Thermo Notes
Thermo Notes
Thermo Notes
→H = U + PV
nH = nU + P(nV)
d(nH) = d(nU) + Pd(nV) + (nV)dP
d(nH) = Td(nS) – Pd(nV) + Pd(nV) + (nV)dP
d(nH) = Td(nS) + (nV)dP
→ A = U – TS
A = U – TS
nA = nV – TnS
d(nA) = d(nU) – (dT)nS – Td(nS)
d(nA) = Td(nS) – Pd(nV) – Td(nS) – (nS)dT
d(nA) =- Pd(nV) –(nS)dT
→ G = H – TS
nG = nH – T(nS)
d(nG) = d(nH) –Td(nS) – (nS)dT
= Td(nS) + (nV)dP – Td(nS) – (nS)dT
d(nG) = (nV)dP – (nS)dT
1) H = U + PV
G = H – TS
“Maximum amount of non-expensive work for isothermal or isobaric process”.
A = U – TS
Where A is Helmetz free energy
“Maximum work obtainable from an isothermal process”.
2) F = F(x,y)
3) For any closed system and change occurring between two equations of states we can
d(nU) = Td(nS) – Pd(nV) where U,S,V are molar properties
For, closed system
Change occur between equation of states
H = U + PV
nH = nU + P(nV)
on differentiation, d(nH) = d(nU) + Pd(nV) + nVdP
d(nH) = Td(nS) – Pd(nV) + Pd(nV) + nVdP
d(nH) = Td(nS) + nVdP
d(nA) = d(nU) – Td(nS) – nSdT
d(nA) = Td(nS) – Td(nS) – nSdT- Pd(nV)
d(nA) = - Pd(nV) – (nS)dT
d(nG) = d(nH) – Td(nS) –(nS)dT
= Td(nS) + (nV)dP – Td(nS) – (nS)dT
d(nG) = (nV)dP – (nS)dT
Four fundamental property relations for homogeneous fluid at constant composition, for
one mole,
dU = TdS –PdV
dH = TdS + VdP
dA = - PdV – SdT
dG = VdP – SdT
Maxwell’s Equations:
It helps in replacing unmeasurable quantities appearing in equations by measureable quantities.
Each Maxwell’s equation are derived from exact differential equations of the four energy
Deriving Maxwell’s equation
1) dU = TdS – PdV
and (
Now, and
dF = Mdx + Ndy
M = T, x = S, N = -P, y = V
2) dH = TdS + VdP
and (
M = T, x = S, N = V, y = P
3) dA = -PdV – SdT
dF = Mdx + Ndy
F = A, M = -P, V = x, N = -S, T = y
4) dG = VdP – SdT
F = A, M = V, x = P, N = -S, y =T
H = H (T,P)
Now, we know that,
dH = TdS + VdP
At constant temperature,
Maxwell’s relationship
Now, for entropy S = S(T,P)
At constant P,
But, we know that
Now M =Cp, x = T, N =
At constant V, dV = 0
Let V = f(P,T)
At constant V, dV = 0
Prove that,
T = f(P,V)
We know that,
Substituting in ongoing equation will give,
Prove that,
…… constant S,
Now, H = f(P,T)
At constant H, dH = 0
and ………equ.2
We know that,
At constant volume,
dU = CvdT
and ……….equ.6
→ ……..equ.7
Then, V = ZRT/P
= (i.e. V = ZRT/P)
∆HR = …………equ.14
∆SR = ………equ.15
And are evaluated using experimental PVT data, and the integrals or graphical methods.
Analytical information is possible when Z is expressed as EOS or generalized
If we, use reduced P and reduced T equ.14 and 15 will be converted as shown below,
∆HR =
Similarly, we can get,
∆SR/R = ……………..equ.17
Z and required can be obtained from the centralized compressibility charts. Thus we can
evaluate ∆SR and ∆HR.
If we know the value of S and HR and reference pressure P0 (which we can fix
arbitrarily) we can find out H and S using the definition of residual properties.
Let’s say, at P = P0 , = 0 and = 0. Then equ.16 and 17 will give the values of SR and HR
→ We know that
We get,
dGα = dGβ
VαdPsat – SαdT = VβdPsat – SβdT
dPsat/dT = (Sβ – Sα)/ (Vβ – Vα) = ∆Sαβ/∆Vαβ