Boiler Efficiency Testing

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Boiler Efficiency Testing


 To understand the operation of a fire tube boiler

 To determine the operating efficiency of the boiler


Most industrial processes require heating. This is usually provided by generating steam in
boilers. Steam is used as a heating fluid as water, it evaporates at temperatures much
below the metallurgical limit of carbon steel (boiler construction material) and has a high
heat of vaporization.

The basic processes which occur in a boiler are combustion of the fuel in the presence of
air and heat transfer from the products of combustion (flue gases) to water. The generated
steam is then supplied to the process. Boilers can use a variety of fuels: solid fuels (coal,
lignite, bagasse, rice husk etc.), liquid fuels (furnace oil, Light Diesel Oil, High Speed Diesel
oil etc.) and gaseous fuels (natural gas).

Typically, process boilers in industry are fire tube (smoke tube) boilers with the flue gases
(products of combustion) flowing in the tubes enclosed by water in the shell. These boilers
are also known as package boilers or shell boilers. Package boilers are usually compact.
Figure 1 shows the components of a typical smoke tube package boiler. Power plants usually
have water tube boilers with water in the tubes. In industries with high pressure steam
generation, water tube boilers may be used.

Fire tube steam boilers may be either high or low pressure boilers. There are three types of
fire tube steam boilers: (i) horizontal return tubular boiler, (ii) scotch marine boiler, and (iii)
vertical fire tube boiler. The boiler studied in the present experiment is horizontal return
tubular boiler. This boiler is a 3 pass fire tube boiler.

A boiler usually has fuel, air and water supply sub-systems. Figure 2 depicts the schematic of
the components in these systems for an oil fired boiler. In an oil fired boiler, the oil circuit
would consist of oil storage and service tanks, oil heaters (if required) and burners. The air
circuit, depending on the requirement, may have a forced draught (FD) fan and/or an
induced draught (ID) fan, or may operate only on the natural draught provided by the
chimney. Many boiler systems include both FD and ID fans which provide a greater control
on the draught. This is known as balanced draught. The water supplied to the boiler is first
stored in an intermediate (day/service) tank and then is passed through a water treatment
plant. The treated feed water is supplied to the de-aerator where the condensate returns
from process and some low pressure steam is added. The hot water from the de-aerator is

then pumped to the boiler by the feed water pump.

Fig. 1 A typical smoke tube package boiler

1. Furnace Tube 9. Crown Valve 17. Burner

2. Tubes (2nd pass) 10. Feed Check valve 18. F. D. Fan
3. Tubes (3rd pass) 11. Level controls 19. Inlet fan silencer
4. Combustion Chamber 12. Manhole
5. Front smoke box 13. Spare Connection
6. Rear outlet box 14.Shell
7. Sight glass 15. Feed Pump
8. Safety Valve 16. Control Panel








Fig. 2 Components in a boiler system

Principle of operation

When water is heated, it increases in volume and becomes lighter. This warmer water, now
lighter, rises and the cooler water drops to take its place. The steam bubbles that eventually
form break the surface of the water and enter the steam space.

The addition of tubes inside the drum containing the water increases the heating surface.
The heating surface is the part of the boiler with water on one side and the gases of
combustion on the other. By increasing the heating surface, more heat is extracted from the
gases of combustion by the surrounding water. This results in a more rapid water circulation
and faster formation of steam bubbles. When larger quantities of steam are released, the
thermal efficiency of the boiler increases. Thermal efficiency is the ratio of the heat
absorbed by the water to the heat supplied from the fuel. Modern fire tube boilers with
improved design and heat transfer rates have achieved thermal efficiency as high as 80% to

Placing an internal furnace within the boiler shell greatly increases the heating surface
allowing for maximum absorption of heat thus reducing the time to create steam.

Boiler efficiency testing

Thermal efficiency of boiler is defined as the percentage of heat input that is effectively
utilized to generate steam. There are two methods of assessing boiler efficiency:

1) Direct Method: In this method the energy gain of the working fluid (water and
steam) is compared with the energy content of the boiler fuel.

2) Indirect Method: In this method the efficiency is the difference between the losses
and the energy input.

The indirect method shall be followed in the present experiment to determine the thermal
efficiency of the boiler. Indirect method is also called as heat loss method. The
disadvantages of the direct method can be overcome by this method, as it determines
various heat losses associated with boiler. Figure 3 depicts the typical input and output
streams of a boiler, and the various heat losses from the boiler. The efficiency can be
determined by subtracting the heat loss fractions from 100. An important advantage of this
method is that the errors in measurement do not make significant change in the efficiency.




(only in case of
solid fuels)

Fig. 3 Input and output streams and the heat losses of a boiler

The following losses are accounted while estimating the thermal efficiency of the boiler: flue
gas losses, blow down losses, surface losses, and refuse losses. Thus,

Boiler efficiency, η = 100 – Flue gas Losses – Blow down Losses – Surface Losses – Refuse
Losses ... (1)

Here blow down losses shall be neglected. Since the fuel used is liquid, refuse losses shall be

Flue gas losses

In order to calculate flue gas losses, the air supplied for the combustion needs to be
estimated. The oxygen content in the flue gas is measured. The amount of oxygen present in
the flue gas is the excess oxygen supplied assuming complete combustion of the fuel occurs.

The theoretical air requirement for the combustion of the fuel can be calculated as follows.
The reactions that occur during the combustion are:

C + O2 → CO2 ... (2)

(12) (32) (44)

H2 + (1/2) O2 → H2O ... (3)

(2) (16) (18)

S + O2 → SO2 ... (4)

(32) (32) (64)

Where the values in the parentheses denote molar weight of the respective element. Thus,
12 kg of carbon requires 32 kg of oxygen to form 44 kg of carbon dioxide. Therefore 1 kg of
carbon requires 32/12 kg i.e. 2.67 kg of oxygen. Similarly, 1 kg of H2 requires 8 kg of oxygen
to form water and 1 kg of sulphur requires 1 kg of oxygen to form sulphur dioxide.

Let the weight fractions of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur in the fuel oil be denoted
by C, H2, O2 and S respectively. Then, the theoretical oxygen required for complete
combustion of 1 kg of fuel oil is given by

O2(th) = (C × 32/12) + (H2× 16/2) + (S × 32/32) -O2 kg/kg of fuel oil ... (5)
From molar balance for flue gas obtained per kg of fuel oil combusted,

44 kg of CO2 ≡ 1 kmol of CO2 => No. of kilo moles of CO2 in flue gas = (C × 44/12)/44= (C /12)
Similarly, no. of kilo moles of SO2 in the flue gas = (S /32)
and no. of kilo moles of H2O in the flue gas = (H2 /4)

No. of kilo moles of N2 in the flue gas due to theoretical O2= (79/21) × (O2(th) /32)
Let x be the kilo moles of O2 in the flue gas.
Then, no. of kilo moles of associated N2 = (79/21) × (x)

Volume % of excess O in lue gas (O %)

x × 100
+ + + × + + − + +x
... (6)

or O % = ... (7)

In Eq. (7), O2% is known from flue gas analysis, hence x can be deduced. Now, x kmol of O2 in
flue gas per kg of fuel oil combusted ≡ (32x)(100/23) = 3200x/23 kg of excess air per kg of
fuel oil combusted (Air(ex))

As air contains 23% by weight of O2, the amount of theoretical air requirement can be
calculated as:

Air(th) = O2(th) / 0.23 kg/kg of fuel oil ... (8)

From Eqs. (5) and (6), we obtain

Air(th) = (11.59 × C) + (34.78 × H2) + (4.35 × S) – (4.35 × O2)


Air(th) = (11.59 × C) + [34.78 × {H2– (O2/8)}] + (4.35 × S) kg/kg of fuel oil ... (9)

∴Total air supplied for combustion/kg of fuel oil, TA= Air(th) + Air (ex)
∴ Mass of dry flue gas, mf = Mass of (CO2 + SO2 + O2) in flue gas + N2 in the air supplied

C × 44 S× 64 TA ×77
= + + (32 ) + kg/kg of fuel oil ... (10)

f × ( ) ×( )
Now, % Heat loss in dry lue gas, L = × 100 ... (11)

Where Cp(flue) = specific heat of flue gas in kJ/kg-K

Tout = outlet temperature of flue gas (°C)

Tin = inlet temperature of supply air (°C) = Ta (ambient temperature)

Surface losses

To calculate the heat loss from the surface, the following relation is employed1:

Surface convec on and radia on heat loss, Qsurface =

( . . )
0.548 × [( ⁄55.55) − ( ⁄55.55) ] + 1.957 × ( − ) .
× W/m2

… (12)

where Ts = Surface temperature (K)

Ta = Ambient temperature (K)

and Vm = Wind velocity in m/s

Qsurface ×
Now, % Heat loss from the surface, L = × 100... (13)

where As = surface area of the boiler vessel (m2)

Finally, the boiler efficiency from equation (1) can be calculated as:

η = 100 – Lflue – Lsurface … (14)


1. Initially check the water level in the vessel & diesel level present in the overhead
tank using the level indicator provided at the side.
2. Measure the surface area of the boiler and note down its value. Use vane
anemometer to measure wind velocity around the boiler. Note down its value.
3. Ensure that the diesel valve is open to regulate the diesel supply to the boiler. Note
the ambient temperature.
4. Taking help from the boiler operator, run the boiler system.
5. Set the feed water pump system to “Automatic” mode.


6. Allow the boiler to run until the set value of steam pressure is attained, then close
the steam vent.
7. After the pressure of 3 kg/cm2 (as indicated on the pressure gauge) is reached, open
the steam vent and note the steam condition, flue gas condition and oil flow rate
from the EffiMax Digital Display.
8. Measure the surface temperature of the boiler at 6 different locations with the help
of Infrared Gun thermometer.
9. Wait for some time and note down another set of observations after varying the fuel
flow rate.
10. If the steam pressure in the boiler becomes very low, close the steam vent and let
the pressure in the boiler again built up to 3 kg/cm2, then open the steam vent and
note the observations.
11. At the end of the experiment, shut down the boiler system properly taking help from
the boiler operator.


Ambient temperature, Ta= _____________ °C

Surface area of the boiler exposed to the ambient, As = _____________ m2

Wind velocity, Vm = _____________ m/s

Flue Gas
S. Oil Flow Surface Temperature (°C) Steam Condition
No. Rate
Pressure Temp. O2 Temp.
(kg/h) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
(kg/cm2) (°C) (%) (°C)

Specific heat of the flue gas = _________________
GCV of the fuel oil = _______________________

Use Eqs. (11) to (14) to calculate the indirect efficiency of the boiler for each set of reading.

S. Oil Flow % Heat loss efficiency of the
% Heat loss due to
No. Rate from the boiler, η
dry flue gas, Lflue
(kg/h) surface, Lsurface =100 – Lflue –

Standard Operating Practice(SOP)

Experimental Setup- Boiler and Heat Exchangers

Use of following SOP while operating the setup is mandatory to avoid damage to
equipment or user and for longer equipment life:

1. Check the water level and oil level in the tank. Close all the outlet valves and the
steam vent, and open the air vent initially to remove the air inside the boiler drum
till the steam pressure rises.
2. Switch ON the boiler feed pump, burner and oil pump.
3. Wait for 50 to 60 minutes till the steam pressure inside the boiler drum rises to 1
kg/cm2, then close the air vent.
4. Wait for another 10 to 15 minutes till the steam pressure inside the boiler drum
reaches to 3 kg/cm2, thereafter start taking readings from the digital display and
attached measuring instruments.
5. The steam pressure inside the boiler drum builds up fast, hence the corresponding
readings from all the measuring instruments for a particular pressure should be
recorded simultaneously.
6. The readings can be taken till the steam pressure reaches the cut-off pressure i.e. 8
7. In order to take further readings, after the boiler cuts-off, the steam pressure should
be reduced to 5 kg/cm2by venting the steam and/or blowing down. This takes
around 20 minutes. Then stop venting the steam.
8. The boiler takes around 15 minutes to reach the cut-off pressure again. Within this
time period, readings should be taken at the corresponding pressure values.
9. Once the boiler reaches the peak pressure and is at steady state, the steam outlet
valves can be opened and steam can be allowed in the heat exchangers one by one.
10. For each heat exchanger, the readings can be taken at various coolant flow rate.
Reading must be taken at 3 minutes’ interval and 5 to 6 readings should be taken for
each heat exchanger.
11. The total time required for the heat exchanger experiments is around 45 to 50

12. After completion of all heat exchanger experiments, close the steam supply valve to
the heat exchangers.
13. Switch OFF the burner and water supply. Vent the steam to ambient till the pressure
inside the boiler reaches to the near ambient condition.
14. Allow the water to be completely drained off from all the pipes of the heat
exchangers through water outlet, and wait 5 to 10 minutes to completely close the
test setup safely.

Pressure vs Time Plot
8 C E

es 6
su 5 D
kg 4
m2 B

0 O
0 50 100 150 200 250

Point-O: Pressure starts building inside the boiler

Point-A: Boiler pressure reached to 1 kg/cm2
Region BC: Start taking reading for the experiment
Point-C: Boiler cut off pressure
Region CD: Steam vent and Blow down of boiler to reduce pressure

Region DE: Second set of reading

Point E: Boiler at the cut off pressure, Steady state steam supply for heat exchanger

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