December 5, 2010 Bulletin
December 5, 2010 Bulletin
December 5, 2010 Bulletin
Monday ~ Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm
Monday ~ Thursday
9:00am, and 12:15pm
6:30am, 9:00am &12:15pm
Saturday: 9:00am,
5:00pm Family Vigil
Sunday 9:00am
and 10:30am Masses
Monday ~ Friday
9:30am ~ 9:00pm
Mondays at 7:15pm
Monday 7:00pm-9:00pm
in Fr. Carlos Vargas Office
Saturdays 9:30am -10:30am
in church & on request
Please keep us informed so that
we can be attentive
to those who are ill.
Mass Intentions for the Week SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT
For the Second Sunday of Advent we re-light the
First candle of Hope and now we also light the Sec-
Monday, December 6 ond Purple candle of love. We know that God is
9:00 a.m. †Arthur & †Claudia Marchionini love. We remember with thankful hearts the gift of
12:15 p.m. Jesus, who came as a babe in a manger, lived and
7:00 p.m. Mass/Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sp.) loved among us, was killed on a cross, and arose!
Tuesday, December 7
9:00 a.m. Holy Souls in Purgatory
12:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Kerrigan Lily Faas (SI)
7:00 p.m. Mass/Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sp.) This Wednesday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate
(Chapel) Conception. This is a Holy Day of Obligation.. The Vigil Mass will be
Tuesday, December 7th at 7:00pm and on the Feast Day, Wednes-
Wednesday, December 8– Holy Day of Obligation day, December 8th at 9:00am, 12:15pm and 7:00pm
9:00 a.m. †Mindy Walker
12:15 p.m. †George Maloof
7:00 p.m. †Roy C. Sharpless NOVENA OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE
8:00 p.m. Mass/Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sp.) The Spanish Community will be celebrating the Novena of
Thursday, December 9 Our Lady of Guadalupe each day for nine consecutive
9:00 a.m. Eileen Morgan (SI) days beginning Saturday, December 4th. On the evening
12:15 p.m. of Sunday, December 5th Auxiliary Bishop Zarama will be
7:00 p.m. Mass/Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sp.) here to celebrate Mass. The Novena will conclude on De-
cember 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The
Friday, December 10 Spanish Community would like to invite everyone of the parish to
6:30 a.m. come and help celebrate at the 7:30am and 7:00pm Masses. They
9:00 p.m. Thomas Isaf (SI) will have a reception following the 7:00pm Mass with food, music and
12:15 p.m. fun in the Family Center.
7:00 p.m. Mass/Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sp.)
Saturday, December11 PARISH DIRECTORY
9:00 a.m. Fr. Dan Rogaczewski (SI) You still have time to sign-up for your pictures for the Parish
5:00 p.m. †Margaret Trusdell Directory. We have added two more days for pictures on,
7:00 p.m. Mass/Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sp.) Friday, December 10th and Saturday, December 12th.
Sunday, December 12 You can sign-up through the St. Andrew website or call the
7:30 a.m. Spanish Mass in the Family Center appointment center for available times. If you need to change, or can-
7:30 a.m. Deceased Priests of the Archdiocese cel an appointment you can contact Olan Mills appointment center (not
9:00 a.m. †Mrs. Wella the church office) at 1-800-866-2263.
10:30 a.m. †Charles Pritchard
12:00 p.m. Michelle Jeffcoat (SI) SECOND COLLECTION
5:00 p.m. People of the Parish
7:00 p.m. Mass/Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sp.) The second collection for next weekend will be for the Retirement Fund
Readings for the week for senior religious. “As expenses continue to increase and economic
difficulties tighten our income, we appreciate more and more the help
Monday: St. Nicholas (Is 35:1-10, Ps 85, Lk 5:17-26) We have of the Retirement Fund,” notes a woman religious. Your tax-deductible
seen incredible things today. donation supports the care of elderly and frail religious and helps to
Tuesday: St. Ambrose (Is 40:1-11, Ps 96, Mt 18:12-14) God does provide such basic necessities as prescription drugs and medical ser-
not will that the little ones be lost. vices. Please give generously to next week’s second collection for the
Wednesday: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Retirement Fund for Religious.
Mary (Gn 3:9-15,20, Ps 98, Eph 1:3-6,11-12, Lk 1:26-38) Hail, full
of grace! The Lord is with you.
Thursday: St. Juan Diego (Is 41:13-20, Ps 145, Mt 11:11-15) BREAKFAST WITH SANTA
None greater that John the Baptist has been born.
The St. Andrew Knights of Columbus will be
Friday: (Is 48:17-19, Ps 1, Mt 11:16-19) They listened to neither sponsoring Breakfast with Santa on Saturday,
John nor to the Son of Man. December 11, 2010 from 9:00 - 11:00am in the
Saturday: St. Damascus I (Sir 48:1-4,9-11, Ps 80, Mt 17:9a,10- Family Center. Pancakes, sausage, and juice
13) Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize Him. will be served. Santa will arrive around 10 am.
Photos with Santa and his helpers will be avail-
Sunday: Third Sunday of Advent (Is 35:1-6a,10, Ps 146, Jas 5:7-
10, Mt 11:2-11) Are you the one who is to come or should we look
Come and enjoy a fun filled morning with Santa and his elves.
for another? Adults $5 Children under twelve $3, maximum for family $20.
Proceeds will support Christmas Baskets for the needy and other
Knights’ charities.
November 14, 2010 $20,489.60
November 28, 2010 $16,938.50
Youth Programs
Sundays 5:00pm-8:00pm Please visit the John Paul II Church Store located in the
5:00pm Mass — 6:00pm Dinner — 6:30pm-Program Narthex. We have a wide variety of Advent wreaths,
Tonight, December 5: Jesus in 2010 calendars, and Christmas gifts. We are also selling raffle
December 12: ChRiStMaS PaRtY tickets for a beautiful handmade Christmas Quilt. We
estimate the value of the quilt from $300.00 to $500.00
We are looking for older teens and college students to join us in our
Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 tickets for $20.00. Please
leadership program. If you are a junior, senior or older join us in the
help support our youth.
Teen Lounge on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm. Pizza is
There will be a Confirmation Parent Meeting on Sunday January
9th at 3:30pm in the Parish Hall. Students that will be receiving Christmas Giving Trees: We expect the needs to be
the Sacrament this year must be in 10th grade or older, and ac- great this year, so if you are able to help, grab a few stars
tively attending Lifeteen or in Catholic School. from the trees and return those items, gift-wrapped with the
star attached to the outside of the package and make
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated by Bishop someone’s Christmas a little better this year. We would like the
Zarama on Friday, April 29th at 7pm at St. Andrew Church. items returned by December 12.
For more information please contact Cassi Villanueva at
The items will be distributed to families and parishioners in need,
along with local charities. Due to the tough economic times for so
many families, gift cards will once again be very much appreciated.
Do you have a child in 4th-8th grade? If so, give your child a We are working with many families who are having difficulty purchas-
chance to get involved with other Catholic youth in our par- ing basic necessities -- groceries, gas for their car, clothing, etc.
ish! RSVP to any event your child plans to attend at cbar- Please contact with any ques- If you would like to be added to tions.
my email list and notified of upcoming events (or last minute changes re-
garding event details), contact Christen Barrett at the email listed above.
Many of the events need volunteers for transportation. All volunteers must
have a completed volunteer packet and drivers form on file with the Archdio- Spiritual Ministries
December 11: CHAMPS/EDGE Christmas Party at Brunswick Bowl- ALTAR SERVERS, LECTORS & USHERS
ing on Old Roswell Rd from 2:30 to 4:30, Cosmic style! $20 CASH Please don’t forget to sign-up in the ushers room for lectors, ush-
per child (includes pizza, drink, shoe rental, and bowling). Don't for- ers, Eucharistic Ministers and in hallway for the altar servers for the
get to wear your Christmas gear! 785 Old Roswell Rd, Roswell/770- Christmas and New Year services.
998-9437. Each person is required to bring a gift of their choosing for
the Giving Tree at St. Andrews. Please bring the gift wrapped, and JOURNEY IN FAITH FORMATION
for a needy child in your age group (something that you would like for
yourself). JIFF WILL NOT HAVE an “Evening of Spirituality” this coming
December 15: Champs (4th-5th) and Edge (6th-8th) will meet for Wednesday, December 8th because of the Feast of the Immacu-
Youth Night in room 202 from 7:00-8:00 pm. late Conception a Holy Day of Obligation.
Please sign-up for Eucharistic Adoration for the month of AROUND THE DIOCESE
December. You can spend a quiet hour once a week with
Our Lord, listening and praying before the Blessed Sacra-
ment. You can sign-up in the chapel during the week or in GO F.I.S.H.
the narthex on weekends. Guardians commit to one hour a week (of Join us at the "Are you ready to Go F.I.S.H. Rally" (Go Forth and
your choice) for one month. We are in urgent need of someone for: Invite Someone Home!) at St Jude's Catholic Church (Ministry Bldg.)
Thursdays 3:00-4:00pm and 4:00-5:00pm on Friday, December 3rd from 7pm - 9:30pm to learn creative ways
to "cast your nets" & welcome Catholics Home! Optional Pizza at 6pm.
All are welcome- bring a friend! Also "Catholic Underground"
THE ELIJAH CUP (Adoration, live music & coffeehouse) is BACK - 2nd Sat of the month
The Elijah Cup is a chalice that is given to parishioners January (Holy Spirit), February (St Jude) and March (St Andrews)!
and families to take home from Mass to use as a focal More details at or call Janice Givens at
point while praying for vocations. You may sign up for 770-663-8807.
the Mass of your choice in the main church entrance or
call Liz Schantz: 7/518-6836.
Sunday 7:30am The Frye Family
10:30am Al & Regina Fuehrer 5th Annual Fabulous Fathers Priest Talent Show! The show will be
held Friday, January 28th at the Cathedral of Christ the King. We
All parents who wish to have their children baptized in the have a great line-up of priest talent including Fr. Neil Dhabliwala, Fr.
month of December will need to attend a Baptism Class on Tim Hepburn, Fr. Jack Durkin, Fr. Augustine Tran, Fr. Henry Atem and
Monday, December 13th. Please call the office to regis- Fr. Joseph Peek. Tickets are on sale now at
ter. Parents will need to be registered and active members For more information call Kari Beck-
of the parish for a minimum of three months prior to taking the class. man at 404-729-1795.
Catholic Therapists
St. Andrew has several professional therapists who provide services in
WEEK AT A GLANCE an office area here at church. Each is a licensed and independent prac-
titioner, and a member of the Catholic Therapist Association. You may
Mon. Dec. 6 Adoration 9:30am to 9:00pm call them individually for an appointment:
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50pm Dr. Tom Spudic, Ph.D. (7/596-5869), Ann Howe, Ph.D. (6/887-7800),
Living Rosary and Novena at 7:15pm Mary Cheryl Henderson, L.P.C. (4/936-1144)
Knights of Columbus at 7:30pm
Tues. Dec. 7 Adoration 9:30am to 9:00pm Ministry Contacts
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50pm
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting at 7:00pm
Altar Care Trudy Scully 770/998-8752
Wed. Dec. 8 Adoration 9:30am and 9:00pm
Altar Servers Sheryl Hess 770-998-6766
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50 pm American Heritage Girls Sara Boyle 770-410-9237
Thu. Dec. 9 Adoration 9:30 to 9:00pm Bereavement Ministry Jenny Smentek
Bible Study (Friday Night) Elaine Ruppenthal 770-754-6104
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50 pm
Bible Study (Friday Morning) Gene O’Brien 770-664-5639
Legion of Mary at 10:00am Bible Study (Tues. Morning) Christine Caveness 770-393-1816
Fri. Dec. 10 Men’s Fellowship at 7:00am Boy Scout Troop 2006 Victor Wunschel 770-363-2013
Adoration at 9:30am to 9:00pm Caring Connection Ginny Boll 770-993-8738
Catholics Returning Home Larry/Tracie Vicario 770-998-5971
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50pm CHAMPS Youth Group 4th & 5th Grade Christen Barrett 404-242-6029
Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm Christ Renews His Parish Katie Troline 678-352-1311
Cub Scouts Pack 2006 at 7:00pm Columbian Squires Circle 4976 Don Boyle 770-410-9237
Sat. Dec. 11 Knights of Columbus Breakfast with Santa at 9:00 Cub Scout Pack 2006 Bill Leach 404-717-7706
EDGE Youth Group Christen Barrett
Sun. Dec. 12 RCIA Elijah Cup Liz Schantz 770-518-6836
PK-3, PK4 & K Religious Class at 10:00 Eucharistic Adoration Guardians Christa Frye 678-277-8930
Columbian Squires at 3:45pm or
Gabriela Smith
Carol Meurer 770-641-9720
Eucharistic Ministers Parish Office 770-641-9720
Familia Sara Sullivan 678-965-5351
Please Pray for the Sick Homeschoolers of St. Andrew Carolyn Rittmueller 678-524-4950
Homestretch Sandy Lashley 770-641-9720
JIFF-Journey in Faith Formation Rick Medina 678-687-8308
Christy Albright, Oliver Appel, Jean Austin, Donald Bedell, Howard Knights of Columbus Bill Leach 404-717-7706
Bennett, Jillian Bendtsen, Settembrina Biagioni, Mary Blake, Carol Lectors Gert Mullin 770-772-6280
Valentine Boyd, John W. Boyle, Mary Boyle, Donald Browne, Graciela Legion of Mary Carol Albright 770-993-7903
Buzeta, Stephen Capano, Cooper Card, Joseph Charles, Justin Life Teen/High School Youth Group Cassi Villanueva 770-641-9720
Chekoua, San Juanita Chico, Marijane Cross, Josh Davis, Elizabeth Marriage Encounter Dave/Ronnie Gorzynski 770-594-7608
DeBuys, Juan DeMiguel, Jane Demaso, Christopher Denny, Hank Men’s Fellowship Mike Lerch 678-521-1583
Deren, Jeannette Derum, Rita Dusza, Miriam Flanagan, Marge Flem- Moms of St. Andrew Julie Franklin 678-320-0444
ing, Julia Friedman, Montye Gardner, Tom Flynn, Nancy Fowler, Shannon Wiggins 770-552-0701
Lucille Gallagher, John Gannon, Dorothy Gould, Iris Gotschall, Eliza- Music Ministry Bernie Sotola 770-641-9720 x231
beth Jane Gricus, Bob Hamlin, Brittany Healy, Michael Healy, Kim or
Henderson, Heidi Hendrick, Martha Hill, Pat Hodges, Dani Howard, Over 55 Club Gert Mullin 770-772-6280
Collins Marie Howard, Carol James, Rose James, John Johnston, Parish Council John Miles 770-518-8512
Mary Karamarkovich, Dennis Klein, Johnny Kranyecz, Dolores Lamb, Prayer Shawl Ministry Regina Fueher 770-640-6122
Deacon Mike Landaiche, Jr., James Lasneski, Jane Lennon, Jackie or Christy Medina 770-521-2857
Lewis, Joan & Francis Logan, Martha Macias, Debbie Malec, Annizel Preschool Carol Hastings 770-642-1636
Martin, Leyda Martinez, Nancy Mattox, Jane Mayer, Phil Mayer, Ursula Chris Lovejoy 770-642-1636
Medlen, Renay Miller, David Morsa, Reginald Morris, Lori Nichols, Religious Education Eileen DeJulio 770-641-9720x228
James Nielsen, Rita Neilson, Audrey Pascual, Erin Perfetto, Eugenia or
Piedrahita, Peggy Plunkett, Bill Plunkett, Dylan Regan, Lillian Reilly, R.C.I.A. Tom Gotschall 770-490-9436
Rev. Msgr Paul Reynolds, Elva Saltaformaggio, Rose Marie Schnei- Respect Life Sally Mrus 678-352-9337
Hope Gricus 770-552-1168
der, Edward Schuster, Steve Smith, Sharon Somers, Emmett
St. Martin de Porres Sandy Lashley 770-641-9720
Stallings, IV, Shirley Stevens, Jane Stoner, Elaine Stephens, John St. Vincent de Paul Denise Fisher 770-641-9720
Stevens, Bill Swiger, Sarah Todd, Edward Tomko, Graham Troline, Spanish Ministry Cecilia Campos 770-649-9392
Abigail Troisi, Tom Valentine, Ruth Voorhis, Brooke Wood, Blake Ushers Guild John Miles 770-518-8512
Wood, Brian Wynn-Higgins, Susan Yannantuona Venturing Crew 2006 Bill Leach 404-717-7706
To add or delete names please contact Carol Meurer at Wedding Coordinators Carol Meurer 770-641-9720
770-641-9720 Welcoming Committee Claudette Piper 770-518-9604
or or Christy Medina 770-521-2857
Women’s Guild Lisa Biagioni 770-777-5912
Horario de actividades
Novena y misa- Diciembre 4– 12 de Diciem-
bre. 7:00pm
Cada domingo nos reunimos para celebrar la Eu- Diciembre 12 7:30 am Misa
caristía. En ella nos encontramos con la presencia 6:30 a.m. Danza Azteca
del Resucitado que a lo largo de toda la semana, de
todos los días, ha estado caminando junto a 7:30 am Misa . Coro de St. Andrew
nosotros. 8:30am. Pequeño convive al finalizar la misa.
¡Reunirse para celebrar la Eucaristía es crear comuni- Diciembre 12 7:00pm Misa (No hay cateque-
dad, abrir el corazón y liberar las ataduras del peso sis)
de la vida y del hastío del día para acogernos mu-
tuamente en la confianza de quien sabe que en el 6:00 p.m. Procesión, rosario viviente, ofrenda
descanso de la comunión se transfigura el corazón de Flores.
del hombre. 7:00 p.m. Misa Solemne. Estudiantina, Danza Azteca
La Eucaristía nos hace vivir plenamente la Alianza de 8:30 p.m. Convive en el Centro Familiar—Música, baile tradicio-
Dios con los hombres y nos hace sentir desde ahora lo que en el Reino
de Dios será clara y plena realización. nales, de Méjico y Colombia.
Rogamos la participación y ayuda de todos.
Es la fe la puerta que nos hace entrar en la Eucaristía. Para gozar de su
celebraciónes necesario acudir con puntualidad, participar en la misma Donación de tamales, pan dulce y cajas de galletas saladas o dul-
con gestos y posturas corporales adecuadas a cada momento y re- EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO EN LA CAPILLA. Dedícale una hora a la semana de
sponder con respuestas y aclamaciones que manifiestan nuestra acti- oración y silencio al Señor expuesto. Apúntate para hacerle guardia. HORARIO de
tud de oración. lunes a viernes 9:00 am a 9:00 pm. Llamada urgente para llenar el horario de 2:oo-
3:00pm y de 4:00-5:00pm.
CONFIRMACION. Este curso de preparación es de dos años para jóvenes que han
La familia debe estar registrada en St. Andrew. La joven tiene que
estar en proceso de preparación para la confirmación, pertenecer al hecho la Primera Comunión y estén en noveno o decimo grado. Inscripción en la
grupo juvenil y asistir a tres charlas de preparación. La misa de Acción oficina del Ministerio Hispano.
de Gracia se celebra el tercer sábado de mes en el horario de 11:00
am, 1:00 pm y 3:00 pm. Registrarse en la oficina del Ministerio 5 meses MATRIMONIO. Inscritos en la parroquia. Reservar la fecha con seis meses de antici-
antes de la fecha.
pación. Certificado de bautismo actualizada, licencia pre-matrimonial, clases de prepa-
Si tienen una nueva dirección o número de teléfono, por favor comuní- ración LLASU (Llamados a ser uno). Cita con el padre. Inscribirse en el Ministerio
quense con la oficina parroquial para darnos los cambios. Es muy
importante que nos ayuden a mantener nuestros archivos actualizados. Hispano.
EL DIEZMO. Una hora de salario a la semana es lo mínimo que
ANOS.. Si les falta algún sacramento asistan a las clases para adultos los domingos a
debes considerar ofrecerle al Señor. Pon tú donación en los sobres que
recibes, por ellos sabemos que estas cumpliendo con la misa domini- las 5:30 pm. Inscríbanse lo antes posible en el Ministerio Hispano.