Ac 185TG 1 - C1 1e

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Publication No.



Aerial Platform
Applicable Serial No. 095245 --


This manual contains all the hydraulic and electric circuit diagrams for the Model AC-185TG-1 aerial platform.

This manual is applicable to the machine of the Spec. Nos. given below. Before using this manual, check the
Spec. No. of your unit in the nameplate on the machine.

For proper repair and maintenance operations, use this manual together with the appropriate service manual,
operation and maintenance manual and the related parts catalog furnished separately.

1. Applicable spec. NO.





Spec. No. Applicable serial No.


095245 --


We reserve the right to modify the design for improvements, etc. without notice.

1 WA04-0000E

2. Contents
Spec. No. AC-185-1
Chapter Section
-80101 -80102 -80201 -80202

Data, Adjustment and Checks

Specifications Y-1

Weight Table Y-2

Adjustment (Hydraulic Pressure) Y-3

Adjustment (Electric) Y-4

Adjustment and Checks Y-5

System Diagrams

Hydraulic Circuit Z-1

Electric device installation

Z Z-2

Electric Circuit Z-3

2 WA04-0000E
Data, Adjustment and Checks


Y-1 Specifications................................... 1 Y-4 Adjustment (Electric) .......................7

1. Hydraulic Pump ....................................... 1 1. Touch switch (L1) .................................... 8

2. Hydraulic motor ....................................... 1 2. Elevating (raising) stroke end switch

(L2) ........................................................ 8
3. Swing speed reducer............................... 1

4. Motor and pump unit (for emergency) ..... 1 Y-5 Adjustment and Checks ..................9

1. Elevating system ..................................... 9

Y-2 Weight Table .................................... 2
2.Operation .................................................. 9

Y-3 Adjustment (Pressure)....................... 3 3. Operating speed with no load ............... 10

1. Solenoid control relief valve..................... 4

2. Solenoid control relief valve..................... 4

3. Relief valve .............................................. 5

4. Relief valve .............................................. 5

5. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)............. 5

6. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)............. 5

7. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)............. 5

8. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)............. 5

Y- 1 . Y-1.

Y-1 Specifications

Hydraulic Unit

1. Hydraulic Pump

(1) Pump speed

Unit: rpm
Idling 1,100± 25
MAX 2,100± 25

(2) Pump discharge rate

Unit: cc/ rev

P1 40
P2 20.5

2. Hydraulic motor

(1) Oil intake rate

Unit: cc/ rev

Swing 45
Travel 87.3

(2) Reduction gear ratio

Travel 1/ 50.579

3. Swing speed reducer

Reduction gear ratio 1/ 50

4. Motor and pump unit (for emergency)

Discharge rate 2.43cc/ rev

1 Y01-0850E
Y- 2 . Y-2.
Weight Table

Y-2 Weight Table

Weights of major parts are indicated with codes as in the table below.
Check the approximate weight of the part and select a suitable lifting device when removing or attaching.

Code Weight (kg) Code Weight (kg) Code Weight (kg)

A 0- 250 H 1,750- 2,000 O 3,500- 3,750
B 250- 500 I 2,000- 2,250 P 3,750- 4,000
C 500- 750 J 2,250- 2,500 Q 4,000- 4,250
D 750- 1,000 K 2,500- 2,750 R 4,250- 4,500
E 1,000- 1,250 L 2,750- 3,000 S 4,500- 4,750
F 1,250- 1,500 M 3,000- 3,250 T 4,750- 5,000
G 1,500- 1,750 N 3,250- 3,500

Spec. number
1. AC-185-1-80101 3. AC-185-1-80201
2. AC-185-1-80102 4. AC-185-1-80202

Spec. Number
Part Name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Swing table Assy
(not including the boom, elevating cylinder, O O O O
swing bearing, counterweight, or engine)
Counterweight (swing table) F F F F
Boom Assy [including telescoping cylinder
and leveling cylinder (upper)]
Basket Assy A A A A
elevating cylinder A A A A
Swing bearing A A A A
Engine B B B B
Carrier (not including weight) P P Q Q
Weight (carrier) L L L L

2 Y02-0690E
Y- 3 Y- 3
Adjustment (Pressure)

Y-3 Adjustment (Pressure)

Hydraulic Circuit
Pressure setting table

Pressure Pressure Pump

No. Name measurement speed Note
(kgf/ cm²)
position (rpm)
Solenoid control relief valve
1 160
* Run (for high speed) Relief
Fig. 1 1,100± 25
Solenoid control relief valve valve RV4
2 70± 5
* UP/ DOWN (UP) stroke end
Relief valve Relief
3 160± 5 2,100± 25
* Run (for high speed) valve RV1
Fig. 2
Relief valve Relief
4 50± 5 1,100± 25
Basket swing valve RV2
Solenoid control valve
5 (5 valves) 240± 5
valve RV3
* Run (right, left)
Port relief
Solenoid control Raising 140± 5
valve PR2
6 valve (5 valves)
Port relief
* Elevating Lowering 175± 5
valve PR1
Port relief
Solenoid control EXT 110± 5
Fig. 1 2,100± 25 valve PR3
7 valve (5 valves)
Port relief
Telescoping RET 210± 5
valve PR4
Port relief
Solenoid control Left
valve PR6
8 valve (5 valves) 140± 5
Port relief
Swing Right
valve PR5
9 Emergency pump 155± 10
valve RV4

Pressure measurement position

PG (PF1/4)
(Pump discharge
side flange)

3 Y03-0910E
Y- 3 Y- 3
Adjustment (Hydraulic Pressure)

Pressure adjustment 1. Solenoid control relief valve

• Travel (for high speed) (relief valve RV4)
• Bleed the solenoid control relief valve before
• Ensure that this pressure adjustment is
adjusting pressure (engine idling).
always carried out first.

Bleed (2 locations) (1) Disable port A1 on the solenoid control valve (5

valves) (refer to Fig. 1). Select “Hi” by the
running speed changeover switch. Perform
running (left) forward operation, and measure
the PG port pressure in Fig. 1.

• Loosen the adjustment bolt (elevating, (2) Turn VR3 inside the control unit (circuit board)
telescoping, swing) for the solenoid control for pressure adjustment. Seal the VR3 by
valve (5 valves) before adjusting pressure. painting when adjustment has been completed.

Manual operation
Adjustment bolt
Elevating (raising),
Telescoping (RET),
Swing Left
Adjustment bolt
Elevating (lowering)
Telescoping (EXT),
Swing Right


• Adjust pressure in the order indicated by the

numbers in the pressure setting table. Adjust
Item No. 1 first (this pressure will be used as the
standard for items No. 2 and onward). 2. Solenoid control relief valve
• Elevating (raising) stroke end (relief valve RV4)
• Set the hydraulic oil temperature at 40± 5°C
when adjusting pressure. (1) Carry out elevating (raising) stroke end
operation, and measure the pressure of PG port
• Seal relief valves RV1 and RV2 when pressure in Fig. 1.
adjustment has been completed. Place rubber
caps on relief valve RV3 and port relief valves (2) Pressure adjustment is carried out by operating
PR1- PR6. each switch (refer to Fig. 5) within the control
unit as follows:
1. Select “adjustment” by SW5. LED3 turns
2. Adjust RSW1 to 9 and RSW2 to B.
3. Set the pressure by operating SW3. The
pressure setting will be shown in bit
numbers on the numeric display.

4 Y03-0910E
Y- 3 Y- 3
Adjustment (Hydraulic Pressure)

Caution 5. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)

• 1 bit is approximately equal to 4.2kgf/ cm². • Travel (right, left) (relief valve RV3)
• The numeric display indicates positive
(1) Disable port A1 (refer to Fig. 1) on the solenoid
values (+) by turning ON the light and
control valve (5 valves).
negative values (-) by flashing the light.
(2) Select “Low” by the travel speed changeover
4. Press SW6.
5. Change over SW5 to its original position.
LED3 turns OFF. (3) Perform travel (left) forward operation, and
measure the pressure of PG port in Fig. 1.
• The machine will not operate when (4) Refer to Fig. 1 for the installation position of
“adjustment” is selected by SW 5. relief valve RV3.
(3) Refer to Fig. 6 for the installation position to
6. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)
attach relief valve RV4.
• Elevating Raising (port relief valve PR2)
Lowering (port relief valve PR1)

(1) Carry out elevating stroke-end operation, and

measure the pressure of PG port in Fig. 1.

Remove the wiring connector (No. 81) of the
raising stroke-end switch prior to adjustment.

3. Relief valve (2) Refer to Fig. 1 for the installation positions of

• Travel (for high speed) (relief valve RV1) port relief valves PR1 and PR2.

(1) Select “Low” by the travel speed changeover 7. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)
switch. • Telescoping EXT (port relief valve PR3)
RET (port relief valve PR4)
(2) Tighten relief valve RV2.
(1) Carry out Telescoping stroke-end operation,
(3) Carry out stroke-end operation on the basket
and measure the pressure of PG port in Fig. 1.
swing, and measure the pressure of PG port in
Fig. 2. (2) Refer to Fig. 1 for the installation positions of
PR3 and PR 4.
(4) Refer to Fig. 6 for the installation position to
attach relief valve RV1.
8. Solenoid control valve (5 valves)
• SWING Left (port relief valve PR6)
4. Relief valve
Right (port relief valve PR5)
• Basket swing (relief valve RV2)
(1) Lock the swing function by the swing lock pin.
(1) Select “Low” by the travel speed changeover
switch. (2) Swing the boom to the left and right, and
measure the pressure of PG port in Fig. 1.
(2) Carry out stroke-end operation on the basket
swing, and measure the pressure of PG port in (3) Refer to Fig. 1 for the installation positions of
Fig. 2. PR5 and PR 6.

(3) Refer to Fig. 6 for the installation position of

relief valve RV2.

5 Y03-0910E
Y- 3 . Y-3.
Adjustment (Hydraulic Pressure)

9. Emergency pump (relief valve RV4)

(1) Carry out telescoping stroke-end operation,

and measure the pressure of PG port in Fig. 1.

(2) Pressure adjustment is carried out by operating

each switch (refer to Fig. 5) within the control
unit as follows:
1. Select “adjustment” by SW 5. LED 3 turns
2. Adjust RSW1 to 6 and RSW2 to 8.
3. Set the pressure by operating SW3. The
pressure setting will be shown in bit
numbers on the numeric display.

• 1 bit is approximately equal to 4.2kgf/ cm².
• The numeric display indicates positive
values (+) by turning ON the light and
negative values (-) by flashing the light.

4. Press SW6.
5. Change over SW5 to its original position.
LED3 turns OFF.


The machine will not operate when adjustment

is selected by SW 5.

(3) Refer to Fig. 6 for the installation position to

attach relief valve RV4.

6 Y03-0910E
Y- 4 Y- 4
Adjustment (Electric)

Y-4 Adjustment (Electric) (2) Tilt angle to the left and right

Zero adjustment for vehicle body tilt Adjust RSW1 to 5 and RSW2 to 2, and then
alarm assure that the value on the numeric display is
Operate each switch within the control unit as
instructed below in order to make zero-
adjustment to the front and rear of the vehicle Control lever potentiometer adjustment
and to the left/ right tilt angle detector. (basket, swing table)
Place each of the travel, elevating, telescoping,
and swing levers to its neutral position, and attach
each potentiometer so that resistance between its
terminals is as follows:
display (1) Resistance between Terminals 1 and 2= 2.5kΩ
(2) Resistance between Terminals 2 and 3= 2.5kΩ
(3) The difference between Terminal 1- 2 and
1. Place the vehicle on level ground. Retract the Terminal 2- 3 resistances is less than 50kΩ.
boom completely, and set its boom angle to 0°
(horizontal position) facing to the front.

2. Select “adjustment” by SW5. LED3 turns ON.

3. Adjust RSW1 to 1 and RSW2 to 1 (zero- Connector

adjustment to the front and rear directions).
4. Press SW6. Potentiometer lead color
1 2 3 NO Type
5. Adjust RSW1 to 1 and RSW2 to 2 (zero- Travel
adjustment to the left and right directions). R B W
Basket (Right)
6. Press SW6. Elevating 23
Telescoping W B R 24 Male
7. Place SW5 back to its original position. LED3
Swing 25
turns OFF. Travel
Swing (Left)
8. Monitor the adjustment value on the numeric R W B
table Travel
display after adjustment. (Right)
R: Red B: Black W: White
(1) Tilt angle to the front and rear

Adjust RSW1 to 5 and RSW2 to 1, and then

assure that the value on the numeric display
is 0.00°.

• The indicated value shows the angle. The
values before and after the decimal point are
displayed alternately.

7 Y04-0740E
Y- 4 . Y-4.
Adjustment (Electric)

Switch adjustment

1. Touch switch (L1) Wire rope

(1) Applicable serial number: -095273

Adjust the nut so that the switch operates

within the range where the amount of wire rope
movement is between 20mm and 50mm at the
Switch normal position
center of the basket. Apply screw lock after
1- 2
Do no push down the switch roller for more than
4mm from its normal position as this may
damage the switch.

2. Elevating (raising) stroke end switch (L2)

operating Adjust the switch so that it operates when the
range boom angle (θ) is 67±0.3°.

L2 (attached to
the swing table)
Boom elevating
Wire rope


(for L2 operation,
base boom side)

(2) Applicable serial number: 095274-

1 Adjust the nut so that the switch operates

within the range where the amount of wire
rope movement X is between 20mm and
40mm at the center of the wire rope.

2. Tighten the nut at 0.36- 0.4kgf·m, and then

apply screw lock agent.

8 Y04-0740E
Y- 5 Y- 5
Adjustment and Checks

Y-5 Adjustment and Checks Operation

This section explains the adjustment and check 1. Accelerator adjustment

procedures for parts other than the pressure and Governor lever
Turn buckle Rod
electric parts.

Elevating system High speed Nut Accelerator
adjustment control motor
1. Bleeding the leveling cylinder bolt
Low speed

(1) High speed adjustment

1. Turn the accelerator control motor in an
(1) Place the machine at a position where the anti-clockwise direction (when viewed from
basket does not touch the ground when the the motor output shaft side) until it stops.
boom is completely retracted and the boom 2. Connect the motor output shaft and
angle is 15° below its horizontal position (full- governor lever (engine) with a rod.
stroke) as shown in the diagram above. 3. Adjust the engine speed to 2100±25rpm
with the turnbuckle.
(2) Lower the boom 15° below its horizontal 4. Lock the turnbuckle with the nuts at both
position. ends.
(3) Open both basket horizontal adjustment 5. Adjust the bolt so that clearance X between
handles, and tilt the basket to the front and rear engine high speed adjustment bolt and
5-6 times by performing EXT/ RET operation. governor lever is 1- 2mm, and lock with the
Tilt the basket to its front and rear stroke ends. nut.

(4) Raise the boom to the boom angle 0° position, (2) Low speed adjustment
and repeat the procedure 1.3 above. 1. Turn the accelerator control motor in a
clockwise direction (when viewed from the
(5) Set the basket level, and close the basket motor output shaft side) until it stops.
horizontal adjustment handles. 2. Adjust the engine speed to 1100±25rpm
with the low speed adjustment bolt, and
(6) Carry out raising/lowering operation (-15°- 70°),
lock with the nut.
and check the degree of tilting of the basket.
3. Check that the plays of Y and Z of the pin
Bleeding is completed if the tilting of the basket
that connects the governor lever and rod
is within 2°. If more than 2°, repeat procedures
are 1-2mm.
1.2- 1.4 again so that the angle stays within 2°.

Seal the high and low speed adjustment bolts
after completing adjustment.

9 Y05-0830E
Y- 5 Y- 5
Adjustment and Checks

Operating speed with no load

1. Standard operating speed with no load

Standard Pump
Item Operating range Condition
speed (sec) speed (rpm)
Raising 50±5 -15°~ 70° 7.3m boom (completely
Elevating 2100±25
Lowering 55±6 70°~ -15° retracted)
EXT 7.3m~ 17.7m
Telescoping 40±4 ↑ Boom angle 70° (MAX)
RET 17.7m~ 7.3m
Left 0°~ 360°
75±8 1100±25
Right 360°~ 0° 7.3m boom
Difference between left Boom angle 70°
8 or less - -
and right
Forward 7.3m boom, boom
angle 0° (horizontal),
High running speed
Speed Backward changeover switch
“High Speed”, operated
Travel 20m interval 2100±25 from the swing table
Forward 7.3m boom, boom
angle 0° (horizontal),
72±8 running speed
Speed Backward
changeover switch
“Low Speed”,
Basket Left Right 60°~ Left 60°
17±3 1100±25 -
swing Right Left 60°~ Right 60°

Note (1) Hydraulic oil temperature is 40±5°C

(2) Operation for each item is carried out from both basket and swing table [Travel (High Speed) is only
able to be carried out from the swing table].

2. Adjusting operating speed with no load 3. Operate SW3 to set the operating speed.
The setting operating speed will be
(1) If elevating, telescoping, or swing operation
displayed on the numeric display in bit
speed is outside the standard operating speed
with no load, adjust by operating each switch
within the control unit (refer to Fig.3) as follows: Caution
1. Select “adjustment” by SW5.
• The numeric display will turn ON (flash) when
LED3 turns ON.
UP (DOWN) is selected by the switch, and the
2. Adjust RSW1 and RSW2 to the positions
operation speed will increase (decrease).
corresponding to the operation carried out
(*) as shown in Table 1. • The swing speed can be slowed down, but it
can not be accelerated.
(Table 1)
Switch RSW1
operation Item 4. Press SW6.
5 B 8 E
position 5. Change over SW5 back to its original
Raising * *
3 Elevating position.
Lowering * *
EXT * * LED 3 turns OFF.
RSW2 4 Telescoping
RET * *
Left * *
5 Swing
Right * *
The machine will not operate when
“adjustment” is selected by SW5.

10 Y05-0830E
Y- 5 . Y-5.
Adjustment and Checks

Solenoid control valve (5 valves) manual control

lever stroke limit adjustment

1. Stroke limit adjustment for the elevating,

telescoping, and swing of the solenoid control
valve (5 valves) manual control lever is carried
out as follows:
(1) Have the engine idling.
(2) Operate the basket control levers fully.
Manual control lever (refer to Fig.4) for the
solenoid control valve (5 valves) will

• When adjusting the elevating lever, operate the
lever fully for either raising or lowering option.
Turn OFF the elevating (raising) stroke-end
switch connector (No.81).

• When adjusting the telescoping lever, operate

the lever fully for either EXT or RET option.

• When adjusting the swing lever, make sure that

the boom is at its 7.3m setting (completely
retracted) and the boom angle is 60°. Then, lock
with the swing lock pin.

EXT Right
Lowering Left

Manual operation lever

Adjustment bolt
(Raising, RET, Left )


Adjustment bolt
(Lowering, EXT, Right)

11 Y05-0830E
System Diagrams


Z-1 Hydraulic Circuit .............................. 1

Z-2 Electric device

installation positions ..................... 2

Z-3 Electric Circuit.................................. 3

Z-2. Z-2.
Electric Circuit Diagram

Z-2 Electric Circuit Diagram

Electric part installation positions

Control lever

Control lever

Control unit
L2 L1
UP/ DOWN (UP) Touch SW (-095273)
stroke end SW
Touch SW (-095274)

Safety relay Heater relay

Starter relay Emergency pump relay
Accelerator control motor Relay box

Relay box

2 Z02-0820E
Head Office Ko-34,Sinden-cho, Takamatsu, Japan

Overseas Service Group

Tadano Ryogoku Bldg.
4-12, Kamezawa 2-chome,
Tokyo, Japan
Tel. 81 (3) 3621-7765
Tel fax 81 (3) 3621-7785

History of revision
0803 E

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