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First edition

Dental metallic materials — Corrosion test

Produits dentaires métalliques — Méthodes pour les essais de corrosion

Reference number
ISO 10271:2001(E)

© ISO 2001
ISO 10271:2001(E)

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

Contents Page

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................................................1
4 Test methods..................................................................................................................................................3
Annex A (informative) Corrosion test method development .................................................................................12
Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................................18

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard ISO 10271 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 106, Dentistry, Subcommittee
SC 2, Prosthodontic materials.

This first edition cancels and replaces ISO/TR 10271:1993 which has been technically revised, in particular by the
inclusion of a wider range of test methods.

Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.

iv © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

ISO 10271:2001(E)

ISO 10271 was developed from the original Technical Report (ISO/TR 10271) as a result of worldwide demand for
standard test methods to determine acceptability of metallic materials for oral restorations in relation to corrosion.

The testing of the corrosion behaviour of metallic materials in dentistry is complicated by the diversity of the
materials themselves, their applications and the environment to which they are exposed. Variation occurs between
devices and within the same device during the exposure time. The type of corrosion behaviour or effect may also
vary with exposure time. Accordingly, it is not possible to specify a single test capable of covering all situations, nor
is it a practical proposition to define a test for each situation. This International Standard therefore gives detailed
protocols for test methods which have been found to be of merit as evidenced by considerable use.

In addition, an informative annex (annex A) is provided that sets out a protocol for each element of the test system
such that a consistent approach may be taken for the development of further test methods. Equally, it is recognized
that any element can only represent the current recommendation, but changes in the future are unlikely to change
the framework

It is not the purpose of this International Standard to propose corrosion test methods for specific applications or to
set limits as precise as those in the standard relating to the type of product and its application.

© ISO 2001 – All rights reserved v


Dental metallic materials — Corrosion test methods

1 Scope
This International Standard provides test methods and protocols to determine the corrosion behaviour of all metallic
materials used in restorative, prosthetic and orthodontic dentistry in the oral cavity, including cast, machined and
prefabricated devices.

This International Standard is not applicable to instruments and appliances.

2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

ISO 1562, Dental casting gold alloys.

ISO 3585, Borosilicate glass 3.3 — Properties.

ISO 3696:1987, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods.

ISO 7183-2:1996, Compressed air dryers — Part 2: Performance ratings.

ISO 8891, Dental casting alloys with noble metal content of at least 25 % but less than 75 %.

ISO 9333, Dental brazing materials.

ISO 9693, Metal-ceramic dental restorative systems.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.

breakdown potential
least noble potential at which pitting or crevice corrosion, or both, will initiate and propagate

physicochemical interaction between a metal or an alloy and its environment that results in a partial or total
destruction of the material or in a change of its properties

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

corrosion potential
open-circuit potential measured under either service conditions or laboratory conditions that closely approximate to
service conditions

corrosion product
substance formed as a result of corrosion

crevice corrosion
corrosion associated with and taking place in or near a narrow aperture or crevice

current density
value of electric current per unit surface area flowing through a conductor

electrochemical corrosion
degradation occurring in an electrolyte as a result of electrochemical reactions

solution or liquid which will conduct an electrical current by means of ions

electrode potential
potential difference between the sample and a reference electrode

dynamic immersion test
test in which the sample is exposed to a corrosive solution under conditions of relative motion between sample and

static immersion test
test in which the sample is exposed to a corrosive solution under conditions of minimum relative motion between
sample and solution

open-circuit potential
potential of an electrode measured with respect to a reference electrode or another electrode when no current

pitting corrosion
localized corrosion which results in pits

potentiodynamic test
test in which the electrode potential is varied at a pre-programmed rate and the relationship between current
density and electrode potential is recorded

potentiostatic test
test in which the electrode potential is maintained constant

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

stress corrosion
corrosion resulting from the combined action of static tensile stress and an electrolyte

synthetic saliva
test medium that simulates natural saliva

surface discolouration due to the interaction between metal and its environment

zero-current potential
potential at which cathodic and anodic currents are equal

4 Test methods

4.1 Static immersion test

4.1.1 Information required

Composition, including hazardous elements, in accordance with the appropriate ISO material standard.

4.1.2 Application

Dental metallic materials and devices covered by the scope of ISO 1562, ISO 8891, ISO 9333 or ISO 9693.

4.1.3 Reagents Lactic acid (C3H6O3), 90 % analytical grade. Sodium chloride (NaCl), analytical grade. Water, complying with grade 2 of ISO 3696:1987. Ethanol or methanol (C2H5OH or CH3OH), analytical grade.

4.1.4 Apparatus Borosilicate glass container, complying with ISO 3585. pH meter. Analytical instrumentation. Micrometer.

4.1.5 Solution preparation

Prepare a fresh immersion solution for each test. Dissolve 10,0 ± 0,1 g 90 % C3H6O3 ( and 5,85 ± 0,005 g
NaCl ( in approximately 300 ml of water ( Dilute to 1 000 ± 10 ml with water. The pH shall be
2,3 ± 0,1. If not, the solution shall be discarded and reagents checked.

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

4.1.6 Samples Fabrication Casting alloys

Samples shall be cast in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Prefabricated

Prefabricated parts/devices shall be used in the as-received condition. Other

Samples prepared by other methods, e.g. machined, sintered, eroded, etc., shall be tested in the as-manufactured
condition after suitable cleaning. Number of samples

The number of samples shall be sufficient to provide at least two parallel sets. (The number of specimens in a set
can vary.) Size

The total surface area of samples shall be at least 10 cm2. Preparation Cast samples

Remove any sprues, runners or other projections from sample surface. Blast surfaces with 125 mm pure alumina.

If recommended, heat-treat casting alloys following the manufacturer's instructions. Heat-treat all metal-ceramic
alloys for 10 min in air at the highest firing temperature recommended by the ceramic manufacturer (i.e. within the
range of 800 °C to 950 °C) and bench cool.

Remove at least 0,1 mm from each surface using standard metallurgical procedures unless samples are to be
tested in the as-received condition. Use fresh abrasive paper for each alloy. Finish with ASTM 600 or FEPA 1200
wet silicon carbide paper. Determine each sample area to the nearest 1 %. Clean surfaces ultrasonically for 2 min
in ethanol or methanol (

Rinse with water ( Dry with oil- and water-free compressed air in accordance with ISO 7183. Machined, sintered, eroded or electroformed samples

Heat-treat the samples if recommended.

Remove at least 0,1 mm, measured using a measuring instrument accurate to 0,01 mm [e.g. micrometer (]
from each surface using standard metallurgical procedures. If the samples are prefabricated parts these shall be
tested in the as-received condition. Use fresh abrasive paper for each alloy. Finish with ASTM 600 or FEPA 1200
wet silicon carbide paper. Determine each sample area to ± 0,1 cm2.

Clean surfaces ultrasonically for 2 min in ethanol or methanol. Rinse with water ( Dry with oil- and water-
free compressed air.

4 © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

ISO 10271:2001(E) Prefabricated parts/devices

Determine each sample area to the nearest ± 0,1 cm2. Clean the surfaces ultrasonically for 2 min in ethanol or
methanol. Rinse with water ( Dry with oil- and water-free compressed air.

4.1.7 Test procedure

Place each sample in a separate glass container ( approximately 16 mm diameter ´ approximately 160 mm
such that the samples do not touch the glass surface except in a minimum support line or point. If a sample is
made up of two or more pieces, the pieces shall not touch each other.

Record the pH of the solution. Add the solution to each container sufficient to produce a ratio of 1 ml of solution
per 1 cm2 of sample surface area. Record the volume of solution to an accuracy of 0,1 ml. Close the container to
prevent evaporation of the solution. Maintain at 37 °C ± 1 °C for 7 d ± 1 h. Remove the samples and record the pH
of the residual solution.

4.1.8 Elemental analysis

Use analytical instrumentation ( of adequate sensitivity. Analyse the solution qualitatively and quantitatively.
Emphasis shall be on those elements listed in 4.1.1 but if impurities are found in a concentration greater than
0,1 %, they shall also be reported.

4.1.9 Test report

Report the method of analysis and detection limits of all observed elements. Report and justify any deviations from
sample preparation,, or test procedure, 4.1.7. Report the number of specimens making up a sample. Report
each element of each test separately in mg/cm2 × 7 days. Each element listed in accordance with 4.1.1 shall be
reported as well as any others found.

4.2 Electrochemical test

4.2.1 Information required

Composition, including hazardous elements, in accordance with the appropriate material standard.

4.2.2 Application

Dental metallic materials and devices covered by the scope of ISO 1562, ISO 8891, ISO 9333 or ISO 9693.

4.2.3 Reagents Lactic acid (C3H6O3), 90 % analytical grade. Sodium chloride (NaCl), analytical grade. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), analytical grade. Water, complying with grade 2 of ISO 3696:1987. Argon or nitrogen gas, with oxygen content u 5 ´ 10-6.

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

4.2.4 Apparatus Temperature-controlled borosilicate glass test cell, complying with ISO 3585 (a double-walled cell
is unnecessary if the test is carried out at 23 °C ± 2 °C). Scanning potentiostat, potential range ± 1 600 mV, current output range 10–9 A to 10–1 A. Potential measuring instrument, with input impedance > 1011 W and sensitivity/accuracy able to
detect a change of 1 mV over a potential change of ± 1 600 mV. Current-measuring instrument, capable of measuring a current to within 1 % of the absolute value
over a current range between 10–9 A and 10–1 A. Working electrode (sample holder). Counter electrode(s), composed of high purity vitreous carbon or platinum. Reference electrode, either saturated calomel electrode (SCE) or Ag/AgCl electrode (saturated silver
chloride electrode [SSE]). pH meter.

4.2.5 Electrolyte preparation

Dissolve 9,0 g NaCl ( in approximately 950 ml water ( Adjust to pH 7,4 ± 0,1 using 1 % C3H6O3
( or 4 % NaOH ( Dilute with water to 1 000 ml.

4.2.6 Sample Fabrication Casting alloys

Samples shall be cast in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Prefabricated samples

Prefabricated parts/devices shall be used in the as-received condition. Other

Samples prepared by other methods, e.g. machined, sintered, eroded, etc., shall be tested in the as-manufactured
condition after suitable cleaning. Number of samples

At least four samples shall be tested and these may be cut from one cast rod. Size

The surface area of the samples shall be not less than 0,1 cm2. Preparation

If the sample is cast, blast its surfaces with 125 mm pure alumina to remove investment.

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

Heat substrate alloys for ceramic veneering for 10 min in air at the highest firing temperature recommended by the
manufacturer of the ceramic (800 °C to 950 °C) and bench cool. If recommended, heat-treat casting alloys
following manufacturer's instructions.

Samples shall be prepared with one flat surface exposed. A suitable contact shall be provided for connection to the
electrochemical apparatus.

The working electrode shall be prepared in a way that ensures the absence of crevices. The recommended
procedure is that of embedding in epoxy or acrylic resin, which does not exhibit loss of electrical insulation during
immersion. Instead of embedding, a sample holder ( may be used if the absence of crevices is confirmed
by sample examination after the test.

Use fresh paper for each alloy. Remove at least 0,1 mm from the free surface. Use a measuring instrument
(micrometer) to measure the change in thickness. Finish using standard metallurgical procedures with wet silicon
carbide papers, ending with 1 mm diamond paste.

Examine with a light microscope at ´ 50 for cracks or crevices at the sample/resin interface. Replace the sample if
any cracks or crevices are found. Determine the exposed area of the sample to an accuracy of 0,01 cm2. Clean
surfaces ultrasonically for 2 min in water. Store in water ( until transfer to test cell.

4.2.7 Test procedure

An example of an electrochemical measuring circuit is shown in Figure 1.

An example of an electrolytic cell is shown in Figure 2.

1 Potentiostat a Current measurement
2 Counter electrode b Potential measurement
3 Reference electrode
4 Working electrode

Figure 1 — Schematic diagram of measuring circuit

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

1 Thermometer 6 Reference electrode (saturated calomel electrode) [SCE] 11 Magnetic agitator (motor)
2 Counter electrode 7 Saturated solution of KCl 12 Double-walled vessel
3 Working electrode 8 Lugging capillary 13 Electrolyte
4 Gas outlet 9 Magnetic stirrer (PTFE-coated) 14 Water outlet
5 Electrolytic bridge 10 Water inlet 15 Bubbler (using nitrogen)

Figure 2 — Schematic diagram of electrolytic cell

Fill test cell with electrolyte.

Test at room temperature (23 °C ± 2 °C). If there is a phase transition between room temperature and 37 °C, then a
test temperature of 37 °C ± 1 °C shall be used.

Place counter electrode(s) in the test cell followed by the reference electrode. Then place the working electrode in
the test cell without immersion. Activate the magnetic stirrer. Bubble oxygen-free nitrogen or argon at a rate of
about 100 cm3 min–1 through the electrolyte for at least 30 min. Immerse the working electrode in the electrolyte.
Adjust the reference electrode. Adjust gas flowrate to give a slight bubbling. Begin measurement procedure. Open-circuit potential measurement

Record the open-circuit potential vs. time curve for 2 h. Determine the open-circuit potential (Eocp) in mV (SCE)
after immersion for 2 h ± 6 min. An example of a potential vs. time curve is shown in Figure 3. Potential measurements (anodic polarization)

Start the potentiodynamic scan 5 min after finishing the open-circuit potential measurement at Eocp minus 150 mV.

The potentiodynamic sweep rate should be 1 mV×s–1 up to a current density of 10–3 A×cm–2 or a potential of
+ 1 000 mV (SCE) [or breakdown potential (Ep) + 300 mV]. Record the curve of potential vs. logarithm of current
density. A reverse scan back to the original potential may be used to obtain information on pitting corrosion. An
example of a potential vs. log current density curve is shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 3 — Open-circuit potential vs time

Figure 4 — Log current density vs potential

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

4.2.8 Test report

The test report shall contain the following information:

a) identity of the test alloy;

b) details of heat-treatment, if applicable;

c) test temperature (23 °C ± 2 °C); if 37 °C is used, the reason for this choice;

d) description of any deviations from sample preparation or test procedure;

e) open circuit potential (Eocp) in mV (SCE);

f) potential vs. log current density curve or potential vs. current density curve;

g) zero current potential Ez in mV (SCE);

h) breakdown potential Ep in mV (SCE), with the corresponding current density Ip in A×cm–2;

i) active peak potentials Ec in mV (SCE) between Ez and Ep with the corresponding current density Ic in A×cm–2;

j) current density I300 in A×cm–2 at potential of (Ez + 300) mV (SCE);

k) description of any significant changes of the electrolyte or the alloy surface.

If a reference electrode other than a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) is used, the reported potential values shall
be converted to mV (SCE).

4.3 Tarnish test (cyclic immersion)

4.3.1 Information required

Composition, including hazardous elements in accordance with the appropriate ISO material standard.

4.3.2 Application

This test method is applicable only to noble and low noble alloys, e.g. alloys containing silver, copper and/or gold.

4.3.3 Reagents Sodium sulfide hydrate (approximately 35 % Na2S), analytical grade. Water, complying with grade 2 of ISO 3696:1987. Ethanol or methanol (C2H5OH or CH3OH), analytical grade.

4.3.4 Apparatus Dipping device, that dips each sample in the test solution for 10 s to 15 s every minute with the
temperature controlled at 23 °C ± 2 °C.

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

4.3.5 Solution preparation

Prepare a fresh solution for each test. Dissolve 22,3 g sodium sulfide hydrate ( in water. Dilute to 1 000 ml
with water.

4.3.6 Samples Fabrication

Fabricate the samples in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Number of samples

At least two samples shall be tested. Size

The surface area of the samples shall be approximately 1 cm2. Preparation

Remove any sprues, runners or other projections from sample surface. Blast surfaces with 125 mm pure alumina.

If recommended, heat-treat casting alloys following the manufacturer's instructions. Heat-treat all metal-ceramic
alloys for 10 min in air at the highest firing temperature recommended by the ceramic manufacturer (i.e. within the
range of 800 °C to 950 °C) and bench cool.

Cold-mount the samples. Grind and polish using standard metallurgical procedures, finishing with 1 mm alumina or
water-based diamond slurry. Use fresh paper for each alloy. Clean surfaces ultrasonically for 2 min in water. Rinse
with water ( Dry with oil- and water-free compressed air.

4.3.7 Test procedure

Tests shall be carried out under a proper operating hood with air extraction. Place one mounted sample in the
dipping device ( with a freshly made test solution. The test solution shall be replaced every 24 h ± 1 h.
Remove samples after 72 h ± 1 h. Rinse with water ( Dip samples in ethanol or methanol. Dry with oil- and
water-free compressed air.

4.3.8 Inspection

Compare treated and untreated surfaces visually without magnification for any surface deterioration. See A 7.3.1.

4.3.9 Test report

Report and justify any deviations from sample preparation and/or test procedure. Record details of heat treatment if
applicable. Report all visible differences from untreated sample with regard to colour and reflectivity.

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

Annex A

Corrosion test method development

A.1 Method development

A.1.1 Principle

Test methods should be chosen such that the provisions of clause A.2 and its subclauses are fulfilled and to assure
acceptable corrosion rates with respect to safety and efficacy.

A.1.2 Safety: generation of harmful corrosion products

Corrosion and tarnish indicate the formation of metal compounds, whether formed by simple oxidation-type
reactions or by the release of metal or metal ions. The harmful effects of these metals or metal compounds, such
as oxides, sulfides, chlorides, metal organics or other species need evaluation for their effect on the soft and hard
tissues and other parts of the body in accordance with ISO 7405 and the relevant parts of ISO 10993.

A.1.3 Efficacy: loss of substance

If the loss of substance is sufficient to significantly reduce sample thickness, it is conceivable that enough
mechanical strength will be lost so that failure will occur by bending or fracture. Where the loss of material occurs
by pitting or other roughening corrosion, sites can be formed for plaque deposition and growth. Pitting may initiate
fatigue fracture.

A.1.4 Aesthetics: change in appearance

Corrosion may result in loss of lustre since reflected light may be diffused, giving the appearance of a
discolouration. Actual discolouration results from coloured reaction products, which are tenacious enough to remain
on the surface. Well-known coloured reaction products include silver and copper sulfides. With many other
elements coming into use for dental alloys, other coloured compounds may be possible. Discolouration in itself,
may not affect safety or efficacy.

A.2 Protocol
Selection of the requisite test conditions should be made by reference to A.3 to A.6 which describe preferred
pathways for the four basic components: A.3 test type; A.4 sample type; A.5 medium; A.6 other conditions.

The assessment method should be chosen from A.7. More than one assessment method may be used, as

A.3 Test type

A.3.1 General conditions

In all cases where a condition is not specified explicitly in this International Standard, the appropriate requirements
should be stated in the material (application) standard in order that the test conditions be sufficient and complete.

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

All tests and all solution storage and transport should be in vessels of, and with closures made from, borosilicate
glass or unfilled non-contaminating polymers, e.g. polystyrene, high density polyethylene, polypropylene or

All tests should be conducted at least in duplicate and additional samples and tests are recommended.

A.3.2 Sampling

A.3.2.1 Embedded samples

Exposure solutions should be replenished at intervals of not more than 7 d and, if required for analysis of dissolved
metallic elements or loss of material, such aliquots of solution should be stored after use in separate containers
and analysed separately.

A.3.2.2 Duration

Exposure conditions intended to represent oral condition simulation in accordance with A.3.2.1 and A.5.3 should be
used for not less than 28 d.

Other specific conditions representing short duration challenges should be used for not less than 24 h or 20
complete treatment cycles, if the treatment process is otherwise defined.

A.3.3 Exposure

A.3.3.1 Oral simulation

All tests should be conducted at 37 °C under stirred conditions (1 s-1 to 5 s-1) with the exposure medium
equilibrated with air at a volume fraction of 3,5 % CO2.

a) Immersion

The sample should be immersed in a medium selected from those listed in clause A.5.

b) Static immersion

To simulate the condition of plaque build-up in interproximal areas, no relative motion between sample and
medium is permitted.

c) Dynamic immersion

To simulate the general oral cavity condition, motion of the sample and/or agitation of the medium is

d) Cyclic immersion

To simulate opening and closing the mouth, a cyclic exposure to the medium, followed by exposure to ambient
air is prescribed.

A.3.3.2 Voltammetric

Two types of voltammetric exposure are possible.

a) Potentiostatic

b) Potentiodynamic

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

A.4 Sample type

A.4.1 Embedded

Test pieces may be prepared from the as-supplied material or after preparation or fabrication (e.g. casting) in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and normal good laboratory practice.

The sample should consist of a piece or pieces of one material, one batch, embedded after cleaning and
degreasing in an auto-curing resin such that the sample temperature does not rise above 50 °C. If the sample is
more than one piece, the pieces should not touch each other. Reduced pressure should be applied while the resin
is liquid in order to ensure good wetting of the material's surface and thus avoid crevice corrosion at the test
material/resin interface. Non-metallic filler that does not react with the intended exposure treatment solution may be
used to adjust the effective hardness of the mount and help maintain flatness of the sample during grinding and

a) Polished

When the embedding resin has hardened, the test surface should be exposed and polished by standard
metallographic procedures unless the manufacturer or the proposed test procedure give other specific instructions.

There should be no contact of the prepared surface(s) with any metallic object. Prepared samples should be stored
in air at 23 °C ± 2 °C over a suitable desiccant until tested. There should be no use of any solvent, which may
dissolve the components of the embedding resin.

Samples should be inspected under light microscopy at ´ 10 magnification if necessary, to ensure that gross
defects (porosity, cracks) of either the material or the embedding resin are absent. Samples may be reground as
required to remove such defects.

b) Rough

If a sample is to be tested in the unpolished condition, the surface finishing method should be specified. e.g.
blasted with 50 mm alumina.

Samples should be immersed singly in 50 ml of test solution per 100 mm2 exposed metal surface.

For voltammetric tests, the (single) sample should be provided with an electrical connection and insulated lead
such that a connection may be made to the measurement circuit, provided that the sample undergo no treatment to
affect the structure or composition of the exposed surface and that the lead should not contact the exposure

A.4.2 Open type

Test pieces should be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, appropriate to the mechanical
test, if used, and specified in the relevant standard. For the duration of the exposure test, the sample should rest on
knife-edges or a pinpoint tripod of some non-reacting polymeric material or glass such that the points of contact are
remote from the critical test region. However, this test configuration should be deemed inappropriate if, at the end
of the test, there is evidence of corrosion associated with those contacts, e.g. discolouration, pitting, etc.

a) Polished

Samples should be polished in accordance with standard metallurgical practice.

b) Rough

If a sample is to be tested in the unpolished condition, the surface finishing method should be specified. e.g.
blasted with 50 mm aluminium oxide.

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A.4.3 Other

Special samples may be required for the following types of corrosion:

a) Stress corrosion

1) Static stress

2) Fatigue stress

b) Crevice corrosion

c) Fretting

A.5 Test medium

A.5.1 General

All solutions should be prepared as necessary using deionized water and analytical grade reagents (or the highest
ordinary grade if not analytical), using class A borosilicate volumetric ware at 23 °C. Reagents containing heavy
metal salt microorganism growth inhibitors should not be used.

During a test all contact with metallic materials other than the test samples should be avoided. After preparation,
solutions should be stored under refrigeration (4 °C) until required for use in order to limit the growth of micro-

A.5.2 Synthetic saliva

The test method should provide composition, procedure for preparation, storage requirements and life of the
solution. An example of an acceptable solution is described by Leung and Darvell [6]. All chemicals should be of
analytical grade.

The working solution should be prepared by combination of one aliquot of each stock solution and dilution to the
working concentration, adjusting the pH by using 1 M HCl or 1 M NaOH as necessary just prior to the final volume

A.5.3 Artificial plaque fluid

The test method should provide composition, procedure for preparation, storage requirements and life of the
solution, e.g. chloride/lactic acid solution.

A.5.4 Sulfide solution

The test method should provide composition, procedure for preparation, storage requirements and life of the
solution, e.g. sodium sulfide.

A.5.5 Chloride solution

The test method should provide composition, procedure for preparation, storage requirements and life of the
solution, e.g. sodium chloride isotonic salt solution.

A.5.6 Foodstuffs

The test method should provide composition, procedure for preparation, storage requirements and life of the

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

A.6 Other conditions

A.6.1 Undisturbed

There should be no disturbance of any corrosion products or other substances that may accumulate on the surface
of the test sample.

A.6.2 Disturbed

There should be relative movement between sample(s) and solution e.g. stirring of solution or agitation by means
of gas bubbling.

Such processes should be described in detail in the test method.

A.6.3 Brushed

To limit the influence of accumulating corrosion products (or microorganisms, if these are permitted to grow), the
sample should be brushed with a very soft-bristle brush or pad (of non-contaminating polymeric or natural bristles
or fabric in a non-contaminating mount) such that any dislodged material should be retained in the aliquot of
exposure solution if this solution is required for analysis of dissolved metallic elements or loss of material. Brushing
should occur at least at 24 h intervals if the test period is greater than 24 h, otherwise at 1 h intervals or once each
cycle for shorter duration tests.

A.7 Assessment

A.7.1 Elemental analysis

Quantitative elemental analysis should be used to determine the identity and amount of dissolved elements and
thus total loss of material, where required. Any analytical technique of appropriate sensitivity may be used. If the
concentration corresponding to pass/fail is c, the detection limit for any element should be at most 0,02 c and the
accuracy of the technique should be no worse than ± 10 % c. More than one technique may be used as necessary
to achieve the above requirements for those elements present in the test sample.

Report those elements present in an amount W 0,1 % or for which other evidence exists of a biological sensitivity or

Report as loss rate per unit area of surface exposed to the solution.

A.7.2 Gravimetric analysis

An analytical balance of adequate sensitivity should be used. All appropriate precautions should be taken to ensure
absence of interference from immersion solution carry-over. Samples should be washed using deionized water and
dried with an oil-free air jet.

Results on loss of material should be reported in any convenient units representing loss rate per unit area of
exposed test material. The area of exposed test material should be determined by any appropriate method with an
overall accuracy of at least ± 1 %.

A.7.3 Inspection

A.7.3.1 Visual

Visual inspection should be used to determine compliance with a requirement of the form “no visible signs of
change or deterioration”. Comparison should then be made with a reference sample of the test material prepared at
the same time, from the same batch of test material, in the same manner and of similar exposed test area as the

16 © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

ISO 10271:2001(E)

exposed samples, for which a reference sample should have been stored in air over a desiccant while the
corrosion tests were conducted.

Persons making the inspection should have nominally normal trichromatic vision. Corrective (non-magnifying)
untinted lenses may be worn. The inspection should be carried out at a light intensity at the sample of at least
1 000 lx and at a distance not exceeding 25 cm.

Any sample showing signs of crevice corrosion due to failure of the embedding resin to seal the sample margins
(see A.4.1) should be ignored and another sample tested.

The sample should be washed using deionized water and dried with an oil-free air jet prior to inspection, which
should occur within 1 h of the end of the exposure period.

A.7.3.2 Scanning electron microscope (SEM)

The sample should be washed using deionized water and dried with an oil-free air jet prior to inspection. Inspection
under SEM should be used to determine compliance with a requirement of the form “no detectable surface
changes”: e.g. microstructural changes; segregation; grain boundary attack; pitting, stress, crevice or fretting

A.7.3.3 Reflectivity

Reflectivity measurements should be used to determine compliance with a requirement of the form “not more than
(proportion) change in reflectivity”. Comparison should be made against readings taken immediately prior to the
corrosion test.

Appropriate instrumental techniques should include the use of a microscope photometer. The wavelength response
of the device should be either

a) essentially flat across the visible range or

b) corresponding to the normal wavelength sensitivity of the human eye.

The response type required should be specified.

A.7.3.4 Colour

Comparison should be made with the reference as described in A.7 3.1.

A.7.4 Mechanical testing

A.7.4.1 Strength

Identical samples, corroded and uncorroded, should be tested using standard tensile or bend strength tests as
required to determine any deterioration of properties resulting from the corrosion test.

A.7.4.2 Roughness

Identical samples, corroded and uncorroded should be tested using standard roughness test equipment to
determine any deterioration of surface smoothness resulting from the corrosion test.

© ISO 2001 – All rights reserved 17

ISO 10271:2001(E)


[1] ISO 6871-1, Dental base metal casting alloys — Part 1: Cobalt-based alloys.

[2] ISO 6871-2, Dental base metal casting alloys — Part 2: Nickel-based alloys.

[3] ISO 7405, Dentistry — Preclinical evaluation of biocompatibility of medical devices used in dentistry — Test
methods for dental materials.

[4] ISO 10993-9:1999, Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 9: Framework for identification and
quantification of potential degradation products

[5] DIN 50905-4 1987 Corrosion of metals; corrosion testing; corrosion testing in liquids under laboratory
conditions without mechanical stress.

[6] LEUNG, V. W. H. and DARVELL, B. W. Calcium phosphate system in saliva-like media,. J. Chem. Soc.
Faraday Trans. 1991, 87 (11) 1759-1764.

[7] TUCCILLO, J. and NIELSEN, J. Observations of onset of sulphide tarnish on gold base alloys, J. Prosthetic
Dent. 1971, 25 (6) 629-637.

[8] LAUB, L. and STANFORD, J. Tarnish and corrosion behaviour of dental gold alloys, Gold Bulletin 1981, 14 (1).

[9] GEIS-GERSTORFER, J. and W EBER, H. In vitro corrosion behavior of four Ni-Cr dental alloys in lactic acid and
sodium chloride solutions, Dent. Mater. 1987, 3 (6) 289-95.

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ISO 10271:2001(E)

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