Group 3 PRTC
Group 3 PRTC
Group 3 PRTC
Contract of Sales
1. In a sale, the buyer is entitled and has the right to the fruit of the
thing sold from the time:
a. The obligation to deliver the thing sold arises
b. The sale is perfected
c. the thing sold is delivered
d. the fruit of the thing sold is delivered
2. Ownership of the thing sold is transferred/acquired/retained:
a. Retained by the seller in "sale of return"
b. Transferred to the buyer upon constructive or actual delivery
of the thing sold
c. Acquired by the buyer upon perfection of the contract
d. Transferred to the buyer upon acceptance of the price.
3. If the material used in the manufacture of the article is more
valuable, it is a contract of sale, and if the labor or skill is more
valuable than the material used in the manufacture of the article, it
is a contract for a piece of work. This school of thought followed:
a. English rule
b. Masachussets rule
c. New York rule
d. Italian rule
4. This refers to an encumbrance imposed upon an immovable
belonging to a different owner.
a. Easement or servitude
b. Real estate mortgage
c. Pledge
d. Chattel mortgage
5. The purpose of this action is to ask for a proportionate reduction of
the price
a. Quanti Mincris
b. Redhibitory action
c. Replevin
d. Accion vindicatoria
6. If redemption is made, which of the following will not be paid by the
seller to the buyer
a. Price made by the buyer
b. Expenses in the execution of the sales contract paid by the
c. All necessary Expenses on the thing sold and to be redeemed
d. Interest on the price paid by the buyer
7. In which of these cases there no right of legal redemption?
a. Where a co-owner of an undivided immovable sells his Interest
to a third person
b. Where the owner of a rural property one hectare or less sells
his property to a third person who owns other rural land or
c. Where the owner of urban land which is so small and so
situated that it cannot be used for a practical purpose sells the
same to a third person
d. Where the co-owner of an undivided interest to a third person
8. RR the representative of AA, an absentee, sold the corn with a value
of P30, 000 and the oalay with a value of P50, 000 harvested from
AA's agriculture farm for a total price of P50, 000. AA, whose
domicile was subsequently known, was informed of the sale made
RR. Based on the foregoing facts, which of the following statements
is incorrect?
a. AA may seek payment of an additional P30, 000 to recover
the danages suffered
b. AA may just seek rescission of the sale of the corn to recover
danages he sustained
c. AA may seek rescission of the sale of the part of the rice to
the extent of the danages he sustained
d. AA may seek the rescission of the total sale recover for the
danages he sustained
9. Seller and buyer orally entered into a contract whereby seller sold
his one year production of eggs in his poultry farm to buyer for
P150, 000 which amount immediately gave in cash to seller. The
contract between seller and buyer is:
a. Void because the object was not existing at the time of
execution of the contract
b. Valid because future things may be the object of contract
c. Rescissible because buyer will likely suffer damage if the eggs
do not come into excistence
d. Unenforceable because the contract was not in writing
10. The justified refusal of the buyer to accept the goods produces
the following effects, except
a. Buyer has no duty to return the goods unless otherwise
b. Title to the goods does not pass on to him
c. Buyer shall not be obliged to pay the price
d. Buyer is obliged to constitute himself as depositary until he
returns the goods
11. This refers to implied warranty on the part of the seller that he
has the right to sell the thing at the time when Ownership is to
pass , and that the buyer from that time shall have and enjoy legal
and peaceful possession of the thing.
a. Warranty against hidden defects
b. Warranty against eviction
c. Warranty of Ownership
d. Warranty of possession
12. Goods still in transit:
a. If the buyer or his agent obtains delivery of the goods before
their arrival at the appointed destination
b. When the carrier acknowledges possession of the goods as
bailee for the buyer after arrival of the goods at the place of
c. If the carrier or other bailee wrongfully refuses to deliver the
goods to the buyer or his agent
d. If the goods are rejected by the buyer, and the carrier or
other bailee continues in possession of them, even if the seller
has refused to receive them back.
13. . Somera sells to Buen at P50 per gallon 300 gallons of
gasoline stored in his truck's tank which unknown to the parties
contains 500 gallons gasoline. What is the status of the contract of
sale between Somera and Buen?
a. The sale is Void because the quantity is more than the
quantity sold.
b. The sale is Valid up to 500 gallons of gasoline,.
c. The sale is Valid up to 300 gallons of gasoline. Buen becomes
the owner of 3/5 of the whole stock while Somera becomes
the owner of 2/5 thereof
d. The sale is Rescissible because Somera will suffer a lesion of
more than 1/4 of the value of the whole stock
14. Cory transferred to Doris a parcel of land for the price of P100,
000, P30, 000 to be paid in cash and for the difference, she will
convey the car worth P70, 000. What kind of contract is this?
a. Lease of contract
b. Contract of sale
c. Obligation to sell
d. Barter
15. Baldo bought a residential house and lot from Tierra Madre
Realty for P250, 000 giving a down payment of P10, 000 and
promising to pay a balance of P240, 000 in 20 years in monthly
installments of P1, 000. After paying 72 installments, Baldo
defaultedin the payment of the 73rd installments and subsequent
ones. Despite the grace period he had earned, he was not able to
make any further payments. Accordingly, Tierra Madre Realty
cancelled the sale. How much cash surrender value is Baldo entitled
to receive?
a. P45, 100
b. P39, 600
c. P34, 600
d. P41, 000
16. S sold to be a residential lot said to be containing an area of 1,
000 square meters at P10, 000 per square meter. In This connection,
which of these is a correct statement?
a. If the lot should contain 1, 500 square meters, B can reject
the excess of 500 square meters, but if he accepts, B should
pay for the excess at the contract rate of P10, 000 per square
b. If the lot should contain 950 square meters only, B can only
ask for a proportionate reduction of the price but not
c. If the lot should contain 900 square meters, B can choose
between proportionate reduction of the price or rescission of
the sale.
d. All of the above
17. One of the following is not a remedy granted to an unpaid
a. Right of stoppage in transitu
b. Right of lien over the goods
c. Right of resale
d. Right to demand a security for the payment of the price
18. Three of the following are the characteristics of a contract of
sale. Which is the exception?
a. Onerous contract
b. Commutative contract
c. Accesory contract
d. Bilateral contract
19. In which of the following is there are no Warranty against
hidden defects?
a. In a sale by description
b. In a sale by sample
c. In a sale of things sold as second hand
d. In a sale of goods recovered by a patent
e. Both C and D
20. Within What time should be the action to a proportionate
reduction of the price or rescission be filed if the object is
immovable property?
a. Within 40 days from delivery
b. Within 6 months from delivery
c. Within 1 year from delivery
d. Within 4 years from delivery
Negotiable Instrument
1. I. An antedated or a post-dated instrument is valid, and it does not
lose its negotiability character just because it is antedated or post-
dated, provided this is not done for an illegal or fraudulent purpose.
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
II. The holder may at any time strike out any indorsement which is
not necessary to his title. The indorser whose signature is struck
out, and all subsequent indorsers, are hereby relieved from liability
on the instrument.
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
6. I. The bank is not liable to the holder, unless and until it accepts.
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
II. Material alteration just like forgery voids the instrument against
any party as arule.
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
16. This check has drawn on its face two transversal parallel lines
the effect of which is that the check cannot be encashed but only be
a. Cashier’s check
b. Certified check
c. Crossed check
d. Memorandum check
17. Who among the following is the holder of a negotiable
instrument originally payable to order?
a. The original payee who has negotiated the instrument
b. The indorsee who is in possession of the instrument
c. The possessor of the instrument to whom the instrument was
delivered without any indorsement
d. The indorsee who has negotiated the instrument.
18. If the drawer and the drawee are the same person, the holder
may present the instrument for payment without need of a previous
presentment for acceptance. In such a case, the holder treats it as
a. Non-negotiable instrument
b. Promissory note
c. Letter of credit
d. Check
19. Under the NIL, if the holder has a lien on the instrument which
arises either from a contract or by implication of law, he would be a
holder for value to the extent of
a. His successor’s interest
b. His predecessor’s interest
c. The lien in his favour
d. The amount indicated on the instrument’s face
20. In a signature by procuration, the principal is bound only in
case the agent acted within the actual limits of his authority. The
signature of the agent in such a case operates as notice that he has
a. a qualified authority to sign
b. a limited authority to sign
c. a special authority to sign
d. full authority to sig
1. Ben pledged his watch to V.Y Domingo Agencia for P5, 000. On due
date, Ben failed to redeem his watch. The pawnshop sold the watch
at a public auction to the highest bidder at P4, 000.
a. The pawnshop can recover the deficiency of P1, 000 from Ben.
b. The pawnshop cannot recover the deficiency of P1, 000 unless
there is a stipulation.
c. The pawnshop cannot recover the deficiency of P1, 000 even
if there is a stipulation.
d. The pawnshop can recover the deficiency of P1, 000 even
without stipulation.
2. This is a stipulation in pledge or mortgage providing that the
ownership of the thing given as security will pass to the pledgee or
mortgagee upon default of the debtor.
a. Constitutum possesorium
b. Pactum commisorium
c. Legal Subrogation
d. Redemption
3. D borrowed P30,000 from C. To secure the debt, D pledged his ring,
wristwatch, and necklace. Before the debt could be paid, C died
having X, Y, and Z as heirs. By agreement among the heirs who
inherited the credit, the ring would secure the share of X of the
credit, the wristwatch the share of Y, a necklace the share of Z.
Later, D pays X P10, 000.
a. D can demand the extinguishment of the pledge of the ring
b. X may release the pledge of the ring
c. The pledge of the ring will remain until the shares of Y and Z
are paid by D.
d. D can demand the extinguishment of the pledge of the ring,
wristwatch and necklace because has been partial payment.
4. Cesar pledged his Toyota car to Dan for P100, 000. Cesar was
unable to pay the obligation two (2) months after the obligation
became due and demandable. Wherefore, Dan sold the car at public
auction for P80, 000. Can Dan recover the deficiency of P20, 000
from Cesar?
1st answer: No, he cannot recover the deficiency even if there is a
stipulation that he can.
2nd answer: Yes, he can recover the deficiency even without
a. 1st answer correct, 2nd answer wrong
b. Bothe answers are wrong
c. 1st answer wrong, 2nd answer correct
d. Both answers are correct
5. The debtor/pledger has the following rights, except:
a. To ask for the return of the thing pledged after he has paid the
debt, its interests, and with expenses in a proper case.
b. To continue to be the owner of the thing pledged unless it is
c. To require the deposit of the thing with a third person if it is in
danger of being impaired or lost through the negligence or
wilful act of the pledgee.
d. To alienate the thing pledged without the consent of the
6. D pledged his computer to secure a loan which he obtained from C.
The debt which amounts to P10, 000 is due after 60 days. Before the
due date, C executed an instrument abandoning the pledge.
II. D bought a car for P360,000 from C. The price, which is payable in
12 equal monthly installments of P30,000, is secured by a chattel
mortgage on the car. After paying 2 installments, D defaults in the
payment of 3 installments and the car s sold at the public auction
for P280,000.
To secure the loan, Mary Montes pledged her diamond ring, while
Melany Manalo executed a mortgage on her lot.
a. Mary Montes may demand the return of her diamond ring if
she pays her share of the debt, while Melany Manalo’s share
remains outstanding.
b. Melany Manalo may demand the cancellation of the mortgage
on her lot if she pays her share of the debt, while Mary
Montes’ share remains outstanding.
c. Both Mary Montes and Melany Manalo must pay the total
amount of the debt before Mary Montes could demand the
return of the diamond ring, and Melany Manalo the
cancellation of the mortgage on her lot.
d. Patricia Palma may demand payment of the amount of
P100,000 from either Mary Montes or Melany Manalo.
13. The creation of a lien on the property upto which, it is imposed
whichever may the possesor of the property, to the fulfillment of the
the obligation for whose security it was constittuted refers to the
characteristic of a real mortgae being:
a. An accesory contract
b. An indivisible contract
c. An inseparable contract
d. A real property in itself
14. One of the following is not a characteristics of pledge and
a. Accesory
b. Consensual
c. Gratuitous
d. Onerous
15. Pledge and mortgage are accessory contracts because they
a. Are meant to secure the fulfillment od of a principal obligation
b. Cannot exist if the principal obligation is void
c. Can exist by themselves
d. Cannot secure fulfillment of rescissible obligation
16. Which of the following statements regarding pledge is not
a. A pledge cannot be constituted unless the thing pledged be
placed in the possession of the creditor
b. Pledge is a real contract because it is perfected by delivery of
the thing pledged.
c. Pledge is an accesory contract because it needs a principall
oblication to exist.
d. A pledge cannot be constituted to secure the performance of a
voidable or unenforceable or even a natural obligation.
17. The following are essential requisites common to the contract
of pledge and mortgage, except one
a. That they are constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
principal obligation.
b. That the pledgor or mortgagor is the absolute owner of the
thing pledged or mortgaged.
c. That the contract is registered with the Register of Deeds.
d. That the person constituting the contract has free disposal of
his property or that he is authorized legallly for the purpose.
18. A pledge is extinguised through any of the following except
a. Sale of the thing pledged.
b. Appropriation of the thing pledged after the thing is not sold at
one public auction.
c. Written abandonment of the thing pledged in writing.
d. Return of the thing pledged.
19. Three of the following are considered elements of contract of
pledge and mortgage, what is the exception
a. Accesory contract
b. Pledgor or mortgagor must be the absolute owner.
c. Thing pledged may be appropriated if debtor cannot pay.
d. Pledgor or mortgagor must have a free disposal of the thing
20. 1st statement. Any stipulation authorizing the pledgee to
appropriate the thing pledged is void and without effect.
1. This is a situation in pledge or mortgage providing that the
ownership of the thing given as security will pass to the pledgee or
mortgagee upon default of the debtor.
a. Constitutum possessorium
b. Pactum commissorium
c. Legal subrogation
d. Redemption
a. Equity of redemption
b. Right of redemption
c. Right of subrogation
d. Right of pre-emption
6. Real mortgage
c. Is an accessory contract
b. Yes, since X’s deemed to warrant that his land would cover the
whole obligation
c. No, since it’s the buyer at the auction sale who would answer for
the deficiency.
a. The right to mortgage the car to the extent of half its value.
a. Conventional mortgage
b. Voluntary mortgage
c. Equitable mortgage
d. Legal mortgage
a. Motor vehicles
b. Shares of stocks
c. Vessels
a. Chattel mortgage
b. Real mortgage
c. Conventional pledge
d. Antichresis
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True
a. Accessory contract
b. Real contract
c. Inseparable contract
d. Indivisible contact
a. Market price
b. Current price
d. Selling price
a. Mortgagor resides
b. Mortgaged property is located
b. Affidavit of merit
d. Affidavit of trust
Contract of Agency
1. P is the owner of a car valued at P600, 000 which neighbor A sold to
T for the same amount without being authorized by P. A turned over
the proceeds to P who knowingly received it as the consideration for
the sale of his car. The relationship of agency created between P
and A is one –
a. By appointment
b. By ratification
c. By estoppel
d. By necessity
e. By operation of law
2. A, B and C validly entered into a contract of partnership for the
purpose of buying and selling car. A or B or C as partners become
that agency of ABC partnership which created –
a. By appointment
b. By ratification
c. By estoppel
d. By necessity
e. By operation of law
3. A commission agent:
a. Has the option to act in his own name.
b. Generally, cannot sell on credit.
c. May be an agente del credere if he receives guaranty
d. All of the above.
4. Bears risk of collecting from the buyer the price of the sale.
a. Commission agent
b. Delegacion
c. Quisi-traditio
d. Agente del credere
5. Which of these is not an act of ownership and therefore, need not be
contained in a special power of attorney for the agent to possess the
a. To make payment which are in ordinary or usual course of
b. To effect novations which put an end to obligations contracted
before the agency.
c. To waive an obligation gratuitously.
d. To obligate the principal as a guarantor.
6. Which of these agencies is not revocable at the will of the principal?
a. If a bilateral contract depends upon the agency.
b. If the agency is the means of fulfilling an obligation already
c. Where the agency is coupled with an interest.
d. All of the above.
7. Mr. Principe constituted Mr. Ajente as his authorized agent to sell the
former’s Lancer car for P300, 000.00 and pay him 5% commission
on the selling price. Mr. Ajente sold the car for P320, 000.00. Mr.
Agente shall remit to Mr. Principe:
a. P300,000.00
b. P320,000.00
c. P285,000.00
d. P395,000.00
8. One of the following acts may be delegated by a principal to his
agent. Which is it?
a. Vote during the meeting of the stockholders of corporation
where the principal is a stockholder.
b. Attend meetings of the board of directors of a corporation
where the principal is a director.
c. Purchase a land in the Philippines of which the principal is an
d. Represents the principal in a marriage ceremony where the
principal is a party to the marriage contract.
9. The following are modes of extinguishing an agency, except:
a. Death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the principal
or agent.
b. Accomplishment of the purpose of the agency.
c. Expiration of the period for which the agency was constituted.
d. Continued losses on the part of the principal or agent.
10. Three of the following requires a special power of attorney.
Which is the exception?
a. Accept inheritance.
b. To waive or litigation gratuitously.
c. To bond the principal in a contract of partnership
d. Making a reasonable gift to charity.
11. An agent without any express authority from the principal
appointed a sub-agent to help him carry out the agency.
a. The substitution is void.
b. The substitution is valid but the agent is the only one liable for
the acts of the sub-agent.
c. Both the agent and the sub-agent are liable to the principal for
the acts of the sub-agent under the valid substitution.
d. The substitution is valid but the substitution is the only one
liable for his own acts.
12. A passenger bus while I motion collided with another bus.
Cesar, the conductor of the bus was bodily injured. Dado, the driver,
although not authorized engaged the services of a physician in the
name of the company. In here, there is an:
a. Implied agency
b. Agency by estoppels
c. Agency by necessity
d. All of the above
13. The principal is not liable for the expenses incurred by the
a. If the agent acted in contravention of the principal’s
b. Expenses were due to the fault of the agent.
c. Agent incurred them knowing that an unfavorable result would
ensure would ensure, and the principal was not aware thereof.
d. All of the above.
14. The “power to sell” includes three of the following. Which is
the exception?
a. The power to execute the necessary transfer documents.
b. The power to sell on credit.
c. The power to receive the price, unless he was authorized to
solicit orders only.
d. The power to fix the place, time and mode of delivery.
15. One of the following acts requires a special power of attorney
granted by the principal to his agent. Which is it?
a. To make gift to employees in the business managed by the
b. To borrow money which is urgently needed to preserve the
property of the principal under the administration of the
c. To make payments for purchases in the ordinary course of the
d. To lease the real property of the principal to another person
for more than one year.
16. A contract of agency has the following characteristics except:
a. A consensual contract
b. An accessory contract
c. A nominate contract
d. A bilateral contract
17. When two persons contract with regard to the same thing, one
of them with the agent, and the other with the principal ,and the
contracts are incompatible with each other, ownership shall be
transferred to:
a. The first purchaser in good faith
b. The first who completed the payment of the price in good
c. The first who register in good faith the transaction.
d. The one who presents the oldest title who must be in good
18. P, the owner of a certain car, wanted to sell the car. A learned
that P was selling the car. Without the authority of P, A sold the car
in his (A’s) name to B. What is the status of the sale of the car?
a. Valid between A and B but A must be able to transfer the
ownership of the car to B at the time of delivery.
b. Unenforceable against P because he did not authorize to sell
the car.
c. Void because A was not the owner of the car at the time of
d. Voidable because the sale was without the consent of P.
19. Phil appointed Aldo as his agent orally to sell his parcel of land
for P100, 000. Five days after, Aldo sold to Bert the parcel of land for
P80, 000 by means of public instrument executed between Aldo and
Bert. What is the effect and the status of sale between Aldo and
a. The same is valid because it was executed in public
b. The sale is unenforceable because the agent acted beyond the
scope of his authority for selling the land less than the price
c. The sale is void because the appointment of the agent is oral.
d. The sale can be ratified although the appointment of Aldo is
oral, because the sale by Aldo is in a public instrument.
20. Pablo appointed Arnold to sell the former’s car for P300, 000.
Arnold sold the car to Juan for P300, 000 but Arnold acted in his own
name. After delivery, Juan inspected the car and found hidden
defects in the car. Can Juan file an action against Pablo even Arnold
acted in his own name?
a. No under “caveat emptor” let the buyer beware.
b. Yes, because this is a contract involving property belonging to
c. No, because Arnold acted in his own name not of the principal.
d. No, because the contract of sale is already perfected.