Prelims GoodGov Ans
Prelims GoodGov Ans
Prelims GoodGov Ans
Multiple Choice
1. The primary sources of managerial “cluelessness” are personality disorders and IQ.
2. The explosive and technological social changes of recent years have simplified our lives and our understandings of
the world.
3. Modern organizations rely too much on an artistic approach to management and too little on engineering
4. Customers are used to misleading advertising that it does not infuriate them.
5. Sponsors of advertisements aimed at children must be especially careful to avoid misleading messages.
6. An individual’s moral values and central, value-related attitudes clearly influence one’s business behaviour.
7. A personnel manager of a large company would probably agree that the more ethical the company, the easier it is
to attract good people.
8. Customers can’t find out which firms are acting responsibly and which are not.
9. During the early twentieth century, working conditions were deplorable by today’s standards.
10. Awareness of businesses’ social responsibilities has increased along with government involvement.
11. There are many more socially responsible businesses today than there were ten years ago.
12. In support of their position, proponents if the socioeconomic model argue that businesses should be allowed to
ignore social issues.
13. One major reason for improving product safety is the consumer’s demand for safe products.
14. It is naive and romantic to hope that organizational politics can be eliminated.
15. Political activity is more visible and dominant under conditions of homogeneity that diversity.
16. Conflict encourages new ideas and approaches problems, stimulating innovation.
17. One of the assumptions of the structural frame is that organizations work best when rationality prevails over
personal agendas and extraneous pressure.
18. The essence of lateral coordination is that higher levels control the work of subordinates through authorities, rules
and policies, and planning and control systems.
19. Rules, policies, standards and standard operating procedures limit individual discretion and help ensure that
behaviour is predictable and consistent.
20. The structural perspective emphasizes dealing with organizational issues by changing people through training,
rotation, promotion and dismissal.
21. Organizational growth spawns informality and simplicity.
22. During restructuring, the five components of Mintzberg’s model of structural possibilities indicate that top
management has the most influence on the final outcome.
23. As the complexity of the role structure of an organization grows, it needs more sophisticated coordination
24. In a machine bureaucracy, the bulk of the work is done in quasi-autonomous units.
25. More complicated projects generally require structure with clearly defined roles, elementary forms of
interdependence and coordination by plan or command.
26. Although it is a noble idea, no research evidence exists that supports the notion of investing in employees and
responding to their needs.
27. Because profit sharing plans have had a positive impact on performance, they have been quickly adopted by the
majority of companies.
28. The primary reason that change initiatives fail is that managers’ intentions are insincere.
29. Managers spend most of their time relating to people.