Apostila de Tantsu Cradle
Apostila de Tantsu Cradle
Apostila de Tantsu Cradle
T h e Co re
the Pieta facing us without any problem. When I returned to Italy to co-teach another Tantsu class
with Fabrizio Della Piane, he showed me how he adapted this new Posterior Cradle to make it more
comfortable. We shared how we both found it invites a greater connection to inner movement and
he convinced me that with that connection we could let go of sequence.
The new Core Cradles facilitated this because we stay in one position. In the other cradles which
have complex transitions, moves in a specified order are still needed. Over the next few classes we
evolved the Core Cradles presented in this book. The kinds of moves that can be done in any order
in a free exploration are illustrated at the end of each cradle where they can provide inspirations for
subsequent shares.
The Posterior Cradle is ideal for starting a Tantsu Share. Properly prepared, anyone can be held
in total comfort while being awakened within through the connection to the breath and movement.
After connecting and exploring one whole side in it, anyone can be rolled into the Anterior Cradle
for work on their other side. These two cradles that make up the new Basic Tantsu are called
the Core Cradles, both because they are at the core of the new Tantsu and because they contain
someone’s whole core.
The Core
According to most martial arts and somatic practices, our movements come from our body
center in the hara. In Watsu, floating someone level with our heart, our heart center is as much
involved in our movement as our body center. The two are one core. As we empty into the void
in our base at the bottom of the breath there is a growing sense of peace. As our breath rises up
through our heart and out our arms moving with the one we float there is a growing sense of joy.
The peace is the oneness we feel in the emptiness in that void. And the joy may be coming to know
that we are actually able to feel, to realize, unconditional love.
Those first holding others outside their immediate circle in Watsu or Tantsu often express awe
at how much oneness they feel with someone who had not been close to them before. Those being
held in a Core Cradle often express how its containment allows them to go deep within. The word
core has its origins in the word for heart, and it may be that it is the heart’s deepest center that the
containment allows them to access, where they, too, know their oneness and unconditional love.
The mind, too, has a deep center. Often in a Share we feel called to reach up and touch the face.
At the beginning of our Tantsu, once our forearms have fully connected and contained someone’s
core, the first place a hand comes to rest upon is the heart, and the other hand, the face, drawing
the head, too, into the core.
If our centers of body, heart and mind each have their own deeper center in which we can access
our oneness, it may be that deepest center is one and the same and that some of the movement we
connect to within is the traffic between all our centers and that one, which is our true core.
Beyond Sequence
Moves in both Core Cradles are presented in a natural progression. A Core Opening connects
breath and inner movement. Our exploration expands to include head, neck and shoulder. We
return down the arm pressing it to the core with the breath and then lift it to guide us into a free
exploration of stretches, moves and positions that open access to other parts. After the arm and the
hand we return to the core, to the heart and the hara. Exploring the Hip and Pressing Down the Leg
leads into a lift and balancing of the leg that guides us into another free exploration and closure.
Supplementing the support of the continuous containment of their core is that provided by stations.
A station is where we come to complete stillness with someone. Typically the hand that has established
this deep connection stays at that station while the other hand begins an exploration out from it,
or connects to another station. The stations are easy to recognize and free us to follow whatever
movements come up to lead us into a greater shared creativity knowing that whenever it completes
itself there is always another station ahead where we can drop back together into stillness. Once you
learn the same stations in both Core Cradles you will find them yourselves in the subsequent cradles.
As your explorations between stations becomes more creative, as that creative impulse completes itself,
you will find yourselves arriving at new stations. The descriptions and illustrations of each cradle’s
Core Opening, Return, Closure and major stations are followed by examples of the kinds of moves
and stretches that can occur in that cradle’s free arm and leg explorations.
Starting with Forearms
We start with our forearms instead of our hands. Our hands communicate to and take orders
from the brain. They have been trained to do, to manipulate, to massage, to caress. The hands
have incorporated habits and ways of feeling through their past experiences touching someone
else’s body. Our forearms haven’t. Their broader contact gives more of a sense of being held than
being touched. Our forearms are closer to our core and it is easier to engage our whole body in
their movements. Once we’ve established our whole body’s movement with the breath through our
forearms then our whole body can also arrive in the holding and movements through our hands.
Then the hands, too, can participate in our being with another.
P o s t e r io r Cra d le
Posterior Cradle
When you are ready to start place a thin flat cushion on a mat or carpet and tell the one to
be held to lie on their left side in a fetal position with their rib cage on the cushion to which the
shoulder should be close but not touching. Explain how the cushion is there to take some of the
weight off their shoulder. Make sure they are comfortable on it. Remove if not.
Try different cushions under their head so they can select whatever is the most comfortable.
Place a cushion between their knees to see if it adds to their comfort.
Once they are totally comfortable move into position behind them, your bent left knee close to
their occiput, your left foot pulled back, and sit on whatever cushion(s) provide the best support.
Be centered where your forearms can comfortably reach both shoulder and hip. Place your right calf
against their base with your knee lowered, supported on a cushion. Hold your arms out without
touching to determine if your cushion raises you high enough to comfortably lean over them. If not
add another cushion under you.
If it would be more comfortable, instead of having your left leg bent in front, you can have it
bent back to your left side, or you can have your left knee supported by a cushion with your left
shin under the pillow supporting their head.
Core Opening
FOREARM START In the Posterior Cradle sit behind someone, your knee and calf containing the
two ends of their spine while your forearms come to rest at the top of the shoulder and the
bottom of the hip (where the softness of the tissue or an indentation invites). Holding with a
slight pressure, your forearms are gently pushed apart each time the one you hold breathes in.
Feel that expansion become the expansion in your core that draws the breath into your lungs.
And then with each outbreath sink even deeper into the silence at the bottom the breath, into
the base of your core. As your arms are spread apart again feel yourself being drawn up out of
that emptiness. Let the breath draw you up through your heart and out your arms.
Notice where your arms hold are the corners of an inverted triangle that has the emptiness at
its bottom. When the breath comes up does it draw you into one side more than the other? Is
this an invitation to slowly move or rock? Rather than exploring all the ways you could move a
person with your forearms, focus on whatever micromovements you feel rising up inside either
one (or both) of you. Notice how, whatever movement arises it engages your whole body and
not just your arms.
Don’t be concerned whether movements come from you or the other. Once movement is
initiated, it takes its own course. Don’t be concerned if no movement surfaces. Share our oldest
state of being, stillness.
FOREARM AROUND HIP When holding these first places feels complete, keep one forearm at the
shoulder while the other, with the outbreath, leans into places around the hip on an approach
to the lumbar. Allow any inner movement to arise and stay in each until you feel completion.
When your forearm arrives in the lumber, stay at least three breaths, leaning in as deep as you
feel invited with each outbreath Then slowly come all the way out with one inbreath.
P o s t e r io r Cra d le
FOREARM SHOULDER ROTATION Clasp the shoulder between your forearms and, moving from your
own core, lift and slowly rotate the shoulder, your whole body participating in every movement.
Notice how a counter clockwise movement opens the shoulder. Continue the movement in
whatever shape the shoulder invites. Whether you continue in just one configuration of your
forearms, or are drawn to move it with another configuration, avoid any temptation to bring
your hands into play. That will come later when your hands are called in for a much fuller
CHEST OPENING Reaching under their arm, use your forearm to slowly lift and lay their arm back
over your right thigh. Changing the location of their arm opens up a new access to their body.
Notice how inviting the upper corner of their chest is. Gently lean your left forearm into it.
Notice how, turned towards you now, the lower back invites back your other forearm. Reaching
over their right arm press into their lumbar muscles with your right forearm.
P o s t e r io r Cra d le
OCCIPUT When your hand has completed its journey around the
head, press under the ridge of the occiput with the heel of
your hand, keeping your other hand on the heart center until
they, too, become one at the bottom of the breath, a double
station. What you hold under the occiput is a major station
of the head. Feel its connection, its oneness with the core at
the bottom of the breath. Then keeping your left hand in its
new station, with your right hand pull down the shoulder to
stretch. Hold.
NECK A held stretch invites exploration of what is opened or brought
to the surface. Explore along that stretch pressing into the muscle
down the neck with the heel of your left hand.
SHOULDER ROTATION With both hands and your whole body
explore how the shoulder invites lifts and rotation.
ARM BREATH SQUEEZE Lay their arm on their side. Your left
hand holds it at the top as your right slowly squeezes the breath
out of it (and out of your core). Lean in further down with
each outbreath, pressing the arm into their core. Just before the
wrist lift the arm on the inbreath.
FREE EXPLORATION With the arm lying across your open hands,
feel its weight and its lightness after having been pressed into
the core. Listen. Move, stretch and hold in whatever way
invited. Explore whatever else can be accessed as its position
changes such as illustrated on pages 27-29. When complete
hold the hand in both hands. Contain and explore.
Core Return
THE HAND Complete your free exploration holding the hand
in front of you with both hands. Alternate holding it close
between your hands, containing it the way you are containing
their core, with gently pulling it open, exploring.
HEART HEART The next station is on your own body. Place the
back of the hand against your heart center, or, if that would be
uncomfortable, place the hand palm down on your thigh near
your knee. Hold their hand under your right hand as your left
reaches between your waist and their head to come to rest on
their heart center. Hold.
With your right hand lay their right arm out in front of them
or, if certain it would be comfortable at your side, slip it under
your left arm and lay it back over your thigh.
HEART HARA Place your right hand just below the navel, pulling
in with more pressure than the constant pressure the left
hand maintains at its station at the heart. Keeping your back
straight, hold both until they too become one at the bottom
of the breath.
HARA HARA Remove your left hand from the heart to replace the
hand that is just below the navel. That hand moves behind to
hold the hara from the back, pressing into the muscle alongside
the spine in the lower back. While pressing from both sides
notice how your right leg is supporting the base of their core.
Hold their whole core as one with your core.
P o s t e r io r Cra d le
HIP EXPLORE Keep one hand stationed at either the front or the
back of their hara (whichever is more comfortable) while your
other hand explores around hip and down buttock.
HIP ROLL Holding the hip with both hands explore rolling slowly
in a clockwise direction moving with your whole body. Speed
up the roll with your arms moving faster and faster. Lean the
heel of your right hand into the hip joint and vibrate. Stop.
LEAN DOWN LEG Station your left hand at the top of the leg.
With each outbreath gently lean the heel of your right hand or
forearm further down the side of the leg.
FREE EXPLORATION Pick up the leg and hold below the knee
with both hands. Pull it towards you as you lean back and
find its point of balance. Maintain that balance as you explore
rotations, stretches and whatever you can access propping it
into different positions as illustrated on pages 30-32.
Core Closure
BACK BEND Complete the Free Exploration by pulling their foot
back and propping it on a cushion. Their body itself becomes
the last station in this cradle, a station you can explore gently
rocking with your hands up and down their back. Hold behind
their heart and hara. Hold.
Keep your left hand on their lower back, push their right leg
towards their left and slip back from physical contact.