Summary of IFRS 4
Summary of IFRS 4
Summary of IFRS 4
IFRS 4 is the first guidance from the IASB on accounting for insurance contracts – but not the last. A
comprehensive project on insurance contracts is under way. The Board issued IFRS 4 because it saw an
urgent need for improved disclosures for insurance contracts, and some improvements to recognition
and measurement practices, in time for the adoption of IFRS by listed companies throughout Europe
and elsewhere in 2005.
IFRS 4 applies to virtually all insurance contracts (including reinsurance contracts) that an entity issues
and to reinsurance contracts that it holds. [IFRS 4.2] It does not apply to other assets and liabilities of an
insurer, such as financial assets and financial liabilities within the scope of IAS 39 Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement. [IFRS 4.3] Furthermore, it does not address accounting by policyholders.
[IFRS 4.4(f)]
In 2005, the IASB amended the scope of IAS 39 to include financial guarantee contracts issued. However,
if an issuer of financial guarantee contracts has previously asserted explicitly that it regards such
contracts as insurance contracts and has used accounting applicable to insurance contracts, the issuer
may elect to apply either IAS 39 or IFRS 4 to such financial guarantee contracts. [IFRS 4.4(d)]
An insurance contract is a "contract under which one party (the insurer) accepts significant insurance
risk from another party (the policyholder) by agreeing to compensate the policyholder if a specified
uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholder." [IFRS 4.Appendix A]
Accounting policies
The IFRS exempts an insurer temporarily (until completion of Phase II of the Insurance Project) from
some requirements of other IFRSs, including the requirement to consider IAS 8 Accounting Policies,
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors in selecting accounting policies for insurance contracts.
However, the standard: [IFRS 4.14]
prohibits provisions for possible claims under contracts that are not in existence at the reporting date
(such as catastrophe and equalisation provisions) requires a test for the adequacy of recognised
insurance liabilities and an impairment test for reinsurance assets requires an insurer to keep insurance
liabilities in its balance sheet until they are discharged or cancelled, or expire, and prohibits offsetting
insurance liabilities against related reinsurance assets and income or expense from reinsurance
contracts against the expense or income from the related insurance contract.
IFRS 4 permits an insurer to change its accounting policies for insurance contracts only if, as a result, its
financial statements present information that is more relevant and no less reliable, or more reliable and
no less relevant. [IFRS 4.22] In particular, an insurer cannot introduce any of the following practices,
although it may continue using accounting policies that involve them: [IFRS 4.25]
The IFRS permits the introduction of an accounting policy that involves remeasuring designated
insurance liabilities consistently in each period to reflect current market interest rates (and, if the
insurer so elects, other current estimates and assumptions). Without this permission, an insurer would
have been required to apply the change in accounting policies consistently to all similar liabilities. [IFRS
An insurer need not change its accounting policies for insurance contracts to eliminate excessive
prudence. However, if an insurer already measures its insurance contracts with sufficient prudence, it
should not introduce additional prudence. [IFRS 4.26]
There is a rebuttable presumption that an insurer's financial statements will become less relevant and
reliable if it introduces an accounting policy that reflects future investment margins in the measurement
of insurance contracts. [IFRS 4.27]
Asset classifications
When an insurer changes its accounting policies for insurance liabilities, it may reclassify some or all
financial assets as 'at fair value through profit or loss'. [IFRS 4.45]
Other issues
The standard:
clarifies that an insurer need not account for an embedded derivative separately at fair value if the
embedded derivative meets the definition of an insurance contract [IFRS 4.7-8] requires an insurer to
unbundle (that is, to account separately for) deposit components of some insurance contracts, to avoid
the omission of assets and liabilities from its balance sheet [IFRS 4.10] clarifies the applicability of the
practice sometimes known as 'shadow accounting' [IFRS 4.30] permits an expanded presentation for
insurance contracts acquired in a business combination or portfolio transfer [IFRS 4.31-33] addresses
limited aspects of discretionary participation features contained in insurance contracts or financial
instruments. [IFRS 4.34-35]
information that helps users understand the amounts in the insurer's financial statements that arise
from insurance contracts: [IFRS 4.36-37]
accounting policies for insurance contracts and related assets, liabilities, income, and expense the
recognised assets, liabilities, income, expense, and cash flows arising from insurance contracts if the
insurer is a cedant, certain additional disclosures are required information about the assumptions that
have the greatest effect on the measurement of assets, liabilities, income, and expense including, if
practicable, quantified disclosure of those assumptions the effect of changes in assumptions
reconciliations of changes in insurance liabilities, reinsurance assets, and, if any, related deferred
acquisition costs
Information that helps users to evaluate the nature and extent of risks arising from insurance contracts:
[IFRS 4.38-39]
risk management objectives and policies those terms and conditions of insurance contracts that have a
material effect on the amount, timing, and uncertainty of the insurer's future cash flows information
about insurance risk (both before and after risk mitigation by reinsurance), including information about:
the sensitivity to insurance risk concentrations of insurance risk actual claims compared with previous
the information about credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk that IFRS 7 would require if the insurance
contracts were within the scope of IFRS 7 information about exposures to market risk arising from
embedded derivatives contained in a host insurance contract if the insurer is not required to, and does
not, measure the embedded derivatives at fair value.
On 12 September 2016, the IASB issued amendments to IFRS 4 providing two options for entities that
issue insurance contracts within the scope of IFRS 4:
an option that permits entities to reclassify, from profit or loss to other comprehensive income, some of
the income or expenses arising from designated financial assets; this is the so-called overlay approach;
an optional temporary exemption from applying IFRS 9 for entities whose predominant activity is issuing
contracts within the scope of IFRS 4; this is the so-called deferral approach.
An entity choosing to apply the overlay approach retrospectively to qualifying financial assets does so
when it first applies IFRS 9. An entity choosing to apply the deferral approach does so for annual periods
beginning on or after 1 January 2018. The application of both approaches is optional and an entity is
permitted to stop applying them before the new insurance contracts standard is applied.