(Manual) Chapter 07 GeoMechanics (07282008) PDF

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The manual discusses various topics related to geotechnical design including subsurface exploration, soil and rock properties determination, and shear strength selection.

The manual covers topics such as geotechnical design approach, subsurface profiles development, field exploration methods, soil loading conditions, total and effective stress parameters, settlement parameters, and references.

Corrections are made to Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Cone Penetration Test (CPT), and dilatometer test data to normalize the values based on factors like hammer efficiency and equipment.

Chapter 7




August 2008
SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS

Table of Contents
Section Page
7.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Geotechnical Design Approach.......................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Geotechnical Engineering Quality Assurance .................................................... 7-2
7.4 Development Of Subsurface Profiles ................................................................. 7-2
7.5 Site Variability..................................................................................................... 7-3
7.6 Preliminary Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration ............................................. 7-3
7.7 Final Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration ....................................................... 7-4
7.8 Field Data Corrections and Normalization.......................................................... 7-4
7.8.1 SPT Corrections ..................................................................................... 7-5
7.8.2 CPT Corrections ..................................................................................... 7-8
7.8.3 Dilatometer Corrections........................................................................ 7-12
7.9 Soil Loading Conditions And Soil Shear Strength Selection ............................ 7-12
7.9.1 Soil Loading.......................................................................................... 7-13
7.9.2 Soil Response ...................................................................................... 7-14
7.9.3 Soil Strength Testing ............................................................................ 7-20
7.10 Total Stress ...................................................................................................... 7-27
7.10.1 Cohesionless Soils ............................................................................... 7-27
7.10.2 Cohesive Soils...................................................................................... 7-29
7.10.3 -c Soils ................................................................................................ 7-36
7.10.4 Maximum Allowable Total Soil Shear Strengths................................... 7-36
7.11 Effective Stress ................................................................................................ 7-37
7.11.1 Cohesionless Soils ............................................................................... 7-37
7.11.2 Cohesive Soils...................................................................................... 7-40
7.11.3 ’ – c’ Soils............................................................................................ 7-43
7.11.4 Maximum Allowable Effective Soil Shear Strength............................... 7-43
7.12 Borrow Materials Soil Shear Strength Selection .............................................. 7-44
7.12.1 SCDOT Borrow Specifications ............................................................. 7-45
7.12.2 USDA Soil Survey Maps....................................................................... 7-47
7.12.3 Compacted Soils Shear Strength Selection ......................................... 7-48
7.12.4 Maximum Allowable Soil Shear Strengths Compacted Soils ............... 7-49
7.13 Soil Settlement Parameters.............................................................................. 7-49
7.13.1 Elastic Parameters ............................................................................... 7-49
7.13.2 Consolidation Parameters .................................................................... 7-50
7.14 Rock Parameter Determination ........................................................................ 7-54
7.14.1 Shear Strength Parameters.................................................................. 7-54
7.14.2 Elastic Parameters ............................................................................... 7-55
7.15 References ....................................................................................................... 7-56

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List of Tables
Table Page
Table 7-1, Site Variability Defined By Soil Shear Strength COV.................................... 7-3
Table 7-2, Energy Ratio by Hammer Type (CE) ............................................................. 7-5
Table 7-3, Rod Length Correction (CR) .......................................................................... 7-6
Table 7-4, Sampler Configuration Correction (CS) ......................................................... 7-7
Table 7-5, Borehole Diameter Correction (CB)............................................................... 7-7
Table 7-6, Soil CPT Index (Ic) and Soil Classification .................................................. 7-12
Table 7-7, Soil Shear Strength Selection Based on Strain Level................................. 7-19
Table 7-8, Bridge Foundation Soil Parameters ............................................................ 7-21
Table 7-9, Earth Retaining Structures & Embankment Soil Parameters...................... 7-22
Table 7-10, Laboratory Testing Soil Shear Strength Determination ............................ 7-24
Table 7-11, In-Situ Testing - Soil Shear Strength Determination ................................. 7-25
Table 7-12, Soil Suitability of In-Situ Testing Methods................................................. 7-26
Table 7-13, Sensitivity of Cohesive Soils ..................................................................... 7-34
Table 7-14, Residual Shear Strength Loss Factor ().................................................. 7-36
Table 7-15, Maximum Allowable Total Soil Shear Strengths ....................................... 7-36
Table 7-16, Maximum Allowable Effective Soil Shear Strengths ................................. 7-44
Table 7-17, Maximum Allowable Soil Shear Strengths For Compacted Soils ............. 7-49
Table 7-18, Elastic Modulus Correlations For Soil ....................................................... 7-50
Table 7-19, Typical Elastic Modulus and Poisson Ratio Values For Soil..................... 7-50
Table 7-20, Constants m and s based on RMR (AASHTO, 2007)............................... 7-55

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List of Figures
Figure Page
Figure 7-1, Normalization of CPT Overburden Exponent (c) ......................................... 7-9
Figure 7-2, CPT Thin Layer Correction (CThin).............................................................. 7-10
Figure 7-3, Drainage Time Required............................................................................ 7-15
Figure 7-4, Drained Stress-Strain Behavior ................................................................. 7-17
Figure 7-5, Shear Strength Sands (Direct Shear-Test)................................................ 7-18
Figure 7-6, Shear Strength of Clay Consolidated Drained Triaxial .............................. 7-19
Figure 7-7, Shear Strength of Clay Consolidated Undrained Triaxial .......................... 7-19
Figure 7-8, Shear Modes for Embankment Stability Shear Failure Surface ................ 7-23
Figure 7-9,  of Clays and Shales as Function of Failure Orientation .......................... 7-23
Figure 7-10, Shear Strength Measured by In-Situ Testing........................................... 7-25
Figure 7-11, Total Principal Stresses ........................................................................... 7-27
Figure 7-12, Yield Shear Strength Ratio - SPT Blowcount Relationship...................... 7-28
Figure 7-13, Yield Shear Strength Ratio - CPT Tip Resistance Relationship .............. 7-29
Figure 7-14, Undrained Shear Strength – SPT Relationship ....................................... 7-30
Figure 7-15, Vane Shear Correction Factor ................................................................. 7-32
Figure 7-16, Undrained Shear Strength Ratio and OCR Relationship......................... 7-33
Figure 7-17, Sensitivity based on Liquidity Index and ’vo ............................................ 7-34
Figure 7-18, Remolded Shear Strength vs Liquidity Index........................................... 7-35
Figure 7-19, Effective Principal Stresses ..................................................................... 7-37
Figure 7-20, Effective Peak Friction Angle and SPT (N*1,60) Relationship.................... 7-39
Figure 7-21, Effective Peak Friction Angle and CPT (qc) Relationship ........................ 7-39
Figure 7-22, Effective Peak Friction Angle and DMT (KD) Relationship....................... 7-40
Figure 7-23, Overconsolidated Clay Failure Envelope (CUw/pp Triaxial Test)............ 7-41
Figure 7-24, Plasticity Index versus Drained Friction Angle For NC Clays .................. 7-42
Figure 7-25, Fully Softened (NC) Friction Angle and Liquid Limit Relationship ........... 7-42
Figure 7-26, Drained Residual Friction Angle and Liquid Limit Relationship ............... 7-43
Figure 7-27, Borrow Material Specifications By County............................................... 7-46
Figure 7-28, USDA Soil Map – Newberry County, South Carolina .............................. 7-47
Figure 7-29, USDA Roadfill Source Map - Newberry County, South Carolina............. 7-48
Figure 7-30, Secondary Compression Index Chart...................................................... 7-52
Figure 7-31, Consolidation Coefficient and Liquid Limit Relationship .......................... 7-53

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This chapter presents the geotechnical design philosophy of SCDOT. This philosophy includes
the approach to the geotechnical investigations of the project, and the correlations that link the
field and laboratory work that precedes this chapter to the engineering analysis that is
subsequent to this chapter. The approach to the geotechnical investigation of transportation
projects entails the use of preliminary and final explorations and reports. The development of
an understanding of the regional and local geological environment and the effect of seismicity
on the project is required. The geotechnical approach provided in this chapter is not meant to
be the only approach, but a representative approach of the thought process expected to be
used on SCDOT projects. The geotechnical engineer-of-record shall develop a design
approach that reflects both the requirements of this Manual as well as a good standard-of-
practice. While there is some flexibility in the approach to the design process, the correlations
provided in this chapter must be used unless written permission is obtained in advance. All
requests for changes shall be forwarded to the PCS/GDS for review prior to approval. These
correlations were adopted after a review of the geotechnical state of practice within the United


Geotechnical engineering requires the use of science, art, and economics to perform analyses
and designs that are suitable for the public use. The science of geotechnical engineering
consists of using the appropriate theories to interpret field data, develop geologic profiles, select
foundation types, perform analyses, develop designs, plans and specifications, construction
monitoring, maintenance, etc.

The art of geotechnical engineering is far more esoteric and relies on the judgment and
experience of the engineer. This is accomplished by knowing applicability and limitations of the
geotechnical analytical theories and assessing the uncertainties associated with soil properties,
design methodologies, and the resulting impact on structural performance. The engineer is
required to evaluate the design or analysis and decide if it is “reasonable” and will it meet the
performance expectations that have been established. Reasonableness is a subjective term
that depends on the engineer’s experience, both in design and construction. If the solution does
not appear reasonable, the engineer should make the appropriate changes to develop a
reasonable solution. In addition, the engineer should document why the first solution was not
reasonable and why the second solution is reasonable. This documentation is an important part
of the development of the design approach. If the solution appears reasonable, then design
should proceed to the economics of geotechnical engineering.

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The economics of geotechnical engineering assesses the effectiveness of the solution from a
cost perspective. Sometimes geotechnical engineers get caught up in the science and art of
geotechnical engineering and do not evaluate other non-geotechnical solutions that may be cost
effective both in design and construction. For example, alternate alignments should be explored
to avoid poor soils, decreasing vertical alignment to reduce surface loads, placing alternate
designs on the plans to facilitate competitive bidding, etc. The science, art, and economics are
not sequential facets of geotechnical engineering but are very often intermixed throughout the
design process.


A formal internal geotechnical engineering quality assurance plan should be established for all
phases of the geotechnical engineering process. The first-line geotechnical engineer is
expected to perform analyses with due diligence and a self-prescribed set of checks and
balances. The geotechnical quality control plan should include milestones in the project
development where analysis, recommendations, etc. are reviewed by at least one other
geotechnical engineer of equal experience or higher seniority. Formal documentation of the
quality assurance process should be detectable upon review of geotechnical calculations,
reports, etc. All engineering work shall be performed under the direct supervision of a
Professional Engineer (P.E.) licensed by the South Carolina State Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Surveyors in accordance with Chapter 22 of Title 40 of the 1976
Code of Laws of South Carolina, latest amendment.


The SCDOT geotechnical design process indicated in Chapter 4, allows for a preliminary and a
final geotechnical exploration program for all projects. The primary purpose of the preliminary
exploration is to provide a first glance at the project, while the final exploration is to provide all of
the necessary geotechnical information to complete the final design.

It is incumbent upon the geotechnical engineer to understand the geology of the project site and
determine the potential effects of the geology on the project. The geotechnical engineer should
also have knowledge of the regional geology that should be used in the development of the
exploration program for the project. In addition to the geologic environment, the geotechnical
engineer should be aware of the seismic environment (see Chapter 11 for geology and
seismicity and Chapter 12 for site class discussions). The geotechnical engineer is also
required to know and understand the impacts of the design earthquake event on the subsurface
conditions at the project site (see Chapters 13 and 14 for the impacts and designs,
respectively). The geologic formation and local seismicity may have a bearing on the selection
of the foundation type and potential capacity. For example, for driven piles bearing in the
Cooper Marl formation of the Charleston area, precast, prestressed concrete piles should
penetrate the formation approximately 5 feet, with most of the capacity being developed by steel
H-pile extensions attached below the prestressed pile, penetrating into the Marl.

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The geotechnical engineer should develop a subsurface profile for both the preliminary and final
geotechnical subsurface explorations. The subsurface profile developed should take into
consideration the site variability as indicated in Section 7.5. The profile should account for all
available data and is normally depicted along the longitudinal axis of the structure. However, in
some cases, subsurface profiles transverse to the axis of the structure may be required to
determine if a formation is varying (i.e. sloping bearing strata) along the transverse axis.


Keeping in mind the geologic framework of the site, the geotechnical engineer should evaluate
the site variability (SV). Site variation can be categorized as Low, Medium, or High. If a project
site has a “High” site variability (SV), the extent of the “Site” should be subdivided to obtain
smaller “Sites” with either Low or Medium variability. The use of a “High” site variability (SV) for
geotechnical design shall only be allowed upon consultation with the PCS/GDS. The site
variability (SV) determination may be based on judgment; however, justification for the selection
of the site variability is required. Conversely, the determination of site variability may be based
on the shear strength of the subsurface soils. The shear strength may be based on Standard
Penetration Test (SPT), the Cone Penetration Test (CPT), or the results of other field or
laboratory testing. Soil property (i.e. shear strength) selection for the determination of
resistance factors and SV should be consistent with Chapter 9. If shear strengths are used to
determine SV, then the Coefficient of Variation (COV) of the shear strengths shall be
determined. The COV shall be used to determine the SV as indicated in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1, Site Variability Defined By Soil Shear Strength COV

Site Variability (SV) COV
Low < 25%
Medium 25% ≤ COV < 40%
High ≤ 40%


Prior to the commencement of the preliminary exploration, the geotechnical engineer shall visit
the site and conduct a GeoScoping. The GeoScoping consists of the observation of the project
site to identify areas that may impact the project from the geotechnical perspective. These
areas may be selected for exploration during the preliminary exploration if the site is located
within the existing SCDOT Right-of-Way (ROW). If the areas of concern are located outside of
the existing SCDOT ROW, then the areas should be investigated during the final exploration.
For projects conducted by SCDOT, the results of the GeoScoping shall be reported on the
appropriate forms (see Appendix A). For consultant projects, the consultant shall use the form
developed and approved by the consulting firm. The form shall be included as an appendix to
the preliminary geotechnical report. An engineering professional with experience in observing
and reviewing sites for potential geotechnical concerns shall be responsible for conducting the

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The preliminary exploration requirements are detailed in Chapter 4, while the contents of the
preliminary geotechnical report are detailed in Chapter 21. The primary purpose of the
preliminary exploration is to provide a first glance at the project. Typically the preliminary
exploration will be short on project details. However, the most important details that will be
known are what type of project is it (i.e. bridge replacement, new road, intersection
improvement, etc.) and where the project is located. In many cases, the final alignment and
structure locations may not be known. The primary purpose of this type of exploration is not to
provide final designs, but to determine if there are any issues that could significantly affect the
project. These issues should be identified and the potential impacts and consequences of these
design issues evaluated. Design issues should be identified and documented for additional
exploration during the final geotechnical exploration. If the project is located completely within
the SCDOT ROW, then the entire exploration may be performed during the preliminary
exploration phase of the project; however, the report prepared shall be a preliminary report that
meets the requirements of Chapter 21.


The final geotechnical exploration shall conform to the requirements detailed in Chapter 4, while
the contents of the final geotechnical report shall conform to the requirements detailed in
Chapter 21. The final exploration shall be laid out to use the testing locations from the
preliminary exploration to the greatest extent possible without compromising the results of the
final exploration. The final exploration shall include those areas identified during the preliminary
exploration or during the GeoScoping as requiring additional investigation. If these areas
impact the performance of the project, these impacts shall be brought to the immediate attention
of the Design/Program Manager. In addition, the geotechnical engineer shall also include
recommended mitigation methods.


In-situ testing methods such as Standard Penetrometer Test (SPT), electronic Cone
Penetrometer Test (CPT), electronic Piezocone Penetrometer Test with pore pressure readings
(CPTu), and Flat Plate Dilatometer Test (DMT) may require corrections or adjustments prior
using the results for soil property correlation or in design. These in-situ testing methods are
described in Chapter 5. The SPT and CPT field data are the most commonly corrected or
normalized to account for overburden pressure, energy, rod length, non-standard sampler
configuration, borehole diameter, fines content, and the presence of thin very stiff layers. The
data obtained from the DMT is corrected for the effects of the instrument operation on the
results of the testing. All corrections for in-situ testing methods that are used in geotechnical
design and analyses shall be documented in the geotechnical report. The following sections
discuss corrections and adjustments in greater detail.

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SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS

7.8.1 SPT Corrections

Many correlations exist that relate the corrected N-values to relative density (Dr), peak effective
angle of internal friction (’), undrained shear strength (Su), and other parameters; therefore it is
incumbent upon the designer to understand the correlations being used and the requirements of
the correlations for corrected N-values. Design methods are available for using N-values
directly in the design of driven piles, embankments, spread footings, and drilled shafts. These
corrections are especially important in liquefaction potential assessments (Chapter 13 –
Geotechnical Seismic Hazards). Design calculations using SPT N-value correlations should be
performed using corrected N-values, however, only the actual field SPT Nmeas-values should be
plotted on the soil logs and profiles depicting the results of SPT borings. Each of the corrections
is discussed in greater detail in the following sections. Energy Correction (CE)

The type of hammer used to collect split-spoon samples must be noted on the boring logs.
Typically correlations used between soil parameters and N-values are based on a hammer
having an energy potential of 60 percent of the theoretical maximum. Typically a split-spoon
sampler advanced with a manual safety hammer will have an approximate energy level of 60
percent (ER ≈ 60%). The energy ratio (ER) is the measured energy divided by the theoretical
maximum (i.e. 140-pound hammer dropping 30 inches or 4,200 inch-pounds). The measured
energy is determined as discussed in Chapter 5.

Split-spoon samples are also advanced with either an automatic hammer (ER ≈ 90%) or a donut
hammer (ER ≈ 45%) [Reminder: The use of the donut hammer is not permitted]. The
corrections for the donut hammer are provided for information only because some past projects
were performed using the donut hammer. N-values obtained using either the automatic or the
donut hammer will require correction prior to being used in engineering analysis. The energy
correction factor (CE) shall be determined using the following equation. Typical CE values are
provided in Table 7-2 for each hammer type. These correction factors should only be used
when the actual hammer energy has not been previously measured.

CE  Equation 7-1

Where ER is the measured energy expressed as an integer (i.e. 90 percent energy is ER = 90).

Table 7-2, Energy Ratio by Hammer Type (CE)

Energy Ratio
Hammer Type CE
(ER) %
Automatic 80 1.33
Safety 60 1.00
Donut 45 0.75

August 2008 7-5

SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS Overburden Correction (CN)

Nmeas-values will increase with depth due to increasing overburden pressure. The overburden
correction is used to standardize all N-values to a reference overburden pressure. The
reference overburden pressure is 1 ton per square foot (tsf) (1 atmosphere). The overburden
correction factor (CN) (Cetin et al., 2004) is provided below.

0 .5
 1  Equation 7-2
CN   '   1.6
V  Rod Length Correction (CR)

Nmeas-values measured in the field should be corrected for the length of the rod used to obtain
the sample. The original N60-value measurements were obtained using long rods (i.e. rod
length greater than 33 feet); therefore, a correction to obtain “equivalent” N60-values for short
rod length (i.e. rod length less than 33 feet) is required. Typically the rod length will be the
depth of the sample (d) plus an assumed 7 feet of stick up above the ground surface. The rod
length correction factor (CR) equation is provided below with typical values presented in Table 7-
3 (McGregor and Duncan, 1998).

 0.11d  0.77 
C R  e e Equation 7-3

Table 7-3, Rod Length Correction (CR)

Rod Length
< 13 0.75
13 – 20 0.85
20.1 – 33 0.95
> 33 1.00 Sampler Configuration Correction (CS)

The sampler configuration correction factor (CS) (Cetin et al., 2004) is used to account for
samplers designed to be used with liners, but the liners are omitted during sampling. If the
sampler is not designed for liners or if the correct size liner is used no correction is required (i.e.
CS = 1.0). When liners are omitted there is an increase to the inside diameter of the sampler;
therefore, the friction between the soil and the sampler is reduced. The sampler configuration
correction factor is presented in Table 7-4.

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Table 7-4, Sampler Configuration Correction (CS)

Sampler Configuration CS
Standard Sampler not designed for liners 1.0
Standard Sampler design for and used with
Standard Sampler designed for liners and
used without liners:
Nmeas ≤ 10 1.1
11 ≤ Nmeas ≤ 29 1 + Nmeas/100
30 ≤ Nmeas 1.3 Borehole Diameter Correction (CB)

The borehole diameter affects the Nmeas-value if the borehole diameter is greater than 4.5
inches. Large diameter boreholes allow for stress relaxation of the soil materials. This stress
relaxation can be significant in sands, but have a negligible effect in cohesive soils. Therefore,
for cohesive soils use CB equal to 1.0. Listed in Table 7-5 are the borehole diameter correction
factors (CB) (McGregor and Duncan, 1998).

Table 7-5, Borehole Diameter Correction (CB)

Borehole Diameter
2-1/2 – 4-1/2 1.0
6 1.05
8 1.15 Fines Content Correction (CF)

The Nmeas-value may require correction for fines content (FC). This correction is applied during
liquefaction analysis (see Chapter 13). It should be noted that a different fines correction is
required for determination of seismic soil settlement (Chapter 13). The fines content correction
(CF) (Cetin et al., 2004) is determined by the following equation.

 FC 
CF  1  0.004FC   0.05 *  Equation 7-4
 N1,60 

Where FC is the percent fines content expressed as an integer (i.e. 15 percent fines is FC =15).
This fines content correction factor is limited to fines contents between 5 percent and 35 percent
(5% ≤ FC ≤ 35%). For fines content less than 5 percent use FC = 0 and for fines content
greater than 35 percent use FC = 35. N*1,60 is defined in the following section. Corrected N-values

As indicated previously the N-values measured in the field (Nmeas) require corrections or
adjustments prior to being used for the selection of design parameters or in direct design
methods. The N-value requirements of the correlations or the direct design methods should be

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well understood and known to the engineer. Corrections typically applied to the Nmeas -values
are listed in the following equations.

N60  Nmeas  CE Equation 7-5

N1,60  N 60  C N Equation 7-6

N60  Nmeas  CE  CR  C S  CB Equation 7-7

N 1* ,60  N 60
 CN Equation 7-8

N1* ,60 ,CS  N1* ,60  C F Equation 7-9

7.8.2 CPT Corrections

The CPT tip resistance (qc) and sleeve resistance (fs) require corrections to account for the
effect of overburden on the tip and sleeve resistance. The tip resistance may also be corrected
to account for thin stiff layers located between softer soil layers. These corrections are
discussed in the following sections. Effective Overburden Normalization

The measured CPT tip resistance (qc) and sleeve resistance (fs) are influenced by the effective
overburden stress. This effect is accounted for by normalizing the measured resistances to a
standard overburden stress of 1 tsf (1 atm). The normalized CPT tip resistance (qc,1) and sleeve
resistance (fs,1), are computed as indicated by the following equations.

qc ,1  Cqqc Equation 7-10

fs,1  Cqfs Equation 7-11

qc = Measured CPT tip resistance. Units of MPa (1 MPa  10.442 tsf)
fs = Measured CPT sleeve resistance. Units of MPa (1 MPa  10.442 tsf)
Cq = Overburden normalization factor is the same for qc and fs as indicated in Equation
P 
Cq   a'   1.7 Equation 7-12
v 

’v = Effective overburden stress in units of tsf at the time that the CPT testing was
performed. Future variations in water table or surcharges should not be included
in the calculations.
Pa = Atmospheric pressure, taken as 1 tsf (1 atm)
c = Normalization exponent that can be determined from Figure 7-1.

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R 
c  f1 f  Equation 7-13
 f3 

qc = measured CPT tip resistance

Rf = friction ratio (fs/qc) in percent
fs = measured CPT friction resistance
f1  0.78qc 

f2  0.32qc 
  0.49
f3  abs log10  q c 

Iterative Calculation Method:

1. Select an initial estimate of the normalization
exponent (c) using measured qc using Figure 7-
1(A) or Equation 7-13.
2. Normalize tip using Equation 7-11. (Note: Rf will
not change when tip and friction sleeve are
normalized equivalently)
3. Compute revised normalization exponent using
Equation 7-13.
4. Iterate procedure until acceptable convergence.

(A) CPT Normalization Exponent Curves (B) Iterative Calculation Method of Normalization
Exponent (c)
Figure 7-1, Normalization of CPT Overburden Exponent (c)
(Moss et al., 2006) Thin Layer Correction

When the measured CPT tip resistance (qc) is obtained in a thin layer of stiff soils that is
embedded between softer surrounding soils, the measured tip resistance (qc) will be reduced
due to the effects of the underlying softer soils. This case commonly occurs in fluvial
environments where granular soils are interbedded between layers of cohesive soils. Granular
soils that are affected by this reduction in tip resistance (qc) are typically sand layers that are
less than 5 feet thick. The CPT tip resistance for this special case that is normalized and
corrected for the thin layer (qc,1,thin) and is computed as indicated in the following equation.

qc ,1,thin  Cthin qc ,1  Equation 7-14

qc,1 = Measured CPT tip resistance. Units of MPa (1 MPa  10.442 tsf)

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Cthin = Thin layer correction factor. The Cthin is determined from Figure 7-2 (See
recommended bold red lines) based on the ratio of uncorrected qc values for
layers B and A (qcB/qcA) and the thickness of the thin layer (h). The value for Cthin
should be limited to Cthin  1.8 for thin layer thickness, h < 5 feet (1200 mm). A
value of Cthin = 1.0 should be used for granular soil layers with a thickness, h  5
feet (1200 mm). These corrections apply to a 10 cm2 cone (diameter,

Figure 7-2, CPT Thin Layer Correction (CThin)

(Moss et al., 2006)

In lieu of using Figure 7-2 the following equation may be used to compute the Cthin.

q 
Cthin  A304.878 h for h  5 feet and  cB   5
 1.800 Equation 7-15
 qcA 

h = layer thickness in feet
A  3.744 cB 
q 
 cA 

B  0.050 ln cB
q   0.204
q 
 cA 

 q cB   Stiffness Ratio
 q 
 cA 

7-10 August 2008

SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS Correlating CPT Tip Resistance To SPT N-Values

Since some design methodologies have only been developed for SPT blow counts, the CPT tip
resistance is sometimes correlated to SPT blow counts. It is recommended that the normalized
cone tip resistance, qc,1, or the normalized cone tip resistance adjusted for the effects of “fines”,
qc,1,mod, be normalized and corrected as indicated in Chapter 13 first and then correlated to
normalized SPT values N1,60 or N1,60,cs. The following correlation by Jefferies and Davies (1993)
should be used to correlate the CPT tip resistance to the SPT blow count.

qc ,1
N1,60  Equation 7-16
 I 
8 .5  1  c 
 4.75 
qc ,1,mod
N1,60 ,cs  Equation 7-17
 I 
8 .5  1  c 
 4.75 
qc,1 = Normalized CPT cone tip resistance Units of tsf. See Section
qc,1,mod = Normalized CPT cone tip resistance adjusted for “fines” Units of tsf. See Chapter
Ic = Soil behavior type.

The soil behavior type, Ic, is computed using normalized tip resistance (QT), normalized sleeve
friction (FR), and normalized pore pressure (Bq). The following equations should be used.

qc,1   v Equation 7-18

QT 
 v'
fs ,1 Equation 7-19
FR   100
qc,1   v 

Bq 
U2  U0  Equation 7-20
q t   v 

qc,1 = Where qc is the normalized CPT cone tip resistance, units of tsf.
fs,1 = Where fs is the normalized CPT cone tip resistance, units of tsf.
’v = Effective overburden pressure, units of tsf
v = Total overburden pressure, units of tsf
U2 = Pore pressure measurement located on the tip shoulder, unit of tsf
U0 = Hydrostatic water pressure, units of tsf

The soil behavior type, Ic, is computed using the following equation.

August 2008 7-11

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Ic  3  logQ 1  B   1.5  1.3 logF 

T q
2 Equation 7-21

The soil behavior type, Ic, can be generally correlated to a soil classification as indicated in
Table 7-6.

Table 7-6, Soil CPT Index (Ic) and Soil Classification

CPT Index (Ic) Soil Classification
Ic <1.25 Gravelly Sands
1.25  Ic < 1.90 Sands – Clean Sand to Silty Sand
1.90  Ic < 2.54 Sand Mixtures – Silty Sand to Sandy Silt
2.54  Ic < 2.82 Silt Mixture – Clayey Silt to Silty Clay
2.82  Ic < 3.22 Clays

7.8.3 Dilatometer Corrections

The data A, B, and C pressure readings from the dilatometer require correction to account for
the effects of the physical composition of the instrument (i.e. the stiffness of the membrane, new
membranes are stiffer than used membranes). The horizontal stress index (KD) shall be
reported for all DMT results. The DMT corrections and computations for the horizontal stress
index (KD) shall be computed in accordance with FHWA-SA-91-044, The Flat Dilatometer Test,
publication dated February 1992.


Geotechnical engineering as presented in this Manual has a statistical (LRFD) and

performance-base design components that require selection of appropriate soil properties in
order to design within an appropriate margin of safety consistent with Chapter 9 and also to
predict as reasonable as possible the geotechnical performance required in Chapter 10. The
selection of soil shear strengths by the geotechnical engineer requires that the designer have a
good understanding of the loading conditions and soil behavior, high quality soil sampling and
testing, and local geotechnical experience with the various geologic formations. This section
provides guidance in the selection of shear strengths for cohesive soils (i.e. clays) and
cohesionless soils (i.e. sands and nonplastic silts) for use in geotechnical design. The selection
of shear strength parameters for rock is covered in the Section 7.14.

For an in-depth review of the topics addressed in this Section, see Sabatini et al. (2002) and
Duncan and Wright (2005).

Geotechnical load resisting analyses that are typically performed in the design of transportation
facilities are bearing capacity of a shallow foundation, axial (tension and compression) load
carrying capacity of deep foundations (drilled shafts and piles), lateral carrying capacity of deep
foundations, stability analyses of hillside slopes and constructed embankments, sliding
resistance of earth retaining structures, and passive soil capacity resistance. Each of these
analyses can have various loading conditions that are associated with the limit state (Strength,
Service, Extreme Event) under evaluation.

7-12 August 2008

SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS

Soil shear strength is not a unique property and must be determined based on the anticipated
soil response for the loading condition being evaluated. This requires the following three-step
evaluation process:

 Evaluate the Soil Loading: The soil loading should be investigated based on
the soil loading rate, the direction of loading, and the boundary conditions for the
limit state (Strength, Service, Extreme Event) being evaluated.

 Evaluate Soil Response: The soil response should be evaluated based on pore
pressure build-up (u), the soil’s state of stress, volumetric soil changes during
shearing, and the anticipated magnitude of soil deformation or strain for the soil
loading being applied.

 Evaluate Appropriate Soil Strength Determination Method: This consists of

determining the most appropriate soil testing method that best models the
loading condition and the soil response for determination of soil shear strength
design parameters. Also included in this step is the review of the results for
reasonableness based on available correlations and regional experience.

The three-step evaluation process is discussed in detail in the following Sections.

7.9.1 Soil Loading

The soil loading can be evaluated with respect to loading rate, direction of loading, and
boundary conditions. The loading rate primarily affects the soils response with respect to pore
water pressure build-up (u). When the loading rate either increases or decreases the pore
water pressure (u  0), the loading is referred to as short-term loading. Conversely, if the
loading rate does not affect the pore water pressure (u = 0), the loading is referred to as a
long-term loading.

Short-term loadings typically occur during construction such as when earth-moving equipment
place large soil loads within a relatively short amount of time. The actual construction
equipment (cranes, dump trucks, compaction equipment, etc.) should also be considered during
the evaluation the construction loadings. Construction loadings are typically evaluated under
the Strength limit state. Earthquakes or impacts (vessel or vehicle collisions) that can apply a
significant amount of loading on the soil within a short amount of time are also referred to as
short-term loadings. Because of the relative transient and infrequent nature of earthquake and
impact loadings, geotechnical design for these types of loadings are performed under the
Extreme Event limit states.

Long-term loadings are typically the result of static driving loads placed on the soils when
performing limit state equilibrium analyses such as those that occur with embankments,
retaining walls, or foundation that have been in place for a sufficient length of time that the pore
water pressures have dissipated. These types of loadings are typically evaluated under the
Strength and Service limit states.

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The direction of loading is directly related to the critical failure surface and it’s angle of incidence
with respect to the soil element under evaluation. This becomes important when analyzing the
soil shear strength with respect to a base of a retaining wall sliding over the foundation or during
the analysis of soil stability where the failure surface intersects the soil at various angles within
the soil mass. The shear strength is also affected by plane strain loading condition as is
typically observed under structures such as continuous wall footings. Plane strain loading
occurs when the strain in the direction of intermediate principal stress is zero.

Soil loading boundary conditions result from the soil-structure interaction between the loads
imposed by the structure and the soil. The loadings and soil response are interdependent
based on the stress-strain characteristics of the structure and the soil. Boundary conditions also
include the frictional interface response between the structure and the soil. These boundary
conditions can be very complex and affect the magnitude of the soil loadings, magnitude of the
soil resistance, the distribution of the soil loading (rigid or flexible foundation), and the direction
of the loading.

7.9.2 Soil Response

The soil response is influenced significantly by the soils pore water pressure response (u)
resulting from the rate of loading as the soils attempt to reach a state of equilibrium. The
undrained condition is a soil response that occurs when there is either an increase (+) in pore
water pressure (u > 0) or a decrease (-) in pore water pressure (u  0) within the soil during
soil loading. The drained condition is a soil response that occurs when there is no change in
pore water pressure (u = 0) as a result of the soil loading.

The pore water pressure response (u) that allows water to move in or out of the soil over time
is dependent on the soil drainage characteristics and the drainage path. The time for drainage
to occur can be estimated by using Terzaghi’s theory of one-dimensional consolidation where
the time required to reach 99% of the equilibrium volume change, t99, is determined by the
following equation.

t 99  4
Cv Equation 7-22
D = Longest distance that water must travel to flow out of the soil mass
Cv = Coefficient of vertical consolidation (units length squared per unit of time)

Typical drainage times for various types of soil deposits based on Equation 7-22 are provided in
Figure 7-3. It can readily be seen that cohesionless soils (sands) drain within minutes to hours
while cohesive soils (clays) drain within months to years. Silty soils can drain within hours to
days. Even though a soil formation may behave in an undrained condition at the beginning of
the load application with excess pore water pressures (u  0), with sufficient time to allow for
pore pressure dissipation, the soils will reach a drained condition where static loads are in
equilibrium and there is no excess pore water pressure (u = 0). Because soil layers may have
different drainage characteristics and drainage paths within a soil profile, soil layers may be at
various stages of drainage with some soil layers responding in an undrained condition while
other layers respond in a drained condition.

7-14 August 2008

SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS

Figure 7-3, Drainage Time Required

(Duncan and Wright, 2005)

There are various soil models that are used to characterize soil shear strength. The simplest
and most commonly used soil shear strength model is the Mohr-Coulomb soil failure criteria.
More sophisticated soil shear strength models such as critical state soil mechanics and
numerical models (finite element constitutive soil models) exist and are to be used when simpler
models such as the Mohr-Coulomb soil failure criteria cannot accurately predict the soil

When undrained conditions exist (u  0), total stress parameters are used to evaluate soil
shear strength. Total stress is characterized by using total shear strength parameters (c, ) and
total stress, vo, (total unit weights). The basic Mohr-Coulomb soil failure criteria for total stress
shear strength (), also referred to as the undrained shear strength (Su), is shown in the
following equation.

  c   vo tan  Equation 7-23

c = Total soil cohesion.
vo = Total vertical overburden pressure. Total unit weights (T) are used.
 = Total internal soil friction angle. The total internal soil friction angle for
cohesive soils is typically assumed to equal zero ( = 0). Total internal soil
friction angle () for a cohesionless soil is typically less than the effective
internal soil friction angle (’).

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When drained conditions exist (u = 0), effective stress parameters are used to evaluate soil
shear strength. Effective stress is characterized by using effective shear strength parameters
(c’, ’) and effective stress, ’vo, (effective unit weights). The basic Mohr-Coulomb soil failure
criteria for effective stress shear strength (’) is shown in the following equation.

 '  c '   'vo tan  ' Equation 7-24

c’ = Effective soil cohesion. The effective cohesion for cohesive and
cohesionless soils is typically assumed to equal zero (c’ = 0).

’vo = Effective vertical overburden pressure. Effective unit weights ( = T - w) are
’ = Effective internal soil friction angle. The effective internal soil friction angle
(’) for a cohesionless soil is typically greater than the total internal soil friction
angle ().

Another factor that affects soil response of cohesive soils is the in-situ stress state. The stress
state is defined by either total (vo) or effective (’vo) vertical stress, total (ho) or effective (’ho)
horizontal stress, and the effective preconsolidation stress (’p or p’c). The effective
preconsolidation stress is the largest state of stress that the soil has experienced. The state of
stress is often quantified by the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) as indicated by the following
σ 'p
OCR  Equation 7-25
σ 'vo

Cohesive soils are often defined by the following in-situ state of stress:

 Normally Consolidated (NC; OCR = 1): If the effective overburden stress (’vo)
is approximately equal to the effective preconsolidation stress (’p).

 Overconsolidated (OC; OCR > 1): If the effective overburden stress (’vo) is
less than the effective preconsolidation stress (’p)

 Underconsolidated (UC; OCR < 1): If the effective overburden stress (’vo) is
greater than the effective preconsolidation stress (’p)

Volumetric change (v) during shearing can significantly affect the shear strength behavior of the
soils. When the soil response is a decrease (-v) in volume during soil shearing the soils are
termed to have contractive behavior. Loose sands and soft clays typically have contractive
behavior. When the soil response is an increase (+v) in volume during soil shearing these soils
are termed to have dilative behavior. Overconsolidated clays and medium-dense sands
typically have dilative behavior. Soils that do not exhibit volumetric change during shearing (v =
0) are termed to have steady state behavior.

7-16 August 2008

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For typical cohesive or cohesionless soils it has been observed that the soil shear stress ()
varies as the soil strains or deforms during soil shearing. Selection of the appropriate soil shear
strength to be used in design must be compatible with the deformation or strain that the soil will
exhibit under the loading. This is best illustrated in Figure 7-4 where the drained stress-strain
behavior of two stress-strain curves, each curve representing a different effective consolidation
stress (’v1 and ’v2), are shown. On the left of Figure 7-4 is a shear stress vs. shear strain plot
(-s plot). Because there is a well-defined peak shear stress (max) in the plots this would be
indicative of dilative soil behavior of either dense sand or overconsolidated clay. The maximum
shear stress (max) is termed the peak shear strength (Peak = max). In overconsolidated clay
soils, as the maximum shear stress (max) is exceeded, post-peak strain softening occurs until a
fully-softened strength (NC) is reached. The fully-softened strength is a post-peak strain
softening strength that is considered to be the shear strength that is equivalent to peak shear
strength of the same soil in normally consolidated (NC) stress state (Peak  NC). For very large
shearing strains in soils (cohesive or cohesionless) the shear stress value is reduced further to
a residual shear strength (r). The Mohr-Coulomb effective shear strength envelopes for peak
shear strength (Peak = max), fully-softened shear strength (Peak  NC), and residual shear
strength (r) are illustrated on the right side of Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4, Drained Stress-Strain Behavior

(Sabatini et al., 2002)

The soil behavior of typical cohesionless soils can be further illustrated by comparing the
stress-strain behavior of granular soils with various densities as shown in Figure 7-5. Medium
and dense sands typically reach a peak shear strength (Peak = max) value and then decrease to
a residual shear strength value at large displacements. The volume of medium and dense

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sands initially decreases (contractive behavior) and then increases as the soil grains dilate
(dilative behavior) with shear displacement until it reaches a point of almost constant volume
(steady state behavior). The shear stress in loose sands increases with shear displacement to a
maximum value and then remains constant. The volume of loose sands gradually decreases
(contractive behavior) until it reaches a point of almost constant volume (steady state behavior).

Figure 7-5, Shear Strength Sands (Direct Shear-Test)

(Das, 1997)

The soil behavior of typical cohesive soils can be further illustrated by comparing the
stress-strain behavior of normally consolidated clays (OCR = 1) with the stress-strain behavior
of overconsolidated clays (OCR > 1) for consolidated drained and undrained Triaxial tests in
Figures, 7-6 and 7-7, respectively. The stress-strain behavior for overconsolidated clays
(OCR > 1) indicates that they are subject to strain softening, similar to medium-dense sands
shown in Figure 7-5, and that normally consolidated clays (OCR = 1) increases in strength,
similar to loose sands also shown in Figure 7-5. Overconsolidated (drained or undrained) clays
typically reach peak shear strength (Peak = max) and then decrease to a fully-softened strength
that is approximately equal to the peak shear strength of a normally consolidated clay (Peak 
NC). The volume change of overconsolidated clays in a drained test is very similar to the
volume change in medium-dense sand; the volume initially decreases (contractive behavior)
and then increases (dilative behavior). The pore pressures in an undrained test of
overconsolidated clays initially increase slightly and then become negative as the soil begins to
expand or dilate. The shear stress (drained or undrained test) of a normally consolidated (OCR
= 1) clay increases with shear displacement to a maximum value (Peak = NC). The volume of
normally consolidated clays in a drained test gradually decreases (contractive behavior) as it
reaches a point of almost constant volume (steady state behavior). The pore pressure in an
undrained test of normally consolidated clay increases until failure and remains positive for the
entire test.

7-18 August 2008

SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS

Figure 7-6, Shear Strength of Clay Figure 7-7, Shear Strength of Clay
Consolidated Drained Triaxial Consolidated Undrained Triaxial
(Das, 1997) (Das, 1997)

Selection of soil shear strengths should be made based on laboratory testing and soil strain
level anticipated from analyses. Table 7-7 provides a summary of published stress-strain
behavior from Holtz and Kovacs (1981), Terzaghi, Peck, and Mesri (1996), and Duncan and
Wright (2005) for various soils types. This table is provided for “general” guidance in the
selection of shear strengths and soil strain level anticipated from equilibrium analyses.

Table 7-7, Soil Shear Strength Selection Based on Strain Level

Strain Level (1)
Cohesive Soils
(Undrained) 2% 10–15%
Large Strains >15%
Strains Strains
Clay (OCR=1) Peak = NC Peak = NC Peak = NC
Clay (OCR>1) Peak  NC r
Strain Level (1)
Cohesionless Soils
(Drained) 5% 15–20%
Large Strains >20%
Strains Strains
Med. To Dense Sand Peak r r
Loose Sands
Peak Peak r
Shear Strength Nomenclature:
Peak = Peak Soil Shear Strength NC = Normally Consolidated Soil Shear Strength
r = Residual Soil Shear Strength
Strain levels indicated are generalizations and are dependent on the stress-strain characteristics of the soil and
should be verified by laboratory testing.

August 2008 7-19

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7.9.3 Soil Strength Testing

Once the soil loading and soil response has been evaluated the next step is to select the
method of evaluating the soil shear strength. The shear strength can be evaluated by one of
the following methods:

 Soil shear strength determined by geotechnical laboratory testing

 Soil shear strength correlations with in-situ field testing results
 Soil shear strength correlations based on index parameters

The laboratory testing should be selected based on shear strength testing method and the
testing parameters best suited to model the loading condition and the soil response. Shear
strength laboratory testing methods are described in Chapter 5. A summary of the design
parameters that should be used in selection of the appropriate testing method and procedure is
provided below:

 Total or Effective Stress: Selection of soil shear strength parameters based on

total or effective stress state (drained or undrained). Guidance for typical
geotechnical analyses for each limit state (Strength, Service, and Extreme Event)
being analyzed is provided for bridge foundations in Table 7-8 and for earth
retaining structures and embankments in Table 7-9. Total and effective shear
strength determination guidelines for laboratory and in-situ testing are provided in
Sections 7.10 and 7.11, respectively.

 Soils Shear Strength: Soil shear strength parameters (Peak or r ) selection

should be based on strain level anticipated from equilibrium analyses. See Table
7-7 for guidance. Seismic soil shear strengths used to design for the Extreme
Event I limit state are discussed in Chapter 12.

 Loading Direction: The shearing direction should be compatible with how the
soil is being loaded or unloaded and the angle of incidence with respect to soil
normal stress. Figure 7-8 illustrates test methods that would be appropriate for
shear modes for embankment instability shear surface. Figure 7-9 provides
undrained strength (UU Triaxial) of typical clays and shales as a function of
stress orientation.

7-20 August 2008

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Table 7-8, Bridge Foundation Soil Parameters

Limit State Strength Service Extreme Event
Strength I,
Load Combinations Service I Extreme Event I
Seismic Event N/A FEE & SEE
During Earthquake
Loading Condition Static Post-Earthquake




Total (1)

Total (1)
Shear Strength
Stress State

Soil Bearing
  ---    ---
Shallow Foundation Design

Frictional   ---    ---

Passive   ---    ---
  ---    ---

--- ---     ---

--- ---     

--- ---     ---

Axial Capacity   --- ---   ---

Deep Foundation

  --- ---   ---

--- ---     ---
--- ---     
Residual soil shear strengths of liquefied soils must include effects of strain softening due to liquefaction.

Soil Stress State Legend:

 Indicates that soil stress state indicated requires analysis
--- Indicates that soil stress state does not require analysis
 Indicates that soil stress state may need to be evaluated depending on method of analysis
 Indicates that soil stress state transitions from undrained to drained (i.e. consolidation)

August 2008 7-21

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Table 7-9, Earth Retaining Structures & Embankment Soil Parameters

Limit State Strength Service Extreme Event
Strength I, II,
Load Combinations Service I Extreme Event I
Seismic Event N/A FEE & SEE
Loading Condition Static Earthquake





Total (1)

Total (1)

Shear Strength
Stress State

Soil Bearing
  --- ---   --- 
Earth Retaining Structure Design

Sliding Frictional
  --- ---   --- 
Sliding Passive
  --- ---   --- 

Structural Capacity   --- ---   --- 

Lateral Load Analysis
(Lateral --- ---     --- 

Settlement --- ---      

Global Stability --- ---     --- 

Soil Bearing
  --- ---   --- 
Embankment Design

Lateral Spread   --- ---   --- 

Lateral Squeeze   --- ---   --- 

Lateral Displacements --- ---     --- 

Vertical Settlement --- ---      

Global Stability --- ---     --- 

Residual soil shear strengths of liquefied soils must include effects of strain softening due to liquefaction

Soil Stress State Legend:

 Indicates that soil stress state indicated requires analysis
--- Indicates that soil stress state does not require analysis
 Indicates that soil stress state may need to be evaluated depending on method of analysis
 Indicates that soil stress state transitions from undrained to drained (i.e. consolidation)

7-22 August 2008

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Figure 7-8, Shear Modes for Embankment Stability Shear Failure Surface
(Sabatini, 2005)

β = 0°

Figure 7-9,  of Clays and Shales as Function of Failure Orientation

(modified from Duncan and Wright, 2005)
August 2008 7-23
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The undrained and drained shear strengths of soils can be obtained from laboratory testing.
The laboratory testing procedures are described in Chapter 5. A summary of laboratory testing
methods suitable for determining the undrained and drained shear strengths of cohesive and
cohesionless soils is provided in Table 7-10.

Table 7-10, Laboratory Testing Soil Shear Strength Determination

Undrained Shear Strength Drained Shear Strength
Cohesive Cohesionless Cohesive Cohesionless
Testing Method ’ ’ ’ ’
Peak r Peak r  Peak r  Peak r
Unconfined Compression
  --- --- --- --- --- ---
(UC) Test

  --- --- --- --- --- ---
Undrained (UU) Test

Consolidated Drained
--- --- --- --- --- ---  
(CD) Test
Consolidated Undrained
(CU) Test with Pore        
Pressure Measurements

Direct Shear (DS) Test --- --- --- --- --- ---  

 - Indicates laboratory method provides indicated shear strength

--- - N/A
Peak = Peak Undrained Shear Strength ’Peak = Peak Drained Shear Strength
r = Residual Undrained Shear Strength ’r = Residual Drained Shear Strength

In-situ testing methods (Section 5.3) such as Standard Penetrometer Test (SPT), electronic
Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT), electronic Piezocone Penetrometer Test (CPTu – CPT with
pore pressure readings), Flat Plate Dilatometer Test (DMT), and Vane Shear Test (VST), can
be used to evaluate soil shear strength parameters by the use of empirical/semi-empirical
correlations. Even though the torvane (TV) or the pocket penetrometer (PP) are soil field testing
methods, their use is restricted to only qualitative evaluation of relative shear strength during
field visual classification of soil stratification. The major drawback to the use of in-situ field
testing methods to obtain soil shear strength parameters is that the empirical/semi-empirical
correlations are based on a limited soil database that is typically material or soil formation
specific and therefore the reliability of these correlations must be verified for each project site
until sufficient substantiated regional experience is available. Poor correlation between in-situ
testing results and soil shear strength parameters may also be due to the poor repeatability of
the in-situ testing methods. The electronic Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) has been shown to
be more repeatable while the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) has been shown to be highly
variable. Another source of variability is the sensitivity of the test method to different soil types
with different soil consistency (very soft to hard cohesive soils) or density (very loose to very
dense cohesionless soils). In-situ penetration testing values correspond to the peak of the
stress-strain shear strength curve as indicated in Figure 7-10. Since deformations induced from

7-24 August 2008

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penetration tests are close to the initial stress state, correlations have been developed for the
soil modulus.

Figure 7-10, Shear Strength Measured by In-Situ Testing

(Sabatini, 2005)

A summary of in-situ testing methods suitable for determining the undrained and drained shear
strengths of cohesive and cohesionless soils is provided in Table 7-11. The suitability of in-situ
testing methods to provide soil shear strength parameters is provided in Table 7-12.

Table 7-11, In-Situ Testing - Soil Shear Strength Determination

Undrained Shear Strength Drained Shear Strength
Cohesive Cohesionless Cohesive Cohesionless
Testing Method ’ ’ ’ ’
Peak r Peak r  Peak r  Peak r
Standard Penetrometer Test
 --- --- --- --- ---  ---

Cone Penetrometer Test

(CPT) or Piezocone with
  --- --- --- ---  ---
pore pressure
measurements (CPTu)

Flat Plate Dilatometer Test

 --- --- --- --- ---  ---

Vane Shear Test (VST)   --- --- --- --- --- ---

 - Indicates in-situ method provides indicated shear strength

--- - N/A
Peak = Peak Undrained Shear Strength ’Peak = Peak Drained Shear Strength
r = Residual Undrained Shear Strength ’r = Residual Drained Shear Strength
August 2008 7-25
SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS

Table 7-12, Soil Suitability of In-Situ Testing Methods

(Modified from Canadian Geotechnical Manual (1982) and Holtz and Kovacs (1981))
In-Situ Test Suitable Unsuitable
Correlated Properties Remarks
Method Soils (1) Soils
Sand and residual soil SPT repeatability is highly
Standard effective peak internal variable. Disturbed
Penetrometer Gravel friction angle, clay samples. Very variable Su
Test (SPT) undrained peak shear correlations are available
strength, soil modulus. for clays.
Sand, silt, and residual
Sand, Silt, soil effective peak internal Continuous evaluation of
Test (CPT) or
Clay, friction angle, clay and soil properties. CPT is
Piezocone with Gravel
Residual residual soil undrained very repeatable. No
pore pressure
Soil peak shear strength, soil samples recovered.
Sand, silt, and residual
soil effective peak internal
Unreliable results may
Sand, friction angle, clay and
Flat Plate occur with very dense
Clay, and undrained peak shear
Dilatometer Gravel sand, cemented sand, and
Residual strength,
Test (DMT) gravel. No samples
Soil overconsolidation ratio,
at-rest pressure
coefficient, soil modulus.
May overestimate shear
strength. Very soft clays
need to be corrected.
Unreliable results may
Sand, occur with fissured clays,
Vane Shear Residual Clay undrained peak varved clays, highly plastic
Test (VST) Soil, and shear strength. clays, sand, residual soil,
Gravel and gravel. VST
repeatability may be
variable with rate of
rotation. No samples
The suitability of testing Piedmont residual soils should be based on Mayne et al. (2000). Residual soils
frequently have a dual USCS description of SM-ML and behave as both cohesive soils and cohesionless soils
because the Piedmont residuum soil is close to the opening size of the U.S. No. 200 Sieve (0.075 mm).

Shear strength of cohesive and cohesionless soils can also be estimated based on effective
overburden stress (’vo), effective preconsolidation stress (’p or p’c), the overconsolidation ratio
(OCR), and index properties such as grain size distribution (Fines Content – FC), moisture
content (w), and Atterberg Limits (LL, PI). Index properties are described in Chapter 5. Unless
indicated otherwise, these correlations are used only for preliminary analyses or for evaluating
accuracy of laboratory or in-situ shear strength results.

7-26 August 2008

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Total stress is the force per unit area carried by both the soil grains and the water located in the
pores between the soil grains. The total stress state uses undrained soil shear strengths (u 
0) and is typically used to resist short-term loadings (i.e. construction loading, earthquake
loadings, etc.). The Mohr-Coulomb undrained shear strength equation ( = Su) is defined as

  c   v tan  Equation 7-26

The deviator compression stress at failure (f) for unconfined compression tests (3 = 0) on
clays is equal to the unconfined compression strength (1 = qu = c). The deviator compression
stress at failure (f) for undrained triaxial testing (unconsolidated or consolidated) is equal to
the total major principal stress (1) minus the total minor principal stress (3) (see Figure 7-11).

Shear Stress τ
Δσf = σ1 – σ3

σ3 σ1
Nornal Stress σ

Figure 7-11, Total Principal Stresses

7.10.1 Cohesionless Soils

Undrained shear strengths of cohesionless soils (i.e. sand, low plasticity silts and residual soils)
should be used when the rate of loading is so fast that the soil does not have sufficient time to
drain such as in the case of rapid draw-down, cyclic loadings, earthquake loadings, and impact
loadings. Geotechnical analyses for these types of loadings should use undrained shear
strength parameters based on total stress analyses. The peak undrained shear strength in
saturated cohesionless soils (Peak) is also referred to in literature as the yield shear strength
(yield). The undrained peak shear strength (yield) and the undrained residual shear strength (r)
of saturated cohesionless soils can be measured by conducting a consolidated undrained (CU)
triaxial compression tests.

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The peak undrained shear strength of cohesionless soils may also be determined by
correlations developed for in-situ testing such as Standard Penetrometer Test (SPT) or Cone
Penetrometer Test (CPT) as indicated in Chapter 5. As stated previously, in Section 7.9.3, the
biggest drawback to the use of in-situ field testing methods to obtain undrained shear strengths
of cohesionless soils is that the empirical correlations are based on a soil database that is
material or soil formation specific and therefore the reliability of these correlations must be
verified for each project site by substantiated regional experience or by conducting laboratory
testing and calibrating the in-situ testing results.

Correlations have been proposed by Olson and Stark (2003) that relate yield strength ratio
(yield/’vo) to normalized SPT blowcount (N *1,60) and normalized CPT tip resistance (qc,1).
Where yield, is the undrained peak shear strength of saturated cohesionless soils and ’vo is
effective overburden pressure. Olson and Stark (2003) used case histories of static
loading-induced failures and deformation-induced flow failures to assess the yield strength ratio

The Olson and Stark (2003) relationship between yield shear strength ratio (yield/’vo) and the
normalized SPT blowcount (N *1,60) is provided in Figure 7-12. The average trend line for Figure
7-12 can be computed using the following equation.

  yield 
 '  
  0 .205  0 .0075 N 1*,60  0 .04 Equation 7-27
  vo 
N*1,60 ≤ 12 blow per foot

Figure 7-12, Yield Shear Strength Ratio - SPT Blowcount Relationship

(Olson, 2001, Olson and Stark, 2003)

The Olson and Stark (2003) relationship between yield shear strength ratio (yield/’vo) and the
normalized CPT tip resistance (qc,1) is provided Figure 7-13. The average trend line for Figure
7-13 can be computed using the following equation.

7-28 August 2008

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  yield 
 '   0.205  0.0143 q c,1   0.04
Equation 7-28
 σ vo 
qc,1 ≤ 6.5 MPa ≈ 68 tons per square foot (tsf)

Figure 7-13, Yield Shear Strength Ratio - CPT Tip Resistance Relationship
(Olson, 2001, Olson and Stark, 2003)

Undrained residual shear strength ratio of liquefied soils (rl /’vo) as proposed by Olson and
Stark (2002, 2003) are presented in Chapter 12.

7.10.2 Cohesive Soils

The undrained shear strength () of cohesive soils (i.e. clay, highly plastic silts and residual
soils) can be determined using unconfined compression (UC) tests, unconsolidated undrained
(UU) triaxial tests, or consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial tests of undisturbed samples.
Typically the total internal friction angle is negligible and assumed equal to zero ( = 0) and the
Mohr-Coulomb shear strength equation for the undrained shear strength () of cohesive soils
can be expressed as indicated by the following equation.
 f
 c Equation 7-29

The undrained shear strength of cohesive soils may also be determined by in-situ testing such
as Standard Penetrometer Test (SPT), Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT), Flat Plate Dilatometer
Test (DMT), or Vane Shear Test (VST) as described in Chapter 5. As stated previously, in
Section 7.9.3, the biggest drawback to the use of in-situ field testing methods to obtain

August 2008 7-29

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undrained shear strengths of cohesive soils is that the empirical correlations are based on a soil
database that is material or soil formation specific and therefore the reliability of these
correlations must be verified for each project site by substantiated regional experience or by
conducting laboratory testing and calibrating the in-situ testing results.

The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) can provide highly variable results in cohesive soils as
indicated in Table 7-10. However, the following correlations may be used if laboratory
undrained shear strengths are correlated to the corrected N60 value obtained from the Standard
Penetration Test. Peak undrained shear strength (), in units of ksf, for cohesive soils
(McGregor and Duncan, 1986) can be computed for low plasticity clays using Equation 7-30 and
medium to high plasticity clays using Equation 7-31. Plasticity is defined in Chapter 6.

  c  0.075 N60 Equation 7-30

  c  0.15 N60 Equation 7-31

Undrained Peak Shear Strength, Su (ksf)

7 s)
l ay
i tyC
6 a sti
- Hi
5 m
e diu
4 60 )
5N lays
= 0.1 stic
ity C
3 Su (Lo
5 N6
= 0.07
2 Su

5 15 25 35 45
0 10 20 30 40 50
SPT Blowcount - N60 (blows/foot)
Figure 7-14, Undrained Shear Strength – SPT Relationship
(McGregor and Duncan, 1986)

The peak undrained shear strength () of cohesive soils can also be obtained from the Cone
Penetrometer Test (CPT) (Sabatini, 2005) as indicated by the following equation.

7-30 August 2008

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Equation 7-32
q 
  c  c * vo
qc = CPT tip resistance (measured, uncorrected)
vo = total overburden pressure at test depth
N*k = cone factor.

The cone factor has been found to be approximately equal to 14  5. Because of the large
variation in N*k, CPT testing results shall be correlated with soil borings and laboratory testing to
back-calculate the cone factor for the specific soil types under evaluation.

The Flat Plate Dilatometer Test (DMT) results should be corrected and correlated to undrained
shear based on the FHWA Publication FHWA-SA-91-044, The Flat Dilatometer Test.

The peak undrained shear strength () of cohesive soils can also be obtained from the Vane
Shear Test (VST) (Aas et al., 1986) can be used as indicated by the following equation.

  Svane Equation 7-33

 = Vane correction factor (see Figure 7-15)
Svane = VST field measured undrained shear strength. The Svane interpretation
results should be based on ASTM STP1014 (1988).

The VST field measured undrained shear strength, Svane, should be computed based on the
following equation.

6T H Equation 7-34
Svane  2

7D 3  for
T = VST torque resistance
D = Diameter of field vane
H = Height of field vane

The vane correction factor () is determined from the Aas et al. (1986) relationship shown in
Figure 7-15. The vane correction factor () is computed by entering the top chart with PI and
(Svane/’vo) to establish whether the clay is within the normally consolidated (NC) range between
the limits “young” and “aged”, or overconsolidated (OC). The lower chart is used by entering the
(Svane/’vo) and selecting the vane correction factor () for the appropriate NC or OC curves. A
maximum vane correction factor () of 1.0 is recommended by Aas, et. al (1986).

August 2008 7-31

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Figure 7-15, Vane Shear Correction Factor

(Aas, et. al., 1986)

Empirical correlations based on SHANSHEP laboratory testing results can be used for
preliminary designs and to evaluate the peak undrained shear strength (Su) obtained from
laboratory testing or in-situ testing. This method is only applicable to clays without sensitive
structure where undrained shear strength increases proportionally with the effective overburden
pressure (’vo). The SHANSHEP laboratory test results of Ladd et al. (1977) revealed trends in
undrained shear strength ratio (Su / ’v) as a function of overconsolidation ratio as indicated in
Figure 7-16.

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Figure 7-16, Undrained Shear Strength Ratio and OCR Relationship

(Ladd et al., 1977)

The average peak undrained shear strengths () shown in Figure 7-16 can be approximated by
an empirical formula developed by Jamiolkowski et al. (1985) as indicated by the following

  0.23OCR 0.8  vo
 Equation 7-35

 = undrained shear strength (tsf)
OCR = overconsolidation ratio
’vo = effective overburden pressure at test depth (tsf)

The undrained shear strength () can be compared to the remolded shear strength (R) (residual
undrained shear strength, r) to determine the sensitivity (St) of cohesive soils. Sensitivity is the
measure of the breakdown and loss of interparticle attractive forces and bonds within cohesive
soils. Typically in dispersed cohesive soils the loss is relatively small, but in highly flocculated
structures the loss in strength can be large. Sensitivity is determined using the following

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St  Equation 7-36

The description of sensitivity is defined in the following table.

Table 7-13, Sensitivity of Cohesive Soils

(Modified from Spangler and Handy, 1982)
Sensitivity Descriptive Term
<1 Insensitive
1-2 Slightly Sensitive
3-4 Medium Sensitive
5-8 Sensitive
9 - 16 Very Sensitive
17 - 32 Slightly Quick
33 - 64 Medium Quick
>64 Quick

The remolded shear strength of cohesive soils (R) can be determined from remolded triaxial
specimens or from in-situ testing methods (electro-piezocone or field vane). Triaxial specimens
should have the same moisture content as the undisturbed sample as well as the same degree
of saturation and confining pressure. Further sensitivity can be related to the liquidity index
using the following figure.

Figure 7-17, Sensitivity based on Liquidity Index and ’vo

(Mitchell, 1993)

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The Liquidity Index (LI) can also be related to remolded shear strength (R = cur = Sur) as
indicated in the following.

Figure 7-18, Remolded Shear Strength vs Liquidity Index

(Mitchell, 1993)

1 kPa = 0.0209 ksf

The Liquidity Index (LI) is the relationship between natural moisture content, Plastic Limit (PL),
and the Liquid Limit (LL). The LI is a measure of the relative softness of a cohesive soil as
indicated by the closeness of the natural moisture content to the liquid limit. The LI can be
determined by the following equation.

(w  PL)
LI  Equation 7-37
(LL  PL)

w = natural moisture content
LL = Liquid Limit
PL = Plastic Limit

The undrained residual shear strength of cohesive soils (St < 2) can be estimated for preliminary
design and to evaluate the undrained residual shear strength (r = Sur) obtained from laboratory
testing or in-situ testing. The undrained residual shear strength (r = Sur) can be estimated by

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reducing peak undrained shear strength () by a residual shear strength loss factor () as
indicated in the following equation.
   Equation 7-38

The residual shear strength loss factor () typically ranges from 0.50 to 0.67 depending on the
type of clay soil. The residual shear strength loss factors () recommended in Table 7-14 are
based on the results of a pile soil set-up factor study prepared by Rauche et al. (1996)

Table 7-14, Residual Shear Strength Loss Factor ()

Soil Type Residual Shear Strength
USCS Description Loss Factor ()
Low Plasticity Clay CL-ML 0.57
Medium to High Plasticity Clay CL & CH 0.50

7.10.3 -c Soils

The undrained shear strength of soils that have both  and c components should be determined
in the laboratory using the appropriate testing methods. However, if the samples for this type of
testing have not been obtained (e.g. during the preliminary exploration), then the soil should be
treated as if the soil were either completely cohesive or cohesionless. For soils that are difficult
to determine the approximate classification, the undrained shear strength parameters for both
cohesive and cohesionless soils should be determined and the more conservative design
should be used.

7.10.4 Maximum Allowable Total Soil Shear Strengths

SCDOT has established maximum allowable peak (c, ) and residual (cr, r) undrained soil
shear strength design parameters shown in Table 7-15, for use in design. These soil shear
strength design parameters may not be exceeded without laboratory testing and the express
written permission of the PCS/GDS.

Table 7-15, Maximum Allowable Total Soil Shear Strengths

Peak Residual
Soil Type
c  cr r
USCS Description (psf) (degrees) (psf) (degrees)
GW, GP, GM, GC Stone and Gravel 0 34 0 18
SW Coarse Grained Sand 0 17 0 7
SM, SP Fine Grained Sand 0 17 0 7
SP Uniform Rounded Sand 0 15 0 6
ML, MH, SC Silt, Clayey Sand, Clayey Silt 1,500 15 1,200 6
SM-ML Residual Soils 900 14 700 6
CL-ML NC Clay (Low Plasticity) 1,500 0 900 0
CL, CH NC Clay (Med-High Plasticity) 2,500 0 1250 0
CL-ML OC Clay (Low Plasticity) 2,500 0 1400 0
CL, CH OC Clay (Med-High Plasticity) 4,000 0 2000 0

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Effective stress is the force per unit area carried by the soil grains. The effective stress state
uses drained soil shear strengths (u = 0). The Mohr-Coulomb drained shear strength equation
is defined as follows.

   c   v tan   Equation 7-39

The deviator compression stress at failure (f) for undrained triaxial testing (consolidated) is
equal to the total or effective major principal stress (1) minus the total or effective minor
principal stress (3). The effective major and minor principal stresses are the total major and
minor principal stresses minus the pore pressure at failure (uf) (see Figure 7-19).

Shear Stress τ
Δσ’f= σ’1 – σ’3
uf = σ1 – σ’1

σ’3 σ3 σ’1 σ1
Normal Stress σ, σ’

Figure 7-19, Effective Principal Stresses

7.11.1 Cohesionless Soils

Drained shear strengths of cohesionless soils (i.e. sand, low plasticity silts, and residual soils)
should be used when there is relatively no change in pore water pressure (u  0) as a result of
soil loading. Cohesionless soils that are subjected to construction loads and static driving loads
typically use peak or residual drained shear strengths due to the relatively rapid (minutes to
hours) drainage characteristics of granular soils as indicated in Section 7.9.2. The peak or
residual drained soil shear strength parameters can be obtained from consolidated drained (CD)
triaxial tests, consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial tests with pore pressure measurements, or
direct shear (DS) tests. Typically the effective cohesion (c’) is negligible and assumed to be
equal to zero (c’ = 0) and the Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criteria for drained shear strength of
cohesionless soils can then be expressed as indicated in the following equation.

  v tan  Equation 7-40

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The peak drained shear strength of cohesionless soils may also be determined by in-situ testing
methods such as the Standard Penetrometer Test (SPT), Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT), or
Flat Plate Dilatometer Test (DMT). As stated previously, in Section 7.9.3, the biggest drawback
to the use of in-situ field testing methods to obtain drained shear strengths of cohesionless soils
is that the empirical correlations are based on a soil database that is material or soil formation
specific and therefore the reliability of these correlations must be verified for each project site by
either using substantiated regional experience or conducting laboratory testing and calibrating
the in-situ testing results.

The effective peak friction angle, ′, of cohesionless soils can be obtained from Standard
Penetrometer Test (SPT). Most SPT correlations were developed for clean sands and their use
for micaceous sands/silts, silty soils, and gravelly soils may be may be unreliable as indicated

 SPT blow counts in micaceous sands or silts may be significantly reduced

producing very conservative correlations.
 SPT blow counts in silty soils may produce highly variable results and may
require verification by laboratory triaxial testing depending on a sensitivity
analysis of the impact of the variability of results on the analyses and
consequently the impact on the project.
 SPT blow counts in gravelly soils may overestimate the penetration resistance.
Conservative selection of shear strength parameter or substantiated local
experience should be used in lieu of laboratory testing.

The effective peak friction angle, ′, of cohesionless soils can be estimated using the
relationship of Hatanaka and Uchida (1996) for corrected N-values (N*1,60) as indicated by
Figure 7-20.

 '  15 . 4 N 1*, 60  0 .5
 20  Equation 7-41

4 blows per foot  N*1,60  50 blows per foot

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Effective Peak Internal Friction Angle (')






0 10 20 30 40 50 60
SPT Blowcount - N*1,60
Figure 7-20, Effective Peak Friction Angle and SPT (N*1,60) Relationship
(Based on Hatanaka and Uchida, 1996)

The effective friction angle, ′, of cohesionless soils can also be estimated by Cone
Penetrometer Test (CPT) based on Robertson and Campanella (1983). This method requires
the estimation of the effective overburden pressure (’vo) and the cone tip resistance (qc)
measured, uncorrected using the relationship in Figure 7-21. This relationship may be
approximated by the following equation.

  q  Equation 7-42
 '  tan  1  0 . 1  0 . 38 log  'c  
   vo 

Figure 7-21, Effective Peak Friction Angle and CPT (qc) Relationship
(Robertson and Campanella, 1983)

August 2008 7-39

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The effective friction angle, ′, of cohesionless soils can also be estimated by Flat Plate
Dilatometer Test (DMT) using the Robertson and Campanella (1991) relationship shown in
Figure 7-22. This method requires the determination of the horizontal stress index (KD) by the
procedures outlined in FHWA-SA-91-044, The Flat Plate Dilatometer. The Robertson and
Campanella (1991) relationship may be approximated by the following equation.

'  28   14.6 logK D   2.1log 2 K D  Equation 7-43

Effective Peak Internal Friciton Angle (')





0 5 10 15 20
DMT Horizontal Stress Index - KD
Figure 7-22, Effective Peak Friction Angle and DMT (KD) Relationship
(Robertson and Campanella, 1991)

7.11.2 Cohesive Soils

Drained shear strengths of cohesive soils (i.e. clay, high plasticity silts and residual soils) should
be used when there is relatively no change in pore water pressure (u  0) as a result of soil
loading such as static driving loads. Geotechnical analyses for these types of loadings should
use drained shear strength parameters based on effective stress analyses. The peak or
residual drained soil shear strength parameters can be obtained from consolidated drained (CD)
triaxial testing (this test is normally not performed because of the time requirements for testing),
or consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial testing with pore pressure measurements. Typically for
normally consolidated clays the effective cohesion (c’) is negligible and is assumed to be equal
to zero (c’ = 0) and the Mohr-Coulomb shear strength equation for drained shear strength of
cohesive soils can be expressed as indicated in the following equation.

  v tan  Equation 7-44

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Typically for overconsolidated clays the effective cohesion is greater than zero with the effective
friction angle less than that determined for normally consolidated clays. When the
preconsolidation pressure (’p or p’c) is exceeded the overconsolidated clay becomes normally
consolidated (see Figure 7 -23).

Figure 7-23, Overconsolidated Clay Failure Envelope (CUw/pp Triaxial Test)

The effective peak, fully softened, and residual drained shear strength of cohesive soils should
not be evaluated using in-situ testing methods.

Correlations have been developed between drained shear strengths of cohesive soils and index
parameters such as plasticity index (IP or PI), liquid limit (LL), clay fraction (CF) and effective
overburden pressure (’vo = effective normal stress). Similarly to relationships developed for in-
situ testing methods, these relationships for drained shear strengths of cohesive soils were
developed based on a soil database that is typically material or soil formation specific and may
require verification by laboratory triaxial testing depending on a sensitivity analysis of the impact
of the variability of results on the analyses and consequently the impact on the project. These
relationships should be used to evaluate the validity of laboratory testing results and to improve
the relationship database for regional soil deposits by the SCDOT.

In normally consolidated clays (OCR = 1) the shear strength test will result in a peak effective
friction angle (′). Terzaghi et al. (1996) proposed the relationship in Figure 7-24 between peak
effective friction angle (′) for normally consolidated clays and the plasticity index (IP or PI).
For plasticity indices above 60 percent, the peak effective friction angle (′) should be
determined from laboratory testing. The Terzaghi et al. (1996) relationship between peak
effective friction angle (′) for normally consolidated clays and the plasticity index (IP or PI) may
be estimated by the following equation.

 '  35 .7  0.28 PI  0.00145 PI2  8 o Equation 7-45

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Figure 7-24, Plasticity Index versus Drained Friction Angle For NC Clays
(Terzaghi, Peck, and Mesri, 1996)

As indicated earlier, overconsolidated clays reach a peak undrained and then experience shear
strain softening to fully softened state. Stark and Eid (1997) proposed the relationship indicated
in Figure 7-25 to estimate the fully softened or the peak normally consolidated (NC) effective
friction angle (’). This correlation uses the Liquid Limit (LL), clay size fraction (CF %), and
effective overburden pressure (’vo = effective normal stress).

Figure 7-25, Fully Softened (NC) Friction Angle and Liquid Limit Relationship
(Stark and Eid, 1997)

For either normally consolidated (OCR = 1) or overconsolidated (OCR > 1) the drained residual
friction angle is the same. Stark and Eid (1994) proposed the relationship indicated in Figure
7-26 to estimate the effective residual friction angle (’r). This correlation uses the Liquid Limit

7-42 August 2008

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(LL), clay size fraction (CF %), and effective overburden pressure (’vo = effective normal

Figure 7-26, Drained Residual Friction Angle and Liquid Limit Relationship
(Stark and Eid, 1994)

7.11.3 ’ – c’ Soils

The drained shear strength of soils that have both ’ and c′ components should be determined
in the laboratory using the appropriate testing methods. However, if the samples for this type of
testing have not been obtained (e.g. during the preliminary exploration), then the soil should be
treated as if the soil were either cohesive soils or cohesionless soils. For soils that are difficult
to determine the approximate classification, the drained shear strength parameters for both
cohesive and cohesionless should be determined and the more conservative design should be

7.11.4 Maximum Allowable Effective Soil Shear Strength

SCDOT has established maximum allowable effective soil shear strength design parameters (c’,
’) shown in Table 7-16, for use in design. These soil shear strength design parameters (c’, ’)
may not be exceeded without laboratory testing and the written permission of the PCS/GDS.

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Table 7-16, Maximum Allowable Effective Soil Shear Strengths

Peak (1) Residual
Soil Description
’ c’ ’
USCS Description (psf) (degrees) (psf) (degrees)
GW, GP, GM, GC Stone and Gravel 0 40 0 34
SW Coarse Grained Sand 0 38 0 32
SM, SP Fine Grained Sand 0 36 0 30
SP Uniform Rounded Sand 0 32 0 32
ML, MH, SC Silt, Clayey Sand, Clayey Silt 0 30 0 27
SM-ML Residual Soils 0 27 0 22
CL-ML NC Clay (Low Plasticity) 0 35 0 31
CL, CH NC Clay (Med-High Plasticity) 0 26 0 16
CL-ML OC Clay (Low Plasticity) 0 34 0 31
CL, CH OC Clay (Med-High Plasticity) 0 28 0 16
(1) The same maximum peak effective shear strength parameters shall be used for peak effective
internal friction angle of normally consolidated cohesive soils and to the fully-softened internal friction
angle of overconsolidated cohesive soils.


This section pertains to the selection of soil shear strength design parameters for borrow
materials used in embankments or behind retaining walls (other than MSE walls or reinforced
slopes). Soil shear strength selection shall be based on the soil loading and soil response
considerations presented in Section 7.9. The soil shear strength design parameters selected
must be locally available, cost effective, and be achievable during construction. The selection of
soil shear strength design parameters that require the importation of materials from outside of
the general project area should be avoided. To this end, bulk samples will be obtained from
existing fill embankments or from proposed cut areas tested as indicated in Chapter 4. The
purpose of sampling and testing the existing fill is the assumption that similar fill materials will be
available locally. The purpose of sampling and testing proposed cut areas is to determine the
suitability of the material for use as fill. The selection of soil shear strength design required for
borrow sources should take into consideration the construction borrow specifications as
indicated in Section 7.12.1.

The procedure for selecting soil shear strength design parameters varies depending on the type
of project as indicated below:

 Design-Build Projects: The selection of soil shear strength design parameters

for borrow materials requires that the Contractor obtain soil shear strength
parameters from all potential borrow pit sources. Evaluation of the soil shear
strength design parameters requires that a composite bulk sample be obtained
from the borrow source and have the following laboratory tests performed:

 Moisture Density Relationship (Standard Proctor)

 Grain Size Distribution with wash #200 Sieve
 Moisture-Plasticity Relationship Determination (Atterberg Limits)
 Natural Moisture Content

7-44 August 2008

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 Consolidated Undrained (CU) Triaxial Shear Test with pore pressure

measurements (sample remolded to 95% of Standard Proctor with
moisture -1 percent to +2 percent of optimum moisture content) to
obtain drained and undrained shear strength parameters

 Traditional Design-Bid-Build W/Existing Embankments: This type of project

can occur when existing roads are being improved by widening the existing road.
An investigation of locally available materials should be made to confirm that the
existing embankment soils are still locally available. If the existing embankment
soils are available, the selection of soil shear strength design parameters for
these type of projects will be based on using laboratory testing from composite
bulk sample obtained from the existing embankment as required in Chapter 4
and appropriately select the drained and undrained soil shear strength design
parameters for the borrow material. The plans and contract documents may
specify the minimum required soil shear strength parameters for the borrow
sources based on the existing embankment soils, if necessary. If the existing
embankment soils are not locally available, the borrow material shear strength
parameters will be determined as if the project were on a new alignment.

 Traditional Design-Bid-Build On New Alignment: This type of project requires

the pre-selection of soil shear strength design parameters without performing any
laboratory testing. The preliminary subsurface investigation may need to identify
locally available soils (or borrow sources) and appropriately select soil shear
strength design parameters for the borrow materials. Locally available soils can
be investigated by using USDA Soil Survey maps as indicated in Section 7.12.2.
The plans and contract documents may specify the minimum required soil shear
strength parameters for the borrow sources, if necessary.

7.12.1 SCDOT Borrow Specifications

The 2007 SCDOT Standard Specifications For Highway Construction, Section 203, provides the
requirements for borrow material. Embankment material must not have optimum moisture
content greater than 25.0% as defined in accordance with SC-T-29. Acceptable soils for use in
embankments and as subgrade vary by county indicated by the following two Groups.

 Group A: Includes the following counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee,

Chester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Lancaster, Laurens,
McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union, and York.
Below the upper 5 feet of embankment, any soil that does not meet the
description of muck may be used provided it is stable when compacted to the
required density.

 Group B: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun,

Charleston, Chesterfield, Clarendon, Colleton, Darlington, Dillon, Dorchester,
Florence, Georgetown, Hampton, Horry, Jasper, Kershaw, Lee, Lexington,
Marion, Marlboro, Orangeburg, Richland, Sumter, and Williamsburg. The soil

August 2008 7-45

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material below the upper 5 feet of embankment is soils that classify as A-1, A-2,
A-3, A-4, A-5, and A-6.

Groups A and B are shown graphically on a South Carolina map in Figure 7-27.

Figure 7-27, Borrow Material Specifications By County

A brief geologic description of the surface soils in Groups A and B are provided below and for
more detail see Chapter 11.

 Group A: This group is located northwest of the “Fall Line” in the Blue Ridge and
Piedmont physiographic geologic units. The Blue Ridge unit surface soils
typically consist of residual soil profile consisting of clayey soils near the surface
where weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands.
There may be colluvial (old land-slide) material on the slopes. The Piedmont unit
has a residual soil profile that typically consists of clayey soils near the surface,
where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands.
The residual soil profile exists in areas not disturbed by erosion or the activities of

 Group B: This group is located south and east of the “Fall Line” in the Coastal
Plain physiographic geologic unit. Sedimentary soils are found at the surface that
consist of unconsolidated sand, clay, gravel, marl, cemented sands, and

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7.12.2 USDA Soil Survey Maps

Locally available borrow sources can be researched by using the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Soil Survey Maps. A listing of USDA Soil Surveys that are available can be
obtained by selecting “South Carolina” at http://soils.usda.gov/survey/printed_surveys/ and
reviewing results by county.

Soil surveys can be obtained as either printed documents, CD-ROM, downloading online .pdf
documents, or generated using USDA Web Soil Survey (WWS) Internet application.

The USDA Soil Survey Maps typically indicate Soil Map Units that are described based on
USDA textural classification system. Recent USDA Soil Surveys manuscripts contain tables
with equivalent material descriptions for the AASHTO soil classification system and the Unified
Soil Classification system (USCS). When only the USDA textural classification is indicated in
the maps, the geotechnical engineer will need to correlate the USDA textural classifications to
the AASHTO soil classification system and USCS.

The USDA Web Soil Survey (WSS) Internet application can be accessed at:
http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/. The USDA Web Soil Survey (WSS) is an online web
application that can provide soil data and natural resource information produced by the National
Cooperative Soil Survey. The web site is under constant development and being updated with
new information. Soil survey maps and maps of Roadfill sources for project specific locations
can be generated as shown in Figure 7-28 and Figures 7-29, respectively.

Figure 7-28, USDA Soil Map – Newberry County, South Carolina

(USDA Web Soil Survey - WSS)

August 2008 7-47

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Figure 7-29, USDA Roadfill Source Map - Newberry County, South Carolina
(USDA Web Soil Survey - WSS)

7.12.3 Compacted Soils Shear Strength Selection

Compacted soils are used to construct roadway embankments, bridge approaches, and backfill
behind retaining walls. This Section does not govern the selection of backfill soil properties for
MSE walls or reinforced slopes. The method of selecting soil shear strength parameters for
compacted soils will be either:

 Measured using consolidated-undrained triaxial tests with pore pressure

 Conservatively selected based on drained soil shear strength parameters typically
encountered in South Carolina soils.

The method to be used for selection will be dependent on the type of project as discussed in
Section 7.12.

SCDOT experience with borrow materials typically found in Group A are Piedmont residual
soils. These borrow materials are typically classified as micaceous clayey silts and micaceous
sandy silts, clays, and silty soils in partially drained conditions. These soils may have USCS
classifications of either ML or MH and typically have liquid limits (LL) greater than 30.
Published laboratory shear strength testing results for Piedmont residual soils (Sabatini, 2002,
Appendix A, page A-40) indicate an average effective friction angle of 35.2 with a 1 standard
deviation range of 29.9  ’  40.5. A conservative lower bound of 27.3 is also indicated.

SCDOT experience with borrow materials typically found in Group B are Coastal Plain soils that
are typically uniform fine sands that are sometimes difficult to compact and behave similar to
silts. When these soils are encountered, caution should be used in selecting effective soil shear
strength friction angles since values typically range from 28   ’  32.

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7.12.4 Maximum Allowable Soil Shear Strengths Compacted Soils

Maximum acceptable effective soil shear strength parameters (c’, ’) have been established in
Table 7-18. Maximum total shear strength parameters for cohesive soils is 1,500 psf for CL-ML
and 2,500 psf for CL and CH. Values outside of these ranges may only be used if the specific
source of material is identified for the project and enough material is available for construction.
The selection prior to or during design of a specific source of material is anticipated to occur
only during design/build projects. A request for exceeding the stated maximums must be made
in writing to the PCS/GDS. The PCS/GDS will indicate what testing is required prior to
acceptance of exceeding the maximums. Upon receipt of the testing results, the PCS/GDS
shall issue a letter to the project team indicating acceptance or rejection of the request for
exceeding the range of acceptable range of soil shear strengths.

Table 7-17, Maximum Allowable Soil Shear Strengths For Compacted Soils
Soil Description
c’ ’
USCS Description (psf) (degrees)
GW, GP, GM, GC Stone and Gravel 0 38
SW Coarse Grained Sand 0 36
SM, SP Fine Grained Sand 0 34
SP Uniform Rounded Sand 0 30
ML, MH, SC Silt, Clayey Sand, Clayey Silt 50 28
SM-ML Residual Soil 50 24
CL-ML Clay (Low Plasticity) 50 32
CL, CH Clay (Med-High Plasticity) 50 26


Settlements are caused by the introduction of loads (stresses) on to the subsurface soils located
beneath a site. These settlements can be divided into two primary categories, elastic and time-
dependent settlements (consolidation). Settlements (strains) are a function of the load (stress)
placed on the subsurface soils. Elastic settlements typically predominate in the cohesionless
soils while time-dependent settlements predominate in cohesive soils. Settlement parameters
can be developed from high quality laboratory testing (triaxial shear for elastic parameters and
consolidation testing for time-dependent parameters). However, for cohesionless soils,
obtaining high quality samples for testing can be extremely difficult. Therefore, in-direct
methods (correlations) of measuring the elastic parameters are used. Time-dependent
settlement parameters correlations for cohesive soils also exist. These correlations should be
used for either preliminary analyses or for evaluating the accuracy of laboratory consolidation

7.13.1 Elastic Parameters

Elastic settlements are instantaneous and recoverable. These settlements are calculated using
elastic theory. The determination of elastic settlements is provided in Chapter 17. In the
determination of the elastic settlements the elastic modulus, E, (tangent or secant) and the
Poisson’s ratio, , are used. Since E and  are both dependent of the laboratory testing method

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(unconfined, confined, undrained, drained), the overconsolidation ratio, water content, strain
rate and sample disturbance, considerable engineering judgment is required to obtain
reasonable values for use in design. Provided in Table 7-19 are elastic modulus correlations
with N*1,60 values. Table 7-20 provides typical values of soil elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio
for various soil types.

Table 7-18, Elastic Modulus Correlations For Soil

(AASHTO, 2007)
Elastic Modulus, Es
Soil Type
Silts, sandy silts, slightly cohesive mixtures 56N*1,60
Clean fine to medium sands and slightly
silty sands
Coarse sands 139N*1,60
Sandy gravels and gravels 167N*1,60

Table 7-19, Typical Elastic Modulus and Poisson Ratio Values For Soil
(AASHTO, 2007)
Typical Elastic Modulus Values,
Soil Type Poisson’s Ratio, 
E (ksi)
Soft sensitive 0.347 – 2.08 0.4 – 0.5
Medium stiff to stiff 2.08 – 6.94 (Undrained)
Very stiff 6.94 – 13.89
Silt 0.278 – 2.78 0.3 – 0.35
Fine Sand:
Loose 1.11 – 1.67
Medium dense 1.67 – 2.78
Dense 2.78 – 4.17
Loose 1.39 – 4.17 0.20 – 0.36
Medium dense 4.17 – 6.94
Dense 6.94 – 11.11 0.30 – 0.40
Loose 4.17 – 11.11 0.20 – 0.35
Medium dense 11.11 – 13.89
Dense 13.89 – 27.78 0.30 – 0.40

7.13.2 Consolidation Parameters

Consolidation settlements involve the removal of water from the interstitial spaces between soil
grains and the rearrangement of the soil grains. Typically, fine-grained soils (clays and silts) are
considered to undergo consolidation settlements. However, sands and gravels may also
undergo consolidation settlements. The consolidation settlements in sands and gravels occur
very quickly, usually during construction, because of the relatively pervious nature of these
materials. Fine-grained soils are typically more impervious and therefore will require more time
to settle. Further these soil types may also undergo more settlement than sands and gravels
because of the volume of water within these soils. To determine the amount of consolidation
settlement that a soil will undergo, the following soil parameters are required: compression,

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recompression, and secondary compression indices, consolidation coefficient and the

preconsolidation pressure. These parameters are normally determined from consolidation
testing (see Chapter 5). However, for preliminary estimates and to verify the results of the
consolidation testing the correlations listed in the following sections may be used. These
correlations should not be used for final design, except where the geotechnical design engineer
considers the results of the consolidation testing to be questionable. The engineer shall
document the reason for the use of the correlations. In addition, all of the consolidation
parameters shall be clearly provided in the geotechnical report. Compression Index

The Compression Index (Cc) has been related to Atterberg Limits by Terzaghi and Peck (1967)
and Wroth and Wood (1978). The Terzaghi and Peck formula (Equation 7-46) is limited to
inorganic clays with sensitivity up to 4 and a LL less than 100. In addition, NAVFAC (1982)
(Equations 7-47 and 7-48) also provides a correlation between Cc and eo that is applicable to all

Cc  0.009LL  10  Equation 7-46

 PI  Equation 7-47
Cc  0.5Gs  
 100 

Cc  1.15e o  0.35  Equation 7-48

LL = Liquid Limit (%)
PI = Plasticity Index (%)
GS = Specific gravity of the solids
eo = initial void ratio

The Compression Index may also be related to strain as indicated below.

Cc Equation 7-49
C c 
1 eo  Recompression Index

The Recompression Index (Cr) can be correlated to the Cc values. Ladd (1973) indicates the Cr
value is approximately 10 to 20 percent of the Cc value. The Recompression Index may also be
related to strain as indicated by the following equation.

C r  Equation 7-50
1 eo 

August 2008 7-51

SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS Secondary Compression Index

Secondary compression occurs after the completion of elastic and primary consolidation
settlements. Secondary compression settlement should be included in the estimate of total
settlement for a given project. The amount of secondary compression settlement should be
determined. The Secondary Compression Index (C) like the other consolidation settlement
parameters is best determined from consolidation testing; however, correlations exist that may
be used to provide a preliminary estimate of secondary compression settlement. In addition,
these correlations may be used to verify the results of the consolidation testing. Provided in
Figure 7-30 is a chart of Cα versus the natural moisture content of soil.

Figure 7-30, Secondary Compression Index Chart

NAVFAC DM-7.1, 1982

The Secondary Compression Index may also be related to strain as indicated below.

C 
1  eo  Equation 7-51 Consolidation Coefficient

The preceding sections dealt with the amount of settlement that could be anticipated at a project
location. This section will provide the methods to estimate the time for consolidation settlement.
As indicated previously, elastic settlements are anticipated to occur relatively instantaneously
(i.e. during construction) while consolidation settlements are anticipated to occur at some time
after the structure has been completed. The rate of consolidation is directly related to the
permeability of the soil. As with the consolidation parameters, the Consolidation Coefficient (Cv)
should be determined from the results of consolidation testing. Correlations exist that may be
used to provide a preliminary estimate of Consolidation Coefficient. In addition, these

7-52 August 2008

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correlations may be used to verify the results of the consolidation testing. Provided in Figure
7-31 is a chart of Cv versus the Liquid Limit of soil.

Figure 7-31, Consolidation Coefficient and Liquid Limit Relationship

NAVFAC DM-7.1, 1982 Effective Preconsolidation Stress

The effective preconsolidation stress (’p or p’c) in soils is used to determine whether to use the
Compression or Recompression Index. The effective preconsolidation stress (’p) is the
maximum past pressure that a soil has been exposed to since deposition. Similarly to the other
consolidation parameters the ’p is best determined from consolidation testing. Correlations
also exist; however, these correlations should only be used for either preliminary analyses or for
evaluating the accuracy of laboratory consolidation testing. The effective preconsolidation
stress (’p or p’c) can be correlated to total cohesion, cu (NAVFAC DM-7.1, 1986). As with the
other consolidation parameters the correlated ’p should be used for preliminary estimates only.

cu Equation 7-52
σ'p 
0.11  0.0037PI

August 2008 7-53

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The ’p can also be estimated from Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT) using the following
equations (Sabatini, 2002).

σ'p  0.33 qc  σ v  Equation 7-53

CPT Piezocone (face element):

σ 'p  0.47 u1  uo  Equation 7-54

CPT Piezocone (shoulder element):

σ 'p  0.54 u 2  uo  Equation 7-55


While the shear strength of individual rock cores is obtained from unconfined axial compression
testing, the shear strength of the entire rock mass should be used for design. Therefore, the
shear strength and consolidation parameters should be developed using the RMR as defined in
Chapter 6.

7.14.1 Shear Strength Parameters

The rock mass shear strength should be evaluated using the Hoek and Brown criteria
(AASHTO, 2007). The shear strength of the rock mass is represented by a curved envelope
that is a function of the unconfined (uniaxial) compressive strength of the intact rock, qu, and two
dimensionless factors. The rock mass shear strength, , (in ksf) is defined as indicated below.

 qu 
  (coti'  cosi' ) m   Equation 7-56
 8

i'  tan1 4h cos2 30  0.33 sin1 h1.5   1

Equation 7-57

h  1
16 m   s qu
n  Equation 7-58
3 m qu
′I = instantaneous friction angle of the rock mass (degrees)
qu = average unconfined rock core compressive strength (ksf)
σ′n = effective normal stress (ksf)
m and s from Table 7-21

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Table 7-20, Constants m and s based on RMR (AASHTO, 2007)

Rock Type:
A = Carbonate rocks with well developed crystal cleavage –
dolomite, limestone and marble
B = Lithified argrillaceous rocks – mudstone, siltstone, shale and
slate (normal to cleavage)

C = Areanaceous rocks with strong crystals and poorly
Rock Quality developed crystal cleavage – sandstone and quartzite
D = Fine-grained polyminerallic igneous crystalline rocks –
andesite, dolerite, diabase and rhyolite
E = Coarse-grained polyminerallic igneous and metamorphic
crystalline rocks – amphilboltie, gabbro, gneiss, granite, norite,
and quartz-diorite
Intact rock samples m 7.00 10.00 15.00 17.00 25.00
RMR = 100 s 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Very good quality rock mass m 2.40 3.43 5.14 5.82 8.567
RMR = 85 s 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082
Good quality rock mass m 0.575 0.821 1.231 1.395 2.052
RMR = 65 s 0.00293 0.00293 0.00293 0.00293 0.00293
Fair quality rock mass m 0.128 0.183 0.275 0.311 0.458
RMR = 44 s 0.00009 0.00009 0.00009 0.00009 0.00009
Poor quality rock mass m 0.029 0.041 0.061 0.069 0.102
-6 -6 -6 -6
RMR = 23 s 3*10 3*10 3*10 3*10 3*10-6
Very poor quality rock mass m 0.007 0.010 0.015 0.017 0.025
RMR = 3 s 1*10-7 1*10-7 1*10-7 1*10-7 1*10-7

7.14.2 Elastic Parameters

Rocks will primarily undergo elastic settlements. The elastic settlements will be instantaneous
and recoverable. These settlements are calculated using elastic theory. The determination of
elastic settlements is provided in Chapter 17. In the determination of the elastic settlements, the
elastic modulus, E, is required. The elastic modulus of a rock mass is the lesser of modulus
determined from intact rock core testing or from the equations below (AASHTO, 2007).

  RMR10  
E m  145  10  40   Equation 7-59
 
 

E  Equation 7-60
E m   m  E i
 Ei 

Em = elastic modulus of rock mass (ksi)
Ei = elastic modulus of intact rock (ksi)
RMR = Adjusted Rock Mass Rating from Chapter 6

August 2008 7-55

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AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Customary U.S. Units, 4th Edition, dated 2007.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C.

Aas, G., S. Lacasse, I, Lunne, and K. Hoek, (1986), Use of In-Situ Tests for Foundation Designs
in Clay, In Situ ’86 Proceedings, ASCE.

Cetin, K. O., R. B. Seed, A. Der Kiureghian, K. Tokimatsu, L. F. Harder, R. E. Kayen and R. E.

S. Moss, (2004) Standard Penetration Test-Based Probabilistic and Deterministic Assessment
of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Potential, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, ASCE.

Duncan, J. M. and A. L. Buchignani (1976), An Engineering Manual for Settlement Studies,

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Duncan, J. M. and S. G. Wright, (2005), Soil Strength and Slope Stability, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New Jersey.

Hatanaka, M. and A. Uchida, (1996) Empirical Correlation Between Penetration Resistance and
Internal Friction Angle of Sandy Soils, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 36, No. 4.

Jamiolkowski, M., C. C. Ladd, J. Germaine and R. Lancellotta, (1985), New Developments in

Field and Lab Testing of Soils, 11th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Foundations Engineering Proceedings, Vol. 1.

Jefferies, M. G. and M. P. Davies, (1993), Use of CPTu to Estimate Equivalent SPT N60,
Geotechnical Testing Journal, American Society of Testing Materials.

McGregor, J. A. and J. M. Duncan, (1998) Performance and Use of the Standard Penetration
Test in Geotechnical Engineering Practice, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Mitchell, J. K. Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Moss, R. E. S., R. B. Seed, R. E. Kayen, J. P. Stewart, and A. Der Kiureghian, CPT-Based

Probabilistic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Initiation, (2006), Publication No. PEER
2005/15, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center.

Robertson, P. K., and R. G. Campanella, (1983), Interpretation of Cone Penetration Tests,

Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4.

Sabatini, P. J., R. C. Bachus, P. W. Mayne, J. A. Schneider and T. E. Zettler, (2002),

Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 5 – Evaluation of Soil and Rock Properties, (Publication
No. FHWA-IF-02-034). US Department of Transportation, Office of Bridge Technology, Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.

7-56 August 2008

SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual GEOMECHANICS

Soils and Foundation Workshop Reference Manual, dated July 2000 (Publication No. FHWA-
NHI-00-045). National Highway Institute, US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington D.C.

Soil Mechanics – Design Manual 7.1, dated May 1982 (Publication No. NAVFAC DM-7.1).
Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, Virginia.

Subsurface Investigations, dated March 1997 (Publication No. FHWA-HI-97-021). National

Highway Institute, US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Washington D.C.

Terzaghi, K., R. B. Peck, and G. Mesri, (1996), Soil Mechanics In Engineering Practice, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., Third Edition, New York.

U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (1998), “Earth Manual – Part I”, Third
Edition Earth Sciences and Research Laboratory Geotechnical Research Technical Service
Center Denver, Colorado.

August 2008 7-57

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