Formula Botanica School Prospectus 2019-2020
Formula Botanica School Prospectus 2019-2020
Formula Botanica School Prospectus 2019-2020
20 Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation
22 Diploma in Organic Haircare Formulation
24 Diploma in Beauty Brand Business Management
26 Advanced Diploma in Organic Skincare Science
28 Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare
30 Certificate in Natural Cosmetic Preservation
32 Certificate in Cosmetic Stability Testing
34 Certificate in Facial Masque Therapy
36 Certificate in Chocolate Spa Products
38 Tutor Training Program
42 International Organic Skincare Entrepreneur Program
43 Other Expert Programs
45 Certificates of Completion
46 Job Opportunities
47 Free Graduate Business Promotion
49 Course Requirements
50 Course Duration
51 Financial Information
52 Technical Support
53 Contact Us
My name is Lorraine Dallmeier and I’m the Director
of Formula Botanica. I’m very proud to introduce
our online school to you. My team & I run digital
courses for organic cosmetic formulators.
r a i n e
#1 Learn how to create truly #4 Study your course material #9 Access your special bonus
natural and organic cosmetic anywhere in the world. Access student area, including many
formulations, using the finest your courses from your hours of webinar replays and
ingredients. computer, tablet or smartphone. hundreds of scientific articles.
#2 Learn using a range of #5 Access our global team of #10 Receive a free graduate
different learning materials - experts to help you perfect your promotion package, in which we
videos, fact sheets, eBooks, formulation designs and will promote your business to
worksheets, live webinars, tutor techniques. our huge mailing list and social
sessions and practical media following, once you’ve
assignments. completed your courses.
#6 Receive feedback on your
coursework and your
formulation designs to make
your products stable, safe and
Formula Botanica is run by a team of organic cosmetic formulation and
education experts around the world. The daily running of our School requires 20
team members, who are driven to provide the best quality learning experience
for Formula Botanica’s students.
Meet the Education Team Meet the Student Meet the Marketing & PR Team
Our Education Team comprises Experience Team Formula Botanica publishes
formulation and business Our Student Experience Team weekly blog posts, videos,
tutors, who are experienced in hosts our Student Advisers and livestreams or podcasts. We
the core competencies taught Events Coordinators, who are want to provide some of the
by Formula Botanica. In fact, the first people you will speak best and richest information on
many of our tutors originally to when you email us, phone us, the internet to help you become
started with us as students! or message us through social a better organic skincare or
media. Run by our Student haircare formulator and/or start
Run by our Education Manager Experience Manager, the team your own indie beauty brand.
and working together with our makes sure that you get all of
Head of Formulation & your questions answered - The Marketing & PR team leads
Research, the Education Team whether you’re a prospective, this huge effort and makes sure
helps you get through your current or past student. you get the information you’re
courses successfully. looking for.
3 8
Online learning, or e-Learning,
means using your computer to
take a course through our
website. Taking an online
course gives you freedom
to study your course, your way.
Formula Botanica uses the very
best eLearning software
available to teach its online
courses. We use a system
called Moodle which is also
used by major Universities,
schools and teaching
institutions all around the
How do term times work? Take part in Orientation Week How does enrolment work?
Twice a year, we run a 7-10 day Following term time enrolment, We will let you know when
term time enrolment. During we host an Orientation Week for enrolment starts and finishes on
this time you can enrol for any you to receive a VIP tour of our our website, newsletter and
of our available courses. eLearning platform and courses. social media channels. You can
then plan your enrolment
At the end of the term time You’ll meet our team members accordingly, or wait for the next
enrolment period, our courses and we might even invite a few enrolment period.
will no longer be available for graduates to come and speak
enrolment until the next term directly to you. When enrolment is open, you
time opening. simply add a course to your
Our Orientation Week will help shopping cart and proceed with
We announce term time you find out how to navigate the checkout. You then have
enrolments to our mailing list around our eLearning platform instant access to your courses.
and on social media to give you and get the most out of your
plenty of time to prepare. courses.
Formula Botanica is accredited The Council finds that Formula The ODLQC Standards
by the UK’s Open & Distance Botanica meets their standards guarantee quality in all
Learning Quality Council and provides high quality accredited open or distance
(ODLQC). This accreditation distance learning teaching for learning course providers.
demonstrates that Formula organic cosmetic formulators. Founded in 1969, this
Botanica’s teaching methods independent accreditation body
and educational materials meet Formula Botanica maintains and was originally established by the
the highest standard. demonstrates a clear British Government to monitor
commitment to helping its quality in training and education.
Formula Botanica is proud to learners achieve their
be able to show the ODLQC educational goals. ODLQC is an active member of
Quality Mark to guarantee that the European Association of
our courses and delivery As part of the assessment Distance Learning. It also
methods are of excellent process, we survey Formula maintains ties with the Open
quality. Botanica’s student body and University and the US Distance
have consistently found an Education and Training Council.
The Open & Distance Learning extremely high satisfaction rate.
Quality Council undertakes an
annual rigorous assessment of All tutor support is of high
Formula Botanica’s teaching quality and Formula Botanica’s
methods, distance learning course provision meets all of our
materials and the delivery of standards.
the School’s online cosmetic
science training courses – the
whole e-learning process from
start to finish is reviewed.
Our team and students were The judges said what made Formula Botanica’s Director
thrilled when the quality of our Formula Botanica’s entry stand Lorraine Dallmeier was also
teaching was recognised by the out was the rigour with which recognised in 2018 by the UK
international Learning the design and learner beauty industry’s annual
Technologies Awards 2016. experience worked together, achiever awards, when she
ensuring that the outcome was received the Digital Achiever of
Formula Botanica won the Gold sensitive to the learners' needs. the Year award from CEW and
award for the category of Google.
‘Excellence in the Design of Formula Botanica won its award
Learning Content’, beating because our courses lead to our
major multinationals all around students becoming better
the world. cosmetic formulators. The
judges were impressed to see
Formula Botanica aims to that each study activity is
provide the highest quality directly linked to one or more
learning experience for its learning outcomes increasing
students and we invest learner engagement, results and
significantly in continuously satisfaction.
improving our course materials,
eLearning platform and student We were told after the awards
support systems. ceremony that our submission
stood head and shoulders above
Receiving this recognition from all others, because we don’t
the leading independent compromise on quality.
judging panel in the
international eLearning industry
is a huge honour. 17
Our Diplomas are longer courses that provide Our Certificates are courses that cover a range of
you with in-depth training on a range of subjects in a shorter timeframe. On average, it
subjects. On average, it takes 6-9 months to takes 1-4 months to complete one of our
complete one of our Diplomas. Certificates.
Our Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation teaches you everything You have a love and
you need to know to start your own 100% natural and organic interest of organic and
skincare business, or how to add your all-natural skincare range to natural skincare and want
your salon or spa. to learn how to formulate
your own products to sell.
This course has been followed by 5000+ people all over the world and You have no previous
has launched dozens of careers and businesses in the organic experience of creating
skincare sector. Our foundation Diploma is our most popular course. formulations and you
haven’t yet learned about
all the worldwide
We teach you the formula to create any organic skincare product regulations. You want to
from scratch, which will set you apart from other formulators who start your own business.
just follow recipes. Instead you will be taught to confidently create
your own unique designs that reflect your vision and contain your
favourite ingredients. PRE-REQUISITES
It’s no good making the best natural skincare in the world if no one COURSE ASSESSMENT
knows who you are, where you are or how to buy from you. Learn how
to brand your product, find your target audience and how to promote Each Course Module
your skincare brand to them. contains an test to assess
your knowledge of the
course materials. At the
Study international cosmetic legislation in detail and learn how to
end of the course, you’ll be
comply with the world’s strictest regulatory regime in the EU, as well
asked to submit a final
as understanding how to comply in other parts of the world.
formulation assignment.
DOSF1001 Skin Anatomy & Physiology Study the functions and structures of the layers of the skin.
DOSF1002 Holistic Care of the Skin Learn how to care for the skin from a holistic point of view.
DOSF1003 Cosmetic Toxicology Research the difference between natural and synthetic ingredients.
DOSF2001 Getting Started Study organic skincare ingredients and principles of formulating.
DOSF2003 Formulation Skills Put your new-found skills to practice by making your first products.
DOSF3002 Facial Cleansers Formulate organic cream, bi-phase, gel and foaming cleansers.
DOSF3002 Facial Moisturisers Formulate organic creams, oils, balms and emulsions.
DOSF4001 Body Cleansers Formulate organic body cream and gel cleansers.
DOSF4002 Body Moisturisers Formulate organic butters, oils, lotions, creams, sprays, balm bars.
DOSF5001 Spa Cleansers Formulate organic facial polishes and body scrubs.
DOSF5002 Spa Treatments Formulate organic facial masques, body masques, massage oils.
DOSF6001 How to blend Essential Oils Study the 30 best skincare essential oils and how to blend them.
DOSF6002 Essential Oil Safety Study how to use, store and handle essential oils safely.
DOSF7001 Beauty Business Branding Learn how to create a beautiful brand for your business.
DOSF7002 Beauty Business Marketing Learn how to market and advertise your business.
DOSF7003 Organic Certification Study how to get your brand certified organic.
DOSF8001 Labelling & Claims Learn how to correctly label your skincare products.
DOSF8002 Global Cosmetic Compliance Learn how to make your business compliant with the law.
Our Diploma in Organic Haircare Formulation teaches you everything You have a love and
you need to know to formulate your own range of organic haircare interest of organic and
products. The formulations we teach use innovative natural and natural haircare and want
naturally derived ingredients such as natural cationic surfactants and to learn how to formulate
plant-derived silicone alternatives. You will learn how to create a your own products to sell.
professional range of organic cleansing, conditioning and styling You want to work with truly
haircare products that you can sell in your business. natural ingredients and you
are willing to innovative in
Learn how to formulate beautiful organic haircare that contains
organic butters, oils, waxes, flower waters, clays and essential oils, as PRE-REQUISITES
well as cutting edge haircare ingredients that even the natural
cosmetics industry doesn’t use properly yet. We expect you to have
some formulation
Create your first ever organic shampoos, conditioners, de-tangler
experience or have
butters, hair rinses, scalp masks, deep conditioning treatments, shine
completed our Diploma in
serums, de-frizzers, hair tonics, styling putties, sculpting clays, sea
Organic Skincare
salt sprays, styling gels, and texturising mists.
Consumers who embrace organic haircare products, also often
embrace alternative haircare movements such as ‘no poo’, ‘low poo’ 100 study hours, although
or co-washing. Learn what these movements are and how they work the course is entirely self-
and formulate innovative products such as self-emulsifying hair oils study and self-paced. You
or no-rinse cleansing foams to cater for these consumers. have 2 years in which to
complete the course.
DOHF1001 Hair Anatomy Study the functions and structures of hair strands and the scalp.
DOHF1002 Natural Hair Types Learn the four main types of natural hair and their features.
DOHF1003 Ageing of the Hair Research the main effects of ageing on the hair strand.
DOHF1004 Hair Strand Penetration Study the chemical processes of hair strand penetration.
DOHF1005 Holistic Care of the Hair Learn how to care for the hair holistically.
DOHF2001 Introduction to Haircare Ingredients Review the main organic haircare ingredients used in formulations.
DOHF2002 Shampoo Ingredients Study different types of shampoos and their ingredients.
DOHF2003 Conditioner Ingredients Study different types of conditioners and their ingredients.
DOHF2004 Styling Ingredients Study different types of styling products and their ingredients.
DOHF2003 Haircare R&D Learn how to formulate for straight, wavy, curly and coily hair.
DOHF3002 Shampoo Alternatives Formulate innovative clay-based oleogels and no-rinse foams.
DOHF4001 Organic Rinse-Off Conditioners Formulate hair conditioners and de-tangler butters.
DOHF4002 Organic Leave-in Conditioners Formulate sprayable milks, hair primers and smoothing serums.
DOHF4003 Organic Hair & Scalp Treatments Formulate hair and scalp masks, hair oils and deep treatments.
DOHF5001 Organic Styling Products Formulate styling gel, styling putty, sculpting clay and mousse.
DOHF5002 Organic Smoothing Products Formulate shine serum, texturising mist, tonic and salt spray.
DOHF6001 Consumer Demands Understand what consumers mean and what their demands mean.
DOHF6002 Organic Haircare Claims Learn which cosmetic claims you can and cannot make.
DOHF6003 Cosmetic Compliance in Haircare Learn how to comply with the cosmetics regulations.
Now that you have designed your own formulations, you want to You are already designing
change people’s lives with your amazing beauty products and start a formulations and now want
profitable business. Our Diploma in Beauty Brand Business to launch your own beauty
Management teaches you everything you need to know in order to brand. You have a dream of
start your beauty business. We’ll teach you the professional skills you being an entrepreneur and
need and give you the tools and templates required to start a changing people’s lives
profitable indie beauty brand. with your beauty products.
Your brand is your business. Before you can show the world how None. Suitable for complete
beautiful your formulations are, you first need to impress your future beginners who want to
customers with your brand. We’ll teach you how to create a strong start their own beauty
brand personality that speaks directly to your customer, figure out brand.
your Unique Selling Point and create a visual brand that will attract
attention on social media. LENGTH OF COURSE
DBBBM1001 The Importance of Mindset Work on you and your mindset to become an entrepreneur.
DBBBM1002 Create your Vision and Plan Learn how to build your business vision and plan your year ahead.
DBBBM1003 Time Management Study the best way to manage time effectively in your business.
DBBBM2001 Market Research Learn how to find the gaps in the market and research competitors.
DBBBM2002 Branding Elements Create a strong brand for your beauty business.
DBBBM2003 Visual Branding Use visuals to set your brand apart in the market.
DBBBM3001 Manufacturing Choose the best manufacturing model for your business needs.
DBBBM3002 Business Skills & Legalities Get your legals under control and sort out your admin systems.
DBBBM3003 Certifications Determine whether certification is right for your beauty brand.
DBBBM4001 Financial Management 101 Distinguish your profit & loss from your balance sheets.
DBBBM4002 Pricing your Products Set the right prices for your formulations to make a profit.
DBBBM5001 Working with Distributors & Agents Learn how to work with distributors & agents to grow your brand.
DBBBM5002 Working with Retailers Get your formulations in the right beauty retail stores.
DBBBM5003 Fulfilment & Shipping Learn how to sell online and work with fulfilment centres.
DBBBM6001 Retail Marketing & Sales Study how to get your brand ready to market through retailers.
DBBBM6002 Working with Influencers & Media Grow your reach by being noticed through working with influencers.
DBBBM6003 Digital Marketing Learn how to sell your formulations online through your website.
Our Advanced Diploma in Organic Cosmetic Science takes your You have a solid
formulations to the next level by incorporating advanced techniques understanding of
and advanced high performance ingredients. Create exquisite luxury formulating and maybe
skincare with the finest cosmeceuticals. even run your own beauty
business already. You feel
We have helped many global skincare entrepreneurs and well-known confident creating a
brands enhance and complement their existing skincare ranges with formulation from scratch,
this Advanced Diploma. you understand cosmetics
regulations and you want
performance element to
Study some of the most challenging parts of organic cosmetic your formulations.
formulation: natural emulsification, preservation, surfactants,
solubilisation and viscosity modification. Research high performance
ingredients such as cosmeceuticals and nutriceuticals in order to PRE-REQUISITES
bring a high performance element to your skincare formulations.
Ability to design natural
skincare formulations.
The secret to knowing how to create a great skincare product lies in Knowledge of basic
understanding how others have done so before you. We teach you ingredients and
our 7-step process to reverse formulating any product in the shop. techniques.
ADOCS1001 Advanced Skin Science Learn how the different layers of the skin work together.
ADOCS1002 Cell Biology Delve into the anatomy of the skin, down to the cellular level.
ADOCS1003 Skin Penetration Study how ingredients interact with the skin.
ADOCS1004 Ageing of the Skin Learn the main intrinsic and extrinsic causes of skin ageing.
This extensive module covers 9 main formulation techniques and Study Projects - teaching you how to confidently work with
natural ingredients, experiment in your artisan cosmetic lab and understand how to create the perfect cosmetic formulation.
ADOCS3001 High Performance Cosmetics Study the difference between ‘normal’ + high performance products
ADOCS3003 Reverse Formulation Follow our 9 steps to re-creating any cosmetics product.
ADOCS4001 Niche Product Formulation Study the 3 steps of finding a niche for your business or brand.
ADOCS4002 Anti-Ageing Cosmetic Formulation Learn the main principles of anti-ageing cosmetic formulation.
ADOCS4003 Raw Cosmetic Formulation Learn the main principles of raw (living) cosmetic formulation.
ADOCS4004 Vegan Cosmetic Formulation Learn the main principles of vegan cosmetic formulation.
ADOCS4005 Halal Cosmetic Formulation Learn the main principles of Halal cosmetic formulation.
ADOCS4006 Customised Cosmetic Formulation Learn how to undertake customised client consultations.
ADOCS5001 Lab Equipment Study the 26 pieces of equipment you might want in your lab.
ADOCS5002 Good Manufacturing Practice Learn how to meet the requirements of ISO22716:2007
ADOCS5003 Lab Testing Study the 3 main tests used by a cosmetic formulator.
ADOCS5004 Your Cosmetic Career 10+ options for enhancing your career as a formulator.
“By far the most interesting course I have taken and very thorough”
- Course Graduate, USA
As the ‘anti-ageing’ or ‘graceful ageing’ movement continues to grow, You have a basic
consumers now demand a high performance element in their beauty understanding of
products and the industry loves to talk about cosmeceuticals: formulating and have
cosmetic ingredients that help change the appearance of the skin. experience in making basic
products. You want to
Our Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare will teach you how to learn how to formulate
specialise in formulating organic anti-ageing products - one of the with high performance
hottest trends in cosmetics at the moment! ingredients.
AASF1001 The Physiology of Dermal Ageing Overview of the ageing process in the skin.
AASF1002 Extrinsic Ageing External influences on the skin and how they contribute to ageing.
AASF1003 Intrinsic Ageing Internal influences on the skin and how they contribute to ageing.
AASF1004 Anti-Ageing Skincare Efficacy Study the 5 main anti-ageing requirements of skincare products.
AASF2001 Anti-Ageing Skincare Market Trends Current trends in the global anti-ageing personal care industry.
AASF2002 Anti-Ageing Foundation Ingredients Research the lipophilic or hydrophilic base of your products.
AASF2003 Anti-Ageing Active Ingredients Study the 9 groups of anti-ageing cosmeceuticals for the skin.
AASF3001 Research & Development Learn the 8 steps of anti-ageing skincare R&D.
AASF3002 Designing a Range Study what is required to formulate an anti-ageing capsule range.
AASF4001 Formulating Serums & Oils How to create high performance serums and oils.
AASF4002 Formulating Lotions & Light Creams How to create penetrating light high performance lotions.
AASF4003 Formulating Facial Mists & Elixirs How to create high performance toners, elixirs and mists.
AASF4004 Formulating Facial Masques How to create high performance facial masques.
AASF4005 Formulating Facial Polishes How to create high performance facial polishes.
Confused about correctly and safely preserving your cosmetic You have experience in
products the natural way? In this innovative online training course making basic formulations
you will learn the complex language of natural preservatives as well and understand how to
as learning how to select the best preservation system for each create a basic range of
individual product. cosmetic products. You
are not fully comfortable
UNDERSTAND MICROBIAL GROWTH with choosing the right
preservative for your
You will get to know the different microorganisms that are frequently cosmetics.
found in cosmetics and learn the factors that encourage their growth,
as well as researching their behaviour under different environmental
parameters. PRE-REQUISITES
Understand Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and learn how to
Ability to design natural
apply it to your cosmetics lab. Learn the difference between
skincare formulations.
disinfecting, sanitising and sterilising.
Knowledge of basic
Study the myths and truths surrounding natural preservatives. We’ll
look at the difference between 100% natural and naturally-derived, as
well as busting all the myths around antioxidants used as LENGTH OF COURSE
20 study hours, although
The course then provides you with an eBook of 20+ natural and the course is entirely self-
naturally derived preservatives, along with their specifications, study and self-paced. You
suitability, applicability and Ecocert status. have 1 year in which to
complete the course.
CNCP1001 Good Manufacturing Practice Study why GMP is important & learn your legal obligations.
CNCP1002 Preparing your Lab Get your formulation lab to manufacture cosmetics.
CNCP2001 Meet the Microorganisms Research the different types of microorganisms in your cosmetics.
CNCP2002 Microbial Growth Factors Study what affects microbial growth, including pH and water activity
Mini Lesson Cosmetic Packaging Learn why your choice of packaging affects microbial stability.
CNCP3001 How Preservatives Work Learn how preservatives work and research preservation methods.
CNCP3002 Preserving your Products Prepare your own lesson plans with our tools and templates.
CNCP3002 Choosing a Natural Preservative Follow our detailed flowcharts to choose the right preservative.
Mini Lesson Challenging Ingredients Review the preservation challenges of honey, clays and herbs.
Mini Lesson Anhydrous Formulations Learn when an anhydrous formulation must still be preserved.
Mini Lesson Hydrosols Learn how to work with hydrosols and preserve them.
Mini Lesson Organic Certification Review the organic certification status of 22 preservatives.
Handbook 22 Natural Preservatives Research the chemical details of 22 different natural preservatives.
CNCP4001 Complying with the Law Study the international legal requirements for preservation.
CNCP4002 Stability Testing & Shelf Life Learn how to predict and declare the shelf life of your product.
Mini Lesson Testing Emulsions Learn how to test the pH of your emulsion and use dipslides.
Mini Lesson Testing Requirements Understand what to do if you change formulas or suppliers. Learn
how to outsource a challenge test.
Unsure how to determine your cosmetic product’s shelf life? Need to You have experience in
make sure that your product doesn’t split, separate into two phases making basic formulations
or change colour? Natural and organic cosmetics tend to have a and understand how to
shorter shelf life than mainstream cosmetics, which makes stability create a basic range of
testing critical to the success of your business. cosmetic products. You
are not fully comfortable
In this innovative online training course aimed at artisan formulators, with designing stability
you will learn how to design appropriate stability tests for your tests for your artisan
cosmetics range. products.
CCST M1 Why test for stability? Many artisan cosmetic formulators don’t regularly test the stability
of their products. You’ll learn why stability testing is critical to the
success of your business, we’ll look at the damage that could
potentially be done to your reputation if you sold unstable products
and we’ll review the legal requirements for stability.
CCST M2 Setting up your lab Mainstream cosmetics laboratories contain tens of thousands of
dollars worth of testing equipment. As an artisan formulator, you
need to rely on simpler equipment which is still effective. Run
through the main requirements for your artisan cosmetics lab, so
that you can still run a comprehensive regular testing schedule.
CCST M3 Choosing the right stability test Depending on the product you’re formulating, as well as its
ingredients, packaging and overall efficacy, you will need to
determine which stability test is most suitable. We’ll run through the
huge variety of tests available to you and help you learn how to
conduct them confidently and properly.
CCST M4 Determine shelf life The two most important objectives of running stability tests are (1)
ensuring that the product is stable and (2) determining the shelf life
of your product. In this module we will show you how to use your
stability test results to set a sensible shelf life for your product and
ensure that it remains stable for this duration.
For many of us, the ultimate skincare treat is to apply a facial You have a basic
masque and relax while you let the ingredients work their magic. Our understanding of
Certificate in Facial Masque Therapy teaches you to make formulating and have
therapeutic spa-quality facial masks to pamper your delicate facial experience in making basic
skin. This course will teach you how to make the 7 different types of products. You want to
organic facial masque. learn how to formulate
facial masques.
Facial masques come in all forms and we’ll cover the five main Each Course Module
organic types of facial masque in detail. Formulate facial masques contains an assignment to
consisting of gels, creams, clays, clay creams and superfood assess your knowledge of
suspensions. the course materials.
Learn how to structure each of these five types of masques and look
at examples of similar masques already sold in the industry.
Breakdown each of their formulations and make your own similar
masques for sale in your cosmetics range.
FMT1001 Introduction to Facial Masques Study how facial masques work on the skin.
FMT1002 Facial Masque Ingredients Learn the 9 different types of clay and other masque ingredients.
FMT1003 The Science of Clay Understand how clay works in contact with water.
FMT1004 Facial Masque Preservation Learn how to preserve your facial masques.
FMT1005 The 7 Types of Facial Masques Study how organic facial masques are structured and formulated.
FMT2001 Clay Facial Masques Formulate clay masques, using mineral-rich clays.
FMT2002 Gel Facial Masques Formulate cooling gel masques, using natural gums.
FMT2003 Superfood Suspension Masques Formulate anhydrous colourful superfood suspension masques.
FMT2004 Gel-to-Milk Facial Masques Formulate gel-to-milk masques that rinse-off easily.
FMT2006 Clay Cream Masques Formulate lightly cleansing and moisturising clay cream masques.
Imagine yourself in a high-end spa, coated in chocolate. Imagine the You have a basic
fragrances of cocoa, rose, geranium, patchouli and orange blossom understanding of
mingling in the air around you. Can you think of any more luxurious? formulating and have
experience in making basic
Our Certificate in Chocolate Spa Products teaches you how to create products. You want to
your own capsule range of beautiful cacao-rich facial and body learn how to formulate
cosmetic products. This is a fun Certificate to let your creativity run cosmetics using cacao
riot with everyone’s favourite ingredient: chocolate! and chocolate.
Learn how to design unique chocolatey treats for the face and for the
Each Course Module
body. Very few cosmetic ranges around the world include chocolate
contains an assignment to
and yet people adore its fragrance, so learn how to set yourself apart.
assess your knowledge of
the course materials.
Create all-natural cacao-rich cosmetics including lip balms, facial
serums, polishes, masques, creams, body oils, butters, body packs,
scrubs and more. Let your imagination run riot to incorporate cocoa
into your cosmetics.
CSP1001 Chocolate Spa Treatments Study what spa treatments are and how to use chocolate.
CSP1002 Cocoa: From Pod to Skin Learn how cocoa is made and how its quality is affected.
CSP1003 Chocolate Skincare Science Study the different high performance compounds found in cocoa.
CSP1004 Cocoa Skincare Ingredients Learn the different cosmetic ingredients derived from cocoa.
CSP1005 Complementary Cocoa Ingredients Study which cosmetic ingredients blend well with cocoa.
CSP1006 Cocoa Formulation Inspiration Learn how to formulate with cocoa and gain formulation
CSP2001 Basic Cocoa Facial Formulations Formulate basic chocolate-based facial skincare products.
CSP2002 Intermediate Cocoa Facial Formulations Formulate intermediate chocolate-based facial skincare products.
CSP2003 Basic Cocoa Body Formulations Formulate basic chocolate-based body skincare products.
CSP2004 Intermediate Cocoa Body Formulations Formulate intermediate chocolate-based facial skincare products.
Teach Formula Botanica’s world-class organic skincare workshops You have undertaken at
face-to-face, anywhere in the world. You will use our name and our least one Formula
brand and then keep all the profits for yourself. We offer you a full Botanica training course
training program to teach you how to teach for us. Earn while you and you understand our
learn, earn while you teach. ethos and our teaching
methods. You feel part of
global community and you
Earn an amazing income by teaching a subject you are passionate are confident in showing
about. Most students who come to train with us do so because they formulating techniques to
want to show the world that there is a natural, healthier alternative to others.
mainstream cosmetics. Our face-to-face DIY workshops allow you to
share your passion with your community, position yourself as an
expert and give yourself a platform to launch your own business. PRE-REQUISITES
You will have successfully
When you are first starting out with your beauty business, money is completed our Diploma in
often tight. It is a good idea to create additional income streams for Organic Skincare
your business, and teaching our profitable workshops is one of the Formulation.
easiest ones. We don’t take any cut of your earnings, we just ask for a
small annual license fee of £100 (British Pounds).
When you complete your course, you are given your first year’s
license for free and we re-sign this on each anniversary of you 60 study hours, although
becoming a Tutor. The license is a common sense document which the course is entirely self-
asks you to make sure you are properly insured, that you safeguard study and self-paced. You
our brand and that you look after your students. have 1 year in which to
complete the course.
We make sure that you hit the ground running as soon as you have
completed your Tutor Training Program and signed your Tutor COURSE ASSESSMENT
License. You will be given all of your tutor materials, including lesson
plans, sample formulations, graphics, useful forms for health & safety Each Course Module
assessments, feedback and more. contains an assignment to
assess your knowledge of
We also offer you lots of free promotion through our website where the course materials.
you get your own tutor page, be invited to join our exclusive Tutor
Mastermind, and receive promotion to our large mailing list.
TTP1001 How to Become a Teacher Understand how to move from being a formulator to a teacher.
TTP1002 The Theory of Learning Learn what learning is so you can help your students learn.
TTP1003 Meeting your Learners’ Needs Study what motivates people to learn.
TTP2001 How to Teach Workshops Learn how to explain concepts and demonstrate formulations.
TTP2002 Teaching Aids & Methods Study the 8 different types of teaching aids for your workshops.
TTP3001 The Basics of Workshop Planning Understand what lesson planning is and how to use it.
TTP3002 How to Write a Lesson Plan Prepare your own lesson plans with our tools and templates.
TTP3003 14 DIY Workshop Themes Study different workshop themes, such as bachelorette parties.
TTP4001 Costing & Pricing Your Workshops Prepare your own budgets and cost up your workshops.
TTP4001 How to Choose a Workshop Venue Follow our important tips for choosing the right workshop venue.
TTP4001 How to Source Ingredients Learn how to source the right type and amount of ingredients.
TTP4002 Marketing & Selling Tickets Follow our checklists to selling locally and online.
TTP4002 Advertising Copy Swipe File Receive our templates for you to advertise workshops online.
TTP5002 Admin & Legals in Workshops Study the 6 admin systems you must implement to run workshops.
TTP5002 Good Manufacturing Practice Learn how to make your workshops safe for you & your students.
TTP6001 Using the Tutor Library Receive a tour of our award-winning online tutor library.
TTP6002 Formula Botanica Tutor Expectations Review our Code of Conduct and requirements before signing your
Formula Botanica Tutor license.
Many of our students want to Time limited enrolment Special discounts
progress quickly in order to Our flagship training program, When you enrol for certain
launch their business as soon the International Organic multiple courses at once, such
as possible. They see the Skincare Entrepreneur Program, as the ones offered in our
enormous opportunities is only available for enrolment programs, we can provide you
available to them in the global twice a year. We limit enrolment with a very special discount.
organic cosmetics market. like this because we offer all
eight of our courses at 30% Make sure you are on our
Often students want to work on discount. mailing list to be the first to hear
multiple courses at once and of any special offers or
multi-task as they work through Enrolment for this program discounts we’re running too!
the materials. opens in April and October each
year and we run an interest list
For that reason, we offer one in-between those times, for
special offer course bundles as people who want to be notified
our main flagship training when we open enrolment.
program. This is one of our
most popular course packages When you enrol, you get access
and offers the best value for to all of your courses at once so
money out of all of our that you can work through them
programs. at the same time.
SKINCARE ENTREPRENEUR PROGRAM 1. Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation
We will teach you everything you need to know 2. Advanced Diploma in Organic Skincare Science
in order to go from complete beginner to expert 3. Diploma in Beauty Brand Business
organic skincare formulator and teacher. Management
4. Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare
This career-boosting program is aimed at 5. Certificate in Natural Cosmetic Preservation
people who want to take that all-important step 6. Certificate in Cosmetic Stability Testing
towards setting up the business of their dreams
and creating their own high performance SET YOUR OWN PACE
organic skincare range. You are given access to all of the courses at once
so that you can study multiple modules at the
The global organic cosmetics industry is same time. You have complete access to your
growing year upon year as more consumers courses and the VIP Members Area for three
start to demand top quality natural skincare. years, although many of our students launch their
business while they continue their studies.
Every April and October, we open enrolment for
our flagship training program. Enrolment is
generally only open for a week because we
experience such high demand. The World’s First Organic
When you enrol for this program, you receive Skincare Entrepreneur
30% discount on six of our courses, because
you are enrolling for them at the same time. Training Program
Although Formula Botanica doesn’t offer other TIME LIMITED ENROLMENT ONLY
packages of courses on our website, very Enrolment for our Skincare Expert Program is only
occasionally we offer bundled course programs available at certain times of the year and is not
that come with an in-built 20% discount. available on our website.
SKINCARE EXPERT PROGRAM If you are offered the opportunity to enrol for our
This fast-track accelerator program will take Skincare Expert Program, then this is a time
you from complete beginner to expert organic limited enrolment window. This enrolment
skincare formulator. opportunity will not be available again.
Organic and natural skincare is Career Paths Meet our Graduates
in hot demand in the global Our students mainly come to Our graduates run beauty
industry. The global organic Formula Botanica to start their businesses all over the world.
personal care market is own beauty business and We’d like to introduce you to a
estimated to be worth $54bn by become an entrepreneur. few of them:
2027 and is undergoing 10% However, many of our graduates
year-on-year growth. have gone on to use their skills
elsewhere very successfully.
Dare to be different
Organic formulating techniques Examples of other career paths
are different to those used in the include:
mainstream industry. Our sector
forms a component of the global Online beauty retailer
cosmetics industry, where we
only use natural or naturally DIY Workshop Teacher
derived ingredients.
Spa owner
Being able to understand those
ingredients and know how to Professional blogger
confidently use them and
preserve them will set you apart Contract Formulator
from many mainstream
formulators. Contract Manufacturer
When you graduate at Formula Free Promotional Package Graduates who have made use
Botanica, this is often only the When you finish your Formula of our free business promotional
beginning of your involvement Botanica course, all you need to package have seen growth in
with our School. We continue to do is contact our support team their mailing list subscribers,
work with our graduates for a and we can set up your free growth in sales and growth in
long time after they complete business promotion package. social media followers.
their courses.
We are happy to help people Let us help you get the
Most of our graduates launch who are launching a new headstart your need.
their business online and start business, as well as graduates
their skincare range with no who already have an existing
followers, no subscribers and business.
no social media engagement.
We can help you kickstart your Your free business promotional
launch and grow those package contains:
An interview on our blog
Formula Botanica is a digital
training academy and we have Promotion to our mailing
many years of experience in list (tens of thousands of
online marketing so we will global subscribers)
profile your business widely. We
want to help you as much as Ongoing promotion on
we can because we want to our social media
help you succeed. We don’t accounts - Facebook,
charge for this service, it is all
part of your course fees.
Twitter and Instagram
Our courses are suitable for all Equipment + Ingredients Enthusiasm + Motivation
ranges of abilities. We cater for We do not provide you with the Online learning can feel a bit
people who are completely new equipment and ingredients to daunting when you first start, as
to cosmetic formulating, as well complete your courses, but we there is no one pushing you to
as experts who have been give you suggestions for which complete your courses other
running their own business for a tools might be most suitable. than yourself!
while and want to improve their
knowledge or further their skills. When you are first starting out, That’s why we offer a global
we don’t recommend you make classroom environment for you
Which tools do you need to start any expensive investments as to be inspired by your fellow
our courses? you are still at the beginning of students.
your formulation journey.
Computer + Internet Access Remember that the only person
Our online courses need to be We host multiple regional who can make this a success is
accessed through your networking groups all over the you, so make sure you set aside
computer. Course materials are world for you to speak directly to regular study periods and keep
provided in many different other students in your own yourself motivated by joining in
formats, including videos, live country. Get to know your fellow with our community.
webinars, eBooks and work students and get insider tips on
sheets. You will need a good where to buy the right Use your peers to help you
Internet connection in order to ingredients. These groups offers achieve your goals and gain
access your materials. Courses you the best word of mouth support from our wonderful
can be accessed through recommendations you can get! international community.
desktop and mobile devices.
Payment Processors Refunds Additional Costs
Course enrolment involves an We understand that sometimes We do not recommend that you
upfront payment in British you may change your mind, or make any expensive upfront
Pounds (GBP). We accept sometimes our courses are just investments when you first start
payments from all major credit / not right for you. That’s studying at Formula Botanica.
debit card handlers, and PayPal. absolutely fine and we offer a
30-Day Money Back Guarantee You will have to order
for that reason, as long as you ingredients to practice with
haven’t completed more than though, and we recommend that
25% of your course. you keep your shopping list very
simple in the beginning.
Payment Plans All you have to do is talk to us
We offer payment plans for our and we’ll process your refund. We estimate that you will spend
most expensive program - All payments are made in British approximately 50% of your
our International Organic Pounds (GBP) and the refund course fees on ingredients
Skincare Entrepreneur Program. may reflect a slightly different again, so we recommend that
Payment plans are paid on a value in your local currency you budget for this. However,
monthly basis up to a maximum depending on international keep in mind that researching
of 4 months. currency fluctuations. and exploring cosmetic
ingredients can become very
Please note that our payment addictive!
plans cost more than the full-
price option and that we
implement very strict late
payment terms for all students
who default on payments.
Copyright Formula Botanica 2012-2019. All Rights Reserved.
No part may be copied from this Prospectus without permission.