
searching emails. (2 hrs)
383. Sending document/ softcopy by IT Act & Law
email, activating spell checking, · Introduction to Cyber Security.
using address book, Handling · Introduction to Cyber Laws & IT
SPAM, Removal of Cookies. (2 Act.
hrs) · Importance of privacy and
techniques to manage it.
Cloud Computing
384. Work with Cloud services. (15 hrs)
Industrial Visit/ Project work
Broad Areas:
a) Troubleshoot / Repair/ Replace a faulty Printer/ Scanner/ UPS/ MFD/ VDU/ Add-on card/
b) Installation & configuration of LINUX, Configure Outlook, Setting/ Configuring Tablet/
Android etc.
77 Revision
78 Examination
Note: -
1. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
2. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly covered maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, Work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
application of Learning. They need to submit Project report.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes. Some
real-life pictures/videos of industry on machine fitting, alignment of pump-motor, fitting
of pipes & tubes, assembling jobs, maintenance work, etc., may be shown to the trainees
to give a feel of Industry and their future assignment.
configuring 395. Connecting computers with Gateways, Repeaters,
Network with Drop cable and using Transceivers, Switches, Access
Wi-Fi configuration. (10 hrs) point, etc. – their types, functions,
System using advantages and applications.
396. Basic Programmable switch
various network · IP Routing in Network RIP IGRP
Configuration Spanning Tree
devices. Protocol (STP). (10 hrs)
397. Command Line Interface. (10 hrs)
398. IP Routing Process. (10 hrs)
399. Verifying Configuration. (10 hrs)
86 Setting up and IP Addressing & TCP/ IP · Protocols, TCP/IP, FTP, Telnet etc.
configuring 400. IP addressing technique (IP4/ IP6) · Theory on Setting IP Address(IP4/
and Subnetting and Supernetting IP6) & Subnet Mask, Classes of IP
Networking Addressing.
the network. (6 hrs)
System using 401. Installation and Configuration of · Overview of Virtual LAN.
· VLAN Memberships.
various network TCP/ IP Protocol. (6 hrs)
· Identifying VLAN.
devices. 402. Practice TCP/ IP Utilities: PING,
· Trunking - VLAN Trunk Protocol
TRACERT etc. (6 hrs) · Concept of Translator Gateways.
403. Setup and configure a Virtual LAN.
(7 hrs)
87 Setting up and Other Network Protocols · Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
configuring 404. Working with SMTP, TELNET, FTP, (SMTP), Telnet, File Transfer
HTTP, SNMP, LDAP etc. (15 hrs) Protocol (FTP), Hyper Text Transfer
Networking Protocol (HTTP), Simple Network
405. Practice on configuring DHCP. (10
System using Management Protocol (SNMP).
· LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access
various network Protocol).
devices. · Network Security.
· Concept of Dynamic Host Control
88 Sharing and Sharing Resource & Internet connection · Concept of Internet.
controlling 406. Sharing Resource and Advance · Architecture of Internet.
Sharing Setting. (5 hrs) · DNS Server.
resource and · Internet Access Techniques, ISPs
407. Installing Proxy Server. (5 hrs)
Internet 408. Exposure and using Internet. and examples (Broadband/ Dialup/
connection Setting E-mail accounts.
· Concept of Social Networking Sites,
through network. Conferencing. (5 hrs) Video Calling & Conferencing.
409. Installing and Configuring Internet. · Concept of Virus and its Protection
(5 hrs) using Anti-Virus, UTM and Firewall.
410. Connection on a PC using
Broadband or Dongle. (5 hrs)
89 Implement Network Protection and · Collaborating using wired and
Network Security troubleshooting wireless networks, Protecting a
to protect from 411. Setting up basic protection using Network, Network performance
various attacks public keys and MAC address study and enhancement.
on networking. filters. (10 hrs)
412. Integrate wired with wireless
network. (5 hrs)
413. Power over Ethernet (PoE). (5 hrs)
414. Troubleshooting wired and wireless
network. (5 hrs)
90 Sharing and Control & monitoring of network · Surveillance using network
controlling devices devices, collaboration on network
415. Setting up of basic collaboration for team optimization and support
resource and activities.
tool like NetMeeting for activities
Internet like chat, application sharing, · Remote management of devices.
connection remote desktop access and control,
through network. VoIP. (15 hrs)
416. Setup IP camera for basic
surveillance scenario, logging and
monitoring of devices/ locations.
(10 hrs)
91 Implement Network Security · Modern Network Security Threats
Network Security 417. Practice on firewall technologies to and the basics of securing a
to protect from secure the network perimeter. (10 network.
various attacks hrs) · Secure Administrative Access, LAN
security considerations.
on networking. 418. Practice LAN security
· Network Security Devices.
considerations and implement
· Cryptography.
endpoint and Layer 2 security · Wi-Fi security considerations.
features. (10 hrs)
419. Wi-Fi configuration to implement
security considerations. (5 hrs)
92 Installation and Server Installation & Basic · Server concepts, Server Hardware,
basic Configuration Installation steps, configuration of
420. Identify Server Hardware. (5 hrs) server.
configuration of · Concept of Active Directory.
421. Install and configure Windows
Windows Server. Server. (5 hrs) · ADS Overview, ADS Database,
Active Directory Namespace,
422. Install and Configure Active
Logical & Physical Elements of AD.
Directory. (5 hrs)
423. Implementing AD Services. (5 hrs)
424. Configuration of broadband
modem and sharing internet
connection. (5 hrs)
93-94 Installation, Install & configure DNS · Concept of DNS.
configuration of 425. Installing and Configuring DNS · Name resolution – Host names,
Services NetBIOS names.
DNS, Routing and · DNS Overview.
- Setup Name resolution – Host
user account names, NetBIOS names.
customization. - Installing DNS Server. · DHCP Overview.
· DHCP Clients and Leases.
- Configuring DNS Zones, DNS
Clients, Delegating Zones.
- Testing DNS with nslookup,
dnscmd and dnslint. (25 hrs)
426. Installing and Configuring DHCP
- DHCP Server Configuration.
- Setting up of DHCP, Routing and
remote access. (25 hrs)
95 Installation, Routing and Remote Access · Remote Access Overview.
configuration of 427. Configuring RRAS. (5 hrs) · VPN Concepts.
428. VPN implementation. (5 hrs) · Remote Access Authentication
DNS, Routing and Protocol.
429. Configuring Remote Access
user account Authentication Protocol. (5 hrs) · RRAS Policies.
customization. 430. Configuring RRAS Policies. (2 hrs) · IAS.
· TCP/ IP Routing.
431. Configuring IAS. (3 hrs)
432. Managing TCP/ IP Routing. (5 hrs)
96 Installation, Planning and Implementing User and · Concept of User and Group.
configuration of Group Strategies · Planning Security Group Strategy.
433. Adding Account. (2 hrs) · AGDLP Process.
DNS, Routing and · Planning User Authentication
434. Implement AGDLP Process. (5 hrs)
user account 435. Implement User Authentication Strategy.
customization. Strategy. (5 hrs) · Planning OU Structure.
· Planning a Group Policy Strategy.
436. Planning and Implementing OU
· Deploying Software Through GPO.
Structure. (3 hrs)
437. Planning and Maintaining Group
Policies - Configuring User
Environment. (5 hrs)
438. Configuring Computer Security. (5
97 Configuration of Server Configuration & Backup · Introduction to Web Server
Server and 439. Configure a server as web server. · Introduction to Messaging
managing Server (15 hrs) Services.
Network security, 440. Configuring Mailbox Servers. (5 hrs) · Concept of Backup and Recovery
Infrastructure. 441. Implementing Backup and of Server.
Recovery. (5 hrs)
98 Configuration of Managing Server Network Security · Security Baseline and Templates.
Server and 442. Security Baseline Settings and · Audit Policy.
managing Server Templates. (5 hrs) · Understanding IPSec.
Network security, 443. Configuring Audit Policy. (5 hrs) · Protocol Security.
Infrastructure. 444. Monitoring and Troubleshoot · Planning security for Wireless
Network protocol. (5 hrs)
445. Configuring Protocol Security. (5
446. Planning security for Wireless
Network. (5 hrs)
99 Configuration of Maintaining Network Infrastructure · Managing Network Traffic
Server and 447. Monitor Network Traffic. (5 hrs) · Types of Problems of Internet
managing Server 448. Troubleshoot Internet Connectivity. Connectivity.
Network security, (10 hrs) · Types and working of Server
Infrastructure. 449. Troubleshoot Server Services. (5 Services.
450. Use Linux Network Tools to check/
maintain/ Manage Network. (5 hrs)
100 Installation and Linux Server installation and · Configuration Plan.
basic configuration · Public and data directory.
451. Install Linux Server. (5 hrs) · Host file.
configuration of · SWAT.
452. Create new user and group. (2 hrs)
Linux server. 453. Create public and data directory. (2 · Password Authentication.
hrs) · Telnet.
454. Create an lmlhosts file. (3 hrs)
455. Check host file. (2 hrs)
456. Secure and run SWAT. (3 hrs)
457. Filter ports. (3 hrs)
458. Telnet installation and
configuration. (5 hrs)
101- Industrial Visit/ Project Work
102 Broad Areas:
a) Setting up a LAN of at least 3 PCs using HUB/ Switch and structured cabling.
b) Configuration of Switch/ Router, Setup a wireless LAN with security features, Invoking
Network security.
c) Installation & configuration Windows server.
d) Installation & configuration of LINUX Server.
103 Revision
104 Examination
1. Some of the sample project/ field works (indicative only) are given against each
2. Instructor may design their own project/ field work and also inputs from local industry
may be taken for designing such new project.
3. The project should broadly covered maximum skills in the particular trade and must
involve some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the
power of synergy/ collaboration, Work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4
trainees). The group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and
application of Learning. They need to submit Project report.
4. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.
5. More emphasis to be given on video/real-life pictures during theoretical classes. Some
real-life pictures/videos of both conventional & system generated, may be shown to the
trainees to give a feel of Industry and their future assignment.
tables. Load, Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio,
Efficiency of machine, Relationship between
Efficiency, velocity ratio and Mechanical
3rd Semester
1 Indices: Laws of indices related problems. Elasticity: Stress, strain, Modulus of elasticity,
Quadratic Equation: elastic limit, Hooks law, young’s modulus.
Introduction, solution of simple Quadratic
equation and related problems.
2 Solution of simple A.C. circuit with R.L.C. Material: Introduction, types and properties.
Calculation of power factor etc. Uses of Conducting, Semi-conducting and
insulating materials.
3 A.C Waveform Calculation: Calculation of Magnetism: Magnetic material, magnetic field,
r.m.s, average, instantaneous value, peak flux density, magnetic moment, m.m.f.
value. Peak to peak value, Frequency and Reluctance, permeability, susceptibility,
wavelength calculation and their electromagnet, solenoid and its practical
relationship. applications.
4 Series and Parallel Connection of Pressure:
Electrical and Electronic components: Pneumatic pressure, PSI, bar, atmospheric
1. Calculation Series and parallel pressure, pressure gauge and absolute pressure.
connection of Resistors.
2. Calculation Series and parallel
connection of Capacitors.
3. Calculation Series and parallel
connection of Inductors.
4. Calculation Series and parallel
connection of Batteries.
5. Conversion of power flow to H.P.
6. Calculation of KVA.
4 Semester
1 Network: Calculation of Network, Speed, Quality Control: Quality control standard in
Bandwidth, Baud Rate IP Addressing and workshop, concept of 5s and Kaizen.
Subneting Mask calculation DSL speed
2 Mobile Billing: Calculation of Mobile Wi-Fi: Standard of Wi-Fi Network. Antenna and
billing and internet billing. its type.
3 Simple and Compound Interest: Data Encryption: Encryption and Decryption
Calculation of SI and Compound interest, technique.
percentage gain, Profit and Loss
4 Data Communication: Communication Cyber Security: Rules of Cyber Security
Technique, CSMA/CD.
1st Semester
1 Engineering Drawing: Introduction and its importance
· Relationship to other technical drawing types
· Conventions
· Viewing of engineering drawing sheets.
· Method of Folding of printed Drawing Sheet as per BIS SP:46-2003
2 Drawing Instruments : their Standard and uses
· Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter (Drafting M/c), Set Squares, Protractor.
· Drawing Instrument Box (Compass, Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc).
· Pencils of different Grades, Drawing pins / Clips.
3 Lines :
· Definition, types and applications in Drawing as per BIS SP:46-2003
· Classification of lines (Hidden, centre, construction, Extension, Dimension, Section)
· Drawing lines of given length (Straight, curved)
· Drawing of parallel lines, perpendicular line
· Methods of Division of line segment.
4 Drawing of Geometrical Figures:
· Definition, nomenclature and practice of angle measurement and its types,
method of bisecting.
· Triangle - different types
· Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, Parallelogram.
· Circle and its elements.
5 Lettering and Numbering as per BIS SP46-2003: -
· Single Stroke, Double Stroke, inclined, Upper case and Lower case.
6 Dimensioning:
· Definition, types and methods of dimensioning (functional, nonfunctional and
· Types of arrowhead
· Leader Line with text
7 Free hand drawing of:
· Lines, polygons, ellipse, etc.
· Geometrical figures and blocks with dimension
· Transferring measurement from the given object to the free hand sketches.
8 Sizes and Layout of Drawing Sheets:
· Basic principle of Sheet Size
· Designation of sizes
· Selection of sizes
· Title Block, its position and content
· Borders and Frames (Orientation marks and graduations)
· Grid Reference
· Item Reference on Drawing Sheet (Item List)
9 Method of presentation of Engineering Drawing
· Pictorial View
· Orthogonal View
· Isometric view
10 Symbolic Representation (as per BIS SP:46-2003) of:
· Fastener (Rivets, Bolts and Nuts) - Bars and profile sections
· Weld, brazed and soldered joints.
· Electrical and electronics element
· Piping joints and fittings
2nd Semester
1 Construction of Scales and diagonal scale.
2 Practice of Lettering and Title Block.
3 Dimensioning practice:
· Position of dimensioning (unidirectional, aligned, oblique as per BIS SP:46-2003)
· Symbols preceding the value of dimension and dimensional tolerance.
· Text of dimension of repeated features, equidistance elements, circumferential
4 Construction of Geometrical Drawing Figures:
· Different Polygons and their values of included angles. Inscribed and Circumscribed
· Conic Sections (Ellipse & Parabola)
5 Drawing of Solid figures (Cube, Cuboids, Cone, Prism, Pyramid, Frustum of Cone and
Pyramid.) with dimensions.
6 Free Hand sketch of hand tools and measuring tools used in respective trades.
7 Projections:
· Concept of axes plane and quadrant.
· Orthographic projections
· Method of first angle and third angle projections (definition and difference)
· Symbol of 1st angle and 3rd angle projection as per IS specification.
8 Drawing of Orthographic projection from isometric/3D view of blocks.
9 Orthographic Drawing of simple fastener (Rivet, Bolts, Nuts & Screw).
10 Drawing details of two simple mating blocks and assembled view.
3 Semester
1 Free Hand Sketching:
Tools used in Computer maintenance such as Crimping tools, Punching tools, Soldering iron
2 Block Diagrams:
Personal Computer, Monitor using CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) , LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and
LED (Light Emitting Diode), Scanner, UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply), SMPS(Switch Mode
Power Supply), Printers(Inkjet, Deskjet & Laser).
3 Layout Diagrams:
Cables, Connectors, Expansion Cards, CPU, CPU Sockets, Motherboard.
4 Polarity Diagram:
Different types of computer RAM Modules.
5 Pin layout:
Different types of cables & connectors used in computer system, & associated peripheral &
4 Semester
1 Block Diagrams:
Network Topologies, OSI Model, TCP/IP Suite, Client-Server Network, Network Devices-
Modem, Router, Switch, Repeater.
2 Internal View:
Mobile, Laptop, Tablet PC.
3 Conceptual Diagrams:
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Network Security, Internetworking, connection with LCD/LED Projector with
4 Internal Connections:
Lab Network, Method of connecting Network devices, LAN setup using Modem.
5 Internet Setup Diagram:
· Networking Block diagram of computers with different network components.
· Free hand sketches of straight & cross cables used in networking.
· Setup diagram of modem-based internet connection.
· Setup diagram of Wi-Fi Internet connection.
1st Semester
Duration : 20 hrs
1. English Literacy
Marks : 09
Pronunciation Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words, Diction (use
of word and speech).
Functional Grammar Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense, Spellings.
Reading Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and
Writing Construction of simple sentences Writing simple English.
Speaking / Spoken Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates, on
English know, picture reading gain confidence through role-playing and discussions
on current happening job description, asking about someone's job habitual
actions. Cardinal (fundamental) numbers ordinal numbers. Taking
messages, passing messages on and filling in message forms Greeting and
introductions office hospitality, Resumes or curriculum vita essential parts,
letters of application reference to previous communication.
Duration : 20 hrs
2. I.T. Literacy
Marks : 09
Basics of Computer Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and peripherals,
Switching on-Starting and shutting down of computer.
Computer Operating Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of Windows OS,
System Create, Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use of External memory
like pen drive, CD, DVD etc, Use of Common applications.
Word processing and Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, opening and closing
Worksheet Documents, use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting the
Text, Insertion & creation of Tables. Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic commands, creating simple
worksheets, understanding sample worksheets, use of simple formulas and
functions, Printing of simple excel sheets.
Computer Networking Basic of computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of Local
and Internet Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet, Concept of
Internet (Network of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, Web Site, Web page
and Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser,
Downloading and Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and use of
email. Social media sites and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in Information
Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.
Duration : 15 hrs
3. Communication Skills
Marks : 07
Introduction to Communication and its importance
Communication Skills Principles of Effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non verbal, written, email, talking on
Non verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-language
Body language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.
Listening Skills Listening-hearing and listening, effective listening, barriers to effective
listening guidelines for effective listening.
Triple- A Listening - Attitude, Attention & Adjustment.
Active Listening Skills.
Motivational Training Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success.
The Power of Positive Attitude.
Self awareness
Importance of Commitment
Ethics and Values
Ways to Motivate Oneself
Personal Goal setting and Employability Planning.
Manners, Etiquettes, Dress code for an interview
Facing Interviews Do's & Don'ts for an interview.
Behavioral Skills Problem Solving
Confidence Building
2nd Semester
Duration : 15 hrs
4. Entrepreneurship Skills
Marks : 06
Concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial motivation.
Performance & Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation to the
enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas,
Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business.
Project Preparation & Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept &
Marketing analysis application of PLC, Sales & distribution Management. Different Between
Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method of marketing,
Publicity and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
Institutions Support Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-
employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non
financing support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes &
procedure & the available scheme.
Investment Procurement Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act, Estimation &
Costing, Investment procedure - Loan procurement - Banking Processes.
Duration : 10 hrs
5. Productivity
Marks : 05
Benefits Personal / Workman - Incentive, Production linked Bonus,
Improvement in living standard.
Affecting Factors Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation - How
improves or slows down.
Comparison with Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany, Japan
developed countries and Australia) in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel, Mining,
Construction etc. Living standards of those countries, wages.
Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash handling,
Management Personal risk and Insurance.
Duration : 15 hrs
6. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Marks : 06
Safety & Health Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety and
health at workplace.
Occupational Hazards Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibroacoustic Hazards, Mechanical
Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health,
Occupational hygienic, Occupational Diseases/ Disorders & its prevention.
Accident & safety Basic principles for protective equipment.
Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety measures.
First Aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of sick
Basic Provisions Idea of basic provision legislation of India.
safety, health, welfare under legislative of India.
Ecosystem Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and
Environment, Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.
Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous
Energy Conservation Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.
Global warming Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and Harvesting
of water.
Environment Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in -house
Duration : 05 hrs
7. Labour Welfare Legislation
Marks : 03
Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship Act,
Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act, Employees
Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's compensation Act.
Duration : 10 hrs
8. Quality Tools
Marks : 05
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.
Quality Circles Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality Circle,
Roles and function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation of Quality
circle. Approaches to starting Quality Circles, Steps for continuation Quality
Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System qualities.
House Keeping Purpose of House-keeping, Practice of good Housekeeping.
Quality Tools Basic quality tools with a few examples.
30. Laptop, Notebook 01 each
31. Intel Mobile Desktop based PC with LCD 01 No.
32. Tablet 02 Nos.
33. Printers: Laserjet, deskjet, passbook, 01 each
34. Network Printer 01 No.
35. Online UPS 5 KVA 02 Nos.
36. LAN Cards, Wi-fi LAN Cards 06 Nos.
37. LCD/ DLP Projector 01 no
38. Power Meter 02 nos
39. Crimping Tools 06 nos
40. Computer Toolkits 06 Nos.
41. Computer Spares: As required
42. Motherboards (of different make) 4 Nos.
43. Cabinets 4 Nos.
44. Processors (of different make) 4 Nos.
45. Hard Disk different types 500 GB or higher 4 Nos.
46. Optical Drives 4 Nos.
47. LCD/ LED/ TFT Monitors 2 Nos.
48. Pen Drives 4 Nos.
49. External Hard disk 2 Nos.
50. External DVD Writer 2 Nos.
51. Keyboards 4 Nos.
52. Mouse 4 Nos.
53. Anti static pads 4 Nos.
54. Anti static wrist wraps 4 Nos.
55. SMPS 4 Nos.
56. Digital Multimeters 10 Nos.
57. Blu-Ray drive and player 2 Nos.
58. External Hard Disk 2 Nos.
59. Digital Camera 2 Nos.
60. HD Display 2 Nos.
61. Network storage 2 Nos.
62. Card Reader 2 Nos.
63. Game video card 2 Nos.
64. Web Cam 2 Nos.
65. Surround sound speakers 2 Nos.
66. Different types of memory cards 2 Nos. each
67. Laptop kits 12 Nos.
68. Laptop spares: Cabinet with display, As required
memory, hard disk, battery pack,
keyboard membrane, chargers
69. SMPS Trainer kit 2 Nos.
70. UPS Trainer kit 2 Nos.
71. Power electronics Trainer kit 2 Nos.
72. Post error debugging card 4 Nos.
73. SMPS Tester 4 Nos.
74. PCI slot Testing tool 4 Nos.
75. Windows Server Operating System 1 license
76. Windows Operating System 2 licenses
77. Linux Operating System 2 Nos.
78. Network Management Software 01 No.
79. MS Office 2 Nos.
80. Anti-virus software 2 Nos.
81. Data recovery software 2 Nos.
82. LINUX Server Operating System (Samba 01 No.
/ Su-se)
83. Open source Pc Utility / Tweak Software As availabe
E. FURNITURE and Other Equipments
84. Computer Tables 10 Nos.
85. Computer Chairs 20 Nos.
86. Printer Table 1 No.
87. Class Room Chairs 20 Nos.
88. Air Conditioners 2 Nos.
89. Scanner 1 No.
90. Modem 1 No.
91. Telephone Line 1 No.
92. Broadband Internet Connection 1 No.
93. Fire Fighting Equipments As required
94. Hardware and Network Trainer Kit 6 Nos.
F. TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS (Computer Networking)
95. Wireless Network Adapter 6 Nos.
96. Wireless Access Point 4 Nos.
97. Router 4 Nos.
98. Managed Layer 2 Ethernet Switch 8/16/24 port 2 Nos.
99. Managed Layer 3 Ethernet Switch 8/16/24 port 2 Nos.
100. Network Training System 2 Nos.
101. LAN Protocol Simulation and Analyser 2 Nos.
102. Network and Internet security trainer 2 Nos.
103. LAN cable tester 2 Nos.
104. Network cables – UTP As required
105. Network Cables – coaxial, flat, ribbon As required
106. LAN Cards, wi-fi LAN Card 05 Nos.
107. Connectors for cables As required
108. Power Meter 2 Nos.
109. Media Convertor 4 each
110. UTP jack panel 8/16/24 port 2 Nos.
111. SC Couplers 12 Nos.
112. SC Pigtails 12 Nos.
113. RJ-45 connector As required
114. Fluke Meter 2 Nos.
115. Crimping Tools 6 Nos.
116. Switch with POE ports 2 Nos.
117. POE adapters 2 Nos.
118. Network Camera (Outdoor/ Indoor) 2 No. each
119. Fibre Optics cable with LC connector As required
120. LC connector module As required
Note: - All the tools and equipment are to be procured as per BIS specification.
Note: - Above Tools & Equipments are not required, if Computer LAB is available in the institute.
Learning Outcome:
Assessment Marks
Attendance/ Punctuality
Quality in Workmanship
Skills to Handle Tools &
Safety Consciousness
Total Internal
Economical Use of
Manuals/ Written
Result (Y/N)
Ability to Follow
Application of
S No.
Candidate Name