DA Project Report
DA Project Report
DA Project Report
Advertisement Click-Through-Rate
Optimisation using reinforcement
Data Analytics
Semester 7
BE 1
Amey Kolhe 4144
Mandar Pande 4156
Problem Statement 3
Abstract 3
Objective 3
Outcome 3
Introduction 4
Scope 5
Test Cases 5
Results 5
Conclusion 6
Problem Statement
Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of
total users who view a page, email, or advertisement. It is commonly used to measure the
success of an online advertising campaign for a particular website as well as the
effectiveness of email campaigns. Given a set of advertisements, determine which one will
have the highest CTR and provide optimal results using reinforcement learning.
In online advertising, the click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of individuals viewing a
web page who click on a specific advertisement that appears on the page. Click-through rate
measures how successful an ad has been in capturing users' interest. The higher the
click-through rate, the more successful the ad has been in generating interest. A high
click-through rate can help a website owner support the site through advertising dollars.
In this project we use the dataset provided at superdatascience.com to train our model. We
employ reinforcement learning algorithm namely, Upper Confidence Bound algorithm to
optimise the click through rates of the ads.
After completing this mini-project, we will be able to build Upper Confidence Bound by
performing data preprocessing and testing for accuracy on the test data.
A click-through rate can help digital marketers measure the efficacy of a variety of online marketing
campaigns. It may be utilized with a variety of mediums, such as display advertisements, email
advertising and paid search.
It can also be used to measure the effectiveness of advertising copy, titles and descriptions that
make up the metadata of online content. Since most websites are built to compel users to take an
action, click-through rates can help digital marketers learn what works and what doesn't.
Such monitoring does not give advertisers any insight into the intent and reasoning of an individual
who has clicked on an online ad or piece of content but remains a standard because of its
Because of its simplicity and efficiency, optimising CTR becomes an important task. In this project,
we will use reinforcement learning algorithm to optimise the click through rates of an ad company
For the successful implementation of the project we undertook the following activities:
Dataset from the superdatascience.com has various ad versions on horizontal and users on
vertical. Each time a user clicks an advertisement, the value of that cell is 1, else 0. We only
explore the upper confidence bound algorithm in this project as it provides satisfactory
results. The result is analyzed using a histogram. The UCB algorithm has been implemented
by us for the given dataset.
Test Cases
We have successfully completed the project with the required functionalities and stated
scope. Results have been demonstrated using histogram for better comparison and analysis.