ISS Safety Handbook June 2018 Rev PDF

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ISS Safety Handbook 1

june 2018

– Make safety second nature

2 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 3

Content Health, Safety, Environment and

Our Approach 4
Our Foundation 6 As our employees are our business, keeping
you safe is a top priority, in fact our only HSE GLOBAL
The ISS Safety Rules 7 priority. We have a Vision to have zero fata-
Personal Safety 8 lities and no serious injuries or illnesses at
our workplaces. It is our objective to make
Safe Practices 12 sure our operations are safe and we take
Basic Safety 14 measures to reduce the impact of our opera- Emergency LMRA Report incident
tions on the environment.
Environment 16 Latest update
Basic First Aid 18 Please take time to read this Safety Handbook A Toolbox Talk to share with your team > Read
and understand our safety culture.
Driving Safely 20
HSE Vision
Emergency Response 21
Sharing your voice 22 ISS Safety Rules


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Safe habits


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4 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 5


In order to achieve continuous improvement, ISS manages Health, Policy • Reducing the environmental and climate
Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) in a systematic approach. The ISS Health, Safety, Environment and impact of our operations by promoting
Quality (HSEQ) Policy is to: sustainable processes and products includ-
• Have a systematic approach to HSEQ ing energy and sustainability awareness;
At ISS, we aim to meet our customer’s expec- • Maintaining a quality-focused culture to management designed to ensure com- • Conserving natural resources by careful
tations and needs in ways that are economi- ensure the highest priority is placed on the pliance with the law and customer management of our own operations;
cally, environmentally and socially responsible. safety, efficiency and reliability; requirements; • Increasing energy efficiency and reducing
To manage the impact of our operations, we • Respect and contribute to the societies • Measure, review and report HSE and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) related
have the ISS Code of Conduct, the ISS Group in which we operate; Quality performance and set targets for to our operations;
HSEQ Manual and the ISS Safety Rules. • Share our HSE experiences – good or continuous improvement; • Achieve the level of HSEQ performance
bad – with our employees; • Control health and safety risks and envi- that meets our customers’ requirements
The ISS Code of Conduct establishes key • Place high priority on HSEQ matters in our ronmental aspects through a hierarchy and exceeds their expectations;
principles that apply to all ISS operations and business activities; and of controls; • Optimise business performance without
guides the behaviour of all employees at ISS. • Promote and drive a culture in which all • Pro-actively identify and mitigate quality comprising safety, quality or compliance;
The HSEQ Commitment, Vision and Policy ISS employees share this commitment. risks in all activities at all levels of the • Require our suppliers and their subcon-
reflect our aims on how we operate. organisation; tractors to manage their HSEQ in line with
Vision • Investigate incidents to determine their this policy;
ISS Group HSEQ Commitment Our HSE vision is called ‘100’. root causes and take appropriate correc- • Include HSEQ performance in the appraisal
In ISS, we are all committed to: • 1 We aim to be number 1 in our industry tive actions; of staff and rewards accordingly.
• Protect the personal health and safety and recognised as an industry leader in
of our workforce; the way we deliver health, safety and
• Protect the environment; environmental performance;
• Use material and energy efficiently to • 0 We operate with 0 fatalities at our
provide our services; workplaces; and
• Understand the needs and expectations • 0 We incur 0 serious incidents and occu-
of our customers; pational injuries at our workplaces.
6 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 7


All ISS employees and contractors under our operational control To align our behaviours we have implemented the ISS Safety Rules.
shall manage HSEQ in line with the Commitment, Vision and Policy
We are building a strong safety culture. will also lead to an understood acceptance
and local laws.
of an unsafe culture.
If the ISS Safety Rules and procedures are
To help our employees and contractors put Our commitment and systematic approach violated, it will lead to unsafe conditions See the “Living the ISS Safety Rules” anima-
our Commitment, Vision and Policy into requires integrating HSEQ into the way we and if repeatedly violated in the long run it tion film at:
practice, we have implemented a HSEQ plan and carry out our activities.
management system based on internatio-
nal standards. The ISS Safety Rules cover the following activities:


Risk Do





Management Planning and Stopping unsafe work Permit to Work Energy Isolation Electrical safety Confined Space Entry
Review Control


Monitoring tation and



Driving safety Working at heights Housekeeping Manual Handling Working with chemicals

Incident Reporting Auditing, Non-

and Incident Compliances and
Investigation Corrective Actions
on cu
ati me
ment nta
Docu tion

“KNOW YOUR HSEQ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM!” “Safety Culture is enhanced by our good safety behaviour”
8 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 9


Site induction Preparations for Work work activity or operation, so that steps Toolbox Talk
When entering a customer site for the first Before starting any job, think and consider can be taken to eliminate or control the In order to carry out any task safely and effect-
time, you should familiarise yourself with your the following steps: identified hazards during preparation and ively, it is essential that persons involved in the
work location by your supervisor/manager S Stop where you are, in a safe position; execution of the work activity or operation. carrying out of the work discuss the task with
as part of your induction. This induction T Think about where you are and what This process includes the opportunity to your supervisor. It is vital to communicate the
will cover safety and emergency response you need to do; STOP and re-assess the task – either prior to job steps, hazards, controls and responsibili-
plans, including: O Observe what is going on around, identify starting or when a change occurs whilst a ties to all members of the work party. Topics
potential hazards and assess your risks; task is being carried out. and discussion points for Toolbox Talks are
P Plan a safe way of carrying out your activity, available in the Toolbox Talk Calendars.
Fire routes and exits; your safe way in and your safe way out. Your commitment
As part of our safety culture, we encourage For all critical tasks, prior to starting the
Safe Job Analysis (Risk Assessment) you to have a Personal Safety Action Plan task, the Supervisor should hold a Toolbox
Fixed and portable fire fighting As employees, we all need to identify the (PSAP). The PSAP should show your commit- Talk. The Toolbox Talk could also include a
equipment; hazards, risks and the control measures ment that you: walk around and inspection of the work
associated with our tasks. We, as a team, • practice safe behaviour in everything site to determine what could be expected
work to reduce these risks. you do; to cause harm. It is important to consider
Muster stations; • take action to always put safety first; persons outside the work party that could be
Safe Job Analysis (SJA) or a risk assessment • speak up to ensure the safety of others. affected. If members are added to the work
is an essential tool in eliminating accidents Ask your HSEQ manager for a template. group after a Toolbox Talk has been held,
First aid facilities including at the workplace. they must also be briefed.
emergency contact numbers and
location of first aid equipment. A Safe Job Analysis is a systematic and step-
wise review of all hazards prior to a given
10 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 11

Your responsibility • Participate actively in safety discussions so You can report Incidents and Near Misses Be proactive and report observations such as:
Every individual has a responsibility to act that your own ideas may be developed to either using the system • Blocked fire escapes;
in a safe manner to protect both himself make your workplace a safer place to work. • Damaged equipment;
and those around him. The following points ( or the App • Slip or tripping hazards.
are provided to assist you in this. If properly Report immediately to your supervisor (available at the App store: VelocityEHS).
followed, they should go a long way towards details of: All Near Miss and Lost Time Injuries should
preventing injury to yourself and others. • All incidents; be reported, discussed at site safety meet-
• Ask questions if you have any doubts as • Near misses; ings and analysed so that corrective actions
to what is expected of you. • Dangerous occurrences; can be taken.
• Always wear the specified protective • Any incident or problem relating to safety
clothing and equipment. organisation or practice. Alcohol and Drugs
• Always think about the safety aspects of It is strictly prohibited to be at work under
the job before starting to work. Reporting the influence of alcohol or non-prescription
• Use only safe and appropriate tools It is our aim to prevent all accidents. Reporting drugs and doing so may result in disciplinary
or equipment. an incident, Near Miss or a hazard is impor- action including termination of employment.
• Be appreciative of any colleague who tant as we can investigate where appropriate It is your responsibility to ensure that any
corrects you when you work unsafely and take corrective actions. Reporting also prescription drugs do not hinder your ability
– remember, he may have saved your life. creates awareness. Therefore, all accidents, to perform your role, including driving and
• Tactfully correct others when you see them serious or minor, must be reported in the ISS operating machinery safely. If you are taking
working unsafely. Global HSEQ-IT system, VelocityEHS (KMI). prescription drugs and are in doubt, ask
your supervisor.
12 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 13


Use of Machinery Frequent inspection of all hand tools and Signs Mandatory signs
• Only operate in accordance with the power tools must be made to ensure that For your safety, learn the different signs, their Signs that show that a specific action must
operating instructions. they are in a safe operating condition. meanings and most importantly, obey them. be taken. They are usually signs with a blue
• Do not start machinery until you are Signs can be categorised by the following: circle with a picture of the action to be taken.
sure everybody and everything is clear. Working in Hot or Cold Environments
• Replace safety guards and vents on Working in hot environments can have Prohibition signs An example is gloves must be worn.
machinery before starting serious effects and it is therefore important Signs that state certain behaviour are not
(e.g. after cleaning). that a work/rest regime is in place. Most allowed. They usually have a red circle with a Emergency escape or first aid signs
• Never insert hands or articles through importantly, ensure that your intake of fluids red bar across a picture of what is not allowed. These signs provide information about safe
a guard. is maintained, taking water every 30-60 conditions.They are normally square or
• Do not service or work on machinery minutes and salt tablets as necessary. An example is a No Smoking sign. rectangular with a white picture/wording
while it is in motion. on a green background.
• Do not prime engines while they are Humidity, personal fitness level, medication Warning signs
being turned over to start or after they and certain types of PPE all have an influ- Signs that provide a warning of a specific An example is a First Aid sign.
have started firing. ence. Some of the effects can be heat rash, hazard. Usually have a triangle on a yellow
• Do not use flammable fluids for cleaning fainting, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and background with the picture of the hazard.
without permission. heat stroke.
An example is warning for a wet floor.
Tools When working in cold environments, it is
Tools must be: important that you wear clothing that will
• Used only for what they are designed for; keep you warm and that it is wind and water
• Used only for the jobs for which they were proof. Ensure that you keep your head covered
intended; and your hands and feet warm. Some of the
• Used only when in good condition, as effects of cold environments are frost bite
many injuries have been caused by defec- and hypothermia. Wind chill and wet condi-
tive tools; tions both have negative influences.
• Stored in their proper place when not
in use;
• Certified for use in hazardous areas.
14 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 15


Ladders Make sure the ladder has: Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Eye Protection
Only proper ladders are to be used and • Been inspected for any defects; The wearing of safety clothing and the use Safety glasses shall be worn in all “Hard
they must be properly secured. There must be • Anti-slip feet; of protective equipment is mandatory while Hat” areas. The safety glasses must fit
supervision – ladders have been known to • No missing, loose or broken rungs; carrying out your tasks. The wearing of PPE tightly. Ensure that they have been cleaned
fall, and bones have been broken. • No corrosion; is a control measure that reduces the chances properly and check for cracks or scratches.
• Bracing to ensure that it will not move. of getting injured.
When using a ladder, you must ensure that it: Special safety glasses are mandatory when
• Is secured at the top and bottom; Remember to: Physical hazards (falling objects, heat, sharp working with:
• Extends at least 1 metre above the • Keep you weight centred; objects) and health hazards (chemical expo- • Grinding equipment;
support point; • Use two hands when climbing and use a sure, dust, skin irritations) are some of the • Hydraulic or pneumatic tools;
• Is placed on a firm and level base. tool belt or holder; types of hazards at the workplace. • Where there is a risk of flying particles; or
• Use the 4:1 rule! For every 1 measure from • When handling corrosive liquids.
the wall, it is matched by 4 measures up; Always make sure that your PPE is in good
1. CHOOSE 2. INSPECT for Breathing Protection Equipment
the right size for the job. defects and damages.
• Face the ladder and keep your body within condition before commencing any work.
the confines of the ladder. You must wear appropriate, approved dust
Specific operations where employees may masks to protect against harmful dusts,
When using ladders in heights over 2 m., be exposed to hazards shall be planned to paints, etc. During painting, effective ven-
3. TAG defective ladders. 4. CLEAR this is considered as working at heights ensure that they are adequately protected. tilation shall be arranged and a gas mask
the area before
placing the ladder. and the necessary precautions shall be taken Appropriate PPE shall be used for all tasks. with filter against organic solvents must
(Permit to Work, etc.). be worn.
Stairs (External and Internal) • Coveralls; Unprotected personnel are not to enter any
• Angle the ladder • Extend the ladder Many accidents occur on the stairs. • Hard hats; space where the atmosphere is known or
base out 1/4 of 1 metre above the
working length. support point for • Do not run up or down the stairs. • Steel toe safety shoes/boots; suspected to be hazardous.
easy mounting and • Remove all obstructions in the path. • Safety glasses, goggles, face shields;
• Place the ladder dismounting.
base firmly on a • Make certain that lighting is adequate. • Masks and respirators for lung protection; Breathing apparatus is to be worn by
solid, level area. • Make sure railings are secure and you • Ear defenders for hearing protection; personnel entering a gas or smoke filled
use them. • Appropriate gloves; area, or any area deficient in oxygen.
• Ensure steps are not worn, slippery or loose. • Chemical resistant goggles, gloves, aprons,
SET • Hold on to hand rails. boots, etc. for handling chemicals;
• Fully open the
ladder. • Do not carry anything that may block • Safety harnesses.
• Place it on a NEVER your vision entirely.
level area. • Stand on the
top of the step ladder.

“Remember to always have THREE points of contact”

16 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 17


Waste You must ensure that proper personal pro- Are you part of the What do you and I need to do?
All waste materials shall be disposed of tective equipment (PPE) is worn for the type ISS Green Offices programme? • We need to change our normal behaviours
properly. Waste management shall include: of tool being used for the work. At ISS, we are committed to reducing our on things like turning off lights, switching
• Proper identification of each waste stream impact on the environment and climate. off the computer when we go home,
(paper, glass metal etc.); Chemical spills The environment and climate globally are segregating our waste etc.
• Segregation of individual waste streams; • Under no circumstances should any poten- changing radically. This affects our health, • A small individual effort on its own is a
• Proper labelling, marking, storage of each tially hazardous chemicals be washed into nature, economy and general well-being. start but if we duplicate it many times we
waste stream. the surface water drainage system. We can all reduce our impact by changing can have a collective impact on reducing
• In the event of a spillage of any chemical, our behaviours. our footprint.
Hazardous waste must be segregated from ensure that it is contained, neutralised or • We all need to be a leader in this initiative
all other non-hazardous waste streams and rendered harmless and physically cleaned up The ISS Green Offices Programme (GOP) is by encouraging all of those around you
stored safely in suitable containers until before using a hose to wash any residue a programme designed to reduce the impact to participate.
it can be collected, transported and sub- of the material into the drainage system. of our own ISS offices and daily work prac- • Together, our commitment will help us
sequently disposed of in a controlled and All clean up materials must be deposited tices on the environment. By changing our achieve our goals.
compliant manner. in appropriate containers for safe disposal. behaviour, we can reduce our environmental
• The domestic sewage system must not footprint by using resources efficiently and
be used for the disposal of any industrial disposing our waste responsibly.
• Care must be taken when handling crude
oil, diesel oil and similar substances. Clean
up any spillage quickly.
18 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 19

Basic First Aid

Basic first aid is the initial process of assessing If approaching the victim will endanger your Care for the person Burns
and addressing the needs of someone who life, seek professional help immediately; they Caring for someone who has just gone Reduce pain by gently cooling the burn. Pour
has been injured or is in physiological distress have higher levels of training and know how through serious trauma includes both physi- large amounts of water over the burned area.
due to choking, a heart attack, allergic reac- to handle these situations. First aid becomes cal treatment and emotional support. Remem- Cover the burn with dry, clean dressings
tions, drugs or other medical emergencies. useless if you cannot safely perform it with- ber to stay calm and try to be reassuring; let or cloth.
Basic first aid allows you to quickly determine out hurting yourself. the person know that help is on its way and
a person’s physical condition and the correct that everything will be alright. Other ways to Muscles, bones and joint injuries
course of treatment. You should always seek Call for help reassure the casualty include asking for their Rest the injured part. Apply ice or a cold
professional medical help as soon as you are Call out for help 3 times before you begin name, if they know what has happened, and pack to control swelling and reduce pain.
able, but following correct first aid procedures assisting the casualty. If someone is with you then about their interests. Avoid any movement or activity that causes
can be the difference between life and death. or responds, instruct them to call the authori- pain. If you must move the victim because
If medical help is not immediately available, ties and be prepared to relay information to Control bleeding the scene is becoming unsafe, try to immobi-
use the first aid booklet in your first aid kit. them so they can update the responders. If a Cover the wound with a dressing, and press lize the injured part to keep it from shifting.
If you do not have a first aid booklet, the person is unconscious but is breathing and has firmly against the wound (direct pressure).
information below may be helpful. no other life-threatening conditions, they Elevate the injured area above the level of the Reduce any care risks
should be placed in the recovery position. Put- heart if you do not suspect that the victim has The risk of getting a disease while giving first
ting someone in the recovery position will a broken bone. Cover the dressing with a aid is extremely rare. However, to reduce the
Performing the three Cs keep their airway clear and open. It also bandage. If the bleeding does not stop, apply risk even further:
(Check- Call-Care) ensures that any vomit or fluid won’t cause additional dressings and bandages, and use a • Avoid direct contact with blood and other
them to choke. pressure point to squeeze the artery against body fluids;
Check the surroundings the bone. Provide care for shock. • Use protective equipment, such as dispos-
Evaluate the situation. Are there things that able gloves and breathing barriers like
might put you at risk of harm? Are you or Care for shock cloth handkerchiefs;
the victim threatened by fire, toxic smoke or Keep the victim from getting chilled or over- • Whenever possible, thoroughly wash your
gasses, an unstable building, live electrical heated. Elevate the legs about 12 inches (if hands with soap and water immediately
wires or other dangerous scenario? Do not Emergency broken bones are not suspected). Do not after giving care.
rush into a situation where you could end give food or drink to the victim.
up as a victim yourself. This refers to the
D (Danger) in DRABC (Danger, Response,
Airways, Breathing and Circulation).
20 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 21

driving safely EMERGENCY REspONSE

Driving safety is one of the ISS Safety Rules. in a manner that is safe, responsible and Fire prevention

ISS looks to each employee to uphold the within the law. We are all responsible to:
Remember the word
highest standards of driving and safety, • Ensure that all escape routes are free of
regardless of which vehicle they are using to The vehicle you drive on ISS business must obstacles at all times;
make a work related journey. This includes be maintained in a roadworthy condition at • Always keep fire exits closed to prevent
company provided vehicles, rented vehicles all times, regardless of who owns it. the spread of smoke, heat and fire into P Pull the pin (or other motion) to unlock
the extinguisher
and employee owned vehicles. escape routes and other areas.

As an employee driving on ISS business, you

Please refer to the ISS Driver Handbook for
guidance. The handbook applies to all What to do if you detect a Fire A Aim at the base (bottom) of the fire
and stand 6-10 feet away

are not only responsible for your own safety employees making work related journeys, If you detect a fire:
but also for the safety of others that may be regardless of vehicle ownership. We would • Call for assistance/sound the alarm; S Squeeze the lever to discharge
the agent

affected by your actions. Therefore you are also hope that the guidance is used for • Secure your escape;
required to operate your vehicle, at all times, personal related journeys. • Try to localise the source; S Sweep the spray from left to right until
the flames are totally extinguished
• Call the Fire department and provide
information of the location of the fire
and of any known special hazards;
• Try to contain the fire (close doors and
ventilation, prevent spreading of the source);
• Extinguish/eliminate the source if possible;
never pass the fire to get to an extinguisher;
• Monitor the situation to prevent re-ignition.

22 ISS Safety Handbook ISS Safety Handbook 23

sharing your voice Speak Up!

Just as we want to make sure you are follow-

ing our Code of Conduct and being safe in HONESTY
the work place we also want to hear from We respect
you. We have two ways in which you can
share your voice.

Our ISS constantly strives to improve ISS are committed to conducting our business
People the way we work. In order to in accordance with the law and high ethical
Survey gain insight into how you per- standards. The Speak Up Policy makes it
ceive your daily work life, we possible for you, business partners and other ENTREPRENEURSHIP
conduct Our People Survey across all front line stakeholders to report any serious and sensi- We act
and office based employees working at ISS. tive concerns in a secure and confidential way.

Once a year you will be invited to participate ISS will treat all concerns and issues raised
in Our People Survey and your participation is under this policy in a confidential manner
very important to us. The survey is based on except to the extent necessary to conduct a
a short questionnaire and the responses are complete and fair investigation. The identity
confidential. The survey enables us to gather of the complainant shall be kept confiden- RESPONSIBILITY
your perceptions about ISS, create the best tial. ISS will ensure that there will be no We care
conditions for you to perform well and helps discriminatory or retaliatory action against
us to improve the customer experience and any employee or third party who reports a
grow the business. concern to ISS in good faith based on his/her
personal knowledge.

Further details about Speak Up are available at: QUALITY
We deliver
24 ISS Safety Handbook

Buddingevej 197
2860 Søborg, Denmark
Phone: +45 3817 0000

Revision 2, June 2018


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