Capitalization and Punctuation Mark
Capitalization and Punctuation Mark
Capitalization and Punctuation Mark
Properties of a Well- Written Text (Mechanics) The following are the most common usages of the comma in the
English language.
Punctuation Rules
1. To separate a series of words (nouns, adjectives, verbs or
Question Mark adverbs) in a sentence.
The question mark (?) is an important part of the English language Ramesh, Shravan, Dilip and Radha went for the meeting.
and was developed sometime around the 18th Century. Like the full Sheetal is an intelligent, loyal and hardworking employee.
stop (.), this punctuation mark is used mainly at the end of an You must complete the assignment honestly, correctly and quickly.
interrogative sentence. Many people use it incorrectly or don’t use it Manish ran, swam and cycled to complete the athletic event.
when required. Read this article and you will understand when and
how to use the question mark. 2. To separate a series of phrases in a sentence.
Amit completed his homework, packed his bags, polished his shoes
The most obvious and common use of the question mark is to end a and went to sleep.
direct question. Look at the following sentences. I went to the market, bought the present, got it gift wrapped and came
1. Where are you going? to the birthday party.
2. What is this?
3. Are you mad? 3. To separate the parenthetical elements (a part of a sentence
4. Is this the place? that can be removed without changing the meaning of the
5. How much is this phone for? sentence).
M.S. Dhoni, India’s cricket captain, hit a six to win the match.
Most people don’t know that the question mark has other uses as well. Vishnu, the head boy of the school, has been absent for the last three
Let’s take a look. days.
A. To indicate uncertainty. 4. To separate the quoted parts from the rest of the sentence.
1. He lived till 1990(?) and was buried near his house. The great leader told the crowd, “I will fast till death until our demands
2. Gandhi ji, 2nd October 1869(?) – 1948, was a great Indian are met.”
B. In a series of questions. Colon and Semi Colon
1. What? He isn’t coming? When did you speak to him? Many English speakers are uncertain about the correct usage of the
2. He’s been hospitalized? Why didn’t you tell me? Is he better colon and the semi colon.
3. This is your car? When did you buy this? How much did it The colon ( : ) is a punctuation mark consisting of two dots one over
cost? the other whereas the semi colon ( ; ) consists of a dot above a
C. To end a tag question (a statement followed by a question). comma.
1. His phone was stolen, wasn’t it?
2. She’s a great painter, isn’t she? In the majority of the cases, the colon is used to introduce a list of
3. He’s lost his job, hasn’t he? things while a semi colon is used to separate sentences where the
conjunction has been left out.
Many times, people use questions marks even when they’re not The following examples will make the usage clear.
required. One such situation would be indirect questions; these do not
require a question mark.
1. Rohit asked Nidhi to marry him.
2. The Principal asked him his name. I have packed my cricket kit Sumit likes to play cricket; Amit
3. His father wondered whether the car was fine. with the equipment I need: likes to play soccer.
bats, gloves and pads.
Full Stop or Period
The full stop or the period(.) is the strongest punctuation in the English
A man needs three things to I drank lemonade; Manish
language. It indicates, when used at the end of a sentence, a strong
survive: air, water and food. drank tea.
pause. Look at the following examples.
1. Let’s go there.
2. I like this laptop. The following sentence will illustrate the use of both these punctuation
3. Read this book. marks -
4. I will go home. I talked to four men: Amit, who is from Delhi; Manoj, who is from
This is the most common and obvious use of the full stop but it is also Lucknow; Vinod, who is from Mumbai; and Mohan, who is from Patna.
used in some other situations.
1. After abbreviations like etc., a.m., p.m. Apostrophe
2. After words like “Goodbye.” “All right.” “Hi.” The apostrophe is an important punctuation mark in the English
1. Goodbye. I will see you soon. language which is often used incorrectly.
2. Hi Amit. How are you? Here are some common incorrect usages of the apostrophe:
3. All right. Let’s finish this by Thursday.
3. After titles like Mr., Mrs., Dr. etc. Your’s shoes are red.
4. After decimal points like: I went to their’s house.
0. The sales fell by 6.3% this week. The book’s are on the table.
1. The share market index rose by 5.1% this quarter. The flower’s are in the vase.
The apostrophe has two distinct uses in English
An ellipsis (...) is often used to indicate a pause, an unfinished
sentence or when trailing off into silence. It is also a handy tool when Used to show possession:
you’re quoting and want to omit certain words. Bat owned by Ravi – Ravi’s bat
1. He drank and drank...and then drank some more.
Doll owned by Sita – Sita’s doll
2. “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India
will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but
Used to show contractions of words:
rarely in history,...”
It is so hot today – It’s so hot today
Comma I have not done my homework – I haven’t done my homework
A comma is a punctuation used to denote a pause in the sentence. A
comma is used to structure a sentence and helps the reader
understand the meaning of the sentence.