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BAB Bumi

9 The Earth

Anda akan mempelajari…

terdiri daripada/consists of

Atmosfera Hidrosfera Geosfera has Mineral ekonomi Biosfera
Atmosphere Hydrosphere Geosphere Economic minerals Biosphere

contoh contoh contoh contoh habitat bagi

example example examples examples habitat of

Stratosfera Taburan air Litosfera, Emas dan perak Semua hidupan

Stratosphere Water distribution astenosfera dan Gold and silver All living things
berlakunya contoh
occurs examples Lithosphere, berlakunya
asthenosphere and occurs
Penipisan Lautan, glasier
lapisan ozon dan awan mengandungi Gempa bumi dan tanah
The depletion of Ocean, glacier contain runtuh
the ozone layer and clouds Earthquakes and landslides
Batuan igneus,
sedimen (enapan) dan
mengalami metamorfik
Luluhawa dan hakisan undergo Igneous, sedimentary and
Weathering and erosion metamorphic rocks


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Standard Kandungan
9.1 Sistem dan struktur Bumi Tarikh:

Sfera utama Bumi
Main spheres of the Earth

1 Kenal pasti empat sfera yang utama bagi struktur Bumi.

Identify four main spheres of the Earth structure. TP2

Biosphere (a) Atmosfera/Atmosphere
Atmosfera Lapisan gas yang berada
Atmosphere di atas permukaan bumi.
Hidrosfera The layer of gas located
Hydrosphere above the Earth’s surface
Geosphere (b) Biosfera/Biosphere
Bahagian Bumi yang
(d) Hidrosfera didiami oleh semua
Hydrosphere benda hidup.
The part of the Earth
Bahagian air which is inhabited by all
di Bumi seperti living things.
awan, sungai
dan salji.
The water part of (c) Geosfera/Geosphere
the Earth, such Bahagian pepejal Bumi.
as clouds, rivers The solid part of the Earth.
and snow.

2 Kaji rajah di bawah tentang stratifikasi atmosfera. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan yang diberi.
Study the diagram below on the stratification of the atmosphere. Then, answer the given questions.

Eksosfera (a) Label lapisan-lapisan atmosfera dalam rajah

Exosphere dengan perkataan di bawah.
Label the layers of the atmosphere in the diagram with
the words below. TP2
Ionosfera 500 km
Ionosphere Stratosfera/Stratosphere Eksosfera/Exosphere
Troposfera/Troposphere Ionosfera/Ionosphere
Stratosphere (b) Lapisan yang manakah mengandungi sebahagian
50 km
besar gas atmosfera seperti oksigen dan mengalami
Troposfera 10 km perubahan cuaca? TP4/KBAT
Troposphere altitud Which layer contains a big portion of atmospheric gases
altitude such as oxygen, and experiences weather changes?

(c) Lapisan yang manakah mengalami fenomena yang berikut:
Which layers experience the following phenomena: TP4/KBAT
(i) Kesan rumah hijau/The greenhouse effect:
(ii) Penipisan lapisan ozon/The depletion of ozone layer:

(d) Apakah hubungan antara altitud dengan tekanan

udara? TP3/KBAT Galeri Info
What is the relationship between the altitude and air pressure? Kapal angkasa mengorbit Bumi di eksosfera.
Semakin tinggi altitud, semakin rendah tekanan Ion-ion dalam ionosfera memantulkan
gelombang radio.
higher lower
udara./The the altitude is, the the air Spaceships orbit the Earth in the exosphere. Ions
in the ionosphere reflect radio waves.
pressure will be.


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Stratifikasi dalam lautan (hidrosfera)
Stratification of ocean (hydrosphere)

Kaji rajah tentang lautan di bawah. Jawab soalan-soalan yang diberikan.

Study the diagram about the ocean. Answer the given questions.

X: Zon sinar matahari Y: Zon senja Z: Zon gelap

Sunlight zone Twilight zone Midnight zone

200 m

200 m –
1 000 m

1 000 m –
4 000 m

1 Label lapisan-lapisan lautan dalam rajah di atas dengan perkataan di bawah.

Label the layers of the ocean with the words given below. TP2

Zon senja Zon gelap Zon sinar matahari

Twilight zone Midnight zone Sunlight zone

2 Pada pendapat anda, mengapakah zon sinar matahari mengandungi sebahagian besar daripada
hidupan laut?
In your opinion, why does the sunlight zone contain a large portion of marine life? TP4/KBAT
Proses fotosintesis berlaku di zon ini yang menerima banyak cahaya Matahari .
Makanan yang mencukupi dan suhu laut yang sesuai dapat menampung
banyak hidupan laut.
photosynthesis sunlight
The process of takes place in this zone which receives a lot of . Sufficient
food temperature
and a suitable support marine life.

3 Zon yang manakah proses fotosintesis tidak dapat berlaku? Terangkan mengapa.
In which zone is photosynthesis unable to take place? Explain why. TP4/KBAT
Zon gelap . Cahaya Matahari tidak dapat menembus ke zon ini.

midnight zone Sunlight cannot

The . penetrate this zone.

9 4 Kadangkala paus sperma menjunam ke dalam zon gelap yang

kekurangan oksigen dan tekanan air yang sangat tinggi. Apakah
pendapat anda tentang kejadian ini?
Sometimes sperm whales dive into the midnight zone that lacks
oxygen and is under very high water pressure. What is your opinion on
this? TP5/KBAT
Paus sperma mencari makanan seperti sotong raksasa.
The sperm whales look for food such as giant squids.

5 Selain lautan, senarai lima taburan air di Bumi.

Other than the ocean, list five sources of water on the Earth. TP1
Sungai, glasier, awan, air bawah tanah dan salji.
Rivers, glaciers, clouds, underground water and snow.


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Komposisi dan sifat fizik lapisan Bumi
Composition and physical characteristics of Earth

Kaji rajah lapisan Bumi di bawah dan jawab soalan yang diberikan.
Study the diagram of the Earth’s layers and answer the given questions.

P: Litosfera/Lithosphere
X: Kerak/Crust

Q: Astenosfera

Y: Mantel/Mantle R: Mesosfera

teras luar
outer core cecair

Z: Teras/Core dalam
inner pepejal
core solid

1 Namakan tiga lapisan utama Bumi, X, Y dan Z dalam rajah di atas dengan menggunakan perkataan
di bawah.
Name the three main layers of the Earth which are labelled X, Y and Z in the above diagram by using the
words below. TP2

Mantel Teras Kerak

Mantle Core Crust

2 Berdasarkan maklumat di bawah, namakan tiga lapisan Bumi, P, Q dan R dalam rajah di atas
dengan menggunakan perkataan di bawah.
Based on the given information, name the three layers of the Earth which are labelled P, Q and R in the above
diagram by using the words below. TP4/KBAT

Mesosfera Litosfera Astenosfera

Mesosphere Lithosphere Asthenosphere

Kerak dan bahagian pepejal paling atas mantel (65 – 100 km).
The crust and the solid outermost part of the mantle (65 – 100 km).

Bahagian tengah mantel dan mempunyai batuan separa cecair (200 – 235 km).

The centre part of the mantle and contains semi-liquid rock (200 – 235 km).

Bahagian pepejal mantel di bawah astenosfera and di atas teras luar (660 km).
The solid part of the mantle below the asthenosphere and above the outer core (660 km).

3 Bumi adalah satu-satunya rumah bagi semua hidupan. Tandakan ( ✓ ) bahagian yang merupakan
biosfera yang didiami oleh semua hidupan di Bumi.
The Earth is the only home for all living things. Tick ( ✓ ) the parts that are the biosphere and are inhabited
by all living things on the Earth. TP2

Litosfera Atmosfera Mantel Hidrosfera

✓ ✓ ✓
Lithosphere Atmosphere Mantle Hydrosphere


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Standard Kandungan
9.2 Bahan Bumi Tarikh:

Jenis dan ciri batuan
The types and characteristics of rocks

A. Kelaskan batuan yang diberikan kepada tiga kumpulan dalam peta pokok di bawah.
Classify the given rocks into three groups in the tree map below. TP2

Syal/Shale Pumis/Pumice Gneis/Gneiss Granit/Granite

Slat/Slate Basalt/Basalt Marmar/Marble Batu pasir/Sandstone
Kuarzit/Quartzite Batu kapur/Limestone Konglomerat/Conglomerate

Jenis bantuan/Types of rock

Bantuan igneus Bantuan sedimen Bantuan metamorfik

Igneous rocks Sedimentary rocks Metamorphic rocks

Granit/Granite Syal/Shale Gneis/Gneiss

Pumis/Pumice Batu kapur/Limestone Marmar/Marble
Basalt/Basalt Batu pasir/Sandstone Kuarzit/Quartzite
Konglomerat/Conglomerate Slat/Slate

B. Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan, kenal pastikan jenis batuan.

Based on the given information, identify the types of rock. TP4/KBAT

1 magma (batuan lebur) 2 batuan

magma (molten rocks)
rocks tekanan/pressure

kerak bumi laut

crust sea

ruang magma
magma chamber haba/heat (magma)

Batuan igneus Batuan sedimen Batuan metamorfik

Igneous rock Sedimentary rock Metamorphic rock
Penyejukan magma daripada Enapan batuan yang Batuan igneus atau sedimen
mantel yang keluar ke kerak. mengalami luluhawa dan yang mengalami suhu dan
The cooling of magma from the hakisan secara berlapis-lapis tekanan yang sangat tinggi
mantle which comes out to the di laut atau tasik. serta tindak balas kimia.
crust. Sedimentation of rock that The igneous or sedimentary rock
undergoes weathering and erosion which is subjected to a very high
in layers, normally occurs in seas heat and pressure and chemical
or lakes. reactions.

C. Tuliskan jenis batuan dalam kitar batuan di bawah untuk menunjukkan proses pembentukannya.
Write the types of rock in the rock cycle below to show the process of formation. TP3/KBAT

erii Innfo
Gal fo
suhu dan tekanan tinggi,
tindak balas kimia Batuan igneus suhu tinggi
high temperature Igneous rock (lebur dan sejuk)
and pressure, chemical high temperature Batuan metamorfik
reactions suhu tinggi (melt and cool) Metamorphic rock
(lebur dan sejuk) luluhawa Granit Gneis
high temperature weathering Granite Gneiss
(melt and cool)
Batu kapur Marmar
Limestone Marble
Batuan metamorfik Batuan sedimen Batu pasir Kuarzit
Metamorphic rock Sedimentary rock Sandstone Quartzite
Syal Slat
suhu dan tekanan tinggi, tindak balas kimia Shale Slate
high temperature and pressure, chemical reactions


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Standard Kandungan
9.3 Proses utama Bumi Tarikh:

Proses utama Bumi
The major Earth’s processes

1 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan proses eksogen?/What is meant by exogenic process? TP2
Proses yang berlaku pada permukaan bumi yang menyebabkannya terhakis . Proses
ini digerakkan oleh tenaga yang berpunca daripada Matahari .
Earth’s surface wear away
A process that takes place at the , that makes the surface . This
energy Sun
process is driven by the in the .

2 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan proses endogen?/What is meant by endogenic process? TP2
Proses yang berpunca dari dalam Bumi dan mampu mengubah bentuk

permukaan bumi. Proses ini digerakkan oleh haba dalaman bumi.

interior shapes
The process that originates from the of the Earth which the
internal heat
Earth’s surface. This process is driven by the of the Earth.

3 Kelaskan proses Bumi yang mempengaruhi perubahan pada Bumi kepada dua kumpulan iaitu
proses eksogen dan endogen./Classify the Earth’s processes that affect changes in the Earth, into two groups,
i.e. exogenic and endogenic processes. TP2

Angkutan Hakisan Luluhawa Susutan jisim Aktiviti magma

Transport Erosion Weathering Mass wasting Magmatic activity
Pengenapan Olakan mantel Susutan darat Pergerakan kerak bumi (tektonik plat)
Deposition Mantle convection Mass movement Earth crust movement (plate tectonic)

Proses Bumi/Earth’s processes

Proses eksogen/Exogenic process Proses endogen/Endogenic process
Angkutan/Transport Olakan mantel/Mantle convection
Hakisan/Erosion Aktiviti magma/Magmatic activity
Luluhawa/Weathering Pergerakan kerak bumi (tektonik plat)
Susutan jisim/Mass wasting Earth crust movement (plate tectonic)
Susutan darat/Mass movement

4 Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan, kenal pasti jenis proses Bumi. Tuliskan sama ada proses
itu adalah eksogen (Ek) atau endogen (En) dalam petak yang diberikan.
Based on the given information, identify the types of Earth’s processes. Write whether the processes are exogenic
(Ex) or endogenic (En) in the boxes provided. TP4/KBAT

(a) (b)
Ek/Ex Ek/Ex

Luluhawa/Weathering Hakisan/Erosion
Pemecahan atau kelarutan batuan dan Pemecahan (secara fizikal) dan pemindahan
mineral di permukaan kerak bumi (secara batuan dan tanah dari satu tempat ke
fizikal, kimia dan biologi). tempat lain di kerak Bumi.
The breaking down or dissolving of rocks and The breaking down (physical) and transportation
minerals in the surface of the Earth’s crust of rocks and soil from one location to another on
(physical, chemical and biological). the Earth’s crust


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(c) (d)
Ek/Ex En

Pengenapan/Deposition Aktiviti magma/Magmatic activity

Pengenapan bahan batuan terhakis yang Transformasi magma daripada
diangkut oleh angin atau air pada dasar pembentukannya, melalui letusan dan
tasik atau laut. penyejukan di bawah kerak, sehingga
The deposition of eroded rock materials, carried pemejalan menjadi batuan.
by wind or water at the bottom of lakes or seas. The transformation of magma from its creation,
through eruption and cooling down under crust,
until solidification into rock.

(e) (f)
Ek/Ex Ek/Ex

Susutan jisim dan susutan darat Angkutan/Transport

Mass wasting and mass movement Pemindahan bahan-bahan batuan hakisan.
Pergerakan tanah, pasir atau serpihan Angin, sungai, ombak dan sungai adalah
batuan ke bawah cerun akibat tarikan contoh-contoh agen angkutan./The transfer
graviti./Downhill movement of soil, sand or of eroded rock materials. The wind, river and
rock fragments caused by the pull of gravity. wave are examples of transporting agents.

Teori yang menyatakan bahawa
kerak luar Bumi dibahagikan kepada
beberapa plat yang menggelongsor di
atas mantel, disebabkan arus dalam
mantel. Semua benua berasal daripada
satu benua besar.
The theory which states that the Earth’s
outer shell is divided into several plates that
glide over the mantle, due to the currents in

the mantle. The continents were originated

Pergerakan kerak bumi (tektonik plat) from a super continent.

Earth crust movement (plate tectonic)

(h) Pergerakan perlahan bahan mantel akibat

arus perolakan yang membawa haba daripada
bahagian dalam Bumi ke permukaan. Arus
ini menyebabkan pergerakan kerak Bumi
mantle dan mengakibatkan fenomena seperti gunung
arus berapi dan gempa bumi.
current Slow creeping motion of mantle materials caused
by convection currents carrying heat from the
interior of the Earth to the surface. These currents
cause the tectonic plates to move resulting in
phenomena such as volcanos formation and
Olakan mantel/Mantle convection earthquakes.


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Standard Kandungan
9.4 Fenomena geobencana Tarikh:


1 Foto di bawah menunjukkan suatu geobencana.

The photo below shows a geo-disaster.
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan geobencana?
What is meant by the geo-disaster? TP2
Proses semula jadi bumi yang boleh menyebabkan
kehilangan nyawa , kerosakan harta benda

dan boleh menjejaskan kuantiti alam sekitar.

The phenomena of the Earth which can cause loss
life property
of , damage to and affect
the of the environment.

2 Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan, kenal pastikan jenis geobencana.

Based on the given information, identify the types of geo-disaster. TP4/KBAT

Tanah terjerlus Pemanasan global Lubang benam Volkanisme

Land subsidence Global warming Sinkhole Volcanism
Gempa bumi Tanah runtuh Hujan asid Tsunami
Earthquake Landslide Acid rain Tsunami

(a) (b) (c)

Gempa bumi Pemanasan global Tanah runtuh

Earthquake Global warming Landslide
Gegaran di permukaan Peningkatan suhu Sejenis susutan jisim di
kerak bumi akibat anjakan atmosfera Bumi mana tanah bergerak
plat-plat teknonik. disebabkan oleh kesan menuruni cerun akibat
The shaking of the surface rumah hijau. tarikan graviti.
of the Earth’s crust caused The increase in the Earth’s A form of mass wasting where
by the displacement of the atmospheric temperature due the ground moves downhill
tectonic plates. to the greenhouse effect. due to the pull of gravity.

(d) (e) (f) terhakis/corroded


Tsunami/Tsunami Volkanisme/Volcanism Hujan asid/Acid rain
Kejadian ombak raksasa Kejadian letusan batuan Air hujan bersifat asid
disebabkan oleh gempa lebur (magma) di mana disebabkan kelarutan
bumi di dasar laut, lava dan gas gunung gas berasid seperti sulfur
letusan gunung berapi berapi terbebas melalui dioksida di dalamnya.
di dasar laut atau tanah rekahan di permukaan The rain water has an
runtuh di tepi laut./A huge Bumi./The eruption of molten acidic property due to the
wave caused by an undersea rock (magma) where lava and dissolving of acidic gases
earthquake, a volcanic volcanic gases erupt through a such as sulphur dioxide in it.
eruption, or coastal landslide. break in the Earth’s surface.


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(g) (h)

Tanah terjerlus/Land subsidence Lubang benam/Sinkhole

Penenggelaman secara perlahan atau Lubang besar dalam tanah disebabkan
mendadak permukaan Bumi disebabkan keruntuhan lapisan di permukaan Bumi
kehilangan air bawah tanah atau aktiviti ke dalam rongga kosong di bawahnya
perlombongan. terutamanya berlaku di kawasan batu
A gradual settling or sudden sinking of the kapur./A big hole in the ground caused by the
Earth’s surface caused by the removal of collapse of the Earth’s surface layer into the
underground water or mining activity. empty space beneath, especially occuring in
limestone areas.

3 Kaji pernyataan yang diberikan. Kemudian, jawab soalan tentang bagaimana kemajuan sains dan
teknologi boleh menyediakan manusia untuk menghadapi kejadian geobencana.
Answer the questions below about how the progress of science and technology has enabled humans to prepare
themselves to face the occurrences of geo-disasters. TP5/KBAT
(a) Wajarkan penggunaan satelit kaji cuaca dalam pengurusan geobencana.
fy the use of weather satellites in managing geo-disasters

Geobencana Meramal Angin Suhu

Geo-disasters Forecast Wind Temperature
Mengatasi Tekanan Awal Amaran awal
Overcome Pressure Eary Eary warning

Satelit kaji cuaca membantu kita meramal keadaan cuaca dengan tepat.
Satelit jenis ini dapat mengesan perubahan suhu , angin , dan
tekanan di atmosfera. Maklumat yang diterima daripada satelit ini dapat membantu
kita meramal tempat dan masa berlakunya geobencana seperti ribut taufan, banjir,
siklon, kemarau dan puting beliung. Amaran awal dapat diberi kepada penduduk di
kawasan yang terlibat. Dengan ini, langkah-langkah awal dapat diambil untuk
mengatasi masalah tersebut.
A weather satellite helps to weather conditions accurately. This type of satellite
temperature wind pressure
can detect changes in the , and
in the atmosphere. The information received from this satellite can help in forecasting the place and

the occurring time of such as typhoons, floods, cyclones, drought and tornado.
Early warning
can be given to residents in the affected areas. With this, early steps can be taken

9 to
the problem.

(b) Foto di bawah menunjukkan satu peralatan untuk mengesan suatu geobencana. Labelkan
peralatan itu./The photo below shows an instrument which detects geo-disasters. Label the instrument.
Apakah kegunaan alat ini?
What is the use of this instrument? TP2
Mengukur pergerakan Bumi seperti gelombang

yang dihasilkan oleh gempa bumi dan letusan

gunung berapi .
It measures the of the ground such as
waves earthquakes
the produced by and
Seismometer/Seismometer volcanic


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Standard Kandungan
9.5 Usia Bumi Tarikh:

Kaedah penentuan usia Bumi
Method to determine the age of the Earth

1 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu skala masa geologi yang dipetik daripada laman web yang
berikut:/The diagram below shows a geological time scale which is taken from the following website:









66.4 245 570
0 100 200 300 400 500

Masa dalam juta tahun dahulu/Time in millions of years ago

Apakah kegunaan skala masa geologi?/What is the use of the geological time scale? TP2
Skala masa ini digunakan oleh ahli geologi untuk menjelaskan masa

dan hubungan antara peristiwa yang terjadi di sepanjang sejarah Bumi.

geologists timing relationship
This time scale is used by to describe the and
between that have occurred throughout the Earth’s history.

2 Bahan dalam foto di bawah merupakan bangkai atau kesan tinggalan hidupan yang terawet sejak
zaman purba.
The substance in the photo below is the preserved remains or traces of living things from ancient times.

(a) Namakan bahan ini./Name this substance. TP1


(b) Namakan bidang kajian ini./Name this field of study. TP1


(c) Apakah unsur yang digunakan untuk mengkaji usia artifak

What is the element used for studying the age of ancient artefacts? TP2
Karbon-14/Carbon-14 BAB

(d) Apakah kaedah yang digunakan untuk mengkaji usia artifak purba ini?
What is the method used for studying the age of ancient artefacts? TP2

Pentarikhan karbon/Pentarikhan radiokarbon/Carbon dating/Radiocarbon dating

(e) Apakah kaitan usia fosil dengan sejarah Bumi?

What is the relationship between the age of fossils and the history of the Earth? TP3/KBAT
Daripada usia fosil dan rujukan pada
skala masa geologi , jenis hidupan yang pernah
hidup Usia/Age
pada zaman dahulu dan ciri-cirinya seperti Hidup/Lived
bentuk dan struktur dapat ditentukan. Bentuk/Shape
age Struktur/Structure
From the of the fossils and the reference on the
geological time scale lived Skala masa geologi
, the types of living things that Geological time scale
before in ancient times and the characteristics of the living things such as the
shape structure
and the , can be determined.


09 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB9-Emie2LP.indd 171 8/11/16 5:07 PM

Standard Kandungan
9.5 Sumber Bumi dan geologi gunaan Tarikh:

Sumber air dan risikonya
The sources of water and their risks

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sumber air di Bumi.

The diagram below shows the sources of water on the Earth.

(a) Senaraikan semua air permukaan.

List all the surface water. TP1
Tasik, sungai dan laut.
Lakes, rivers and seas.
lake laut (b) Apakah risiko yang akan dihadapi jika:
sungai sea What risks will be faced if: TP5/KBAT

air bawah tanah


(i) kekurangan air permukaan?/there is a lack of surface water?

Kejadian kemarau yang akan menjejaskan kehidupan benda hidup.
drought lives
The occurrence of which will affect the of living things.

(ii) berlebihan air permukaan?/there is an excessive amount of surface water?

Kejadian banjir yang boleh menjejaskan kehidupan hidupan dan
kemusnahan harta benda.
floods lives
The occurrence of which will affect the of living things and

(c) Apakah jenis air yang terbentuk apabila sebahagian air hujan meresap ke dalam tanah di bawah
permukaan bumi?/What is the type of water formed when a part of rainwater penetrates into the ground
under the Earth’s surface? TP2
Air bawah tanah/Groundwater.

(d) Apakah kepentingan air bawah tanah?/What is the importance of groundwater? TP5/KBAT

Air bawah tanah Tasik Semula jadi Bekalan Kegunaan Sungai

Groundwater Lakes Natural Supply Use Rivers

Air bawah tanah adalah salah satu sumber semula jadi

yang sangat penting. Air bawah
tanah ini merupakan sumber bekalan utama air untuk kegunaan harian
bagi sesetengah negara. Air bawah tanah juga membekalkan air kepada tasik dan
sungai .
Groundwater is one of the most important resources. Groundwater is the main source of

supply use Groundwater

water to households in some countries for daily .

lakes rivers
also supplies water to and .

(e) Apakah risiko yang dihadapi oleh air bawah tanah?/What is the risk faced by groundwater? TP5/KBAT
Pencemaran daripada bahan-bahan seperti baja dan racun perosak from
Pollution fertilisers pesticides
by substances such as and from agriculture.

(f) Lapisan batuan atau bahan seperti kerikil dan pasir yang boleh menakung air bawah tanah.
Layers of rock or materials such as gravel and sand which can hold groundwater.

Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, tandakan ‘ ✓ ’ lapisan batuan atau bahan itu.

Based on the statement above, tick ‘ ✓ ’ the layers of rock or materials. TP2

✓ Akuifer/Aquifer Lubang benam/Sinkhole Batuan sedimen/Sedimentary rock


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Mineral ekonomi
Economic minerals

1 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan mineral?/What is meant by minerals? TP2

Unsur atau sebatian pepejal yang terdapat secara semula jadi di dalam kerak
elements compounds
Solid or that are naturally found on the Earth’s crust.

2 Kaji pernyataan di bawah./Study the statement below.

Mineral yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang digunakan secara meluas dalam bidang-bidang
seperti industri, pembinaan dan pengeluaran barangan.
Minerals of commercial value which are used widely in fields such as industrial, construction and

Namakan mineral ini./Name the minerals. TP2

Mineral ekonomi/Economic minerals.

3 Kelaskan mineral ekonomi mengikut jenisnya.

Classify the types of economic minerals. TP2

Skandium Emas Karbon Itrium Perak Sulfur Batu kapur

Scandium Gold Carbon Yttrium Silver Sulphur Limestone
Platinum Galena Hematit Marmar Mika Bauksit Tanah liat
Platinum Galena Haematite Marble Mica Bauxite Clay

Mineral ekonomi/Economic minerals

Mineral logam Mineral bukan logam Mineral nadir bumi

Metallic minerals Non-metallic minerals Rare earth minerals

Emas, perak, platinum, galena, Karbon, sulfur, batu kapur, Skandium, itrium
hematit, bauksit marmar, mika, tanah liat Scandium, yttrium
Gold, silver, platinum, galena, Carbon, sulphur, limestone.
haematite, bauxite Marble, mica, clay

4 Padankan jenis logam yang dapat diekstrak daripada mineral logam yang diberikan.
Match the metals with the metallic minerals from which they are extracted. TP2

Logam Mineral logam Logam

Metals Metallic minerals Metals
(a) Bauksit
(d) Magnesit
Copper 9
Aluminium (b) Hematit (e) Malakit Plumbum
Aluminium Haematite Malachite Lead
Besi (c) Kasiterit (f) Galena Magnesium
Iron Cassiterite Galena Magnesium

Galeri Info
Mineral nadir bumi digunakan dalam banyak peralatan seperti DVD, batteri
boleh dicas semula dan telefon bimbit.
Rare earth metals are used in many devices such as DVDs, rechargeable
batteries and cell phones.


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Sumber semula jadi
Natural resources

1 Berdasarkan rajah yang diberikan, terangkan pembentukan petroleum dan gas asli.
Based on the given diagram, explain the formation of petroleum and natural gas. TP4/KBAT
haiwan dan tumbuhan laut yang mati
dead sea animals and plants Tekanan/Pressure
Q Tumbuhan/Plants
tekanan dan haba tinggi
high pressure and heat
Gas asli/Natural gas
gas asli
natural gas Haiwan/Animals
Batuan tidak telap
Impermeable rocks

Haiwan dan tumbuhan laut yang mati tertanam dalam lumpur dan pasir dalam
P animals plants
dasar laut berjuta-juta tahun dahulu./Dead sea and were buried
under mud and sand in the sea bed millions of years ago.

Tekanan dan haba yang tinggi bertindak pada sisa hidupan dalam lumpur dan
pressure heat
pasir/High and were exerted on the remains of the living things

Sisa hidupan berubah menjadi petroleum dan gas asli yang terperangkap di antara
dua lapisan batuan tidak telap yang terbentuk daripada lumpur dan pasir.
petroleum natural gas
The remains of the living things changed into and which are trapped
in between two layers of impermeable rock formed from the mud and sand.

2 Berdasarkan rajah yang diberikan, terangkan pembentukan arang batu.

Based on the given diagram, explain the formation of coal. TP4/KBAT

hutan paya Tekanan/Pressure
mangrove swamp
arang batu Dimampatkan
coal Compressed

Arang batu terbentuk daripada tumbuhan yang mati berjuta-juta tahun dahulu dan telah
dimampatkan oleh lapisan tanah di atasnya. Tekanan dan haba tinggi
yang bertindak ke atas tumbuhan ini menukarkannya kepada arang batu.
plants compressed

Coal is formed from that died millions of years ago and have been by layers
earth pressure heat plants
of on top. High and that acted on these

changed them into coal.

3 (a) Dihasilkan oleh air panas terutamanya air yang dipanaskan oleh haba daripada bahagian
dalam Bumi. Tenaga boleh dijana menggunakan air panas pada Bumi seperti geiser, untuk
menjana tenaga elektrik./Produced by hot water, especially water heated by the Earth’s internal heat.
Energy can be generated by using the Earth’s hot water such as geysers, to generate electrical energy.

Apakah yang dimaksudkan oleh pernyataan di atas?/What does the above statement refer to? TP2
Hidroterma/Hydrothermal energy.

(b) Bulatkan satu contoh tenaga hidroterma./Circle one example of hydrothermal energy. TP2

Tenaga hidro Bahan radioaktif Geoterma

Hydro energy Radioactive substances Geothermal energy


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1 Sfera yang utama bagi struktur Bumi ialah atmosfera , biosfera , geosfera dan
hidrosfera .
The main spheres of the Earth structure are the atmosphere , biosphere , geosphere and
hydrosphere .

2 Label empat lapisan atmosfera. Kemudian, padankan lapisan atmosfera dengan pernyataan yang betul.
Label the four layers of the atmosphere. Then, match the layers of the atmosphere with the correct statements.

Atmosfera Pernyataan
Atmosphere Statement
(a) Eksosfera Memantulkan gelombang radio
Exosphere Reflects radio waves.
(b) Ionosfera Perubahan cuaca
Ionosphere Changes in the weather
(c) Stratosfera Kapal angkasa mengorbit Bumi.
Stratosphere Spaceships orbit the Earth.
(d) Troposfera Penipisan lapisan ozon.
Troposphere Depletion of the ozone layer.

3 Lengkapkan peta alir di bawah dengan zon-zon yang berlainan untuk menunjukkan stratifikasi dalam
lautan./Complete the flow map below by writing the different zones to show the stratification of the ocean.

Zon sinar matahari Zon senja Zon gelap

Sunlight zone Twilight zone Midnight zone

Kedalaman bertambah/Increasing depth

4 Taburan air di Bumi termasuk lautan , sungai , awan , salji dan

air bawah tanah/glasier .
The water distribution on the Earth includes oceans , rivers , clouds ,
snow and groundwater/glaciers .

5 Label lapisan Bumi di bawah. Kemudian, labelkan bahagian Bumi berdasarkan pernyataan yang diberikan.
Label the layers of the Earth below. Then, label the parts of the Earth based on the given statements.

Lapisan Bumi (d) Litosfera/Lithosphere


Earth’s layer Kerak dan bahagian pepejal

paling atas mantel.
(a) Kerak/Crust The crust and solid outermost
part of the mantle.
(b) Mantel/Mantle
(e) Astenosfera/Asthenosphere
(c) Teras/Core Batuan separa cecair di
bahagian tengah mantel.
Semi-liquid rock at the centre
(f) Mesosfera/Mesosphere part of the mantle.
Bahagian pepejal mantel di bawah
astenosfera and di atas teras luar.
The solid part of the mantle below the
asthenosphere and above the outer core.


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6 Kenal pasti jenis batuan sama ada batuan igneus (I), batuan sedimen (S) atau batuan metamorfik (M)
dalam petak yang diberikan./Identify the types of rock whether igneous rock (I), sedimentary rock (S) or meta-
morphic rock (M).
(a) Syal (f) Kuarzit (k) Konglomerat
Shale Quartzite Conglomerate
(b) Gneis (g) Pumis (l) Arang batu
Gneiss Pumice Coal
(c) Granit (h) Basalt (m) Serpentin
Granite Basalt Serpentinite
(d) Batu kapur (i) Slat (n) Diorit
Limestone Slate Diorite
(e) Marmar (j) Batu pasir (o) Gabro
Marble Sandstone Gabbro

7 Kenal pastikan jenis batuan berdasarkan penerangan yang diberikan.

Identify the types of rock based on the given explanations.
Jenis batuan Penerangan
Types of rock Explanation
(a) Batuan metamorfik Batuan yang mengalami suhu dan tekanan yang sangat tinggi serta tindak
Metamorphic rock balas kimia./The rock which is subjected to a very high heat and pressure and
chemical reactions
(b) Batuan igneus Penyejukan magma daripada semua jenis batuan.
Igneous rock The cooling of magma from all kinds of rock.
(c) Batuan sedimen Enapan batuan yang mengalami luluhawa dan hakisan.
Sedimentary rock Sedimentation of rock that undergoes weathering and erosion.

8 Berdasarkan penerangan yang diberikan, nyatakan proses Bumi. Tuliskan jenis proses Bumi sama ada
eksogen (Ek) atau endogen (En) dalam petak yang disediakan.
Based on the given explanations, state the Earth’s processes. Write the types of Earth’s processes, whether exogenic
(Ex) or endogenic (En) process in the boxes provided.

(a) Pemecahan (secara fizikal) dan pemindahan batuan dan

tanah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Hakisan Ek
The breaking down (physically) and transportation of rock and Erosion Ex
soil from one location to another.
(b) Transformasi magma daripada pembentukannya sehingga
pemejalan menjadi batuan. Aktiviti magma
The transformation of magma from its creation until solidification Magmatic activity
into rock.
(c) Pemecahan batuan di kerak bumi (secara fizikal, kimia
Luluhawa Ek

dan biologi)./The breaking down of rock in the Earth’s crust

Weathering Ex
(physical, chemical and biological).

9 (d) Pengenapan batuan terhakis pada dasar tasik atau laut./The

deposition of eroded rock materials at the bottom of lakes or seas.
(e) Pemindahan bahan-bahan batuan hakisan. Angkutan Ek
The transfer of eroded rock materials. Transport Ex
(f) Pergerakan bahan mantel daripada bahagian dalam Bumi ke
Olakan mantel
permukaan./The motion of mantle materials from the interior to En
Mantle convection
the Earth’s surface.
(g) Teori yang menyatakan bahawa kerak luar Bumi Pergerakan kerak
dibahagikan kepada beberapa plat yang menggelongsor di bumi (tektonik
atas mantel, disebabkan arus dalam mantel./The theory which plat)/Earth crust En
states that the Earth’s outer shell is divided into several plates movement (plate
that glide over the mantle, due to the currents in the mantle tectonic)


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6 Kenal pasti jenis batuan sama ada batuan igneus (I), batuan sedimen (S) atau batuan metamorfik (M)
dalam petak yang diberikan./Identify the types of rock whether igneous rock (I), sedimentary rock (S) or meta-
morphic rock (M).
(a) Syal (f) Kuarzit (k) Konglomerat
Shale Quartzite Conglomerate
(b) Gneis (g) Pumis (l) Arang batu
Gneiss Pumice Coal
(c) Granit (h) Basalt (m) Serpentin
Granite Basalt Serpentinite
(d) Batu kapur (i) Slat (n) Diorit
Limestone Slate Diorite
(e) Marmar (j) Batu pasir (o) Gabro
Marble Sandstone Gabbro

7 Kenal pastikan jenis batuan berdasarkan penerangan yang diberikan.

Identify the types of rock based on the given explanations.
Jenis batuan Penerangan
Types of rock Explanation
(a) Batuan metamorfik Batuan yang mengalami suhu dan tekanan yang sangat tinggi serta tindak
Metamorphic rock balas kimia./The rock which is subjected to a very high heat and pressure and
chemical reactions
(b) Batuan igneus Penyejukan magma daripada semua jenis batuan.
Igneous rock The cooling of magma from all kinds of rock.
(c) Batuan sedimen Enapan batuan yang mengalami luluhawa dan hakisan.
Sedimentary rock Sedimentation of rock that undergoes weathering and erosion.

8 Berdasarkan penerangan yang diberikan, nyatakan proses Bumi. Tuliskan jenis proses Bumi sama ada
eksogen (Ek) atau endogen (En) dalam petak yang disediakan.
Based on the given explanations, state the Earth’s processes. Write the types of Earth’s processes, whether exogenic
(Ex) or endogenic (En) process in the boxes provided.

(a) Pemecahan (secara fizikal) dan pemindahan batuan dan

tanah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Hakisan Ek
The breaking down (physically) and transportation of rock and Erosion Ex
soil from one location to another.
(b) Transformasi magma daripada pembentukannya sehingga
pemejalan menjadi batuan. Aktiviti magma
The transformation of magma from its creation until solidification Magmatic activity
into rock.
(c) Pemecahan batuan di kerak bumi (secara fizikal, kimia
Luluhawa Ek

dan biologi)./The breaking down of rock in the Earth’s crust

Weathering Ex
(physical, chemical and biological).

9 (d) Pengenapan batuan terhakis pada dasar tasik atau laut./The

deposition of eroded rock materials at the bottom of lakes or seas.
(e) Pemindahan bahan-bahan batuan hakisan. Angkutan Ek
The transfer of eroded rock materials. Transport Ex
(f) Pergerakan bahan mantel daripada bahagian dalam Bumi ke
Olakan mantel
permukaan./The motion of mantle materials from the interior to En
Mantle convection
the Earth’s surface.
(g) Teori yang menyatakan bahawa kerak luar Bumi Pergerakan kerak
dibahagikan kepada beberapa plat yang menggelongsor di bumi (tektonik
atas mantel, disebabkan arus dalam mantel./The theory which plat)/Earth crust En
states that the Earth’s outer shell is divided into several plates movement (plate
that glide over the mantle, due to the currents in the mantle tectonic)


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Arahan: Jawab semua soalan.
Instructions: Answer all questions.
1 (a) Foto di bawah menunjukkan ikan yang menghasilkan cahaya sendiri.
The photo below shows a fish which produces its own light.

Wajarkan zon lautan yang ikan ini hidup di dalamnya.

Justify the zone of the ocean in which the fish lives. TP5/K5 Menilai
Ikan ini hidup di dalam zon gelap. Tiada cahaya dapat menembusi zon ini. Ikan itu menghasilkan
cahaya untuk membantu pergerakannya.
This fish lives in the midnight zone. No light penetrates this zone. This kind of fish produces light to help them
in their movement.
[3 markah/3 marks]
(b) Foto di bawah menunjukkan peranan tumbuhan dalam luluhawa.
The photo below shows the role of plants in weathering.

Organisma lain seperti haiwan dan mikroorganism juga memainkan peranan dalam proses luluhawa.

9 Huraikan luluhawa secara biologi yang disebabkan oleh hidupan tersebut.

Other organisms such as animals and microorganisms also play roles in the process of weathering. Describe
biological weathering caused by the mentioned living things. TP4/K4 Menganalisis
Akar tumbuhan yang membesar mengenakan tekanan pada batuan dan dapat memecahkan batuan.
Sesetengah mikroorganisma dapat menghasilkan asid organik yang dapat melarutkan mineral dalam
batuan. Asid organik yang terhasil dapat menguraikan mineral dalam batuan dengan mengubah
komposisi kimia dalam batuan.
Growing plant roots can exert stress or pressure on rock and can break the rock. Certain microorganisms can
produce organic acids which help to dissolve minerals in rock. The organic acids that are produced can break
down rock minerals by altering the chemical composition of the rock,
[5 markah/5 marks]


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2 (a) Photo di bawah menunjukkan satu geobencana, iaitu tsunami yang mengakibatkan kemusnahan.
The photo below shows a geo-disaster, i.e. tsunami which causes destruction.

Huraikan kesan-kesan tsunami terhadap alam sekitar.

Describe the effects of tsunami on the environment. TP5/K5 Menilai
Tsunami raksasa boleh menyebabkan kemusnahan apabila melanda darat. Beribu-ribu orang terbunuh
dalam tsunami. Keruntuhan bangunan, pemutusan elektrik dan letupan disebabkan gas adalah sebab-sebab
lain kematian. Kawasan berdekatan pantai dibanjiri air laut dan infrastruktur termusnah seperti
tempatan rawatan kumbahan dan tempat bekalan air bersih. Air minum yang tercemar boleh
menyebabkan jangkitan penyakit di kawasan tsunami. Tsunami juga membawa kesan buruk kepada
serangga, haiwan, tumbuhan dan sumber-sumber semula jadi. Mangsa tsunami sering menghadapi
masalah psikologi yang berlanjutan selama beberapa hari, beberapa tahun atau seumur hidup.
A huge tsunami can cause large destruction when it strikes land. Thousands of people are killed by tsunamis.
The collapse of buildings, electrocution, and gas explosions are other causes of death. Areas that are close to the
coast are flooded with sea water, damaging the infrastructure such as sewage treatment and fresh water supply
areas. Contamination of drinking water can cause diseases to spread in tsunami-hit areas. Tsunamis also have a
bad effect on insects, animals, plants, and natural resources. Victims of tsunami events often suffer psychological
problems which can last for days, years or the entire lifetime.
[6 markah/6 marks]
(b) Foto di bawah menunjukkan beberapa ketul arang batu./The photo below shows some coal.


Diketahui bahawa arang batu berasal daripada tumbuhan yang mati berjuta-juta tahun dahulu. Kenal
pastikan jenis batuan bagi arang batu. Terangkan jawapan anda. TP4/K4 Menganalisis
It is found that coal originated from plants millions of years ago. What type of rock is coal? Explain your answer.
Arang batu adalah sejenis batu sedimen. Arang batu terbentuk daripada tumbuhan paya yang mati
berjuta-juta tahun dahulu dan dimampatkan oleh lapisan tanah di atasnya. Tekanan dan suhu tinggi
yang bertindak ke atas tumbuhan tersebut menukarkannya kepada arang batu.
Coal is a type of sedimentary rock. Coal is formed from swamp plants that died millions of years ago and had
been compressed by layers of earth on top. High pressure and temperature that acted on these plants changed
them into coal.
[4 markah/4 marks]


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