ABSTRACT : An evaluation of previous performance using performance management .In 1980 it was reward
is experienced by the vast majority of recruits each year. managed performance as its need got broader. Due to
The management of performance level is the sum up of this understanding the process has become more
performance appraisal systems. This is a continuous and specialized and dignified.
interactive process designed to motivate employees, and
check their capability with the main motive to facilitate 1. LITERATURE REVIEW
productivity. The performance management systems Will Artley (2001) discussed that all high performance
involve various activities which are much more than organizations are interested in developing effective
simply reviewing what an employee has done. performance measurement and performance mgt.
This research paper is all about understanding the need systems since it is only through such system that they
of performance management systems, ways in which can remain high performing. So to attain and maintain
performance appraisals can be constructed, the the needed level of performance, the performance mgt.
occurrence of potential problems, benefits which could systems are needed in the organizations.
be availed and the information of the progress. Rajeev.V (2008) in his article on Performance
Keywords: Performance, Appraisal, performance management focused on establishing goals for all levels
management, Parle, Sales executives in the center, creating KPIs, delivering role-appropriate
scorecards with KPI scores and providing a framework
INTRODUCTION for personal development. A fundamental element of
MEANING OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT performance management is identifying the right KPIs
to focus on for different levels in the center that are also
The perfect setting of performance standards and aligned with enterprise goals. The key is to start with an
expectations by observation and providing feedback and extensive set of predefined KPIs, along with the ability
the conduct of different appraisal methods helps to for businesses to create their own general or line-of-
achieve the excellent results by managing the business-specific versions. These powerful solutions are
performance of the employees. This whole process is impacting businesses across industries and around the
known as Performance Management. In other words, it globe in measurable ways.
is the process which is designed to understand the pre-
fixed work standards in an organization. It is about Liliane. M and Peter .M (2010) exclaimed that the
making a balanced relation between organizational performance and competitiveness of different companies
objectives and the skills and competency requirement of can be attainted through implementation of perfectly
employees along with the needed results. The process of defined performance measurement indicators and
PM involves certain activities that make sure that aims framework that are able to measure the performance
and objectives are regularly being obtained in a well function by analysing the use of certain performance
effective manner. PM can also be defined as a process indicators in management of maintenance. They
which, by developing the capabilities and improving the discovered that the maximum respondents have very less
performance of people working for some pre fixed aims decisions and changes in processes triggered by
and objectives increase the efficiency and effectiveness performance measurement.
of a workplace. Michael Pitt (2013) highlighted on the fact that
HISTORY OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Performance management is an essential element to
check the performance and quality of properties. This
The history of PM goes back 60 years, when it was used paper determined the recent standards and performance
to determine the wages of a worker which was based on of maintenance management system by studying high-
performance. At that point of time, PM was used as a rise private office buildings.
tool for changing the behavior and working methods of
the employees to get certain results but there was a huge Jorge M. S, Carlos F (2010) expressed that
gap between justification of wages and development of Performance management is the sum up of performance
knowledge and skills it became a large problem for appraisal systems long with wider human resource
ISSN (Print): 2319–5479, Volume-6, Issue–4, 2017
International Journal of Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR)
systems as a means customer to be the focus of strategic performance evaluation, performance review or
organizational, operational and practices. Many performance evaluation.
manufacturing organizations operate as open systems of
An effective performance management should have the
operations. In these kind of systems, latest operational
technologies of manufacturing are enhanced with
modern communication technologies, information and to The ability to review the employment cycle of
integrate and coordinate operational resources, activities every individual.
and processes in order to create a stream of value-added
operations aimed at capturing and sustaining a Balance between the employee skills and abilities
competitive benefit and performance management and organization’s needs and objectives.
system proves to be very helpful in doing so. Roger.S
reviewed six latest performance management studies Should provide tools to employees and managers,
and organized the key findings into two groups: the tools to focus on the long-term and short-term goals
Performance Management Impact on Organizational of the organization.
Success and Performance Management Trends/ Best
Practices that have proven successful for others and
Reduces the difference between the pre-fixed
standards and actual performance.
affect any organization's bottom line.
Sayantani G, Niladri .D (2013) studied the impact of Motivates the employees to work.
performance reward systems mainly Performance
Related Pay, the role of resources in influencing
educational outcomes and the reliability of existing
methods of assessing educational performance. They
reported the findings which identify the methods of
PMS in Indian and international education sector by
introducing a new model in performance management
system. This model uses three forms to collect
information regarding the particular faculty from various
sources that are the particular faculty, students and Head
of the Department. All this information will be send to
the Management for analysis and feedback. Major
benefit is transparency.
Neeti and Santosh .C (2015) studied that employees
have good knowledge of performance appraisal and
have a positive attitude towards it as their promotion is
purely based on performance appraisal and the ratings
help to fix increments. During the course of study a) ESTABLISH PERFORMANCE
suggestions came from the employees for the need of STANDARDS: Firstly, all the standards developing
counselling. Performance appraisal should be made from the strategy of the company should be fixed.
more transparent and rationale. b) MUTUALLY SET MEASUREABLE GOALS:
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN 21ST The pre-fixed goals should be in such a manner that they
CENTURY are clear to everyone could be easily understood and
measured. After the establishment of standards, they
From the past many years, performance management is expectations should be made clear to everybody so that
prevalent and managers have been conducting different the employees need not to guess that what is being
levels of performance appraisals and even employees expected from them.
have been receiving training. The methods of
performance management in 21st century are specially c) MEASUREMENT OF ACTUAL
designed to make the employees capable of meeting the PERFORMANCE: After the job has been done, it steps
job expectations and help the managers to identify the up to the judgment of job done.
inefficiencies and conduct training methods to remove
those inefficiencies. The latest and improved technology d) COMPARE ACTUAL PERFORMANCE
is also playing an important role in making the WITH STANDARDS: This step involves the noticing
performance management in 21st century more effective of difference between the standard performance
and efficient. expected and the actual work done.
very significant to talk about the act appraisal with the Rating System: - The rating system is given against
employees. commitments:
f) IF NECESSARY, TAKE CORRECTIVE a) This is given on all meeting expectations.
ACTION: The final step in the evaluation process is to
take the corrective action wherever it is required. The b) This is given if not a single work is done.
corrective action helps to reduce the difference between c) Exceeds expectations.
the actual standards and actual work done.
d) Substantially exceeds expectations.
APPRAISALS Forced Distribution Method: - This is used to rank or
appraisal the employees. In this the employees make the
The following are the methods which are used in the managers difficult to choose that who will be chosen by
evaluation of performance of the employees: them as the person who is least talented. The reduction
a) ABSOLUTE STANDARDS: This method in teamwork is its disadvantage.
includes measuring an employee’s performance against HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LIMITED: HUL was
established standards. This method also includes other 5 established in 1933 and its products include beverages,
methods of appraisals. foods, personal care products and cleaning agents. Its
distribution system covers over 2 million retail outlets in
India and the availability of its products covers 6.4
method includes the evaluation of the performance of an
billion outlets in India. In terms of performance
individual by comparing one individual with other
management, according to HUL, the objective of an
organization should not be of having the best employees
c) GROUP ORDER RANKING: This method but also to get the best out of them and to retain them.
evaluates the performance by ranking the employee’s HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LIMITED uses the
performance from highest to lowest. following methods in their performance management
d) PAIRED COMPARISON: This includes system:
ranking the job done by noting down the no. of times by About 10 to 20 percent of their blue-collared workforces
which any one individual is provided to be a preferred visit their different factories in India and abroad to get
member while comparing him with other individuals. an experience and understand the methods of
performance being used at different units and to know
how workers there operate. HUL has also introduced a
new performance appraisal method named as sparkle for
GODREJ: It is the company which was established in its blue-collared workers which will help them to grow
1897 and earns about US $3.9 billion annual revenue. in the company. Moreover, the performance
Over 500 million people use one or another Godrej management in HUL is done by an online system which
product everyday .Amongst India’s most diversified and includes basically the following process:
trusted brands. Godrej has many initiatives in place to
improve Performance Management. They have one team a) Annual Goal Setting
called The Think Tank which include senior managers, b) Mid -Year Review
these all take corrective steps like in situation of altering
tools, customer conduct. They have another team of c) Annual Performance Review
Young Executive Board which consists of members less
Due to its effective performance management, HUL has
than 32 ages. This group mainly gives advice to top
become capable of maintaining the attrition level of its
level about the performance strategy, mainly on
blue-collared workers to 2-3% and of its white-collared
company control, individual source.
workers to about 5%. According to HUL’s annual report
Godrej follows various methods to evaluate performance of 2010-11, the wastage due to loss of man hours was
management. Few of them are: about zero.
Balanced Score Card: - It is a Strategy performance 6. CONCLUSION
tool. The managers get the information from various
following points: Performance Appraisal Management System is going on
since a long time and is engulfing the whole industry.
a) The Customers Perspective Indian companies have also evolved through ages and
are following the latest technology and methods for
b) The internal business prospective appraisal. After all, whatever employees do throughout
c) The innovation and learning prospective the year adorns your salary raise and perks.
ISSN (Print): 2319–5479, Volume-6, Issue–4, 2017