Polity Tricks
Polity Tricks
Polity Tricks
02. The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Amendment) Bill, 2019 ............................ 2-3
04. The Dadra, Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu (Merger of Union Territories) Bill, 2019 ............... 3-5
08. The International Financial Services Centres Authority Bill, 2019 ................................................ 6
Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Bill, 2019 .......................... 6-7
10. The Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Amendment Bill, 2019 ............................................... 7
11. The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019 ........................................................................ 7-8
14. Draft Banning of Crypto currency & Regulation of Official Digital Currency, 2019 ............... 9
18. The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019 ........................................................... 11-12
19. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019 ............................. 12
23. The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Bill, 2019 ......................................................... 14-15
• It defines illegal migrant as: A foreigner who either • On acquiring citizenship: all legal proceedings
enters India illegally or enters legally, but stays against them in respect of their illegal
beyond permitted time period. They can be migration or citizenship will be closed.
prosecuted in India and deported or imprisoned.
• Cancellation of registration of OCIs: Act adds
• Citizenship by registration or naturalization: 1)
one more ground --- if they violate the
Registration: if a person resides in India for a year
provisions of the Act or of any other law in
and if one of his parents is a former Indian citizen,
he may apply for citizenship by registration. 2)
Naturalization: Person must have resided in India • Applicability: Provisions of the Act will not
or have been in service of GoI for at least 11 years apply to: 1) Tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya,
before applying for citizenship.
Mizoram, and Tripura, included under Sixth
• Cancellation of registration of OCIs: GoI may Schedule 2) “Inner Line” areas notified under
cancel the registration: 1) OCI has registered the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873
through fraud 2) Within five years of registration,
OCI has been sentenced to imprisonment for two
years or more 3) In the interest of sovereignty and
security of India.
Highlights of the A ct
• Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 mandates 02. The Constitution (126th Amendment
foreigners to carry passport. Bill, 2019)
• Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1946 regulates
Provisions of the Bill:
the entry and departure of foreigners in India.
• Bill extended the reservation for SC/ST up to
• Tribal areas under the 6 th schedule: Karbi
January 25, 2030 which was due to end on January
Anglong (in Assam), Garo Hills (in Meghalaya),
25, 2020.
Chakma District (in Mizoram), and Tripura Tribal
• This is 7th such 10-year extension since the
Areas District.
Constitution was enacted in 1950.
• Inner Line Permit: Visits by Indians to the areas
covered under ILP system are regulated. This • However, Bill has not provided for the extension
aroundisthe Amendment
applicable Act
to: Arunachal Pradesh, for provision regarding the nomination of Anglo-
they cannot be treated as persecuted minorities. • There are 84 members from SC and 47 from ST
communities in Parliament. In state assemblies,
• In January 2019, GoI had appointed a Committee
there are 614 SC members and 554 ST
to suggest effective steps to fulfil the provisions of
Clause 6 under the Accord. members.
• Frank Anthony, first Anglo Indian to be
nominated, served for seven terms in the Lok
Sabha between 1952 and 1996
• Representation to Anglo-Indians was provided
because the community has no native state of
its own and are almost never represented in
Issues around the Bill • Bill provides for merger of UT’s of Dadra and
Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu into a single UT.
Amendment of the Constitution
• Joint parliamentary team undertook a fact-finding
mission In 2013: Its report says that there has been • Bill amends the First Schedule.
no improvement in economic and social sectors of
• Merged territory will form UT of Dadra and Nagar
this community and reservation has to be
Haveli and Daman and Diu.
Representation in Lok Sabha
GoI in the parliament has said that the issue of
extension of reservation for Anglo-Indians may be • First Schedule to Representation of the People Act,
considered at a later stage. 1950 provides one seat in Lok Sabha to each of
these UTs.
03. The Arms (Amendment Bill), 2019
• Bill seeks to amend the Schedule to allocate two
Lok Sabha seats to the merged UT.
Features of the Bill:
Jurisdiction of High Court
Aim is to decrease number of licensed firearms
allowed per person and increase penalties for certain • High Court of Bombay will continue to have
offences under the Act. jurisdiction over the merged UT.
• Increase in punishment.
• New offences:
• Currently, both UTs have separate constitutional the SPG security is years from the
and administrative bodies which lead to a lot withdrawn from a former date on which he
of duplicacy, inefficiency and wasteful expenditure. Prime Minister, it will also ceases to hold
be withdrawn from his the office of
• Help in furthering “Minimum Government,
immediate family Prime Minister.
Maximum Governance”.
members, unless the level
• The Bill states
05. The Special Protection Group of threat faced by the
that if the SPG
(Amendment) Bill, 2019 immediate family member
security is
warrants such security.
withdrawn from
a former Prime
2. Lower corporate income tax rates will likely to • Ship recycling: Bill defines ship recycling as
prompt companies to invest more, raising their dismantling of a ship at a facility to recover
capital expenditure (capex). components and materials for reuse, and taking
care of hazardous material so produced.
3. These measures will eventually prompt these
companies to hire more employees. Need
Need of IFSCA
cigarettes. Violation is punishable
• Banking, capital markets, insurance sectors in IFSC
Are e-cigarettes addictive?
come under different regulators like RBI, SEBI etc.
• A 2015 survey cited by Truth Initiative (an anti-
• Dynamic nature of business in IFSCs has
tobacco organisation) found that almost 60% of
necessitated the need for higher degree of inter
those who used e-cigarettes also smoked
regulatory coordination.
cigarettes, called as dual users.
• This will also improve the Ease of Doing Business.
• The misconception that “e-cigarettes are less
09. The Prohibition of Electronic harmful than other forms of tobacco is main
Cigarettes Bill, 2019 reason. Youth who use e-cigarettes are more likely
to smoke conventional cigarettes.
Why e Cigarettes were banned?
• Electronic Cigarettes: It defines e-cigarettes as
The total economic cost attributable to tobacco
electronic devices that heat a substance, which
use for all diseases in 2011 amounted 1.04% of GDP.
may contain nicotine and other chemicals, to
create vapour for inhalation. These include all The disease burden due to tobacco presents a
forms of electronic nicotine delivery systems, heat- formidable challenge to the country’s health care
not-burn products, e-hookahs, and other similar systems.
The government also cited Article 47 (DPSP) of
Constitution to justify the ban.
• The names are recommended by Collegium of 1. Article 370 mentions that the special status to
4 senior most judges plus CJI. J&K is a temporary provision
11. The Jammu and Kashmir 2. Article 35A (deriving its existence from Article
• Legality of Presidential order: Article 370 itself • A poorly maintained, unsafe dam can be a hazard
cannot be amended by a Presidential Order. to human life, flora and fauna, public and private
assets and the environment.
• Misusing President Rule and Making Governor as
a substitute for elected assembly • India has had 36 dam failures in the past.
12. The Dam Safety Bill, 2019 1. The bill is too focused on structural safety and
not on operational safety.
Lok Sabha have passed Dam Safety Bill and Rajya
2. Many states say it encroaches upon the
Sabha is yet to pass the bill.
sovereignty of States to manage their dams,
• Bill provides for surveillance, inspection, operation, and violates the principles of federalism
and maintenance of all specified dams across the enshrined in the Constitution.
13. The Code on Wages, 2019
It constitutes two national bodies:
• National Committee on Dam Safety: evolving It seeks to regulate wage and bonus payments in all
policies and recommending regulations regarding employments where any industry, trade, business, or
dam safety standards. manufacture is carried out.
• 5254 large dams are in operation in the country (iv) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
and another 447 are under construction.
• Coverage: will apply to all employees.
• In this context, there is a need for uniform law and
• GoI will make wage-related decisions for
administrative structure for ensuring dam safety.
employments such as railways, mines, and oil
• Central Water Commission, through National fields, among others.
Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS), Central Dam
• State governments will make decisions for all
Safety Organization (CDSO) and State Dam Safety
other employments.
Organizations (SDSO) has been making constant
endeavours in this direction, but these • Gender discrimination: prohibits gender
organizations do not have any statutory powers discrimination in wages and recruitment for
and are only advisory in nature. work of similar nature.
• It aims at ensuring a uniform standard of living • Bill bans all cryptocurrencies based on the risks as
across the country. potential use for money-laundering, risks to
consumers and threat to financial stability.
• At present, there are differences in minimum
wages across states and regions. • However, cryptocurrencies have potential benefits
such as better record keeping and more efficient
• National minimum wage may help in reducing
cross border payments.
these differences and provide a basic standard
of living for all employees across the country. • Several countries are trying to mitigate some of
these risks through regulations.
14. Draft Banning of Crypto Currency &
Regulation of Official Digital Currency • The definition of crypto currency is too broad and
Bill, 2019 may include various forms of digital tokens which
have not been generated through cryptography.
Cryptocurrency is defined as any information, code, or
token which has a digital representation of value and
has utility in a business activity, or acts as a store of 15. The Indian Medical Council
value, or a unit of account. (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Highlights of the Bill
Bill amends Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
• Prohibit mining, holding, selling, trade, issuance,
It sets up Medical Council of India (MCI) which will
disposal or use of cryptocurrency in the country.
regulate medical education and practice.
• Indulgence in Prohibited activities is punishable
• Bill seeks to reduce the time period for
with a fine or imprisonment.
supersession of MCI from 3 years to 2 years
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• Right of residence: Every transgender person shall The Act recognises: 1) Penetrative sexual assault 2)
have a right to reside and be included in his Aggravated penetrative sexual assault 3) Aggravated
household. sexual assault 4) Usage of children for Pornographic
purposes -- and provides for appropriate
• Employment: No government or private entity can
discriminate against a transgender person in
employment matters. The Bill enhances the punishments for certain offences
• Offences and penalties: Bill recognizes several accident victims during golden hour.
offences against transgender persons and
• Motor Vehicle Accident Fund: Bill requires GoI to
provides for penalties
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constitute a Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, to intention to hand over the child after the birth to the
provide compulsory insurance cover to all road intending couple.
users in India. Regulation of surrogacy: Bill prohibits commercial
• Good samaritans: Bill defines a good samaritan surrogacy, but allows altruistic surrogacy.
and provides that they will not be liable for any • Altruistic surrogacy involves no monetary
civil or criminal action for any injury to or death of compensation to surrogate mother other than
an accident victim, caused due to their negligence medical expenses and insurance coverage during
in providing assistance to the victim. the pregnancy.
• Recall of vehicles: Bill allows GoI to order for recall • Commercial surrogacy includes surrogacy or its
of motor vehicles if a defect in vehicle may cause related procedures undertaken for a monetary
damage to environment, or the driver, or road benefit.
users. Purposes for which surrogacy are permitted
• National Transportation Policy: GoI may develop a • Couples who suffer from proven infertility;
National Transportation Policy, in consultation with
state governments. • Altruistic purposes;
• Road Safety Board: provides for a National Road • Not for producing children for sale, prostitution or
GoI and state on all aspects of road safety and • For any condition or disease specified through
traffic management. regulations.
• Penalties: Bill increases penalties for several Eligibility criteria for surrogate mother:
• a close relative of intending couple
• a married woman having a child of her own;
1. With a Fund already existing to provide
• 25 to 35 years old;
compensation for hit and run accidents,
purpose of new Accident Fund is unclear. • a surrogate only once in her lifetime;
2. States have raised concerns about their • Possess a certificate of medical and psychological
powers being curtailed in the Amendment Bill. fitness.
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Functions: (i) advising GOI on policy matters (ii) laying members of the NHRC. woman.
down code of conduct of surrogacy clinics (iii)
supervising functioning of SSBs. Under the Act, The Bill provides for
chairpersons of various including the chairpersons
• Parentage and abortion of surrogate child: A child
born out of a surrogacy will be deemed to be commissions such as the of the National
biological child of intending couple. An abortion National Commission for Commission for Backward
of surrogate child requires written consent of Scheduled Castes, Classes, the National
surrogate mother and authorisation of appropriate National Commission for Commission for the
authority. Scheduled Tribes, and Protection of Child Rights,
• Offences and penalties: The penalty is National Commission for and the Chief
Bill amends Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. SHRC: Under the Act, the provide that a person who
chairperson of a SHRC is has been Chief Justice or
Act provides for a National Human Rights Commission
a person who has been a Judge of a High Court will
(NHRC), State Human Rights Commissions (SHRC), as
Chief Justice of a High be chairperson of a SHRC
well as Human Rights Courts.
Court. .
HUMAN RIGHTS ACT, HUMAN RIGHTS Term of office: The Bill reduces the term
1993 (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2019 chairperson and of office to three years or
members of the NHRC till the age of seventy
Composition of The Bill amends this to and SHRC - five years or years,
NHRC: Under the Act, provide that a person who till the age of seventy
the chairperson of the has been Chief Justice of years
NHRC is a person who the Supreme Court, or a
has been a Chief Justice Judge of the Supreme
of the Supreme Court. Court will be the 23. The Unlawful Activities (Prevention)
chairperson of the NHRC. Amendment Bill, 2019
The Act provides for two The Bill amends this to Bill amends Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.
persons having allow three members to
Act provides special procedures to deal with terrorist
knowledge of human be appointed, of which at
rights to be appointed as least one will be a
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What is Talaq-e-biddat?
▪ Triple Talaq was held to be violative of Article 14 by
• If a man belonging to religion of Islam pronounces
SC in Shah Bano case 1986 and recently, in
talaq thrice either orally or in written form to his
ShayaraBano case in 2017.
wife, then the divorce is considered immediate
and irrevocable. ▪ GoI informed that 473 cases of Triple Talaq have
taken place after SC judgement in 2017.
• Supreme Court in ShayaraBano case (2017) had
declared the practise of Triple Talaq (talaq-e- ▪ Law will act as a deterrent to eradicate this social
biddat) as unconstitutional. evils.
▪ Divorce is a civil matter and making Triple Talaq a such as military or national security data.
criminal offence is disproportionate to criminal • Data mirroring: Bill removes this requirement in
jurisprudence. case of personal data. Hence, only individual
▪ If husband is imprisoned, how he can pay consent for data transfer abroad is required.
maintenance allowance. • Bill requires sensitive personal data to be stored
▪ Penal provision in Triple Talaq can be misused like only in India. It can be processed abroad only with
Section 498-A of Indian Penal Code. approval of Data Protection Agency.
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• Critical personal data must be stored and • Bill proposes “Purpose limitation” and “Collection
processed in India. limitation” clause to limit the collection of data for
“clear, specific, and lawful” purposes only.
• Bill mandates that the fiduciaries shall provide
any non-personal data when demanded by the • Right to be forgotten: It allows an individual to
government. remove consent for data collection and disclosure.
• Social media companies which are deemed • Penalties: Rs 5 crore or 2% of worldwide turnover
significant data fiduciaries need to develop their for minor violations and Rs 15 crore or 4% of total
own user verification mechanism. (one of the aims worldwide turnover for serious violations.
is to prevent trolling)
• Bill has granted individuals the right to data
• Bill provides for exemptions for processing data portability and ability to access one’s own data.
without an individual’s consent for “reasonable
purposes” such as security of the state, medical Data mirroring: The act of copying data from one
emergency etc.
location to a storage device in real time.
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