BUSI 2101 Midterm Review
BUSI 2101 Midterm Review
BUSI 2101 Midterm Review
• Employees insisted that the most important factor that distinguished their workplaces
was a very high level of trust between the employees and the management
• 2 aspects of trust:
- Credibility:
- what employees think about the management’s believability, competence, and
- if management’s word cannot be taken to be true, trust is impossible
• Things management goes out of its way to be believable by doing these:
- sharing information broadly
- accessibility to employees
- willingness to answer hard questions
- delivering on promises
- showing recognition and appreciation
- demonstrating personal concern
The Knowledge Base
Employee Commitment
• Labor market conditions and the employment rate influence both employer and
employee behavior
Cultural Differences
• In multicultural settings it quickly become apparent that cultures have different views of
psychological contracts, due to their values and ways of processing information
• Cultural differences also influence how employees react to violations, since they have
learned different scripts for handling conflict
• 3 Primary ways that psychological contracts vary internationally:
1. Promises mean different things in different cultures
2. The zone of negotiability refers to which employment conditions are under
negotiation in different countries
3. Group identity influences psychological contracts because the way that people define
“we” and “they” has a critical influence on trust and promise making
• The self-fulfilling prophecy is the phenomenon that occurs when people perform in
accordance with a rater’s expectations of them
• A manager’s expectations for an employee cause the manager to treat the employee
differently; therefore, the employee response in a way that confirms the manager’s
initial expectations
• The Harvard mouse experiment
- teach mouse to run a maze
- 2 groups, 1 were told mouse are bright and the other dull
- different treatment between 2 groups
• New hires who are immediately given challenging jobs are more likely to show high
performance later on in their careers
- these people are referred as “fast trackers” or “high potentials”
• Pinch model:
- little pinches in a relationship, if ignored it will blow up eventually
• Iceberg:
- 10% visible (explicit)
- 90% not visible (implicit)
- only 10% of contracts and written out
• 4 Quadrants:
• Divergent
- opposite strengths of the convergent style
- emphasizes concrete experience and reflective observation
- strengths lies in imaginative ability and awareness of meaning and values
- able to view concrete situations from many perspectives and to organize many
relationships into a meaningful gestalt
- imaginative and feeling oriented
- more towards humanities and liberal arts background
• Assimilation
- abstract conceptualization and reflective observation
- greatest strength lies in inductive reasoning (ability to create theoretical models and
assimilating disparate observations into an integrated explanation)
- important that the theory be logically sound and precise
- more towards basic sciences and mathematics rather than applied sciences
• Convergent
- opposite strengths of diverger style
- relies primarily on dominant learning abilities of abstract conceptualization and active
- strength lies in problem solving, decision making, practical application of ideas
- do best when there is a single correct answer or solution ot a question or problem
- controlled in their expression of emotion
- prefer dealing with technical tasks and problems rather than with social and
interpersonal issues
- specialize in physical sciences
• Accommodative
- opposite strengths of assimilation
- emphasize on concrete experience and active experimentation /
- strength lies in doing things, carrying out plans and tasks, getting involved in new
- opportunity seeking, risk taking, and action
- solve problem in an intuitive trial and error manner, relying on other people for
information rather than on their own analytical ability
- technical or practical fields such as business
Adaptive and Generative Learning
• 2 types of theories:
- espoused theories: we profess to believe (do as I say, not as I do)
- theories in action: actually guide our behavior
• 2 types of learning:
- Single loop leaning: adaptive learning, which is defined as coping approach that
focuses on solving problems and making incremental improvements using the prevailing
mental model
- Double loop learning: generative learning consists of continuous experimentation and
feedback in an ongoing analysis of how organizations define and solve problems
• Some organizations employ parallel learning structures, which are defined as part of the
organization that operates alongside the normal bureaucracy with the purpose of
increasing organizational learning by creating and/or implementing new thoughts and
• Parallel learning structures consist of “a steering committee and a number of small
groups with norms and operating procedures that promote a climate conducive to
innovation, learning, and group problem solving” that is not possible within the larger
• A relatively permanent change in:
- knowledge
- behavior
- skills
- values
- preferences
- understanding
• A process
• Changes in knowledge = learning
• Learning = Change
- an organization that is not learning is not changing
3 Kinds of Learning
• Cognitive – to learn to “know that” – to recall, analyze, synthesize, problem solve, etc
• Psychomotor – to learn “know how” – to learn a new skill, operate a machine, swim,
drive a car, ride a bike, etc
- muscle memory
- requires training
• Affective – to learn to like, fear, etc
Classical Conditioning
• Doing nothing to decrease the likelihood of repeating the behavior (this includes
stopping to provide the above reinforcements)
• Works the same for ignoring by rewarding or punishing
• Punishment and behavior is in the eye of the beholder
Cognitive Learning
• A process
• An organization’s capacity to acquire, process, exploit/apply and disseminate knowledge
in order to ensure its success
• Basically: the concept of individual learning applied to the organization as a whole as
opposed to just individuals
- this approach is also one of the most criticized aspects of OL
• Learning levels
- Individual – exploration and development
- Group – sharing of ideas and collaboration
- Organizational – developing and capturing knowledge across groups
- Inter-organizational – learning from competitors and other organizations &
communities of practice
• As a total system – realizing how all of these levels work together to generate
Organizational Learning Argyris and Schon (1978)
• Exploration:
- search for and experiment with new kinds or forms of organizational activities and
• Exploitation:
- learn ways to refine and improve existing organizational activities and procedures
• Different learning styles or modes are associated with each stage of this cycle
• People develop preferred modes, or ways of learning
• Effective learners develop some level of proficiency in each style/mode
• The Learning Style Inventory (LSI)
- indicates how different people are stronger at different stages of the cycle
- measures the extent that you prefer one mode of learning
Accommodating Diverging
- Getting things done - Being imaginative
- Leading - Understanding people
- Taking risks - Recognizing problems
- Initiating - Brainstorming
- Being adaptable; practical - Being open-minded
Converging Assimilating
- Solving problems - Planning
- Making decisions - Creating models
- Reasoning deductively - Defining problems
- Defining problems - Developing theories
- Being logical - Being patient
Chapter 4 – Decoding Human Behavior and Personality
Trait Models
• Compared to the search for the ultimate traits that define the human disposition
• Comprised of OCEAN dimensions
• Openness to Experience: refers to the extent that people actively seek out new and
varied experiences and the extent to which they are aware of their thoughts, feelings,
and impulses and are able to be attentive to many of them simultaneously
- May be a good selection criteria for international work
• Conscientiousness: people who are conscientious tend to be dependable and
trustworthy and conform to social norms
- Conscientiousness appears to have the strongest relation to overall job performance
across a wide variety of jobs
- Set higher goals for themselves
- Higher performance expectations for other people, greater motivation, more satisfied
in their jobs
• Extroversion: extroversion refers to how outgoing, sociable, and assertive people are.
Extroverts may also be very active and energetic, having many interests and hobbies
- Negatively related to performance
- Related to performance in a sales job
• Agreeableness: this dimension captures the extent to which people are likeable,
cooperative, and considerate
- Related to performance in jobs where cooperation is necessary
• Neuroticism: neuroticism, also called emotional stability, in the Big 5 approach refers to
the tendency to experience chronic negative emotions such as worry, insecurity, self-
pity, poor self-image, and mood swings
• Big 5 has both merits and limitations
• This model may not apply to all cultures
- other culture may show 6, 7, or 9 dimensions
• Self Esteem
- the degree of regard people have for themselves
- more satisfied in their jobs
- tend to be more resistant to influence
• Machiavellianism
- people high in this believes that the ends justify the means and that manipulation is an
acceptable way to influence other people
- emotionally distinct
• Locus of Control
- beliefs people have about why things happen to them
- internal locus of control: believe that they control their own fate and destiny
- external locus of control: think that luck, chance, or other factors control what
happens to them
Interactionist Models
• Suggests that individuals interpret what happens in their social environment based on
their individual dispositions
• These dispositions are a type of mental map defining our assumptions, motives and how
we frame the world
• These differences result in different behaviors due to different justification systems
• A contingency model (assumes that responses to situations depend on the personality
of the individual faced with the situation)
• Underscores the importance of understanding individual motives and needs
• Does not allow us to fully understand how the same individual might act differently in
similar situations nor how dispositions change over time
• 73% of managers said that building relationships with people they dislike was their most
worrying and troublesome chore
• What to do when you’re confronted with a “difficult” person?
1. Create a rich picture of the problem person
- remember we tend to think that people cause their own behavior, and we tend to
downplay other causes
- think about: the problem person, yourself and the situation
2. Reframe your goals
- try to think flexibly about what you want to happen
- by framing your goals, you can open up possibilities that you might have ignored
3. Stage the encounter
- schedule a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issues
- acknowledge the person’s values and then describe the problem behavior as you see it
in factual terms
4. Follow up
- set aside time to monitor and rewards progress or take corrective action
Big 5 Personality
Big 5 Recap
• “Bottom line evaluations that represent one’s appraisal of people, events, and things in
relation to oneself”
• Encompasses 4 traits:
- self esteem
- self efficacy
- locus of control
- emot stability
• Linked to higher job satisfaction and performance
Proactive Personality
• The capacity to: “monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate
among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions”
• 4 core dimensions:
- self-awareness: the appraisal and expression of emotions in oneself
- other awareness: the appraisal and recognition of emotion in others
- emotional regulation: being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences
- use of emotions: being able to harness emotion to enhance performance
• Predicts key work/non-work-related outcomes:
- stronger social relationships
- higher well-being/life satisfaction
- higher job satisfaction and performance
- effective leadership
- elevated group performance
• EI predicts these outcomes above and beyond effects of IQ and personality
Interactionist Perspective
• More complex view of relationships between personality and behavior than trait theory
- these relationships contingent on the situation
• Theoretical Models/Frameworks:
- reciprocal determinism
- 3 way influence
• Conditional Reasoning
- people interpret and act on events differently depending on their personality
• Trait Activation
- certain situational cues are needed to evoke the display of personality traits – eg:
proactive personality
Chapter 5 – Individual and Organizational Motivation
• Means your “tool bag” is smaller than his and at times you have to be very skillful in
using the few tools that you have available
• To change an undesirable behavior to a desirable behavior
• Specifically state the desired behavior that you want your boss to show
• These become your goals
• Accomplished in 2 ways:
- create an opportunity where your boss will show the desired behavior
- wait for it to occur naturally and then reinforce it
• Talk strictly about the behavior and refrain from discussing personality
• By talking about the observed behavior , you increase the likelihood that he can discuss
it without becoming emotionally involved
• Let your boss knows how this makes you feel
• Stop hiring people whose needs would never be met by this job and develop a hiring
profile more suited to the actual task
• A key step in understanding motivation problems is to identify the factors unique to an
individual that energize, direct, sustain, and stop behavior
• Content theories focus on the specific internal needs that motivate people
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- McClelland’s need theory
• Physiological needs refer to the basic needs like food, water, and shelter that are
necessary for survival
- salaries and wages provided so employees can live adequately
• Security needs are the need for security, stability, and protection from physical or
emotional harm
- providing pension and health care plans, career paths within the organization, and a
safe work environment
• Social belonging needs reflect the human need for social interaction, friendship,
affection, and love
- permitting interaction with colleagues, work team structures, social and sports
facilities, and parties
• Self-esteem needs is to feel good about oneself and to be respected, appreciated, and
recognized by others
- providing feedback and recognition for high performance and accomplishments,
seeking and respecting employee input, making employees visible to others and
promoting them
• Self-actualization needs is the need people have to realize their full potential
- allow employees to use their skills and talents fully at work
• Also known as the hierarchy of needs, because it stated that the needs are arranged in a
- physiological → security → social belonging → self-esteem → self-actualization
- lower needs must be satisfied before higher level needs can be addressed
• Not everyone has the same needs, nor are these needs given equal importance in
different cultures
• 3 human motives:
- need for affiliation
- need for power
- need for achievement
• These motives are learned from our parents and culture
• The need for power is defined as the need to influence and lead others and be in control
of one’s environment
- common among middle and upper level managers
- their job is to influence people and organization’s
- 2 faces of the power need:
Positive: socialized power
- influence used for the good of others
- seek to make things better for others
Negative: personalized power
- an unsocialized concern for personal dominance
- impulsive, dictator-like
• The need for affiliation is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships
- seek relationships involving a high degree of mutual understanding
- 2 faces of affiliation need:
Positive: affiliative interest
- a concern for interpersonal relationships but not at the expense of goal oriented
- value good relationships and work at maintaining them
- concern for relationships but not at expense of goals
-can still give negative feedback or make tough decisions
Negative: affiliative assurance
- a concern with obtaining assurance about the security and strength of one’s
relationships and avoiding rejection
- seeking approval at all costs
- avoid issues or conflicts that threaten relationships
• The need for achievement is a need to accomplish, goals, excel, and strive continually to
do things better
- want to take personal responsibility for their success or failure
- like taking calculated risks
- prefer situations they can get immediate, concrete feedback
- task oriented
Job Design
• Managers and team leaders can affect how employees perceive their environment
• Make sure there is a fit and a direct link between employee needs and rewards
• Leaders and managers must understand how employees are motivated and be sure that
their words and actions support employee motivation
• Process theories attempt to describe how personal factors and environmental factors
interact and influence each other to produce certain kinds of behavior
• Involves setting a clear objective and ensuring that every participant is aware of what is
expected from him or her, if this objective is to be achieved
• Groups that set goals have higher average performance than those that do not
• Goals provide direction and a sense of how much effort is needed to be successful
• Important lessons:
1. Specific goals increase performance
2. Compared to easy goals, difficult goals that are accepted by employees result in
higher performance
3. Feedback leads to higher performance than nonfeedback
4. People are more committed to goals that are made public and that they themselves
• Goals should be challenging but feasible
Equity Theory
• The equity that people perceive in their situation also influences motivation
• Employees evaluate what they receive from a job (outputs such as pay, bonuses, job
security, promotions, recognition) in relation to what they contribute (inputs such as
time, skills, creativity, effort, etc.)
• Compare their own input-output ratio with:
1. Relevant others
2. System policies and precedents
3. Criteria related to the “self”, such as previous jobs or family commitments
• If there are no negative consequences for low performance, some will not be motivated
to work harder
• High performers who receive nothing more for their extra effort may eventually become
demotivated, unless they are motivated by other factors, such as intrinsic factors or
strong sense of professionalism
Expectancy Theory
Reinforcement Theory
Money as a Motivator
• 4 Questions to ask:
• Is a team appropriate for this decision or task?
- not all decisions or projects should be assigned to a work group
- groups are more likely to be effective when conditions are right
- when tasks are uncertain, complex, large in scale or scope, or require inputs from
multiple sources, groups are likely to be an effective way to accomplish those tasks
- members must have the requisite interaction and task skills and be willing and able to
devote the necessary effort to accomplish the group task
- managers should trust that team members will solve the problem in ways that meet
organizational goals and not just team or personal goals
- teams must be provided with resources and must be given sufficient responsibility and
authority to accomplish their tasks
- group efficacy – a feeling that the team has the capability to successfully accomplish its
task and a shared mental model, which refers to members’ shared, organized
understanding and mental representation of task related and team related knowledge
• How can I most effectively manage the team task and processes?
- groups are not static
- they change and evolve over time
Group Development
• One of the factors that affects behavior is the group’s developmental age
• We act differently in a brand new group than we do in a group that has been functioning
for several years
• Most groups evolve through stages:
• Forming:
- focus on accepting each other and learning more about the group and its purpose
- a period of uncertainty, self-conscientiousness, and superficiality
- by the end, members feel like they belong to the group
• Storming:
- members confront the issues of how much individuality they must relinquish to belong
to the group and who will control the group
- tension, criticism, and confrontation are typical of this stage
- the group becomes polarized, subdivides into cliques, and challenges the leader and
- effective leadership involves helping the group focus on a common vision, modeling
constructive conflict management, and legitimizing expressions of individuality that do
not hinder productivity
- reassure members that storming is a normal stage in a group’s development, which
paves the way for later productivity
• Norming:
- members develop shared expectations about group roles and norms
- characterized by collaboration, commitment, increased cohesion, and identification
with the group
- effective leaders help set normas, provide positive feedback on the group’s progress,
and prevent group think
- groupthink is the tendency for members of a highly cohesive group facing a collective
threat to seek consensus so strongly that they fail to explore alternative courses of
• Performing:
- the group focuses its energy on achieving its goals and being productive
- there is increased cohesion, acceptance of individual differences, and mutual support
during this stage
• Adjourning:
- temporary groups disband and focus less on performance and more on closure
- members struggle with holding on (nostalgia) and letting go (looking ahead to the
- effective leaders encourage the group to reflect on, learn from, and celebrate its
Group Cohesion
• Group cohesion is the degree to which members are motivated to stay in the group
• Cohesiveness is a double-edged sword for managers because it can either enhance or
impede group performance
• Better at achieving their goals
• Group cohesion can be increased by:|
- small size
- success
- common threat
- exclusivity
- perceived similarity among members
- competition
• Behavior in the group can be viewed in terms of what is purpose or function seems to
• Types of behavior relevant to the group’s fulfillment of its task:
1. Initiating
2. Seeking information or opinions
3. Giving information or opinions
4. Clarifying and elaborating
5. Summarizing
6. Consensus testing
7. Reality testing
8. Orienting
• Group maintenance roles help create a climate that permits maximum use of member
1. Gatekeeping
2. Encouraging
3. Harmonizing and compromising
4. Standard setting and testing
5. Using humor
• Both task-oriented behavior and maintenance-oriented behavior are needed for a group
to be effective
• A norm is an unwritten, often implicit rule that defines what attitudes and behaviors
characterize a “good” group member versus a “bad” group member or what constitutes
acceptable behavior, attitudes, and feelings
• Norms are the group’s shared beliefs about appropriate behavior, attitudes, and
perceptions concerning matters that are important to the group
• All groups create norms as they develop and mature
• Self-managed teams
- determine how they will accomplish the goals they must achieve and how they will
allocate the necessary tasks
- responsible for an entire product or process
- rated as more effective in terms of productivity, costs, customer service, quality, and
safety than traditionally managed teams
- reduced absenteeism, lower turnover, increased employee motivation
• Virtual teams
- “temporary systems” in which a group of people join for a short-term task and then
disperse to form new and different task groups to tackle other problems
- geographically dispersed and seldom work face-to-face
- virtual teams are teams that work across space, time, and organizational boundaries
with links strengthened by webs of communication technologies
• Multicultural and multinational teams
- multicultural teams have representatives from various ethnic groups but share a
common nationality
- a collection of individuals, small in number, with representatives from more than one
national background among them, who are interdependent and mutually accountable
for accomplishing set of objectives, and how recognize themselves as a team
Teams vs. Groups
Problem-Solving Teams
Self-Managed Teams
• Typically made up of employees from about the same hierarchical levels, but from
different work areas, who come together to accomplish a task
• Each individual would be expected to contribute knowledge of his or her field, and ways
to package together the knowledge in a more integrated fashion
• Example: team building an underwater vehicle
• Unique challenges: different terminology
Virtual Teams
Role Theory
• Are acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the group’s
• Examples: don’t shout out (ways of communicating), work towards a goal,
- performance
- appearance
- social arrangement
- allocation of resources
• How do norms develop?
- explicit statements made by a group member
- critical events in the group’s history
- precedence
- carry over behaviors from previous situations
• Why are they enforced?
- facilitates group survival
- increases predictability of group member’s behavior
• - reduces embarrassing interpersonal problems
- allows members to express central values of the group
5 Stage Model
• Forming storming
- Individual: How do I fit in?
- Group: Why are we here?
• Storming
- Individual: What’s my role?
- Group: Who does what?
• Norming
- Individual: What do others expect of me?
- Group: Can we agree on roles?
• Performing
- Individuals: How do I best perform?
- Group: Can we do the job properly?
• Adjourning/Transforming
- Individuals: What is next?
- Groups: How do we disband?
• Team development does not necessarily follow this cycle
• This cycle may not run the whole way, but start from the middle of the cycle
Chapter 13 – Conflict and Negotiations
• The process that begins when one party perceives that the other has negatively affected,
or is about to negatively affect, something that he or she cares about
Sources of Conflict
Conflict-Handling Modes
• Developed by Thompson
• Assertiveness – the degree to which the individual wants to satisfy his or her own
• Cooperativeness – the degree to which he or she wants to satisfy the concerns of the
other party
• Competition: winning at other’s expense (win-lose)
• Accommodation: appeasement, satisfy other party’s concerns (lose-win)
• Compromise: midway point, involves give and take by both parties (50-50)
• Collaboration: creative problem solving approach with desire to satisfy both parties
• Avoidance: unwillingness to take action (lose-lose)
• Effective managers are capable of employing more than one mode and know which one
to use in a given situation
A Bias toward Collaboration
Principled Negotiation
• Fisher and Ury observed that some people are too soft and accommodating when they
negotiate while others are too hard and competitive
• Based on integrative bargaining (win-win)
1. People: Separate the People from the Problem
- be soft on people; hard on problem
- maintain relationships with other party
- accept human problems concerning perception, emotions, and communications will
2. Focus on Interests, not Positions
- focusing on a predetermined position makes it more difficult to achieve what their
underlying interests are
- parties should present own interests and identify commonalities and differences
3. Invent options for Mutual Gain
- brainstorm options that are favorable to both parties; have several options
- focus on creativity with a commitment to joint problem solving
4. Insist on Objective Criteria
- both parties should agree to objective standards that everyone considers fair
- allows negotiators to respect principles rather than pressures to reach agreements
• Another aspect to principled negotiation is the concept of BATNA
• BATNA: Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement
• 3 criteria determine whether or not a negotiation has been successful:
1. It should produce a wise agreement if agreement is possible
2. It should be efficient and not waste time
3. It should improve or at least not harm the relationship between the parties
Emotion and Negotiation
• Negotiation is the process in which at least 2 parties with different needs + viewpoints
try to reach agreement on matters of mutual interest
• Traditionally, emotions have been viewed as obstacles that hinder effective conflict
• Researchers now suggest that emotions can play both positive and negative roles in
conflict and negotiations
• Rational:
- suggests that controlling and suppressing emotional expression is important
• Positive:
- “sweeten the pot”
1. Feeling positive emotion
2. Expressing it
3. Engendering it the opposing parties
- result in more creative outcomes and greater joint gains
• Negative:
- anger, rage, irritation are deliberately expressed by the negotiator in hopes of
obtaining a more favorable outcome
• Cultural assumptions affect our approaches to conflict as well as our expectations and
behaviors in conflict situations
• Low-context communication – a communication system that utilizes explicit verbal
• High-context communication – transmitting intention or meaning via the context and
nonverbal communication
• Conflict is instrumental in low-context cultures (the world is viewed in analytic, linear,
logical terms)
• Face is defined as “upholding a claimed sense of positive public image in any social
• In high-context cultures, conflict is indirect to preserve face and the relationship
Approaches to Conflict
Resolution Strategies
• Inverted U shape
• Conflict → Change → Adaptation → Survival
• 1/3 of managers would rather parachute from an airplane than investigate a conflict
• 10% of managers ould rather eat “bush tucker” bugs rather than deal with conflict
• Only 37% of manages feel they are adequately trained to handle conflict
The Importance of Conflict
• Approximately $25,000 per year per employee is spent on dealing with conflict
• A 2011 estimate suggests that in the UK, conflict costs C$53 billion per year
• 8 out of 10 conflicts disrupt organizational functioning
• Inhibits collaboration
• Takes up too much time
• May be perceived by outsiders as damaging
• Leads to the identification of winners and losers
Destructive Conflict
Constructive Conflicts
Retaliatory Cycle
1. Trigger
2. Perceived Threat
3. Anger
4. Acting Out
5. Repetition
• Anger is an expression of fear
Confrontation Communication
Step 2: Empathize
• Reflect on yourself
- pay attention to what sparks your emotions
- notice your attributions
- view your attributions with skepticism
- ask yourself: “How am I interpreting the situation such that I’m reacting this way?”
• Reframe the discussion
- recognize that the other party sees things you do not
- try to learn from each other
Defining Negotiation
• Negotiation is:
- an interdependent decision process
- whereby 2 or more parties
- decide what each will give and take
- in a relationship
2 types of Negotiation
• Integrative
- collaborative
- win-win
- non zero sum (non fixed amount of resources)
- common problem
• Distributive
- competitive
- win-lose
- zero sum (fixed amount of resources)
- own problem
• People care about much more than the absolute level of their own economic outcome;
competing interest s include relative results, perceived fairness,
• The first key to maintaining and improving excellent communication is to take your
physical and emotional health seriously
• How you feel can impact your ability to assess accurately and respond effectively to
situations in the workplace
• The most difficult flaw to self-diagnose and self-correct in the smart person is the
conviction that one’s failings are actually virtues
• List of typical “smart” flaws
- I don’t talk too much. I simply have more to say
- I do not use sarcastic humor to hurt people. If my wit causes someone pain, perhaps it
is deserved
- I do not indulge in chit chat because it is a waste of time, not because I am not
interested in other people
- The only reason I am asking that the rules be suspended for me is because I am more
• The transactional model acknowledges that our responses to speakers’ messages lead
them to modify what they say next
• Different time periods reflect the changing nature of communication over time
• Communication occurs within social systems, and each communicator has a personal
context, a field of experience
• Our individual backgrounds and personality cause us to encode and decode messages in
a unique fashion
- this makes mutual understanding more challenging and explains why the 2
communicators must find a shared field of experience
• Noise is defined as anything that interferes with the intended communication
• 3 types of noises:
1. Environmental
2. Physiological
3. Emotional
• The arc of distortion is the difference between what the sender intended to communicate
and what the receiver actually understood
• All behavior communicates a message even when it is not verbal
• Communication is the process vehicle through which relationships form, are managed,
and, occasionally, dissolve
Barriers to Communication
• 5 categories:
1. Evaluative
- listener has made a judgement of the relative goodness, appropriateness,
effectiveness, or rightness of the speaker’s statement or problem
- reflect either a positive or negative assessment
- listener implies what the sender should do
2. Interpretive
- indicates that the listener’s intent is to teach
- listener implies what the sender should think
3. Supportive
- indicates the listener’s intent is to reassure, to pacify, and to reduce the sender’s
intensity of feeling
- implies that the sender need not feel as he or she does
4. Probing
- indicates that the listener’s intent is to seek further information, provoke further
discussion along a certain line, and question the sender
- listener implies a sender needs to develop or discuss a point further
5. Understanding
- listener’s intent is only to ask the sender whether the listener correctly understands
what the sender is saying, how sender feels about the problem, how sender sees the
- listener implies nothing but concern that the sender’s message is accurately received
• The most common responses are evaluative, even though they are not always the most
effective type of response to employ
Social Identity
• No 2 people perceive the world exactly the same, social groups and cultures have
shared perception
• The higher degree of similarity of perception among individuals, the easier
communication among them is likely to be, and the more communication among them
is likely to occur
• We communicate more with people we perceive to be like us
• Social identity theory is based on the belief that people:
1. Tend to perceived themselves and others in terms social categories rather than as
individuals (social categorization)
2. To assess the relative worth of groups as well as individuals by comparing them (social
3. To perceive and respond to the world not as detached observers but in terms of their
identity, which depends on the social groups to which they belong (social identification)
• Sharing a social identity means that people perceive themselves as similar along
important dimensions (such as similar disposition, similar attitudes) and define
themselves in terms of the groups in which they are members
• The more we perceive others as similar to us, the more likely we are to trust them as
well as cooperate and exchange information with them
Perceptual Distortions
• The halo effect occurs when our evaluation of others is dominated by only one of their
• The primary effect means one’s perception is dominated by the first impression of
another person
- the initial impression of the person is never adjusted in light of more information
about him or her
• When one’s perception is overly dominated by the most recent interactions with a
person, this is called the recency effect
• Central tendency is a perceptual distortion that occurs when a person avoids extreme
judgments and rates everything as average
-e.g.: managers rating employees as “3s” when some deserve a “1” or “5”
• Contrast effects are present when our evaluations are affected by comparisons with
other people we have recently encountered who are either better or worse in terms of
this characteristic
• Projection is the tendency to attribute one’s personal attitudes or feelings to another
person, thereby relieving one’s own sense of guilt or failure
- projection is a defense mechanism that protects people from confronting their own
• Perceptual defense act as a screen or filter, blocking out that which we do not want to
see and letting through that which we wish to see
The Johari Window
• Different groups see and interpret the world in different wats than when we deal with
people from different cultures or ethnic groups
• 3 sources of misinterpretation in cross cultural interaction:
1. Subconscious cultural blinders – we use our own cultural assumptions to interpret
the events and behavior of a foreign culture
2. Lack of cultural awareness – we are unaware of our cultural values and norms and
the way that other cultures perceive us. Without understanding our own culture, we
cannot adapt our behavior so that it is perceived more accurately by others
3. Projected similarity – we assume that people from other cultures are more similar to
us than they really are or that situations are similar when they are not. This is based on
the ethnocentric view that there is only one way to be – like me
D.I.E Model
• The D.I.E model was developed to teach more accurate perceptions and attributions in
cross cultural interactions
• D.I.E stands for:
Description – refers to what you see (only observed facts)
Interpretation – references, or what you think about what you see
Evaluation – judgments, what you feel about what you think
• Self-serving bias is the tendency for people to attribute their successes to internal factors
while blaming external factors for the failures
• Fundamental attribution error is the tendency to underestimate the influence of external
factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about
the behavior of others
Communication: Why is it Important
• Pg 195
Distortion in Communication
• Pg 196
• E.g.: A tells B he likes to watch soccer, and B assumes that A likes soccer/play soccer,
that’s why A is watching soccer
• Process by which we select, organize and evaluate the stimuli in our environment to
make meaningful for ourselves
• Benefits:
- helps us make sense of a world full stimuli by acting as a filter to prevent overload,
selecting what input we will attend to and organizing the input into categories
• Drawbacks:
- prevents us from taking everything in
- makes out interpretations open to question
- can promote stereotypes
1) Selection
- taking everything in
- sometimes people are not aware of this
2) Organization
- how you organize perceptions
- mental maps groups these perceptions together
3) Evaluation
- how we evaluate perceptions we have
- evaluative in a subjective manner
Perceptual Distortion
1) Stereotyping
- Canadians stereotype as loves hockey, maple syrup, too nice
2) Halo Effect/Horns Effect
- one trait about someone is dominating your entire perception of them
- all it takes is one quick look
3) Central Tendency
- people’s tendency to rate things as average to avoid extreme
4) Contrast Effects
- when you evaluate 2 things, evaluation based on someone else
- e.g.: rating teachers: gives prof you enjoy a higher rating
5) Projection
- tendency to attribute their insecurities onto someone else
- e.g.: bullies pick on things they are insecure about
6) Perceptual Defense
- when consumers have a strong belief about something
- strong belief leads to defense and omit the thing
• Cycle: Assumption/Belief → Congruent Behavior → Observation of Consequences
Johari Window
Bounded Rationality
• 4 factors:
- problems
- participants
- solutions
- choice opportunities
• In the garbage can model, these 4 factors float randomly inside an organization
- if these factors connect, a decision results
• The garbage model assumes that decision making is haphazard, chaotic, unpredictable,
and sometimes depends on sheer luck
Factors that Influence Decisions
• Multiple role playing procedure – group members assume the perspectives of other
constituencies with a stake in the decision or of another group member
• Escalation of commitment occurs when people continue to commit resources to a failing
course of action
• 2 examples:
- countries that continue wars they cannot win (argue it makes death of soldiers/money
spent “in vain”)
- people persist in buying failing stocks (based on rationale they already invested so
much money)
• The leader-participation model is based on evidence that the choice of leadership style
can affect these 4 outcomes of decision making process:
1. Decision Quality
- quality of decision relates to how wise, well-reasoned, and sound it is
2. Decision Implementation
- many high quality decisions are never implemented because employees are not
committed to doing so
- allowing people to participate in decisions yields greater acceptance and commitment
3. Costs of Decision Making
- decision quality and decision implementation refer to a decision’s effectiveness
- more participative decisions require more time and utilize more person hours than
autocratic decisions
4. Development
- greater costs of participative decision making are offset by the development
opportunity they offer
• Victor Vroom developed a formal model that helps us to analyze specific decision
situations and to determine the decision making approach that is likely to be most
• The model is constructed in the form of a decision matrix based on 6 rules:
1. The leader information rule
2. The goal congruence rule
3. The acceptance rule
4. The conflict rule
5. The fairness rule
6. The acceptance priority rule
• 7 questions for managers to ask about a decision:
1. Decision Significance
- how significant is the decision to the success of the project or organization?
2. Importance of Commitment
- how important is the team members’ commitment to the decision?
3. Leader’s Expertise
- does the leader (you) possess the knowledge or expertise related to this problem
4. Likelihood of Commitment
- if you were to make the decision yourself, what is the likelihood that the team would
commit itself to the decision
5. Group Support for Objectives
- to what degree does the team support the organization’s objectives at stake in this
6. Group Expertise
- do team members’ possess the knowledge or expertise related to this problem
7. Team Competence
- do team members have the ability to work together in solving problems?
• By answering these questions sequentially and tracing the answers through the model’s
decision matrix, managers are led to the most effective leadership alternative for the
• The time driven model emphasizes efficiency rather than employee development
• Structured problems are repetitive and routine problems for which a definite procedure
has been developed
- e.g.: repairing an airplane
• Unstructured problems are novel, and no procedures have been developed to handle
them because they occur infrequently and/or are very complex
- e.g.: designing a completely new space ship
• Vroom and Jago’s latest version of the leadership participation model includes 4 new
- time constraints
- geographical dispersion (acknowledges the difficulty of getting people together for a
- motivation to minimize the time needed to make the decision (so time can be
devoted to more pressing items)
- motivation to develop subordinates
• Cultures vary in the way they search for information pertaining to a decision, which
relates to the value given to rationality
• Cultures that value rationality rely more on their senses (facts) while others rely on
intuition (ideas, images, possibilities)
• Intuition is a cognitive conclusion based on a decision maker’s previous experiences and
emotional inputs
What is it?
• Pg. 471
• Making wrong decision
• Members thinking about the same thing
• Drowns out other opinions
• Agree just to please the group
Avoiding Groupthink
1. Encourage others to express doubts
2. Devil’s advocate
- assign someone to oppose the ideas
3. Adopt perspective of other stakeholders
4. Bring in qualified outsiders
- seek advice from someone who knows the thing
- e.g.: professors
5. “Let’s sleep on it”
- give members time to think through the idea
• Pg. 475
• Determine how much employee participation to use in decision making in a given
• Answer each question “high or low”
• Arrive at the appropriate level of employee participation
• Pg. 475
• 8used to determine how much employee participation to use in decision making
• Pg. 468
• Rational Decision Making
- going through a step by step process to get to the solution you want
- go through a list of questions
• Bounded Rationality
- set limits to a list
- can’t always have a structure when making decisions
- decisions can’t always be black and white
- e.g.: going to a party for only 20 minutes then go home to study instead of going for
the whole night
• Garbage Can
- things somehow work out
- things work out by luck
-when factors align with one another
Chapter 18 – Power and Influence
• Traditionally, managers have relied almost exclusively on the power inherent in their
e.g. “I’m the boss. I have the right and responsibility to tell you what to do, and if you
don’t perform, I retain the ultimate power of rewards and punishment”
• The greater need for different forms of influence is a result of:
1. A shifting value structure among younger generations who have less respect for
traditional authority
2. Rapid organizational change
3. The diversity of people, goals, and values
4. Increased interdependence
• Power comes from expertise, effort, and relationships, rather than one’s position or
ability to reward or punish others (coercive power)
• Charisma is an extension of referent power, which is based on desirable personal traits
or resources
• Power also comes from “being in the right place”
- a good location provides:
1. Control over resources
2. Control and access to information
3. Formal authority (position)
• Units that cope with the critical uncertainties facing an organization also acquire a
measure of power that they would not otherwise have; this is termed the strategic
contingency model of power
Influence Tactics
Influence Styles
• Effective managers need to develop the capacity to analyze a situation and determine
which influence tactic will be most effective
• Although people often use a combination of influence tactics, we tend to be
predisposed to certain styles that feel more natural
Assertive Persuasion
• Pushing style
• In the assertive persuasion style, we “push” others with our intellect
• The essential quality of assertive persuasion as an influence style is the use of facts, logic,
rational argument, and persuasive reasoning
• Although the influencer may argue forcefully with great élan and spirit, the power of
assertive persuasion does not come from an emotional source
• Facts and logic are, by definition, emotionally neutral
• People using assertive persuasion to persuade others are usually highly verbal and
• They structure their arguments and enumerate the points they want to make so
listeners can follow their logic
• This style is most appropriate when the issue in question is suited to a logical approach,
which is not the case with emotional or value laden issues
• Works best when the person exerting influence is already respected and enjoys a certain
• Pushing style
• Involves the use of bargaining, incentives, and pressures, and demanding certain
behavior from other people
• People who use this style state their expectations for how others will behave and also
evaluate the behavior
• Rewards may be offered for compliance, and punishment or deprivation may be
threatened for noncompliance
• Both reward and punishment and assertive persuasion involve agreeing and disagreeing
with others
• People using reward and punishment are very comfortable, generally, in conflict
- they are comfortable giving clear feedback – both positive and negative, and are very
direct about prescribing their goals and expectations
- they are comfortable evaluating the work of others and saying what they like and don’t
like about it
• People who use this style should state their expectations clearly in a direct manner
• This style is not appropriate with individuals or groups who have a strong need to be in
control or not be controlled by a strong desire to others
Participation and Trust
Common Vision
• Sexual harassment refers to unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
• Subjects of harassment find themselves in especially difficult situations when their
superiors, with their power to reward and punish them, are the ones doing the
• Power can be a factor in sexual harassment when those in higher positions abuse their
power to harass people in lower ranking positions
• Sexual harassment is both illegal and unethical
Cultural Differences
• The process by which people successfully persuade others to allow their advice
suggestions or orders
• Assertive persuasion:
- “pushing” others with our intellect using facts, logic rational argument
• Reward and Punishment:
- “pushing” your will onto others using bargaining, incentives, pressures
• Participation + Trust:
- “pulls” others toward what is desired by involving them
• Common Vision:
- identifies a common vision for the future to strengthen the groups beliefs that vision
can become a reality
Influence Tactics
• Rational Persuasion
• Inspirational Appeals
• Consultation
• Ingratiation
• Personal Appeals
• Exchange
• Coalition Tactics
• Legitimating Tactics
• Pressure
Chapter 6 – Value and Workplace Ethics
• Some people have a mistaken perception that firms that act ethically have lower profits
• Companies that engage in unethical practices make themselves vulnerable to lawsuits,
boycotts, governmental restrictions and regulations, and loss of reputation
- endanger profits
• Growing evidence that good corporate citizenship correlates with higher financial
• Ethical practices pay off in the long run as trusting relationship with employee,
stockholders, and well-satisfied customers are the basis of business success
• When the profit motive is untampered by ethical values, white collar crime and
corporate scandal result
• Intellectual property theft (failure to respect patents and copy right laws or pay for using
what other firms or individuals have created
• Privacy (making imitations of band name goods)
• Significant costs of unethical behavior:
- losses in revenue due to customer defections and lost sales
- revenue loss due to product recall and withdrawal
- operational expenses to correct past errors
- higher funding costs imposed by lenders and investors
- decreased ability to borrow money
- lower share price as shareholders opt to invest in more trustworthy firms
- legal expenses
- consulting expenses related to investigating allegations
- fines, penalties, damages, and settlement costs
- increased marketing and PR expenses to counteract the negative publicity of scandal
- higher turnover due to employee defections
- higher recruiting costs due to the firm’s damaged reputation
• When the business sector does not police itself, governments and international
regulating bodies are more likely to intervene with laws and regulations that impact all
companies, guilty and innocent alike
• Business scandals in developed countries result in less stock market participation due to
lack of trust
• Boards of directors are responsible for ensuring that the organizations comply with laws
and ethical codes
- take governance role more seriously
- providing more oversight and insisting that firms have ethics programs
• Ethics officers:
- responsible for developing ethics programs
- ensuring the company is in compliance with legal requirements
- the higher up, the greater likelihood that ethics is a serious concern
- some ethics are just for show (known as “window dressing” or “green washing”)
- some are a serious effort to respect the spirit of the law
• Both business and governments are lobbied by a growing number of NGOs and activists
whose mission is to promote more socially responsible corporate behavior
• The “CNN effect” – rapid international media coverage of corporate transgressions
• 2 of the most prominent theories in business education:
- transaction cost analysis
- agency theory
- assume that humans are ruthless, motivated solely by greed, opportunism and
• Ethics refers to “standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on
moral duties and virtues rising from principles about right and wrong”
• The very nature of business means that managers may be confronted with numerous
ethical questions without the benefit of a professional code of ethics
• Companies deal with:
- internal issues: employee safety, discrimination/sexual harassment, theft of property
- external issues: balancing profit with environmental protection, consumer safety,
doing business in cultures where bribes are commonplace
• Factors that lead to questionable business practices:
1. Overemphasis on both individual and firm performance
2. Mission statements, evaluation systems, and organizational cultures that focus on
profit as the organization’s sole objective
3. Intense competition among firms, departments, and individuals
4. Management concern for the letter of the law rather than the spirit
5. Ambiguous policies that employees interpret as “window dressing” for outsiders
rather than clear expectations for ethical behavior
6. Inadequate controls so that managers get away with violating standards, allowing
them to pursue greater sales and profits for personal benefit
7. Expediency and indifference to the customers’ best interest
8. Management’s failure to comprehend the public’s ethical concerns
9. Custom and local practice says “let the buyer beware”
10. A “groupthink” mentality that fosters group decisions that individual members
would not support
• Companies that want to encourage ethical behavior need to:
1. Communicate their expectations that employees will behave ethically and define
what that means
2. Hire top executives who set an example of moral behavior
3. Reward ethical behavior and punish unethical behavior
4. Teach employees the basic tools of ethical decision making
5. Encourage the discussion of ethical issues
• Ethical mistakes are responsible for ending careers more quickly and more definitively
than any other errors in judgment or accounting
• Reasons for avoiding moral talks:
- people do not like to appear judgmental or intrusive, or lay themselves open to
countercharges of wrongdoing
- moral talks threatens efficiency when it simply muddies the waters and distracts
attention from problem solving
- managers worry that it may be self-serving, simplistic, inflexible, or inexact
- some managers fear that the esoteric and idealistic nature of moral talk is not in
keeping with the image they want to convey, and they are leery about exposing their
lack of training in ethics
• Both individuals and organizations have code of ethics that are rooted in their values
• One of the first steps in teaching ethics is to help people identify and articulate their
own values
• Values are core beliefs or desires that guide or motivate attitudes and actions
- the study of ethics is concerned with how a moral person should behave
- values concern the various beliefs and attitudes that determine how a person actually
• Our values are shaped early in life
- learn from parents, friends, teachers, church, and culture that surrounds us
• Shared systems of values between 2 entities is called value congruence
• Many business people work in organizations whose values differ from their own
• Employees may also choose to work in environments that match their ethical
- the better the ethical fit, the morel likely employees are to continue with the
organization and be committed to it
• Within our personal value system, some values are more important than others
• Rokeach developed the list of values that we rate
- believes that people possess a relatively small number of values that they hold to
varying degrees
• Classifies key values into 2 types:
- terminal values are desirable end states of existence or the goals that a person would
like to achieve during his or her lifetime
- 2 categories of terminal values: personal values (comfortable life, freedom, salvation)
and social values (world peace, equality, national security)
- instrumental values are preferable modes of behavior or the means to achieving one’s
terminal values
- 2 types of instrumental values:
- moral values (cheerful, courageous, honest) have an interpersonal focus. If violated,
we feel pangs of conscience or guilt
- competence values (ambitious, capable, and intellectual) have a personal focus. If
violated, we feel ashamed of our personal inadequacy rather than guilty about wrong
• Rokeach looked for a relationship between terminal and instrumental values and found
that all combinations are possible
• Schwartz and Bilsky created a universal psychological structure of human values that
applies to people from all cultures
• 7 types of values that motivate behavior:
- prosocial – active protection or enhancement of the welfare of others
- restrictive conformity – restraint of actions and impulses likely to harm others and to
violate sanctioned norms
- enjoyment – pleasure, sensuous and emotional gratification
- achievement – personal success through demonstrated competence
- maturity – appreciation, understanding, and acceptance of oneself, others, and the
surrounding world
- self direction – independent thought and action – choosing, creating, exploring
- security – safety, harmony and stability of society, of groups with whom one identifies,
of relationships, and of self
• These values have hold varying degrees of importance in different cultures
Ethical Versus Non-Ethical Values
• Ethical values directly relate to beliefs concerning what is right and proper or that
motivate a sense of moral duty
• Core ethical values that transcend cultural, ethic and socioeconomic differences in the
United States are:
1. Trustworthiness
2. Respect
3. Responsibility
4. Justice and fairness
5. Caring
6. Civic virtue and citizenship
• Non-ethical values deal with things we like, desire, or find personally important
- examples: money, fame, status, happiness, fulfillment, pleasure, personal freedom,
being liked
Moral Reasoning
• A more universal focus that emphasizes internalized ethical standards, rights, or duties
• Examine society’s rules and laws and then develop their own set of internal principles
• 2 stages:
Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights (The Social Contract Legalistic Orientation)
- individuals realize that there is an arbitrary element to rules and law
- right is relative and perceived as a matter of personal values and opinion
Stage 6: The Universal Ethical Principles Orientation
- right is defined by decisions of conscience, in accord with self-chosen ethical principles
that are logically comprehensive, universal, and consistent
Ethical Frameworks
International Ethics
Value Congruence
Terminal Values
• Desirable end states of existence or goals that a person would like to achieve during his
or her lifetime
- personal values
- social values
• E.g.: completing your undergraduate degree – there’s an end state
Instrumental Values
• Level 1: Self-Centered
Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment
- acting based on negative consequences
Stage 2: Instrumental
- what’s in it for me?
- positive rewards
• Level 2: Conformity
Stage 3: Conformity
- conforming to be a good person
Stage 4: Law & Order
- doing your duty and following the law
• Level 3: Principled
Stage 5: Social Contract/Individual Rights
- example: the gay rights movement where some countries allow it and some don’t
- understand what’s right socially but stand firm to your own personal beliefs
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles
- going off your conscience, taking it one step further
• Wouldn’t skip a stage
• But doesn’t have to go through all the stage
• Everyone goes through this framework (no teaching required)
Chapter 16 – Organizational Culture
Transmitting Culture
• Socialization is the systematic process by which organizations bring new members into
their cultures
• The process of becoming a member of a group, learning the ropes, and being taught
how to communication and interact to get things done
• Strong cultures that use a socialization process consists of 7 steps:
1. Careful selection of entry level candidates
- candidates who do not fit the culture are encouraged to deselect themselves and apply
2. Humility inducing experiences that cause newcomers to question prior behavior
beliefs, and values
- businesses may put employees through extensive and demanding training programs
that leave them with no time to do anything else
3. In the trenches training that leads to mastery of one of the business’s core
- employees work their way up the ranks, and promotion depends on a proven track
4. Meticulous attention given to rewards and control systems
- the company’s critical success factors and corporate values are monitored
5. Careful adherence to the firm’s core values
- managers ensure that their own decisions and actions are consistent with stated
6. Reinforcing folklore
- the company stories and legends told to newcomers always reinforce the values of the
corporate culture
7. Consistent role models
- cultural heroes and “winners” consistently exhibit the traits valued by the
organization’s culture
• Rituals are programmed routines of daily life that reflect he values of a corporate
- e.g.: how employees communicate with one another and how meetings are run
• Ceremonies are planned events for the benefit of audiences
- e.g.: induction ceremonies for new members or graduation like ceremonies when
members pass to another level
Statements of Principles
• Many organizations create and distribute a list of their values and basic assumptions
- principles displayed on office walls
- included in a firm’s code of ethics
Organizational Justice
• The failure rate for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is roughly 50%
• The reasons behind failed mergers range from economic problems or a lack of fit, to
poor implementation in getting the merger to work
• Mergers often fail due to cultural clashes
• Many acquiring firms assumed that that merged firm should adapt to their culture
because they are the buyers
Primary Mechanisms
1. What leaders pay attention to, measure, and control on a regular basis
2. How leaders react to critical incidents and organizational crises
3. How leaders allocation scarce resources
4. Deliberate role modeling, teaching, and coaching
5. How leaders allocate rewards and status
6. How leaders recruit, select, promote, and excommunicate
Secondary Mechanisms
1. Organizational design and structure
2. Systems and procedures
3. Rites and rituals
4. Design of physical space, facades, and buildings
5. Stories about important events and people
6. Formal statements of organizational philosophy, creeds, and charters
• Successful cultural changes usually involve effective leaders
- with either an outsider’s perspective or an insider’s long term view of the culture’s
strengths and weaknesses
- important to “honor the past” and maintain some aspects of a culture for the sake of
• Many service firms today are trying to develop or maintain organizational cultures that
result in excellent customer service
The Organizational Life Cycle
• The leader’s role in managing culture varies according to the stages of organizational
• Organizations (like people) go through stages of growth and development
• Stages in Organizational Life Cycle:
1. Entrepreneurial Stage
- startup phase
- driven by an entrepreneur with a vision, energy, and a strong desire to succeed
- goal: create a product and survive
- communication is informal and face to face
- creativity and morale are high
2. Collectivity Stage
- some form of hierarchical authority has to be defined so employees know whom to go
to for decisions and orders
- formal aspects of organization are beginning to appear
- employees identify with the organization and its mission
- refers to the sense of a highly committed group that is working together to make the
organization succeed
3. Formalization Stage
- a greater degree of formalized organization and bureaucratization (in form of rules,
policies, control systems)
- management style is less entrepreneurial and more professional, relying on analytical
tools and focusing on efficiency
- morale and excitement are high in early years, but may start to disappear
- top management concentrates on strategy rather than operations
4. Elaboration Stage
- the mature stage
- communication became very formal
- numerous rules and regulations concerning the planning process
• The elaboration stage can result in continuing maturity, organizational decline, or
• 9 early warnings signals of organizational decline:
1. Excess personnel
2. Tolerance of incompetence
3. Cumbersome administrative procedures
4. Disproportionate staff power
5. Replacement of substance with form (e.g.: the planning process is more important
than results)
6. Scarcity of clear goals and decision benchmarks
7. Fear of embarrassment and conflict prevents problem identification
8. Loss of effective communication
9. Outdated organizational structure
• Decline is almost inevitable unless management takes steps to avoid it
• Each stage requires a different type of leadership that is capable of tackling the major
growth challenges
• Probability of renewal of mature organizations increases if:
1. Mature organizations renew by instilling a customer perspective and focusing on
customer demands
- seeking a sustained competitive advantage that comes from understanding and
meeting customer needs in unique ways
2. Mature organizations renew by increasing their capacity for change
- focus more on alignment so that all aspects of the organization are moving toward
consistent and shared goals
3. Mature organizations renew by altering both the hardware and software within the
- hardware is where many renewal programs begin
4. Mature organizations renew by creativity empowered employees who act as
leaders at all levels of the organizations
- individuals have both responsibility and accountability in their areas
Organizational Culture
• Pattern of shared values + beliefs held by members that produce particular norms of
behavior that can distinguish 1 organization from another
• Artifacts:
- visible organizational structures and processes
• Espoused Values:
- strategies, goals, and philosophies
• Basic Underlying Assumptions:
- unconscious, taken for granted beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings
• Internal Integration:
- people in the organization can easily identify the dominant values
• External Adaptation:
- policies and adaptations aligning with external culture
• Advantages:
- clear sense of purpose
- employee commitment and loyalty
- pride in working for the organization
- constitute a competitive advantage
- high performance
• Disadvantages:
- resistance to change
- pressure for conformity
- Inward focus (focus on self)