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Compare Numerology Readings numerologistDotCom
Born April 06, 1980
John Peter Johnson
Welcome To The World Of Numerology
About Numerology
Number Glossary
Connecting The Dots
Your Deluxe Numerology Report
The Power In Your Name
Your Soul Urge
Your Personality Number
Your Expression Number
The Inclusion Table & Your Karmic Lessons
Your Hidden Passion
Your First Response
Your Dynamic Personal Alphabet
Your Identity
Your Basic Transit Table
Your Life Path
Your Life Path Cycles
...In Summary
Your Four Pinnacles
...In Summary
Your Life Challenges
Your Achievement Number
Your Personal Year Cycle
Your Personal Year Table
Your Personal Days
Destiny Engineering
Your Letter Aura
Reading Your Destiny Table
Your Destiny Table
Arithmantic Secret #1: The Clock & The Calendar
Arithmantic Secret #2: The Mystic Pyramid
Final Note
7 7 53
Nickname Value First Response Third Pinnacle
2 1 1
Birth First Name Life Path First Pinnacle
1 19 6
Birth Middle Compound Second Pinnacle
Name Value
5 4 7
Birth Last Name Formative Cycle Third Pinnacle
1 6 4
Soul Urge Productive Cycle Fourth Pinnacle
0 9 2
Soul Urge Harvest Cycle First Minor
Challenge Challenge
7 6 3
Personality Birthday Number Second Minor
4 6 1
Personality Birthday Vibration Major Challenge
8 7 1
Expression Birthday Gift Achievement
4 35 1
Expression First Pinnacle Reduced
Challenge Ending Achievement
Second Pinnacle
Welcome To The World Of
We at want to welcome You see, John, we believe that Numerology
you to the adventure of looking into your life can be a key that unlocks a life filled with joy,
in an exciting, and possibly new way, John. love and prosperity, because once you
We’re convinced that you've made the right understand what has been standing between
decision. It has become clear to us that you and your goals, you'll make better
Numerology is one of the best tools to help informed choices that don't force you to
you along life's journey, and with this report, repeat the lessons of the past; Numerology
you may find that your personal journey is a can help you move forward.
Fadic Numbers – these are the single digit numbers from one to nine. When a larger
number sums to a single number, the Fadic number of that vibration is the final total.
Karmic Numbers – this term describes the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19, which have
special characteristics outside of their Fadic number, or the digits that make them up.
Master Numbers – this term describes all “doubled” numbers, from 11 – 99. They
have characteristics that are entirely different from their individual digits or their Fadic
Number, but may include them in their own definition.
Compound Numbers – any of the numbers from 10 to 98 that are neither Karmic nor
Master Numbers. They are usually defined by their individual digits and their Fadic Number,
rather than special or individual characteristics.
These are the four categories of numbers in a Numerology chart, and you will have at least
3 of them somewhere within it. The higher Master Numbers are extremely rare, and even 11
and 22 are not common. Seeing no Karmic Numbers anywhere in the chart is very
uncommon, but everyone has compound numbers in their charts.
Again, they will be mentioned in your analysis, especially if they appear as important elements of
the chart.
Nevertheless, we guarantee that you will not be able to find a more thorough or revealing report
anywhere. In fact, we don’t believe that personal readings with many Numerologists will match
the scope and value of the report you are about to read.
From time to time, you may need to “connect the dots” in order to arrive at the exact meaning of
statements in this report that are relevant to you at this time. Doing so will, however, sharpen
your intuition, expand your self-knowledge, and reveal plenty of pertinent information that you
won’t find anywhere else.
Chapter 2 of your report covers the Life Path and the Numbers
derived from it, which include: NUMEROLOGY REPORT
Your Pinnacles
So now it's time for your journey to begin, John. We suggest reading through your entire Deluxe
Numerology Report once first, then go back and explore each aspect of your chart in detail so
you can get to intimately know yourself and the world of Numerology.
Since the Expression is the same thing as your Full Name number, and fully explored later in
your report, we won’t go into it in depth here. What we will do, however is to explore the most
basic factors of your name by looking at the one you use in most settings - your Everyday Name.
Also, to give you some generalities useful for self-understanding, we’ll explore the whole names
that make up your full name; a very ancient and insightful method of arithmantic or
numerological analysis.
The most important thing about the everyday name is that it’s about your choice as to what
aspects of you are put on display, and those that you decide to keep to yourself, whether
consciously or unconsciously. It also acts as an energetic barrier, mostly to buffer things that
may harm the inner self.
In most cases, the Everyday Name is the one that is changed, or one that is adopted so that we
seem more personable and social to others. Sometimes the Everyday Name and the Full Name
are the same, but more often than not, they aren’t. So let’s explore your Everyday Name a bit to
see what it is about yourself that you have chosen to let others know about you.
Since you have chosen an Everyday Name vibration of Seven, others are likely to see you as
some kind of mystic, scientist or philosophers. You might encounter many situations in which
others like you because they want to “pick your brain” or otherwise enjoy what they see as your
special insight. At the same time, others may think of you as being involved in things that are
“above their heads”, which may result in limiting yourself by seeking out only those whose
interests are the same as yours.
Unless you’re a specialist or an authority in some field, most people’s misperception of you is
likely to cause difficulty in relationships. Others are more likely to tune in to your insightful
thoughts than you are, so don’t think that you need to keep the things that excite you quiet –
that’s exactly what people want from you.
Sometimes, your First Name may act as a shield to help protect you, or as a mask to hide
something going on within you; yet, this shield, or mask, is like an “interface” that makes it easier
to interact with others that helps simple aspects of social life from becoming “too complicated.”
The First Name is one of the main choices that are made for you in life; whether or not you use it
as it was given to you is also a choice – it’s all about what, and how, you choose to give of
yourself to others, whether they are close to you or members of the general public.
Because you have chosen to use a first name of the vibration Two, John, it’s likely that others will
think of you as someone who is more focused on what they can do for (or with) others than they
can do for themselves. Although this is usually a vibration that gives people the impression of
you as a team player, or as a good partner, it can cause trouble in both professional and private
life. While some will choose to support your best interests, others may attempt to take
advantage of you. It’s important that you develop strong boundaries and don’t let others push
you into things that are only to their advantage, and not yours.
By the time you’ve entered into adult life, you’re likely to know that people “draw out” your
empathetic or intuitive side, and unless you have a reason to keep someone at a distance,
there’s a good chance that your insights will be somehow rewarded. It’s likely that others will
help you move forward in all aspects of life, but you’ll need to carefully assess the “price” before
you say yes.
to life-changing experiences.
If the Last Name you use has been adapted through marriage or some other circumstance, it
has a special meaning. If you adopt a name from outside of the family where your genetic
heritage originates, you also adapt the vibrational quality of that lineage. One way or another, it
has to do with the history of your life that existed before you were born.
You must realize that your Last Name has something to do with your relationship to your family.
In some cases, where the Last Name is not directly related to the vibrational quality that the
male parent has passed on to you, it is related to a position in society that one holds. In either
case, it also relates to a quality being passed on to the family you build as an adult. What follows
logically is that it will relate by way of its Numerological value to important relationships that you
develop with any relatives and especially with your partner. But, once again, the Last Name
vibration is something you inherit by way of the rules of society, not something that was chosen
for you or that you chose yourself.
This factor can clearly be seen as less important than the First Name, because it is not nearly as
representative of your choices, but it can also be noted that so many decisions are made due to
the influence of parents or society’s rules. In some modern societies, where there are fewer
obligations to the family or the social group, it has barely any influence on one’s choices at all. At
the same time, it can be of great importance to your relationship with the society in which you
live, so it should never be left out in a study of personal Numerology, where name analysis is of NUMEROLOGY REPORT
tremendous value.
John, your Last Name is of the vibration Five, which is usually associated with variety and
freedom, so it’s likely that there was a varied, progressive of fun-loving atmosphere in your
background. It’s possible that there was a strong dislike for more orthodox or conformist
traditions in your family, but there may have been such a strict adherence to tradition that you
may seek this quality of life outside the values you inherited.
On the other hand, you may come from a background in which people sought freedom from
some type of oppression, and this would have impressed you deeply, and caused you to place a
very high level of priority on your ability to do with your life as you see fit. It’s likely that your 20
Because of this, you’re likely to be a bit more flexible than many of your peers when it comes to
adapting to sudden changes. An important life-lesson that may come easily for you is that your
situation has a tendency to get more complicated or more difficult when you resist the changes
that inevitably occur; the ability to be flexible may bring out the best in you.
Sticking to routine or repetitive activity is not your strong suit; you prefer innovation to following
the rules, because you have a strong bias toward the idea that nothing lasts forever. This is one
of the major gifts of your Last Name, and because of it, you are likely to keep up with the latest
trends in all areas of life, and maybe begin some of your own.
Find ways to honor tradition without being bound to it, because using freedom responsibly is
your gateway to a secure future.
There are a few Numerologists that always use these two letters as consonants. Presumably
they consider them as consonants that sound like vowels.
We could find only one researcher who had a logical and functional solution to this problem,
Kevin Quinn Avery, DMS. In his incredible textbook, The Numbers of Life, he posited a rule for
them; that Y is counted as a vowel if it is adjacent to a vowel or if it holds the only vowel sound in
a syllable. W is counted as a vowel when it is adjacent to and sounded as part of a vowel. Of
course, these rules are based on modern English, but it is almost impossible in name analysis to
find cases in which Y or W should be counted as a consonant.
But in Numerology, Astrology and other methods of inquiry, there is only one rule, the rule of
experience. Different indicators should be specific, and define the subjects of inquiry as they are.
In other words, the indications of the numbers should fit the character, there should be no
aspects of the numbers that are changed to make them fit the subject. In over 30 years of
research and thousands of case studies, we have found that the indications of the Soul Urge and
the Personality Number (as discrete subjects of inquiry) best fit an individual’s character when Y
and W are counted as vowels.
The Soul has an agenda; it is the part of us that seeks experience, expression and growth. Much
has been written about how health, prosperity, love and fulfillment are the result of living the life
of the Soul, and an equal amount has been said about what happens to us when we deny the
Soul its expression.
When we pursue goals at the expense of our dreams and the urgings of the Soul, its
participation in our lives may diminish or disappear. This can also happen when one experiences
extreme pain, loss or other traumas; psychologists call this disassociation. “Soul Loss” affects
every aspect of our lives; our relationships, our work and our state of wellness.
Through Numerology, we have a way of glimpsing the urgings of the Soul by reading and
honoring the Soul Urge Number, which is defined as being the longing of the inner self. We may
know what this longing is, but we may not express it, either by choice or because of our
circumstances. That’s why it’s so important to know more about the Soul Urge; it becomes much
easier to express it if you have guidelines that help you follow its lead.
The Soul Urge Number is also called “The Heart’s Desire”, and some Numerologists use it to
understand your relationship style and the challenges to fulfillment in relationships. Either way,
the art of honoring the Soul Urge/Heart’s Desire is all about achieving a sense of satisfaction and
fulfillment in all aspects of life, and that’s worth any effort one can make.
John, your Soul Urge, or Heart’s Desire number is of the vibration One. Chances are good that
you sometimes find it difficult to compromise, while at the same time you are always ready
make a bargain that gives you an advantage. You are honest, determined and ambitious, and
remain true to yourself. It’s likely that little can hurt you, other than someone else getting credit
for what you have done.
You probably are an opportunist, almost always ready to jump at the chance to get ahead,
simply because you don’t like having people micro manage your work or your personal affairs. In
your personal life, you probably refuse to "play second fiddle" and are only likely to give in to the
demands of others when it serves a purpose you have in mind. Your Soul’s Urge is to be in the 23
In both personal and professional relationships, you would benefit by learning that you cannot
gain certainty by trying to control every aspect of the situation. You may have a very strong need
to know where things are headed, and you’ll probably put a lot of effort into trying to steer your
relationship in the direction you would like it to go. Sometimes this can make your partner,
friends or colleagues feel as if they are being manipulated, or worse, bullied. Learning to trust
others is the antidote for this difficulty.
You might also explaining, on a regular basis, that your feelings are deeper than you know how
to express – but the best way toward lasting personal satisfaction in all relationships is to
respect your partner’s independence as much as you do your own.
Generally, the Soul Urge is not thought to have negative manifestations as those numbers along
the Path of Life often do. That’s because every individual’s Soul faces some resistance from the
vibrations of the material world, and from others. This resistance tends to interfere with your
happiness only when you are not allowing the Soul Urge to be an active, conscious part of life
and expressing it fully, or when you aren’t working with (or are in denial about) the Soul Urge
Challenge by not taking it on.
H.H. Tenzin Gyatso, the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet once said: "To be aware of a single shortcoming
within oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in somebody else." The challenge
to the Soul Urge describes a special method you can use in order to reveal and work with these
shortcomings so that you can achieve the balance and fulfillment you seek.
How exciting, John; you have a Zero Soul Urge Challenge! This does not mean that you have no
Challenge, what it means is that the spectrum of Numerological vibrations will offer you the
opportunity to receive the gifts of all of them. In other words, there will be times at which you
have to do your thing independently, and other times at which help will be given when you ask
for it. Sometimes you’ll have to be social and avoid gossip or hearsay, and others when you need
to focus on the details of what you’re doing.
Occasionally you need to think about how responsible you’re being with whatever freedom you
experience, and be compassionate without letting others take advantage of you. You need to
take time to process things, and take an organized and systematic approach to business
In short, your Soul Urge Challenge is a practical, overall life strategy, which, if you take it up,
you’ll discover that your insight, prosperity, well-being and security are constantly rising to new
When you consciously work with the Challenge, the Soul has more energy with which to express
itself, thanks to the “Bonus Points” you receive from taking it up. By putting forth some effort to
consciously handle this aspect of your soul’s growth, you automatically summon more creative,
intuitive and ecstatic energy from the essence of who you are which will enhance your life in
every way.
Working with this aspect of your Numerology chart is about living life to the fullest. Life can be
an exciting adventure if you call upon the Soul, the essence of all you are, to come out and play.
In other words, the Persona is a compliment to the inner aspect of the self. In any word, the
consonants help us make sense of the vowels; they give form to the substance (or in some
cases, meaning) of the name, just as spices or fire can give form to the idea of “hot.”
Many Numerologists in India use it as an indication of personal style, and along with it, the type
of dress that works best for you, following the line of thought that “the first impression is the last
impression” – they use it to define how your personal style and behavior affects others.
Some modern Numerologists call this the “Quiet Self”, and do not use it as a marker of outward
behavior, but as a sign of what you may dream of doing in the outer world. In reality, this
vibration describes both how you imagine yourself and how you present your best self. On both
conscious and unconscious (collective and personal) levels, it describes your learned behaviors
and how you use them to express your essential self.
One thing is certain; it is very important in the analysis of how present you are in the process of
creating your destiny through your choices.
Your Personality Number can tell you a lot about those you meet, as well as yourself, so it should
not be ignored. As you get further along on your journey into your personal Numerology chart,
you’ll find out just how useful the Persona vibration and the tips you get from learning to
understand it can be.
John, your Personality Number, or Persona, holds the value of the Numerological vibration
“Seven.” Seven is the most knowledge-oriented of the Persona vibrations, and it usually shows in
one of two ways. Some folks who have this vibration style themselves as “loners” or “outsiders”,
and prefer to wear their values on their sleeve. Others are impressive but reserved in their
personal style, preferring to represent the knowledge they possess as an expert, rather than an
interested party following the trend. Others will consider you as a generally friendly person who
always has something interesting to say; your way of expressing yourself will attract many
people who think you can help them achieve greater heights.
Learning about your Expression and its Challenge gives you the opportunity to make
adjustments in your actions through which you can engineer a future that is more in line with
the gifts and talents you possess and can share with others.
One reason that the Expression is such an important part of your chart is that it represents your
power of choice. Even though your name was given to you, it was a choice, transferring to you
this wonderful human power.
This ability to choose may not always be a blessing, though, because every vibration has its
upside and downside. No one makes perfectly correct decisions all the time, and it takes a good
deal of understanding and self-knowledge in order to tune your decisions and actions to move in
a direction that suits you best, and reflects the most favorable qualities of your Expression
Unlike the Life Path Number, the Expression is not permanent. It can be changed, therefore
changing the quality of your choices. Even though it is possible to change your name to enhance
or suppress aspects of your character and therefore your lifestyle, this has to be done very
carefully – many facets of one’s Numerology chart would have to be thoroughly in order to make
sure that they are not fixing one thing and breaking another.
A famous teacher once said: “What you send out into the world is what you get back.” This is a
perfect description of the Expression, and why some call it the Destiny Number.
John, your Expression number is Eight. Eight Although Eight is often called the “money
possesses a natural genius for organization, number”, too much emphasis on materialistic
which usually is visible through your efforts to pursuits, especially those involving
take control of your circumstances. You’re speculation, can cause problems for you and
likely to be known for your ambition, result in obstinacy, stuck-ness or even
forthrightness, courage, discipline and nervous or psychological tensions. Money
persistence. When you are committed to an may not come easily to you, unless you learn
action, you have the ability to get things done, to set aside such negative characteristics as a
no matter what it takes.
lack of consideration for others or impatience 29
This does not mean, however, that it is described by combining the two challenges together. The
Expression Challenge is Synergetic – which means that it is a whole vibration that is greater than
the sum of its parts.
The Expression Challenge is distinct from its two component challenges, and has a different
meaning. You can work with this challenge, and it won’t affect the Soul Urge or the Persona
challenges, or your work with them. Often it is recommended to work with the Expression first
because it has a larger overall effect – people usually know more about the real you through the
Expression than through the separate components of it.
Once again, in Numerology a challenge is not some kind of counter-force that works against
your happiness, success or well-being. It is a way of gaining “extra credit” or “bonus points” in the
school or game of life.
Three. Having this vibration as a challenge to your Expression may not seem to be difficult, but
when you ignore it or don’t realize that you have a tendency to avoid people when you’re
stressed, this issue could be very distracting, and could really be annoying for you, because
you’re not likely to know why. Mastering this challenge requires that you be more open about
yourself and become more social, but it’s best if the events and gatherings you attend are not
for some well-defined purpose or have an agenda other than having a good time. Travel helps as
well, as long as it is not for business purposes or part of an established routine. When you
master this challenge you’ll know, because others will respond to you more favorably, and you’ll
find more creative ways to increase your prosperity.
What you’re about to learn, John, are the well-documented effects of the vibrations that are
overbalanced or under-balanced in your name. Both carry important messages and indications.
It’s not important whether a number is overly abundant or lacking, or missing completely – those
are just nuances that alter the description of the numbers that are most highly emphasized. It’s
an excellent guideline for what you can work on in order to make your life more fulfilling. It may
also describe a talent, characteristic or vibrational pattern that you can fall back on in times of
The key to understanding the imbalanced vibrations in your chart is that when they happen to
be the dominant vibration of a Pinnacle, LifePath Cycle, Transit Essence or Personal Year, you’ll
usually find yourself in circumstances dominated by that vibration, and your experience of it will
be significant.
A shortage of vibration Nine is very rare in full names; it is the vibration of compassion for
others, John. When it is insufficient in a chart, it usually indicates a lack of compassion, which
must be cultivated in order to gain some balance in the personality. This can be done through NUMEROLOGY REPORT
various meditation or other spiritual practices, even if the goal for doing so is more material,
such as an increase in personal power or better health.
The drive, or drives represented by a Hidden Passion are so strong that you have to be vigilant
and remain cautious that you don’t take things too far when you are pursuing it. One can be
activated when you are attracting a similar vibration through the patterns of Year, Month, Day,
Cycle, Pinnacle or the Transits of your Personal Alphabet. This is an extremely useful indicator,
because it may describe aspects of your behavior that have been hidden from you – until now.
Your Hidden Passion of vibration 6 shows that you are driven to be seen as responsible and
secure, in both relationships and material concerns. Partnership is extremely important to you.
The First Response is a habit pattern that is woven into your full name, and is
therefore an unconscious choice of thought, words or deeds that act much like
a reflex. Most people experience it when they are caught by surprise.
It may describe the first thing that you consider when a new idea, relationship
opportunity or project appears even before you choose which way you decide
to handle it.
This is how the First Response usually works, although each individual puts
their personal “spin” on the reaction. Understanding it can help you modify
your immediate reactions, and integrate your reactive mind into your conscious
choices, much to your advantage.
Your First Response number is 7, John, which means that 2 numbers have a
count of zero in your Inclusion Table. When a sudden change or opportunity
arrives, you are likely to doubt that hasty action will work, and prefer to wait
“for the smoke to clear” or let things sort themselves out.
Your personal alphabet consists of the letters Your Alphabet describes the possible
of your full name, and the best way to strategies, tactics and maneuvers that you can
understand them is considering them as use to break out of limiting patterns and give
individuals. This section contains a listing of you the ability to shape your experiences.
O is an enigmatic letter that confines everything, but is truly defined by the empty space
within it. This letter-vibration is complex, and shows your desire to be responsible; in fact,
responsibilities help you maintain your inner strength so that you can fulfill your vast potential in
life. Your communication skills are likely to be excellent, and it’s not likely that you’ll shy away
from a discussion where your personal opinions are important. Chances are good that you’re
very open and objective, but when under stress, you can easily turn to expressing your
frustrations in an overbearing way. One important key to happiness for you is adaptability;
stresses increase when you are put upon to things for people who don’t appreciate your efforts,
experience or knowledge – if you encounter these situations too often, you may become
stagnant and unable to move forward in a satisfying way. You may discover that you have a
strong creative streak, and any form of creative expression is fuel for your happiness and well-
H looks very much like a part of a ladder, which, as you well know, is a device that allows
you to reach the heights or the depths. Because of its association with the vibration 8, it is often
associated with financial matters and issues connected with authority and power, but what’s
more important is that it can be a sign of extremes. H is both hope and hopelessness, and NUMEROLOGY REPORT
signifies the forces of healing; they will often take you down before you can climb back to health.
It is a sign of someone who has a lot of heart, both in terms of generosity and courage, but as
you probably know, can also be a sign of the harm that can be done by your own hungers. It
may be more difficult for you to avoid being victimized by your strong emotions, but they can
also be a tremendous helpmate when it comes to reaching the pinnacle of success, as long as
you keep your sense of humor.
N is thought of as being neutral and balanced, because it looks absolutely the same upside
down as it does when it is standing upright. Because of the steep diagonal line, this letter is fast-
moving and energetic, and gives you the advantage when things change radically. Sometimes 37
P is a bit top-heavy and needs a strong support system, but instead of its arm reaching out,
it curves back on itself in a way that makes it appear to be closed. You are probably aware of its
being a source of your love for precision and pensive nature, but because of its closed nature,
it’s likely that when you pronounce your profound judgments, you may find it hard to do so in a
polite manner, despite your desire to present a pleasing persona. You have an analytical mind,
but also a possessive one; you are likely to value your intellectual property as much as others
value their material ones. It’s extremely important that you acknowledge your intuition, and
allow your instincts and gut feelings to guide you from time to time. Your mind will quickly grasp
your physical and emotional signs that “something’s up” – if you pay attention, you’ll soon react
by performing in a perfectly appropriate manner, releasing the power of prosperity and healing
consciousness within you.
E is the most energetic of the alphabetic vibrations and carries the power of enthusiasm that
comes from numeric vibration 5. It generally represents freedom and variety in all its forms.
Look at its shape; E has three horizontal arms that represent the esoteric components of any
human being; body, speech and mind – or taken from another perspective, body, soul and spirit.
It is the source of your efforts toward progress and independence, and also your ability to create
and adapt to change. You tend to act on impulse; it’s easy for you to jump into action without
hesitation, sometimes to your own detriment. At the same time, you tend to express yourself in NUMEROLOGY REPORT
a non-judgmental, supportive and sensitive way, but you have to be careful not to go to
extremes or be too excessive in your pursuit of freedom, knowledge and fun. You probably like
presenting yourself in an exotic way, and your eager and restless nature can be an asset if you
apply your effortless curiosity to self-understanding.
T is an interesting letter, because its lowercase form looks like a plus sign, while the
uppercase form looks like a tack or nail - it seems to attach a special value to your circumstances
and your behavior, because it can help you to think or talk things through. It’s the source of your
curiosity but it can also lead you frustration, especially if you end up finding a lot of “dead ends.”
You’ll sometimes want to go against the grain of situations or people, in order to “nail down” a 38
R is a very interesting letter; the top turns in on itself, which means that you respect privacy
and retain secrets, while the bottom half of the letter is like a leg stepping forward, which means
that you are outgoing and future-oriented. R can mean that you’re ready for a new start (reboot)
and seek opportunities to re-invent yourself, but because this letter-vibration is filled with
emotion, there may be a rough road ahead when you do release the past. Nevertheless, it
carries an optimistic, loyal and forgiving quality that makes it easy to keep moving forward
despite obstacles and hindrances, and this optimism seems to renew itself on a regular basis.
Because of your progressive and responsive nature, there may be times when you become
rebellious or filled with rage, usually when your humanitarian instincts are rubbed the wrong
way. Others may find you curious or mysterious in some way, and although your sense of
privacy and teaching abilities are strong, you might enjoy revealing exactly who you are.
S is the very image of a snake or a meandering river, and can have the same slippery or hard
to negotiate nature of either. You’ll find times when this quality can emerge as sensitive, sensual
and smart, and others when you can be secretive and seductive, depending on the situation.
This letter-vibration focuses on the senses, physical or otherwise. It can make it easy for you to
be adaptable and ‘go with the flow’ but has a persuasive quality that can sway others opinions
successfully, often to your advantage. Learning to tune in to your intuition can bring excellent
results for you, and help keep you from being sent off on a tangent when you should be holding
steady on course. The S is one of the more social and emotional of the letter-vibrations, and
these qualities can lead to success, as long as you don’t waste time trying to sidestep challenges
instead of using your imagination to shape them into useful experiences that stimulate NUMEROLOGY REPORT
knowledge and personal growth.
The one year Transit of S can be a very stimulating period of time for you, because your actions
may result in the kind of responses that you experience on an emotional level. The good news is
that the troublesome effects of this transit rarely last beyond its period. Some of your
expectations, especially those having to do with relationships, may not turn out as you expect
them to, even if you use every possible means to achieve your goals, which is likely to be your
method at this time. Changes can be expected, and you’ll make many of them, mostly focusing
on immediate satisfaction or short-term goals. This Transit often portends a change of
residence, but as well as finding a new place in the world, it can also mean that you’ll awaken to 39
Its numeric value is an essence number based on the most powerful letters within your
Expression (your Total Name Number), the Cornerstones. In that way it is similar to the Life Path,
which is the essence of your time, date and place of birth, but can be of a vibration that is
different from any of those factors – it also behaves differently from the Life Path and its various
While the Life Path is about the situations that you are prone to attract, the Identity is about how
you attract them, or more accurately, the kind of actions you can choose to take in order to
attract the more enjoyable and satisfying aspects of your Life Path numbers.
Your original Identity is a set quality, just as the Life Path is a set quality. Although the Life Path is
about things in your environment that are more or less out of your control, like the fact that the
weather changes, the majority of the challenges and benefits that you attract from the larger
world (especially those that involve others) can also be, but you can change that, according to
your choices; that’s what the Identity talks about.
Let’s talk about the numeric vibration that helps define the meaning of your Identity:
John, your Identity carries the vibration Nine, which means that you have a talent for seeing “the
big picture”, and that it will serve you well as long as you can keep your emotions in balance. It’s
likely that during a Personal Year, Month or Day of vibration Nine, you’ll have to sacrifice
something in order to make progress and gains – you might start learning to use this
encompassing power by getting rid of what does not serve you on Personal Days of this
vibration. Expressing yourself as being steadfast and loyal will gain you a lot of points with
others, but only if these are your real feelings; this vibration will give away fickleness and
insincerity every time. Your intuition and understanding can be great gifts, but during time-
periods of vibration Nine it may be difficult for you to tell the difference between compassion
and unnecessary self-sacrifice, so learn that sometimes the best way to help others is to leave
If you want to learn a little more about your identity, please refer to your Dynamic Alphabet
pages, and pay special attention to your cornerstones.
What this means is that every time any letter What follows is a brief listing of the most
in your name comes to the end of its Transit important behaviors to focus on during the
Period, it hands the reigns over to the next period of your Secret Identity vibration. By
letter in order. Therefore, John, while each making the choices that follow, and acting to
letter has a specific number of years during implement these choices, it’s almost certain NUMEROLOGY REPORT
which it can help you express its talents, gifts that you’ll get the best possible results from
and abilities, after it runs its course another the Attraction Number that is active at the
letter emerges with its own powers.
The reason that this is called the Secret One – Choose to assert your individuality and
Identity is because the changes are subtle, move forward with new plans; avoid egotism
and you might not realize that these new and arrogance.
Letter Years
J 1 1981 2001 2021 2041 2061
O 6 1987 2007 2027 2047 2067
This element is your Life's Path, sometimes called the Birth Path or the Destiny Number. It
represents both the situations and opportunities that are attracted to you as the results of your
actions, and, therefore, the circumstances of the world through which you navigate. It is a
central number, or core element in the hierarchy of vibrations that make up your Numerology
chart, and used in almost every method of Numerology that is known to exist.
Your Life Path Number is found by adding the month and day of birth together, adding them to
the year, and finding the Arithmantic sum of this total. This number is so important because the
date of birth cannot be changed; in the eastern world it is often said to represent "non-
negotiable Karma."
The physical and psychic environment leading up to (and for some time after) your birth is also
part of the unchangeable aspect of your present experiences. The seed determines the type of
tree: although the tree can be trimmed or otherwise changed, its basic type cannot be NUMEROLOGY REPORT
Most forecasting cycles and time periods are found by examining the components of the Life
Path as well; the timing of the unique event of your birth, when examined through the lens of
Numerology gives us the key to unlock the essential patterns that present themselves to you
throughout your experience.
John your Life Path is of the vibration One. achievement is a positive and satisfying
You will have a busy life to live. You will find reward in itself for you in life. Your behaviors
yourself thrust into situations in which you will be centered on ambition, self-motivation,
must be assertive and competitive, and originality and autonomy. You emotional 46
You have great faith in yourself which being given credit for your efforts, or to keep
supports your desire to overcome whatever from feeling that your self-interest has been
odds you’re faced with, but in extreme cases, diluted or absorbed into that of a group.
Although most books on Numerology read the Life Path a singular vibration that operates
throughout life, John, the vibrations of the month, day and year act independently. They are
called Sub-Paths, Sub-Cycles or Life Path Cycles. They operate sequentially, and are roughly
representative of the periods of youth, adulthood and maturity. They are calculated in a way that
brings them close to two of the predictive cycles used by astrologers; the cycle of the progressed
Moon, and the orbital cycle of Saturn, which we commonly call the Saturn Return.
The first of these Sub-Cycles is called the Formative Cycle, and is of the same vibration as the
month of birth. It begins at birth, and ends at the beginning of your second cycle. The second
cycle is the Cycle of Productivity, which covers the years in which you are at your most
productive in terms of building for the future and establishing yourself in your society. The
Productive Cycle holds the same vibration as the date of birth, and begins on your 27th birthday.
The third, or Harvest Cycle, is what you reap from the efforts of the other two. It begins on your
54th birthday. It is represented by the vibration of the year of birth, which some numerologists
call the Maturity Number.
These sub-paths can provide important opportunities to support your success and happiness if
you tune in to their positive aspects, but if you are tuned to the negative aspects, they can be
really troublesome. They represent the circumstances and individuals you attract to yourself,
and, as you can imagine, if you are focused on the negative aspects of any number, that's what
you will bring to yourself in ways you cannot see and may not consciously understand.
These Life Cycles are very important elements along the Path of Life. They are of such long
duration that they are easy to forget about, but they are always there, contributing to the matrix
of forces in which you live, move and experience your being. Almost all forecasting techniques of
Numerology start with them. They are like the sets for the three main acts of a play or film, while
the various vibrations of shorter cycles, such as the Personal Years or the Transit Cycles, are like
the scenes within the three acts; the character development and plot twists that make them into
a story - but all of that happens within the context of the settings, costumes and plot line.
Now it's time to discuss your three Life Path Cycles in order. They are discussed in reference to
On the one hand, it gives context to the positive and constructive situations that, even if difficult,
build the character.
On the other, it speaks about the troublesome experiences that plant the seeds of self-defeating
thoughts which can grow into the unconscious obstacles that may act as saboteurs during your
Cycle of Productivity.
In short, your response to the vibrational combination of the Formative Cycle and the Life Path
becomes the foundation for success and happiness in your life.
John, your Formative Cycle carries the vibration Four. During childhood, it’s likely that you
attracted an environment that fostered a strong work ethic, either in a positive or negative way.
At the same time, your social life and personal ambitions may have paid the price for the lessons
of reliability and consistency that you needed to learn. Even if you rebelled against the way in
which these lessons came to you, chances are good that you learned them well. Applying
yourself in school may have been important to you, because good grades and praise from adults
were something that you had to work hard for, and no matter how well you did, it was a matter
of work, not play.
It’s likely that you attracted circumstances that could have limited you in some way, at least until
you reached your teenage years. You are likely to have cultivated a very strong desire for
financial independence. Many people with this combination get involved in their own businesses NUMEROLOGY REPORT
early in life, and you may have attracted the opportunity to do so, even before the beginning of
your Cycle of Productivity. No matter what kind of struggles you had to face in order to “get your
game on”, you probably developed the persistence and level of commitment necessary to see
things through.
The Productive Cycle represents your career in the world, John. It can represent your greatest
achievements, but is, more importantly, about the contribution that you make to the lives of
others for good or ill. How you approach life as an adult, in whatever culture and society you live,
is described by the vibration of this cycle. This sub-cycle is the period of time when your Birthday
Vibration is being expressed most strongly, and therefore it is the most personal of the Life Path
Cycles. It shows how you attract the opportunities to express your personal gifts and talents, and
has something to say about the kind of feedback you will receive from the world at large. You
may want to take a look at your Birthday Vibration if you want to learn more about how you
might attract the "upside" of this cycle's vibration - because it is the most personal one, it is
actually the easiest to work with.
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It should be mentioned here that the Pinnacles are considered by some authors to be the
second-most important aspects of the Numerology chart after your Life Path
Having the dynamic force of this Pinnacle in that, during this time, you could have
early life could have made it easy for you to developed another habit that causes
develop the habit of jumping to conclusions, problems for you - the habit of starting things
and if you fall into that pattern, John, it could that you don’t finish. But if you’re aware of
land you in trouble from time to time. You’re this issue, it makes it easy for you to assume
likely to be filled to the brim with ambition, the role as the person who gets things started
self-motivation, originality and an and leads others into new and possibly
independent spirit. Almost all of your psychic uncharted territory.
This could be a favorable and successful period for you, John, but one during which you will
most certainly attract new responsibilities. Most people who have the vibration Six during the
Pinnacle of Obligation are occupied with domestic and family matters (including handling the
responsibilities of a family or organization) during this 9 years. Whether in a positive or negative
light, marriage, romance and all they entail are brought under focus now. Some people attract
major adjustments in their lifestyle because of marriage, while others may be adjusting to major
changes that need to be worked with regarding less permanent relationships. The good news is
that these adjustments, if they are made because of your sense of responsibility, usually
increase your fortunes.
Another side of vibration is that favorable changes in the career or profession can occur because
of others’ faith in you. If you experience a sudden rise in position or in power, be very careful,
because without firm foundations, things can fall apart as easily as they came together during
this time – especially if some form of partnership is involved. The financial aspects of life usually
go well under this vibration, as long as you stay focused on your long-term goals and your best
interests. Avoid gambling – even though you’ll be luckier in general, thinking that this luck is
permanent can easily lead to addictive behavior. You can build a very firm foundation for the NUMEROLOGY REPORT
future under this vibration, as long as you act with your best interests at heart.
Your Pinnacle of Foundation can be a little hard to get a handle on at first, because of the nature
of the vibration Seven that it carries. This vibration favors solitary activity - scholarship, and
other activities based on study, introspection, analysis or creativity; it’s likely that the conditions
necessary to pursue these more intellectual or scientific aims will arise, possibly to your great
benefit. You may find yourself wanting to take up the study of an arcane subject, return to
school to obtain a higher (or another) degree, or develop a small (and unique) business of your
Although this is not an anti-social vibration, it may be hard to establish new relationships under
this vibration. Those that started before the beginning of this Pinnacle usually are not affected
by this vibration. For you, this may be the time to go on a vacation, retreat or sabbatical, and if
you do so, it’s likely to result in your obtaining a gift that you need to bring to the world, like the
heroes of the old myths.
Because Four is the vibration of your Pinnacle of Retrospection, John, you are likely to be quite
serious about continuing to work as you grow older, in fact, some people with this Pinnacle meet
their greatest accomplishments at this time. Of course, this does not mean continuing on in the
same position with a company; it could very well mean that you begin working for yourself by
opening a business or turning a hobby into a profession. Some have to work during this period,
or may experience other limitations because of issues in the Pinnacles that came before, but it’s
likely that you may be limited in some way because of financial or other commitments that
demand you stay in place.
Although it’s not likely that big windfalls will arrive during this time, when and if they do, there
will be some type of struggle to benefit from them. Don’t worry, however; even if you don’t have
the persistence to see things through, this Pinnacle is likely to bring with it people and
circumstances that make dealing with challenges easy. There is a strong association of this NUMEROLOGY REPORT
Pinnacle with care or caregiving, so once it starts, avoid committing to too many favors – they
could easily become burdensome. The best thing about this Pinnacle is that your practicality and
attention to detail will improve, and help you establish a rock-solid reputation and status that
will bring you much comfort and joy.
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If we can make use of this element, achieving the quality of the First Minor Challenge allows us
to link together the Formative and Productive Cycles, which can help us use the experiences of
our early lives to make the best out of the circumstances of our Cycle of Productivity.
John, Your First Minor Challenge is of the Vibration 2. Two is often called the friendliest of
vibrations, and having it as a Life Challenge means that you’ll attract opportunities to benefit
from cooperation with others, and you should accept them when they arrive. Sometimes others
may offering their services and support, but may not hold up their end of the bargain, so it’s
important for you to be discriminating about who you choose to cooperate with. It’s also
important that you learn not to follow other’s leads in an indiscriminate fashion. If you follow
directions, and cultivate your intuition by listening to your feelings about situations and
(especially) people, your “extra credit” will gift you with interpersonal skills that will be of great
benefit, even financially.
When we work with this Challenge, we are able to gain a level of experiential knowledge without
losing the joy in life; we become able to make sober decisions without losing our sense of
humor. But like every vibration in your chart, it too matches the quality of your consciousness. If
you open to the possibilities of gaining the "extra credit" of this Challenge, the positive side of its
vibration will continue throughout your life, while if the opportunity to gain from it is denied, the
latter half of life will be more difficult to navigate.
John, your Second Minor Challenge carries the vibration 3. Three could be considered difficult
Challenge for many people as they become older, because of having habituated to cultural
demands that push them away from creative and social activities. The “extra credit” that comes
from a Challenge of vibration 3 requires that you be expressive; don’t leave what you want to say
to the young. It means that your second half of life should be all about sharing – others will
appreciate what you have to say and what you do, and once you begin sharing in the most
creative way possible, the lucky and pleasant qualities of this vibration will begin to flow into
your life. It will not be difficult to meet these requirements, because the vibration itself will
attract the opportunity – all you have to do is to accept it when it arrives. If you choose to go it
alone during this period of life, you’ll find life to be more difficult than it would be if you were
sharing your time and talents with others.
Working with this Challenge can be extremely rewarding, because where the Minor Challenges
are capable of giving us extra credit in a course, the Major Challenge is more like a single test
that lets us skip the course completely. Like the Minor Challenges, whatever is attracted by the
Major Challenge to help you rise to your potential will depend on your consciousness. If you look
at your various shortcomings as an opportunity to overcome them and live a more fulfilling life,
you will. If you look at your troubles as a cruel joke of fate, they will only become worse, until you
have a change of heart.
Your Major Challenge carries the vibration1, John, and this means that you need to achieve
balance as far as your individuality and drive are concerned. There may be times when you fall
into “whatever” mode and comply with others’ demands to keep the peace, whereas at others, it
may be hard for you to figure out how to work together with others without forcing them to do
what you want. Sometimes this Challenge has to do with drive – ambition and courage may be
something you are not used to, but these vigorous, creative and innovative qualities are the key
to opening the door to success. Engage in some kind of activity where winning or losing matters,
even if it’s chess or video games as a passive way to channel this powerful energy, and soon
you’ll begin to cultivate it. When you begin to pass this vibration’s tests, you’ll find that you are
attracting more opportunities in which others want you to take the lead, and your whole life will
Kevin Quinn Avery, D.Ms. was the first modern author to write at length about this chart
element. He said:
“The Achievement is what must be accomplished in life… Until the Achievement is obtained,
there will be tension in the life causing negativity.”
He was not the only numerologist to consider it of great importance; some practitioners of the
Chaldean school call this number the Life Path, and only judge what we call the Life Path today
as the first Personal Year.
When one achieves the fullest expression of this number, obstacles to a prosperous and happy
life become less difficult to work around or eliminate. This truly speaks of achievement, in both
the material and spiritual sense.
John, your Achievement Number is 1. One is the number of individuality and self-directed action;
the number of innovation. It is a vibration of leadership, which is something you can achieve, no
matter how challenging the obstacles are that you might face.
At the same time, you need to learn to stand up for yourself, and learning to do so may not be
easy. But you can do it, as long as you learn to listen to your heart, which can guide you to the
right course of action, if you only believe in yourself.
Achieving a state of balanced self-esteem is not easy; too little can turn you into a doormat, and NUMEROLOGY REPORT
too much can make you arrogant. For you, John, there will be times when your emotions swing
from one side to the other of this equation. If you let go of the ego-based desire to control
situations and people, you’ll find that your internal guidance system will work perfectly, and
attract the conditions in life by which you truly thrive.
The most amazing thing about the Achievement Number is its special ability to provide solutions
to the issues it attracts to you during certain periods of time signified by the Personal Years and
Months, during your Life-Path Cycles or Pinnacles, or with any Challenges you face. In fact, your
relationship with any of the vibrations in the cycle of 9 presents a specific Challenge and a
specific Gift. In a very short time, you can learn to act in line with your Gifts and get the best out
of your experience.
In other words, the Vibration Row contains the vibration you are dealing with, whether it’s a
Pinnacle, a Major or Minor Life Challenge, a Life Path Cycle, or any Personal Day, Month or Year,
as described in the next section. The Achievement Challenge explains the difficulties you are
most likely to attract during that time, according to your Achievement Number, and the
Achievement Gift explains the solution to any challenge from the various vibrations, which are
likely to be hidden in the situation itself.
So as you can see, the Achievement Number is all about what you can do to make things better
for yourself and those whom you love. If you do nothing else with your Numerology Chart, you NUMEROLOGY REPORT
can practice utilizing the strategies of the Achievement Number and see how much better things
go in your life.
As you are soon to learn, John, the Achievement Number is the key factor in calculating the
Personal Years, Months and Days, as well as many other important time-cycle numbers in your
chart. It is like a “strange attractor” that causes the Universal Vibrations to fall in line with these
specific Challenges and Gifts that you can deploy to your advantage. Armed with this knowledge,
there are few situations in the world that can present a situation you can’t handle, making one of
the most valuable aspects of your Numerology Chart.
Universal Year.
If you haven’t been planning to start something new, you should, because whatever you begin
this year will last throughout the nine-year cycle; this year’s actions are the foundation for what
will be happening during the following eight years. It’s a good idea to plan for a new beginning in
advance, because even if you’re not expecting it, the opportunity is likely to arise anyway. In fact,
by doing so, you’re surfing a cosmic wave of synchronicity that can easily move you toward
This is the year to assert yourself, to push forward with your plans and to come up with new
ideas. You are attracting positive vibrations to yourself, so as long as you remain positive and
keep a progressive outlook, you’ll see doors open and feel increased levels of energy. A positive
attitude will make you feel like nature is charging your batteries!
But there are a few typical drawbacks to a 1 Personal year. It’s possible that you could become
so opportunistic that others might see you as being overly ambitious or arrogant; if you keep
other’s feelings in perspective, however, you could avoid any major clashes. Do your best to look
before you leap.
You may have to go it alone at times, but that’s OK, because new things and new people will be
entering your life, and opportunities that are easy to capitalize on will present themselves. It’s
possible that a whole new life may begin. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to put your
best foot forward, that time is now!
Situations that occur during your Personal Year 1 may bring up issues related to your self-
esteem, which means that you may have too little or too much. A strategy based on not
expecting things to turn out as they have in the past, and making sure you finish whatever you
FEBRUARY - John, for you this is a Personal Month 3, and it offers the opportunity for
success, as long as you are not too free with your time, money or energy. Do your best to stay
focused on what’s most important, and let go of anything that you cannot finish; it’s important
that you focus on accomplishing something during this month. Because it will be very easy for
you to become distracted, and put your effort into an unprofitable direction, you seriously need
to tune in to your emotional guidance system by asking yourself “is this taking me in the
direction that I want to go” and see how you feel about it. You are attracting vibrations that are
very positive now. Be creative in your expression, and find some time to enjoy the social activity
that the month brings.
MARCH - A 4 Personal Month almost always has a feeling of being limiting or restrictive. If
you attend to details, especially those regarding work, you’ll probably gain some advantage, and
if you do not, things will be more difficult than they have in previous months this year. You’re
most likely to attract things that are too big to handle easily, so don’t be stubborn and pretend NUMEROLOGY REPORT
that you can do anything. This is a good month to consider your personal wellness. One way or
the other, the limitations you face will slow down your progress toward your goals, and that’s
likely to be frustrating. This is a month of hard work, and it is especially important to realize that
it will build structure and order for the rest of the year; don’t resent it.
APRIL - A Personal Month of the vibration 5 can give you a sense of greater freedom. This is
a time during which good decisions can bring favorable changes, while those made in haste or
made for the purpose of avoiding responsibilities will only bring trouble. A Five personal month
is very favorable for travel, and you may want to take a little break in your routine in order to see
what it will bring. Another thing that is really important is that you check every detail of things
you have in the works; this may be an excellent time to bring new methods or systems on board
MAY - This month carries 6 as its overall vibration, so you may find that matters concerning
the home and family take precedence, John. Your relationships with others, especially intimate
ones, are prominent right now, and will occupy your attention “for better or for worse.” If, during
the previous months, you have been working cooperatively with others, it will likely be for the
better. This vibration protects your money, so try to avoid being too aggressive about either
gaining or spending it; you can attract it easily at this time. Obligations and responsibilities are
likely to mount up, so maintain a positive attitude about fulfilling them, and make sure that you
take care of your responsibility to yourself first. Don’t take on other’s problems as your own
during this month.
JUNE - A 7 Personal Month is likely to bring delays. You can expect the pace of life to slow
down, and trying to force them to speed up will not help. Since, at this time, you are attracting
peaceful and spiritual situations, or those that require thought or analysis this is a good month
for personal work, private activities and vacations. Agreements and alliances will be important to
you, and this is a good time to make them, but be careful about extending your trust to easily.
It’s not very favorable for pursuing financial goals; it’s far more important that you look seriously
at what has been happening and assess what’s working for you and what you can discard. Let
forethought, intuition and insight guide you in all you do at this time.
JULY - Personal Month 8 will, more often than not, bring various opportunities for you to
take control of situations in business or in personal life. Material and financial pursuits are
favored, but taking advantage of this vibration requires something of a change in your tactics,
because many people “play fast and loose” with the power this vibration attracts to you.
Attempts to force others to cooperate with you are likely to rebound as negative effects on your
finances or your important relationships. You’ll find that it’s much easier to get your point across NUMEROLOGY REPORT
if you’re not being overly aggressive, and are willing to let others play a role in your success
AUGUST - Any Personal Month of the vibration 9 is likely to be favorable to you. It’s a good
idea to check in with others you’ve been a little out of touch with, because the best possible
results of your actions will be attracted to you when you find a way to help others at this time.
Even more importantly, this is a month for letting go, and really hearing others, so that you can
offer them the help you can muster without getting involved in their personal lives. Efforts that
you make which only serve your own interests, especially regarding finances, are not likely to be
successful, but those made with others in mind will bring success and other personal
attainments. A 9 Personal Month is usually favorable for travel, in almost any year.
OCTOBER - Because your Personal Year is of the vibration 1, you have two Personal
Months that carry the vibration 2, but this one carries the extra energy of the vibration of 11. If
you began something new during September, this is the time to seek the cooperation of others
and work together with them toward common goals – it shouldn’t be difficult, because you will
tend to be more inspired or inspiring than usual. If you aggressively pursue their cooperation, it
is not likely to last, so don’t be too ready to put your agenda at the top of your list of priorities.
Make sure to listen to others, and do your best to accommodate them. The vibration 11, which
can be somewhat daunting; it this can be a very tense or intense vibration, so you need to be
careful about letting yourself get overly stressed. Put some focus into your relationships with
others, and you can’t go wrong.
NOVEMBER - This Personal Month carries the 3 vibration this year, but it also has “12” as
an essence number. The twelve carries the vibrations 1 and 2, so this primarily social month will
attract conflicts between your need to achieve something and your relationships in both the
personal and social arena. You’re likely to get more invitations, and give them as well. Expect the
time to be filled with conversation and entertainment, but be very careful that you don’t lose
track of your priorities. It’s very easy to put too many irons in the fire this month, so be careful to
avoid making promises, and keep your appointments. It’s critical that you don’t vent your
frustrations on anyone important to you during this time, because the negative feedback you NUMEROLOGY REPORT
receive from others will only increase.
DECEMBER - This is your second Personal Month 4 this year, John, but as it is calculated, it
carries the special quality of the number 13. Because of the unique quality of this number, you
may find yourself in situations where you find it hard to move forward with your plans. At the
same time, this vibration also attracts the opportunity to express your gift of organization, and if
you’re really lucky, you may have flashes of insight that are important. Hopefully the social
activity of last month did not cause you to become scattered and overlook things, because
during this month, every single detail needs to be fully examined. Don’t expect to get things
done at the last minute, and don’t get upset when your hurried pace is slowed down by 81
If you help others pursue their plans, you’ll get results that will favor yours. It’s entirely possible
that you’ll find this a favorable year as far as financial matters are concerned, because many
things will come to you through others, rather than your own efforts.
You are likely to meet people during the year that are able to help you improve all aspects of
your life; this is a good time to take the advice of others seriously, because people are more
likely to have your best interests at heart during a 2 Personal Year than in any other year in the
nine-year cycle.
The 2 Personal Year can be rather intense as far as your emotions and personal relationships
are concerned. But at the same time that this year can bring satisfying experiences regarding
relationships, its vibrations are equally powerful for harmony or discord. If you use “Patience”
and “Cooperation” as keywords in your decision making, you are likely to thrive
Put the ideas of others to use, especially those of counselors, consultants, and trusted friends.
You’ll find that you can improve your chances of success with anything you are attempting or
working by letting others help during this year of cooperative progress and harmony. Trust and
compassion will bring success, but a confrontational attitude will only cause problems during
this period of time.
You may find yourself prone to distraction, or find that it’s difficult to stay on task because of the
intensity of your reactions to other people this year. If this happens during a Personal Year 2,
you need to speak up for yourself. Don’t let others tread on your feelings and let go of those
who disrespect you. This way you’ll attract more fulfilling and prosperous circumstances
FEBRUARY - A 4 Personal Month usually brings some kind of limitation, and during the
year, these limitations are likely to affect emotional and sentimental matters you’re involved in.
Disappointments are likely, and you have to be careful not to let them get in the way of your self-
esteem. It’s extremely important that you don’t let your feelings distract you from the tasks at
hand, because you must attend to details this month, at work and at home. You are likely to be
frustrated by difficulties or obstacles to progress, but as long as you stay structured and orderly,
you’ll build a good foundation for the rest of the year. Throw yourself into getting things done,
and you will.
MARCH - The greater freedom that you experience during a personal month Five has to be
carefully handled, because during this year’s Personal Month 5 mistakes and unintended
conflicts are likely to occur. This is especially true regarding your relationships with others. Good
decisions can bring favorable changes, while those made in haste, or while emotionally upset
will only bring trouble. A 5 Personal Month is, however, favorable for travel during any year, but NUMEROLOGY REPORT
anything that is a break from a rut or pattern is likely to help you move through the month
smoothly. Avoid doing anything risky when it comes to relationships, but have fun.
JUNE - During a year carrying the vibration 2, a Personal Month 8 can bring abundant
opportunities in many areas of life. Material pursuits are highly favored, and you will find it easy
to gain the cooperation of others who can help you toward the achievement of your financial or
business goals. In fact, if you allow others to take action without being overly managerial, you’ll
find that they will act to your advantage, and not undermine your efforts. You’ll attract situations
in which you can act assertively without offending or pushing others, so have “please” and
“thank you” armed and ready. This may be a “lucky” month for money, in that it is more likely to
come through others than through your own efforts.
JULY - Since this is a 2 Personal Year, you’re likely to attract situations during a Personal
Month of the vibration 9 that are emotionally tense and even upsetting, John. The best way to
keep this emotional tension from interfering with your life is to avoid is getting personally
involved in the problems of others. No matter how much you care about them, do your best to
avoid the sacrifice of your time and energy on their behalf; focus on helping them without
“putting yourself out.” Be supportive, but remember that resolving your own issues is your top
priority at this time. This can be a favorable month for getting rid of things you no longer need,
or for saying goodbye to others, as when you are traveling or otherwise disconnecting from
them for a time.
AUGUST - Make good use of your Personal Month 1 by taking command of a situation and
moving forward with your plans, because this monthly vibration has a powerful ability to
support you in achieving your aims and goals. Don’t be afraid to handle things on your own;
don’t delay your own happiness or progress by waiting for approval or validation from others.
You may need to “go solo” for at least some of the month, but chances are good that you’ll get
favorable results if you do – you’re not likely to offend anyone right now. If you’re involved in a
partnership or team effort, don’t try to demand the spotlight, even if you do most of the work.
You can drive your success this month, but you don’t need to navigate too.
SEPTEMBER - Personal Month 2 brings with it the opportunity to work together with
others, or otherwise benefit from their cooperation or companionship this year. The fact that 86
OCTOBER - This will be your second 3 Personal Month during the 2 Personal Year, but you
can expect that a very different quality will prevail. Although it is a socially-oriented time, it’s far
more likely that you will run into conflicts or other forms of disharmony during these gatherings,
or while traveling. But there is really good news; as long as you’re not trying to “be the boss” or
control others for your own benefit, you’ll find that almost any dispute with friends or loved ones
can be settled easily and quickly. Generally, it is considered to be a pleasant and favorable
month, but you will have to deal with some unnecessary drama.
NOVEMBER - This is your second Personal Month of the vibration 4 during this personal
year 2, John, and rather different from the last time you encountered the 4 vibration. It carries a
quality that makes you more resistant to other’s ideas, but is also pretty creative. Although the
spirit of originality is strong, you are likely to attract some kind of limitation in relationships,
probably because of work or projects. It’s really important that you be straightforward with
others, and not be afraid openly display your feelings, or state the facts. As long as you take
good advice when its offered, matters concerning money and finances will go well.
DECEMBER - The last month of Personal Year 2 signals the return of vibration Five, but you
probably won’t need to be as cautious about it as you when it was around earlier in the year. In
fact, the only thing you need to be careful about is overindulgence – during this month, you
could find out that you know less about your limits than you think. You’ll tend to attract NUMEROLOGY REPORT
unexpected changes that you might react to by making ill-advised decisions, but you can avoid
conflict as long as you don’t attempt to be too creative – paying attention to details will help you
plot your course a little better. Emotional upsets are likely, but will probably not be severe.
Make sure that you focus on resolving any
Very often, new relationships come into the issues that you didn’t bring to a close during
life during this year. These relationships may your last 9 personal year; they may resurface
be of any sort, so be especially careful in the this year and make your life more
way you relate to new people you meet, complicated than it needs to be.
FEBURARY - Although the year may seem to be off to a slow start, the vibration 5 Personal
Month should be a breeze for you. You can expect to attract favorable changes, and it’s likely
that you’ll be ready to navigate these changes effectively. Be careful not to get distracted and
avoid important responsibilities, because it is likely that tending to your responsibilities will
attract opportunities, even social ones. This can be a month during which the freedom, fun and
maybe even travel that you’ve attracted is likely to manifest, as long as you’re willing to stay
centered and pay attention to the signs and signals around you. Handling freedom responsibly
is your key to success during this month.
APRIL - Things are not likely to go haywire during your 7 Personal Month this year, thanks to
the pleasant vibration 3 that dominates it. You are likely to face some confusion or delays when
it comes to pursuing your goals, especially financial ones. The emotionally stimulating, or even
frustrating events that you attract are likely to be toned down, giving you an opportunity to
carefully examine your plans and actions. This may very well keep you from making costly
mistakes, especially if you have the patience to work with another on complex problems. It’s also
a good month for getting away from the pace of events in your life; a vacation or an extended
weekend could be of great benefit to you at this time.
JUNE - During this year, you can expect the Personal Month of vibration 9 to be generally
favorable to you. It’s a perfect time to finish things up that were started in previous months, or
to bring issues to a close that have been stuck in “not done yet” mode for a while. It’s important,
however, that you wait until next month to start new projects, plans or to build new connections
with others. This is also a very favorable month for travel, which could help you attract a good
deal of positive energy. It may be a month with at least one incident that elicits strong emotional
reactions from you or others, so do your best to avoid being a doormat, or a dumping ground
for others feelings.
JULY - This is the only Personal Month 1 this year, so it’s important that you take advantage
of it. It’s almost certain that you’ll attract the chance to start something fresh in at least one
department of life, and if you do, it will be more likely to succeed than in any other month during
the year. It’s a good time to “step up to the plate” and declare your intentions, whether in your
personal life, or in business. You can expect things to keep a fair4ly active pace, but instead of
feeling frustrated, you’ll probably enjoy the social and pleasant vibes that are available this
month. Remember that a new start doesn’t always mean that you need to go off on a tangent;
doing so may cause losses. Focus is the key to success during this busy month.
AUGUST - This month of the year carries the vibration 2, John, which means that it’s likely to NUMEROLOGY REPORT
be an emotionally charged Personal Month. You are likely to attract issues regarding sensitivity
in yourself and others – people, including yourself, will seem too sensitive or too insensitive. You
may have an easy time cooperating with friends and associates, because of the overall pleasant
and relationship-oriented atmosphere. It would be a good idea not to put much emphasis on
personal relationship issues; because of the overall harmonious vibration running this month,
the extra energy would be “overkill” at this time, and may break the mood. Do your best to tone
down any social activity that isn’t related to your love-life if you want to get the best possible
NOVEMBER - The sense of greater freedom that comes during this year’s second Personal
Month 5 could make you want to take a break from the hard work that you’ve been doing or the
routines you’ve been caught up in, John. This is a month, however, during which you should
focus on whether or not the decisions you make will affect your future in a positive way rather
than whether or not they will bring you more fun. Stay mobile and flexible; but, at the same
time, consider things like your reputation and your status, at work or at home, as being your top
priority. You may attract people who are far less concerned about their futures than you are, so
you’ll have to keep your intuition in high gear when sizing them up. Other than the dangers of
overdoing the “fun stuff” this should be an enjoyable month.
DECEMBER - Personal Month Six is probably the easiest time of this year for you to attract
pleasant and favorable circumstances, John, especially in matters concerning your home,
relationships and family. Any group activities, whether for business or pleasure, will be
enjoyable, and it’s likely that you’ll enjoy taking on responsibilities, as long as you don’t try to
take on those of others. Don’t focus so much on money - it will probably not be a major issue
during this month, unless you start avoiding responsibilities, or avoid finishing things that you’ve
started. In other words, stay focused on long term goals and the short term ones will take care
of themselves. It’s very important to enjoy good times with those you care about right now, but
don’t confuse your loyalties, priorities or personal agendas with those of other people.
You’ll really need to keep a close watch on all matters concerning work and business, because
you’ll tend to attract situations that can get out of control, especially if you’re not in control of
your own affairs. A total attention to detail is required, because it’s likely that anything you miss
in the process of trying to make things better will come back to bite you, and things will go
downhill from there.
Actually, this is a “building” and “perfecting” vibration, under which you should be focused on
creating future stability or security, or otherwise perfecting your plans and ideas. Stick to your
own business and don’t make any radical changes in your plans or lifestyle, and avoid
unnecessary or unscheduled travel during this year.
A 4 Personal Year is one during which financial struggles are common, unless you have handled
your affairs during the first three years of the cycle. If it’s not easy for you to bring order into
your financial life in some way, it would be a good idea to get some coaching or training or work
with an expert in these matters.
Pay attention to personal wellness as well during years of the vibration 4; it’s a great year for
working with your diet or take up some kind of preventative therapy, exercise or practice. Pay NUMEROLOGY REPORT
attention to details regarding money and health. This vibration can easily bring losses, upsets
and other challenging experiences if you get off track with any important matters. Put a little
extra effort into all your affairs, and you’ll keep things from falling apart.
This is probably the most serious year in the cycle of nine, or rather, the most important year in
the cycle to look at your life with a serious and managerial attitude. Impatience and skepticism
may surface, because this is a year during which you find it hard to trust others. If you simply
FEBRUARY - You’re likely to find that this year’s Personal Month 6 will go very smoothly,
especially where romantic or family matters are concerned. There may be more responsibilities
during the month, or taking care of them may require more work than usual, but you will not
feel the kind of pressure that you normally would because of the accord between the yearly and
monthly vibrations. This could be an important month for your relationships with others,
whether allies or lovers; a strong and lasting foundation for the future can be built during this
time. The vibrational qualities you’re attracting now are constructive, balanced, stable and caring
– so things may not be as wild as they were last month, but you deserve a break.
MARCH - A 7 Month is likely to provide needed rest or quiet during this year, but it may also
cause a good deal of equivocation or procrastination, either from yourself or others. It will offer
you the opportunity to study, do research or examine your priorities and plans in some other
way. The good news is that you may find new methods or vital, previously hidden information
that you will be able to make use of in a positive way. If the pace of your life slows down a bit, it’s NUMEROLOGY REPORT
a good sign, but it’s a sign that this is a time for reflection, not letting things make their way to
the back burner. The situations you attract require logic and forethought, no matter what your
philosophy of life is, so be sober, not emotional in your judgments. This is also an excellent time
to review, analyze and balance your books, especially the financial ones, and to cultivate faith in
APRIL - During a 4 Personal Year, John, months of the vibration 8 may indicate difficulties
with financial matters. Make sure you’re prepared for the unexpected as far as expenses are
concerned; hidden costs or fees are likely to surface. The best possible expression of this
month’s energy, which could manifest as a raise or windfall, can cause problems with taxes or
other concerns. If you use your time to organize and systematize your business life, and avoid
MAY - Your Personal Month 9 should go rather favorably during this 4 personal year,
especially if you focus on getting rid of burdens, rather than taking on new responsibilities.
Burdens are specifically meant that responsibilities that you took on in good faith that have
turned out not to be in your best interests. But you need to be careful not to change jobs,
schools or partners, unless you are retiring or quitting them, because such actions usually end
up causing unintended or unexpected consequences that you would rather not experience. This
is not a vibration that attracts new things, so starting new work, projects or relationships is
definitely not favored; this is the reason that making a change will not benefit you. This may be
the best month of the year for finishing things you’ve started, for letting go of unproductive
habits, or for aggressively pursuing any wellness practices that involve the removal of a source
of trouble, such as dieting or surgery.
JUNE - Although this year’s Personal Month One is perfect for starting something new, doing
so will require some courage and assertiveness, because it’s likely that you’ll run into
considerable resistance. If your new beginning requires that you take a leap of faith, then
prepare yourself with a “plan B” and take it; the rewards will be exceptional. Chances are that
this push forward may pertain to matters regarding an important responsibility, task or duty;
may even pertain to your physical well-being. Make sure you have all your ducks in a row and do
things your way; have confidence in the fact that the timing is right, and your personal ability will
see you through. Beginning new relationships are about the only thing you should avoid during
this month.
JULY - Work together with others during this year’s Personal Month 2, John. This means NUMEROLOGY REPORT
cooperative ventures; anything from a barn-raising to planning a party will fit the bill nicely. Any
form of teamwork is highly favored now, even though you may feel like others are resisting you
or not open to you emotionally. Your efforts will not be in vain, however, because it’s almost
guaranteed that if you do something for others, or work with them for mutual, rather than
personal benefit, you can succeed, prosper and gain their trust at this time. You are attracting
vibrations that favor working with others, so be aware of whether or not people really need your
help, or whether they are using you to avoid handling their own responsibilities. You’ll need to
avoid being overly critical of yourself and other people. Most of all, it’s important that you don’t
allow the feeling of being treated unfairly dominate your mood.
OCTOBER - You may find it unusually difficult to carry out your duties and responsibilities
than usual during this year’s second 5 Personal Month, John, not because you are distracted
from them, but because you are attracting more unexpected changes than you would otherwise.
Expect frequent surprises - it may be somewhere between hard and impossible to adapt to
changes going on around you. The more flexible and rational you are, the better that you’ll fare
at this time, because it will require a good deal of discipline to appreciate the variety of NUMEROLOGY REPORT
experience you attract without abandoning your regular and established routine. Anything new
that you begin this month is likely to turn out differently than you expected, but if you do things
by the book, you’ll find that you can stick to your plans, even though others may go out of their
way to interfere with them.
NOVEMBER - The second Personal Month 6 may be one of the more pleasant months of
this year, because you’ll feel more at home with the circumstances you attract, especially after
the previous month of chaotic surprises. You can expect harmony and security in personal,
domestic and professional relationships, and you’re likely to find that you don’t need to focus on
money matters so intently at this time. Cooperation from others and generally enjoyable 97
DECEMBER - Your last Personal Month of the year, which carries the vibration 7, is likely to
be rather pleasant, even if things are not moving as quickly as you would like them to. This
would be a perfect time to go over the events of the year and putting some thought into what
lessons you have learned. Journaling or blogging is likely to help with this. It’s also good for
spending “quality time” with friends, family, or even with yourself. Don’t try to turn it into a wild
party month, or you’ll be disappointed with the results. If you keep a positive attitude about the
past year’s events and toward yourself, you’ll spend the month in perfect preparation for your
next Personal Year.
The very positive upside to a 5 Personal Year is that it’s a year during which you can put new
methods or ideas to use in ongoing plans, projects or work. In other words you’ll attract
situations that show you how change can be made, and the opportunity to make those
This is also a great year for fixing houses, cars, and other indispensible items, or for obtaining
new ones. This may include upgrading electronic equipment so that you can enjoy them more,
because 5 is a vibration that attracts the opportunity to pursue a wide variety of “fun”
experiences that you can take advantage of.
A 5 personal year is excellent for making personal changes; if they are visible changes, so much
the better - you’re attracting very positive vibrations and opportunities right now. This is often a
year during which major travel experiences occur.
It’s likely that you’ll also attract more chances to experience personal freedom during this year,
but the abuse of that freedom can result in disaster. This is not a good year for making
commitments, especially when it comes to relationships, because 5 is not the kind of vibration
that perseveres; things started during a Five year may not last for very long.
One change leads to another during a 5 year, and no aspect of your life is immune to it. If,
however, things have been fairly steady during the previous four years, avoid choosing to make
unnecessary changes, and if you’ve had bad luck during the last four years, think of this as a 1
Personal Year, and you’ll be able to change the bad luck to good.
You may attract more than your share of those who have unrealistic expectations of you, or
those demand too much during this year. If, however, you follow through and make good on
FEBRUARY - If you’re keeping everything in perspective and not allowing the opportunities
for fun to take you off course, your 7 Personal Month is likely to provide a needed (and even
welcome) opportunity to catch up, review, past situations, and to analyze others in a way that’s
generally beneficial to you. If you put your energy into family or domestic concerns, you’re likely
to intuitively come up with original and exciting solutions for any problems that may be standing
between you and fun. Although you’re likely to be attracting private and personal vibes right
now, you shouldn’t give in to them and withdraw from your social scene – that would only cause
more anxiety. Yet, if you avoid being overly-social or anti-social, you should have a productive
month. You should be able to make gains in any matters that require your personal attention,
and achieve success in things that require a strong ability to focus, especially those that require
analytical thinking of some sort.
MARCH - During a 5 Personal Year a month of the powerful vibration 8 can be prosperous NUMEROLOGY REPORT
and progressive financially, as long as you react well to surprises, and don’t make any impulsive
or risky moves with your money. You see, the kind of vibrations you’re attracting do not allow
financial matters to act in a stable or steady fashion right now, no matter how reliable they have
been; it’s time to think outside the box. Be flexible, and be prepared for unexpected fees or costs
–forgotten expenses even may pop up and throw you for a loop. Don’t react by trying to find
ways to get around responsibilities – try new methods of working with them instead. Expect your
authority to be challenged, but if you remain grounded, you’ll be OK.
APRIL - Expect your Personal Month 9 to go rather well during this year, John, especially if
you focus on finishing things and letting go, which should be easy right now. If you don’t,
unfinished things are likely to “stay on your plate” much longer than you’d like them to. The
MAY - Your Personal Month 1, in the 5 Personal Year is a time for achievement – conditions
couldn’t be better for starting something new. As far as business, money, love or any other
action that you’ve been thinking about pursuing is concerned, take a chance, because during this
month, fortune favors the bold. This could be a time of meeting new people, introducing new
methods into your plans and projects or having new ideas about how to turn dull or boring tasks
into extraordinary experiences. You are attracting extremely positive vibrations, and these are
vibrations that bring change. It’s not unlikely that you’ll experience a stroke of luck this month,
and if you do, you need to realize that luck is not a constant in the grand equation of life. In
other words, chances are good that luck will be a factor in your success and happiness, but
counting on it is not a good idea. Don’t be afraid to take risks, but remember that risk does not
always have a reward.
JUNE - A lot of what happens during this year’s Personal Month 6 will be dependent on the
decisions you made last month, John. It could be a time of adjustment and dealing with errors in
judgment if you went too far with last month’s dynamic and happy energy, or expected your luck
in some area of your life to last. This is a month that could be tricky regarding relationships,
because the vibrations that you are attracting could either help a new relationship get started, or
they could break and old one. The reason is that the monthly and annual vibrations clash – 6 is
about the sense of responsibility, while 5 is about the need for freedom and variety. Even if you
are pursuing fun goals, it’s likely to be a month during which you’ll discover that consequences NUMEROLOGY REPORT
will result from skipping out on your obligations, so put your reputation and your connections
with others at the top of your list of priorities.
JULY - Your Personal Month of vibration 3 during this Five year is likely to be exciting,
entertaining and enjoyable, John, but it is also possible that you’ll attract so many opportunities
for fun activities that you’ll get pulled away from important duties or commitments. If you have a
chance to travel, take it; it’s the best way to “ground out” this vibration and have a good time
doing so. Although it may not be a good time to make promises or stick with a given protocol, it
is an excellent time to engage in social life, so don’t take yourself or others too seriously during
this month. The keywords are variety, pleasantness and fun, and you should keep these things 102
AUGUST - During a 5 Personal Year, the Personal Month 4 is likely to be challenging, John.
You’re likely to attract situations that limit your ability to do new things or express new ideas.
You’ll also find that people in general are more obstructive than usual; some may go as far as
stopping you in your tracks when it comes to trying to do as you please. Work and duties are
likely to come to the foreground, and the level of freedom that you’ve been experiencing so far
this year will be pushed into the background. Not to worry, though, if you manage to hold to
your personal, psychic center, you may have some satisfaction by discovering new methods that
you can apply to normally boring tasks, and if you pay attention to detail, you may discover the
chinks in the armor of people who are trying to limit you to rules and regulations that are at
cross-purposes to your own.
OCTOBER - This second Personal Month 6 during a 5 Personal Year will be a bit different NUMEROLOGY REPORT
from the first one. That’s because the other occurred after the close of a different annual
vibration, and this one happens right after a month full of the type of change that this year’s
vibration empowers. This is a combination that sometimes causes changes in residence or
relationships, but these changes can be favorable or unfavorable. It’s possible that you could
take action to commit to something new begun in the last month, or that you could find a
release from a commitment that recently caused problems for you. If you try to avoid following
through on your commitments, you will only attract more challenging situations, so don’t forget
that this combination can affect professional affairs as well as personal ones. Avoid making
promises, no matter how trivial they seem, because unexpected situations could hamper your
ability to fulfill them.
DECEMBER - Chances are good that your focus will fall on money matters during this 8
Personal Month. This does not mean you’re attracting financial trouble though, because 8 is a
very positive monthly vibration this year. It’s likely that your attention will turn to new methods
of handling or saving money. Because the year coming up is more favorable in this regard, any
lessons that are learned from the various ways you institute change in (or experience the
consequences of) your financial activities this year will stick, and be of benefit to you in the
coming one. You may attract situations that you aren’t prepared for; you may want to think
carefully before taking any risks that have the possibility of negatively affecting your authority,
your freedom or your bottom line. It is a good time, however, for cultivating some discipline in all
aspects of life. Doing what you say you will and saying what you mean will go a long way in
establishing respect, and above all, don’t be ashamed to ask for help if you need it.
The second major theme of a 6 Personal Year is “responsibility.” Usually this means something
good, like finding yourself in a situation where you are responsible for your well-being and the
well-being of others, but it can also attract situations where you have to take responsibility for
your actions, or you’re constantly aware of the possible consequences of your actions.
A 6 Personal Year tends to focus on relationships and domestic situations, and during this time,
it’s likely that home and/or family will be your top priority. Changes of residence and relationship
status are fairly common at this time, and this vibration draws an intense desire to make or
break a pair bond. In fact, the vibration 6 is stimulating the desire for balance in your life.
Adjustments may need to be made in the home, yet domestic life is generally happy, and your
financial situation is likely to improve. It’s a good year for renting or purchasing a home, or
otherwise expanding the place in which you live, but don’t forget that the increase in security will
come with an increase in responsibility.
The greatest difficulties that you might run into either have to do with avoiding responsibility, or
trying to help others at the expense of your own situation. You’ll tend to attract those who ask
for sympathy and consideration, and you may be more than willing to give it. In the meantime,
you may find that your ability to care and nurture is exhausted when it’s time to share it with
your loved ones or yourself.
It’s likely that your emotional energy may be off the charts (in either direction) during this year;
emotional sensitivity is likely to be an issue for you. But if you’re responsible and willing to take
the lead, your confidence will inspire others and get you where you want to go.
FEBRUARY - During a 6 Personal Year the two months that carry vibration 8 can be truly
fruitful, and this is the first of them. The 6 vibration the year generally tends to attract money,
while the 8 will attract the ideas and activities that can help you manage it. There is a certain
esoteric theory that you should meditate on during this vibrational combination; it is always
easier to acquire money than it is to keep it – that concept can make this one of the best
prosperity combinations of them all. This is not a month that’s particularly lucky, but, as far as
prosperity consciousness goes, it is tremendously empowering. It’s also important that you not
keep yourself totally absorbed in climbing the ladder of success, because it is your connections
with others, and the love that you share with them that enables personal abundance to grow
during the times that the 8 vibration is active.
MARCH - You can expect your Personal Month 9 to go rather well during this 6 personal NUMEROLOGY REPORT
year, as long as you put the past behind you. This is not the month for forging ahead, but it is the
perfect time for letting go, forgiveness and realizing what it is that limits you in all aspects of life.
You have the opportunity to take real joy in the fruits of your labors, especially if you have the
benefit of others in mind, rather than just your own. Don’t drive yourself too hard as far as
pushing toward financial gain is concerned; put your energy into your family, friends, loved ones,
or whoever else may want to see you do well. There’s little doubt that you will attract the
attention of those who look for somebody to lean on, so this is not a good month for lending
goods or money, for beginning new investments, for making large purchases and, above all, for
getting personally involved in other’s problems. It is a good time for travel that is not part of your
work or other obligations.
MAY - The combination of the 2 Personal Month during a 6 Personal Year is a powerful love/
domestic harmony combination, John. This is a very romantic combination; one that can show
you more about your heart and the hearts of others than most months in the 9 year cycle. Do
your best to experience and enjoy the depth of your feelings; and if you are having romantic
difficulties look to why your having the feelings that you are, and you will learn a lot about
yourself and your interactions with others. On another note, too much of a good thing can
collapse under its own weight, so it’s all about making happiness your top priority. Be careful
though, because you are attracting strong relationship vibes right now, and this month can
break relationships as easily as it can make them. Don’t push too hard as far as money is
concerned; the vibrations this month are about receiving, not about making your way in the
world. It may be easier to attract prosperity this month than you might expect. On a more
mundane note, it is a really good time for collecting debts of any kind.
JUNE - During a Six personal year, the Three personal month can be rather pleasant, John, as
long as you’re willing to stay on top of your personal obligations, and avoid getting caught up in
the various diversions you are likely to encounter. You can expect this to be a social month,
during which you’ll attract many opportunities to have a little fun. It’s even possible that there NUMEROLOGY REPORT
will be some kind of reward for keeping up with your responsibilities that can help prevent you
from going off on a tangent. You may even attract a demand to enjoy yourself, even in a
domestic situation; it’s excellent for entertaining at home, no matter how you feel about doing
so. Any adjustments or course-corrections that are needed may seem effortless right now; it’s a
perfect time to get things back on track without having to sacrifice personal or family time.
Money matters can be favorable, and relationship vibrations are strong during this month.
JULY - The Personal Month 4 is likely to be somewhat satisfying during a 6 personal year,
especially when it comes to matters concerning your work. Any limitations or delays that you
face this month will have a reward attached to them, so make sure you don’t get attached to 107
AUGUST - After several favorable months in a row this 5 Personal Month is likely to bring
complications, challenges or changes into your life. It’s possible that you may have to change the
way you’re handling things that have been going smoothly; try to avoid doing so if you can. It’s
one of those months during which anything that has been overlooked could bring challenges
you aren’t prepared for, so stay flexible and pay attention to details. Making snap decisions are
not likely to bring results that you like, and you could find yourself having to face others who
want you to make decisions during this time. Neither of these vibrations is inherently
unpleasant, but, in combination, you may find that you’re trying to stop attracting the number
(or type) of changes that you are. The trick to winning this month is to avoid doing anything risky,
and to be flexible enough to accept whatever responsibilities come around.
SEPTEMBER - Because this is a 6 Personal Month in a 6 year, John, you may be feeling a
little overwhelmed with responsibilities. It’s possible that you may be pushed into making
adjustments in your schedule that could affect your domestic life or relationships, and if so, they
are probably not changes that you asked for. If too many duties and tasks are on your plate, ask
someone for help. Avoiding them or becoming resentful of them will not help you or the people
who are important to you. Avoid getting caught up in the difficulties of others; compassion is a
powerful, positive emotion, but this is a time during which you need to put your personal well-
being first. If you follow through on your responsibilities to yourself and others, you could
experience very positive events in your relationships, but you need to be aware that this NUMEROLOGY REPORT
OCTOBER - Your second Personal Month 7 is likely to bring mixed results, very similar to
the first one, John.Maybe you will need some personal time to take care of professional,
domestic or relationship matters, but that’s OK, because the quiet and thoughtful energy of the
7 is what you’re attracting. If you’re feeling exceptionally ambitious, or many opportunities
present themselves, you can move forward, but you’ll probably be doing so slowly, or need to
sacrifice the time you spend working on something personal in order to accomplish something
that lives within an organized framework. In all phases or departments of life, things are likely to
slow down, but it gives you an opportunity to think things through, or relax and breathe before 108
NOVEMBER - A 6 Personal Year is one of the best hosts for an 8 Personal Month, because
this vibrational combination includes attractions to both financial matters and relationships.
You’ll have to be careful, however, to avoid letting your financial or professional pursuits cause
problems in the more romantic or “people oriented” side of life. It may not be the best time to
involve those closest to you in your financial affairs; money issues can cause trouble in your
relationships at this time. Any type of business or work that involves connecting with the public,
or anything involved in personal contact should thrive. Deals made during the month should be
profitable; new people you meet should be favorable for your finances. On the whole, this
month should prove to be profitable, and may increase your holdings while decreasing your
Seven may be the best vibration for tuning your emotional, inner guidance system, because it
can help you understand the real purpose of your feelings. If you pay more attention to
impressions and feelings, you may defeat the negative self-talk that blocks your ability to trust
and diminishes your capacity for intimacy, and gain more faith in yourself and the world about
you. During a 7 Personal Year, following the feelings you have about what you are planning or
doing will lead you to success.
The best advice is to relax as much as possible. If you can, stay out of the “rat-race” and spend
some time tuning in to how you feel about things. Your own intuition is likely to increase this
year, so pay attention to it.
You may also want to spend some time assessing the successes and failures of the last six years,
figuring out what you want to repeat and what you don’t, and how these lessons will help you
achieve your long-term goals.
A 7 Personal Year is seldom helpful for material progress; major efforts to gain wealth and
investing usually result in more problems than benefits. Any efforts made toward teaching,
writing, study or spiritual seeking will meet with success this year. An extended vacation, a
sabbatical or a growth-oriented retreat will be immensely rewarding, as will quiet evenings at
home or with family. Fresh air and social life are essential. This may be a year during which you
spend time alone or with those you are closest to, but a miracle, or the answer to your prayers
may be the result.
The intuitive vibration 7 may bring a year in which your intuitive abilities go into overdrive. It will
be somewhat slower than you’ve been used to, however, and procrastination or a lack of
FEBRUARY - When you experience a Personal Month 9 during a 7 year, John, you’re in for a
very favorable experience. On the one hand it may bring an end to loneliness, obstacles or
delays, while on the other, it could make it easy for you to banish any creative blocks or to
overcome any unproductive habits, ideas or misconceptions. The vibrations that you are
attracting this month are nurturing to the year’s vibration, and that usually results in a feeling of
being uplifted. You may experience a better perspective on the “big picture” of all aspects of
your life, and this experience may come through opportunities for growth or expansion.
Chances are also good that you won’t be bothered by the frustration that can come from
focusing on “little things”, or missing out by “sweating the small stuff.” All of these great
possibilities, however, are dependent on your willingness to stay focused letting go of the past
so you can make room for a better future. Have faith in others, yourself and the divine if you
don’t want the past to repeat itself, and chances are good that you’ll be more capable of letting
go of the hurts, problems or unresolved issues that have been keeping you from moving NUMEROLOGY REPORT
MARCH - Uplifting changes are likely during your Personal Month 1, and through them,
you’re less likely to be in the kind of mood to wait and see what’s going to happen before making
the move that could get your plans in motion. The changes you’re attracting now are refreshing,
not the kind of changes that confuse things. This vibrational combination favors almost any
efforts made to move forward toward your personal goals, but be careful; if your goals have to
do with the domination or control of others’ behaviors or choices, you will be disappointed. It’s a
great month for beginning new practices or activities, especially if they are directed toward
wholeness, self-development and individuation. You might want to take a look at making 112
APRIL - The Personal Month 2 is likely to be peaceful and favorable for you this year, John,
but only if you don’t buy into the emotional extremes that can come from facing challenges to
your beliefs or your relationships. Trust issues are likely to arise now, and you can learn a lot
about yourself and other people by giving them and their advice the benefit of the doubt. The
good news is that you’re likely to attract the solution to any difficulties you encounter at the
same time that you attract the difficulty itself; you just have to be looking for it, and it will
appear. Let your intuition guide you – whether you understand these impressions as “gut
feelings” or full-blown “psychic insights” you need to know that your inner guidance system is
working in top gear right now. This is a perfect month for meditation practice, but also favors
other activities such as study and research, especially if the cooperation of others is involved. Do
a positive assessment of the past; take a personal inventory and you’re likely to discover
something important.
MAY - A 3 Personal Month is likely to have mixed results during a 7 Personal Year, because
the monthly vibration is likely to stimulate the year’s vibration in a positive way. This might mean
that a source of inspiration is discovered; it could also mean that there is a lot of fun to be had.
Social opportunities may arise that can bring much needed variety into your life, and it would be
better to follow up on them than to try and focus on a project or plan amid the somewhat
distracting vibrations that you are attracting right now. During this uplifting month, you could
change your course of direction that you started the year with, but if this new course involves
people and fun, it will be well worth it. New people may enter your life, and they may be quite
favorable for you if the contact is social rather than professional; you may not get the kind of
results that you either expect or want if you are totally committed to the pursuit of wealth or an
increase of status at this time – this is a vibrational combination that just doesn’t work that way.
JUNE - During a Personal Year 7, the month that carries vibration 4 is likely to be rather
favorable for you, John, because although the pace of life can be slowed down, you’ll have the
opportunity to catch up with things, or take them off “back burner.” You’re likely to find it easier
to slog through arduous tasks and focus on details; it’s a good month for dealing with anything
from wellness issues to bookkeeping, to reworking any kind of financial contracts. It’s not the
best month for presenting new ideas, or trying something new in relationships, but it is great for
putting some attention on things that are important to you on a very physical and practical level.
If you have any personal pursuits or plans for this time, you can throw yourself into them and
will almost certainly get good results, as long as you let go of the doubts you may have about
your ability to accomplish them. It would also be a good idea to ignore the opinions of others, 113
JULY - You’ll do much better if you approach your goals with reason and moderation in mind
during this 5 Personal Month; in fact, this can be a time during which you thrive, as long as
you’re willing to be flexible in your views, and take the advice of others on faith. Your intuition is
likely to be running in overdrive at this time, making it perfect for discovering new methods that
may aid you in your work, or new information that is beneficial for your personal relationships.
It’s an excellent time for travel, or for enjoying a new form of recreation; you may welcome
change right now, because it’s likely to be good for you. You’re attracting the kind of vibration
that will enable others to “get it” when you present your experience, knowledge or talents to
them in almost any context. Others will appreciate your talents, experience and knowledge, so
be ready to receive invitations, gifts and good wishes from them. You may encounter more of
the generosity of the heart than you usually do, so stay centered and focus on enjoying life
during this month.
AUGUST - The 6 Personal Month is likely to bring mixed results in a 7 year, John, because
this vibrational combination is often a sign of mixed or confused priorities. It’s possible that your
plans and efforts may collide with personal, domestic or relationship activities, but, at the same
time, the vibration you’re attracting right now can be excellent for a getaway with loved ones or
a special treatment for yourself that has relaxation as its goal. About the worst thing that might
happen during this time has to do with the problems of others – if you ignore them, you’re likely
to attract resentments, while if you try to solve them, your advice is likely to be ignored, no
matter how solid it is, resulting in your resenting them. But, despite this challenging aspect of
this vibrational complex, it brings an excellent month for manifesting the things you want in life,
as long as you are ready to receive, and not trying to force things to go your way.
SEPTEMBER - This is a doubled vibration, being a 7 Personal Month in a 7 Personal Year,
can be a time during which you attract too much of this vibration into your life. The double 7 can
mean withdrawal and limitation, but this can be either a favorable or unfavorable course of
events. If you are withdrawing from everyday affairs in order to recharge your psychic batteries
or focus on a particular study, it can be good, even if there is tension in the air. If you are
focused inwardly because of emotional or professional encounters that have not gone well, you
might find yourself in a stuck place that seems to have no way out. The good news is that
meditation, prayer or other spiritual exercises provide tremendous relief and healing now, and
that if you take the time to let your intuition guide you, you may receive special insights that help
you get past almost any form of difficulty. This is certainly not a favorable month for aggressive 114
OCTOBER - The second month of the vibration 8 during a 7 year could bring emotional
upsets that result in losses, especially if you are dedicating your efforts to financial gain –
especially if you’re looking for that “big score.” Don’t go “all out” or “all in” when it comes to your
professional or monetary goals; new investments, job changes or seeking promotion should be
carefully avoided at this time. Your time will be much better spent by learning what you can do
to improve your situation – whether that situation has to do with matters of the wallet or
matters of the heart. Pay close attention to the behavior of others and be careful about your
personal boundaries. Try to avoid “following the crowd”, because this vibration causes you to
attract those who don’t have your best interests at heart, and this is not a good time to get into
any power-struggles or personality conflicts. On top of that, avoid listening to advice about
money matters, unless it is about saving it – any other financial advice is suspect at this time.
Whatever way you look at it, this vibrational combination is about success through peaceful and
cooperative means, not through competitive ones.
NOVEMBER - Your second Personal Month 9 can be an excellent time for “cleaning house”
and tying up loose ends, John. Anything that you’re doing that helps you finish things needs to
be your top priority, no matter what department of life that it falls in. If you’ve been working on
complex problems, the 9 month this year is the time to stop figuring out whether you’ve got the
right question or not, and implement the solution that your intuition provides. You can depend
on your 6th sense right now. It’s a perfect month for any type of treatment or therapy;
longstanding issues that have remained unresolved, or about which you have never sought out
the answer can be brought to a close now. As far as financial matters go, this is the best time in
which you should do your best to get rid of old attachments, so that the next month’s NUMEROLOGY REPORT
opportunities for new beginnings aren’t held back by old baggage. Travel is also favored this
month, as are changes in diet. If you do anything like writing or blogging, bring old ideas to their
resolution so that you can prepare to move on.
DECEMBER - The second Personal Month 1 during this 7 year is likely to be favorable,
because it will give you the boost of energy that you’ll need to analyze and push forward with
your financial plans for next year. Don’t let your feelings stop you from putting your ideas and
plans on the table, or let yourself be convinced that they aren’t viable because chances are very
good that they will be just perfect. You’ll find it easy to enlist the aid of those with whom you can
enjoy the mutual benefits of your relationship, whether it’s a personal or professional one. Try to 115
An 8 Personal Year is the perfect time to put your money to work through investing, but you
must be extremely careful about the type of investments you make, and about managing your
money, because it is so easy to think that nothing but luck is involved, and luck is the
“Kryptonite” to success during this year. In other words, random speculation will not help you,
but careful and well advised planning will.
You can make profitable new business contacts or agreements now. Take advantage of any
opportunities to increase your material wealth, but do your research and planning well, because
the vibration 8 also means that the consequences of your actions will manifest more powerfully
than usual – the right moves are wonderful, but the wrong ones may be devastating.
This year favors the achievement of positions of power and other material pursuits as well, but
does not favor the careless wielding of power. In other words, this is a year that you’ll attract
many opportunities to take charge, but it is extremely important to lead by example, not by
command. It’s critical that you accept help that is offered; trying to “do it all” yourself may lead to
A Personal Year of vibration 8 is not usually helpful in other aspects of life, such as personal
relationships. Because of this, you’ll need to make sure to give a little extra time and effort to
your loved ones. Count your professional or working relationships as important too, because
you will need the support of others, and they will need yours during this year.
The powerful vibration 8 can bring a year of tremendous success as long as you maintain your
discipline. It’s important to stay out of other people’s business this year; don’t waste your time
where it is not needed. Having the self-confidence to keep your feet on the ground and in the
FEBRUARY - This Personal Month carries vibration 1 during the 8 year, making this a very
favorable time for new beginnings, especially if they are directed at managing your financial or
career affairs. This is a combination that can bring you success in all material matters, but you
will need to stay self-directed, focused and willing to look for the clues and opportunities that
you’re attracting. It’s a time to put your best foot forward – any efforts you make to improve your
financial status or otherwise take control of your personal affairs are likely to be rewarded. It’s
likely that you’ll attract new ideas as well, and if they concern money or its management, or a
rise in power or status, it’s important that you pay close attention and look seriously at them,
because they could be the keys to new beginnings. Avoid being too aggressive, especially in your
relationships with others. Take the lead, be organized, stay on course, and you’ll succeed.
MARCH - The Personal Month 2 during an 8 personal year is a powerful combination as far
as business and professional matters are concerned, not because of the opportunities for action
that fall into the realm of the previous month, but because this month’s vibration makes it easy
for you to attract and secure the cooperation of others. Working with others for the purpose of
mutual benefit brings success at this time, and, thanks to the friendly nature of vibration 2, it’s
likely that you could meet important people who bring opportunities your way. Although you
may attract situations that are rather emotional, you have the ability to compose yourself and
handle things in a compassionate way. You will probably find it less difficult to attract prosperity,
and may even receive gifts or awards of some type because of other’s generally favorable 119
APRIL - During an 8 Personal Year, the Personal Month 3 will probably bring mixed results,
John. As is typical of the month’s vibration, it may be easy to attract variety and social activity
into your life, but it can just as easily be a time during which you put too many irons in the fire or
find yourself distracted from things you should be paying close attention to. This is especially
true where financial pursuits are concerned – although several good opportunities for
improvement or success may present themselves, don’t try to do them all, or focus on the first
one that comes along. Try to avoid acting on a whim or hearsay, doing so might send you off on
a tangent that it will be difficult to recover from. Yes, you will attract a wide variety of options
this month, but you need to be careful to filter out the ones that do not relate to your chosen
path or current plan of action. Be clear, with yourself and others, about how much you can
handle, and stick to a schedule – you’ll succeed if you do.
MAY - This may be the most challenging month of your Personal Year 8, because the
Personal Month 4 combined with the year’s vibration usually means limitations, which are
usually not welcomed, and may clash with your plans or objectives. It may mean that the pace
slows down a bit, or it could mean that you try to step up the pace, but find obstacles at every
turn. It’s possible that you attract so little cooperation from others that you won’t get the
feedback you need in order to keep moving forward. Stay in tune with your “energetic guidance
system” to go around the obstacles in your path; trying to force your way through them will be a
wasted effort. This month is best when you take your time and pay attention to details, because
the harder you try, the more difficult taking action will become. It would be a good idea not to
expect too much of yourself or others, or to hold others to your personal standards. Stress
levels are likely to be high, so try to relax and take care of your physical needs and health.
JUNE - This year’s Personal Month 5 has the potential to break up stagnant energy and other
blockages that may be standing in your way, John, like the sunshine that breaks days of cloudy
weather. It is a vibration that helps you attract opportunities for fun and freedom, and usually
work with the year’s vibration 8 in such a way as to turn enjoyment to profit, or, at the very least,
make whatever your efforts are focused on more enjoyable. This is a month for taking a chance
or two in order to make progress; you’ll enjoy the sense of adventure that you naturally attract
during this month. Give yourself the chance to enjoy some social activity, and make sure to
spend a little extra time with people whose company you really enjoy. At the same time, don’t
use any form of speculation as a source of entertainment, because this vibration tends to
change trends; if you think a stroke of luck is the beginning of a streak, you need to think again
in light of your personal history. Don’t be irresponsible, but loosen up and enjoy yourself.
AUGUST - Personal Month 7 can be difficult during an 8 year, because the types of upsets
you experience are likely to be centered on financial matters. When they are they will probably
be more emotionally intense than usual, and may even cause you to react in such a way that is
not helpful, or won’t resolve any problems. This is not a good month for making new
investments, or doing anything with money that involves risk, but it is a good month for doing
any kind of research, or finding someone you can consult with so that you have helpful advice.
Definitely avoid conflicts or confrontations with others, and don’t agree to financial contracts or
agreements, because they might lead to confrontational situations. What will benefit you the
most is to “get away from it all” for a while, so that you can put this intuitional and analytical
vibration to use for your personal growth and happiness – doing so can be rewarding.
SEPTEMBER - This month the annual and monthly vibrations are both 8, which means
that you’ll be facing an overabundance of this vibration – this can be a stressful situation, John. It
would not be a good idea to push yourself too hard on any level, especially that of the physical
body; right now you’re attracting an achievement-oriented vibration, which is generally good, but
this time it’s a bit much and body is likely to be more prone to strain than usual. If you already NUMEROLOGY REPORT
have routines that are somewhat demanding, keep up with them, but don’t put yourself into a
mood of trying to exceed old limits. You may feel like the only right way to get things done is to
do them yourself, but chances are good that if you accept the help of others, you’ll enjoy bigger
benefits, and may find a new ally at the same time. There is a kind of “delaying” quality to the
doubled 8, which is prone to affect your material well-being - unexpected bills or financial
responsibilities may surface, so be prepared to approach them with a disciplined and “take
charge” attitude in order to get the most out of the month.
OCTOBER - This is your second Personal Month of the vibration 9 this year, and it may be
the best month for you to take care of whatever old debts or obligations you have accumulated
NOVEMBER - Your second Personal Month of the vibration 1 can be very helpful and
uplifting, John, as long as you finished up old business last month, and realize that this is a great
time for starting something new. It’s a good month for following your gut feelings when it comes
to making decisions – it’s also favorable for becoming a little more aggressive in obtaining your
goals. In fact, material success is promised, and the degree of success is likely to be directly
related to how much room you’ve made for these new benefits by letting go of old baggage. If
you’ve been managing your finances well over the last several months, it is certainly a good time
for investing in your own future, and the future of your loved ones. If you do so, you can expect
this to be a prosperous month. You may be somebody’s rock this month, or that someone
special will be yours.
DECEMBER - This second Personal Month 2 is usually quite powerful in helping you to
achieve material goals this year. It’s not only helpful because things are likely to go well between
yourself and others, but because your ability to attract helpful people and situations is increased
under this combination of yearly and monthly vibrations. As long as you’re willing to delegate
some of your responsibilities to others and cooperate with people around you, you can expect
some form of success to come to you without much effort on your part. Your best opportunities
won’t be the ones you find on your own, they will come to you through others. Even in matters NUMEROLOGY REPORT
of the heart and non-intimate relationships with other people, as long as your actions remain
true to your words and you keep your promises, you’ll find that your actions will bear fruit and
result in happiness.
This is a good time for making decisions Interestingly, a 9 Personal Year does not favor
about what you want to achieve during the changing jobs or careers – it’s more likely that
next nine-year cycle, but be careful not to you’ll experience heavy or long-term losses if
begin long-term projects while this vibration is you do.
FEBRUARY - This Personal Month of the vibration 2 is likely to be emotionally stressful. The
stress is likely to come from the tension between wanting to let go of things that are no longer
providing what they used to, and feeling so attached to things (and people) with whom you have
a past that you feel obligated to in some way. This is a time during which you are attracting
vibrations that are looking for closure and completion on the one hand, and togetherness and
cooperation on the other. It’s a very good month for working with consultants or counselors that
can help you get the closure and completion you need; because your work with them satisfies
both sides of the equation. Unless you are changing your type of business or retiring, this is an
unfavorable time to change your working situation or environment. Unless someone is helping
you let go of the past, don’t expect to get much cooperation from them.
MARCH - The Personal Year vibration is very well balanced against vibration 3, which is the NUMEROLOGY REPORT
sign of the Personal Month, and that means you can expect things in general to go well. The only
thing you need to be on guard about is getting involved in the problems of others, but during a
social, pleasant month like this, it’s easy to do, because this is likely to be the type of
complication that you are attracting right now. It might be an act of kindness on your part, but
you need to realize that taking on something new this month will distract you from your primary
aims, goals and relationships. The annual and monthly vibrations will also encourage you to be
creative, and going on a tangent in the direction of creativity is likely to be fruitful; relationships
can also prosper as long as you get rid of old dependencies or expectations. Travel is very
favorable at this time.
MAY - A 5 Personal Month during a Personal Year 9 is likely to be one during which you’ll
have the opportunity to embrace real freedom. As long a you’re focused on breaking free from
whatever is stuck or stale in your life, you’ll attract many opportunities that can bring true
rewards, but only if you are ready to take responsibility for the effects that your actions have on
others. This is an excellent month for investing, travel, engaging in new activities, or for
abandoning things and ideas that aren’t living up to your expectations so that you can pursue
those that do. It’s also important that the changes which come this month are likely to be
opportunities to let go, so you may have to make some kind of sacrifice during the month that
may be somewhat difficult for you emotionally. If the sacrifice happens to be your personal
freedom, don’t give it up unless surrendering your personal time could mean a change that
could take you to the next level in your career or an important relationship.
JUNE - The 6 Personal Month of a 9 Personal Year is likely to be excellent in more ways than
one. First of all, this is a romantic and sensual vibration; very often financial or career matters
will sort themselves out, giving you a chance to take your heart off the back burner. Your
relationships with others can be brought to a whole new level now, but this shift in your
relationships may go either way – it’s good for letting go of complications and sorrow, but it is NUMEROLOGY REPORT
also good for letting go of whatever is holding you back from completing or stabilizing a
relationship. It’s seriously a time during which the heart can open to a completely fresh
experience of love and compassion; having this experience should be your top priority. Be open
and understanding of others; they won’t let you down. The vibrations you attract during this
month are also quite passionate – try to enjoy the good things in life in whatever way you may
define them.
JULY - A 7 Personal Month will probably give mixed results during a 9 Personal Year, and the
mixed results mostly concern the emotional levels of consciousness. There is a possibility that
the trust you extend to others may not be returned, mostly because you will have a sense of
AUGUST - Your 8 Personal Month will probably be the trickiest period during this 9 Personal
Year, John, because you’re likely to attract the side-effects of unfinished business or un-corrected
mistakes. Whether these mistakes took place in the domestic or personal arena, it’s likely that
during this month, they will come back to haunt you in some way or another. This is actually an
opportunity to eliminate these old problems, even if it costs you to put them behind you.
Vibration 8 is about getting the results of your past efforts, while vibration 9 is about finishing
things. If you have the chance and wherewithal to take care of any old debts, do so; it’s the best
way to receive some benefit from this part of the year cycle. This is not a time to borrow trouble
from the future by hoping problems will go away; be done with old issues concerning business
or money once and for all.
SEPTEMBER - This is the month during which the Yearly and Monthly vibrations are the
same for you, John, and this means that you will experience a doubled 9 quality in all aspects of
your life. First of all, this double 9 can mean emotional turmoil due to unresolved or
unexpressed feelings that are causing you to attract vibrations that demand you let go.
Secondly, it’s possible that not letting go of the past can cause losses of some type or another. If
you do, it’s only because this doubled combination will help you to get rid of that which does not NUMEROLOGY REPORT
enhance your life, whether you feel like letting go or not. The best way to handle this vibration is
to make a sacrifice of something that you know you shouldn’t have in your life voluntarily, like
giving up a bad habit or severing ties that are causing more tension than relaxation in your life.
It’s also likely that relationships will be emotionally trying at this time.
OCTOBER - Your second Personal Month of the vibration 1 can be very successful for you,
especially if you have given something up during the last month. This is a time when you can
move forward with your plans and ideas in all departments of life, as long as you are willing not
to carry a lot of baggage with you. If you don’t hold yourself back with regret, doubt or other
forms of negative thinking, you can expect to achieve a degree of success in any department of 127
NOVEMBER - This year’s second month of the vibration 2 is likely to be quite powerful
regarding its emotional effects, especially if you don’t set aside time to practice compassion and
understanding with those who are important to you. In fact, it may be more important if you
extend your understanding to all those with whom you are in contact, because the monthly
vibration can attract contentious situations to you. This month can really be a test of whether or
not you are still attached to what you need to let go of; that is the only aspect of this
combination that can be source of unhappiness at this time, but it’s a big one. This is also a good
time to check on your physical well being – difficulties that have been affecting you can be
eliminated through cooperation with others. You need to let go of ideas, practices or habits that
may not address your body’s needs; doing so may attract the emotionally uplifting qualities in
yourself and others that you’ll really need to keep the turbulence away.
DECEMBER - This 9 Personal Year, and, in fact, the 9 year cycle comes to a close with the
second 3 Personal Month. This is a month that can bring excellent results and experiences, John,
and even attract opportunities to foresee your direction in life during the new cycle that is about
to begin. It’s a time during which you shouldn’t deny yourself the opportunity for social activity
and especially travel, because the experience of getting away from it all is the most likely avenue
through which you can gain the insight that’s necessary to help you move forward. This could be
a very good month for relationships; you’re likely to meet new people and enjoy the company of
those you already know. Even the distractions that you attract could be filled with important
connections and information, so drop your preconceptions about people and put yourself out NUMEROLOGY REPORT
there, you may discover the key to living successfully during your next 9 year cycle!
We tend to build our schedules at random, always adapting them to our circumstances and the
demands of others. By knowing your personal days, however you can modify your schedule in
order to utilize the vibrations of the day for your benefit.
1 Days of the vibration 1 favor self assertion, appointments, business deals, new beginnings,
or anything that advances your personal agenda.
2 Days of the vibration 2 favor association with others, agreements, negotiations, exchanges,
cooperation and relationships.
3 Days of the vibration 3 favor self-expression, creativity, matters concerning appearance and
charisma, and social activity.
4 Days of the vibration 4 favor work, scheduling and organizing, whether it has to do with your
job, business, gardening or health – and little else.
5 Days of the vibration 5 favor making changes, travel, personal connections with another,
and advertising or self-promoting activity.
6 Days of the vibration 6 favor purchases and activities concerning the home, or finding a new
one – only start what can be completed today.
7 Days of the vibration 7 favor meditation, rest, review, spiritual or scientific (research)
activities of various types, and family outings.
8 Days of the vibration 8 favor anything that is concerned with money or personal power,
such as bookkeeping, interviews or taking charge.
9 Days of the vibration 9 favor finishing things and bringing them to a close, as well as letting
go; start nothing new and don’t make plans.
You can use the tables below to find out which day of the month works best for you, and build a
cosmic organizer to aid your endeavors.
1 The first of every month begins a new cycle. Don’t be surprised if the dates don’t run
3 The Numerological value of each day does not reflect the calendar date, because your Life
Path and the vibration of the months and years determine the values of Personal Days, not
the value of the Universal day.
4 The vibration of the year is stronger than the vibration of the month, while the vibration of
the month is much stronger than the vibration of the day. Try to carry out your most
important activities on which the same vibration is carried by the Personal Year, the
Personal Month, your current Life Path Cycle, or some other more powerful vibration, like
the Birthday Number, Achievement Number or Life Path.
5 Try to avoid scheduling important activities in conflict with the day’s vibration; if you
planning to be out socializing, you won’t have much fun if you do so on a day carrying
vibration 4, 8 or 9.
6 Don’t take the daily vibration too seriously; there are too many factors in the chart that can
surprise you with how any given vibration will work out.
7 When you’re beginning to use the calendar, it’s more important for you to concentrate on
how things go on a given day at first, so you learn which vibrations are easy for you to
capitalize on and which offer the most resistance.
8 You have to realize that how typical or powerful actions taken on a given day depend on the
“background” changes, and not just those along larger Life Path cycles. Some cycles change
on your birthday, while others change on January 1st. So, for instance, something that’s easy
for you one month may be very difficult during the next, because of the longer term cycles
in your Numerology chart.
9 Never make important decisions or big plans on the basis of the Personal Day alone. If you
are serious about making major changes, study your major cycles and Transit
CD28/PD5 CD29/PD6 CD30/PD7 CD31/PD8
CD28/PD6 CD29/PD7 CD30/PD8 CD31/PD9
CD28/PD7 CD29/PD8 CD30/PD9 CD31/PD1
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CD28/PD4 CD29/PD5
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CD28/PD3 CD29/PD4
CD28/PD4 CD29/PD5 CD30/PD6 CD31/PD7
First, you will have the chance to explore the dynamics of your combined or composite numbers.
These are vibrations that are a blend of the Life Path vibrations – the time cycles generated by
your date of birth, and the Total Name Numbers, or Expression vibrations, which are generated
by your name.
The first new chart element that we need to explore is the Letter Aura.
The next element you should understand is Since the Life Path components are attractive
the Attraction Number, which is an aspect of while the Expression components are
your “magnetic potential” or the ability to expressive, this might be one of the easiest
attract that which you desire, and when and fastest chart elements to work with in
certain aspects of your desires are available. order to achieve short term goals, because
Understanding this chart element makes making the decisions and choices indicated by
connecting with the abundance of the your current Secret Identity will operate
Universe easy.
within the context of the Personal Year to
attract the conditions necessary to pursue
Now it’s time to explore a composite number
them with certainty. By combining them with
that has to do with the aspects of your chart
the Pinnacle that’s in operation, you add the
that show what kind of results you’ll get from
long term and steady power of one of the
your behavior and your choices. This chart NUMEROLOGY REPORT
most permanent components of your chart
element is composed of three items: Your
and increase your chances of attracting the
Secret Identity, Your Personal Year, and the
best possible results for your efforts in all
Pinnacle that is in operation during that
current and future affairs, which adds a
Phase. By its structural components, it has 2
strong foundation to this power. The best
factors that are directly born of the dynamics
news is that the Attraction Number will repeat
of your Life Path, and 1 born from temporary
from time to time, so you’ll have the chance to
changes within your Expression. Hence, the
correct your course when needed.
The years during the change of Pinnacle often
show extreme changes, even when the
Pinnacle is of the same vibration.
Some numerologists give this number a lot of when left to the various Challenges, the Secret
weight as a static indicator, or snapshot of the Identity or Attraction Number elements that
“give and take” aspects of life, but experience harmonize with the active vibration – maybe
seems to show that it is something different. this is nature’s way of letting you cultivate all
It is about your connection to the larger world your talents, because a forced reliance on one
and how you relate to it. It is therefore a skill or ability does not support inner growth
dynamic indicator that can help you get the and development.
best out of your chart at times when you are NUMEROLOGY REPORT
But nature is not stingy when it comes to
experiencing this vibration, acting as a force
giving the opportunity to use your Destiny
you can to wield when certain situations or
Key; everyone will find it as the active
circumstances that you have attracted come
vibration of a Personal Month at least once a
to the foreground, or when the efforts you
year, twice during some years, and certainly
need to make to get good results are difficult.
In other words, when one of the active cycles Cycle. When these times come, you can
such as Life Path Cycles, Pinnacles, Personal deploy this tool for the purpose of
Years or Months, Attraction Numbers, Letter engineering your destiny with confidence. The
Auras, Letter Transits or the Secret Identity is power of the Destiny Key to bring about the
changes you desire should never be 194
of the same vibration as your Destiny Key you
The sacrifices you may have to make may be nothing more than sleepless nights while solving a
problem, especially during a Personal Month of vibration 9, but during longer time-cycles, they
could be much larger, such as leaving behind a person or place that you’ve become accustomed
to. Make sure you realize that integrity cannot be replaced, so don’t give up on yourself or your
dreams. You can always sacrifice bad habits, extra calories or guilty but unproductive pleasures
that disturb both mind and body. If you use your intuition while following this simple rule, you
will see how your Destiny Key can help you create a self-directed future that can open up
possibilities for your life that you may have barely believed were possible. In other words, your
Destiny Key, if you let it, will teach you how to “pay it forward” and help you gain rewards you
never imagined.
Now we’ve reached a very important part of your chart – your Destiny Engineering Table. Please
make a careful study of these instructions and hints before you start paging through it:
Your Destiny Table may seem to be a little At the top, you’ll find some information about
confusing at first, but it won’t take long to your chart: you’ll see your Name followed by
learn how to read it, even if you only check in your main name numbers; the Expression
with it on your birthday or at the beginning of and its Challenge, the Soul Urge and its
the year. To help you get used to Challenge and the Persona with the Challenge
understanding it, here’s a breakdown of the particular to it. These numbers are made
columns, followed by hints and tips for available so that you can utilize them easily by
reading it:
making choices according to the vibration as
described elsewhere in your chart, thereby 196
2. Life Path Cycle – you will see the vibrations kind of circumstances you’ll attract according
of the three Life Path Cycles; they change on to how you choose to use your Secret Identity
3. Pinnacles – this column has your Four Here are a few more important notes to help
2. If vibration Two occurs more than two 6. If vibration Six occurs more than two times
times in a row of the Destiny Table, be in a row of the Destiny Table, be prepared to
prepared to focus on your personal wellness face issues concerning your responsibilities,
and to avoid being emotionally invested in because they may become excessive.
your expectations of others. It’s even possible Sometimes your domestic life can be thrown
that emotionally based decisions could cause into disarray during a period like this, so be
financial problems at this time, so stick with ready to focus and act in your own best
what works, instead of what you feel like interest in order to make things go more
should work.
3. If vibration Three occurs more than two 7. If vibration Seven occurs more than two
times in a row of the Destiny Table, be times in a row of the Destiny Table, be
prepared to do everything you can to remain prepared to do everything you can to avoid NUMEROLOGY REPORT
focused and calm. You may face any number isolation. It’s possible that limitations may
of distractions that could not only divert you come with this vibration, but don’t let those
from your goals, but can scatter your energy limitations extend into your social life or
to the point that focus and direction are lost.
relationships. If you can see the spiritual value
in your connections with others, things will
4. If vibration Four occurs more than two
proceed at a slower, but more pleasant pace
times in a row of the Destiny Table, be
during this period.
Life Path: 1
Birthday Number: 6
Birthday Challenge: 2
Achievement Number: 1
Life Challenges
First Minor Challenge: 2
Major Challenge: 1
Expression: 8
Expression Challenge: 4
Soul Urge: 1
Soul Urge Challenge: 0
Personality Number: 7
Karmic Excesses:
1984 4 1 5 5 1 6/7
1985 4 1 6 5 1 7/8
1986 4 1 7 5 1 8/9
1987 4 1 8 5 1 9/1
1992 4 1 4 1 3 7/8
1993 4 1 5 1 3/9 8/6
1994 4 1 6 1 9 6/7
1995 4 1 7 1 9/3 7/2
1998 4 1 1 1 6 7/8
1999 4 1 2 1/3 6 8/9
2000 4 1 3 3 6 9/1
2001 4 1 4 3 6/2 1/7
2005 4 1 8 3 3 2/3
2006 4 1 9 3 3 3/4
2007 4 1 1 3 3 4/5
2008 4 1 2 3/9 3/2 5
2009 4 1 3 9 2 5/6
2010 4 1 4 9 2 6/7
2011 6 1 5 2 2 7/8
2012 6 1 6 2 2/7 8/5
2013 6 1 7 2 7 5/6
2014 6 1 8 2 7/3 6/3
2019 6 6 4 7 7 7/8
2020 6 6 5 7 7/5 8/7
2025 6 7 1 7 1 7/9
2026 6 7 2 7/3 1 9/1
2027 6 7 3 3 1 1/2
2030 6 7 6 3 4 7/8
2031 6 7 7 3 4 8/9
2032 6 7 8 3 4 9/1
2033 6 7/4 9 3 4/9 1/7
2039 9 4 6 8 9 9/1
2040 9 4 7 8 9/4 1/6
2041 9 4 8 8 4 6/7
2042 9 4 9 8 4/9 7/4
2043 9 4 1 8 9 4/5
2044 9 4 2 8/5 9/3 5/9
2045 9 4 3 5 3 9/1
2046 9 4 4 5 3/8 1/7
2047 9 4 5 5 8 7/8
2048 9 4 6 5 8/1 8/2
2055 9 4 4 1 3 1/2
2056 9 4 5 1 3/4 2/4
2057 9 4 6 1 4 4/5
2058 9 4 7 1 4 5/6
2059 9 4 8 1 4 6/7
2069 9 4 9 6 3 6/7
2070 9 4 1 6 3 7/8
2073 9 4 4 8 9 7/8
2074 9 4 5 8 9 8/9
2075 9 4 6 8 9 9/1
2076 9 4 7 8 9/2 1/4
The oldest physical evidence we have of its existence comes from the discovery of the Disc of
Kronos, an artifact of the Minoan civilization that was used to measure the passage of time by
way of the orbits of the planets. While the Moon has an approximately 7 day period between its
four major phases, it takes Saturn about 7 years to transit through one quarter of the Zodiac.
What’s amazing about this ancient object is that it accurately measures out a 365.25 day year,
based on the eclipse year and the cycles of Jupiter and Saturn – a very low-tech device using the
ratios of whole numbers that describe the orbits of the celestial bodies.
A common year consists of just over 13 Lunations (from one New Moon to the next) of
approximately 28 days apiece. 13 X 28 equals 364. Because of this 1.25 day discrepancy, using
the Moon as an accurate measure of months is not possible. Due to the “uneven” structure of
the Earth-Sun-Moon relationship, the ancients developed a Lunar Calendar that was quite
accurate; every few years they would add in a month, or take one away in order to make the
difference, and establish a perfect calendar system based on the movements of the Moon and
the Sun. Some of these Lunar Calendars are still in use today, usually for timing religious
observances and cultural holidays – in fact, Easter Sunday is a holiday celebrated in the modern
world that is calculated on the basis of the Spring Equinox, Sunday and the Full Moon.
As timekeeping became increasingly important, the day was divided into 12 periods between NUMEROLOGY REPORT
Sunrise and Sunset, and the night was divided in 12 increments from Sunset until the next
Sunrise – this occurred long before clocks were invented. The ancients assigned each of the
visible planets to the days of the week so that these 24 period days would follow the Chaldean
Order of the planets. Amazingly, this scheme worked out so that the last hour of each night
would lead to the first hour of the next day without breaking the pattern, and always match the
planet of the first hour of the next day. This scheme was used for many years as marking out
ritual times for the churches, who rang bells and did special ceremonies and activities according
to the planetary hours.
But the practitioners of Astrology and Numerology adapted, for the most part, and built up a
system of virtual hours based on the clock by tuning it to the seven day week established by the
Moon. To this day, the days are named after the planets – especially in Latin-based languages
like French, where Wednesday is named Mercredi, or Mercury Day and so forth. In English, we’ve
partially adapted names from Germanic mythology; Thursday is Thor’s day – Thor was
associated with thunder and lightning, just like Jupiter. Wednesday was named after Woden or
Odin, the smartest of the Norse gods, like Hermes or Mercury was in southern Europe, while
Friday was the day of Freya, the Norse Venus. Tyr or Tiu was the sword god, he gets Tuesday, the
day of Mars in the Astrological tradition. We managed to keep Saturday (Saturn) Sunday (the
Sun) and Monday (the Moon) – maybe this was some sort of compromise.
Each of the visible planets and the two Luminaries are associated with certain numbers; in fact,
Tibetan Astrologers write them as numbers when drawing up their charts and horoscopes. Astro-
Numerology is simple and logical; the Sun gets a value of 1, the Moon is 2, Jupiter is 3, Mercury is
5, Venus is 6, Saturn is 8, and Mars is 9. 4 is the North Node of the Moon, which is called a
“shadow planet” and is not visible, while 7 is the South Node – these nodes are the points on
Earth’s orbit where eclipses can occur, as measured in the Zodiac. The ancients knew about this;
we have evidence of eclipse prediction that go back thousands of years. At the same time, since
these nodes cannot be seen, they were not assigned weekdays, as were the planets but were
associated with the Sun (4) and the Moon (7).
This assignment of numbers to the planets and the planets to the days and hours may not seem NUMEROLOGY REPORT
to be very important, but the techniques of Astro-Numerology, which are often based on the
single digit Birthday Number, can be very useful when you want to choose the “right” time to
launch or engage in an activity that you would like to turn out as you plan for it to.
As described earlier in the report, there are certain dates that are better for your Birthday
Number than others, and certain days of the week that work out more favorably as well.
Sometimes they will coincide - which can make for a very special day. If a Personal Day of the
nature of an activity you want to pursue falls on one of these favorable weekdays or dates,
Indian Astrologers would call this a “Yoga” or a “joining” of personal and cosmic vibrations. This
phenomena can be extremely supportive of your efforts. This kind of combination is even more
The simplest system of studying these vibrations and being able to use them to your advantage
is through the system of Planetary Hours based on the clock and the calendar, rather than the
exact time. As we have seen above, the day and night are divided into 12 hours each. They start
at 6 AM, which is the “virtual” time of sunrise. The planet that gives its name to the day also gives
its name to the first hour of the day, and each of the visible planets follows in the “Chaldean
Order.” The Chaldean Order is a standard classification of the visible planets according to their
speed of apparent motion, from the slowest to the fastest. In other words, the Chaldean Order
enumerates the planets as follows: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
Here is the table of the Planetary Hours of the Day and Night:
Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
What you see above is a general table that is known in India as a “Hora Table”, while the next
table is individual, according to your single-digit or Fadic birthday number It’s designed to tell
you which of the planetary hours are favorable, neutral or unfavorable for you.
Mercury, Venus,
6 Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon
So all you have to do in order to make use of this table is to seek out the most favorable hours
for activities based on gain, growth or other constructive pursuits. The neutral hours should be
used for destructive pursuit as described above. The Inauspicious Hours should be avoided if
you want to get positive results.
Check to see if the date of the month is favorable to your Birthday Number; if it is, so much NUMEROLOGY REPORT
the better.
It is even better if the auspicious day happens to coincide with a Personal Day that fits your
purposes; if not, you can use the Personal Day and the Most Favorable Hour together to suit
your purpose.
If you can find a date in which all three vibrations agree, choosing the right hour can bring
excellent results.
Make sure to remember the half-hour rule for fine tuning your timing – during the hours
from 6 to 11, the 2nd half hour is favorable for activities in which the objective is gaining the
favor of others or increase; during the hours from 12 to 5, the 1st half hour is favorable for
activities in which the objective is loss, removal or destruction.
Arithmancy is the use of numbers and arithmetic for divination, much in the same way that
Astrology, Tarot, the I-Ching and other methods are used to gather otherwise unavailable
information by diviners throughout the world. While many Numerology techniques are based on
the conversion of an alphabet to numbers, there are many techniques of Arithmancy that use
numbers alone.
Since numbers are a universal language, we find Arithmantic methods all over the world. For
instance, writing Chinese characters requires a certain number of brush strokes. Chinese
Arithmancers would count the number of brush strokes it took to write a name or statement
and then base their interpretation of the character or future of an individual on number
This technique is called The Pyramid. It is used to find answers to significant questions relating
directly to your life. It's not only easy and fun, but can provide reliable and deeply meaningful
answers when used correctly.
There are some well established rules about formulating the question that you need to be aware
of before you learn the system:
The question should be meaningful and pertain to a matter of importance to you; frivolous NUMEROLOGY REPORT
questions get frivolous responses.
The question should relate directly to the person asking it, since truth comes from within.
The question should be one that you do not already have an answer for; the universe does
not like rhetorical questions.
It’s probably better to show you an example of how it works than to try to explain it from a
theoretical viewpoint, so here’s a sample question.
7, 6, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4
To create the second and continuing rows, add the numbers from left to right and list them
individually, beneath each calculation.
7+6=13, reduced to 1+3=4, so the first number of the second row will be 4. The next is 6+1=7, the
second number will be 7. Keep going in the same direction, one row at a time, until you have
completed the Pyramid.
The final or outcome number is 8. Since 8's get more information about the outcome, find
planet is Saturn, we can expect delays and the arithmantic sum of the numbers in the
obstacles. However, 8 is also a number that first row, and compare that sum to the final
represents domesticated animals like dogs, number of the Pyramid.
2 is the number of the Moon. It can show lack or an important event in a relationship.
3 is Jupiter's number, which is positive when intellectual property and creative work.
education or childbirth.
Rupert Sheldrake is famous for his theory of One of these ideas is that it is possible to
‘Morphogenic Fields”, that lie behind change your circumstances (and your future)
behavioral patterns in all kingdoms, while the by letting go of self-sabotaging habits of
mathematician Mandelbrot discusses how thinking that cause you to interact with the
fractal geometry “imitates” basic forms in the world in limiting and unproductive ways.
You may have also seen that meditation and The quality of the choices you make
living in a stress reduced, happier state of determines the quality of the results you get,
mind does not require a special place, not the amount of effort you put into getting
supplies or teacher once you learn to pay those results.