Re-Flashing A CMG-DCM To Install Platinum Firmware
Re-Flashing A CMG-DCM To Install Platinum Firmware
Re-Flashing A CMG-DCM To Install Platinum Firmware
Power/data cable Plug a standard 10‐way power/data “Y”‐cable into the DCM
port labelled “DATA OUT”. The power lead should be connected to a stable
power supply (10–28V DC) and the data lead should be connected to a
computer that will be used to control the reflashing procedure. Ethernet cable
Plug a standard 6‐way Ethernet cable in to the DCM port labelled “NETWORK”.
The 8P8C modular jack should be connected to a router or other device that will
provide Internet access. Either DHCP or static addressing may be used. Older
units only: internal console cable Some older CMG‐DCM units use a
bootloader which cannot communicate using the “DATA OUT” port. This can be
quickly determined at the start of the procedure below. Such units will require a
special cable to be used. This cable is connected internally in the DCM (contact ( for details) and to the serial
port of the computer being used in the procedure. It is used instead of the
standard power/data cable.
Required Files
The two files linked below must be saved onto the computer being used in
the process. They will be uploaded to the CMG-DCM over the serial port.
They are used to install a base image with enough functionality to allow the
DCM to update itself over the Internet.
boot.gz (/download/DCM/images‐platinum/boot.gz)
root.gz (/download/DCM/images‐platinum/root.gz)
If you are using Linux, you can verify the integrity of the files after
download with the md5sum utility:
File MD5 sum
boot.gz 76f345c2defb72c1c0f41a1e5b44318a
root.gz 3a8473b1c9cf6602d4c20380bb6c4b2c
2. Power cycle the DCM, and repeatedly type fishsoup followed by a space
until you get a prompt:
Bootloader fishsouped and ready
3. If the message “Enter the receive enable string now to
enable this port” does not appear, and step 2 fails to achieve anything
within 20 seconds, the unit may be using the old bootloader. In this case,
disconnect the data cable from your serial port (leaving the power plugged
in to the PC) and connect the internal console cable to the DCM and the
PC’s serial port, then retry step 2.
boot> nand 0 erasechip
Scanning for nand chip ...
nand_maf_id = 0x000000EC
nand_dev_id = 0x00000076
nand device name: Samsung K9D1208V0M
nand erasechip: Erasing entire chip
nand erasechip: passed
boot> nand 1 erasechip
Scanning for nand chip ...
nand_maf_id = 0x000000EC
nand_dev_id = 0x00000076
nand device name: Samsung K9D1208V0M
nand erasechip: Erasing entire chip
nand erasechip: passed
boot> nand 2 erasechip
Scanning for nand chip ...
nand_maf_id = 0x000000EC
nand_dev_id = 0x00000076
nand device name: Samsung K9D1208V0M
nand erasechip: Erasing entire chip
nand erasechip: passed
boot> load boot
After receiving file, will automatically uncompress .gz ima
loading flash region boot
using ymodem
ready for YMODEM transfer...
2. extraPuTTY: Send the “boot” file you downloaded earlier by selecting "Files
Transfer" from the menu bar, then "Ymodem" and then "Send". Enter the
filename of the downloaded boot image and click on "Open".
Hyperterminal: Send the “boot” file you downloaded earlier by selecting
"Transfer" from the menu bar and then "Send File". Enter the filename of
the downloaded boot image, select "Ymodem" and click on "Send".
Minicom: Send a file (Ctrl‐A then S, then select Y‐modem from the list).
Select the boot file you downloaded earlier. Note: Minicom implements file
transfer protocols using external utilities which are not always present by
default in some distributions; use your distribution’s package manager to
ensure that the lrzsz package is installed.
It is possible that, in the time you take to do this, the DCM will time out and
give up (often printing an “RXstat timeout” error message). If this happens,
press enter to get the bootloader prompt, then repeat this step.
3. Once the image is uploaded you should see:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx boot‐xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx bytes loaded to C0000400
img_size is not a multiple of 4 ‐‐ are we sure that's O
Scanning for nand chip ...
nand_maf_id = 0x000000EC
nand_dev_id = 0x00000076
nand device name: Samsung K9D1208V0M
Looks like a gzipped image, let's verify it...
Looks like a gzipped image, let's verify it...
Verifying gzipped image
verifyGZipImage: calculated CRC = 0xXXXXXXXX
verifyGZipImage: read CRC = 0xXXXXXXXX
programming flash...erasing ...
Erasing NAND region
Erasing from 0x00000000
Erasing bytes 0x00100000
writing flash..
Programming NAND region
YAFFS image: Programming/Verifying 0x000C0750
Block ok at page 0x00000020
YAFFS partition programming Success
verifying ...
Verifying NAND device
nand: verified ok
Errors about bad blocks can be ignored (this is normal NAND flash
behaviour) but the procedure must verify and end with the success
message as shown above.
4. Load the root image with:
boot> load root
After receiving file, will automatically uncompress .gz
loading flash region root
using ymodem
ready for YMODEM transfer...
Send the “root” file in the same way, and wait for the boot> prompt.
localhost login:
2. Log in as root with the default password, which is rootme.
3. If your network is configured to use DHCP, the DCM is now ready to be
upgraded and you can continue to the next step (you can verify the address
of the DCM by running the command ip addr show dev eth0). If you
need to set a static address, this is done with the following command
(changing the highlighted values):
ip addr add dev eth0
ip route add default via gatewayIP
echo "namesever" >> /etc/resolv.conf
The NN at the end of the IP address you wish to assign is the CIDR
( notation
for the netmask; it is usually 24 (which corresponds to the netmask
value of or 16 (which corresponds to a netmask of If you know the address of a local DNS server, you can
substitute it in place of in the last line above.
4. Run the command upgrade and wait for the process to complete.
5. Then run the command hash ‐r
6. Finally, run upgrade once more.
7. After rebooting the DCM, it is ready to be configured and used with the
latest Platinum firmware.
Note : The previous default root password is now routinely tried
by hackers during brute‐force atacks. As a result, this procedure
now changes the root password to guralp3 . We strongly
recommend that you change this to something secure if the unit
is to be connected to the Internet. Please see our Platinum
security guide (/sw/securing‐platinum‐systems.shtml) for more