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WiFi ready

For summer refreshment…

Air conditioners catalogue 2017


Wi-Fi 2
Vivax technology 3
Function description 4
Products Overview 8
WALL SPLIT SYSTEM - Y design series 10
V design series 14
R design series 18
S design series
M design 24
Z design series





CIFM AERI/AEVI series (wall) 39

CTIFM AERI series (floor) 40
CCIFM AERI series (cassette) 41
COFM AERI AERI series (outdoor units) 42

FREE MATCH – combinations 43

WiFi ready

…and warm winter days.


ECO MODE 0.5W/1W standby

Humidity Control
VIVAX new energy-saving AC apply Intelligent on/off technology enables VIVAX
innovative ECO mode, by pressing products automatically enter energy- With smart sensor technology,
this button, AC will run into a 8-hour saving mode when standby, cut energy not only detect the temperature
saving mode which cuts 60% energy of consumption from normal 5w to 0,5W/1w but also detect humidity level of
against normal mode per hour which counts 80%-90% of saving the room. You can customize your
most comfortable humidity level,
applicable from 30%-90%.


Temperature is slightly rising or falling automatically in order to preserve the
pleasant room temperature, and also reduce energy consumption. MOVEMENT DETECTOR
Movement detector provides
possibility to adjust airflow
according to Your needs



By pressing the button “CLEAN” on Consists of specialized biological enzyme filter Additional heaters, one heater is used
the remote control, the device will and eco Filter. The eco Filter catches very Eliminate formaldehyde for heating oil in the compressor, and
automatically start with cleaning small airborne dust particles and neutralities and other volatile organic second one improves defrosting of
the indoor unit. This function will bacteria, fungi and microbes. Biological compounds (VOCs) as the outdoor unit. Heater operation
eliminate the bacteria and their enzyme kill bacteria by dissolving their cell well as harmful gases and is controlled by the main processor.
reproduction, and the air becomes wall thus it eliminating the problem of the odors. This management control enables a
cleaner and fresher. re-pollution. smooth and safe operation when the
outdoor temperature reaches -15 °C.


Release negative ions, eliminate odor, dust, smoke and Absorb and eliminate dust
pollen particles to give you fresh and healthy air. form the air.
Manual on/off Mute Operation 2-way draining TURBO 3D AIR FLOW Wi-Fi READY I FEEL
Want to turn off the AC beep and
You can easily turn on/off Both left and right sides of AC will maximize the output of Combines vertical With the Wi-Fi control, The mini sensor in the remote controller can
display? By pressing mute operation,
Your AC by pressing manual indoor unit are possible for cooling or heating capacity, make and horizontal auto you can easily turn off sense its surrounding temperature, and transmit
VIVAX AC help to give you a quiet and
switch button on the drainage hose connevtion, easy the room cool down or heat up swing to ensure the AC outside your the signal back to the indoor unit. So, the unit
comfortable enviroment.
outside of the indoor unit. for instalation. rapidly, and attain the desired even distribution house via smart device. can adjust the air flow volume and temperature
temperatureintheshortesttime. throughout the room Furthermore, you can turn accordingly so as to provide maximum comfort.
it on before you come back


FUNCTION The device offers the possibility of adjusting MEMORY FUNCTION MONO & MULTI 12 FAN SPEEDS TIMER BUILT IN DRAIN 360°Air Flow
(AUTO RESTART) the automatic mode. By selecting this When you start the unit next COMPATIBILE Improve indoor fan PUMP Panel
Timer allows initiation
When the power is off function, the device automatically time, the angle of vertical swing Compatible indoor unit speeds from 6 grades to and termination of The drain pump can With the 360° air flow
and then on, the unit determines the fan speed of the indoor unit will automatically move to the for both, mono and multi 12 grades ensure more devices from within a lift the condensing panel, the air can be
automatically restores the and mode, comparing the set temperature same position as you set last time. inverter system. It comes accurate control and period of 24 hours. water up to 750mm. distributed to every
previous function settings. and current conditions in the area. in handy for warehouse bring more comfortable corner of the room.

management. air flow.

8°C Heating WIRED CONTROLER Self-evaporative System Omni-directional DIGITAL

caster DISPLAY
In heating operation, the preset temperature of the air conditioner Compared with infrared remote controller, wired The slinger-up system automatically recylce condensate
can be as lower as 8°C, which keeps the room temperature steady controller can be fixed on the wall and avoid water of evaporator to condenser, no need of water bucket. The integrated swivel
at 8°C and prevents the house from freezing. mislaying. casters make the portable
Bring more cooling power and improve cooling efficiency.
AC easier to move.


The indoor unit will display error code “EC”
when the system detects refrigerant leakage. When temperature sensor error happens, the I-defrosting is only performed Display the error COVER
This new technology can better protect the regular AC will display error code and stop when needed, which reduces description on LED display Outdoor unit valves
compressor. immediately, while VIVAX AC will display energy waste by eliminating for faster and easier protection.
error and continue running in proper status, the unnecessary defrosting solutions of the resulting
to avoid the case that AC and sin urgent need. process. problems.


The device can be used for heating at low outdoor Allows operation of the unit in cooling mode Inspite of low outside temperature
temperatures with high efficiency. at low outdoor temperature. device is working on 100% capacity

We reserve the right of eventual printing errors.

V-smart Solution - WiFi
With the smart kits installed on your AC, You can
control all the AC functions through voice or
apps on mobile phones. M-Smart not only focus Cloud server
on operate the AC, but also offer a healthy air
WiFi WiFi
care solution based on human/AC interactions.
Router Router

Information Tower

Download your User name

Nethome Plus App on:

In AC system range Out of AC system range

VIVAX Wi-Fi Ready AC system

Second generation WiFi VIVAX DC inverter mono split moment, wherever You are. Through mobile App, when You come Home. It is important to emphasize that the second
AC systems, Y DESIGN, V DESIGN, R DESIGN, S+ DESIGN are in Your home and connected to Your home WiFi router, generation of VIVAX WiFi ready devices have increased
and M DESIGN have a possibility to expand their Your smart device is working just like Your remote controller, possibilities. Weekly timer is first new thing, and it gives You
functions through WiFi module which can be bought with addition that You don’t have to be in the same room as possibility to adjust Your AC system each day in advance.
and installed in the indoor unit. Through the installed the AC system to control it. For an example, if Your indoor Second novelty is that You can now check the status of Your
WiFi module the AC system communicates with Your unit is on the floor of Your house You have the possibility AC system in separate 97 points. If You have any doubts
smart device and You can control Your AC system from to control the AC system from any room in the house, even about the performance of the AC system Your diagnosis is
any place in the world, even if You are not close to the from the ground floor, without the trouble of getting in the just one click on Your smart device away. It can also be very
system itself. same room as the indoor unit. useful to the service support people who can now diagnose
and remove any failure easier and faster. Third novelty
In order to control the VIVAX AC system through Your smart If You are outside of the range of Your home wireless on new application is the possibility to see the electricity
device it is necessary to purchase and install under the panel network, control of Your VIVAX AC system is possible consumption on monthly basis. Last, but not least novelty is
of the indoor unit WiFi module, and to download free mobile through 3G/4G network or through any other wireless the possibility to adjust Your AC in sleeping mode if necessary.
App on Your smart device. Following few easy steps in the network. This option will give You an opportunity to start
Forgotten to turn Your air conditioner off? VIVAX AC system
instructions which You got in Your WiFi module packaging Your AC system from Your work place and prepare Your
Your VIVAX AC system is becoming controllable in every home for You to be just as You want it to be even before You allows You to turn it off virtually wherever You are.

le même mode). L’installation peut être modulée au gré des extensions ou évolution des besoins.

Vivax technology
Commission Delegated
HIGH EFFICIENCY Intelligent Anti-cold-air Function Regulation (EU) No 626/2011
5 unités extérieures
Conventional anti-cold-air function works only
ul groupe extérieur, models
chaque from peut
unité intérieure residential to commercial
être commandée individuellementare
(dans by evaporator temperature. Vivax intelligent anti-
xtensions ou évolution des New
besoins.class A++ ranking, the highest level cold-air function works by both evaporator and ENERG Y IJA

that is now shown on energy label in European union. ambient tempera-ture, more accurate control ensure Model
Vanjska jednica/Outdoor unit ACP-12CH35AEHI/O

New Energy Labelling Requirement (EU) 626/2011 comfortable feeling.

Unutarnja jednica/Indoor unit


• Three climate zones for heating (Average zone is A


mandatory, warmer and colder zone are voluntary) A


+ +

• Seasonal efficiency (performance 5 unitésbased on multiple

extérieures A A

part loads calculation) Sound power level B


• Rated efficiency indicates performance only data 1 unité extérieure D

kW 3,6
kW X 2,6 X

rated condition. SEER 7,8

kWh/annum 162
kWh/annum X

• Seasonal efficiency indicates performance at an 57dB

entire cooling and heating actual operation.
Wide Operation Range
Power Factor Correction (PFC) Up to 25 stages (F1-F25) of compressor frequency,

Economies d’énergie and frequency range increased around 70%. More

With advanced
L’adoption partial “Sine
des technologies active 1PFC
Wave” extérieure
“Active theleinput
PFC”, comfortable
choix de composants and et
haut de gamme energy saving
une qualité due irréprochable
d’assemblage to smooth garantis-
current waveform and
sent un fonctionnement voltage
fiable, waveform
silencieux et une hauteget phase
efficacité and accurate control. With advanced frequency
énergétique. Technological developments in the energy efficiency
synchronization, more than 97% of the input power - adjusting technology, compressor preheating improvement of air conditioners have been very rapid
supply is used effectively, which greatly improve function and the electrical heating belts, the unit can in recent years. This has allowed European Authority
power transformation efficiency. operate heating as low as -20°C. to introduce stringent minimum energy efficiency
DC380V requirements and led to a process of introducing
DC300V (Boost up)
Loss Full range new energy labelling schemes based on seasonal
performance. Today’s appliances, excluding single
oix de composants haut de gamme et une qualité d’assemblage irréprochable garantis- and double duct air conditioners, that achieve the
é énergétique. highest efficiency levels have largely surpassed the A
Passive PFC Active PFC Rectangle wave Sine wave efficiency levels established by Directive 2002/31/EC.

This Regulation introduces two energy efficiency

scales based on the primary function and on specific
Loss Full range aspects important to consumer. Given that air
conditioners are used mainly in part-load conditions,
the efficiency testing should be changed to a seasonal
Rectangle wave Sine wave 3D air flow efficiency measurement method, except for single
The AC device combines vertical and horizontal auto and double duct air conditioners. The seasonal
swing to ensure even distribution throughout the measurement method takes better into account the
0,5W STANDBY room. benefits of the inverter driven technology and the
Intelligent on-off technology enables Vivax products conditions in which these appliances are used.
automatically enter energy-saving mode when on The new efficiency calculation method with an
standby mode, Ecodesign implementing measure setting minimum
cut energy energy efficiency requirements higher than the
consumption current A level, will lead to a reclassification of these
from conve- appliances. Consequently, split, window and wall air
ntional 5W to conditioners should have a new A-G energy efficiency
0.5W which class scale with a “+” added on the top of the scale
counts 90% of every two years until the A++ class has been reached..

Function description
3D DC Inverter DC Inverter motor of Cross
Intelligent Defrosting
Flow Fan Maximize warm comfort with shorter defrosting
Indoor Unit Inverter System Variable transmission of fan time. Traditional defrosting works by setting
speed. Super quite operating time. E.g. defrosting process is on for 10mins
with 20dB(A) for every 50 mins. VIVAX I-Defrosting is only
performen when needed, which redusces
energy waste by eliminating the unnecessary
defrosting process.

DC Motor of Compressor
Greatly improve the energy
Outdoor Unit Inverter System efficiency.

Vivax Intelligent Defrosting

DC Motor of Compressor
Greatly improve the energy

Generally defrost

ECO Mode
VIVAX new energy-saving AC applies innovative ECO Mode, it can give you worry-free sleep for additional 60% power saving.

0.1W makes energy 0.1Hz low frequency 0.1 °C precise

saving 20-30 times of eliminates high temperature
traditinal AC prequency control gives ultra
electromagnetic comfortable indoor
noise enviroment

Refrigerant Leakage Detect Emergency Using Function
When refrigerant leakage is detected indoor, unit will show error Normally, when temperature sensor error happens, the air conditioner will display an error code and
code “EC” and stop automatically. This function can better protect stop immediately. With this function, when this error happens, the VIVAY AC system will display error
compressor from being damaged by high temperature due to code and continue running in a proper status instead of stopping immediately, to avoid the case that AC
refrigerant leakage. is in urgent need.

Refrigerant leakage is detected

Common AC without Emergency Using Function Vivax AC with Emergency Using Function

Mono & Multi Compatible

Compatible indoor unit for both, mono and multi inverter system. It comes in handy for warehouse

AC system has turned off automatically

8°C Heating Mono Multi

In heating operation, the preset temperature of the air
conditioner can be as lower as 8°C, which keeps the room
temperature steady at 8°C and prevents the house from freezing
when it is unoccupied for a long time in severe cold weather
Louver Position Memory Function
When you start the unit next time, the angle of the
vertical swing will automatically move to the same
position as you set last time.

Function description
Auto Photosensitive Display VIVAX multi split
When room light is turned off, the display will be slowly dimmed after 5 seconds, and the airflow will be soften
down accordingly, ofering you a sound sleep. DC inverter systems

Sensitive to the light intensity Analyze room enviroment after Soften down airflow and dim the
the light s turned off display

In this year Vivax presents you the sixth generation of multi

VIVAX new Outdoor unit Appearance - Multi-angle cutting structure split DC inverter air conditioners which are ideal solution
VIVAX new multi-angle cutting structure outdoor unit with uniquely designed reinforcing rib makes the outdoor for conditioning of your business or residential spaces. All
unit more sturdy and durable. Air outlet grille can be disassambled individualy, making the fan motor maintenance devices are designed to please users and space requests
easier regarding cooling and heating. New technological solutions
enable high power efficiency of one device under all climate
conditions whether used for cooling or for heating.
Vide capacity range of outdoor units (from 5.28 – 12.31 kW)
and possibility to connect maximum 5 indoor units allows
far-reaching of this devices by emphasizing commercial and
“ “ type top cover Reinforced right
residential premises.
The maximum length of installation is 65m which allows easy
positioning of device regarding relation outdoor unit and
external object dimensions, therefore it is now very simple
to position outdoor unit on the roof or on the backyard side
without disturbing external appearance. Indoor units come
Net structure left calpboard Multiangle cutting front in three different types: wall mounted, cassette, floor and it
panel is possible to choose between 11 different indoor units with
capacity range: 2.22 - 7.03 kW. Attractive design and low
noise level will provide comfortable atmosphere.
Mute Operation
Apartments, flats, family houses, office space, shops,
Want to turn off the AC beep and display? By pressing restaurants and special purpose facilities are just a part of
mute operation, VIVAX AC help to give you a quiet spaces that Vivax multi split DC Inverter devices can heat or
and comfortable enviroment
Durability of this device, acceptable price and A class of
energy efficiency are the guarantee of the best choice which
puts Vivax multi split DC Inverter among the leading air
conditioners in this segment.

Humidity Control

Smart sensor on indoor unit can control

humidity from 30% do 90%, along with

Power Mode Normal Mode DIY Mode

2805 ml 1757 ml

Movement detector WARRANTY

Warranty period for VIVAX AC

is 36 months with obligatory
Movement detector annual service performed
by authorised service centre.
Detailed information regarding
warranty and list of authorised
service centres can be found on
Wind flow away from Wind flow follow Strong wind when more Gentle wind flow when less
people people people in room people in room

Products Overview


Photo Series Capacity Color

2.9kW 3.5kW
design white
VIVAX air conditioners 2017.

3.7kW 5.3kW
gold black

2.9kW 3.5kW 5.3kW 7.0kW



2.9kW 3.5kW 5.1kW 7.0kW

design white


2.9kW 3.5kW 5.3kW 7.0kW


2.9kW 3.5kW 5.3kW 7.0kW




CT-AERI 3.5kW 5.0kW

FLOOR CEILING CF-AERI 5.3kW 7.0kW 10.5kW 14.1kW 16.1kW


Photo Series Capacity

CASSETTE CC-AERI 3.5kW 5.3kW 7.0kW 10.5kW 12.3kW 13.8kW 16.1kW


DT-AERI 3.5kW 7.0kW 10.5kW 12.3kW 14.1kW 16.1kW

CIFM-AERI 2.2kW 2.6kW 3.5kW 5.3kW


CIFM-AEVI 2.6kW 3.5kW



CCIFM-AERI 2.6kW 3.5kW 5.3kW

OUTDOOR UNIT 5.3kW 7.9kW 8.2kW 10.5kW 12.3kW


Heating down to -32°C Cooling down to -32°C

Advanced inverter technology has given this device an opportunity to function efficiently Y DESIGN series is cooling Your home efficiently on low outside temperatures,
in very extreme weather conditions. You can warm up Your home even if the outside even down to -32°C
temperature is -32°C, working with 100% of declared capacity on -15°C

Ultra-high Energy Efficiency Strong Long Windblast

OP Series
110 Y Design serie
70-80 25%

108 mm 94 mm
Conventional Conventional
Energy classes Strong Airflow Long Windblast
Air outlet design Indoor fan diameter
ERP is 108mm, much
110mm, 25%
SEER SCOP bigger than bigger than
conventional AC conventional AC as
9.7 5.5 φ82~94mm

Y DESIGN series is equipped with ultra-high end energy efficiency technology. You can
indulge in comfortable warmness/coolness while significantly reducing energy consumption.
A+++ energy efficiency class confirms it. Comfort Airflow

Special heat The leading energy Optimized air outlet

exchanger design efficiency compressor design assists the
offers better as core element of the energy efficiency Y DESIGN series offers the most comfort airflow with warm air down to your toes, feeling spring in
performance rate technology every corner of your room. Cool air up to the ceiling, enjoy a more homogeneous coolness around

9,7 5,5

100% capacity Heating down Cooling down

on -15°C to -32°C to -32°C

 High Efficiency  Bio Filter

 Ionizer  Movement detector
 ECO mode  8° C heating
 1W standby  Mute Operation
 I Feel function  100% capacity on -15°C
 Heating operating temperature range -32°C  Digital Display
 Cooling operating temperature range -32°C  Wi-Fi Ready
 Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters

I feel Turbo Auto Memory Ionizer Self Diagnostics Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Emergency 12 Fan Speed Refrigerant Louver position Mute BIO Filter
operation function mode using function leakage detect memory Operation

Movement Dust Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby ECO Mode Valve Protection Intelligent Wi-Fi ready 3D 8°C heating 2-way draining Digital Display Humidity
detector Filter Belt Heating Belt Cover DeFrost airflow Control

Capacity Cooling 2640(1610-3660) W 3520(2340~4250) W
Heating 4100(2640-4540) W 4250(2460~4690) W
Refrigerant R32 R32
Energy efficiency class Cooling A+++ A+++
Heating A+++ A+++
Energy efficiency class SEER 9.7 9.5
SCOP 5.5 5.5
Design load for heating (P design) 2600 W 2550 W
Input power Cooling 483 W 750 W
Heating 834W 943 W
Airflow ≤545 m³/h ≤575 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤41 dB(A) ≤42 dB(A)
Outdoor ≤58 dB(A) ≤57 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤58 dB ≤58 dB
Outdoor ≤58 dB ≤58 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8”
Connection wire 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm²
Connection wire IU/OU ~220-240V/1/50Hz 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm²
Max. length of pipe 25 m 25 m
Max elevation 10 m 10 m
Standard length 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant* 12 g/m 12 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 514 mm 514 mm
Working range -32°C≤T≤50°C -32°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 895 x 298 x 248mm 895 x 298 x 248 mm
Outdoor unit 800 x 554 x 333 mm 800 x 554 x 333 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 12.4 kg 12.4 kg
Outdoor unit 37 kg 37 kg
* Do not mix with other refrigerants

& Nethome Plus



VIVAX V DESING series is unique,
light turns blue in cooling mode
and red in heating mode

OFF Heating Mode Cooling Mode

Easy clean Auto Photosensitive display and sound

Unigue design, easy to
dissasmble and clean

Push to open

When room light is turned off, the display will be slowly darken
after 5 seconds, slow down the fan speed, and the buzzer turns
off. It will get back to normal after the light is tuned back on.

Just like walking

into forest

Modular design Automatic telescopic rod


black gold

6,9 4,1

 High Efficiency  Bio Filter

 Ionizer  Super V-design in gold and black color
 ECO mode  8° C heating
 1W standby  Mute Operation
 I Feel function  2-way draining
 Heating operating temperature range -20°C  Digital Display
 Cooling operating temperature range -15°C
 Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters
 Wi-Fi Ready

I feel Turbo Auto Memory Ionizer Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Emergency 12 Fan Speed Refrigerant Louver position Mute
operation function mode using function leakage detect memory Operation

BIO Filter Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby ECO Mode Valve Heating Cooling Intelligent Wi-Fi ready 3D 8°C heating 2-way draining Digital Display
Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating Defrosting airflow
Cover temperature temperature
range -20°C range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 3520(1330~4470) W 5280(1830~6120) W
Heating 3810(1040~4880) W 5570(1400~6740) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++
Heating A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.9 6.6
SCOP 4.1 4.1
Design load for heating (P design) 2700 W 4300 W
Input power Cooling 1095 W 1643 W
Heating 1117 W 1542 W
Airflow ≤500 m³/h ≤740 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤36 dB(A) ≤39 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤56 dB(A) ≤56 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤49 dB ≤56 dB
Outdoor unit ≤60 dB ≤62 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 1/2”
Connection wire 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm²
Connection wire IU/OU ~220-240V/1/50Hz 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm²
Max. length of pipe 25 m 30 m
Max elevation 10 m 20 m
Standard length 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 20 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 514 mm 514 mm
Working range -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 897 x 312 x 182 mm 1004 x 350 x 205 mm
Outdoor unit 800 x 333 x 554 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 9.9 kg 13.0 kg
Outdoor unit 29.1 kg 37.8 kg

& Nethome Plus




white gold

7,4 4,2

 High Efficiency  Wi-Fi Ready

 Ionizer  Bio Filter
 Mono & Multi Compatible (ACP-09CH25AERI, ACP-12CH35AERI)  Mute Operation
 1W standby  2-way draining
 I Feel Function  Digital Display
 Heating operating temperature range -15°C
 Cooling operating temperature range -15°C
 Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters

I feel Turbo Auto Memory Ionizer Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Emergency 12 Fan Speed Refrigerant Louver position Mute
operation function mode using function leakage detect memory Operation

BIO Filter Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby ECO Mode Valve Heating Cooling Intelligent Wi-Fi ready Mono&Multi 2-way draining Digital Display
Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating Defrosting
Cover temperature temperature
range -15°C range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 2640(1230~3310) W 3520(1380~4510) W 5280(1850~6180) W 7030(2670~8090) W
Heating 2930(910~3750) W 3810(1080~4920) W 5570(1380~6800) W 7910 (2200~9290) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A++
Heating A+ A+ A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 7.4 6.8 6.8 6.6
SCOP 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 2600 W 2800 W 4200 W 5600 W
Input power Cooling 750 W 1088 W 1547 W 2261 W
Heating 770 W 1025 W 1500 W 2320 W
Airflow ≤420 m³/h ≤520 m³/h ≤750 m³/h ≤1060 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h 2.4 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤37 dB(A) ≤39 dB(A) ≤42 dB(A) ≤48 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤55 dB(A) ≤53 dB(A) ≤55 dB(A) ≤60 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤53 dB ≤52 dB ≤57 dB ≤61 dB
Outdoor unit ≤58 dB ≤60 dB ≤62 dB ≤66 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 3/8”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 5/8”
Connection wire 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x2.5 mm²
Connection wire IU/OU ~220-240V/1/50Hz 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x2.5 mm²
Max. length of pipe 25 m 25 m 30 m 50 m
Max elevation 10 m 10 m 20 m 25 m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 20 g/m 20 g/m 40 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 487 mm 514 mm 514 mm 540 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 722 x 187 x 290 mm 802 x 189 x 297 mm 965 x 215 x 319 mm 1080 x 226 x 335 mm
Outdoor unit 770 x 300 x 555 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm 845 x 363 x 702 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 7.4 kg 8.2 kg 10.7 kg 13.0 kg
Outdoor unit 26.6 kg 29.1 kg 37.8 kg 48.4 kg

& Nethome Plus




faster faster faster
installation maintenance cleaning
Easy instalation Easy Maintenance

Strong installation plate and cupboard, big space for pipe/wireing New structure with universal PCB. One PCB suits for all indoor unit sizes.
connection & better wireing terminal make VIVAX S DESIGN series Easy removable PCB and electric components totally save 50% of after
save 20% time on instalation compared with other models service time, offering easy maintenence and mony saving

Easy Clean
Easy removable filters can be pulled out at the top instead
of inside the panel. Simplified instalation step substantially
from nine to three steps. VIVAX S DESIGN can save totally
50% of cleaning time.

Direct pull out filter

Slide out chassis

Removable blade

Direct remove the panel


6,8 4,2

 High Efficiency  8° C heating

 Self Diagnosis  Easy installation
 1W standby  Easy maintenance
 Valve Protection Cover  Easy cleaning
 Intelligent Defrosting  Unique design
 Heating operating temperature range -15°C  “Good design” award
 Refrigerant Leakage Detect  Mute Operation
 Bio Filter  2-way draining
 Self Cleaning  Digital Display
 12 Fan Speed  Manual on/off

Turbo Auto Memory Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Emergency 12 Fan Speed Mute Manual
operation function mode using function Operation ON/OFF

Refrigerant Louver position BIO Filter Dust Filter 1W Standby Valve Heating Intelligent 8°C heating 2-way draining Digital Display
leakage detect memory Protection operating Defrosting
function Cover temperature
range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 2640(1170~3310) W 3520(1260~4450) W 5280(1900~6120) W 7030(2670~7880) W
Heating 2930(820~3720) W 3810(1070~4870) W 5570(1430~6740) W 7620(2080~9140) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A++
Heating A+ A+ A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.8 6.7 6.8 6.4
SCOP 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 2400 W 2600 W 4400 W 5600 W
Input power Cooling 816 W 1153 W 1633 W 2306 W
Heating 811 W 1055 W 1500 W 2302 W
Airflow ≤472 m³/h ≤563 m³/h ≤870 m³/h ≤1176 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h 2.4 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤40 dB(A) ≤41 dB(A) ≤45 dB(A) ≤47 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤55 dB(A) ≤56 dB(A) ≤58 dB(A) ≤61 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤53 dB ≤52 dB ≤59 dB ≤61 dB
Outdoor unit ≤58 dB ≤59 dB ≤64 dB ≤65 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 3/8”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 5/8”
Connection wire 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x2.5 mm²
Connection wire IU/OU ~220-240V/1/50Hz 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x2.5 mm²
Max. length of pipe 25 m 25 m 30 m 50 m
Max elevation 10 m 10 m 20 m 25 m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 20 g/m 20 g/m 40 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 487 mm 514 mm 514 mm 540 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 717 x 193 x 302 mm 805 x 193 x 302 mm 964 x 222 x 325 mm 1106 x 232 x 342 mm
Outdoor unit 770 x 300 x 555 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm 845 x 363 x 702 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 7 kg 7.7 kg 10.1 kg 13.2 kg
Outdoor unit 26.6 kg 29.1 kg 37.8 kg 48.4 kg

& Nethome Plus





6,4 4,0

 High Efficiency  Intelligent Defrosting

 Self Diagnosis  12 Fan Speed
 Refrigerant Leakage Detect  Mute Operation
 1W standby  2-way draining
 Heating operating temperature range -15°C  Digital Display
 Valve Protection Cover  WiFi ready
 Bio filtar  Self Cleaning

Turbo Auto Memory Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Emergency 12 Fan Speed Mute
operation function mode using function Operation

Refrigerant Louver position BIO filter Dust Filter 1W Standby Valve Heating Intelligent 2-way draining Digital Display Wi-Fi ready
leakage detect memory Protection operating Defrosting
function Cover temperature
range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 2640(1030~3220) W 3520(1080~4100) W 5280(1820~6130) W 7030(2670~7880) W
Heating 2930(820~3370) W 3810(880~4220) W 5570(1380~6740) W 7330 (1610~8790) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A++
Heating A+ A+ A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.2 6.1 6.4 6.1
SCOP 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 2200 W 2300 W 4200 W 5400 W
Input power Cooling 773 W 1297 W 1643 W 2344 W
Heating 769 W 1186 W 1633 W 2282 W
Airflow ≤420 m³/h ≤570 m³/h ≤840 m³/h ≤980 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h 2.4 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤40 dB(A) ≤41 dB(A) ≤47 dB(A) ≤45 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤55.5 dB(A) ≤56 dB(A) ≤56 dB(A) ≤60 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤52 dB ≤53 dB ≤56 dB ≤59 dB
Outdoor unit ≤60 dB ≤59 dB ≤63 dB ≤65 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 3/8”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 5/8”
Connection wire 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x2.5 mm²
Connection wire IU/OU ~220-240V/1/50Hz 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x2.5 mm²
Max. length of pipe 25 m 25 m 30 m 50 m
Max elevation 10 m 10 m 20 m 25 m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 15 g/m 15 g/m 15 g/m 30 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 487 mm 514 mm 514 mm 540 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 715 x 194 x 285 mm 805 x 194 x 285 mm 957 x 213 x 302 mm 1040 x 220 x 327 mm
Outdoor unit 770 x 300 x 555 mm 770 x 300 x 555 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm 845 x 363 x 702 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 6.8 kg 7.2 kg 9.5 kg 11.9 kg
Outdoor unit 25.2 kg 25.5 kg 37.8 kg 48.4 kg

Nethome Plus
& aplikacija




6,5 4,2

 High Efficiency  Intelligent Defrosting

 Self Diagnosis  12 Fan Speed
 Refrigerant Leakage Detect  Mute Operation
 1W standby  2-way draining Mute Operation
 Cold Catalyst Filter  Digital Display Want to turn off the AC beep and display?
 Heating operating temperature range -15°C  Valve Protection Cover
By pressing mute operation, VIVAX AC
help to give you a quiet and comfortable
 Turbo enviroment

Turbo Auto Memory Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Emergency 12 Fan Speed
operation function mode using function

Refrigerant Louver position Cold catalyst Dust Filter 1W Standby Valve Heating Intelligent 2-way draining Digital Display Mute
leakage detect memory filter Protection operating Defrosting Operation
function Cover temperature
range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 2640(1030~3220) W 3520(1080~4100) W 5280(1820~6130) W 7030(2670-7880)kW
Heating 2930(820~3370) W 3810(880~4220) W 5570(1380~6740) W 7620(1610-8790)kW
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A++
Heating A+ A+ A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.1 6.1 6.5 6.3
SCOP 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 2400 W 2600 W 4300 W 5500 W
Input power Cooling 879 W 1256 W 1633 W 2684 W
Heating 887 W 1154 W 1542 W 2549 W
Airflow ≤430 m³/h ≤520 m³/h ≤610 m³/h ≤960 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h 2.4 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤38 dB(A) ≤38 dB(A) ≤36 dB(A) ≤43 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤53 dB(A) ≤55 dB(A) ≤57 dB(A) ≤59 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤52 dB ≤53 dB ≤55 dB ≤61 dB
Outdoor unit ≤58 dB ≤60 dB ≤63 dB ≤68 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 3/8”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 5/8”
Connection wire 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x1.5 mm² 5x2.5 mm²
Connection wire IU/OU ~220-240V/1/50Hz 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x1.5 mm² 3x2.5 mm²
Max. length of pipe 25 m 25 m 30 m 50 m
Max elevation 10 m 10 m 20 m 25 m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 20 g/m 20 g/m 40 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 487 mm 487 mm 514 mm 540 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 715 x 188 x 250 mm 800 x 188 x 275 mm 940 x 205 x 275 mm 1045 x 235 x 315 mm
Outdoor unit 770 x 300 x 555 mm 770 x 300 x 555 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm 845 x 363 x 702 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 6.3 kg 7.2 kg 9.0 kg 12.0 kg
Outdoor unit 25.2 kg 25.2 kg 37.8 kg 48.4 kg


CT-AERI series



 High Efficiency
 Self Diagnosis
 Valve Protection Cover
 1W standby
 Heating operating temperature
range -15°C

 Cooling operating temperature

range -15°C

 Condenser and Compressor’s

 Dust Filter
 12 Fan Speed
2 Optional Air
Outlet Ways
Both up and down
air-outlet or up air-
outlet only
Memory Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning 12 Fan Speed Refrigerant Auto
function mode leakage detect Swing

Cold catalyst Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby Valve Heating Cooling
filter Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating
Cover temperature temperature
range -15°C range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 3520(620~4400) W 5270(2050~6490) W
Heating 3810(620~4950) W 5570(2050~6680) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++
Heating A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.1 6.3
SCOP 4.0 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 3600 W 4700 W
Input power Cooling 1030 W 1750 W
Heating 1000 W 1544 W
Airflow ≤550 m³/h ≤820 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤47 dB(A) ≤48 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤57 dB(A) ≤56.5 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤58 dB ≤59 dB
Outdoor unit ≤60 dB ≤65 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” vj 3/8” / uj 1/2”
Connection wire Power supply OU 3*2.5 mm² 3*2.5 mm²
Power supply IU 3*1.0 mm ² -
Connection 2*0.2 mm ² 4*1.0 mm ²
Power supply ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Indoor unit
Max. length of pipe 25 m 30 m
Max elevation 10 m 20 m
Standard length 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 20 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 514 mm 514 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 700 x 600 x 210 mm 700 x 600 x 210 mm
Outdoor unit 800 x 333 x 554 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 15.0 kg 15.0 kg
Outdoor unit 34.5 kg 36 kg


CF-AERI series



 Additional Wired Controller

 High Efficiency
 Self Diagnosis
 1W standby
 Valve Protection Cover
 Heating operating temperature range -15°C
 Cooling operating temperature range -15°C
 Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters
 12 Fan Speed

AC will maximize the output of cooling or heating capacity,
make the room cool down or heat up rapidly, and attain the
desired temperature in the shortest time.

Memory Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning 12 Fan Speed Refrigerant Auto Wired
function mode leakage detect Swing Controller

Cold catalyst Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby Valve Heating Cooling
filter Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating
Cover temperature temperature
range -15°C range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 5280(790~6150) W 7030(1200-8210) W 10550(2930~12020) W 14070(4100~16410) W 15820(4980~18110) W
Heating 5670(880~7030) W 7030(1200-8650) W 11130(2640~13190) W 16410(4400~18460) W 18170(5280~20510) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A++ A++
Heating A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.5 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1
SCOP 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 4900 W 5800 W 10300 W 11800 W 12000 W
Input power Cooling 1630 W 2285 W 4060 W 5190 W 6060 W
Heating 1460 W 1900 W 2985 W 4810 W 5645 W
Airflow ≤900 m³/h ≤1180 m³/h ≤2048 m³/h ≤2100m³/h ≤2250m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.8 L/h 2.4 L/h 3.6 L/h 4.8 L/h 5.5 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤44 dB(A) ≤53 dB(A) ≤52 dB(A) ≤56 dB(A) ≤55 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤56.5 dB(A) ≤60.5 dB(A) ≤62 dB(A) ≤65 dB(A) ≤62.5 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤57 dB ≤63 dB ≤63 dB ≤66 dB ≤70 dB
Outdoor unit ≤65 dB ≤65 dB ≤67 dB ≤72 dB ≤75 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8”
Connection wire Power supply OU 3*2.5 mm ² 3*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ²
Power supply IU 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ²
Connection 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ²
Power supply ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Indoor and outdoor unit ~220-240V/1/50Hz; indoor unut; ~380~415V; 50Hz;3ph; outdoor unit
Max. length of pipe 30 m 50 m 65 m 65 m 65 m
Max elevation 20 m 25 m 30 m 30 m 30 m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 514 mm 540 mm 673 mm 634 mm 634 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 1068 x 675 x 235 mm 1068 x 675 x 235 mm 1650 x 675 x 235 mm 1650 x 675 x 235 mm 1650 x 675 x 235 mm
Outdoor unit 800 x 333 x 554 mm 845 x 363 x 702 mm 946 x 410 x 810 mm 952 x 410 x 1333 mm 952 x 410 x 1333 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 25.8 kg 25.0 kg 40.3 kg 38.2 kg 40.5 kg
Outdoor unit 35.5 kg 49.0 kg 81.0 kg 108.1 kg 112.8 kg

& &

CC-AERI series



 Additional Wired Controller

 High Efficiency
 Self Diagnosis
 1W standby
 Valve Protection Cover
 Heating operating temperature range -15°C
 Cooling operating temperature range -15°C
 Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters
 Built-in Drain Pump

360°Air Flow Panel

With the 360° air flow panel, the air can be distributed to
every corner of the room.

Memory Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning 12 Fan Speed Refrigerant Auto Wired
function mode leakage detect Swing Controller

Built-in Drain Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby Valve Heating Cooling
Pump Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating
Cover temperature temperature
range -15°C range -15°C

Capacity Cooling 3520(620~4400) W 5280(790~6150) W 7030(1200-8210) W 10550(2930~12020) W 12310(3220~13190) W 14060(3990~16460) W 16120(4980~18020) W
Heating 4100(620~5130) W 5570(880~7030) W 7030(1200-8650) W 11130(2640~13190) W 13480(2930~14650) W 16110(4190~19020) W 18170(5280~20510) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A++ A+ A+ A+
Heating A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.1 6.3 6.1 6.1 5.6 5.6 5.6
SCOP 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 3600 W 4800 W 5800 W 10100 W 11000 W 11500 W 11500 W
Input power Cooling 960 W 1630 W 2170 W 4060 W 4090 W 5300 W 6395 W
Heating 995 W 1500 W 1900 W 3085 W 3535 W 4991 W 5735 W
Airflow ≤650 m³/h ≤660 m³/h ≤1450 m³/h ≤1900 m³/h ≤1850 m³/h ≤1850 m³/h ≤1900 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h 2.4 L/h 3.6 L/h 4.2 L/h 4.8 L/h 5.5 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤42 dB(A) ≤46 dB(A) ≤46 dB(A) ≤53 dB(A) ≤52 dB(A) ≤55 dB(A) ≤52 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤57 dB(A) ≤56.5 dB(A) ≤60.5 dB(A) ≤62 dB(A) ≤63 dB(A) ≤65 dB(A) ≤62.5 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤57 dB ≤56 dB ≤61 dB ≤61 dB ≤64 dB ≤63 dB ≤68 dB
Outdoor unit ≤60 dB ≤64 dB ≤65 dB ≤67 dB ≤71 dB ≤72 dB ≤74 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8”
Connection wire Power supply OU 3*2.5 mm ² (opcija) 3*2.5 mm ² 3*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ²
Power supply IU 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ²
Connection - 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ²
Power supply ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Indoor and outdoor unit ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Indoor unit; ~380~415 V; 50Hz;3ph; outdoor unit
Max. length of pipe 25 m 30 m 50 m 65 m 65 m 65 m 65 m
Max elevation 10 m 20 m 25 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 20 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 514 mm 514 mm 540 mm 673 mm 673 mm 634 mm 634 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 570 x 570 x 260 mm 570 x 570 x 260 mm 840 x 840 x 245 mm 840 x 840 x 245 mm 840 x 840 x 287 mm 840 x 840 x 287 mm 840 x 840 x 287 mm
Panel 647 x 647 x 50 mm 647 x 647 x 50 mm 950 x 950 x 55 mm 950 x 950 x 55 mm 950 x 950 x 55 mm 950 x 950 x 55 mm 950 x 950 x 55 mm
Outdoor unit 800 x 333 x 554 mm 800 x 333 x 554 mm 845 x 363 x 702 mm 946 x 410 x 810 mm 946 x 410 x 810 mm 952 x 410 x 1333 mm 952 x 410 x 1333 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 16 kg 16.5 kg 24 kg 25.6 kg 26.1 kg 28 kg 31 kg
Panel 2. 5 kg 2. 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg
Outdoor unit 34.5 kg 35.5 kg 49 kg 81 kg 85.3 kg 108.1 kg 112.8 kg

& &

DT-AERI series


DUCT SYSTEM | DC inverter

 Additional Wired Controller

 High Efficiency
 Self Diagnosis
 1W standby
 Valve Protection Cover
 Heating operating temperature range -15°C
 Cooling operating temperature range -15°C
 Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters
 Built-in Drain Pump


The drain pump can lift the condensing water up to
Memory Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning 12 Fan Speed Refrigerant Auto Wired
function mode leakage detect Swing Controller

750 mm
Built-in Drain Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby Valve Heating Cooling
Pump Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating
Cover temperature temperature
range -15°C range -15°C

DUCT SYSTEM | DC inverter
Capacity Cooling 3520 (620-4400) W 7030(1200-8210) W 10550(2930~12020) W 12310(3220~13190) W 14070(4100~16410) W 15820(4980~18110) W
Heating 3810 (620-4980) W 7030(1200-8650) W 11130(2640~13190) W 13480(2930~14650) W 16410(4340~18370) W 18170(5280~20510) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A+ A++ A++
Heating A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.1 6.1 6.1 5.6 6.1 6.1
SCOP 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Design load for heating (P design) 3300 W 5800 W 10500 W 11000 W 12200 W 12300 W
Input power Cooling 1030 W 2285 W 3965 W 4090 W 5010 W 5255 W
Heating 995 W 1900 W 2923 W 3535 W 4255 W 5033 W
Protokzraka ≤680 m³/h ≤1360 m³/h ≤1750 m³/h ≤2200 m³/h ≤2200m³/h ≤2200m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.2 L/h 2.4 L/h 3.6 L/h 4.2 L/h 4.8 L/h 5.5 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤42 dB (A) ≤46.0 dB(A) ≤43 dB(A) ≤49 dB(A) ≤50 dB(A) ≤50 dB(A)
Outdoor unit ≤57 dB(A) ≤60.5 dB(A) ≤62 dB(A) ≤63 dB(A) ≤65 dB(A) ≤62.5 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤54 dB ≤62 dB ≤59 dB ≤67 dB ≤68 dB ≤69 dB
Outdoor unit ≤60 dB ≤65 dB ≤67 dB ≤71 dB ≤72 dB ≤76 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8”
Connection wire Power supply OU 3*2.5 mm ² 3*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ² 5*2.5 mm ²
Power supply IU 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ² 3*1.0 mm ²
Connection 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ² 2*0.2 mm ²
Power supply ~220-240V/1/50Hz; I.and O.un. ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Indoor unit; ~380~415V; 50Hz;3ph; Outdoor unit
Max. length of pipe 25 m 50 m 65 m 65 m 65 m 65 m
Max elevation 10 m 25 m 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 20 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m 40 g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 514 mm 540 mm 673 mm 673 mm 634 mm 634 mm
Working range -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C -15°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 700 x 635 x 210 mm 920 x 635 x 270 mm 1200 x 865 x 300 mm 1200 x 865 x 300 mm 1200 x 865 x 300 mm 1200 x 865 x 300 mm
Outdoor unit 800 x 333 x 554 mm 845 x 363 x 702 mm 946 x 410 x 810 mm 946 x 410 x 810 mm 952 x 410 x 1333 mm 952 x 410 x 1333 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 18.4 kg 28.0 kg 45.0 kg 43.4 kg 43.2 kg 43.1 kg
Outdoor unit 34.5 kg 49.0 kg 81.0 kg 85.5 kg 108.1 kg 112.8 kg

& &

AEH&AEF series


 0,5W standby
 Memory function (auto-restart)
 Anti Cool Air design
 Dehumidifying
 24h Timer
 Sleep mode
 LED display
 Self Diagnosis
 Omni-directional caster
 Self-evaporative System

I feel Memory Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer 0.5 W standby Self-evaporative Omni-directional
function kvarova mode System caster


Capacity Cooling 2600 W 3500 W 2600 W 3500 W
Heating - - 2500 W 2900 W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A A A A
Heating - - A+ A+
Energy Efficiency EER 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
COP 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
Input power Cooling 1200 W 1600 W 1200 W 1600 W
Heating 955 W 1130 W
Airflow ≤350 m³/h ≤386 m³/h ≤370 m³/h ≤425 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤51 dB(A) ≤53.7 dB(A) ≤52 dB(A) ≤53.7 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤65 dB ≤65 dB ≤64 dB ≤65 dB
Net dimensions Indoor unit 454 x 365 x 700 mm 466 x 397 x 765 mm 466 x 397 x 765 mm 466 x 397 x 765 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 26.6 kg 32.5 kg 30.5 kg 34.0 kg

CIFM AERI/AEVI series MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM | Wall mounted indoor unit

MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM | Wall mounted indoor unit

 High Efficiency
 Self Diagnosis
 Valve Protection Cover
 1W standby
 Heating operating
temperature range -20°C
 Cooling operating
I feel Memory Ionizer Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Louver position Digital Display temperature range -15°C
function mode memory
function  Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters
 Dust Filter
 Cold Catalyst Filter
 Self Cleaning
Cold catalyst Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby Valve Heating Cooling 2-way draining
filter Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating  2-way draining
Cover temperature temperature
range -20°C range -15°C  Digital Display


Capacity Cooling ACP-09CIFM25AEVI ACP-12CIFM35AEVI
2340 W 2640 W 3520 W 5280 W
Heating 2640 W 2930 W 3810 W 5570 W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A
Airflow ≤420 m³/h ≤520 m³/h ≤750 m³/h ≤1060 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h 2.4 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤36.0 dB(A) ≤37.0 dB(A) ≤39.0 dB(A) ≤42.0 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤52 dB ≤54 dB ≤54 dB ≤60 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2”
Connection wire 4x1.0 mm² 4x1.0 mm² 4x1.0 mm² 4x1.0 mm²
Power supply ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Outdoor unit
Working range -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 722×187×290 mm 722×187×290 mm 802×189×297 mm 965×215×319 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 7.4 kg 7.4 kg 8.2 kg 10.7 kg

MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM | Floor mounted indoor unit CTIFM AERI series MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM | Floor mounted indoor unit

 High Efficiency
 Self Diagnosis
 Valve Protection Cover
 1W standby
 Heating operating temperature range -20°C
 Cooling operating temperature range -15°C
I feel Memory Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Louver position  Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters
function mode memory
function  Dust Filter
 Self Cleaning

Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby Valve Heating Cooling

Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating
Cover temperature temperature
range -20°C range -15°C


Capacity Cooling 2640 W 3520 W 5280 W
Heating 2930 W 3810 W 5280 W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A
Airflow ≤710 m³/h ≤550 m³/h ≤820 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤45 dB(A) ≤47 dB(A) ≤48 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤57 dB ≤58 dB ≤59 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 1/2”
Connection wire 4x1.0 mm² 4x1.0 mm² 4x1.0 mm²
Power supply ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Outdoor unit
Working range -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 700×600×210 mm 700×600×210 mm 700×600×210 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 13.5 kg 15.0 kg 15.0 kg

CCIFM AERI series MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM | Cassette indoor unit

MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM | Cassette indoor unit

 Additional Wired Controller
 High Efficiency
 Self Diagnosis
 1W standby

 Valve Protection Cover

 Heating operating
temperature range -20°C
 Cooling operating
temperature range -15°C
I feel Memory Self Diagnosis Sleep 24h timer Self cleaning Louver position Built-in Drain Wired
function mode memory Pump Controller
function  Condenser and Compressor’s Heaters
 Built-in Drain Pump
 360°Air Flow Panel

Dust Filter Chasis Heating Compressor 1W Standby Valve Heating Cooling 360°Air Flow
Belt Heating Belt Protection operating operating Panel
Cover temperature temperature
range -20°C range -15°C


Capacity Cooling 2640 W 3520 W 5280 W
Heating 2930 W 4100 W 5280 W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A
Airflow ≤580 m³/h ≤650 m³/h ≤800 m³/h
Dehumidifying capacity 1.0 L/h 1.2 L/h 1.8 L/h
Sound pressure level Indoor unit ≤39.0 dB(A) ≤41.0 dB(A) ≤48.0 dB(A)
Sound power level Indoor unit ≤53 dB ≤58 dB ≤59 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 1/2”
Connection wire 4x1.00 mm² 4x1.00 mm² 4x1.00 mm²
Power supply ~220-240V/1/50Hz; Outdoor unit
Working range -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Indoor unit 570×570×260 mm 570×570×260 mm 570×570×260 mm
Net weight Indoor unit 14.5 kg 16.0 kg 18.0 kg
Panel 2.5 kg 2.5 kg 2.5 kg

COFM AERI series MULTI SPLIT SYSTEM | Outdoor Unit - DC inverter

 Memory function (auto-restart)

 Self Diagnosis
7,7 4,0
 Valve Protection Cover
Memory Self Diagnosis Valve
 Condenser and Compressor’s function kvarova Protection
Heaters Cover

 Heating operating
temperature range -20°C
 Cooling operating
temperature range -15°C
Chasis Heating Compressor Heating Cooling
Belt Heating Belt operating operating
temperature temperature
ACP-18COFM50AERI ACP-27COFM79AERI ACP-28COFM82AERI range -20°C range -15°C


Capacity Cooling 5270(2050~6320) W 7910(2050~9490) W 8210(2050~10020) W 10550(2050~ 12950) W 12310(2050~14770) W
Heating 5570(2050~6680) W 8210(2340~ 9850) W 8790(2050~10550) W 11140(2050~13360) W 12310(2050~15060) W
Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
Energy efficiency class Cooling A++ A++ A++ A++ A++
Heating A+ A+ A+ A A+
Energy Efficiency SEER 6.3 6.6 6.8 7.6 7.7
SCOP 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8
Design load for heating (P design) 4700 W 5900 W 7000W 9300 W 9600 W
Maximum number of indoor units 2 3 4 4 5
Input power Cooling 1750 W 2465 W 2273 W 3893 W 3822 W
Heating 1544 W 2273 W 2435 W 3000 W 3372 W
Sound pressure level Outdoor unit ≤56.5 dB(A) ≤56 dB(A) ≤60 dB(A) ≤63.5 dB(A) ≤62 dB(A)
Sound power level Outdoor unit ≤65 dB ≤68 dB ≤66 dB ≤68 dB ≤68 dB
Outer Diameter of Liquid Pipe 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4”
Outer Diameter of Gas Pipe 3/8” 3/8” 3x3/8”+1x 1/2” 3x3/8”+1x 1/2” 4x3/8”+1x 1/2”
Power supply 3*2.5 mm² 3*2.5 mm² 3*2.5 mm² 3*2.5 mm² 3*4.0mm²
~220-240V/1/50Hz; outdoor unit
Max. length of pipe 30 m 45 m 60 m 60 m 75 m
Max elevation (OU above IU/OU below IU) 10 m/15m 10 m/15m 10 m/15m 10 m/15m 10 m/15m
Standard length 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m
Additional refrigerant 15 x (instalation length 15 x (instalation length 15 x (Instalation length to 15 x (instalation length to 15 x (instalation length to
to each IU- 10) g/m to each IU- 15) g/m each IU- 15) g/m each IU- 20) g/m each IU- 25) g/m
Wall bracket distance(outdoor) 514 mm 540 mm 673 mm 673 mm 673 mm
Working range -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C -20°C≤T≤50°C
Net dimensions Outdoor unit 800 x 333 x 554 845 x 363 x 702 946 x 410 x 810 946 x 410 x 810 946 x 410 x 810
Net weight Outdoor unit 36.0 kg 52.7 kg 67.6 kg 70.0 kg 76.0 kg

Multi split SYSTEM - Combination
Cooling [kW] Heating [kW] Cooling [kW] Heating [kW] Cooling [kW] Heating [kW]
Unit A B C D Total A B C D Total Unit A B C D E Total A B C D E Total Unit A B C D E Total A B C D E Total


2,2 + 2,2 2,21 2,21 - - - 4,42(2,56-4,12) 2,38 2,38 - - - 4,76(1,39-5,85) 2,2 + 2,2 2,00 2,00 - - - 4,00(1,68-4,80) 2,40 2,40 - - - 4,80(2,02-6,00)
2,2 + 2,2 2,10 2,10 - - 4,2(1,76-5,46) 2,40 2,40 - - 4,8(2,02-5,8) 2,2 + 2,6 1,94 2,52 -
2,2 + 2,6 2,2 + 2,6 2,32 3,02 - - - 5,34(3,10-6,12) 2,63 3,41 - - - 6,04(1,62-7,43) - - 4,45(1,87-5,30) 2,34 3,04 - - - 5,37(2,26-6,68)
2,15 2,55 - - 4,7(1,97-5,80) 2,17 2,83 - - 5,0(2,1-6,25) 2,2 + 3,6 1,89
2 indoor units

2 indoor units
2,2 + 3,6 2,25 3,61 - - - 5,86(3,40-7,09) 2,44 3,90 - - - 6,34(2,09-7,80) 3,02 - - - 4,91(2,06-5,80) 2,29 3,66 - - - 5,95(2,50-7,36)
2,2 + 3,6 1,98 3,30 - - 5,28(2,22-6,40) 2,14 3,43 - - 5,57(2,34-6,7) 2,2 + 5,3 1,78 4,71 -
2,2 + 5,3 2,2 + 5,3 2,70 5,51 - - - 8,21(4,76-9,93) 2,37 6,28 - - - 8,65(3,49-10,64) - - 6,49(2,73-7,55) 2,18 5,77 - - - 7,95(3,34-9,74)
1,76 4,50 - - 6,2(2,60-6,55) 1,77 4,68 - - 6,45(2,71-7,0) 2,6 + 2,6 2,45 2,45 - - -
2,6 + 2,6 2,64 2,6 + 2,6 1,98 5,24 - - - 7,22(4,19-6,80) 3,17 3,17 - - - 6,34(2,65-7,80) 4,91(2,06-5,80) 2,97 2,97 - - - 5,95(2,50-7,36)
2,64 - - 5,28(2,22-6,40) 2,78 2,78 - - 5,57(2,34-6,7) 2,6 + 3,6 2,40 2,96 - - - 5,36(2,25-6,30)
2,6 + 3,6 2,38 3,32 - 2,6 + 3,6 2,93 2,93 - - - 5,86(3,40-7,09) 3,07 3,77 - - - 6,84(3,20-8,41) 2,92 3,60 - - - 6,52(2,74-8,04)
- 5,7(2,39-6,50) 2,62 3,23 - - 5,85(2,46-6,85) 2,6 + 5,3 2,28 4,66 - - - 6,94(2,92-8,05) 2,80
2,6 + 5,3 1,98 4,32 - - 6,3(2,65-6,60) 2,6 + 5,3 3,27 3,27 - - - 6,54(3,79-7,91) 2,90 5,92 - - - 8,82(3,52-10,85) 5,72 - - - 8,52(3,58-10,42)
2,09 4,56 - - 6,65(2,79-7,0) 3,6 + 3,6 3,6 + 3,6 2,91 2,91 - - - 5,81(2,44-6,80) 3,55 3,55 - -
3,6 + 3,6 3,00 3,00 - - 6,0(2,52-6,50) 3,08 2,71 3,33 - - - 6,04(3,50-7,31) 3,61 3,61 - - - 7,22(4,33-8,88) - 7,09(2,98-8,72)
3,08 - - 6,15(2,58-6,85) 3,6 + 5,3 3,6 + 5,3 2,78 4,61 - - - 7,39(3,11-8,55) 3,42 5,67 - - -
3,26 5,40 - - - 8,66(5,02-10,48) 3,32 5,50 - - - 8,82(3,52-10,85) 9,09(3,82-11,10)
5,3 + 5,3 5,26 5,26 - - - 10,52(6,10-12,73) 5,55 5,55 - - - 11,10(3,62-13,65) 5,3 + 5,3 4,49 4,49 - - - 8,98(3,77-10,30) 5,55 5,55 - - - 11,10(4,66-13,47)

Unit A B C D Total A B C D Total 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 2,07 2,07 2,07 - - 6,22(3,61-7,53) 2,28 2,28 2,28 - - 6,84(4,93-8,41) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 2,00 2,00 2,00 - - 6,00(2,52-7,00) 2,33 2,33 2,33 - - 7,00(2,94-8,40)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 2,08 2,08 2,71 - - 6,87(3,98-8,31) 2,19 2,19 2,84 - - 7,22(3,92-8,88) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 1,96 1,96 2,55 - - 6,48(2,72-7,52) 2,25 2,25 2,92 - - 7,42(3,12-8,91)
ACP-27COFM79AERI 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6
2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3
2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6
2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3
2,2 + 2,2 2,20 2,20 - - 4,2(1,76-5,46) 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,10 2,10 5,56 - - 9,75(5,66-11,80) 2,40 2,68 2,68 - - 8,65(3,73-10,64) 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 1,93 2,51 2,51 - - 6,96(2,92-8,03) 2,18 2,83 2,83 - - 7,84(3,29-9,43)
2,20 2,20 - - 4,80(2,02-5,81) 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6
2,2 + 2,6 2,08 2,67 - - 4,75(2,0-6,18) 2,34 3,01 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,04 2,68 2,68 - - 7,34(4,26-8,88) 2,22 2,88 3,55 - - 8,65(4,12-10,64) 1,91 2,48 3,05 - - 7,43(3,12-8,55) 2,12 2,75 3,39 - - 8,25(3,47-9,94)
- - 5,35(2,25-6,70) 2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,84
2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 2,68 2,68 3,30 - - 8,66(5,02-10,48) 2,24 2,92 5,94 - - 2,39 4,87 - - 7,10(3,82-10,36) 1,96 2,55 5,20 - - 9,72(4,08-11,74)
2 indoor units

2,2 + 3,6 11,10(4,40-13,65)

3 indoor units
1,92 3,28 - - 5,2(2,18-6,76) 2,23 3,82 - - 6,05(2,54-7,30)
2,2 + 5,3 2,03 5,22 - - 7,25(3,05-8,15) 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,12 2,76 5,62 - - 10,50(6,09-12,71) 2,10 3,36 3,36 - - 8,82(5,85-10,85) 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,88 3,01 3,01 - - 7,91(3,32-9,07) 2,06 3,30 3,30 - - 8,67(3,64-10,45)
2,08 5,34 - - 7,42(3,12-8,30) 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3
2,6 + 2,6 2,60 2,60 - - 5,2(2,18-6,76) 3,00 3,00 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,60 2,60 5,30 - - 10,50(6,09-12,71) 2,11 3,38 5,60 - - 11,10(4,40-13,65) 1,83 2,92 4,84 - - 9,58(4,02-10,88) 1,93 3,09 5,12 - - 10,14(4,26-12,25)
- - 6,00(2,52-7,25) 2,2 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,79
2,6 + 3,6 2,57 3,43 - - 6,0(2,52-7,5) 2,76 3,69 - 2,2 + 5,3 + 5,3 3,29 3,29 3,29 - - 9,86(5,72-11,93) 1,85 4,89 4,89 - - 11,63(4,93-14,30) 4,73 4,73 - - 11,25(4,73-12,68) 1,84 4,88 4,88 - - 11,60(4,87-14,05)
- 6,45(2,71-7,40) 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,48 2,48
2,6 + 5,3 2,50 5,00 - - 7,5(3,15-8,25) 2,68 5,35 - - 8,03(3,37-8,60) 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,11 2,74 3,37 - - 8,21(4,76-9,93) 2,88 2,88 2,88 - - 8,65(6,30-10,64) 2,48 - - 7,43(3,12-8,55) 2,75 2,75 2,75 - - 8,25(3,47-9,94)
3,6 + 3,6 3,23 3,23 - - 6,45(2,71-7,8) 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,06 3,30 3,30 - - 8,66(5,02-10,48) 2,73 2,73 3,36 - - 8,82(5,20-10,85) 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,45 2,45 3,01 - - 7,91(3,32-9,07) 2,68 2,68 3,30 - - 8,67(3,64-10,45)
3,48 3,48 - - 6,95(2,92-7,90) 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3
3,6 + 5,3 3,08 4,62 - - 7,7(3,23-8,3) 3,27 4,91 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 2,82 3,47 3,47 - - 9,75(5,66-11,80) 2,75 2,75 5,60 - - 11,10(6,30-13,65) 2,37 2,37 4,84 - - 9,58(4,02-10,88) 2,51 2,51 5,12 - - 10,14(4,26-12,25)
- - 8,18(3,44-8,60) 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,42
2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,00 3,20 5,30 - - 10,50(6,09-12,71) 3,13 3,86 3,86 - - 10,85(6,77-13,35) 2,98 2,98 - - 8,39(3,52-9,58) 2,63 3,23 3,23 - - 9,09(3,82-10,97)
2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,46 3,03 5,01 - - 10,50(6,09-12,71) 2,67 3,28 5,43 - - 11,38(4,93-14,00) 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,36 2,90 4,80 - - 10,06(4,23-11,39) 2,47 3,04 5,04 - - 10,55(4,43-12,76)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 2,15 2,15 2,15 - 6,45(2,71-7,50) 2,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 3,09 3,09 5,11 - - 11,28(6,54-13,65) 2,33 4,75 4,75 - - 11,84(5,20-14,56) 2,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 2,31 4,71 4,71 - - 11,73(4,93-13,20) 2,37 4,82 4,82 - - 12,02(5,05-14,56)
2,27 2,27 2,27 - 6,80(2,86-7,80) 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 2,05 2,05 2,64 - 6,75(2,84-7,80) 2,16 2,16 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,74 2,74 2,74 - - 8,21(4,76-9,93) 3,62 3,62 3,62 - - 10,85(6,30-13,35) 2,96 2,96 2,96 - - 8,87(3,72-10,10) 3,17 3,17 3,17 - - 9,51(3,99-11,48)
2,78 - 7,10(2,98-7,90) 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,88
2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 1,90 1,90 3,25 - 7,05(2,96-8,15) 2,05 2,05 3,52 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,31 4,72 4,72 - - 11,75(6,82-14,22) 3,11 3,11 5,16 - - 11,38(5,85-14,00) 2,88 4,77 - - 10,54(4,43-11,91) 3,00 3,00 4,97 - - 10,97(4,61-13,28)
- 7,62(3,20-8,30) 3,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 2,80 4,63
2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 1,78 1,78 4,58 - 8,15(3,42-8,35) 1,83 1,83 4,70 - 8,35(3,51-8,80) 3,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 2,72 4,51 4,51 - - 11,75(6,82-14,22) 2,79 4,62 4,62 - - 12,04(6,30-14,81) 4,63 - - 12,06(5,06-13,39) 2,87 4,75 4,75 - - 12,37(5,20-14,74)
3 indoor units

2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 1,97 2,54 2,54 - 7,05(2,96-8,15) 5,3 + 5,3 + 5,3 4,10 4,10 4,10 - - 12,31(7,14-14,36) 4,47 4,47 2,53 - - 13,42(7,05-15,40) 5,3 + 5,3 + 5,3 4,40 4,40 4,40 - - 13,19(5,54-14,05) 4,54 4,54 4,54 - - 13,63(5,72-15,36)
2,13 2,74 2,74 - 7,62(3,20-8,30)
2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 1,91 2,45 3,27 - 7,62(3,20-8,25) 2,01 2,58 3,44 - 8,03(3,37-8,50)
2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,71 2,20 4,39 - 8,30(3,49-8,35) 1,74 1,74 4,97 - 8,45(3,55-8,80)
2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,80 2,31 3,85 - 7,95(3,34-8,35) 1,85 2,38 3,96 - 8,19(3,44-8,80)
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,64 2,64 2,64 - 7,62(3,20-8,25) 2,64 2,64 2,64 - 8,03(3,37-8,50)
2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,39 2,39 3,18 - 7,95(3,34-8,35) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 2,05 2,05 2,05 2,05 - 8,21(4,76-9,85) 2,21 2,21 2,21 2,21 - 8,48(5,92-9,60) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 - 8,0(3,36-9,20) 2,25 2,25 2,25 2,25 - 9,00(3,78-10,35)
2,46 2,46 3,28 - 8,19(3,44-8,80) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6
2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,20 2,20 3,66 - 8,05(3,38-8,35) 2,28 2,28 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 2,01 2,01 2,01 2,62 - 8,66(5,02-10,39) 2,05 2,05 2,05 2,67 - 8,77(6,77-10,32) 2,27 2,27 2,27 2,95 - 9,76(4,10-13,08) 2,19 2,19 2,19 2,84 - 9,41(3,95-10,77)
3,80 - 8,35(3,51-8,80) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 2,19 2,19 2,19 3,50 - 10,06(4,23-13,17)
3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,74 2,74 2,74 - 8,21(3,45-8,35) 2,80 2,80 2,80 - 8,40(3,53-8,80) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 2,12 2,12 2,12 3,39 - 9,75(5,66-11,70) 2,36 2,36 2,36 3,77 - 9,20(7,05-10,67) 2,13 2,13 2,13 3,41 - 9,81(4,12-11,19)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 1,86 1,86 1,86 4,92 - 10,50(6,09-12,60) 2,13 2,78 2,78 3,42 - 11,07(6,30-11,53) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 1,88 1,88 1,88 4,97 - 10,60(4,45-12,16) 1,99 1,99 1,99 5,27 - 11,23(4,72-12,66)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,12 2,12 2,76 2,76 - 9,75(5,66-11,30) 1,98 1,98 1,98 5,23 - 9,20(7,39-10,67) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,19 2,19 2,84 2,84 - 10,06(4,23-13,17) 2,13 2,13 2,77 2,77 - 9,81(4,12-11,19)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,01 2,01 2,62 3,22 - 9,86(5,72-11,83) 2,36 2,36 3,07 3,07 - 9,80(4,93-11,37) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,11 2,11 2,75 3,38 - 10,36(4,35-13,27) 2,09 2,09 2,71 3,34 - 10,22(4,29-11,61)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,88 1,88 2,45 4,99 - 11,20(6,50-13,44) 1,81 2,35 2,89 4,79 - 11,31(5,92-11,66) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,86 1,86 2,42 4,93 - 11,07(4,65-12,70) 1,96 1,96 2,54 5,18 - 11,64(4,89-13,08)
2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,02 2,02 3,23 3,23 - 10,50(6,09-12,60) 1,88 1,88 2,44 4,97 - 10,19(5,85-11,23) 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,90 1,90 3,04 3,04 - 9,89(4,15-11,35) 2,04 2,04 3,27 3,27 - 10,62(4,46-12,03)
Unit A B C D Total A B C D Total 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,85 1,85 2,96 4,90 - 11,56(6,70-13,87) 1,92 3,08 3,08 3,08 - 11,88(7,09-12,25) 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,85 1,85 2,96 4,89 - 11,54(4,85-13,24) 1,93 1,93 3,08 5,11 - 12,04(5,06-13,50)
2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,81 1,81 4,81 4,81 - 13,24(7,68-14,36) 2,26 2,26 4,61 4,61 - 13,74(6,30-14,02) 2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,75 1,75 4,63 4,63 - 12,77(5,36-14,01) 1,81 1,81 4,79 4,79 - 13,20(5,55-14,49)
2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,01 2,62 2,62 2,62 - 9,86(5,72-11,83) 2,27 2,27 2,94 3,62 - 9,60(5,20-10,78) 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,11 2,75 2,75 2,75 - 10,36(4,35-13,27) 2,09 2,71 2,71 2,71 - 10,22(4,29-11,61)
ACP-28COFM82AERI 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,02 2,63 2,63 3,23 - 10,50(6,09-12,60) 2,13 2,13 3,42 3,42 - 10,19(6,30-11,23) 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 1,90 2,47 2,47 3,04 - 9,89(4,15-11,35) 2,04 2,66 2,66 3,27 - 10,62(4,46-12,03)
4 indoor units

2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,89 2,46 2,46 5,01 - 11,82(6,86-14,18) 1,77 2,84 2,84 4,70 - 11,88(6,30-12,25) 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,85 2,40 2,40 4,89 - 11,54(4,85-13,24) 1,93 2,51 2,51 5,11 - 12,04(5,06-13,50)
2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,91 2,48 3,05 3,05 - 10,50(6,09-12,60) 1,76 1,76 4,66 4,66 - 12,84(5,92-11,55) 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,88 2,45 3,01 3,01 - 10,36(4,35-11,89) 2,01 2,61 3,21 3,21 - 11,03(4,63-12,45)
2,2 + 2,2 2,28 2,28 - - 4,56(1,92-5,56) 2,38 2,38 - - 4,76(3,09-5,81) 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3
2,2 + 2,6 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,80 2,35 2,89 4,78 - 11,82(6,86-14,18) 2,78 2,78 2,78 2,78 - 12,45(8,27-12,84) 1,83 2,38 2,94 4,86 - 12,02(5,05-13,78) 1,90 2,47 3,04 5,04 - 12,45(5,23-13,92)
2,37 3,07 - - 5,44(2,28-6,64) 2,63 3,41 - - 6,04(3,93-7,37) 2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,72 2,24 4,56 4,56 - 13,07(5,49-14,10)
2,2 + 3,6 2,35 3,75 - 2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,81 2,36 4,80 4,80 - 13,78(7,99-14,36) 2,33 2,87 2,87 4,76 - 14,00(6,72-14,59) 1,78 3,21 4,71 4,71 - 13,51(5,67-14,72)
- 6,10(2,56-7,44)
2 indoor units

2,55 4,09 - - 6,64(4,32-8,10) 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,93 3,09 3,09 3,09 - 11,20(6,50-13,44) 1,86 2,42 2,42 4,93 - 11,37(6,94-11,83) 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,87 2,99 2,99 2,99 - 10,83(4,55-12,43) 1,97 3,15 3,15 3,15 - 11,44(4,80-12,87)
2,2 + 5,3 2,12 5,61 - - 7,73(3,25-9,08) 2,29 6,07 - - 8,36(5,43-9,99) 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6
2,6 + 2,6 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,83 2,93 2,93 4,86 - 12,56(7,28-14,36) 2,35 2,35 2,35 4,79 - 13,02(7,54-13,43) 1,80 2,88 2,88 4,76 - 12,32(5,17-13,87) 1,86 2,98 2,98 4,93 - 12,75(5,36-14,15)
3,02 3,02 - - 6,04(2,54-7,37) 3,32 3,32 - - 6,64(4,32-8,10) 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,69 2,71 4,48 4,48 - 13,37(5,61-14,19)
2,6 + 3,6 2,81 3,45 - 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,74 2,79 4,62 4,62 - 13,78(7,99-14,36) 2,91 2,91 2,91 2,91 - 14,65(7,54-14,80) 1,77 2,83 2,83 6,18 - 13,61(5,71-14,79)
- 6,26(2,63-7,64) 3,08 3,78 - - 6,86(4,46-8,37) 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 2,47 2,47 2,47 2,47 - 9,89(4,15-11,35) 2,66 2,66 2,66 2,66 - 10,62(4,46-12,03)
2,6 + 5,3 2,59 5,29 - - 7,88(3,31-9,11) 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,63 2,63 2,63 2,63 - 10,50(6,09-12,81) 1,86 1,86 2,98 4,93 - 10,19(5,85-11,23)
2,77 5,65 - - 8,42(5,47-10,02) 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,48 2,48 2,48 3,05 - 10,50(6,09-12,81) 2,27 2,94 2,94 2,94 - 10,78(6,72-11,22) 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,45 2,45 2,45 3,01 - 10,36(4,35-11,89) 2,61 2,61 2,61 3,21 - 11,03(4,63-12,45)
3,6 + 3,6 3,65 3,65 - - 7,30(3,07-8,91) 3,58 3,58 - - 7,15(4,65-8,72) 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3
3,6 + 5,3 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 2,29 2,29 2,29 4,66 - 11,52(6,68-13,82) 2,64 2,64 2,64 3,25 - 12,45(6,72-12,84) 2,38 2,38 2,38 4,86 - 12,02(5,05-13,78) 2,47 2,47 2,47 5,04 - 12,45(5,23-13,92)
3,06 5,06 - - 8,12(3,41-9,18) 3,15 5,12 - - 8,36(5,43-9,99) 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,43 2,43 2,99 2,99 - 10,83(4,55-12,43)
5,3 + 5,3 4,51 4,51 - 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,51 2,51 3,09 3,09 - 10,83(6,50-13,44) 2,03 2,64 3,25 3,25 - 11,02(7,94-11,37) 2,56 2,56 3,15 3,15 - 11,44(4,80-12,87)
- 9,02(3,79-9,79) 4,41 4,41 - - 8,82(5,73-10,10) 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,34 2,34 2,88 4,76 - 12,32(5,17-13,87) 2,42 2,42 2,98 4,93 - 12,75(5,36-14,15)
2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,38 2,38 2,93 4,86 - 11,20(7,28-14,36) 2,50 2,50 3,08 3,08 - 13,,02(8,27-13,43)
2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 2,27 2,27 4,62 4,62 - 13,78(7,99-14,36) 2,85 2,85 2,85 4,71 - 14,65(8,27-14,80) 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 2,20 2,20 4,48 4,48 - 13,37(5,61-14,19) 2,27 2,27 2,63 4,63 - 13,81(5,80-14,94)
2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,46 3,02 3,02 3,02 - 11,52(6,68-13,82) 1,74 2,27 4,62 4,62 - 11,59(6,30-11,96) 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,41 2,97 2,97 2,97 - 11,31(4,75-12,97) 2,52 3,11 3,11 3,11 - 11,84(4,97-13,29)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 2,09 2,09 2,09 - 6,28(2,64-7,66) 2,28 2,28 2,28 - 6,85(4,45-8,36) 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,41 2,96 2,96 4,91 - 13,24(7,68-14,36) 2,30 2,30 2,84 4,70 - 13,59(6,30-14,01) 2,29 2,82 2,82 4,68 - 12,62(5,30-13,96) 2,37 2,92 2,92 4,84 - 13,05(5,48-14,37)
2,21 2,21 2,88 - 7,30(3,07-8,91) 2,36 2,36 3,06 - 7,78(5,06-9,49) 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 2,17 2,67 4,42 4,42 - 13,67(5,74-14,28)
2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 2,10 2,10 3,36 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,96 2,96 2,96 2,96 - 11,82(6,86-14,18) 1,74 2,78 4,61 4,61 - 12,16(7,09-12,54) 2,24 2,75 4,56 4,56 - 14,11(5,93-15,17)
- 7,56(3,18-9,02) 2,32 2,32 2,72 - 8,36(5,43-9,99) 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94 - 11,78(4,95-13,51) 3,06 3,06 3,06 3,06 - 12,25(5,14-13,71)
2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 1,86 1,86 4,93 - 8,65(3,63-9,44) 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,84 2,84 2,84 4,71 - 13,24(7,68-14,36) 2,48 3,05 3,05 3,05 - 14,01(6,91-14,30)
2,02 2,02 5,35 - 9,38(6,10-10,20) 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,77 2,77 2,77 4,59 - 12,92(5,43-14,05) 2,87 2,87 2,87 4,75 - 13,35(5,61-14,60)
2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,10 2,68 2,68 - 7,56(3,18-9,02) 2,32 2,68 2,68 - 8,36(5,43-9,99)
3 indoor units

2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,02 2,63 3,23 - 7,88(3,31-9,11) 2,18 2,84 3,50 - 8,52(5,54-10,39)
2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,81 2,35 4,80 - 8,96(3,76-9,74) 1,98 2,57 5,24 - 8,78(6,36-10,52)
2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,93 3,09 3,09 - 8,12(3,41-9,18) 2,11 3,38 3,38 - 8,86(5,76-10,11)
2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,72 2,75 4,55 - 9,02(3,79-9,79) 1,89 3,02 5,01 - 9,92(6,45-10,56) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,11 2,11 2,11 2,11 2,11
10,55(4,43-11,61) 2,17 2,17 2,17 2,17 2,17
2,63 2,63 2,63 - 7,88(3,31-9,11) 2,84 2,84 2,84 - 8,52(5,54-10,39) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 2,07 2,07 2,07 2,07 2,69
2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,51 10,97(4,61-14,26) 2,10 2,10 2,10 2,10 2,73
2,51 3,09 - 8,12(3,41-9,18) 2,74 2,74 3,38 - 8,86(5,76-10,11) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 2,02 2,02 2,02 2,02 3,23
2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 2,23 2,23 4,55 2,04 2,04 2,04 2,04 3,27
- 9,02(3,79-9,79) 2,46 2,46 2,01 - 9,92(6,45-10,56) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 1,88 1,88 1,88 1,88 4,97
12,48(5,24-14,42) 1,89 1,89 1,89 1,89 5,00
2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,50 3,08 3,08 - 8,65(3,63-9,44) 12,54(5,27-15,41)
2,71 3,34 3,34 - 9,38(6,10-10,20) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,02 2,02 2,02 2,62 2,62
11,31(4,75-14,29) 2,04 2,04 2,04 2,65 2,65
2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,13 2,62 4,34 - 9,09(3,82-9,82) 2,36 2,91 4,81 - 10,08(6,55-10,60) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6
3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,97 1,97 1,97 2,56 3,15
11,16(4,87-13,28) 1,99 1,99 1,99 2,58 3,18
2,95 2,95 2,95 - 8,85(3,72-9,70) 3,25 3,25 3,25 - 9,76(6,34-10,52) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 1,84 1,84 1,84 2,40 4,88
12,81(5,38-14,45) 1,87 1,87 1,87 2,43 4,96
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,93 1,93 1,93 3,09 3,09
11,96(5,02-13,84) 1,94 1,94 1,94 3,10 3,10
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,81 1,81 1,81 2,90 4,80
13,15(5,52-14,49) 1,86 1,86 1,86 2,97 4,92
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 2,05 2,05 2,05 2,05
8,21(5,34-9,20) 2,27 2,27 2,27 2,27 9,09(6,36-10,00) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 1,72 1,72 1,72 4,57 4,57
14,32(6,01-14,61) 1,82 1,82 1,82 4,81 4,81
1,98 1,98 1,98 2,57
8,50(5,53-9,35) 2,17 2,17 2,17 2,82 9,34(6,54+10,18) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,97 1,97 2,57 2,57 2,57
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 1,94 1,94 1,94 3,10 11,64(4,89-14,33) 1,99 1,99 2,58 2,58 2,58
8,92(5,80-9,72) 2,11 2,11 2,11 3,38 9,72(6,80-10,50) 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 1,93 1,93 2,51 2,51 3,09
11,98(5,03-14,36) 1,94 1,94 2,52 2,52 3,10
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,2 + 5,3 1,73 1,73 1,73 4,60
9,80(6,37-9,94) 12,02(5,05-14,69)
1,85 1,85 1,85 4,91 10,47(7,33-10,60)
4 indoorunits

2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 1,81 1,81 2,36 2,36 4,80
13,15(5,52-14,49) 1,86 1,86 2,41 2,41 4,92

2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 1,91 1,91 2,49 2,49

8,80(5,72-9,68) 2,09 2,09 2,71 2,71 9,60(6,72-10,46)
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6
2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6
1,88 1,88 2,45 3,01
1,86 1,86 2,97 2,97
3,26 9,98(6,99-10,58)
3,18 10,35(7,52-10,60)
5 outdoor units 2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6
1,89 1,89 2,46 3,03 3,03
1,79 1,79 2,32 2,86 4,73
1,89 1,89 2,46 3,03 3,03
1,84 1,84 2,40 2,95 4,89
2,2 + 2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,70 1,70 2,21 4,51 4,51
4 indoor

2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 1,85 2,41 2,41 2,41 14,65(6,15-14,65) 1,81 1,81 2,35 4,79 4,79
9,08(5,90-9,81) 2,01 2,61 2,61 2,61 9,85(6,90-10,54) 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 5,3 + 5,3 1,86 1,86 2,98 2,98 2,98
12,64(5,31-14,44) 1,88 1,88 3,00 3,00 3,00
2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 1,83 2,38 2,38 2,93
9,51(6,18-9,94) 12,77(5,36-15,42)
1,96 2,55 2,55 3,14 10,20(7,14-10,60) 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,76 1,76 2,82 2,82 4,66
13,81(5,80-14,56) 1,83 1,83 2,93 2,93 4,85
2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,81 2,35 2,89 2,89
9,94(6,46-9,94) 1,93 2,51 3,08 3,08 10,60(7,42-10,60) 2,2 + 2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 1,93 2,51 2,51 2,51 2,51
11,98(5,03-14,36) 1,94 2,52 2,52 2,52 2,52
2,34 2,34 2,34 2,34
9,34(6,07-9,94) 2,53 2,53 2,53 2,53 10,10(7,07-10,60) 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 1,89 2,46 2,46 2,46 3,03
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,32 2,32 2,32 2,85 12,31(5,17-14,40) 1,89 2,46 2,46 2,46 3,03
9,80(6,37-9,94) 2,47 2,47 2,47 3,05 10,47(7,33-10,60) 2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 1,79 2,32 2,32 2,32 4,73
13,48(5,66-14,53) 1,84 2,40 2,40 2,40 4,89
2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 1,86 2,42 2,42 2,98 2,98
12,64(5,31-14,44) 1,88 2,44 2,44 3,00 3,00
2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,76 2,29 2,29 2,82 4,66
13,81(5,80-14,56) 1,83 2,38 2,38 2,93 4,85
2,2 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,83 2,38 2,92 2,92 2,92
12,98(5,45-14,47) 1,86 2,42 2,98 2,98 2,98
2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 1,74 2,26 2,78 2,78 4,60
14,15(5,94-14,60) 1,82 2,37 2,91 2,91 4,83
2,2 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 1,80 2,88 2,88 2,88 2,88
13,31(5,59-14,51) 1,85 2,96 2,96 2,96 2,96
2,2 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,46 2,46 2,46 2,46 2,46
12,31(5,17-14,40) 2,46 2,46 2,46 2,46 2,46
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 2,42 2,42 2,42 2,42 2,98
12,64(5,31-14,44) 2,44 2,44 2,44 2,44 3,00
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 2,29 2,29 2,29 2,29 4,66
13,81(5,80-14,56) 2,38 2,38 2,38 2,38 4,85
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 5,3 2,38 2,38 2,38 2,92 2,92
12,98(5,45-14,47) 2,42 2,42 2,42 2,98 2,98
2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,26 2,26 2,26 2,78 4,60
14,15(5,94-14,60) 2,37 2,37 2,37 2,91 4,83
1 outdoor unit 2,6 + 2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 5,3 2,34 2,34 2,88 2,88 2,88
13,31(5,59-14,51) 2,41 2,41 2,96 2,96 2,96

2,6 + 2,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 + 3,6 2,30 2,84 2,84 2,84 2,84
13,65(5,73-14,54) 2,39 2,94 2,94 2,94 2,94

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