Class 10 TH SST Sample Paper

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Social Science X Sample Paper 20 Solved


CLASS X (2019-20)
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
General Instructions :
(i) The question paper has 35 questions in all.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries one mark. Answer them
as instructed.
(iv) Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80
words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120
words each.
(vi) Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts-35 a. from History (2 marks) and 35 b. from
Geography (4 marks).

Which of the following aspects best signifies this

Section-A image of Bal Gangadhar Tilak?
1. Match the following items given in Column A with (a) Symbol of Asoka’s Pillar
those in Column B. Choose the correct answer from (b) Simi Krishna’s rath in Mahabharat
the options given below: [1] (c) The rising sun
(d) Symbols of Unity
Ans : (d) Symbols of Unity
(A) 1919 (i) Khilafat movement
(B) 1920 (ii) Bardoli Satyagrah 4. By whom was the Swaraj flag developed in the year
1921? [1]
(C) 1921 (iii) Satyagrah against Rowlatt Ans :
By the year 1921 the swaraj flag was developed by
(D) 1928 (iv) Firing at peasants near Motilal Nehru.
Rae Bareilly or
Ans : (A)-(iii), (B)-(i), C(iv), (D)-(ii) What did Mahatma Gandhi called to ‘Untouchables’ ?
2. Identify the correct reason for how Industrialisation Ans : Harijan
changed the form of urbanization in the modern 5. Who among the following, hosted the Congress at
period in England from the options given below: [1] Vienna in 1815? [1]
(a) All the rural areas changed into urban areas (a) King of Netherlands (b) Giuseppe Mazzini
(b) Population migrated from urban areas to rural areas (c) Duke Metternich (d) Otto Von Bismarck
(c) London and other cities with industries acted as a
Ans : (c) Duke Metternich
magnet as they provided work opportunities.
(d) All of the above. 6. Complete the following table with correct information
Ans : (c) London and other cities with industries acted with regard to production of Aluminium from
as a magnet as they provided work opportunities. Bauxite. [1]
3. Study the picture and answer the question that Mineral Intermediate Product/ Final Product
follows. [1] Quantity
Bauxite (A)- ? Aluminium
4-6 tons of (B)- ? 1 ton of
bauxite Aluminium
Ans :
(A) Alumina
(B) 2 tons of Alumina
7. A compromise between the supporters and opponents
of Non-cooperation movement was worked out in the
congress session at [1]
(a) Hoshiarpur (c) Ahemdabad
(b) Ambala (d) Nagpur
Ans : (d) Nagpur
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Social Science X Sample Paper 20 Solved
8. In February 1922, Mahatma Gandhi decided to 13. Which one country has one-party system? [1]
withdraw the Non-Cooperation movement. Why did Ans : China
he do that? [1]
Ans : 14. Quotas and taxes on imports are: [1]
(a) Trade barriers (b) Trade laws
Mahatma Gandhi decided to withdraw the Non-co-
(c) Trade practices (d) All of the above
operation movement because the Chauri-Chaura
incident disheartened him. He felt that the movement Ans : (a) Trade barriers
was turning violent in many places and
15. In which general elections in India did the proportion
9. The woman reservation bill has not passed in the of women cross 12% mark for the first time? [1]
parliament for more than a decade. Ans :
2014: In india, the proportion of woman in legislature
is very low. India is among the bottom group of
nations in the world,in this respect.
16. What is NTPC? [1]
Ans :
NTPC i.e. National Thermal Power Corporation is a
major power providing corporations in India.
What is the feminist movement?
Ans :
The different movements aimed at empowering women
and making them equal to men politically, serially,
economically and culturally are termed as the feminist
Which of the following option best signifies this movements.
cartoon? [1] 17. All these countries follow a dual or multi party
(a) Women are not allowed in the parliament government. Find the incorrect option from those
(b) Gender diversity is needed in politics given below- [1]
(c) Belief that women do not make good policy (a) Japan (b) China
makers (c) Indo-China (d) Germany
(d) Women should not play a role in politics Ans : (b) China
Ans : (b) Gender diversity is needed in politics
18. Arrange the following options in correct sequence.
10. ............. crops are grown with the onset of monsoon in (i) Deposit extra cash with bank [1]
different parts of India. [1] (ii) Withdraw money
(iii) Write a cheque
Ans : Kharif
(iv) Open a bank account
or Options:
............. is the main cause of land degradation in (a) i-ii-iii-iv (b) i-iii-ii-iv
Punjab. (c) iv-i-iii-ii (d) iv-iii-ii-i
Ans : Over-irrigation
Ans : (c) iv-i-iii-ii
11. Which waterway connects the Brahmputra River
19. In the question given below, there are two statements
between Sadiya and Dhubri? [1]
marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the
Ans : statements and choose the correct option.
The waterway that connects the Brahmputra River Assertion (A) : Collateral is an asset that the borrower
between Sadiya and Dhubri is N.W. No. 1 owns and uses this as a guarantee to a lender until the
or loan is repaid.
The Indian Railway is now reorganised into how many Reason (R) : Till the loan is repaid the asset belongs
zones? to the lender. [1]
Ans : 16 Zones Options :
12. The ‘community government’ is elected by people (a) Both A and R are true
belonging to one _____ community. [1] (b) Both are true but R is not the correct explanation
Ans : Language of A
or (c) A is correct but R is wrong
In _____ we are most concerned with ensuring that (d) A is wrong but R is correct
people will have the right to choose their rules. Ans : (b) Both are true but R is not the correct
Ans : Democracy explanation of A

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Social Science X Sample Paper 20 Solved

20. There are four families living in a neighbourhood. The craftspeople, maintained control over production,
average per capita income of these families is `6000/- and regulated prices.
If the income of three families is `4000/-, `7000/- and ii. The peasants and farmers started working for
`5000/- respectively, what is the income of the fourth the merchants. At this time open fields were
family. [1] disappearing and the poor farmers were looking
On the basis of the information given above calculate to new avenues of livelihood. Merchants offered
the income of the fourth family and choose the correct advances to produce goods to them which the
option. peasants eagerly accepted. They could stay in
(a) `8000/- (c) `3000/- the countryside and continue to cultivate their
(c) `2000/- (d) `6000/- small lands. Proto-industrialisation added to their
shrinking income.
Ans : (a) `8000/- iii. The proro-industrial system became a network
of commercial exchanges. A merchant clothier

Section-B purchased wool from a wool stapler, carried it to

the spinners, weavers took up the later stages of
weaving, and later fullers and dyers stepped in. The
21. Explain any three values attached with the use of
finishing of the cloth was done in London before
minerals in a sustainable manner. [3]
the export merchant sold it to the international
Ans : market. At every stage of production 20 to 25
i. Our industries and agriculture immensely workers were employed by each merchant, with
depend on mineral deposits and the substances each clothier thus controlling hundreds of workers.
manufactured from them. The total volume or
of workable mineral deposits is an insignificant What was the importance of the Indian trade for the
fraction i.e. one per cent of the earth’s crust. British?
Hence, minerals should be used cautiously. Ans :
ii. The geological processes of mineral formation
The importance of the Indian trade for the British
are so slow that the rates of replenishment are
infinitely small in comparison to the present rates
i. Trade Surplus— Britain had a trade surplus with
of consumption.
Indian. Britain used this surplus to balance its
iii. Mineral resources are finite and non-renewable.
trade deficit with other countries.
Rich mineral deposits are our country’s extremely
ii. Home Charges— Britain’s trade Surplus in India
valuable but short-lived possessions.
also helped to pay the so called home charges that
included private remittance by British officials
Why Chhota Nagpur plateau is called a ‘store house
and traders, interest payments on India’s external
of minerals’ ?
debt and pensions of British officials in India.
Ans : iii. Major Supplier of cotton— India remained a
i. Chhotanagpur plateau is called a store house of major supplier of raw cotton to British which
minerals as it has very high grade haematite iron was required to feed the cotton textile industry in
ore. Britain.
ii. The ranges of hills in Chhotanagpur have 14 iv. Supplier if indentured workers— Many indentured
deposits of super high grade haematite iron ore. workers from Bihar, UP., central India migrated to
iii. Most of the mica deposits are found on the other countries to work in mines and plantations.
northern edge of Chhotanagpur plateau. 23. Read the sources given below and answer the questions
iv. Koderma—Hazaribagh belt of Jharkhand is the that follow [1+1+1=3]
leading producer of mica
Source A : The Age of Indian Textiles
22. Explain what is meant by proto-industrialisation? [3] Before the age of machine industries,silk and cotton
Ans : goods from India dominated the International market
Proto-industrialisation refers to a phase of in textiles. Coarser cottons were produced in many
industrialisation which was not based on factories. countries, but the finer varieties often came from
Even before factories began to appear, there was large- India. Bales of fine textiles were carried on camel back
scale industrial production for international market. via the north-west frontier through mountain passes
(i) In the 17th and 18th centuries merchants in and across deserts. A vibrant sea trade operated
Europe began to move to the countryside. They through the main pre-colonial ports.
gave money to peasants and artisans to produce Source B: What Happened to Weavers
for an international market. The demands of The East India Company appointed a paid-servant,
goods had increased due to colonisation and the the gomastha to supervise weavers, collect supplies,
resultant expansion of trade. Merchants could not and examine the quality of cloth. Company weavers
increase production in towns due to the monopoly were prevented from dealing with other dealers. This
and power of the crafts and trade guilds. They was achieved through the system of advances Once
had the monopoly to produce certain goads and an order was placed the weavers were given loans to
did not allow the entry of new competitors. The purchase raw material. Those who took loans had to
guilds were associations of producers that trained band over the cloth they produced to the gomastha.
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They could not take it to another trader. from the same caste (if that caste is believed
Source C : Manchester Comes to India to dominate the electorate in a particular
As cotton industries developed in England, industrial constituency). Some voters have more than one
groups began worrying about imports from other candidate from their caste while many voters have
countries. They pressurized the government to impose no candidates from their caste
as on cotton textiles so that Manchester goods could (iv) The ruling party of the sitting M.P. or M.L.A.
sell in Britain without facing competition from outside. frequently lose elections in our country. That could
At the same time industrialists persuaded the East not have happened if all castes or communities
India Company to sell British manufactured cloth in were frozen in their political preferences.
India. Cotton weavers thus faced two problems at the or
same time; their export market collapsed, and the ‘Women still lag much behind men in India despite
local markets shrank, being glutted with Manchester some improvements independence.” Analyse the
imports. statement.
Ans :
Source A : The Age of Indian Textiles
23 (1) Why were Indian textiles most popular the In India women still lag much behind men despite
world over? (1) some improvements since independence.
Ans : Indian textiles were more popular the world i. Patriarchal society: Indian society is still a male
over because of their fine quality: Though a number of dominated society. Women face disadvantage,
countries produced cotton cloth but it was of a much discrimination and oppression in various ways.
coarser quality. ii. Literacy Rates: The literacy rate among women is
only (64 6%) as compared to (80 9%) among men
Source B : What Happened to Weavers Similarly, a smaller proportion of girl students go
23 (2) How were the weavers trapped by the Fast for higher studies.
India Company to work exclusively for iii. Low paid jobs: Among the highly paid and valued
them? (1) jobs the proportion of women is still very small.
Ans : Once a weaver agreed to work for the company, Women are paid less than men, even when both
he was given an advance as a loan which he could use do exactly the same work.
to buy the raw material . this loan eased the weaver’s iv. Low sex-ratio: Parents in India prefer to have
burden, but at the same time he became bound to sons They also find ways to abort the girl child
the company to sell the finished goods only to the before she is born. Such sex-selective abortion has
company and that also at a very nominal rate. resulted in a decline in female child sex-ratio.
v. Political representation: In India women
Source C : Manchester Comes to India representation in legislature has been very low.
23 (3) State two ways in which the Industrialists For example the percentage of elected women
at Manchester destroyed the Indian cotton members in Lok Sabha has never reached even
industry? (1) 10% of its total strength before 2009 Lok Sabha
Ans : The Industrialists of Manchester were worried Elections. In the state assemblies their share is
about import of cotton from India so they pressurized less than 5%.
the government into taxing all cotton imports and 25. Present your own picture of a Democracy without a
thus raising their price. Secondly, they persuaded East political party. [3]
India Company to sell British cloth in India. This was Ans :
much cheaper as it was mass produced in the factories
and the Indian weavers could not match their prices. Let us consider a case where elections are held without
any political party. In this case, each candidate will be
24. The focus on caste in politics can sometimes give an independent one who won’t be giving any promises
an impression that elections are all about caste and to the voters with respect to the whole nation. The
nothing else. Do you agree? Explain. [3] government that will be formed after the elections
Ans : will lack unity and have an uncertain future. Each
candidate will be responsible to his/her constituency
The focus on caste in politics can sometimes give and there won’t be any collective responsibility for the
an impression that elections are all about caste and whole nation.
nothing else. This is far from true because: or
(i) No parliamentary constituency in the country What is the language policy of India?
has a clear majority of one single caste. So, every
Ans :
candidate and party needs to win the confidence
of more than one cast and community to win Indian constitution did not give the status of national
elections. language to any one language. Hindi was recognised as
(ii) No party wins the votes of all the voters of a caste the official language.
or community. When people say that a caste is a i. Besides Hindi, there are 21 other languages
‘vote bank’ of one party, it usually means that a recognised as Scheduled Languages by the
large proportion of the voters from the caste vote Constitution.
for the party. ii. States have their own official languages and much
of the government work takes place in the official
(iii) Many political parties may put up candidates language of the concerned State.

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iii. A very cautious attitude has been adopted by the

Indian leaders in spreading the use of Hindi.
Section - C
iv. According to constitution the use of English for 29. Give a brief description of Gandhiji’s contribution to
official purposes was to stop in 1965 which was the Indian freedom struggle. [5]
not liked by some of the states. So the central Ans :
government responded by agreeing to continue
the use of English along with Hindi as official When Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from Africa
language. in January 1915 he started a Satyagraha Movement in
India in various places.
26. How did Britain come under huge external debts after i. In 1916 he travelled to Champaran in Bihar
first world war? [3] to inspire the peasants to struggle against the
Ans : oppressive plantation system.
After the war Britain found it different to recapture ii. In 1917, he organised a satyagraha to support the
its earlier position of dominance in Indian market, and peasants of the Kheda district of Gujarat.
to compete with Japan internationally. iii. In 1918, Mahatma Gandhi went to Ahmedabad to
Moreover, to finance war expenditures Britain had organise a Satyagraha Movement amongst cotton
borrowed liberally from U.S. And at end of war Britain mill workers.
was burdened with huge external debts. iv In 1919, he decided to launch a nationwide
satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act
27. Explain any three steps taken by the Indian
Government to attract foreign investment. [3]
v. To unite Hindus and Muslims Gandhiji started
Ans : Non-Cooperation Movement in support of
In the recent years, the Indian Government has taken ,Khilafat as well as for swaraj.
special steps to attract foreign companies to invest in vi. In 1930, Gandbiji started his famous Salt March
India: (Dandi March) accompanied by 78 followers, from
i. The Government has set up industrial zones called his ashram in Sabarmati to the Gujarati coastal
special Economic Zones (SEZs). SEZs provide world town of Dana On 6 April, he reached Dandi, and
class facilities — electricity, water, roads, transport, openly violated the law and manufactured salt by
storage recreational and educational facilities. boiling sea water.
ii. Companies who set up production units in the vii. During Gandhiji’s salt march, thousands of women
SEZs do not have to pay taxes for an initial came out of their homes to listen to him. They
period of five years. participated in protest marches. manufactured
iii. The government has also allowed flexibility in salt ‘picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops.
the labour laws to attract foreign investment. viii. He did a lot for the upliftment of the untouchables.
The companies can now lower workers ‘flexibly’ He called the ‘untouchables’ Harijans, and
for short period when there is intense pressure of organised Satyagraha to secure their entry into
work. This is done to reduce the cost of labour for temples and access to public wells, tanks, roads
the companies. and schools. He himself cleaned toilers to dignify
the work of the bhangi (the sweepers). He
28. All the three sectors of economy are interdependent
convinced upper castes to change their heart and
on each other. Explain the interdependence of with
give up the sin of untouchability
reference to transportation system. [3]
Ans : Analyse any four features of the Gudem rebellion of
The primary; secondary and tertiary sectors all are Andhra Pradesh.
interdependent on each other: Ans :
(a) Primary sector made possible the extraction of
The Gudem rebellion spread in response to Gandhiji’s
natural resources such as iron. This iron is then
Non-Cooperation Movement.
taken to the secondary sector for manufacturing
The four features of this rebellion are:
various products through the transportation
i. In the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh, a militant
system like trucks. The extraction process is
guerrilla movement spread in the early 1920s
supported by the financing and information
under the leadership of Alluri Sitaram Raju.
technological institutions.
ii. The hill people got enraged when the colonial
(b) It is through the secondary sector that the natural
government prevented them from entering the
resource iron is changed into other forms through
forests to graze their cattle, or to collect fuel wood
the process of manufacturing. Manufacturing
and fruits.
again need the support of the service sector in the
iii. They considered Sitaram Raju as an incarnation
form of engineers, electricians etc. Iron is changed
of God inspired by Gandhiji’s Non-Cooperation
into iron sheets and then into vehicles.
Movement, Raju persuaded the Gudem rebels to
(c) Once manufactured, the vehicles are sold through
wear Khadi and give up drinking. But at the same
various trading agencies. These vehicles are used
time he asserted that India could be liberated
for providing services in tertiary sector and also
only by the use of force, not non-violence.
support the primary and the secondary sectors to
iv. The Gudem rebels attacked police stations
carry out their processes.
attempted to kill British officials and carried on
guerrilla warfare for achieving Swaraj.
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30. Read the extract and answer the questions that Kolkata. The national highway 3 is between Agra
follow: 5 (1 + 2 + 2) and Mumbai. The national highway 8 is between
Communal politics is based on the idea that religion is Delhi and Mumbai. The national highway 15
the principal basis of social commonly. Communalism passes through Rajasthan.
involves thinking along the following lines. The iii. State Highways: Roads linking a state capital
followers of a particular community must belong to one with different district headquarters are known as
community. Their fundamental interests must be the State Highways. State highways are constructed
same. Any difference that thy may have is irrelevant and maintained by the State Public Works
or trivial fir community life. It also follows that people Department (PWD).
who follow different religions cannot belong to the
same social community. If the followers of different iv. District Roads: Roads which connect the district
religion have some commonalities these are superficial headquarters with other places of the district are
and immaterial .Their interests are bound to be called district roads. These roads are maintained
different and involve a conflict. In its extreme form by the Zila Parishad.
communalism leads to the bell that people belonging v. Rural Roads: Roads which link rural areas and
to different religions cannot he as equal citizens within villages with towns are classified as rural roads.
one nation. Either, one of them has to dominate the Under the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak
rest or they have to form different nations. Yojana scheme special provisions are made so that
Questions: every village in the country is linked to a major
(i) What is the main idea behind communal town in the country by an all season motorable
politics? (1) road.
(ii) List three things which form the basis of
vi. Border Roads: Strategically important roads
Communal politics. (2)
in the bordering areas of the country are called
(iii) What do you understand by the extreme form of
border roads. Border Roads Organisation (BRO)
communalism? (2)
a government of India undertaking constructs and
Ans : maintains border roads. This organisation was
(i) The main idea behind communal politics is that established in 1960 for the development of the
religion is the basis of social community roads of strategic importance in the northern and
(ii) Any three of the following factors can be listed northeastern border areas.
(a) The followers must belong to a particular or
(b) Their fundamental interests must be the Differentiate between subsistence and commercial
same. agriculture.
(c) Any difference that exists between them Ans :
should not effect communal life.
(d) They should all belong to one particular Subsistence Agriculture Commercial Agriculture
(a) Crops are cultivated Crops are cultivated
(iii) In the extreme form of communalism it is believed
for sustenance for sale in the market
that people belonging to different religions can co-
exist only when people belonging to one religion (b) No crop specialisation Crop specialization
dominate over people belonging to all other (c) Practised in Practised in developed
religions, else they should form separate nations. developing countries countries
31. Write a short note on various kinds of roads in India. [5] (d) Farms size is small Farms size is large
Ans :
(e) Farm work is mainly Machines are used in
Various kinds of roads in India are: done by hands farming
i. Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways: The
government has launched a major road development 32. Analyse the role manufacturing industries in the
project Uniting Delhi-Kolkata-Claennai-Mumbai economic development of a country. [5]
and Delhi and six-lane super Highways. The Ans :
North-South corridors linking Srinagar (Jammu (a) Manufacturing industries help in modernising
and Kashmir) and Kanniyakumari (Tamil Nadu) agriculture, which forms the backbone of Indian
and East-West Corridor linking Silchar (Assam) economy.
and Porbander (Gujarat) are part of this project. (b) Manufacturing industries also reduce the heavy
ii. National Highways: National highways link dependence of people on agricultural income by
extreme parts of the country. These are primary providing them jobs in secondary and tertiary
road systems and are laid and maintained by the sectors.
Central Public Works Department (CPWD). The (c) Industrial development reduces unemployment
historical Sher Shah Suri Marg is called National and poverty.
Highway No.1, between Delhi and Amritsar. (d) It also brings down regional disparities.
The National Highway 7 between Varanasi and (e) Export of manufactured goods expands trade and
Kanniyakumati is the longest highway of India. commerce, and brings foreign exchange.
The national highway 2 is between Delhi and

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(f) Prosperity of our country depends on transforming MAP SKILL BASED QUESTION
raw materials into finished goods of higher value 35. (a) Two places A and B have been marked on the
and diversifying our industries. given political outline map of India. Identify them
(g) Industrial sector contributes 27% of GDP and with the help of the following information and
manufacturing contributes 17% of GDP. write their correct names on the lines drawn near
33. Describe any five conditions or aspects that you would them. 1×2=2
consider before accepting a job. [5] A. A place where violence occurred due to which
Ans : Mahatma Gandhi suddenly called off the
Non-Cooperation Movement.
If one gets a job in a far off place, before accepting it
B. A place of peasants Satyagraha
one would try to consider many factors, apart from
income such as: (b) On the same outline map of India locate and label
i. Facilities for the family: I would have to check if any four of the following with suitable symbols on
there is good educational facility for children, a the same given outline political map of India.
good house and locality to stay in, good medical 1×4=4
facilities should also be available. (i) Singrauli — Thermal Power Plant
(ii) Jamshedpur — Iron and Steel Plant
ii. Jobs security: I should have clear terms of
(iii) Noida — Software Technology Park
employment in my appointment letter. A job
(iv) Kandla — Seaport
which gives high pay but no job security will
(v) Amritsar (Raja Sans) — International Airport
reduce one’s sense of security and freedom.
(vi) Kakrapara — Nuclear Plant
iii. Opportunity to learn: There should be opportunity
for personal career growth, so that no boredom or
stagnation sets in.
iv. Working atmosphere needs to be cooperative and
healthy: There should be good team spirit and the
seniors should look after the newcomers and guide
them. If women are engaged in paid work, their
dignity in the household and society increases.
A safe and secured environment may allow more
women to take up jobs or run a business.
v. Time for your family: Working hours should be
fixed and adhered to so that there is time for
spending with family. Leave facility must be there
as well.
34. Explain any four consequences on which democracy
has failed. [5]
Ans :
i. If democracies are expected to produce good
governments, then it is fair to expect that they
would also produce development Evidences show
that in practice many democracies did not fulfil
this expectation. The inability of democracy to
achieve higher economic development worries us. Ans :
ii Democracy is the government of the people.
Hence, one can expect it to reduce economic (a) A. Chaura-Chauri
disparities. But, it is a bitter truth that even B. Kheda
when a country achieves economic growth wealth (b) Located and labelled on the map.
is not distributed in such a way that all citizens
of the country will have a share and lead a better
life. Most of the democracies of the world have
miserably failed on this issue.
iii. Democracies have also failed on the issue of
poverty reduction. A smaller number of ultra-rich
enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth
and incomes. Not only that their share in the total
income of the country has been increasing. Those
at the bottom of the society have very little to
depend upon. Their incomes have been declining.
iv. Democracies often frustrate the needs of the
people and often ignore the demands of a majority
of its population. The routine talks of corruption.
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