Emergency Response Procedure

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Project : Document No. : Rev.

Az-Zour North Phase 1 - IWPP 00-TAA-ABD-71012 -HHI B

Title: (Total 19 pages including cover)

Emergency Response Procedure

B 04 May, 2014 Issued for Approval Ashwek Nasnodkar Yong-Tae Koh Kyou-Sik Lee



Az-Zour North Phase 1 - IWPP

Project Co. :

Az-Zour Oula Power and Water Company K.S.C


EPC Contractor :
Rev. Revised
Revised Page Description
No. Date

A 01Feb, 2014 Initial Issued

B 04 May, 2014
Doc No : 00-TAA-ABD-71012 -HHI
Emergency Response Procedure RevNo: B
-Table of Contents-
1. PURPOSE.........................................................................................................................5
2. SCOPE ...............................................................................................................................5
3. RESPONSIBILITY ...........................................................................................................5
3.1 Project Manager ..........................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Project HSE Manager...........................................................................................................................5
3.3 Incident Controller(Senior Safety Officer) .....................................................................................6
3.4 Fire Fighting Party ..............................................................................................................................6
3.5 Search Party ..............................................................................................................................................7
3.6 Rescue Team/First-Aid Team.............................................................................................................7
3.7 All Personnel...........................................................................................................................................7
4. DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................7
4.1 Emergency ..................................................................................................................................................7
5. WORK FLOW...................................................................................................................8
5.1 Evacuation Procedures........................................................................................................................8
6. INSTRUCTIONS ..............................................................................................................8
6.1 General................................................................................................................................................,......8
6.2 Planning.....................................................................................................................................................9
6.3 Raising the alarm and communication....................................................................................................9
6.4 Assembly Points....................................................................................................................................10
6.5 Incident Completion ..................................................................................................................................10
6.6 Training and Rehearsal...........................................................................................................................10
6.7 Natural Hazards..................................................................................................................................... 11
6.7.1 Landslide Procedure....................................................................................................................... 11
6.7.2 Flooding....................................................................................................................................... 12
6.8 Blow-outs / H2S Releases......................................................................................................................... 12
6.9 Explosions................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.10 Plant failures.............................................................................................................................................. 13
6.11 Chemical / Fuel Spillage.................................................................................................................... 13
6.12 Vehicle Accident..................................................................................................................................... 14
6.13 Bomb Threat............................................................................................................................................ 14
6.14 Other requirements ................................................................................................................................. 15
7. Office Emergency Response Procedure……………………………………………………..15
7.1 Purpose……………………………………………………………………………….…..15
7.2 Scope……………………………………………………………………………………...15
7.3 Develop an emergency pla………………………………………………………………15
7.4 Emergency procedures…………………………………………………………………….16
7.5 First aid and medical assistance…………………………………………………………….16
17.6 Organization…………………………………………………………………………….16
17.7 Evacuation Plan…………………………………………………………………………16
Doc No : 00-TAA-ABD-71012 -HHI
Emergency Response Procedure RevNo: B

7.8 After the incident……………………………………………………………………..17

Attachment No. 1: Evacuation Procedure Flowchart ...................................................................... 18

Attachment No. 2: Emergency Response Team Organizational Chart........................................ 19
Attachment No. 3: Emergency Response Flowchart......................................................................... 20

Attachment No. 4: Assembly Points Location Map ..................................................................... 21

Attachment No. 5: Site Office Assembly Points Location Map ................................................... 22

Attachment No. 6 Chemical / Oil Spillage Response Guidelines...................................................... 23
Doc No : 00-TAA-ABD-71012 -HHI
Emergency Response Procedure RevNo: B

This procedure and guidance information has been developed to outline the necessary emergency
measures that need to be planned, implemented and monitored on HHI-Kuwait Az-Zour North IWPP Phase- 1
Project. The object of this procedure and guidance is to, safely evacuate all personnel from the dangerous
areas and reduce the severity of loss in the safest manner possible.

To be used by all members of the HHI Project Management Team, Supervisors and Subcontractors
personnel who have a duty of care to protect and assist all members of the
workforce in the event of any emergency situation.
This procedure and guidance covers where applicable. It is not expected that any person put themselves or
other persons at risk to contain an emergency situation.


3.1 Project Manager

The Project Manager shall support this procedure in the following manner:
1) Provision of adequate resources in terms of personnel, time and finance for implementation of the
requirements for providing an emergency response service on site.
2) Active participation in the scheduling and enactment of drills and exercises.
3) Monitor of the arrangements through the HSE manager to satisfy himself that the services are
satisfactory and adequate for the needs of the project.
4) After an emergency and before activities continue the project manager shall direct all managers
and line supervisors to check damage and loss facilities and also take measures to rectify any unsafe

3.2 Project HSE Manager

The Project HSE manager is responsible for ensuring that provisions are in place for emergency
response, including:
1) Musterpoints
2) Arrangement, through site management for the resources for conducting head counts.
3) Identification and Mobilization of emergency response teams.
4) Training of Emergency Response teams.
5) Setting up drills and exercises in co-ordination with the local emergency services.
6) Advice on procurement of fire fighting and medical equipment.

In the event of any emergency the site HSE manager or a member of the HSE department shall take the
following actions with full assistance from other members of the project management team.
1) Evaluate the scale of the incident and decide whether additional resources are required to adequately deal
with it.

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2) Liaison with site supervision for withdrawing any permits.

3) Give direction to the site emergency response teams.
4) Liaise with site supervision for the mobilization of any plant and equipment necessary for dealing
with the emergency.
5) Make safe the area by sitting barriers or other means of preventing unauthorized access.
6) Prepare a full report.

3.3 Incident Controller (Senior Safety Officer)

The incident Controller shall be identified with his name clearly displayed in the catering facilities for
both staff and workmen and shall have the following responsibilities:
1) Shall take overall charge of any emergency or exercise.
(The senior person present at the site of an incident shall act as accident controller, until the
incident controller can take charge.)
2) Shall attend the site of an incident, assess the situation and issue direction to the concerned parties
and supervision of the emergency response team.
3) Shall ensure that Messages have been communicated to the outside local authorities and concerned
parties and supervision of the emergency response team.
4) Shall also account for all personnel and assign search/rescue teams in the event of a missing person.
5) Shall ensure that any mutual aid agreements are followed and assistance is sought in time.

The incident Controller shall inform site HSE manager of the emergency at the earliest opportunity.

3.4 Fire Fighting Party

1) Fire fighting teams will be established and trained to deal with most eventualities.
2) The incident controllers shall appoint fire team leaders who will give direction to personnel under
his control. Personnel appointed will have had some training and where possible previous
experience in emergency response actions.
3) All the members of the fire team shall report to the fire team leader and shall work according to his
direction. The operation on fire extinction shall be taken according to the fire fighting procedure laid
down for which training shall be given at regular intervals.
4) An electrician/instrument technician will also be included as a member of the fire squad with
responsibility for the isolation of electrical power if necessary.
5) The maintenance of fire fighting appliances shall be the responsibility of the safety officer(s) of
the area who shall make arrangements to recharge the used fire extinguishers or other equipment.

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3.5 Search Party

Search parties will be established and responsibilities assigned, specifically they will have the
following responsibilities:
1) As soon as the evacuation alarm is sounded, they will check all areas to confirm that all the persons have
left the premises, if they find a victim they shall inform the leader of the rescue team.
2) The leader of the search team shall assist the incident controller by maintaining a muster point and
keep a record of all persons present. In the event of a 'no-show' they will alert the fire fighting party and
rescue teams.

3.6 Rescue Team/First-Aid Team (See attached)

Rescue teams shall be fully trained in different rescue techniques and procedures e.g. removing a victim
from electrical sources, different types of handling techniques, first aid, CPR (cardiopulmonary
resuscitation) etc.

The team shall be responsible for recovering a casualty and getting them to the Medical centre without
aggravating injuries.

The first-aid team shall also assist the nurse on duty in rendering medical aid to injured parties. If
nursing staff are not available the leader of the first-aid team shall take charge by administering first- aid
and sending injured or sick person(s) for further treatment to the company medical centre or local accident
and emergency hospital.

3.8 AllPersonnel
All personnel should familiarize themselves with the locations of ALL emergency exits from their work
area and the location of their nearest Assembly Point.


4.1 Emergency
1) An unexpected operational incident which results in fire and/or explosion.
2) Forces of Nature such as severe windstorm or flooding.
3) Any incident which could affect community relations such as accidental release of toxic into the
atmosphere, soil or local sewers.

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5.1 Evacuation Procedures

In the event of a fire, major plant failure, explosion, bomb threat or the need to evacuate the plant, the
actions listed below should be followed.
1) On the continuous sound of the alarm siren (bells), STOP all activities and vacate the building or
area without delay, by the nearest exit.
2) Plant operators to initiate appropriate Emergency Operating Procedures, and where possible,
confirm plant is in safe state prior to vacating buildings.
3) Move quickly, but do not run.
4) Do not return to a work area to collect belongings.
5) Keep left in corridors and stairs.
6) Do not overtake others along the route.
7) Assemble in the designated Assembly Point.
8) At Assembly Point report to the responsible warden.
9) Do not enter the building or work area under any circumstances until the all clear signal is given.

All new staff, as part of their induction, shall be given instructions on the evacuation procedures for the

All visitors and contractors are to be advised of the Site's Evacuation Procedure and the location of
Assembly Point when they are admitted to the site.


6.1 General
Any emergency occurring on construction sites or at accommodation camps have serious consequences:
people are injured or even killed, buildings/structures are destroyed; plant and equipment are damaged;
production is held up and completion dates are not met.

Such situations demand adequate protection, with rescue and relief measures to handle such events
safely, quickly and efficiently.

It is therefore necessary to ensure that all persons on site and at camps are aware of what they have to
do in the event of an emergency and response procedure, the responsibilities and duties of key personnel
must be trained.

Analysis of the emergency response procedure must be carried out by practical training complete with a
program of regular drills and exercised.

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Emergency Response Procedure RevNo: B
The procedure, in addition to the duties and responsibilities of key personnel and individuals shall also
describe the system of evacuation, fire fighting, rescuing, searching and tackling other types of
emergencies. It shall also indicate the availability of facilities such as location of fire fighting equipment,
assembly points, exits and access routes and the procedure to arrange assistance if necessary from any
outside agency.

The implementation of an emergency response procedure is not a substitute for maintaining high
standards of HSE requirements.

6.2 Planning
The basic and essential features of any emergency procedures are to analyze and plan for the potential
This includes:
1) Establishment and maintenance of effective communications.
2) Assessment of the risk by analyzing the size and nature of the foreseen hazards and the probability
of their occurrence. The events can be;
Fire hazard causing serious burns to personnel or resulting in collapse of structures.
Gas leakage's causing toxic and fire hazards. Electrical or electric shocks.
Medical Emergency
3) Liaison with local emergency services and authorities.
4) Procedures.
Raising the alarm.
Communication both within and outside.
5) Appointment of key personnel and specifying their duties and responsibility.
Project Manager. HSE Manager. Incident
controller. Fire fighting party. Search
party. Rescue and first aid team.
Other members of the workforce.
6) Training and rehearsal.
7) Review and updating.

6.3 Raising the alarm and communication:

Communication is a critical factor in handling an emergency. To control the situation by the earliest
possible action, any employee must be able to act and raise an emergency alarm. The alarms provided at
different locations shall be used to raise the alarm.

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On Hearing an alarm :
1) All personnel shall vacate the room or work place. Before leaving the working place the
individuals concerned shall leave the work place as safe as possible. e.g. switching off of welding
machines, gas cylinders, running machines, gas burners, any electrical light or appliances in their
2) All personnel shall assemble at the assembly point according to the color code of their
accommodation. Fire wardens shall provide guidance and assistance for mustering at the correct assembly
3) While responding to a fire alarm, kitchen staff shall ensure that all burners and other fire hazards
have been turned off. Similarly other personnel in residence shall ensure that they leave everything in
their rooms in safe condition.
4) All the members of respective teams shall report to their leaders.
5) The leaders shall take direction from the incident controller.

6.4 Assembly Points

Designated Assembly Areas will be marked on site layout maps, and be displayed on Notice boards
throughout the site. (See attached map)

6.5 Incident Completion

All Clear signals shall be sounded by the incident controller following a thorough examination of the
area, initiated by the incident controller and other team leader.

The Project Management & Site HSE officers shall visit all locations to ensure that the duties
assigned to the responsible parties are understood and adhered to.

6.6 Training and Rehearsal

Exercises in each facility shall be conducted at least once a biannual and the observation shall be
recorded. The report should be forwarded to the HSE Department and any remedial actions required shall
be identified.

The emergency procedure shall be updated from time to time depending on the observations made.

Training shall be conducted on regular basis for the teams involved in the emergency procedures.

Training and information via notices in relevant languages shall be provided for all persons working on

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6.7 Natural Hazards
1) Earthquake Procedure.
When an earthquake starts:
Stay calm and take cover under a desk.
Brace yourself in a doorway (hold onto the door to prevent personal injury from the door
Crouch behind a solid structure. e.g. wall.
If under furniture which moves, move with it.
Stay away from glass doors and windows, tall shelves, light fittings, or objects that might
If travelling in a lift, stop and get out at the next floor.
Do not leave the building or try to leave the immediate area.
If outdoors, take cover in a doorway or other safe place away from falling debris and
electrical hazards.
2) After an earthquake:
Stay calm, stay together. Account for everyone in the work area and immediate vicinity.
Area wardens take control and co-ordinate actions in areas of responsibility and:
Assess all persons for injury.
Check for hazards, fire, gas or chemical leaks.
Move people away from windows and outside walls.
Leave doors to rooms open, pull curtains across broken windows.
Turn off and unplug all unnecessary electrical equipment.
Do not evacuate unless the building has sustained major structural damage. Put
signs up identifying dangerous areas.
Do not use lifts - put signs in the lift lobby.
Conserve water.
Do not use the toilets. Make other arrangements that do not involve relying on the sewerage
If communications system has failed, try to pass notes to rescue personnel.
3) Listen carefully to any announcements over loudhailers.
4) If an evacuation is necessary.
Proceed carefully, expect to find exit routes blocked or damaged. Never use lifts.
When outside, stay well away from buildings and power lines.
Stay together in your work or floor group to assist with record keeping. If it
is safe to do, go to your designated Assembly Point.
5) Remember, that there are usually aftershocks following a major earthquake-sometimes quite
significant. They can go on for weeks or even months. Be prepared for them to happen.

6.7.1 Landslide Procedure

1) When a landslide starts:
If outdoors, attempt to get out of its path.
If in building, do not attempt to leave until movement has ceased.
2) After the landslide:

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Stay calm, stay together, account for everyone in the work area/work team.
Evacuate buildings caught in landslide. Raise.
Raise the alarm by contacting Security and provide details.
If facilities damaged, initiate Emergency Operating Procedure to make equipment safe and to
shut-down affected areas.
Emergency response team to initiate search and rescue of the affected areas to find/locate
missing persons.
Isolate area affected by landslide to prevent unauthorized persons being trapped in landslide
Notifying Government Authorities for assistance in rescue, etc.

6.7.2 Flooding.
1) In the event of flooding the precautions listed below should be followed:
Do not try to cross swollen rivers in vehicles or by foot.
Stay indoors, move up to higher building levels if flood levels rise.
If working in a valley with a stream, move up to higher ground, especially during periods of
heavy and sudden rain.
Initiate Emergency Operation Procedure with key plant items before they are submerged, and
could cause shock hazards.
Maintain communication where possible.
Listen to the instruction of the responsible warden.

6.8 Blow-outs / H2S Releases

1) In the event of a well blow and/or a major H2S release, the steps listed below should be followed:
All personnel to vacate the area to upwind Assembly Areas. Remember to observe the
direction of the wind socks.
Roll call taken to ensure all persons accounted for.
Essential staff to wear Personal Protective Equipment and attempt to shut-down well. If
attempts to shut-down well are unsuccessful, consider initiating evacuation of site.

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6.9 Explosions
1) In the event of an explosion at the site:
Initiate evacuation procedure.
All staff to assemble in Assembly Point.
Account for all personnel, visitors, contractors. If
fire, initiate fire procedure.
Incident Controller to initiate emergency operation stoppage to minimize plant damage, if able to
do so safely.
Await further instruction from Incident Controller.

6.10 Plant failures

1) In the event of a major plant failure:
Initiate evacuation procedure.
Account for personnel assembled in Assembly Point.
Determine the need for Rescue Team to perform a rescue. If
fire, follow the Fire Response Procedure.
Initiate emergency operation plan to limit damage to the rest of the plant.

6.11 Chemical / Fuel Spillage

In the event of a Chemical /Fuel Spillage or leak, the priority actions listed below should be taken.

1) Ensure personnel are safe.

If personnel are injured and can be removed from the area safely, do so.
Check Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) as to hazards and first aid measures.
2) Stop the flow of leaking material.
Reposition the drum to stop the flow.
Shut off the source of the leak.
Equipment filled with the material that is found leaking should be removed from service as
soon as possible.
3) Contain the spill.
Bund and protect all open grates, sumps, manholes that discharge into the storm water system.
If the chemical has entered the drains, advise supervisor and environmental Supervisor
Dyke major spills with soil or other material.
Prevent spilled material entering drains, waterways or on to the ground.
Where it is not possible to remove equipment from service immediately, some means of
collecting the leaking material should be used, such as metal trays, buckets, polyethylene

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4) Protection of Personnel.
Personnel entering the leak or spill area shall be provided with and use appropriate protective
equipment, as set out in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that particular chemical.
All non-essential personnel shall be kept out of the immediate leak or spill area.
5) Report the spill.
Report the incident once the spill is contained or get a fellow worker to report the incident to
the foreman or supervisor.
6) Actions of Responsible Person.
The foreman and/or supervisor to assess the situation quickly to determine the need for
external help.
7) Clean up.
Minor spills or leaks can be cleaned up using absorbent material, sand, sawdust, or kitty litter.
Check MSDS to see what is the correct material.
All liquid and contaminated material must be collected for disposal. Transfer contents of leaking
drum to new clean drum.
Ensure collected material is placed in a container which will not leak during transportation off
site for disposal.
Check MSDS that disposal route is appropriate, e.g. to landfill.
8) Incident/investigation.
Foreman/supervisor to prepare a short report on incident.
Comment on contingency plans: Were they effective in dealing with the situation? If
any improvements identified, inform the personnel responsible.

6.12 Vehicle Accident

In the event of a vehicle accident, the actions listed below should be followed:
Send for help if anyone is injured.
Try to prevent other accidents from happening by warning other vehicles of the vehicle
accident with placing accident hazard warnings in the area. Administer first aid to injured
As soon as possible, record details of the accident.
Report accident to HSE Manager as soon as possible.

6.13 BombThreat
1) Treat all bomb threats seriously.
2) Investigation may reveal a hoax, but until certain there is no risk, act with extreme caution.
3) Telephone threat.
Keep calm. It is not possible to think clearly when panicking.
If possible, attract attention of another person, and have that person contact the police.
Delay the caller. The more the caller talks, the more chance there is of obtaining useful
Try to elicit as much information as possible.
Note: Any characteristics of the caller, e.g. sex, accent, speech (fast, soft, well-spoken, etc),
background noises (music, street noises, aircraft, etc.)

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If caller hesitates for more than a few seconds, ask another question.
4) When caller hangs up:
Do not hang up, keep the line open.
Evacuate premises if there is only a short time until stated explosion time.
5) Suspicious object found:
Leave the object alone. DO NOT interfere with it in anyway.
with water, or put water on it.

6.14 Other requirements

This procedure and guidance cannot cover every location, job title, etc. as these will be specific to each
project. The main objective is to outline the main procedure. Project specific emergency and response
procedures will need to be 'tailor made' at each site.

7. Office Emergency Response Procedure:

7.1 Purpose

This procedure and guidance has been developed to respond effectively to health and safety incidents and other
emergencies that might occur at site office area.

7.2 Scope

Using the resources available, develop emergency procedures to be followed by staff in an emergency, e.g. a
fire or structural failure.

It also need to consider the response to more serious emergencies, including major incidents that will require the
help of the emergency services and implementation of their emergency plans.

7.3 Develop an emergency plan

Most event emergency plans should address the same basic requirements, to:

1. Get people away from immediate danger

2. Summon and assist emergency services
3. Handle casualties / First Aid Provision
4. Liaise with the emergency services and other authorities (and, where the situation is serious, hand over
responsibility for the incident / emergency)
5. Protect property if possible or else don’t put yourself in risk.

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7.4 Emergency procedures

Procedures for office staff to follow in an emergency should include:

1. Raising the alarm by breaking the glass of fire alarm.

2. Informing the office Staff.
3. Emergency response, i.e. use of fire extinguishers.
4. Summoning the emergency services.
5. Assisting for evacuation towards the assembly point.
6. Management of emergency vehicles in case of casualty.
7. Incident control.
8. Liaison with emergency services.
9. Providing first aid and medical assistance

7.5 First aid and medical assistance

1. First aid/medical assistance must be called if any casualties.
2. Emergency contact number for seeking the medical assistance must be available in office area.
3. For any serious cases nearest hospital must be available to seek the assistance.
17.6 Organization
Fire warden must be appointed in each building for the office areas for the emergency cases to help in the
Fire warden shall ensure complete evacuation with head count at assembly point.

17.7 Evacuation Plan

Emergencies can develop very rapidly. Make sure that you are equipped to move the staff to a total or relative
place of safety without delay. Make sure that all relevant staff members, no matter what their normal working
role, understand what they should do in an emergency, eg the location of exits, emergency equipment, how to
raise the alarm and from whom they should receive instructions.
The following will be helpful:
1. Plan escape routes and make sure they remain available and unobstructed.
2. Consider signs for people unfamiliar with escape routes.
3. Light all escape routes sufficiently for people to use them safely in an emergency.
4. Plan how, where necessary, you will evacuate people to a place of relative safety from where they can
proceed to a place of total safety/assembly point.
5. All doors and gates leading to final exits, as well as site exits themselves, should be available for
immediate use at all times. Check they are:
o Unlocked – if security is an issue they should be staffed not locked
o All access ways must be free from obstructions.

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17.8 After the incident

1. Once the risk has been reduced to a tolerable level, you can consider restarting the performance / event.
2. Only restart the performance after consultation with other key personnel e.g. emergency services.
3. All clear signals shall be sounded by the incident controller following a thorough examination of the

1. Office evacuation route plan.

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Shamal Az‐Zour Al‐Oula K.S.C.
Emergency Response Team Oraganization Chart 

ks i kl ee@hhi .co.kr

HSE MANAGER         
Y T Koh

HSE Deputy  Manager
D.H Heo



 Safety Officer Male Nurse
ma ks ud.e hs @gma i l .co 97945697) OPERATOR  PLANT GENRATOR OPERATOR
m abidehs.azzour@gmail.co

 Safety Officer
Ahmed Ebrahim H.E. OPERATOR
mohdalisakee@gmail.co OPERATOR  CAMP

Safety Officer   
(55493921) OFFICE

Safety Officer All Trained First Aider  SUBCONT. FIRE 

  Faiz (65125508) Cont./ Client/ Sub  WATCHER
faizbajwa416@gmail.com Cont. 

 Safety Officer
  Febin B (51521002)

 Safety Officer  
External Emergency Service
Ashik K K (67790125) Fire 
Hospital 112
 Safety Officer   23950649
Gopi A (60794835) AZ ZOUR SECURITY 
Office Ext. 82278/Club 
gopi_cadd@yahoo.co. MAIN GATE (POLICE)
Ext. 82273

 Safety Officer 
Deepak (50724499)

 Safety Officer
 Safety Officer
Rashin R (98050382)

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Site Emergency Evacuation Route Plan

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Site Office Emergency Evacuation Route Plan

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