Report Bengkel
Report Bengkel
Report Bengkel
Programme Diploma Engineering in Mechatronic
Course code DJM20022 : Mechatronic Workshop Practice 2
Title CNC Turning / Milling
Name Muhammad Akmal Hazim Bin Razali
No Matric 14DEM19F1013
Specific Objective:
Conduct Programming and operate CNC lathe Machining work in actual or by simulation
CNC Turning machines and convertional turning machines each have the same basic
components, such as the main motor, the spindle, the bed, the tool turret, the headstock,
the cross-slide, the carriage and the way systems. However, CNC Turning machines, in
addition, are outfitted with a computerized control and servomotors to operate them.
Manual CNC Turning can be very versatile and productive machine tools, but when
coupled with a CNC, they become the ‘high tech production turning machines’ of the
machine shop. Additionally, repetitive operations such as turning, facing and boring are
ideal machining applications for CNC Turning
CNC Turning machines can also be designed to include a variety of optional
components and features. These options are basically designed to reduce setup time,
part handling and cycle time. For instance, one option for minimizing part handling time is
to add a part loading magazine or a robot arm.
The maximum spindle speed (RPM) of a CNC Turning machines can also very depending
on the need or application.
The factors that determine the spindle speed range selected can include the type of
part materials, the part sizes and the annual part production quantities to be machined.
Another factor that influences the spindle speed range is the type of tool cutter material
that will be used, such as HSS, coated carbide, diamond and ceramic.
High-production turning machines can be designed with dual chucks that enable a
part to be machined on both ends. Also, live tooling can be incorporated that allows milling
and drilling at various angles. Other options may include a second or third turret, a bar
feeder, a parts catcher, a steady rest follower and a tool setter.